ADK September-November 2012 Newsletter


ADK September-November 2012 Newsletter
September-November 2012
Check out our new
3-month schedule
Newsletter of the Mohican Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club
Serving Westchester, Putnam, and Fairfield Counties ...and Beyond
From the Chapter Chair
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Holiday Party
------------------------------Thank you for a wonderful picnic at Croton Park on
July 28th, especially Carol Harting who collected
the money, cooked the hotdogs and hamburgers,
and all the people who contributed side dishes and
desserts, and brought paper products, cups, ice,
coolers, water, soda, wine, and beer. Mother
Nature decided that we ate enough calories
because after dessert the sky opened up and
poured rain. Thank you Pat Johnston for the leader
lottery and Kathie Laug for the prizes, coolers and
ice as well as Steve Klepner and Margaret Freifeld.
Thank you to Carole Ehleben for the paper
products and thanks to whomever brought the
wine, soda, and beer. Oh and don't rely on the
internet for answers. It is Delaware without a
National Park. Wiki gave 4 different answers. We
had fun trying to test people's knowledge on parks,
presidents, and the Olympics. I have to think of
much harder questions.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the annual
Mohican Chapter Holiday Party. It is scheduled for
Saturday, December 1 at 5:00 p.m., and it will be
held again in the party room at the First
Congregational Church, 210 Orchard Ridge Road,
Chappaqua, NY. It will be catered again so you
bring nothing but yourself.
I attended the Black Fly Dinner in June after
attending the all day meeting at the headquarters. It
was very well attended (a full banquet room of
people). They had a live band, dancing, wonderful
raffle prizes, as well as many silent-auction items,
and many public auction items. If you get a chance
you should all attend next year's function. The
chocolate fountain was the best!
The charge for the party is $18 per person to cover
the cost of the appetizers, catered main courses,
beverages and dessert. To keep the cost down, the
Club is subsidizing part of the actual expenses.
Checks should be made payable to ADK Mohican
and sent to: Carol Harting, P.O. Box 218, Bedford,
NY 10506
Mark our Mohican meeting dates on your
We have to let the caterer know by November 28
so your check must be received prior to that date.
Please include your phone number and email
address. If you have any questions, call Carol at
914-234-6313 or e-mail
Wednesday, October 3,
2012 – 7 p.m. – Pot Luck
-------------------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, March 6, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.
WTA’s Holiday Party is Sunday, December 9 at
Westmoreland Sanctuary in Mt. Kisco, NY.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.
Jean Dolen
September-November 2012
squeeze in the celebratory dinner on one of his
trips home.
It is with sadness that we report the death of
Eugene O’Donnell, the husband of our good friend
and fellow hiker, Joan O’Donnell. Gene and Joan
moved to Florida several years ago after Gene’s
retirement and they both enjoyed the time they had
together in sunny Florida. Cards can be sent to
Joan at 3581 W. Cypress Drive, Dunnellon, Florida
34433 and let her know we are thinking of her.
Thursday, June 21, was officially declared Jane
Smalley Day in Westchester County. Jane was
honored by the Somers Democratic Club with the
organization's annual Special Recognition Award.
Over 150 people attended the dinner. County
Legislator Peter Harckham was among those
lauding Jane's service to community and
Dems. . Her name was to be emblazoned all day at
the County Center in White Plains for all to see.
Climbing Mount Whitney
On the weekend of June 30 while the New York
area was plenty hot, Margaret Freifeld, Pat
Johnston, Janice Miller, Carol Nestor and Jane
Restani decided to do the peaks in Vermont over
4000 feet. Margaret had already climbed them but
wouldn't want to miss an adventure. The weekend
in the Green Mountains was cool and the views
Adirondacks and the Whites of New Hampshire
from the same spot. Everyone did Abraham, Ellen,
Mansfield (fabulous) and Camel's Hump. Pat and
Jane returned to work. Ugh! Margaret and Janice
then did Killington while Carol finished up an AT
section. Janice did the excellent planning, and Jane
was pleased to see Mt. Washington from the Green
Mountains because she did not see it while she
was on it with Kathie Laug and Jane Smalley a few
years ago. She does have a nice picture of fog,
though. Here is to Vermont views!
On the beautiful, clear morning of Friday, August
10, Mohicans Pat Johnston, Steve Klepner, Jane
Restani, and Margaret Freifeld summited Mount
Whitney in California, the highest mountain in the
contiguous United States. Its height is variously
listed at 14,494', 14,495', 14,497.61' or more
recently at 14,508'.
With a 5 a.m. start by headlamps from their camp
at Guitar Lake, they reached the summit around
mid-morning. After spending more than an hour on
the crowded summit marveling at the 360 degree
views, snapping lots of pictures, and enjoying the
camaraderie of the climbers, it was time to retreat.
The usual thunderstorms started at 1 p.m., not
long before they regained camp at 12,000'.
On July 21, 2012 Wolfgang Weber became a
member of the Catskill 3500 Club. His 39th peak
was Panther. He was accompanied that day by Bob
Fiscina, Jennifer Reidy and Jane Restani. He
thanks the latter two for leading many of his hikes,
along with Margaret Freifeld and Silvana Leonard,
who also led multiple hikes. Silvana started him off
on this project when she led the second club Long
Path group, as the LP goes over a number of the
required peaks. Wolfgang is now heading a UN
mission in the Western Sahara, but we hope he will
The climb of Mount Whitney was the goal of a sixday trek in the high Sierras, starting and ending at
Cottonwood Packstation. The trip was organized by
September-November 2012
For the downhill skiers among us, Whiteface
Mountain is only a short distance away.
an outfitter who provided guides and horses for
carrying gear and the best back-country cuisine this
writer has experienced. The group, all of whom
summited, consisted of 10 clients ranging in age
from 11 to 70 and three guides (trail chefs). This
proved to be a wonderful way of climbing Mount
Whitney instead of the one or two-day slog up the
trail from the east via Whitney Portal.
# of people
Bunkroom #3
Private Room #5 (twin beds)
Private Room #6 (twin beds)
Private Room #8 (king bed)
Submitted by Margaret Freifeld
Your 3% bed tax, dinners and trail lunches will be
added, and your ADK 10% member fee will be
deducted at the time of check out. With a new
reservation policy in place at the Loj, your deposit will
be 50% of the room cost with the balance to be paid
by you at checkout time. The room cost includes 3
breakfasts, but NO dinners. Dinner is $19 and
reservations can be made upon arrival. PLEASE
NOTE that reservations must be received by 11 a.m.
so if you are planning on having dinner Friday night
RESERVATIONS. Trail lunches are also available for
$9. The private and family rooms tend to fill up quickly
so send in your reservation as soon as you can, but
no later than November 11. If your choice is no longer
available, I will call you to discuss alternatives.
Cancellations received on or after November 11 will
lose the deposit unless we can fill the spot from a
waiting list.
APRIL 2012---Benjamin and Amy Bittle, Tracy
Brown and Rachad Krumsoonghoen, Josh Burack,
Peter and Stephanie Mollo, Erling and Patricia
MAY 2012---Terence and Ellen McGlynn
Rejoined---Marek and Beverly Stycos,
Winder, Marg Ripley Quigley
This column is dedicated
to you, our members,
whose lives, events, and
achievements on and off
the trail, are to be
recognized and shared.
Please complete the form below and mail with your
room preference and check made payable to
ADK Mohican
NOVEMBER 11 to: Lisa Weismiller, 118 Grove Street
#11, Stamford, CT 06901
If there is a special event,
vacation or achievement in
your life you would like to
share, please send in your news to Jean Dolen at
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
If you have questions, call Lisa Weismiller at 203-2468200 or email at:
Name: ___________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Adirondack Loj Trip
Friday-Monday, January 18-21, 2013
Email: ____________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Private Rooms
#5 - two twin beds
#6 - two twin beds
#8 - King size bed
Deposit of $126.75/person for the weekend
($253.50 total/room)
Join us for a fun-filled winter weekend in the heart of
the high peaks region of the Adirondack Mountains.
The ADK Loj will be our base where you can enjoy
hiking, snowshoeing, backcountry or cross-country
skiing, or just relax by the fire in the rustic gathering
room. A short drive will take you to Lake Placid for ice
skating, dog sledding or tobogganing. You can tour
the Olympic Center or Olympic Ski Jump, take an
exhilarating ride on a bobsled or skeleton, or crosscountry ski at the nearby Mt. Van Hoevenberg center.
#3 - 4-person bunkroom
Deposit of $103.50/person for the weekend
Loft (coed bunkroom) - 3 spaces
Deposit of $88.50/person for the weekend
September-November 2012
was enjoyable for the leader to “show off” what the
reservation has to offer.
After traveling the Leatherman’s Loop, we went off
the beaten way to a side loop referred to on the
map as the “Mill Site”. After the hike, as usual,
Manfred put out his wonderful treats for everyone
including his wife’s famous rum cake.
Saturday, June 9
Spring Trail Maintenance in Harriman State Park
Thank you to Barry Liebowitz, Pat Johnston, Carol
Harting, Carole Ehleben, Debbie Farrell, and Mary
Hilley for joining me to do spring maintenance on
our section of the Suffern Bear Mountain Trail. We
spent most of our time clipping weeds and vines
that were overgrowing the northern end of the trail.
Submitted by Carol Harting
Saturday, June 23
Canoe/Kayak – Harriman State Park
A gorgeous sunny day brought out 3 kayaks and 1
solo canoe; 4 paddlers, leader Jane Smalley, Carol
Harting, Manfred Janowski, and David Weisfeld to
explore the shoreline of Sebago Lake, about 5
miles. We started down toward the far end of the
lake and could see the public beach, which is
currently closed for the season; finding some
benches in the shade, we stopped for a stretch and
an early lunch. Continuing along the shore, we
passed Camp Nawakwa, the NYC ADK camp;
further along we saw canoes and swimmers at the
ACA camp. Just before completing our
circumnavigation, we spotted a small secluded
sandy area where we swam, relaxed, and enjoyed
a snack. It was a nice ending to a great paddle day.
Other than that the trail just needed some general
maintenance, a few faded blazes replaced, and a
small amount of litter removed. Our hard work over
the last 2 years has paid off and we can be proud
of the condition of our section.
Submitted by Kathie Laug
Saturday, June 16
Leatherman’s Cave in Ward Pound Ridge
Early this beautiful Saturday morning (8:30 AM),
seven hikers (Manfred Janowski, Christos
Tsoukalas, Usha Shukla, Vipin Shukla, Mark Jelley,
Leslie Millman and Bev Kimmel) plus the leader
(Carol Harting) met at Michigan Road to start the
hike. It was one of the “ten best” weather days as
we hiked over to the cave and the leader told the
story of the famous Leatherman who traveled his
365-mile loop between Connecticut and the
Hudson River once every 34 days stopping at
towns along the way for food and supplies. One of
the hikers, Christos Tsoukalas, is a new member of
WTA and had never been in the reservation so it
Submitted by Jane Smalley
Saturday, July 14
Canoe/Kayak – The Great Swamp
The water was low in the Great Swamp as we put
our boats in at the Green Chimney’s launch site.
We were pleasantly surprised as to how far
upstream we could paddle before we encountered
several downed trees blocking the river. Before
getting that far a beaver dam was completely
September-November 2012
advantage of the refreshing water while the
gentlemen – Steve Klepner and Barry Liebowitz –
acted as life guards. Fortunately no one needed
rescuing as the lifeguards appeared to be napping
during this interlude. We were so relaxed after our
swim that we missed a couple of turns on the way
back, but did eventually reach the car after a very
Submitted by Kathie Laug
full day.
S aa nn dd S
Attention Leaders and Hikers
When car-pooling, it is recommended that a charge
of $.40 per mile be equally divided among
passengers, including the driver, and that everyone
in the tolls. Trip tales
go to To enter the leader lottery,
send your signup sheets to Pat Johnston, 35
Millburn Road, Apt. 1, Goshen, NY 10924
across the stream. This made for an interesting
adventure as each of us stepped out onto the dam
and dragged our boats over. Manfred stood on the
dam clearing branches and debris making an
opening for the return paddle back downstream.
Cake and coffee was enjoyed by all back at the
launch area. Paddlers; Bev Kimmel tandem with
Jane Smalley, Robyn Stockton, solo, Manfred
Janowski and Kurt Hackel in a kayak.
Saturday, September 1
Canoe/Kayak Croton River (Joint with WTA)
This will be a nice flat water paddle on the Croton
River. We will launch at the Croton RR station and
paddle under 9A heading into the river on the
incoming tide as this is a tidal river. We will take
advantage of high tide to explore the river, its side
channels and the estuary. If warm enough, we will
swim at the gravel beach and play in the current.
Maybe be space in leader’s canoe. Bring
binoculars, lunch, and swimsuit. To register, call
leader Jane Smalley at 914-276-0413 or e-mail
Submitted by Jane Smalley
Saturday, July 21
Black Rock Forest Hike and Swim
Saturday, September 1
Fahnestock Lake (Joint with WTA)
6-mile, easy-to-moderate hike starting out on the
Three Lakes Trail. Classic hike visiting Hidden Lake
and John Allen Pond. Possible post-hike swim at
nearby Canopus Lake (extra easy 2 miles round
trip walking). Meet leader at 10:00 a.m. at the large
parking area on south side of Rt. 301 near boat
launch area, about a mile west of the Taconic exit.
Please register, preferably by e-mail, so you can be
informed of any last minute changes. State whether
you need a ride or can offer one from North White
Plains. I will try to match needers with offerers.
Leader: Dick Isaac, or 914699-5888 before 9:30 p.m.
It was certainly the right decision to reschedule the
hike from a day with a forecast of temperatures in
the mid 90’s to this delightful midsummer day. We
started from the Mine Hill Road parking area on the
northwestern end of the park and utilized a variety
of trails to bring us to the “swimming hole” in
Sutherland Pond. The 3 ladies – Margaret Freifeld,
Jeanne Thomson, and leader Kathie Laug – took
September-November 2012
Sunday, September 9
Two Lakes in Harriman
Sunday, September 2
Ciaiola Conservation Area and
Cranberry Mountain WMA (Joint with WTA)
6-7 miles, moderate. We start out on the Seven
Hills Trail, go over Diamond Mountain and visit two
lakes. Bring at least two quarts of water and wear
hiking boots. Threat of rain may cancel. Co-leaders:
Sarah Davis and Deirdre Feeney. To register,
contact, 212-873-4018 (h),
917 501-1322 (cell).
8-9 miles, moderate. Contact leader for meeting
time with car pooling from North White Plains. This
hike combines a large preserve and a DEC Wildlife
Management Area in Patterson, NY to make for a
circular hike with views, plenty of ups and downs,
and a large wildflower meadow. To register, contact
leader Eileen West at
Rain cancels.
Tuesday, September 11 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint with WTA)
Monday, September 3, Labor Day
Shenandoah Mt. on the AT (Joint with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
This is a 6-7 mile moderate hike. We will meet at
Hortontown Road off the Taconic State Parkway.
Depending on the weather and the participants, we
can shuttle over to Canopus Lake on Route 301
and start hiking the AT from there back to
Hortontown Road or just do Shenandoah Mountain
back and forth. Call Carol Harting at 845-669- 6731
to register.
Saturday September 15
Tuesday, September 4 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint with WTA)
Our plan is to do Rocky without Lone. Plan on a 10mile plus day, but the bushwhacking should not be
dense, as we go along the Neversink River for most
of the way. This hike is not for Catskill beginners.
To register, contact Jane Restani via email at by 5 p.m.Thursday so that we
can plan the carpools.
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
Saturday September 15
Westmoreland Sanctuary
Saturday, September 8
Kettletown in Southbury, CT (Joint with WTA)
Come enjoy an easy to moderate hike in
Westmoreland Sanctuary which is located in the
Bedford/Mt. Kisco area. The sanctuary is a 366
acre wooded property with ups and downs, glacial
rocks, ponds, and views. To register, contact leader
Bev Kimmel at 203-661-7632 before 9 p.m. on
We will be doing an easy 2-3 hour hike in this
wonderful park with varied terrain and great views.
We might still be able to swim if we have Indian
summer, so bring your suits. Call Roeli Johansson
at 203-267-5619 to register.
Sunday, September 16
Buddhist Monastery Hike
Sunday, September 9
Rockwood State Park (Joint with WTA)
An early morning couple of hours on the
Appalachian Trail as we circle Lake Canopus will
be followed by a tour of the nearby monastery
grounds and buildings in Kent, NY and a good
Buddhist vegetarian lunch ($6). Join us on this
Join us for this easy three hour hike with beautiful
views of the mighty Hudson River. We will walk
over a few of the Rockefeller trails as well. To
register, call Joel Engelbrektson at 914-769-2198.
September-November 2012
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
popular hike and outing. For further information or
to sign up, contact Carole Ehleben at 914-205-3207
or email
Tuesday, September 18 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Saturday, September 29
Pine Mountain in Ridgefield, CT
(Joint with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
This is an easy-to-moderate 4-hour hike with two
fairly steep hills and beautiful views from our lunch
spot. Call Barbro Thelemarck at 914-277-4926 for
meeting time and place.
Saturday, September 29
Constitution Island
(Joint with Shorewalkers and WTA)
Saturday, September 22
Seven Hills Trail (Joint with WTA)
10:00 a.m. (NWP) to optional return (11:00 a.m. if
going directly to meeting place at Cold Spring
southbound commuter parking facility). This is a
child friendly hike. Strolling, sightseeing at a gentle
pace and/or an easy walk up to the Revolutionary
War redout. Bring photo I.D. Expect entrance fee of
$10, covering mini-bus transport onto Island,
possible boat ride, guided walks or independent
exploration privileges. Amenities include shaded
picnic groves, public restrooms, a gift shop in the
historic Warner House, walking trails, and a hot dog
vendor. Rain or shine except if stormy. Contact
leader Stewart Manville 914-582-1237.
8 miles, moderate to strenuous. Starting at the
Visitors Center, we will be doing this trail end-toend, terminating at the Sebago Boat Launch. For
further information or to register, contact leader Bob
Fiscina at Shuttle required.
Rain cancels.
Sunday, September 23
Schunemunk Circular (Joint with WTA)
6-7 miles, moderate to strenuous. The
Schunemunk conglomerate ridge is known for its
interesting geology and varied terrain. Morning
ascent via the Sweet Clover, lunch at the Megaliths
and return on the Jessup trail. Leader: Catharine
Raffaele 914-948-4061 or
Car pooling from North White Plains train station.
Sunday, September 30
Fahnestock State Park Trail Maintenance
Chapter has adopted a
2.5 mile section of the 3
Lakes Trail in Fahnestock
State Park. Come join us
for some trail cleanup and an added 4-mile hike on
the Catfish Loop trail (total hike 6.5 miles). This
loop traverses a remote area of the park, reaching
an interesting rock formation with broad west-facing
views and passing many old stone walls. If you
have any tools (loppers, bow saw, clippers), bring
them along. Maintaining trails means preserving
them for future use, protecting the surrounding
environment, and preserving a quality outdoor
experience for all trail users. For meeting time and
at or phone 845-294-3439.
Sunday, September 23
Mountain Lakes Camp in North Salem
(Joint with WTA)
Come on this easy morning hike and discover the
trails in this unknown but wonderful area in North
Salem with views over Lake Wacabuc from Lookout
Mountain. Call Jean Dolen at 914 948-4585 to sign
Tuesday, September 25 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
September-November 2012
Saturday, October 6
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and the
Old Croton Aqueduct (Joint with WTA)
Sunday, September 30
Unexplored Hiking Territory (Joint with WTA)
6-7 miles, moderate. Join us in exploring this
heavily wooded 300+ acre site, one of the largest
Crisscrossed with meandering horse trails, long
abandoned logging roads, stone walls and a
stream, it's as pretty as it is challenging - the trails,
while easy to follow, are not blazed. The leader is
familiar with some of the trails, roads, and paths
(having ridden them on horseback), but because
this is partly a scout, the hike could be longer or
shorter than the advertised 6-7 miles. Our ultimate
goal is lunch by Cranberry Lake. Meet at 9:30 a.m.
at the entrance to Cimarron Ranch at 75 Cimarron
Road, (the extension of Sprout Brook Road).
Meeting spot is about 1/2 mile west of Oscawana
Lake Road. Please register if you plan to come,
parking and participation limited. Because of the
presence of horses, no dogs are allowed on this
hike. Contact leader Howard Millman at 914-4398031,
Another popular destination in Pound Ridge is this
wonderful collection of "backyards" whose famous
owners have given permission for their land to be
used for miles of lovely wooded trails. Come join
us and enjoy a 3-4 hour outing with options for a
shorter hike if you are pressed for time. To sign up
or for further information, contact Carole Ehleben,
at 914-205-3207 or
Tuesday, October 2 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Monday, October 8 - Columbus Day
Lake Minnewaska Ramble (Joint with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
Come for early fall
blueberries and enjoy
the views from Castle
Point. We will hike on
a variety of trails
including Mossy Glen,
Blueberry Run, and
the Long Path passing by Rainbow Falls.
Approximately 8 miles, moderate pace. Steady rain
cancels. Carpooling encouraged. There is an $8
per car parking fee in effect. Contact leader for
more information and to register Margaret Freifeld or 914-666-0710 no calls
after 9PM please.
4-5 level miles. Arrange your own car pools from
North White Plains and/or meet leader at 10:00
a.m. inside the cemetery gate on Route 9 in Sleepy
Hollow below the Old Dutch Church. Bring lunch as
we can picnic at the Douglas Town Park at the
conclusion of the hike. Rain cancels. Contact
leader Joan Coffey at 914-747-4763 or via email at
Sunday, October 7
Westchester Wilderness Trail (Joint with WTA)
Saturday, October 6
Four Birds Trail in the Farny Highlands
(Joint Hike with WTA)
9-10 miles, moderate.
meeting time with car
pooling from North White
Plains train station. This
hike takes us to New
Park, where we’ll hike along and above the Split
Rock Reservoir, enjoy lunch on a rock outcrop at
the water’s edge, an afternoon break on Indian
Cliffs overlooking the reservoir, and rolling hills
through woodlands. To register, contact leader
Eileen West at Rain
cancels; short shuttle required.
Tuesday, October 9 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
September-November 2012
before climbing out and onto a ridge with views.
This unexpected and exceptional example of
nature’s magical beauty is next to the Town of
Patterson in Putnam County. To register, call Dod
Chahroudi at 845-878-6869.
Saturday, October 13
Sleeping Giant State Park
Hamden, CT (Joint with WTA)
We’ll do a loop hike of about 5 hours utilizing the
blue and white trails – the two most difficult trails in
the park. Lots of ups and downs, some rocky
sections, and multiple viewpoints. This hike is a
chapter favorite, especially during fall foliage
season. Call leader Kathie Laug for meeting time
and place and directions at 203-348-3993
Tuesday, October 16 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
Saturday, October 13
Taurus in Reverse (Joint with WTA)
9:00 - 4:00 if carpooling from North White Plains
train station. 5-6 miles, moderate. We will take the
gradual way up Mt. Taurus using the Cornish,
Brook and Notch Trails, then enjoy outstanding
views starting at the summit and continuing down
the mountain. Contact leader Peter Hibbard at
Saturday, October 20
Harriman Hike (Joint with WTA)
8-10 miles, moderate to strenuous. Expect ups and
downs on this moderately paced 8-10 mile circular
hike starting from Route 106 and including among
others the R-D, Triangle, Kakiat, and Blue Disc
Trails. For further information or to register, contact
leader, Bob Fiscina at Rain
Saturday, October 20
Teatown – Kitchawan Trail (Joint with WTA)
Saturday, October 13
Bike Trek on the North County Rail Trail
This will be a leisurely bike ride on the paved rail
trail starting at Millwood and going 7.3 miles to
Yorktown for lunch or a snack and then heading
back to Millwood. There is an option of going an
additional 3.3 miles and then returning, depending
on the participants. To register, call Carol Harting at
7.5 miles, easy moderate hike. We will do an endto- end on this relatively new trail heading west
from Kitchawan Preserve to Teatown Lake
Reservation, hiking through hardwood forest and
meadows, along dirt roads, and climbing Bald
Mountain with stunning views of the Croton
Reservoir and the distant Hudson Highlands. There
will be a short shuttle. Meet at the Nature Center in
Teatown. To register, call leader Jane Smalley at
914-276-0413 or e-mail
Sunday, October 14
Mt. Taurus/Breakneck Ramble (Joint with WTA)
A challenging hike done at a moderate pace. We
ascend Mount Taurus from Route 9D, descend into
the Clove and then ascend Breakneck Ridge from
the side. Approximately 9 miles and 2400 feet of
elevation gain. Contact leader Steve Klepner at
914-666-0710 or
Sunday, October 21
Zoar Trail in CT (Joint with WTA)
Sunday, October 14
Laurel Ledges Natural Area
moderate 6-7 mile
hike with gentle ups
and downs with a
great view over Lake
Johansson at 203267-5619 to register.
This will be an easy distance/easy paced hike led
by Dod who was actively involved in creating this
trail. Boardwalks bridge one between spectacular
cliffs and a wetland around a pond. The trail then
enters a deep forested amphitheater of giant rocks
September-November 2012
Sunday, October 21
Harriman State Park (Joint with WTA)
Saturday, October 27
Old Croton Aqueduct Weir Tour,
Crawbuckie Preserve, Croton Dam
(Joint Hike with the Friends of the Old Croton
Aqueduct and WTA)
Approximately 9-mile, moderate-to-strenuous loop
hike. Starting at Elk Pen parking, hiking the AT past
Island Pond through the "Lemon Squeezer" to
Surebridge Mine Road. We will walk the mine
woods road to the Arden-Surebridge trail around
Island Pond. For meeting time and place, please
contact Pat Johnston at
or phone 845-294-3439.
Possible car pooling from North White Plains train
station. 3 or 7 easy miles. The morning features a
short film about the Old Croton Aqueduct and a
walk on the Double Arch Bridge to the OCA Weir in
Ossining, where we descend into the original 1842
brick water tunnel to learn its history. Afterwards we
head north to the Crawbuckie Nature Preserve to
explore its new trails and enjoy lunch overlooking
the Hudson. Those wishing a 3-mile hike can return
to the starting point after lunch; those doing the full
7 miles continue on the Aqueduct to the Croton
Dam. Co-leaders: Sara Kelsey 646-303-1448, and Herb Hochberg 914723-6566, People who
are not going to the Dam should meet Sara at 9:45
a.m. at the Caputo Community Center, 95
Broadway, Ossining, just west of the Route 9/133
junction. Those doing the 7-mile hike, meet Herb at
8:15 at NWP, or 9:00 a.m. in the main parking lot at
Croton Gorge Park, just off Route 129 in Croton-onHudson. We will leave most of the cars there, and
shuttle back to the Caputo Center. Qualifies for the
Westchester 100 (No. 72).
Tuesday, October 23 at 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
Saturday, October 27
Our plan is do Plateau Mt. This 3500 peak is of
moderate length but has steep terrain. This terrain
is not friendly to hunters but visibly human clothing
such as a bright orange vest is recommended. To
register and for car pool arrangements, contact
Jane Restani at by Thursday
5 p.m.
Sunday, October 28
Dunderberg Circular (Joint with WTA
8 miles, moderate to strenuous 9:00 a.m. - 5:00
p.m. with car pooling from North White Plains train
station. We will take the Ramapo-Dunderberg and
the Timp Torne trails with a morning climb up to
ridge and a steep descent at end of day. In
between, lots of ups and downs rewarded by
spectacular views in all directions. To register,
contact leader Catharine Raffaele at 914-948-4061
Saturday, October 27
Macedonia State Park (Joint with WTA)
7 miles, moderate. Great
views on this loop hike in
Kent, CT about an hour
from Katonah. The route
includes part of the former
Appalachian Trail, and
mostly moderate
descent, depending on our direction. Optional posthike stop at a phenomenal Belgian chocolatier for
coffee, treats, etc. For information and to register
at or 914-282-9942.
Sunday, October 28
Rockefeller State Park (Joint with WTA)
This will be a delightful easy morning hike and
maybe the leaves will still be turning. Call Jean
Dolen at 914-948-4585 to register.
September-November 2012
10 a.m. at the Conservancy parking lot, located at
220 Boston Post Road near the Rye Golf Course.
To register or for last minute changes, call leader
Leslie Millman at 914-552-7720 or via email at Qualifies for the Westchester
100 (No. 9).
Tuesday, October 30 @ 4 p.m.
Mohican Walkers (Joint Hike with WTA)
Fran and Bella will be continuing their popular
weekday rambles in the preserves described in
Jane and Walt Daniel’s Walkable Westchester.
Each easy-to-moderate walk will last between
1-1 ½ hours and will be posted on our club’s yahoo
groups, or you may contact Fran Resch at 914-2557742 or email at by 5:00 p.m.
the Monday before each walk.
Saturday, November 10
Trail Work in Harriman State Park
The section of the Suffern Bear Mountain Trail from
Rt. 106 to the Palisades Parkway is 2.55 miles but
will have to be hiked both ways since there is only
parking at one end. We have a loyal crew who
comes out for our twice a year maintenance trips
on this trail. To sign up or for more information,
contact Kathie Laug
or 203-348-3993.
Saturday, November 3
Angle Fly Preserve (Joint with WTA)
7+ miles, easy to moderate. Explore one of
Westchester’s new parks and see what dedicated
volunteers have done for their town. Bring water,
lunch. Meet leaders at the parking lot in the central
section off Route 139 at 10:15 a.m. A pickup from
the Katonah train station can also be arranged. To
register, contact leaders Jane and Walt Daniels
Sunday, November 11
Pine Meadow Area in Harriman State Park
(Joint with WTA)
This will be about 8 miles, moderate to strenuous.
Steady rain cancels. To register, call Carol Nestor
at 914-683-3858 by November 1. No calls after 9
6 moderate miles along a brook and lake. Options
to meet at North White Plains train station or at the
Reeves Meadow Visitor Center on Seven Lakes
Drive. Contact leader for meeting times and for
more information. To register, contact leader
Carolyn Hoffman or 914948-0608 (home); 914-420-5778 (cell only on day
of hike);
Sunday, November 4
Doodletown History Hike (Joint with WTA)
Sunday, November 11
Schunemunk Mountain
7 miles, moderate. Hiking tour of the vanished
hamlet in Harriman Park that was lived in for at
least 203 years. Explore the cemeteries, sidewalks,
foundations, and much more. The hike also
includes stops at two mines, and an ancient Indian
rock shelter. Lunch is at a secluded waterfall.
Photos of the homes as they appeared when lived
in will be distributed. Moderate terrain, with three
long steep uphills. 10:30 a.m. until about 4:00 p.m.
For meeting directions, contact the leader Mark
Jelley,, 914-261-0987.
Starting at Otterkill Road, this 8.5 mile circular hike
climbs about 1,500 feet to reach a ridge composed
of unusual conglomerate rock, with numerous
viewpoints from open rock ledges dotted with pitch
pines. For meeting time and place, contact Pat
Johnston at or phone
Saturday, November 3
Bald, Timp, and West Mountain Circular
Saturday, November 17
Fahnestock Circular (Joint with WTA)
7.5 miles, moderate. Climb to Round Hill from
which we will enjoy several views and continue on
various other trails, including a hike up the East
Mountain loop. Meet leader at the Hubbard Lodge
parking area, just north of the junction of Routes 9
and 301, at 9:30 a.m. Contact leader Minu
Chaudhuri at 914-941-6408,
Sunday, November 4
Marshlands Conservancy (Joint with WTA)
3-4 miles, easy. Enjoy a two hour hike in this Rye
preserve, on a network of trails through a field, a
deciduous forest, and a salt marsh. Meet leader at
September-November 2012
Saturday, November 24
Popolopen Torne (Joint with WTA)
Saturday, November 17
Turkey Mountain & Hilltop Hanover Farm
(Joint with WTA)
This is an approximately 5-mile easy hike with a
short moderate scramble. Starting from Rt. 9D, we
cross the Hudson on the Bear Mountain Bridge,
walk above the north shore of Popolopen Creek,
ascend the Torne and return. 1000 ft elevation
gain. Please, no calls after 9 p.m. To register,
contact leader Steve Klepner at 914-666-0710,
First join us for a short hike up Turkey Mountain,
the Saturday before Thanksgiving. It is an easy but
steep climb to the summit with splendid views of
the Croton water shed , Hudson River, and New
York City. The trailhead is in Yorktown on Route
118. Watch for a sign for Peter Pratt’s Inn and
across the road is the turn into Turkey Mountain
Park. Second, and close by we will hike a loop in
Hilltop Hanover Farm. Meeting time is 10:00 a.m..
To register, call leader Jane Smalley 914-276-0413
or e-mail
Saturday, November 24
Bennett’s Pond State Park
Ridgefield, CT (Joint with WTA)
Easy 2-hour hike - enjoy a fall walk through
meadows, along a lake with beaver dams and
water fowl, then onto a woods trail. Sturdy shoes
and water are recommended. 10:00 a.m. start. For
meeting location and to register, contact the leader
Rosanne Schepis at or 203417-5552.
Sunday, November 18
Skannatati Dessert Hike in Harriman
(Joint Hike with WTA)
8 miles, a moderate climb at the beginning, easy to
moderate after that. All those who enjoy food especially dessert - come out and share your
favorite dessert recipe at lunch. Bring samples if
you wish. Walk a variety of trails (A-SB, Red Cross,
Beech and Long Path) starting from Lake
Skannatati. Call or e-mail leader Carol Ann Benton
for time and meeting place via email at or 914-762-7347. No
calls after 9:30 p.m. Inclement weather cancels.
Sunday, November 25
Sunny Valley Preserve (Joint with WTA)
6 miles, moderate. The trails in this Nature
Conservancy property in Bridgewater, CT make for
a circuit hike with a little bit of everything--deep
woods, lunch along the Housatonic River and
plenty of rolling hills. To register, contact leader
Eileen West at Rain
Sunday, November 18
Pound Ridge Reservation
Come on this three hour hike in this wonderful park
with so many trails to choose from. Since there is a
parking fee, we can meet to carpool in Cross River.
Contact Joel Engelbrektson at 914-769-2198 for
details about the meeting time and place.
Sunday, November 25
Ciaiola Conservation Area, Putnam County
Patterson, NY
Moderately difficult with some up and down hills but
at a reasonable pace. Hike on a variety of trails
through woods and to brooks and waterfalls (if
enough water is flowing). There are at least two
view points along the way. This park was formerly
called the Walter G. Merit Park but was renamed in
memory of Michael Ciaiola long time land
conservationist and president of the Putnam Land
Trust. Contact hike leader Barry Leibowitz by
phone at 845-278-2479 or 914-774-5321 by 9 p.m.
on November 23. Rain cancels.
Friday, November 23
Breakneck Ridge
Too much turkey weighing you down??? Join me in
the climb of Breakneck Ridge. This will be a hike of
about 4 hours. We will ascend the face of the
mountain and return via the bypass trail. Wet
conditions will change the route, steady rain
cancels. For more details and to register by
Wednesday, November 21, contact leader
Margaret Freifeld at or 914666-0710. No calls after 9 p.m. please.
September-November 2012
Photos from Mt. Whitney Trek
Approaching Mt. Whitney
Jane Restani, Margaret Freifeld and Steve
Klepner cooling off their feet in Ruby Lake off
Mono Pass Trail in Sierras in southern
Sun setting at base camp (12,000 feet elevation)
below Mt. Whitney
Name: __________________________________________________
To join:
Send this form with payment to:
Adirondack Mountain Club
814 Goggins Road
Lake George, NY 12845-4117
Or call 800-395-8080
Family Life
Individual Life
$ 50
$ 60
Senior (65+)
$ 40
Senior Family (65+) $ 50
Student (full time 18+) $ 40
Address: ________________________________________________
ADK is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
Membership fees are tax deductible, as
allowed by law. Please allow 6-8 weeks for
receipt of first issue of Adirondac.
City: _____________________________ State: ______ ZIP: ______
Home Phone: (______) ____________________________________
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Child: ___________________________ Birth Date: ______________
Bill my: Visa Mastercard Discover
Expiration Date: ____________ Account #: __________________________
Signature (required for charge)
September-November 2012
Mohican ADK
P.O. Box 218
Bedford, New York 10506
Notify ADK of
address change
at least six
weeks in advance via email at or call
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Check out our
chapter web page:
If you would like to receive
updates between newsletters,
and we will add you to our
list serve,
Doris Bosworth
H 914-277-3269
Carole Ehleben
H 914-205-3207
Chair Jean Dolen
H 914 948-4585
Vice-Chair Jane Restani
Outings Coordinator
Barbro Thelemarck
H 914-277-4026
Carolyn Harting
H 845-669-6731
Leslie Millman
H 914-552-7720
Lisa Weismiller
Cell 203-246-8200
ADK Director
Fran Resch H 914-232-1483
Dod Chahroudi 845-878-6869
Jean Dolen H 914-948-4585
Paddling Coordinator
Jane Smalley
H 914-276-0413
Dod Chahroudi
H 845-878-6869
Pat Johnston
H 845-294-3439
Carolyn Harting
H 845-669-6731
Pat Johnston
H 845-294-3439
Fran Resch
H 914-232-1483
Co-Chair Margaret Freifeld
H 914-666-0710
Delegate to NY/NJ Trail
Pat Johnston
H 845-294-3439
Jane Restani