2010/11 Clubs de première division en Europe
2010/11 Clubs de première division en Europe
First Division Clubs in Europe Clubs de première division en Europe Klubs der ersten Divisionen in Europa Address List – Liste d’adresses – Adressverzeichnis Union des associations européennes de football 2010/11 Legend – Légendes – Legende MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS Communication : This section provides the full address, phone and fax numbers, as well as the email and internet addresses of the national association. In addition, the names of the key officers are given: Pr = President, GS = General Secretary, PO = Press Officer. Facts & Figures : This section gives the date of foundation of the national association, the year of affiliation to FIFA and UEFA, as well as the name and capacity of any national stadium. In addition, the number of registered players in the different divisions, the number of clubs and teams, as well as the number of referees within the national association are listed. Domestic Competition 2009/10 : This section provides details of the league, cup and, in some cases, league cup competitions in each member association last season. The key to the abbreviations used is as follows: aet = after extra time, pen = after a penalty shoot-out. First Division Clubs This section gives details all top division clubs of the national associations for the 2010/11 season (or the 2010 season where the domestic championship is played according to the calendar year), indicating the full address, phone and fax numbers, email and internet addresses, as well as the name of the stadium and of the press officer at the club (PO). ASSOCIATIONS MEMBRES Communication : cette section indique l’adresse complète, les numéros de téléphone et de télécopieur, ainsi que les adresses courriel et Internet de l’association nationale. En outre sont indiqués les noms des principales personnes en charge au sein de l’association nationale : Pr = président, GS = secrétaire général, PO = chef de presse. Facts & Figures : cette section indique la date de fondation de l’association nationale, l’année d’affiliation à la FIFA et à l’UEFA, ainsi que le nom et la capacité du stade national (s’il y en a un). En outre sont indiqués le nombre de joueurs enregistrés au sein de l’association dans les différentes catégories ainsi que le nombre de clubs, d’équipes et d’arbitres. Domestic Competition 2009/10 : cette section contient des informations sur le championnat, la coupe et dans certains cas la coupe de la ligue de chaque association membre durant la saison écoulée. Les abréviations suivantes ont été utilisées : aet = après prolongation, pen = après tirs au but Clubs de première division Cette section contient tous les clubs de première division des associations membres pour la saison 2010/11 (ou la saison 2010 pour les pays avec un championnat printemps-automne). Y sont indiqués leur adresse complète, les numéros de téléphone et de télécopieur, les adresses courriel et Internet ainsi que le nom du stade et du chef de presse du club (PO). MITGLIEDSVERBÄNDE Communication : Dieser Abschnitt enthält die vollständige Adresse, die Telefon- und Faxnummern sowie die E-Mail- und Internet-Adressen der nationalen Mitgliedsverbände. Ausserdem sind die Personen in den wichtigsten Positionen innerhalb des Verbandes angegeben : Pr = Präsident, GS = Generalsekretär, PO = Pressechef. Facts & Figures : In diesem Abschnitt sind das Gründungsdatum des Landesverbandes, das FIFA-/UEFABeitrittsjahr sowie Name und Fassungsvermögen des Nationalstadions (falls vorhanden) angegeben. Zusätzlich finden sich hier Angaben zur Anzahl registrierter Spieler auf den verschiedenen Stufen, zur Anzahl Klubs, Mannschaften sowie Schiedsrichter innerhalb des Verbands. Domestic Competitions 2009/10 : Dieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen zur Meisterschaft, zum Pokal und ggf. zum Liga-Pokal in jedem UEFA-Mitgliedsverband im Verlauf der letzten Saison. Folgende Abkürzungen wurden verwendet : aet = nach Verlängerung, pen = nach Elfmeterschiessen. Klubs der ersten Division Dieser Abchnitt beinhaltet sämtliche Klubs der ersten Divisionen in den UEFA-Mitgliedsverbänden für die Saison 2010/11 (oder die Saison 2010, falls die Meisterschaft als Frühling-Herbst-Wettbewerb durchgeführt wird), ihre vollständigen Adressen, Telefon- und Faxnummern, E-Mail- und Internet-Adressen sowie Name des Stadions und Pressechef des Vereins (PO). Information updated as at 30 July 2010 / Informations mises à jour au 30 juillet 2010 / Stand: 30. Juli 2010 Contents – Table des matières – Inhaltsverzeichnis UEFA Club Competitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Calendar – 2010/11 UEFA Champions League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calendar – 2010/11 UEFA Europa League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 UEFA Member Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-152 Albania – Albanie – Albanien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Andorra – Andorre – Andorra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Armenia – Arménie – Armenien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Austria – Autriche – Österreich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Azerbaijan – Azerbaïdjan – Aserbeidschan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18 Belarus – Belarus – Belarus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-21 Belgium – Belgique – Belgien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 Bosnia & Herzegovina – Bosnie-Herzégovine – Bosnien-Herzegowina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-27 Bulgaria – Bulgarie – Bulgarien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-30 Croatia – Croatie – Kroatien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-33 Cyprus – Chypre – Zypern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-36 Czech Republic – République tchèque – Tschechische Republik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-39 Denmark – Danemark – Dänemark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42 England – Angleterre – England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-45 Estonia – Estonie – Estland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-47 Faroe Islands – Iles Féroé – Färöer-Inseln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49 Finland – Finlande – Finnland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-52 France – France – Frankreich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-55 Georgia – Géorgie – Georgien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 Germany – Allemagne – Deutschland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-60 Greece – Grèce – Griechenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-63 Hungary – Hongrie – Ungarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66 Iceland – Islande – Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-69 Israel – Israël – Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-72 Italy – Italie – Italien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-75 Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan - Kasachstan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-78 Latvia – Lettonie – Lettland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79-80 Liechtenstein – Liechtenstein – Liechtenstein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-82 Lithuania – Lituanie – Litauen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83-85 Luxembourg – Luxembourg – Luxemburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-88 Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia – ARY Macédoine – EJR Mazedonien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-91 Malta – Malte – Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93 Moldova – Moldavie – Moldawien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-96 Montenegro – Monténégro – Montenegro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-99 Netherlands – Pays-Bas – Niederlande . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-102 Northern Ireland – Irlande du Nord – Nordirland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-105 Norway – Norvège – Norwegen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-108 Poland – Pologne – Polen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109-111 Portugal – Portugal – Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112-114 Republic of Ireland – République d’Irlande – Republik Irland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-116 Romania – Roumanie – Rumänien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117-119 Russia – Russie – Russland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-122 San Marino – Saint-Marin – San Marino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123-125 Scotland – Ecosse – Schottland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-128 Serbia – Serbie – Serbien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-131 Slovakia – Slovaquie – Slowakei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-134 Slovenia – Slovénie – Slowenien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135-136 Spain – Espagne – Spanien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137-139 Sweden – Suède – Schweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-142 Switzerland – Suisse – Schweiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-144 Turkey – Turquie – Türkei. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-147 Ukraine – Ukraine – Ukraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148-150 Wales – Pays de Galles – Wales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-153 Professional Leagues – Ligues professionnelles – Profiligen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-158 Calendar – 20010/11 UEFA Champions League 21: JUNE 2010 Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: First qualifying round (4 clubs) and second qualifying round (34 clubs: 32 directly qualified and 2 from the first qualifying round) 29/30: First qualifying round – 1st leg matches 6/7: First qualifying round – 2nd leg matches 13/14: Second qualifying round – 1st leg matches 16: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Third qualifying round (30 clubs : 13 directly qualified and 17 from the second qualifying round) JULY 2010 20/21: Second qualifying round – 2nd leg matches 27/28: Third qualifying round – 1st leg matches 3/4: Third qualifying round – 2nd leg matches 6: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Play-off round (20 clubs: 5 directly qualified and 15 from the third qualifying round) AUGUST 2010 17/18: Play-off round - 1st leg matches 24/25: Play-off round - 2nd leg matches 26: SEPTEMBER 2010 OCTOBER 2010 NOVEMBER 2010 Draw – Grimaldi Forum, Monaco: Group match stage (32 clubs: 22 directly qualified and 10 from the play-off round) 14/15: Matchday 1 28/29: Matchday 2 19/20: Matchday 3 2/3: Matchday 4 23/24: Matchday 5 7/8: Matchday 6 DECEMBER 2010 17: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: FEBRUARY 2011 15/16/22/23: Round of 16 – 1st leg matches 8/9/15/16: Round of 16 – 2nd leg matches MARCH 2011 18: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Quarter-finals (8 teams) and semi-finals (4 teams) 5/6: Quarter-finals – 1st leg matches Round of 16 (16 clubs) 12/13: Quarter-finals – 2nd leg matches APRIL 2011 MAY 2011 4 26/27: Semi-finals – 1st leg matches 3/4: Semi-finals – 2nd leg matches 28: Final – London (England) Calendar – 20010/11 UEFA Europa League 21: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: First qualifying round (52 clubs) and second qualifying round (80 clubs : 54 directly qualified and 26 from the first qualifying round) 1: 8: 15: 16: First qualifying round – 1st leg matches First qualifying round – 2nd leg matches Second qualifying round – 1st leg matches Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Third qualifying round (70 clubs : 30 directly qualified and 40 from the second qualifying round) Second qualifying round – 2nd leg matches Third qualifying round – 1st leg matches JUNE 2010 JULY 2010 22: 29: 5: 6: AUGUST 2010 19: 26: 27: Third qualifying round – 2nd leg matches Draw – House of European Football, Nyon : Play-off round (76 clubs : 26 directly qualified, 35 from the third qualifying round and 15 eliminated from the third qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League) Play-off round – 1st leg matches Play-off round - 2nd leg matches Draw – Grimaldi Forum, Monaco: Group match stage (48 clubs : The titleholder, 37 from the play-off round and 10 eliminated from the play-off round of the UEFA Champions League) SEPTEMBER 2010 16: 30: Matchday 1 Matchday 2 OCTOBER 2010 21: Matchday 3 NOVEMBER 2010 DECEMBER 2010 4: Matchday 4 1/2: Matchday 5 15/16: Matchday 6 17: Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Round of 32 (32 clubs: 24 qualified from the group match stage and 8 eliminated from the group match stage of the UEFA Champions League) and Round of 16 (16 clubs) FEBRUARY 2011 17: 24: Round of 32 – 1st leg matches Round of 32 – 2nd leg matches MARCH 2011 10: 17: 18: Round of 16 – 1st leg matches Round of 16 – 2nd leg matches Draw – House of European Football, Nyon: Quarter-finals (8 teams) and semi-finals (4 teams) APRIL 2011 7: 14: 28: Quarter-finals – 1st leg matches Quarter-finals – 2nd leg matches Semi-finals – 1st leg matches MAY 2011 5: Semi-finals – 2nd leg matches 18: Final – Dublin (Republic of Ireland) 5 All the information contained in this brochure is always kept up to date on UEFA.com, which also gives the results, tables and other information on European domestic championships every week. Toutes les informations contenues dans cette brochure sont constamment tenues à jour sur UEFA.com qui fournit également chaque semaine résultats, classements et autres informations sur les championnats nationaux européens. Sämtliche in der vorliegenden Broschüre enthaltenen Daten werden fortlaufend auf unserer Website UEFA.com aktualisiert. Darüber hinaus finden Sie dort immer die aktuellsten Resultate, Tabellen und Meldungen aus allen europäischen Landesmeisterschaften. UEFA.com ALBANIA | ALBANIE | ALBANIEN Communication Federata Shqiptare e Futbollit Rruga Labinoti, e Elbasanit, TIRANA, Albania Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +355 4234 6605 +355 4234 6609 fshf@fshf.org.al www.fshf.org Pr: GS: PO: Armand DUKA Eduard PRODANI Tritan KOKONA Facts & Figures Foundation : 06.06.1930 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1932/1954 National stadium : Qemal Stafa Stadium, Tirana Capacity : 16,230 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 900 4,500 14,000 250 170 380 95 574 280 5 400 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. KS Dinamo Tirana KS Besa KF Tirana KF Laçi KS Flamurtari KS Vllaznia KS Shkumbini KS Teuta KS Kastrioti ¹ KS Skënderbeu KS Apolonia KS Gramozi 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 19 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 13 11 10 6 4 8 7 9 8 7 6 6 6 9 8 8 10 10 11 10 12 13 14 14 14 13 15 19 56 42 38 35 42 34 33 33 33 41 36 25 42 33 32 28 39 39 33 40 35 41 43 43 61 53 52 51 47 46 45 45 42 42 38 26 UCL UEL * UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Promoted: FC Bylis and KF Elbasani 1 KS Kastrioti have had 3 points deducted * Cup winner Cup Final : KS Besa - KS Vllaznia 2-1 aet 7 ALBANIA | ALBANIE | ALBANIEN 8 KS Besa KS Kastrioti Rruga Vangjell Thanasi, no 7 AL-KAVAJË Lagja nr 2 Kruje Kastrioti AL-511 KRUJË Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 54 26 17 +355 54 32 20 besa_kavaja@yahoo.de - Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 824 2186 +355 824 2186 - Stadium PO Xhevat Hylviu Feriz FERIZAJ Stadium PO Kastrioti FC Bylis KF Laçi St. Adush Muca, Ballsh AL-BALSH Lagjia 4, Stadiumi i Lacit AL-LAÇ Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 313 230 80 +355 313 230 80 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 222 190 +355 222 190 - Stadium PO Adush Muca Stadium PO Laçi Isuf MYRTJA KS Dinamo Tirana KS Skënderbeu Rruga “Grigor Heba” no 1 AL-TIRANË Stadiumi Skënderbeu, Zona sportive Korçë AL-KORCË Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 42 303 36 +355 42 223 92 eduard.gjini@hotmail.com www.freewebs.com/dinamotirana/ Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 82 421 86 +355 82 421 86 kfskenderbeu@gmail.com www.skenderbeukorce.webs.com Stadium PO Qemal Stafa Andi MATRAXHIU Stadium PO Skënderbeu Tonin FRROKU KF Elbasani KS Shkumbini L. Kongresi I Elbasanit Blv. Qemal Stafa AL-ELBASAN Bulevardi “Mustafa Gjinishi” AL-PEQIN Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 542 532 53 +355 542 532 53 fkelbasani@gmail.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 51 232 00 +355 51 232 00 ksshkumbini@yahoo.com www.ksshkumbini.com Stadium PO Ruzhdi Bizhuta Leonard KITA Stadium PO Peqini Gazmend VOGLI KS Flamurtari KS Teuta Lagja Pavaresisë, Rruga Skele - Vlore AL-VLORË Rruga A. Goga, Stadiumi Niko Dovana L.18 AL-DURRËS Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 33 222 762 +355 33 224 275 futbolli@bashkiavlore.org www.skflamurtari.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 52 217 98 +355 52 217 95 kfteuta@yahoo.com www.kfteuta.com Stadium PO Flamurtari Moisi DALIPI Stadium PO Niko Dovana Bleda KADIU ALBANIA | ALBANIE | ALBANIEN KF Tirana KS Vllaznia Stadiumi Selman Stermasi, Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha AL-TIRANË Stadiumi Loro Borici, Rruga Musa Luli 1 AL-SHKODËR Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 42 568 99 +355 42 568 99 kftirana@albmail.com www.kftirana.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +355 222 423 05 +355 222 475 13 info@vllaznia.eu www.vllaznia.eu Stadium PO Selman Stermasi Dritan LUNDRA Stadium PO Loro Borici Gjergj KOLA 9 ANDORRA | ANDORRE | ANDORRA Communication Federació Andorrana de Fútbol Avda Carlemany, 67 3° pis, BP 65, ESCALDES-ENGORDANY, Andorra Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +376 805 830 +376 862 006 info@fedandfut.com www.fedandfut.com Pr: GS: PO: Antoni GIRIBET FITER Tomás GEA Andrea VIDAL Facts & Figures Foundation : 01.04.1994 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1996/1996 National stadium : Estadi Comunal, Andorra Capacity : 1,249 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 526 1040 15 50 938 22 32 59 2 133 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off Pos. 1 2 3 4 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Santa Coloma UE Santa Coloma UE Sant Julià FC Lusitans 20 20 20 20 13 13 12 7 7 4 5 3 0 3 3 10 46 50 69 34 14 26 18 32 46 43 41 24 Comp. UCL UEL UEL* UEL 20 20 20 20 8 6 4 4 2 1 3 1 10 13 13 15 42 25 31 22 50 49 67 63 26 19 15 13 Relegated Relegation Play-Off: 1 2 3 4 CE Principat Inter Club d’Escaldes FC Encamp UE Engordany Promoted: FC Casa del Benfica *Cup Winner Cup 10 Final : UE Sant Julià – FC Santa Coloma 1-0 ANDORRA | ANDORRE | ANDORRA FC Casa del Benfica CE Principat Casa Giberga AD-400 LA MASSANA Av. Pessebre no 15 Baixos AD-700 ESCALDES-ENGORDANY Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 332 074 +376 836 571 fccasabenfica@andorra.ad - Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 396 022 +376 806 414 gestionsj.r@andorra.ad www.ceprincipat.com Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Igor Filipe CERQUEIRA DA SILVA Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Victor DUASO FC Encamp FC Santa Coloma Complex Esportiu Sociocultural d’Encamp AD-200 ENCAMP c/La Borda no 6, Botiga del Cuir AD-500 ANDORRA LA VELLA Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 357 172 +376 832 242 futbolclubencamp@gmail.com www.empresaactiva.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 330 040 +376 865 617 info@fclubsantacoloma.com www.fcsantacoloma.com Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Antoni BERENGUERES Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Silvia CASALS Inter Club d’Escaldes UE Sant Julià Urb. Terravella Ed. 9, 6° 1a AD-500 ANDORRA LA VELLA Plaça de la Germandat s/n, Centre Cultural Lauredià AD-600 SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 352 673 +376 380 048 interclubdescaldes@hotmail.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 372 679 +376 842 668 uesantjulia@gmail.com - Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Xavier CUBILLAS Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Francesc FERNANDEZ FC Lusitans UE Santa Coloma C/Doctor Mitjavila 8, baixos AD-500 ANDORRA LA VELLA Avenida Santa Coloma 65, 2° 1a AD-500 ANDORRA LA VELLA Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 332 941 +376 860 070 fclusitans@gmail.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +376 324 117 +376 823 698 g.perez@bpa.ad - Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Diogo FESTA Stadium PO Estadi Comunal Carles PONS 11 ARMENIA | ARMÉNIE | ARMENIEN Communication Hayastani Futboli Federacia Khanjyan Street 27, 0010 YEREVAN, Armenia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +374 10 568 883 +374 10 547 173 media@ffa.am www.ffa.am Pr: GS: PO: Ruben HAYRAPETYAN Armen MINASYAN Tigran ISRAELYAN Facts & Figures Foundation : 18.01.1992 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1992/1993 National stadium : Republican, Yerevan Capacity : 14,403 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 454 170 4,892 90 210 245 270 126 65 13 500 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Pyunik FC Mika Ulisses FC FC Banants FC Gandzasar Kapan FC Shirak FC Kilikia FC Ararat Yerevan 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 20 18 16 13 12 5 5 2 5 4 5 5 2 8 5 8 3 6 7 10 14 15 18 18 64 59 47 40 32 24 22 20 13 34 25 29 47 55 51 54 65 58 53 44 38 23 20 14 Promoted: FC Impuls * Losing cup finalist Cup (2010) Final : 12 FC Pyunik – FC Banants 4-0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated ARMENIA | ARMÉNIE | ARMENIEN FC Banants FC Mika 15/1 Grigor Lusavorich str. AM-0032 YEREVAN 41 Manandyan str. AM-0106 YEREVAN Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 10 747 868 +374 10 747 745 info@fcbanants.com www.fcbanants.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 10 429 271 +374 10 429 274 mika@cornet.am www.fcmika.am Stadium PO Republican Khachik CHAKOYAN Stadium PO Mika Ashot MARTIROSYAN FC Impuls FC Pyunik 76 Myasnikyan str., Dilijan AM-0008 YEREVAN Kilikia Sport Town, 7 Masis str. AM-0082 YEREVAN Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 10 456 600 +374 10 455 388 erebunidilijan@mail.ru www.FCimpulse.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 10 545 973 +374 10 545 976 fcpyunik@mail.ru www.fcpyunik.am Stadium PO Dilijan City Stadium Hayk UGUJYAN Stadium PO Republican Vahan DANIELYAN FC Gandzasar Kapan FC Shirak 1 Shinararner Street, Syunik region AM-3304 KAPAN Ozanyan Str. 6 AM-0500 GYUMRI Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 28 522 811 +374 28 522 811 gandzasar@list.ru - Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 312 314 05 +374 312 314 05 fcshirak@freenet.am www.fcshirak.8m.net Stadium PO Gandzasar Sport Center Ashot ASATRYAN Stadium PO Gyumri City Samvel AGHANYAN FC Kilikia Ulisses FC Hrazdan canyon 4 AM-0082 YEREVAN 39, N. Charbakh str. AM-0055 YEREVAN Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 10 521 941 +374 10 542 164 gevmarikyan@rambler.ru www.hrazdanholding.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +374 77 2005 07 +374 10 5545 87 fculysses@gmail.com www.ulisses.am Stadium PO Hrazdan Gevorg MARIKYAN Stadium PO Hrazdan Karen GILOYAN 13 AUSTRIA | AUTRICHE | ÖSTERREICH Communication Österreichischer Fussball-Bund Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Sektor A/F, Meiereistrasse 7, 1020 WIEN, Österreich Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +43 1 727 180 +43 1 728 1632 office@oefb.at www.oefb.at Pr: CEO: PO: Leo WINDTNER Alfred LUDWIG Peter KLINGLMÜLLER Facts & Figures Foundation : 18.03.1904 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Vienna Capacity : 50,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 937 153,667 181,793 5,434 12,477 299 2,256 12,506 2,231 49 35,658 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Salzburg FK Austria Wien SK Rapid Wien SK Sturm Graz SC Wiener Neustadt SV Mattersburg LASK Linz SV Ried Kapfenberger SV SK Austria Kärnten 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 22 23 21 16 13 12 9 10 8 2 10 6 10 10 8 5 13 8 9 9 4 7 5 10 15 19 14 18 19 25 68 60 80 50 54 45 59 39 44 29 27 34 38 36 58 71 70 47 67 80 76 75 73 58 47 41 40 38 33 15 Promoted: FC Wacker Innsbruck * Cup winner Cup 14 SK Sturm Graz – SC Wiener Neustadt 1-0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated AUSTRIA | AUTRICHE | ÖSTERREICH FK Austria Wien SV Ried Fischhofgasse 12 AT-1100 WIEN Volksfestplatz 2 AT-4910 RIED im Innkreis Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 1 6880 150 +43 1 6880 150 390 fak@fk-austria.at www.fk-austria.at Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 7752 811 00 +43 7752 811 00 33 office@svried.at www.svried.at Stadium PO Franz-Horr-Stadion Christoph PFLUG Stadium PO Keine Sorgen Arena Stefan REITER Kapfenberger SV FC Salzburg J.-Brandl-Gasse 25 AT-8605 KAPFENBERG Stadiongasse 2 / Stiege 3 AT-5071 WALS SIEZENHEIM Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 3862 220 70 +43 3862 281 75 info@ksv-superfund.at www.ksv-superfund.at Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 6624 333 320 +43 6624 333 32 4481 soccerrbs.office@redbulls.com www.redbulls.com Stadium PO Franz-Fekete-Stadion Markus KUBESCH Stadium PO Stadion Salzburg Thomas BLAZEK LASK Linz SK Sturm Graz Ziegeleistrasse / Stadion der Stadt Linz AT-4020 LINZ Sternäckerweg 118 AT-8042 GRAZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 7326 033 32 +43 7326 033 32 9 office@lask.at www.lask.at Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 3167 717 710 +43 3167 717 71 77 office@sksturm.at www.sksturm.at Stadium PO Stadion der Stadt Linz Andreas NEUBAUER Stadium PO Stadion Graz Liebenau Daniela MAYR SV Mattersburg FC Wacker Innsbruck Michael Koch Str. 50 AT-7210 MATTERSBURG Stadionstr. 1b AT-6020 INNSBRUCK Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 2626 625 10 +43 2626 627 21 office@svm.at www.svm.at Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 512 5888 770 +43 512 5888 7730 office@wackerinnsbruck.at www.fc-wacker-innsbruck.at Stadium PO Pappelstadion Martin PUCHER Stadium PO Tivoli Stadion Florian SITZ SK Rapid Wien SC Wiener Neustadt Keisslergasse 3 AT-1140 WIEN Giltschwertgasse 81 AT-2700 WIENER NEUSTADT Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 1 727 43 0 +43 1 727 43 25 info@skrapid.com www.skrapid.at Tel Fax E-mail Web +43 2622 298 80 +43 2622 298 80 33 office@scmagna.at www.scmagna.at Stadium PO Gerhard-Hanappi-Stadion Sharif SHOUKRY Stadium PO Stadion Wiener Neustadt Hari SCHÖRNER 15 AZERBAIJAN | AZERBAÏDJAN | ASERBEIDSCHAN Communication Azärbaycan Futbol Federasiyalari Assosiasiyasi 2208 Nobel prospekti, 1025 BAKU, Azerbaijan Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +994 12 490 8721 +994 12 490 8722 info@affa.az www.affa.az Pr: GS: PO: Rovnag ABDULLAYEV Elkhan MAMMADOV Mikayil GULUYEV Facts & Figures Foundation : 24.03.1992 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1994/1994 National stadium : Tofiq Bähramov, Baku Capacity : 29,858 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,209 1,770 6,589 150 457 218 75 259 600 10 543 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. Inter BakI PIK BakI FK Qarabağ FK Xäsär Länkäran FK Neftçi PFK Qäbälä PFK 20 20 20 20 20 20 7 7 6 6 4 4 8 7 9 9 11 8 5 6 5 5 5 8 22 19 16 19 11 18 19 15 18 14 12 27 29 28 27 27 23 20 UCL UEL* UEL UEL 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 8 7 7 7 2 6 7 8 6 4 7 4 5 5 7 9 11 27 21 27 17 26 14 15 21 22 16 23 35 36 31 29 27 25 13 Relegation Play-Off: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Olimpik-Süvälan PFK Simurq Zaqatala PFK Turan PFK Muğan Salyan FK Standard Sumqayit FK Karvan IK Promoted: Gäncä PFK and MOIK Baki PFK * Cup Winner Cup 16 Final: BakI FK – Xäsär Länkäran FK 2-1 aet Relegated Relegated AZERBAIJAN | AZERBAÏDJAN | ASERBEIDSCHAN Bakı FK Muğan Salyan FK 24 Hasan Aliyev str. AZ-1060 BAKU Xatai str. 34 AZ-SALYAN Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 497 88 66 +994 12 497 10 05 mail@bakifc.az www.bakifc.az Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 447 9451 +994 12 447 9451 office@muganfc.az www.muganfc.az Stadium PO Tofiq Bähramov stadium Asif BAGIROV Stadium PO Salyan Olympic stadium Rovshan ABDULLAYEV Gäncä PFK Neftçi PFK Ataturk Str. 92A AZ-374712 GANJA Nobel Avenue 64 AZ-1026 BAKU Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 22 579 360 +994 22 579 360 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 496 76 90 +994 12 496 57 82 office@neftchi.az www.neftchi.az Stadium PO Gäncä City Vusal ALIYEV Stadium PO Ismet Gayibov stadium Elnur ESHREFOGLU Inter Bakı PIK Qäbälä PFK Heydar Aliyev ave., Kondalan 5 AZ-1029 BAKU E. Karimov str. 34 AZ-1000 GABALA Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 567 10 21 +994 12 567 10 23 info@inter.az www.inter.az Tel Fax E-mail Web Stadium PO Shafa Sabuhi MAMMADOV Stadium PO +994 12 498 96 79 +994 12 498 96 79 admin@gabalafc.az www.gabalafc.az Xäsär Länkäran FK Qarabağ FK Fizuli str. 6 AZ-1069 LANKARAN Ali Valiyev 7 A, Ruslan-93 Sport Complex AZ-BAKU Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 563 60 70 +994 12 562 13 40 contact@lankaranfc.com www.lankaranfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 421 52 60 +994 12 421 52 60 info@qarabagh.com www.qarabagh.com Stadium PO City Stadium Tural ASKEROV Stadium PO Guzanli Olympic Nurlan IBRAHIMOV MOIK Bakı PFK Olimpik-Süvälan PFK 3, Parliament ave AZ-1000 BAKU H. Aliyev ave 64 AZ-BAKU Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 417 035 cismazeri@hotmail.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 514 13 16 +994 12 514 08 20 info@olympic-shuvalanpfc.az www.olympic-shuvalanpfc.az Stadium PO MOIK Perviz AGASIYEV Stadium PO Safa-stadion Eldaniz YUSIFOV 17 AZERBAIJAN | AZERBAÏDJAN | ASERBEIDSCHAN 18 Simurq Zaqatala PFK Turan PFK J. Jabbarli str. 44, Caspian Plaza, 14th floor AZ-1065 ZAKATALI 34 S. Vurgun, Tovuz city stadium AZ-374809 TOVUZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 12 436 78 52 +994 12 436 78 53 simurqpfk@gmail.com www.simurqpfk.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +994 23 150 305 +994 23 150 304 info@turanfk.az www.turan.az Stadium PO City stadium Rustam BAGIROV Stadium PO Tovuz City Rasim ALIYEV BELARUS | BELARUS | BELARUS Communication Belorusskaja Federacija Futbola Prospekt Pobediteli 20, korp. 3, 220020 MINSK, Belarus Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +375 172 545 600 +375 172 544 478 info@bff.by www.bff.by Pr: CEO: PO: Henadz NIAVYHLAS Leonid DMITRANITSA Yulia ZENKOVICH Facts & Figures Foundation : 22.12.1989 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1992/1993 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Dinamo Stadium, Minsk Capacity : 40,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,380 3,300 18,800 280 390 1,110 130 305 480 18 1,100 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Club P W D L F A Pts FC BATE Borisov FC Dinamo Minsk FC Dnepr Mogilev FC Naftan Novopolotsk FC Dinamo Brest FC Shakhtyor Soligorsk FC Neman Grodno FC Torpedo Zhodino FC Minsk FC Vitebsk FC MTZ-RIPO Minsk 1 FC Gomel FC Granit Mikashevichi FC Smorgon 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 19 14 12 12 10 10 11 10 11 10 8 8 6 2 5 8 4 2 8 8 4 7 3 2 6 5 7 9 2 4 10 12 8 8 11 19 12 14 12 13 13 15 55 38 31 28 30 33 23 31 33 26 34 31 27 17 16 18 26 39 24 28 31 22 26 37 38 47 39 46 62 50 40 38 38 38 37 37 36 32 30 29 25 15 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : FC Belshina Bobruisk 1 FC MTZ-RIPO Minsk have changed their name to FC Partizan Minsk. For the 2010 season, the top division has been reduced to 12 teams. *Losing cup finalist Cup (2010) Final : FC BATE Borisov - FC Torpedo Zhodino 5-0 19 BELARUS | BELARUS | BELARUS 20 FC BATE Borisov FC Minsk 16-25, Revolution Avenue BY-222120 BORISOV 22 Prospekt Pobeditelei BY-220020 MINSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 177 73 41 23 +375 177 73 41 23 club@fcbate.by www.fcbate.by Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 172 502 975 +375 172 502 975 fc_minsk@tut.by www.fcminsk.by Stadium PO Gorodskoi Sergei DASHKEVICH Stadium PO Dinamo Ivan KAKHNOVICH FC Belshina Bobruisk FC Shakhtyor Soligorsk 50 let VLKSM str. 26 BY-213810 BABRUISK 51, L. Komsomola str., Minsk region BY-223710 SOLIGORSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 225 52 6776 +375 225 43 1178 fcbelshina@mail.ru - Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 174 22 06 21 +375 174 22 06 21 info@fcshakhter.by www.fcshakhter.by Stadium PO Spartak Andrey SHOBIN Stadium PO Stroitel Pavel MARTYNENKOV FC Dinamo Brest FC Naftan Novopolotsk Levanevskogo 7 BY-224005 BREST 49a, Molodezhnaya BY-211400 NOVOPOLOTSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 162 223 83 42 +375 162 23 23 89 dynamo@brest.by www.dynamo.brest.by Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 214 53 77 40 +375 214 53 43 77 fcnaftan@naftan.by www.fcnaftan.com Stadium PO Brestsky Eduard BELEMUK Stadium PO Atlant Liubov SAVKO FC Dinamo Minsk FC Neman Grodno Ul. Vitebskaya 11 BY-220035 MINSK Ul. Kommunalnaya 3 BY-230029 GRODNO Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 173 09 20 60 +375 173 09 20 70 dinamo@minsk.by www.dinamo-minsk.by Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 152 72 37 99 +375 152 72 37 99 fcgrodno@yandex.ru www.fcneman.com Stadium PO Dinamo - Uni Oleg SOBOLEVSKI Stadium PO Neman Iosif PAPKO FC Dnepr Mogilev FC Partizan Minsk z/o Lubuzh, d. Cheremushki, Kadinsiy s/s BY-213112 MOGILEV Vaneyeva str. 3 BY-220070 MINSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 222 21 75 72 +375 222 21 73 90 dnepr@mogilev.by - Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 172 990 900 +375 172 990 900 fc@mtz-ripo.by www.mtz-ripo.by Stadium PO Spartak Roman LOGOVSKIY Stadium PO Traktor Sergey NESTEROVICH BELARUS | BELARUS | BELARUS FC Torpedo Zhodino FC Vitebsk Gagarina str. 1 BY-222160 ZHODINO Ludnikova str. 12 BY-210009 VITEBSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 177 57 97 22 +375 177 57 15 79 torpedozhodino@tut.by www.tarpeda.zhodzina.info Tel Fax E-mail Web +375 212 27 42 30 +375 212 27 42 30 locomotiv-vitebsk@tut.by www.fc.vitebsk.by Stadium PO Torpedo Sergey PUZANKEVICH Stadium PO Central Sport Complex Dmitry MASCHENKO 21 BELGIUM | BELGIQUE | BELGIEN Communication Union Royale Belge des Sociétés de Football-Association (URBSFA) Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (KBVB), Avenue Houba de Strooperlaan 145, 1020 BRUXELLES, Belgique Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +32 2 477 1211 +32 2 478 2391 urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com www.footbel.com Pr: GS: PO: François DE KEERSMAECKER Nicolas CORNU Facts & Figures Foundation : 01.09.1895 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Stade Roi Baudouin, Brussels Capacity : 50,024 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 985 180,137 187,621 12,858 7,188 14,386 1,802 18,930 5,898 126 18,095 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. RSC Anderlecht Club Brugge KV KAA Gent KV Kortrijk K. Sint-Truidense VV SV Zulte Waregem KV Mechelen R. Standard de Liège Cercle Brugge KSV KFC Germinal B. Antwerpen KRC Genk KVC Westerlo R. Charleroi SC KSC Lokeren OV KSV Roeselare R. Excelsior Mouscron 1 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 17 14 12 12 10 12 10 11 9 8 8 5 5 4 0 3 6 7 9 6 11 3 9 5 8 10 8 8 3 6 0 3 5 7 7 10 7 13 9 12 11 10 12 15 20 18 0 62 52 49 39 35 39 36 38 45 30 33 28 28 22 29 0 20 33 30 30 35 32 46 34 40 43 31 34 45 54 58 0 69 57 49 45 42 41 39 39 38 35 34 32 23 18 18 0 UCL UEL UCL UEL* UEL Relegated R. Excelsior Mouscron were declared bankrupt in December 2009. Championship play-off: RSC Anderlecht win these play-offs ahead of KAA Gent, Club Brugge KV, K. Sint-Truidense VV, KV Kortrijk and SV Zulte Waregem. UEL place play-offs: KRC Genk win these play-offs and earn a place in UEL. Promoted: K. Lierse SK and KAS Eupen * Losing cup finalist Cup 22 Final : KAA Gent – Cercle Brugge KSV 3-0 BELGIUM | BELGIQUE | BELGIEN RSC Anderlecht KAA Gent Avenue Théo Verbeeck 2 BE-1070 BRUXELLES Bruiloftstraat 42 BE-9050 GENTBRUGGE Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 25 294 060 +32 25 200 740 secretariat@rsca.be www.rsca.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 92 306 610 +32 92 104 589 info@kaagent.be www.kaagent.be Stadium PO Constant Vanden Stock Stadium David STEEGEN Stadium PO Jules Otten Patrick LIPS Cercle Brugge KSV KFC Germinal Beerschot Antwerpen Olympialaan 74 BE-8200 BRUGGE Atletenstraat 80 BE-2020 ANTWERPEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 50 389 193 +32 50 391 141 secretariaat@cerclebrugge.be www.cerclebrugge.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 32 484 845 +32 32 484 846 info@germinal-beerschot.be www.germinal-beerschot.be Stadium PO Jan Breydel Pol VAN DEN DRIESSCHE Stadium PO Olympisch Danny GEERTS Club Brugge KV KV Kortrijk Olympialaan 74 BE-8200 BRUGGE Morseelstraat 11B BE-8501 KORTRIJK Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 50 402 121 +32 50 381 023 info@clubbrugge.be www.clubbrugge.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 56 960 190 +32 56 37 42 67 secretariaat@kvk.be www.kvk.be Stadium PO Jan Breydel Luc VERWEIRDER Stadium PO Guldensporenstadion Eddy SOETAERT KAS Eupen KSC Lokeren OV Kehrweg 14 BE-4700 EUPEN Daknamstraat 91 BE-9160 LOKEREN Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 87 742 993 +32 87 338 929 info@as-eupen.be www.as-eupen.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 93 483 905 +32 93 491 243 info@sporting.be www.sporting.be Stadium PO Kehrwegstadion - Stadium PO Daknam Ariane DE TROCH KRC Genk K. Lierse SK Stadionplein 4 BE-3600 GENK Lispersteenweg 237, Herman Vanderpoortenstadion BE-2500 LIER Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 89 848 410 +32 89 848 419 info@krcgenk.be www.krcgenk.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 34 801 370 +32 34 880 659 info@lierse.be www.lierse.be Stadium PO Fenix Eric GERITS Stadium PO Herman Vanderpoorten Danny ARAS 23 BELGIUM | BELGIQUE | BELGIEN 24 KV Mechelen K. Sint-Truidense VV Kleine Nieuwedijk 53 BE-2800 MECHELEN Tiensesteenweg 223 BE-3800 SINT-TRUIDEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 15 218 230 +32 15 219 033 info@kvmechelen.be www.kvmechelen.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 11 683 829 +32 11 692 380 info@stvv.net www.stvv.com Stadium PO Achter de Kazerne Jeroen GOBIN Stadium PO Staaien Peter LEPEZ R. Charleroi SC KVC Westerlo Boulevard Zoé Drion 19 BE-6000 CHARLEROI De Merodedreef 189 BE-2260 WESTERLO Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 71 239 750 +32 71 239 772 info@sporting-charleroi.be www.sporting-charleroi.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 14 545 288 +32 14 542 321 secretariaat@kvcwesterlo.be www.kvcwesterlo.be Stadium PO Pays de Charleroi Pierre-Yves HENDRICKX Stadium PO ‘t Kuipje Roger VERHAERT R. Standard de Liège SV Zulte Waregem Rue de la Centrale 2 BE-4000 LIEGE Regenboogstadion, Zuiderlaan 17 BE-8790 WAREGEM Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 42 522 122 +32 42 521 469 secretariat@standard.be www.standard.be Tel Fax E-mail Web +32 56 440 042 +32 56 440 342 onthaal@essevee.be www.essevee.be Stadium PO Maurice Dufrasne Sacha DAOUT Stadium PO Regenboogstadion Arne HOUTEKIER BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA | BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE BOSNIEN-HERZEGOWINA Communication Nogometni/Fudbalski savez Bosne i Hercegovine Ulica Ferhadija 30, 71000 SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +387 33 276 660 +387 33 444 332 nsbih@bih.net.ba www.nfsbih.ba Pr: GS: PO: Sulejman COLAKOVIC Jasmin BAKOVIC Slavica PECIKOZA Facts & Figures Foundation : 1908 /1945/17.05.1992 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1996/1998 National stadium : Olimpijski Stadion Asim Ferhatovic Hase Kosevo Capacity : 34,630 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 350 38,910 38,160 580 940 580 775 1,045 1,138 26 2,720 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. FK Željezničar NK Široki Brijeg FK Borac Banja Luka HŠK Zrinjski FK Sarajevo FK Olimpik Sarajevo FK Velež FK Sloboda Tuzla NK Travnik FK Rudar Prijedor FK Leotar NK Zvijezda NK Čelik FK Slavija Sarajevo FK Laktaši FK Modriča 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 18 16 17 15 14 12 13 13 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 7 7 7 2 6 8 8 4 3 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 7 11 9 8 10 13 14 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 20 52 46 37 46 43 30 42 30 40 27 32 35 33 32 38 28 22 27 29 33 25 34 33 34 41 32 48 47 37 46 46 57 61 55 53 51 50 44 43 42 39 38 38 37 35 35 34 24 UCL UEL UEL* UEL 1-1 2-2 Relegated Relegated Promoted : FK Budućnost Banovići and FK Drina Zvornik *Cup winner Cup Final : FK Borac Banja Luka – FK Željezničar 25 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA | BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE BOSNIEN-HERZEGOWINA 26 FK Borac Banja Luka FK Leotar Gradski stadion Borac, Vladike Platona 6 BA-78000 BANJALUKA Trg Petral bb BA-89101 TREBINJE Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 51 301 793 +387 51 301 793 fkborac@teol.net www.boracbl.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 59 224 911 +387 59 224 911 leotar05@teol.net - Stadium PO Gradski Darko BASARA Stadium PO Police Ratomir MIJANOVIC FK Budućnost Banovići FK Olimpik Sarajevo Armije BiH 16 BA-75290 BANOVICI Trg solidarnosti 17 BA-71000 SAREJEVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 35 874 758 +387 35 874 758 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 33 466 541 +387 33 466 541 info@olimpik.ba www.olimpik.ba Stadium PO FK Budućnost Banovići Selma MUJIC Stadium PO Grbavica Aljo MEHMEDIKA NK Čelik FK Rudar Prijedor Bulevar Kulina Bana bb BA-72000 ZENICA Majora Milana Tepica 10 BA-79101 PRIJEDOR Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 32 405 812 +387 32 242 106 n.k.celik@bih.net.ba www.nkcelik.co.ba/ver5/ Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 52 231 994 +387 52 231 994 office@rudarprijedor.com www.rudarprijedor.com Stadium PO Bilino polje Mirsad PRIPOLJAC Stadium PO Gradski Aleksandar SKORIC FK Drina Zvornik FK Sarajevo Priobalni put bb BA-75400 ZVORNIK Marsala Tita 38 b BA-71000 SARAJEVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 56 215 512 +387 56 215 512 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 33 664 262 +387 33 442 333 fcs@bih.net.ba www.fcsarajevo.com Stadium PO FK Drina Stadium PO Olympic Stadium A.F.H. NK Zvijezda NK Široki Brijeg VI bataljona bb BA-76250 GRADACAC Fra Didaka Buntica 72 BA-88220 SIROKI BRIJEG Tel Fax E-mail Web www.zvijezda.info Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 39 704 535 +387 39 705 095 nk.siroki.brijeg@tel.net.ba www.nk-sirokibrijeg.com Stadium PO Banja Ilidza Dzemal DELIC Stadium PO Pecara Mario MARUSIC +387 35 819 011 +387 35 819 011 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA | BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE BOSNIEN-HERZEGOWINA FK Sloboda Tuzla FK Slavija Sarajevo Rudarska 2 BA-75000 TUZLA Jovana Raskovica 16, Lukavica BA-71123 Istocno SARAJEVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 35 264 505 +387 35 270 240 info@fcsloboda.com www.fcsloboda.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 57 342 343 +387 57 342 343 info@fkslavija.com www.fkslavija.com Stadium PO Tusanj Nedim CUDIC Stadium PO SRC Slavija Dragisa CORSOVIC NK Travnik FK Željezničar Bosanska bb BA-72270 TRAVNIK Zvornicka 27 BA-71000 SARAJEVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 30 511 787 +387 30 540 671 nktravnik@bih.net.ba www.nktravnik.com.ba Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 33 660 133 +387 33 715 201 zeljo@bih.net.ba www.fkzeljeznicar.ba Stadium PO Pirota Aldijana FULURIJA Stadium PO Grbavica Mersiha DRINJAKOVIC FK Velež HŠK Zrinjski M. Tita 87 BA-88000 MOSTAR Stjepana Radica 45 BA-88000 MOSTAR Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 36 550 431 +387 36 550 431 kontakt@fkvelez.ba www.fcvelez.ba Tel Fax E-mail Web +387 36 321 507 +387 36 320 222 hsk.zrinjski@tel.net.ba www.hskzrinjski.ba Stadium PO Vrapcici Adla DIZDAR Stadium PO NK Zrinjski Damir SUTON 27 BULGARIA | BULGARIE | BULGARIEN Communication Bulgarski Futbolen Soyuz 26 Tzar Ivan Assen II Street, 1124 SOFIA, Bulgaria Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +359 2 942 6202 +359 2 942 6201 bfu@bfunion.bg www.bfunion.bg Pr: GS: PO: Borislav MIHAILOV Borislav POPOV Pavel KOLEV Facts & Figures Foundation : 1923 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1924/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Vasil Levski, Sofia Capacity : 43,230 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 559 Teams : 1,301 Referees Male : 1,330 Female : 81 Coaches : 884 1,060 13,950 17,364 260 120 2,386 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. PFC Litex Lovech PFC CSKA Sofia PFC Levski Sofia PFC Lokomotiv Sofia PFC Chernomorets Burgas PFC Slavia Sofia PFC Cherno More Varna PFC Minior Pernik PFC Pirin Blagoevgrad PFC Beroe Stara Zagora PFC Montana 1921 PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv OFC Sliven 2000 PFC Lokomotiv Mezdra FC Sportist Svoge PFC Botev Plodiv 1 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 16 17 15 15 14 13 13 11 10 9 9 9 7 5 1 4 10 6 7 6 8 9 6 10 8 9 6 5 6 4 4 4 4 7 8 9 8 8 11 9 12 12 15 16 17 21 25 59 51 57 47 44 34 40 38 34 30 30 36 29 30 23 12 17 25 26 33 29 28 28 26 32 36 37 52 40 48 59 78 70 58 57 52 51 50 48 45 43 38 36 33 32 27 19 1 UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : PFC Kaliakra Kavarna, PFC Vidima-Rakovski Sevlievo and PFC Akademik Sofia 1 PFC Botev Plovdiv have had 6 points deducted. * Cup winner Cup 28 Final : PFC Beroe Stara Zagora – PFC Chernomorets Pomorie 1-0 BULGARIA | BULGARIE | BULGARIEN PFC Akademik Sofia PFC Kaliakra Kavarna Geo Milev block 3, entrance B BG-1111 SOFIA Sava Ganchev 29 BG-9650 KAVARNA Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 28 723 611 +359 29 714 686 akademik_sofia@mail.bg www.akademik-sofia.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 57 085 888 +359 57 085 888 fckaliakra@mail.bg - Stadium PO Akademik Aleksandar GIGOV Stadium PO Kavarna Stadium PFC Beroe Stara Zagora PFC Levski Sofia Georgi Kiumiurev 10 str. BG-6000 STARA ZAGORA Todorini Kukli Str. 47 BG-1517 SOFIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 42 603 492 +359 42 603 492 beroe.press@gmail.com www.beroe.eu Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 29 455 160 +359 29 454 227 office@levski.bg www.levski.bg Stadium PO City Stadium Stadium PO Georgi Asparuhov Alexandar KASABOV PFC Cherno More Varna PFC Litex Lovech 9 Nikola Vaptzarov Str. BG-9005 VARNA 12, Targovska Street, PO Box 75 BG-5500 LOVECH Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 52 302 243 +359 52 302 243 pfk_chernomore@abv.bg www.chernomorepfc.bg Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 68 601 704 +359 28 162 040 pfc_litex@litex.bg www.pfclitex.com Stadium PO Ticha Krassimir NIKOLOV Stadium PO Gradski Vladislav TRIFONOV PFC Chernomorets Burgas PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv 1936 Sport complex “Lazur” BG-8000 BURGAS Park Lauta, Lokomotiv Stadium BG-4000 PLOVDIV Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 56 834 444 +359 56 834 455 pfcchernomoretsburgas@abv.bg - Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 32 627 373 +359 32 622 889 nina@lportala.net www.lokomotivpd.com Stadium PO Lazur Ivelin KUZMANOV Stadium PO Lokomotiv Doncho DONEV PFC CSKA Sofia PFC Lokomotiv Sofia 3 D. Tzankov Blvd, Balgarska Armia BG-1504 SOFIA 23 Rogen Blvd, Lokomotiv Stadium BG-1220 SOFIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 29 633 477 +359 29 633 902 info@cska.bg www.cska.bg Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 28 378 479 +359 29 360 341 lokomotiv1929@abv.bg www.lokomotivsofia.bg Stadium PO Balgarska Armia Vladimir ROUPOV Stadium PO Lokomotiv Kiril PETROV 29 BULGARIA | BULGARIE | BULGARIEN 30 PFC Minior Pernik PFC Slavia Sofia 1 Fizkulturna Str., Minior Stadium BG-2300 PERNIK 1 Koloman Str. BG-1618 SOFIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 76 63 05 13 +359 76 63 05 13 admin@minyor-pk.com www.minyor.com/ Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 28 569 197 +359 28 552 137 slavia@intech.bg www.pfcslavia.com Stadium PO Minior Miroslav MARINOV Stadium PO Slavia Borislav KONSTANTINOV PFC Montana 1921 OFC Sliven 2000 Stadium Ogosta BG-3400 MONTANA G. Dantchev 2 Blv. BG-8800 SLIVEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 96 301 113 +359 96 300 401 fk_montana@abv.bg - Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 44 66 78 32 +359 44 66 78 32 ofk_sliven_2000@abv.bg www.sliven-fc.com/ Stadium PO Ogosta Stadium Rumen PANAYOTOV Stadium PO Hadzhi Dimitar Stoyan RADEV PFC Pirin Blagoevgrad PFC Vidima-Rakovski Sevlievo 1 Dubravska BG-2700 BLAGOEVGRAD Marin Popov 53 BG-5400 SEVLIEVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 73 835 995 +359 73 835 995 elezov@pirinfc.com www.pirinfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +359 67 533 806 +359 67 533 806 press@vidimarakovski.bg - Stadium PO Hristo Botev Velislav ELEZOV Stadium PO Rakovski Chudomir PENEV CROATIA | CROATIE | KROATIEN Communication Hrvatski Nogometni Savez Rusanova 13, 10000 ZAGREB, Croatia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +385 1 236 1555 +385 1 244 1500 info@hns-cff.hr www.hns-cff.hr Pr: GS: PO: Vlatko MARKOVIC Zorislav SREBRIC Davor GAVRAN Facts & Figures Foundation : 13.06.1912 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1941-1992 /1993 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Maksimir Stadium, Zagreb Capacity : 38,079 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 1,746 Teams : 6,984 Referees Male : 2,347 Female : 36 Coaches : 5,378 613 50,551 59,952 1,326 693 5,181 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Club P W D L F A Pts Comp. NK Dinamo Zagreb HNK Hajduk Split HNK Cibalia HNK Šibenik NK Osijek NK Karlovac NK Slaven Koprivnica NK Lokomotiva Zagreb HNK Rijeka NK Varteks 1 NK Istra NK Zadar NK Zagreb NK Inter Zaprešić NK Medimurje NK Croatia Sesvete 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 12 10 9 9 9 9 10 8 3 8 7 9 8 8 11 10 6 10 9 8 7 6 3 5 5 4 6 5 8 9 7 9 12 10 12 13 14 15 17 17 22 70 50 46 34 49 32 44 35 49 36 31 27 43 36 37 30 20 21 20 37 36 23 45 38 44 43 40 41 49 50 61 81 62 58 57 50 47 47 43 42 40 36 35 34 33 33 29 14 UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Relegated NK Varteks have changed their name to NK Varaždin Promoted : RNK Split and NK Hrvatski dragovoljac Zagreb * Cup winner Cup Final : HNK Hajduk Split – HNK Sibenik 2-1 2-0 31 CROATIA | CROATIE | KROATIEN 32 HNK Cibalia NK Istra Hansa Dietricha Genschera 10b HR-32000 VINKOVCI Veli Joze 3 HR-52100 PULA Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 32 306 088 +385 32 306 085 cibalia@hnk-cibalia.hr www.hnk-cibalia.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 52 21 04 96 +385 52 38 08 63 nkistra1961@inet.hr www.nkistra1961.hr Stadium PO Stadion Cibalia Vinkovci Zarko KLJAIC & Hrvoje RADMAN Stadium PO SRC Uljanik-Veruda NK Dinamo Zagreb NK Karlovac Maksimirska 128 HR-10000 ZAGREB Mekusansko polje bb HR-47000 KARLOVAC Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 1 2386 120 +385 1 2312 316 dinamo@nk-dinamo.hr www.nk-dinamo.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 47 65 42 60 +385 47 65 42 72 nk-karlovac@ka.t-com.hr www.nk-karlovac.hr Stadium PO Maksimir Adolf KOZUL Stadium PO Stadion Branko Cavlovic-Cavlek Branko OBRADOVIC HNK Hajduk Split NK Lokomotiva Zagreb 8. Mediteranskih Igara 2 HR-21000 SPLIT Radoslava Cimermana 3 HR-10000 ZAGREB Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 21 323 650 +385 21 381 241 hnk-hajduk@st.t-com.hr www.hajduk.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 1 23 861 32 +385 1 23 861 24 nklokomotiva@nklokomotiva.hr www.nklokomotiva.hr Stadium PO Poljud Nikica VUKASIN Stadium PO Stadion Maksimir NK Hrvatski dragovoljac Zagreb NK Osijek Aleja pomoraca 25 HR-10020 NOVI ZAGREB Wilsonova bb HR-31000 OSIJEK Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 1 6520 341 +385 1 6520 341 n.k.hrvatski.dragovoljac@zg.t-com.hr - Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 31 570 300 +385 31 570 400 nk.osijek@nk-osijek.hr www.nk-osijek.hr Stadium PO SRC Stjepan Spajic Stadium PO Gradski vrt Robert OPACAK NK Inter Zaprešić HNK Rijeka Vladimira Novaka bb HR-10290 ZAPREŠIĆ Portic 3, Kantrida stadium HR-51000 RIJEKA Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 1 400 11 00 +385 1 400 11 01 inter@inter.hr www.inter.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 51 261 622 +385 51 261 174 nk-rijeka@ri.t-com.hr www.nk-rijeka.hr Stadium PO SRC Zapresic Maksim BABIC Stadium PO Kantrida Sandra NESIC CROATIA | CROATIE | KROATIEN HNK Šibenik NK Varaždin Ul. Bana Josipa Jelacica bb HR-22000 SIBENIK Zagrebacka 94 HR-42000 VARAŽDIN Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 22 212 963 +385 22 218 406 hnk-sibenik@si.t-com.hr www.hnk-sibenik.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 42 240 250 +385 42 204 260 info@nk-varteks.hr www.nk-varteks.com Stadium PO Subicevac Josip CALETA Stadium PO Andjelko Herjavec Sinisa KALAJDIJA NK Slaven Koprivnica NK Zadar M.P. Miskine 12 HR-48000 KOPRIVNICA Stadionska ulica 2, Stanovi stadium HR-23000 ZADAR Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 48 623 960 +385 48 210 327 nk-slaven-belupo@kc.t-com.hr www.nk-slaven-belupo.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 23 312 792 +385 23 312 802 nk-zadar@zd.t-com.hr www.nkzadar.hr Stadium PO Gradski Mirko KVAKARIC Stadium PO Stanovi Josip BAJLO NK Split NK Zagreb Hrvatske mornarice 10 HR-21000 SPLIT NK Zagrebello, Veslacka bb HR-10000 ZAGREB Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 21 38 30 82 +385 21 38 30 82 nksplit@nksplit.hr www.nksplit.hr Tel Fax E-mail Web +385 1 3668 111 +385 1 3668 111 nkzagreb@nkzagreb.hr www.nkzagreb.hr Stadium PO Stadion Park Mladezi Srdan FABIJANAC Stadium PO Zagreb Zlatko ABRAMOVIC 33 CYPRUS | CHYPRE | ZYPERN Communication Kypriaki Omospondia Podosfairon 10 Achaion Street, 2413 Engomi, P.O. Box 25071, 1306 NICOSIA, Cyprus Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +357 22 352 341 +357 22 590 544 info@cfa.com.cy www.cfa.com.cy Pr: GS: PO: Costakis KOUTSOKOUMNIS Phivos VAKIS Kyriacos GEORGALLIS Facts & Figures Foundation : 23.09.1934 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1948/1962 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : GSP, Nicosia Capacity : 22,859 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,690 11,397 3,700 828 222 2,115 92 274 215 6 590 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos 1 2 3 4 Club AC Omonia APOEL FC Anorthosis Famagusta FC Apollon Limassol FC P 32 32 32 32 W 22 19 19 17 D 8 8 7 9 L 2 5 6 6 F 60 53 51 47 A 25 24 27 23 Pts 74 65 64 60 5 6 7 8 AEL Limassol FC Enosis Neon Paralimni FC Ethnikos Achnas FC APOP/Kinyras Peyias FC 32 32 32 32 18 10 10 11 4 10 8 4 10 12 14 17 50 40 34 50 33 42 42 65 58 40 38 37 9 10 11 12 Ermis Aradippou FC AEP Paphos FC Doxa Katokopia FC Aris Limassol FC 32 32 32 32 12 9 9 4 8 9 8 9 12 14 15 19 43 39 36 30 38 50 46 63 44 36 35 21 Relegated 13 14 Nea Salamis FC APEP Kyperounda FC 1 26 26 2 4 8 4 16 18 19 25 45 54 14 10 Relegated Relegated 1 APEP Kyperounda FC have had 6 points deducted Promoted : Alki Larnaca FC, AEK Larnaca FC and Olympiakos Nicosia FC *Cup winner Cup 34 Final : Apollon Limassol FC – APOEL FC 2-1 Comp UCL UEL UEL UEL * CYPRUS | CHYPRE | ZYPERN Alki Larnaca FC AEK Larnaca FC Louki Akrita 23 CY-6015 LARNACA 7, Kilkis Street, PO Box 40060 CY-6015 LARNACA Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 24 652 455 +357 24 626 984 alkisportsclub@cytanet.com.cy www.alkisfc.com.cy Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 24 655 999 +357 24 652 464 info@aek.com.cy www.aek.com.cy Stadium PO GSZ Stadium PO GSZ Evmeos EFTHYMIADES Anorthosis Famagusta FC Enosis Neon Paralimni FC PO Box 40756, A. Papadopoulos Str. 1 CY-6307 LARNACA PO Box 33020, A. Papadopoulou 17 CY-5310 PARALIMNI Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 24 821 911 +357 24 635 833 info@anorthosisfc.com www.anorthosisfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 23 827 329 +357 23 825 658 info@enpfc.com www.enpfc.com Stadium PO Antonis Papadopoulos Nektarios MARKETOS Stadium PO Tassos Marcou Costas STRATIS APOEL FC Doxa Katokopia FC PO Box 23709, Dimofontos 5-7 CY-1686 NICOSIA 5 Karaiskaki, 1st floor CY-2414 ENGOMI - NICOSIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 22 340 200 +357 22 335 865 info@apoelfc.com.cy www.apoelfc.com.cy Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 22 590 809 +357 22 590 808 info@doxakatokopiasfc.com www.doxakatokopiasfc.com Stadium PO GSP George YIAPANAS Stadium PO Katokopias Stadium Panayiotis PANAYIDES Apollon Limassol FC Ermis Aradippou FC 114 Antonis Loukaides, PO Box 53206 CY-3301 LIMASSOL Georgiou Tooulou 7 CY-7104 ARADIPPOU Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 25 746 805 +357 25 746 808 apollon@apollon.com.cy www.apollon.com.cy Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 24 664 489 +357 24 664 488 ermisaradippou@cytanet.com.cy www.ermisaradippoufc.com Stadium PO Tsirion Electra KATSIKIDE Stadium PO Aradippou Stadium Thasos PANAYIOTOU APOP / Kinyras Peyias FC Ethnikos Achnas FC PO BOX 66735 CY-8592 PEGIA - PAFOS Griva Digeni Ave, P.O. Box 36543 CY-5523 DASAKI ACHNAS Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 26 955 156 +357 26 930 539 apopkinyraspegias@cytanet.com.cy www.apopkinyrasfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 24 722 333 +357 24 721 320 ethnikosachnas@cytanet.com.cy - Stadium PO Pegeia Municipality Stadium Christakis HERODOTOU Stadium PO Dasaki Achnas Christos SENEKKI 35 CYPRUS | CHYPRE | ZYPERN 36 AEL Limassol FC AC Omonia PO Box 51606 CY-3507 LIMASSOL Karpenisiou 18B, PO Box 20617 CY-1661 NICOSIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 25 737 555 +357 25 737 540 ael@cytanet.com.cy www.aelfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 22 875 874 +357 22 377 496 info@omonoia.com.cy www.omonoia.com.cy Stadium PO Tsirion Nicolas LEVENTIS Stadium PO GSP Theodoros KAFKARIDES Olympiakos Nicosia FC AEP Paphos FC PO Box 22339 CY-1520 NICOSIA 28, 25th March Street CY-8047 PAPHOS Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 22 344 080 +357 22 344 090 olympiacosfc@cablenet.com.cy www.olympiakos.com.cy Tel Fax E-mail Web +357 26 822 087 +357 26 222 068 pafosfc@cytanet.com.cy www.pafosfc.com Stadium PO GSP Nicos NOURIS Stadium PO Socrates SOCRATOUS CZECH REPUBLIC | RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK Communication Ceskomoravsky fotbalovy svaz Diskarská 100, 16017 PRAHA 6, Czech Republic Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +420 2 330 29 111 +420 2 333 53 107 cmfs@fotbal.cz www.fotbal.cz Pr: GS: PO: Ivan HASEK Rudolf REPKA Petr SVECENY Facts & Figures Foundation : 19.10.1901 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1907/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,592 426,822 282,622 6,926 4,150 51,305 4,161 15,885 4,300 51 8,283 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Club P W D L F A Pts AC Sparta Praha FK Jablonec FC Baník Ostrava FK Teplice FC Viktoria Plzeň SK Sigma Olomouc SK Slavia Praha FK Mladá Boleslav FC Slovan Liberec 1. FK Příbram FC Zbrojovka Brno Bohemians 1905 SK Dynamo České Budějovice 1. FC Slovácko SK Kladno FK Bohemians Praha 1 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 16 18 17 15 12 14 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 8 7 4 14 7 9 10 12 5 8 6 7 6 8 10 10 6 4 4 0 5 4 5 6 11 11 13 13 14 13 12 13 16 19 22 42 42 47 44 42 49 37 47 34 35 31 21 24 28 24 27 14 24 25 25 33 36 35 41 39 41 40 29 35 42 50 65 62 61 60 55 48 47 41 39 37 36 35 34 31 30 25 1 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated FK Bohemians Praha have had 15 points deducted. Promoted : FC Hradec Kralové and FK Ústí nad Labem * Cup winner Cup Final : FC Viktoria Plzeň – FK Jablonec 2-1 37 CZECH REPUBLIC | RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK 38 FC Banik Ostrava 1. FK Příbram Bukovanskeho 4/1028 CZ-710 00 OSTRAVA Lazec 60, stadion Na Litavce CZ-26101 PRÍBRAM Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 596 241 687 +420 596 241 827 info@fcb.cz www.fcb.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 318 626 173 +420 318 626 173 info@fkpribram.cz www.fkpribram.cz Stadium PO Bazaly Igor BRUZL Stadium PO Na Litavce Petr VETROVSKY FK Jablonec FK Mladá Boleslav U stadionu 4904/5 CZ-466 01 JABLONEC NAD NISOU U stadionu 1118/II, Mestsky stadion CZ-293 01 MLADÁ BOLESLAV Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 483 312 139 +420 483 312 140 sekretariat@fkjablonec.cz www.fkjablonec.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 326 719 041 +420 326 719 044 fkmb@fkmb.cz www.fkmb.cz Stadium PO Střelnıce Tomas BARTA Stadium PO Městský Jiri KOROS Bohemians 1905 SK Sigma Olomouc Vrsovicka 1489/31 CZ-101 00 PRAHA 10 Legionarska 1165/12 CZ-779 00 OLOMOUC Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 245 005 014 +420 245 005 014 info@bohemians1905.cz www.b1905.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 585 222 956 +420 585 220 953 sekretariat@sigmafotbal.cz www.sigmafotbal.cz Stadium PO Ďolíček / Eden Lucas PRIBYL Stadium PO Andrův Martin RAK SK Dynamo České Budějovice SK Slavia Praha Strelecky Ostrov 3 CZ-370 21 ČESKE BUDĚJOVICE Fotbal, Vladivostocka 1460/2 CZ-100 00 PRAHA 10 Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 387 312 502 +420 387 312 503 klub@dynamocb.cz www.fdynamocb.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 233 081 753 +420 233 081 760 mirka.fouskova@slavia.cz www.slavia.cz Stadium PO Střelecký Ostrov Radim SUPKA Stadium PO Eden Ondrej ZLAMAL FC Hradec Králové 1. FC Slovácko Uprkova 473/1 CZ-500 09 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Stonky 635 CZ-686 01 UHERSKE HRADISTE Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 495 515 532 +420 495 511 485 fchk@fchk.cz www.fchk.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 572 551 801 +420 572 541 202 info@fcslovacko.cz www.fcslovacko.cz Stadium PO Všesportovní Stadion Martin CERNIK Stadium PO Městský Ales MAZUREK CZECH REPUBLIC | RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK FC Slovan Liberec FK Ústí nad Labem Na Hradbach 1300 CZ-460 01 LIBEREC 1 Velka Hradebni 8/2336 CZ-400 01 ÚSTĺ NAD LABEM Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 485 103 714 +420 485 103 715 info@fcslovanliberec.cz www.fcslovanliberec.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 475 511 231 +420 475 511 231 mfk.ul@quick.cz www.fkusti.cz Stadium PO U Nisy Lukas VANA Stadium PO Městský Jan LINHART AC Sparta Praha FC Viktoria Plzeň Fotbal, Milady Horakové 1066/98 CZ-170 82 PRAHA 7 Struncovy sady 3 CZ-301 00 PLZEŇ Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 296 111 111 +420 220 571 665 football@sparta.cz www.sparta.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 377 221 507 +420 377 221 543 fcviktoria@fcviktoria.cz www.fcviktoria.cz Stadium PO Letná Ondrej KASIK Stadium PO Stadion Města Plzně Jaromir HAMOUZ FK Teplice FC Zbrojovka Brno Na Stinadlech 2796 CZ-415 01 TEPLICE Srbska 2838/47 a CZ-612 00 BRNO Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 417 507 401 +420 417 539 517 info@fkteplice.cz www.fkteplice.cz Tel Fax E-mail Web +420 541 233 582-5 +420 541 233 581 klub@fczbrno.cz www.fczbrno.cz Stadium PO Na Stínadlech Petr HEIDENREICH Stadium PO Městský Boris KEKA 39 DENMARK | DANEMARK | DÄNEMARK Communication Dansk Boldspil-Union House of Football, DBU Allé 1, 2605 BRØNDBY, Denmark Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +45 43 262 222 +45 43 262 245 dbu@dbu.dk www.dbu.dk Pr: GS: PO: Allan HANSEN Jim Stjerne HANSEN Lars BERENDT Facts & Figures Foundation : 18.05.1889 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 19) : Youth (under 19) : Women : Girls (under 19) : Futsal : National stadium : Parken, Copenhagen Capacity : 38,010 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 1,618 Teams : 17,242 Referees Male : 2,998 Female : 43 Coaches : - 1,057 107,865 213,358 66,671 52,384 - Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts FC København Odense BK Brøndby IF Esbjerg fB Aalborg BK FC Midtjylland FC Nordsjælland Silkeborg IF SønderjyskE Randers FC AGF Århus HB Køge 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 21 17 15 13 13 14 12 12 11 10 10 4 5 8 7 11 9 5 7 7 8 10 8 7 7 8 11 9 11 14 14 14 14 13 15 22 61 46 57 48 36 45 40 47 32 37 36 30 22 34 50 43 30 48 41 51 37 43 47 69 68 59 52 50 48 47 43 43 41 40 38 19 Promoted : AC Horsens and Lyngby BK * Cup winner ** Fair Play entrant Cup 40 Final : FC Nordsjælland – FC Midtjylland 2-0 aet Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* UEL** Relegated Relegated DENMARK | DANEMARK | DÄNEMARK Aalborg BK Lyngby BK Hornevej 2 DK-9220 AALBORG ØST Lundtoftevej 61 DK-2800 LYNGBY Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 96 35 59 00 +45 96 35 59 10 jtg@aab-as.dk www.aabsport.dk Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 4588 4060 +45 4587 4445 dbu@lyngby-boldklub.dk www.lyngby-boldklub.dk Stadium PO Aalborg Brian ANDERSEN Stadium PO Lyngby Stadion Brøndby IF FC Midtjylland Brøndby Stadion 30 DK-2605 BRØNDBY Kaj Zartos Vej 5 DK-7400 HERNING Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 43 63 08 10 +45 43 43 26 27 info@brondby.com www.brondby.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 96 27 10 40 +45 96 27 10 41 fcm@fcm.dk www.fcm.dk Stadium PO Brøndby Steen LAURSEN Stadium PO MCH Arena Torben KØLBÆK Esbjerg fB FC Nordsjælland Gl. Vardevej 82 DK-6700 ESBJERG Farum Park 2 DK-3520 FARUM Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 75 45 33 55 +45 75 12 28 33 efb@efb.dk www.efb.dk Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 44 34 25 00 +45 44 34 25 70 cn@fcn.dk www.fcnfodbold.dk Stadium PO Blue Water Arena Lars Dyhr HANSEN Stadium PO Farum Park Christian WOLNY AC Horsens Odense BK Langmarksvej 59 DK-8700 HORSENS Odense Sport Event A/S, Ørbækvej 350 DK-5220 ODENSE Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 7562 6020 +45 7562 6241 jh@achorsens.dk www.achorsensf.dk Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 70 22 18 87 +45 63 11 90 80 ob@ose.dk www.ob.dk Stadium PO CASA Arena Horsens Jesper HANSEN Stadium PO Odense Stadion Peter HØRLÜCK FC København Randers FC P.H. Lings Allé 2 DK-2100 KØBENHAVN Ø Essex Park, Viborgvej 92 DK-8920 RANDERS Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 35 43 74 00 +45 35 43 74 22 info@fck.dk www.fck.dk Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 86 41 51 22 +45 86 41 51 50 randersfc@randersfc.dk www.randersfc.dk Stadium PO Parken Charles MASKELYNE Stadium PO Essex Park Randers Ib RASMUSSEN 41 DENMARK | DANEMARK | DÄNEMARK Silkeborg IF SønderjyskE PO Box 11, Silkeborg IF Invest, Papirfabrikken 34, 1.sal Sonderjyske Elitesport A/S, Stadionvej 5 DK-6100 HADERSLEV DK-8600 SILKEBORG 42 Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 8680 4477 +45 8680 4647 sif@silkeborgif.com www.silkeborgif.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +45 74 52 1499 +45 74 52 4699 ne@soenderjyske.dk www.soenderjyske.dk Stadium PO Silkeborg Stadion Michael RAVN Stadium PO Haderslev Fodboldstadion Kell HAUGAARD ENGLAND | ANGLETERRE | ENGLAND Communication The Football Association Wembley Stadium, Po Box 1966, London SW1P 9EQ Tel : Fax : E-mail Web +44 844 980 8200 +44 844 980 8201 info@TheFA.com www.TheFA.com Pr: GS: PO: Roger BURDEN (Acting) Alex HORNE Julian ECCLES Facts & Figures Foundation : 26.10.1863 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1905/1954 Registered Players Non-Amateurs (Professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Wembley, London Capacity : 90,000 Clubs & teams Clubs : 41,000 Teams : 85,570 Referees Male : 32,200 Female : 792 Coaches : 30,000 5,500 1,506,290 763,510 31,000 100,378 2,520 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Club Chelsea FC Manchester United FC Arsenal FC Tottenham Hotspur FC Manchester City FC Aston Villa FC Liverpool FC Everton FC Birmingham City FC Blackburn Rovers FC Stoke City FC Fulham FC Sunderland AFC Bolton Wanderers FC Wolverhampton Wanderers FC Wigan Athletic FC West Ham United FC Burnley FC Hull City AFC Portsmouth FC ¹ P 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 W 27 27 23 21 18 17 18 16 13 13 11 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 6 7 D 5 4 6 7 13 13 9 13 11 11 14 10 11 9 11 9 11 6 12 7 L 6 7 9 10 7 8 11 9 14 14 13 16 16 19 18 20 19 24 20 24 F 103 86 83 67 73 52 61 60 38 41 34 39 48 42 32 37 47 42 34 34 A 32 28 41 41 45 39 35 49 47 55 48 46 56 67 56 79 66 82 75 66 Pts 86 85 75 70 67 64 63 61 50 50 47 46 44 39 38 36 35 30 30 19 Comp UCL UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Relegated ¹ Portsmouth FC have had 9 points deducted. Promoted : Newcastle United FC, West Bromwich Albion FC and Blackpool FC FA CUP Final : Chelsea FC – Portsmouth FC 1-0 League Cup Final : Manchester United FC – Aston Villa FC 2-1 43 ENGLAND | ANGLETERRE | ENGLAND 44 Arsenal FC Bolton Wanderers FC Highbury House, 75 Drayton Park GB-LONDON N5 1BU Burnden Way GB-BOLTON BL6 6JW Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 20 7619 5003 +44 20 7704 4001 contact@arsenal.co.uk www.arsenal.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 120 467 3673 +44 120 446 9046 reception@bwfc.co.uk www.bwfc.co.uk Stadium PO Arsenal Stadium Amanda DOCHERTY Stadium PO Bolton Stadium Mark ALDERTON Aston Villa FC Chelsea FC Villa Park, Trinity Road GB-BIRMINGHAM B6 6HE Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road GB-LONDON SW6 1HS Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 121 327 2299 +44 121 322 2107 postmaster@avfc.co.uk www.avfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 207 835 6000 +44 193 258 8230 enquiries@chelseafc.com www.chelseafc.com Stadium PO Villa Park Brian DOOGAN Stadium PO Stamford Bridge Steve ATKINS Birmingham City FC Everton FC St Andrew’s Stadium GB-BIRMINGHAM B9 4RL Goodison Park, Goodison Road GB-LIVERPOOL L4 4EL Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 844 557 1875 +44 844 557 1975 reception@bcfc.com www.bcfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 663 1878 +44 151 286 9112 everton@evertonfc.com www.evertonfc.com Stadium PO St Andrews Stadium Chris KERSHAW Stadium PO Goodison Park Darren GRIFFITHS Blackburn Rovers FC Fulham FC Ewood Park GB-BLACKBURN BB2 4JF, Lancashire Training Ground, Motspur Park GB-NEW MALDEN, Surrey KT3 6PT Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 702 1875 +44 125 467 1042 enquiries@rovers.co.uk www.rovers.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 870 442 1222 +44 208 336 7526 enquiries@fulhamfc.com www.fulhamfc.com Stadium PO Ewood Park Paul AGNEW Stadium PO Craven Cottage Carmelo MIFSUD Blackpool FC Liverpool FC Bloomfield Road, Seasiders Way GB-BLACKPOOL FY1 6JJ Anfield Road GB-LIVERPOOL L4 0TH Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 622 1953 +44 125 340 5011 info@blackpoolfc.co.uk www.blackpoolfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 151 263 2361 +44 151 260 8813 customerservices@liverpoolfc.tv www.liverpoolfc.tv Stadium PO Bloomfield Road Matt WILLIAMS Stadium PO Anfield Paul TYRRELL ENGLAND | ANGLETERRE | ENGLAND Manchester City FC Tottenham Hotspur FC City of Manchester Stadium, Sportcity, Rowsley Str. GB-MANCHESTER M11 3FF White Hart Lane, Bill Nicholson Way, 748 High Road GB-TOTTENHAM-LONDON N17 0AP Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 870 062 1894 +44 161 438 7999 mcfc@mcfc.co.uk www.mcfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 844 499 5000 +44 208 506 9048 email@tottenhamhotspur.com www.tottenhamhotspur.com Stadium PO City of Manchester Stadium Vicky KLOSS Stadium PO White Hart Lane Simon FELSTEIN Manchester United FC West Bromwich Albion FC Old Trafford, Sir Matt Busby Way GB-MANCHESTER M16 0RA The Hawthorns GB-WEST BROMWICH B71 4LF, West Midlands Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 161 868 8000 +44 161 868 8804 enquiries@manutd.co.uk www.manutd.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 27 111 00 +44 871 27 198 61 enquiries@wbafc.co.uk www.wba.co.uk Stadium PO Old Trafford Karen SHOTBOLT Stadium PO The Hawthorns John SIMPSON Newcastle United FC West Ham United FC St James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne GB-NEWCASTLE NE1 4ST Boleyn Ground, Green Street, Upton Park GB-LONDON E13 9AZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 844 372 1892 +44 191 201 8600 admin@nufc.co.uk www.nufc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 208 548 2748 +44 208 548 2758 yourcomments@westhamunited.co.uk www.whufc.com Stadium PO St James’ Park Wendy TAYLOR Stadium PO Boleyn Ground Greg DEMETRIOU Stoke City FC Wigan Athletic FC Stanley Matthews Way GB-STOKE ON TREND, Staffordshire ST4 4EG DW Stadium, Loire Drive GB-WIGAN, Lancashire WN5 0UZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 663 2008 +44 1782 592 299 info@stokecityfc.com www.stokecityfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 194 277 4400 +44 194 277 0477 info@wiganathletic.com www.wiganathletic.com Stadium PO Stoke Stadium Nick LUCY Stadium PO DW Stadium Ed JONES Sunderland AFC Wolverhampton Wanderers FC The Stadium of Light GB-SUNDERLAND SR5 1SU Molineux Stadium, Waterloo Road GB-WOLVERHAMPTON, WV1 4QR Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 191 551 5000 +44 191 542 8010 enquiries@safc.com www.safc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 871 222 2220 +44 1902 687 006 info@wolves.co.uk www.wolves.co.uk Stadium PO Stadium of Light Louise WANLESS Stadium PO Molineux Stadium Matt GRAYSON 45 ESTONIA | ESTONIE | ESTLAND Communication Eesti Jalgpalli Liit A. Le Coq Arena, Asula 4c, 11312 TALLINN, Estonia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +372 627 9960 +372 627 9969 efa@jalgpall.ee www.jalgpall.ee Pr: GS: PO: Aivar POHLAK Tõnu SIREL Mihkel UIBOLEHT Facts & Figures Foundation : 1921 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1992 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Lılleküla Stadium, Tallinn Capacity : 9,692 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 138 Teams : 483 Referees Male : 320 Female : 8 Coaches : 400 65 4,042 4,167 227 454 631 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Levadia Tallinn JK Sillamäe Kalev JK Trans Narva FC Flora Tallinn JK Nõmme Kalju JK Tulevik Viljandi JK Tammeka Tartu FC Kuressaare Paide Linnameeskond JK Tallinna Kalev 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 31 24 23 22 15 15 7 7 6 4 4 4 7 6 9 6 3 3 4 4 1 8 6 8 12 15 26 26 26 28 121 85 82 79 65 55 29 21 21 32 23 40 29 31 47 49 86 99 97 89 97 76 76 72 54 51 24 24 22 16 Promoted: FC Lootus Kohtla-Jarve *Losing cup finalist Cup (2010) Final : 46 FC Levadia Tallinn – FC Flora Tallinn 3-0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated ESTONIA | ESTONIE | ESTLAND FC Flora Tallinn Paide Linnameeskond Asula 4c EE-11312 TALLINN Asula 4c EE-11312 TALLINN Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 6279 940 +372 6279 941 fcflora@fcflora.ee www.fcflora.ee Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 5625 1081 info@linnameeskond.ee www.linnameeskond.ee Stadium PO A Le Coq Arena Ege HEERINGAS Stadium PO Paide linnastaadion Urmas MEISNER FC Levadia Tallinn JK Sillamäe Kalev Kose tee 4 EE-12011 TALLINN Kesk 30 EE-40231 SILLAMÄE Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 6313 017 +372 6464 909 sport@levadia.ee www.fclevadia.ee Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 515 8795 +372 392 9177 a.farbtuh@silport.ee www.sillamaefc.ee Stadium PO Kadriorg Indrek PETERSOO Stadium PO Sillamäe Kalevi Staadion Aleksandr STARODUBTSEV FC Kuressaare JK Tammeka Tartu Staadioni 2 EE-93815 KURESSAARE Tamme pst 1 EE-50403 TARTU Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 515 6165 +372 457 6380 priit.penu@fckuressaare.ee www.fckuressaare.ee Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 7428 038 +372 7428 038 jktammeka@jktammeka.net www.jktammeka.ee Stadium PO Kuressaare Alver KIVI Stadium PO Tartu Tamme Staadion Teele SAARESTIK FC Lootus Kohtla-Jarve JK Trans Narva Järveküla tee 44 EE-30321 KOHTLA-JARVE Tiimani 3 EE-21004 NARVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 566 588 09 andreifclootus@hot.ee www.fclootus.ee Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 3573 299 +372 3573 304 autonrv@estpak.ee www.fctrans.ee Stadium PO Kohtla-Järve Spordikompleksi staadion Sergei FJODOROV Stadium PO Kreenholm Jevgeni ROGOV JK Nõmme Kalju JK Tulevik Viljandi Harju 6 EE-10130 TALLINN Ranna pst. 6, Viljandi Linnastaadium EE-71003 VILJANDI Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 5647 0005 +372 6310 546 kalju@jkkalju.ee www.jkkalju.ee Tel Fax E-mail Web +372 6279 944 +372 4348 016 tulevik@fcflora.ee www.jktulevik.ee Stadium PO Hiiu Stadium Helen MAHMASTOL Stadium PO Viljandi Linnastaadion Urmas MEISNER 47 FAROE ISLANDS | ÎLES FÉROÉ | FÄRÖER-INSELN Communication Fótbóltssamband Føroya Gundadalur, P.O. Box 3028, 110 TÓRSHAVN, Faroe Islands Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +298 351 979 +298 319 079 fsf@football.fo www.football.fo Pr: GS: PO: Christian ANDREASEN Virgar HVIDBRO Facts & Figures Foundation : 13.01.1979 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1988/1990 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 1. National stadium : 1. Capacity : 2. National stadium : 2. Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 232 1,540 2,581 315 845 - Tórsvøllur Stad., Tórshavn 6,040 Toftir Stadium, Toftir 4,000 22 304 104 4 350 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts HB Tórshavn EB/Streymur Víkingur NSÍ Runavik B68 Toftir AB Argir ÍF Fuglafjørdur B36 Tórshavn KÍ Klaksvík 07 Vestur 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 16 15 14 13 12 9 8 7 6 4 7 5 5 5 7 7 6 7 6 7 4 7 8 9 8 11 13 13 15 16 59 56 51 56 48 29 45 37 30 39 37 34 36 46 41 35 48 53 57 63 55 50 47 44 43 34 30 28 24 19 Promoted : B71 Sandoy and FC Suduroy (formerly VB/Sumba Vágur) * Cup winner Cup (2009) Final : 48 Vikingur – EB/Streymur 3-2 Comp. UCL UEL UEL* UEL Relegated Relegated FAROE ISLANDS | ÎLES FÉROÉ | FÄRÖER-INSELN AB Argir EB/Streymur P.O Box 2058 FO-165 ARGIR Postrúm 18 FO-470 EIDI Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 319 444 +298 320 292 ab@ab.fo www.ab.fo Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 508 090 +298 477 501 ebstreym@olivant.fo www.eb-streymur.fo Stadium PO Vika Stadium Eydun DALSGARD Stadium PO Vid-Margáir Øster BÚGVI ÍF Fuglafjørdur FC Suduroy PO Box 94, Ítróttarfelag Fuglafjørdur FO-530 FUGLAFJØRDUR PO Box 127, A Eidinum FO-900 VAGUR Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 444 636 +298 444 634 if@if.fo www.if.fo Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 373 679 +298 373 771 vb@vb1905.fo www.fcsuduroy.com Stadium PO Fuglafjørdur Ólavur LARSEN Stadium PO Vágur John Henrik HOLM NSÍ Runavik B36 Tórshavn Postrúm 173 FO-620 RUNAVÍK Gundadalur FO-100 TÓRSHAVN Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 749 909 +298 449 919 nsi@nsi.fo www.nsi.fo Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 311 936 +298 318 036 b36@b36.fo www.b36.fo Stadium PO Runavik Jákup Øster VÁGSHEYG Stadium PO Gundadalur Hannis EGHOLM B71 Sandoy HB Tórshavn Sandoyar Itróttarfelag B71 FO-210 SANDUR Postrúm 1333 FO-110 TÓRSHAVN Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 361 090 eli.hentze@skulin.fo www.b71-sandoy.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 314 046 +298 318 502 hb@hb.fo www.hb.fo Stadium PO Sandur Eli HENTZE Stadium PO Gundadalur Marni MORTENSEN B68 Toftir Víkingur c/o Mr. Jógvan Højgaard, Svangaskard stadium FO-650 TOFTIR Postrúm 58 FO-512 LEIRVÍK Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 449 068 +298 449 050 b-68@post.olivant.fo www.b68.fo Tel Fax E-mail Web +298 443 222 +298 443 322 vikingur@vikingur.fo www.vikingur.fo Stadium PO Svangaskard Jógvan HØJGAARD Stadium PO Sepugerdi Erik LERVIG 49 FINLAND | FINLANDE | FINNLAND Communication Suomen Palloliitto – Finlands Bollförbund Urheilukatu 5, PO Box 191, 00251 HELSINKI, Finland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +358 9 742 151 +358 9 454 3352 sami.terava@palloliitto.fi www.palloliitto.fi Pr: GS: PO: Sauli NIINISTO Kimmo J. LIPPONEN Sami TERÄVÄ Facts & Figures Foundation : 19.05.1907 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1908/1954 National stadium : Olympic Stadium, Helsinki Capacity : 37,500 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 370 23,781 66,770 2,541 22,562 29,998 965 5,424 2,144 191 10,936 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Club P W D L F A Pts HJK Helsinki FC Honka Espoo FC TPS Turku IFK Mariehamn FC International Turku Haka Valkeakoski Tampere United VPS Vaasa Myllykosken Pallo-47 FF Jaro FC Lahti KuPS Kuopio JJK Jyväskylä RoPS Rovaniemi 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 14 13 13 10 11 10 11 10 9 8 8 6 3 4 10 10 10 13 7 7 4 5 7 8 7 5 7 4 2 3 3 3 8 9 11 11 10 10 11 15 16 18 45 65 46 30 38 40 31 30 32 33 33 29 25 21 21 29 20 21 30 35 31 36 30 34 40 53 52 66 52 49 49 43 40 37 37 35 34 32 31 23 16 16 Promotion/Relegation Play-Off: JJK Jyväskylä – KPV Kokkola 3-2 2-1 Promoted : AC Oulu * Cup winner **Fair play entrant Cup (2009) Final : 50 FC International Turku – Tampere United 2-1 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* UEL** PO Relegated FINLAND | FINLANDE | FINNLAND Haka Valkeakoski JJK Jyväskylä Tehtaankatu 9 FI-37600 VALKEAKOSKI Ihantolantie 1 FI-40720 JYVÄSKYLÄ Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 3 584 5364 +358 3 585 1066 toimisto@fchaka.fi www.fchaka.fi Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 14 612 347 +358 14 612 347 Joni.vesalainen@fcjjk.com www.fcjjk.com Stadium PO Tehtaan kenttä Jukka MALM Stadium PO Harjun Stadion Joni VESALAINEN HJK Helsinki KuPS Kuopio Urheilukatu 5, Finnair stadium FI-00250 HELSINKI Kaartokatu 6, Kuopion Keskuskenttä, Magnum Areena FI-70620 KUOPIO Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 9 742 16 600 +358 9 742 16 666 hjk@hjk.fi www.hjk.fi Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 17 266 8560 +358 17 261 9598 toimisto@kups.fi www.kups.fi Stadium PO Helsinki Football Stadium Felix SIIVONEN Stadium PO Kuopion keskuskenttä Martti JUURTELA FC Honka Espoo FC Lahti Olarin luoma 7 FI-02200 ESPOO Rautatienkatu 26 E FI-15110 LAHTI Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 9 256 1600 +358 9 256 1600 toimisto@fchonka.fi www.fchonka.fi Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 3 880 810 +358 3 880 8131 fc.lahti@fclahti.fi www.fclahti.fi Stadium PO Tapiolan Urheilupuisto Kim SANDEN Stadium PO Lahti Stadium Ilkka VARMAVUO FC International Turku IFK Mariehamn Hippoksentie 21 FI-20720 TURKU Wiklöf Holding Arena FI-22100 MARIEHAMN Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 2 279 2700 +358 2 279 2710 fcinter.turku@alfonshakans.fi www.fcinter.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 18 16345 +358 18 23715 henrik.johansson@ifkmariehamn.com www.ifkmariehamn.com/fotboll Stadium PO Turku Stadium Carita VARJONEN Stadium PO Idrottsparken Peter MATTSSON FF Jaro Myllykosken Pallo-47 Södermalmsgatan 20 FI-68600 PIETARSAARI Koulutie 1 FI-46800 ANJALANKOSKI Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 6 724 7936 +358 6 723 0220 office@ffjaro.fi www.ffjaro.fi Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 5 365 6686 +358 5 325 5292 toimisto@mypa.fi www.mypa.fi Stadium PO Keskuskenttä Thomas NYSTROM Stadium PO Anjalankosken Jalkapallokenttä Toni HANNULA 51 FINLAND | FINLANDE | FINNLAND 52 AC Oulu FC TPS Turku Uusikatu 30 A FI-90100 OULU Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 a, U-Kerros FI-20520 TURKU Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 400 234 741 +358 8 337 008 acoulu@acoulu.fi www.acoulu.fi Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 10 820 1922 +358 10 820 1911 fc.toimisto@tps.fi www.fc.tps.fi Stadium PO Castren Sebastien WAHEEB Stadium PO Turku Stadium Heikki MÖTTÖNEN Tampere United VPS Vaasa Ratinan Rantatie 1 FI-33100 TAMPERE Reininkatu 3 FI-65170 VAASA Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 3 255 4454 +358 3 346 9140 tampereunited@tampereunited.com www.tampereunited.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +358 631 82 970 +358 631 82 971 eero.karhumaki@vps-vaasa.fi www.vps-vaasa.fi Stadium PO Tampere Jari RUNSAS Stadium PO Hietalahti Jukka NIEMI FRANCE | FRANCE | FRANKREICH Communication Fédération Française de Football 87, boulevard de Grenelle, 75738 PARIS Cedex 15, France Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +33 1 4431 7300 +33 1 4431 7373 webmaster@fff.fr www.fff.fr Pr: DG: DC: Fernand DUCHAUSSOY (acting) Jacques LAMBERT Pierre-Jean GOLVEN Facts & Figures Foundation : 07.04.1919 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 2,362 886,000 927,300 22,500 33,300 15,500 National stadium: Stade de France, Paris-Saint-Denis Capacity : 76,474 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 17,965 Teams : 99,671 Referees Male : 26,500 Female : 700 Coaches : 1,361 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Club P W D L F A Pts Olympique de Marseille Olympique Lyonnais AJ Auxerre LOSC Lille Métropole Montpellier Hérault SC FC Girondins de Bordeaux FC Lorient AS Monaco FC Stade Rennais FC Valenciennes FC RC Lens AS Nancy-Lorraine Paris Saint-Germain FC Toulouse FC OGC Nice FC Sochaux-Montbéliard AS Saint-Etienne Le Mans UC 72 US Boulogne CO Grenoble Foot 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 23 20 20 21 20 19 16 15 14 14 12 13 12 12 11 11 10 8 7 5 9 12 11 7 9 7 10 10 11 10 12 9 11 11 11 8 10 8 10 8 6 6 7 10 9 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 15 15 16 19 18 22 21 25 69 64 42 72 50 58 54 39 52 50 40 46 50 36 41 28 27 36 31 31 36 38 29 40 40 40 42 45 41 50 44 53 46 36 57 52 45 59 62 61 78 72 71 70 69 64 58 55 53 52 48 48 47 47 44 41 40 32 31 23 Comp. UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : SM Caen, Stade Brestois 29 and AC Arles-Avignon. * Cup winner Cup Final : Paris Saint-Germain FC – AS Monaco FC 1-0 aet League cup Final : Olympique de Marseille – FC Girondins de Bordeaux 3-1 53 FRANCE | FRANCE | FRANKREICH 54 AC Arles-Avignon RC Lens 470, Avenue Pierre de Coubertin, BP 70211 FR-84009 AVIGNON Centre Technique et sportif de la Gaillette, 33 rue A. Lamentin, BP 23 FR-62210 AVION Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 490 961 185 +33 490 930 285 www.acarlesavignon.fr Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 321 132 132 +33 321 132 133 droudet@rclens.fr www.rclens.fr Stadium PO Parc des sports Christian CHAVRIER Stadium PO Félix-Bollaert Laurent MARLY AJ Auxerre LOSC Lille Métropole BP 349, route de Vaux FR-89006 AUXERRE Cedex Domaine de Luchin, Grand Rue, BP 79 FR-59780 CAMPHIN EN PEVELE-LILLE Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 386 723 232 +33 386 522 087 c.rollet@aja.tm.fr www.aja.fr Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 320 177 177 +33 320 177 178 losc@losc.fr www.losc.fr Stadium PO Abbé-Deschamps Baptiste MALHERBE Stadium PO Lille Métropole Laetitia MASSON Stade Brestois 29 FC Lorient Stade de Pen Helen, rue du Bot – BP 42005 FR-29220 BREST Stade du Moustoir FR-56323 LORIENT Cedex Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 298 022 030 +33 298 022 741 www.stade-brestois.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 297 351 500 +33 297 351 502 contact@fclweb.fr www.fclweb.fr Stadium PO Stade Francis Le Blé Carole GOURMELON Stadium PO Yves Allainmat-Moustoir Simon RABAUD SM Caen AS Monaco FC B.P. 6138, Bld G. Pompidou, tour 8-9 FR-14064 CAEN Cedex Stade Louis II, 7 av. des Castellans, BP 698 MC-98014 MONACO Cedex Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 231 717 200 +33 231 736 746 www.smcaen.fr Tel Fax E-mail Web +377 920 57 473 +377 920 52 454 servicedepresse@asm-fc.com www.asm-fc.com Stadium PO Michel-d’Ornano Alexandre LUCAS Stadium PO Louis II Pierre-Joseph GADEAU FC Girondins de Bordeaux Montpellier Hérault SC Rue Joliot-Curie, Stade Jacques Chaban-Delmas FR-33187 LE HAILLAN Cedex PO Box 1118, Domaine de Grammont, Av. Albert Einstein FR-34008 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1 Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 892 683 433 +33 556 288 334 oberteau@girondins.com www.girondins.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 467 154 600 +33 467 154 615 accueil@mhscfoot.com www.mhscfoot.com Stadium PO Stade Chaban-Delmas Aurélie CARREY Stadium PO La Mosson Pierre BOURDEL FRANCE | FRANCE | FRANKREICH AS Nancy-Lorraine AS Saint-Etienne Stade Marcel-Picot, 90 Bld Jean-Jaurès FR-54510 TOMBLAINE 11, rue de Verdun, Stade Geoffroy Guichard FR-42580 L’ETRAT Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 383 183 090 +33 383 183 092 nhumblot@asnl.net www.asnl.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 477 923 170 +33 477 923 182 assaintetienne@asse.fr www.asse.fr Stadium PO Marcel-Picot Emmanuel LAFROGNE Stadium PO Geoffroy-Guichard Laurent PETIT OGC Nice FC Sochaux-Montbéliard 177, route de Grenoble, Stade du Ray FR-06200 NICE Stade Bonal FR-25200 MONTBÉLIARD Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 892 700 238 +33 493 180 679 pascale.marrel@ogcnice.com www.ogcnice.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 381 997 033 +33 381 993 000 karine.richard@fcsochaux.fr www.fcsochaux.fr Stadium PO Le Ray Virginie ROSSETTI Stadium PO Auguste Bonal Fabien DORIER Olympique Lyonnais Stade Rennais FC 350, Av. Jean Jaurès FR-69007 LYON La Piverdière, CS 53909 FR-35039 RENNES Cedex Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 426 296 700 +33 426 296 723 achambon@olympiquelyonnais.com www.olweb.fr Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 820 000 035 +33 299 143 577 contact@staderennais.fr www.staderennais.com Stadium PO Stade de Gerland Olivier BLANC Stadium PO Route de Lorient Jérôme POUPARD Olympique de Marseille Toulouse FC La Commanderie, 33 Traverse de la Martine FR-13012 MARSEILLE Stadium, 1 Allée G.-Biénés, BP 54023 FR-31028 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 491 765 609 +33 491 760 717 www.om.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 561 535 567 jf.soucasse@tfc.info www.tfc.info Stadium PO Vélodrome Alexandre ROSEE Stadium PO Stadium Géraldine COURTEIX Paris Saint-Germain FC Valenciennes FC 24, rue du Commandant Guilbaud FR-75016 PARIS 43 av. de Reims, Stade Nungesser FR-59303 VALENCIENNES Cedex Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 147 437 171 +33 142 305 027 psg@psg.tm.fr www.psg.fr Tel Fax E-mail Web +33 327 299 507 contact@va-fc.com www.va-fc.com Stadium PO Parc des Princes Mathias BARBERA Stadium PO Nungesser Maxime PARENT 55 GEORGIA | GÉORGIE | GEORGIEN Communication Georgian Football Federation 76a Chavchavadze Ave, 0162 TBILISI, Georgia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +995 32 912 680 +995 32 915 995 gff@gff.ge www.gff.ge Pr: GS: PO: Domenti SICHINAVA Revaz ARVELADZE Lasha DVALISHVILI Facts & Figures Foundation : 15.02.1990 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1992/1992 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium: B. Paichadze Stadium, Tbilisi Capacity : 53,284 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 208 Teams : 659 Referees Male : 114 Female : 1 Coaches : 601 845 1,482 13,101 400 300 250 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Olimpi Rustavi 1 FC Dinamo Tbilisi FC Zestafoni 1 FC WIT Georgia FC Spartaki Tskhinvali FC Sioni Bolnisi FC Samtredia FC Baia Zugdidi FC Lokomotiv Tbilisi FC Gagra 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 25 22 19 17 11 8 10 7 5 5 7 8 10 13 10 14 7 11 11 9 4 6 7 6 15 14 19 18 20 22 69 62 58 48 44 27 43 29 19 30 26 19 33 31 58 43 68 48 50 59 79 74 67 64 43 38 37 32 26 24 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Promoted : FC Torpedo Kutaisi and FC Kolkheti-1913 Poti 1 After the match FC Olimpi Rustavi v FC Zestafoni both clubs were awared 0 point – and a 0-3 result to both teams. * Cup winner Cup 56 Final : FC WIT Georgia – FC Dinamo Tbilisi 1-0 GEORGIA | GÉORGIE | GEORGIEN FC Baia Zugdidi FC Sioni Bolnisi 17 Mtskheta Str. GE-2100 ZUGDIDI 115, Orbeliani Str. GE-1100 BOLNISI Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 8 215 215 04 +995 8 215 222 66 mglebi2005@yahoo.com www.fcbaia.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 8 258 51 5577 +995 32 922 493 fcbolsioni@yahoo.de www.fcsioni.com Stadium PO G. Tutberidze Lasha JIKIA Stadium PO Temur Stepania Lasha NEBULISHVILI FC Dinamo Tbilisi FC Spartaki Tskhinvali III Block, Digomy Township, Paichadze Str., Digmis Masivi GE-0159 TBILISI No23 Zubalashvili Str. GE-0108 TBILISI Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 32 531 932 +995 32 532 037 webmaster@fcdinamo.ge www.fcdinamo.ge Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 32 990 216 +995 32 990 216 nwn@gmail.com - Stadium PO Boris Paichadze National Stadium Grigol GVENTSADZE Stadium PO Kartli Mikheil EGIKOV FC Kolkheti-1913 Poti FC Torpedo Kutaisi 20/11 Gegidze Street GE-4400 POTI 19 Akhlagazrdobis Street GE-4600 KUTAISI Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 8 293 70 371 +995 8 293 70 371 temo73@mail.ru - Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 8 231 44 536 fctorpedo2008@rambler.ru - Stadium PO Pazisi Stadium Ketevan JAKOBIA Stadium PO Givi Kiladze Ramaz CHKHIKVADZE FC Olimpi Rustavi FC WIT Georgia Chavchavadze Str. 49a, 10 Jikia Str. GE-0162 TBILISI 24a, Al. Kazbegi Ave GE-0177 TBILISI Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 32 913 543 +995 32 913 543 olimpifc@gmail.com www.fcolimpi.ge Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 32 312 400 +995 32 312 400 fcwit@geo.net.ge www.witgeorgia.ge Stadium PO Poladi Mikheil JORBENADZE Stadium PO Armazi Stadium, Mtskheta David TAVARTKILADZE FC Samtredia FC Zestafoni 2 Razmadze Str. GE-3900 SAMTREDIA Staroselski No2 GE-2000 ZESTAPHONI Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 95 558 822 +995 32 560 830 sk_samtredia@mail.ru - Tel Fax E-mail Web +995 32 987 002 +995 32 987 004 fczestafoni@rambler.ru www.fczestafoni.ge Stadium PO Erosi Manjgaladze Nino NANITASHVILI Stadium PO Dato Abashidze Stadium Sergo PUTKARADZE 57 GERMANY | ALLEMAGNE | DEUTSCHLAND Communication Deutscher Fussball-Bund Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6, Postfach 710265, 60492 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +49 69 67 880 +49 69 67 882 66 info@dfb.de www.dfb.de Pr: GS: PO: Theo ZWANZIGER Wolfgang NIERSBACH Harald STENGER Facts & Figures Foundation : 28.01.1900 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 982 3,678,462 1,983,176 690,013 332,811 8,200 25,726 178,396 75,762 2,489 ~ 70,000 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 P W D L F A Pts FC Bayern München 34 FC Schalke 04 34 Werder Bremen 34 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 34 BV Borussia Dortmund 34 VfB Stuttgart 34 Hamburger SV 34 VfL Wolfsburg 34 1. FSV Mainz 05 34 Eintracht Frankfurt 34 TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 34 VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach 34 1. FC Köln 34 SC Freiburg 34 Hannover 96 34 1. FC Nürnberg 34 VfL Bochum 1848 34 Hertha BSC Berlin 34 Club 20 19 17 15 16 15 13 14 12 12 11 10 9 9 9 8 6 5 10 8 10 14 9 10 13 8 11 10 9 9 11 8 6 7 10 9 4 7 7 5 9 9 8 12 11 12 14 15 14 17 19 19 18 20 72 53 71 65 54 51 56 64 36 47 44 43 33 35 43 32 33 34 31 31 40 38 42 41 41 58 42 54 42 60 42 59 67 58 64 56 70 65 61 59 57 55 52 50 47 46 42 39 38 35 33 31 28 24 Promotion/relegation play-offs : 1. FC Nürnberg - FC Augsburg 1-0 2-0 Promoted : 1. FC Kaiserslautern and FC St. Pauli Cup 58 Final : FC Bayern München – Werder Bremen 4-0 Comp. UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL PO Relegated Relegated GERMANY | ALLEMAGNE | DEUTSCHLAND Bayer 04 Leverkusen SC Freiburg Bismarckstr. 122-124 DE-51373 LEVERKUSEN Schwarzwaldstr. 193 DE-79117 FREIBURG Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 214 8660 0 +49 214 8660 512 info@bayer04.de www.bayer04.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 761 385 510 +49 761 385 5150 scf@scfreiburg.com www.scfreiburg.com Stadium PO Leverkusen Arena Dirk MESCH Stadium PO Dreisamstadion Rudi RASCHKE FC Bayern München Hamburger SV Säbener Strasse 51 DE-81547 MÜNCHEN Sylvesterallee 7 DE-22525 HAMBURG Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 89 699 310 +49 89 644 165 info@fcb.de www.fcbayern.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 4805 478 478 +49 40 415 51 234 info@hsv.de www.hsv.de Stadium PO Fußball Arena München Markus HÖRWICK Stadium PO Hamburg Arena Jörn WOLF BV Borussia Dortmund Hannover 96 Rheinlanddamm 207-209 DE-44137 DORTMUND Arthur-Menge-Ufer 5 DE-30169 HANNOVER Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 231 902 00 +49 231 902 0105 verein@bvb.de www.borussia-dortmund.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 511 969 00-96 +49 511 969 00-796 info@hannover96.de www.hannover96.de Stadium PO Westfalenstadion Josef SCHNECK Stadium PO Niedersachstenstadion Andreas KUHNT VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach TSG 1899 Hoffenheim Hennes-Weisweiler-Allee 1 DE-41179 MÖNCHENGLADBACH Silbergasse 45 DE-74889 SINSHEIM Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 2161 9293 1000 +49 2161 9293 1009 info@borussia.de www.borussia.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 7261 4022 0 +49 7261 4022 18 info@tsg-hoffenheim.de www.tsg-hoffenheim.de Stadium PO Borussia Park Markus ARETZ Stadium PO Rhein-Neckar-Arena Markus SIEGER Eintracht Frankfurt FC Kaiserslautern Mörfelder Landstr. 362 DE-60528 FRANKFURT AM MAIN Fritz-Walter-Strasse 1, Postfach 2427 DE-67663 KAISERSLAUTERN Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 69 955 030 +49 69 955 03110 info@eintracht-frankfurt.de www.eintracht.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 631 3188 218 +49 631 3188 290 info@fck.de www.fck.de Stadium PO Waldstadion Carsten KNOOP Stadium PO Fritz-Walter Christian GRUBER 59 GERMANY | ALLEMAGNE | DEUTSCHLAND 60 1. FC Köln FC Schalke 04 Postfach 450 456 DE-50879 KÖLN Ernst-Kuzorra-Weg 1 DE-45891 GELSENKIRCHEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 221 716 16 300 +49 221 430 1851 info@fc-koeln.de www.fc-koeln.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 209 361 80 +49 209 361 8109 post@schalke04.de www.schalke04.de Stadium PO Müngersdorfer Stadion Christopher LYMBEROPOULOS Stadium PO Arena AufSchalke Rolf DITTRICH 1. FSV Mainz 05 VfB Stuttgart Dr. Martin-Luther-King-Weg 20 DE-55122 MAINZ Mercedesstr. 109 DE-70372 STUTTGART Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 6131 375 500 +49 6131 375 5033 info@mainz05.de www.mainz05.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 711 5500 7195 +49 711 5500 7196 info@vfb-stuttgart.de www.vfb.de Stadium PO Bruchwegstadion Tobias SPARWASSER Stadium PO Gottlieb-Daimler-Stadion Oliver SCHRAFT 1. FC Nürnberg Werder Bremen Valznerweiherstr. 200 DE-90480 NÜRNBERG Franz-Böhmert-Str. 1C DE-28205 BREMEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 911 940 790 +49 911 940 7977 info@fcn.de www.fcn.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 180 593 7337 +49 421 493 555 info@werder.de www.werder.de Stadium PO Frankenstadion Martin HALTERMANN Stadium PO Weserstadion Tino POLSTER FC St. Pauli VfL Wolfsburg Auf dem Heiligengeistfeld DE-20359 HAMBURG Fussball, in den Allerwiesen 1 DE-38446 WOLFSBURG Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 40 317 8740 +49 40 317 87429 info@fcstpauli.de www.fcstpauli.de Tel Fax E-mail Web +49 5361 8903-0 +49 5361 8903 100 fussball@vfl-wolfsburg.de www.vfl-wolfsburg.de Stadium PO Millerntor-Stadion Christian BÖNIG Stadium PO Wolfsburg Arena Gerd Voss GREECE | GRÈCE | GRIECHENLAND Communication Ellinikos Podosfairikos Omospondia Goudi Park, PO BOX 14161, 11510 ATHENS, Greece Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +30 210 930 6000 +30 210 935 9666 epo@epo.gr www.epo.gr Pr: GS: PO: Sofoklis PILAVIOS Ioannis ECONOMIDES Michael TSAPIDIS Facts & Figures Foundation : 1926 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1927/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : OACA Spyro Louis, Athens Capacity : 72,080 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 5,571 Teams : 6,050 Referees Male : 2,701 Female : 142 Coaches : 2,110 1,563 311,797 65,920 2,224 580 2,521 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts Panathinaikos FC Olympiacos FC PAOK FC AEK Athens FC Aris Thessaloniki FC FC Kavala Atromitos FC Larissa FC Panionios GSS Iraklis FC Ergotelis FC Asteras Tripolis FC Xanthi FC Levadiakos FC PAS Giannina FC Panthrakikos FC 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 19 19 15 12 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 7 3 4 7 5 8 10 9 8 7 10 7 9 6 5 7 7 3 4 4 6 7 8 11 12 13 11 13 12 14 15 14 16 24 54 47 41 43 35 31 34 31 34 39 37 29 27 31 27 21 17 18 16 31 28 32 36 42 35 41 41 36 36 44 46 62 70 64 62 53 46 39 38 37 37 37 36 36 35 34 28 12 Comp. UCL UEL UCL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : Olympiacos Volou FC, Kerkyra FC and Panserraikos FC Cup Final : Panathinaikos FC - Aris Thessaloniki FC 1-0 61 GREECE | GRÈCE | GRIECHENLAND 62 AEK Athens FC Iraklis FC 69-71 Grammou Str. GR-15124 MAROUSI-ATHENS Nat. Stadium Mikras, PO Box 22475 GR-55102 THESSALONIKI Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 210 612 1371 +30 210 612 1618 info@aekfc.gr www.aekfc.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 231 047 8800 +30 231 047 8820 marketing@iraklis-fc.gr www.iraklis-fc.gr Stadium PO OACA Spyro Louis Thodoris ZAGAS Stadium PO Kaftanzoglio Charilaos CHARITON Aris Thessaloniki FC FC Kavala 69 Alkminis Str. GR-54249 THESSALONIKI Ydras 7 GR-65302 KAVALA Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 231 032 5044 +30 231 030 9035 info@arisfc.gr www.arisfc.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 251 834 130 +30 251 225 094 nea-pae-kavala@hotmail.com www.kavalafc.gr Stadium PO Kleanthis Vikelidis Panagiotis GABRANIS Stadium PO Anthi Karagianni Anastasios KOIMTZIDIS Asteras Tripolis FC Kerkyra FC Tertseti str. GR-22100 TRIPOLI Samara 22 GR-49100 KERKYRA Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 271 023 0400 +30 271 023 9526 info@asterastripolis.gr www.asterastripolis.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 26610 46430 +30 26610 81430 info@aokerkyra.com www.aokerkyra.com Stadium PO Asteras Tripolis Stadium Stavros KOUKAKIS Stadium PO Kerkyra Aggeliki PAGRATI Atromitos FC Larissa FC 94-96 Paparigopoulou Str. GR-12132 PERISTERI (Athens) 1-3, Erithrou Stavrou Str. GR-41221 LARISSA Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 210 577 4003 +30 210 577 4734 atromitos@atromitosfc.gr www.atromitosfc.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 241 053 5510 +30 241 053 5505 info@ael1964.gr www.ael1964.gr Stadium CP Peristeri Paulos KATONIS Stadium PO Alkazar Haris GEORGOULAS Ergotelis FC Olympiacos FC 1, N. Plastira, Stergiogianni 1 GR-71205 HERAKLION, CRETE Alexandra Square GR-18534 PIRAEUS Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 2810 313 959 +30 2810 311 146 info@ergotelis.gr www.ergotelis.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 210 414 3000 +30 210 414 3113 footballdpt@olympiacos.org www.olympiacos.org Stadium PO Pangrition Giannis TRELAKAS Stadium PO Georgios Karaiskakis Stadium Angeliki ARKADI GREECE | GRÈCE | GRIECHENLAND Olympiacos Volou FC PAOK FC Pavlou Mela 3 & Iasonos GR-38500 VOLOS Toumba’s Stadium, Mikras Asias Str. GR-54351 THESSALONIKI Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 24210 345 07 +30 24210 345 09 www.paeolympiakosvoloufc.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 231 095 4050 +30 231 095 1000 info@paokfc.gr www.paokfc.gr Stadium PO Panthessaliko Stadium Stadium PO Toumba Kiriakos KIRIAKOS Panathinaikos FC Panionios GSS Thon Building, Level 4, 1-3 Kifissias av. & Alexandras GR-15523 ATHENS 1, Chrisostomou Str. GR-17121 NEA SMIRNI-ATHENS Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 210 870 9000 +30 210 809 3644 paepao@hellasnet.gr www.pao.gr Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 210 931 1189 +30 210 933 2036 contact@panionios.gr www.pgss.gr Stadium PO Apostolos Nikolaidis Vera TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOU Stadium PO Panionios Kostas PAPADAKOS Panserraikos FC Xanthi FC Dimotiko Gipedo Serron GR-62125 SERRES Xanthi Arena, Kimeria-Pigadia Xanthi GR-67100 XANTHI Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 23210 35745 +30 23210 35788 fcpanser@otenet.gr www.panserraikos.eu Tel Fax E-mail Web +30 254 102 2977 +30 254 102 5852 office@skodaxanthifc.gr www.skodaxanthifc.gr Stadium PO Serres Municipal Stadium Stadium PO Xanthi Arena Babis KIRLIDIS 63 HUNGARY | HONGRIE | UNGARN Communication Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség Köérberek-Továrós, Kánai út 314/24 hrsz., 1112 BUDAPEST, Hungary Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +36 1 577 9500 +36 1 577 9503 mlsz@mlsz.hu www.mlsz.hu Pr: GS: PO: Csányi SANDOR Géza RÓKA László PAJOR-GYULAI Facts & Figures Foundation : 1901 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1906/1954 National Stadion : Puskás Ferenc Stadion, Budapest Capacity : 39,111 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 566 61,424 68,644 880 1,104 1,200 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 2,110 6,472 6,012 280 9,400 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts Debreceni VSC Videoton FC Győri ETO FC Újpest FC Zalaegerszegi TE MTK Budapest Ferencvárosi TC Szombathelyi Haladás Budapest Honvéd FC Kecskeméti FC Lombard-Pápa TFC Kaposvári Rákóczi FC Vasas SC Paksi SE Nyíregyháza Spartacus FC Diósgyőri VTK 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 18 15 17 15 12 10 10 9 10 10 8 8 7 6 4 2 7 12 4 8 7 11 9 11 7 5 8 7 10 9 5 8 5 3 9 7 11 9 11 10 13 15 14 15 13 15 21 63 59 38 49 59 52 34 46 38 50 39 38 39 31 41 31 37 31 18 39 45 41 35 49 35 56 50 50 61 44 60 56 62 61 57 55 53 43 41 39 38 37 35 32 31 31 27 17 Promoted : BFC Siófok and Szolnoki MÁV FC * Losing cup finalist Cup 64 Final : Debreceni VSC – Zalaegerszegi TE 3-2 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL * Relegated Relegated HUNGARY | HONGRIE | UNGARN MTK Budapest Szombathelyi Haladás Salgótarjáni u 12-14 HU-1087 BUDAPEST Rohonci u. 3 HU-9700 SZOMBATHELY Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 1 333 8368 +36 1 303 0592 mtkhung@fotexnet.hu www.mtkhungaria.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 94 510 200 +36 94 510 200 titkarsag@haladas.hu www.szombathelyihaladás.hu Stadium PO Nándor Hidegkúti Andrea POTH Stadium PO Haladás Stadion Gábor T. PAL Budapest Honvéd FC Kaposvári Rákóczi FC Puskás F. u. 1-3 HU-1194 BUDAPEST Pécsi u. 4 HU-7400 KAPOSVAŔ Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 1 357 6738 +36 1 357 6737 office@bhfc.hu www.honvedfc.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 82 319 650 +36 82 319 650 rakoczifc@gmail.com www.rakoczifc.hu Stadium PO József Bozsik Zoltan SIMON Stadium PO Rákóczi Stadion Ferenc OROSZ Debreceni VSC Kecskeméti TE Futball, Oláh Gabor Út 5, HU-4032 DEBRECEN Csabay Geza krt 1/a HU-6000 KECSKEMET Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 52 535 408 +36 52 340 817 dvscrt@dvsc.hu www.dvsc.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 76 415 812 +36 76 415 812 irodavezeto@kecskemetite.hu www.kecskemetite.hu Stadium PO Debrecen Zoltán CSUBAK Stadium PO Széktoi Stadium Angéla FORCZEK Ferencvárosi TC Lombard-Pápa TFC Üllöi út 129 HU-1091 BUDAPEST 2 Str. Varkert HU-8500 PÁPA Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 1 215 3856 +36 1 215 3698 ftcrt@ftc.hu www.ftc.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 89 512 020 +36 89 512 021 info@lombardpapafc.hu www.lombardfcpapa.hu Stadium PO Albert Stadium Pal OROSZ Stadium PO Perutz Stadion Imre MATYAS Győri ETO FC Paksi SE Nagysándor J. u31 HU-9027 GYŐR Fehérvari ut. 29 HU-7030 PAKS Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 96 529 005 +36 96 529 008 titkarsag@eto.hu www.eto.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 75 510 618 +36 75 510 619 pse@enternet.hu www.paksifc.hu Stadium PO ETO Park Stadion Nora FÖRDÖS Stadium PO Stadion PSE Zoltan ZOMBORKA 65 HUNGARY | HONGRIE | UNGARN BFC Siófok Vasas SC Révész G. u. 11 HU-8600 SIOFOK Fay u. 58 HU-1139 BUDAPEST XIII Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 84 311 536 +36 84 311 536 info@bfc-siofok.hu www.bfc-siofok.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 1 320 9457 +36 1 329 6073 elnokseg@vasassc.hu www.vasassc.hu Stadium PO Városi Stadion Stadium PO Rudolf Illovsky Gábor SINKOVITS Szolnoki MÁV FC Videoton FC Vésö úti Sporttelep, Tiszaligeti Stadion HU-5000 SZOLNOK Csíkvári út 10 HU-8000 SZEKESFEHERVAR Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 56 420 975 +36 56 420 975 szolnokimavfc@externet.hu www.szolnokimavfc.hu Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 22 379 493 +36 22 500 009 titkarsag@fcfehervar.hu www.vidi.hu Stadium PO Tiszaligeti Stadion József GELEI Stadium PO Sóstói Stadion Andras DENES Újpest FC Megyeri út 13 HU-1044 BUDAPEST 66 Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 1 231 0088 +36 1 231 0089 ujpestfc@ujpestfc.hu www.ujpestfc.hu Stadium PO Ferenc Szusza Károly NEMES Zalaegerszegi TE Október 6 tér 16 HU-8900 ZALAEGERSZEG Tel Fax E-mail Web +36 92 596 303 +36 92 314 093 ztefc@zelkanet.hu www.ztefc.hu Stadium PO ZTE Arena Kristian TOTH ICELAND | ISLANDE | ISLAND Communication Knattspyrnusamband Íslands Laugardal, 104 REYKJAVÍK, Iceland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +354 5 102 900 +354 5 689 793 ksi@ksi.is www.ksi.is Pr: GS: PO: Geir THORSTEINSSON Thórir HÁKONARSON Ómar SMÁRASON Facts & Figures Foundation : 26.03.1947 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1947/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Laugardalsvöllur, Reykjavik Capacity : 9,800 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 480 5,000 11,000 700 5,000 1,500 100 900 1,000 60 660 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts FH Hafnarfjördur KR Reykjavík Fylkir Fram Reykjavík Breidablik Keflavík Stjarnan Valur Reykjavík Grindavík IBV Vestmannaeyjar Thróttur Reykjavík Fjölnir 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 16 15 13 10 10 8 7 7 6 6 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 9 5 4 4 4 4 6 3 4 5 8 8 5 10 11 12 12 14 13 57 58 41 40 38 38 45 26 34 24 23 27 21 31 26 32 33 37 44 43 44 45 48 47 51 48 43 34 34 33 26 25 22 22 16 15 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Promoted : Selfoss and Haukar *Cup winner Cup (2009) Final : Breidablik – Fram Reykjavík 2-2 (5-4 pen) 67 ICELAND | ISLANDE | ISLAND 68 Breidablik Haukar Dalsmára 5 IS-201 KÓPAVOGUR Asvellir 1 IS-201 HAFNARFJÖRDUR Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 510 64 04 +354 554 00 50 knattspyrna@breidablik.is www.breidablik.is Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 525 8700 gudbjorg@haukar.is www.haukar.is Stadium PO Kópavogsvöllur Helgi JONASSON Stadium PO Arnar Dadi ARNARSSON FH Hafnarfjördur IBV Vestmannaeyjar Kaplakrika IS-220 HAFNARFIRDI Tysheimili v/ Hastein IS-902 VESTMANNAEYJAR Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 565 07 11 +354 568 42 22 petur@fh.is www.fhingar.is Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 481 2060 +354 481 1260 ibv@ibv.is www.ibvsport.is Stadium PO Kaplakrikavöllur Steinar STEPHENSEN Stadium PO Hásteinsvöllur Olafur Björgvin JOHANNSSON Fram Reykjavík Keflavík Safamyri 26 IS-108 REYKJAVÍK PO Box 122, Skolavegur 32 IS-230 REYKJANESBÆR Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 533 56 00 +354 568 04 95 knattspyrna@fram.is www.fram.is Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 421 51 88 +354 421 41 37 kef-fc@keflavik.is www.keflavik.is Stadium PO Laugardalsvöllur Stefan SÆBJÖRNSSON Stadium PO Keflavíkurvöllur Hjordis BALDURSDOTTIR Fylkir KR Reykjavík Ithróttafélagid Fylkir, Fylkishöll, Fylkisvegi 6 IS-110 REYKJAVÍK Frostaskjól 2, PO Box 107 IS-107 REYKJAVÍK Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 567 64 67 +354 567 60 91 fylkir@fylkir.com www.fylkir.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 510 53 07 +354 510 53 09 jonas@kr.is www.kr.is Stadium PO Fylkisvöllur Thordur GISLASON Stadium PO KR-völlur Otthar JOHANNSSON Grindavík Selfoss Ungmennafélag Grindavíkur, Austurvegi 3 IS-240 GRINDAVÍK Engjavegur 50 IS-800 SELFOSS Tel: Fax: E-mail: Web: +354 426 8605 +354 426 7605 umfg@centrum.is www.umfg.is Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 482 2477 +354 482 4277 knattspyrna@umfs.is www.umfs.is Stadium: CP: Grindavíkurvöllur Sigurdur ENOKSSON Stadium PO Selfossvöllur Tomas THORODDSSON ICELAND | ISLANDE | ISLAND Stjarnan Valur Reykjavík Ungmennafelagid Stjarnan, Stjornuheimilinu v/Asgard IS-210 GARDABÆR Hlídarendi vid Laufásveg IS-101 REYKJAVÍK Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 565 1940 +354 565 1714 knattspyrna@stjarnan.is www.stjarnan.is Tel Fax E-mail Web +354 414 80 00 +354 414 80 10 valur@valur.is www.valur.is Stadium PO Stjörnuvöllur Sara Rut UNNARSDOTTIR Stadium PO Vodafonevöllurinn Björgvin BRYNJOLFSSON 69 ISRAEL | ISRAËL | ISRAEL Communication The Israel Football Association Ramat Gan Stadium, 299, Aba Hilell Street, P.O. Box 3591, 52134 RAMAT GAN, Israel Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +972 3 617 1500 +972 3 570 2044 info@football.org.il www.football.org.il Pr: GS: PO: Avraham LUZON Ori SHILO Gil LEBANONY Facts & Figures Foundation : 18.07.1928 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1929/1994 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Ramat-Gan Stadium, Tel-Aviv Capacity : 41,583 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 272 Teams : 1,107 Referees 970 Male : Female : Coaches : 1,003 5,651 27,310 287 338 200 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. Club P W D L F A Pts Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC Maccabi Haifa FC Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC Bnei Yehuda Tel-Aviv FC Beitar Jerusalem FC FC Ashdod 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 28 17 14 14 11 9 3 9 11 7 10 1 4 9 10 14 14 87 72 52 43 50 36 26 16 35 34 44 45 49 49 34 31 26 22 7 8 9 10 Play-Off 7-10 Bnei Sakhnin FC Maccabi Petach-Tikva FC Hapoel Beer-Sheva FC Maccabi Netanya FC 33 33 33 33 13 10 11 10 8 11 10 9 12 12 12 14 31 44 49 44 31 47 55 47 27 24 23 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 Play-Off 11-16 Hapoel Haifa FC Hapoel Akko FC Hapoel Petach-Tikva FC Hapoel Ramat Gan FC Hapoel Ra’anana FC Maccabi Ahi Nazareth FC 35 35 35 35 35 35 10 7 8 9 6 7 9 14 14 11 10 7 16 14 13 15 19 21 44 38 28 34 33 33 50 52 48 49 58 81 23 23 23 22 18 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Promoted : Hapoel Kiryat Shmona FC and Hapoel Ashkelon FC. For the 2009/10 season, the top division had a system where by the points tally of each side was halved after each team had played each other twice. *Losing cup finalist Cup 70 Final : Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC – Bnei Yehuda Tel-Aviv FC 3-1 ISRAEL | ISRAËL | ISRAEL FC Ashdod Hapoel Ashkelon FC Zabutinski Str. 45, PO Box 2114 IL-77130 ASHDOD PO Box 262 IL-78100 ASHKELON Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 88 686 130 +972 88 686 131 bhaim@bezeqint.net www.fcashdod.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 8 671 7444 +972 8 671 1176 talya@walla.com - Stadium PO Ashdod Ohad ZWICK Stadium PO Ashkelon Municipal Moshe MAGYA Beitar Jerusalem FC Hapoel Beer-Sheva FC Beit Ha’kerem Street, PO Box 3334 IL-91033 JERUSALEM PO Box 3242, Yehuda Ha’levi 1 IL-84142 BEER SHEVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 2 679 2000 +972 2 651 5419 lital@bjerusalem.co.il www.bjerusalem.co.il Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 8 642 2986 +972 8 642 2987 office@hapoelb7.com www.hapoelb7.com Stadium PO Teddy Stadium Asaf SHAKED Stadium PO Vasermil Tsipora HALFON Bnei Sakhnin FC Hapoel Haifa FC Sakhnin Stadium, PO Box 17 IL-30810 SAKHNIN Kiriat Haim – The stadium 1 IL-26248 HAIFA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 4 674 7792 +972 4 674 6017 bneisakhnin@gmail.com www.abna-sakhnin.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 4 872 1403 +972 4 849 1423 sterling_oren@walla.com - Stadium PO Doha Halaila MONDER Stadium PO Kiryat Eliazer Noam REGEV Bnei Yehuda Tel-Aviv FC Hapoel Kiryat Shmona FC 20 Kabir Str., PO Box 19069 IL-67750 TEL-AVIV Ha’yarden Street, PO Box 961 IL-10200 KIRYAT SHMONA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 3 687 6445 +972 3 537 7877 info@fc-bnei-yehuda.co.il www.fc-bnei-yehuda.co.il Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 4 681 7833 +972 4 681 7834 merchi29@hotmail.com www.iturank8.co.il Stadium PO Bloomfield Keren DAMAYO Stadium PO Kiryat Shmona Faraj ADI Hapoel Akko FC Hapoel Petach-Tikva FC PO Box 2877 IL-24127 AKKO 39 Meir Danknaer Street, PO Box 10008 IL-49001 PETACH-TIKVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 50 794 1678 +972 4 995 6035 hapoelakko@walla.co.il www.planetnana.co.il/hapoel_akko Tel Fax E-mail Web Stadium PO Green Stadium David SHANHOLSZ Stadium PO +972 3 924 8353 +972 3 921 8352 hpt-fc@012.net.il Alon HAKMON 71 ISRAEL | ISRAËL | ISRAEL 72 Hapoel Ramat Gan FC Maccabi Netanya FC 56 Borochov Street, Givartaim IL-53222 RAMAT-GAN 26 Giborey Israel, PO Box 2242 IL-42122 NETANYA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 3 672 7743 +972 3 670 1050 bneinat@walla.co.il www.hapoelrg-fc.co.il Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 9 865 1336 +972 9 885 8690 mn@fcmn.co.il www.fcmn.co.il Stadium PO Winter Einat BEN NACHOM Stadium PO Netanya Itzik GENISH Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC Maccabi Petach-Tikva FC PO Box 8402, 8 Halohamim Str. IL-61084 TEL-AVIV 1 Ben Dror St’ Petah-Tikva, PO Box 67 IL-49100 PETACH-TIKVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 3 682 1275 +972 3 682 7722 rachel@hapoelta-fc.co.il www.hapoelta-fc.co.il Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 3 934 7561 +972 3 934 7560 m-pt@zahav.net.il www.m-pt.co.il Stadium PO Bloomfield Geva TELEM Stadium PO Sigal CHEN Maccabi Haifa FC Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC 4 Kiryat Seffer, PO Box 7744 IL-34676 HAIFA 106 Ben Tzvi Str., PO Box 12069 IL-61120 TEL-AVIV Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 4 834 6626 +972 4 834 6630 info@maccabihaifafc.com www.maccabi-haifafc.walla.co.il Tel Fax E-mail Web +972 3 681 7233 +972 3 681 7242 info@maccabi-tlv.co.il www.maccabi-tlv.co.il Stadium PO Kiryat Eliezer Dudu BAZAK Stadium PO Bloomfield Ariel AVRAHAM ITALY | ITALIE | ITALIEN Communication Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio Via Gregorio Allegri 14, CP 2450, 00198 ROMA, Italy Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +39 06 849 11 +39 06 849 12 526 international@figc.it www.figc.it Pr: GS: PO: ID: Giancarlo ABETE Antonio DI SEBASTIANO Antonello VALENTINI Sergio DI CESARE Facts & Figures Foundation : 15.03.1898 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1905/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Stadio Olimpico, Roma Capacity : 73,095 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 14,626 Teams : 74,800 Referees Male : 24,986 Female : 1,453 Coaches : 59,889 3,526 408,119 689,148 11,740 9,594 48,860 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Internazionale Milano AS Roma AC Milan UC Sampdoria US Città di Palermo SSC Napoli Juventus Parma FC Genoa CFC AS Bari ACF Fiorentina S.S. Lazio Calcio Catania AC Chievo Verona Udinese Calcio Cagliari Calcio Bologna FC Atalanta BC AC Siena AS Livorno Calcio 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 24 24 20 19 18 15 16 14 14 13 13 11 10 12 11 11 10 9 7 7 10 8 10 10 11 14 7 10 9 11 8 13 15 8 11 11 12 8 10 8 4 6 8 9 9 9 15 14 15 14 17 14 13 18 16 16 16 21 21 23 75 68 60 49 59 50 55 46 57 49 48 39 44 37 54 56 42 37 40 27 34 41 39 41 47 43 56 51 61 49 47 43 45 42 59 58 55 53 67 61 82 80 70 67 65 59 55 52 51 50 47 46 45 44 44 44 42 35 31 29 Comp. UCL UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : AC Cesena, Brescia Calcio and US Lecce Cup Final : AS Roma – FC Internazionale Milano 0-1 73 ITALY | ITALIE | ITALIEN 74 AS Bari AC Chievo Verona Strada Torrebella, Stadio San Nicola IT-70124 BARI Via Luigi Galvani 3, Stadio Marc'Antonio Bentegodi IT-37138 VERONA Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 080 5055 099 +39 080 5055 164 bari@lega-calcio.it www.asbari.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 045 575 779 +39 045 562 298 segreteria.generale@chievoverona.it www.chievoverona.it Stadium PO San Nicola Saverio DE BELLIS Stadium PO Marc'Antonio Bentegodi Federica MENEGAZZI Bologna FC AC Cesena Via Casteldebole 10, Stadio "Renato Dall'Ara" IT-40132 BOLOGNA Corso Sozzi 5 IT-47521 CESENA (FO) Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 051 611 1111 +39 051 611 1122 bologna@lega-calcio.it www.bolognafc.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 0547 611 320 +39 0547 611 875 info@cesenacalcio.it www.cesenacalcio.it Stadium PO Renato Dall'Ara Carlo CALICETTI Stadium PO Dino Manuzzi Andrea AGOSTINI Brescia Calcio US Città di Palermo Via Luigi Bazoli 10 IT-25127 BRESCIA Via del Fante 11 IT-90146 PALERMO Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 030 241 0751 +39 030 241 0787 info@bresciacalcio.it www.bresciacalcio.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 091 690 1211 +39 091 670 0263 palermo@lega-calcio.it www.ilpalermocalcio.it Stadium PO Mario Rigamonti Stefano GELONA Stadium PO Renzo Barbera Laura ANCHISI Cagliari Calcio ACF Fiorentina Viale La Plaia 15 IT-09123 CAGLIARI Viale Manfredo Fanti 4 IT-50137 FIRENZE Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 070 604 201 +39 070 604 2029 cagliari@lega-calcio.it www.cagliaricalcio.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 055 503 011 +39 055 503 0159 segretaria@acffiorentina.it www.violachannel.tv Stadium PO Sant’ Elia Marcello SAN FELICE Stadium PO Artemio Franchi Salvatore CUCCU Calcio Catania Genoa CFC Via Ferrante Aporti 1 IT-95129 CATANIA Villa Rostan, via Ronchi 67 IT-16155 GENOVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 095 250 85 11 +39 095 363 638 info@calciocatania.it www.calciocatania.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 010 612 8321 +39 010 612 8344 info@genoacfc.it www.genoacfc.it Stadium PO Cibali-Angelo Massimino Ramona MORELLI Stadium PO Luigi Ferraris Pietro PISANO ITALY | ITALIE | ITALIEN FC Internazionale Milano SSC Napoli Corso V. Emanuele II, 9 IT-20122 MILANO S.S. Domitiana Km. 35,300 IT-81030 CASTEL VOLTURNO - Caserta Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 02 771 51 +39 02 781 514 inter@inter.it www.inter.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 081 509 5344 +39 081 509 3917 alberto.vallefuoco@sscn.it www.sscnapoli.it Stadium PO Stadio Giuseppe Meazza Luigi CRIPPA Stadium PO San Paolo Guido BALDARI Juventus Parma FC Corso Galileo Ferraris 32 IT-10128 TORINO Viale Partigiani d’Italia 1, c/o Stadio Tardini IT-43123 PARMA Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 011 656 31 +39 011 440 7377 juventus@lega-calcio.it www.juventus.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 0521 505 111 +39 0521 505 100 parma@lega-calcio.it www.fcparma.com Stadium PO Stadio Olimpico Marco GIROTTO Stadium CP Ennio Tardini Alberto MONGUIDI S.S. Lazio AS Roma Via di Santa Cornelia 1000 IT-00060 FORMELLO-ROMA Via di Trigoria Km. 3,600 IT-00128 ROMA Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 06 976 07 210 +39 06 904 00 022 segreteria.lazio@sslazio.it www.sslazio.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 06 501 911 +39 06 506 1736 roma@lega-calcio.it www.asroma.it Stadium PO Stadio Olimpico Stefano DE MARTINO Stadium PO Stadio Olimpico Elena TURRA US Lecce UC Sampdoria Via Templari 11, Stadio Via del Mare IT-73100 LECCE Piazza Borgo Pila 39 - Torre B - v piano It-16129 GENOVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 0832 240 214 +39 0832 243 171 lecce@lega-calcio.it www.uslecce.it Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 010 531 6711 +39 010 531 6777 sampdoria@lega-calcio.it www.sampdoria.it Stadium PO Via del Mare Andrea FERRANTE Stadium PO Luigi Ferraris Alberto MARANGON AC Milan Udinese Calcio Via F. Turati 3 IT-20121 MILANO Viale A. e A. Candolini 2 IT-33100 UDINE Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 02 622 81 +39 02 659 8876 info@acmilan.it www.acmilan.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 0432 544 911 +39 0432 544 933 udinese@udinesespa.it www.udinese.it Stadium PO Stadio Giuseppe Meazza Riccardo COLI Stadium PO Friuli Massimo CAMPAZZO 75 KAZAKHSTAN | KAZAKHSTAN | KASACHSTAN Communication Kazakhstanning Futbol Federatsiyasi 29 Syganak Str.,6th floor, section 21, 010000 ASTANA, Kazakhstan Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +7 7172 79 07 80 +7 7172 79 07 88 kfo@mail.online.kz www.kff.kz Pr: GS: PO: Adilbek JAXYBEKOV Sayan KHAMITZHANOV Timur KAMASHEV Facts & Figures Foundation : 1992 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1994/2002 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Astana Arena, Astana Capacity : 30,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,100 5,000 20,000 175 2,014 5,000 30 300 320 10 500 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Aktobe FC Lokomotiv Astana FC Shakhter Karagandy FC Tobol Kostanay FC Zhetysu Taldykorgan FC Atyrau FC Ordabasy Shymkent FC Taraz FC Irtysh Pavlodar FC Vostok1 FC Okzhetpes Kokshetau FC Kazakhmys1 FC Kaisar Kyzylorda FC Kyzylzhar Petropavlosvk2 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 21 20 18 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 7 3 3 2 0 3 9 5 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 5 4 3 6 5 3 8 8 10 11 13 14 16 16 18 19 65 54 50 54 33 37 33 37 24 32 22 32 15 14 19 24 18 23 26 29 30 36 31 56 48 61 45 56 65 60 57 51 44 40 36 33 29 33 22 21 14 6 Promoted : FC Kairat Almaty and FC Akzhayik Uralsk 1 2 FC Vostok (withdrew from 2010 superleague) and FC Kazakhmys have had 3 points deducted. FC Kyzylzhar Petropavlosvk have had 7 points deducted. For the 2010 season, the top division has been reduced to 12 teams. * Cup winner Cup (2009) Final : 76 FC Atyrau – FC Shakhter Karagandy 1-0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated KAZAKHSTAN | KAZAKHSTAN | KASACHSTAN FC Aktobe FC Lokomotiv Astana Abilkaiy-khan Av. 56 KZ-30019 AKTOBE 4 Samal microdistrict, office 2 KZ-10000 ASTANA Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7132 550 078 +7 7132 570 953 fk-aktobe@mail.ru www.fc-aktobe.kz Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7172 689 074 +7 7172 689 074 Lokomotiv-astana@mail.ru www.fc-lokomotiv.kz Stadium PO Tcentralny Marat JUMABAYEV Stadium PO Astana Arena Tangiev Zhamalleil ZAKREEVICH FC Akzhayik Uralsk FC Okzhetpes Kokshetau Kurmangazy Str. 179/5 KZ-90000 URALSK Abay Str. 116 KZ-020000 KOKSHETAU Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7112 545 743 +7 7112 541 995 fk_akzhayik@mail.ru www.akzhaik.info Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 71622 51 397 +7 71622 51 397 info@okzhetpes.kz Stadium PO Petr Atoyan Stadium Stadium PO Okzhetpes Rinat DAUTBAYEV FC Atyrau FC Ordabasy Shymkent Auezov Ave 28a KZ-060014 ATYRAU Madeli - Kozha Str. 1 KZ-160000 SHYMKENT Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7122 244 547 +7 7122 244 350 fc_atyrau@mail.ru www.fcatyrau.kz Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7252 314 490 +7 7252 314 490 pfk_ordabasy@mail.ru www.fcordabasy.kz Stadium PO Munaishi Nsangaliyev ALTYNBEK Stadium PO Kazhimukan Munaytpasov Iliyas ZHOLDAS FC Irtysh Pavlodar FC Shakhter Karagandy Lunacharsky Str. 50 b. KZ-140003 PAVLODAR Kazakhstanskaya Str. 1 KZ-100019 KARAGANDA Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7182 321 702 +7 7182 323 280 irtysh-fc@mail.ru www.fcirtysh.kz Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7212 411 831 +7 7212 411 831 shahter56@mail.ru www.shahter.kz Stadium PO Tcentralny Aleksandr PRASOLENKO Stadium PO Shakhter Sergey KIKOLENKO FC Kairat Almaty FC Taraz Abaya Str. 48, office 31,32 KZ-50022 ALMATY Abay Str. 113 KZ-080000 TARAZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7272 390 700 +7 7272 390 700 fckairat@mail.ru www.fckairat.kz Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7262 431 092 +7 7262 431 093 fc_taraz@mail.ru www.fctaraz.kz Stadium PO Dinamo Isabaev Marat SHAKENOVICH Stadium PO Taraz Aibol KARASHEV 77 KAZAKHSTAN | KAZAKHSTAN | KASACHSTAN 78 FC Tobol Kostanay FC Zhetysu Taldykorgan 1st May Str. 153 KZ-110000 KOSTANAY Kabanbay Batyr Str. 88/90 KZ-040000 TALDYKORGAN Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7142 578 582 +7 7142 578 582 fc-tobol@mail.ru www.fc-tobol.kz Tel Fax E-mail Web +7 7282 244 450 +7 7282 247 977 pfc_zhetisu@mail.ru www.fc-zhetisu.kz Stadium PO Tcentralny Sairan BUPEZHANOV Stadium PO Zhetysu Yuriy PAK LATVIA | LETTONIE | LETTLAND Communication Latvijas Futbola Federäcija Olympic Sports Centre, Grostonas Street 6b, 1013 RIGA, Latvia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +371 6729 2988 +371 6731 5604 futbols@lff.lv www.LFF.lv Pr: GS: PO: Guntis INDRIKSONS Janis MEZECKIS Martins HARTMANIS Facts & Figures Foundation : 1921 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1922/1992 National stadium : Skonto Stadium, Riga Capacity : 9,500 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 130 600 8,500 150 510 1,500 192 1,670 95 10 212 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Club P W D L F A Pts SK Liepājas Metalurgs FK Ventspils Skonto FC FK Jūrmala-VV JFK Olimps/RFS SK Blāzma Rēzekne FK Tranzīt Ventspils FC Daugava Rīga FC Dinaburg1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 25 23 23 12 11 7 2 3 15 4 5 4 4 5 5 10 5 4 3 4 5 16 16 20 20 24 13 96 89 96 42 53 30 22 26 31 23 21 30 60 60 71 65 116 39 79 74 73 40 38 26 16 14 0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Promoted : FK Jelgava, FK Jaunība Rīga and FC Daugava Daugavpils 1 FC Dinaburg have had 49 points deducted. * UEL participant, Cup winner Cup (2010) Final : FK Jelgava* – FK Jūrmala-VV 2-2 (6-5 pen) 79 LATVIA | LETTONIE | LETTLAND 80 SK Blāzma Rēzekne SK Liepājas Metalurgs Atbrivosanas aleja 174 LV-4604 REZEKNE Brivibas Str. 93 LV-3401 LIEPAJA Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 46 340 93 +371 46 340 93 zbsport@inbox.lv - Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 63 480 927 +371 63 480 927 fhklubs@inbox.lv www.sport.metalurgs.lv Stadium PO Sporta agentúras stadions Zanis ARMANIS Stadium PO Daugava Simona LAIVENIECE FC Daugava Rīga JFK Olimps/RFS Visku Str. 17 LV-5410 DAUGAVPILS Ezermalas 24/26, Daugava Stadium LV-1014 RIGA Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 65 439 235 +371 65 439 235 daugavafc1944@inbox.lv www.fcdaugava.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 67 517 151 +371 67 517 151 jfkolimps@inbox.lv - Stadium PO Daugava Eduards BROKANS Stadium PO Daugava Diana LANGE FK Jaunība Rīga Skonto FC Lidonu Str. 23a-4 LV-1055 RIGA 1a, Melngaila str. LV-1010 RIGA Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 674 69 504 +371 674 69 504 romanch@inbox.lv - Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 67 282 669 +371 67 282 669 info@skontofc.lv www.skontofc.lv Stadium PO Daugava Stadium PO Skonto Andris ONDZULIS FK Jūrmala-VV FK Tranzīt Ventspils Jomas Str. 61, SIA “Inter Haus” LV-2015 JURMALA Sporta iela 7/9 LV-3601 VENTSPILS Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 29 821 769 +371 67 843 413 fkjurmala1@inbox.lv www.fkjurmala.lv Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 294 957 33 +371 636 07 555 office@fkventspils.lv - Stadium PO Sloka Liga GOLDMANE Stadium PO Z. pamatskoles stadions FK Jelgava FK Ventspils Raina Str. 6 LV-3001 JELGAVA Sporta iela 7/9 LV-3601 VENTSPILS Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 630 27 504 +371 630 27 503 ainars@fkjelgava.lv www.fkjelgava.lv Tel Fax E-mail Web +371 63 681 354 +371 63 607 555 office@fkventspils.lv www.fkventspils.lv Stadium PO ozolnieuku stadions Maksims OZOLS-OZOLINS Stadium PO Olimpiskais Stadions Mihail KOROLEV LIECHTENSTEIN | LIECHTENSTEIN | LIECHTENSTEIN Communication Liechtensteiner Fussballverband Landstr. 149, 9494 SCHAAN, Liechtenstein Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +423 237 4747 +423 237 4748 info@lfv.li www.lfv.li Pr: GS: PO: Reinhard WALSER Roland OSPELT Judith FROMMELT Facts & Figures Foundation : 28.04.1934 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1974/1974 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 12 700 1,200 42 112 National stadium : Rheinpark-Stadion, Vaduz Capacity : 7,789 (6,078 seated) Clubs & Teams Clubs : 7 Teams : 105 Referees Male : 34 Female : Coaches : Domestic Competitions 2009/10 No domestic league. Liechtenstein clubs participate at various levels in Swiss national championship. * Cup Winner, qualified for UEL Cup Final : FC Vaduz* – USV Eschen-Mauren 1-1 (4-2 pen) 81 LIECHTENSTEIN | LIECHTENSTEIN | LIECHTENSTEIN FC Balzers FC Triesen Postfach 114 LI-9496 BALZERS Postfach 208 LI-9495 TRIESEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 384 30 60 +423 384 30 69 fcbalzers@adon.li www.fcbalzers.li Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 392 23 33 +423 392 23 33 fctriesen@adon.li www.fctriesen.li Stadium PO Sportanlage Rheinau Christoph FRICK Stadium PO Sportplatz Blumenau Margrit BECK-MILLER USV Eschen/Mauren FC Triesenberg Sportpark, Postfach 12 LI-9492 ESCHEN Postfach 1243, Sportplatz Leitawis LI-9497 TRIESENBERG Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 371 17 00 +423 371 17 01 info@usv.li www.usv.li Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 268 10 40 +423 268 10 10 info@fctriesenberg.li www.fctriesenberg.li Stadium PO Sportplatz Eschen/Mauren Herbert MARXER Stadium PO Sportanlage Leitawis Franz SCHÄDLER FC Ruggell FC Vaduz Freizeitpark Widau LI-9491 RUGGELL Rheinpark Stadion, Postfach 158 LI-9490 VADUZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 373 61 68 +423 373 92 19 info@fcruggell.li www.fcruggell.li Tel Fax E-mail Web +423 375 18 00 +423 375 18 09 info@fcvaduz.li www.fcvaduz.li Stadium PO Freizeitanlage Widau Markus SCHAPER Stadium PO Rheinpark Patrick BURGMEIER FC Schaan Postfach 213 LI-9494 SCHAAN 82 Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 78 831 2248 +423 232 30 35 fcschaan@adon.li Stadium PO Sportanlage Rheinweise LITHUANIA | LITUANIE | LITAUEN Communication Lietuvos Futbolo Federacija Seimyniskiu Street 15, 09312 VILNIUS, Lithuania Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +370 5 263 8741 +370 5 263 8740 info@lff.lt www.lff.lt Pr: GS: PO: Liutauras VARANAVICIUS Julius KVEDARAS Jurga CHOMSKYTE-MCGEEVER Facts & Figures Foundation : 22.03.1922 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1992 National stadium : S. Darius & S. Girénas, Kaunas Capacity : 9,180 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 414 3,756 7,525 350 450 710 89 416 308 19 635 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Club P W D L F A Pts FK Ekranas FK Vėtra 2 FK Sūduva FC Šiauliai FK Tauras FK Banga FK LKKA Teledama Kaunas 1 FC Kruoja 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 18 16 14 13 10 7 4 2 9 9 11 3 8 6 3 7 1 3 3 12 10 15 21 19 58 55 55 40 26 25 19 24 20 22 22 34 22 49 63 70 63 57 53 42 38 27 15 13 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL For the 2010 season, the top division has been increased to 10 teams Promoted : VMFD Žalgiris, FC Klaipėda and FK Mažeikiai 1 2 FK LKKA Teledama Kaunas have changed their name to FK Atletas FK Vėtra were expelled from the league due to failure of compliance with financial regulations. * Losing cup finalist Cup (2010) Final : FK Ekranas – FK Vetra 2-1 83 LITHUANIA | LITUANIE | LITAUEN 84 FK Banga FC Mažeikiai Kvietiniu Str. 26 LT-96136 GARGZDAI (Klaipèda District) Laisves str. 32-2 LT-89223 MAŽEIKIAI Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 46 452 782 +370 46 452 782 nerijus@fkbanga.lt www.fkbanga.lt Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 44 335 181 aldaras@saurida.lt - Stadium PO Gargzdai Stadium Remigijus RIEKASIUS Stadium PO Mažeikiai Audrone MALUKIENE FK Ekranas FC Šiauliai Elektronikos G. 1 LT-35116 PANEVEZYS S. Daukanto 23 LT-76331 ŠIAULIAI Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 69 826 396 +370 45 506 414 info@fkekranas.lt www.fkekranas.lt Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 700 050 53 +370 700 050 53 fcsiauliai@fcsiauliai.lt www.fcsiauliai.lt Stadium PO Aukstaitija Vaidas KAZLAUSKAS Stadium PO Savivaldybes Ausra LAURINKIENE FC Klaipėda FK Sūduva Sauliu g. 3-2 LT-92137 KLAIPĖDA P. Armino Str. 27 LT-68290 MARIJAMPOLE Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 65 800 991 direktorius@klaipeda-fc.lt www.klaipeda-fc.lt Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 34 371 178 +370 34 371 178 fksuduva@takas.lt www.fksuduva.lt Stadium PO Klaipeda Benjamina ZDANEVICIUTE Stadium PO Marijampoles futbolo klubas Arunas REINIKIS FC Kruoja FK Tauras Statybininku Str. 3 LT-83163 PAKRUOJIS Svyturio Str. 4A LT-72252 TAURAGE Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 421 601 32 +370 421 601 33 kruoja@kruoja.lt www.kruoja.lt Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 446 510 66 +370 446 510 66 info@fktauras.lt www.fktauras.lt Stadium PO Pakruojo Stanislava VICAITE-MIKSTELIENE Stadium PO Vytautas Virgilijus STRIKAITIS FK Atletas VMFD Žalgiris Kaunakiemio Str. 5 LT-44351 KAUNAS Rygos g. 17A/42 LT-05205 VILNIUS Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 372 08 783 kristina.grazyte@teledema.lt www.lkka.teledema.lt Tel Fax E-mail Web +370 61 834 155 vvenslovaitiene@yahoo.com www.zalgiris-vilnius.lt Stadium PO S. Darius and S. Girénas Vytautas KRAJASAS Stadium PO Žalgiris Gedas SAROCKA LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBURG Communication Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Football BP 5, Rue de Limpach, 3901 MONDERCANGE, Luxembourg Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +352 488 665-1 +352 488 665-82 flf@football.lu www.football.lu Pr: GS: PO: Paul PHILIPP Joël WOLFF Marc DIEDERICH Facts & Figures Foundation : 22.11.1908 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1910/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Stade Josy Barthel, Luxembourg Capacity : 8,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 300 15,215 12,136 502 516 4,500 108 766 256 8 282 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Club P W D L F A Pts AS Jeunesse Esch F91 Dudelange CS Grevenmacher FC Differdange 03 FC RM Hamm Benfica CS Fola Esch Racing FC Union Lëtzebuerg FC Etzella Ettelbruck CS Pétange FC Swift Hesper FC Progrès Niedercorn UN Käerjéng 97 US Rumelange FC Mondercange 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 17 16 13 12 11 11 12 8 9 8 6 7 7 2 6 6 4 6 8 8 5 8 5 5 10 7 1 7 3 4 9 8 7 7 9 10 12 13 10 12 18 17 45 62 46 41 50 49 39 42 36 33 39 28 27 18 20 23 40 30 29 38 47 43 42 42 44 36 63 58 57 54 43 42 41 41 41 32 32 29 28 28 22 13 Promotion/Relegation Play-Off: UN Käerjéng 97 – CS Oberkorn Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* PO Relegated Relegated 3-1 Promoted : FC Wiltz 71 and FC Jeunesse Canach * Cup winner Cup Final : FC Differdange 03 – CS Grevenmacher 1-0 85 LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBURG 86 FC Differdange 03 FC Jeunesse Canach BP 38 LU-4501 DIFFERDANGE 6, rue Bellevue LU-5412 CANACH Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 621 277 827 +352 585 128 breden@pt.lu www.fcd03.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 621 720 038 +352 356 350 marc.wilge@stadbredimus.lu www.fccanach.lu Stadium PO Thillenberg Fabrizio BEI Stadium PO Terrain rue de Lenningen Sascha MARX F91 Dudelange AS Jeunesse Esch BP 278 LU-3403 DUDELANGE BP 45 LU-4001 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 621 231 553 +352 265 111 44 thfelle@pt.lu www.f91.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 621 15 92 92 +352 265 600 47 jeunesch@pt.lu www.jeunesse-esch.lu Stadium PO Jos Nosbaum Richard MULLER Stadium PO La Frontière Romain WANTZ FC Etzella Ettelbruck UN Käerjéng 97 BP 183 LU-9002 ETTELBRUCK BP 94 LU-4901 BASCHARAGE Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 8182 0923 +352 8182 0933 fcetz@pt.lu www.fc-etzella.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 691 240 250 +352 2365 1731 un97@pt.lu www.un-kaerjeng.lu Stadium PO Deich Georges BASSING Stadium PO UM Bechel Nico ZENNER CS Fola Esch CS Pétange PO Box 83 LU-4001 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE BP 63 LU-4701 PETANGE Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 530 995 +352 530 994 pimknaff@pt.lu www.csfola.lu/ Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 504 6991 +352 507 385 pwagner@pt.lu www.cspetange.lu Stadium PO Stade Emile Mayrisch Mauro MARIANI Stadium PO Municipal Pascal WAGNER CS Grevenmacher FC Progrès Niedercorn BP 60 LU-6701 GREVENMACHER BP 121 LU-4502 DIFFERDANGE Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 769 370 +352 759 753 schoux@pt.lu www.csg.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 2658 0116 +352 2658 0116 progres@pt.lu www.progres.lu Stadium PO Op Flor Guy FUSENIG Stadium PO Jos Haupert Fabio MAROCHI LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBOURG | LUXEMBURG FC RM Hamm Benfica Racing FC Union Lëtzebuerg 83a, rue Tawioun LU-2612 LUXEMBOURG Rue A. Lumière, BP 1614 LU-1016 LUXEMBOURG Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 434 273 +352 432 223 rmhamm@pt.lu www.rmhb.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 483 498 +352 404 747 info@racing-fc.lu www.racing-fc.lu Stadium PO Cents Nico ZINSMEISTER Stadium PO Achille Hammerel Alain GROSS FC Swift Hesper FC Wiltz 71 19, Gruewereck LU-6734 GREVENMACHER BP 47 LU-9501 WILTZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 7588 93 +352 2636 0341 mullerfu@pt.lu www.swifthesper.lu Tel Fax E-mail Web +352 957 390 +352 26 950 294 wiltz71@pt.lu www.fcwiltz.lu Stadium PO Alphonse Theis Stadium PO Terrain Géitzt Emile LUTGEN 87 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA | ARY MACÉDOINE | EJR MAZEDONIEN Communication Fudbalska Federatsija na Makedonija 8-ma Udarna Brigada 31 A, 1000 SKOPJE, F.Y.R. Macedonia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +389 3 222 603 +389 3 165 448 ffm@ffm.com.mk www.ffm.com.mk Pr: GS: PO: Haralampie HADZI-RISTESKI Igor KLIMPER Zoran NIKOLOVSKI Facts & Figures Foundation : 16.08.1948 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1994/1994 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : National Arena Filip II, Skopje Capacity : 32,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 218 20,032 7,920 401 500 711 485 800 792 8 393 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club FK Renova FK Rabotnicki FK Metalurg Skopje FK Pelister FK Sileks FK Vardar 1 FK Teteks FK Turnovo 1 FK Milano FK Makedonija GP Skopje 1 FK Sloga Jugomagnat 1 FK Pobeda P W D L F A Pts 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 10 10 0 17 15 12 11 8 9 8 8 1 5 3 0 4 5 11 6 8 6 6 5 3 4 2 0 5 6 3 9 10 11 12 13 22 1 5 0 45 38 35 28 29 31 31 27 14 23 9 0 21 20 16 27 33 28 30 35 81 5 14 0 55 50 47 39 32 30 30 26 6 0 0 0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : FK Skendija 79, FK Skopje, FK Napredok and FK Bregalnica Stip FK Vardar and FK Turnovo have had 3 points deducted, FK Sloga Jugomagnat have had 11 points deducted and FK Makedonija GP Skopje have had 19 points deducted. 1 *Cup winner Cup 88 Final : FK Teteks – FK Rabotnicki 3-2 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA | ARY MACÉDOINE | EJR MAZEDONIEN FK Bregalnica Stip FK Renova Partizanska bb MK-STIP Naselba Drenovec MK-1220 TETOVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 32 613 866 +389 32 613 866 fcbregalnicastip@yahoo.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 44 334 684 kfrenova2008@yahoo.com www.fcrenova.com.mk Stadium PO City Stadium Stip Dimitar DJONOV Stadium PO Djevdet RUSTEMI FK Metalurg Skopje FK Sileks 16 Makedonska brigada 18 MK-1000 SKOPJE Str. Goce Delcev 70 MK-1320 KRATOVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 2 3287 697 +389 2 3287 697 fcmetalurg@yahoo.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 31 481 830 +389 31 481 876 sileksfk@yahoo.com - Stadium PO Zelezarnica Stadium Marjan VELEVSKI Stadium PO Sileks Bosko TRPEVSKI FK Napredok FK Skendija 79 Marsal Tito bb MK-6250 KICEVO Blagoja Toska bb MK-1200 TETOVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 45 226 244 +389 45 226 244 Lazarevski_miroslav@hotmail.com - Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 44 353 670 +389 44 353 671 kfshendija@yahoo.com www.fcshendija.com Stadium PO City Stadium Kicevo Zoran ANTOSKI Stadium PO City Stadium Tetovo Jusuf ILJAZI FK Pelister FK Skopje Gradski Stadion, Tumbe Kafe bb MK-7000 BITOLA 16 Makedonska Brigada bb MK-1000 SKOPJE Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 47 241 881 +389 47 203 844 fk.pelister@hotmail.com www.pelister-bitola.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 23 172 669 +389 23 173 700 fcskopje@yahoo.com www.fcmakedonija.com.mk Stadium PO Tumbe Kafe Zoran MISEVSKI Stadium PO Stadium Zelezarnica Skopje Dean TASEVSKI FK Rabotnicki FK Teteks Gradski Park, Kosarkarska Sala MK-1000 SKOPJE Star gradski stadion blagoja toskla bb MK-1200 TETOVO Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 23 217 408 +389 23 246 516 vtrajceska@yahoo.com www.fcrabotnicki.com.mk Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 2 215 807 +389 2 215 808 stevan.alampioski@ttk.com.mk www.fcteteks.com Stadium PO National Arena Vesna TRAJCESKA Stadium PO City Stadium Tetovo Jovica NELOVSKI 89 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA | ARY MACÉDOINE | EJR MAZEDONIEN 90 FK Turnovo FK Vardar MK-2433 s. TURNOVO Skupi 6 broj 31 MK-1000 SKOPJE Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 34 348 600 +389 34 348 600 marakana_2007@yahoo.com www.fchorizontturnovo.com.mk Tel Fax E-mail Web +389 23 296 727 +389 23 296 950 vardar@fcvardar.com.mk www.fkvardar.com.mk Stadium PO Kukus Stadium Vancov MITROV Stadium PO National Arena Alersandari DAVCEVSK MALTA | MALTE | MALTA Communication Malta Football Association Millennium Stand (Floor 2), National Stadium, TA’ QALI ATD 4000, Malta Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +356 21 232 581 +356 21 245 136 info@mfa.com.mt www.mfa.com.mt Pr: GS: PO: Norman DARMANIN DEMAJO Joseph GAUCI Alex VELLA Facts & Figures Foundation : 1900 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1959/1960 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Ta’Qali, Valletta Capacity : 17,797 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 53 Teams : 368 Referees Male : 94 Female : 3 Coaches : 325 525 17,527 7,521 1,125 1,016 1,087 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Pool : Pos. Club P W D L F A Pts Birkirkara FC Valletta FC Qormi FC Sliema Wanderers FC Tarxien Rainbows FC Hibernians FC 28 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 15 14 10 8 4 4 2 2 6 6 4 4 11 12 12 14 64 71 53 41 41 40 32 25 36 37 50 51 45 44 30 30 23 17 Relegation Pool : 1 Floriana FC 2 Hamrun Spartans FC 3 Dingli Swallows FC 4 Msida St Joseph FC 1 24 24 24 24 10 10 2 4 6 4 0 4 8 10 22 16 35 41 23 24 41 39 71 51 25 24 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Comp. UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Promoted : Marsaxlokk FC and Vittoriosa Stars FC 1 Msida St Joseph FC have had 10 points deducted * Cup winner Cup Final : Valletta FC – Qormi FC 2-1 91 MALTA | MALTE | MALTA 92 Birkirkara FC Qormi FC 3 Old Church Street MT-BIRKIRKARA BKR 10 Qormi Football Ground, Valletta Road MT-QORMI Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 7949 7430 +356 2123 1926 johnborg@birkirkarafc.com www.birkirkarafc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 27 482 310 qormifc@onvol.net www.qormifc.net Stadium PO Ta’ Qali John BORG Stadium PO Ta’ Qali Kenneth VELLA Floriana FC Sliema Wanderers FC St Publius Square, St. Anne Street 28 MT-1913 FLORIANA FRN Tower Road 21 MT-SLIEMA SLM 08 Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 79 53 8686 florianaseg@mail.com www.florianafc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 7979 9797 +356 2148 0205 sliemawfc@gmail.com - Stadium PO Ta’ Qali Matthew CARBONE Stadium PO Ta’ Qali Ivan CALLEJA Hamrun Spartans FC Tarxien Rainbows FC 143, Triq iI-Kbira San Guzepp MT-1015 HAMRUN HMR Tarxien Rainbows Sports Complex MT-1312 TARXIEN TXN Tel Fax E-mail Web seascic@gmail.com www.hamrunspartansfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 21 692 456 kevbon@maltanet.net www.tarxiensupportersclub.com Stadium PO Victor Tedesco Emanuel FENECH Stadium PO Ta’ Qali John VELLA Hibernians FC Valletta FC 104 Triq is-Sultana MT-PAOLA PLA 02 126 Sta Lucia Street MT-1183 VALLETTA VLT Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 9949 2011 +356 21 677 764 ranierbezzina@bezzinagroup.com www.hiberniansfc.org Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 21 224 939 +356 21 654 892 info@vallettafcofficial.net www.vallettafc.net Stadium PO Hibernians Ground Stefan ZAHRA Stadium PO Ta’Qali Joe ATTARD Marsaxlokk FC Vittoriosa Stars FC Vendome Tower, Triq il Kavallerizza Road MT- MARSAXLOKK ZTN 10 16 Desain Str. MT- VITTORIOSA Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 221 497 025 +356 21 484 320 mxlokkfc@gmail.com www.mxlokkfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +356 2182 4732 +356 2167 4022 frankalira@hotmail.com www.vittoriosastars.com Stadium PO Ta’ Qali Peter CARABOTT Stadium PO Ta’ Qali Marlon GALEA MOLDOVA | MOLDAVIE | MOLDAWIEN Communication Federatia Moldoveneasca de Fotbal Str. Tricolorului 39, 2012 CHISINAU, Moldova Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +373 22 210 413 +373 22 210 432 fmf@fmf.md www.fmf.md Pr: GS: PO: Pavel CEBANU Nicolai CEBOTARI Victor DAGHI Facts & Figures Foundation : 14.04.1990 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1994/1993 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Zimbru Stadium, Chisinau and Main Arena, Sheriff Sports Complex, Tiraspol Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 600 10,000 4,960 160 200 960 105 975 220 10 376 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Sheriff FC Iskra-Stal FC Olimpia Balti FC Zimbru Chisinau FC Dacia Chisinau CSCA-Rapid Chisinau 1 FC Academia UTM Chisinau FC Milsami Orhei 2 FC Tiraspol FC Dinamo Bender FC Sfintul Gheorghe Suruceni FC Nistru Otaci 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 27 19 17 17 16 12 11 10 8 9 6 2 3 8 9 8 10 9 9 6 10 5 6 5 3 6 7 8 7 12 13 17 15 19 21 26 75 50 45 47 54 40 36 32 20 36 29 13 8 25 23 29 30 39 37 45 34 66 67 74 84 65 60 59 58 45 42 36 34 32 24 11 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Promoted: FC Costuleni and CF Gagauzia Comrat 1 2 CSCA-Rapid Chisinau have changed their name to FC Rapid Chisinau FC Viitorul Orhei have changed their name to FC Milsami Orhei For the 2010/2011 season, the top division has been increased to 14 teams. *Losing cup finalist Cup Final : FC Sheriff – FC Dacia Chisinau 2-0 93 MOLDOVA | MOLDAVIE | MOLDAWIEN 94 FC Academia UTM Chisinau FC Iskra-Stal Str. Decebal 19, a. 208 MD-2002 CHISINAU Str. Industrialinaya 1 MD-5500 RIBNITA Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 22 210 442 +373 22 210 442 info@academia.md www.academia.md Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 55 577 867 +373 55 540 658 skostin@aommz.com www.iskra-stal.com Stadium PO UTM Stadium Chisinau Sergiu CARAUS Stadium PO City Stadium Ribnita Dmitriy BURLAKA FC Costuleni FC Nistru Otaci 47/2, Titulescu Str., ap. 1 MD-2012 CHISINAU 50, Libertatii Str. MD-7106 OTACI, Ocnita Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 22 844 370 +373 22 240 280 info@fccostuleni.md www.fccostuleni.md Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 271 92 100 +373 27 179 111 otacinistrufc@gmail.ru www.fc-nistru.dnestr.net Stadium PO District Sport Complex Orhei Cristian JARDAN Stadium PO Calaraseuca Stadium Victor MACINSCHI FC Dacia Chisinau FC Olimpia Balti 87/7 Madan Str. MD-2020 CHISINAU 40 Sfintul Nicolae Str. MD-3100 BALTI Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 22 839 640 +373 22 839 641 office@fcdacia.md www.fcdacia.md Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 231 24 086 +373 231 24 086 olimpia@tellus.md www.fcolimpia.md Stadium PO Zimbru Stadium Vladimir MELECA Stadium PO City Stadium Balti Maxim VILCOV FC Dinamo Bender FC Rapid Chisinau 53 Dzerjinskii Str. MD-3200 BENDER 59, 31 August 1989 Str. office 12 MD-2004 CHISINAU Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 55 22 8309 +373 55 22 8309 dinamoben@mail.ru - Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 22 209 116 +373 22 209 116 info@rapid.md www.fcrapid.md Stadium PO Dinamo Stadium Victor CUCERENKO Stadium PO Ghidighici Stadium Vadim GURTOVENCO CF Gagauzia Comrat FC Sheriff 9 Lenina str. MD-3800 COMRAT 1/2, K. Liebknecht Str. MD-3300 TIRASPOL Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 298 28 692 +373 298 28 692 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 533 635 30 +373 533 635 41 club@fc-sheriff.com www.fc-sheriff.com Stadium PO City stadium Comrat Maria DEGTIARENCO Stadium PO Sport Complex Sheriff Alexander BABAK MOLDOVA | MOLDAVIE | MOLDAWIEN FC Sfintul Gheorghe Suruceni FC Milsami Orhei Ialoveni district MD-6827 SURUCENI 91A, Haiducul Grozescu Str. MD-3504 ORHEI Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 268 33611 +373 268 33638 marketing@sgsfc.md www.sgsfc.md Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 235 30 015 +373 235 30 137 sertis72@yahoo.com - Stadium PO Sfintul Gheorghe Stadium Sergiu IPATII Stadium PO District Sorts Complex Orhei Sergiu LISNIC FC Tiraspol FC Zimbru Chisinau 1/2, K. Liebknecht Str. MD-3300 TIRASPOL 1, Butucului Str. MD-2062 CHISINAU Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 53 363 690 +373 53 363 691 info@fc-tiraspol.com www.fc-tiraspol.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +373 22 772 400 +373 22 771 553 zimbru@zimbru.md www.zimbru.md Stadium PO Sport Complex Sheriff Sergey URSUL Stadium PO Zimbru Vitalie GRAMADA 95 MONTENEGRO | MONTÉNÉGRO | MONTENEGRO Communication Fudbalski savez Crne Gore Ulica « 19. decembar” No 13, 81000 PODGORICA, Montenegro Tel: Fax: E-mail Web +382 20 445 600 +382 20 445 660 info@fscg.co.me www.fscg.co.me Pr: GS: PO: Dejan SAVICEVIC Momir DJURDJEVAC Ivan RADOVIC Facts & Figures Foundation : 08.03.1931 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 2007/2007 National Stadium : Gradski Podgorica Capacity : 12,000 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 5,304 70 1,431 3,458 80 70 345 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 65 174 294 0 144 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts FK Rudar Pljevlja FK Budućnost Podgorica FK Mogren FK Zeta FK Grbalj FK Lovćen FK Sutjeska OFK Petrovac FK Dečić FK Mornar Bar 1 FK Berane FK Kom 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 22 21 16 17 15 15 11 10 8 9 8 5 5 6 9 6 8 7 7 6 11 8 6 3 6 6 8 10 10 11 15 17 14 16 19 25 56 67 49 43 66 32 33 38 27 29 28 16 26 35 34 33 42 37 36 49 35 49 49 59 71 69 57 57 53 52 40 36 35 34 30 18 Promoted : FK Mladost Podgorica and OFK Bar 1 FK Mornar Bar have had 1 point deducted. Cup 96 Final : FK Rudar Pljevlja – FK Budućnost Podgorica 2-0 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated MONTENEGRO | MONTÉNÉGRO | MONTENEGRO OFK Bar FK Mladost Podgorica Ul. Vladimira Rolovica 22 85000 BAR, Montenegro Ulica V Proleterske bb 81000 PODGORICA, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 30 316 225 +382 30 316 910 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 20 625 921 +382 20 625 921 www.fkmladost.org Stadium PO OFK Bar Stadium PO Cvijetni Brijeg Stadium FK Budućnost Podgorica FK Mogren Ul. Vaka Djuroviça bb 2 81000 PODGORICA, Montenegro Ul. Jadranski put bb 85310 BUDVA, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 20 664 304 +382 20 664 304 fkbuducnost@t-com.me www.fkbuducnost.co.me Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 33 452 279 +382 33 452 279 fkmogren@t-com.me www.fkmogren.co.me Stadium PO Pod Goricom - Gradski Aleksandar RADOVIC Stadium PO Lugovi Ilija RADENOVIC FK Dečić FK Mornar Bar Tuzi bb 81206 TUZI, Montenegro Sportski Centar 85000 BAR, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 78 102 402 +382 78 102 402 s_p@t-com.me www.fkdecictuzi.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 30 311 035 +382 30 311 035 - Stadium PO Stadion Tusko Polje Stadium PO Stadion Topolica Milan VUJOVIC FK Grbalj OFK Petrovac Radanovici bb, Kotor 85318 GRBALJ, Montenegro Pod Malim brdom 85300 PETROVAC NA MORU, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 32 363 033 +382 32 363 033 ofkgrbalj@t-com.me - Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 33 461 598 +382 33 452 582 z.o.c.a.p@t-com.me www.ofkpetrovac.com/ Stadium PO Stadion Grbalj-Pod Sutvarom Dusan DAVIDOVIC Stadium PO Pod Malim Brdom Stadium Mihailo DJUROVIC FK Lovćen FK Rudar Pljevlja Obilica poljana bb 86000 CETINJE, Montenegro ul. Dusana Obradovica bb 84210 PLJEVLJA, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 41 232 016 +382 41 232 016 f.k.lovcen@t-com.me www.fklovcen.co.me Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 52 356 186 +382 52 356 186 fcrudarpv@t-com.me www.fcrudarpv.co.me Stadium PO Stadion Obilica Poljana Borislav CIMESA Stadium PO Stadion Gradski Sasa BEZAREVIC 97 MONTENEGRO | MONTÉNÉGRO | MONTENEGRO 98 FK Sutjeska FK Zeta Dragova Luka bb 81400 NIKSIC, Montenegro Stadium “Tresnjica” 81304 GOLUBOVCI, Montenegro Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 40 247 758 +382 40 247 758 info@fksutjeska.co.me - Tel Fax E-mail Web +382 81 873 141 +382 81 873 141 fkzeta@t-com.me www.fkzeta.co.me Stadium PO Gradski Ratko PEROSEVIC Stadium PO Tresnjica Zarija KRACKOVIC NETHERLANDS | PAYS-BAS | NIEDERLANDE Communication Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetballbond Woudenbergseweg 56-58, P.O. Box 515, 3700 AM ZEIST, Netherlands Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +31 3434 99 201 +31 3434 99 189 concern@knvb.nl www.knvb.nl Pr: GS: PO: Michael VAN PRAAG Harry M. BEEN Rob DE LEEDE Facts & Figures Foundation : 08.12.1889 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Total : 1,000 526,044 536,521 45,150 67,531 65,306 3,407 66,400 6,777 Coaches : Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Twente AFC Ajax PSV Eindhoven Feyenoord AZ Alkmaar Heracles Almelo FC Utrecht FC Groningen Roda JC NAC Breda sc Heerenveen VVV-Venlo NEC Nijmegen Vitesse ADO Den Haag Sparta Rotterdam Willem II RKC Waalwijk 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 27 27 23 17 19 17 14 14 14 12 11 8 8 8 7 6 7 5 5 4 9 12 5 5 11 7 5 10 4 11 9 8 9 8 2 0 2 3 2 5 10 12 9 13 15 12 19 15 17 18 18 20 25 29 63 106 72 54 64 54 39 48 56 42 44 43 35 38 38 30 36 30 23 20 29 31 34 49 33 47 60 49 64 57 59 62 59 66 70 80 86 85 78 63 62 56 53 49 47 46 37 35 33 32 30 26 23 15 Comp. UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated* Relegated * After play-off matches. Promoted : SBV Excelsior and De Graafschap Cup Final : AFC Ajax – Feyenoord 2-0 4-1 99 NETHERLANDS | PAYS-BAS | NIEDERLANDE 100 AFC Ajax SBV Excelsior Arena Bld 29, Postbus 12522 NL-1100 AM AMSTERDAM PO Box 4369 NL-3006 AJ ROTTERDAM Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 20 311 1444 +31 20 311 1675 info@ajax.nl www.ajax.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 10 404 6041 +31 10 411 4161 info@sbvexcelsior.nl www.sbvexcelsior.nl Stadium PO Amsterdam ArenA Riske BETTEN Stadium PO Woudestein Vincent WERNKE AZ Alkmaar Feyenoord Postbus 1010 NL-1810 KA ALKMAAR Postbus 9635 NL-3007 AP ROTTERDAM Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 72 547 8000 +31 72 547 8080 info@az.nl www.az.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 10 292 6888 +31 10 482 4843 info@feyenoord.nl www.feyenoord.nl Stadium PO AZ Stadion Daan SCHIPPERS Stadium PO De Kuip Gido VADER NAC Breda De Graafschap Stadionstraat 3, Postbus 3356 NL-4800 DJ BREDA PO Box 249 NL-7000 AE DOETINCHEM Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 76 521 4500 +31 76 521 1975 info@nac.nl www.nac.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 314 368 450 +31 314 368 451 info@degraafschap.nl www.degraafschap.nl Stadium PO Rat Verlegh Willem REYN Stadium PO De Vijverberg Marc TELOH ADO Den Haag FC Groningen P.O. Box 32400 NL-2503 AC DEN HAAG Postbus 1399 NL-9701 BJ GRONINGEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 70 305 4500 +31 70 305 4599 info@adodenhaag.nl www.adodenhaag.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 50 587 8787 +31 50 312 5194 info@fcgroningen.nl www.fcgroningen.nl Stadium PO Den Haag Stadion Nathalie NUITEN Stadium PO Euroborg Richard VAN ELSACKER PSV Eindhoven sc Heerenveen PO Box 886 NL-5600 AW EINDHOVEN PO Box 513 NL-8440 AM HEERENVEEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 40 250 5505 +31 40 250 5639 r.verkerk@psv.nl www.psv.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 51 361 2100 +31 51 361 5061 info@sc-heerenveen.nl www.sc-heerenveen.nl Stadium PO PSV Stadion Pedro SALAZAR-HEWITT Stadium PO Abe Lenstra Martin VAN DER MEULEN NETHERLANDS | PAYS-BAS | NIEDERLANDE Heracles Almelo FC Utrecht Stadionlaan 1, PO Box 157 NL-7600 AD ALMELO PO Box 85159 NL-3508 AD UTRECHT Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 54 681 7070 +31 54 681 1184 info@heracles.nl www.heracles.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 30 888 5500 +31 30 888 5559 info@fcutrecht.nl www.fcutrecht.nl Stadium PO Polman Stadion Martijn VAN DER LEE Stadium PO Galgenwaard Harry VAN DAM NEC Nijmegen VVV-Venlo Postbus 6562 NL-6503 GB NIJMEGEN PO Box 947 NL-5900 AX VENLO Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 24 359 0360 +31 24 356 7475 info@nec-nijmegen.nl www.nec-nijmegen.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 77 351 5806 +31 77 351 0270 info@vvv-venlo.nl www.vvv-venlo.nl Stadium PO De Goffert Mary PETERS Stadium PO De Koel Dre SCHOUWENBERG Roda JC Vitesse PO Box 1156 NL-6460 BD KERKRADE Batavierenweg 25, PO Box 366 NL-6800 AJ ARNHEM Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 45 631 7000 +31 45 631 7100 info@rodajc.nl www.rodajc.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 26 880 7888 +31 26 880 7309 info@vitesse.nl www.vitesse.nl Stadium PO Parkstad Limburg Ger SENDEN Stadium PO Gelredome Ester BAL FC Twente Willem II PO Box 564 NL-7500 AN ENSCHEDE Postbus 235 NL-5000 AE TILBURG Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 53 852 5525 +31 53 852 5538 administratie@fctwente.nl www.fctwente.nl Tel Fax E-mail Web +31 13 549 0590 +31 13 549 0500 info@willem-ii.nl www.willem-ii.nl Stadium PO FC Twente Stadion Richard PETERS Stadium PO Koning Willem II Stadion René VERMETTEN 101 NORTHERN IRELAND | IRLANDE DU NORD | NORDIRLAND Communication The Irish Football Association Ltd 20 Windsor Avenue, BELFAST BT9 6EG, Northern Ireland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +44 2890 669 458 +44 2890 667 620 info@irishfa.com sharrison@irishfa.com (international) www.irishfa.com Pr: GS: PO: Raymond KENNEDY Patrick NELSON Sueann HARRISON (international) Facts & Figures Foundation : 18.11.1880 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1911/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Windsor Park, Belfast Capacity : 13,500 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 833 Teams : 1,472 Referees Male : 767 Female : 12 Coaches : 2,425 446 19,985 15,126 1,102 1,817 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts Linfield FC Cliftonville FC Glentoran FC Crusaders FC Dungannon Swifts FC Portadown FC Coleraine FC Glenavon FC Newry City FC Ballymena United FC Lisburn Distillery FC Institute FC 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 22 21 19 17 16 15 16 12 10 11 11 6 8 6 8 9 9 10 9 7 12 7 6 13 8 11 11 12 13 13 13 19 16 20 21 19 78 69 58 57 56 70 76 47 38 46 45 36 37 42 46 52 58 55 62 67 63 56 76 62 74 69 65 60 57 55 57 43 42 40 39 31 Promoted : Donegal Celtic FC * Losing cup finalist Cup 102 Final : Linfield FC – Portadown FC 2-1 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated NORTHERN IRELAND | IRLANDE DU NORD | NORDIRLAND Ballymena United FC Dungannon Swifts FC The Showgrounds, Warden Street GB-BALLYMENA BT43 7DR Stangmore Park, Co. Tyrone GB-DUNGANNON BT71 6PP Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 25 652 049 +44 28 25 652 049 ballymenaunited@live.co.uk www.ballymenaunitedfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 87 723 257 +44 28 87 725 309 info@dungannonswiftsfc.co.uk www.dungannonswiftsfc.co.uk Stadium PO The Showgrounds Robert CUPPLES Stadium PO Stangmore Park Simon GRAHAM Cliftonville FC Glenavon FC Solitude, Cliftonville Street GB-BELFAST BT14 6LP Mourneview Park, Mourneview Avenue GB-LURGAN BT66 8EW Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 90 863 002 +44 28 38 441 583 clubsecretary@cliftonvillefc.net www.cliftonvillefc.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 38 322 472 +44 28 38 327 694 glenavonfootballclub@utvinternet.com www.glenavonfc.com Stadium PO Solitude David BEGLEY Stadium PO Mourneview Park Roy FERGUSON Coleraine FC Glentoran FC The Showgrounds, Ballycastle Road GB-COLERAINE BT52 2DY Parkgate Drive GB-BELFAST BT4 1EW Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 27 667 452 +44 28 70 329 188 dessiebrown@colerainefc.com www.colerainefc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 90 456 137 +44 28 90 732 956 secretary@glentoran.com www.glentoran.com Stadium PO The Showgrounds Hugh WADE Stadium PO The Oval Alastair LUKE Crusaders FC Linfield FC Seaview, Shore Road GB-BELFAST BT15 3QC Donegall Avenue, Windsor Park GB-BELFAST BT12 6LW Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 90 370 777 +44 28 90 771 049 ncrues@aol.com www.crusadersfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 90 244 198 +44 28 90 242 761 ken@linfieldfc.com www.linfieldfc.com Stadium PO Seaview Norman COLEMAN Stadium PO Windsor Park Andrew CONN Donegal Celtic FC Lisburn Distillery FC Suffolk Road GB-BELFAST BT11 9PE New Grosvenor Stadium, Ballyskeagh Road, Lambeg GB-LISBURN BT27 5TE Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 2890 629 810 Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 90 301 148 +44 28 90 385 860 ldfcsecretary@yahoo.co.uk www.lisburn-distillery.net Stadium PO Donegal Celtic Park Hugh GREENE Stadium PO New Grosvenor Ashley WRAGG 103 NORTHERN IRELAND | IRLANDE DU NORD | NORDIRLAND 104 Portadown FC Newry City FC Brownstown Road, Co. Armagh GB-PORTADOWN BT60 The Showgrounds, Greenbank Industrial Estate GB-NEWRY BT34 2QF Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 2838 332 726 +44 2838 332 726 secretary@portadownfc.co.uk www.portadownfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 28 30 252 580 +44 28 30 825 648 info@newrycityfc.com www.newrycityfc.com Stadium PO Shamrock Park Bill EMERSON Stadium PO The Showgrounds Morton McKNIGHT NORWAY | NORVÈGE | NORWEGEN Communication Norges Fotballforbund Serviceboks 1, Ullevaal Stadium, 0840 OSLO, Norway Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +47 210 29 300 +47 210 29 301 nff@fotball.no www.fotball.no Pr: GS: PO: Yngve HALLÉN Paul GLOMSAKER Svein GRAFF Facts & Figures Foundation : 30.04.1902 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1908/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (men/women, over 18) : Youth (boys/girls, under 18) : Women (over 18) : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Ullevaal, Oslo Capacity : 25,300 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 1,931 Teams : 27,236 Referees Male : 2,308 Female : 80 Coaches : 1,000 93,460 266,434 20,249 85,091 1,560 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts Rosenborg BK Molde FK Stabæk Fotball Odd Grenland SK Brann Tromsø IL Vålerenga Fotball Sandefjord Fotball IK Start Viking FK Lillestrøm SK Strømsgodset IF Aalesunds FK Fredrikstad FK FK Bodø/Glimt FC Lyn Oslo 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 17 15 12 12 10 12 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 6 2 9 5 8 10 8 10 4 10 10 11 10 6 9 4 10 10 1 8 7 8 10 10 14 10 10 10 11 14 12 16 14 18 60 62 52 53 51 35 47 39 46 38 43 40 34 39 29 29 22 35 34 44 49 36 50 44 52 40 50 42 43 44 53 59 69 56 53 46 44 40 40 40 40 38 37 36 36 34 28 16 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted : FK Haugesund, Kongsvinger IL and Hønefoss BK *Cup winner Cup (2009) Final : Molde FK – Aalesunds FK 2-2 (4-5 pen) 105 NORWAY | NORVÈGE | NORWEGEN 106 Aalesunds FK Kongsvinger IL PO Box 193, Sentrum, Color Line Stadion NO-6008 ÅLESUND Brugata 47 B, Boks 682 NO-2212 KONGSVINGER Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 70 10 77 80 +47 70 10 77 81 kontor@aafk.no www.aafk.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 62 888 510 +47 62 888 511 kilpost@kil.no www.kil.no Stadium PO Aalesund Stadion Frank LUNDE Stadium PO Gjemselund Tor Inge WITH SK Brann Lillestrøm SK Boks 8 Minde, Kniksens plass 1 NO-5821 BERGEN C.J. Hansensvei 3 B NO-2007 KJELLER Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 55 59 85 00 +47 55 59 85 25 post@brann.no www.brann.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 63 80 56 60 +47 63 80 56 70 lsk@lsk.no www.lsk.no Stadium PO Brann Gorm NATTLANDSMYR Stadium PO Åråsen Ole Kristian BAKKENE FK Haugesund Molde FK Postboks 406 NO-5501 HAUGESUND Julsundveien 14 NO-6412 MOLDE Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 52 808 980 +47 52 808 901 post@fkh.no www.fkh.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 71 20 25 00 +47 71 20 25 01 mfk@moldefk.no www.moldefk.no Stadium PO Haugesund Svein HEGLAND Stadium PO Molde Stadion Tove BERGET Hønefoss BK Odd Grenland Pb 199 Sentrum NO-3502 HØNEFOSS Postboks 5 Falkum NO-3705 SKIEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 32 127 220 +47 32 125 999 post@honefossbk.no www.honefossbk.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 35 900 150 +47 35 900 159 info@oddgrenland.no www.oddgrenland.no Stadium PO Hønefoss Stadion Ivar Gunnar LIA Stadium PO Odd Stadion Bjørn HOGSTAD IK Start Rosenborg BK Stadionveien 21, Postboks 1533 Valhalla NO-4688 KRISTIANSAND Lerkendal Stadion NO-7492 TRONDHEIM Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 38 106 666 +47 38 097 535 admin@ikstart.no www.ikstart.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 73 82 21 00 +47 73 94 40 70 info@rbk.no www.rbk.no Stadium PO Start Arena Per S. BOSTRØM Stadium PO Lerkendal Nils HELDAL NORWAY | NORVÈGE | NORWEGEN Sandefjord Fotball Tromsø IL Boks 1302 NO-3205 SANDEFJORD Postboks 5, Stadionveien 3/5 NO-9251 TROMSØ Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 334 230 10 +47 334 230 11 postl@sandefjordfotball.no www.sandefjordfotball.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 97 173 000 +47 77 60 26 01 post@til.no www.til.no Stadium PO Sandefjord Stadion Per Moe ARNESEN Stadium PO Alfheim Eirik HALDORSEN Stabæk IF Vålerenga Fotball PO Box 178 NO-1326 LYSAKER Vallhall Fotballhall, Innspurten, 16 NO-0601 OSLO Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 94 80 04 00 +47 67 59 96 02 admin@stabak.no www.stabak.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 23 24 78 00 +47 23 24 78 01 post@vif.no www.vif-fotball.no Stadium PO Fornebu Arena Jørgen ROLL Stadium PO Ullevaal Lasse VANGSTEIN Strømsgodset IF Viking FK Pb 4055 Gulskogen, Ø. Eikervei 25 NO-3005 DRAMMEN Viking Stadion, Jaattaavaagen 11a NO-4020 STAVANGER Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 32 26 57 70 +47 32 83 01 75 godset@godset.no www.godset.no Tel Fax E-mail Web +47 51 32 97 00 +47 51 32 97 01 viking@viking-fk.no www.viking-fk.no Stadium PO Marienlyst Helge HELGESEN Stadium PO Viking Eirik ARNTSEN 107 POLAND | POLOGNE | POLEN Communication Polski Zwiazek Pilki Noznej Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 r. 7, 02-366 WARSZAWA, Poland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +48 22 5512 300 +48 22 5512 240 pzpn@pzpn.pl www.pzpn.pl Pr: GS: PO: Grzegorz LATO Zdzislaw KRECINA Agnieszka OLEJKOWSKA Facts & Figures Foundation : 1919 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923 /1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Slaski-Narodowy, Chorzow Capacity : 47,246 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 6,588 Teams : 35,440 Referees Male : 9,336 Female : 320 Coaches : 1,278 248,005 161,038 1,853 2,889 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. Club 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Lech Poznán Wisła Kraków KS Ruch Chorzów Legia Warszawa GKS Bełchátow Korona Kielce KS Polonia Bytom KS Lechia Gdańsk WKS Śląsk Wrocław Zagłębie Lubin Jagiellonia Białystok 1 MKS Cracovia Kraków KSP Polonia Warszawa Arka Gdynia MKS Odra Wodzisław Sląski GKS Piast Gliwice P W D L F A Pts 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 19 19 16 15 13 9 9 9 8 8 11 9 9 7 7 7 8 5 5 7 9 10 10 10 12 11 11 7 6 7 6 6 3 6 9 8 8 11 11 11 10 11 8 14 15 16 17 17 51 48 40 36 37 35 29 30 32 30 29 25 25 28 27 30 20 20 30 22 27 41 31 32 33 38 27 39 38 39 45 50 65 62 53 52 48 37 37 37 36 35 34 34 33 28 27 27 Jagiellonia Białystok have had 10 points deducted Promoted: RTS Widzew Łódź and Górnik Zabrze * Cup winner Cup 108 Final : MKS Pogoń Szczecin – Jagiellonia Białystok 0-1 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated POLAND | POLOGNE | POLEN Arka Gdynia KS Lechia Gdańsk Ul Olimpijska 5 PL-81-538 GDYNIA Trauguttla 109 PL-80-226 GDANSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 58 690 90 15 +48 58 690 60 16 ssa@arka.gdynia.pl www.arka.gdynia.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 58 345 2187 +48 58 345 2187 biuro@lechia.pl www.lechia.pl Stadium PO GOSIR Gdynia Tomasz RYBINSKI Stadium PO MOSIR w Gdańsku Blazej SLOWIKOWSKI GKS Bełchátow KS Polonia Bytom Ul. Sportowa 3 PL-97-400 BELCHATOW Dworcowa 9/2 PL-41-902 BYTOM Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 44 635 0355 +48 44 635 0791 gks@gksbelchatow.com www.gksbelchatow.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 32 388 88 40 +48 32 388 88 41 sekretariat@poloniabytom.com.pl www.poloniabytom.com.pl Stadium PO GKS Michal ANTCZAK Stadium PO Stadion im. Edwarda Szymkowiaka Marek PIENIAZEK Górnik Zabrze KSP Polonia Warszawa Ul. Roosevelta 81 PL-44-800 ZABRZE Ul. Konwiktorska 6 PL-00-206 WARSZAWA Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 32 271 4926 +48 32 271 0530 gornikzabrze@gornikzabrze.pl www.gornikzabrze.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 22 771 7804 +48 22 771 7941 biuro@ksppolonia.pl www.ksppolonia.pl Stadium PO Ernest Pohl Stanislaw OSLIZLO Stadium PO Stadion Polonii Piotr CISZEWSKI Jagiellonia Białystok Korona Kielce Legionowa 28 PL-15-281 BIALYSTOK Strycharska 6 PL-25-659 KIELCE Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 85 675 24 49 +48 85 874 22 70 klub@jagiellonia.pl www.jagiellonia.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 41 340 3403 +48 41 340 3415 korona.sa@korona-kielce.pl www.korona-kielce.pl Stadium PO Stadion miejski w Białymstoku Agnieska SYCZEWSKA Stadium PO Stadion miejski w Kielcach Pawel JANCZYK Lech Poznán Ruch Chorzów Ul. Bulgarska 5/7 PL-60-320 POZNAN Ul. Cicha 6 PL-41-506 CHORZOW Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 61 886 3000 +48 61 886 3010 lech@lech.poznan.pl www.lechpoznan.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 32 246 2012 +48 32 246 1040 ruch@ruchchorzow.com.pl www.ruchchorzow.com.pl Stadium PO Stadion miejski w Poznaniu Joanna DZIOS Stadium PO Stadion Miejski Ruch Danuta DRABIK 109 POLAND | POLOGNE | POLEN 110 Legia Warszawa RTS Widzew Łódź 3 Lazienkowska Str. PL-00-449 WARSZAWA Al. Pilsudskiego 138 PL-92-230 LÓDZ Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 22 628 4303 +48 22 621 8261 info@legia.pl www.legia.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 42 676 5260 +48 42 676 5362 sekretariat@widzew.lodz.pl www.widzew.lodz.pl Stadium PO Wojska Polskiego Michal KOCIEBA Stadium PO Stadion Widzewa Michal KULESZA MKS Cracovia Kraków Wisła Kraków Wielicka 101 PL-30-111 KRAKOW Ul. Reymonta 22 PL-30-059 KRAKÓW Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 12 292 9100 +48 12 665 1882 klub@cracovia.pl www.cracovia.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 12 630 7600 +48 12 630 7691 sekretariat@wisla.krakow.pl www.wisla.krakow.pl Stadium PO Stadion Cracovii Przemyslaw URBANSKI Stadium PO Stadion im. Henryk Reymana Adrian OCHALIK WKS Śląsk Wrocław Zagłębie Lubin Ul. Oporowska 62 PL-53-434 WROCLAW Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie 98 PL-59-301 LUBIN Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 71 336 188 13 +48 71 336 188 13 metys@slaskwroclaw.pl www.slaskwroclaw.pl Tel Fax E-mail Web +48 76 847 8644 +48 76 847 8565 sekretariat@zaglebie.kghm.pl www.zaglebie-lubin.pl Stadium PO Stadion Oporowska Michal MAZUR Stadium PO Stadion Zagłębia Lubin Waclaw WACHNIK PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL Communication Federação Portuguesa de Futebol Rua Alexandre Herculano, 58, 1250-012 Lisboa, Portugal Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +351 21 325 2700 +351 21 325 2780 info@fpf.pt www.fpf.pt Pr: GS: PO: Gilberto MADAIL Angelo BROU Onofre COSTA Facts & Figures Foundation : 31.03.1914 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Estádio Nacional, Lisbon Capacity : 37,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 4,673 Teams : 5,427 Referees Male : 3,198 Female : 198 Coaches : 1,006 1,285 35,717 112,387 1,155 535 29,552 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts SL Benfica SC Braga FC Porto Sporting Clube de Portugal CS Marítimo Vitória SC CD Nacional A. Naval 1° Maio UD Leiria FC Paços de Ferreira A. Académica de Coimbra Rio Ave FC SC Olhanense Vitória FC CF Os Belenenses Leixões SC 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 22 21 13 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 6 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 9 8 8 9 6 8 11 9 13 14 10 11 6 2 3 4 8 11 11 11 14 13 11 13 11 11 15 15 19 78 48 70 42 42 31 36 20 35 32 37 22 31 29 23 25 20 20 26 26 43 34 46 35 41 37 42 33 46 57 44 51 76 71 68 48 41 41 39 36 35 35 33 31 29 25 23 21 Comp. UCL UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Promoted : SC Beira-Mar and Portimonense SC. *Cup winner Cup Final : FC Porto – GD Chaves 2-1 111 PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL 112 A. Académica de Coimbra UD Leiria Academia Dolce Vita, Estarda Nacional 111-1 PT-3025-300 COIMBRA Estádio Dr Magalhães Pessoa, Apartado 3074 PT-2400-903 LEIRIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 23 979 3890 +351 23 979 3892 geral@academica-oaf.pt www.academica-oaf.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 244 831 779 +351 244 827 987 geral@uniaodeleiria.pt www.udl.leirianet.pt Stadium PO Estádio Cidade de Coimbra Stadium PO Dr. Magalhães Pessoa Sofia SILVA A. Naval 1° Maio CS Marítimo Estádio Municipal, Ap. 2052 PT-3080-801 FIGUEIRA DA FOZ Rua Campo do Maritimo, Santo Antonio PT-9020-073 FUNCHAL Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 23 342 2809 +351 23 341 1065 rtrafaria@naval1demaio.com www.naval1demaio.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 29 170 8300 +351 29 170 8310 csmaritimo@netmadeira.com www.csmaritimo.pt Stadium PO Estádio municipal José Bento Pessoa Nuno Coutinho MATEUS Stadium PO Estádio Dos Barreiros Rui Filipe DA SILVA SA SL Benfica CD Nacional Estadio SL Benfica, av. Gen. Norton de Matos 1500, Apt 4100 PT-1501-805 LISBOA Rua do Esmeraldo 46 PT-9060-194 FUNCHAL Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 21 721 9555 +351 21 721 9551 sec.geral@slbenfica.pt www.slbenfica.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 29 122 7324 +351 29 122 5590 geral@cdnacional.pt www.nacional-da-madeira.com Stadium PO Estádio do SL Benfica Ricardo MAIA Stadium PO Estádio da Madeira Hugo PACHECHO DE MELO SC Beira-Mar FC Paços de Ferreira Estádio Municipal de Aveiro, Apt. 3105 PT-3804-508 AVEIRO Rua do estádio, Ap. 26 PT-4594-909 PAÇOS DE FERREIRA Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 234 910 100 +351 234 910 101 secretaria@beiramar.pt www.beiramar.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 25 596 5230 +351 25 586 6149 geral@fcpf.pt www.fcpf.pt Stadium PO Estádio Municipal de Aveiro Stadium PO Estádio da Mata Real Joaquim Jorge ANDRADE VIEIRA SC Braga SC Olhanense Futebol, Ap. 12, Estadio Municipal PT-4700-087 BRAGA Estádio José Arcanjo, Apt 104 PT-8700 OLHAO Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 25 320 6860 +351 25 361 2929 mail@scbraga.pt www.scbraga.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 289 702 632 +351 289 702 632 geral@scolhanense.com www.scolhanense.com Stadium PO Estádio Municipal de Braga Ricardo LEMOS Stadium PO José Arcanjo PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL | PORTUGAL Portimonense SC Sporting Clube de Portugal Praça M. Teixeira Gomes 4-1° PT-8500-542 PORTIMAO Rua Prof. Fernando da Fonseca, Apt 42099 PT-1601-801 LISBOA Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 282 422 427 +351 282 413 134 geral@portimonensesc.pt www.portimonensesc.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 21 751 6205 +351 21 751 6285 sporting@sportmultimedia.pt www.sporting.pt Stadium PO Estádio municipal de Portimão Stadium PO José Alvalade Nuno CASQUILHO FC Porto Vitória FC Estádio do Dragão, via FC Porto, Entrada Poente - Piso 3 PT-4350-415 PORTO Estádio do Bonfim, Apartado 132 PT-2901-882 SETÚBAL Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 22 507 0500 +351 22 507 0550 geral@portosad.pt www.fcporto.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 26 554 4270 +351 26 553 6513 sad@vfc.pt www.vfc.pt Stadium PO Estádio do Dragão Rui CEQUEIRA Stadium PO Estádio do Bonfim Marco SANTOS Rio Ave FC Vitória SC Praça da República 35, Apartado 42 PT-4481-909 VILA DO CONDE Complexo Desportivo Dr A.Pimenta Machado, Apt 505 PT-4802-914 GUIMARÃES Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 252 640 590 +351 252 640 599 rioave@mail.telepac.pt www.rioave-fc.pt Tel Fax E-mail Web +351 25 343 2570 +351 25 343 2573 geral@vitoriasc.pt www.vitoriasc.pt Stadium PO Rio Ave FC Afonso CARVALHO Stadium PO D. Afonso Henriques José Luis MACHADO 113 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND | RÉPUBLIQUE D’IRLANDE REPUBLIK IRLAND Communication The Football Association of Ireland Cumann Peile na hÉireann, National Sports Campus, Abbotstown, DUBLIN 15, Republic of Ireland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +353 1 899 9500 +353 1 899 9501 info@fai.ie www.fai.ie Pr: GS: PO: David J. BLOOD John DELANEY Peter SHERRARD Facts & Figures Foundation : 19.09.1921 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Dublin Arena Capacity : 50,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 5,629 Teams : 15,025 Referees Male : 1,250 Female : 25 Coaches : 23,000 476 72,370 167,998 15,500 6,500 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Club P W D L F A Pts Bohemian FC Shamrock Rovers FC Cork City FC 2 Derry City FC 1 Dundalk FC Sligo Rovers FC Saint Patrick’s Athletic FC Galway United FC Drogheda United FC Bray Wanderers AFC 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 24 21 17 18 12 11 13 12 7 6 5 10 9 5 8 10 4 6 11 10 7 5 10 13 16 15 19 18 18 20 62 51 42 49 46 41 29 36 32 30 21 27 28 31 51 51 46 57 50 56 77 73 60 59 44 43 43 42 32 28 Derry City FC were expelled from the league at the end of the season for disciplinary reasons. Cork City FC have been relegated for failure to obtain a licence. Promoted : Sporting Fingal FC and University College Dublin AFC * UEL participant, Cup winner Cup (2009) Final : 114 Sporting Fingal FC * – Sligo Rovers FC 2-1 Comp. UCL UEL Relegated Relegated UEL REPUBLIC OF IRELAND | RÉPUBLIQUE D’IRLANDE REPUBLIK IRLAND Bohemian FC Saint Patrick’s Athletic FC Dalymount Park, Phibsborough IE-DUBLIN 7 Richmond Park, 125 Emmet Road, Inchicore IE-DUBLIN 8 Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 868 0923 +353 1 868 6460 lynn@bohemians.ie www.bohemians.ie Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 454 6332 +353 1 454 6211 info@stpatsfc.com www.stpatsfc.com Stadium PO Dalymount Park Brian TRENCH Stadium PO Richmond Park Philip NOLAN Bray Wanderers AFC Shamrock Rovers FC Carlisle Grounds, Quinsboro Road IE-BRAY, Co. Wicklow Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way IE-DUBLIN 24 Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 282 8214 +353 1 282 8684 carlislegrounds@eircom.net www.braywanderers.ie Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 460 5948 +353 1 460 4875 info@shamrockrovers.ie www.shamrockrovers.ie Stadium PO Carlisle Grounds Vincent KIRWAN Stadium PO Tallaght Stadium John BYRNE Drogheda United FC Sligo Rovers FC Hunky Dorys Park, Windmill Road Co Louth IE-DROGHEDA Showgrounds, PO Box 275 IE-SLIGO Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 41 983 0190 +353 41 983 0195 info@droghedaunited.ie www.droghedaunited.ie Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 71 917 1212 +353 71 917 1212 secretary@sligorovers.com www.sligorovers.com Stadium PO United Park Roisin PHILLIPS Stadium PO Showgrounds Kevin COLREAVY Dundalk FC Sporting Fingal FC Oriel Park, Carrick Road IE-DUNDALK Co Louth Morton Stadium, Santry IE-DUBLIN 9 Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 4293 353 98 +353 4293 300 03 dlkfc@eircom.net www.dundalkfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 895 0150 +353 1 895 0134 secretary@sportingfingal.ie www.sportingfingal.ie Stadium PO Oriel Park Colm CROSSON Stadium PO Morton Stadium John FALLON Galway United FC University College Dublin AFC Terryland Park, Dyke Road IE-GALWAY Belfield Park, Room 202, Sports Centre U.C.D, Belfied IE-DUBLIN 4 Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 91 767 336 +353 91 767 356 info@galwayunitedfc.ie www.galwayunitedfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +353 1 716 2142 +353 1 269 8099 diarmuid.mcnally@ucd.ie www.ucdsoccer.com Stadium PO Terryland Park Neil ROWE Stadium PO Belfield Bowl Suzanne BAILEY 115 ROMANIA | ROUMANIE | RUMÄNIEN Communication Federatia Romana de Fotbal House of Football, Str. Serg. Serbanica Vasile 12, 022186 BUCURESTI, Romania Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +40 21 325 0678 +40 21 325 0679 frf@frf.ro www.frf.ro Pr: GS: CEO: PO: Mircea SANDU Adalbert KASSAI Ioan Angelo LUPESCU Paul Daniel ZAHARIA Facts & Figures Foundation : October 1909 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Lia Manoliu, Bucharest Capacity : 55,000 (under construction) Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 4,950 58,630 55,430 320 135 530 2,840 2,635 4,360 130 1,600 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 P W D L F A Pts CFR 1907 Cluj 34 FC Unirea Urziceni 34 FC Vaslui 34 FC Steaua Bucureşti 34 FC Timişoara 34 FC Dinamo Bucureşti 34 FC Rapid Bucureşti 34 FC Oţelul Galaţi 34 FC Braşov 34 CS Gaz Metan Mediaş 34 ACF Gloria 1922 Bistriţa 34 FC Internaţional Curtea de Arges1 34 FC Universitatea Craiova 34 FC Astra Ploieşti 34 CS Pandurii Lignitul Târgu Jiu 34 FC Politehnica Iaşi 34 FC Ceahlăul Piatra Neamţ 34 FC Unirea Alba Iulia 34 Club 20 18 18 18 15 13 14 14 12 9 10 10 11 8 7 7 6 7 9 12 8 8 14 14 10 8 10 15 11 6 3 12 13 10 10 5 5 4 8 8 5 7 10 12 12 10 13 18 20 14 14 17 18 22 46 53 44 49 55 48 53 38 40 33 35 32 44 33 19 28 28 33 23 26 28 36 27 37 38 38 30 37 46 49 52 45 30 50 57 62 69 66 62 62 59 53 52 50 46 42 41 36 36 36 34 31 28 26 Comp. UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Relegated Promoted: FC Victoria Brăneşti, FC Sportul Studenţesc Bucureşti, FCM Târgu Mureş and FC Universitatea Cluj. FC International Curtea de Arges withdrew for 2010/11 season; CS Pandurii Lignitul Târgu Jiu remain in top division. 1 Cup 116 Final : CFR 1907 Cluj – FC Vaslui 0-0 (5-4 pen) ROMANIA | ROUMANIE | RUMÄNIEN FC Astra Ploieşti ACF Gloria 1922 Bistriţa Str. Sondelor 19A RO-100272 PLOIESTI Str. Parcului nr. 3 RO-430025 BISTRITA Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 244 510 050 +40 244 510 050 fc.astraploiesti@yahoo.com www.fcastraploiesti.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 26 321 29 98 +40 26 321 74 37 gloria@cfgloria.ro www.gloria-bistrita.com Stadium PO Astra Geo RAETCHI Stadium PO Gloria Eugen GHEORGHE FC Braşov FC Otelul Galati Str. Poienelor nr. 5 RO-500419 BRASOV Str. Regiment 11 Siret 2A RO-800322 GALATI Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 268 325 454 +40 268 325 454 fcbrasov2007@yahoo.com www.fcbrasov.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 23 649 90 09 +40 23 649 90 09 club_otelul@yahoo.com www.otelul-galati.ro Stadium PO Silviu Ploeşteanu Adrian MARICA Stadium PO Oţelul Danut LUNGU CFR 1907 Cluj CS Pandurii Lignitul Târgu Jiu Str. Romulus Vuia no. 23 RO-400214 CLUJ-NAPOCA Str. Victoria nr. 22 RO-210234 TÂRGU JIU JUD. GORJ Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 26 459 88 31 +40 26 459 88 42 club@cfr1907.ro www.cfr1907.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 25 322 3588 +40 25 322 3588 pandurii@pandurii-tg-jiu.ro www.pandurii-tg-jiu.ro Stadium PO Dr Constantin Rădulescu Tudor POP Stadium PO Bogdan TUDOR FC Dinamo Bucureşti FCM Târgu Mureş Sos. Stefan cel Mare 7-9, sector 2 RO-020121 BUCURESTI Str. Bega nr. 2 RO-540390 TARGU MURES Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 21 210 69 74 +40 21 211 30 72 fcdinamo@fcdinamo.ro www.fcdinamo.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 266 250 731 +40 266 250 731 office@fcm-tirgumures.ro www.fcm-tirgumures.ro Stadium PO Dinamo Ionel CULINA Stadium PO Trans-Sil Vlad AMAREI CS Gaz Metan Mediaş FC Timişoara Str. Regele Ferdinand I nr. 12 RO-551002 MEDIAS Strada Aries nr. 19 RO-300006 TIMISOARA Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 26 984 4263 +40 26 983 3123 clubsportivgazmetan@yahoo.com www.gaz-metan-medias.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 25 648 78 80 +40 25 648 75 74 cdan71@yahoo.com Stadium PO Municipal Aurel PINTEA Stadium PO Dan Păltinişanu Levente BALINT 117 ROMANIA | ROUMANIE | RUMÄNIEN 118 FC Rapid Bucureşti FC Universitatea Cluj Poligrafiei nr. 1C, 1st floor, Room 21, sector 1 RO-013704 BUCURESTI Str. Buna Ziua nr. 34-36 RO-400495 CLUJ-NAPOCA Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 21 668 75 55 +40 21 668 75 88 rapid@fcrapid.ro www.fcrapid.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 264 594 038 +40 264 459 039 contact@universitateacluj.ro www.universitateacluj.ro Stadium PO Valentin Stănescu Cristian COSTACHE Stadium PO Cetate (Alba Iulia) Flaviu POPA FC Sportul Studenţesc Bucureşti FC Universitatea Craiova Str. Mihail Moxa nr. 3-5, sector 1 RO-10962 BUCURESTI Strada Sfantul Dumitru nr.1 RO-200584 CRAIOVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 212 125 059 +40 212 125 061 office@fcsportulstudentesc.ro www.fcsportulstudentesc.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 25 141 47 26 +40 25 141 66 99 fcuniversitatea@rdscv.ro www.fcuniversitatea.ro Stadium PO Sportul Studenţesc Florin ALBOIU Stadium PO Ion Oblemenco Vicentiu NEAGOE FC Steaua Bucureşti FC Vaslui Bd Ghencea nr. 45, sector 6 RO-061692 BUCURESTI Str. Decebal nr. 16 RO-730277 VASLUI Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 21 411 46 56 +40 21 410 21 82 office@steauafc.com www.steauafc.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 33 540 95 52 +40 23 531 60 97 sportingclubvaslui@yahoo.com www.vasluifc.ro Stadium PO Steaua Adrian VOICU Stadium PO Municipal Alex GUZGANU FC Unirea Urziceni FC Victoria Brăneşti Soseaua Buzaului nr. 50 RO-URZICENI, IALOMITA Str. Catalin Haldan no. 1 RO-77030 BRANESTI, jud. Ilfov Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 24 325 59 25 +40 24 325 51 52 office@fcunirea.ro www.fcunirea.ro Tel Fax E-mail Web +40 213 508 016 +40 213 598 016 office@victoriafc.ro www.victoriafc.ro Stadium PO Tineretului Paul ANDONE Stadium PO Cătălin Hăldan RUSSIA | RUSSIE | RUSSLAND Communication Rossiyskiy Futbolny Soyuz House of Football, Narodnaya, 7, 115172 MOSCOW, Russia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +7 495 926 1300 +7 495 926 1305 info@rfs.ru www.rfs.ru Pr: CEO: PO: Sergey FURSENKO Alexey SOROKIN Andrei MALOSOLOV Facts & Figures Foundation : 1912/1992 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1912/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Luzhniki, Moscow Capacity : 84,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 4,414 Teams : 155,420 Referees Male : 3,500 Female : 35 Coaches : 14,074 3,284 1,710,000 415,000 12,500 9,800 177,460 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P W D L F A Pts FC Rubin Kazan 30 FC Spartak Moskva 30 FC Zenit St. Petersburg 30 FC Lokomotiv Moskva 30 PFC CSKA Moskva 30 1 FC Moskva 30 FC Saturn Moskovskaya Oblast 30 FC Dinamo Moskva 30 FC Tom Tomsk 30 PFC Krylya Sovetov Samara 30 PFC Spartak Nalchik 30 FC Terek Grozny 30 FC Amkar Perm 30 FC Rostov 30 FC Kuban Krasnodar 30 FC Khimki 30 Club 19 17 15 15 16 13 13 12 11 10 8 9 8 7 6 2 6 4 9 9 4 9 6 6 8 6 11 6 9 11 10 4 5 9 6 6 10 8 11 12 11 14 11 15 13 12 14 24 62 61 48 43 48 39 38 31 31 32 36 33 27 28 23 20 21 33 27 30 30 28 41 37 39 42 33 48 37 39 51 64 63 55 54 54 52 48 45 42 41 36 35 33 33 32 28 10 Comp. UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Promoted : FC Alania Vladikavkaz, FC Anzhi Makhachkala and FC Sibir Novosibirsk. FC Moskva withdrew *UEL participant, Losing cup finalist 1 Cup (2010) Final : FC Zenit St. Petersburg – FC Sibir Novosibirsk * 1-0 119 RUSSIA | RUSSIE | RUSSLAND 120 FC Amkar Perm FC Krylya Sovetov Samara Ul. Kuibysheva 95 RU-614010 PERM Ul. Shuschenskaya 50-A RU-443011 SAMARA Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 342 244 0281 +7 342 244 0281 fc-amkar@permonline.ru www.amkar.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 846 335 5441 fc@ks-samara.com Stadium PO Zvezda Viktoria IVANOVA Stadium PO Metallurg Maksim SYESTNOV FC Anzhi Makhachkala FC Lokomotiv Moskva Dahadaeva st. 23 RU-367025 MAKHACHKALA, Dagestan B. Cherkizovskaya 125, Bld. 1 RU-107553 MOSCOW Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 872 268 2008 +7 872 267 8520 anzhi_club@mail.ru www.fc-anji.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 495 500 3101 +7 495 500 3070 info@fclm.ru www.fclm.ru Stadium PO Dinamo Kairav KAGERMANOV Stadium PO Lokomotiv Mariya USTILIMOVA FC Alania Vladikavkaz FC Rostov NO-AR, Shmulevicha st. 6 RU-362007 VLADIKAVKAZ Pr. Sholohova 31 C RU-344029 ROSTOV-NA-DONU Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 8672 530 340 +7 8672 547 956 alania1921@mail.ru www.fc-alania.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 863 251 7865 +7 863 251 9539 fcrostov@aaanet.ru www.fc-rostov.ru Stadium PO Republican Stadium Spartak Andrei AIRAPETOV Stadium PO Olimp 2 Maksim PONOMAREV PFC CSKA Moskva FC Rubin Kazan Leningradsky Prospekt 39, Bld 1 RU-125167 MOSCOW 2, Kopylova St. RU-420036 KAZAN Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 495 612 0780 +7 495 613 2809 refer@pfc-cska.com www.pfc-cska.com Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 843 571 1714 +7 843 533 0108 info@rubin.kazan.ru www.rubin-kazan.ru Stadium PO Arena Khimki Sergey AKSENOV Stadium PO Central Maksim LOPUKHOV FC Dinamo Moskva FC Saturn Moskovskaya Oblast Leningradsky Prospekt 36, building 21 RU-125167 MOSCOW Sretenka st. 10/3 RU-107045 MOSCOW Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 495 612 7172 +7 495 613 1612 office@fc.dinamo.ru www.fcdynamo.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 495 223 4230 +7 495 223 4232 office@saturn-fc.ru www.saturn-fc.ru Stadium PO Arena Khimki Konstantin ALEXEEV Stadium PO Saturn Ekaterina SOLDATENKOVA RUSSIA | RUSSIE | RUSSLAND FC Sibir Novosibirsk FC Terek Grozny Michurina st. 10 RU-360091 NOVOSIBIRSK Stavropolskiy kray, per. Borodinskiy 1 RU-357700 KISLOVODSK Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 383 211 1309 +7 383 211 1309 1936@bk.ru www.fc-sibir.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 87937 245 07 +7 87937 254 07 terek2005@mail.ru www.fc-terek.ru Stadium PO Spartak Dmitry KVASHA Stadium PO Sultan Bilimkhanov Kazbeck HADJIEV PFC Spartak Nalchik FC Tom Tomsk KBR, Ul. Shogentsukova 13 RU-360051 NALCHIK Belinskogo street 11/1 RU-634029 TOMSK Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 866 247 3520 +7 866 247 3520 info@spartak-nalchik.ru www.spartak-nalchik.ru Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 382 253 26 23 +7 382 253 26 23 fctom-office@mail.ru www.football.tomsk.ru Stadium PO Spartak Albert BEKOV Stadium PO Trud Oleg IGRUSHKIN FC Spartak Moskva FC Zenit St. Petersburg 10, Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, block 4 RU-123100 MOSCOW Paradnaya st. 1 RU-191014 ST. PETERSBURG Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 495 646 1926 +7 495 777 4206 sport@spartak.com www.spartak.com Phone Fax e-mail Web +7 812 244 8888 +7 812 244 8888 office@fc-zenit.ru www.fc-zenit.ru Stadium PO Luzhniki Leonid TRAHTENBERG Stadium PO Petrovsky Ekaterina BULATOVA 121 SAN MARINO | SAINT-MARIN | SAN MARINO Communication Federazione Sammarinese Giuoco Calcio Strada di Montecchio 17, 47890 SAN MARINO, San Marino Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +378 0549 990 515 +378 0549 992 348 fsgc@omniway.sm www.fsgc.sm Pr: GS: PO: Giorgio CRESCENTINI Luciano CASADEI Elisa FELICI Facts & Figures Foundation : 1931 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1988/1988 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Stadio Olimpico, Serravalle Capacity : 5,115 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 16 Teams : 54 Referees Male : 31 Female : 1 Coaches : 105 33 833 861 73 25 276 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Group A Pos. Club 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S.S. Cosmos Domagnano FC AC Juvenes-Dogana S.S. Murata SP La Fiorita S.S. Virtus SP Cailungo S.S. San Giovanni P W D L F A Pts 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 11 10 10 9 8 7 2 1 5 7 6 6 8 5 3 5 5 4 5 6 5 9 16 15 32 32 34 35 33 27 12 18 24 21 20 21 30 29 43 50 38 37 36 33 32 26 9 8 X X X Play-Off 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 12 11 9 3 4 2 3 4 5 7 10 1 5 2 4 4 4 7 15 13 55 41 26 30 22 17 21 22 20 14 25 29 45 42 48 40 38 34 19 13 11 X X X Group B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SP Tre Penne ** SC Faetano ** SP Tre Fiori * S.S. Pennarossa SP Libertas S.S. Fiorentino S.S. Folgore / Falciano Championship Play-Offs : Final : SP Tre Fiori * – SP Tre Penne 2-1 aet * UCL participant ** UEL participant Cup 122 Final : FC Tre Fiori – SP Tre Penne ** 2-1 aet SAN MARINO | SAINT-MARIN | SAN MARINO SP Cailungo SP La Fiorita Strada Cà dei Lunghi 132 SM-47893 BORGO MAGGIORE Via del Dragone 17 SM-47898 MONTEGIARDINO Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web +378 0549 996 728 agasperoni@omniway.sm www.lafiorita.it Stadium PO Stadium PO Alan GASPERONI S.S. Cosmos S.S. Folgore / Falciano Via F. Biondo 2 SM-47899 SERRAVALLE Strada La Zanetta 10 SM-47891 FALCIANO Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web +378 0549 903 322 cailungo@fsgc.info - info@cosmos.sm www.cosmos.sm +378 0549 908 088 folgore@fsgc.info - Stadium PO Stadium PO Domagnano FC AC Juvenes-Dogana Via G. Carducci 11 SM-47895 DOMAGNANO Piazza M. Tini 21 SM-47891 DOGANA Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web +378 0549 906 864 +378 0549 906 864 domagnano@fsgc.info - +378 0549 900 0689 +378 0549 905 156 info@acjuvenesdogana.sm www.acjuvenesdogana.sm Stadium PO Stadium PO SC Faetano SP Libertas Piazza del Massaro 2 SM-47896 FAETANO Via 28 Luglio 1/B SM-47893 BORGO MAGGIORE Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web faetano@fsgc.info - +378 0549 906 475 info@polisportivalibertas.com www.polisportivalibertas.com Stadium PO Stadium PO S.S. Fiorentino S.S. Murata Via La Rena 19 SM-47897 FIORENTINO Via del Serrone 100 SM-47890 MURATA Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web Stadium PO +378 0549 878 208 fiorentino@fsgc.info - +378 0549 992 311 murata@fsgc.info www.muratacalcio.com Stadium PO 123 SAN MARINO | SAINT-MARIN | SAN MARINO S.S. Pennarossa SP Tre Penne Via S. Conti 13 SM-47894 CHIESANUOVA Strada Cardio 80 SM-47891 DOGANA Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web +39 36 335 734 1331 presidente@pennarossa.com www.pennarossa.com Stadium PO Stadium PO S.S. San Giovanni S.S. Virtus Strada di San Gianno SM-47893 BORGO MAGGIORE Piazza Castello Montecerreto 2 SM-47892 ACQUAVIVA Tel Fax E-mail Web Tel Fax E-mail Web - Stadium PO Stadium PO SP Tre Fiori Via 21 Settembre 93 SM-47897 FIORENTINO Tel Fax E-mail Web Stadium PO 124 +378 0549 906 699 +378 0549 903 758 trepenne@omniway.sm www.trepenne.sm +378 0549 878 026 +378 0549 878 026 trefiori@fsgc.info - +378 0549 999 168 virtus@fsgc.info - SCOTLAND | ECOSSE | SCHOTTLAND Communication The Scottish Football Association Hampden Park, GLASGOW G42 9AY, Scotland Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +44 141 616 6000 +44 141 616 6001 info@scottishfa.co.uk www.scottishfa.co.uk Pr: GS: PO: George W. PEAT Darryl BROADFOOT Facts & Figures Foundation : 13.03.1873 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1910/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Hampden Park, Glasgow Capacity : 52,054 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 6,828 Teams : 8,629 Referees Male : 2,289 Female : 53 Coaches : 7,220 4,722 43,231 68,012 1,687 5,743 - Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts Rangers FC Celtic FC Dundee United FC Hibernian FC Motherwell FC Heart of Midlothian FC 38 38 38 38 38 38 26 25 17 15 13 13 9 6 12 9 14 9 3 7 9 14 11 16 82 75 55 58 52 35 28 39 47 55 54 46 87 81 63 54 53 48 Hamilton Academical FC Saint Johnstone FC Aberdeen FC Saint Mirren FC Kilmarnock FC Falkirk FC 38 38 38 38 38 38 13 12 10 7 8 6 10 11 11 13 9 13 15 15 17 18 21 19 39 57 36 36 29 31 46 61 52 49 51 57 49 47 41 34 33 31 Comp. UCL UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Promoted : Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC *Cup winner Cup Final : Ross County FC - Dundee United FC 0-3 125 SCOTLAND | ECOSSE | SCHOTTLAND 126 Aberdeen FC Hibernian FC Pittodrie Stadium, Pittodrie Street GB-ABERDEEN AB24 5QH Easter Road Stadium, 12 Albion Place GB-EDINBURGH EH7 5QG Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 122 465 04 00 +44 122 465 04 69 davidj@afc.co.uk www.afc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 131 661 21 59 +44 131 659 64 88 club@hibernianfc.co.uk www.hibernianfc.co.uk Stadium PO Pittodrie Dave MacDERMID Stadium PO Easter Road David FORSYTH Celtic FC Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC Celtic Park GB-GLASGOW G40 3RE Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, East Longman GB-INVERNESS IV1 1FF Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 141 551 42 98 +44 141 554 88 45 dscoular@celticfc.co.uk www.celticfc.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1463 222 880 +44 1463 715 816 jim.falconer@ictfc.co.uk www.ictfc.premiumtv.co.uk Stadium PO Celtic Park Iain JAMIESON Stadium PO Caledonian Stadium Bill MCALLISTER Dundee United FC Kilmarnock FC Tannadice Park, Tannadice Street GB- DUNDEE DD3 7JW Rugby Park, Rugby Road GB-KILMARNOCK KA1 2DP Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 138 283 31 66 +44 138 288 93 98 admin@dundeeunitedfc.co.uk www.dundeeunitedfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 156 354 53 00 +44 156 354 53 03 kirstencallaghan@kilmarnockfc.co.uk www.kilmarnockfc.co.uk Stadium PO Tannadice Park Derek ROBERTSON Stadium PO Rugby Park Kirsten CALLAGHAN Hamilton Academical FC Motherwell FC Cadzow Ave, New Douglas Park GB-HAMILTON ML3 0FT Fir Park Stadium, Fir Park Street GB-MOTHERWELL ML1 2QN Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1698 368 652 +44 1698 285 422 scott@acciesfc.co.uk www.acciesfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 169 833 33 33 +44 169 833 80 12 mfc@motherwellfc.co.uk www.motherwellfc.co.uk Stadium PO New Douglas Park Stadium PO Fir Park Alan BURROWS Heart of Midlothian FC Rangers FC Tynecastle Stadium, Gorgie Road GB-EDINBURGH EH11 2NL Ibrox Stadium, 150 Edmiston Drive GB-GLASGOW G51 2XD Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 131 200 72 45 +44 131 200 72 47 hearts@homplc.co.uk www.heartsfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 141 580 86 47 +44 141 419 06 00 amanda.millar@rangers.co.uk www.rangers.co.uk Stadium PO Tynecastle Clare COWAN Stadium PO Ibrox Stadium Carol PATTON SCOTLAND | ECOSSE | SCHOTTLAND Saint Johnstone FC Saint Mirren FC McDiarmid Park, Crieff Road GB-PERTH PH1 2SJ Saint Mirren Park, 75 Greenhill Rpad GB-PAISLEY PA3 1RU Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1738 459 090 +44 1738 625 771 stewart@perthsaintsfc.co.uk www.stjohnstonefc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 141 889 25 58 +44 141 848 64 44 info@saintmirren.net www.saintmirren.net Stadium PO McDiarmid Park Stadium PO St Mirren Park Brian CALDWELL 127 SERBIA | SERBIE | SERBIEN Communication Fudbalski savez Srbije 35, Terazije, PO Box 263, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +381 11 323 4253 +381 11 323 3433 office@fss.rs www.fss.org.rs Pr: GS: PO: Tomislav KARADZIC Zoran LAKOVIC Aleksandar BOSKOVIC Facts & Figures Foundation : 15.04.1919 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1921/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : FK Crvena zvezda, Beograd Capacity : 52,000 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,612 43,300 84,450 350 988 1,487 2,110 3,637 3,981 91 4,800 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts FK Partizan FK Crvena zvczda OFK Beograd FK Spartak Zlatibor voda FK Vojvodina FK Jagodina FK Javor FK Rad FK Metalac FK Smederevo FK Borac Čačak BSK Borča FK Čukarički FK Hajduk Kula FK Napredak FK Mladi radnik 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 23 15 14 13 12 8 10 10 8 9 9 9 7 7 5 6 2 5 7 6 7 14 7 5 10 7 6 5 9 8 10 0 5 10 9 11 11 8 13 15 12 14 15 16 14 15 15 63 53 38 34 51 38 22 38 24 23 21 27 25 28 30 19 14 17 33 27 30 34 23 39 39 30 34 37 46 40 44 47 78 71 50 49 45 43 38 37 35 34 34 33 32 30 29 25 Promoted : FK Indjija and FK Sevojno. * Cup winner Cup 128 Final : FK Crvena zvezda – FK Vojvodina 3-0 Comp. UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Relegated SERBIA | SERBIE | SERBIEN OFK Beograd FK Hajduk Kula Mije Kovacevica 10 a 11000 BEOGRAD, Serbia Svetozara Markovica 8 25230 KULA, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 329 1514 +381 11 276 2364 irina@ofkbeograd.co.rs www.ofkbeograd.co.rs Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 25 723 569 +381 25 723 045 acakula@scnet.rs www.fkhajduk.org.rs Stadium PO Omladinski Aleksandar GAJOVIC Stadium PO SPC Hajduk Djordjo BOJANIC FK Borac Čačak FK Indjija Gradski bedem br 6, PO Box 5 32000 ČAČAK, Serbia Zeleznicka bb 22320 INDJIJA, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 32 222 481 +381 32 225 458 fk.borac@nadlanu.com www.boracfk.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 22 510 909 +381 22 510 909 fkindjija@indjija.net www.fkindjija.com Stadium PO Gradski Stadion Milisav MARKOVIC Stadium PO Gradski Stadion Bojan MIJALKOVIC BSK Borča FK Jagodina JNA 1a, Borča 11211 BEOGRAD, Serbia Stevana Prvovencanog 174 35000 JAGODINA, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 3329 780 +381 11 3329 781 bskborca@nadlanu.com www.bskborca.org Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 35 252 404 +381 35 252 303 fkjagodina@nadlanu.com www.fkjagodina.org.rs Stadium PO BSK Borča Sanja ZAJIC Stadium PO Gradski Dejan MILOSEVIC FK Crvena zvezda FK Javor Ljutice Bogdana 1a 11000 BEOGRAD, Serbia 13 Septembar bb 32250 IVANJICA, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 367 2060 +381 11 367 2070 office@crvenazvezdafk.com www.crvenazvezdafk.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 32 664 478 +381 32 664 464 javor1912@gmail.com www.fkjavor.com Stadium PO FK Crvena zvezda Marko NIKOLOVSKI Stadium PO FK Javor Beba BOJOVIC FK Čukarički FK Metalac Beogradskog Bataljona 25 11030 ČUKARIČA-BEOGRAD, Serbia Despotovacka bb 32300 GORNJI MILANOVAC, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 357 30 44 +381 11 357 30 48 kontakt@cukarickistankom.com www.cukarickistankom.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 32 716 808 +381 32 716 808 fcmetalac@alfagm.net - Stadium PO FK Čukarički Miroslav RUZIC Stadium PO Cika Daca Milorad STEVANOVIC 129 SERBIA | SERBIE | SERBIEN 130 FK Partizan FK Spartak Zlatibor voda Humska 1 11000 BEOGRAD, Serbia Park Rajhl Ferenca 10 24000 SUBOTICA, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 369 3815 +381 11 369 3812 football@partizan.rs www.partizan.rs Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 24 553 818 +381 24 553 818 spartak.klubsu@nadlanu.com Stadium PO FK Partizan Marko VJETROVIC Stadium PO Gradski Nada MIRANOVIC FK Rad FK Sevojno Crnotravska bb 11000 BEOGRAD, Serbia Prvomajska bb 31205 SEVOJNO, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 11 3671 267 +381 11 3672 110 fcradbgd@gmail.com www.fcrad.co.rs Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 31 515 425 +381 31 515 425 mstanimirovic@vbs.point-group.com www.fksevojno.com Stadium PO FK Rad Vladimir SAVIC Stadium PO FK Sevojno Vlade PAVLOVIC FK Smederevo FK Vojvodina Goranska 12 11300 SMEDEREVO, Serbia Novosadski Put 114 21000 NOVI SAD, Serbia Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 26 223 030 +381 26 224 509 kontakt@fksmederevo.com www.fksmederevo.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +381 21 820 490 +381 21 820 490 office@fcvojvodina.co.rs www.fkvojvodina.co.rs Stadium PO FK Smederevo Milan KOCIC Stadium PO Karadjordje Sanja TRIVIC SLOVAKIA | SLOVAQUIE | SLOWAKEI Communication Slovensky Futbalovy Zväz Junácka 6, 83280 BRATISLAVA, Slovakia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +421 2 492 49 150 +421 2 492 49 595 office@futbalsfz.sk www.futbalsfz.sk Pr: GS: PO: Frantisek LAURINEC Milos TOMAS Facts & Figures Foundation: 04.11.1938 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA: 1993/1994 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : 1. National stadium: Capacity: 2. National stadium: Capacity: Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 462 225,122 167,241 1,941 392 17,325 Pasienky, Bratislava 11,900 Pod Dubňom, Žilina 11,200 2,305 6,891 2,520 65 12,362 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Off : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Club P W D L F A Pts MŠK Žilina ŠK Slovan Bratislava Dukla Banská Bystrica FC Nitra MFK Ružomberok FK Senica FC Spartak Trnava 1. FC Tatran Prešov MFK Dubnica DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda MFK Košice MFK Petržalka 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 23 21 15 14 13 12 12 11 8 7 8 7 4 7 11 6 8 7 5 5 12 12 9 8 6 5 7 13 12 14 16 17 13 14 16 18 59 54 45 42 33 34 52 32 27 28 32 33 17 24 30 40 35 44 46 38 42 47 57 51 73 70 56 48 47 43 41 38 36 33 33 29 Comp. UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Promoted : FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce * Cup winner Cup Final : ŠK Slovan Bratislava – FC Spartak Trnava 6-0 131 SLOVAKIA | SLOVAQUIE | SLOWAKEI 132 DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda MFK Ružomberok Sportová 4744 SK-92901 DUNAJSKA STREDA Zilinská cesta 21 SK-034 01 RUŽOMBEROK Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 31 552 5301 +421 31 552 5301 futbaldac@gmail.com www.fkdac1904.eu Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 44 432 2506 +421 44 432 3589 sekretariat@mfkruzomberok.sk www.mfkruzomberok.sk Stadium PO Mestsky Stadion Attila KARAFFA Stadium PO MFK Ružomberok Michal MERTINYAK MFK Dubnica FK Senica Sportovcov 655 SK-018 41 DUBNICA NAD VÁHOM Sadova 639/22 SK-90501 SENICA Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 42 442 1906 +421 42 442 0033 sekretariat@fkdubnica.sk www.fkdubnica.sk Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 34 6515 303 +421 34 6515 303 fksenica@fksenica.sk www.fksenica.sk Stadium PO Mestsky Pavel LACO Stadium PO FK Senica Marek SVATEK Dukla Banská Bystrica ŠK Slovan Bratislava Hutná 3 SK-974 01 BANSKA BYSTRICA V. Tegelhoffa 4 SK-831 04 BRATISLAVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 2 2085 5500 +421 2 2085 5501 fkdukla@fkdukla.sk www.fkdukla.sk Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 2 446 36 363 +421 2 446 36 365 info@slovanfutbal.com www.skslovan.com Stadium PO Stiavnicky Zuzana OCENASOVA Stadium PO Pasienky Martin URMANIC MFK Košice FC Spartak Trnava Trieda SNP 48/A SK-040 01 KOŠICE Koniarekova 19 SK-917 21 TRNAVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 55 3211 350 +421 55 3211 351 sekretariat@mfkkosice.sk www.mfkkosice.sk Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 33 550 3804 +421 33 550 3806 fcspartak@centrum.sk www.spartak.sk Stadium PO Lokomotiva v Cermeli Norbert BADAC Stadium PO Antona Malatinského Jaroslav LIESKOVSKY FC Nitra 1. FC Tatran Prešov Jesenského 4 SK-949 01 NITRA Capajevova 47 SK-080 01 PREŠOV Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 37 651 3480 +421 37 741 4958 fcnitra@fcnitra.sk www.fcnitra.sk Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 51 748 18 38 +421 51 748 18 43 1fctatran@stonline.sk www.1fctatran.sk Stadium PO FC Nitra Matej IVAN Stadium PO Tatran Ivan KRISSAK SLOVAKIA | SLOVAQUIE | SLOWAKEI FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce MÉK Žilina Tovarenska 64 SK-95301 ZLATE MORAVCE Éportová 9 SK-010 10 ŽILINA Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 37640 3333 +421 37640 3337 fcvion@fcvion.sk www.fcvion.sk Tel Fax E-mail Web +421 41 562 2280 +421 41 562 6955 mskzilina@mskzilina.sk www.mskzilina.sk Stadium PO FC ViOn Michal CERVENY Stadium PO Pod Dubňom Roman GRESO 133 SLOVENIA | SLOVÉNIE | SLOWENIEN Communication Nogometna Zveza Slovenije Cerinova 4, P.P. 3986, 1001 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +386 1 530 0400 +386 1 530 0410 nzs@nzs.si www.nzs.si Pr: GS: PO: Ivan SIMIC Ales ZAVRL Matjaz KRAJNIK Facts & Figures Foundation : 23.04.1920 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1992/1993 National stadium : Ljudski vrt, Maribor Capacity : 12,432 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 438 8,315 20,529 739 401 1,775 257 1,181 960 18 1,011 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Championship Play-Offs : Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Koper NK Maribor ND Gorica NK Olimpija Ljubljana 1 NK Celje NK Nafta NK Rudar Velenje NK Domžale NK IB Ljubljana NK Drava 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 21 18 16 16 14 14 15 12 9 7 10 8 7 7 9 7 4 9 6 9 5 10 13 13 13 15 17 15 21 20 59 58 74 51 53 51 46 51 35 34 35 44 60 33 56 53 52 59 64 56 73 62 55 53 51 49 49 45 33 30 Promoted : NK Primorje and ND Triglav 1 NK Olimpija Ljubljana had 2 points deducted. *Cup winner Cup 134 Final : NK Maribor – NK Domžale 3-2 aet Comp. UCL UEL* UEL UEL Relegated Relegated SLOVENIA | SLOVÉNIE | SLOWENIEN NK Celje NK Nafta Opekarniska cesta 15 a SI-3000 CELJE Kolodvorska 7, PP46 SI-9220 LENDAVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 3 428 1860 +386 3 428 1880 info@nk-celje.si www.nk-celje.si Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 2 578 8753 +386 2 578 8753 nknafta@siol.net www.nknafta.si Stadium PO Celje Arena Dejan OBREZ Stadium PO Sportni park Igor MAGDIC NK Domžale NK Olimpija Ljubljana Kopaliska 4 SI-1230 DOMŽALE Vodovodna 25 SI-1000 LJUBLJANA Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 1 722 6550 +386 1 721 0373 info@nkdomzale.si www.nkdomzale.si Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 1 566 1241 +386 1 566 1240 ales.remih@siol.net www.nkolimpija.com Stadium PO Sportni Park Gregor KRMAVNAR Stadium PO Bezigrad Ziga GOMBAR ND Gorica ND Triglav Bazoviska ul. 4 SI-5000 NOVA GORICA Partizanska 37 SI-4000 KRANJ Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 5 333 4086 +386 5 333 4087 nd.gorica@siol.net www.nd-gorica.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 4 238 0050 +386 4 238 0051 nk.triglav@siol.net www.nktriglav.com Stadium PO Sportni Park Peter MARAZ Stadium PO ŠC Stanko Mlakar Miran SUBIC FC Koper NK Rudar Velenje Ljubljanska cesta 2 SI-6000 KOPER Cesta na Jezero 7 SI-3320 VELENJE Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 5 631 3101 +386 5 631 3101 info@fckoper.si www.fckoper.si Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 3 891 9013 +386 3 891 9014 nk.rudar.velenje@t-2.net www.nkrudar.com/ Stadium PO SRC Bonifika Sandi JERMAN Stadium PO Ob Jezeru Adem BISCIC NK Maribor NK Primorje Mladinska 29 SI-2000 MARIBOR PO Box 61, Goriska cesta 44 SI-5270 AJDOVSCINA Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 2 228 4700 +386 2 228 4701 info@nkmaribor.com www.nkmaribor.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +386 36 61042 +386 36 61042 nkprimorje@siol.net www.primorje-nklub.si Stadium PO Ljudski Vrt Zeljko LATIN Stadium PO Mestni Edo PELICON 135 SPAIN | ESPAGNE | SPANIEN Communication Real Federación Española de Fútbol Ramón y Cajal, s/n, Apartado de Correos 385, 28230 LAS ROZAS (MADRID), Spain Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +34 91 495 9800 +34 91 495 9801 secretaria@rfef.es www.rfef.es Pr: GS: PO: Angel María VILLAR LLONA Jorge PÉREZ ARIAS Antonio BUSTILLO ABELLA Facts & Figures Foundation : 29.09.1909 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 1,509 134,063 467,255 16,120 4,664 110,099 19,099 43,861 11,560 419 12,502 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Barcelona Real Madrid CF Valencia CF Sevilla FC RCD Mallorca Getafe CF Villarreal CF Athletic Club Club Atlético de Madrid RC Deportivo La Coruña RCD Espanyol CA Osasuna UD Almería Real Zaragoza Real Sporting de Gijón Real Racing Club Málaga CF Real Valladolid CF CD Tenerife Xerez CD 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 31 31 21 19 18 17 16 15 13 13 11 11 10 10 9 9 7 7 9 8 6 3 8 6 8 7 8 9 8 8 11 10 12 11 13 12 16 15 9 10 1 4 9 13 12 14 14 14 17 17 16 17 16 17 16 17 15 16 20 20 98 102 59 65 59 58 58 50 57 35 29 37 43 46 36 42 42 37 40 38 24 35 40 49 44 48 57 53 61 49 46 46 55 64 51 59 48 62 74 66 99 96 71 63 62 58 56 54 47 47 44 43 42 41 40 39 37 36 36 34 Promoted: Real Sociedad de Fútbol, Hércules CF and Levante UD Cup 136 Final : Club Atlético de Madrid – Sevilla FC 0-2 Comp. UCL UCL UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL Relegated Relegated Relegated SPAIN | ESPAGNE | SPANIEN Athletic Club RCD Espanyol Alameda Mazarredo no 23 ES-48009 BILBAO Av. del Baix Lobregat 100 ES-08940 CORNELLA DE LLOBREGAT (Barcelona) Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 944 240 877 +34 944 233 324 prensa@athletic-club.net www.athletic-club.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 932 927 700 +34 934 254 552 info@rcdespanyol.com www.rcdespanyol.com Stadium PO San Mamés Patxi Xabier FERNANDEZ Stadium PO Cornellá-El Prat Rafael RAMOS ESCUDERO UD Almería Getafe CF Est. de los Juegos Mediterráneos, Complejo Dep. De la Vega de Acá ES-04007 ALMERÍA Avda Teresa de Calcuta s/n ES-28903 GETAFE (MADRID) Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 950 254 426 +34 950 245 642 jbonillo@udalmeriasad.com www.udalmeriasad.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 916 959 771 +34 916 811 212 fsantos@getafecf.com www.getafecf.com Stadium PO Estadio del Mediterraneo Juan José Moreno MILLAN Stadium PO Coliseum Alfonso Pérez Luz MONZÓN FC Barcelona Hércules CF Avda. Aristides Maillol s/n ES-08028 BARCELONA Foguerer Roméu Zarandieta s/n ES-3005 ALICANTE Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 934 963 600 +34 934 112 219 oab@fcbarcelona.cat www.fcbarcelona.cat Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 902 760 202 +34 965 245 783 informacion@herculescf.es Stadium PO Camp Nou Txemi TERES Stadium PO José Rico Pérez Club Atlético de Madrid Levante UD Paseo de la Vírgen del Puerto no 67 ES-28005 MADRID Calle San Vicente de Paul 44 ES-46019 VALENCIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 913 664 707 +34 913 641 448 comunicacion@clubatleticodemadrid.com www.clubatleticodemadrid.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 963 779 530 +34 963 379 531 admon@levanteud.es www.levanteud.com Stadium PO Vicente Calderón Enrique RAMON Stadium PO Ciutat de València Delia BULLIDO GARCIA RC Deportivo La Coruña Málaga CF Plaza Pontevedra 19-1° ES-15003 A CORUÑA Paseo de Martíricos s/n ES-29011 MÁLAGA Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 981 259 500 +34 981 265 919 deportivo@canaldeportivo.com www.canaldeportivo.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 952 104 488 +34 952 613 737 m.hurda@malagacf.es www.malagacf.es Stadium PO Riazor Rafael CARPACHO BARREDO Stadium PO La Rosaleda Victor Jesus VARELA RUIZ 137 SPAIN | ESPAGNE | SPANIEN 138 RCD Mallorca Real Sporting de Gijón Camí dels Reis s/n, Estadio Son Moix ES-07011 PALMA DE MALLORCA Camino de Mareo a Granda, 645 Mareo de Abajo ES-33390 GIJÓN (Asturias) Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 971 221 221 +34 971 452 351 prensa@rcdmallorca.es www.rcdmallorca.es Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 985 16 76 77 +34 985 16 76 32 efmareo@realsporting.com www.realsporting.com/ Stadium PO Son Moix Hector ROMERO ADAN Stadium PO El Molinón José Luis RUBIERA CA Osasuna Real Zaragoza Estadio Reyno de Navarra, c/Sadar s/n ES-31006 PAMPLONA Pabellõn Multiusos A. Soláns Serrano, C/ Eduardo Ibarra 6 ES-50009 ZARAGOZA Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 948 152 636 +34 948 151 655 osasuna@osasuna.es www.osasuna.es Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 976 567 777 +34 976 568 863 real@realzaragoza.com www.realzaragoza.com Stadium PO Reyno de Navarra Guillermo PEREZ AZCONA Stadium PO La Romareda Ruben RAMOS Real Madrid CF Sevilla FC Avenida Concha Espina 1 ES-28036 MADRID Estadio Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan ES-41005 SEVILLA Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 913 984 300 +34 913 984 391 international@realmadrid.es www.realmadrid.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 902 510 011 +34 954 536 061 sevillafc@sevillafc.es www.sevillafc.es Stadium PO Santiago Bernabéu Marta SANTISTEBAN LOPEZ Stadium PO Ramón Sánchez Pízjuan Jesús GÓMEZ JIMÉNEZ Real Racing Club Valencia CF Real Racing Club s/n ES-39005 SANTANDER C/ Roger de Lauria 19-2° local, 2C ES-46002 VALENCIA Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 942 282 828 +34 942 281 428 oficinas@realracingclub.es www.realracingclub.es Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 902 01 1919 +34 963 374 999 jbruixola@valenciacf.es www.valenciacf.es Stadium PO El Sardinero Alberto APARICIO BARBA Stadium PO Mestalla Alejandro NAVARRO Real Sociedad de Fútbol Villarreal CF Paseo de Anoeta, s/n, Paseo Arrapide 52 ES-20013 SAN SEBASTIAN Camino Miralcamp s/n ES-12540 VILLARREAL Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 943 462 833 +34 943 458 941 realsoc@realsociedad.com www.realsociedad.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +34 964 500 250 +34 964 500 167 mgumbau@villarrealcf.es www.villarrealcf.es Stadium PO Estadio de Anoeta Andoni IRAOLA Stadium PO El Madrigal Hernan SANZ SWEDEN | SUÈDE | SCHWEDEN Communication Svenska Fotbollförbundet Råsunda Stadion, PO Box 1216, 171 23 SOLNA, Sweden Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +46 8 735 09 00 +46 8 735 09 01 svff@svenskfotboll.se www.svenskfotboll.se Pr: GS: PO: Lars-Åke LAGRELL Mikael SANTOFT Jonas NYSTEDT Facts & Figures Foundation: 18.12.1904 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA: 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium: Råsunda Stadion, Solna Capacity: 35,972 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 3,359 Teams : Referees Male : 4,381 Female : 187 Coaches : 5,399 149,933 86,821 41,061 49,929 74,978 Domestic Competitions 2009 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts AIK Solna IFK Göteborg IF Elfsborg Kalmar FF BK Häcken Örebro SK Malmö FF Helsingborgs IF Trelleborgs FF Gefle IF GAIS Göteborg IF Brommapojkarna Halmstads BK Djurgårdens IF Örgryte IS Hammarby Fotboll 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 18 17 15 14 13 12 11 13 11 10 8 9 8 8 6 6 7 6 10 8 9 9 10 4 8 9 11 7 8 5 7 4 5 7 5 8 8 9 9 13 11 11 11 14 14 17 17 20 36 53 43 53 43 33 40 39 41 28 41 32 29 24 27 22 20 24 34 39 30 32 25 39 34 38 38 46 43 49 49 44 61 57 55 50 48 45 43 43 41 39 35 34 32 29 25 22 Promotion/relegation play-off : Djurgårdens IF FF – Assyriska Föreningen Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL UEL* PO Relegated Relegated 0-2 3-0 Promoted: Mjällby AIF and Åtvidabergs FF *Fair play entrant Cup (2009) Final : AIK Solna – IFK Göteborg 2-0 139 SWEDEN | SUÈDE | SCHWEDEN 140 Åtvidabergs FF IFK Göteborg Box 87 SE-59722 ATVIDABERGS Kamratgardsvägen 50 SE-416 55 GÖTEBORG Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 120 12 947 +46 120 12 660 info@atvidabergsff.se www.atvidabergsff.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 31 703 73 00 +46 31 40 41 21 info@ifkgoteborg.se www.ifkgoteborg.se Stadium PO Kopparvallen Mathias LINDHOLM Stadium PO Gamla Ullevi Christina CAMPOPIANO Djurgårdens IF Halmstads BK Klocktornet Lidingövägen 1 SE-114 33 STOCKHOLM PO Box 223 SE-301 06 HALMSTAD Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 85 451 58 00 +46 85 451 58 01 dif.fotboll@dif.se www.dif.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 35 17 18 80 +46 35 10 34 36 info@hbk.se www.hbk.se Stadium PO Stockholms Stadion Jonas RIEDEL Stadium PO Örjans vall Robert NORDSTROM IF Elfsborg Helsingborgs IF Ålgårdsvägen 32 SE-506 30 BORÅS PO Box 2074 SE-250 02 HELSINGBORG Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 33 13 91 91 +46 33 12 91 91 info@elfsborg.se www.elfsborg.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 42 37 70 00 +46 42 37 70 27 info@hif.se www.hif.se Stadium PO Borås Arena Göran LOHNE Stadium PO Olympia Frederik ERICSSON Gefle IF Kalmar FF PO Box 857 SE-801 31 GÄVLE PO Box 169 SE-391 22 KALMAR Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 26 65 22 33 +46 26 61 02 40 fotboll@gefleif.se www.gefleiffotboll.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 48 044 44 30 +46 48 08 87 20 kalmarff@kalmarff.se www.kalmarff.se Stadium PO Strömvallen Ewa LINDHOLM Stadium PO Fredriksskans IP Anders BENGTSSON GAIS Göteborg IF Brommapojkarna Gamla Boråsvägen SE-412 76 GÖTEBORG PO Box 5001 SE-161 05 BROMMA Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 31 40 36 90 +46 31 40 66 85 kansli@gais.se www.gais.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 8 620 0850 +46 8 620 0850 kansli@brommapojkarna.se www.brommapojkarna.se Stadium PO Gamla Ullevi Tony BALOGH Stadium PO Grimsta IP SWEDEN | SUÈDE | SCHWEDEN Malmö FF Örebro SK PO Box 19067 SE-200 73 MALMÖ Rudbecksgatan 52 G SE-702 23 ÖREBRO Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 40 32 66 00 +46 40 32 66 01 info@mff.se www.mff.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 19 16 73 00 +46 19 16 73 19 fotboll@oskfotboll.se www.oskfotboll.se Stadium PO Malmö Stadion Per WELINDER Stadium PO Behrn Arena Michael KARLBERG BK Häcken AIK Solna Entreprenadvägen 6, Box 22051 SE-400 72 GÖTEBORG PO Box 1257 SE-171 24 SOLNA Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 31 506 790 +46 31 506 799 kansli@bkhacken.se www.bkhacken.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 87 35 96 50 +46 87 35 96 79 fotball@aik.se www.aikfotboll.se Stadium PO Rambergsvallen Marcus JODIN Stadium PO Råsundastadion Stefan MELLERBORG Mjällby AIF Trelleborgs FF Campingvägen 44 SE-294 95 SÖLVESBORG Östervångsvägen, Vångavallen SE-231 55 TRELLEBORG Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 456 529 39 +46 456 562 39 info@maif.se www.maif.se Tel Fax E-mail Web +46 41 05 77 80 +46 41 01 31 25 info@tff.m.se www.tff.m.se Stadium PO Strandvallen Stadium PO Vångavallen Per-Anders ABRAHAMSSON 141 SWITZERLAND | SUISSE | SCHWEIZ Communication Schweizerischer Fussballverband Association Suisse de Football, Worbstr. 48, Postfach, 3000 BERN 15, Schweiz Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +41 31 950 8111 +41 31 950 8181 sfv.asf@football.ch www.football.ch Pr: GS: PO: Peter GILLIÉRON Alex MIESCHER Marco VON AH Facts & Figures Foundation : 07.04.1895 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1904/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 450 112,000 119,000 5,300 15,500 600 1,467 13,580 4,550 116 8,353 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Basel 1893 BSC Young Boys Grasshopper-Club FC Luzern FC Sion FC St. Gallen FC Zürich Neuchâtel Xamax FC AC Bellinzona FC Aarau 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 25 25 21 17 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 2 2 7 9 7 9 8 4 5 6 9 13 12 13 16 15 17 25 25 90 78 65 66 63 53 55 55 42 32 46 47 43 55 57 56 58 57 92 88 80 77 65 58 51 46 45 41 25 23 Promotion/Relegation Play-Off : AC Bellinzona – FC Lugano 2-1 0-0 Promoted : FC Thun *UEL participant, Losing cup finalist Cup 142 Final : FC Basel 1893 – FC Lausanne-Sports* 6-0 Comp. UCL UCL UEL UEL Play-Off Relegated SWITZERLAND | SUISSE | SCHWEIZ FC Basel 1893 FC Sion Birsstr. 320 A, Postfach CH-4020 BASEL c/o Olympique des Alpes, Case postale 32 CH-1921 MARTIGNY-CROIX Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 61 375 10 10 +41 61 375 10 11 info@fcb.ch www.fcb.ch Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 27 747 13 13 +41 27 747 13 14 info@fc-sion.ch www.fc-sion.ch Stadium PO St. Jakob-Park Josef ZINDEL Stadium PO Tourbillon Nicolas PILLET AC Bellinzona FC Thun Casella postale 1022 CH-6501 BELLINZONA Stadion Lachen, Postfach 4249 CH-3604 THUN Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 91 825 27 17 +41 91 825 82 20 info@acbellinzona.ch www.acbellinzona.ch Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 33 225 1898 +41 33 225 1899 sekretariat@fcthun.ch www.fcthun.ch Stadium PO Comunale Stadium PO Lachen Grasshopper-Club FC St. Gallen Dielsdorferstr. 165, Postfach 377 CH-8155 NIEDERHASLI Zürcher Str. 464, Postfach 264 CH-9015 ST-GALLEN Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 44 447 46 46 +41 44 447 46 90 info@gcz.ch www.gcz.ch Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 71 314 1616 +41 71 314 1617 info@fcsg.ch www.fcsg.ch Stadium PO Letzigrund Eugen DESIDERATO Stadium PO Samuel FITZI FC Luzern BSC Young Boys Postfach 2718, Horwerstrasse 34 CH-6002 LUZERN Papiermühlestr. 77, Postfach 61 CH-3000 BERN 22 Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 41 317 00 80 +41 41 317 00 99 office@fcl.ch www.fcl.ch Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 31 344 80 00 +41 31 344 80 89 info@bscyb.ch www.bscyb.ch Stadium PO Gersag (Emmen) Stefan BUCHER Stadium PO Stade de Suisse Albert STAUDENMANN Neuchâtel Xamax FC FC Zürich Case postale 2749 CH-2001 NEUCHÂTEL Postfach 3375 CH-8021 ZÜRICH Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 32 725 44 28 +41 32 724 21 28 secretariats@xamax.ch www.xamax.ch Tel Fax E-mail Web +41 43 521 12 12 +41 43 521 12 13 fcz@fcz.ch www.fcz.ch Stadium PO La Maladière Jean-Pierre SCHÜRMANN Stadium PO Letzigrund Giovanni MARTI 143 TURKEY | TURQUIE | TÜRKEI Communication Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Istinye Mah. Darüssafaka Cad. No 45 Kat 2, 34460 SARIYER ISTANBUL, Turkey Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +90 212 362 2222 +90 212 323 4968 intdept@tff.org www.tff.org Pr: GS: PO: Mahmut ÖZGENER Ahmet GÜVENER Türker TOZAR Facts & Figures Foundation : 23.04.1923 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1923/1962 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Capacity : Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 4,394 74,601 164,078 300 1,138 4,753 12,035 4,557 153 16,449 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Club P W D L F A Pts Bursaspor Fenerbahçe SK Galatasaray AŞ Beşiktaş JK Trabzonspor Istanbul BB SK Eskişehirspor Kayserispor Antalyaspor Gençlerbirliği SK Kasimpaşa SK MKE Ankaragücü Gaziantepspor Manisaspor Sivasspor Diyarbakırspor Denizlispor Ankaraspor AA 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 23 23 19 18 16 16 15 14 14 12 10 9 9 8 8 6 6 0 6 5 7 10 9 8 10 9 7 11 11 14 13 13 10 9 8 0 5 6 8 6 9 10 9 11 13 11 13 11 12 13 16 19 20 34 65 61 61 47 53 47 44 45 49 38 50 39 38 27 42 28 30 0 26 28 35 25 32 44 34 37 38 35 53 40 39 34 59 54 49 102 75 74 64 64 57 56 55 51 49 47 41 41 40 37 34 27 26 0 Promoted : Karademir Karabükspor, Bucaspor and Konyaspor * Cup winner Cup 144 Final : Trabzonspor – Fenerbahçe SK 3-1 Comp. UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL * Relegated Relegated Relegated TURKEY | TURQUIE | TÜRKEI MKE Ankaragücü Eskişehirspor Tandogan Tesisleri, GMK Bulvasi 06570, Gazi Mah. TR-06560 ANKARA Vali Hanefi Demirkol, tesisleri Polisevi Yani TR-26010 ESKIŞEHIR Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 312 393 1010 +90 312 393 1013 info@ankaragucu.org.tr www.ankaragucu.org.tr Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 222 322 98 90 +90 222 323 06 17 eskisehirsporeses@hotmail.com www.eskisehirspor.org Stadium PO 19 Mayis Avni KAVLAK Stadium PO Atatürk Riza ZEYDAN Antalyaspor Fenerbahçe SK M. Mahallesi Fuar Alani, Karsisi 100, Hasan Subasi Spor Tesisleri TR-07030 ANTALYA Sukru Saracoglu Stadi, Recep Peker Cod., Kadiköy TR-34724 ISTANBUL Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 242 237 08 81 +90 242 237 49 51 info@antalyaspor.com.tr www.antalyaspor.com.tr Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 216 542 1907 +90 216 542 1960 tacar@fenerbahce.org www.fenerbahce.org Stadium PO Atatürk Ahmet BALCI Stadium PO Sükrü Saraçoglu Orkun YAZGAN & Ovgü DOGAN Beşiktaş JK Galatasaray AŞ Süleyman Seba Cad. No 48, BJK Plaza B-Blok Giris kat TR-34357 BESIKTAS-ISTANBUL Florya Metin oktay Tesisleri TR-34153 ISTANBUL Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 212 310 1000 +90 212 258 8194 info@bjk.com.tr www.bjk.com.tr Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 212 663 7660 +90 212 574 0424 adnansezgin@galatasaray.org www.galatasaray.org Stadium PO Inönü Lütfiye Devrim DIZDAR Stadium PO Ali Sami Yen Yako IGUAL Bucaspor Gaziantepspor Özmen Cad. No: 73 Buca TR-35150 IZMIR Celal Dogan Tesisleri, Duluk Ormanlari Karsisi TR-27010 GAZIANTEP Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 232 442 2567 +90 232 440 7908 bilgi@bucaspor.org.tr www.bucaspor.org Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 342 322 2000 +90 342 322 2069 info@gaziantepspor.org.tr www.gaziantepspor.org.tr Stadium PO Yeni Buca Seref ÜSTÜNDAG Stadium PO Kamil Ocak Mehmet Salih KIZIL Bursaspor Gençlerbirliği SK Özlüce Tesisleri Izmir Yolu 4.km, Nilüfer TR-16100 BURSA Çiftlik Cad. No 30, Bestepe TR-06510 ANKARA Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 224 444 1963 +90 224 413 6306 bursaspor@bursaspor.org.tr www.bursaspor.org Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 312 215 3000 +90 312 221 2125 genclerbirligi@genclerbirligi.org.tr www.genclerbirligi.org.tr Stadium PO Atatürk Engin AKDEMIR Stadium PO 19 Mayis Altan ALTUN 145 TURKEY | TURQUIE | TÜRKEI 146 Istanbul BB SK Konyaspor Atatürk Bulvari, Cebeci TR-34270 Fatih-ISTANBUL Zafer Meydani Zafer Carsisi Kat:3, Meram TR-42200 KONYA Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 212 475 01 01 +90 212 475 01 11 ibbspor@ibbspor.com www.ibbspor.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 332 353 1522 +90 332 353 6863 konyaspor@konyaspor.org.tr www. konyaspor.org.tr Stadium PO Atatürk Olimpiyat Ilkay SAGIR Stadium PO Atatürk Cengiz YÖNET Karademir Karabükspor Sivasspor Camlik Mevidi Mettin, Türker Spor TR-KARABÜK Gültepe Mah. Cevreyolu Sivasspor Tes. TR-58150 SIVAS Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 372 418 5050 +90 372 412 5422 - Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 346 226 4180 +90 346 226 2458 orayotyakmaz@hotmail.com www.sivasspor.org.tr Stadium PO Yenişehir - Stadium PO 4 Eylül Kemal CAGLAYAN Kasimpaşa SK Trabzonspor Tepebasi cad. spor Tesisleri no 11 TR-34430 BEYOGLU ISTANBUL Mehmet Ali Yilmaz Tesisleri, Havaalani Alti 27 TR-61080 TRABZON Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 212 238 2242 +90 212 361 6979 www. kasimpasaspor.org.tr Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 462 325 0967 +90 462 325 5515 trabzon@trabzonspor.org.tr www.trabzonspor.org.tr Stadium PO Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Sedat OZSUZ Stadium PO Hüseyin Avni Aker Altug ATALAY Kayserispor Manisaspor Erkilet Bulvari Karpuzatan Mevkii Kadir Has Tesisleri, Kocasinan TR-38080 KAYSERI Tarik Almis Spor Tesisleri, Tarik Almis Cad. No 5 TR-45030 MANISA Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 352 351 2728 +90 352 351 2219 kayserispor@kayserispor.org.tr www.kayserispor.org.tr Tel Fax E-mail Web +90 236 233 3767 +90 263 233 9202 info@manisaspor.org.tr www.manisaspor.org.tr Stadium PO Kadir Has Sevil TURKMEN Stadium PO 19 mayis Zeki AYAYDIN UKRAINE | UKRAINE | UKRAINE Communication Federatsiya Futbola Ukrainy 7-A, Laboratornyi provulok, PO Box 55, 01133 KYIV, Ukraine Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +380 44 521 0518 +380 44 521 0550 info@ffu.org.ua www.ffu.org.ua Pr: GS: PO: Hryhoriy SURKIS Oleksandr BANDURKO Sergiy VASYLIEV Facts & Figures Foundation : 13.12.1991 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1992/1992 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : NSC Olympiyskiy, Kyiv Capacity : 65,400 Clubs & Teams Clubs : Teams : Referees Male : Female : Coaches : 2,344 103,900 658,000 1,100 1,700 7,200 66 63,622 12,700 25 1,489 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Club P W D L F A Pts FC Shakhtar Donetsk FC Dynamo Kyiv FC Metalist Kharkiv FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk FC Karpaty Lviv SC Tavriya Simferopol FC Arsenal Kyiv FC Metalurh Donetsk FC Metalurh Zaporizhya FC Vorskla Poltava FC Obolon Kyiv FC Illychivets Mariupil FC Zorya Luhansk FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih FC Chernomorets Odesa FC Zakarpattya Uzhhorod 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 22 19 15 13 12 11 11 10 6 9 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 9 11 9 9 7 5 13 4 8 7 4 9 4 1 3 6 6 6 9 10 12 15 11 17 15 16 19 16 21 62 61 49 48 44 38 44 41 31 29 26 31 23 31 21 18 18 16 23 25 35 38 41 33 48 32 50 56 47 47 44 44 77 71 62 54 50 45 42 40 35 31 31 29 28 25 24 19 Comp. UCL UCL UEL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Promoted : PFC Sevastopol and FC Volyn Lutsk * Cup winner Cup Final : SC Tavriya Simferopol – FC Metalurh Donetsk 3-2 aet 147 UKRAINE | UKRAINE | UKRAINE 148 FC Arsenal Kyiv FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih 14/1 Mechnikova Str. UA-01133 KYIV Metalurhiv Av. 5 UA-50006 KRYVYI RIH Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 44 246 45 05 +380 44 246 45 05 office@fcarsenal.com.ua www.fcarsenal.com.ua Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 56 404 70 00 +380 56 404 70 00 fck@ukrpost.ua www.fckrivbass.dp.ua Stadium PO Kolos (Borispil) + Viktor Bannikov Volodymyr KATSMAN Stadium PO Metalurh Hryhoriy TURENKO FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk FC Metalist Kharkiv Pionerskiy str 12 UA-49000 DNIPROPETROVSK 65, Plekhanovskaya Str. UA-61001 KHARKIV Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 56 234 29 89 +380 56 234 29 90 fcdnipro@a-teleport.com www.fcdnipro.ua Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 57 763 2309 +380 57 737 23 74 info@metallist.kharkov.ua www.metallist.kharkov.ua Stadium PO Dnipro-Arena Dmitryi PELIN Stadium PO OSK Metalist Sergey RODIONOV FC Dynamo Kyiv FC Metalurh Donetsk 3, M. Grushevskogo Str. UA-01001 KYIV Kuybyshev Str. 25 A UA-83062 DONETSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 44 597 0008 +380 44 278 41 35 alina@goal.com.ua www.fcdynamo.kiev.ua Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 62 385 04 88 +380 62 385 04 86 postmaster@metallurg.donetsk.ua www.metallurg.donetsk.ua Stadium PO Valeriy Lobanovskiy Olexiy SEMENENKO Stadium PO Metalurh Olexiy KLYKOV FC Illychivets Mariupil FC Metalurh Zaporizhya 45-A Evpatoriyska Street, Illychivets stadium UA-87515 MARIUPIL 2, 12th April Str. UA-69037 ZAPORIZHYA Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 629 474 443 +380 629 534 486 fcmm@fcilyich.com.ua www.fcilyich.com.ua Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 61 224 06 56 +380 61 224 06 56 metalurg@fcmetalurg.com.ua www.fcmetalurg.com.ua Stadium PO Illychivets Dmytro OSTRONOS Stadium PO Central Arena Olexandr GUZENKO FC Karpaty Lviv FC Obolon Kyiv 1B, Yanusha Str. UA-79000 LVIV 8 Pivnichna Str. UA-04214 KYIV Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 32 298 8410 +380 32 297 66 63 net@fckarpaty.lviv.ua www.fckarpaty.lviv.ua Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 44 411 3910 +380 44 411 2051 fcobolon@kiev.obolon.ua www.fc.obolon.ua Stadium PO Ukrayina Yuriy NAZARKEVYCH Stadium PO Obolon Vitaliy MYLNYCHUK UKRAINE | UKRAINE | UKRAINE PFC Sevastopol FC Volyn Lutsk Shostaka 7 UA-SEVASTOPOL Pr. Peremogy 7i UA-43005 LUTSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 692 537 426 +380 692 537 426 pfksevastopol@sevsky.net www.fcsevastopol.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 332 785 988 +380 332 785 990 sc_volyn@fk.lutsk.ua www.fc.volyn.net Stadium PO Lokomotyv Maxym KARATAEV Stadium PO Avanhard Olexandr CHABAN FC Shakhtar Donetsk FC Vorskla Poltava 86-A, Artema Str. UA-83050 DONETSK 16, maydan Nezalezhnosti UA-36000 POLTAVA Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 62 387 01 02 +380 62 387 01 04 feedback@shakhtar.com www.shakhtar.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 53 222 16 70 +380 53 222 48 33 fc_vorskla@poltava.ukrtel.net www.vorskla.com.ua Stadium PO Donbass Arena Ruslan MARMAZOV Stadium PO Olexiy Butovskiy Artyom LOBANOV SC Tavriya Simferopol FC Zorya Luhansk 46, Pushkin Str. UA-95011 SIMFEROPOL 4B, Obotonna Str. UA-91011 LUGANSK Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 65 254 85 01 +380 65 225 53 83 sc@sctavriya.com www.sctavriya.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +380 64 253 63 45 +380 64 253 63 45 fc@zarya-lugansk.com www.zarya-lugansk.com Stadium PO Lokomotyv Borys LEVIN Stadium PO Avanhard Andriy KOLOT 149 WALES | PAYS DE GALLES | WALES Communication The Football Association of Wales Cymdeithas Bêl Droed Cymru, 11/12 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff CF24 5PJ, Wales Tel : Fax : E-mail : Web : +44 2920 435 830 +44 2920 496 953 info@faw.org.uk www.faw.org.uk Pr: GS: PO: Philip C. PRITCHARD Jonathan FORD Ceri STENNETT Facts & Figures Foundation : 02.02.1876 Affiliation FIFA/UEFA : 1910/1954 Registered Players Non-amateurs (professionals) : Amateurs (over 18) : Youth (under 18) : Women : Girls (under 18) : Futsal : National stadium : Millennium Stadium, Cardiff Capacity : 72,500 Clubs & Teams Clubs : 1,900 Teams : 4,500 Referees Male : 1,200 Female : 25 Coaches : 8,000 450 36,000 32,000 950 1,350 Domestic Competitions 2009/10 League Table Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Club P W D L F A Pts The New Saints FC Llanelli AFC Port Talbot Town FC Aberystwyth Town FC Bangor City FC Rhyl FC Airbus UK Broughton FC Prestatyn Town FC Neath FC Carmarthen Town AFC Bala Town FC Haverfordwest County AFC Newtown AFC Connah’s Quay FC CPD Porthmadog Welshpool Town FC Caersws FC Cefn Druids AFC 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 25 25 19 19 19 18 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 6 6 3 1 7 5 8 7 6 8 13 12 11 9 9 11 11 8 6 5 4 6 2 4 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 13 13 12 13 15 22 23 27 27 69 79 56 54 75 74 49 53 41 45 39 43 54 31 23 30 26 16 13 26 23 41 45 43 37 53 38 38 47 47 57 42 66 70 94 77 82 80 65 64 63 62 49 48 47 45 45 44 41 41 24 23 13 9 For the 2010/11 season, the top division has been reduced to 12 teams. Promoted : none *Cup winner Cup 150 Final : Bangor City FC – Port Talbot Town FC 3-2 Comp. UCL UEL UEL UEL* Relegated Relegated Relegated Relegated Relegated Relegated WALES | PAYS DE GALLES | WALES Aberystwyth Town FC Haverfordwest County AFC Park Avenue GB-ABERYSTWYTH Ceredigion SY23 1PG Bridge Meadow Stadium, Bridge Meadow Lane GB-HAVERFORDWEST, Pembs, SA61 2EX Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1970 61 79 39 +44 1970 61 79 39 webteam@atfc.org.uk www.atfc.org Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1437 76 90 48 +44 1437 76 90 48 bluebirdsfootball@tiscali.co.uk www.haverfordwestcounty.co.uk Stadium PO Park Avenue Thomas WHITE Stadium PO Bridge Meadow Robert NISBETT Airbus UK Broughton FC Llanelli AFC The Airfield, Chester Road GB-BROUGHTON, Nr Chester CH4 ODR Stebonheath Park, Penallt Road GB-LLANELLI, Carmarthenshire SA15 1EY Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1244 52 22 53 +44 1244 52 83 17 mayhems@meadow008.fsnet.co.uk www.airbusfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1554 75 80 18 +44 1554 75 80 18 nigel@llanelliafc.org www.llanelliafc.com Stadium PO The Airfield Mick MAYFIELD Stadium PO Stebonheath Park Hugh ROBERTS Bala Town FC Neath FC c/o Trevor Green GB-GLASCOED, Bryneglwys LL21 9LF The Gnoll, Gnoll Park Road GB-NEATH SA11 3BU Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1490 450 289 trevorgreen3@btinternet.com www.balatownfc.co.uk Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1639 620 117 +44 1792 812 036 amelding@fsmail.net www.neathfc.com Stadium PO Maes Tegid Gavin BILLINGTON Stadium PO The Gnoll Tony MELDING Bangor City FC Newtown AFC The Stadium, Farrar Road GB-BANGOR LL57 3HY Park Lane, G. F. Grigg Latham Park GB-NEWTOWN Powys SY16 1EN Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1248 35 58 52 +44 1248 35 58 52 info@bangorcityfc.com www.bangorcityfc.com Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1686 62 31 20 +44 1686 62 31 20 office@newtownafc.co.uk www.newtownafc.co.uk Stadium PO Farrar Road Huw PRITCHARD Stadium PO Latham Park Richard BONFIELD Carmarthen Town AFC Port Talbot Town FC Richmond Park, Heol y Prior GB-CARMARTHEN SA31 1LR The GenQuip Stadium Victoria Road GB-PORT TALBOT SA12 6AD Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1267 22 28 51 +44 1267 22 28 51 admin@carmarthentownafc.net www.carmarthentownafc.net Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1639 68 05 88 +44 1639 68 05 88 mark@porttalbottown.com www.porttalbottown.com Stadium PO Richmond Park Vince JAMES Stadium PO Victoria Road Mark PITMAN 151 WALES | PAYS DE GALLES | WALES 152 Prestatyn Town FC The New Saints FC Bastion Road, Bastion Gardens, Denbighshire GB-PRESTATYN The Venue at Park Hall, Burma Road GB-OSWESTRY SY11 4AS Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1745 85 69 05 +44 1745 85 69 05 yvetteandmark@yfbj.wanadoo.co.uk www.prestatyntownfootballclub.co.uk/ Tel Fax E-mail Web +44 1691 68 48 40 +44 1691 65 95 53 ian.tnsfc@gmail.com www.saints-alive.co.uk Stadium PO Bastion Road Mark JONES Stadium PO Park Hall Andrew LINCOLN PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS LIGUES PROFESSIONNELLES | PROFILIGEN AUT: Österreichische Fussball-Bundesliga Rotenberggasse 1, AT-1130 WIEN Tel: +43 1 877 5757 Fax: +43 1 879 5757 E-mail: office@bundesliga.at Web: www.bundesliga.at Pr: GS: Hans RINNER Georg PANGL Pr: GS: Ivan DE WITTE Ludwig SNEYERS BEL: Pro League Avenue Houba de Strooper 145, BE-1020 BRUXELLES Tel: +32 2 477 1229 Fax: +32 2 478 0088 E-mail: info@proleague.be Web: www.proleague.be BEL: Ligue Nationale de Football Avenue Houba de Strooper 145, BE-1020 BRUXELLES Tel: +32 5 366 4989 Fax: +32 5 343 4180 E-mail: jean.pierre.van.droogenbroeck@telnet.be Pr: Web: www.exqileague.be GS: Guido DE CROOCK Jean-Pierre VAN DROOGENBROECK BUL: Bulgarian Professional Football League 138 Vasil Levski Blvd, BG-1527 SOFIA Tel: +359 2 946 1727 Fax: +359 2 946 1803 E-mail: marketing@pfl.bg Web: www.pfl.bg Pr: GS: Konstantin BAJDEKOV (interim) Liube SPASOV CRO: Association of Professional Clubs of the First Croatian Football League Ilica 31, HR-10000 ZAGREB Tel: +385 1 4833 500 Fax: +385 1 4833 600 E-mail: udruga@prva-hnl.hr Web: www.prva-hnl.hr Pr: GS: Robert MARKULIN Nevenko HERJAVEC DEN: Divisionsforeningen Livjægergade 17, DK-2100 KØBENHAVN Ø Tel: +45 35 25 15 45 Fax: +45 35 25 16 45 E-mail: df@dbu.dk Web: www.divisionsforeningen.dk Pr: Thomas CHRISTENSEN CEO: Claus THOMSEN ENG: The Premier League 30 Gloucester Place, GB-LONDON W1U 8PL Tel: +44 207 864 9000 Fax: +44 207 864 9001 E-mail: info@premierleague.com Web: www.premierleague.com Pr: Sir Dave RICHARDS CEO: Richard SCUDAMORE GS: Michael FOSTER ENG: The Football League Edward VII Quay, Navigation Way, GB-PRESTON PR2 2YF Tel: +44 844 463 1888 Fax: +44 844 826 5188 E-mail: enquiries@football-league.co.uk Ch: Greg CLARKE Web: www.football-league.co.uk COO: Andy WILLIAMSON 153 PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS LIGUES PROFESSIONNELLES | PROFILIGEN ESP: Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional Hernández de Tejada 10, ES-28027 MADRID Tel: +34 912 055 000 Fax: +34 914 080 828 E-mail: lnfp@lfp.es Web: www.lfp.es Pr: GS: José Luís ASTIAZARÁN IRIONDO Carlos DEL CAMPO COLÁS FIN: Veikkausliiga Urheilukatu 5, PO Box 191, FI-00251 HELSINKI Tel: +358 9 4137 7600 Fax: +358 9 4137 7610 E-mail: tiedotus@veikkausliiga.com Web: www.veikkausliiga.com Pr: Hannu RAUTAINEN MD: Jan WALDEN FRA: Ligue de Football Professionnel 6, Rue Léo-Delibes, FR-75116 PARIS Tel: +33 1 536 53 800 Fax: +33 1 536 53 804 E-mail: infos@lfp.fr Web: www.lfp.fr Pr: GS: Frédéric THIRIEZ Jean-Pierre HUGUES Pr: GS: George PIRTSKHALAVA Paata BURJALIANI Pr: GS: Reinhard RAUBALL Christian SEIFERT GEO: Georgian Professional Football League N9 K. Cholokashvili Ave, GE-0162 TBILISI Tel: +995 32 91 71 26 Fax: +995 32 91 26 71 E-mail: info@pfl.ge Web: www.pfl.ge GER: Deutsche Fussball-Liga GmbH Guiollettstr. 44-46, DE-60325 FRANKFURT AM MAIN Tel: +49 69 650 050 Fax: +49 69 650 055 55 E-mail: info@bundesliga.de Web: www.bundesliga.de GRE: Superleague Greece 1st Astronafton Str., GR-15125 MAROUSI ATHENS Tel: +30 210 684 6900 Fax: +30 210 685 7464 E-mail: info@superleaguegreece.net Web: www.superleaguegreece.net Ch: George BOROVILOS (interim) CEO: Patrick COMNINOS IRL: League of Ireland National Sports Campus, Abbotstown, IE-DUBLIN 15 Tel: +353 1 8999 300 Fax: +353 1 8999 301 E-mail: info@loi.ie Web: www.loi.ie Pr: Eamon NAUGHTON Director: Fran GAVIN ITA: Lega Nazionale Professionisti Via Rosellini 4, IT-20124 MILANO Tel: +39 02 699 101 Fax: +39 02 690 100 91 154 E-mail: segreteria@lega-calcio.it Web: www.lega-calcio.it Pr: GS: Maurizio BERETTA Marco BRUNELLI PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS LIGUES PROFESSIONNELLES | PROFILIGEN ITA: Lega Italiana Calcio Professionistico Via Jacopo da Diacceto 19, IT-50123 Firenze Tel: +39 055 323 7422 Fax: +39 055 323 7465 E-mail: segreteria@lega-pro.com Web: www.lega-pro.com Pr: GS: Mario MACALLI Marinella CONIGLIARO NED: Eredivisie CV Woudenbergseweg 50, NL-3953 MH MAARSBERGEN Tel: +31 34 343 8480 Fax: +31 34 343 8489 E-mail: info@eredivisie.nl Web: www.eredivisie.nl Pr: Peter VOGELZANG CEO: Frank RUTTEN DIR: Alex TIELBEKE NOR: Norsk Toppfotball Ullevaal Stadion, Postboks 3916, NO-0840 OSLO Tel: +47 97 76 97 00 Fax: - E-mail: ntfadmin@toppfotball.no Web: www.toppfotball.no Pr: GS: Einar SCHULZ Niels ROINE Pr: GS: Andrzej RUSKO Ireneusz TRABINSKI Pr: GS: Fernando GOMES Tiago CRAVEIRO Pr: GS: Dumitru DRAGOMIR Valentin ALEXANDRU POL: Ekstraklasa Ul. Wybrzeze Gdynskie 6D, PL-01-531 WARSZAWA Tel: +48 22 531 6740 Fax: +48 22 531 6745 E-mail: info@ekstraklasa.org Web: www.ekstraklasa.org POR: Liga Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional Rua da Constituição 2555, PT-4250-173 PORTO Tel: +351 22 834 8740 Fax: +351 22 834 8756 E-mail: geral@lpfp.pt Web: www.lpfp.pt ROM: Liga Profesionista de Fotbal Str. Alexandru Vitzu Nr 2A, Sector 5, RO-050671 BUCAREST Tel: +40 21 412 0091 Fax: +40 21 412 0165 E-mail: office@lpf.ro Web: www.lpf.ro RUS: Russian Football Premier League 7, Narodnaye st., RU-115172 MOSCOW Tel: +7 495 926 1313 Fax: +7 495 926 1331 E-mail: office@rfpl.org Web: www.rfpl.org Pr: Sergey PRYADKIN CEO: Sergey CHEBAN RUS: Association of Professional Football Leagues 7, Narodnaye st., RU-115172 MOSCOW Tel: +7 495 926 1323 Fax: +7 495 926 1325 E-mail: pr@pfl.ru Web: www.pfl.ru Pr: GS: Nikolai TOLSTYKH Andrei SOKOLOV 155 PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS LIGUES PROFESSIONNELLES | PROFILIGEN SCO: The Scottish Premier League Hampden Park, GB-Glasgow G42 9DE Tel: +44 141 620 41 40 Fax: +44 141 620 41 41 E-mail: enquiries@scotprem.com Web: www.scotprem.com Pr: Ralph TOPPING CEO: Neil DONCASTER GS: lain BLAIR SCO: The Scottish Football League Hampden Park, GB-Glasgow G42 9EB Tel: +44 141 620 41 60 Fax: +44 141 620 41 61 E-mail: info@scottishfootballleague.com Pr: James W. BALLANTYNE www.scottishfootballleague.com CEO: David LONGMUIR Web: SRB: Union of the Football Clubs of Super League Terazije 3IX, RS-11000 BELGRADE Tel: +381 11 32 34 700 Fax: +381 11 32 22 054 E-mail: office@superliga.rs Web: www.superliga.rs Pr: GS: Branimir BABAROGIC Miodrag JANKOVIĆ SUI: Swiss Football League Haus des Fussballs, Worbstrasse 48, Postfach, CH-3000 BERN 15 Tel: +41 31 950 83 00 Fax: +41 31 950 83 83 E-mail: sfl@football.ch Web: www.football.ch/sfl Pr: Thomas GRIMM SM: Edmond ISOZ SVK: League Clubs Union Dr. V. Clementisa 10, SK-82102 Bratislava Tel: +421 248 282 929 Fax: +421 248 282 900 E-mail: sekretariat@futbalulk.sk Web: www.futbalulk.sk Pr: Karol BELANiK SM: Dusan KEKETI SVN: Zdruzenje Klubov 1.Snl Parmova 53, SI-1000 LJUBLJANA Tel: +386 1 234 5880 Fax: +386 1 234 5888 E-mail: info@prvaliga.si Web: www.prvaliga.si Pr: GS: Branko FLORJANIC Mitja HLASTEC SWE: Föreningen Svensk Elitfotboll PO Box 16103, SE-20025 MALMÖ Tel: +46 40 59 02 50 Fax: +46 40 59 02 59 E-mail: tommy.theorin@svenskelitfotboll.se Web: www.svenskelitfotboll.se Pr: Bosse JOHANSSON CEO: Tommy THEORIN UKR: Professional Football League of Ukraine Museyniy Prov. 2b, UA-01001 KIEV Tel: +380 44 278 4565 Fax: +380 44 228 3981 156 E-mail: info@pfl.com.ua Web: www.pfl.com.ua Pr: GS: Miletii BAL’CHOS Sergii MAKAROV PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS LIGUES PROFESSIONNELLES | PROFILIGEN UKR: Union of Professional Football Clubs of Ukraine “Premier League” Chervonoarmiyska str. 23b, UA-01601 KYIV Tel: +380 44 246 6660 Fax: +380 44 594 1925 E-mail: info@fpl.ua Web: www.fpl.ua Pr: Vitaliy DANILOV CEO: Maksym BONDAREV GS: Oleksandr YEFREMOV WAL: The Welsh Premier League 11/12 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, GB-CARDIFF CF24 5PJ Tel: +44 2920 435 830 Fax: +44 2920 496 953 E-mail: jdeakin@faw.co.uk Web: www.welshpremier.com Pr: Peter REES CEO: John DEAKIN European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL) Le Martinet, Chemin du Canal 1, CH-1260 NYON Tel: +41 22 308 51 11 Fax: +44 22 308 51 01 E-mail: hq@epfl-europeanleagues.com Pr: Sir Dave RICHARDS Web: www.epfl-europeanleagues.com CEO: Emanuel MACEDO DE MEDEIROS 157 NOTES 158 NOTES 159 IMPRESSUM This publication is produced by UEFA Route de Genève 46 – 1260 Nyon – Switzerland in co-operation with the UEFA Member Associations Printing : Artgraphic Cavin SA (Grandson – Switzerland)
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