A Century of Changing Lives
A Century of Changing Lives
Ranken Technical College 4431 Finney Avenue St. Louis, MO 63113 (314) 286-3674 www.ranken.edu Ranken Technical College is a private, non-profit, degree-granting institution of higher learning whose primary mission is to provide the comprehensive education and training necessary to prepare students for employment and advancement in a variety of technical fields. A Century of Changing 2006 – 2007 ANNUAL REPORT Lives St. Louis, MO Permit No. 2147 PAID Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage CHANGING LIVES C O M M E M O R AT I V E P I E C E S FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended June 30, 2005 Year Ended June 30, 2006 Year Ended June 30, 2007 Total Revenue At-A-Glance Revenues $ 10,395,285 $ 10,960,443 $ 11,867,541 Investment Income (includes capital gains and losses) Tuition $ 4,828,480 $ 7,190,881 $ 10,099,658 Contributions $ 1,658,031 $ 3,149,539 $ 4,564,786 Auxiliary Income $ 2,466,051 $ 2,444,899 $ 2,353,039 Other Income $ 1,091,880 $ 1,128,622 $ 1,209,462 $ 20,439,727 $ 24,874,384 $ 30,094,486 3,950,194 Total Revenue Expenditures Instruction $ 4,342,565 $ 3,829,146 $ Academic Support $ 606,476 $ 682,554 $ 632,758 Institutional Support & Student Services $ 7,116,646 $ 7,984,634 $ 9,013,810 Fund Raising $ 521,634 $ 509,741 $ 509,731 Operation of Maintenance of Plant $ 1,913,052 $ 2,129,553 $ 2,021,795 Auxiliary Expenses $ 1,936,918 $ 1,997,375 $ 1,633,815 Total Expenditures $ 16,437,291 $ 17,133,003 $ 17,762,103 Change in Net Assets $ 4,002,436 $ 7,741,381 $ 12,332,383 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Year Ended June 30, 2005 Year Ended June 30, 2006 Year Ended June 30, 2007 Total Expenditures At-A-Glance Total Assets At-A-Glance Assets Current Assets $ 1,977,547 $ 1,519,779 $ 2,598,670 Other Assets $ 4,139,502 $ 4,474,349 $ 8,980,346 Investments $ 47,716,259 $ 53,982,394 $ 71,285,239 Property & Equipment, net $ 11,734,972 $ 13,319,766 $ 15,184,009 $ 65,568,280 $ 73,296,288 $ 98,048,264 Total Assets Liability in Net Assets Current Liabilities $ 2,713,363 $ 2,470,473 $ 1,776,957 Other Liabilities $ 539,912 $ 693,732 $ 2,724,794 Longterm Liabilities $ 7,585,000 $ 7,395,000 $ 17,325,000 Total Liabilities $ 10,838,275 $ 10,559,205 $ 21,826,751 Net Assets $ 54,730,005 $ 62,737,083 $ 76,221,513 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 65,568,280 $ 73,296,288 $ 98,048,264 Total Liabilities At-A-Glance In celebration of our centennial, Ranken had two pieces created to commemorate the anniversary. The first piece is a book written about the College’s history and development, “A Century of Educational Excellence.” The second piece is a John Pils illustration of Ranken’s campus. The book is available for $10 and the John Pils illustrations are available for $20 for an un-matted piece or $30 for a matted piece. Both pieces can be purchased at the Ranken bookstore or online at www.ranken.edu. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE: A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES David Ranken, Jr. established Ranken in 1907, recognizing the need for a St. Louis-based trade school that taught the skills needed in the mechanical trades and emphasized the dignity of labor. He envisioned a place where young people could create a bright future for themselves through high-quality, hands-on technical education. When the first academic year began in September 1909, 20 students were enrolled in the David Ranken, Jr. School of Mechanical Trades. For just $10 a term, boys 14 and older could enroll in painting, bricklaying, steam engineering, carpentry and plumbing classes. By comparison, today nearly 2,000 men and women are enrolled at Ranken for day and evening classes. Tuition is now $5,600 per semester, and the curriculum has grown to include instruction and training in a wide variety of technical skills in the automotive, construction, electrical, information technology and manufacturing fields. Ranken Technical College has grown from one lone building to a 10-acre campus with a dozen buildings housing almost 20 different technical programs. Gone are pattern making and radio repair programs; computers now play a dominant role in almost any technical skill. Ranken has always embraced change, being responsive to needs and workforce demands. The College will continue to adapt developing new curriculums and establish new degrees and certification programs, such as the addition of the new bachelor degree programs to boost graduates careers and to meet workforce needs. Ranken must, and does, invest in new equipment to match the advanced technology used in businesses, providing the best education possible to transform students into valuable employees. In recent years, Ranken has helped revitalize the neighborhood surrounding the campus with the construction of over 40 new affordable single family homes through the Ranken Community Development Corporation. Recently, the College purchased the former site of the Raskas Dairy facility adjacent to Ranken’s campus. The former plant and warehouse are in the process of being renovated to create additional shop space, a dormitory and landscaped courtyards. David Ranken, Jr., in a letter sent to the Board of Trustees just before he passed away in 1910, wrote, “I have been very much gratified with the success made by the school so far.” One can only imagine the satisfaction he would have experienced in observing the many successes that would occur over the next 97 years, and in knowing that Ranken is prepared to grow into its second century of success. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT BEN H. ERNST While faces, programs and technologies may have changed over the past 100 years, Ranken Technical College’s commitment to the economic vitality of the St. Louis region remains as strong as ever. Our first century has indisputably been one of educational excellence. I’m proud to be a part of an institution with such a rich, storied history, and I’m proud of the steady and remarkable growth of the College. Most importantly, I’m proud of the tens of thousands of men and women who have experienced the success that comes with a Ranken degree. The bedrock for our longstanding reputation as the premier technical college in the Midwest is the excellence of our graduates. Their supreme work ethic and unsurpassed technical training make them excellent employees as well as successful and innovative business managers and owners. Their achievements validate the maxim that technical education changes lives. From the first graduating class of 11 students in 1911 to 547 graduates this past academic year, all of our graduates are equipped with the education and technical skills they need to succeed. As we reflect on our impressive past, we are also building for the present and future. Over the past year, our two major strategic expansion projects have continued to take shape. The Mary Ann Lee Technology Center is almost complete and classes are already being held in the new building. The Mary Ann Lee Technology Center is a 72,000-square-foot facility on the north side of campus that has been completely renovated to house our new High Performance Racing Technology program as well as the Industrial Technology program. Our other major investment, the Myrtle and Earl Walker Residence Hall, is also moving right along. With planning and designing complete — and demolition already underway — the construction phase is scheduled to begin shortly. Upon completion, this 60,000 square-foot building will be transformed into the College’s first ever on-campus dormitory and will have the ability to house 200 students. To our many donors, we appreciate your continued support. Your ongoing generosity opens doors to exciting new programs and opportunities and helps Ranken Technical College enhance our mission of excellence in education and workforce training. For those of you who have not invested in Ranken, I encourage you to consider the many ways you can contribute to the education and training of our students. All gifts – no matter the type or size – help Ranken Technical College prepare students for successful careers. Sincerely, July 1907 David Ranken, Jr. hires Ranken’s first superintendent-Lewis Gustafson November 1907 David Ranken, Jr. executes and files the Foundation Deed of Gift establishing Ranken Technical College December 1907 First board of trustees meeting held September 1909 Dedication of Cook Building and first day classes begin with 20 pupils; tuition was $10 a term 1909 1907 Ben H. Ernst President RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES A D M I N I S T R AT I O N President Ben H. Ernst B.S.B.A., Accounting, University of Missouri – St. Louis M.B.A., Finance, St. Louis University Vice President for Development Timothy J. Willard B.A., English Literature, Regis University M.A., English Education, University of Colorado at Boulder Ph.D., Higher Education Administration, University of Colorado at Boulder Vice President for Education John E. Wood A.T., Automotive Maintenance Technology, Ranken Technical College B.S., Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale M.S., Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale M.B.A., Lindenwood University Vice President for Finance and Administration Peter T. Murtaugh B.S., Accounting, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale M.B.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN R O B E R T W. S TA L E Y As Ranken Technical College celebrates its centennial this year, my fellow trustees and I are proud of our role in helping to prepare the College for the next 100 years. We believe in the College’s educational philosophy, which is based on technical training, general education and professionalism. We support the College’s mission to provide the comprehensive education and training necessary to prepare students for employment and advancement in a variety of technical fields. As Ben’s letter states, Ranken’s vitality and reputation rest on the success of our graduates. Our mission goes beyond helping our graduates find employment; it also includes preparing students to advance in their careers. Ranken’s two-year associate degree programs prepare students for employment and success in their fields. Subsequently, our bachelor of science degrees in Architectural Technology and Applied Management prepare our students for further career advancement. In deciding to offer four-year degrees, Ranken made a commitment to the ongoing success of not only our students, but also our faculty. Ranken’s accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission means that 70 percent or more of our faculty must have a bachelor or master’s degree. To maintain this requirement, Ranken’s Education Committee has developed a standard for hiring and training faculty. All Ranken employees have a $2,000 per year tuition benefit. The Office of Education spends a significant portion of their budget on faculty development, including degrees, training, professional dues, licenses and certifications. One-hundred percent of the faculty in the bachelor’s degree programs have a master’s degree or higher. Ranken’s commitment to student success has two important benefits to the St. Louis community. First, we continue to meet the needs of the St. Louis workforce by providing highly-trained, well-educated graduates. Second, in creating a stable campus environment for our students, the College continues to invest in the revitalization of the surrounding neighborhood. Our investments include purchasing neglected properties, creating green spaces, constructing additional homes in the area and investing in campus expansion – all of which accelerate the revitalization of the community. We strive to be a good neighbor, an anchor in the community and an institution in which the city of St. Louis can take pride. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to offer sincere thanks to the faculty, staff, students, graduates and supporters whose kindness, generosity and vision enable Ranken Technical College to change lives and contribute to a successful future for the St. Louis region. Sincerely, February 1910 David Ranken, Jr. conveys almost all of his estate to the College May 1910 Cost for educating a student was $226.48 (includes what the student pays) August 1910 David Ranken, Jr. dies at age 74 May 1911 Ranken’s first graduating class totals 11 students April 1911 Approval granted for construction of Finney Building at a cost of $284,000 1911 1909 Robert W. Staley, Chairman, Board of Trustees RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Officers: Robert W. Staley Chairman of the Board Emerson Lou Fusz, Jr. Vice President of the Board Lou Fusz Automotive Network Trustees: J. Joe Adorjan Stonington Partners and Adven Capital Partners John T. Anderson AT&T John Jeffrey Pitts Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Albert E. Suter Emerson Blanche M. Touhill University of Missouri-St. Louis Charles W. Disbrow, II Dennis C. Donnelly Secretary – Treasurer of the Board Bryan Cave LLP Frankie M. Freeman Montgomery, Hollie & Associates, LLC Joseph E. Vollmar, Jr. Vollmar Brothers Construction Company E. Desmond Lee Lee/Rowan Earl E. Walker Carr Lane Manufacturing Company Edward L. Monser, IV Emerson RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 CHANGING LIVES C E N T E N N I A L C A M PA I G N Ranken Technical College’s $10 million Centennial Campaign has achieved 110% of its goal, making it the most successful capital fundraising campaign in the history of the College. Over the course of the campaign, 1,317 donors made a total of 2,935 gifts to the College. These generous contributions from alumni, friends, corporations and foundations make it possible for Ranken to continue to be the leader in providing a strong technical workforce for the St. Louis metropolitan area. Ranken’s faculty and staff understood the importance of the campaign. Through Ranken’s “Every Employee Counts” campaign each year, 98 percent of the College’s employees made gifts and pledges to the campaign. Ranken’s Board of Trustees were fully committed to the success of the campaign. 100% of the board made leadership gifts to the campaign. The campaign sought funds for four key areas: Annual Fund September 1925 301 day school students enrolled at an annual tuition of $45 September 1917 Ranken begins training armed services personnel in radio, math, science, morse code, map reading and propeller making during WWI 1927 1911 Annual, unrestricted contributions are important to the long-term growth and success of the College. Gifts to the Annual Fund help underwrite new programs, faculty training, program enhancements and technology upgrades. Over $3 million has been contributed during the past five years for the annual fund. August 1927 Ranken’s first superintendent Gustafson dies from Bright’s disease. He is succeeded by O.H. Turner RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Thanks to the new Mary Ann Lee Technology Center, students in the Industrial Technology (INT) program have an official home and a brand new, state-of-the-art training facility. This new location will allow for the enrollment in the INT program to double over the next five years. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Campus Environment September 1928 Ranken students dismissed from classes to attend Charles A. Lindberg’s homecoming celebration February 1937 M. Reed Bass, named director of Ranken September 1940 Enrollment reaches 2,571; the highest in school history May 1942 Ranken begins training nearly 5,000 soldiers as a part of the war effort; the school agrees to open a barber shop 1942 1927 The physical appearance of the campus gives a first indicator of its prestige and growth. Students want and need an attractive environment in which to attend classes and study. Funds raised during the campaign allow for physical improvements on campus including new lab space, building renovations, installation of signage to identify Ranken at its main corridors, a landscape beautification program and the purchase of nearby vacant and distressed property for future needs. Over $2 million dollars was contributed for various campus projects. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES The buildings on Ranken’s campus accommodate a variety of technologies, covering over three city blocks to provide almost 500,000 square feet of classrooms, labs, shops and administrative offices – all designed to maximize hands-on learning. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 10 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Scholarships It is important to keep the cost of a Ranken education affordable. Ranken does not wish to turn any student away because the student does not have the financial resources necessary to receive an education. The campaign allows the College to assist more students who need financial support to accomplish their goal of obtaining a quality technical education. Currently there are over 30 scholarship opportunities available to students at the College. Over $2.2 million was contributed for scholarships during the campaign. Jkl[\ekKl`k`feJlggc\d\ekXk`fe David Ranken, Jr.’s deed of foundation trust, which established Ranken Technical College, was more than $1 million. He later added his entire fortune to the College’s endowment, which has seen substantial growth over the last 100 years and continues to be a source of funds to reduce annual operating costs and tuition. These funds – along with current year individual, foundation and corporate donations – supplement students’ tuition. For every 65 cents that students pay for a Ranken education, the College contributes 35 cents. %*, Zfcc\^\ Zfeki`Ylk`fe %-, May, 1946 WWII veterans return to Ranken with a day enrollment of 921 and evening enrollment of 1,325 January 1950 Ranken’s endowment reaches $5 million September 1954 George B. Rodenheiser appointed Ranken’s director 1957 1942 jkl[\ek Zfeki`Ylk`fe November 1957 A football game and queen contest marked celebrations at Ranken’s 50th anniversary RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 11 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES From Left to Right: Annsih KesMaa-Serud – Pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in architectural technology. Annsih is a recipient of the E. Desmond Lee Scholarship, Student Ambassador Award, Pettus Foundation Scholarship and the National Association of Women in Construction Scholarship. Michael Little – Pursuing an Associate’s degree in auto collision repair technology. Michael received the Student Ambassador Award. Broderick Bevineau – Holds an associate’s degree in information technology from Ranken and is employed full time. Broderick is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in applied management with an emphasis on management information systems. Broderick is a recipient of the Monsanto Fund Scholarship and the Student Ambassador Award. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 12 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Equipment and Technology May 1962 Machinists’ Ready Reference Manual by faculty member Clarence Weingartner first published October 1967 Ranken students visit and study the Gateway Arch under construction June 1970 Board of Trustees changes the name of Ranken School of Mechanical Trades to Ranken Technical Institute September 1972 Robert L. Garrett named sixth Director/Superintendent 1972 1957 Investing in the latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment is essential to the educational mission of the College. It is crucial to have the best available equipment for students for the intensive hands-on training provided at Ranken. The success of students and the strong relationships with the industries Ranken serves depend on its ability to stay current with technology. Purchasing new equipment is not an option, it’s a requirement. Over $3 million dollars was contributed to help Ranken remain in-step with industrial advances and a step above the competition. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 13 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Ranken’s Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology and Electrical Technology Programs departments have been completely renovated. The campaign has helped Ranken obtain millions of dollars worth of new equipment and technology for all of Ranken’s technical programs. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 14 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 CHANGING LIVES W O R K FO R C E A N D E M P LOY E R S For the past century, Ranken has done what we set out to do – provide high quality technical education, assist our students in finding valuable employment, and win the satisfaction from the industries that hire our graduates. The fact that 98 percent of students are employed in their chosen fields within six months of graduation is a testament to both the quality of a Ranken education and the institution’s ability to maintain positive relationships with area employers. September 1975 First female day student Pamela Sue Vinson enrolls at Ranken Technical College August 1982 580 day students enroll paying $1,530 in tuition June 1986 Ben Ernst becomes Ranken’s President 1990 1972 In fact, our graduates are in such high demand that employers have begun reaching out to students prior to graduation. Through corporate sponsorship programs, loans, scholarships, internships and even paying for an entire class to travel to Chicago for an interview, it’s evident that Ranken is meeting the needs of the industries we serve. June 1990 Ranken becomes Ranken Technical College and receives accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 15 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Professional internships are common for many of our students, with numerous students obtaining an internship in their field after just one year at Ranken. Annie Moore, an Electrical Systems Design Technology student obtained her internship at the St. Louis Lighting Group during her second semester at Ranken. Now in her second year in the program, Annie is able to take what she learns in class and apply it directly to her internship. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 16 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN DONORS $500,000 - $999,999 Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Mary Ann Lee Earl E. and Myrtle E. Walker (1940) $250,000 - $499,999 Ballmann Family Foundation McCormick Systems, Inc. Robert W. & Elizabeth Staley Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. U.S. Department of Education $100,000 - $249,999 ACI Acoustical Consultants Ameren Community Development Corporation Jeanne L. Dennis Trust Emerson Process Management General Motors Corporation Mary Ranken Jordan & Ettie A. Jordan Foundation Oliver M. Langenberg Missouri Department of Higher Education Nissan Motor Corporation Rockwell Automation Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Suter 1990 $50,000 - $99,999 Austin Machine Inc. Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Bunge North America Carrier Corporation Digital Concepts of Missouri Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers Elsevier Emerson Louis J. Fusz, Jr./Lou Fusz Automotive Network GKN Aerospace Services Haas Automation, Inc. January 1994 Ranken Community Development Corporation organized to help revitalize the surrounding neighborhood Robert H. and Katie Harper Hunter Engineering Company Hydromat, Inc. Interco Charitable Trust/Furniture Brands International JM&A Group/Fidelity Warranty Services Ruth Jensen and Donald D. Jensen E. Desmond Lee Monsanto Fund Pepsi Americas Pettus Foundation Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott Foundation R&B, Inc. Vernon D. Schaefer (1967)* Elsie J. St. Cyr Trio Foundation of St. Louis $25,000 - $49,999 AAA Auto Club of Missouri AT&T Ameren UE BKD, LLP Bachman Machine Company, Inc. The Boeing Company Dula Foundation Emerson Climate Technologies Edward Chase Garvey Foundation Laclede Gas Company John Allan Love Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William R. Orthwein, Jr. W.R. Persons & Associates Rexel United Electrical & Datacom Products Schnuck Markets, Inc. Snap-On Industrial $10,000 - $24,999 The Adorjan Family Foundation American Railcar Industries, Inc. AMETEK Drexelbrook Auto Plaza Ford BG Services, Inc. James G. Berges Chelar Tool & Die, Inc. Richard P. Conerly Danfoss Inc. Mary* and Dennis C. Donnelly Emerson Motor Technologies John Fabick Tractor Company Fluke Corporation French Gerleman Fresh Ideas Management, LLC Honeywell Inc. Macy’s Department Stores John L. Mason, Ph.D. McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. McMahon Pontiac GMC Edward L. Monser James and Mary Moog E. Eric Nelson (1957) Nestle Purina PetCare Nu Way Concrete Forms, Inc. Carol M. Paule RIC Tronics George Richmond Seyer Industries Inc. Shure Manufacturing Corporation St. Louis Post-Dispatch State Farm Ralph V. Streiff Sunnen Products Company Suntrup Ford Westport True Manufacturing Company UPS U.S. Department of Energy William M. Wagner (1937) Young Dental Manufacturing Company $5,000 - $9,999 John T. and Karen Anderson Brauer Supply Company Centene Corporation ConEst Software Systems Cooper Bussmann Corder Equipment Company Cowell Engineering Robert M. Davis Dazor Manufacturing Corporation Charles W. Disbrow, II Ehrhardt Tool & Machine Co. Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation John Henry Foster Company Lou Fusz Nissan Clifford W. Gaylord Foundation October 1999 Oliver M. Langenberg building dedicated April 1999 W. Ashley Gray Technology Center dedicated November 1999 Growth and Expansion Campaign concludes with over $7 million contributed January 2004 Ranken’s GM ASEP program was named the national winner by the Automotive Industry Planning Council 2004 $1,000,000+ Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation St. Louis Auto Dealers Association Jack C. Taylor RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 17 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES E. Reuben & Gladys Flora Grant Charitable Trust Grant Iron and Motors Graybar Byron Gregery Steven Guynn Gene Haas Foundation Edward Jones Investments Rebecca Jones Lexus/Central Area McBride & Son Enterprises, Inc. Mittler Bros. Machine & Tool National City Bank Nordyne, Inc. Rotary Club of St. Louis Rotary Lift William J. Roth (1936) SPX Corporation SSM Information Center Sears Roebuck & Co. Service Center Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Standing Partnership Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Company Foundation Toshiba International Corporation Tyco Healthcare/Mallinckrodt UPL International, Inc. US Bank Universal Plastics Update Systems, Inc. Timothy J. Willard, Ph.D. York International Corporation $2,500 - $4,999 Ackerman Toyota Ahern Fire Protection Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc. ALLDATA Oney E. Allen Bob Barnidge Behrmann Company John Bommarito Oldsmobile Cadillac Mazda Mary Lou Burke Central States Thermo King Cisco Systems Aaron Coachman (2004) Commercial Letter, Inc. David G. Craddick DaimlerChrysler - North Assembly Plant DaimlerChrysler Corporation Training Center Designs For Tomorrow, Inc. Tom Dutton Russell R. Early (1991) Eaton Electrical Ben H. and Debi Ernst Experitec, Inc. James R. Faughn Federal Aviation Administration Mark Feldman Frankie M. Freeman Lou Fusz Chevrolet Lou Fusz Pontiac-Buick-GMC John R. Goodall Trust Walter A. Hellebusch (1967) James L. Hoagland Home Builders Association Home Depot ICE-O-Matic IMACA Education Foundation Lennox Industries Lewis & Clark Technical School Lincoln Industrial Maintenance Warehouse Manitowoc Ice, Inc. Mascal Electric, Inc. Metro Vo-Tech Assistance Program Mississippi Lime Company Dave Mungenast Automotive Family Peter T. Murtaugh NAPA Auto Parts National Sales Company Patterson Mold & Tool, Inc. Charles D. Pauli, III (1978) Jeff & Dede Pitts Robert V. Prow Schneider Heating-Cooling & Plumbing Sligo Steel Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation Donald Soehngen Audrey Steinfeld Harold* & Bess A. Thayer Thiel Tool & Engineering Company Tooling Associates Trane Company Helen D. & Joseph E. Vollmar Drew Wolfson $1,000 - $2,499 ATD Tools, Inc. Advertisers Printing Company Inc. AGIE Ltd. Alberici Constructors Dean H. Alinder (1962) William G. Bachman* Bascom Foundation Mike Beck Behlman Builders, Inc. Behlmann Van/Pontiac/GMC George Bishop Rita E. Bleser Boemler Chevrolet Bommarito Automotive Group Debbie Braun Breckenridge Material Company Don Brown Chevrolet/Buick Brown Shoe Company CIC Group, Inc. Cabinet-Clad, Inc. Marty Cancila’s Dodge World Candice Compton-Kusmer Centric Group Cinco Enterprises, Inc. Heather Clark-Evans Dorothy A. Cochran Commerce Bancshares Herbert D. Condie DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation - St. Louis Zone Datotel Bill Dee Jack D. Dempsey (2006) Dicom Marketing Services, Inc. Gene O. Drury (1940) Bruce and Millie Eckhardt A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. ELCO Chevrolet, Inc. Engineered Support Systems William R. Fennewald (1965) Forest ReLeaf of Missouri Frost Electric Supply Company Fru-Con Engineering Lou Fusz Mitsubishi West Gabriel Group David P. Gast Alan L. Gentles (1977) W. Ashley Gray, III Gundlach Machine Co. Mary B. Gushleff HBE Construction HOK Architects & Engineers Jeremiah F. Halley (1977) Pat A. Harting JM Family Enterprises, Inc. Richard G. Janes Kaemmerlen Electric and Communications Timothy J. Knoerzer Koch Air LLC Janet Laney Lewis Pumps Robert J. Lippert Johnny Londoff Chevrolet Mark A. Malcinski Daniel M. Martin (1970) McCourt Industries McGoff Muffler Shops, Inc. McMahon Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Mechanical Supply Company Inc. Ken A. Meyer Midas Dealers Association Holly Miller Donald T. Murphy (1966) NARI of Greater St. Louis National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation National Chair & Furniture Company Nestle Confections Nooter Corporation Marianne Nothum Paslode Piper Jaffray Anthony V. Pisciotta Plaza Motor Company Premier Heating and Cooling, Inc. ProWolfe Partners, Inc. Bill Pyles Red Bud Industries Dan Reese James Richardson Joseph K. Robbins David G. Roeder (1964) ROHO, Inc. Ronald G. Sander (1993) Saturn of South County George Schofield (1955) Sears/Northwest Plaza Seeger Toyota Lubov Shah Charles J. Skaer Bradley Sparks Spectrum Brands Sporlan Valve Division Parker Hannifin Corporation St. Louis Tax Assistance Program Standard Machine & Mfg. Company Steve Swenson RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 18 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 2004 $250 - $999 AASP ABBCO Service Corporation Advanced Technology Services Afton Chemical Corporation Albrecht Hamlin Chevrolet, Inc. Linda S. Althage Steve Antinora Appintell H.T. August Automotive Technicians Association AutoTire Derek L. Babcock (1997) Robert Baichly Stephen Baim William M. Baiotto (1948) Kevin J. Bauer Gebhard A. Bausch (1960) Kevin Berges William R. Birdsell (1960) Bodine Aluminum Steven C. Bohnenkamp (1972) Brennan Tools & Fastening Systems, Inc. Brentwood Volvo Sam Warren Brown (2001) Christopher D. Brueggeman (1979) Kathleen A. Brugere John Bumpas Jennifer A. Burns James E. Butler (1967) CDW Government, Inc. Casual Tees Centocor Inc. Chesterfield Valley Development Christner, Inc. Citibank, N.A. Code Consultants, Inc. (1998) Maria C. Conley ConocoPhillips Cooper Industries Charles G. Corrigan (1988) Louis Courtland (1969) Andrew B. Craig Rose C. Crawford Curtis-Toledo, Inc. Linda J. Dempsey Andra Dorlac Dennis O. Ebersohl (1974) Barbara Edwards Leonard H. Elliott (1943)* Thomas L. Ely (1982) Engineered Lubricants Company Enterprise Consulting Group William L. Ernst Jerry E. Esselman Ronald C. Ettling R.V. Evans Company Far Oaks Golf Club Dale J. Fauss Howard H. Finley (1942) Robert F. Finley (1948) Firestone/Bridgeton Timothy R. Fite (1997) Susan E. Flayer Mark A. Focht (2003) Daniel Fusz Lou Fusz Buick West Lou Fusz Kia Futureware Distributing Larry R. Garcia (1975) Alton Garner General Electric Glendale Chrysler-Jeep, Inc. Michael Godt David L. Graham (2003) W. W. Grainger, Inc. Allison Grindon Alex K. Gromada Grossman Iron & Steel Company Clifford W. Haberl (1953) Christopher W. Hanson (1992) Catherine A. Harper Emil F. Harster (1939)* Hartwig Incorporated James G. Hearne, Jr. (1984) John K. Helterbrand William L. Helvie (1949) Crystal Herron Tim J. Hessel (1981) Judson Hirschfeld Hoffman Plumbing & Heating, Inc. John R. Honerkamp (1938) Craig & Aimee Hood Horrell Distributing Company Eldon L. Hulbert (1972) Kerry J. Jansen (1988) Angela L. Jenkins Johnson Controls, Inc. Jones Company Bldg. Services, LLC Ron D. Jostes (1957) Kevin Jung John P. Junge (1967) Richard J. Kaenter (1939)* Mel Keith Roger A. Keller Elizabeth M. Keserauskis Dale Klatt August 2004 1,264 day school students enrolled – Ranken’s highest number of day school students ever May 2006 Former Raskas Dairy purchased for Ranken program expansion and to build Ranken’s first residence hall August 2007 Tuition is $11,200 a year Joseph C. Kleba (1965) Raymond A. Klein (1966) Karl Kloster Elsie W. Koch Koerber Distributing Company Barbara R. Koessel Andrew G. Koester (1956) Gerald J. Kohnen (1970) John H. Kohnen (1944) Al Lamprecht Lloyd Lawber (1968) Julie M. Lawson Michael C. Ledbetter (2002) Bradley A. Legendre (1997) Lepique & Orne Architects Inc. Levine Associates Eugene A. Liefer (1967) Adalberto Lopez Elizabeth L. Lord Denise M. Lutkewitte MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc Mike Matlack Mayer Custom Homes, Inc. Janet McMullan P. Kevin Meine (1987) Rebecca Mercurio The Meyer Company, Inc. John J. Meyer (1955) Mid-America Motors, Inc. Midwest Control Products, Inc. James Lee Milburn (2004) Danean Mitchell Moore Cadillac/Pontiac Dennis Needham Neff Power, Inc. Neumark Design & Manufacturing Dennis A. Newman (1963) David J. Park (2002) Parktown Imports, Inc. Pasta House Denise M. Poindexter Greg S. Presley (1998) Quality Pontiac Randall L. Rhoads (1966) William L. Riechmann (1962) Bob Rieder LaTrina A. Rogers Rosenbloom Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ross Michael W. Rotter (1988) William Rueckert, Jr. (1956) Mark I. Ruhmann (1974) Hilda Rupple Ray F. Ryerson (1980) SAFECO Insurance Companies Saturn of West County Saur & Associates Schaefer Autobody November 2007 Centennial Campaign concludes with over $11 million contributed September 2007 Ranken celebrates its 100 year anniversary with a Centennial Carnival 2007 Taylor Morley Homes Tegeler Foundation Tool Specialties Company Weber Chevrolet Company Whelan Security Robert N. Whiteaker Eugene F. Williams, Jr. RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 19 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Kenneth M. Schimel (1960) Larry D. Schmidt (1982) Jack Schmitt Chevrolet James L. Seibert, Jr. (1982) Barbara E. Shaw Dave Sinclair Oldsmobile Six Flags of St. Louis Spray Equipment & Service Center, Inc. St. Charles Automotive St. Louis Acura St. Louis County Economic Council St. Louis Science Center St. Louis Symphony St. Louis Tool Supply Eric M. Stein Joel Stolarski (1978) Sun-Day Corporation Suntrup Automotive Group Jeremy W. Sutton Blanche M. Touhill Paul D. Trimmer (1966) VSP Construction Services, Inc. Thomas P. Valleroy (1973) John J. Van Gels Tim Voegtle Charles Vogelsang Dietrich A. Voges (1962) Wagner Motor Company Wallach Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Bill L. Watson Web Techniques Russell H. Webbink (1948) Robert L. Weible (1958) Robert R. Westholt (1975) Joseph D. Wibbenmeyer (1986) Michael and Michelle B. Williams Michelle L. Williams Frederick C. Windisch (1969) Carol J. Winkler Thomas E. Wood (1955) Joseph L. Wyland (1951) Zimmerman-McDonald Machinery, Inc. $100 - $249 Anonymous 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division George H. Anderson (1953) Scott E. Anderson (1994) Argosy Gaming Corporation A.W. Ashley (1948) Kenneth C. Bald (1965) Kenneth N. Bassler, Jr. (1982) Patrick G. Bauer (1979) Werner K. Bauer/Midwest Machinery Brian Baxter (2005) Matt T. Bergman (1996) Biomedical Systems Corporation Bi-State Manufacturers Rep. Assn. Richard C. Blaes (1957) William M. Boedeker (1964) Mark A. Bosworth (1986) Kenneth R. Boyd (1998) George A. Bridgewater (1958) Bob Brockland Pontiac-GMC Bryan Cave LLP Nicholas J. Buchheit (1976) Michael F. Buckley (1971) Craig V. Budde (1996) Randall W. Bueckman (1977) Harvey T. Buettner (1951) Lynn J. Burgess (1959) Claude Burnett (1947)* Victor G. Cafazza (1982) Lewis E. Calame (1949)* Cambridge Engineering, Inc. Scott D. Campbell (1980) Deborah J. Carter (1982) Cauttrell Enterprises Inc. Russell E. Cayse (1984) Gregory A. Chellis (2000) Jennifer M. Cornett Seletha R. Curtis Howard G. Dashke (1948) C. Allen Davenport (1969) George M. Davey (2004) Degel Truck Center Chris T. DeLaquil Edward G. DePauli (1985) Wallace J. DeShon (2006) Dial Corporation Dierdorf & Hart’s Restaurant Ted Drewes Frozen Custard Patrick N. Duchinsky (1980) Robert E. Dunavan (1948) William L. Eickhoff (1962) Erica J. Ellard Empire Comfort Systems Enterprise Bank & Trust Equilon Enterprises, LLC Rumsey Ewing Farmers Insurance Group Jackie Ferman Felix J. Ferrise Martin J. Foeller (1939) Ford Tool Steels, Inc. Rick A. Foree (1978) Sal R. Francis John T. Fugate (1976) James M. Funderburk (1982) Robert A. Gau (1960) Albert E. George (1968) Tom A. Gieseking (1984) Kenneth B. Givens (2001) William L. Goehe (1957) Gary R. Graham (1979) Great Clips Patricia Grimm David D. Grotefendt (1980) Gregory J. Gundlach (1978) Dennis L. Gusewelle (1965) Melissa A. Hahne Kevin J. Haller (1987) Handy Automotive David L. Harris (1965) Kenneth R. Hart (1995) Richard E. Harting (1976) Michael E. Hawley Vikram V. Hegde (2006) Randy Hein Lynnett T. Henderson (2001) Tom Hessel (1981) Robert L. Hicks (2000) Robert J. Hoffmann (1991) Gene A. Hofstetter (1986) Thomas R. Hoppes (1973) Laura Hunt Dan Kania Steve M. Kashycke James M. Kempf (1995) David W. King (1987) Elwood L. Koebel (1948) Michael L. Kohlman (1979) Charles E. Kopman John A. Kreishman George J. Kuhn (1944) Christian and Melissa Lastarria (1992) Ronald D. Latham (2003) James L. Lentz (1998) Mark D. Linder (1983) David J. Loellke (1987) Lowe’s Jim Lynch Toyota, Inc. Estate of Clarence J. Madison Phil W. Marti (1998) Martin Electrical Sales Pamela E. Martin John W. Marxkors (1978) Donald R. McAtee (1980) Joshua M. McCalister (2001) Anthony B. McDonald James P. McGuire (1975) Patrick G. Mickle (1991) Allan O. Miller (1949) Robert V. Miller (1994) Neal J. Moenigmann (1961) Paul J. Mueller (1971) Elizabeth M. Mullins NAPA Distribution Center Barton F. Niedner Gilbert H. Nordwald (1969) Dennis T. O’Brien (1982) John R. Olds (1980) Alan L. Osborne George A. Ott (1946) Joseph G. Ott (1986) Karl J. Pachesa (1972) Jose O. Perez (1971) Alan Poettker (1999) Donald J. Pohl (1995) Austin Priest (1998) Walter M. Pumfrey (1963) Dan Raftery Kelley R. Raftery (1985) James M. Rahn (1983) Andrew R. Raines (1994) Ronald L. Raines (1983) Kris Rauh Ronald W. Ray (1973) Thomas M. Redel (1981) Reinhold Electric, Inc. Kevin J. Rion (1995) Bob and Joan Rivas Thomas P. Roche (1987) Royal Gate Dodge Walter E. Rundell (1982) Robert R. Ruth (1942) Faith Sandler Raul Santoyo (1958) Mark J. Scharf (1979) Albert W. Schiermeyer (1965) Clarence R. Schneider (1948) William R. Scott (1952)* M. Drew Shands (1976) Thomas J. Sheehan (1990) Alesia E. Singleton Larry B. Sisson William V. Sminchak (2000) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 20 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Robert A. Smith (1964) Robert B. Smith* Betty Sokolik St. Louis Bread Company St. Louis Cardinals James T. Stueber (1977) Richard W. Stumpf (1968) William C. Svejkosky (1956) TR,I Architects, Inc. T. H. Teasdale, FAIA Dave G. Tesson (1983) Philip R. Throm (1974) Charles P. Tichacek, Sr. (1949) Kurt A. Trice (1997) Matthew M. Truttmann (2000) Sarah E. Van Aman Therese Velleca Ralph L. Voelpel (1941) Brenda and Don Vogel Lewis C. Vollmar Mark and Georgi Walczyk John D. Walsh George D. Whitledge (1950) Rick Williams H. Todd Wilson (1970) Hilary L. Wilson (2000) John H. Wilson (1968) Steve J. Wilson (1983) Tim J. Wilson Garett R. Wink (1964) Anita Wobbe John E. Wood (1975) LaCenya Woolfolk C. Ben Wright Nancy A. Yaeger Richard Young (1957) Richard J. Zolezzi (1965) Milton W. Zoschke (1958) Up to $99 (15) Anonymous Hala J. Abdelaziz (2006) Marcus L. Acoff (2004) Matthew R. Acord (2000) Advance Auto Parts Aetna Doug Agee Robert L. Ahl (1949) Allan L. Alderson (1969) Randy S. Alexander (2004) James D. Allemann (1962) Christopher K. Allen (1983) Jerome R. Allen (1994) Michele Araujo Robert M. Arcipowski (1986) Ronald R. Arras (1967) Arteaga Photos Ltd. Chris Auffenberg Ford William H. Aulbur (1966) Brandon L. Austin (2006) Brian H. Austwick (1997) B & B Distributors Gerald V. Bader (1980) Carmen Bailey John Baima Baldor Electric Brandi C. Baltz Ryan J. Banker (2006) Ronald D. Barbre Timothy E. Barrett (2007) Donald E. Bastian (1960) Frank E. Bauer (1948) Theresa R. Beamon (2006) Carol Beckmann Roger L. Beiermann (1978) Christopher R. Beiser (1985) Charles W. Bennett (1959) Chris D. Bennett Gerald Bernstein Todd C. Bertchume (2000) John L. Bertoletti (2006) Larry W. Best (1964) Deborah A. Beyer Darren Bircher (2000) Greg Blank James H. Bleckman (1970) Thomas L. Blotevogel (1980) Edward H. Boenker (1942) David S. Bohnenstiehl Mike Bonnot Melissa A. Borchardt (1995) Harold L. Borts (1957) Dennis Bosslet Norma Bota Terry and Lori Box Colin E. Brandt (2006) Benjamin D. Breitenbach (2007) William D. Bridges (1976) Dana P. Brockman (1981) Edward and Jeanette Broeckling Lyal F. Broemmelsick (1947) Alex M. Brown (2007) Ben Brown Danatra E. Brown Gary C. Brown (1980) Guy Brown (2007) Shannon C. Brueggemann (1998) Rodney J. Bruner (1967) John R. Buehlman (1975) Build-A-Bear Workshop James L. Burgess (1983) Donald R. Butler (1987) Kim Butler-Hahnenkamp (1985) Travis L. Byerley (2004) David R. Byrne (1973) C & R Mechanical Company John C. Calaway (1971) John A. Caldwell (1988) Barbara G. Callahan Stan Campbell Gregory P. Candrl (2006) Jim Cape (1950) Saverio A. Caponi (1956) Patricia Capps Anthony H. Caputa (2007) Anders and Christine Carlsson Catholic Charities of St. Louis Wendy Cauley Frank H. Chandler (1976) Matthew E. Chapman (2007) T. Michael Cheak* Chevys Fresh Mex James F. Chik (1947) Laura L. Christian Cingular Wireless Richard M. Clark Paul A. Clausen (1945) Kenneth R. Claytor (1982) Kathy B. Clervi Donald B. Close (1955) Mark A. Clubb (1984) David C. Combs (1977) Andrew J. Cook (2003) Jeffrey A. Cox (1990) T.K. Cronin (2007) Samuel E. Crouch (1969) Gery W. Czajkowski (1992) Edward O. Dalton (1980) Sara Daminski Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Thao Dang-Williams (1994) David V. Daniels Steve J. Davenport (1991) Nicole Davidson (2007) Susan A. Deege Deien Chevrolet, Inc. William L. Denney (1955) Corey A. Denny Mark R. Depker (2004) John J. Deterding (1980) Mitchell Devine (2004) DeWalt Steven Dezan (1973) Joseph L. Difani (1996) Michael Dingman (1990) Wesson C. Divers (1952)* Harvey S. Dobkin (1948) Steve Doll Diane Dooley Guy E. Dopmeyer (1982) Brian J. Dorsey (2003) Jeffrey Robert Dossett (2003) Max Drury (2003) Paul A. Drury Ryan C. Duncan (2005) Adelaide Dunn Generose Dunn Michael T. Ebel (1981) Veronica Ebert Hope Edison Marion E. Elliott (1973) Adrian E. Ellis (1981) Emerson Process Management Instrument & Valve Services Paul D. Erhart (1975) Jeff W. Erlich Sally Everhardus Judy Faintich David R. Farmer (2007) Curtis C. Faulkenberry (1990) Duane and Rhonda Faulkenberry Jacob L. Fiehler (2000) Terry Gale Fields (2001) Thomas E. Filla (1979) William and Carol Finnegan Mark E. Fisher (1979) Joe Fite (2004) Raymond J. Flanigan (1943) Daniel L. Flint (1978) Flo-Products Company Stephen M. Foppe (1986) Terri M. Forir Jeffrey M. Forness (2007) Gary R. Frankenberg (1992) Oscar Fransaw (1972) Timothy David Frazee (2000) Stephen C. French (2003) Jeremy W. Friedel (2006) Grant L. Friedman (1981) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 21 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Daniel J. Gamblin (1962) Garage Designs of St. Louis, Inc. Steven G. Gaston (1983) Gateway Classic Cars Michael H. Germann (1975) GlaxoSmithKline Recho M. Glenni Jeff L. Glosemeyer (1990) Edward J. Godden George R. Goetz, Jr. (1965) Goldman Promotions George & Janice Grant James R. Grant (1990) Morris W. Grattendick (1947) Andrew Gratton (1991) James C. Gravitt Zelma Greathouse Kenneth C. Grebel (1976) Benjamin A. Green (2006) Michael J. Green (2006) Tom Green, Sr. Michael Grigsby (2004) Steven A. Gronlund (1976) Donald E. Groppe (1956) Charles P. Gruszczynski (2001) James H. Gualdoni (1965) Evan A. Gudmestad (2005) Clarence A. Guebert (1978) Karen M. Haar (2005) Byron D. Hagen (1969) John R. Halas (1983) Ben Halbert (1999) Justin T. Hamblen (2006) Todd A. Hardt (1983) Jason Hargis Kraig R. Harris (1990) Tomye J. Harris Steve P. Hartge Jacob A. Haselhorst (2006) Tia Hawkins Barry and Laura Hawn Craig and Lisa Hays Heart-Land Marketing Services, Inc. Randy Heineman (1990) Julie Heller Steve E. Helms (1981) Dale B. Hemker Christopher S. Henning (1989) Tameka R. Herrion Jonathan J. Hertzler (1994) Kenneth and Sue Hesson Steven M. Hickey (2007) Karen A. Hill (1981) Mitchel L. Hipp (1977) Lisa Marie Hollander Alfreda Hollins Tom C. Holshouser (1961) Vincent Holtmann Rodney Hooper (2006) Gary L. Hotz (1972) Florence Howard Barb Z. Hubbell Dennis M. Huelsman (1984) Jordan S. Hug (2006) Krisona M. Hughey (2006) James L. Hunsel (1975) Maynard W. Hurlbut (1969) ICI Dulux Paint Centers IDEAL Industries Virginia Imster John T. Ivanko (1960) Charles T. Jackson (1963) Geneva Jackson Howard J. Jackson James and Mitzi Jackson Joe E. Jackson (2003) Robert J. Jackson (1975) Jansen Farm Equipment Inc. Kelly R. Jansen Ryan J. Jansen (1998) Wayne J. Jasper (1974) Ron Jeckstadt (1979) Robert M. Jenni (1938) Marlin E. Jepsen (1948)* Kenneth R. John (2005) Jeffrey Johnisee Brian K. Johnson Daniel M. Johnson Dwayne A. Johnson (1988) Jack H. Jones (1956) Steve K. Jones (1988) Renette Jordan James S. Jump Darrel G. Jung (1963) Scott Kapper Thomas M. Kasprovich (1971) Allen L. Keck (1972) David J. Kelsall (2001) Michael G. Kemper (1979) Paul M. Kenley (2007) John M. Kennedy (1972) Ronald J. Keppel (1976) Dwight and Patricia Kern David and Anne King Edward M. King (1948) Thomas W. Kirk (2000) Kirkwood Mitsubishi Michael W. Kirn (1995) Jeffery G. Kistner (2003) David E. Kite (1964) Brett B. Klaas (1998) Roger L. Klingel (1979) Jeffrey P. Kluckman (2006) Chad Klunk (2003) Robbi L. Knight (2007) Kurt E. Koerner (1947) Jeffrey W. Koesterer (1993) Franklin E. Kohler (1954) Randy and Bonnie Kohrmann Keith Konradi Michael and Cynthia Korte Robert R. Kramer (1956) Anthony J. Kramper (2005) Susan C. Krattli Anthony J. Kravanek (1991) George T. Kroder (1968) Jerome D. Kuehnel (1998) Donald P. Kugler (1949) Doug & Marcella Kuhn Brian J. Kulasza (1999) Anthony J. Kuntscher (1971) Donald E. Kupinski (2007) Scott E. Kusmierczak (1979)* Michael S. LaFiore (2006) John L. Lake (1980) Jeffrey A. LaLumondier (1997) Andrew D. Lapin (2006) Eric D. Larson (1997) Bill Layman (1993) Douglas T. Leeker (1986) Larry G. Lehman (2006) James H. Leka (1962) Dale D. Lemp (1958) Mark W. Letko (1976) John M. LeVora (1976) Dale Lewis (1998) Robert E. Lindhorst (1988) Shane M. Lindquist (1995) Donald Link Laura E. Linn (1990) Tom Liston Kevin W. Livesay (1988) Llywelyn’s Pub William Lodes (2001) Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon Longhorn Steakhouse Dorman G. Lough Norman W. Loveland (1980) Robert W. Lowe (1985) Richard L. Lurk (1959) David M. Lynn (1940) Drew K. Mabie (2006) Christopher J. Maher (2006) Thomas J. Majka (1960) Jennifer G. Malotte Joseph A. Manzella (1997) Karen Marcus Tony Margherio (1942) Lou Marino (2002) Glennon W. Marren (1975) Kevin M. Martin (1991) Gregory J. Marye (2002) David Mattis Douglas D. Maxheimer (1992) Jeff P. May Michael D. Mayer (1997) Nicholas R. Mayes (2007) Brian P. McBride (1987) Justin E. McClain (2007) Michael and Sally McCoy Robert J. McDaniels (1991) Mary B. McDonald Frank J. McDonnell (1999) William B. Mcilwain, Sr. (1941) Justin K. McIver (2006) McKendree College Bender B. McKinney, Jr. (1973) Bryan McManemy (2005) William M. McMullen (2005) Timothy B. McNamee (1998) Brian D. Meado (2007) Dorothy Meehan Timothy E. Megahan (1978) Robert J. Mentzel (1951) Charles R. Merrell (1991) Mark D. Merrill (2006) Fred B. Mertz (1941) Ann T. Metcalfe Joseph J. Meyer (1994) Michael L. Meyer (2002) Thomas H. Meyer (1956) Timothy F. Michel (1986) Millennium Digital Media Byron E. Miller (1991) Michael A. Miller (1986) Kenneth J. Minion Paul M. Morgan (2002) Les L. Mottert Joseph D. Mudd (1985) Ray T. Mueller (1977) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 22 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Joe V. Mueth (1977) Tony P. Mulholland (2000) George W. Mumphard, Jr. (1992) Brad Naber (2004) Joseph H. Nadler (1938)* Urban C. Naeger (1963) Ralph C. Neubert (1963) John L. Newman Gary L. Nichols (1969) Mark G. Niederholtmeyer (1987) Jerry J. Niedzwiecki (1962) William C. Nieman (1977) Dennis F. Nieweg (1967) Roy E. Nottingham (1963) Scott K. O’Dowd (2007) Klint P. Oldham (2002) Opera Theatre of St. Louis Brian K. Owens PCI Staffing Solutions Mark A. Paisley (1974) James L. Palmer Mark Palmisano Ken L. Parrish (1979) PASCO Mark D. Peavler (1983) Robert and Judy Pelley Gregory M. Peludat Timothy J. Peludat (2003) Richard Peraud Andrew J. Perez (2007) Manuel Perez (1960) Alan L. Perry, Sr. (1949) Walter H. Peters (1979) Stanley J. Pezold (1988) Pfizer, Inc. Jared W. Piel (2003) Rick Podorski (1973) Wayne E. Pondrom (1968) Allen G. Pope (1951) BP Porter, Inc. Robert Potts (2007) Bruce A. Prinster (1972) Jared Rakers (2007) Brent L. Ralston (1999) Jay M. Ramseier (1976) John F. Rausch (1942) John N. Redden (1976) John N. Redden (2004) Jonathan Reinhold (2004) Nicholas E. Rekosh Timothy J. Rengel (1977) Earl T. Reynolds (1977) Alexander J. Richardson (2006) Herman D. Richter (1952) Ride the Rail Billiards Bradley W. Ries (2006) Dan Riley Thomas J. Rizzi (1972) Keith B. Robben Richard Robben Chris and Suzanne Robeff Robert C. Roberts Rob L. Robins Jon and Pamela Roeder David L. Rogers (1971) Raymond G. Rohling (1989) Matthew D. Rosenberg (2000) Tom K. Rotramel (1976) Terry L. Ruppe (1982) Mitchell and Christina Rybacki Christopher J. Rynders (1976) Donald J. Sanders (2006) Leroy Sanders (2003) Caryl M. Sawyer George G. Schaub, Jr. George G. Schaub, Sr. (1976) Jeffrey A. Schiefer (1997) John J. Schifko (1952) Jack Schmitt Ford of O’Fallon Kenneth G. Schmutzler (1967) Robert W. Schneider (1958) Brent J. Schomaker (2007) Dale R. Schremp (1986) Paul J. Schuette (1999) Richard K. Schulz (2002) Mitchell L. Schwartz (1948) Verlin Seering (1942) Thomas G. Sellars (1978) Suryakant & Jai Shah Dennis M. Sheehan (1972) Steve S. Shields (1979) Terence W. Shipton (1981) Suzanne M. Shoemaker John W. Shoffner Rudy M. Showalter (1997) Gregory A. Siemer (1947) Mark and Pamela Siemer Christopher Siler (1969) Donald J. Simakoff (1989) Jerone M. Simmons (2006) Ken J. Smeltzer Amber Y. Smith David S. Smith (1976) L. E. Smith Jewelers & Gifts Robert E. Smith (1972) Steven Sommerkamp Sounds of Harmony Chorus Mark A. Spalinger (1982) Andrew D. Sperber (2007) David R. Sperber (1987) Colian C. Spight (2006) Lonnie L. Spight (1999) Gerald R. Squalls, Sr. (2006) St. Louis Rams Foundation John Steier Keith G. Steinacher (2001) Gordon A. Steinhoff (1966) Arnold and Patricia Steinkamp Craig Steinmeyer (2001) James F. Steis (1953) George E. Stiehl (1979) Richard H. Stockmann Thomas L. Stoecker (1938)* Kevin M. Strauss (1985) Steven M. Street (1979) Eric J. Struckmann (2007) Jeannine Stuart David W. Sullivan (1993) Janie K. Summers Richard A. Surmeier (1983) Sarah M. Tadlock (2004) Michael P. Tanney (2006) Target Shane J. Tarrant (2004) Walter A. Thater (1947) Aaron B. Thiele (1995) Dale Thielker Lee Thielker Robert J. Thomas (1998) Ronald D. Thompson (1967) William Thompson Gregory A. Tiller (1983) Moses Tillman (2005) Jeremy S. Tinker (1997) Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Richard S. Trautman (1976) Kevin J. Triplett (1993) Kevin L. Udina (2003) Sharon A. Unger United Automotive Products, Inc. Joseph A. Vallina (1938) Dennis D. Van Sandt (1973) Rene Vences Tiffany M. Venegoni Adem Vereget (2007) Edward O. Viehweg Viking Auto Paint Jeffrey S. Vinson (1987) James F. Vivian (2002) Nathan Vosse (2004) Dennis W. Wagenblast (1977) Mark A. Wahle (1980) William F. Waldrop (1954) John and J.L. Walker Melanie D. Walker Sally L. Wallis Wal-Mart Stores Ronnie T. Walters (2000) Mark O. Waters (1981) Alan D. Weatherby (1976) Brian Weaver Roger L. Wegener (1977) Wehrenberg Theatres Clyde P. Weible (1947) John J. Weinhardt (1980) Danny M. Weis (1978) Anthony S. Weiss (1980) Robert E. Welker (1961) Joseph E. Wells (1990) Michael P. Wente (1983) Everett T. West (1971) Ronald L. White (1993) Danny L. Widman (2006) Christopher Wiechens (2004) Mark C. Wierhake LeRoy M. Wiley Jessica M. Wilkins (2006) Jackie D. Williams (1951 Kevin M. Wilson (2006) Thomas L. Wilson (1931)* Thomas J. Wingenbach (2007) Bernard A. Winkeler (1975) Robert W. Wirth (1971) John W. Wittman (1947) Donald F. and Gerry A. Wolf Horace M. Wolf (1977) Jay Wolfe Toyota Emily E. Wood Justin W. Woods (2006) MaDonna Woods Richard A. Wright (1974) Stephen and Lisa Wright Andrew J. Wynn (1961) Thomas R. Yallaly (1939) Robert A. Zagar, Sr. (1963) Kenneth W. Zanzie (1974) Stephen Zegel Philip P. Zeveski (1982) * Deceased RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 23 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES DAVID RANKEN JR. LEGACY SOCIETY The Legacy Society is comprised of alumni, trustees, friends, faculty and staff who have made a provision (bequest, gift annuity or other deferred gift) for Ranken in their estate. Deferred gifts are crucial to the future of Ranken Technical College and our mission. We encourage you to learn more about the Legacy Society by contacting Tony Pisciotta, Director of Planned Giving, at (314) 286-3621. The College would like to thank the following individuals for their dedication to securing the future of our educational mission: William M. Baiotto, PMT (1948) Howard & Judi Bolton Lynn & Ruth Burgess, IEE (1958) Charles W. Disbrow, II, Trustee Dennis C. Donnelly, Trustee Ben H. Ernst, President Jim R. Faughn William & Sue Fennewald, IEE (1965) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fish Mr. & Mrs. Byron Gregery John & Kate Malesevich Ken Meyer, Director of Annual Giving CHARITABLE Pete T. Murtaugh, Vice President for Finance Mr. & Mrs. Eric Nelson, CRP (1957) Carol M. Paule Anthony V. Pisciotta, Director of Planned Giving David Ranken, Jr.* Dave & Judy Roeder , TLDIE (1964) Vernon D. Schaefer, THERP (1967) Charles J. Skaer Tim & Sally Snavely Paul W. Sodemann (PPLNT 1913) Trust* GIFT Elsie J. St. Cyr Robert W. & Elizabeth Staley, Trustee Ralph V. Streiff, Trustee Steve & Laurie Swenson, Electrical Technology Department Head A.W. & Gertrude Tauschel Estate Joseph E. Vollmar, Jr., Trustee William & Ruby Wagner, CRP (1936) Earl & Myrtle Walker, Trustee Russell H. Webbink, IEE (1948) Tim & Carmen Willard, Vice President for Development *Deceased ANNUITIES G I F T A N N U I T I E S A R E A G R E AT W AY T O S U P P O R T R A N K E N Consider these benefits: • Fixed interest rates that will never change • Guaranteed income for life • Charitable Tax Deduction • Possible Tax-Free Income • Single Life, Two Life or Deferred Contracts • Charitable Support for Ranken’s Educational Mission Single Life Rates* Age Rate 65 6.00% 70 6.50% 75 7.10% 80 8.00% 85 9.50% *Ranken uses rates set by the Council on Gift Annuities. Rates are subject to change. To receive your personalized gift annuity illustration, please contact: Tony Pisciotta, Director of Planned Giving. Phone: (314) 286-3621 Email: avpisciotta@ranken.edu RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 24 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 DONORS INDIVIDUAL DONORS Each year, Ranken receives generous support from individuals who value the life-changing role that the College plays in the St. Louis region. Following is a listing of individual donors who made a gift to Ranken Technical College during the fiscal year July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in these listings. If a correction is required, please call the development office at (314) 286-3674: David Ranken, Jr. Society Platinum $50,000+ Earl E. & Myrtle E. Walker (1940) Robert W. & Elizabeth Staley Mary Ann Lee David Ranken, Jr. Society Gold $25,000 - $49,999 Oliver M. Langenberg David Ranken, Jr. Society Silver $10,000 - $24,999 Robert H. & Katie Harper E. Desmond Lee John L. Mason, Ph.D. 1907 Founders’ Circle $2,500 - $4,999 Richard P. Conerly Mary* & Dennis C. Donnelly Kloster Family President’s Club $1,000 - $2,499 John T. & Karen Anderson Bob & Mary Lou Burke Robert M. Davis Bruce & Millie Eckhardt Ben & Debi Ernst Byron Gregery Walter A. Hellebusch (1967) James L. Hoagland Rebecca Jones Edward L. Monser James & Mary Moog Marianne Nothum Elsie J. St. Cyr Helen D. & Joseph E. Vollmar, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Willard Master $250 - $999 Robert Baichly Dale L. Bauer (1964) William R. Birdsell (1960) Steven C. Bohnenkamp (1972) Jennifer A. Burns Herbert D. Condie Jack D. Dempsey (2006) Charles W. Disbrow, II Gene O. Drury (1940) Russell R. Early (1991) Dennis O. Ebersohl (1974) William R. Fennewald (1965) Robert F. Finley (1948) Timothy R. Fite (1997) Mark A. Focht (2003) Frankie M. Freeman Alton Garner Alan L. Gentles (1977) W. Ashley Gray, III Jeremiah F. Halley (1977) John K. Helterbrand Crystal Herron Kent Hornberger Barbara R. Koessel John A. Kreishman Mark A. Malcinski Daniel M. Martin (1970) John J. Meyer (1955) Ken A. Meyer Donald T. Murphy (1966) Peter T. Murtaugh Anthony V. Pisciotta Jeff & Dede Pitts David G. & Judy Roeder (1964) LaTrina A. Rogers Mark I. Ruhmann (1974) Hilda Rupple Bradley Sparks Joel Stolarski (1978) Steve Swenson Tim Voegtle Robert L. Weible (1958) Robert N. Whiteaker Joseph D. Wibbenmeyer (1986) Michael & Michelle B. Williams Journeyman $100 - $249 (2) Anonymous George H. Anderson (1953) Scott E. Anderson (1994) A.W. Ashley (1948) Derek L. Babcock (1997) Stephen Baim William M. Baiotto (1948) William M. Boedeker (1964) Edward H. Boenker (1942) Melissa A. Borchardt (1995) Aneeta Brown Christopher D. Brueggeman (1979) Craig V. Budde (1996) Harvey T. Buettner (1951) James E. Butler (1967) Victor G. Cafazza (1982) Laura L. Christian Bruno A. Corradi (1934) Charles G. Corrigan (1988) Louis Courtland (1969) Rose C. Crawford Sara Daminski Linda J. Dempsey Wallace J. DeShon (2006) James R. Down (1982) Patrick N. Duchinsky (1980) Barbara Edwards Erica J. Ellard Thomas L. Ely (1982) Ronald C. Ettling Felix J. Ferrise Howard H. Finley (1942) Susan E. Flayer Sal R. Francis Larry R. Garcia (1975) David W. Garvin (1981) Albert E. George (1968) Michael Godt David M. Graf Gary R. Graham (1979) Janna L. Greenwood Alex K. Gromada Dennis L. Gusewelle (1965) Clifford W. Haberl (1953) Christopher W. Hanson (1992) David L. Harris (1965) Pat A. Harting Michael E. Hawley James G. Hearne, Jr. (1984) William L. Helvie (1949) Tom Hessel (1981) Judson Hirschfeld Robert J. Hoffmann (1991) Craig & Aimee Hood Ron D. Jostes (1957) Kevin H. Joyce (1981) John P. Junge (1967) Steve M. Kashycke Ralph W. Kern (1975) Elizabeth M. Keserauskis Leonard R. Ketterer (1955) Joseph C. Kleba (1965) Raymond A. Klein (1966) Elsie W. Koch Elwood L. Koebel (1948) Andrew G. Koester (1956) Michael L. Kohlman (1979) Gerald J. Kohnen (1970) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 25 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES John H. Kohnen (1944) Mitchell A. Lampe (1980) Al Lamprecht Christian & Melissa Lastarria (1992) Ronald D. Latham (2003) Lloyd Lawber (1968) Eugene A. Liefer (1967) Elizabeth L. Lord Estate of Clarence J. Madison Phil W. Marti (1998) Donald R. McAtee (1980) James P. McGuire (1975) P. Kevin Meine (1987) Allan O. Miller (1949) Neal J. Moenigmann (1961) Joseph D. Mudd (1985) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Nelson (1957) Dennis A. Newman (1963) Dennis F. Nieweg (1967) Gilbert H. Nordwald (1969) John R. Olds (1980) Joseph G. Ott (1986) Jose O. Perez (1971) Alan Poettker (1999) Donald J. Pohl (1995) Denise M. Poindexter Greg S. Presley (1998) Kris Rauh William L. Riechmann (1962) Bob & Joan Rivas Thomas P. Roche (1987) Michael W. Rotter (1988) William Rueckert, Jr. (1956) Walter E. Rundell (1982) Mark J. Scharf (1979) Kenneth M. Schimel (1960) Larry D. Schmidt (1982) Clarence R. Schneider (1948) James L. Seibert, Jr. (1982) M. Drew Shands (1976) Thomas J. Sheehan (1990) Alesia E. Singleton Larry B. Sisson Charles J. Skaer David R. Sperber (1987) Lonnie L. Spight (1999) Eric M. Stein Richard W. Stumpf (1968) Jeremy W. Sutton Dave G. Tesson (1983) Blanche M. Touhill Kurt A. Trice (1997) Paul D. Trimmer (1966) Thomas P. Valleroy (1973) Sarah E. Van Aman Therese Velleca Mark & Georgi Walczyk Russell H. Webbink (1948) George D. Whitledge (1950) Michelle L. Williams Rick Williams Hilary L. Wilson (2000) Carol J. Winkler Thomas E. Wood (1955) Stephen Zegel Apprentice up to $99 (12) Anonymous Marcus L. Acoff (2004) Matthew R. Acord (2000) Doug Agee Robert L. Ahl (1949) Allan L. Alderson (1969) Christopher K. Allen (1983) Ron Amass (1991) Ronald R. Arras (1967) H.T. August William H. Aulbur (1966) Brian H. Austwick (1997) Gerald V. Bader (1980) John Baima Ronald D. Barbre Roger R. Bargen (1979) Timothy E. Barrett (2007) Jerome & Judith Bates Gebhard A. Bausch (1960) Brian Baxter (2005) Carol Beckmann Roger L. Beiermann (1978) Christopher R. Beiser (1985) Gerald Bernstein David L. Bertsch (1982) Larry W. Best (1964) Deborah A. Beyer Richard C. Blaes (1957) Thomas Bleckman (1973) Thomas L. Blotevogel (1980) Daniel R. Bluestone (1956) Joel L. Boeving (1974) Harold L. Borts (1957) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 26 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Mark A. Bosworth (1986) Benjamin D. Breitenbach (2007) Lyal F. Broemmelsick (1947) Albert J. Brown (1950) Alex M. Brown (2007) Ben Brown Gary C. Brown (1980) Guy Brown (2007) Sam W. Brown (2001) Rodney J. Bruner (1967) Michael F. Buckley (1971) Randall W. Bueckman (1977) James L. Burgess (1983) James L. Burke (1975) Donald R. Butler (1987) Travis W. Byrne John C. Calaway (1971) John A. Caldwell (1988) Barbara G. Callahan Saverio A. Caponi (1956) Patricia Capps Anthony H. Caputa (2007) Anders & Christine Carlsson Wendy Cauley Matthew E. Chapman (2007) Paul A. Clausen (1945) Kenneth R. Claytor (1982) Kathy B. Clervi Paul V. Conley (1974) T.K. Cronin (2007) Seletha R. Curtis Edward O. Dalton (1980) C. Allen Davenport (1969) Steve J. Davenport (1991) Angela D. Davidson Nicole Davidson (2007) Susan A. Deege Chris T. DeLaquil William L. Denney (1955) Mark R. Depker (2004) John J. Deterding (1980) Harvey S. Dobkin (1948) Diane Dooley Andra Dorlac Brian J. Dorsey (2003) Paul A. Drury Julius W. Durphey (1973) Mary Kay Eckelkamp (1993) Michael N. Engert (1998) Jeff W. Erlich Cynthia Eskeles David R. Farmer (2007) Jacob L. Fiehler (2000) Terry G. Fields (2001) Thomas E. Filla (1979) William & Carol Finnegan Charles C. Fischer (2000) Albert G. Flanigan (1979) Raymond J. Flanigan (1943) Daniel L. Flint (1978) Jeffrey & Donna Flynn Justin L. Flynn (2007) David G. Forbeck (1985) Rick A. Foree (1978) Terri M. Forir Jeffrey M. Forness (2007) Marc A. Franke (1989) Gary R. Frankenberg (1992) Stephen C. French (2003) Grant L. Friedman (1981) Daniel J. Gamblin (1962) Richard H. Gentemann (1977) Michael H. Germann (1975) Kenneth B. Givens (2001) Jeff L. Glosemeyer (1990) Edward J. Godden George R. Goetz, Jr. (1965) James R. Grant (1990) Morris W. Grattendick (1947) James C. Gravitt Donald E. Groppe (1956) David D. Grotefendt (1980) Charles P. Gruszczynski (2001) Evan A. Gudmestad (2005) Karen M. Haar (2005) Byron D. Hagen (1969) Melissa A. Hahne Dwain & Debra Haley Thomas K. Hansen (1981) Tomye J. Harris Steve P. Hartge Barry & Laura Hawn John A. Heitz (1960) Dale B. Hemker Daniel K. Henry (1981) Lawrence M. Herman (1949) Tameka R. Herrion Jonathan J. Hertzler (1994) James E. Hesse (1967) Tim J. Hessel (1981) Kenneth & Sue Hesson Karen A. Hill (1981) Mitchel L. Hipp (1977) Gary W. Hoeltge (1982) Alfreda Hollins Tom C. Holshouser (1961) Vincent Holtmann Barb Z. Hubbell Dennis M. Huelsman (1984) Maynard W. Hurlbut (1969) Charles T. Jackson (1963) Howard J. Jackson James & Mitzi Jackson Joe E. Jackson (2003) Robert J. Jackson (1975) Steve G. Jansen (1977) Jack H. Jones (1956) Steve K. Jones (1988) Renette Jordan Dan Kania Allen L. Keck (1972) Paul M. Kenley (2007) John M. Kennedy (1972) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 27 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Ronald J. Keppel (1976) Dwight & Patricia Kern David & Anne King David E. Kite (1964) Robbi L. Knight (2007) Kurt E. Koerner (1947) Jeffrey W. Koesterer (1993) Franklin E. Kohler (1954) Randy & Bonnie Kohrmann Keith Konradi Robert R. Kramer (1956) Anthony J. Kravanek (1991) Doug & Marcella Kuhn Anthony J. Kuntscher (1971) Donald E. Kupinski (2007) John L. Lake (1980) Eric D. Larson (1997) Douglas T. Leeker (1986) Michael E. Leiweke (1970) James H. Leka (1962) James L. Lentz (1998) Mark W. Letko (1976) John M. LeVora (1976) Dale Lewis (1998) Mark D. Linder (1983) Shane M. Lindquist (1995) Laura E. Linn (1990) Kevin W. Livesay (1988) David J. Loellke (1987) Robert W. Lowe (1985) David M. Lynn (1940) Thomas J. Majka (1960) Joseph A. Manzella (1997) Tony Margherio (1942) Kevin M. Martin (1991) Gregory J. Marye (2002) Nicholas R. Mayes (2007) Justin E. McClain (2007) Michael & Sally McCoy Mary B. McDonald Frank J. McDonnell (1999) Bryan McManemy (2005) William M. McMullen (2005) Brian D. Meado (2007) Rick and & Meado Dorothy Meehan Timothy E. Megahan (1978) Rebecca Mercurio Joseph M. Merk (1951) Fred B. Mertz (1941) Thomas H. Meyer (1956) Timothy F. Michel (1986) Michael A. Miller (1986) Les L. Mottert Paul J. Mueller (1971) David C. Mueth (1987) Brad Naber (2004) Urban C. Naeger (1963) Dennis Needham Craig J. Nelson (2005) John L. Newman Mark G. Niederholtmeyer (1987) Jerry J. Niedzwiecki (1962) Roy E. Nottingham (1963) Scott K. O’Dowd (2007) Alan L. Osborne George A. Ott (1946) Brian K. Owens Karl J. Pachesa (1972) Mark A. Paisley (1974) James R. Palmier (1986) David J. Park (2002) Andrew J. Perez (2007) Jared W. Piel (2003) Rick Podorski (1973) Robert Potts (2007) Bruce A. Prinster (1972) Kelley R. Raftery (1985) Andrew R. Raines (1994) Ronald L. Raines (1983) Jared Rakers (2007) Brent L. Ralston (1999) John F. Rausch (1942) Ronald W. Ray (1973) John N. Redden (2004) Nicholas E. Rekosh Earl T. Reynolds (1977) Herman D. Richter (1952) W. Earl Ritz (1933) Richard Robben Robert C. Roberts Rob L. Robins Walter O. Roesch (1958) David L. Rogers (1971) Raymond G. Rohling (1989) Tom K. Rotramel (1976) J.B. Rudert (1948) Terry L. Ruppe (1982) Mitchell & Christina Rybacki Christopher J. Rynders (1976) William B. Sandrock (1949) Raul Santoyo (1958) Albert W. Schiermeyer (1965) John J. Schifko (1952) Kenneth G. Schmutzler (1967) Brent J. Schomaker (2007) Dale R. Schremp (1986) Richard K. Schulz (2002) Thomas Schumacher (1983) Mitchell L. Schwartz (1948) Verlin Seering (1942) Suryakant & Jai Shah Dennis M. Sheehan (1972) Steve S. Shields (1979) Robert W. Shillito (1954) Terence W. Shipton (1981) Suzanne M. Shoemaker John W. Shoffner Rudy M. Showalter (1997) Gregory A. Siemer (1947) Mark & Pamela Siemer Christopher Siler (1969) Amber Y. Smith Bradley A. Smith (1999) David S. Smith (1976) Mark L. Smith (1973) Betty Sokolik Mark A. Spalinger (1982) Andrew D. Sperber (2007) Gordon A. Steinhoff (1966) George E. Stiehl (1979) Kevin M. Strauss (1985) Steven M. Street (1979) Eric J. Struckmann (2007) Jeannine Stuart James T. Stueber (1977) David W. Sullivan (1993) Janie K. Summers Richard A. Surmeier (1983) William C. Svejkosky (1956) Shane J. Tarrant (2004) Aaron B. Thiele (1995) Joseph J. Thomann (2005) Ronald D. Thompson (1967) William Thompson Charles P. Tichacek, Sr. (1949) Jeremy S. Tinker (1997) Richard Trautman Kevin J. Triplett (1993) David A. Trower (2001) Matthew M. Truttmann (2000) William D. Tulley (1950) Sharon A. Unger Dennis D. Van Sandt (1973) Adem Vereget (2007) Jeffrey S. Vinson (1987) James F. Vivian (2002) Mark A. Wahle (1980) William F. Waldrop (1954) John and J.L. Walker Melanie D. Walker John D. Walsh Ronnie T. Walters (2000) Mark O. Waters (1981) Brian Weaver Clyde P. Weible (1947) Robert E. Welker (1961) Joseph E. Wells (1990) Everett T. West (1971) Robert R. Westholt (1975) Gary S. Wibbenmeyer (1974) Jessica M. Wilkins (2006) Jackie D. Williams (1951) H. Todd Wilson (1970) John H. Wilson (1968) Steve J. Wilson (1983) Frederick C. Windisch (1969) Thomas J. Wingenbach (2007) Bernard A. Winkeler (1975) Anita Wobbe Emily E. Wood John E. Wood (1975) Richard A. Wright (1974) Joseph L. Wyland (1951) Nancy A. Yaeger Richard Young (1957) Timothy Yount Kenneth W. Zanzie (1974) Philip P. Zeveski (1982) Richard J. Zolezzi (1965) Milton W. Zoschke (1958) * Deceased RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 28 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 DONORS STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS The Students Helping Students Graduating Class Gift Program is an initiative established by the Alunmi & Student Activities Board of Student Government in order to obtain financial support for the College. This support will benefit future Ranken students and encourage current students to become participating alumni. The following students contributed to the 2007 class gift program: Timothy E. Barrett Benjamin D. Breitenbach Alex M. Brown Guy Brown Anthony H. Caputa Matthew E. Chapman Terence K. Cronin Clint E. Evans David R. Farmer Justin L. Flynn Jeffrey M. Forness Karen M. Haar Bryan D. Hawn Kyle G. Hemker Matthew K. Hesson Howard J. Jackson Josh J. Jackson Paul M. Kenley Jacob M. King Robbi L. Knight Kurt A. Kohrmann Donald E. Kupinski, Jr. Nicholas R. Mayes Justin E. McClain Brian D. Meado Scott K. O’Dowd Andrew J. Perez Robert Potts Jared Rakers Nicholas E. Rekosh Brent J. Schomaker Jai Shah Andrew D. Sperber Eric J. Struckmann Matthew J. Terry Adem Vereget Matthew Walker Jessica M. Wilkins Thomas J. Wingenbach DONORS ALUMNI Graduates of programs at Ranken have inspiring stories to tell and many of them show their appreciation for the skills, the knowledge and the wisdom obtained while at Ranken. The appreciation of Ranken alumni is demonstrated in part by their generous support. Following is a listing of alumni who decided to invest in the future and make a gift to the College between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007: Architect Design, Drafting & Structural Technology Melissa A. Borchardt (1995) John M. Kennedy (1972) Elwood L. Koebel (1948) David A. Trower (2001) Milton W. Zoschke (1958) Lloyd Lawber (1968) Laura E. Linn (1990) Donald R. McAtee (1980) Dennis F. Nieweg (1967) Kelley R. Raftery (1985) Mark A. Spalinger (1982) Richard A. Surmeier (1983) Dave G. Tesson (1983) Paul D. Trimmer (1966) Jeffrey S. Vinson (1987) Architectural Technology Anonymous Gerald V. Bader (1980) Richard C. Blaes (1957) Harold L. Borts (1957) James R. Down (1982) Morris W. Grattendick (1947) Karen M. Haar (2005) Byron D. Hagen (1969) Lawrence M. Herman (1949) Tom C. Holshouser (1961) Automotive Collision Repair Technology Brian Baxter (2005) John P. Junge (1967) Ronald D. Latham (2003) P. Kevin Meine (1987) David J. Park (2002) Brent L. Ralston (1999) Larry D. Schmidt (1982) Thomas J. Sheehan (1990) Thomas P. Valleroy (1973) Arc Welding and Advanced Welding Russell R. Early (1991) Automotive Maintenance Technology Anonymous Ron Amass (1991) Ronald R. Arras (1967) A.W. Ashley (1948) Joel L. Boeving (1974) Lyal F. Broemmelsick (1947) James L. Burgess (1983) John C. Calaway (1971) Paul V. Conley (1974) C. Allen Davenport (1969) Steve J. Davenport (1991) William L. Denney (1955) Daniel J. Gamblin (1962) Alan L. Gentles (1977) Gary R. Graham (1979) Charles P. Gruszczynski (2001) Tom Hessel (1981) Maynard W. Hurlbut (1969) Joe E. Jackson (2003) Allen L. Keck (1972) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 29 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Mark D. Linder (1983) Kevin W. Livesay (1988) Daniel M. Martin (1970) William M. McMullen (2005) Joseph M. Merk (1951) Fred B. Mertz (1941) Thomas H. Meyer (1956) Brad Naber (2004) Gilbert H. Nordwald (1969) Roy E. Nottingham (1963) Joseph G. Ott (1986) Mark A. Paisley (1974) Rick Podorski (1973) Bruce A. Prinster (1972) Ronald L. Raines (1983) Ronald W. Ray (1973) Herman D. Richter (1952) William Rueckert, Jr. (1956) Walter E. Rundell (1982) Verlin Seering (1942) Mark L. Smith (1973) Gordon A. Steinhoff (1966) Ronnie T. Walters (2000) John H. Wilson (1968) Frederick C. Windisch (1969) John E. Wood (1975) Richard Young (1957) Carpentry & Building Construction Technology Anonymous Allan L. Alderson (1969) Roger L. Beiermann (1978) David L. Bertsch (1982) Harvey T. Buettner (1951) Louis Courtland (1969) Charles C. Fischer (2000) Albert G. Flanigan (1979) James E. Hesse (1967) Joseph C. Kleba (1965) Douglas T. Leeker (1986) Dale Lewis (1998) James P. McGuire (1975) Joseph D. Mudd (1985) E. Eric Nelson (1957) Walter O. Roesch (1958) Kevin M. Strauss (1985) Jackie D. Williams (1951) Thomas E. Wood (1955) Carpentry Maintenance Marcus L. Acoff (2004) Communications Electronics Technology Randall W. Bueckman (1977) Charles G. Corrigan (1988) Patrick N. Duchinsky (1980) Thomas E. Filla (1979) David D. Grotefendt (1980) Karen A. Hill (1981) Ron D. Jostes (1957) Michael L. Kohlman (1979) Timothy E. Megahan (1978) Allan O. Miller (1949) Dennis M. Sheehan (1972) David R. Sperber (1987) Kenneth W. Zanzie (1974) Computer Networking Technology Anonymous Derek L. Babcock (1997) Victor G. Cafazza (1982) Kenneth R. Claytor (1982) John J. Deterding (1980) Timothy R. Fite (1997) Evan A. Gudmestad (2005) James L. Lentz (1998) Phil W. Marti (1998) Frank J. McDonnell (1999) Michael A. Miller (1986) David C. Mueth (1987) Alan Poettker (1999) Donald J. Pohl (1995) Michael W. Rotter (1988) Terry L. Ruppe (1982) James L. Seibert, Jr. (1982) Bradley A. Smith (1999) Joseph E. Wells (1990) Computer Technology Bryan McManemy (2005) Hilary L. Wilson (2000) Richard A. Wright (1974) Control Systems Technology Edward O. Dalton (1980) Brian J. Dorsey (2003) Jacob L. Fiehler (2000) Grant L. Friedman (1981) Mitchel L. Hipp (1977) Steve G. Jansen (1977) Christian Lastarria (1992) Robert W. Lowe (1985) Craig J. Nelson (2005) Diesel Maintenance Technology Kevin M. Martin (1991) Electrical Maintenance George H. Anderson (1953) J.B. Rudert (1948) John F. Rausch (1942) Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technology Daniel R. Bluestone (1956) Albert J. Brown (1950) Christopher D. Brueggeman (1979) James L. Burke (1975) John A. Caldwell (1988) David W. Garvin (1981) Gary W. Hoeltge (1982) Ralph W. Kern (1975) Andrew G. Koester (1956) Anthony J. Kravanek (1991) John L. Lake (1980) Mitchell A. Lampe (1980) Thomas J. Majka (1960) Thomas P. Roche (1987) Raymond G. Rohling (1989) Christopher J. Rynders (1976) Dale R. Schremp (1986) Mitchell L. Schwartz (1948) Gregory A. Siemer (1947) Christopher Siler (1969) David S. Smith (1976) George E. Stiehl (1979) William C. Svejkosky (1956) Kevin J. Triplett (1993) Mark A. Wahle (1980) Everett T. West (1971) Gary S. Wibbenmeyer (1974) Bernard A. Winkeler (1975) Richard J. Zolezzi (1965) Industrial Electricity/ Electronics Technology (5) Anonymous Christopher K. Allen (1983) Roger R. Bargen (1979) Christopher R. Beiser (1985) Larry W. Best (1964) William R. Birdsell (1960) Steven C. Bohnenkamp (1972) Gary C. Brown (1980) James E. Butler (1967) Bruno A. Corradi (1934) Mark R. Depker (2004) Harvey S. Dobkin (1948) Julius W. Durphey (1973) Michael N. Engert (1998) William R. Fennewald (1965) Raymond J. Flanigan (1943) Rick A. Foree (1978) Stephen C. French (2003) Albert E. George (1968) Michael H. Germann (1975) Thomas K. Hansen (1981) Christopher W. Hanson (1992) David L. Harris (1965) John A. Heitz (1960) Daniel K. Henry (1981) Jonathan J. Hertzler (1994) Tim J. Hessel (1981) Ronald J. Keppel (1976) David E. Kite (1964) John H. Kohnen (1944) Robert R. Kramer (1956) Anthony J. Kuntscher (1971) James H. Leka (1962) John M. LeVora (1976) Eugene A. Liefer (1967) Shane M. Lindquist (1995) Joseph A. Manzella (1997) Gregory J. Marye (2002) Neal J. Moenigmann (1961) Donald T. Murphy (1966) Urban C. Naeger (1963) Jerry J. Niedzwiecki (1962) John R. Olds (1980) Jose O. Perez (1971) Greg S. Presley (1998) Andrew R. Raines (1994) William L. Riechmann (1962) Mark I. Ruhmann (1974) William B. Sandrock (1949) Raul Santoyo (1958) Albert W. Schiermeyer (1965) John J. Schifko (1952) Kenneth G. Schmutzler (1967) Clarence R. Schneider (1948) Thomas Schumacher (1983) Steve S. Shields (1979) Robert W. Shillito (1954) James T. Stueber (1977) Richard W. Stumpf (1968) RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 30 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 David W. Sullivan (1993) Shane J. Tarrant (2004) Ronald D. Thompson (1967) William D. Tulley (1950) Dennis D. Van Sandt (1973) William F. Waldrop (1954) Russell H. Webbink (1948) Clyde P. Weible (1947) Robert E. Welker (1961) Robert R. Westholt (1975) Joseph L. Wyland (1951) Industrial Maintenance Technology Edward H. Boenker (1942) Terry G. Fields (2001) James G. Hearne, Jr. (1984) Earl T. Reynolds (1977) Charles P. Tichacek, Sr. (1949) Instrumentation & Process Controls Technology Aaron B. Thiele (1995) Kurt A. Trice (1997) Internet Web Based Technology John N. Redden (2004) Machine Shop Technology Matthew R. Acord (2000) Brian H. Austwick (1997) Thomas L. Blotevogel (1980) Craig V. Budde (1996) Mary Kay Eckelkamp (1993) Gary R. Frankenberg (1992) Jeff L. Glosemeyer (1990) James R. Grant (1990) Jeremiah F. Halley (1977) Walter A. Hellebusch (1967) Jack H. Jones (1956) Jeremy S. Tinker (1997) Mechanical Drafting Dennis L. Gusewelle (1965) Robert L. Weible (1958) Plumbing Technology Sam W. Brown (2001) Clifford W. Haberl (1953) David J. Loellke (1987) Dennis A. Newman (1963) Karl J. Pachesa (1972) Kenneth M. Schimel (1960) M. Drew Shands (1976) Joel Stolarski (1978) Mark O. Waters (1981) Precision Machining Technology (2) Anonymous Robert L. Ahl (1949) William H. Aulbur (1966) William M. Baiotto (1948) Dale L. Bauer (1964) Gebhard A. Bausch (1960) William M. Boedeker (1964) Mark A. Bosworth (1986) Rodney J. Bruner (1967) Saverio A. Caponi (1956) Paul A. Clausen (1945) Wallace J. DeShon (2006) Gene O. Drury (1940) Thomas L. Ely (1982) Howard H. Finley (1942) David G. Forbeck (1985) Marc A. Franke (1989) Richard H. Gentemann (1977) George R. Goetz, Jr. (1965) Donald E. Groppe (1956) William L. Helvie (1949) Dennis M. Huelsman (1984) Charles T. Jackson (1963) Leonard R. Ketterer (1955) Raymond A. Klein (1966) Kurt E. Koerner (1947) Franklin E. Kohler (1954) Michael E. Leiweke (1970) David M. Lynn (1940) Tony Margherio (1942) John J. Meyer (1955) Mark G. Niederholtmeyer (1987) James R. Palmier (1986) Jared W. Piel (2003) W. Earl Ritz (1933) David G. Roeder (1964) David L. Rogers (1971) Tom K. Rotramel (1976) Richard K. Schulz (2002) Steven M. Street (1979) Joseph J. Thomann (2005) George D. Whitledge (1950) Joseph D. Wibbenmeyer (1986) Philip P. Zeveski (1982) Radio George A. Ott (1946) RAH Service & Installation Technology Gerald J. Kohnen (1970) Refrigeration Air Conditioning Heating Scott E. Anderson (1994) Robert F. Finley (1948) Mark A. Focht (2003) Larry R. Garcia (1975) Robert J. Hoffmann (1991) Steve K. Jones (1988) Kevin H. Joyce (1981) Jeffrey W. Koesterer (1993) Eric D. Larson (1997) Paul J. Mueller (1971) Rudy M. Showalter (1997) Lonnie L. Spight (1999) Matthew M. Truttmann (2000) James F. Vivian (2002) H. Todd Wilson (1970) Stationary Engineer Kenneth B. Givens (2001) Truck and Heavy Equipment Repair Michael F. Buckley (1971) Donald R. Butler (1987) Dennis O. Ebersohl (1974) Daniel L. Flint (1978) Timothy F. Michel (1986) Mark J. Scharf (1979) Welding Technology Thomas Bleckman (1973) Robert J. Jackson (1975) Mark W. Letko (1976) Terence W. Shipton (1981) Steve J. Wilson (1983) * Deceased RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 31 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES DONORS FA C U LT Y A N D S TA F F Members of the Ranken faculty and staff work hard to contribute to the life-changing experiences from which students benefit. The combination of technical training, general education and professionalism are imparted by a dedicated faculty and staff. These talented individuals have made a financial contribution to the school, and we salute them here for their gifts made between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007: Doug Agee Anonymous Brian H. Austwick (1997) Derek L. Babcock (1997) Stephen Baim John Baima Ronald D. Barbre Deborah A. Beyer Melissa A. Borchardt (1995) Mark A. Bosworth (1986) Ben Brown Christopher D. Brueggeman (1979) Mary Lou Burke Jennifer A. Burns Travis W. Byrne Patricia Capps Laura L. Christian Kathy B. Clervi Charles G. Corrigan (1988) Rose C. Crawford Seletha R. Curtis Sara Daminski C. Allen Davenport (1969) Steve J. Davenport (1991) Angela D. Davidson Nicole Davidson (2007) Chris T. DeLaquil Jack D. Dempsey (2006) Linda J. Dempsey Diane Dooley Andra Dorlac Paul A. Drury Patrick N. Duchinsky (1980) Barbara Edwards Erica J. Ellard Thomas L. Ely (1982) Jeff W. Erlich Ben H. Ernst Cynthia Eskeles Ronald C. Ettling Susan E. Flayer Terri M. Forir Sal R. Francis Alan L. Gentles (1977) Edward J. Godden Michael Godt David M. Graf James C. Gravitt Janna L. Greenwood Byron Gregery Alex K. Gromada Evan A. Gudmestad (2005) Melissa A. Hahne Tomye J. Harris Steve P. Hartge Pat A. Harting Michael E. Hawley John K. Helterbrand Tameka R. Herrion Crystal Herron Tim J. Hessel (1981) Judson Hirschfeld Alfreda Hollins Vincent Holtmann Craig A. Hood Kent Hornberger Barb Z. Hubbell Joe E. Jackson (2003) Steve K. Jones (1988) Renette Jordan Kevin H. Joyce (1981) Dan Kania Steve M. Kashycke Elizabeth M. Keserauskis Keith Konradi John A. Kreishman Al Lamprecht Ronald D. Latham (2003) Mark A. Malcinski Phil W. Marti (1998) Frank J. McDonnell (1999) P. Kevin Meine (1987) Rebecca Mercurio Ken A. Meyer Timothy F. Michel (1986) Les L. Mottert Joseph D. Mudd (1985) Paul J. Mueller (1971) Peter T. Murtaugh Dennis Needham John L. Newman Dennis F. Nieweg (1967) Alan L. Osborne David J. Park (2002) Jared W. Piel (2003) Anthony V. Pisciotta Alan Poettker (1999) Donald J. Pohl (1995) Denise M. Poindexter Greg S. Presley (1998) Kelley R. Raftery (1985) Andrew R. Raines (1994) Ronald L. Raines (1983) Earl T. Reynolds (1977) Richard Robben Rob L. Robins LaTrina A. Rogers Raymond G. Rohling (1989) Walter E. Rundell (1982) Larry D. Schmidt (1982) M. Drew Shands (1976) John W. Shoffner Larry B. Sisson Charles J. Skaer Amber Y. Smith Bradley Sparks Eric M. Stein Janie K. Summers Jeremy W. Sutton Steve Swenson William Thompson Kurt A. Trice (1997) Sarah E. Van Aman Therese Velleca Tim Voegtle Melanie D. Walker John D. Walsh Timothy J. Willard Michelle L. Williams H. Todd Wilson (1970) Hilary L. Wilson (2000) John H. Wilson (1968) Steve J. Wilson (1983) Carol J. Winkler Anita Wobbe Emily E. Wood John E. Wood (1975) Nancy A. Yaeger Stephen Zegel RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 32 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 DONORS F O U N D AT I O N S & O R G A N I Z AT I O N S The following foundations and organizations have contributed to Ranken during the 2006 - 2007 fiscal year: Ballmann Family Foundation Dula Foundation Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation Edward Chase Garvey Foundation Clifford W. Gaylord Foundation John R. Goodall Trust Gene Haas Foundation Mary Ranken Jordan & Ettie A. Jordan Foundation Missouri Department of Higher Education Dave Mungenast Automotive Family W.R. Persons & Associates Pettus Foundation Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott Foundation Norman J. Stupp Foundation Trio Foundation of St. Louis U.S. Department of Education DONORS C O R P O R AT E P A R T N E R S Corporate support, advice and employment opportunities are central to Ranken’s success. Corporate Partners was recently established to promote those companies who contribute $1,000 or more within a year. Their generosity greatly improves students’ opportunities in the classroom and beyond. The following corporations made such a gift during the 2006 - 2007 fiscal year: $25,000+ Ameren Community Development Corporation Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Emerson Enterprise Rent-A-Car GKN Aerospace Services $10,000 - $24,999 The Boeing Company Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Bunge North America Chelar Tool & Die, Inc. Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers Lou Fusz Automotive Network Hydromat, Inc. JM&A Group / Fidelity Warranty Services Laclede Gas Company Monsanto Fund Pepsi Americas US Bank $5,000 - $9,999 BKD, LLP Mississippi Lime Company National City Bank Schnuck Markets, Inc. Shure Manufacturing Corporation State Farm Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Company Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 AT&T Advertisers Printing Company Inc. Ahern Fire Protection Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc. American Railcar Industries, Inc. Centric Group Cowell Engineering French Gerleman General Motors Corporation Home Builders Association Mascal Electric, Inc. Metro Vo-Tech Assistance Program NAPA Auto Parts Nu Way Concrete Forms, Inc. Patterson Mold & Tool, Inc. Rotary Club of St. Louis Seyer Industries Inc. Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Tool Specialties Company UPS Whelan Security RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 33 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES DONORS B U S I N E S S F I R M S & C O R P O R AT I O N S The following business firms and corporations have contributed to Ranken during the 2006 - 2007 fiscal year: AT&T Advanced Technology Services Advertisers Printing Company Inc. Aetna Ahern Fire Protection Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc. Ameren Community Development Corporation AmerenUE American Railcar Industries, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Argosy Gaming Corporation Arteaga Photos Ltd. Chris Auffenberg Ford Austin Machine Inc. BKD, LLP Behlman Builders, Inc. Behrmann Company Bi-State Manufacturers Rep. Assn. The Boeing Company Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Brzezinski Racing Products Build-A-Bear Workshop Bunge North America CIC Group, Inc. C & R Mechanical Company Carrier Corporation Cauttrell Enterprises Inc. Centric Group Chelar Tool & Die, Inc. Chevys Fresh Mex Cingular Wireless Citibank, N.A. Commercial Letter, Inc. ConEst Software Systems ConocoPhillips Cooper Industries Cowell Engineering DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation - St. Louis Zone Datotel DeWalt Dicom Marketing Services, Inc. Dierdorf & Hart’s Restaurant Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers Ted Drewes Frozen Custard Dynamic Test Systems, Inc. Eaton Electrical Ehrhardt Tool & Machine Co. Elam Chemical Company Elsevier Emerson Emerson Climate Technologies Enterprise Bank & Trust Enterprise Rent-A-Car Equilon Enterprises, LLC Farmers Insurance Group FISHCO Group John Henry Foster Company French Gerleman Fresh Ideas Management, LLC Lou Fusz Automotive Network Lou Fusz Kia GKN Aerospace Services Garage Designs of St. Louis, Inc. Gateway Classic Cars General Motors Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Goldman Promotions Grant Iron and Motors Heart-Land Marketing Services, Inc. Home Builders Association Home Depot Hydromat, Inc. ICE-O-Matic JM&A Group / Fidelity Warranty Services Jamison Equipment, Inc. Jansen Farm Equipment Inc. Edward Jones Investments Kirkwood Mitsubishi Laclede Gas Company Lennox Industries Levine Associates Lowe’s Mascal Electric, Inc. Metro Vo-Tech Assistance Program Midwest Control Products, Inc. Millennium Digital Media Mississippi Lime Company Mittler Bros. Machine & Tool Monsanto Fund Mustang Dynamometer NAPA Auto Parts National City Bank National Sales Company Neff Power, Inc. Nestle Purina PetCare Nu Way Concrete Forms, Inc. PASCO Pasta House Patterson Mold & Tool, Inc. Pepsi Americas Pfizer, Inc. Red Bud Industries Ride the Rail Billiards Rotary Club of St. Louis Schnuck Markets, Inc. Seyer Industries Inc. Shure Manufacturing Corporation Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Six Flags of St. Louis Sligo Steel Snap-On Industrial St. Louis Bread Company St. Louis Cardinals St. Louis Science Center St. Louis Symphony Standing Partnership State Farm Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Company Foundation Sun-Day Corporation Sunnen Products Company TR,I Architects, Inc. T. H. Teasdale, FAIA Taylor Morley Homes Thiel Tool & Engineering Company Tool Specialties Company Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center True Manufacturing Company Tyco Healthcare/Mallinckrodt UPS US Bank Universal Plastics Viking Auto Paint Wallach Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Whelan Security Jay Wolfe Toyota Young Dental Manufacturing Company RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 34 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 DONORS GIFTS IN KIND Contributions of state-of-the-art equipment assist Ranken by providing cutting-edge technology for relevant instruction on a regular basis. The donors listed here made a gift of academically-related equipment or teaching materials during the fiscal year July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007: Ameren UE Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Arteaga Photos Ltd. Austin Machine Inc. Robert Baichly The Boeing Company Bridgestone/Firestone Brzezinski Racing Products Anders & Christine Carlsson Carrier Corporation Chelar Tool & Die, Inc. Commercial Letter, Inc. ConEst Software Systems DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation - St. Louis Zone Datotel DeWalt Dynamic Test Systems, Inc. Eaton Electrical Ehrhardt Tool & Machine Company Emerson Climate Technologies Enterprise Bank & Trust Farmers Insurance Group Felix J. Ferrise William & Carol Finnegan FISHCO Group John Henry Foster Company Fresh Ideas Management, LLC Lou Fusz Kia Garage Designs of St. Louis, Inc. Alton Garner Gateway Classic Cars Grant Iron and Motors Heart-Land Marketing Services, Inc. Home Depot ICE-O-Matic Jamison Equipment, Inc. Kirkwood Mitsubishi Lennox Industries Levine Associates Lowe’s Estate of Clarence J. Madison Dorothy Meehan Metro Vo-Tech Assistance Program Midwest Control Products, Inc. Millennium Digital Media Mustang Dynamometer National Sales Company Nestle Purina PetCare PASCO Pepsi Americas Kris Rauh Ride the Rail Billiards Bob & Joan Rivas Hilda Rupple Rudy M. Showalter Alesia E. Singleton Sligo Steel Snap-On Industrial Jeannine Stuart Sun-Day Corporation Sunnen Products Company Taylor Morley Homes Richard Trautman True Manufacturing Company UPS Universal Plastics Viking Auto Paint Mark & Georgi Walczyk Brian Weaver Joseph E. Wells Michael & Michelle B. Williams Jay Wolfe Toyota Timothy Yount * Deceased DONORS L I F E T I M E B E N E FA C T O R S Ranken Technical College recognizes the lifetime commitment some donors have made to our educational programs and students. The following is a list of benefactors who have contributed several gifts throughout the years. Every effort was made to make sure this list is comprehensive; however, if you feel there is a change that needs to be made for future publications, please contact the development office at (314) 286-3674: $1,000,000+ Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Boeing Company Emerson Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Mary Ann Lee Monsanto Fund David Ranken, Jr.* St. Louis Auto Dealers Association Jack C. Taylor Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Earl E. and Myrtle E. Walker (1940) $500,000 - $999,999 AT&T Ballmann Family Foundation General Motors Corporation Mary Ranken Jordan & Ettie A. Jordan Foundation Oliver M. Langenberg E. Desmond Lee W. R. Persons & Associates $250,000 - $499,999 AmerenUE Bank of America Hunter Engineering Company Interco Charitable Trust/Furniture Brands International Oscar G. Kraft* Laclede Gas Company J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation McCormick Systems, Inc. Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott Foundation RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 35 | A CENTURY OF CHANGING LIVES Robert W. & Elizabeth Staley Sunnen Products Company U.S. Department of Education $100,000 - $249,999 ACI Acoustical Consultants George I. Alden Trust Ameren Community Development Corporation Bachman Machine Company, Inc. Elizabeth E. & Joseph H. Bascom Charitable Foundation* Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis Dana Brown Charitable Trust Chelar Tool & Die, Inc. Chrysler Corporation Donation Program Richard P. Conerly Danforth Foundation Jeanne L. Dennis Trust Wilbert H. Eberhardt (1948)* Edison Brothers Stores, Inc. A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Emerson Process Management Louis J. Fusz & Lou Fusz Automotive Network Wilbert J. Haas (1940)* Hydromat, Inc. William T. Kemper Foundation Des Lee Foundation John Allan Love Charitable Foundation Macy’s Department Stores Missouri Department of Higher Education Dorothy Moog Moog Family Nestle Purina PetCare Nissan Motor Corporation Passapant Area Hospital Pepsi Americas Rockwell Automation, Inc. SME Education Foundation Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Suter Tyco Healthcare/Mallinckrodt US Bank Union Pacific Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Ackerman Toyota American Railcar Industries, Inc. Austin Machine Inc. Auto Plaza Ford Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Bryan Cave LLP Bunge North America Burlington Northern Foundation Butler Fleet Services Carrier Corporation Center for Emerging Technologies Chevrolet Motor Division Civic Progress Commerce Bancshares Cooper Bussmann DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation St. Louis Zone Office Digital Concepts Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers Dula Foundation Elsevier John Fabick Tractor Company Aaron Fischer* Fluke Corporation Fox Family Foundation GKN Aerospace Services Edward Chase Garvey Foundation General Dynamics Corporation W. Ashley Gray, Jr.* Graybar Haas Automation, Inc. Robert H. and Katie Harper Hyundai Motor America JM&A Group Ruth Jensen and Donald D. Jensen Edward Jones Investments Robert C. Kessler Maritz Inc. Mississippi Lime Company James R. and Mary Moog Nooter Corporation Oldsmobile Division Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation William R. Orthwein Pettus Foundation Procter & Gamble R&B, Inc. Rexel United Rosemount Inc. SAFECO Insurance Companies Vernon D. Schaefer (1967)* Schnuck Markets, Inc. Snap-On Industrial Norman J. Stupp Foundation Thiel Tool & Engineering Co. Trio Foundation of St. Louis Woodbridge Corporation $25,000 - $49,999 AAA Auto Club of Missouri Adorjan Family Foundation Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc. Akzo Sikkens BKD, LLP Caroline R. Baltzer* James G. Berges Bitrode Corporation The BOC Center Brauer Supply Company Edwin A. Brockmann (1942)* George Warren Brown Foundation Chiron Corporation Mary* & Dennis C. Donnelly Emerson Climate Technologies Equilon Enterprises, LLC French Gerleman Electric Co. Clifford W. Gaylord Foundation GenAmerica Financial Service Center General Motors Corporation/ Wentzville Assembly Center John R. Goodall Trust E. Reuben & Gladys Flora Grant Charitable Trust Audrey G. Groom Hussmann Corporation Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Margaret M. Jenks Bert H. Lang* Lee Enterprises John L. Mason, Ph.D. McMahon Ford Metal Container Corporation Millstone Foundation Missouri Department of Economic Development National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence Pet, Inc. Rotary Club of St. Louis Seeger Toyota Seyer Industries Inc. Shure Manufacturing Corp. Edith J. Spink Stupp Bros., Inc. Toshiba International Corporation Otto N. Tucker Adele M. Underwood* Helen D. & Joseph E. Vollmar, Jr. West Virginia University Western Diesel Service, Inc. Wetterau Inc. $10,000 - $24,999 ARI-IPG AT&T American Red Cross American Tool Sales, Inc. AMETEK Drexelbrook Automotive Diagnostics BG Services, Inc. George Bishop Bommarito Nissan, Inc. Don Brown Chevrolet Inc. George W. Brown Mary Lou & Bob Burke CNC Software, Inc. Carr Lane Manufacturing Co. Construction Products Council of St. Louis DaimlerChrysler Corporation Training Center Danfoss Inc. Davis Tool & Die Company, Inc. Designs For Tomorrow, Inc. Digital Equipment Corp. Charles W. Disbrow, II Dynamic Test Systems, Inc David R. Ebers (1985) Ehrhardt Tool & Machine Co. Emerson Motor Technologies Ben H. and Debi Ernst Experitec, Inc. Federal-Mogul Corporation - St. Louis Femmer Machine Company Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation Ford Customer Service Division Ford Motor Company Sam Fox Fresh Ideas Management, LLC Lou Fusz Mitsubishi West Lou Fusz Pontiac-Buick-GMC GSI Tomco, Inc. Anthony Gartner The Catherine Manley Gaylord Foundation Glasco Electric Company The GR Group RANKEN TECHNICAL COLLEGE | 36 | ANNUAL REPORT 2006 – 2007 Grant Iron and Motors Byron J. Gregery Hartwig Incorporated Heff’s Automotive Supply Heidtman Steel James L. Hoagland Home Builders Association Honeywell Inc. Huey’s Honda Instrument Society of America Isuzu Motors Inc. Rebecca W. Jones Charles H. Lenau (1962) Mark Andy Inc. McCarthy Building Companies McMahon Pontiac GMC Phyllis Mesenbrink Metal Cutting Supply, Inc. MiTek Industries Mittler Bros. Machine & Tool Modern Auto Company, Inc. Edward L. Monser Greater St. Louis Chapter NTMA National City Bank National Sales Company NewMarket Corporation NORDYNE, Inc. Marianne Nothum Nu Way Concrete Forms Inc. Olin Corporation Patterson Mold & Tool, Inc. Charles D. Pauli (1978) Peabody Energy Corporation Michael Rad Reliance Electric RIC Tronics George Richmond SPX Corporation George E. Schofield (1955) Sonacom IT Partners Square D Company St. Louis Post-Dispatch State Electric Company State Farm Suntrup Ford Westport Harold* and Bess Thayer Charles Thomson Three States Supply Co., Inc. Tool Specialties Company Trane Company True Manufacturing UPS U.S. Department of Energy Vulcan-Hart Corporation Wainwright Industries The Wetterau Family Foundation Young Dental Manufacturing Company Zeller Electric $5,000 - $9,999 Alexander Manufacturing Co. ALLDATA Allen-Bradley Apex Oil Company Automotive Service Professionals Automotive Technicians Association Barry-Wehmiller Group, Inc. Dennis Beezee Behlman Builders, Inc. Big River Zinc Corporation Bowgen Fuel Systems, Inc. Burlington Resources Alice A. Busch* CBS Carson-Natural Bridge Auto Centene Corporation Thomas R. Collins ConEst Software Systems Corder Equipment Company Cowell Engineering Crown Distributing, Inc. Robert M. Davis Dazor Manufacturing Corp. Jack and Linda Dempsey (2006) Dodge World Russell R. Early (1991) EnSync Group Falcon Products James R. Faughn FISHCO Group Ford Motor Company Ford Tool Steels, Inc. John Henry Foster Company Frankie M. Freeman Frost Electric Supply Company Lou Fusz Chevrolet Lou Fusz Nissan Gateway Metals, Inc. General Electric Granite City Steel W. Ashley Gray, III Greater St. Louis Community Foundation Steven Guynn Gene Haas Foundation MB Hall, Inc. Maurice H. Heien (1931)* Walter A. Hellebusch (1967) Hellebusch Tool & Die Nancy Hightshoe Seminars Inc. Hydrogenesis Corporation Industrial Measurement Company Jamison Equipment, Inc. JM Family Enterprises Kaemmerlen Electric and Communications Koch Air LLC Charles C. Lessing* Lexus/Central Area The Lichtenstein Foundation Tim Littich MCI Telecommunications Manitowoc Ice, Inc. Marathon Electric Mascal Electric Sanford N. McDonnell Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Donald T. Murphy (1966) Mustang Dynamometer Nooney Company Pandjiris, Inc. James W. Payne (1975) PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Reliance Automotive, Inc. The George and Hazel Rodenheiser Fund Rotary Lift William J. Roth (1936) Royal Gate Dodge SSM Information Center Sears Roebuck & Co. Service Center Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Menlo F. Smith Southwest Bank St. Louis Community College at Forest Park St. Louis Orthopedic Group Standing Partnership Ralph V. Streiff Tektronix Inc. Thompson Supply Company Laurence R. Traughber Tubular Steel Inc. UPL International, Inc. Ultra-Comp Computers UniGroup, Inc. Update Systems, Inc. Meta Sophie VanDyck* Lewis C. Vollmar George Wester* Robert N. Whiteaker White-Rodgers Division Timothy J. Willard, Ph.D. York International Corporation * Deceased
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