SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Table of Contents Applications Guide 2 NEC 7 Manufacturer Cross Reference Altasens 4 OSI Optoelectronics 7 4 Panavision 7 Cypress 4 Peripheral 7 Dalsa 4 Perkin Elmer 7 DATEL 4 Philips 7 e2v 4 Samsung 7 Fairchild 5 SITe 7 Hamamatsu 5 Sony 8 Kilburn Isotronics 6 TI 8 Kodak 6 Kyocera 7 Micron 7 Motorola 7 National Semiconductor 7 Toshiba IS229-D .100 [2.54] Pitch Dual DIP Sockets 409 .100 [2.54] Pitch Dual SIP Sockets IS233 .070 [1.78] Pitch DIP Sockets 416 .070 [1.78] Pitch SIP Sockets IS232 .050 [1.27] Pitch DIP Sockets 12 13 15 16 17 18 417 .050 [1.27] Pitch SIP Sockets 10 .050 [1.27] Pitch BGA Sockets 19 585 .050 [1.27] Pitch IBGA Sockets R-Series .225 PC Round Image Sensor Socket 19 18 19 620 .050 [1.27] Pitch LCC Sockets 680 .040 [1.01] Pitch LCC Sockets 19 9 10 Appendix A: Terminal Details 20 11 Appendix B: Part Number Index 22 8 IS229 .100 [2.54] Pitch DIP Sockets IS231 .100 [2.54] Pitch DIP Sockets 405 .100 [2.54] Pitch SIP Sockets 575 .100 [2.54] Pitch PGA Sockets IS230 .070 [1.78] Pitch DIP Sockets 19 11 DIP SOCKET PART NUMBERING SYSTEM 9- DENOTES CARRIER STYLE (OPTIONAL) Ä+5:::Ä::::Ä:::Ä4::Ä. Ä5+2 -SIP DENOTES CARRIER W/SIPS (OPTIONAL) FR-4 EPOXY SERIES (OTHER INSULATORS AVAILABLE) IS232 - .050 PITCH IS230 - .070 PITCH IS233 - .070 PITCH W/MIDDLE SPACE IS229 - .100 PITCH IS231 - .100 PITCH W/MIDDLE SPACE PLATING: TERMINAL / CONTACT R27: GOLD / GOLD R29: TIN / GOLD (OTHER PLATINGS AVAILABLE) Ä4 .'#&(4''4Q*5%QORNKCPV DIP - SPACING (Between Pin Rows) TERMINAL TYPE NO. OF PINS FOR TERMINAL OPTIONS SEE PAGE 20 SIP SOCKET PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Ä:::Ä::Ä:::Ä4::Ä. 9- DENOTES CARRIER STYLE (OPTIONAL) FR-4 EPOXY SERIES (OTHER MATERIALS AVAILABLE) 417 - .050 PITCH 416 - .070 PITCH 405 - .100 PITCH 409 - .100 PITCH (TWIN STRIP) PLATING: TERMINAL / CONTACT R27: GOLD / GOLD R29: TIN-LEAD / GOLD (OTHER PLATINGS AVAILABLE) 409 SERIES ONLY NO. OF PINS Ä4 .'#&(4''4Q*5%QORNKCPV TERMINAL TYPE FOR TERMINAL OPTIONS SEE PAGE 20 TECHNICAL INFORMATION FORCES - STANDARD FOR .100 & .070 PITCH MATERIAL INSERTION: 1<#8) WITHDRAWAL: 1</+0 #%%'26#$.'2+04#0)' =?61=?&+#/'6'4 'S' INSERTION: WITHDRAWAL: INSULATOR: Ä.$.#%-(4.#/+0#6'9+6*.1)1 16*'4+057.#6145#8#+.#$.' TERMINAL: $4#552'4#56/Ä$ CONTACT: *'#6Ä64'#6'&$'4;..+7/%122'4 2'4#56/Ä$ R29: 1</#: 1</+0 FORCES - STANDARD FOR .050 PITCH PLATING R27: 'M' TERMINAL: GOLD 10u INCHES MINIMUM CONTACT: GOLD 10u INCHES MINIMUM TERMINAL: TIN CONTACT: GOLD 10u INCHES MINIMUM (OTHER PLATINGS AVAILABLE) 'U' 1<#8) INSERTION: 1</#: INSERTION: WITHDRAWAL: 1</+0 WITHDRAWAL: 1</+0 #%%'26#$.'2+04#0)' =?61=?&+#/'6'4 'K' ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 1 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 2 IN DU ST RY AU T ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 3 IN DU ST RY AU T ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Image Sensor to Socket Cross Reference Altasens Altasens Part Number 2460-1280X720 2460-1280X1024 2462-1280X720 2462-1280X1024 2463-1280X720 2463-1280X1024 2560-1280X720 2560-1280X1024 2562-1280X720 2562-1280X1024 2563-1280X720 2563-1280X1024 3560-1280X720 3560-1920X1080 3562-1280X720 3562-1920X1080 3570-2080X1170 HD4562 Andon Part Number 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 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575-15-65-084-01S-R29-L14 575-15-65-084-01S-R29-L14 620-40A-SM-G10-L14-X 620-40A-SM-G10-L14-X 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-93S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 575-23-02-104-01S-R29-L14 575-23-02-104-01S-R29-L14 575-40-02-104-01S-R29-L14 575-15-63-080-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1639D-80M-R29-L14 IS229-2239-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1639D-80M-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS232-440-274U-R27-L14 IS232-440-274U-R27-L14 Andon Part Number IS229-940-01S-R29-L14 Page Fig. 9 1 e2v e2v Part Number AT71200M AT71201M CCD02-06dd CCD02-06ims CCD05-20ims CCD05-20sis CCD05-20-Y CCD05-30ims CCD05-30sis CCD30-11BI CCD30-11bi CCD30-11dd 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All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 4 Page Fig. 14 27 11 3 9 1 9 1 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 13 14 13 14 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Image Sensor to Socket Cross Reference e2v continued e2v Part Number CCD47-20bt CCD47-20BT_NIMO CCD48-20BI_NIMO CCD55-20IMS CCD55-20IMS_BI CCD55-30 CCD55-30BI CCD55-30IMS CCD57-10 CCD57-10AIMO_BTCP CCD60 FI/BI CCD60 Peltier FI CCD62-06IMS CCD65 CCD65 Peltier CCD67BI_NIMO CCD67FI_NIMO CCD67FI_NIMO_CP CCD77-00BI CCD77-00FI CCD97 BI 2P IMO CCD97 FI 2P IMO CCD97 Peltier BI2PIMO CCD97 Peltier FI2PIMO CCD201-20 BI CCD201-20 FI CCD230-42 CCD230-84 FI TH7804ACC TH7813A TH7814A TH7815A TH7817A TH7818A TH7819A TH7834CCC-RB TH7841ACC TH7888A TH7891M TH7899M Andon Part Number IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1644D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1644D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1944D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1944D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1944D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 IS229-620-01S-R29-L14 575-10-19-037-01S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS230-930-75S-R29-L14 IS230-930-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 575-14-39-036-01S-R29-L14 575-14-39-036-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2278T-01M-R29-L14 IS229-3080D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-656-01S-R29-L14 IS229-628-80S-R29-L14 409-210-80S-R29-L14 575-16-26-032-01S-R29-L14 575-15-62-082-80S-R29-L14 Hamamatsu continued Hamamatsu Part Number G9201-512S G9202-521S G9203-256D G9203-256S G9204-512D G9205-256W G9206-256W G9207-256W G9208-256W G9211-256S G9212-512S G9213-256S G9214-512S G9494-256D G9494-512D S10077 S10140-1007 S10140-1008 S10140-1009 S10140-1107 S10140-1108 S10140-1109 S10141-1007 S10141-1007S S10141-1008 S10141-1008S S10141-1009 S10141-1009S S10141-1107 S10141-1107S S10141-1108 S10141-1108S S10141-1109 S10141-1109S S10201-04 S10420-1006 S10420-1106 S3091-512FX S3901-128Q S3901-256F S3901-256FX S3901-256Q S3901-512F S3901-512Q S3901-1024Q S3902-128Q S3902-256Q S3902-512Q S3903-256Q S3903-512Q S3903-1024Q S3904-256Q S3904-512F S3904-512Q S3904-1024F S3904-1024Q S3904-2048Q S3921-128Q S3921-256Q S3921-512Q S3922-128Q S3922-256Q S3922-512Q S3923-256Q Page Fig. 9 1 9 1 9 1 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 9 1 9 1 9 1 15 6 9 1 14 30 15 6 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 14 29 14 29 10 42 11 3 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 11 11 14 46 13 19 Fairchild Fairchild Part Number CCD111ADC CCD111BDC CCD133ADC CCD134 CCD143ADC CCD153ADC CCD181DC CCD191DC Andon Part Number IS229-318-01S-R29-L14 IS229-318-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-628-80S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-628-01S-R29-L14 IS229-640-01S-R29-L14 Page Fig. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hamamatsu Hamamatsu Part Number G8050-256R G8050-256S G8051-512R G8051-512S G8052-256R G8052-256S G8053-512R G8053-512S G8160-256S G8161-512S G8180-256W G9201-256 Andon Part Number IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-826-01S-R29-L14 Page Fig. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Andon Part Number IS229-828-01S-R29-L14 IS229-826-01S-R29-L14 IS229-826-01S-R29-L14 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All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 5 Page Fig. 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 18 8 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 10 7 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 10 7 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Image Sensor to Socket Cross Reference Hamamatsu continued Hamamatsu continued Hamamatsu Part Number S3923-512Q S3923-1024Q S3924-256Q S3924-512Q S3924-1024Q S5930-256S S5930-512S S5931-512S S5931-1024S S7010-0906 S7010-0907 S7010-0908 S7010-1006 S7010-1007 S7010-1008 S7011-0906 S7011-0907 S7011-1006 S7011-1007 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All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America Page Fig. 14 32 6 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Image Sensor to Socket Cross Reference National Semiconductor Kodak continued Kodak Part Number KAF-3200ME KAF-39000 KAF-4202 KAF-4301E KAF-4320 KAF-50100 KAF-6303E KAF-8300 KAI-01050 KAI-02050 KAI-02150 KAI-0330D KAI-0340D KAI-0373 KAI-04022 KAI-08050 KAI-1003M KAI-1010 KAI-10100 KAI-1020 LCC KAI-1020 PGA KAI-11000 KAI-11000C KAI-11000CM KAI-11002 KAI-1600 KAI-16000 KAI-1800 KAI-2001 KAI-2020 KAI-2093M KAI-31600 KAI-4010M KAI-4011 KAI-4021 KAI-4021CM KAI-4021M KLI-10203 KLI-14403 KLI-2113 KLI-4104 KLI-5001 KLI-8023 Andon Part Number IS229-824-01S-R29-L14-A 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All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 7 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Image Sensor to Socket Cross Reference Sony Sony Part Number ICS429ALB ICX038DNA ICX098BL ICX098BQ ICX204AK ICX204AL ICX205AK ICX205AL ICX206AK ICX206AKB ICX206AL ICX207AK ICX207AKB ICX207AL ICX224AK ICX224AQ ICX226AK ICX226AL ICX227AK ICX227AL ICX228AK ICX228AL ICX229AK ICX229AL ICX232BQ ICX252AK ICX252AQ ICX254AK ICX254AL ICX255AK ICX255AL ICX258AK ICX258AL ICX259AK ICX259AL ICX262AQ ICX267AK ICX274AL ICX278AK ICX278AL ICX279AK ICX282AK ICX282AQ ICX284AK ICX284AQ ICX285AL ICX285AQ ICX404AK ICX404AL ICX405AK ICX405AL ICX406AQ ICX408AK ICX408AL ICX409AK ICX409AL ICX412AQ ICX414-AL ICX414AQ ICX415AL ICX415AQ ICX418AKB ICX418AKL ICX418ALL ICX419AKB ICX419AKL ICX419ALB ICX419ALL ICX422AL ICX423AL Andon Part Number IS232-316-274U-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS232-414-274U-R29-L14 IS232-414-274U-R29-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 R225-1413-01N-400T4-R29-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 R225-1413-01N-400T4-R29-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-520-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-416-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-5724-274U-R27-L14 IS232-5724-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-622-274U-R27-L14 IS232-622-274U-R27-L14 IS232-622-274U-R27-L14 IS232-622-274U-R27-L14 IS232-316-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS232-316-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS232-316-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 Sony continued Page Fig. 18 8 15 6 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 15 6 15 6 18 8 19 34 18 8 18 8 19 34 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 9 1 9 1 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 15 6 15 6 18 8 15 6 18 8 15 6 9 1 9 1 Sony Part Number ICX424AL ICX424AQ ICX428AKL ICX428ALB ICX428ALL ICX429AKL ICX429ALL ICX432DQ ICX434AQ ICX445ALA ICX625ALA ICX655ALA ILX551A ILX551B ILX553A ILX553B ILX554B ILX555K ILX558K ILX569K ILX585K ILX751A ILX751B ISX205AK Andon Part Number IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS232-316-274U-R27-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14-A IS0437SP-418-C4-G10-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-5724-274U-R27-L14 IS0437SP-5728-C4-G10-L14 IS0437SP-5728-C4-G10-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS233-424-75S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 TI Part Number TC211 TC217 TC237B TC241 TC246 TC247 TC253 TC255 TC281 TC285SPD-31 TC341 Andon Part Number IS229-306-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-88S-R29-L14-A IS230-4512-75S-R29-L14 IS229-422-88S-R29-L14-A IS230-724-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-724-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-4512-75S-R29-L14 IS229-408-01S-R29-L14 IS229-722-80S-R29-L14-A IS230-828-75S-R29-L14 IS229-722-80S-R29-L14-A TI Page Fig. 9 1 10 1A 15 6 10 1A 15 6A 15 6A 15 6 9 1 10 1A 15 6 10 1A Toshiba Toshiba Part Number TCD1201D TCD1205D TCD1304AP TCD1500C TCD1501C TCD1502C TCD1702C TCD1707D Andon Part Number IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America Page Fig. 18 8 18 8 15 6 18 8 15 6 15 6 15 6A 19 45 18 8 18 8 19 44 19 44 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 16 9 9 1 9 1 15 6 8 Page Fig. 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Top View Shown Units: in [mm] .175 [4.44] D B Fig.1 .115 [2.92] .020 [0.51] DIA. A C - 01 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 .100 [2.54] Pitch Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal IS229-306-01S-R29-L14 IS229-308-01S-R29-L14 IS229-316-01S-R29-L14 IS229-318-01S-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS229-408-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-424-80S-R29-L14 IS229-424-400T4-R29-L14 IS229-432-80S-R29-L14 IS229-620-01S-R29-L14 IS229-622-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-628-80S-R29-L14 IS229-640-01S-R29-L14 IS229-650-01S-R29-L14 IS229-656-01S-R29-L14 IS229-6120-80S-R29-L14 IS229-6124-01S-R29-L14 IS229-6128-01S-R29-L14 IS229-6140-01S-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 IS229-824-01S-R29-L14 IS229-826-01S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-8826-01S-R29-L14 IS229-8826-80S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 IS229-938-01S-R29-L14 IS229-940-01S-R29-L14 IS229-9124-80S-R29-L14 IS229-1226-80S-R29-L14 IS229-1330-01M-R29-L14 IS229-1426-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1824-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2024-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2034-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2044-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2239-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2640-01S-R29-L14 9-IS229-2640-01S-R29-L14-SIP Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 414T4 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93M 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 8 16 18 24 8 20 22 22 24 24 32 20 22 24 24 28 40 50 56 20 24 28 40 20 24 26 28 26 26 24 32 38 40 24 26 30 26 24 24 34 44 39 40 40 A .300 .300 .300 .300 .300 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .400 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .610 .610 .610 .610 .800 .800 .800 .800 .880 .880 .900 .900 .900 .900 .910 1.200 1.300 1.410 1.800 2.000 2.010 2.010 2.200 2.600 2.600 B (7.62) (7.62) (7.62) (7.62) (7.62) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.24) (15.49) (15.49) (15.49) (15.49) (20.32) (20.32) (20.32) (20.32) (22.35) (22.35) (22.86) (22.86) (22.86) (22.86) (23.11) (30.48) (33.02) (35.81) (45.72) (50.80) (51.05) (51.05) (55.88) (66.04) (66.04) .200 .300 .700 .800 1.100 .300 .900 1.000 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.500 .900 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.300 1.900 2.400 2.700 .900 1.100 1.300 1.900 .900 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.200 1.200 1.100 1.500 1.800 1.900 1.100 1.200 1.400 1.200 1.100 1.100 1.600 2.100 1.850 1.900 1.900 (5.08) (7.62) (17.78) (20.32) (27.94) (7.62) (22.86) (25.40) (25.40) (27.94) (27.94) (38.10) (22.86) (25.40) (27.94) (27.94) (33.02) (48.26) (60.96) (68.58) (22.86) (27.94) (33.02) (48.26) (22.86) (27.94) (30.48) (33.02) (30.48) (30.48) (27.94) (38.10) (45.72) (48.26) (27.94) (30.48) (35.56) (30.48) (27.94) (27.94) (40.64) (53.34) (46.99) (48.26) (48.26) C .397 .397 .397 .397 .397 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .697 .697 .697 .697 .697 .697 .697 .697 .707 .707 .707 .707 .897 .897 .897 .897 .977 .977 .997 .997 .997 .997 1.007 1.297 1.397 1.507 1.897 2.097 2.107 2.107 2.297 2.697 2.697 (10.08) (10.08) (10.08) (10.08) (10.08) (12.62) (12.62) (12.62) (12.62) (12.62) (12.62) (12.62) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.70) (17.96) (17.96) (17.96) (17.96) (22.78) (22.78) (22.78) (22.78) (24.82) (24.82) (25.32) (25.32) (25.32) (25.32) (25.58) (32.94) (35.48) (38.28) (48.18) (53.26) (53.52) (53.52) (58.34) (68.50) (68.50) D .297 .397 .797 .897 1.197 .397 .997 1.097 1.097 1.197 1.197 1.597 .997 1.097 1.197 1.197 1.397 1.997 2.497 2.797 .997 1.197 1.397 1.997 .997 1.197 1.297 1.397 1.297 1.297 1.197 1.597 1.897 1.997 1.197 1.297 1.497 1.297 1.197 1.197 1.697 2.197 1.947 1.997 1.997 (7.54) (10.08) (20.24) (22.78) (30.40) (10.08) (25.32) (27.86) (27.86) (30.40) (30.40) (40.56) (25.32) (27.86) (30.40) (30.40) (35.48) (50.72) (63.42) (71.04) (25.32) (30.40) (35.48) (50.72) (25.32) (30.40) (32.94) (35.48) (32.94) (32.94) (30.40) (40.56) (48.18) (50.72) (30.40) (32.94) (38.02) (32.94) (30.40) (30.40) (43.10) (55.80) (49.45) (50.72) (50.72) For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 9 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com .100 [2.54] Pitch .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets .100 [2.54] Pitch SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] D B .175 [4.44] Fig.1A .115 [2.92] .10 [2.5] TYP. A C .020 [0.51] DIA. - 01 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 .100 [2.54] Pitch .19 [4.8] TYP. Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal IS229-422-88S-R29-L14-A IS229-722-80S-R29-L14-A IS229-820-80S-R29-L14-A IS229-824-01S-R29-L14-A IS229-1028-01S-R29-L14-A 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 22 22 20 24 28 A .400 .700 .800 .800 1.005 B (10.16) (17.78) (20.32) (20.32) (25.53) 1.000 1.000 .900 1.100 1.300 C (25.40) .497 (25.40) .797 (22.86) .897 (27.94) .897 (33.02) 1.102 D (12.62) (20.24) (22.78) (22.78) (27.99) 1.097 1.097 .997 1.197 1.397 (27.86) (27.86) (25.32) (30.40) (35.48) D B Fig.7 .100 [2.54] Pitch C .10 [2.5] TYP. A G Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal SMT IS231-428-01S-R29-L14 IS231-622-01S-R29-L14 IS231-636-01S-R29-L14 IS231-644-80M-R29-L14 IS231-6140-01S-R29-L14 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S E FIG Pin # QTY 7 7 7 7 7 1.797 [45.64] 1.700 [43.18] 28 22 36 44 40 F A B C D .400 (10.16) .600 (15.24) .600 (15.24) .600 (15.24) .610 (15.49) 2.500 (63.50) 1.900 (48.26) 3.500 (88.90) 3.500 (88.90) 2.500 (63.50) .497 (12.62) .697 (17.70) .697 (17.70) .697 (17.70) .707 (17.96) 2.597 (65.96) 1.997 (50.72) 3.597 (91.36) 3.597 (91.36) 2.597 (65.96) E 1.300 (33.02) 1.000 (25.40) 1.900 (48.26) 1.500 (38.10) .700 (17.78) F G .600 (15.24) .500 (12.70) .800 (20.32) 1.000 (25.40) .900 (22.86) .600 (15.24) .400 (10.16) .800 (20.32) 1.000 (25.40) .900 (22.86) 2.296 [58.32] .100 [2.54] TYP. 2.200 [55.88] .20 [5.1] .100 [2.54] TYP. 1.296 [32.92] 1.200 [30.48] 1.797 [45.64] .10 [2.5] TYP. 1.700 [43.18] .100 [2.54] TYP. .10 [2.54] Fig.39 Fig.42 .100 [2.54] TYP. 52 Pins Thru-Hole: IS229-1752D-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: IS229-1752D-93S-R29-L14 78 Pins Thru-Hole: IS229-2278T-01M-R29-L14 Surface Mount: IS229-2278T-93M-R29-L14 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 10 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .100 [2.54] Pitch .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Top View Shown 1.297 [32.94] 1.697 [43.10] 1.600 [40.64] Units: in [mm] 1.200 [30.48] .100 [2.54] TYP. .100 [2.54] TYP. .20 [5.1] .100 [2.54] TYP. .10 [2.5] TYP. .10 [2.5] TYP. 1.400 [35.56] 1.497 [38.02] .13 [3.3] TYP. 1.100 [27.94] 1.197 [30.40] Fig.2 Fig.37 .100 [2.54] TYP. 51 Pins Thru-Hole: IS229-1451D-80S-R29-L14-A Surface Mount: IS229-1451D-93S-R29-L14-A 49 Pins Thru-Hole: IS231-1149D-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: IS231-1149D-93S-R29-L14 C E A Fig.3 .175 [4.44] .100 [2.54] TYP. .115 [2.92] D B .020 [0.51] DIA. For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 .100 [2.54] TYP. .10 [2.5] TYP. Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal Surface Mount Terminal IS229-780D-01M-R29-L14 IS229-1060D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1536D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1639D-80M-R29-L14 IS229-1644D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1944D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2488D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-3080D-01S-R29-L14 93M 93S 93S 93M 93S 93S 93S 93S Figure Pin Number QTY. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 C B Fig.11 80 60 36 39 44 44 88 80 - 01 Terminal Shown A B C D E .500 (12.70) .850 (21.59) 1.320 (33.53) 1.400 (35.56) 1.400 (35.56) 1.700 (43.18) 2.200 (55.88) 2.800 (71.12) 1.900 (48.26) 1.400 (29.11) .800 (20.32) .900 (22.86) 1.000 (25.40) 1.000 (25.40) 2.100 (53.34) 1.900 (48.26) .796 (20.22) 1.146 (29.10) 1.616 (41.05) 1.696 (43.08) 1.696 (43.08) 1.996 (50.70) 2.496 (63.39) 3.096 (78.64) 1.996 (50.70) 1.496 (37.99) .896 (22.76) .996 (25.30) 1.096 (27.84) 1.096 (27.84) 2.197 (55.80) 1.997 (50.72) .700 (17.78) 1.050 (26.67) 1.520 (38.61) 1.600 (40.64) 1.600 (40.64) 1.900 (48.26) 2.400 (62.99) 3.000 (76.20) D .100 [2.54] TYP. .100 [2.54] TYP. Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal 409-209-01S-R29-L14 409-210-80S-R29-L14 409-211-01S-R29-L14 409-213-80S-R29-L14 Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal 93S 11 18 93S 11 20 93S 11 22 93S 11 26 B C D .800 (20.32) .900 (22.86) 1.000 (25.40) 1.200 (30.48) .897 (22.78) .900 (22.86) 1.000 (25.40) 1.200 (30.48) .196 (4.98) .196 (4.98) .196 (4.98) .196 (4.98) 2.400 [60.96] .600 [15.24] .600 [15.24] .100 [2.54] TYP. .10 [2.54] TYP. 1.000 [25.40] Fig.43 1.200 [30.48] 1.800 [45.72] 1.200 [30.48] 40 Pins Thru-Hole: IS231-1040-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: IS231-1040-93S-R29-L14 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 11 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com .100 [2.54] Pitch SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor SIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] Fig.10 Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal D B C .100 [2.54] Pitch .175 [4.44] .115 [2.92] .020 [0.51] DIA. - 01 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 405-03-01S-R29-L14 405-03-80S-R29-L14 405-04-01S-R29-L14 405-04-80S-R29-L14 405-05-01S-R29-L14 405-05-80S-R29-L14 405-06-01S-R29-L14 405-06-80S-R29-L14 405-07-01S-R29-L14 405-07-80S-R29-L14 405-08-01S-R29-L14 405-08-80S-R29-L14 405-09-01S-R29-L14 405-09-80S-R29-L14 405-10-01S-R29-L14 405-10-80S-R29-L14 405-11-01S-R29-L14 405-11-80S-R29-L14 405-11-88S-R29-L14 405-12-01S-R29-L14 405-12-80S-R29-L14 405-13-01S-R29-L14 405-13-80S-R29-L14 405-14-01S-R29-L14 405-14-80S-R29-L14 405-14-88S-R29-L14 405-15-01S-R29-L14 405-15-80S-R29-L14 405-16-01S-R29-L14 405-16-80S-R29-L14 405-17-01S-R29-L14 405-17-80S-R29-L14 405-18-01S-R29-L14 405-18-80S-R29-L14 405-19-01S-R29-L14 405-19-80S-R29-L14 405-20-01S-R29-L14 405-20-80S-R29-L14 405-21-01S-R29-L14 405-21-80S-R29-L14 405-22-01S-R29-L14 405-22-80S-R29-L14 405-23-01S-R29-L14 405-23-80S-R29-L14 405-24-01S-R29-L14 405-24-80S-R29-L14 405-25-01S-R29-L14 405-25-80S-R29-L14 405-26-01S-R29-L14 405-26-80S-R29-L14 405-27-01S-R29-L14 405-27-80S-R29-L14 405-28-01S-R29-L14 405-28-80S-R29-L14 405-29-01S-R29-L14 405-29-80S-R29-L14 405-30-01S-R29-L14 405-30-80S-R29-L14 Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 93S 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 B .200 .200 .300 .300 .400 .400 .500 .500 .600 .600 .700 .700 .800 .800 .900 .900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.200 1.200 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.400 1.400 1.500 1.500 1.600 1.600 1.700 1.700 1.800 1.800 1.900 1.900 2.000 2.000 2.100 2.100 2.200 2.200 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.400 2.500 2.500 2.600 2.600 2.700 2.700 2.800 2.800 2.900 2.900 C (5.08) (5.08) (7.62) (7.62) (10.16) (10.16) (12.70) (12.70) (15.24) (15.24) (17.78) (17.78) (20.32) (20.32) (22.86) (22.86) (25.40) (25.40) (25.40) (27.94) (27.94) (30.48) (30.48) (33.02) (33.02) (33.02) (35.56) (35.56) (38.10) (38.10) (40.64) (40.64) (43.18) (43.18) (45.72) (45.72) (48.26) (48.26) (50.80) (50.80) (53.34) (53.34) (55.88) (55.88) (58.42) (58.42) (60.96) (60.96) (63.50) (63.50) (66.04) (66.04) (68.58) (68.58) (71.12) (71.12) (73.66) (73.66) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) D .297 .297 .397 .397 .497 .497 .597 .597 .697 .697 .797 .797 .897 .897 .997 .997 1.097 1.097 1.097 1.197 1.197 1.297 1.297 1.397 1.397 1.397 1.497 1.497 1.597 1.597 1.697 1.697 1.797 1.797 1.897 1.897 1.997 1.997 2.097 2.097 2.197 2.197 2.297 2.297 2.397 2.397 2.497 2.497 2.597 2.597 2.697 2.697 2.797 2.797 2.897 2.897 2.997 2.997 (7.54) (7.54) (10.08) (10.08) (12.62) (12.62) (15.16) (15.16) (17.70) (17.70) (20.24) (20.24) (22.78) (22.78) (25.32) (25.32) (27.86) (27.86) (27.86) (30.40) (30.40) (32.94) (32.94) (35.48) (35.48) (35.48) (38.02) (38.02) (40.56) (40.56) (43.10) (43.10) (45.64) (45.64) (48.18) (48.18) (50.72) (50.72) (53.26) (53.26) (55.80) (55.80) (58.34) (58.34) (60.88) (60.88) (63.42) (63.42) (65.96) (65.96) (68.50) (68.50) (71.04) (71.04) (73.58) (73.58) (76.12) (76.12) For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 12 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com IN DU ST RY AU T AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS SO C I ATI O RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Socket Top View Shown Units: in [mm] .175 [4.44] .700 [17.78] .115 [2.92] .500 [12.70] 1.400 [35.56] Fig.14 .020 [0.51] DIA. 40 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-08-04-040-80S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-08-04-040-93S-R29-L14 - 01 Terminal Shown 1.400 [35.56] 1.000 [25.40] For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 Fig.19 1.000 [25.40] 82 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-15-62-082-80S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-15-62-082-93S-R29-L14 1.400 [35.56] Fig. 15 68 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-11-42-068-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-11-42-068-93S-R29-L14 1.400 [35.56] 1.400 [35.56] 1.000 [25.40] 1.200 [30.48] 1.000 [25.40] Fig.24 84 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-15-65-084-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-15-65-084-93S-R29-L14 Fig. 16 Fig.20 73 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-11-57-073-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-11-57-073-93S-R29-L14 80 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-15-63-080-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-15-63-080-93S-R29-L14 1.900 [48.26] 1.400 [35.56] 1.100 [27.94] 1.400 [35.56] 1.100 [27.94] 2.400 [60.96] Fig 17. Fig.21 44 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-12-22-044-88S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-12-22-044-93S-R29-L14 56 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-15-64-056-88S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-15-64-056-93S-R29-L14 1.900 [48.26] Fig.25 1.200 [30.48] 80 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-25-04-080-93S-R29-L14 1.400 [35.56] 1.200 [30.48] Fig.18 Fig.22 48 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-13-83-048-80S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-13-83-048-93S-R29-L14 96 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-20-16-096-93S-R29-L14 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 13 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com .100 [2.54] Pitch .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor PGA Sockets SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .100 [2.54] Pitch .100 [2.54] Pitch Image Sensor PGA Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] .175 [4.44] 2.400 [60.96] .115 [2.92] 1.200 [30.48] .020 [0.51] DIA. .900 [22.86] Fig.29 36 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-14-39-036-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-14-39-036-93S-R29-L14 - 01 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 .900 [22.86] 3.900 [99.06] 1.500 [38.10] .900 [22.86] Fig.30 37 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-10-19-037-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-10-19-037-93S-R29-L14 Fig.26 104 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-40-02-104-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-40-02-104-93S-R29-L14 1.500 [38.10] Fig.35 1.500 [38.10] 127 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-16-24-127-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-16-24-127-93S-R29-L14 1.300 [33.02] 1.400 [35.56] 1.500 [38.10] 1.800 [45.72] Fig.32 1.400 [35.56] 60 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-16-25-060-88S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-16-25-060-93S-R29-L14 Fig.27 Fig.36 88 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-19-27-088-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-19-27-088-93S-R29-L14 145 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-15-28-145-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-15-28-145-93S-R29-L14 1.800 [45.72] 1.700 [43.18] 1.100 [27.94] 1.800 [45.72] 2.200 [55.88] 1.500 [38.10] Fig.33 Fig.28 281 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-19-25-281-01M-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-19-25-281-93M-R29-L14 104 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-23-02-104-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-23-02-104-93S-R29-L14 Fig.46 32 Pins Thru-Hole: 575-16-26-032-01S-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 575-16-26-032-93S-R29-L14 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 14 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .070 [1.78] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] D B .175 [4.44] Fig.6 .115 [2.92] .10 [2.5] TYP. A C .020 [0.51] DIA. - 75 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal Surface Mount Terminal IS230-416-75S-R29-L14 IS230-420-75S-R29-L14 IS230-4512-75S-R29-L14 IS230-532-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-632-75S-R29-L14 IS230-828-75S-R29-L14 IS230-832-75S-R29-L14 IS230-930-75S-R29-L14 IS230-934-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1034-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1232-400T4-R29-L14 IS230-1340-75S-R29-L14 IS230-18860-75S-R29-L14 IS230-2064-75S-R29-L14 IS230-2640-75S-R29-L14 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 265S 414T4 265S 265S 265S 265S Fig.6A Figure Pin Number QTY. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 20 12 32 20 32 28 32 30 34 34 32 32 40 60 64 40 A .400 .400 .450 .500 .600 .600 .800 .800 .900 .900 1.000 1.200 1.200 1.300 1.880 2.000 2.600 B (10.16) (10.16) (11.43) (12.70) (15.24) (15.24) (20.32) (20.32) (22.86) (22.86) (25.40) (30.48) (30.48) (33.02) (47.75) (50.80) (66.04) .490 .630 .350 1.050 .630 1.050 .910 1.050 .980 1.120 1.120 1.050 1.050 1.330 2.030 2.170 1.330 C (12.45) (16.00) (8.89) (26.67) (16.00) (26.67) (23.11) (26.67) (24.89) (28.45) (28.45) (26.67) (26.67) (33.78) (51.56) (55.12) (33.78) .497 .497 .547 .597 .697 .697 .897 .897 .997 .997 1.097 1.297 1.297 1.397 1.977 2.097 2.697 (12.62) (12.62) (13.89) (15.16) (17.70) (17.70) (22.78) (22.78) (25.32) (25.32) (27.86) (32.94) (32.94) (35.48) (50.22) (53.26) (68.50) D .587 .727 .447 1.147 .727 1.147 1.007 1.147 1.077 1.217 1.217 1.147 1.147 1.427 2.127 2.267 1.427 (14.91) (18.47) (11.35) (29.13) (18.47) (29.13) (25.58) (29.13) (27.36) (30.91) (30.91) (29.13) (29.13) (36.25) (54.03) (57.58) (36.25) D B .10 [2.5] TYP. A C .13 [3.3] TYP. .070 [1.78] Pitch Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal Surface Mount Terminal IS230-620-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-724-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-832-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-1034-75S-R29-L14-A 265S 265S 265S 265S Figure Pin Number QTY. 6A 6A 6A 6A 20 24 32 34 A .600 .700 .800 1.010 B (15.24) (17.78) (20.32) (25.65) .630 .770 1.050 1.120 (16.00) (19.56) (26.67) (28.45) C .697 .797 .897 1.107 (17.70) (20.24) (22.78) (28.12) D .727 .867 1.147 1.217 (18.47) (22.02) (29.13) (30.91) For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 15 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com .070 [1.78] Pitch .070 [1.78] Pitch SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .070 [1.78] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] D B Fig.6B .175 [4.44] .115 [2.92] A C .13 [3.3] TYP. .070 [1.78] Pitch .020 [0.51] DIA. - 75 Terminal Shown .070 [1.78] Pitch For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 Surface Mount Terminal Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal IS230-624-75S-R29-L14-B IS230-832-75S-R29-L14-B Fig.9 Figure Pin Number QTY. 265S 265S 6B 6B A 24 32 B .600 (15.24) .800 (20.32) C .770 (19.56) 1.050 (26.67) D .697 (17.70) .897 (22.78) 0.867 (22.02) 1.147 (29.13) D B .10 [2.5] TYP. A C .070 [1.78] Pitch G Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal Surface Mount Terminal IS233-424-75S-R29-L14 IS233-4146-75S-R29-L14 IS233-532-75S-R29-L14 265S 265S 265S E F Figure Pin Number QTY. 9 9 9 24 46 32 A B C .400 (10.16) .910 (23.11) .410 (10.41) 2.200 (55.88) .500 (12.70) 2.170 (55.12) D .497 (12.62) .507 (12.88) .597 (15.16) E F 1.007 (25.58) .210 (5.33) 2.297 (58.34) .730 (18.54) 2.267 (57.58) 1.190 (30.23) .350 (8.89) .770 (19.56) .490 (12.45) G .350 (8.89) .700 (17.78) .490 (12.45) .070 [1.78] Pitch Image Sensor Dual Row DIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] 1.217 [30.91] 1.120 [28.45] .070 [1.78] TYP. 1.217 [30.91] 1.120 [28.45] .070 [1.78] TYP. .100 [2.54] TYP. .100 [2.54] TYP. 1.067 [27.10] .727 [18.47] .10 [2.54] TYP Fig.38 67 Pins Thru-Hole: IS230-6367D-75S-R29-L14-A Surface Mount: IS230-6367D-265S-R29-L14-A .970 [24.64] .10 [2.54] TYP .630 [16.00] Fig.40 67 Pins Thru-Hole: IS230-9767D-75M-R29-L14-A Surface Mount: IS230-9767D-265M-R29-L14-A .130 [3.30] .130 [3.30] For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 16 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .070 [1.78] Pitch Image Sensor Dual Device DIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] 1.217 [30.91] 1.120 [28.45] .175 [4.44] .115 [2.92] .970 [24.64] .100 [2.54] Typ. .10 [2.54] .630 [16.00] 1.067 [27.10] .020 [0.51] DIA. .070 [1.78] Typ. .070 [1.78] Typ. Fig.41 134 Pins Thru-Hole: IS230D-97134-75M-R29-L14-A Surface Mount: IS230D-97134-265M-R29-L14-A For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 *accepts KAI-01050, KAI-02050, KAI-02150 or KAI-08050 .070 [1.78] Pitch Image Sensor SIP Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] Fig.12 Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal D B C .070 [1.78] Pitch .175 [4.44] .115 [2.92] .020 [0.51] DIA. - 75 Terminal Shown For Terminal Details or other Terminal Styles see Page 20 416-03-75S-R29-L14 416-04-75S-R29-L14 416-05-75S-R29-L14 416-06-75S-R29-L14 416-07-75S-R29-L14 416-08-75S-R29-L14 416-09-75S-R29-L14 416-10-75S-R29-L14 416-11-75S-R29-L14 416-12-75S-R29-L14 416-13-75S-R29-L14 416-14-75S-R29-L14 416-15-75S-R29-L14 416-16-75S-R29-L14 416-17-75S-R29-L14 416-18-75S-R29-L14 416-19-75S-R29-L14 416-20-75S-R29-L14 416-21-75S-R29-L14 416-22-75S-R29-L14 416-23-75S-R29-L14 416-24-75S-R29-L14 416-25-75S-R29-L14 416-26-75S-R29-L14 416-27-75S-R29-L14 416-28-75S-R29-L14 416-29-75S-R29-L14 416-30-75S-R29-L14 Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal 265S 12 3 265S 12 4 265S 12 5 265S 12 6 265S 12 7 265S 12 8 265S 12 9 265S 12 10 265S 12 11 265S 12 12 265S 12 13 265S 12 14 265S 12 15 265S 12 16 265S 12 17 265S 12 18 265S 12 19 265S 12 20 265S 12 21 265S 12 22 265S 12 23 265S 12 24 265S 12 25 265S 12 26 265S 12 27 265S 12 28 265S 12 29 265S 12 30 B .140 .210 .280 .350 .420 .490 .560 .630 .700 .770 .840 .910 .980 1.050 1.120 1.190 1.260 1.330 1.400 1.470 1.540 1.610 1.680 1.750 1.820 1.890 1.960 2.030 (3.56) (5.33) (7.11) (8.89) (10.67) (12.45) (14.22) (16.00) (17.78) (19.56) (21.34) (23.11) (24.89) (26.67) (28.45) (30.23) (32.00) (33.78) (35.56) (37.34) (39.12) (40.89) (42.67) (44.45) (46.23) (48.01) (49.78) (51.56) C .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) D .237 .307 .377 .447 .517 .587 .657 .727 .797 .867 .937 1.007 1.077 1.147 1.217 1.287 1.357 1.427 1.497 1.567 1.637 1.707 1.777 1.847 1.917 1.987 2.057 2.127 (6.02) (7.80) (9.58) (11.35) (13.13) (14.91) (16.69) (18.47) (20.24) (22.02) (23.80) (25.58) (27.36) (29.13) (30.91) (32.69) (34.47) (36.25) (38.02) (39.80) (41.58) (43.36) (45.14) (46.91) (48.69) (50.47) (52.25) (54.03) For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 17 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com .070 [1.78] Pitch - 75 Terminal Shown SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .050 [1.27] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Top View Shown Fig.8 Units: in [mm] D B .109 [2.76] .080 [2.03] AC .014 [0.36] DIA. .050 [1.27] Pitch - 274 Terminal Shown .050 [1.27] Pitch For Terminal Details or other Terminal Types see Page 20 Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal Surface Mount Terminal IS232-316-274U-R27-L14 IS232-414-274U-R27-L14 IS232-416-274U-R27-L14 IS232-440-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-R27-L14 IS232-520-274U-R27-L14 IS232-522-274U-R27-L14 IS232-5724-274U-R27-L14 IS232-622-274U-R27-L14 IS232-628-274U-R27-L14 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U Figure Pin Number QTY. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 14 16 40 16 20 20 22 24 22 28 A .300 .400 .400 .400 .450 .480 .500 .500 .570 .600 .600 B (7.62) (10.16) (10.16) (10.16) (11.43) (12.19) (12.70) (12.70) (14.48) (15.24) (15.24) .350 .300 .350 .950 .350 .450 .450 .500 .550 .500 .650 (8.89) (7.62) (8.89) (24.13) (8.89) (11.43) (11.43) (12.70) (13.97) (12.70) (16.51) C .385 .485 .485 .485 .535 .565 .585 .585 .655 .685 .685 D (9.78) .447 (11.35) (12.32) .397 (10.08) (12.32) .447 (11.35) (12.32) 1.047 (26.59) (13.59) .447 (11.35) (14.35) .547 (13.89) (14.86) .547 (13.89) (14.86) .597 (15.16) (16.64) .647 (16.43) (17.40) .597 (15.16) (17.40) .747 (18.97) .050 [1.27] Pitch Image Sensor SIP Sockets Top View Shown Fig.13 Units: in [mm] D B .050 [1.27] Pitch Andon Part Number w/Thru-Hole Terminal C 417-05-274U-R27-L14 417-06-274U-R27-L14 417-07-274U-R27-L14 417-08-274U-R27-L14 417-09-274U-R27-L14 417-10-274U-R27-L14 417-11-274U-R27-L14 417-12-274U-R27-L14 417-13-274U-R27-L14 417-14-274U-R27-L14 417-15-274U-R27-L14 417-16-274U-R27-L14 417-17-274U-R27-L14 417-18-274U-R27-L14 417-19-274U-R27-L14 417-20-274U-R27-L14 417-21-274U-R27-L14 417-22-274U-R27-L14 417-23-274U-R27-L14 417-24-274U-R27-L14 417-25-274U-R27-L14 417-26-274U-R27-L14 417-27-274U-R27-L14 417-28-274U-R27-L14 417-29-274U-R27-L14 417-30-274U-R27-L14 Surface Figure Pin Mount Number QTY. Terminal 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 281U 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B .200 .250 .300 .350 .400 .450 .500 .550 .600 .650 .700 .750 .800 .850 .900 .950 1.000 1.050 1.100 1.150 1.200 1.250 1.300 1.350 1.400 1.450 (5.08) (6.35) (7.62) (8.89) (10.16) (11.43) (12.70) (13.97) (15.24) (16.51) (17.78) (19.05) (20.32) (21.59) (22.86) (24.13) (25.40) (26.67) (27.94) (29.21) (30.48) (31.75) (33.02) (34.29) (35.56) (36.83) D C .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .085 (4.80) .297 .347 .397 .447 .497 .547 .597 .647 .697 .747 .797 .847 .897 .947 .997 1.047 1.097 1.147 1.197 1.247 1.297 1.347 1.397 1.447 1.497 1.547 (7.54) (8.81) (10.08) (11.35) (12.62) (13.89) (15.16) (16.43) (17.70) (18.97) (20.24) (21.51) (22.78) (24.05) (25.32) (26.59) (27.86) (29.13) (30.40) (31.67) (32.94) (34.21) (35.48) (36.75) (38.02) (39.29) For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 18 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® .050 [1.27] Pitch Image Sensor BGA Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] 1.150 [29.21] .050 [1.27] Typ. .650 [16.51] 1.000 [25.40] .300 [7.62] .650 [16.51] Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.31 97 Pins Thru-Hole: 10-14-11-097-400T4-R27-L14 Surface Mount: 10-14-11-097-414T4-R27-L14 168 Pins Thru-Hole: 10-24-05-168-347T-R27-L14 Surface Mount: 10-24-05-168-319T-R27-L14 34 Pins Thru-Hole: 585-07-02-034-211M-R29-L14 Surface Mount: 585-07-02-034-265M-R29-L14 .600 [15.24] .0437 [1.11] Pitch Image Sensor DIP Sockets Round Image Sensor Sockets Top View Shown Units: in [mm] [Other Figures available, see our "Optoelectronic Catalog" at www.andonelect.com] .568 [14.43] .0437 [1.11] TYP. .350 [8.88] .0437 [1.11] TYP. .570 [14.48] Ø.300 [Ø7.62] .400 [10.16] Ø.225 [Ø5.72] Pin Circle Fig.34 13 Pins Thru-Hole: R225-1413-01N-400T4-R29-L14 Surface Mount: R225-1413-01N-414T4-R29-L14 Fig.45 Fig.44 18 Pins Thru-Hole: IS0437SP-418-C4-G10-L14 Surface Mount: N/A 28 Pins Thru-Hole: IS0437SP-5728-C4-G10-L14 Surface Mount: N/A Image Sensor LCC Sockets [For a full product data sheet, contact us.] THRU-HOLE (2X) OPTIONAL FOR INDEX PINS A Fig.23 I .025 [0.64] TYP. II B LCC Sockets IV A B III .073 [1.85] TYP. #0&10 C C Top View Andon Part Number 620-20-SM-G10-L14-X 620-28-SM-G10-L14-X 620-40A-SM-G10-L14-X 620-44-SM-G10-L14-X 620-68-SM-G10-L14-X 620-84-SM-G10-L14-X 620-100-SM-G10-L14-X 680-32-SM-G10-L14-X 680-40-SM-G10-L14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-64-SM-G10-R14-X 680-100-SM-G10-R14-X Typical PCB Pad layout Figure Pin Number QTY. 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 20 28 40 44 68 84 100 32 40 48 64 100 A .200 .300 .950 .500 .800 1.000 1.200 .280 .360 .440 .600 1.120 B (5.08) (7.62) (24.13) (12.70) (20.32) (25.40) (30.48) (7.11) (9.14) (11.18) (15.24) (28.45) U.S. Patent# 5,588,847 C .200 (5.08) .300 (7.62) None .500 (12.70) .800 (20.32) 1.000 (25.40) 1.200 (30.48) .280 (7.11) .360 (9.14) .440 (11.18) .600 (15.24) .800 (20.32) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .050 (1.27) .040 (1.01) .040 (1.01) .040 (1.01) .040 (1.01) .040 (1.01) Number of Pins (per side) I II III IV 5 7 20 11 17 21 25 8 10 12 16 29 5 7 0 11 17 21 25 8 10 12 16 21 5 7 20 11 17 21 25 8 10 12 16 29 5 7 0 11 17 21 25 8 10 12 16 21 Replace "-X" with "-1" for index pins or "-0" for none For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 19 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Terminals Appendix A: Terminal Details Cross Section View Shown Units: in [mm] .100 [2.54] PITCH TERMINAL STYLES Ø.072 [1.83] .020 [0.51] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .115 [2.92] .150 [3.81] .175 [4.45] .195 [4.95] .210 [5.33] .236 [5.99] Ø.053 [1.35] .115 [2.92] Ø.053 [1.35] .115 [2.92] Ø.030 [0.76] Ø.053 [1.35] .126 [3.20] Ø.020 [0.50] Ø.024 [0.61] - 01 - 80 - 47 Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .210 [5.33] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .210 [5.33] .307 [7.80] .300 [7.62] .330 [8.38] .354 [8.99] Ø.053 [1.35] .126 [3.20] Ø.053 [1.35] .120 [3.05] Ø.053 [1.35] .126 [3.20] Ø.024 [0.61] Ø.028 [0.71] - 84 Ø.024 [0.61] - 88 Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .210 [5.33] - 85 Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .210 [5.33] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .210 [5.33] .421 [10.69] .433 [11.00] .512 [13.00] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.053 [1.35] .126 [3.20] .118 [3.00] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.024 [0.61] .118 [3.00] Ø.028 [0.71] Ø.018 [0.46] - 89 - 87 - 65 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 20 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Appendix A: Terminal Details Terminals Cross Section View Shown Units: in [mm] .100 [2.54] PITCH TERMINAL STYLES Ø.056 [1.42] Ø.072 [1.83] .031 [0.79] .016 [0.41] .150 [3.81] .120 [3.05] .136 [3.45] Ø.072 [1.84] .031 [0.79] .145[3.68] .175 [4.45] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.038 [0.97] Ø.039 [0.99] Ø.028 [0.71] Ø.022 [0.55] - 52 Low Profile .166 [4.21] - 93 - 221 .070 [1.78] PITCH TERMINAL STYLES Ø.061[ 1.55] .150 [3.81] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.057 [1.45] .176 [4.46] .130 [3.30] Ø.062 [1.57] .150 [3.81] .150 [3.81] .175 [4.45] .115 [2.93] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.053 [1.35] Ø.022 [0.57] Ø.018 [.46] Ø.020 [0.51] - 265 - 75 - 384 .050 [1.27] PITCH TERMINAL STYLES Ø.038 [0.97] Ø.034 [0.86] Ø.033 [0.84] .080 [2.03] .100 [2.54] .100 [2.54] .109 [2.77] .088 [2.24] .105 [2.67] .085 [2.16] Ø.022 [0.56] Ø.009 [0.23] Ø.035 [0.89] Ø.014 [0.36] Ø.025 [0.64] Ø.009 [0.23] - 347 - 274 Ø.038 [0.97] .100 [2.54] - C4 Ø.034 [0.86] .070 [1.78] .088 [2.24] .095 [2.41] .130 [3.30] - 281 Ø.014 [0.36] - 400 Ø.033 [0.84] .118 [3.00] Ø.022 [0.56] Ø.012 [0.31] Ø.035 [0.89] Ø.020 [0.51] .120 [3.05] .130 [3.30] .085 [2.16] .080 [2.03] Ø.028 [0.71] Ø.025 [0.64] Ø.012 [0.30] - 319 - 414 CONTACT TYPE T: standard .040 pitch dip / sip insertion force 1.0 oz max withdrawal force 0.3 oz min U: standard .050 pitch dip /sip insertion force 2.8 oz avg withdrawal force 0.5 oz min S: standard .070 & .100 pitch dip / sip insertion force 9.0 oz avg withdrawal force 2.0 oz min H: high force .070 & .100 pitch dip / sip insertion force 18.3 oz avg withdrawal force 4.2 oz min T4: standard .040 pitch dip / sip insertion force 1.05 oz max withdrawal force 0.32 oz min K: standard .050 pitch dip / sip insertion force 1.2 oz max withdrawal force 0.4 oz min M: standard .070 & .100 pitch pga insertion force 1.6 oz max withdrawal force 0.5 oz min C4: .040 pitch dip / sip insertion force 1.5 oz avg withdrawal force .35 oz min For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 21 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com Index Andon Part Number 10-14-11-097-400T4-R27-L14 10-24-05-168-347T-R27-L14 405-03-01S-R29-L14 405-03-80S-R29-L14 405-04-01S-R29-L14 405-04-80S-R29-L14 405-05-01S-R29-L14 405-05-80S-R29-L14 405-06-01S-R29-L14 405-06-80S-R29-L14 405-07-01S-R29-L14 405-07-80S-R29-L14 405-08-01S-R29-L14 405-08-80S-R29-L14 405-09-01S-R29-L14 405-09-80S-R29-L14 405-10-01S-R29-L14 405-10-80S-R29-L14 405-11-01S-R29-L14 405-11-80S-R29-L14 405-11-88S-R29-L14 405-12-01S-R29-L14 405-12-80S-R29-L14 405-13-01S-R29-L14 405-13-80S-R29-L14 405-14-01S-R29-L14 405-14-80S-R29-L14 405-14-88S-R29-L14 405-15-01S-R29-L14 405-15-80S-R29-L14 405-16-01S-R29-L14 405-16-80S-R29-L14 405-17-01S-R29-L14 405-17-80S-R29-L14 405-18-01S-R29-L14 405-18-80S-R29-L14 405-19-01S-R29-L14 405-19-80S-R29-L14 405-20-01S-R29-L14 405-20-80S-R29-L14 405-21-01S-R29-L14 405-21-80S-R29-L14 405-22-01S-R29-L14 405-22-80S-R29-L14 405-23-01S-R29-L14 405-23-80S-R29-L14 405-24-01S-R29-L14 405-24-80S-R29-L14 405-25-01S-R29-L14 405-25-80S-R29-L14 405-26-01S-R29-L14 405-26-80S-R29-L14 405-27-01S-R29-L14 405-27-80S-R29-L14 405-28-01S-R29-L14 405-28-80S-R29-L14 405-29-01S-R29-L14 405-29-80S-R29-L14 405-30-01S-R29-L14 405-30-80S-R29-L14 409-209-01S-R29-L14 409-210-80S-R29-L14 409-211-01S-R29-L14 409-213-80S-R29-L14 416-03-75S-R29-L14 416-04-75S-R29-L14 416-05-75S-R29-L14 416-06-75S-R29-L14 416-07-75S-R29-L14 Page Fig. 97 168 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 18 20 22 26 3 4 5 6 7 19 19 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 17 17 17 17 17 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 IN DU ST RY AU T Pin QTY. SO C I ATI O Andon Part Number 416-08-75S-R29-L14 416-09-75S-R29-L14 416-10-75S-R29-L14 416-11-75S-R29-L14 416-12-75S-R29-L14 416-13-75S-R29-L14 416-14-75S-R29-L14 416-15-75S-R29-L14 416-16-75S-R29-L14 416-17-75S-R29-L14 416-18-75S-R29-L14 416-19-75S-R29-L14 416-20-75S-R29-L14 416-21-75S-R29-L14 416-22-75S-R29-L14 416-23-75S-R29-L14 416-24-75S-R29-L14 416-25-75S-R29-L14 416-26-75S-R29-L14 416-27-75S-R29-L14 416-28-75S-R29-L14 416-29-75S-R29-L14 416-30-75S-R29-L14 417-05-274U-R29-L14 417-06-274U-R29-L14 417-07-274U-R29-L14 417-08-274U-R29-L14 417-09-274U-R29-L14 417-10-274U-R29-L14 417-11-274U-R29-L14 417-12-274U-R29-L14 417-13-274U-R29-L14 417-14-274U-R29-L14 417-15-274U-R29-L14 417-16-274U-R29-L14 417-17-274U-R29-L14 417-18-274U-R29-L14 417-19-274U-R29-L14 417-20-274U-R29-L14 417-21-274U-R29-L14 417-22-274U-R29-L14 417-23-274U-R29-L14 417-24-274U-R29-L14 417-25-274U-R29-L14 417-26-274U-R29-L14 417-27-274U-R29-L14 417-28-274U-R29-L14 417-29-274U-R29-L14 417-30-274U-R29-L14 575-08-04-040-80S-R29-L14 575-10-19-037-01S-R29-L14 575-11-42-068-01S-R29-L14 575-11-57-073-01S-R29-L14 575-12-22-044-88S-R29-L14 575-13-83-048-80S-R29-L14 575-14-39-036-01S-R29-L14 575-15-28-145-01S-R29-L14 575-15-62-082-80S-R29-L14 575-15-63-080-01S-R29-L14 575-15-64-056-88S-R29-L14 575-15-65-084-01S-R29-L14 575-16-24-127-01S-R29-L14 575-16-25-060-88S-R29-L14 575-16-26-032-01S-R29-L14 575-19-25-281-01M-R29-L14 575-19-27-088-01S-R29-L14 575-20-16-096-01S-R29-L14 575-23-02-104-01S-R29-L14 575-25-04-080-01S-R29-L14 RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® Pin QTY. Page Fig. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 37 68 73 44 48 36 145 82 80 56 84 127 60 32 281 88 96 104 80 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 13 14 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 30 15 16 17 18 29 36 19 20 21 24 35 32 46 33 27 22 28 25 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 22 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com Andon Part Number Fig. 104 34 20 28 40 44 68 84 100 32 40 48 64 100 18 28 28 60 26 30 26 51 36 39 44 52 24 44 24 34 44 39 78 88 40 6 8 80 16 18 24 8 20 22 22 22 24 32 20 24 28 40 20 22 24 24 28 40 50 56 22 80 20 20 24 24 26 28 26 14 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 10 11 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 10 9 11 9 9 9 9 10 11 9 9 9 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 26 31 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 45 44 1A 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 39 1 3 1 1 1 1 42 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1A 3 1 1A 1 1A 1 1 1 IN DU ST RY AU T Page C I ATI O Andon Part Number IS229-8826-80S-R29-L14 IS229-9124-80S-R29-L14 IS229-924-01S-R29-L14 IS229-932-01S-R29-L14 is229-938-01S-R29-L14 IS229-940-01S-R29-L14 IS230-1034-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-1232-400T4-R29-L14 IS230-1232-75S-R29-L14 IS230-1340-75S-R29-L14 IS230-18860-75S-R29-L14 IS230-2064-75S-R29-L14 IS230-2640-75S-R29-L14 IS230-416-75S-R29-L14 IS230-420-75S-R29-L14 IS230-4512-75S-R29-L14 IS230-532-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14 IS230-620-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-624-75S-R29-L14-B IS230-632-75S-R29-L14 IS230-6367D-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-724-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-828-75S-R29-L14 IS230-832-75S-R29-L14 IS230-832-75S-R29-L14-A IS230-832-75S-R29-L14-B IS230-930-75S-R29-L14 IS230-934-75S-R29-L14 IS230-9767D-75M-R29-L14-A IS230D-97134-75M-R29-L14-A IS231-1040-01S-R29-L14 IS231-428-01S-R29-L14 IS231-6140-01S-R29-L14 IS231-622-01S-R29-L14 IS231-636-01S-R29-L14 IS231-644-80M-R29-L14 IS231-1149D-01S-R29-L14 IS232-316-274U-P27-L14 IS232-414-274U-P27-L14 IS232-416-274U-P27-L14 IS232-440-274U-R27-L14 IS232-4516-274U-P27-L14 IS232-4820-274U-P27-L14 IS232-520-274U-P27-L14 IS232-522-274U-P27-L14 IS232-5724-274U-P27-L14 IS232-622-274U-P27-L14 IS232-628-274U-P27-L14 IS233-4146-75S-R29-L14 IS233-424-75S-R29-L14 IS233-532-75S-R29-L14 R225-1413-01-400T4-R29-L14 N EDUCATION ® Pin QTY. Page Fig. 26 24 24 32 38 40 34 32 32 40 60 64 40 16 20 12 32 20 20 24 32 67 24 28 32 32 32 30 34 67 134 40 28 40 22 36 44 49 16 14 16 40 16 20 20 22 24 22 28 46 24 32 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 16 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 16 17 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 6A 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6A 6B 6 38 6A 6 6 6A 6B 6 6 40 41 43 7 7 7 7 7 37 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 34 For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 23 RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com Index 575-40-02-104-01S-R29-L14 585-07-02-034-211M-R29-L14 620-20-SM-G10-L14-X 620-28-SM-G10-L14-X 620-40A-SM-G10-L14-X 620-44-SM-G10-L14-X 620-68-SM-G10-L14-X 620-84-SM-G10-L14-X 620-100-SM-G10-L14-X 680-32-SM-G10-L14-X 680-40-SM-G10-L14-X 680-48-SM-G10-R14-X 680-64-SM-G10-R14-X 680-100-SM-G10-R14-X IS0437SP-418-C4-G10-L14 IS0437SP-5728-C4-G10-L14 IS229-1028-01S-R29-L14-A IS229-1060D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1226-80S-R29-L14 IS229-1330-01M-R29-L14 IS229-1426-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1451D-80S-R29-L14-A IS229-1536D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1639D-80M-R29-L14 IS229-1644D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1752D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-1824-80S-R29-L14 IS229-1944D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2024-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2034-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2044-80S-R29-L14 IS229-2239-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2278T-01M-R29-L14 IS229-2488D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-2640-01S-R29-L14 IS229-306-01S-R29-L14 IS229-308-01S-R29-L14 IS229-3080D-01S-R29-L14 IS229-316-01S-R29-L14 IS229-318-01S-R29-L14 IS229-324-01S-R29-L14 IS229-408-01S-R29-L14 IS229-420-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-01S-R29-L14 IS229-422-80S-R29-L14 IS229-422-88S-R29-L14-A IS229-424-80S-R29-L14 IS229-432-80S-R29-L14 IS229-6120-80S-R29-L14 IS229-6124-01S-R29-L14 IS229-6128-01S-R29-L14 IS229-6140-01S-R29-L14 IS229-620-01S-R29-L14 IS229-622-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-01S-R29-L14 IS229-624-80S-R29-L14 IS229-628-80S-R29-L14 IS229-640-01S-R29-L14 IS229-650-01S-R29-L14 IS229-656-01S-R29-L14 IS229-722-80S-R29-L14-A IS229-780D-01M-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14 IS229-820-80S-R29-L14-A IS229-824-01S-R29-L14 IS229-824-01S-R29-L14-A IS229-826-01S-R29-L14 IS229-828-88S-R29-L14 IS229-8826-01S-R29-L14 Pin QTY. SO RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O SO C I ATI O IN DU ST RY AU T AS INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® 1 mm (.0394 inch) Pitch BGA Sockets / Adapters Rollerball 6/ Grid Array Socketing System THE IDEAL SOLUTION TO FIX BGA ASSEMBLY PROBLEMS ON LARGE PCB'S 6/ ADAPTER WITH TERMINAL PINS FOR PLUGGING INTO ROLLERBALL SOCKET. BGA SOLDERED DIRECTLY ONTO ADAPTER. SOCKET WITH ROLLERBALL TERMINALS FOR SOLDERING DIRECTLY ONTO PCB. REWORK COST AND RISK OF DAMAGE REDUCED TO EXPENSIVE BGA AND MULTI LAYER PCB'S. 6/ BGA SOLDER BALL C'SUNK HEAD TYPE 41..'4$#.. 51%-'6 .0394 [1.00] 6/ 6/ 41..'4$#.. 51%-'6 BGA ADAPTER ADAPTER BGA SOCKET ROLLERBALL TM SOCKET PCB SURFACE MOUNT #(6'451.&'4+0) $'(14'51.&'4+0) 6/ ROLLERBALL GRID ARRAY SOCKETING ASSEMBLY U.S. Patent # 6,352,437 Canadian Patent # 2,388,520 SOCKET .0394 [1.00] X .0394 [1.00] PITCH MANY FOOTPRINTS AVAILABLE TERMINAL STYLES OTHER TERMINAL STYLES AVAILABLE (CONSULT FACTORY) ADAPTER TERMINAL SOCKET TERMINAL SOCKET TERMINAL .020 [0.51] DIA. .033 [0.84] DIA. .062 [1.57] .082 [2.08] .062 [1.57] .095 [2.41] .093 [2.36] .138 [3.50] .063 [1.60] .012 [0.30] DIA. .020 [0.51] DIA. .008 DIA. -320 C'SUNK HEAD -321 FLATHEAD -319T SURFACE MOUNT ORDERING INFORMATION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: INSULATOR: TERMINAL: CONTACT: SOLDERBALL: ADAPTER: TM -RB339T SURFACE MOUNT ROLLERBALL 12 - XX - XX - XXX - XXX - XXX - XXX FR-4 LAMINATE U.L. RATED 94V-0 BRASS PLATED GOLD BeCu PLATED GOLD 96.5% TIN, 3.0% SILVER, 0.5% COPPER COPPER ALLOY PLATED GOLD INSULATOR PLATING: SERIES GRID TERMINAL TYPE FOOTPRINT NO. OF PINS For Other Pin Configuration or Layouts, Contact Factory. RoHS Compliant ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America 24 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com SO C I ATI O ©Copyright 2009 Andon Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This material is protected under US and other copyrights and may not be copied, sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of Andon Electronics Corporation. Copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective companies. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Andon makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the sockets for the intended purpose. ANDON ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 4 Court Drive, Lincoln RI 02865, United States of America IN DU ST RY AU T AS RoHS Compliant ISO 9001 Certified NT ME RN VE GO INTERCONNECTION SPECIALISTS G IN ANDON TED IMA MA G O N EDUCATION ® RoHS Compliant Andon Proprietary Information IS-09B 11/3/09 www.andonelectronics.com or www.andonelect.com Phone 401-333-0388 Fax 401-333-0287 Email Info@andonelect.com
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