1 x 2012 Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah Against the Closet
1 x 2012 Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah Against the Closet
Duke University Press e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection Title List Last updated 2/22/12 Full content included # 1 Some content excluded Excluded titles Offered by UPCC/Project Muse x 2 Publication Year 2012 x 2012 3 x 2012 4 x 2012 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 2012 2012 x x 2012 2012 9 x 2012 10 x 2012 11 x 2012 12 13 x 2012 x 14 2012 x 2012 15 x 2012 16 x 2012 17 x 18 x 2012 19 x 2012 20 x x 2012 2012 21 x 2012 22 x 2012 23 x 2012 24 x 2012 Author Title Against the Closet: Black Political Longing and Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah the Erotics of Race Swift Viewing: The Popular Life of Subliminal Acland, Charles Influence On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Ahmed, Sara Institutional Life Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey, Akcan, Esra and the Modern House Patients of the State: The Politics of Waiting in Auyero, Javier Argentina Darkening Mirrors: Imperial Representation in Batiste, Stephanie Depression-Era African American Performance Bigenho, Michelle Intimate Distance: Andean Music in Japan Queequeg’s Coffin: Indigenous Literacies and Brander Rasmussen,Early Birgit American Literature Somebody’s Children: The Politics of Transracial Briggs, Laura and Transnational Adoption Revolutionary Medicine: Health and the Body in Brotherton, P. Post-Soviet Cuba A Primer for Teaching World History: Ten Design Burton, Antoinette Principles Brazilian Art under Dictatorship: Antonio Calirman, Claudia Manuel, Artur Barrio, and Cildo Meireles Image Matters: Archive, Photography, and the Campt, Tina African Diaspora in Europe Intimate Indigeneities: Race, Sex, and History in Canessa, Andrew the Small Spaces of Andean Life Challenging Social Inequality: The Landless Rural Carter, Miguel, ed. Worker’s Movement and Agrarian Reform in The Already Dead: The New Time of Politics, Cazdyn, Eric Culture, and Illness Long Live Atahualpa: Indigenous Politics, Justice, Cervone, Emma and Democracy in the Northern Andes The Sexual Life of English: Languages of Caste Chandra, Shefali and Desire in Colonial India Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Chen, Mel Queer Affect From Postwar to Postmodern, Art in Japan Chong, Doryun, ed. 1945–1989: Primary Documents The Oriental Obscene: Violence and Racial Chong, Sylvia Fantasies in the Vietnam Era Entanglements, or Transmedial Thinking about Chow, Rey Capture: How a Revolutionary Art Became Official Culture: Coffey, Mary Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State Words of Protest, Words of Freedom: Poetry of Coleman, Jeffrey, ed. the American Civil Rights Movement and Era 25 x 2012 Cruz, Denise Cvetkovich, Ann Transpacific Femininities: The Making of the Modern Filipina 26 x 2012 27 x 2012 28 x 2012 29 x 2012 30 x 2012 31 x 2012 32 x 2012 33 x 2012 34 x 2012 35 x 2012 36 x 2012 37 x 2012 Depression: A Public Feeling Queer Activism in India: A Story in the Dave, Naisargi Anthropology of Ethics Bad Souls: Madness and Responsibility in Davis, Elizabeth Modern Greece How Soon Is Now?: Medieval Texts, Amateur Dinshaw, Carolyn Readers, and the Queerness of Time Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Dumit, Joseph Define Our Health Ethics of Liberation: In the Age of Globalization Dussel, Enrique and Exclusion The Camera as Historian: Amateur Edwards, Elizabeth Photographers and Historical Imagination, Religion and State Formation in Fallaw, Ben Postrevolutionary Mexico: Jazz Cosmopolitanism in Accra: Five Musical Feld, Steven Years in Ghana Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, Feld, Steven and Song in Kaluli Expression, 3rd edition with a All in the Family: On Community and Ferguson, Kennan Incommensurability The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy Fischer, Frank, ed. as Communicative Practice 38 x 2012 Fisher, Melissa 39 x 2012 40 x 2012 41 x 2012 42 x 2012 43 x 2012 44 x 2012 45 x 2012 46 x 2012 47 x 48 x 2012 49 x 2012 Gorski, Philip, ed. Bourdieu and Historical Analysis: Histories of Race and Racism: The Andes and Gotkowitz, Laura, ed. Mesoamerica from Colonial Times to the Present Red Tape: Bureaucracy, Structural Violence, and Gupta, Akhil Poverty in India Post-Industrial Peasants: The Struggle by French Heller, Chaia Farmers Against Genetically Engineered Foods 50 x 2012 Holland, Sharon 51 x 2012 x 2012 Wall Street Women: One Night on TV Is Worth Weeks at the Forman, Murray Paramount: Popular Music on Early Television Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Frederik, Laurie Politics of National Culture in Cuba Prescription TV: Therapeutic Discourse in the Fuqua, Joy Hospital and at Home Producing Bollywood: Inside the Contemporary Ganti, Tejaswini Hindi Film Industry New Approaches to Resistance in Brazil and Gledhill, John, ed. Mexico: Poverty in Common: The Politics of Community Goldstein, Alyosha Action during the American Century Outlawed: Between Security and Rights in a Goldstein, Daniel Bolivian City The Erotic Life of Racism: Go-Go Live: The Musical Life and Death of a Hopkinson, Natalie Chocolate City 52 x 2012 53 x 2012 Aloha America: Hula Circuits through the U.S. Imada, Adria Empire Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Inhorn, Marcia, ed. Histories, Activisms, and Futures 54 x 2012 Jassal, Smita 55 x 2012 Joo, Rachael 56 x 2012 Joseph, Ralina 57 x 2012 Karush, Matthew 58 x 2012 Keaton, Trica, ed. 59 x 2012 Khan, Naveeda 60 x 2012 King, Katie 61 x 2012 Kirksey, Eben 62 x 2012 Knaus, John 63 x 2012 Kolodny, Annette 64 x 2012 Kommers, Donald 65 x 2012 Kun, Josh, ed. 66 x 2012 Lee, Esther, ed. 67 x 2012 68 x 69 x 2012 Lefebvre, Alexandre,Bergson, ed. Politics, and Religion: Chocolate and Corn Flour: History, Race, and Lewis, Laura Place in the Making of “Black” Mexico Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward Livingston, Julie in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic 70 x 2012 71 x 2012 72 x 2012 73 x 2012 74 x 75 76 2012 2012 Loomba, Ania, ed. South Asian Feminisms: The Making of the Middle Class: Toward a López, A., ed. Transnational History When Biometrics Fail: Gender, Race, and the Magnet, Shoshana Technology of Identity The Other Zulus: The Spread of Zulu Ethnicity in Mahoney, Michael Colonial South Africa Decolonizing Native Histories: Collaboration, Mallon, Florencia, ed. Knowledge, and Language in the Americas x 2012 Mankekar, Purnima,Media, ed. Erotics, and Transnational Asia: x 2012 Manning, Erin 77 78 x Unearthing Gender: Folksongs of North India Transnational Sport: Gender, Media, and Global Korea Transcending Blackness: From the New Millennium Mulatta to the Exceptional Culture of Class: Radio and Cinema in the Making of a Divided Argentina, 1920–1946 Black France / France Noire: The History and Politics of Blackness Muslim Becoming: Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan Networked Reenactments: Stories Transdisciplinary Knowledges Tell Freedom in Entangled Worlds: West Papua and the Architecture of Global Power Beyond Shangri-La: America and Tibet's Move into the Twenty-First Century In Search of First Contact: The Vikings of Vinland, the Peoples of the Dawnland, and the AngloThe Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany: Third edition, Revised and Tijuana Dreaming: Life and Art at the Global Border Seven Contemporary Plays from the Korean Diaspora in the Americas: x x x 2012 2012 Always More Than One: Individuation’s Dance Black and Blue: The Bruising Passion of Camera Mavor, Carol Lucida, La Jetée, Sans soleil, and Hiroshima mon Art and Social Movements: Cultural Politics in McCaughan, EdwardMexico and Aztlán 79 x 2012 80 x 2012 81 x 2012 82 x 83 Fevered Measures: Public Health and Race at the Mckiernan-González, Texas-Mexico John Border, 1848–1942 2012 McRuer, Robert, ed.Sex and Disability: The Pariahs of Yesterday: Breton Migrants in Moch, Leslie Paris Contemporary Carioca: Technologies of Mixing in Moehn, Frederick a Brazilian Music Scene x 2012 Moon, Michael 84 x 2012 85 x 2012 86 x 2012 87 x 2012 88 x 2012 89 x 2012 90 x 2012 91 x 2012 Darger’s Resources: Vertical Empire: The General Resettlement of Mumford, Jeremy Indians in the Colonial Andes Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Muraco, Anna Gender and Sexual Orientation Seizing the Means of Reproduction: Murphy, Michelle Entanglements of Feminism, Health, and A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 3: The Naficy, Hamid Islamicate Period, 1978–1984 A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 4: The Naficy, Hamid Globalizing Era, 1984–2010 A Different Light: The Photography of Sebastião Nair, Parvati Salgado The Make-Believe Space: Affective Geography in Navaro-Yashin, Yaela Postwar Polity The Gift of Freedom: War, Debt, and Other Nguyen, Mimi Refugee Passages 92 x 2012 Nishida Kitarō, 93 x 2012 94 x 2012 Ontology of Production: Three Essays The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in Palumbo-Liu, David a Global Age Creativity and Its Discontents: China’s Creative Pang, Laikwan Industries and Intellectual Property Rights 95 x 2012 Parker, Andrew 96 x 2012 97 x 2012 98 x 2012 99 x 2012 100 x 2012 101 x 102 x 103 x 104 x 2012 105 x 2012 x x 2012 2012 x 2012 The Theorist’s Mother: Obeah and Other Powers: The Politics of Paton, Diana, ed. Caribbean Religion and Healing Medicating Race: Heart Disease and Durable Pollock, Anne Preoccupations with Difference Bodies of Information: An Ethnography of Prentice, Rachel Anatomy and Surgery Education Writing across Cultures: Narrative Rama, Angel Transculturation in Latin America The Hermetic Deleuze: Philosophy and Spiritual Ramey, Joshua Ordeal Adiós Muchachos: A Memoir of the Sandinista Ramírez, Sergio Revolution Red Nails, Black Skates: Gender, Cash, and Rand, Erica Pleasure on and off the Ice Beyond the Lettered City: Indigenous Literacies in Rappaport, Joanne the Andes Perpetual War: Cosmopolitanism from the Robbins, Bruce Viewpoint of Violence Barrio Libre: Criminalizing States and Delinquent Rosas, Gilberto Refusals of the New Frontier 106 x 2012 107 x 2012 108 x 2012 Deviations: A Gayle Rubin Reader Trans-Americanity: Subaltern Modernities, Saldívar, José Global Coloniality, and the Cultures of Greater Recording Culture: Powwow Music and the Scales, Christopher Aboriginal Recording Industry on the Northern 109 x 2012 Schulman, Sarah Israel/Palestine and the Queer International: 110 x 2012 Scott, Joan The Fantasy of Feminist History: 111 x 2012 Sedgwick, Eve 112 x 2012 113 x 114 x 2012 115 x 2012 116 x 2012 117 x 2012 The Weather in Proust: Citizenship from Below: Erotic Agency and Sheller, Mimi Caribbean Freedom The Flower and the Scorpion: Sexuality and Ritual Sigal, Pete in Early Nahua Culture Race and Class Struggles on the Middle Ground: Skotnes, Andor Baltimore and Maryland, 1929–1942 Foreign Front: Third World Politics in Sixties West Slobodian, Quinn Germany Unfree Masters: Popular Music and the Politics of Stahl, Matt Work The Passion of Tiger Woods: An Anthropologist Starn, Orin Reports on Golf, Race, and Celebrity Scandal 118 x 2012 Sterne, Jonathan 119 x 2012 120 x 2012 121 x 2012 122 x 2012 123 x 2012 124 x 2012 125 x 2012 126 x 2012 127 x 2012 128 x 2012 MP3: The Meaning of a Format Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics, and Sunder Rajan, Kaushik, Governance ed. in Global Markets Music, Sound, and Technology in America: A Taylor, Timothy, ed.Documentary History of Early Phonograph, Sites of Slavery: Citizenship and Racial Tillet, Salamishah Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Imagination River of Hope: Forging Identity and Nation in the Valerio-Jiménez, Omar Rio Grande Borderlands Pictures and Progress: Early Photography and Wallace, Maurice, ed. the Making of African American Identity Metal Rules the Globe: Heavy Metal Music Wallach, Jeremy, ed.around the World The Mayan in the Mall: Globalization, Way, J. Development, and the Making of Modern Pop When the World Falls Apart: Music in the Weisbard, Eric, ed. Shadow of Doubt Techniques of Pleasure: BDSM and the Circuits of Weiss, Margot Sexuality From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: West, Paige The Social World of Coffee from Papua New 129 x 2012 White, Michele 130 x 2012 Wiegman, Robyn Object Lessons: 131 x 2011 132 x Acland, Charles, ed.Useful Cinema ¡Venceremos?: The Erotics of Black Self-Making Allen, Jafari in Cuba x x 2012 2011 Rubin, Gayle Buy It Now: Lessons from eBay 133 x 2011 134 x 2011 135 x 2011 136 x 2011 137 x 2011 138 x 2011 139 x 2011 140 x 2011 Durham County: A History of Durham County, Anderson, Jean North Carolina Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Anderson, Warwick,Trauma, ed. and Global Sovereignties Nation Writ Small: African Fictions and Andrade, Susan Feminisms, 1958–1988 Past is Present: The Kempner Collection of Antonaccio, Carla, ed. Classical Antiquities at the Nasher Museum Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Armus, Diego Buenos Aires, 1870–1950 Auerbach, JonathanDark Borders: Film Noir and American Citizenship Flying Saucer Rock ‘n’ Roll: Conversations with Austen, Jake, ed. Unjustly Obscure Rock n’ Soul Eccentrics 141 x 2011 142 x 2011 143 x 2011 Avelar, Idelber, ed. Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship Buena Vista in the Club: Rap, Reggaetón, and Baker, Geoffrey Revolution in Havana Designing Culture: The Technological Balsamo, Anne Imagination at Work Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Barker, Joanne Authenticity 144 x 2011 Bennett, James, ed.Television as Digital Media 145 x 2011 Berlant, Lauren 146 x x 2011 Beverley, John 147 x x 2011 148 x x 2011 Latinamericanism after 9/11: Theory and Politics Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Bilbija, Ksenija, ed. Latin America Beyond the Ruins: Cultural Mappings of Havana Birkenmaier, Anke, after ed. 1989 Cruel Optimism 149 x 2011 Bosteels, Bruno Badiou and Politics 150 x 2011 Bowles, John Adrian Piper: Race, Gender, and Embodiment 151 x 2011 Boylan, Alexis, ed. Thomas Kinkade: The Artist in the Mall Reproduction, Globalization, and the State: New Browner, Carole, ed.Theoretical and Ethnographic Perspectives Empire in Question: Reading, Writing, and Burton, Antoinette Teaching British Imperialism 152 x 2011 153 x 2011 154 x 2011 155 x 2011 156 x 2011 157 x 2011 158 x 2011 159 x 2011 Buszek, Maria, ed. Extra/Ordinary: Craft and Contemporary Art Traveling from New Spain to Mexico: Mapping Carrera, Magali Practices of Nineteenth-Century Mexico Affirmative Reaction: New Formations of White Carroll, Hamilton Masculinity Laws of Chance: Brazil’s Clandestine Lottery and Chazkel, Amy the Making of Urban Public Life Ecologies of Comparison: The Endangerment of Choy, Timothy Hong Kong and Other Ecopolitical Conundrums Inequalities of Love: College-Educated Black Clarke, Averil Women and the Barriers to Romance and Family 160 x 2011 161 x 2011 162 x 2011 163 x 2011 164 x 2011 165 x 2011 166 x 2011 167 x 2011 168 x 2011 169 x 2011 170 x 2011 171 x 2011 172 x 2011 173 x 2011 174 x 2011 175 x 2011 Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Clough, Patricia Ticineto, Life and ed.Death Cold War Femme: Lesbianism, National Identity, Corber, Robert and Hollywood Cinema Adam’s Gift: A Memoir of a Pastor’s Calling to Creech, Jimmy Defy the Church’s Persecution of Lesbians and What’s Left of the Left?: Democrats and Social Cronin, James, ed. Democrats in Challenging Times Tacit Subjects: Belonging, Same-Sex Desire, and Decena, Carlos Daily Life among Dominican Immigrant Men Cult of Pharmacology: How America Became the DeGrandpre, Richard World’s Most Troubled Drug Culture Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Delgadillo, Theresa Nation in Contemporary Chicana Narrative Violence in a Time of Liberation: Murder and Donham, Donald Ethnicity at a South African Gold Mine, 1994 Beyond the Sacred Forest: Complicating Dove, Michael, ed. Conservation in Southeast Asia Allure of Labor: Workers, Race, and the Making Drinot, Paulo of the Peruvian State Rock and Roll Always Forgets: A Quarter Century Eddy, Chuck of Music Criticism Birds of Fire: Jazz, Rock, Funk, and the Creation Fellezs, Kevin of Fusion Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers, and Fitting, Elizabeth Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside Limits of Ferocity: Sexual Aggression and Modern Fuchs, Daniel Literary Rebellion Deaths of the Author: Reading and Writing in Gallop, Jane Time Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life Ghodsee, Kristen After Communism 176 x 2011 Ghosh, BishnupriyaGlobal Icons: Apertures to the Popular 177 x 2011 178 x 2011 179 x 2011 Grandin, Greg, ed. Guatemala Reader: History, Culture, Politics Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Grosz, Elizabeth Politics, and Art Unspeakable Violence: Narratives of Mourning Guidotti-Hernández,and Nicole Loss in Chicana/o and U.S. Mexico National 180 x 2011 Halberstam, Judith Queer Art of Failure 181 x 2011 Halley, Janet, ed. 182 x 2011 183 x 2011 184 x 2011 185 x 2011 Hames-García, Michael, Gay Latino ed. Studies: A Critical Reader Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Harding, Sandra, ed.Reader Ruins of the New Argentina: Peronism and the Healey, Mark Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Hemmings, Clare Feminist Theory Spectacular Rhetorics: Human Rights Visions, Hesford, Wendy Recognitions, Feminisms 186 x 2011 After Sex?: On Writing since Queer Theory 187 x 188 x 2011 189 x 2011 190 x 2011 191 x 2011 Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Hetherington, KreggNeoliberal Paraguay Cultures in Contact: World Migrations in the Hoerder, Dirk Second Millennium Migrants and Migration in Modern North Hoerder, Dirk, ed. America: Cross-Border Lives, Labor Markets, and War Machines: Young Men and Violence in Sierra Hoffman, Danny Leone and Liberia Private Bodies, Public Texts: Race, Gender, and a Holloway, Karla Cultural Bioethics 192 x 2011 Holt, John, ed. 193 x 2011 Hong, Grace, ed. 194 x 2011 Hunt, Swanee 195 x 2011 Hurley, Adrienne 196 x 2011 Ivaska, Andrew 197 x 2011 Jackson, Michael 198 x 2011 199 x 2011 200 x 2011 Life Within Limits: Well-being in a World of Want Working Out Egypt: Effendi Masculinity and Jacob, Wilson Subject Formation in Colonial Modernity, Globalizing Afghanistan: Terrorism, War, and the Jalalzai, Zubeda, ed.Rhetoric of Nation-Building Workshop of Revolution: Plebeian Buenos Aires Johnson, Lyman and the Atlantic World, 1776–1810 2011 Jones, Kellie 201 x x 2011 Sri Lanka Reader: History, Culture, Politics Strange Affinities: The Gender and Sexual Politics of Comparative Racialization Worlds Apart: The Bosnian Case in Pursuit of Global Security Revolutionary Suicide and Other Desperate Measures: Narratives of Youth and Violence from Cultured States: Youth, Gender, and Modern Style in 1960s Dar es Salaam 202 x 2011 203 x 2011 EyeMinded: Living and Writing Contemporary Art Monumental Matters: The Power, Subjectivity, Kavuri-Bauer, Santhiand Space of India’s Mughal Architecture One and the Many: Agency in Contemporary Kester, Grant Collaborative Art 204 x 2011 Kim, Kyung Virtual Hallyu: Korean Cinema of the Global Era 205 x 2011 Kirby, Vicki 206 x 2011 Klopotek, Brian Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large Recognition Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race, and Federal Tribal Recognition Policy in Three 207 x 2011 Lionnet, Françoise, ed. Creolization of Theory 208 x 2011 Longinović, TomislavVampire Nation: Violence as Cultural Imaginary 2011 Lowy, Benjamin 209 x 210 x 2011 211 x 2011 212 x 2011 213 x 2011 Iraq | Perspectives Below the Line: Producers and Production Studies Mayer, Vicki in the New Television Economy Sojourning for Freedom: Black Women, American McDuffie, Erik Communism, and the Making of Black Left Creative License: The Law and Culture of Digital McLeod, Kembrew Sampling Cutting Across Media: Appropriation Art, McLeod, Kembrew,Interventionist ed. Collage, and Copyright Law 214 x 2011 215 x 2011 216 x 2011 217 x 2011 218 x 2011 219 x 2011 Shakesqueer: A Queer Companion to the Menon, Madhavi, ed. Complete Works of Shakespeare Darker Side of Western Modernity: Global Mignolo, Walter Futures, Decolonial Options 221 x 2011 222 x 2011 223 x 2011 224 x 2011 Mirzoeff, Nicholas Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality Border Dilemmas: Racial and National Mora, Anthony Uncertainties in New Mexico, 1848–1912 Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness: Moraga, Cherríe Writings, 2000–2010 Musical Echoes: South African Women Thinking Muller, Carol Ann in Jazz Artisanal Cinema: Silent and Early Sound Naficy, Hamid Cinemas, 1897–1941 Industrializing National Cinema: Popular Naficy, Hamid (Filmfarsi?) and New-Wave Films, 1941–1979 Securing the City: Neoliberalism, Space, and O’Neill, Kevin, ed. Insecurity in Postwar Guatemala Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the Palumbo-Liu, David,World: ed. System, Scale, Culture On Science, Liars, and Deniers: A Primer on Pilkey, Orrin H. Global Climate Change 225 x 2011 Polan, Dana 226 x 2011 227 x 2011 228 x 2011 229 x 2011 230 x 2011 231 x 2011 232 x 2011 233 x 2011 234 x 2011 Julia Child’s “The French Chef” Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia: Pollock, Sheldon, ed. Explorations in the Intellectual History of India Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging Povinelli, Elizabeth and Endurance in Late Liberalism Reigning the River: Urban Ecologies and Political Rademacher, Anne Transformation in Kathmandu Appropriately Indian: Gender and Culture in a Radhakrishnan, Smitha New Transnational Class Between the Guerrillas and the State: The Ramírez, María Cocalero Movement, Citizenship, and Identity in Terrifying Muslims: Race and Labor in the South Rana, Junaid Asian Diaspora Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the Reddy, Chandan U.S. State Second Wounds: Victims’ Rights and the Media Rentschler, Carrie in the United States Real Folks: Race and Genre in the Great Retman, Sonnet Depression 2011 Rose, Jacqueline 2011 Saikia, Yasmin 2011 Salomon, Frank 220 x 235 2011 x 236 x 237 x 238 x 2011 Sanal, Aslihan 239 x 2011 Sharma, Jayeeta 240 x x x 2011 Jacqueline Rose Reader Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971 Lettered Mountain: A Peruvian Village’s Way with Writing New Organs Within Us: Transplants and the Moral Economy Empire’s Garden: Assam in the Making of India Venezuela’s Bolivarian Democracy: Participation, Smilde, David, ed. Politics, and Culture under Chávez 242 x 243 x 2011 244 x 2011 245 x 246 x 247 x 248 x 2011 Enacting Others: Politics of Identity in Eleanor Smith, Cherise Antin, Nikki S. Lee, Adrian Piper, and Anna People of Faith: Slavery and African Catholics in Soares, Mariza Eighteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Tagliacozzo, Eric, ed.Networks in Southeast Asia Soldiers’ Stories: Military Women in Cinema and Tasker, Yvonne Television since World War II Exceptional Violence: Embodied Citizenship in Thomas, Deborah Transnational Jamaica Beautiful Generation: Asian Americans and the Tu, Thuy Cultural Economy of Fashion Making a New World: Founding Capitalism in the Tutino, John Bajío and Spanish North America Problem With Work: Feminism, Marxism, AntiWeeks, Kathi Work Politics, and Post-Work Imaginaries 249 x 2011 Yano, Christine 250 x 2011 Zavella, Patricia 251 x 2011 Zilberg, Elana 252 x 2010 Abadie, Roberto 253 x 2010 Abélès, Marc 254 x 2010 Adams, Laura 255 x 2010 Ahmed, Sara 256 x 2010 257 x 2010 258 x 2010 259 x 2010 Arias, Enrique Desmond; Violent Goldstein, Democracies Daniel in Latin M. America Twilight of Impunity: The War Crimes Trial of Armatta, Judith Slobodan Milosevic The Heavens on Earth: Observatories and Aubin, David; Bigg, Charlotte; AstronomySibum, in Nineteenth-Century H. Otoot Science and 260 x 2010 Baker, Lee D. 261 x 2010 Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture Becoming Imperial Citizens: Indians in the LateBanerjee, Sukanya Victorian Empire 241 x 2011 x x 2011 2011 2011 x 2011 Airborne Dreams I’m Neither Here nor There: Mexicans’ Quotidian Struggles with Migration and Poverty Gangster, Cop, Soldier, Spy: The Many Faces of Transnational Violence between Los Angeles and The Professional Guinea Pig: Big Pharma and the Risky World of Human Subjects The Politics of Survival The Spectacular State: Culture and National Identity in Uzbekistan The Promise of Happiness ‘So Much Wasted’: Hunger, Performance, and Anderson, Patrick the Morbidity of Resistance 262 x 2010 Barker, Adele; Grant, The Bruce Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics 263 x 2010 264 x 2010 Bažant, Jan; Bažantová, The Czech Nina; Starn, Reader: Frances History, Culture, Politics Crash: Cinema and the Politics of Speed and Beckman, Karen Stasis 265 x 2010 Bennett, Jane 266 x 2010 Blaser, Mario 2010 Booth, Marilyn 267 x Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond Harem Histories: Envisioning Places and Living Spaces 268 x 269 2010 x 2010 270 x 2010 271 x 2010 272 x 2010 273 x 2010 Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Braester, Yomi Urban Contract Child of the Fire: Mary Edmonia Lewis and the Buick, Kirsten Pai Problem of Art History’s Black and Indian Subject Into the Archive: Writing and Power in Colonial Burns, Kathryn Peru Searching for Africa in Brazil: Power and Capone, Stefania Tradition in Candomblé 275 x 2010 276 x 2010 Chen, Kuan-Hsing Asia as Method: Towards De-Imperialization Cosmologies of Credit: Transnational Mobility Chu, Julie and the Politics of Destination in China Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health, and Clarke, Adele; Mamo, Illness Laura; in the Fosket, U.S. Jennifer; Fishman, Jennifer; Shim, Janet The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Cole, Andrew; Smith, Unwritten D. VanceHistory of Theory Bring on the Books for Everybody: How Literary Collins, Jim Culture Became Popular Culture 277 x 2010 Comer, Krista 278 x 2010 279 x 2010 280 x 2010 281 x 2010 282 x 2010 Connolly, William A World of Becoming New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Coole, Diana; Frost,Politics Samantha Hotel Trópico: Brazil and the Challenge of African Dávila, Jerry Decolonization, 1950–1980 The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, De Genova, Nicholas; and Peutz, the Freedom Nathalieof Movement Queering the Public Sphere in Mexico and Brazil: de la Dehesa, RafaelSexual Rights Movements in Emerging 283 x 2010 Dean, Carolyn 284 x 2010 285 x 2010 286 x 2010 287 x 2010 288 x 2010 289 x 2010 290 x 2010 291 x 2010 292 x 2010 293 x 2010 294 x 2010 274 x 2010 Surfer Girls in the New World Order A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives On/In Rock Crossing Borders, Claiming a Nation: A History of Deutsch, Sandra Argentine Jewish Women, 1880–1955 The Empire’s Old Clothes: What the Lone Ranger, Dorfman, Ariel Babar, and Other Innocent Heroes Do to Our Che’s Travels: The Making of a Revolutionary in Drinot, Paulo 1950s Latin America Absolute Erotic, Absolute Grotesque: The Living, Driscoll, Mark Dead, and Undead in Japan’s Imperialism, Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery Edmonds, Alexanderin Brazil In the Name of El Pueblo: Place, Community, and Eiss, Paul the Politics of History in Yucatán The Feeling of Kinship: Queer Liberalism and the Eng, David Racialization of Intimacy The Elusive Promise of Indigenous Development: Engle, Karen Rights, Culture, and the Dilemmas of Strategy In the Name of Humanity: Government and the Feldman, Ilana; Ticktin, Threat Miriam of Care Who Can Stop the Drums?: Urban Social Fernandes, Sujatha Movements in Chávez’s Venezuela Transatlantic Fascism: Ideology, Violence, and Finchelstein, Federico the Sacred in Argentina and Italy, 1919-1945 Wrestling with the Left: The Making of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man Projections of Power: The United States and Europe in Colonial Southeast Asia, 1919–1941 Constituent Moments: Enacting the People in Postrevolutionary America 295 x 2010 Foley, Barbara 296 x 2010 Foster, Anne L. 297 x 2010 Frank, Jason 298 x 2010 Freeman, Elizabeth Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories 2010 Fregoso, Rosa-Linda;Terrorizing Bejarano,Women: Cynthia Feminicide in the Americas The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Garvey, Marcus Improvement Association Papers, Volume XI: The Indelible Inequalities in Latin America: Insights Gootenberg, Paul; Reygadas, from History, LuisPolitics, and Culture Breast Cancer Recurrence and Advanced Disease: Gordon, Barbara; Shaw, Comprehensive Heather S.;Expert Kroll, David Guidance J.; Daniel, Brooke R. A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Grandin, Greg; Joseph, Counterinsurgent Gilbert M. Violence during Latin We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Green, James Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United 299 x 300 x 2010 301 x 2010 302 x 2010 303 x 2010 304 x 2010 305 x 2010 313 x 2010 314 x 2010 315 x 2010 316 x 2010 317 x 2010 318 x 2010 Gregg, Melissa; Seigworth, The Affect Gregory TheoryJ. Reader We All Want to Change the World: The Grossberg, Lawrence Intellectual Labor of Cultural Studies Between Race and Place: Blacks and Blackness in Gudmundson, Lowell; Central Wolfe, America Justin Houses in a Landscape: Memory and Everyday Hendon, Julia Life in Mesoamerica Over There: Living with the U.S. Military Empire Hohn, Maria; Moon,from Seungsook World War II to the Present Hybrid Constitutions: Challenging Legacies of Hsueh, Vicki Law, Privilege, and Culture in Colonial America The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in Jimenez Roman, Miriam; the United Flores, States Juan Bridging National Borders in North America: Johnson, Benjamin;Transnational Graybill, Andrew andR.Comparative Histories Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth Century Karl, Rebecca World: A Concise History The New Cultural History of Peronism: Power and Karush, Matthew; Chamosa, Identity inOscar Mid-Twentieth-Century Argentina The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Keller, Evelyn Fox Nurture Adopted Territory: Transnational Korean Kim, Eleana Adoptees and the Politics of Kinship and Lost in Translation: Orientalism, Cinema, and the King, Homay Enigmatic Signifier A Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of His Arm a Kumar, Amitava Tiny Bomb 319 x 2010 Kumar, Amitava Nobody Does the Right Thing: A Novel 320 x 2010 Kusch, Rodolfo 321 x 2010 Kusno, Abidin Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in 306 x 2010 307 x 2010 308 x 2010 309 x 2010 310 x 2010 311 x 2010 312 x 2010 322 x 323 x 2010 Lacy, Suzanne 2010 Latour, Bruno Leaving Art: Writings on Performance, Politics, and Publics, 1974-2007 On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies Leung, Angela; Furth, and Charlotte Publics in the Long Twentieth Century Crafting Mexico: Intellectuals, Artisans, and the López, Rick State after the Revolution Scripted Affects, Branded Selves: Television, Lukács, Gabriella Subjectivity, and Capitalism in 1990s Japan Manufacturing Modern Japanese Literature: Mack, Edward Publishing, Prizes, and the Ascription of Literary Backward Glances: Contemporary Chinese Martin, Fran Cultures and the Female Homoerotic Imaginary 324 x 2010 325 x 2010 326 x 2010 327 x 2010 328 x 2010 329 x 2010 330 x 2010 331 x 2010 McClennen, SophiaAriel Dorfman: An Aesthetics of Hope Arrested Histories: Tibet, the CIA, and Memories McGranahan, Caroleof a Forgotten War Segregating Sound: Inventing Folk and Pop Music Miller, Karl Hagstrom in the Age of Jim Crow 2010 Miyoshi, Masao 2010 Moten, Fred 332 333 x x 334 x 2010 335 x 2010 336 x 2010 337 x 2010 338 x 2010 339 x 2010 340 x 2010 341 x 2010 342 x 2010 343 x 2010 344 x 2010 345 x 2010 346 x 2010 347 x 2010 348 x 2010 Trespasses: Selected Writings B Jenkins A Certain Age: Colonial Jakarta through the Mrázek, Rudolf Memories of Its Intellectuals City of Extremes: The Spatial Politics of Murray, Martin Johannesburg The Republic of Therapy: Biopolitics Before and Nguyen, Vinh-Kim After Antiretrovirals in French West Africa and A Flock Divided: Race, Religion, and Politics in O’Hara, Matthew Mexico, 1749–1857 Ong, Aihwa; Chen, Nancy Asian Biotech: N. Ethics and Communities of Fate The Tyranny of Opinion: Honor in the Piccato, Pablo Construction of the Mexican Public Sphere Pinho, Patricia de Santana Mama Africa: Reinventing Blackness in Bahia The Problem of the Future World: W.E.B. Du Bois Porter, Eric and the Race Concept at Mid-Century The Goddess and the Nation: Mapping Mother Ramaswamy, Sumathi India Competing Kingdoms: Women, Mission, Nation, Reeves-Ellington, Barbara; and theSklar, American Kathryn Protestant Kish; Shemo, Empire, Connie 1812–1960 A. An Epistemology of the Concrete: TwentiethRheinberger, Hans-Jörg Century Histories of Life Pink Noises: Women on Electronic Music and Rodgers, Tara Sound Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, Aversions, and the Roy, Parama Postcolonial Points on the Dial: Golden Age Radio beyond the Russo, Alexander Networks I’m Black When I’m Singing, I’m Blue When I Sanchez, Sonia Ain’t and Other Plays by Sonia Sanchez 2010 A Mother’s Cry: A Memoir of Politics, Prison, and Sattamini, Lina Torture under the Brazilian Military Dictatorship The Indians of Europe: Producing Racial Seth, Vanita Difference, 1500–1900 In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Shah, Alpa Environmentalism, and Insurgency in Jharkhand, Hip Hop Desis: South Asian Americans, Blackness, Sharma, Nitasha and a Global Race Consciousness Monstrous Intimacies: Making Post-Slavery Sharpe, Christina Subjects Stacey, Jackie 349 x 2010 350 x 2010 351 x 2010 352 x 2010 353 x 354 x 2010 371 x 2009 372 x 2009 373 x 2009 The Cinematic Life of the Gene Babylon East: Performing Dancehall, Roots Sterling, Marvin D. Reggae, and Rastafari in Japan Reckoning with Pinochet: The Memory Question Stern, Steve J. in Democratic Chile, 1989–2006 Correspondence Course: An Epistolary History of Stiles, Kristine Carolee Schneemann and Her Circle Refracted Visions: Popular Photography and Strassler, Karen National Modernity in Java Thiefing Sugar: Eroticism between Women in Tinsley, Omise'eke Caribbean Literature A White Side of Black Britain: Interracial Intimacy Twine, France Winddance and Racial Literacy Satan’s Playground: Mobsters and Movie Stars Vanderwood, Paul J.at America’s Greatest Gaming Resort Strange Enemies: Indigenous Agency and Scenes Vilaça, Aparecida of Encounters in Amazonia Cities Surround the Countryside: Urban Visser, Robin Aesthetics in Post-Socialist China Un/common Cultures: Racism and the Visweswaran, Kamala Rearticulation of Cultural Difference African Rhythms: The Autobiography of Randy Weston, Randy Weston Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Widener, Daniel Los Angeles Red, White, and Black: Cinema and the Structure Wilderson III, Frankof U.S. Antagonisms The Apartment Plot: Urban Living in American Wojcik, Pamela Film and Popular Culture, 1945 to 1975 This Land Is Ours Now: Social Mobilization and Wolford, Wendy the Meanings of Land in Brazil Baroque New Worlds: Representation, Zamora, Lois Parkinson; Transculturation, Kaup, MonikaCounterconquest Intimate University: Korean American Students Abelmann and the Problems of Segregation Making of a Human Bomb: An Ethnography of Abufarha Palestinian Resistance Indigenous Development in the Andes: Culture, Andolina Power, and Transnationalism 355 x 2010 356 x 2010 2009 Anzaldúa 2009 Arondekar 357 x 2010 358 x 2010 359 x 2010 360 x 2010 361 x 2010 362 x 2010 363 x 2010 364 x 2010 365 x 2010 366 x 2010 367 x 2010 368 x 2010 369 x 2010 370 x 374 375 2010 x x Gloria Anzaldúa Reader For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India Black and Green: Afro-Colombians, Development, and Nature in the Pacific Lowlands Provocative Joan Robinson: The Making of a Cambridge Economist 376 x 2009 Asher 377 x 2009 Aslanbeigui 378 x 2009 Bauer 379 x 2009 Baum 380 x 2009 Berger 381 x 2009 Berland 382 x 2009 Birla 383 x 2009 Biron 384 x 2009 Boer 385 x 2009 Brown 386 x 2009 Camiscioli 387 x 2009 Carter 388 x 2009 Charters 389 x 2009 Cheah 390 x 2009 Clarke 391 x 2009 Cohen 392 x 2009 Crichlow 393 x 2009 Dean 394 x 2009 Dent 395 x 2009 Derby 396 x 2009 Duffy 397 x 2009 Fikes 398 x 2009 Fischer 399 x 2009 Fisher Anthropological Futures Imperial Subjects: Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America 400 x 2009 Gluck Words in Motion 401 x 2009 Goodchild 402 x 2009 Gustafson Theology of Money New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Search for the Codex Cardona Racially Writing the Republic: Racists, Race Rebels, and Transformations of American Holiday in Mexico: Essays on Tourism and Tourist Encounters North of Empire: Essays on the Cultural Technologies of Space Stages of Capital: Law, Culture, and Market Governance in Late Colonial India City/Art: The Urban Scene in Latin America Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes Art for a Modern India, 1947–1980 Embodying the French Race: Immigration, Intimacy, and Embodiment in the Early Choosing to Lead: Understanding Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs Language of Song: Journeys in the Musical World of the African Diaspora Derrida and the Time of the Political Emergence and Embodiment: New Essays on Second-Order Systems Theory Body Worth Defending: Immunity, BioPolitics, and the Apotheosis of the Modern Body Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics River of Tears: Country Music, Memory, and Modernity in Brazil Dictator’s Seduction: Politics and the Popular Imagination in the Era of Trujillo Speed Handbook: Velocity, Pleasure, Modernism Managing African Portugal: The Citizen-Migrant Distinction 403 x 2009 Guy 404 x 2009 Hallas Women Build the Welfare State: Performing Charity and Creating Rights in Argentina, Reframing Bodies: AIDS, Bearing Witness, and the Queer Moving Image 405 x 2009 Hell Ruins of Modernity 2009 Hellwig Indonesia Reader: History, Culture, Politics Inherent Vice: Bootleg Histories of Videotape and Copyright 406 x 407 x 2009 Hilderbrand 408 x 2009 Hillis 409 x 2009 Hinderliter Online a Lot of the Time: Ritual, Fetish, Sign Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics in Practice 410 x 2009 Hinton Genocide: Truth, Memory, and Representation 411 x 2009 Ho 412 x 2009 Hutchinson 413 x 2009 Jackson 414 x 2009 Jaquette 415 x 2009 Johnson 416 x 2009 Kawashima 417 x 2009 Kiss 418 x 2009 Laderman 419 x 2009 Langer 420 x 2009 Lawrence 421 x 2009 Lim 422 x 2009 Litvak 423 x 2009 Lorentzen 424 x 2009 Lukose 425 x 2009 Maira 426 x 2009 Majumdar 427 x 2009 Martínez Peláez Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street Indian Craze: Primitivism, Modernism, and Transculturation in American Art, 1890–1915 Palm at the End of the Mind: Relatedness, Religiosity, and the Real Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America Hitting the Brakes: Engineering Design and the Production of Knowledge Proletarian Gamble: Korean Workers in Interwar Japan Debating Moral Education: Rethinking the Role of the Modern University Tours of Vietnam: War, Travel Guides, and Memory Expecting Pears from an Elm Tree: Franciscan Missions on the Chiriguano Frontier in the Heart Hold On to Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Music Scene, 1973-1992 Translating Time: Cinema, the Fantastic, and Temporal Critique Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture Religion at the Corner of Bliss and Nirvana: Politics, Identity, and Faith in New Migrant Liberalization’s Children: Gender, Youth, and Consumer Citizenship in Globalizing India Missing: Youth, Citizenship, and Empire after 9/11 Marriage and Modernity: Family Values in Bengali History La Patria del Criollo: An Interpretation of Colonial Guatemala 428 x 2009 Mayer 429 x 2009 McCrossen Ugly Stories of the Peruvian Agrarian Reform Land of Necessity: Consumer Culture in the United States-Mexico Borderlands 430 x 2009 McGillivray 431 x 2009 McIntosh 432 x 2009 Meskell 433 x 2009 Milanich 434 x 2009 Miller 435 x 2009 Miller-Idriss 436 x 2009 Mookerjea 437 x 2009 Morgan 2009 Morris 438 x Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868–1959 Edge of Islam: Power, Personhood, and Ethnoreligious Boundaries on the Kenya Coast Cosmopolitan Archaeologies Children of Fate: Childhood, Class, and the State in Chile, 1850–1930 Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity Blood and Culture: Youth, Right-Wing Extremism, and National Belonging in Contemporary Canadian Cultural Studies : A Reader Real Hiphop: Battling for Knowledge, Power, and Respect in the Underground Photographies East: The Camera and Its Histories in East and Southeast Asia Looking for Mexico: Modern Visual Culture and National Identity Homophobias: Lust and Loathing across Time and Space Labor of Job: The Biblical Text as a Parable of Human Labor 439 x 2009 Mraz 440 x 2009 Murray 441 x 2009 Negri 442 x 2009 Nelson 443 x 2009 Page Reckoning: The Ends of War in Guatemala Crisis and Capitalism in Contemporary Argentine Cinema 444 x 2009 Panagia Political Life of Sensation 445 x 2009 Pandian 446 x 2009 Paredez Crooked Stalks: Cultivating Virtue in South India Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory 447 x 2009 Paris Religion and Poverty: Pan-African Perspectives 448 x 2009 Pfister 449 x 2009 Pinn Yale Indian: The Education of Henry Roe Cloud Creating Ourselves: African Americans and Hispanic Americans on Cultural Production and 450 x 2009 Polan 451 x 2009 Race 452 x 2009 Rai 453 x 2009 Ramírez Sopranos Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs Untimely Bollywood: Globalization and India’s New Media Assemblage Woman in the Zoot Suit: Gender, Nationalism, and the Cultural Politics of Memory 454 x 2009 Rivera Reggaeton 455 x 2009 Rockhill 456 x 2009 Rodríguez Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics Mourning the Nation: Indian Cinema in the Wake of Partition Decade of Negative Thinking: Essays on Art, Politics, and Daily Life 457 x 2009 Sarkar 458 x 2009 Schor 459 x 2009 460 x 2009 461 x 2009 462 x 2009 463 x 2009 464 x 2009 465 x 2009 466 x 2009 467 x 2009 468 x 2009 Schweppenhäuser Theodor W. Adorno: An Introduction Uneven Encounters: Making Race and Nation in Seigel Brazil and the United States Chocolate and Other Writings on Male Sharma Homoeroticism Now Is the Time!: Detroit Black Politics and Shaw Grassroots Activism Japan’s Holy War: The Ideology of Radical Shintō Skya Ultranationalism South Koreans in the Debt Crisis: The Creation of Song a Neoliberal Welfare Society Jungle Laboratories: Mexican Peasants, National Soto Laveaga Projects, and the Making of the Pill Queer Child, or Growing Sideways in the Stockton Twentieth Century Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Surin Order Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience Tadiar and the Makings of Globalization 469 x 2009 Tansman 470 x 2009 Taussig 471 x 2009 Taylor 472 x 2009 Tinker Salas 473 x 2009 Tourgée 474 x 2009 Verstraete 475 x 2009 Wacquant 476 x 2009 Walkowitz 477 x 2009 Weber 478 x 2009 Wegner 479 x 2009 Wells 480 x 2009 Whitney 2009 Williams 481 x 482 x 2009 Woodard 483 x 2009 Woodward Culture of Japanese Fascism Ordinary Genomes: Science, Citizenship, and Genetic Identities Environment and the People in American Cities, 1600s–1900s Enduring Legacy: Oil, Culture, and Society in Venezuela Bricks Without Straw: A Novel Tracking Europe: Mobility, Diaspora, and the Politics of Location Punishing the Poor: The New Government of Social Insecurity Contested Histories in Public Space: Memory, Race, and Nation Makeover TV: Selfhood, Citizenship, and Celebrity Life Between Two Deaths: U.S. Culture, 1989–2001 Tropical Zion: General Trujillo, FDR, and the Jews of Sosúa Mobilizing Youth: Communists and Catholics in Interwar France Alaska Native Reader: History, Culture, Politics Place in Politics: São Paulo, Brazil, from Seigneurial Republicanism to Regionalist Revolt Statistical Panic: Cultural Politics and Poetics of the Emotions 484 x 2009 Wright-Rios 485 x 2009 Zhan 486 x 2008 Adinolfi 487 x 2008 Baker 488 x 2008 Becker 489 x 2008 Beckman 490 x 2008 Berlant 491 x 2008 Birth 2008 Blake 2008 Brody 2008 Brown 492 493 x x 494 x Revolutions in Mexican Catholicism: Reform and Revelation in Oaxaca, 1887–1934 Other-Worldly: Making Chinese Medicine through Transnational Frames Mondo Exotica: Sounds, Visions, Obsessions of the Cocktail Generation Imposing Harmony: Music and Society in Colonial Cuzco Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements Still Moving: Between Cinema and Photography Female Complaint: The Unfinished Business of Sentimentality in American Culture Bacchanalian Sentiments: Musical Experiences and Political Counterpoints in Trinidad Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art Punctuation: Art, Politics, and Play Babylon Girls: Race Mimicry, Black Chorus Line Dancers, and the Modern Body In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement Against Production Culture: Industrial Reflexivity and Critical Practice in Film and Television New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition 495 x 2008 Bumiller 496 x 2008 Caldwell 497 x 2008 Campbell 498 x 2008 Carrillo Rowe 499 x 2008 Carter 500 x 2008 Cartwright 501 x 2008 Castiglia 502 x 2008 Cattelino 503 x 2008 Chambers 504 x 2008 Child 505 x 2008 Chomsky Power Lines: On the Subject of Feminist Alliances Quality of Home Runs: The Passion, Politics, and Language of Cuban Baseball Moral Spectatorship: Technologies of Voice and Affect in Postwar Representations of the Child Interior States: Institutional Consciousness and the Inner Life of Democracy in the Antebellum High Stakes: Florida Seminole Gaming and Sovereignty Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity Miniature Messages: The Semiotics and Politics of Latin American Postage Stamps Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class 506 x 2008 Connolly Capitalism and Christianity, American Style 2008 de la Torre 507 508 x 2008 Doyle Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics Freedom’s Empire: Race and the Rise of the Novel in Atlantic Modernity, 1640–1940 509 x 2008 Dussel Twenty Theses on Politics 2008 Dwyer Agrarian Dispute 510 x x 511 x 2008 Earle 512 x 2008 Ermakoff 2008 Escobar 513 x 514 x 2008 Espinosa 515 x 2008 Eyerman 516 x 2008 Eze 517 x 2008 Fabian 518 x 2008 Faubion 519 x 2008 Feldman 2008 Field 520 x 521 x 2008 Finnström 522 x 2008 Frader 2008 Gabara 2008 Glave 523 x 524 x Return of the Native: Indians and Myth-Making in Spanish America, 1810–1930 Ruling Oneself Out: A Theory of Collective Abdications Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes Mexican American Religions: Spirituality, Activism, and Culture Assassination of Theo van Gogh: From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma On Reason: Rationality in a World of Cultural Conflict and Racism Ethnography as Commentary: Writing from the Virtual Archive Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917–1967 Abalone Tales: Collaborative Explorations of Sovereignty and Identity in Native California Living with Bad Surroundings: War, History, and Everyday Moments in Northern Uganda Breadwinners and Citizens: Gender in the Making of the French Social Model Errant Modernism: The Ethos of Photography in Mexico and Brazil Our Caribbean: A Gathering of Lesbian and Gay Writing from the Antilles American Empire and the Politics of Meaning: Elite Political Cultures in the Philippines and To Rise in Darkness: Revolution, Repression, and Memory in El Salvador, 1920–1932 Countering Development: Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination Wandering Signifier: Rhetoric of ‘Jewishness’ in the Latin American Imaginary 525 x 2008 Go 526 x 2008 Gould 527 x 2008 Gow 528 x 2008 Graff Zivin 529 x 2008 Grieveson 530 x 2008 Harding Inventing Film Studies Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities 531 x 2008 Hartley Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change 532 x 2008 Hearn 533 x 2008 Heckman 534 x 2008 Heinrich 535 x 2008 Hershfield 536 x 2008 Hill 537 x 2008 Hill Cuba: Religion, Social Capital, and Development Small World: Smart Houses and the Dream of the Perfect Day Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body between China and the West Imagining la Chica Moderna: Women, Nation, and Visual Culture in Mexico, 1917–1936 Men, Mobs, and Law: Anti-Lynching and Labor Defense in U.S. Radical History National History and the World of Nations: Negotiations of Space and Time in Japan, France, Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections between African Americans and Other Cities, Other Worlds: Urban Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age 538 x 2008 Ho 539 x 2008 Huyssen 540 x 2008 Jakobsen 541 x 2008 542 x 2008 543 x 2008 544 x 2008 545 x 2008 546 x 2008 547 x 2008 548 x 2008 549 x 2008 550 x 2008 551 x 2008 552 x 2008 553 x 2008 554 x 2008 555 x 2008 556 x 2008 557 x 2008 558 x 2008 Secularisms Networking Futures: The Movements against Juris Corporate Globalization Fixing sex: Intersex, medical authority, and lived Karkazis experience Hawaiian Blood: Colonialism and the Politics of Kauanui Indigeneity and Sovereignty Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Kelty Software New Type of Womanhood: Social Movement and Kraus Discursive Politics in Antebellum America Domination Without Dominance: Inca-Spanish Lamana Encounters in Early Colonial Peru Signal and Noise: Media, Infrastructure, and Larkin Urban Culture in Nigeria El Alto, Rebel City: Self and Citizenship in Andean Lazar Bolivia Circulation of Children: Kinship, Mobility, and Leinaweaver Morality in Ayacucho The World of Lucha Libre: Secrets, Revelations, Levi and Mexican National Identity Translating Empire: José Marti, Migrant Latino Lomas Subjects and American Modernities Waves of Decolonization: Discourses of Race and Luis-Brown Hemispheric Citizenship in Cuba, Mexico, and the Unsettled Visions: Contemporary Asian American Machida, Margo Artists and the Social Imaginary Mexican American Mojo: Popular Music, Dance, Macías, Anthony and Urban Culture in Los Angeles, 1935–1968 Against War: Views from the Underside of Maldonado-Torres Modernity Cosmopolitan Anxieties: Turkish Challenges to Mandel Citizenship and Belonging in Germany Crucible of Conflict: Tamil and Muslim Society on McGilvray the East Coast of Sri Lanka Creating Our Own: Folklore, Performance, and Mendoza Identity in Cuzco, Peru 2008 Milburn 2008 Miller 2008 Moraña 559 560 x x 561 x 562 x 2008 Morris 563 x 2008 Mottahedeh 564 x 2008 Nelson Nanovision: Engineering the Future French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate Have I Reasons: Work and Writings, 1993–2007 Displaced Allegories: Iranian Cinema in the 1980s and 90s Dancing with the Dead: Memory, Performance and Everyday Life in Postwar Okinawa 565 x 2008 Nuttall 566 x 2008 Packer 567 x 2008 Padilla 568 x 2008 Pickering 569 x 2008 Pitarch 570 x 2008 Price Johannesburg: The Elusive Metropolis Mobility without Mayhem: Safety, Cars, and Citizenship Rural Resistance in the Land of Zapata: The Jaramillista Movement and the Myth of the PaxMangle in Practice: Science, Society, and Becoming Human Rights in the Maya Region: Global Politics, Cultural Contentions, and Moral Anthropological Intelligence: The Deployment and Neglect of American Anthropology in the 571 x 2008 Radhakrishnan History, the Human, and the World Between 572 x 2008 Rosen 573 x 2008 Rotman 574 x 2008 Russell Empire and Dissent in the Americas Becoming Beside Ourselves: The Alphabet, Ghosts, and Distributed Human Being Cinema of Naruse Mikio: Women and Japanese Modernity 2008 Rustin 2008 Sarkar 2008 Saunders Big Ears: Listening for Gender in Jazz Studies Visible Histories, Disappearing Women: Producing Muslim Womanhood in Late Colonial CT Suite: The Work of Diagnosis in the Age of the Mechanical Viewbox 2008 Scott Women’s Studies on the Edge 2008 Sellier 575 576 x x 577 578 x x 579 580 x 2008 581 x 2008 582 x 2008 583 x 2008 584 x 2008 585 x 2008 586 x 2008 587 x 2008 588 x 2008 Masculine Singular: French New Wave Cinema Desi Land: Teen Culture, Class, and Success in Shankar Silicon Valley Bodies of Work: Civic Display and Labor in Slavishak Industrial Pittsburgh Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Smith Postmodernity, Contemporaneity Native Americans and the Christian Right: The Smith Gendered Politics of Unlikely Alliances Hans Staden’s True History: An Account of Staden Cannibal Captivity in Brazil Itineraries in Conflict: The Political Life of Tourism Stein in Israel and the Middle East Native Men Remade: Refashioning Gender in Tengan Contemporary Hawai’i Red Land, Red Power: Grounding Knowledge in Teuton the American Indian Novel Modern Girl Around the World: Consumption, The Modern Girl Around Modernity, the World and Globalization Research Group 589 x 2008 Vargas Machuca 590 x 2008 Walker 2008 Weil 591 x x Indian Militia and Description of the Indies Shaky Colonialism: The 1746 EarthquakeTsunami in Lima, Peru, and Its Long Aftermath How to be French: Nationality in the Making since 1789 Picturing American Modernity: Traffic, Technology, and the Silent Cinema Rumba Rules: The Politics of Dance Music in Mobutu’s Zaire Liberated Territory: Untold Local Perspectives on the Black Panther Party 592 x 2008 Whissel 593 x 2008 White 594 x 2008 Williams 595 x 2008 Williams 596 x 2008 Wilson 597 x 2008 Yan 598 x 2008 Yannakakis 599 x 2008 Zaborowska 600 x 2008 Zhang 601 x 2007 Acosta, Jose de; Mangan, Natural Jane andE.; moral Mignolo, history Walter; of theLopez-Morillas, Indies Frances M. 602 x 2007 Antliff, Mark 603 x 2007 Avant-Garde Fascism Soul covers: rhythm and blues remakes and the Awkward, Michael struggle for artistic identity: (Aretha Franklin, Al 604 x 2007 Banet-Weiser, SarahKids Rule! 605 x 2007 Barry, Kathleen M. Femininity in flight: a history of flight attendants 606 x 2007 Baulch, Emma 607 x 2007 Beebe, Roger; Middleton, Medium Jason Cool 608 x 2007 Begam, Richard; Moses, Modernism Michaeland Valdez Colonialism 609 x 2007 Binkley, Sam Getting loose: lifestyle consumption in the 1970s 610 x 2007 Blaetz, Robin Women’s Experimental Cinema 611 x 2007 612 x 2007 Bobrow-Strain, Aaron Intimate Enemies A coincidence of desires: anthropology, queer Boellstorff, Tom studies, Indonesia 613 x 2007 Boyce Davies, Carole Left of Karl Marx 614 x 2007 Brandt, Kim Kingdom of Beauty 615 x 2007 Brzyski, Anna Partisan Canons 616 x 2007 617 x 2007 Budgen, Sebastian; Lenin Kouvelakis, reloaded: Eustache; towardZizek, a politics Slavoj of truth Ghosts of passion: martyrdom, gender, and the Bunk, Brian D origins of the Spanish Civil War 618 x 2007 Burton, Antoinette The Postcolonial Careers of Santha Rama Rau Screening Sex Global Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics, and Politics New Masters, New Servants: Development, Migration, and Women Workers in China Art of Being In-between: Native Intermediaries, Indian Identity, and Local Rule in Colonial Oaxaca James Baldwin’s Turkish Decade: Erotics of Exile Postsocialism and Cultural Politics: China in the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century Making Scenes 619 x 2007 Campo, Rafael The enemy 620 x 2007 621 x 2007 622 x 2007 Candelario, GinettaBlack E. B. behind the Ears The heart of whiteness: normal sexuality and Carter, Julian B. race in America, 1880-1940 Another face of empire: Bartolom de las Casas, Castro, Daniel indigenous rights, and ecclesiastical imperialism 623 x 2007 Clough, Patricia 624 x 2007 Colla, Elliott 625 x 2007 Conflicted Antiquities People of the volcano: Andean counterpoint in Cook, Noble David; the Cook, Colca Alexandra Valley of Parma Peru 626 x 2007 cooke, miriam 627 x 2007 Creager, Angela N. H.; Science Lunbeck, without Elizabeth; Laws Wise, M. Norton 628 x 2007 Dainotto, Roberto M Europe (in theory) 629 x 2007 Davis, Kathy 630 x 2007 631 x 2007 The Making of Our Bodies, Ourselves Stages of emergency: Cold War nuclear civil Davis, Tracy C defense Exceptional state: contemporary U.S. culture and Dawson, Ashley; Schueller, the newMalini imperialism Johar 632 x 2007 Enke, Anne 633 x 2007 Fabian, Johannes Memory against Culture 634 x 2007 Ferguson, MichaeleW L.;Stands Marso,for Lori Women Jo 635 x 2007 Franklin, Sarah 636 x 2007 Frazier, Lessie Jo Dolly mixtures: the remaking of genealogy Salt in the sand: memory, violence, and the nation-state in Chile, 1890 to the present 637 x 2007 Frueh, Joanna Clairvoyance (For Those In The Desert) 638 x 2007 Gallicchio, Marc The Unpredictability of the Past 639 x 2007 640 x 2007 Gemunden, Gerd; Desjardins, Dietrich icon Mary R. Sociology confronts the Holocaust: memories Gerson, Judith Madeleine; and identities Wolf, Diane in Jewish L. diasporas 641 x 2007 Gerteis, Joseph 642 x 2007 Giunta, Andrea 643 x 2007 Goodlad, Lauren M.Goth: E.; Bibby, undead Michael subculture 644 x 2007 Gotkowitz, Laura 645 x 2007 The Affective Turn Dissident Syria Finding the Movement Class and the Color Line Avant-garde, internationalism, and politics: Argentine art in the sixties A Revolution for Our Rights Under cover of science: American legal-economic Hackney, James R. theory and the quest for objectivity 646 x 2007 Henck, Nick 647 x 2007 Hochstetler, Kathryn Greening Brazil 648 x 2007 Hsu, Carolyn L. Creating Market Socialism 649 x 2007 Jackson, Michael Excursions 650 x 2007 Jain, Kajri 651 x 2007 James, Joy Gods in the Bazaar Warfare in the American homeland: policing and prison in a penal democracy 652 x 2007 Jameson, Fredric 653 x 2007 Johnson, Ericka 654 x 2007 Johnston, Steven The Truth about Patriotism 655 x 2007 Joseph, Gilbert M.; Spenser, In from the Daniela Cold 656 x 2007 Jost, Timothy Health Care at Risk 657 x 2007 Keeling, Kara The Witch’s Flight 658 x 2007 Kriegel, Lara Grand Designs 659 x 2007 Lawrence, Bruce B. On Violence 660 x 2007 Lawrence, ElizabethBeautiful at All Seasons 661 x 2007 Lesser, Jeffrey A Discontented Diaspora 662 x 2007 Levine, Elana Wallowing in Sex 663 x 2007 Levine, Elana; Parks,Undead Lisa TV 664 x 2007 665 x 2007 2007 Lewis, Jon; Smoodin, Looking Eric Past the Screen The will to improve: governmentality, Li, Tania development, and the practice of politics Beyond the body proper: reading the Lock, Margaret M; Farquhar, anthropology Judith of material life Mamo, Laura 666 x Subcommander Marcos: the man and the mask Jameson on Jameson Dreaming of a mail-order husband: RussianAmerican Internet romance 667 x 2007 668 x 2007 669 x 2007 Queering Reproduction Redress for Historical Injustices in the United Martin, Michael T.; States Yaquinto, Marilyn An empire of indifference: American war and the Martin, Randy financial logic of risk management 670 x 2007 McLean, Paul D. 671 x 2007 Miyao, Daisuke 672 x 2007 Nguyen, Mimi Thi; Tu, Alien Thuy Encounters Linh Nguyen The Art of the Network Sessue Hayakawa: silent cinema and transnational stardom 673 x 2007 674 x 2007 675 x 2007 Nicolar, Joseph; Kolodny, The lifeAnnette and traditions of the Red man Caribbean journeys: an ethnography of Olwig, Karen Fog migration and home in three family networks Interventions into modernist cultures: poetry Parry, Amie Elizabeth from beyond the empty screen 676 x 2007 Payne, Leigh A. Unsettling Accounts 677 x 2007 Pecknold, Diane 678 x 2007 Pena, Milagros The Selling Sound Latina activists across borders: women's grassroots organizing in Mexico and Texas 679 x 2007 Pérez Chicana Art 680 x 2007 Puar, Jasbir Terrorist Assemblages 681 x 2007 Roberts, Mary 682 x 2007 Rofel, Lisa Intimate Outsiders Desiring China: experiments in neoliberalism, sexuality, and public culture 683 x 2007 Roy, Srirupa Beyond Belief 684 x 2007 Scandura, Jani Down in the Dumps 685 x 2007 Schmitt, Carl Constitutional Theory 686 x 2007 Sconce, Jeffrey 687 x 2007 Sleaze Artists Women and migration in the U.S.-Mexico Segura, Denise A.; Zavella, borderlands: Patricia a reader 688 x 2007 Sernett, Milton C. Harriet Tubman 689 x 2007 Servin, Elisa; Reina, Cycles Leticia;ofTutino, Conflict, John Centuries of Change 690 x 2007 Seth, Sanjay 691 x 2007 Shimizu, Celine 692 x 2007 693 x 2007 The Hypersexuality of Race Imagining our Americas: toward a transnational Shukla, Sandhya Rajendra; frame Tinsman, Heidi Transborder lives: indigenous Oaxacans in Stephen, Lynn Mexico, California, and Oregon 694 x 2007 Stewart, Kathleen Ordinary Affects 695 x 2007 Sturken, Marita 696 x 2007 Swett, Pamela E.; Wiesen, Selling Modernity S. Jonathan; Zatlin, Jonathan R. 697 x 2007 Tasker, Yvonne; Negra, Interrogating Diane Postfeminism 698 x 2007 Taylor, Timothy Dean Beyond exoticism: western music and the world 699 x 2007 Tierney, Dominic Subject Lessons Tourists of History FDR and the Spanish Civil War 700 x 2007 Valentine, David Imagining Transgender 701 x 2007 Viego, Antonio Dead Subjects 702 x 2007 Wald, Priscilla Contagious 703 x 2007 Weisbard, Eric Listen Again 704 x 2007 Whitman, Walt Franklin Evans, or The Inebriate 705 x 2007 Winseck, Dwayne R.Communication and Empire 706 x 2007 707 x 2007 708 x 2007 709 x 2007 710 x 2006 711 x 2006 Zarkov, Dubravka The Body of War The urban generation: Chinese cinema and Zhang, Zhen society at the turn of the twenty-first century Favored flowers: culture and economy in a global Ziegler, Catherine system Unequal cures: public health and political change Zulawski, Ann in Bolivia, 1900-1950 Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, Ahmed, Sara others Colonial pathologies: American tropical Anderson, Warwickmedicine, race, and hygiene in the Philippines 712 x 2006 713 x 2006 714 x 2006 715 x 2006 716 x 2006 717 x 2006 Anderson, WarwickThe Cultivation of Whiteness Virtual migration: the programming of Aneesh, A. globalization Native moderns: American Indian painting, 1940Anthes, Bill 1960 Fear of small numbers: an essay on the Appadurai, Arjun geography of anger Between colonialism and diaspora: Sikh cultural Ballantyne, Tony formations in an imperial world Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics Barad, Karen Michelle and the entanglement of matter and meaning 718 x 2006 Bellah, Robert Neelly; TheTipton, RobertSteven Bellah M. reader 719 x 2006 Biersack, Aletta; Greenberg, Reimagining James political B. ecology 720 x 2006 Buszek, Maria ElenaPin-up grrrls: feminism, sexuality, popular culture 721 x 2006 Cannell, Fenella 722 x 2006 723 x 2006 724 x 2006 725 x 2006 726 x 2006 The anthropology of Christianity Museum skepticism: a history of the display of Carrier, David art in public galleries The age of the world target: self-referentiality in Chow, Rey war, theory, and comparative work Jacques Lacan and the other side of Clemens, Justin; Grigg, psychoanalysis: Russell reflections on Seminar XVII Hip-hop Japan: rap and the paths of cultural Condry, Ian globalization Unruly immigrants: rights, activism, and Das Gupta, Monishatransnational South Asian politics in the United 727 x 2006 728 x 2006 729 x 2006 Davidson, Cathy N. 36 Views of Mount Fuji Racial transformations: Latinos and Asians De Genova, Nicholasremaking the United States The cult of pharmacology: how America became DeGrandpre, Richard theJ world's most troubled drug culture 730 x 2006 DeNeef, A. Leigh; Goodwin, The Academic's Craufurd Handbook D. 731 x 2006 732 x 2006 733 x 2006 734 x 2006 735 x 2006 736 x 2006 737 x 2006 Diaz, Jesus; Ross, Kathleen The initials of the earth Myths of modernity: peonage and patriarchy in Dore, Elizabeth Nicaragua Poor people's medicine: Medicaid and American Engel, Jonathan charity care since 1965 Global shadows: Africa in the neoliberal world Ferguson, James order Frontiers of capital: ethnographic reflections on Fisher, Melissa S.; Downey, the new Greg economy Affective communities: anticolonial thought, FinGandhi, Leela De-Sicle radicalism, and the politics of friendship Manly arts: masculinity and nation in early Gerstner, David A. American cinema 738 x 2006 Gioia, Ted Healing songs 739 x 2006 Gioia, Ted Work songs 740 x 2006 741 x 2006 742 x 2006 Gonzales-Day, Ken Lynching in the West Colored amazons: crime, violence, and Black Gross, Kali N. women in the City of Brotherly Love, 1880-1910 How nature speaks: the dynamics of the human Haila, Yrjo; Dyke, Chuck ecological condition 743 x 2006 Hecht, Tobias 744 x 2006 Holmes, Leslie 745 x 2006 Hunt, Swanee 746 x 2006 747 x 2006 748 x 2006 Half-life of a zealot Cinema at the end of empire: a politics of Jaikumar, Priya transition in Britain and India Women and gender equity in development Jaquette, Jane S.; Summerfield, theory and practice: Gale institutions, resources, and Curing the colonizers: hydrotherapy, climatology, Jennings, Eric Thomas and French colonial spas 749 x 2006 Kamir, Orit 750 x 2006 751 x 2006 752 x 2006 753 x 2006 After life: an ethnographic novel Rotten states?: corruption, post-communism, and neoliberalism Framed: women in law and film Good bread is back: a contemporary history of Kaplan, Steven L. French bread, the way it is made, and the people Museum frictions: public cultures/global Karp, Ivan; Kratz, Corinne transformations A.; Szwaja, Lynn; et al. Higher ground: ethics and leadership in the Keohane, Nannerl O. modern university Understories: the political life of forests in Kosek, Jake northern New Mexico Global Cinderellas: migrant domestics and newly Lan, Pei-Chia rich employers in Taiwan Paper families: identity, immigration Lau, Estelle T. administration, and Chinese exclusion In search of the Black Panther Party: new Lazerow, Jama; Williams, perspectives Yohuruon R. a revolutionary movement 754 x 2006 755 x 2006 756 x 2006 757 x 2006 758 x 2006 759 x 2006 760 x 2006 761 x 2006 762 x 2006 763 x 2006 Maghraoui, Abdeslam Liberalism M. without Democracy Native sons: West African veterans and France in Mann, Gregory the twentieth century 764 x 2006 Mao, Douglas; Walkowitz, Bad modernisms Rebecca L. 765 x 2006 Mendez-Negrete, Josie Las hijas de Juan: daughters betrayed 766 x 2006 767 x 2006 Miles, Tiya; Holland,Crossing Sharon P. Waters, Crossing Worlds Sick building syndrome and the problem of Murphy, Michelle uncertainty: environmental politics, 768 x 2006 769 x 2006 770 x 2006 771 x 2006 772 x 2006 773 x 2006 774 x 2006 775 x 2006 776 x 2006 777 x 2006 Needham, Anuradha The Dingwaney; crisis of secularism Sunder Rajan, in India Rajeswari The Irish in us: Irishness, performativity, and Negra, Diane popular culture Pretend we're dead: capitalist monsters in Newitz, Annalee American pop culture Mobilizing India: women, music, and migration Niranjana, Tejaswinibetween India and Trinidad Rivers by design: state power and the origins of O'Neill, Karen M. U.S. flood control Neoliberalism as exception: mutations in Ong, Aihwa citizenship and sovereignty Anthropology and social theory: culture, power, Ortner, Sherry B. and the acting subject Visions of the Emerald City: modernity, tradition, Overmyer-Velazquez, andMark the formation of Porfirian Oaxaca, Mexico Nostalgia for the modern: state secularism and Özyürek, Esra everyday politics in Turkey Between legitimacy and violence: a history of Palacios, Marco Colombia, 1875-2002 778 x 2006 Panagia, Davide 779 x 2006 780 x 2006 Lebow, Richard Ned; The Kansteiner, politics ofWulf; memory Fogu, in postwar Claudio Europe Working fictions: a genealogy of the Victorian Lesjak, Carolyn novel Cradle of liberty: race, the child, and national Levander, Caroline Field belonging from Thomas Jefferson to W. E. B. Du Lombroso, Cesare; Gibson, CriminalMary; man Rafter, Nicole Hahn Never say I: sexuality and the first person in Lucey, Michael Colette, Gide, and Proust The poetics of political thinking Global pharmaceuticals: ethics, markets, Petryna, Adriana; Lakoff, practices Andrew; Kleinman, Arthur Exit-voice dynamics and the collapse of East Pfaff, Steven Germany: the crisis of Leninism and the 781 x 2006 782 x 2006 783 x 2006 Discipline and the other body: correction, Pierce, Steven; Rao,corporeality, Anupama colonialism Information please: culture and politics in the Poster, Mark age of digital machines The empire of love: toward a theory of intimacy, Povinelli, Elizabeth A. genealogy, and carnality 784 x 2006 Ruoff, Jeffrey 785 x 2006 Saldivar, Ramon 786 x 2006 Schweber, Libby 787 x 2006 Shohat, Ella 788 x 2006 789 x 2006 790 x 2006 791 x 2006 792 x 2006 Taboo memories, diasporic voices Specters of Mother India: the global Sinha, Mrinalini restructuring of an Empire The subject in art: portraiture and the birth of Soussloff, Catherinethe M. modern Battling for hearts and minds: memory struggles Stern, Steve J. in Pinochet's Chile, 1973-1988 Beautiful bottom, beautiful shame: where Stockton, Kathryn Bond "Black" meets "queer" Haunted by empire: geographies of intimacy in Stoler, Ann Laura North American history 793 x 2006 Sunder Rajan, Kaushik Biocapital: the constitution of postgenomic life 794 x 2006 795 x 2006 796 x 2006 797 x 2006 798 x 2006 Tatsumi, Takayuki Full Metal Apache An eye for the tropics: tourism, photography, and Thompson, Krista A.framing the Caribbean picturesque From silver to cocaine: Latin American Topik, Steven; Marichal, commodity Carlos;chains Frank,and Zephyr the L. building of the world Warring souls: youth, media, and martyrdom in Varzi, Roxanne post-revolution Iran Tissue economies: blood, organs, and cell lines in Waldby, Cathy; Mitchell, late capitalism Robert 799 x 2006 800 x 2006 Wang, David Der-wei; Writing Rojas,Taiwan: Carlos a new literary history Singing the classical, voicing the modern: the Weidman, Amanda postcolonial J. politics of music in South India 801 x 2006 Weiss, Jason 802 x 2006 803 x 2006 804 x 2006 805 x 2006 806 x 2005 807 x 2005 Virtual voyages: cinema and travel The borderlands of culture: Americo Paredes and the transnational imaginary Disciplining statistics: demography and vital statistics in France and England, 1830-1885 Steve Lacy: conversations Conservation is our government now: the politics West, Paige of ecology in Papua New Guinea Not quite white: white trash and the boundaries Wray, Matt of whiteness Japan after Japan: social and cultural life from Yoda, Tomiko; Harootunian, the recessionary Harry D.1990s to the present Soul power: culture, radicalism, and the making Young, Cynthia Annof a U.S. third world left Adams, Vincanne; Pigg, Sex in Stacy Development Leigh The criminals of Lima and their worlds: the prison Aguirre, Carlos experience, 1850-1935 808 x 2005 Alexander, M. Jacqui Pedagogies of Crossing 809 x 2005 Applewhite, James Selected poems 810 x 2005 Ballantyne, Tony; Burton, BodiesAntoinette in Contact M. 811 x 2005 812 x 2005 813 x 2005 814 x 2005 Battaglia, Debbora E.T. culture: anthropology in outerspaces Specters of the Atlantic: finance capital, slavery, Baucom, Ian and the philosophy of history A forgetful nation: on immigration and cultural Behdad, Ali identity in the United States Brother men: the correspondence of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Burroughs Weston, and Herbert Herbert T; T. Cohen, Weston Matt 815 x 2005 816 x 2005 Burton, Antoinette A Mrchive Stories Between you and me: queer disclosures in the Butt, Gavin New York art world, 1948-1963 817 x 2005 Caulfield, Sueann; Chambers, Honor, Status, Sarahand C; Putnam, Law in Modern Lara Latin America 818 x 2005 819 x 2005 820 x 2005 Chavez, Lydia; Chakarova, Capitalism, MimiGod, and a Good Cigar The last "darky": Bert Williams, black-on-black Chude-Sokei, Louis Onuorah minstrelsy, and the African diaspora Incongruous entertainment: camp, cultural Cohan, Steven value, and the MGM musical 821 x 2005 Connolly, William E Pluralism 822 x 2005 823 x 2005 Davis, Creston; Milbank, Theology John;and Zizek, theSlavoj political: the new debate Working the boundaries: race, space, and De Genova, Nicholas"illegality" in Mexican Chicago 824 x 2005 825 x 2005 Devins, Neal; Whittington, Congress Keith andEthe Constitution Bodily matters: the anti-vaccination movement Durbach, Nadja in England, 1853-1907 826 x 2005 Edwards, Brian T. Morocco Bound 827 x 2005 Elyachar, Julia 828 x 2005 829 x 2005 Markets of Dispossession A tale of two murders: passion and power in Farr, James Richardseventeenth-century France How to be an intellectual in the age of TV: the Frank, Marcie lessons of Gore Vidal 830 x 2005 Freccero, Carla 831 x 2005 832 x 2005 833 x 2005 834 x 2005 Queer/early/modern The libertine colony: creolization in the early Garraway, Doris Lorraine French Caribbean The Red Riviera: gender, tourism, and Ghodsee, Kristen Rogheh postsocialism on the Black Sea Gilman, Charlotte Perkins What Diantha Did Confronting the American dream: Nicaragua Gobat, Michel under U.S. imperial rule 835 x 2005 836 x 2005 Gopinath, Gayatri Impossible Desires Transnational America: feminisms, diasporas, Grewal, Inderpal neoliberalisms 837 x 2005 Grosz, E. A. 838 x 2005 839 x 2005 840 x 2005 841 x 2005 842 x 2005 843 x 2005 844 x 2005 845 x 2005 846 x 2005 847 x 2005 Jacobsen, Nils; Aljovin Political de Losada, cultures Cristobal in the Andes, 1750-1950 The death-bound-subject: Richard Wright's JanMohamed, Abdularchaeology R. of death The Noe Jitrik reader: selected essays on Latin Jitrik, Noe; Balderston, American Daniel;literature Benner, Susan E. 848 x 2005 Johnson, E. Patrick; Black Henderson, queer studies: Mae a critical anthology 849 x 2005 850 x 2005 King, Nancy M. P.; Henderson, The social medicine Gail; Oberlander, reader Jonathan Empires, nations, and natives: anthropology and L'Estoile, Benoit de;state-making Neiburg, Federico G; Sigaud, Lygia 851 x 2005 852 x 2005 853 x 2005 854 x 2005 855 x 2005 Lionnet, Francoise; Minor Shi, Shumei transnationalism Eye contact: photographing indigenous Lydon, Jane Australians Courage tastes of blood: the Mapuche Mallon, Florencia E.community of Nicolas Ail-o and the Chilean state, Trading roles: gender, ethnicity, and the urban Mangan, Jane E. economy in colonial PotosThe Public Life of Privacy in Nineteenth-Century Margolis, Stacey American Literature 856 x 2005 Markley, Robert 857 x 2005 858 x 2005 859 x 2005 860 x 2005 861 x 2005 Time travels: feminism, nature, power The time of liberty: popular political culture in Guardino, Peter F. Oaxaca, 1750-1850 Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth-Century New Hall, David D. England: A Documentary History 1638-1693 Odd tribes: toward a cultural analysis of White Hartigan, John people The remains of war: bodies, politics, and the Hawley, Thomas M.search for American soldiers unaccounted for in Social choreography: ideology as performance in Hewitt, Andrew dance and everyday movement Hoffman, Michael J.;Essentials Murphy, of Patrick the Theory D. of Fiction A nation of realtors: a cultural history of the Hornstein, Jeffrey M. twentieth-century American middle class Dying Planet The cultural turn in late ancient studies: gender, Martin, Dale B.; Miller, asceticism, Patricia and Cox historiography Circular breathing: the cultural politics of jazz in McKay, George Britain Rebels: youth and the Cold War origins of Medovoi, Leerom identity The plebeian republic: the Huanta rebellion and Mendez G, Cecilia the making of the Peruvian state, 1820-1850 From the revolution to the Maquiladoras: Mendez, Jennifer Bickham gender, labor, and globalization in Nicaragua 862 x 2005 Miller, Daniel 863 x 2005 864 x 2005 865 x 2005 866 x 2005 Materiality Militarized modernity and gendered citizenship Moon, Seungsook in South Korea Suffering for territory: race, place, and power in Moore, Donald S. Zimbabwe Hemispheric imaginings: the Monroe Doctrine Murphy, Gretchen and narratives of U.S. empire Genes in development: re-reading the molecular Neumann-Held, Evaparadigm M.; Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph 867 x 2005 Norris, Andrew 868 x 2005 Olcott, Jocelyn 869 x 2005 Orr, Jackie 870 x 2005 Ostherr, Kirsten 871 x 2005 Park, Hyun Ok 872 x 2005 Pun, Ngai 873 x 2005 874 x 2005 Made in China Landscapes of power and identity: comparative Radding Murrieta, Cynthia histories in the Sonoran desert and the forests of The promise of the foreign: nationalism and the Rafael, Vicente L. technics of translation in the Spanish Philippines 875 x 2005 Raibmon, Paige Sylvia Authentic Indians 876 x 2005 Rand, Erica 877 x 2005 The Ellis Island Snow Globe Intercultural utopias: public intellectuals, cultural Rappaport, Joanne experimentation, and ethnic pluralism in 878 x 2005 Riley, Denise Impersonal Passion 879 x 2005 Rivero, Yeidy M. 880 x 2005 Roldan, Mary 881 x 2005 Roman, David Tuning Out Blackness Blood and fire: la violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946-1953 Performance in America: contemporary U.S. culture and the performing arts 882 x 2005 Rosenberg, Daniel; Harding, Histories Susan of the Friend Future 883 x 2005 Sammond, NicholasBabes in Tomorrowland 884 x 2005 885 x 2005 Sammond, NicholasSteel Chair to the Head Gender and slave emancipation in the Atlantic Scully, Pamela; Paton, world Diana 886 x 2005 Segal, Daniel Alan; Yanagisako, UnwrappingSylvia the Sacred Junko Bundle 887 x 2005 Sommer, Doris 888 x 2005 Song, Min Politics, Metaphysics, and Death Revolutionary women in postrevolutionary Mexico Panic diaries: a genealogy of panic disorder Cinematic prophylaxis: globalization and contagion in the discourse of world health Two dreams in one bed: empire, social life, and the origins of the North Korean revolution in Cultural agency in the Americas Strange future: pessimism and the 1992 Los Angeles riots 889 x 890 x 2005 Springer, Kimberly Living for the Revolution 2005 Starn, Orin The Peru Reader, 2nd edition 891 x 2005 892 x 2005 Stefancic, Jean; Delgado, How Lawyers Richard Lose Their Way Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Stein, Rebecca L.; Swedenburg, Culture Ted 893 x 2005 Steinmetz, George The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences 894 x 2005 Stephen, Lynn 895 x 2005 Stephens, Michelle Black Ann Empire 896 x 2005 897 x 2005 Tushnet, Mark V.; Posner, The Constitution Eric A.; Vermeule, in Wartime Adrian The eagle and the virgin: nation and cultural Vaughan, Mary K.; Lewis, revolution Stephen in Mexico, E. 1920-1940 898 x 2005 Vaughan, Megan 899 x 2005 Volkman, Toby AliceCultures of Transnational Adoption 900 x 2005 Weheliye, Alexander Phonographies G. 901 x 2005 902 x 2005 903 x 2005 904 x 2004 Weiss, Peter; Neugroschel, The Aesthetics Joachim; of Jameson, Resistance, Fredric Volume 1 Sermons from Duke Chapel: voices from "a great Willimon, William H.towering church" Kannani; and Document of flames: two Japanese Yuasa, Katsue; Driscoll, colonial Marknovels W.; Yuasa, Katsue Remaking modernity: politics, history, and Adams, Julia; Clemens, sociology Elisabeth Stephanie; Orloff, Ann Shola 905 x 2004 906 x 2004 Aggarwal, Ravina Beyond Lines of Control The age of beloveds: love and the beloved in Andrews, Walter G.;early-modern Kalpakli, Mehmet Ottoman and European culture 907 x 2004 Apostolidis, Paul; Williams, Public affairs: Juliet politics in the age of sex scandals 908 x 2004 Barlow, Tani E. 909 x 2004 910 x 2004 911 x 2004 912 x 2004 913 x 2004 914 x 2004 915 x 2004 Zapotec Women Creating the Creole Island The question of women in Chinese feminism A Jewish family in Germany today: an intimate Bodemann, Y. Michal portrait What's love got to do with it?: transnational Brennan, Denise desires and sex tourism in the Dominican Mapping Yoruba networks: power and agency in Clarke, Kamari Maxine the making of transnational communities Watching Jim Crow: the struggles over Classen, Steven D. Mississippi TV, 1955-1969 Searching for a different future: the rise of a Cohen, Shana global middle class in Morocco The commodification of childhood: the children's Cook, Daniel Thomas clothing industry and the rise of the child Songs of life and hope =Cantos de vida y Dario, Ruben; Derusha, esperanza Will; Acereda, Alberto Utopia limited: the sixties and the emergence of DeKoven, Mariannethe postmodern 916 x 2004 917 x 2004 918 x 2004 919 x 2004 920 x 2004 Devins, Neal; Douglas, A year Davison at theMSupreme Court Stringing together a nation: Candido Mariano da Diacon, Todd A. Silva Rondon and the construction of a modern To live and die: collected stories of the Civil War, Diffley, Kathleen Elizabeth 1861-1876 Stitches on time: colonial textures and Dube, Saurabh postcolonial tangles 921 x 2004 Edelman, Lee 922 x 2004 923 x 2004 924 x 2004 925 x 2004 926 x 2004 Eribon, Didier; Lucey, Insult Michael and the making of the gay self Mute dreams, blind owls, and dispersed Fischer, Michael M.knowledges: J. Persian poesis in the transnational Modernity disavowed: Haiti and the cultures of Fischer, Sibylle slavery in the age of revolution Real country: music and language in workingFox, Aaron A. class culture Living spirit, living practice: poetics, politics, Frankenberg, Ruth epistemology 927 x 2004 Friedman, Lester D.Cultural sutures: medicine and media 928 x 2004 Gill, Lesley 929 x 2004 930 x 2004 931 x 2004 932 x 2004 933 x 2004 934 x 2004 935 x 2004 936 x 2004 Halkias, Alexandra The Empty Cradle of Democracy In Senghor's shadow: art, politics, and the avantHarney, Elizabeth garde in Senegal, 1960-1995 Ghouls, gimmicks, and gold: horror films and the Heffernan, Kevin American movie business, 1953-1968 This was not our war: Bosnian women reclaiming Hunt, Swanee the peace 937 x 2004 Jackson, Michael 938 x 2004 Jacobs, Seth In Sierra Leone America's miracle man in Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem, religion, race, and U.S. intervention in 939 x 2004 Kennedy, Ellen Constitutional failure: Carl Schmitt in Weimar 940 x 2004 Khan, Aisha Callaloo Nation 941 x 2004 Kim, Kyung Hyun 942 x 2004 Lau, Peter The remasculinization of Korean cinema From the grassroots to the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education and American No future: queer theory and the death drive The School of the Americas The spectacular city: violence and performance in Goldstein, Daniel M.urban Bolivia Landscapes of devils: tensions of place and Gordillo, Gaston memory in the Argentinean Chaco Transforming the public sphere: the Dutch Grever, Maria; Waaldijk, national Berteke exhibition of women's labor in 1898 The nick of time: politics, evolution, and the Grosz, E. A. untimely 943 x 2004 944 x 2004 945 x 2004 946 x 2004 947 x 2004 948 x 2004 949 x 2004 950 x 2004 951 x 2004 Bringing the Empire back home: France in the Lebovics, Herman global age LiPuma, Edward; Lee, Financial Benjamin derivatives and the globalization of risk Criminal woman, the prostitute, and the normal Lombroso, Cesare; Ferrero, woman Guglielmo; Rafter, Nicole Hahn; Gibson, Mary Losurdo, DomenicoHegel and the freedom of moderns Chineseness across borders: renegotiating Louie, Andrea Chinese identities in China and the United States Maeda, Ai; Fujii, James TextA.and the city: essays on Japanese modernity Right to rock: the Black Rock Coalition and the Mahon, Maureen cultural politics of race Hello, hello Brazil: popular music in the making McCann, Bryan of modern Brazil 952 x 2004 953 x 2004 954 x 2004 955 x 2004 956 x 2004 957 x 2004 958 x 2004 Palmer, Steven Paul;The Molina CostaJimenez, Rica reader: Ivan history, culture, politics No bond but the law: punishment, race, and Paton, Diana gender in Jamaican state formation, 1780-1870 Prophets of the hood: politics and poetics in hip Perry, Imani hop From fanatics to folk: Brazilian millenarianism Pessar, Patricia R. and popular culture Individuality incorporated: Indians and the Pfister, Joel multicultural modern Constitutional deliberation in Congress: the Pickerill, J. Mitchell impact of judicial review in a separated system Threatening anthropology: Mccarthyism and the Price, David H. FBI's surveillance of activist anthropologists Memory bytes: history, technology, and digital Rabinovitz, Lauren; culture Geil, Abraham 959 x 2004 Ranciere, Jacques; Parker, The philosopher Andrew and his poor 960 x 2004 Richard, Nelly 961 x 2004 Richard, Nelly 962 x 2004 Rodriguez Julia, Edgardo Cortijo's wake =El entierro de Cortijo 963 x 2004 964 x 2004 965 x 2004 966 x 2004 Saikia, Sayeeda Yasmin Fragmented Memories The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Salomon, Frank Peruvian village Contentious republicans: popular politics, race, Sanders, James E. and class in nineteenth-century Colombia Crude chronicles: indigenous politics, Sawyer, Suzana multinational oil, and neoliberalism in Ecuador 967 x 2004 968 x 2004 969 x 2004 Masculine/feminine: practices of difference(s) The insubordination of signs: political change, cultural transformation, and poetics of the crisis Schmitt, Carl; Seitzer, Legality Jeffreyand legitimacy Conscripts of modernity: the tragedy of colonial Scott, David enlightenment Stigmas of the Tamil stage: an ethnography of Seizer, Susan Special Drama artists in South India 970 x 2004 971 x 2004 972 x 2004 973 x 2004 974 x 2004 Shaw, Gwendolyn DuBois Seeing the Unspeakable Identifying talent, institutionalizing diversity: Shiao, Jiannbin Lee race and philanthropy in post-civil rights America Aloha betrayed: native Hawaiian resistance to Silva, Noenoe K. American colonialism Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the colonial Silverblatt, Irene Marsha origins of the civilized world For the city yet to come: changing African life in Simone, A. M. four cities 975 x 2004 Smith, Jon; Cohn, Deborah Look away!: N. the U.S. South in New World studies 976 x 2004 Smith, R. Drew 977 x 2004 978 x 2004 979 x 2004 980 x 2004 981 x 2004 982 x 2004 Long March Ahead Photography on the color line: W.E.B. Du Bois, Smith, Shawn Michelle race, and visual culture Regarding Frank Capra: audience, celebrity, and Smoodin, Eric LorenAmerican film studies, 1930-1960 Bilingual aesthetics: a new sentimental Sommer, Doris education Television after TV: essays on a medium in Spigel, Lynn; Olsson,transition Jan Liminal lives: imagining the human at the Squier, Susan Merrillfrontiers of biomedicine Remembering Pinochet's Chile: on the eve of Stern, Steve J. London, 1998 983 x 2004 Taylor, Charles 984 x 2004 985 x 2004 986 x 2004 Modern social imaginaries Modern blackness: nationalism, globalization, Thomas, Deborah A.and the politics of culture in Jamaica Pikachu's global adventure: the rise and fall of Tobin, Joseph Jay Pokmon Egypt land: race and nineteenth-century Trafton, Scott American Egyptomania 987 x 2004 Truett, Samuel; Young, Continental Elliott Crossroads 988 x 2004 989 x 2004 Vanderwood, Paul J.Juan Soldado: rapist, murderer, martyr, saint Memory and the impact of political Walkowitz, Daniel J.;transformation Knauer, Lisa Maya in public space 990 x 2004 991 x 2004 992 x 2004 993 x 2004 994 x 2004 995 x 2004 996 x 2004 Wallace, Michele Dark designs and visual culture Wayward reproductions: genealogies of race and Weinbaum, Alys Evenation in transatlantic modern thought In darkness and secrecy: the anthropology of Whitehead, Neil L.; assault Wright,sorcery Robin and witchcraft in Amazonia Wilson, Elizabeth A.Psychosomatic Victims of the Chilean miracle: workers and Winn, Peter neoliberalism in the Pinochet era, 1972-2002 Growing explanations: historical perspectives on Wise, M. Norton recent science Becoming Black: creating identity in the African Wright, Michelle M.diaspora Envisioning Taiwan: fiction, cinema, and the Yip, June Chun nation in the cultural imaginary Gender and national literature: Heian texts in the Yoda, Tomiko constructions of Japanese modernity Catarino Garza's revolution on the Texas-Mexico Young, Elliott border Screen traffic: movies, multiplexes, and global Acland, Charles R. culture Muddied waters: race, region, and local history Appelbaum, Nancy in P. Colombia, 1846-1948 Disease in the history of modern Latin America: Armus, Diego from malaria to AIDS 997 x 2004 998 x 2004 999 x 2004 1000 x 2003 1001 x 2003 1002 x 2003 1003 x 2003 1004 x 2003 1005 x 2003 Arredondo, GabrielaChicana F. feminisms: a critical reader Contentious lives: two Argentine women, two Auyero, Javier protests, and the quest for recognition Crafting gender: women and folk art in Latin Bartra, Eli America and the Caribbean 1006 x 2003 Beckman, Karen Redrobe Vanishing women: magic, film, and feminism 1007 x 2003 1008 x 2003 1009 x 2003 1010 x 2003 1011 x 2003 Berry, Chris; Martin,Mobile Fran; Yue, cultures: Audrey new media in queer Asia Organizing empire: individualism, collective Bose, Purnima agency, and India Matters of gravity: special effects and supermen Bukatman, Scott in the 20th century Before the nation: Kokugaku and the imagining Burns, Susan L. of community in early modern Japan After the imperial turn: thinking with and Burton, Antoinette through M. the nation 1012 x 2003 Caillois, Roger; Frank, TheClaudine; edge of surrealism: Naish, Camille a Roger Caillois reader 1013 x 2003 1014 x 2003 Chomsky, Aviva; Carr, TheBarry.; Cuba reader: Smorkaloff, history, Pamela culture, Maria politics Empire of care: nursing and migration in Filipino Choy, Catherine Ceniza American history 1015 x 2003 Chuh, Kandice 1016 x 2003 1017 x 2003 1018 x 2003 1019 x 2003 Imagine otherwise: on Asian Americanist critique History after apartheid: visual culture and public Coombes, Annie E. memory in a democratic South Africa An archive of feelings: trauma, sexuality, and Cvetkovich, Ann lesbian public cultures Diploma of whiteness: race and social policy in Davila, Jerry Brazil, 1917-1945 Games of property: law, race, gender, and Davis, Thadious M. Faulkner's Go down, Moses 1020 x 2003 Dudziak, Mary L. 1021 x 2003 1022 x 2003 1023 x 2003 September 11 in history: a watershed moment? Imagining interest in political thought: origins of Engelmann, Stepheneconomic G. rationality The manly masquerade: masculinity, paternity, Finucci, Valeria and castration in the Italian Renaissance Working difference: women's working lives in Fodor, Eva Hungary and Austria, 1945-1995 Autobiographical writing across the disciplines: a Freedman, Diane P.;reader Frey, Olivia 1024 x 2003 1025 x 2003 1026 x 2003 1027 x 2003 1028 x 2003 1029 x 2003 1030 x 2003 1031 x 2003 1032 x 2003 1033 x 2003 1034 x 2003 1035 x 2003 1036 x 2003 1037 x 2003 1038 x 2003 1039 x 2003 1040 x 2003 1041 x 2003 1042 x 2003 1043 x 2003 1044 x 2003 1045 x 2003 1046 x 2003 1047 x 2003 Gutmann, MatthewChanging C. men and masculinities in Latin America Uncertain times: Kenneth Arrow and the Hammer, Peter Joseph changing economics of health care Archives of Empire, Volume 1 : From the East Harlow, Barbara; Carter, India Mia Company to the Suez Canal Archives of Empire, Volume 2 : Scramble for Harlow, Barbara; Carter, AfricaMia The abyss of representation: Marxism and the Hartley, George postmodern sublime Dissent from the homeland: essays after Hauerwas, Stanley; September Lentricchia,11 Frank English lessons: the pedagogy of imperialism in Hevia, James Louis nineteenth-century China Passed on: African American mourning stories: a Holloway, Karla F. C.memorial collection Making jazz French: music and modern life in Jackson, Jeffrey H. interwar Paris Clear word and third sight: folk groundings and John, Catherine A. diasporic consciousness in African Caribbean Appropriating Blackness: performance and the Johnson, E. Patrick politics of authenticity Antinomies of modernity: essays on race, orient, Kaiwar, Vasant; Mazumdar, nation Sucheta Making girls into women: American women's Kent, Kathryn R. writing and the rise of lesbian identity 1048 x 2003 Khanna, Ranjana 1049 x 2003 Lawrence, Tim 1050 x 2003 Lee, Richard E. Gallop, Jane; Blau, Dick Living with his camera Gods of the blood: the pagan revival and white Gardell, Mattias separatism The Federal appointments process: a Gerhardt, Michael J.constitutional and historical analysis Gilman, Charlotte Perkins The crux The American colonial state in the Philippines: Go, Julian; Foster, Anne global L. perspectives Green, Anna Katharine That affair next door ;and, Lost man's lane Nature in the global south: environmental Greenough, Paul R.;projects Tsing, Anna in South Lowenhaupt and Southeast Asia Thick moralities, thin politics: social integration Gregg, Benjamin Greenwood across communities of belief Feeding anorexia: gender and power at a Gremillion, Helen treatment center Reconstituting the American renaissance: Grossman, Jay Emerson, Whitman, and the politics of Dark continents: psychoanalysis and colonialism Love saves the day: a history of American dance music culture, 1970-1979 Life and times of cultural studies: the politics and transformation of the structures of knowledge 1051 x 2003 Lentricchia, Frank Lucchesi and the whale 1052 x 2003 1053 x 2003 Lentricchia, Frank; DuBois, Close reading: A. the reader Searching for Home Abroad: Japanese Brazilians Lesser, Jeffrey and Transnationalism 1054 x 2003 1055 x 2003 1056 x 2003 1057 x 2003 1058 x 2003 1059 x 2003 1060 x 2003 1061 x 2003 1062 x 2003 Manalansan, MartinGlobal F. divas: Filipino gay men in the diaspora In the aftermath of genocide: Armenians and Mandel, Maud Jews in twentieth century France Shoveling smoke: advertising and globalization in Mazzarella, Williamcontemporary India Reconstructing Dixie: race, gender, and nostalgia McPherson, Tara in the imagined South Sound of Africa!: making music Zulu in a South Meintjes, Louise African studio 1063 x 2003 Metzl, Jonathan 1064 x 2003 1065 x 2003 1066 x 2003 1067 x 2003 1068 x 2003 1069 x 2003 Moore, Donald S.; Kosek, Race, nature, Jake; Pandian, and theAnand politics of difference Ivy and industry: business and the making of the Newfield, Christopher American university, 1880-1980 Love and good reasons: postliberal approaches Oehlschlaeger, Fritzto Christian ethics and literature Empire burlesque: the fate of critical culture in O'Hara, Daniel T. global America Sex in revolution: gender, politics, and power in Olcott, Jocelyn; Vaughan, modern Mary Mexico K.; Cano, Gabriela States of memory: continuities, conflicts, and Olick, Jeffrey K. transformations in national retrospection 1070 x 2003 Orovio, Helio 1071 x 2003 Ortner, Sherry B. 1072 x 2003 1073 x 2003 New Jersey Dreaming The male pill: a biography of a technology in the Oudshoorn, Nelly making From popular medicine to medical populism: Palmer, Steven Pauldoctors, healers, and public power in Costa Rica, 1074 x 2003 Peabody, Sue; Stovall, TheTyler colorEdward of liberty: histories of race in France 1075 x 2003 Pinney, Christopher;Photography's Peterson, Nicolas other histories 1076 x 2003 1077 x 2003 Rosenberg, Emily A Date Which Will Live Financial missionaries to the world: the politics Rosenberg, Emily S.and culture of dollar diplomacy, 1900-1930 Levinson, Sanford Wrestling with diversity Hall of mirrors: power, witchcraft, and caste in Lewis, Laura A. colonial Mexico Emperors in the jungle: the hidden history of the Lindsay-Poland, John U.S. in Panama The misfit of the family: Balzac and the social Lucey, Michael forms of sexuality Prozac on the Couch Cuban music from A to Z 1078 x 2003 1079 x 2003 1080 x 2003 1081 x 2003 1082 x 2003 1083 x 2003 1084 x 2003 1085 x 2003 1086 x 2003 Rothenberg, Molly Anne; Perversion Foster, andDennis the social A.; Zizek, relation Slavoj The revolutionary imagination in the Americas Saldana-Portillo, Maria and Josefina the age of development Wandering paysanos: state order and subaltern Salvatore, Ricardo Donato experience in Buenos Aires during the Rosas era Cultures of the death drive: Melanie Klein and Sanchez-Pardo, Esther modernist melancholia Cultural analysis, cultural studies, and the law: Sarat, Austin; Simon, moving Jonathan beyond legal realism The new Japanese woman: modernity, media, Sato, Barbara Hamilland women in interwar Japan Touching feeling: affect, pedagogy, Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky; performativity Frank, Adam Slobodan Milosevic and the destruction of Sell, Louis Yugoslavia Subverting colonial authority: challenges to Serulnikov, Sergio Spanish rule in eighteenth-century southern 1087 x 2003 Slater, Candace 1088 x 2003 1089 x 2003 1090 x 2003 1091 x 2003 1092 x 2003 1093 x 2003 1094 x 2003 1095 x 2003 1096 x 2003 1097 x 2003 1098 x 2003 1099 x 2003 1100 x 2003 1101 x 2003 1102 x 2003 1103 x 2003 1104 x 2003 In search of the rain forest New day begun: African American churches and Smith, R. Drew civic culture in post-civil rights America Working out in Japan: shaping the female body Spielvogel, Laura in Tokyo fitness clubs Communities of the air: radio century, radio Squier, Susan Merrillculture Disenchanting les bons temps: identity and Stivale, Charles J. authenticity in Cajun music and dance Banana wars: power, production, and history in Striffler, Steve; Moberg, the Americas Mark The scandal of the state: women, law, and Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari citizenship in postcolonial India Brothers and strangers: Black Zion, Black slavery, Sundiata, I. K. 1914-1940 Pathways to prohibition: radicals, moderates, Szymanski, Ann-Marie andE.social movement outcomes The archive and the repertoire: performing Taylor, Diana cultural memory in the Americas Taylor, Diana; Costantino, Holy terrors: Roselyn Latin American women perform White men challenging racism: 35 personal Thompson, Cooper;stories Schaefer, Emmett Robert; Brod, Harry After Spanish rule: postcolonial predicaments of Thurner, Mark; Guerrero, the Americas Andres Victor, Metta FullerThe dead letter, & The figure eight Lesbian rule: cultural criticism and the value of Villarejo, Amy desire Transparency and conspiracy: ethnographies of West, Harry G.; Sanders, suspicion Toddin the new world order Fixin' to git: a fan's love affair with Nascar's Wright, Jim Winston Cup The expediency of culture: uses of culture in the Yudice, George global era Blood narrative: indigenous identity in American Indian and Maori literary and activist texts 1105 x 2002 Allen, Chadwick 1106 x 2002 1107 x 2002 1108 x 2002 Arlt, Roberto; Aynesworth, Mad toyMichele McKay From the margins: historical anthropology and Axel, Brian Keith its futures Beyond the color line and the Iron Curtain: Baldwin, Kate A. reading encounters between Black and Red, 1109 x 2002 Barlow, Tani E. 1110 x 2002 Bartra, Roger 1111 x 2002 1112 x 2002 1113 x 2002 1114 x 2002 Bean, Jennifer M.; Negra, A feminist Diane reader in early cinema Orientalism's interlocutors: painting, Beaulieu, Jill; Roberts, architecture, Mary photography Rock over the edge: transformations in popular Beebe, Roger; Fulbrook, musicDenise; cultureSaunders, Ben Extinct lands, temporal geographies: Chicana Brady, Mary Pat literature and the urgency of space 1115 x 2002 Breckenridge, CarolCosmopolitanism Appadurai 1116 x 2002 1117 x 2002 1118 x 2002 Brown, Wendy; Halley, Left Janet legalism/left E. critique Farm, shop, landing: the rise of a market society Bruegel, Martin in the Hudson Valley, 1780-1860 Lift high the cross: where white supremacy and Burlein, Ann the Christian right converge 1119 x 2002 Campo, Rafael 1120 x 2002 Carr, Robert 1121 x 2002 1122 x 2002 Castaneda, Claudia Figurations: child, bodies, worlds Materializing democracy: toward a revitalized Castronovo, Russ; Nelson, culturalDana politics D. 1123 x 2002 Cazdyn, Eric M. 1124 x 2002 1125 x 2002 The flash of capital: film and geopolitics in Japan No more separate spheres!: a next wave Davidson, Cathy N.;American Hatcher, Jessamyn studies reader The world turned: essays on gay history, politics, D'Emilio, John and culture 1126 x 2002 Ding, Naifei 1127 x 2002 DiPiero, Thomas 1128 x 2002 1129 x 2002 White men aren't In case of fire in a foreign land: new and Dorfman, Ariel; Grossman, collected Edith poems from two languages / Ariel Childhood in the promised land: working-class Downs, Laura Lee movements and the colonies de vacances in 1130 x 2002 Farquhar, Judith 1131 x 2002 Feng, Peter X. New Asian Marxisms Blood, ink, and culture: miseries and splendors of the post-Mexican condition Landscape with human figure Black nationalism in the new world: reading the African-American and West Indian experience Obscene things: sexual politics in Jin Ping Mei Appetites: food and sex in postsocialist China Identities in motion: Asian American film and video G-strings and sympathy: strip club regulars and male desire 1132 x 2002 Frank, Katherine 1133 x 2002 1134 x 2002 1135 x 2002 Franklin, Sarah; McKinnon, RelativeSusan values: reconfiguring kinship studies The wedding complex: forms of belonging in Freeman, Elizabeth modern American culture Humanism and secularization: from Petrarch to Fubini, Riccardo Valla 1136 x 2002 1137 x 2002 1138 x 2002 1139 x 2002 1140 x 2002 1141 x 2002 1142 x 2002 1143 1144 x x 1145 2002 2002 x 2002 Garvey, Stephen P. Beyond repair?: America's death penalty Virtual Americas: transnational fictions and the Giles, Paul transatlantic imaginary The moral austerity of environmental decision Gillroy, John Martin;making: Bowersox, sustainability, Joe democracy, and Visual pedagogy: media cultures in and beyond Goldfarb, Brian the classroom Ethnography in unstable places: everyday lives in Greenhouse, Carol J.; contexts Mertz,of Elizabeth; dramaticWarren, politicalKay change B. State work: public administration and mass Harney, Stefano intellectuality Recentering globalization: popular culture and Iwabuchi, Koichi Japanese transnationalism In the name of Osama bin Laden: global Jacquard, Roland terrorism & the bin Laden brotherhood Hop on pop: the politics and pleasures of popular Jenkins, Henry; McPherson, culture Tara; Shattuc, Jane Joseph, G. M.; Henderson, The Mexico Timothy reader: J. history, culture, politics Compositional subjects: enfiguring Kang, Hyun Yi Asian/American women Staging the world: Chinese nationalism at the Karl, Rebecca E. turn of the twentieth century 1146 x 2002 1147 x 2002 1148 x 2002 1149 x 2002 1150 x 2002 1151 x 2002 1152 x 2002 Kinney, Eleanor D. Protecting American health care consumers Disintegrating the musical: Black performance Knight, Arthur and American musical film Chinese reportage: the aesthetics of historical Laughlin, Charles A.experience Aircraft stories: decentering the object in Law, John technoscience Complexities: social studies of knowledge Law, John; Mol, Annemarie practices 1153 x 2002 Ludmer, Josefina 1154 x 2002 1155 x 2002 1156 x 2002 1157 x 2002 The gaucho genre: a treatise on the motherland Parables for the virtual: movement, affect, Massumi, Brian sensation Lines of flight: discursive time and Mattessich, Stefan countercultural desire in the work of Thomas Forgotten readers: recovering the lost history of McHenry, ElizabethAfrican American literary societies Disciplining feminism: from social activism to Messer-Davidow, Ellen academic discourse 1158 x 2002 Miyoshi, Masao; Harootunian, Learning places: Harrythe D. afterlives of area studies 1159 x 2002 Feminism without borders: decolonizing theory, Mohanty, Chandra Talpade practicing solidarity 1160 x 2002 Mol, Annemarie 1161 x 2002 Mowitt, John 1162 x 2002 1163 x 2002 1164 x 2002 1165 x 2002 1166 x 2002 Percussion: drumming, beating, striking Painting culture: the making of an aboriginal Myers, Fred R. high art Memoirs from the Beijing Film Academy: the Ni, Zhen genesis of China's fifth generation The Argentina reader: history, culture, and Nouzeilles, Gabriela;society Montaldo, Graciela R. Gay rebel of the Harlem renaissance: selections Nugent, Bruce; Wirth, from Thomas the work H. of Richard Bruce Nugent Consumption intensified: the politics of middleO'Dougherty, Maureen class daily life in Brazil 1167 x 2002 Ossman, Susan 1168 x 2002 Palmie, Stephan 1169 x 2002 1170 x 2002 1171 x 2002 1172 x 2002 1173 x 2002 1174 x 2002 1175 x 2002 1176 x 2002 Pease, Donald E.; Wiegman, The futures Robyn of American studies Postcolonial Vietnam: new histories of the Pelley, Patricia M. national past Shades of white: white kids and racial identities Perry, Pamela in high school Semiotics of peasants in transition: Slovene Portis-Winner, Irenevillagers and their ethnic relatives in America The cunning of recognition: indigenous alterities Povinelli, Elizabeth A. and the making of Australian multiculturalism The cinema of economic miracles: visuality and Restivo, Angelo modernization in the Italian art film When a flower is reborn: the life and times of a Reuque Paillalef, Rosa Mapuche Isolde; feminist Mallon, Florencia E. Racism and cultural studies: critiques of San Juan, E. multiculturalist ideology and the politics of 1177 x 2002 Sanders, Mark 1178 x 2002 1179 x 2002 1180 x 2002 1181 x 2002 1182 x 2002 1183 x 2002 1184 x 2002 1185 x 2002 The body multiple: ontology in medical practice Three faces of beauty: Casablanca, Paris, Cairo Wizards and scientists: explorations in AfroCuban modernity and tradition Complicities: the intellectual and apartheid Trans-status subjects: gender in the globalization Sarker, Sonita; De, Esha of South Niyogi and Southeast Asia Chinese medicine in contemporary China: Scheid, Volker plurality and synthesis Segalen, Victor; Schlick, EssayYael on exoticism: Rachel an aesthetics of diversity National abjection: the Asian American body Shimakawa, Karen onstage Situatedness, or, Why we keep saying where Simpson, David we're coming from The habit of lying: sacrifical studies in literature, Smyth, John Vignaux philosophy, and fashion theory The treatment: the story of those who died in the Stephens, Martha Cincinnati radiation tests The audible past: cultural origins of sound Sterne, Jonathan reproduction 1186 x 2002 1187 x 2002 1188 x 2002 1189 x 2002 1190 x 2002 1191 x 2002 1192 x 2002 1193 x 2002 Neglected policies: constitutional law and legal Strauber, Ira L. commentary as civic education In the shadows of state and capital: the United Striffler, Steve Fruit Company, popular struggle, and agrarian Working like a homosexual: camp, capital, and Tinkcom, Matthew cinema Partners in conflict: the politics of gender, Tinsman, Heidi sexuality, and labor in the Chilean agrarian The militia and the right to arms, or, How the Uviller, H. Richard; Merkel, second amendment William G. fell silent The culture of cursiler-a: bad taste, kitsch, and Valis, Noel Maureenclass in modern Spain Alone before God: the religious origins of Voekel, Pamela modernity in Mexico Constructing the Black masculine: identity and Wallace, Maurice O.ideality in African American men's literature and 1194 x 2002 Weintraub, E. Roy How economics became a mathematical science 1195 x 2002 Wesley, Fred 1196 x 2002 1197 x 2002 1198 x 2002 1199 x 2002 1200 x 2001 1201 x 2001 1202 x 2001 Hit Me, Fred Dark shamans: kanaim and the poetics of violent Whitehead, Neil L. death Women's studies on its own: a next wave reader Wiegman, Robyn in institutional change The other side of the popular: neoliberalism and Williams, Gareth subalternity in Latin America Culture and the question of rights: forests, Zerner, Charles coasts, and seas in Southeast Asia Disrupting savagism: Chicana/o, Mexican Aldama, Arturo J. immigrant, and Native American struggles for The rule of rules: morality, rules, and the Alexander, Larry; Sherwin, dilemmas Emily of law Deep river: music and memory in Harlem Anderson, Paul Allen Renaissance thought 1203 x 2001 Appadurai, Arjun 1204 x 2001 Atkins, E. Taylor 1205 x 2001 1206 x 2001 1207 x 2001 1208 x 2001 1209 x 2001 1210 x 2001 1211 x 2001 1212 x 2001 Globalization Blue Nippon: authenticating jazz in Japan Turning south again: re-thinking modernism/reBaker, Houston A. reading Booker T. The tribute of blood: army, honor, race, and Beattie, Peter M. nation in Brazil, 1864-1945 Black Athena writes back: Martin Bernal Bernal, Martin; Moore, responds Davidto Chioni his critics Only one place of redress: African Americans, Bernstein, David E. labor regulations, and the courts from Groove tube: sixties television and the youth Bodroghkozy, Anikorebellion Brander Rasmussen,The Birgit making and unmaking of whiteness The grooves of change: Eastern Europe at the Brown, J. F. turn of the millennium Foreign in a domestic sense: Puerto Rico, Burnett, Christina Duffy; American Marshall, expansion, Burke and the Constitution 1213 x 2001 1214 x 2001 1215 x 2001 1216 x 2001 1217 x 2001 1218 x 2001 1219 x 2001 1220 x 2001 1221 x 2001 1222 x 2001 1223 x 2001 1224 x 2001 Necro citizenship: death, eroticism, and the Castronovo, Russ public sphere in the nineteenth-century United A time for tea: women, labor, and post/colonial Chatterjee, Piya politics on an Indian plantation China urban: ethnographies of contemporary Chen, Nancy N culture Orientations: mapping studies in the Asian Chuh, Kandice; Shimakawa, diasporaKaren Millennial capitalism and the culture of Comaroff, Jean.; Comaroff, neoliberalism John L. Fabricating women: the seamstresses of Old Crowston, Clare Haru Regime France, 1675-1791 Gay fandom and crossover stardom: James DeAngelis, Michael Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves Subject to colonialism: African self-fashioning Desai, Gaurav Gajanan. and the colonial library Perfect wives, other women: adultery and Dopico Black, Georgina Inquisition in early modern Spain Racial castration: managing masculinity in Asian Eng, David L. America Cardenas compromised: the failure of reform in Fallaw, Ben postrevolutionary Yucatan Generation and degeneration: tropes of Finucci, Valeria; Brownlee, reproduction Kevin in literature and history from 1225 x 2001 Gaonkar, Dilip 1226 x 2001 1227 x 2001 1228 x 2001 1229 x 2001 1230 x 2001 1231 x 2001 1232 x 2001 1233 x 2001 1234 x 2001 1235 x 2001 1236 x 2001 1237 x 2001 Hopkins, Dwight N. Religions/globalizations: theories and cases A social laboratory for modern France: the Muse Horne, Janet R. social & the rise of the welfare state 1238 x 2001 Howard, June 1239 x 2001 Alternative Modernities Indigenous struggle at the heart of Brazil: state Garfield, Seth policy, frontier expansion, and the Xavante Re/presenting class: essays in postmodern Gibson-Graham, J. K.; Marxism Resnick, Stephen A.; Wolff, Richard D. The genuine article: race, mass culture, and Gilmore, Paul American literary manhood Goldberg, JonathanWilla Cather and others Race on the line: gender, labor, and technology Green, Venus in the Bell System, 1880-1980 Images at war: Mexico from Columbus to Blade Gruzinski, Serge; MacLean, Runner (1492-2019) Heather States of imagination: ethnographic explorations Hansen, Thomas Blom; of the Stepputat, postcolonial Finnstate Hauerwas, Stanley; The Berkman, Hauerwas John;reader Cartwright, Michael G. The culture of conformism: understanding social Hogan, Patrick Colmconsent No apocalypse, no integration: modernism and Hopenhayn, Martinpostmodernism in Latin America Publishing the family Labors appropriate to their sex: gender, labor, Hutchison, Elizabethand Q. politics in urban Chile, 1900-1930 Yellow music: media culture and colonial Jones, Andrew F. modernity in the Chinese jazz age Reclaiming the political in Latin American Joseph, G. M. history: essays from the North Fragments of a Golden Age: the politics of Joseph, G. M.; Rubenstein, culture in Anne; Mexico Zolov, since Eric 1940 1240 x 2001 1241 x 2001 1242 x 2001 1243 x 2001 1244 x 2001 1245 x 2001 1246 x 2001 Latina Feminist Group Telling to live: Latina feminist testimonios From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park: activism, Lauter, Paul culture, & American studies 1247 x 2001 Layoun, Mary N. 1248 x 2001 1249 x 2001 1250 x 2001 1251 x 2001 1252 x 2001 1253 x 2001 1254 x 2001 1255 x 2001 1256 x 2001 1257 x 2001 Kadvany, John DavidImre Lakatos and the guises of reason Women on the verge: Japanese women, Western Kelsky, Karen dreams Wedded to the Land? We are all equal: student culture and identity at Levinson, Bradley A.a Mexican secondary school, 1988-1998 1259 x 2001 1260 x 2001 1261 x 2001 1262 x 2001 1263 x 2001 Lowy, Michael; Sayre, Romanticism Robert against the tide of modernity The art of transition: Latin American culture and Masiello, Francine neoliberal crisis Prayer has spoiled everything: possession, Masquelier, Adelinepower, Marie and identity in an Islamic town of Niger Ambient television: visual culture and public McCarthy, Anna space Imitations of life: two centuries of melodrama in McReynolds, Louise;Russia Neuberger, Joan From revolutionaries to citizens: antimilitarism in Miller, Paul B. France, 1870-1914 Guide to sustainable development and Mirovitskaya, N. S; Ascher, environmental Williampolicy An aesthetic occupation: the immediacy of Monk, Daniel Bertrand architecture and the Palestine conflict The exhaustion of difference: the politics of Latin Moreiras, Alberto American cultural studies Vichy and the eternal feminine: a contribution to Muel-Dreyfus, Francine; a political Johnson, sociology Kathleen of gender A. Culture in the marketplace: gender, art, and Mullin, Molly H. value in the American Southwest Foundlings: lesbian and gay historical emotion Nealon, Christopherbefore S. Stonewall An improper profession: women, gender, and Norton, Barbara T.; journalism Gheith, Jehanne in lateM. Imperial Russia Against normalization: writing radical democracy O'Brien, Anthony in South Africa Negative liberties: Morrison, Pynchon, and the Patell, Cyrus R. K. problem of liberal ideology 1264 x 2001 Piccato, Pablo 1265 x 2001 1266 x 2001 1258 x 2001 City of suspects: crime in Mexico City, 1900-1931 Prejudicial appearances: the logic of American Post, Robert; Appiah, antidiscrimination Anthony law Useful knowledge: the Victorians, morality, and Rauch, Alan the march of intellect Reading the figural, or, Philosophy after the new Rodowick, David Norman media 1267 x 2001 1268 x 2001 1269 x 2001 1270 x 2001 1271 x 2001 1272 x 2001 1273 x 2001 1274 x 2001 1275 x 2001 1276 x 2001 1277 x 2001 1278 x 2001 1279 x 2001 1280 x 2001 1281 x 2001 Rodriguez, Ileana The Latin American subaltern studies reader Crime and punishment in Latin America: law and Salvatore, Ricardo Donato; society since Aguirre, lateCarlos; colonial Joseph, times G. M. The space in-between: essays on Latin American Santiago, Silviano; Gazzola, culture Ana Lucia Georges woke up laughing: long-distance Schiller, Nina Glick; nationalism Fouron, Georges and the Eugene search for home Africanizing anthropology: fieldwork, networks, Schumaker, Lyn and the making of cultural knowledge in central A master on the periphery of capitalism: Schwarz, Roberto; Gledson, MachadoJohn de Assis Around quitting time: work and middle-class Seguin, Robert fantasy in American fiction The community economic development Simon, William H. movement: law, business, and the new social An absent presence: Japanese Americans in Simpson, Caroline Chung postwar American culture, 1945-1960 A not so foreign affair: fascism, sexuality, and Slane, Andrea the cultural rhetoric of democracy Like cattle and horses: nationalism and labor in Smith, S. A. Shanghai, 1895-1927 Welcome to the dreamhouse: popular media and Spigel, Lynn postwar suburbs The color of sex: whiteness, heterosexuality, and Stokes, Mason Boydthe fictions of white supremacy Songs of the Unsung: the musical and social Tapscott, Horace; Isoardi, journeySteven of Horace LouisTapscott 1282 x 2001 Tucker, Sherrie 1283 x 2001 1284 x 2001 Swing Shift Fair sex, savage dreams: race, psychoanalysis, Walton, Jean sexual difference Racial revolutions: antiracism and Indian Warren, Jonathan W. resurgence in Brazil 1285 x 2001 Weiss, Peter; Rolleston, The new James; trialEvers, Kai 1286 x 2001 Wildenthal, Lora 1287 x 2001 1288 x 2001 1289 x 2001 1290 x 2001 German women for empire, 1884-1945 Culture wars in Brazil: the first Vargas regime, Williams, Daryle 1930-1945 A narrative of events since the first of August, Williams, James; Paton, 1834Diana Soundtrack available: essays on film and popular Wojcik, Pamela Robertson; music Knight, Arthur Whither China: intellectual politics in Zhang, Xudong contemporary China 1291 x 2000 Afzal-Khan, Fawzia; The Seshadri-Crooks, Pre-Occupation Kalpana of Post Colonial Studies 1292 x 2000 Apostolidis, Paul Stations of the Cross 1293 x 2000 Auyero, Javier Poor People's Politics 1294 x 2000 Bee, Susan; Schor, Mira M/E/A/N/I/N/G 1295 x 2000 Bove, Paul A. Edward Said and the Work of the Critic 1296 x 2000 Chow, Rey Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies 1297 x 2000 Chu, Patricia P. 1298 x 2000 1299 x 2000 Assimilating Asians Virtuous vice: homoeroticism and the public Clarke, Eric O. sphere Free Speech, "The People's Darling Privilege": Curtis, Michael KentStruggles for Freedom of Expression in American 1300 x 2000 de la Fuente, Ariel Children of Facundo 1301 x 2000 Dirlik, Arif Postmodernism and China 1302 x 2000 Dore, Elizabeth Hidden Histories of Gender 1303 x 2000 Duggan, Lisa Sapphic Slashers 1304 x 2000 Farmer, Brett Spectacular Passions 1305 x 2000 Farnsworth-Alvear, Dulcinea Ann in the Factory 1306 x 2000 Fischer, Frank Citizens, Experts, and the Environment 1307 x 2000 Fujitani, T. Perilous Memories 1308 x 2000 Grandin, Greg The Blood of Guatemala 1309 x 2000 Gundle, Stephen Between Hollywood and Moscow 1310 x 2000 Hanafi, Zakiya The Monster in the Machine 1311 x 2000 Holland, Sharon Patricia Raising the Dead 1312 x 2000 Hutchinson, Allan C.It's All in the Game 1313 x 2000 Lamarre, Thomas Uncovering Heian Japan 1314 x 2000 Lemon, Alaina Between Two Fires 1315 x 2000 Limon, John Stand-up Comedy in Theory 1316 x 2000 Lipkin, Robert JustinConstitutional Revolutions 1317 x 2000 Litzinger, Ralph A. Other Chinas 1318 x 2000 Liu, Kang Aesthetics and Marxism 1319 x 2000 Majid, Anouar Unveiling Traditions 1320 x 2000 McCann, Sean Gumshoe America 1321 x 2000 Michael, John Anxious Intellects 1322 x 2000 Newton, Esther Margaret Mead Made Me Gay 1323 x 2000 1324 x 2000 1325 x 2000 O'Donnell, Patrick Latent Destinies Evolution's eye: a systems view of the biologyOyama, Susan culture divide The ontogeny of information: developmental Oyama, Susan systems and evolution 1326 x 2000 Patton, Cindy 1327 x 2000 Perelman, Michael The Invention of Capitalism 1328 x 2000 Peterson, Dale E. Up From Bondage 1329 x 2000 Piglia, Ricardo The Absent City 1330 x 2000 Prieto, Rene Body of Writing 1331 x 2000 Pye, Christopher The Vanishing 1332 x 2000 Rabasa, Jose Writing Violence on the Northern Front 1333 x 2000 1334 x 2000 Rafael, Vicente L. White Love En-gendering India: woman and nation in Ray, Sangeeta colonial and postcolonial narratives 1335 x 2000 Salecl, Renata 1336 x 2000 Smith, Susan HarrisThe American 1890s 1337 x 2000 Szalay, Michael New Deal Modernism 1338 x 2000 Tang, Xiaobing Chinese Modern 1339 x 2000 Tatlow, Antony Shakespeare, Brecht, and the intercultural sign 1340 x 2000 Udovicki, Jasminka Burn this House 1341 x 2000 Wald, Gayle Crossing the Line 1342 x 2000 Waugh, Thomas The Fruit Machine 1343 x 2000 1344 x 1999 1345 x 1999 Zimmerman, Matilde Sandinista Subalternity and representation: arguments in Beverley, John cultural theory Queer Iberia: sexualities, cultures, and crossings Blackmore, Josiah; Hutcheson, from the Middle Gregory Ages S.to the Renaissance 1346 x 1999 Brown, Marshall Eighteenth Century Literary History 1347 x 1999 Buckley, F. H. The fall and rise of freedom of contract Queer Diasporas Sexuation 1348 x 1999 1349 x 1999 1350 x 1999 1351 x 1999 Politics Without a Past: The Absence of History in Cohen, Shari J. Postcommunist Nationalism Getting medieval: sexualities and communities, Dinshaw, Carolyn pre- and postmodern Slow cures and bad philosophers: essays on Elliott, Carl Wittgenstein, medicine, and bioethics High tech and high heels in the global economy: Freeman, Carla women, work, and pink-collar identities in the 1352 x 1999 Hanchard, Michael George Racial politics in contemporary Brazil 1353 x 1999 Hunt, Nancy Rose A Colonial Lexicon 1354 x 1999 Kinder, Marsha Kids' Media Culture 1355 x 1999 Liu, Lydia H. Tokens of Exchange 1356 x 1999 Marks, Laura U. 1357 x 1999 The Skin of the Film An account of the antiquities of the Indians: Pane, Ramon; Arrom, chronicles Jose Juan of the New World encounter 1358 x 1999 Peard, Julyan G. 1359 x 1999 Ramos, Julio 1360 x 1999 1361 x 1999 1362 x 1999 1363 x 1999 1364 x 1998 1365 x 1998 1366 x 1998 1367 x 1998 1368 x 1998 Divergent Modernities Joyce's book of memory: the mnemotechnic of Rickard, John S. Ulysses Black Venus: sexualized savages, primal fears, Sharpley-Whiting, T.and Denean primitive narratives in French Nightwatch: the making of a movement in the Starn, Orin Peruvian Andes Smoldering ashes: Cuzco and the creation of Walker, Charles Republican Peru, 1780-1840 The discovery and conquest of Peru: chronicles of Cieza de Leon, Pedro the de; New Cook, World Alexandra encounter Parma.; Cook, David Noble. The cultural life of intellectual properties: Coombe, Rosemaryauthorship, J. appropriation, and the law The revival of pragmatism: new essays on social Dickstein, Morris thought, law, and culture National manhood: capitalist citzenship and the Nelson, Dana D. imagined fraternity of white men Rural revolt in Mexico: U.S. intervention and the Nugent, Daniel domain of subaltern politics 1369 x 1998 Schlag, Pierre 1370 x 1998 Scott, James M. 1371 x 1998 Siegel, James T. The enchantment of reason After the end: making U.S. foreign policy in the post-Cold War world A new criminal type in Jakarta: counterrevolution today 1372 x 1998 Wang, Jing China's avant-garde fiction: an anthology 1373 x 1998 Zizek, Slavoj 1374 x 1997 Race, Place, and Medicine Cogito and the unconscious Black, Jewish, and interracial: it's not the color of Azoulay, Katya Gibelyour skin, but the race of your kin, and other 1375 x 1997 1376 x 1997 1377 x 1997 1378 x 1997 1379 x 1997 Homosexuality in cold war America: resistance Corber, Robert J. and the crisis of masculinity Displacing whiteness: essays in social and Frankenberg, Ruth cultural criticism Ready-to-wear and ready-to-work: a century of Green, Nancy L. industry and immigrants in Paris and New York Culture, power, place: explorations in critical Gupta, Akhil; Ferguson, anthropology James Bounded lives, bounded places: free Black society Hanger, Kimberly S.in colonial New Orleans, 1769-1803 1380 x 1997 Hoffman, Amy 1381 x 1997 Kintz, Linda 1382 x 1997 Lee, Benjamin 1383 x 1997 1384 x 1997 Lowe, Lisa; Lloyd, David The politics of culture in the shadow of capital The Bastille: a history of a symbol of despotism Lusebrink, Hans-Jurgen; and freedom Reichardt, Rolf 1385 x 1997 Ransom, John S. 1386 x 1997 1387 x 1997 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky Novel gazing: queer readings in fiction Bound for the promised land: African American Sernett, Milton C. religion and the great migration 1388 x 1997 1389 x 1997 1390 x 1997 1391 x 1996 1392 x 1996 1393 x 1996 1394 x 1996 1395 x 1996 Hospital time Between Jesus and the market: the emotions that matter in right-wing America Talking heads: language, metalanguage, and the semiotics of subjectivity Foucault's discipline: the politics of subjectivity Smith, Barbara Herrnstein; Mathematics, Plotnitsky, science, Arkady and postclassical theory Chinese poetry: an anthology of major modes Yip, Wai-lim and genres Colonial fantasies: conquest, family, and nation Zantop, Susanne in precolonial Germany, 1770-1870 The repeating island: the Caribbean and the Benitez Rojo, Antonio; postmodern Maraniss,perspective James E. Fiscus, Ronald Jerry;The Wasby, constitutional Stephen L.logic of affirmative action In the name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Gardell, Mattias Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam 1396 x 1996 Ginsberg, Elaine K. Passing and the fictions of identity Home and harem: nation, gender, empire, and Grewal, Inderpal the cultures of travel The real thing: testimonial discourse and Latin Gugelberger, GeorgAmerica M. 1397 x 1996 Harding, Neil 1398 x 1996 1399 x 1996 1400 x 1996 Leninism Borders of Chinese civilization: geography and Howland, Douglas history at Empire's end Questions of travel: postmodern discourses of Kaplan, Caren displacement The bakers of Paris and the bread question, 1700Kaplan, Steven Laurence 1775 1401 x 1996 Margulies, Ivone Rites of realism: essays on corporeal cinema Regulating confusion: Samuel Johnson and the crowd 1402 x 1996 Reinert, Thomas 1403 x 1996 1404 x 1996 Steinmetz, David Curtis The Bible in the sixteenth century Global/local: cultural production and the Wilson, Rob; Dissanayake, transnational Wimal imaginary 1405 x 1996 Yezierska, Anzia 1406 x 1995 1407 x 1995 1408 x 1995 1409 x 1995 1410 x 1995 1411 x 1995 1412 x 1995 1413 x 1995 Beverley, John; Aronna, The postmodernism Michael; Oviedo, debate Jose in Latin America Carnal rhetoric: Milton's iconoclasm and the Cable, Lana poetics of desire Noises in the blood: orality, gender, and the Cooper, Carolyn "vulgar" body of Jamaican popular culture Cuba represent!: Cuban arts, state power, and Fernandes, Sujatha the making of new revolutionary cultures Seeing through the eighties: television and Feuer, Jane Reaganism Narrating the past: fiction and historiography in Herzberger, David K.postwar Spain The times were strange and stirring: Methodist Hildebrand, Reginald preachers Francis and the crisis of emancipation 1414 x 1995 Kaplan, Louis 1415 x 1995 Kaplan, Martha 1416 x 1995 Lowe, Donald M. 1417 x 1995 1418 x 1995 1419 x 1995 1420 x 1994 1421 x 1994 1422 x 1994 1423 x 1994 1424 x 1994 1425 x 1994 1426 x 1994 1427 x 1994 1428 x 1994 Arrogant beggar Animals and women: feminist theoretical Adams, Carol J.; Donovan, explorations Josephine Laszlo Moholy-Nagy: biographical writings Neither cargo nor cult: ritual politics and the colonial imagination in Fiji The body in late-capitalist USA Subjects and citizens: nation, race, and gender Moon, Michael; Davidson, from Oroonoko Cathy N.to Anita Hill Containment culture: American narrative, Nadel, Alan postmodernism, and the atomic age Smolla, Rodney A.; Barrett, A year inPaul the life of the Supreme Court Belated travelers: orientalism in the age of Behdad, Ali colonial dissolution Half sisters of history: southern women and the Clinton, Catherine American past Postmodernity in Latin America: the Argentine Colas, Santiago paradigm The unvarnished doctrine: Locke, liberalism, and Dworetz, Steven M.the American Revolution Laura: uncovering gender and genre in Wyatt, Estrin, Barbara L. Donne, and Marvell Class fictions: shame and resistance in the British Fox, Pamela working-class novel, 1890-1945 Politics, ideology, and literary discourse in Liu, Kang; Tang, Xiaobing modern China: theorectical interventions and Revisionary interventions into the Americanist Pease, Donald E. canon House/garden/nation: space, gender, and Rodriguez, Ileana ethnicity in post-colonial Latin American 1429 x 1994 Roe, Emery Narrative policy analysis: theory and practice 1430 x 1994 1431 x 1994 1432 x 1993 1433 x 1993 1434 x 1993 1435 x 1993 1436 x 1993 1437 x 1993 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky Fat art, thin art Constituting Americans: cultural anxiety and Wald, Priscilla narrative form Out of context: historical reference and the Balderston, Daniel representation of reality in Borges Modernism and the nativist resistance: Chang, Sung-sheng contemporary Chinese fiction from Taiwan In the name of national security: Hitchcock, Corber, Robert J. homophobia, and the political construction of Community without unity: a politics of Derridian Corlett, William S. extravagance The Argumentative turn in policy analysis and Fischer, Frank; Forester, planning John Bondmen and rebels: a study of master-slave Gaspar, David Barryrelations in Antigua 1438 x 1993 Goldberg, JonathanQueering the Renaissance 1439 x 1993 Mazzotta, GiuseppeThe worlds of Petrarch 1440 x 1993 Menocal, Maria Rosa Shards of love: exile and the origins of the lyric 1441 x 1993 1442 x 1993 Miyoshi, Masao; Harootunian, Japan in theHarry World D. Idle fictions: the Hispanic vanguard novel, 1926Perez Firmat, Gustavo 1934 1443 x 1993 1444 x 1993 1445 x 1993 1446 x 1993 1448 x 1993 1449 x 1992 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky Tendencies Euripides and the poetics of sorrow: art, gender, Segal, Charles and commemoration in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Black into white: race and nationality in Brazilian Skidmore, Thomas E. thought: with a preface to the 1993 edition and Black business in the new south: a social history Weare, Walter B. of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance The Construction of authorship: textual Woodmansee, Martha; appropriation Jaszi, Peterin law and literature Tarrying with the negative: Kant, Hegel, and the Zizek, Slavoj critique of ideology A foreign policy in transition: Moscow's retreat Adams, Jan S. from Central America and the Caribbean, 1985- 1450 x 1992 Boyd, Stephen BlakePilgram Marpeck: his life and social theology 1451 x 1992 1452 x 1992 DeCurtis, Anthony Present tense: rock & roll and culture The effective republic: administration and Flaumenhaft, Harvey constitution in the thought of Alexander 1453 x 1992 1454 x 1992 1455 x 1992 1447 x 1993 Henry, Paget; Buhle,C.L.R. Paul James's Caribbean The modernist impulse in American Hutchison, William R. Protestantism The Atlantic slave trade: effects on economies, Inikori, J. E.; Engerman, societies, Stanley andL.peoples in Africa, the Americas, Herbal and magical medicine: traditional healing Kirkland, James today Satire or evasion?: Black perspectives on Leonard, J. S.; Tenney, Huckleberry Thomas Asa; FinnDavis, Thadious M. 1456 x 1992 1457 x 1992 1458 x 1992 1459 x 1992 1460 x 1992 1461 x 1992 1462 x 1991 1463 x 1991 1464 x 1991 1465 x 1991 McNamara, Jo Ann;Sainted Halborg,women John E.; ofWhatley, the Dark E. Ages Gordon Figures of resistance: language, poetry, and Okada, H. Richard narrating in The tale of Genji and other midWe were the people: voices from East Germany's Philipsen, Dirk revolutionary autumn of 1989 Mutual misunderstanding: scepticism and the Taylor, Talbot J. theorizing of language and interpretation False promises: the shaping of American working Aronowitz, Stanley class consciousness New critical approaches to the short stories of Benson, Jackson J. Ernest Hemingway Criticism in the borderlands: studies in Chicano Calderon, Hector; Saldivar, literature, Jose culture, David and ideology Millenarian vision, capitalist reality: Brazil's Diacon, Todd A. Contestado Rebellion, 1912-1916 1466 x 1991 Gless, Darryl J.; Smith, TheBarbara Politics Herrnstein of liberal education 1467 x 1991 Klinkowitz, Jerome Donald Barthelme: an exhibition 1468 x 1991 1469 x 1991 1470 x 1991 1471 x 1991 1472 x 1991 1473 x 1991 1474 x 1991 1475 x 1990 1476 x 1990 1477 x 1990 1478 x 1990 1479 x 1990 1480 x 1990 1481 x 1990 Lentricchia, Frank Introducing Don DeLillo The selected letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn, Materer, Timothy 1915-1924 Tropes, Parables, and Performatives: essays on Miller, J. Hillis twentieth-century literature Fables of power: Aesopian writing and political Patterson, Annabel history M. The dialectics of our America: genealogy, cultural Saldivar, Jose Davidcritique, and literary history From the house to the streets: the Cuban Stoner, K. Lynn woman's movement for legal reform, 1898-1940 Stains on my name, war in my veins: Guyana and Williams, Brackette the F. politics of cultural struggle The development of spiritual life in Bosnia under Andric, Ivo; Juricic, Zelimir the influence B.; Loud, of Turkish John F. rule Averting the Apocalypse: social movements in Bonner, Arthur India today Doing what comes naturally: change, rhetoric, Fish, Stanley Eugeneand the practice of theory in literary and legal Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson: race, conflict, Gillman, Susan Kay;and Robinson, cultureForrest G. Transcendentalist hermeneutics: institutional Grusin, Richard A. authority and the higher criticism of the Bible The Black church in the African-American Lincoln, C. Eric; Mamiya, experience Lawrence H. Social justice for women: the International Labor Lubin, Carol Riegelman; Organization Winslow,and Anne women 1482 x 1990 Mooney, Michael E.Shakespeare's dramatic transactions The Orient of style: modernist allegories of Schlossman, Beryl conversion 1483 x 1990 1484 x 1990 1485 x 1990 1486 x 1989 1487 x 1989 1488 x 1989 Crispell, Kenneth R.;Hidden Gomez, illness Carlos in F. the White House British enterprise in Brazil: the St. John d'el Rey Eakin, Marshall C. Mining Company and the Morro Velho Gold 1489 x 1989 Gilbert, Allan 1490 x 1989 Gilbert, Allan 1491 x 1989 Gilbert, Allan 1492 x 1989 1493 x 1989 Miyoshi, Masao; Harootunian, Postmodernism Harryand D. Japan War on war: Lenin, the Zimmerwald Left, and the Nation, R. Craig origins of communist internationalism 1494 x 1989 1495 x 1989 1496 x 1988 1497 x 1988 1498 x 1988 1499 x 1988 1500 x 1988 1501 x 1987 1502 x 1986 1503 x 1986 Spragens, Thomas A. Reason and democracy Indigenous migration and social change: the Wightman, Ann M. forasteros of Cuzco, 1570-1720 Markedness theory: the union of asymmetry and Andrews, Edna semiosis in language Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, vol III Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, volume I Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, volume II Patterson, Daniel W.; Arts Zug, in earnest: Charles G. North Carolina folklife With all, and for the good of all: the emergence Poyo, Gerald Eugene of popular nationalism in the Cuban communities Ideology and power in the Middle East: studies in Chelkowski, Peter J.;honor Pranger, of George RobertLenczowski J. Domination and cultural resistance: authority Rasnake, Roger Neiland power among an Andean people Political reasoning and cognition: a Piagetian Rosenberg, Shawn W.; viewWard, Dana; Chilton, Stephen The Abolition of slavery and the aftermath of Scott, Rebecca J. emancipation in Brazil A world of words: language and displacement in Williams, Michael J.the S. fiction of Edgar Allan Poe An African voice: the role of the humanities in July, Robert WilliamAfrican independence 1505 x 1986 1506 x 1985 1507 x 1985 1508 x 1983 Bergquist, Charles W. Coffee and Conflict in Colombia, 1886-1910 Discourse and the other: the production of the Hogue, W. Lawrence Afro-American text "Reading the wind": the literature of the Vietnam Lomperis, Timothy J.; war: Pratt, an interpretative John Clark critique Southern capitalism: the political economy of Wood, Phillip J. North Carolina, 1880-1980 Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Brown, Frank C. Folklore: The Music of the Folk Songs Blues & roots, rue & bluets: a garland for the Williams, Jonathan southern Appalachians The beaches are moving: the drowning of Kaufman, Wallace; Pilkey, America's Orrin shoreline: H. with a new epilogue 1509 x 1983 Parker, Harold Talbot Three Napoleonic battles 1504 x 1986 1510 x 1964 Brown, Frank C. Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore: Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from
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