Vette Gazette - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Vette Gazette - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Vette Gazette Editor Toni Mazurek Page 1 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Presidents Corner By Tim Wuennemann OUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED! FROM NOW ON, WE WILL BE USING FOR ALL CORRESPONDENCE. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR RECORDS. Inside this issue: PRESIDENT REPORT 1 BOD REPORTS 2-5 Greetings…. NCM REPORT 4 Congratulations to all Car Show event leaders and staff for a successful dinner and car show. We had a record number of cars and participating vendors. The weather was delightful. Our charities will be rewarded. ACTIVITIES REPORT 5 UPCOMING EVENTS 6 CAR SHOW CHAIRPERSONS REPORT 7 As your new President my goal is to help facilitate your good ideas into action through teamwork with the support of the Board. We are focused on implementing the changes the majority of our members want to take place. CAR SHOW DONATIONS COM- 8 MITTEE REPORT CAR SHOW WINNERS LIST 9-11 CAR SHOW PICTURES 12-15 OUR CHARITIES 16 SAFETY ARTICLE 17 Save The Wave! CRULISE INS 18 Tim Wuennemann OUR SPONSORS 19-20 President, Myrtle Beach Corvette Club BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES 21 CLASSIFIEDS 22-26 MEMBER BUSINESS 27 Page 2 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Vice President Charlie Torregrossa Hi All, Just a short note to say that our dinner meeting will be at Simply Southern Smokehouse. The letter has been sent out so don't forget to get in touch with the hosts to let them know if you plan on attending. Our August meeting will be held at Crow Creek Golf Resort in Calabash. Watch for more information to follow. A great job was done by our car show committee this year. A tip of the cap to all that contributed. See you all soon. God bless Charlie Secretaries Desk By Susan Woldanski Hi Folks, The car show was an outstanding success. My husband and I enjoyed working with the volunteers from the National Corvette Museum at the pre-car show dinner and at the car show. We met Lucy and Steve, volunteers from the NCM, who traveled from Bowling Green, KY to Myrtle Beach to represent the NCM. They are a fun and friendly couple whom we had the privilege to meet and help sell NCM merchandise. For those of you who did not join the car show, shame on you. We had fun in the sun. And more fun at the after car show appreciation luncheon coordinated by Jim Spore. Come join the fun next year. NEXT YEAR --VOLUNTEER. Sharon Harbaryer with the Free State Corvette Club won a diamond ring which was donated to our club. And Linda Meaders won the 50/50 for a SUPER total of $1,004. Congrats to both winners and many more to come!!! The minutes of the May meeting were distributed to all members. As of this date, there are no changes or corrections. Support your club with Cling on Signs now available for $22 per set of 2. Window decals only $3. See Alice Iodice Page 3 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Membership News by Alice Iodice Our big event has finally come to a close. I hope all of you who attended the car show had a good time and will come back next year. For those of you who missed the show this year, please try to attend next year. Since I was running around working the show, Betty Freedman acted as our member registration committee at the show. She did an outstanding job, as usual. Thanks Betty for a job well done. I would like to welcome eight new members to our club. These new members are: Rusty Watson and Annette Swain: Rusty has a 1975 White Convertible. He likes car shows and road trips. Maybe, a volunteer for next year’s show and to lead a mystery cruise in. His father was one of the founding members of the MBCC. Peter and Cheryl Garruto: They are sporting a 2004 Blue Metallic Convertible. They enjoy boating, bicycling, scuba diving, target shooting, car shows, road trips and rallies. Michael and Marian Ambrosino: Michael and Marian have a 2001 Black Convertible. They also like car shows and road trips. We can always use new ideas for our car show and new places to go on road trips. They came to our car show and decided to join. Buzz and Mary McCarthy: Buzz and Mary have a 2015 Red Z06 Coupe. Buzz was a past president of a Corvette club. He likes cars, animals, and landscaping (he could have a field day trying to make my yard look good). Since they enjoy car shows, we have another possible recruit or two for next year. Hope we see you at the July meeting at Simply Southern. Treasurer Deborah Kelly Be sure to be at the July meeting to hear the results of all the hard work that the car show earned for our charities! I want to Thank all of you that worked so hard to make this event another successful Car Show. Especially thank you to Richard and Deb Harris, along with Art and Alice Iodice for all the long hours and hard work they did to pull this off. Great show guys! Remember Peach Cobbler, yum yum, at Simply Southern Smokehouse; see you there! Page 4 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 National Corvette Museum Mike Woldanski NCM Ambassador On behalf of the National Corvette Museum, they would like to thank everyone from our club for their support at the recent Car Show. The Museum told me they sold over $4,700 of product and were impressed with our entire club. It was a pleasure meeting Steve and Lucy Grilli who gave of their time for the Museum. Please consider joining the Museum. Pavilion / Garages Opening Soon Construction on the Kimberlee A. Fast Pavilion and garages will be complete soon, offering covered, open-air picnic seating, showers, and restrooms with flushing toilets. The garages will be available for day rentals and have a 2nd level viewing platform to provide better visibility of the track. We will be able to have access to the restrooms by the end of the month. X-Act Motorsports Offering fun for first-time track day riders to the veteran racer, XAct Motorsports is slated to take the track August 8-9. No membership fees. Basic novice instruction for free and assistance to those who seek to make improvements at any level (Early Registration $195/day or $370/weekend. Regular Registration $210/day or $395/weekend. Fees apply for credit card or PayPal payments). Learn more on their website at index.html Page 5 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 ACTIVITIES & UPCOMING EVENTS Activities Central by Jim Spore The first thing I want to do is offer my congratulations and thanks to Alice and Art Iodice along with Richard Harris for the wonderful job they did organizing the 20 year anniversary of the Corvettes at the Beach Show. As Activities Director I know the countless hours that go into organizing a show of that magnitude. GREAT JOB!! I’d also like to thank every other person that contributed to making the show a success for all their hard work. The show was a record-breaking success which I know Alice will talk about in her article. The following weekend we had an After Car Show Appreciation Party for everyone that contributed to the success of the show before, during, and after the show. Chicken and beverages were provided by the club, and members brought salads, sides and TONS of wonderful desserts. No one went home hungry and lots of people took home a doggie bag of leftover chicken! Thanks go to Keith and Gwenn Mc Daniels for making arrangements to have the party at the Residence Club House at Barefoot Landing. June also marked the start of a new cruise in location at the Grumpy Monk. Unfortunately I can’t say how things went because I will be/have been out of town before the cruise in on June 18th, but several members have already been there and said the food is very good. I’ll be there in July. At our last meeting I asked how many people were interested in making a club trip to Hilton Head, SC for the Concours d’ Elegance Show. This is a high-end auto show that you have to be invited to participate in. So far we have 17 couples that plan to go. This will be a three day, two night trip from October 30th to November 1st. I’ve reserved a block of rooms at a great rate. If you are interested, send an email to me at and I will fill you in on all the details. I’m also looking into an overnight trip to Charlotte, NC to see the Broadway show “Motown the Musical.” If there is enough interest, the trip will be the first week of September. I will have an “I’m interested” signup sheet at the July meeting, so check your calendars. Page 6 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday July 1 @ 6 PM Milardo’s Pizza & Sports Pub Cruise in Sunday July 12 MBCC Meeting at Simply Southern Smokehouse Tuesday July 14 @ 6 PM Papa’s Pizza Cruise in Thursday July 16 @ 6 PM Grumpy Monk Cruise In October 30-November 1 Concours d’Elegance, Hilton Head Island, SC July 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Milardo’s cruise in 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25 MBCC meeting Papa’s cruise in Grumpy Monk cruise in 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Page 7 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Car Show Chairpersons Report A Tip of The Hat to all our great Volunteers, one last time!! Alice and Art, Richard and Debbie want to say thank you to all of the volunteers who helped to make the GREATEST show we ever had put on. Let’s recap what our club achieved this year. (1) 314 Corvettes, a new record, (2) 17 Vendors, also a new record and all wish to return next year, (3) 256 people attended our Friday night party, also a new record, (4) the 50/50 produced over $2,100.00 total, of which $1,100.00 will go to our charities. A new twist was added to the 50/50 by adding an $800.00 ladies dinner ring donated by Hayes Jewelers. We have received numerous compliments on the bright new shirts we selected for our 20th show, as well as the professional manner in which the show was run. Our sponsor, Myrtle Beach Chevrolet, called us personally Sunday following the Show to say how proud they were to be our sponsor and we could count on their support for the next years to come. Due to the large number of guests registering at the Landmark Resort, we were able to award a free night giveaway to 5 lucky Landmark guests attending the Welcome party - a one-night's credit off their hotel bill. We also worked our way through some computer snafus at the very end of the show and created the idea of calling all class winners to the stage and then working backwards 3/2/1st. It sped the whole presentation process up and added a little excitement to the end of a very long day! The results of the judging were completed by Monday afternoon, and all trophies were packaged and shipped to the respective winners by Wednesday morning. Another item most people may not be aware of are the 11 Corvettes from Georgia arriving on Saturday morning, all set to register for the show. They were accompanied by a fellow member who had back surgery and his doctor would not allow him to drive his Corvette. Although he had called ahead to get permission to park with his fellow club members, he was refused entry. All of his fellow club members elected not to register for the show. That is why so many Corvettes were parked across the street from the show. Hopefully, we can convince these 12 cars to give us another shot next year!! We have also received a number of requests from attendees to be notified of the dates and details of next year’s show so they can book rooms and make arrangements to attend the 2016 Car Show. Although this committee had a few detractors, we stand by what was achieved and what we will continue to achieve in the future. Without the participation of our club members and those attendees from near and far, this show or any other car show could not have happened. Again, congratulations to all those members who worked to make this show such an unqualified success. Also a huge tip of our hats to you. You have all earned this and more. Your “Corvettes at Myrtle Beach” car show Chairpersons Alice, Art, Richard, and Debbie Page 8 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Car Show Donation Committee Report CAR SHOW DONATION COMMITTEE REPORT Betty Freedman I want to thank all those who solicited donations, goody bag items and door prizes for our 20 th Annual Corvettes at Myrtle Beach Car Show. It was great to see a lot more of our members, both long time and new, getting donations. Marlene Grover did an outstanding job putting together our silent auction baskets once again this year. Our live auction of entertainment packages was a huge success. We received several compliments for advertising these packages and the selection of their contents. Frank Morea, Beverly & Bob Rivest and Linda Meaders helped by soliciting their section of town, which allowed Maryellen and me time to focus on our areas and the live auction packages. Sharon Knost generously donated a beautiful stained glass stingray and Wayne Hilbourn surprised us with a handmade wooden porch swing to be auctioned. Special thanks go to my co-chair Maryellen Grabarz. We began soliciting donations in February and didn’t stop until the last week of May. Maryellen once again gift wrapped all the door prizes, ensuring that our guests and members with winning numbers received something they could use. Linda Gengler and her committee did a great job soliciting and putting together the goody bags this year. This year, car show registrants booked 86 rooms at Landmark. Maryellen Grabarz, Linda Meaders and I put together hospitality bags, which consisted of snacks that were given to each guest upon arriving at Landmark. These bags were greatly appreciated by our guests and let them know that we appreciated them coming to our show. Thanks once again for a job well done. Page 9 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 2015 Car Show Winners Page 10 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 2015Car Show Winners Page 11 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 2015Car Show Winners Page 12 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 20th Annual Corvettes At Myrtle Beach Page 13 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 20th Annual Corvettes At Myrtle Beach, cont’d. Page 14 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 20th Annual Corvettes At Myrtle Beach, cont’d. Page 15 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 MBCC 20th Annual Corvettes At Myrtle Beach, cont’d. Page 16 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 OUR 2015 CHARITIES VETERAN’S WELCOME HOME AND RESOURCE CENTER WWW.VETERANSWELCOMEHOMEANDRESOURCECENTER.ORG A non-profit organization dedicated to providing veterans who live in Horry, Georgetown and Brunswick Counties with assistance in learning about and applying for benefits. They help veterans transition back into civilian life, helping with benefits, job service and counseling. The resource center was founded by veterans and others who support veterans and their rights and are all unpaid volunteers. They are continually contacting our state, local and federal representatives in hopes of getting them to improve Veterans benefits. They accept no funding from any government agency and support their efforts by donations only. They have helped over 1000 veterans this past year not knowing where to turn to get benefits due them, plus assisting many with paying bills. WWW.COASTALANIMALRESCUE.ORG MISSION: Coastal Animal Rescue, a 501(c) 3 organization, is proud to be the only cage-free, no-kill, 100 % volunteer cat and dog shelter in South Carolina. Our mission is to place rescued cats and dogs into loving, permanent homes; to provide a safe and loving home for unwanted cats and dogs in a unique, cage-free environment; to prevent pet overpopulation through spaying and neutering; and to educate the public about responsible pet ownership. In addition, Coastal Animal Rescue: - Feeds feral cat colonies from Georgetown to Little River and TNR all of them. Approximately 300 cats in total. - Has never euthanized an animal except to eliminate suffering and imminent death. - Provides a home to cats with AIDS and Leukemia. - Teach responsible pet ownership to school children. Page 17 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Important Safety Article! A 72-year-old man from Port Arthur, Texas, died inside his dream car when the lock system malfunctioned and he was trapped inside his 2007 Corvette with his dog, Leia. James Rogers and his pet both died of heat exhaustion earlier this week, police said. The accident is not uncommon for some Corvette models, owners say. A low battery or a low key fob battery can cause the locks to lock up. But there is a manual release on the driver's side that allows occupants to bypass the battery, according to owners' manuals. Rogers apparently didn't know about that according to KBMT-TV. A battery cable had come loose, the station said. He had just stopped in at a Waffle House, where he was a regular. As he got in his luxury car to leave, the doors and windows locked. He had accidentally left his phone inside the restaurant, so he was unable to call for help. Another regular customer and employees tried to rescue Rogers but couldn't get the doors open. A firefighter eventually broke a window, but Rogers and his dog were already dead. On an online Corvette forum, several posters detailed having been locked inside their cars. "I called my wife and daughter to let me out with the extra set of keys. They laughed so hard and told everyone about it and they have made it a town joke about this," wrote a Corvette owner with the handle "syswayne." Another regular customer and employees tried to rescue Rogers but couldn't get the doors open. A firefighter eventually broke a window, but Rogers and his dog were already dead. On an online Corvette forum, several posters detailed having been locked inside their cars. "I called my wife and daughter to let me out with the extra set of keys. They laughed so hard and told everyone about it and they have made it a town joke about this," wrote a Corvette owner with the handle "syswayne." Page 18 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Please patronize our sponsors CRUISE IN CHANGES! st 1 Wednesday 6 PM Milardo’s Pizza & Sports Bar 3264 Bus. HWY 17 Business Murrells Inlet 2nd Tuesday 6 PM Papas Wings & Things 111 Pavilion Drive Little River 3rd Thursday 6 PM The Grumpy Monk 4545 Hwy 501 Myrtle Beach Please try and attend some of these great events, they are helping your club to reach it’s goals and support our charities so let’s show them how much it’s appreciated and support their businesses also. Thank You Members of the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Page 19 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 OUR SPONSORS Coastal Cosmetic Dental Associates Wyman Wise State Farm Insurance Page 20 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 OUR SPONSORS. Bill and Val McGarry SURFWATER PROMOTOTIONS Charlie and Debbie Meade Averill Automotives, Inc. Coastal Corvettes in Ash, NC for your restoration, repair, or paint- Jim and Brenda Falkler Keith and Gwenn McDaniel ing. Rick Osborne can be reached at 910-754- 9537 Page 21 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 JULY BIRTHDAY WISHES Al Freedman Joe Battista Sandy Villano Connie Wisniewski Alice Iodice Joe Burmer Cathy DeBono Charlie Torregrossa Arlene Ashburn 2 3 7 10 11 13 15 15 16 Sue Clark Steve Clarke Nancy Gianni Keith McDaniel Dawn Buckley Ron Pietkewicz Sheila Halterman Dee Dee Oberer JULY ANNIVERSARY WISHES Jim & Estelle Boyd Richard & Debra Harris Robert & Jane Schwartzman Steve & Terrell Cole Jerry & Ellen Edwards Keith & Barbara Bacon Stan & Barbara Cook Ted & Jackie Van Weeren Howard & Arlene Ashburn Bill & Sharon Knost Marino & Rose Garbin Ron & Marie Pietkewicz 3 3 4 5 8 10 12 16 19 20 28 28 18 19 20 20 24 25 27 27 Page 22 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Newsletter Articles and Classifieds We encourage members to submit articles and items for publication in the Vette Gazette. Subjects can include car shows, mystery trips, fun runs, events, tech tips, Corvette news, parties and more. Pictures are desirable. For MBCC members and Sponsors, we offer free classifieds for Corvette related items such as cars, accessories, parts and services. Please include a brief description, price , picture and contact information of items for sale. Please email to by the 25th of each month. Myrtle Beach Chevrolet & Cadillac Sales Manager Scott Urban Car Sales: (843) 492-6634 Service: (843) 492-0729 Parts: (843) 492-0729 1785 Highway 501 Myrtle Beach SC 29577 MBCC members are offered discounts for parts, accessories and service. "East Coast Artie" for pin striping and air brush art. He is located at 475 Sandy Lane, Suite G, Surfside Beach, SC 29676 phone 843-712 2627. Coastal Corvettes in Ash, NC for your restoration, repair, or painting. Rick Osborne can be reached at 910-754- 9537 Page 23 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 For Sale—UPDATED! 2004 Corvette Sport Coupe Black with black interior LS1, 350hp engine Automatic CD player, leather seats, 6 way power driver seat, active handling system, magnetic selective ride, dual-zone electronic air conditioning, dual removable roof panels and floor mats. 4 Sumitomo tires installed in 2013 Optional equipment installed: Dynatech Supermaxx 1 3/4" Stainless Steel Headers, Hi Flow Cats and X-Pipe High Performance Brake Rotors and Brake Caliper Covers High Flow Air Intake Duct with Twin Flow Air Intake Corsa Exhaust System with ProSeries 3-1/2" Tips Black Bra and Car Cover Trunk carpet with Logo Optima CA 910 Battery Very Good Condition No Damage 58,000 Miles $20,000 Contact Bob Furfaro MBCC Member 843-237-5424 843-655-9401 March 2014 Page 24 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 For Sale 2009 Corvette (C/6) Convertible, LS 3 Red Tint Clearcoat (burgundy), sable top and interior with the following options: 3 LT Z/51 Suspension Navigation Heads up Display Chrome Z/06 Wheels Automatic top Dual Mode Exhaust (mild to wild installed) 6 Speed manual Transmission (rare) In addition I will include a corvette museum official laminated window sticker and build sheet, a cover, and embroidered floor mats. CARFAX will reflect all appropriate service intervals and no insurance claims. Recent battery and recent November 2014 service at J Kuhns including a radiator flush. Currently has 17800 miles and is excellent in every way. No dings, no damage. Balance of 7yr. 70K warranty covering Power train/electronics/suspension/etc. (coverage available for 43 more months after $35 transfer of owner fee) Now is the time to step into that perfect, beautiful C/6 you've been wanting. Asking $38,500 Contact Tony McDonald MBCC Member 843-236-7799 February 2015 Page 25 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 For Sale I have a 1979 corvette in need of a little tlc. Original body and paint, with an updated 350 crate motor and automatic transmission. The body has 187k miles on it. Brand new seats and carpet, non-leaking t-tops, and a new Retro sound stereo. Runs and drives great, asking $10,000. Feel free to call, text or e-mail me for more info. Stephanie Butler 843-902-6416 December 2014 Page 26 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 A 1999 Corvette convertible, silver with a white top that I would like to sell. The car has only 4730 miles, as I kept it as a collector car. It has never been driven in the rain or snow. The car has all the bells and whistles available in 1999. My health is such that I can no longer drive the car. The vehicle is located in Charleston, SC. The price is $22,000 Please contact me: Ed Kosnik 614-296-3990 October 2014 Page 27 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2015 Member Businesses
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