INFO - Parma Elks
INFO - Parma Elks
INFO PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 ISSUE 61-2 MAY 2015 Visit our website for the INFO online and the latest information EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE Veteran’s Bingo will be held on May 15th at Broadview MultiCare. If you’ve never been to one, you are missing a great time. Broadview MultiCare is a great partner and we have the privilege of getting to hear the stories of our Veterans. It was nice to see some new faces for our March and April bingos and we welcome all our new volunteers! Our District is honored to have had Lance Knight, of Willoughby-Cleveland Lodge #18, installed as the President of the Ohio Elks Association. This event took place at the spring convention. At the time of printing we have not yet attended the convention. Therefore, any pertinent information will be published in the June INFO. We are looking for a golf outing chairperson. Donna Gallitz has done an excellent job in the previous years and wants to relinquish this project to someone. She has a vast amount of information to pass on to her successor. If you are interested, please contact me. It is with happy and sad tears that we have had our last "Evening of Wines" presented by Joe Good on April 25. Joe has been conducting this function for years. His lovely wife, Dianne, always making sure we have all the cheese, crackers, fruit to accompany the different vintages. Thank you for making a difference in our Lodge. Please feel free to call me with any question or concerns you may have. I hope you will be able to attend a few of our many events going on this month. If anyone has anything to donate for the Reverse Raffle baskets, please bring it in to the Lodge and mark it with your name and Reverse Raffle. If you need anything picked up, give me a call at 440-552-8942. Tue & Sat Night Drawing 8:00 In order to be compliance with our liquor permit, we must ask that alcoholic beverages purchased in the Lounge remain in the Lounge. Additionally, any alcoholic beverages obtained in the Hall must remain in the Hall. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Memorial Day and the beginning of summer is just around the corner. We will need volunteers to carry our country's flag in the Brooklyn Heights Parade. We will meet at the Lodge first at 8:15 A.M. and then proceed to the parade route. Hot dogs will be provided after the parade. Fraternally yours, Candie L .Harris, Exalted May 2015 EVENTS 02 Kentucky Derby Party 3:00 03 Bowling Casino Trip 05 PER Meeting 7:00 10 Info Articles Due 10 Mother’s Day Bingo Brunch Doors open 11:30 14 Lodge Meeting 8:00 16 Soccer Shoot 11 to 1 17 Wii Bowling begins 16 Reverse Raffle 5:30 25 Memorial Day Brooklyn Hts Parade—Lodge Closed 28 Board of Directors 6:30 28 House Committee 7:00 28 Lodge Meeting 8:00 June 2015 EVENTS Tue & Sat Night Drawing 8:00 06 District Golf Outing 06 Garage Sale / Hall 07 District Meeting Willoughby 10 INFO articles due 14 Flag Day Ceremony 1:00 25 Board of Directors 6:30 25 House Committee 7:00 25 Lodge Meeting 8:00 PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 The “INFO” is published monthly by the PARMA B.P.O.E. # 1938 2350 Snow Road, Parma OH 44134 (216) 749-1919 Editors: Shelli Fry & Dianne Good Article Deadline: 10th of the month 2015-2016 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Candie L. Harris Leading Knight Your Name Here Loyal Knight Steve Kemp Lecturing Knight J.C. Yex Secretary Michael Fekete Treasurer Chick Philipps Tiler Joe Donley Esquire Wade Harris III Chaplain Norman Fugitt Inner Guard David Sekula Trustees 1 year: Fran Benko Trozzi 2 year: William Donley 3 year: Your Name Here 4 year: Tom Shields 5 year: Your Name Here BOARD OF Directors & House Committee Consist of Chair Officers plus Trustees Submit INFO articles to: Lenten Fish Frys A Big Elks THANK YOU to all who helped with the fish frys this Lenten season! We had some changes this year with an expanded menu and we received nothing but good reviews from all who attended! Thanks to our manager, Michele, for putting her heart and soul into the fish frys and thanks to our ALL VOLUNTEER crew, many whom worked each and every week and who we can’t thank enough! A big tip of the Elks Antlers to: Lisa Docherty, Virg Rybeck, Charlotte Welch, Craig Fugitt, Leslie Fugitt, Candie Harris, Kim Smith, Suzanne Anderson, Tom Shields, Bill Donley, Anna Marie Donley, JC Yex, Anne Yex, Char Skinner, Sean Skinner, Steve Kemp, Joe Donley, Norm Fugitt, Lori Smith, Dave Sekula, Ed Blythin, Trish Henry, Kathee O’Brien, Chick Philipps, Mary Philipps, Ed Kupski, Donna Gallitz, Rose Oberg, Shelli Fry and Fran Trozzi. Special thanks also to Randy Eagles, friend of our manager, who, although not even a member, volunteered his time and talent. These folks are the absolute core of our Lodge and should be commended— May, 2014 Page 2 MANAGER’S CORNER Spring is here and summer is on it's way! The Lounge is a great place to stop in to have a cool beverage and reunite with old friends! We are gearing up for events in the lounge with the Kentucky Derby and Mother's Day brunch in early May, but hope the playoff Cavs will give us reason to celebrate! We will have the Cavs playoffs in the Lounge with discount drink prices and specials to enjoy! On the last Friday of the month, come by and enjoy our fish fry from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. Also, as the weather gets hot, our air conditioner will be working to keep you cool. Please remember to bring a sweater to help keep comfortable if need be. We request that no one except the bartenders change the thermostats. We will be trying to keep a comfortable temp in the Lounge and your cooperation will be appreciated. LODGE MEETINGS 8PM 2nd & 4th Thursday January—June September & October 4th Thursday only July & August 2nd Thursday only November & December BE A PROPOSER! WE LIKE YOU, WE’LL LIKE YOUR FRIEND, PROPOSE A FRIEND FOR MEMBERSHIP AND BE A PART OF ELKDOM! Wii Bowling Begins Sunday, May 17th Through the week of Aug. 16th. Sign-up will be on the bulletin board. $3 per week. Banquet will be Sept. 13th Jimmy Buffett Party Saturday, June 27th 7PM to Midnight Entertainment by: Trish and Stan Mark your calendar do not miss this fun filled evening Full details in the June issue PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 MAY, 2015 Page 3 May Birthdays 02 William Schulz 03 James P Conway 03 Bohdan R Czepak 03 James W Day Jr 03 George Galjan 03 Carr SamuelMcGhee 03 Virginia A Rybicki 04 Russell A Milota 05 Thomas Ganley 05 Patricia R Shorts 10 Thomas P O'Neill 11 Patrick J Burke 11 Michael K Dolan 11 Michelle A Fry 11Gary R Vitteck 13 Scott A Gutzky 13 James E Herrle 14 Eugene D Janson 14 Thomas E Tekesky 14 Agnes Tilisky 15 Jonathon G Sabo 16 Roger J Baron 16 Derek T Donley 18 Walter Shipka 19 Richard Brej 21 Robert J Bombalicki 21 David C Brown 21 Craig A Fugitt 22 Norman Evanich 23 Henry F Abeler 23 Richard J Bar 23 Gary L Burgund 23 John C Hopko 23 Cassandra M Organ 23 Alfred B Thomas 24 Larry L Cassano Jr 26 John Ratica 27 Robert J Turner Jr 27 William F Wood 28 Mickey D Adams 28 William F Kovalchik 28 Dona M Wengatz 29 Robert F Nageotte 30 Rickey V Silvaggio 31 James C Andrews Jr 31 Edward J Kupski BIRTHDAY CERTIFICATE Were you born in May? Bring this ad with you and stop by the Lounge ON YOUR BIRTHDAY for one beverage complements of ... The Trustees March’s lottery board was won by : Jan Jan Meston–Kent PARMA ELKS LODGE WEB ADDRESS Visit our website for the INFO online and the latest information AMERICANISM Continued from April INFO But that poor grade continued to eat away at him and he wondered what had happened to his flag design. He had heard that thousands of new designs had been submitted, that a special commission was screening them, and that they were going to choose five for submission to Pres. Eisenhower. In early June, he was working at his drafting board when one of the secretaries rushed over to him and said, "there's a congressman on the phone for you." It was Congressman Moeller calling to congratulate him that Pres. Eisenhower had selected his design for our nation's new flag. Robert was flown to Washington to see his flag flown over the Capital for the first time. Thousands of the same design as his had been submitted, but his was the first and was not just a sketch - it was an actual flag, which was a big plus. Since then his original handmade version has flown over every state capital building, along with 88 embassies, and is the only flag in American history to a fly over the White House under five administrations. It even has a patch on it from a bullet hole it caught in Saigon in 1967. And what about his grade, you ask? His teacher changed it the day he returned home from Washington! But as he said, if he hadn't gotten that bad grade in the first place, he wouldn't have given the flag to the Congressman and if he hadn't done that, he would never have had the chance to go to Washington. And by the way, he says he has a good IN MEMORIAM … TO OUR ABSENT MEMBERS. The clock of their days has stopped. Upon its dial the motionless shadows mark the hour of eleven. Widows/widowers or survivors of absent members may request Elks Memorial Service by phoning the lodge. (216) 749-1919 PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 MAY, 2015 Page 4 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH The Veteran’s Committee will hold a garage sale in the hall on Saturday, June 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tables run $10.00 each and will be available on a first come/first serve basis. If you have items that you wish to donate for our sale, we will have a “Veteran’s table” for donated items and all proceeds will benefit the Veterans. We do ask that you donate only usable items in good condition. We will also be holding a bake sale in conjunction with the garage sale. Please consider baking (buying) for this event! We will accept all baked goods donations beginning June 3rd until sale time. Immediately following the sale, we will have a donation truck available so that any items that are not sold can be donated to a charity that benefits Veterans—so no worries about lugging unsold items back home!!! It’s a win/win for everyone! Please mark your calendars for the sale and see Fran Trozzi (216.469.7401) or Ed Blythn (330.741.0367) to reserve your table. See you at the sale!!!! Do Something Nice! Every time you do something nice for the Elks, we’ll put your name in the hopper for a chance to win a monthly prize valued at $25.00! See complete details in the Lounge. That’s right—you could win just for helping out! Monthly drawings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month. (entries will be discarded after each drawing). Winner for March : Kathee O’Brien VETERAN’S Please remember the Memorial Day parade on May 26th—we spend 365 days a year enjoying the great freedoms that our great country has to offer, why not take an hour out of your day to remember those that gave all? It seems we get so hung up on celebrating the first summer holiday that we forget to take the time to remember why we have the holiday in the first place. We will meet in the Lounge and car pool to the parade—please be at the lodge no later than 8:15 A.M. Also, don’t forget about our upcoming garage sale June 6th. If you would like to sell your wares, tables are $10.00 each and available on a first come/first serve basis. If you have usable items that you would like to donate, we will also have a “Veteran’s table” with all proceeds benefiting our Veterans programs. We will begin collecting donations the week leading to the sale—please remember that we are looking for usable items only. We will also be having a bake sale that day—please consider baking (or buying) for the event. For table information or to assist with the sale, please call Fran at 216.469.7401 or Ed at 330.741.0367. As always, thank you for all you do for our Veterans. -The Veterans Committee PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 MAY, 2015 Page: 5 Cerebral Palsy Coin Banks Amount donated in coin banks for the period March, 2015 was $146.90. Donors: T. Baldassari; E. Blythin; S. Fry; N. Fugitt; E. Kupski; R. Mucci; J/C Mandula; E. Schmidt; G. Sharpe; D. Sikorsky Total monies donated (banks only) for the start of the new fiscal year was $49.82. PLEASE NOTE: All bank donations that have been made since April 1, 2014 thru March 12, 2015 was $1,827.18. Total donations for this period including the CP Fundraiser and additional donations to CP was a grand total of $4,958.68. Of the total amount collected for March, 2015 $97.08 is included in this total. The remaining amount starts the count for the new fiscal period. Thank you to all who contributed. Don’t forget that all change, dollar bills and checks fit in those banks just as well as pennies. Remember that you can fill one bank with all that money (it doesn’t have to be just $3.65). We will do the counting and you will get credit for whatever amount is in there. IT IS FOR A GOOD CAUSE. Remember Canadian change will not be counted. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your support. Karen Kupchik & Rosemary Selepena, Chairpersons Mother’s Day Bingo Brunch May 10, 2015 Please join us for a delicious brunch on Mother’s Day. Brunch will be followed by bingo. There will be drink specials, 50/50’s, raffles and much, much more. Special treats for all Mothers! Everyone is welcome — this is going to be a great time for ALL! Doors open at 11:30 AM Brunch from Noon to 1:00 PM Sausage, Eggs, and Potatoes Bingo from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Tickets only $8.00! SAME PRICE AS LAST THREE YEARS—NO PRICE INCREASE PARMA B.P.O.E. #1938 MAY, 2015 Page: 6 Parma Elks Reverse Raffle Saturday, May 16, 2015 GRAND PRIZE $2,500 Only 150 tickets sold Doors open 5:30 PM; Dinner 7:00 PM Charcoal Broiled Strip Steak Dinner Two Raffle tickets and two dinners $85. One Raffle ticket and two dinners $65. One Raffle ticket and one dinner $45. Chinese Raffle Baskets—50/50—BINGO—Auction items Cash Bar at discounted prices Bottled Beer, Wine (by the glass or by the bottle), Well Drinks Top Shelf Dewar’s Scotch, Jack Daniels, Seagram’s VO, Stoli Vodka, Captain Morgan’s Rum 1st and 145th Number Drawn – wins $50 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, and 125th Number Drawn– wins $25 Numbers 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94, 104, 114, 124, 134, 144 Drawn = Wins a bottle of wine Numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 Drawn = Wins a lottery ticket For reservations: Call Shelli Fry 216.513.0085 or Mimi and Wade 216.228.0260 or email: Call the lounge if you have any questions on the upcoming events – 216.749.1919 /events subject to change Parma Elks # 1938 Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks PARMA LODGE NO. 1938 A Fraternal Order Dated Material Do Not Delay Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Addressed to a Very Important Elk! P.O. Box 29003 Parma, Ohio 44129 Permit No. 843 Cleveland, Ohio Address Service Requested PARMA B.P.O.E. # 1938 ✦ PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AND MENTION THEIR AD ✦ FRIDAY NITE DINNER Commercial Printing Printing •• Forms Management Commercial Forms Management Ad Specialties • Calendars • Digital Printing Ad Specialties • Calendars Personalized, quality service for 3 generations service 910 West Personalized, Schaaf Road •quality Cleveland, Ohio 44109 for 3 generations 216-351-4100 Meet and greet your friends at the best Fish Fry in Parma! Last Friday of every month, 4 to 7 PM COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE 12333 Pearl Road Strongsville, OH 44136 Office: 440-238-1400;EXT. 6163 Cell: 440-781-8818 Fax: 440-238-2359 Email: Website: Business Telephone Systems Voice & Data Network Cabling Local & Long Distance Services Fran Benko Trozzi 440.292.0422 910 West Schaaf Road PATRICIA LEHRER Cleveland, Ohio 44109 REALTOR 216-351-4100 Communication Solutions Inc. HALL FOR RENT MALLCHOK DISCOUNT FOR ELK MEMBERS! 5660 RIDGE ROAD PARMA, OHIO 440-884-9100 216-749-1919 FUNERAL HOME #1 Real Estate Company in PA, OH, WV and NY Michael R. Straker Thank you Patrick F. O’Connor Richard Schulz President Schuster-Straker-O’Connor FUNERAL HOME 5904 Ridge Road, Parma, OH 44129 440-885-4800 BUSH REMODELING & REPAIR CO., LLC. Dave Polick - Owner Kitchens - Bathrooms - Windows - Roofing - Siding ✦ Snow Plowing ✦ Licensed • Bonded • Insured 6516 Waxberry Drive, Seven Hills, OH 44131 216-447-9112 Fax: 216-447-9123 4519 Brookpark Road Parma, Ohio 44134 Business 216-749-0200 Cellular 216-389-2540 Home 216-267-2335 Fax 216-749-6450 Custom Color & Collision Center “Exceeding Expectations Since 1998” Mike & Andrea Florjancic 13390 York Rd., North Royalton Panera Bread for supporting our homeless Veterans! Please support our local businesses that support our Veterans! Panera Bread 6700 Rockside Rd., Independence, OH 44131 216.447.3090 Your Advertisement Here! 440-237-7500 BONNIE’S CATERING Your Advertisement Here! Southern Hills Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center Vrable Healthcare Companies Colleen A. Boylan, RN Director of Nursing Cell 440-539-6174 Phone 440-816-7500 Fax 440-816-7505 19530 Bagley Road Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130 Catering For All Occasions Ethnic Foods and All Cuisines RON SMOTEK (216) 581-4362 Friendly Service 30 Years of Experience