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July 2012 Millian Newsletter MILLIAN MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Our Vision To be a dynamic, spirit-filled, multicultural, multigenerational, church numbering in the thousands, impacting our neighborhood, nation and world through radically inclusive community building. Our Mission Reaching new, unchurched, diverse, and young people for Christ. Inside this issue: Chaplain’s Corner Stephen Ministry Evangelism Mission & Vision Outreach Faith Development VBS Involvement Opportunities Maine 60th Anniversary Prayer List Chancel Flowers Birthdays New Members Mailbox 2nd Mile Seniors Calendar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 Love the Alien as Yourself The story of the United States is a story of immigration. Immigrants have always come, bringing with them hopes and dreams of a better life even as they have grieved the loss of a life in a country that was home. Immigrants have always come, bringing unique gifts and strengths and contributions to society. Immigrants have always come, and each new wave of immigrants have found America's sting of prejudice and racial hatred from those who have so quickly forgotten their own immigrant heritage. The United States is an amazing country built on and around the values of labor, family, religion and hope brought to our shores by immigrants. These values are built into our constitutional framework and they continue to bring change into our country, changes that continue to keep us strong. Clearly, the immigration system is broken and outdated. Clearly, we need wisdom and justice from our government leaders. The debate of the day is not whether or not these things are true, but what to do with a major population of undocumented immigrants living in the United States today. Here is what the Bible says: "The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19, NRSV "I [Jesus] was a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35b "If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly, if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place... then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave your forefathers." Jeremiah 7:5-7 "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2 Here is what the United Methodist Church says: "Welcoming the migrant is not only an act of mission, it is an opportunity to receive God's grace. The globalization of international economics and the continuing movement of migrants have created an increasingly diversified U.S. population and should be reflected in United Methodist congregations and national church leadership. Therefore, The United Methodist Church understands that at the center of Christian faithfulness to Scripture is the call we have been given to love and welcome the sojourner. We call upon all United Methodist churches to welcome newly arriving migrants in their communities, to love them as we do ourselves, to treat them as one of our native-born, to see in them the presence of the incarnated Jesus, and to show hospitality to the migrants in our midst believing that through their presence we are receiving the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (2008 Book of Resolutions, "Welcoming the Migrants to the United States") Here is our call and duty: Millian, you are a faithful people, generous in every way. You have not only invited the neighborhood (Continued on page 2) Page 2 July 2012 Millian Newsletter (Continued from Page 1) Page 2the Julydoors, 2012 you have Millian Newsletter inside been CHAPLAIN’S CORNER willing to go outside the doors. Our story is also a story of imBill Gray currently serves as the chaplain for a local Mason's Lodge. He migration. It has always been so, writes of life events that are relevant to us all. from the very first time we committed our hearts to an anSt. Augustine observed, "God loves each of us as if there were only cient, Jewish carpenter. Our one of us." Do you believe those words? Do you seek an intimate, story is one that is built around one-on-one relationship with your heavenly Father, or are you satstrength in diversity, knowing isfied to keep him at a safe distance? that we grow from the unique gifts each person brings. Our Sometimes, in the crush of our daily duties, God may seem far love is always first for God, and away, but He is not. God is everywhere we have ever been and then for our neighbor, whomev- everywhere we will ever go. He is with us night and day; He knows er our neighbor happens to be. our thoughts and our prayers. And, when we earnestly seek him, Your love is making a difference we will find Him because He is here waiting patiently for us to in the community and in our reach out to Him today and always. And may we praise him for the church. Keep the good faith, my glorious gifts that have transformed us today and forever brothers and sisters, as we continue to allow God to be in conBill Gray trol. I am excited for all that is ahead of us. Yours for the journey, Pastor Alice Ford+ Millian Memorial United Methodist Church Reaching new, unchurched, diverse and young people for Christ! CONTACT US OUR STAFF Millian Bishop: Memorial United Methodist Church Address: Rev. new, Dr. John Schol Reaching unchurched, diverse and young people for Christ! 13016 Parkland Dr. District Superintendent: Rev. Evan Young Senior Pastor: Rev. Alice K. Ford Associate Pastor: Braulio Torres Director of Music: David Leahey Administrative Assistant: Chris Barona Lay Leader: Mary Jo Drake Preschool Director: Peggy Edmonds Minister: All baptized members Rockville, MD 20853 Sunday Worship Services 9:30 a.m. in English 11:00 a.m. in English/Spanish 5:00 p.m. en Español Sunday School 8:00 a.m. in English 9:30 a.m. in English Wednesday Bible Studies 11:00 a.m. in English 6:00 p.m. en Español Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 3:00 pm Phone: 301.946.2500 Fax: 301.946.9357 Email: millianchurch@verizon.net Web: www.millianchurch.com Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 Page 3 STEPHEN MINISTRY WANTED – A FEW GIFTED CHRISTIANS The Bible makes it clear that every Christian is gifted for ministry and is called to use his or her gifts in service to God and others. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common god. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each individually just as the Spirit chooses. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NRSV Since it is God who gifts Christians for ministry and calls them to it, it is appropriate for the church to recognize the ministry of lay people and to receive their ministry gladly. Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gifts each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; who- ever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen 1 Peter 4:10-11 NRSV Christians are called to specific, focused ministries. The Spirit gives different gifts to different people. Their gifts and God’s calling point them toward some areas of service and away from others. Stephen Ministry fits these characteristics. It is one of these focused ministries, providing discernment, training, ministry assignments, and ongoing support and accountability in Supervision Groups. A part of recruiting is helping members decide whether their gifts and calling point to Stephen Ministry or some other ministry. Paul strongly points out that one set of gifts is not any better than any other. It is a mistake, however, for a person to try to do a ministry for which his or her gifts don’t fit. There is no reason to feel bad if your gifts don’t fit into Stephen Ministry. If you’re Spirit given gifts do align with serving in a high-commitment, high-reward ministry, Stephen Ministry may be the place for you. You may want to contemplate some of the following questions to see if Stephen Ministry is right for you. Do you get joy and satisfaction from participating in a meaning- ful ministry and of serving Jesus? Would you enjoy friendship and support of the Christian community that develop in training and supervision? Would you enjoy personal growth through the training, service, and supervision? Would you enjoy enhanced relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and others? Would you enjoy greater interpersonal relationship skills that prove valuable at work and in other activities? Does increased faith in God, dedication to Jesus, and enjoyment of your religious life appeal to you? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, Stephen Ministry could be place where your gifts will not only benefit others, but where they will flourish and grow as you serve God and others Please read this article a second time and take five minutes pray about it. Pray for yourself and pray for the other members of our congregation that you feel would make a good Stephen Minister. The next step is to contact a Stephen Leader to let them know that you would like to become a Stephen Minister. Jann Dalrymple, Linda Stathoplos, Marguerite Eimer, Anne Matthews, Bill Matthews or Dawn Kelley will be able to speak with you about getting started on what may be one of you best excursions of the year. Page 4 July 2012 Millian Newsletter Page 4 July 2012 Millian Newsletter EVANGELISM Who’s on first? Summertime is here and so is one of our great American pastimes … baseball. In that context, most of the seniors in our congregation and perhaps a few others recall the Bud Abbott and Lou Costello vaudeville rendition of “who’s on first?” As a boy I loved those two comedians, and their predecessors Laurel and Hardy; but even more I loved baseball, especially the occasional opportunity to attend a game of my favorite Cleveland Indians to watch the great Bob Feller pitch. And, when he pitched, fewer got to first base! Fast forward a few decades to the day I took my wife Bert, our two young children, and three nephews visiting from Texas to a Baltimore Orioles baseball game. It was their first-ever major league game. As fate would have it, while I was underground getting drinks and hot dogs for the group, I heard a roar in the stadium. Upon returning to our seats and asking what the excitement was about, I was informed by another party sitting near us that Brooks Robinson, the Orioles’ third baseman, had launched a triple play. I had never witnessed a triple play in all the major league games I attended over the years; and here was my family at their first game and they scarcely understand the significance of such a play. In fact, if I’d have asked them “who’s on first,” they might not have understood my question! Now fast forward again to Millian Memorial United Methodist Church in the summer 2012. How well do we know ourselves and each other as a congregation in terms of where we are on our spiritual journeys? In his book The Purpose Driven Church, mega-church pastor Rick Warren employs the game of baseball as a metaphor for our discipleship journey with Christ. He describes four stages to our spiritual life development process, each anchored by one of the four bases of a baseball diamond. They are: (1) getting to know about Christ through membership in His church (first base); (2) growing in Christ through commitment to spiritual maturity (second base); (3) serving Christ through commitment to ministry (third base); and (4) sharing Christ with others through commitment to mission (home plate). As in a baseball game, many never get to first base in this journey. Among those who do, many progress no further. For those who do reach second or third base, however, their chance of getting home, and thus scoring runs increases (or, in Warren’s terms, becoming a mature disciple in Christ). Our mission as Christians is to make disciples for Christ (Mathew 28: 19). Thus, the more people we get beyond the point of simply becoming a member of the church (first base), the greater the likelihood that they will grow spiritually, grow in service, and grow in witness by sharing Christ with others. As with a baseball team, it is a responsibility for each of us to help one another reach as many bases as possible, including ourselves. In this spirit, I ask that each of us reflect this summer on our own discipleship journey and answer the question: “on what base am I?” And, what evidence have I to document that? Then, think of others in our congregation and ask: “Who’s (stuck) on first?” And what about the other bases? Then ask yourself, “What can I do to get more players into the game, more to reach first base, and more to advance the runners on base and get them to home plate?” Congregations that are truly mature in their discipleship with Christ get everyone around the bases … scoring runs for Jesus! Let’s score some runs for Jesus, Millian! Paul D. Nelson, Chair Evangelism Coordinating Team Volume 2, Issue 6 Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 July 2012 Page 5 Page 5 MISSION AND VISION It’s a Date Your Mission and Vision Council and All Teams are incredibly busy people, creating many opportunities for Millian to carry out the good works of our Lord. As summer approaches and most of us take advantage of a little slower pace through the hot and steamy months, your work areas will diligently continue to develop various programs for the months ahead. Now is the time to mark your calendars for some of the “happenings” that are coming up this fall and 2013. Having begun in June, Family Nights, Sunday Evenings will continue all summer. Come and have fun and fellowship with your church family. August 25th will be the date for an International Festival, sponsored by Community Partners. We will enjoy dressing in cultural attire and sharing ethnic food with others in the community. Sounds like a lot of fun and, one of the best things is that we simply show up! Others in the community will be doing all the work! September 9th will be a very special Sunday. It is the kick-off date for the fall schedule and what a kick-off we are planning. It is Millian’s 60th Anniversary Homecoming. We hope to have a blast from the past, with many friends whom we haven’t seen in a long time joining us for worship, followed by lots of fellowship at a church-wide picnic on the front lawn. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, relatives, and out-of-towners to this event! October 13th is the Millian Fall Festival. A new focus is taking place for this annual event. In the past, the major focus has been to raise money for various work areas of the church, mainly through yard sales. In keeping with our mission and vision statements, we will focus on making connections with our neighbors and making disciples for Christ, instead of making money. Many innovative ideas are being planned under the leadership of one of our new members, Nancy Gray. The day will start with a community parade, followed by activities for all ages on the church grounds. It will be a wonderful day to get to know our neighbors and for the community to get to know Jesus Christ through us. Two major events being planned for 2013 are a Churchwide Retreat and a Mission Trip to the Hopi Indian Reservation. Be aware and “stay tuned” for further information as plans are finalized. We are so very blessed to have the talented leaders and hard-working teams who keep Millian’s mission and vision moving forward. If you aren’t already involved, on which team would you like to serve? You need not come to team meetings; just volunteer to help on any of the events that interest you. Stay happy, healthy and safe over the summer months. Keep in mind that God never takes a vacation on His own but will enjoy being right there with you on yours.’ If you aren’t out of town over the weekends, we’ll see you on Sunday morning at 9:30 or 11:00 as we give thanks and praise to the Great Creator. Happy Summer from your Mission and Vision Team Page 6 July 2012 Millian Newsletter Page 6 July 2012 OUTREACHMillian Newsletter Africa University Imagine No Malaria The Africa University Program was in support of the United Methodist Conference initiative to work with Africa University. The speaker, Charles Moore, a representative of the conference, and the materials sent by the conference increased our understanding of why and how to support Africa University. The University gives support to students from 23 countries in Africa through education in Agriculture, Natural Resources, Theology, Peace, Leadership and Governance. Degrees are available on B.S, B.A., and PhD levels. Our monetary contributions received at Millian on May 20 and June 23, 2012 was $1,794. Many thanks to our members and friends. Please continue to read the materials displayed and posted and also make financial contributions. The Conference is working with Endowment Funds so that one day Africa University can survive without apportionments. Many thanks to Millian members who work to put forth the events of the day- Regina Crutchfield, Edith Williams, Brian McGahey, Dwayne Weigel, Arlene Gill, Janet Coffelt, Juanita Staggers, Jean Woods, Vesta Galate, William Shelton, Godfrfey and Emelia Annum, Marguerite Eimer and Lily Boateng. Contributions to Imagine no Malaria in May was $200 making a grand total of $1574. This will save 15 lives/purchase 157 nets and contribute to prevention, education, communication, outreach, and medical care. The Baltimore-Washington Conference has pledged $2 million to the campaign to swat out malaria by 2015. Please continue to empty your pockets and purses of all loose change when you are at church. Checks may be put in the offering noting “Imagine No Malaria”. Thanks Millian for making a difference in Africa! Versella Shelton “God can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20 Edith Williams Millian's Newest Ministry: "Know Your Rights" Workshop Beginning on August 11th at 12:00pm (noon), Millian will begin a ministry geared toward helping people without means or awareness to connect with legal assistance. Perhaps many of us know how complicated the legal system can be, so we understand it is particularly difficult when there are language barriers and concerns around documentation. On August 11th, Millian will host a "Know Your Rights" workshop led by well- known radio speaker and attorney, Mr. Joseph Malouf, and well established immigration attorney, Mr. Luis Salgado. Mr Malouf has devoted his career to support the rights of Latino Community members in the Washington-Metropolitan area. Since 1990, Mr. Malouf has hosted his weekly Radio Show "Knowing Your Rights" on Radio America AM 1540 AM every Thursday at 3:30PM for Spanish speaking listeners who may otherwise not be able to pay for an attorney who understands the issues in the Latino community. Judges, State's Attorneys, Mayros, Police Representatives often appear on his radio program to connect with members of the Latino Community who need to understand their rights as well as their obligations. Moreover, many in the Latino Community fall as victims to many crimes that go unreported. Helping people to know their rights allows members of the community to connect with law enforcement and to help break barriers, improve relations and contribute to a safe and law abiding community. Mr. Luis Salgado is a well-known immigration attorney. He is well educated around the Dream Act bill and has recently been interviewed by CNN regarding President Obama's recent change in policy. Mr. Salgado will be addressing this issue along with other issues of immigration and documentation at the workshop. All are welcome to attend. As always, your prayers are always necessary. Faithfully, Pastor Alice+ Volume 2, Issue 6 Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 July 2012 Page 7 FAITH DEVELOPMENT 2012 Graduates and Leaders We wish to both thank and congratulate the following people for their hard work this year. TEEN CAFÉ MEALS What’s for dinner at Teen Café? June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 Tacos Breakfast for Dinner Hot Dogs Pancakes/Ham Chicken/Rice Special thanks to Dwayne Wiegel for hot dogs and Versella & Bill Shelton for chicken. Thanks to Mary Ridgely for snacks and the Shelton’s for popcorn. Please consider making, sponsoring, or supplying items for Teen Café. Edith C. Williams, Food Coordinator SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School will continue to meet at 9:30 a.m. for children and youth and the nursery will remain open during the 11:00 a.m. service. The 8:00 a.m. adult Sunday School led by Carol Russell topic is “Exploring the Old Testament”. Please consider joining this class for an early start and attend the 9:30 a.m. worship service. GRADUATES Alfred Avor: B.S. Computer Science, Howard University - 9:30 worship service Cassandra Byfield: B.S. Social Work, Bowie State University - Former Member Frankie Cline: Damascus High School Daughter, Jennifer Vaszil Melissa Hauprich: Linganore High School, New Market, MD – Granddaughter, Marguerite & Don Eimer Judy Lillibridge: B.F.A. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY – Daughter Linda Stathoplos & John Lillibridge Erica F. Putman: B.S. Biological Science, VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA – Niece, Janet Coffelt Shannon Tysor: B.S. Forensic Science, High Point University, High Point, NC – Daughter¸ Pat Tysor Kristina Smyrk: B.S. Public Health, University of MD, College Park, MD – Grand-daughter, Pat & Ray Smyrk Victoria Smyrk: Watkins Mill High School, Montgomery Village – Granddaughter, Pat & Ray Smyrk Kristen Woodruff: PhD, School of Social Work, University of MD, Baltimore - Member Page 7 SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE STUDY TEACHERS Quintin Doromal Mary Jo Drake Jacqui Hibbard Sheila Hopkins Betty Hughes Dawn Kelley John Kelley John Lillibridge George Anna Lunking Kathy Martin Carol Russell Donna Shirata Dwayne Weigel Edith Williams ESOL TEACHERS Diana Garcia Guadalupe Garcia Victor Garcia Jackie Garcia-Mejia Dwayne Weigel Jerry Wisor TEEN TEACHER ASSISTANTS Marisa Asher Rosa Benitez Sammy Barone Andrea Hernandez Kelly Hernandez Ginny Hoyt-O’Connor Jake Hughes Grace Kelley Diana Perez VBS TEACHERS & ADULT SUPPORT Gary Brown Marguerite Eimer Diana Garcia Nancy Gray Barbara Griner Paul Harris Peggy Harris Louisa Hoar Betty Hughes Dawn Kelley Carol Russell Barbara Smith Donna Shirata Katie Shoemaker Lillian Stough Braulio Torres Brenda Watson Edith Williams Page 8 July 2012 Millian Newsletter Page 8 July 2012 Millian Newsletter VBS THANKS From Donna: Millian’s Vacation Bible School was held June 18 – June 22 and was very successful. My thanks to all who worked together to minister to all the children who attended. We had a total attendance of 60 children with 10 teachers and 9 youth helpers. + 3 year olds were taught by Louisa Hoar and Nancy Gray with Rosa Benitez + 4 year olds were taught by Diana Garcia with Ginny Hoyt O’Connor, David Cook and some last minute additions – Pastor Alice, Jann Dalrymple and Dawn Kelley + Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten taught by Donna Shirata and Katie Shoemaker with Marisa Asher + 1st and 2nd grades taught by Betty Hughes, Marguerite Eimer with Jake Hughes and Sammi Barone + 3rd, 4th and 5th grades taught by Edith Williams,Carol Russell with Andrea and Kelly Hernandez Vacation Bible School would not be a success without the dedication of the teachers and helpers and all the work that goes into the planning of a 5-day event that many in the area look forward to every year. There are many children of families who have come year after year. I had a young lady ask “ if when I reach the age limit of attendance can I come back and be a youth helper,” of course, I said yes. Thanks to the many, many helping hands who made this event possible. +To Gary Brown and Pastor Braulio for their great job telling Daniel’s story 5 days, 5 times a day. To Barbara Smith for keeping Gary and Braulio properly supplied with the props and on time. +To Pastor Alice, David Leahey, David Cook, Sammi, Diana, Rosa and Grace for the MUSIC each day. +To the kitchen crew and the good snack each day – Paul and Peggy Harris, Lillian Stough, Janet Coffelt and Grace Kelley and Diana Perez +to Hal Brown, our photographer +To the many hands helping to set up - and for providing additional help for crafts--Roger Arnold, Norm Brautigam, Bill Shelton, Dwayne Weigel, Paul Harris and the craft ladies, Darlene Bowles, Pat Smyrk, Joan Prothero, June Greatorex. Brenda Watson, Joby Brautigam and Pat Smyrk filled in for me at the Director’s desk. +To Betty Hughes with thanks for her help to me in the planning of VBS. Most especially I want to thank and praise our Lord who made this VBS possible. Donna Shirata, VBS Director To Donna: Thank you, Donna Shirata, for your leadership for Vacation Bible School! Approximately 60 youth had a great week of interactive activities in Babylon learning about Daniel. VBS engaged approximately 30 teachers and adult support staff and 12 teen volunteers. It was a great week for all involved. Thanks again Donna for your commitment to providing a rich environment to explore and learn about Daniel. From the VBS Staff and Volunteers Volume 2, Issue 6 Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 July 2012 Page 9 Page 9 INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Honor A Loved One with a Special Gift to one of Millian's Many Ministry Programs Talents Are you involved in the operations of Millian Church? If you are, you know the personal rewards Millian is a busy church these days with a wonfor being involved. If you are not, an opportunity is derful variety of ministry programs that help coming. In August, in preparation for filling the vabring the love of God to all in our community. We always are looking for generous gifts of peo- cancies in the ministries and committees of the church, we will be distributing an invitation to get ple's time, talents and financial resources. The involved. Along with that invitation, we will identify other day, someone asked me why we don't accept donations in honor of a loved one's birthday, the vacancies in the ministry and committee strucor to celebrate a special occasion. The answer is, ture and give you a chance to identify how you can best get involved. In the meantime, think about "We Would Love To!" your talents and how you can contribute to the life So, if you have a loved one who has a heart for of MIllian Church. youth, or feeding the hungry, or reaching out to those on the margins, please consider honoring that special person with a gift to Millian's Mission Each of us has different gifts and as Paul wrote in Romans 12:6, “And since we have gifts that differ and Vision Council. A donation in honor of a according to the grace given to us, let each exerloved one's birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion says that you care and that cise them accordingly.” The challenge for Millian’s nominating committee is to match nominations you know the honoree cares about the love of with the individuals’ gifts, a process that is nearly Christ being spread throughout the world. impossible without input from the individuals inThe person being honored will receive a letter volved. So, this year, we want to help the process telling of your gift. We will also publish a list of gifts received and the reason for the honor in the along by having church members tell us in advance Millian newsletter (unless you request otherwise). of the nominations process, how God’s gift of talents will allow each member to better serve the You will receive a letter acknowledging your gift mission of the church. as tax-deductible. When loved ones pass away, donations can be a tribute to their memory that will live forever. Of even greater significance, consider a tithe be given to Millian at your departure from life. The Want to say something to your friends United Methodist Church has professionals at Millian? trained in this ministry that we will be happy to Want to be published in the have come and talk with you. Millian is a busy church, working within the KingMillianaire? dom of God. As you consider this type of gift, you may choose to direct your gift to a particular If it’s an article, a flier, an announcement, or need or project, or to simply contribute to the something for the mailbox, we’ll take it! ministries of Millian. May God bless you in all you Send a letter or email to the church office by the do. 15th of the month, every month. We’d love to hear what you have to say! Faithfully, Pastor Alice+ Volume 2, Issue 6 Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2012 July 2012 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 July 2012 July 2012 Millian Newsletter Millian Newsletter Page 12 Page 12 July 2012 Millian Newsletter July 2012 PRAYER Millian Newsletter LIST The people listed in our Prayer Ministry appreciate your prayers. If you have additional prayer requests, please call the church office. We ask that the person to be listed has given permission for his/her name to be printed, and that the office staff is updated so that the prayer list can remain current. The person's name will remain on the list for 30 days. If additional time is needed, please call the church office. Names with an * note a chronic illness. Names in italics are new additions. Deceased: Nancy Bingman Anna Hedrick Norma Jean Kimbrell Passed away on June 13, 2012, longtime friend of Harris’ Passed away on June 6, 2012, sister of Eleanor Cregger Passed away on June 18, 2012, sister of Annabelle Ostrander Hospital: Lucas Armand Debbie Everle Howard Green Mary Matlock In stable condition, grandson of Susan Frye Replacement of both knees, friend of Stough family Recovering from surgery, father of Barbara Griner Serious health concerns, daughter of Emma Beavers Home: Lynda Anderson *Eloise Brazeal Barbara Brown Garry E. Brown Knight Bowles *Erin Butts *Jane and Vince Canali *Lois Carey *Jane Cumings *Richard Cumings Phil De Kamper Don Eimer Mark Fischer *Iona Foor Pastor Alice Ford *Graylin Gordon Sarah King Luis Labastida Bud Lantz Juanita Lohmeyer Teresa Mejía *Karen Morgan Kim Motherhead *Bert Nelson *Ernestine Okrah Isaiah Osho David Popkins *Virginia Richardson *Mary Risley Dee Robbins Barbara Sawyer Scott Sawyer Diagnosed with a brain tumor, cousin of Pat Tyser Health concerns Health concerns On dialysis awaiting kidney transplant, Garry & Jean Brown’s grandson Prayers for continued healing Brain lesions, niece of Chuck Thompson Health concerns, grandparents of Meagan Canali’s husband Health concerns, Pat Smyrk’s sister Health concerns due to MS Health concerns Health concerns, relative of Juanita Staggers Health concerns Cancer has returned, nephew of Lynn Allen Health concerns Diagnosed with Lyme Disease On dialysis, uncle of Tiffany Wilson Diagnosed with cancer, niece of Carolyn Goldman Kidney failure, awaiting transplant, 12 yr old nephew, Guadalupe's sister Brain tumor and dementia, Friend of Lillian Stough Health concerns Cervical cancer, sister of Guadalupe Mejía Scleroderma, daughter of Norm and Jobie Brautigam Health concerns, Margie Burras’ daughter in North Carolina Health concerns Cerebral malaria, sister of Lily Boateng Health Concerns, father of Emelia Annum Cancer, son of a friend of Pat Smyrk Health concerns, Salisbury MD Health concerns Chemo for pancreatic cancer, grandmother of Lisa Robbins On dialysis, grandmother of Melissa Pratt Lung cancer Volume 2, Issue 6 Lorraine Schramek Volume Issue 6 Karen2,Schuele Andrea Sharp Desmond Signale *Alma Spaid *Janine Thomas Susan Tiffany Tiffany Wilson Mickey Wimberly Sharon Zeiter July 2012 Page 13 Fell and fractured a bone in her arm JulyChemotherapy 2012 Page for13 bone cancer, sister of Paul Nelson Health concerns Facial surgery required after a fall, grandson of a friend of the Risleys Health concerns Advanced MS, daughter of Jo Hagner Inoperable brain tumor, cousin of Terri Sheetz Health concerns Health concerns Health concerns Nursing Homes/Assisted Living/Rehabilitation Centers: Bernice May Wilson Center in AsburyVillage for rehab mother-in-law of Linda May The Aldens 3200 Bensalem Blvd. Apt. F101, Bensalem PA 19020 John Cino Sr. Sanctuary of Holy Cross Rehab, friend of the Asher & Hayden families Jeanne Cromwell Staying with son 22912 Timber Creek Lane, Clarksburg, Md. 20871 Tommy Farr Staying with son 12805 Shuttle Pl. Upper Marlboro, Md. 20772 Roger Harris William Hill Assisted Living, Easton MD, brother of Paul Harris Bobbie Kefauver Brooke Grove Rehab Center, friend of Lillian Stough Virginia Morrison ManorCare Potomac, Potomac, MD, mother of Jan Wisor Edee Paulson Methodist Home of DC, 4901 Conn. Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008 L. H. Peterman Extended care facility, brother-in-law of Ethel Gammon Clara May Rucker Heartlands Asst. Living, 715 Benfield Rd., Rm.113, Severna Park, MD 21146 Bob Sawyer The Village at Rockville, 9701 Veirs Dr., 1VA, Rm 102 Rockville, MD 20850 Ray & Millie Scroggs c/o Ashley Court 7400 Challis Rd. Brighton, MI 48116, Rm. 10 Lois Shotton Williamsport Nursing Home, 154 N Artizan St.Williamsport, MD 21795-1104 Loretta Wright Henry Clay Villa Nursing Home, Markleysburg, PA, mother of Janet Wright Serving in the Military Overseas: Roger Imhoff US Army, Iraq, friend of Andrea Sharp Lt. Will Rollins Special Forces Afghanistan, extended family of Dalrymples Aaron Thompson US Navy, son of Chuck and Pat Thompson CHANCEL FLOWERS FOR (date) I will be TAKING LEAVING my flowers after the service. The Chancel Flowers are given in MEMORY HONOR of: Given by: Please mark payments “Chancel Flowers” and put it in the offering plate, or send it to the church office no later than the Sunday they are placed in the church. Cost is $30.00 per vase, and is tax deductible. Page 14 Page 14 July 2012 JulyMillian Birthdays Month 2012 Newsletter 1-Jul Edwina 1-Jul Tommy 2-Jul Jennifer 2-Jul Leslie 5-Jul Aileen 6-Jul Wendy 7-Jul Kevin 7-Jul Marcella 9-Jul Sam 11-Jul Lucy 12-Jul Neil 12-Jul Joanna 14-Jul James 14-Jul Carol 14-Jul George Anna 14-Jul Kathy 15-Jul Susan 15-Jul Carol 15-Jul Hurley 16-Jul Martha Millian Newsletter Davis Farr Cash Turner Worrell Bryan Kreinbihl Welch Martin Torres Goldman Wallace Carter Dillon Lunking Schmiech Frye Gemmell-Lewis Wallace Nelson 17-Jul 19-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 20-Jul 22-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 23-Jul 25-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 27-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul Kyle Norman Terri Dorothy Jean Michelle Britany Emily Brenda Marge Daryl Chuck Donovan Quintin Jackson Corinne Zack Graham Barbara Wisor Sheetz Sheetz Olsavsky Woods George Robbins Downing Watson Burras May Dalrymple Smith Doromal Roop Goldman Thomas Lunking Wyatt August Birthdays 1-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 3-Aug 5-Aug 6-Aug 6-Aug 6-Aug 6-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 10-Aug 10-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 12-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug Willian J. J. Herman Adam Andy Arlene Eloise Walt Pete Thomas Diane Don Claire Rodney Dwayne Terry Luis Henry Annabell Betty Barbara Gray Carter Gadson Lordson Banks Bowles Brazeal Roesch Springirth Beavers, Jr. Doman-Latham Eimer Mitchell Riffle Weigel Bryan Castillo Boateng Ostrander Pearson Banks 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 24-Aug 26-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 27-Aug 29-Aug 29-Aug 31-Aug 31-Aug 31-Aug Ray Joe Betty Lynn Jennifer Donald Diane Millie Bill Katherine Jerry Samantha Pat Dora Isaac Gabriel Jennifer Chris Scott Bill Haven Scroggs Gemmell, IV Hughes Scudder Edwards Schramek Pick Scroggs Matthews Brown Wisor Hayden Thomas Benitez Torres Edwards Mosier Adamson Baker Barona Volume 2, Issue 6 Volume X, Issue Y July 2012 Month 2012 Page 15 Page 15 MEET THE NEW MEMBERS OF MILLIAN Want to meet and greet the newest members of our Millian family? Here’s their contact information, so we can all keep in touch. Beryl Benjers 4309 Robert Court Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-802-2540 Bluewave8@yahoo.com David and Tracy Morgan 14716 Janice Drive Rockville, MD 20853 202-359-6578, 240-447-7277 Sugaa1119@comcast.net Garry and Jean Brown 410 Gruenther Avenue Rockville, MD 20851 301-762-1084 Grbrown3@verizon.net Gene and Betty Pearson 11818 Dewey Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-942-0860 genenbetty@verizon.net William and Nancy Gray 713 Shetland Street Rockville, MD 20851 301-340-1080 bilnangra@comcast.net nancythegray@yahoo.com Larry and Carol Russell 337 Dean Drive Rockville, MD 20851 301-762-2946 Woodsmon64@yahoo.om Linda Hepner 708 Woodburn Road Rockville, MD 20851 301-640-1573 rickinmd@yahoo.com Susan Sumner 14716 Janice Drive Rockville, MD 20853 240-277-2601 Gaston and Melissa Zossoungbo 13100 Parkland Drive Rockville, MD 20853 301-933-1301 melissapzossoungbo@gmail.com Barbara Smith 5317 Manorfield Road Rockville, MD 20853 310-460-3293 bls907@comcast.net Millian Mail Box Versella and Global Ministries Team, Your heart for the Lord and love for others are appreciated so much. Thank you for all the effort and teamwork you put into the Africa University Day. It was certainly an enlightening morning of worship and helps all of us at Millian to understand how blessed we are to have so many benefits. May God’s love and grace surround the students and all who make their education possible and may we be a generous congregation in support of their university. You all do so many good things on behalf of Millian and we are so very grateful. Blessings and love, Jann Dalrymple Page 16 Page 16 July 2012 July 2012 Millian Newsletter Millian Newsletter 2nd MILE GIVING 2nd Mile Giving is money above and beyond the pledge to Millian. It is used for mission outreach. It supports outreach at the local, community, regional, national or global level. It is collected quarterly (there is a special envelope in with your pledge envelopes) or you can place it in the offering plate or send it to the church officemarked 2nd Mile Giving. The funds collected are distributed by the Outreach Team, with the approval of the Administrative Board. For the 3rd quarter of 2012, the funds will be distributed as follows: $750 to Linkages to Learning - for support of their backpack program for children in need in the local schools. If you have any suggestions as to where you would like to see the money used in the future, please call Marguerite Eimer at 301-871-7636 or leave a note in an envelope in the collection plate. Thank you for y our generous gifts to 2nd Mile Giving to help those in need. The Senior Millianaires The Senior Millianaires concluded the season with a potluck picnic at the home of Lynn Allen on June 7. The weather was as beautiful as a day in June can be, and the picnic on Lynn’s porch and patio was enjoyed by all. We will not meet again until the first Thursday in September, which will be September 6, in the Chapel at 11:00. For those who have signed up for our day trip to Tilghman’s Island: please meet in the parking lot across from the Church at 8:30 AM on Thursday, July 12, to board the Eyre bus which will leave at 9 AM. We will have lunch at Harrison’s Chesapeake House on Tilghman’s Island, then go on to St. Michael’s Island for shopping and sightseeing, before returning to Rockville in the evening. Note: as of June 15, we still have four spaces available on the bus; if anyone who has not signed up would like to go, please contact Lynn Allen. We are still planning our long weekend in Maine, October 1 –4. See the flyer printed elsewhere in the newsletter for details. The response so far has been most encouraging, but there are still places available on the tour bus, and any church members, whether seniors, juniors, or in-between, are welcome to come and bring friends. We would like a $100 deposit from those signing up by July 15; full payment is due by August 26 (payable to “Millian UMC”). Please note that the National Tour Association (NTA) offers a trip cancellation protection (insurance) plan for this trip. Lynn Allen is in charge of this adventure; please contact her for details. The next newsletter will return in September, and volunteers are needed to assemble and address it in the Chapel on August 24 at 9:30 AM. Volume 2, Issue 6 Every Sunday July 2012 Every Monday 2, Issue 6 Walk-In Lunch 8amVolume Adult Sunday 11am Every Tuesday Every Wednesday 11am Walk-In Lunch School (C) Program (FH) Program (FH) 9:30am Worship in 7pm NA (Narcotics 7:30pm Rockville English (S) Anonymous) (FH) Men’s Choir (CR) 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 9:30am Iglesia Evangélica Worship (FH) 11am Worship in English y Español 1pm Calvary Methodist Church (Ghanaian) 5pm Servicio en Español (S) Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 29 30 JulyHoly 2012 10am Com- munion (C) 10:30am Pastor’s Bible Study (C) 11am Walk-In Lunch Program (FH) 12:30pm Grief Support Group (C) 6pm Estudio Biblico en Español para adultos (YR) 7:30pm AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] (Rm. 5/7) Wednesday 3 5th Sunday after 1:30pm UMW MisPentecost sion Meeting (C) 9am Ethiopian Chris- 7pm Girl Scout tian Union Fellow- Leader's Meeting ship (FH) (Rm. 5/7) Iglesia Evangélica 7:30pm Trustees (C) Worship moved to Chapel 8 9 10 6th Sunday after 7:30pm Finance Pentecost Meeting (C) 7pm Family Movie Night (FH) 15 16 17 7th Sunday after 7pm Mission and 6pm Circle of Sisters Pentecost Vision Meeting (C) (C) 7:30pm Stephen Ministry (offsite) 22 23 24 8th Sunday after 7pm All Team (C) 10am Community Pentecost Partners of Aspen 7pm Family Movie Hill and Wheaton Night (FH) (5/7) 10:30am Worship Team (C) 9th Sunday after Pentecost Page 17 Every Thursday Every Friday 11am Walk-In Lunch Program (FH) 1pm Smart Sacks Delivery (C) 6:30pm Puppets (Rm. 8) 11am Walk-In Lunch Program (FH) 7pm Teen Scene Youth Café (FH) Thursday Friday 4 Independence Day Every Saturday Page 17 Saturday 5 6 12 13 7 7:30pm Stephen Ministry (C) 11 10am Daytones (Rm. 5/7) 18 19 14 9am UMM Breakfast (FH) 10am Millian Food Pantry (C) 20 21 26 27 7pm Big Band Rehearsal (C) 25 UMW Volunteer At Asbury Gift Shop 10am Daytones (Rm. 5/7) 28 7:30pm Iglesia Evangélica Worship (C) 31 Key C = Chapel Room CR = Choir Room CL = Community Lounge FH = Fellowship Hall S = Sanctuary SH = Social Hall YR = Youth Room MILLIAN MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MILLIAN MILLIAN MEMORIAL NEWSLETTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 13016 Parkland Dr. Rockville, MD 20853 United States July Newsletter 2012 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Rockville, MD Permit No. 166 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED _______________________________________ _______________________________________ FREE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS Join us for three more Sunday evenings for our summer series of Family Movie nights. The next three are July 8, July 22, and August 5m and they will all be held at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be plenty of popcorn for everyone!