Community Development Department Enumclaw, WA 360-825
Community Development Department Enumclaw, WA 360-825
Community Development Department Enumclaw, WA 360-825-3593 • 1309 Myrtle Ave • Enumclaw, WA 98022 Permit Desk Hours • Monday – Friday 8:00 – 4:30pm CITY OF ENUMCLAW STAFF REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR PLATEAU ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT, PERMIT NO. 14069 NOVEMBER 12, 2015 – PUBLIC HEARING AT 5:30 PM City Hall 1339 Griffin Avenue Enumclaw, WA 98022 Phone: (360) 825-3591 To: From: Offices of Sharon Rice, City of Enumclaw Hearing Examiner Erika Shook, Community Development Director Chris Pasinetti, Associate Planner Subject: Staff Report for Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat I. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Description of Proposal: The applicant, Brian Bowen is requesting preliminary subdivision of 1.87 (approximately) acres into five (5) lots for single-family detached homes located at 43024 266th Avenue SE (APN 1320069059). Proposed lot sizes range from (approximately) 9,143 sf to 14,343 sf in size. The proposal includes associated street access and stormwater improvements. The project will extend the sewer service from McHugh Avenue to the project site. II. GENERAL INFORMATION: A. Application: Master Permit #14069, originally submitted March 13, 2014, deemed complete on July 31, 2014. Attachment A. B. Applicant: Brian Bowen P.O. Box 42 Buckley, WA 98321 C. Section, Township/: Range SW ¼ of Section 13, Township 20 N, Range 6 E, Willamette Meridian. D. Acreage: 1.87 Acres E. Zoning: R-2 Moderate Density Single-Family Residential District. Attachment B. F. Lots/Square Footage: Five (5) single-family detached lots, stormwater detention tract and private access and utility easement. Sizes of the lots range from 9,143 to 14,343 square feet (sf). The average lot size is 11,714 sf, with a gross density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre and a net density of 3.7 dwelling units per acre. The stormwater detention pond occupies 15,033 sf. Attachment C. G. Proposed Use: Single family residential lots. F. Water/Sewage/: Natural Gas The subject property is served by the City of Enumclaw. F. Power: The subject property is served by Puget Sound Energy. G. Fire District: The subject property is served by the King County Fire District #28. H. School District: The subject property is served by the Enumclaw School District #216. I. Staff Contact: Chris Pasinetti, Associate Planner Community Development Department (360) 615-5726 III. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: On March 13, 2014, the City of Enumclaw received a Preliminary Plat application for the "Plateau Estates" Subdivision. The application is for a five (5) lost subdivision for single family residential lots. Attachment C. Additional information was requested during the review process. Additional information requested was received as follows: • Revised plat map received November 2, 2015. 2 • • Revised Wetland Report received March 5, 2015 Revised Stormwater TIR received July, 2015 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: After reviewing a completed environmental checklist and a preliminary permanent stormwater report, the City of Enumclaw issued a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance (MDNS) for the proposed subdivision on October 21, 2015. Attachment D. The City identifies no wetlands or critical areas, as defined by EMC 19.02 Critical Areas Regulations, on or adjacent to the site. V. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Under EMC 15.24 Type IV Permit Procedure, the Hearing Examiner shall schedule a public hearing on a preliminary plat application between 15 and 30 days after the publication of notice of application. Notice of application was mailed to all interested parties and property owners within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the site, posted on the City’s website and was published in the Enumclaw Courier-Herald on September 2, 2015 with EMC 15.30.030 Provisions Relevant to All Permits – Method of Publication. The Notice did not included the date, time, location and purpose of hearing. A Notice of the Public Hearing was mailed to all interested parties and property owners within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the site, posted on the City's website and was published in the Enumclaw Courier-Herald on October 7, 2015 with EMC 15.30.030 Provisions Relevant to All Permits – Method of Publication. Attachment E. VI. AGENCIES CONTACTED: Agencies were notified of the preliminary plat application via the SEPA notification process in 2015. In addition, the City requested an evaluation of capacity to serve the proposal from the Enumclaw School District. Attachment F. The plat proponent’s August 24, 2015 (received) SEPA environmental checklist noted that population growth due to development of this preliminary plat would result in a slight increase in public services which can be addressed through mitigation. Attachment G. By letter dated October 22, 2015, Enumclaw School District #216 indicated that the project would generate the following: Elementary School: 2 Students Middle School: 1 Student High School: 1 Student 3 VII. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Site Location and Description: The subject property is rectangular in shape and is mostly flat, gently sloping North. The vacant site consists of pasture land. The soils on the project site were designated Buckley Silt Loam and Alderwood loam. The revised wetland report dated March 3, 2014 and submitted to the City on March 5, 2015 indicates that there are no critical areas or significant wildlife habitat on the site. Attachment H. VIII. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: Surrounding Zoning, Adjacent Land Use and Neighborhood Characteristics: The site is entirely surrounded by Moderate Density Single-family Residential 2 (R-2) zoning on all sides. Existing land uses and zoning for the subject and adjacent properties are as follows: Current Zoning and Land Use: Location Land Use Subject Parcels Vacant North Vacant East (Single Family Residential) SFR South SFR West SFR Zoning R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 IX. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: The applicant is proposing five (5) single-family residential lots ranging in size from 9,143 to 14,343 square feet (sf). The average lot size is 11,714 sf, with a density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre (gross). Per the requirements of EMC 18.08 Moderate Density Single-family Residential 2 (R-2) and EMC 17.12 Subdivisions, the project is subject to the following development standards: Item Minimum Lot Size: Substandard Area Lots: Maximum Lot Size: Maximum Building Height: Minimum Front Yard Setback: Minimum Side Yard Setback: Minimum Rear Yard Setback: Minimum Lot Width: Maximum Building Standard 8,400 square feet Allowed up to 10% of total number of lots, lot area may not be less than 90% required minimum lot area set forth in EMC 17.16.230(B). The smallest lot allowed by this exception would be 7,560 sf. 18,000 square feet 30 feet above the average building elevation 20 feet 9 feet to the foundation 25 feet 50 feet 40% 4 Coverage: The subdivision proposes two stormwater detention ponds occupying 15,033 sf to collect, treat and discharge stormwater runoff from all new impervious surfaces, consistent with the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Adequate access for City maintenance and landscaping will be required for the tract. In order to reduce storm water runoff, stabilize soil, enhance the ecological environment, improve property values, and enhance the general aesthetics and welfare of the community, street trees and ground cover will be required in planting strips per EMC 12.21 Street Trees. All code required street improvements pursuant to Enumclaw Street Standards will be required of this subdivision. Street improvements will include curb, gutters and sidewalks, and planter strips with approved street trees. Street lighting (illumination) and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) signage will also be required per City Code. X. TRANSPORTATION PLANS The proposed preliminary plat modification will include frontage improvements along 266th Avenue SE (Hansen Street). The street network serving the proposed Plateau Estates development consists of a Type 6 Local two-lane street (Hansen Street/266th SE) and Type 9 interior access road. A traffic impact analysis is not required pursuant to EMC 19.25.050(A) as the proposal would generate less than 10 pm peak hour trips. Street improvements along one-half of the existing right-of-way shall be constructed along Hansen Street (266th Ave SE) to the termination of the north property line. The street design standard for 266th SE is minimally designed to be a Type 6 – Local Two-Lane with a 50’ right-of-way (R/W), 32’ face-of-curb (F/C) centered street, 3.5’ planter strip, and 5’ sidewalk width. The access street into the plat will be designed as a Type 9, Limited Local Access with a Hammerhead. The applicant is responsible for the payment of the required transportation impact fees per EMC 19.24.070. The City of Enumclaw currently collects a transportation fee of $2,937 per single family unit at the time of building permit issuance. The development will be required to pay impact fees based on the fees in effect at the time of building permit application. XI. PUBLIC SERVICES Parks and Recreation Space: In order to mitigate the impact new development creates on parks and recreation facilities, the City requires subdivisions to dedicate land or pay into an environmental impact mitigation fund dedicated to purchasing or improving park and recreational facilities. This requirement is established as a condition of preliminary plat 5 approval. The base formula by which to calculate fees is 2.0 x (no. of units) x 2.52 person per household / 1,000 = acres, per EMC 17.16.050(C) Environmental Impact Mitigation Fees Established. The applicant is not proposing any dedicated recreation space as part of the plat, payment in lieu of dedicated can be required by the administrator under the following conditions (EMC 17.16.050.C.3 & 4): 1. Area to be dedicated is under five acres in size; or 2. Inaccessible or unusable due to topography or drainage; or 3. Is not centrally located to existing or anticipated subdivisions; or 4. The proposed subdivision would be adequately served by existing park land. Determination of payment shall be determined by the fair market value of the land to be subdivided by a certified appraiser. The subdivider shall provide proof of the fair market value by providing a signed letter of a certified appraiser. If the city determines that said value is inaccurate the city shall provide certified appraisals from three separate appraisers and shall use the figure that falls between the high and low estimate. Applying the formula above to this development yields a sum of 1,098 sq ft. This is an amount under five acres in size. The small amount of land would not be able to dedicated in a central location due to access to the properties and the design of the plat for stormwater provisions. The City of Enumclaw has adopted a LOS of 2.26 acres/1000 population for all residences located within ¾ mile (3,960 ft) of a neighborhood park. The proposal is within ¾ mile of McFarland Park. These factors would warrant a payment into a environmental mitigation fund in lieu of dedication. At the time of building permit application, a Parks Impact Fee will be assessed on each single family home to help offset the cost of providing City parks. EMC 19.24.080 Park Impact Fee Component Formula currently requires a park impact fee of $1,209 per single family dwelling unit. Impact fees are collected at the time of building permit issuance. The impact fee due for each lot will be the fee in effect at the time a complete building permit is submitted for the lot. Fire Protection: The subject property is served by the King County Fire District #28. Schools: The subject property is served by the Enumclaw School District #216. Attachment I. XII. UTILITIES: Stormwater: A stormwater drainage collection system will be installed for the development and roadway drainage. The proposed development complies with the Department of Ecology 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Attachment J 6 Water: Water utility service will be supplied by the City of Enumclaw. There is sufficient water supply available in the City’s system to serve the proposed plat. The services will need to be stubbed out to the individual lots created by the subdivision. Attachment K. Sanitary Sewer: Sanitary sewer utility service will be supplied by the City of Enumclaw. There is sufficient sewer conveyance and treatment capacity in the City’s sewer system to serve the proposed plat. The services will need to be extended and stubbed out to the individual lots created by the subdivision. Attachment L. Other Utilities: All pipe and wire utility service connections shall be underground; no new poles or overhead wires would be allowed. Natural gas service will be supplied by the City of Enumclaw. Gas utility lines will be installed in a joint trench along with phone, electric, and cable. Each lot will need to be stubbed out to the street. Residential fire sprinkler systems, if used, must be separate from the domestic water service (flow through systems are not allowed). A separate meter will be required in addition to the water service meter and a separate water line run from the fire system meter to the structure. XIII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designation for the subject property is Single-Family Residential (SFR) use. The proposed preliminary plat would be consistent with the following goals of the comprehensive plan: 1) Goal LU-5: To create land use patterns supporting a multi-modal transportation system connecting all areas of the community. Goal LU-5.B.2 Create routes (dedicated and shared) promoting safety, convenience, and connectivity for residents and visitors using non-motorized modes of travel. 2) Goal LU-8: To establish an interrelationship of land use patterns at the local level supporting a sustainable regional environment. Goal LU-8.A Encourage compact development of vacant or underutilized land to limit pressure for expanding the city’s boundaries. 3) Goal LU-10: To conserve the limited resources available for growing population demands while accepting a fair share of designated growth. Policy LU-10.B Maximize use of vacant or underutilized space within the city limits. 7 4) Goal H-2: To create a workable model for a variety of development including clustered rural housing on the perimeter of the city for rural protection while increasing supplies of detached housing units. Goal H-2.A.1 Ensure that housing is compatible in size and quality, design and intensity with surrounding land uses, traffic patterns, public facilities and environmentally sensitive features through specific site and building design measures. XIV. PUBLIC CONCERNS: Washington State Department of Transportation submitted a written comment. Attachment M. XV. STATUTES / CODES: Subdivision Review Criteria: In reviewing a preliminary plat application, Enumclaw Municipal Code (EMC) Section 17.12.070 Subdivisions – Additional Criteria indicates that the Hearing Examiner consider eight factors (if applicable to the site) when making their recommendation to City Council, and that the City Council shall consider the same factors in making their decision to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the proposal. These eight factors (A-H) include: A. Public Use and Interest. The Hearing Examiner and City Council shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision. Appropriate provisions shall be made for, but not limited to, public health, safety and general welfare and for such open space, drainage-ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school, and shall consider all relevant facts to determine whether the public use and interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication. If the plat provides for the above-mentioned, and conforms to all these development regulations (EMC Titles 15 through19), then it shall be approved. As proposed, the plat is consistent with the above listed criteria. Water and sewer certificates of availability have been issued, and all utilities are physically available to the subdivision. The developer will provide sewer and stormwater infrastructure, and street improvements to adjacent 266th Ave SE. The proposed plat helps the City meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act by encouraging urban growth within the City Limits. See analysis related to school impacts under Additional Criteria for Review, below. B. Storm Waters and Flood Control. The Hearing Examiner and City Council shall consider the physical characteristics of a proposed subdivision site, and may disapprove a proposed plat because of flood inundation or swamp conditions. 8 The subject property is a relatively flat parcel surrounded by similar properties that have been used for pasture. The applicant has designed the plat to meet the various requirements of the 2012 DOE Stormwater Manual for Western Washington. The applicant has provided a revised storm drainage analysis which shows that the pond (as constructed) will have adequate capacity to handle the additional lots. A temporary erosion control plan utilizing best management practices shall be submitted to and approved by the City prior to commencement of excavation, grading or filling. The site is not located in any floodplains. The site does not contain and wetlands as indicated in the revised wetland report. Attachment H. C. Natural Element Retention. Due regard shall be shown for preservation of outstanding natural or cultural features such as scenic spots, watercourses, historic sites, etc. This site contains no critical area or outstanding natural or cultural features. D. Hazardous Geologic Conditions. In areas with slopes equal to or greater than 15 percent, a detailed soils engineering report will be required prior to the approval of any preliminary plat. Special consideration for grading, fills or excavations shall be made by the Hearing Examiner and shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. There are no slopes equal to or greater than 15% on this site. E. Tree Cutting Plan. Landscaping, planting or tree cutting plans shall be prepared by landscape architect and submitted to the administrator prior to the approval on slopes 15 percent or steeper. In addition, tree cutting plans shall be required for developments in which trees over six inches in caliper are to be cut. There are trees located at the site. A plan is required to be prepared for trees over six inches in caliper to be submitted for review with plat construction drawings. F. Water Retention Basins. The use of water retention basins to minimize surface runoff or erosion damage potential may be required. The proposed development is required to comply with the 2012 Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington, and best management practices for temporary erosion control will be utilized during grading and construction. G. Land Adjacent to Public Waters. When subdivisions are proposed in a shoreline area, open space may be provided to and along the water’s edge with provision for access from a public right-of-way or other adjoining public land, if necessary to mitigate adverse impacts caused by the subdivision. This site is not located near or adjacent to a shoreline (lake, stream, etc.) area or a public water body. H. School and Park Sites. Where a proposed school or park site lies within a proposed 9 subdivision as indicated in the comprehensive plan, or other plans or policies, the site may be required to be reserved or dedicated by the subdivider. No proposed school or park sites lie within the proposed subdivision as indicated in the comprehensive plan. Additional criteria for review: Subdivisions within the City of Enumclaw are subject to the requirements set forth in EMC Title 17 Subdivisions, which sets general provisions, application, preliminary and final plat requirements, design principles and development standards. Developments within the Residential 2 Zoning District are subject to EMC Chapter 18.10 R-2 Moderate Density Single-Family Residential District, which sets some development standards and principal uses. As proposed, the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community is protected and provided for by compliance with all relevant development regulations pertaining to this application. By implementation of all required development regulations, the applicant shall provide a safe, orderly and beneficial development. This approval standard parallels the State Subdivision Statute, which prohibits subdivision approval absent appropriate provision being made for all of the above factors: RCW 58.17.110(2): A proposed subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city, town, or county legislative body makes written findings that: (a) Appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. If it finds that the proposed subdivision and dedication make such appropriate provisions and that the public use and interest will be served, then the legislative body shall approve the proposed subdivision and dedication. Dedication of land to any public body, provision of public improvements to serve the subdivision, and/or impact fees imposed under RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.090 may be required as a condition of subdivision approval. Dedications shall be clearly shown on the final plat. No dedication, provision of public improvements, or impact fees imposed under RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.090 shall be allowed that constitutes an unconstitutional taking of private property. The legislative body shall not as a condition to the approval of any subdivision require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners. In 2008, the City of Enumclaw adopted a general impact fee ordinance, EMC 19.24, pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW and Chapter 82.02 RCW), to provide a basis for exercise of the City’s substantive authority to mitigate direct impacts from new development on, inter alia, school facilities. The City plans to, but has not yet, adopted the school impact fee component formula under the GMA which will establish a fee schedule for such impact mitigation. 10 The school district has adopted a six year capital facilities plan that includes expansion of Enumclaw High School to accommodate expected growth. The school district’s plan anticipates adoption of school impact fees by the City. School impact fees, if any, in place at the time a building permit is submitted would apply to development within this proposal. XVI. CONCLUSION AND FINDINGS OF FACT: Staff has completed its review of this proposal and concludes the following Findings of Fact: The applicant’s request for approval of a preliminary plat for the subdivision of 1.87 acres, parcel #1320069059, is consistent with applicable EMC code provisions and the City’s Comprehensive Plan if the recommendations set forth below are satisfied. The request furthers the City’s Land Use goals to encourage compact development of vacant or underutilized land to limit pressure for expanding the city’s boundaries and maximize use of vacant or underutilized space within the city limits. The request furthers the City’s Housing goal to ensure that housing is compatible in size and quality, design and intensity with surrounding land uses, traffic patterns, public facilities and environmentally sensitive features through specific site and building design measures. XVII. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the submitted materials, the City recommends that the Hearing Examiner hold the hearing, review the information, prepare written findings and make a recommendation to council for the Preliminary Plat #14069, Plateau Estates. Staff recommends approval conditioned that: 1) All applicable mitigated conditions of SEPA MDNS, dated October 21, 2015 shall be met. (see attachment D). 2) A detailed landscaping, tree cutting and planting plan shall be submitted prior to final plat approval (EMC 17.12.070), and shall be consistent with EMC Chapter 19.08 Landscaping regulations. 3) Gas utility lines shall be installed in a joint trench along with phone, electric, and cable. Each lot will need to be stubbed out to the street. 4) The owner/application shall comply with all requirements in the water availability certificate issued for the plat dated February 6, 2015. 5) The owner/application shall comply with all requirements in the wastewater availability certificate issued for the plat dated March 3, 2015. 11 6) Prior to Final Plat Approval, payment in lieu of park land dedication of 1,098 square feet shall be paid. The fee-in-lieu shall be determined by the fair market value of the land to be subdivided. The subdivider shall provide proof of the fair market value by providing a signed letter of a certified appraiser. If the city determines that said value is inaccurate the city shall provide certified appraisals from three separate appraisers and shall use the figure that falls between the high and low estimate. XVIII. PREPARED BY: Chris Pasinetti, Associate Planner XIX. ATTACHMENTS: A. Application Submittal and Notice of Complete Application (Received March 13, 2014; January 28, 2015) B. Zoning Map (2015) C. Revised Preliminary Plat Map(s) (July 16, 2014) D. SEPA MDNS (Issued October 21, 2015) E. Notice of Public Hearing (October 7, 2015) F. Notice of Application (September 2, 2015) G. Revised Environmental Checklist (August 24, 2015) H. Revised Wetland Report (March 5, 2015) I. Enumclaw School District Capacity Letter request (September 8, 2015), Enumclaw School District Capacity Letter (October 22, 2015) J. Stormwater Technical Information Report (Revised July 2015) K. Certificate of Water Availability (February 6, 2015) L. Certificate of Wastewater Availability (March 3, 2015) 12 Attachment A January 28, 2015 Brian Bowen P.O. Box 42 Buckley, WA 98321 Matthew Ruettgers PacWest Engineering, LLC Lakewood, WA 98499 RE: Proposed Preliminary Plat at 43024 266th Avenue SE (APN 1320069059) Dear Mr. Bowen: The City of Enumclaw is in receipt of your application for a residential for a five lot subdivision at the above mentioned address. The application was received on March 13, 2014. A letter of incompleteness was mailed on April 8, 2014. The city received revisions based on the incompleteness letter on July 17, 2014. Your application was deemed complete July 31, 2014. The city is requesting additional information as part of project review including information requested via email sent August 19, 2014. Our review is based on the following plans and reports: • • • • Wetland Review prepared by B & A Inc. dated December 1, 2009. Revised Plat map prepared by PacWest Engineering Inc. dated July 16, 2014. Stormwater Technical Information Report dated July 15, 2014. SEPA checklist dated July 17, 2014. Proposal: Five lot subdivision including private access & public utility tract. Planning: Contact: Chris Pasinetti, AICP, Associate Planner, ext 5726 SEPA Checklist: 1. The SEPA checklist has a number of questions that need to be answered, see attached SEPA checklist dated July 17, 2014. The revised SEPA checklist includes an explanatory sheet that might be helpful when answering questions regarding the checklist. I attached on for your reference. Attachment A Wetlands: 1. The Wetland Review Report dated December 1, 2009 needs to be updated. The Department of Ecology of the State of Washington has updated their Wetland Delineation Manual. This report must utilize the updated manual. The Wetland Review needs to include the qualifications of the professional who prepared the report. A qualified professional is defined as, “Professional, qualified” means a person with training and experience in the scientific discipline, and who is a qualified scientific expert with expertise in streams, wetlands or lakes subject matter in accordance with WAC 365-195-905(4). A qualified professional must have obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in hydrology, soil science, botany, ecology, or a related field from an accredited college or university or who has equivalent educational training and professional experience related to the subject of habitat or species. Also includes fluvial morphologist if stream relocation is involved. Geologists are included as those professionals who hold an active license from the State of Washington Geology Board." 2. The last sentence of paragraph page 2 states, "On this basis atypical situations were observed so methodologies are not warranted". This sentence likely was to indicate that methodologies for disturbed sites do not have to be used, but there appears to be a missing word. The report should clarify this. 3. Figure 2 shows that the soils test pits were only evaluated along the northern property line of the site. There should be an evaluation of soil test pits in the middle and southern portions of the property and evenly spaced. It is possible that site was incorrectly labeled. 4. Attachment 2 includes several technical articles without publication information. Please provide publication information. Subdivision: 1. Include the Phone number of the subdivider as shown on the redlined drawing. 2. Include the number of lots per acre within the "Area Table" on page 3. 3. Show existing and proposed contours. Existing contours shown as solid and proposed contours shown as dotted at intervals of five feet or referenced to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. (King County aerial survey elevations may be shown as the datum plane.) Development Standards: 1. Side yard setback within the Moderate Density Single-Family Residential District (R-2) zone is nine (9) feet wide. Show the building envelope with nine (9) foot wide side yard setbacks as opposed to seven and a half (7.5) foot wide setbacks. Setback are measure nine feet from the foundation. The previous 7.5 foot requirement was measured from the eaves. These are essentially the same requirement. Attachment A Public Works: Contact: Lindsey Winborn, City Engineer, ext. 5723 (Stormwater) Stormwater: 1. Attached is a letter from Lindsey Winborn, City Engineer dated January 22, 2015. This includes redlines The comments set forth above are based on an initial review. They likely do not represent the totality of the City’s comments. Additional comments will be forthcoming once the additional materials are submitted. Should you have any questions regarding this letter please feel free to contact my office at (360) 615-5726. Sincerely, Chris Pasinetti, AICP Associate Planner C: Erika Shook, Community Development Director Lindsey Winborn, City Engineer Scott Woodbury, Assistant City Engineer Rand Black, Transportation Engineer Attachment A Attachment A Attachment B Zoning Map Project Site Legend Project Site City Limits Residential 1 (15,000 sq. ft.) Residential 2 (8,400 sq. ft.) Residential 3 (6,200 sq. ft.) Residential 4 (6,200 sq. ft.) Residential Mobile Home Park / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Planned Unit Development Central Business 1 Central Business 2 Neighborhood Business D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D GGGGGGGGGG Highway and Community Business G G G G G General Office G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G General Office-Hospital Hospital µ Light Industrial Public Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment D Attachment D Attachment E Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment G Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment H Attachment I September 8, 2015 Tim Madden Director, Business and Operations Enumclaw School District 2929 McDougal Avenue Enumclaw, WA 98022 RE: School District Capacity for Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Madden. The City of Enumclaw is in receipt of a preliminary plat proposal to subdivide land within the City of Enumclaw. The proposed development is as follows: Bella Meadows Location: 43024 266th Avenue SE. SW1/4 Section 13, T20N, R6E, W.M. Parcel Number(s): 1320069059 Proposal: Preliminary subdivision of 1.97 (approximately) acres into five (5) lots for single-family detached homes. Proposed lot sizes range from (approximately) 10,381 sf to 14,343 sf in size. In addition to your analysis of student capacity, the City also seeks a response to these specific questions: 1. Which elementary, middle and/or high schools will serve the subdivision? 2. Will the students be bused from the proposed subdivision to their respective schools? 3. Does the school district have any other specific concerns regarding this proposal, such as the students' ability to safely walk to school? Thank you in advance for your response letter. Please feel free to contact me at 360-615-5726 or email me should you have any questions. Best regards, Chris Pasinetti, AICP Association Planner Attachment: • Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat c: File Chris Searcy, City Administrator Erika Shook, Community Development Director Attachment I Attachment I Attachment J Plateau Estates Preliminary Stormwater Technical Information Report Prepared for: Brian Bowen PO BOX 42 BUCKLEY, WA 98321 Prepared by: PacWest Engineering, LLC 10209 Bridgeport Way SW, Suite C-1 Lakewood, WA 98499 (253) 830-5960 July, 2014 Revised: July, 2015 PWE Project #13-509 Attachment J Stormwater Site Plan Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 2 1.1 Project Description ......................................................................................... 2 1.2 Predeveloped Conditions ............................................................................... 2 1.3 Developed Conditions .................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY .................................................... 3 CHAPTER 3.0 OFFSITE ANALYSIS — MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #11 ...................... 3 3.1 Conveyance System Capacity Problems ....................................................... 3 3.2 Localized Flooding ......................................................................................... 3 3.3 Upland Erosion Impacts, Including Landslide Hazards .................................. 4 3.4 Stream Channel Erosion at the Outfall Location ............................................ 4 3.5 Violations of Surface Water Quality Standards .............................................. 4 3.6 Qualitative Analysis ........................................................................................ 4 3.7 Quantitative Analysis ...................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 4.0 PERMANENT STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN ................................. 4 4.1 Developed Site Hydrology .............................................................................. 4 4.2 Performance Standards and Goals ................................................................ 5 4.3 Treatment Design........................................................................................... 7 4.4 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ..................................................... 7 CHAPTER 5.0 DISCUSSION OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 8 5.1 Minimum Requirement #1: Preparation of a Stormwater Site Plan ................ 8 5.2 Minimum Requirement #2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPP) .......................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Minimum Requirement #3: Source Control of Pollution.................................. 8 5.4 Minimum Requirement #4: Preservation of Natural Drainage System and Outfalls ........................................................................................................... 8 5.5 Minimum Requirement #5: On-Site Stormwater Management ....................... 8 5.6 Minimum Requirement #6: Runoff Treatment ................................................ 8 5.7 Minimum Requirement #7: Flow Control ........................................................ 8 5.8 Minimum Requirement #8: Wetlands Protection ............................................ 8 5.9 Minimum Requirement #9: Operation and Maintenance ................................ 8 5.10 Optional Guidance #1: Financial Liability ....................................................... 9 5.11 Optional Guidance #2: Off Site Analysis and Mitigation ................................. 9 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D DRAFT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUAL MAPS COMPUTER OUTPUTS REPPORTS 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Attachment J ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATION I hereby state that this Preliminary Technical Information Report for Plateau Estates has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the minimum standards of the City of Enumclaw and normal standards of engineering practice. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the jurisdiction does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities designed by me. Daniel Paul Smith, PE 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 1 Attachment J CHAPTER 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Stormwater Technical Information Report (TIR) has been prepared in conjunction with the submittal of the Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat. The 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMM) is used as a guideline in the preparation of this report. The proposed project is located in the southeast ¼ of Section 13, Township 20 North, Range 6 East of the Willamette Meridian, King County, City of Enumclaw, Washington. The address of the subject Parcel is 43014 266th Ave SE, APN 1320069059, and is 1.98 acres. The project proposed the construction of a 5 lot subdivision, access road, and frontage improvements that include the extension of a sanitary sewer main. The proposed stormwater improvements include dispersion BMPs and a filter strip for treatment. p Figure 1.1-Vicinity Map NTS 1.2 PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS The pre-developed site is mostly covered with grass with 1 existing garage and an existing shed on the southern portion of the project. A more extensive summary of the exiting conditions can be found in Chapter 2 of this report. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 2 Attachment J 1.3 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The developed conditions consist of a new access road for 4 lots, and one lot with a driveway off of 266th Ave SE, a sewer main extension, a filter strip, and a detention pond. Detailed calculations of the proposed storm improvements can be found in Chapter 4 of this report. CHAPTER 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY The existing site is covered with grass, two (2) small sheds, and is 1.98 acres in size. The site slightly slopes from the west towards the northeast, and is accessed off of 266th Avenue SE. A map showing the existing conditions can be found in APPENDIX B MAPS. The project site soils are determined using NRCS Websoil Survey. The soils are classified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam is considered a Type B soil. An analysis of the site with regards to infiltration has been performed by Glen Code, PE. It has been concluded that the site is not a good candidate for infiltration based on the high ground water table and the fines found within the underlying soil. See the report for review in APPENDIX D REPPORTS. A Wetland Review was performed by B&A Inc. in December of 2009. No wetlands were found on site. The Wetland Review has been attached in APPENDIX D REPPORTS. The proposed project is located outside of the 100-year flood area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community-Panel Number 53033C1505F. A portion of the FIRM map has been included in APPENDIX B MAPS. CHAPTER 3.0 OFFSITE ANALYSIS — MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #11 The existing project is a tributary to Newaukum Creek. The runoff from the proposed improvements is controlled with a detention pond. The detention pond detains and meters the increased runoff from the site, and directs it towards the road side ditch along the east side of 266th Ave SE. The runoff from the roadside ditch flows north approximately 1000 feet where it is picked up by an underground conveyance system. The runoff continues for another 500 feet in the closed conveyance system where it enters the Porter Street’s conveyance system. Following are the required key components to be analyzed for a downstream analysis: 3.1 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CAPACITY PROBLEMS The downstream drainage path was visited on a rainy day and there were no observed capacity problems. 3.2 LOCALIZED FLOODING There was no localized flooding observed in any of the existing conveyance systems. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 3 Attachment J 3.3 UPLAND EROSION IMPACTS, INCLUDING LANDSLIDE HAZARDS The site in question is the high point and will not be subject to upland erosion impacts. There are no steep slopes and land slide hazards up land of the project site. The proposed slopes will not exceed the maximum allowed slope of 2:1 without a geotechnical assessment first. 3.4 STREAM CHANNEL EROSION AT THE OUTFALL LOCATION The runoff from the detention pond is metered to a forested pre-developed condition; therefore, the runoff is being released at a reduced flow-rate from the existing condition. The pond is designed per the SWMM, and the ditch is stabilized with existing vegetation. 3.5 VIOLATIONS OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS The project will treat tributary flows from the access driveway with a filter strip that will be parallel with the access road. The individual driveways will be constructed using pervious pavement. With these measures, the improvements will not contribute to any existing problems of nearby surface waters. 3.6 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS The project’s quarter mile drainage path starts at the existing ditch along the east side of 266th St SE. All of the site run off will be conveyed to the roadside ditch, then north approximately 1000 feet in open conveyance where it is picked up by an underground conveyance system. In 500 feet the flows are conveyed to the Porter St. stormwater conveyance system. The half mile drainage path ends in 266th Ste SE just before Porter Street. 3.7 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS The offsite conveyance system does not require a quantitative analysis since the runoff from the proposed improvements are being released at a forested pre-developed condition and there are no known conveyance issues. CHAPTER 4.0 PERMANENT STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN The project proposes the construction of a quality control filter strip, and a detention pond to control it’s site runoff. The pond is designed per the SWMM. 4.1 DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY The proposed improvements consist of a shared access drive, a filter strip, and driveways. The pond’s tributary basin is as follows: 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 4 Attachment J SubBasin Onsite A Onsite B Description Shared Access Road Homes (2,000 sq.ft. per lot) Description Area (Acres) Impervious 0.133 Impervious 0.230 Onsite C Driveways Impervious 0.115 Onsite D Pond Impervious 0.229 Onsite E Lawns Till Grass 0.803 Impervious 0.069 Impervious 0.048 Offsite A Offsite B Frontage Improvements Existing Pavement Along Frontage Total 1.627 Table 4.1.1 – Pond Post Developed Basin The developed site drainage layout is reflected Post Developed Drainage Basin Map, see APPENDIX B MAPS. Additionally, for the purpose of sizing the filter strip the post developed runoff from the shared access and driveways has been computed using the MGS computer program. The computed on-line water quality flow rate is 0.05cfs, reference APPENDIX C COMPUTER OUTPUTS. The following are the runoff rates for each regulated storm event: Post Developed Storm Event Runoff Rate (cfs) 2 year 0.315 10 year 0.510 25 year 0.750 100 year 0.877 Pre-Developed Storm Event Runoff Rate (cfs) 2 year 0. 056 10 year 0.106 25 year 0.139 100 year 0.201 Table 4.1.2 – Runoff Rates 4.2 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND GOALS The proposed detention pond has to meet specific performance standards as described by the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual. These standards are as follows: excursion at predeveloped ½Q2 must be less than 0%, maximum excursion from ½Q2 to Q2 must be less than 0%, maximum excursion from Q2 to Q50 must be less than 10%, and the maximum excursion from Q2 to Q50 must be less than 50%. Table 9.2.2 shows the required and provided excursion for the pond. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 5 Attachment J Excursion Requirement Provided ½Q2 Max ½Q2 to Q2 Max Q2 to Q50 Percent Q2 to Q50 < 0.00% < 0.00% < 10.00% < 50.00% -29.8% -2.3% -15.6% 0.0% Table 4.2.1 – Excursion Requirements Less than the required excursions are being met for the pond; therefore, the pond passes the City’s duration performance requirements. A MGS summary has been provided in APPENDIX C COMPUTER OUTPUTS. Elevation (ft) Volume (cu-ft) 752.30 753.30 754.30 755.30 756.30 756.60 0.0 3,299.0 7,778.0 13,614.0 20,924.0 23,450.0 Table 4.2.2 – Stage Storage (Volume) Elevation Structure Type Size 750.30 754.86 755.50 756.50 Circular Orifice Circular Orifice Circular Orifice Sharp Crested Weir 0.800" 0.875" 1.000” 1.500’ Table 4.2.3 – Tee-Riser Schedule Recurrence (Years) 2 5 10 25 50 100 Outflow Rate (cfs) 0.035 0.052 0.070 0.080 0.086 0.116 Elevation 755.00 755.55 755.96 756.31 756.51 756.53 Table 4.2.4 – Event Summary Table A MGS summary has been provided in APPENDIX C COMPUTER OUTPUTS. During an emergency the pond uses and overflow spillway. The spillways is sized as follows: 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 6 Attachment J L = [Q100/(3.21H3/2)] – 2.4H Where, Q100 = 100 year flow rate for the tributary basin to the flow control facility (0.201 cfs) H = weight of water over weir (assume 0.50 ft) L = [Q100/(3.21H3/2)] – 2.4H = [0.201cfs/(3.21{0.50 ft}3/2) – 2.4*0.50 ft = -1.02 ft; therefore, the minimum length for the spillway of six (6) feet is used. 4.3 TREATMENT DESIGN The water quality best management practices (BMPs) selected for this site shared access road is a filter strip. This filter strip has been sized based on Volume 5 of the SWMM BMP T9.40 y=[KQn/1.49Ts0.5]0.6 Where, y=design depth of flow, ft n=Manning’s Roughness Coefficient (0.35 Per Table 9.1, VolumeV of the SWMM) s=longitudinal slope of filter strip =0.02ft/ft T=width of Filter Strip =208ft Q=0.05cfs per MGS floods 15 minute time step calculation K=Ratio from Figure 9.5a in volume V of the SWMM=1.9 (This is based on 72% of the 2year, 24 hour storm event of 2 inches, which is derived from the isopluvial map in Volume III, appendix A-1 in the SMWW.) y=[(1.9*0.05cfs*0.35)/(1.49*208ft*0.02ft/ft 0.5] 0.6 y=0.013ft=0.16in V=KQ/Ty V=Velocity, ft/sec V must be less then 5ft/sec V=(1.9*0.05cfs)/(208ft*.013ft) V=0.035ft/sec 0.035ft/sec is less then the required 5 ft/sec Required Length = L=540V 540*0.035 = 18.98ft The length of the filter strip is 19 feet. 4.4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The project proposes the construction of 6” conveyance pipes and the pipes will be sized in the final report. Schematic utility layouts are shown on the Preliminary Plat. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 7 Attachment J CHAPTER 5.0 DISCUSSION OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The following is a summary of the Minimum Requirements as described in SWMM. Each Minimum Requirement has a response below: 5.1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #1: PREPARATION OF A STORMWATER SITE PLAN The Stormwater Site Plan is prepared as per SWMM Volume 1 Chapter 3. Each required Section and Appendix is provided in this document. 5.2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #2: CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (SWPP) A CSWPP Plan will be prepared for this project at final the time of final engineering design. This document will address the thirteen (13) elements as required. The CSWPP Plan will be submitted as a stand alone document. 5.3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #3: SOURCE CONTROL OF POLLUTION The proposed improvements shall require source control of pollution. The stormwater facilities must be maintained by the homeowner’s association. A draft O&M Manual can be found in APPENDIX A DRAFT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUAL 5.4 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #4: PRESERVATION OF NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND OUTFALLS The stromwater released from the proposed detention pond will end up in the Newaukum Creek, which is the historic end of runoff from the project site. A detailed description of the downstream drainage path can be found in the Downstream Analysis provided in Chapter 3.0 of this report. 5.5 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #5: ON-SITE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT All disturbed soils will be amended per Low Impact BMP T5.13 as described in Chapter 5 of Volume V of the 2012 SWMM. 5.6 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #6: RUNOFF TREATMENT Treatment is occurring utilizing a filter strip that has been sized per the 2012 SWMM. 5.7 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #7: FLOW CONTROL The runoff from the project site is mitigated with a detention pond. The pond meets the performance criteria of the 2012 SWMM. Detailed calculations can be found in Chapter 4 of this report. 5.8 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #8: WETLANDS PROTECTION A report was prepared verifying that there are no nearby wetlands. A copy of this report can be found in APPENDIX D REPPORTS. 5.9 MINIMUM REQUIREMENT #9: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE A Draft Operation and Maintenance Manual is prepared for this project and can be found in APPENDIX A DRAFT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUAL. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 8 Attachment J 5.10 OPTIONAL GUIDANCE #1: FINANCIAL LIABILITY All required bonding and or other financial guarantees will be provided at the time of final plan approval prior to commencement of construction. 5.11 OPTIONAL GUIDANCE #2: OFF SITE ANALYSIS AND MITIGATION The project is tributary to the Newaukum Creek through existing closed and open conveyance systems. The proposed improvements are designed per State and City standards, and release stormwater at a flow-rate less than the pre-existing condition—as a forested condition. A down stream analysis is provided in Chapter 4 of this report. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Page 9 Attachment J APPENDIX A DRAFT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUAL 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Technical Information Report (7.24.15) Attachment J Plateau Estates Draft Operations and Maintenance Manual for Drainage Facilities Prepared for: Brian Bowen PO BOX 42 BUCKLEY, WA 98321 Prepared by: PacWest Engineering, LLC 10209 Bridgeport Way SW, Suite C-1 Lakewood, WA 98499 (253) 830-5960 Maintenance and Operations Information PWE Project #13-509 Attachment J Project Information Address: 43024 266th Ave SE Tax Parcel Numbers: 1320069059 Ownership/Maintenance: Brian Bowen System Description The onsite stormwater from the shared access road is treated with a filter strip. Any water that does not infiltrate on site will be directed to the ditch along the frontage of the site. Each of the lots will utilize dispersion trenches and pervious pavement driveways. Long-term maintenance shall be done in accordance with this document. All conveyance systems shall be inspected for sediment and blockage on a yearly basis or after large storm events. Catch basin sumps and catch basins shall be removed of sediment and debris on a yearly basis or if a blockage occurs. Catch basin inserts shall be replaced if the filter media has been torn, or become clogged as to not allow proper flow during construction. Remove the catch basin insert after construction. The main contributor of sediment to the storm system is the proposed and future asphalt pavement surfaces; therefore, sweeping of the asphalt pavement should help to prevent sediments from entering the storm system. The debris collected shall be disposed of in a state approved method. Long-term maintenance of the storm drainage system will be the responsibility of the current property owner, and shall be completed in accordance with this document. The average annual cost for maintenance is approximated to be $2000.00 Maintenance Checklist The following pages contain maintenance needs for most of the components that are part of your drainage system, as well as for some components that you may not have. Let the City know if there are any components that are missing from these pages. Ignore the requirements that do not apply to your system. You should plan to complete a checklist for all system components on the following schedule: 1. Monthly from November through April. 2. Once in late summer (preferably in September). 3. After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24-hours as a guideline) 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 1 Attachment J Using photocopies of the checklist pages, check off the problems that you looked for each time you did an inspection. Add comments on problems found and actions taken. Keep these “checked” sheets in you files. The O&M manual shall be kept onsite or at a location that must be disclosed to the City for inspection. The City reserves the right to inspect the O&M manual upon request. 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 2 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 3 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 4 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 5 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 6 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 7 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 8 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 9 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 10 Attachment J 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 9 Attachment J APPENDIX B – MAPS APPENDIX B MAPS 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Maintenance and Operations Manual (7/2015) Page 1 Attachment J APPENDIX C COMPUTER OUTPUTS 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Site Plan (7/2015) Attachment J APPENDIX D REPORTS 13-509 Plateau Estates Preliminary Plat, Enumclaw, WA Stormwater Site Plan (7/2015) Attachment K City of Enumclaw Department of Public Works Water Utility Division CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Purpose: This certificate provides the Community Development Department with information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Applicant: Proposal: Location: Map #: Class: Plateau Estates Subdivision Parcel # 1320069059 B-4 Residential Pressure Zone: 888 CIP Projects: N/A Supply Adequate supply is available for the density that will result from the proposed subdivision. The proposal is for 5 single family lots (1 equivalent residential unit or ERU each). The Comprehensive Water System Plan (CWSP) adopted by the City has fire flow goals that depend upon the density of the development. Single family development has a fire flow goal of 1000 gpm. Currently over 1000 gpm is available at 20 psi in the main in Hansen Street (266th Avenue SE) on the west frontage of the property. Facilities There is an existing 6” looped water main along the Hansen Street frontage of the property. Static pressure in the main is approximately 59 psi. Water service to each proposed lot will be provided from the 6” main in accordance with City standards. Current connection fees are based on the amount of equivalent residential units (ERU) or meter size, whichever is larger as set forth in EMC 14.04.195. The charge for an ERU is currently $3,110. Facility capacity is available subject to the following conditions: There are no conditions related to water supply and facilities for this development. February 6, 2015 Attachment L City of Enumclaw Department of Public Works Wastewater Utility Division CERTIFICATE OF WASTEWATER AVAILABILITY Purpose: This certificate provides the Community Development Department with information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Applicant: Proposal: Location: Map #: Class: Plateau Estates Subdivision Parcel # 1320069059 B-4 Residential Lift Station: McHugh CIP Projects: N/A Wastewater Treatment Adequate wastewater treatment capacity is available for the density that will result from the proposed subdivision. The proposal is for 5 single family lots (1 equivalent residential unit or ERU each). Wastewater Collection There is an existing 8” sewer in Hansen St (266th Ave SE) south of the proposed development that will be extended to serve the proposed development. Wastewater collection capacity is available subject to the following conditions: 1. Sewer system extensions shall be demonstrated to serve future development of upstream properties and maintain a minimum depth of 8-feet, unless otherwise allowed by the City. March 3, 2015 Attachment M Chris Pasinetti To: Subject: Cathy Burbank RE: Enumclaw Project#14069 From: Palisoc, Felixberto [] Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 2:43 PM To: Cathy Burbank Subject: RE: Enumclaw Project#14069 We do not have any comment for this project. Felix Palisoc Local Agency and Development Services Engineer 206-440-4713 WSDOT – NWR 15700 Dayton Ave N PO Box 330310, MS 240 Seattle, WA 98133‐9710 From: Cathy Burbank [] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 8:56 AM To: Century Link-Network Real Estate West; City of Buckley; Department of Fish & Wildlife; Dept of Ecology SEPA; DFW Larry Fisher; DNR; DOE; Enumclaw School District; Randy Fehr; Fred Brune; King Co Housing & Community Development; King Co Road Services Div; Morehead, Tina; King Co Road Services Div; King Co Road Services Div; King County Historic Preservation Program; King County Metro Transit; Local Government Archaeologist; Muckleshoot Archaeologist; Muckleshoot Fisheries Division; Muckleshoot Wildlife Program; PSCE; PSE; Puget Sound Regional Council; WA State Dept of Commerce; Washington State DSHS Lands and Building; WS Parks and Recreations Commission; ORSEPA-Review; Palisoc, Felixberto Subject: Enumclaw Project#14069 Here is a SEPA Determination and Application from City of Enumclaw – Project #14069 Cathy Burbank Community Development 360‐825‐3593 ext 5720 1