Genuine Stella 4-stroke Owner`s Manual
Genuine Stella 4-stroke Owner`s Manual
IMPORTANT INFORMATION YOURVEHICLE YOURDEALER KeyNo.: ... Dale ofpurchase:.. Te.No:. ........ ... Oare .. .... orRegistrarionr. .. We at Genuine Scooter Company thank you lor choosing the Four Stroke 5f"u4 as your new scooter Stella's classic frame is instantly recognizable, and the manual transmission always keeps you in control. Stella otfers the comfort ol a new scooter, the security of lime-tested engineering, and is collectable "right out of the boxl' With the turn of a key, Stella's auto thumb-start gets you going instantly.The 150cc, 4 Stroke Engine delivers a powerful9 BHP at 6250 rpm. Stella is sure to offer smooth performance and years of comfortable riding. lts style, performance, and colors are impossible to ignore. This owner's manual has been designed to help you understand Stella.To optimize herperformance and life, please go through this manual thoroughly. CAUTION : Aernoval ol lhe calalyljc convener ls a violal on ol Federal law and wilL render the wananly null alrd void. CONTENTS PAGE NO. OESCFIPTION PAGENO, DESCRIPTION 21 Feporting Satety Defects General Specitlcalions 5 Runnlng-inlnstructlons 24 CarcandMalntenance 25 25 Perromance & SPecif icallons Specillcarions - Auto sta 8 Changinglh€lires Eng neoll 26 12 13 Sparkplugcleaning 29 2A 29 32 CIutch 16 Cleaning& Polishing 17 Malntenance whi 33 use 33 18 Fecommended oil & Lubricants 34 l8 Malntenanceschedule 35 19 WlringClrcuitDia9€m 38 20 e nol in Genuine Scooter Company always recommends that you wear a helmet and protective eyewear when riding your scooter. BE SAFE ! 3 CONSUMER INFORMATION 49 CFR 575.6 GenLiine Scooter Company 5400 Damen Ave Chicago lL 60625 Reporting Safety Defects lfyou believe that y ourvehicle has a defectthatcould cause an accident, orcould cause injury or dealh, you should immediately inform the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Genuine ScooterCompany, LLC. lf NHTSA receives similarcomplaints, il may open an investigalion, and if il finds lhata exisls in a group ofvehicles, il may ordera recalland remedycampaign. safetdelect However, NHTSAcannot become involved in any individ ual p roblems between you, your dealer, or Genuine ScooterCompany, LLC.Io contact NHTSA you may eithe.callthe Aulo Safety Hotline tollfree at 1-800-424-9393 (366-0123 in Washington DCarea) orwriteto: NHTSA U.S. DEPARTN4ENT of TRANSPORTATION 400 7rH Srreet SW (NSA-11) Washington DC 20590 You can also obtain information about motorvehicle safety lrom the Hotline mentioned above. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Engine: A next generalion efficient and cteaner ergine is conrected to the veh cle cnassis lhrough lhe crankcase swinqinq arm on the clutch side. The rear wheel idrive whee) is titted on the ouierside oi lhe drive shall. Lubrlcation i Wet sump forced pressure sptash ihrough apump. Fuel supply: cravity fed trom fuet lank to carburelor Carbu retor is a side d raft carbu relor and has a venical moving throltle slide. lgnillon : An Eleclrcric lgnition Device (CDt) {eeds lhe cLfferl lo a iig'r voluge ka,rsb ner (HT coit) logeneraleihe spark. Slarling : For sell slad, push button on dght hand side of handebar beow Binker lighl switch. For na,r.ral sla rt. a <icl sla.t oedat stocateoonr,]e :gt^l Cooling : Forced akprovided byacentri{ugatfan. CIutch : A heavy duty, multiplale, oil bath iype_The unil is cable operaled by a ever located on lhe tett hand slde olthe handlebarand is adjuslabte. Gear Box : Four speed ioMard drive with constant mesh gears immersed in oil balh are operaled by hand on lhe left side of the handebar which lJnclonsrnconju_c ionw lhhec u c'rconl.o tever Semi Monocoque Chassis : Pressed steel sheet. wilh strong lubular snudure. A pressed steelsheel shell cover the lubular slructu re. Wheels: lnlerchangeable and made out of pressed steelrim wilh 3.5x 10 (89 x254 mm)lires Handlebar : A uminurn casting base with headlamp, instru ment panel and indicatorlights. Att lEnsmission cables are concealed withln lhe casting. Sleering column and suspension: The sieerlng colurnn is connecled to the front whee sw nging hub. Fronl and rear suspensions are provided rvth he icalsprinq & hydraulicdampers. Security Lock: On lhe sleering column and Saddle: Dual saddle, tip up type wilh push button conlroland key secu rity lock. /.f i: cL Front Brake : Operaled by hand lever placed on right handsideol handle bar. a*- Rear Brake : Operated by pedal on the righl hand sldelool board, Rearviewmirror: -llilv Styhsh rearview mrffo's on bolh Fg.1 Glove Compartment: A sleek & spacious glove compartment for keeping personaL belongings, Hook for Bag : Hook u nder lhe seat lor hanqing bagorhelmet Foot mal : [,lou ded center and lloor channe prolecls enlire loot resl area. Baltery : 12 Voh gAh ballery a wh]ch Too!kit: pouch contain ing (ftg. 1 ) Boxspanner(13x l6mrn)with tever Double sided screw d rive r 2 Doub eendedspanners (7x8mm&8x11mrn) VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION The vehicle is ldentifled by two numbers: one number is on the chassis and another number on lheengrne. The chassis identilicalion numbe r is slarnped inside the glove companmenl on upperchassls as shown in ('ig 2) Classs rLrrbe' i-as rhe pre'ix [,4D7GC848 followed by I characlers. The engine number is stamped on lhe crank case (fig. 3). The engine nlmber has the prelix E24' followed by 8 chalaclers. Each st4fl4 scooter cornes wlh one sel of duplicate keysi an ldentiiicauon number is punched on metalliciag, which is provided a ong with the key ring (ilg.4). Please remember where you place your dup icale key along wiih the meia lic lag. Fiq.4 PERFOBMANCE & SPECIFICATIONS Dlmensions Ovelalllenglh Overallwidlh 5.77feet 1760 mm lVaximum road clearance 0-52feei 160 mrn 2.69ieei 820mm Seatheight Weighls 2.28ieel 695rnm 4.05leet 1235 mm l\Iaxlmum lechnically permissible mass 266lbs 121 kg 595lbs 270k9 Engine Single cylinder, lour stroke, lorced air cooled wllh Veh cle curbweight (wiih 90%luel) Displacefilent slngleoverhead car., lwova vesand mulflerwith with caialYtic conveft or 150 cc Bore 2.24inch 57.00nm 2.27inch 57.8r.m Compression ratio S;1 ldlingspeed MaximumoulPuUPower lgniUonsystem 1200+ 100 rpm 910.3 bhpat6250 rpm 11.54Nm ai3500 rpm Capacitor Discha rge lg nition (CD l) Eleclronic Oil pump type Oil filtration system Cooling system Airf iltration Fuel Fuel tank capacity Fuel cock Carburetor Spark Plug Spark plug gap Starting Clutch Transmission Overall Gear Ratio 1 st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear 4th Gear Trochoidal By strainer and paper element f ilter Forced aircool By polyurethane element Unleaded 87 Octane petrol and above 1 .4 US Gallon (inclusive of 0.26 gallon in reserve) Three waytap: Open (ON), Close (OFF), Reserve (RES) KEIHIN P818-side draft RG4HC - Champion UHR3CC - MICO.BOSCH C8EH9 . NGK 0.7-0.8 mm Push Button for Auto start & Kick pedal for manual start Multiplate, oilbath. 4 Speed constant mesh 17.07 :1 1Q.71 :1 7:89:1 5.83:1 Chassis pre-ssed steel Semi monocoque structure moving Covered by rear' in frame Jr'r""t i"lt""1-and tubular Steering column and susPension sheet metal shell assemblY' f ront The steering column is connected atthe wheel swinging hub dampers and iront and rear suspension with hydraulic Front and rear susPension Brakes Front brake Rear brake Tires Frontand reartires Tire pressure* Frontwheel Rearwheel helical sPring Disc brake prum oraXe, mechanical expanding shoe type interchangeable 3.50x1 0 (B9x254mm),4 pty rating' 17 psi -Varies with temperature 25 Psi 35 psiwith Pillion rider *varles with temPerature Controls Steering Accelerator Gears Clutch Front brake Rear brake Bv handle bar on right hand side of the handle bar B; ha;d'o; ieft hand side of the handle bar bar iJu"i op"tut"d on left hand side of the handle LeveroPerated bY right hand Pedal oPerated bY rightfoot i'i,itlo'io tvp" 10 Electricals Generatorsystem Head lamp Parking lamp Taillight butb Stop light butb Speedotight butb Turn signal light bulb Tell tale lamp Horn Battery 1 2 Volt 96 Watt. Flywheel magneto 12Volt 35/35 Watt _ Halogen l2Volt5Watt l2Volt5Watt 12Volt 10Watt 12Volt'l .2WaItxz 12Volt21Watt 12Volt 1.2Wattx4 12Volt DC Horn Fuse 12Vott9Ah Maximum speed SAmp 56 mph in 4'n gear bulb SPECIFICATIONS AUTO START has an auto push button start located just below the turn signal light switch (fig.S), as well as Fo!!'. an optional kick-start. The auto start circuit is operated by a 12 volt - 9 Ah batterY' A PRD relay (prevention of restarting device) is provided to avoid use of the self starter when the engine is running. A declutch switch has been provided to prevent starting of scooter when the clutch is engaged' An 8 Amp fuse (on spare wheel bracket, fig.6.& 7) is provided to avoid any damage due to short circuiting in auto startsYstem' powerful 12 volt-96 watt magneto charges the battery through a regulator with a built in A charger. Fig. 7 12 FUEL SUPPLY Caution: The fuel tank is located under the seat and lf the choke knob remains putted out, it witt tead to the flooding of petrot in the carburetor causing erratic is accessible only when the seat is unlocked and lifted. For filling in petrol unscrew the cap and close it after refueling. running and high fuel consumption. Control of flow of petrol (Fig. g) :There is a fuel cock below the seat which has 3 positions; (ON) for flow of from the tank to the'engine; igS_yl3l (OFF) for stopping the petrol supply from the tait to peirot ine engine; and (RES) to be activated when the need arlses. lf the vehicle stops on account of lack of petrol, then turn the cock lever to (RES) i.e. ,,nESE'nVf,, position.There is 26 gallons of petrol kept in reserve rn your tank for any emergency. lh2re .is a fuet gauge in the instrument panel for indicating the quantity of f uel in the tank. Choke knob (Fig. 9) : Located below the fuel cock. To be used for starting the engine when it is cold. Pull the choke knob out-wards for operation. lt shouid be pressed back when the engine has started running normally. Fig. 9 1. Choke Knob 2. Fuel Cock tever 3. Hook for Bag IJ LOCKING SYSTEM The same key that starts $to-0lq also locks the steering column, glove compartment' and sadole' Locking the Handlebarl First turn the handlebar to the extr6me left and then turn the key anti-clockwise to lock position. Pull out the key after locking (Fig.10). Un-locking the Handlebar : lnsert the key in ignition switch and turn it clock-wise to unlock the h"andlebar. To switch on the ignition turn the key position (Fig' 1 1)' f urtherclock-wise to "ON" To switch on the ignition: turn the key {urther clockwise to 'ON' position (Fig.1 1) CAUTION: As soon as ignition key is switched'ON', the tail lamp and pisition tam'p are turned'ON'and brake lamp, flasher and are operable.These toads are operable on battery is Battery may be discharged considerably if ignition key iei,pt'ON'for more than-5 minutes when vehicle is in static cond ition (witho ut e n gi ne ru n n i ng). 'horn 6@ Fig 11 14 Glove compartment lock : To open the glove compartment, insert the key into the lock and rotate anti-clockwise till the end and then press the lock downwards (fig 12). For closing, press the lid, then take out the key. Seat Lock (Dual Seat) : turn the key clockwise lnsert the key, rotate it clockwise till the end then take it out. To open, push the lock with thumb (fig. .13) and lift the saddle from the back. To close, place the saddle in its normal position & press it down, and turn the key anti clockwise to lock. Fig 12 Fig 13 4E IJ INSTRUMENT PANEL An elegantly designed instrument panel contains thefollowing (fig 1a): . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 Head light high beam indicator LH turn signal indicator Neutral indicator SPeed indicator needle Odometer StoP light indicator RHTurn signal indicator Head light low beam indicator Fuel gauge Fig.14 16 CONTROL SWITCHES : Control switches are located on the left and right hand sides of the Horn - Press button'1'(fig 1S) handleoar. Right hand side ofthehandlebar (Fig.16). Left hand side of the handlebar (Fig. 1 5). Turn indicator switch : press left end of switch '2' forturning left and right end for turning right. Headlight : Headlight becomes operative while Left & right turn indicators are shown on the instrument starting the engine. panel. For high beam press top end of switch ,2, and for low beam press bottom end. Engine kill switch Headlight high & low beam positions are indicated on the instrument panet. Stop light : Becomes operative when foot brake pedal or hand brake lever is pressed. : To stop engine press switch'1'. Neutral Switch : is provided in gear control bracket & neutral indicator is shown on the panel. instrument For auto start - First press clutch lever them press the start button'3'. Stop light indicator ts shown on the instrument panel. Fig. 15 Fig. 16 17 FRONT DISC BRAKE: Sfdlq scooters are also produced with Disc brake wheel (Fig.22). The disc brake functions on hydraulic system. Maintaining correct level of brake fluid in the'master in f ront Cylinder Assy.' is very essential for proper unctioning of brake. Check the level of brake fluid in the Master Cylinder located on the RH side of the handle bar (Fig. 23), which should never be lower than the'MlN.' mark f Fig.22 on the transparent level indicator provided in MasterCylinder. lf the fluid level is found low, approach the nearest authorized Service Station fortopping up. Under normal climatic conditions, it is advisable to change the brake fluid every 12,000. or every 2 years. Precautions: Level of fluid in the Master Cylinder must never be Iower than the' M I N' mark. Use recommencied brake fluid (DOT 3 or DOT 4 ). Brake fluid is highly corrosive. Avoid contact with painted parts. Fig.23 20 OPERATING THE VEHICLE Warning: Before driving your scooter make yourself thoroughly familiar with al! operating controls and their functions. BEFORE STARTINGTHE ENGINE: Check if tires are properly inflated. rating properly and the play is also normal. Check for correct play in the clutch lever (Fig. 17) and make sure that it operates properly. Check for correct play in the foot brake pedal and hand brake lever. Check if the accelerator throttle is operating properly and the play is also normal Starting the engine (Fig.24) Open fuel cockto,'ON,' position. Turn "ON" the lgnition switch. Put gear control in neutral position & ensure indicator on instrument panel is ON. Pull out the choke knob (for cold engine start only.) Bring the throtile to idiling position lf you are slarting engine for the first time in the day, press the clutch lever and, keeping it pressed, kick the starter pedal a couple of times. For starting the engine press clutch lever and then press the push button start switch. When.the engine is running normally, press the choke knob back to its normaiposition. 21 ENGINE RUNNING-IN Operation : The most important period in the life of your scooter is its first 1000 kms. The engine is brand new and different moving parts of the engine need to be set to their correct operating tolerances. This ensures a longer life for your vehicle. lt is therefore necessary to take some precautions so as notto overload the engine. o Keep to the following speed limits 1st Gear : Gear 3rdGear 4thGear 2nd : : : 0 to 10 kms/hr. 10 to 20 kms/hr. Avoid running the scooter on full accelerator (throttle) for long periods. Vary the speed from timetotime. Do not drive with half (partially engaged) clutch. This will not only damage the clutch but will also cause overheating of the engine. Allow a cooling off period of 5-10 minutes after each hour of use. Ensure oil level in engine to recommended level, by checking the level with the help of dipstick. 20to35kms/hr. 35kms/hrandabove. 24 CARE AND MAINTENANCE REMOVAL AND REFITTING OF COWLS : The right hand side cowl is to be removed for checking of oil level and spark plug. The left hand side cowl is to be removed for taking out or refitting the spare wheel. Fig. 25 The levers for opening the cowls are placed under the seat.To remove the cowls: Lift the seat as explained on page 1 5. Turn the cowl opening levers outwards (Fig. 25). Hold the cowl with both hands and pull out the front end of the cowl by about 2".Then push the front end upwards by about 10" and rotate it outwards i.e.towards its rearside (Fig.26 &27). Pull out the cowl by disengaging its rear end. Fig 26 Fig.27 (Fis.28). Refit the cowl, by following above procedure in reverse. Fig. 28 25 TIRE ROTATION: CHECKING ENGINE OIL LEVEL AND All the three wheels of your Sfr!0q CLEANING SPARK PLUG : Parkthe vehicle on level surface. are interchangeable with each other. However, the air pressure in the tire will depend on whether it is fitted in the front or rear position.To ensure even tire tread wear, it is necessary to rotate the tires and change the face of the tire (in relation to the wheel rim) after every 3500 miles. Follow the sequence for tire rotation as shown in f i9.33. Remove the right hand side cowl as directed or- page 25. Checking oil level ; For checking the oil level, unscrew dipstick as shown in f ig.34. Clean dipstick using a dry cloth or papertowel. Dip the dipstick with out screwing. Fig JJ Fig 34 zc . o o r r Take out dip stick and check the level of oil, as fig.34. Oil level should be above lower level mark and below upper level mark. lf level islowadd EngineOiltomaintaincorrectoil level. Refix the dipstick Wipe off any excess oil which may have been spilled. Refitthe cowl. Spark plug cleaning : Removethe righthand cowl. o o r r Disconnectthe HT lead cable (Fig.37). Wipe & clean the area around the spark plug. U_sing the box spanner, unscrew the spark plug ------F Fis.35 (Fig.38). r r r Clean out any excessive carbon deposit. Refixthesparkplug backtoitsposition. Refitthecowl. l,f you have a gauge you can check the gap .feeler between the e!zctrodes in the spark ptug. This -gap should. be .0 7 0.8 mm (fig. 3S). Resetti-ng of the-gap should preferably be done at an authorized seriice station. BATTERYCHECKING (For Auto start Modet Only) o Battery requires regular and thorough maintenance as advised below: o The level of electrolyte must always be in between the upper and lower levels marked on the battery. Normally a constant level in the specified range is maintained for about two months or approximately 1 200 miles (Fig. 38). 29 Storage of battery while not in use r o Keep the battery fully charged. Maintain electrolyte level at MAX./'UPPER LEVEL' r Take battery out of the vehicle and store it in a dry, cool place and at a constant temperature. r Keep battery away from rain, dew, high moisture and direct sunlight. o The battery should be charged once a month when the vehicle is not in use. o For initial charging, at r Fi1.41 Clean the air filter element (PUF) in kerosene and the squeeze dry (do nottwistorwnng). Dip in 20W40 Engine oil and again squeeze, before fitting into Air filter Body. Do not use compressed air the battery must be charged leastfor 10-15 hours. Always contact local battery dealer for any @ Squeeze maintenance/charging of battery. AIR CLEANER : Air cleaner is fitted below the fuel tank and requires cleaning during each periodical service (Fig. a1 & 42) and more frequently when riding in dusty area's. Squeeze Excess Oil so L$-E-|W Cleaning- \9 Za\ =\ v (l) \.1-i Kerosene ---)r /e\ fe) -4\ ^ VO Engine Oil 20w40 Fig.42 32 CLEANING & POLISHING o o : Frequent and thorough cleaning of your scooter will further enhance its appearince and extend its life. The scooter should be cleaned at ambient temperature i.e., not immediately after use or in hot sun. o o o . U9e a low pressure water hose for cleaning the vehicle. Wipe it, clean and drlr r,vith soft cloth. CARE OF YOUR VEHICLE WHEN NOT IN USE FOR LONG PERIODS lf you are not going to use your vehicle for more than two-months then you should store it properly as per the following advices. o from the fuel tank. o o l9r with polishing, use normal car polish and rub soft cloth. Start the engine for some time and exhaust the petrol in the carburetor. Remove the spark plug as explained on page 36 and put a few drops of Engine Oil in the soark plug hole. press the kick lever a couple of times. Refix the spark plug. not use detergents or powders rvhich are -Do likely to leave scratches on the surface. With the help of a pipe, siphon out the petrol o o o Clean the vehicle thoroughly and apply antirust grease on all unpainted metallic parts.- Raise the wheels off the ground by placing wooden planks and deflate the tires.o tt,"t tt,uy do not touch the f loor. Coverthe scooter. JJ RECOMMENDED olLS AND LUXIICANTS S.No. DESCRIPTION OF PARTS APPLICABLE LUBRICANTS '1. Clutch & Brake levers Grease 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LUBRICANTS RECOMMENDED BBAND OF Automotive/Bearing Grease Steering Column Bearing Front Wheel Bearings Speedo Drive Gear Front SusPension Gear Control AssY' Disc Brake Engine Oil nr""r" Urun" oil t'u,O DOT 4, Mobil Super Heavy Duty 20w40 *RecommendedquantityofoiltobefilledinEngineisS50ml. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Preventive Maintenance: €fdlq, ln order to get best performance from your it is important to undertake maintenance of your vehicle periodically. The following table gives the suggested action for different items of maintenance and their periodicity. Code of suggested action is: R C Check | - lnspect, check and adjust F - Drain and refill with fresh oil S,NO ITEM 500750 Kms 'I l/ashing and cleaning D 2, inqine Oil F 3. Tightening of all external nuts and bolts (Also cylinder head) I Spark plug I 4. - Reptace LTD30003500 Kms. D bUUU- 6500 Kms. D 90009500 Kms. Lubricate Check and top up if necessary Carry out 1 2000- '12500 Kms. 50005s00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE THERE AFTER AT EVERY Kms. 3000Kms. 6000Kms. 9000Kms. 1 1 D D D I I I I I I R D D D S,NO 500- ITEM 750 Kms 5. f,il pump functioning 6 7. ingine oil filter element -ngine oil strainer. 8. Air c 30003500 Kms c 60006500 Kms. c 90009500 Kms. c 1 1 20002500 Kms. c 50005500 PREVENTIVE IVAINTENANCE IHERE AFTER AT EVERY Kms. 3000Kms. 6000Kms. 9000Kms 1 1 c c c c Replace with engine oil at every 3000 kms D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D c c c c c lilter and its elements /vashing in Kerosene as D D Jiven at page no.39 9. Sarburetor tuning 10. Sarburetor cleaning 11 Valve Clearance 12. I D c Functioning of electrical c c c I I I I and electronic systems 13. Battery (Top up, check sp. D D '14. Control cable adiustment I I I I I 15. Brakes I I I I I 16. llutch I I I I I 17. :ront and rear shocker c c D c D c D c D c D c D c D c S.NO ITEM 500750 Kms. 18. Tire rotation 19. -ubricate: 30003500 Kms. Kms. 90009500 Kms. L Speedo drive gear L L L 1 20002500 Kms. 1 1 50005500 Kms. PREVENTIVE N/AINTENANCE THERE AFTER AT EVERY 3000Kms. 6000Kms. 9000Kms. D L L L L L L L Main stand L L L L L L L L Steering column bearing Clutch lever, brake lever pedal and brake cable I D Gear control assembly Front wheel bearing 60006s00 L L L L L L L L L .1 I WIRING DIAGRAM AUTO START MODEL TIRE REGISTRATION Registration form for lndependent distributors and dealers{ire identification number IMPORTANT ln case of a recall, we can reach you only if we have your name and address. Vou fUUSi senO in this card to be on our recall list. Do it today. NAME (ptease CUSTOMER'S EOORCSS TY NAME oF ZIP CODE STATE oeelen wnrcnffi A SHADED AREA MUST E}E FILLED IN E}Y SELLER orY CUSTOMER,S Approved through 5_31_95 OMB No. 2127-0050 TIRF lDENTtFtcATrorrr NuvEeE I 1 |2T3T4T5 10 Genuine scooter company and LML Limited have joined forces to produce a world class motor is a well-known manufacturer' based in lndia, of "everyday mobility"thatwe have been fortunate enough to have as our valued partner. We are proud to present ihis product, Sterra,-wnicn has b6en sr<iiltuity manufactured for our customers.we wish you years of pleasurable scootering. scooter specifically for the North American Mirketplace. LML f-imiteO The oescriptions and illustrations in this manual are not to be taken as binding on manufacturer' the The essential features of the model described and illustrated herein remaining unaltered, though Genuine Scooters and LML Limited ,".rru" ir-'" i,ght to carry out, at any moment' without modifying this booklet, moclifications to the machin" it, parts or accessories that the companies deem necessary lor improving the machine "ni or r"ti.rying manufacturing standards. SF594-0893 : STELLA-4 STROKE-USA 01 : 1000 : 0410