12-03-026 Rev. FINAL 2011 AnnRpt on 3-6-12.indd


12-03-026 Rev. FINAL 2011 AnnRpt on 3-6-12.indd
Development Office Report of Financial Gifts
Volume 4, Published Spring 2012
Loretto Development Office
2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
A message from Loretto Development Director
Dear Friends,
t is with deep appreciation and gratitude that we publish this
Financial Report for the calendar year 2011. Once again, you have
carried us through difficult financial times. The generous sharing of
your resources to support Loretto's congregational and ministerial
needs is a gift to each one of us. We are most grateful for every one
of you!
Just as you are partners in ministry and service to others with us, you
share the joys of this JUBILEE YEAR marking the 200th anniversary
of our founding as a community of women religious. A number
of special events are planned in geograhic areas where Loretto
maintains a significant presence. We hope these events will provide
an opportunity for Loretto members to greet and thank you personally
for all that you have done for us.
Our prayer is that God will shower you with special blessings during
this Loretto Jubilee Year. As for us, we will “continue to rely on God's
loving providence, receiving (and sharing) everything joyfully and
gratefully.” (I Am the Way, Constitutions of the Sisters of Loretto,
Article 59).
Sisters of Loretto • Co-members of Loretto
The Loretto Development Office
Report of Financial Gifts is published
once a year.
Development Director:
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Associate Director:
Donna Mattingly SL
Accounting Associate:
Chris Molina
Editing, Layout and Production:
Carolyn Dunbar
For more information about the
Loretto Community, please contact:
Loretto Community Staff
4000 So. Wadsworth Boulevard
Littleton, CO 80123-1308
Phone: 303-783-0450
Fax: 303-783-0611
Web: www.lorettocommunity.org
Thank you!
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Development Director
Photos by: Donna Mattingly SL in Colorado and
Peg Jacobs CoL in Kentucky.
Cover: Large photo shows the Community Perspective Committee
gathering in the library at the Denver Loretto Center. Inset photos
from upper left clockwise: The Swain sisters, Mary and Susan, who
are both Sisters of Loretto; Marie Joann Rekart SL and her famous
home-baked challah bread ready for the table of goodies at the 2011
Golf Tournament and Silent Auction; Pat Joyce SL in the craft room at
the Motherhouse, Nerinx, Ky.; and Barbara Nicholas, also in the craft
Back cover: Stained glass window in the church at Loretto
Motherhouse. Photo by Donna Mattingly SL.
Printed by Sunset Printing, Denver, Colo.
2 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
4 Archives Heritage Center Project
6 Co-member Pledges
7 Estate Gifts
7 Foundations
7 Ghana, Blessed Trinity Academy
8 Gifts to Loretto Centers
8 Gifts: Restricted
9 Gifts of Stock
9 2011 Golf Tournament & Auction
10 Hunger Fund
11 Individual Ministries
12 200th Jubilee Events & Projects
13 Loretto Funds
13 Loretto Memorial Funds
13 Pakistan
13 Sisters of Loretto Retirement Fund
15 Relief Efforts
17 Where Funds Are Most Needed
Gifting Loretto
Designations and Distribution:
This report reflects gifts
received through the
Loretto Development Office.
Sisters of Loretto Retirement Fund:
General Fund:
(Where Funds are Most Needed)
Blessed Trinity Leadership Academy
Akokoamong, Ghana, West Africa:
Estate Gifts: ———
Gifts of Stock:
Loretto Heritage Center
Archives & Museum: 8,400
Loretto Africa Project:
Loretto Hunger Fund:
Loretto Motherhouse:
Memorial/Gifts of Honor:
Missions/Ministries: 37,80036,700
Individual Member Ministries:
Mission in Pakistan:
1,000 36,800
500 1,000
Special Appeals:
200th Jubilee Fund/Special Projects:
5,200 20,500
Haiti Earthquake Relief:
Pakistan Flood Relief:
51,000 ——— Temporarily Restricted Gifts:
Spring 2012 • 3
loretto development office
We give you glory, thanks and praise,
O bless our works and guide our ways.
Traditional Loretto prayer
The Loretto Community acknowledges
the support of our 2011 contributors
SL = Sister of Loretto
* = Loretto Co-member
† = Deceased
Archives Heritage
Center Project
A new display panel from
the Loretto Heritage Center
Archives and Museum on the
grounds of the Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. Exhibits
designed by Michael Heusler
and Alexandra Guillossou,
Design Production Resources,
St. Louis.
Kathleen Adams
Marguerite Allan
Paul Archambault
Helen & Nicholas Armenis
Dr. Fran Armstrong
Rev. Paul M. Baca
Mary Stella Bagaman
Arthur J. Baker
Constance & Richard
Celia & Eric L. Bard
Dorothy Bartalone
Rev. Stephen F. Bauer
Patricia & Dale O. Baugh
Theresa Hill Baumer
Kathleen Beckett
Mary Behrmann
Joan B. Bellan
Martha Joan Bennett
Dr. Mary E. Bickel
La Fawn Biddle
Tina A. Blandford
Rev. Anthony P. Bolman
Mary LaMantia Boyce
Rose & Laurence Bradley
Karen Marie Breen
Gloria Lucas Brown
Louise B. Brown
Rev. Sally K. Brown
Mary & Jim Bruce
Mary Alice Bruemmer
Denis Brunke
Carol & Donald Brunnett
Nina K. Bryans
Barbara A. Beuttner
Philip J. Burguieres
4 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Burke
Janet & Eddie Burke, Jr.
Ann Patricia Burnes
Marianne Burnes
Alicia P. Butler &
Geraldine Boschert
Mary Ann Carlisle
Virginia A. Carpenter
Grace & Bill Carr
Marie C. Casey
Mary Ann Ceriotti
Jean Chapman
Viki & John C. Chikow
Angela & Joseph L.
Jana L. Meyer Clark
Margaret L. Cloonan
Mary Ann Coffey
Patricia & John Coffey
Marilyn & Eugene Colbert
Helen M. Comer
Camy Condon
Aurelia & Larry Cook
Katherine T. Corbett
Ann Corrigan
Dale Coski
Carol A. Countryman
Margaret G. Couvillon
Shelby & Clint Cox
Jackie Crawford
Mary & Richard L. Creasey
George F. Crest
Mary R. Cross
Elenita D. Cruz
Mary Ione Cutter
Penny Cuttone
Ruth Cyrier
Catherine & Paul A. Czysz
Lorraine & William V.
Joan & Arthur Dailey
Jeffrey Daily
Millie & Donald Dampf
Margaret & Donald Danborn
Elizabeth Davis
Jacquelyn A. Dear
Joan & Gene Deges
Annabelle & Robert Deline
Bunny C. Dines
Mary Alice Dobbin
Elizabeth C. Dober
Winnie & David Docter
Agnes L. Domenico
Dr. Rita L. Don
James M. Doran
Dawn E. Dorsey-Smart
Justine & James Douglas
Sara Dow
Margaret L. Driscoll
Jane & James Duffy
Janice N. Dunbar
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Dunn
Linda Duron
Eleanor A. Ealy
Penelope H. Ebbitts
Shirley & John Edmonson
Teresa M. Emnett
Jack Engel
Rose Esquibel
Rev. George V. Fagan, Jr.
Ellen K. Fassbender
Virginia L. Faulkner
Doris Federhofer
Loretta Felderhoff
Phyllis Fellin
Marjorie & Robert Felsburg
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Arrowhead Golf Course in the Colorado foothills was the site of Loretto's 16th Annual Golf Tournament in August, which raised
thousands of dollars for the Sisters of Loretto Retirement Fund.
Madelene Ferguson
Marianna D. Finch
Frances Finnegan
Barbara Gene Fitzpatrick
Gladys & John Ford
Rita & Charles Foster
Frank W. Fraass
Janet Frane
Eileen M. Franke
Phyllis & Joseph Fresta
Richard Fuchs
Nina Marie Garofalo
Valerie & Joseph Gassman
George I. Gates, Jr.
Velma & Edward Gembra
Robert J. Gettelfinger
Vincent Geigerich
Julia C. Gonzales
Rosa Maria Gonzalez
Irene K. Graas
Melanie Grant
Maura & Clyde Graven
Dr. Elinor Greenberg
Laura & Thomas Grellner
Joan & Charles Grennan
Lydia M. Grossman
Ellen Guest
Mary Haislip
Penny Hajdu
Catherine & Joseph Hakala
Phyllis M. Halladay
Mary & David Hamilton
Richard S. Hamilton
Kenneth C. Haner
Donald K. Harmon
Joan M. Hart
Beverly & Robert Hart
Margaret Hayes
Sharon A. Henry
Diane & Lawrence Hergott
Elizabeth & Peter C. Hesse
Kathleen Hibbets
Carol Jean Hidalgo
Mary & Joseph Highland
Karen N. Hill
Nancy S. Hillhouse
Bertha A. Holzworth
Rosemary & Ronald
Dr. & Mrs. Wallace D.
Norma Howlett
Dr. & Mrs. George T.
Maureen & John Hutchinson
Anna Marie & J. Fred Hutt, Jr.
Alyssa M. Iaia
Sally J. Italiano
Jean M. Ivancic
Kathy & Jim Jamail
Mary Jamboretz
Lucille Jaworowski
Linda Sands
Sarah & Antonio Jimenez
Barbara Johnson
Helen A. Jones
Juliana & Peter T. Kan
Catherine E. Kane
Edith J. Kapfensteiner
Rose Mary Keenan
Another historic display panel
in the Loretto Heritage Center
Archives and Museum,
designed by Michael Heusler
and Alexandra Guillossou.
Bonnie B. Kehoe
Madelaine & Henry Kelly
Kathleen Kennedy
Charlotte Kilpatrick
Helen Ryan Kindler
Patricia & William King
Alexandria & John Klein
Rita L. Klingen
Germaine G. Knapp
Betty & Jack Knapp
Kate & John Knowles
Rev. Kenneth Koehler
Marilyn F. Koncen
Jackie Koroshetz
Patricia L. Kratschmer
Evelyn Kruckemeyer
Corrine C. Kuester
Sally R. Kurtzman
Jeanne M. Lacerte
Martin Lally
Martha J. Lane
Susan & Christopher Lane
Dena R. Lawing
Rosemary A. Leberer
Drs. Jacques & Nancy
Alice Jane Linehan
Karen & Michael Loden
Loretto in Kansas City,
Class of 1970
Suzann & John Love
Nancy E. Luger
Mari Jo Lynch
Rev. Msgr. Edward T.
Jennie E. Maes
Jane & Jack MaGee
Jim L. Mammoser
Spring 2012 • 5
loretto development office
Reinnette & R. Stan Marek
Elizabeth & William Mariner
Joann & Albert Marranzino
Patricia Matte
Alice Mattingly
Carol J. Mattingly
Mahala & Pat Mattingly
Barbara Ryan May
M. Virginia May
Harriet Peake Mays
Edith C. McAlanis
Patricia McCormick, SL
Jean McCue
Virginia A. McDevitt
Joan & John McGraw
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Mary Louise & Elias
Ursula & Joseph Miller
Sally J. Minelli
Mary Ellen & Allan Molgaard
Mary Beth Moorhead
Mary McDonald Morrison
Blanca A. Perez Moss
Patricia K. Muckerman
Mary Martha Mueller
Robert J. Mueller
Ann E. Mullally
Janice Murphy
Terri & Kenny Murphy
Judy & Terrence Murphy
Richard D. Murphy
Heloise R. Murray
Susan A. Murray
Earnestine C. Nall
J. Connelly Netherton
Claire & Jerome Nix
Agnes & Patrick Noonan
John R. Novak
Marie Nuce
Michael J. O’Bryan
Katrina O’Leary
Joan C. O’Neill
Dorothy A. Ortner*
Patricia Owen
Marlene Pakish
Mary Frances Palumbo
Argentina Parker
Dorothy & Norman Parker
Barbara & Joseph Pawley
Carole G. Pentony
Irene & Daniel Perry
Gail E. Petersdorff
Angelina M. Petersen
Bette & Joseph Peterson
Elizabeth C. Pfaff
Marian Pfeiffer
Anola Pickett
Carol & Larry Pike
Karen Polich
Jo Ann* & Larry* Purcell
Jim Quatmann
Maryjane Raabe
Carol & John Radovich
Louise & Gene Rahll
Florence & Edward
Barbara B. Rancour
Rt. Rev. Msgr. James W.
Barbara Rawe
Della & Richard Ray
Reed Electric Service
Mary Beth & John Reese
Paula & Samuel Reid
Susan & John Reuter
Ellen Thomas Reynolds SL
Meredith & Michael Rice
Edwin T. Richard
Jo Anne E. Rickard
Jeanne & Bill Robertson
Mary Sandoval Rome
Eva Antone Ross
Carolyn Rossi
Louise Rothermich
Barrie Ryan
Patricia & Russell J. Sainz
Judy & Ramiro Salas
Estele Salsbury
Mary Anne & Albert Salsich
Helen L. Sanks
Charlotte M. Savignac
Yvette Schaded
Erma J. Scharfenberg
Debra & Paul Schiavo
Joan E. Schlueter
Regina H. Schmidt
Patricia Schonbok
Esther & Howard Schrader
Edward Schuler
Margaret & James Schultz
Anita Wathen Schumacher
Suzanne Schwab
Mary Agnes & Robert
Carol A. Selig
6 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Dolores Sharp
Joan & Paul Sheffer
Mary & Jerry Shimel
Dorothy Sigman
Helen Clare Sillstrop
Mary E. Silva
Jane Simile
Rita Mae Sloan
Anna Smith
Benjamin R. Smith, D.M.D.
Rita M. Smith
Donna R. Sorensen
Jane & Francis Southall, Sr.
Myra M. Souza
Betty Standiford
Emma & George Steen
Patricia Stevinson
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Stiles
Dr. Ann Stoddard
Virginia Strange
Mary & John T. Straub
Anne & Robert Streno
Sandra R. Sugerman
Barbara A. Sullivan
Nancy & John Sunkel
Elaine Sweeney
Janice & Gerard Swonke
Ann Testa
Helen C. Teter
Carol M. Thompson
Mary Ann Thornberry
James G. Tighe
Phyllis & Charles Tighe
Frances V. Totta
Angela Toureen
Vicky & Charles Ullrich, III
Betty A. Vassari
Barbara M. Vette
Kirsten & Robert Vignec
Martha Voll
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond J.
Kay Lynn Wall
Rose Mary & Thomas
Mary Lou Weakland
Gladys & Ronald Weaver
Lucy A. Weiss
Mary K. Wentker
Inez & J. David White
Elizabeth & Richard Wilbers
Nancy B. Wilkins
Hugh H. Wilson
Joanne M. Wilson
Carol & Joseph Winkler
Ellen & Boniface Wittenbrink
Dr. Mary Jean Wood
Mary T. Worland
Mary Ann Wyrsch
Faye Yaste
Bronwyn C. Young
Luciana & Arthur Young
Leonard R. Zemel, M.D.
Victor J. Zgiet
Clara W. Zoeller
Maureen & Tom Zupancich
Co-member Pledges
Mary Barbara Agnew*
Martha Alderson*
Harriet Altmix*
Elise André*
Imogene Anspach*
Judith Baenen*
Micki Baker*
Kathy Baldwin-Heitman*
Barbara Beam*
Jan Marie Belle*
Maria Brann*
Patty Brush*
Mary Bundy*
Patty Calixto*
Rosemary Casey*
Karen Cassidy*
Susan Classen*
Mary P. Clute*
Libby Comeaux*
Elizabeth Connor*
Janel Crumb OSF*
Rae Ann De Vargas*
Rev. Michael DeSciose*
Vivian Doremus*
Donna Doyle*
Rosalie Duran*
Kaye* & Rev. David
Mary Ellen*
Josssy Eyre*
Diane Fassell*
Maureen Flanigan*
Martha Fly*
Mary Jean Friel*
Jo Ann Gates*
Joy Gerity*
Jane German*
Mary Lou Gomez-Leon*
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Estate Gifts
Young primary children line up at the Blessed Trinity Leadership Academy
in the small town of Akokoamong, Ghana, West Africa. Funds raised this
year helped purchase a new school bus to safely transport the students.
Rosalia Guevara*
Jane & Fred Harris*
Trish Herron*
Patricia Hughes*
Peg Jacobs*
Carolyn Jaramillo*
Marcia Kaldenhoven*
Sue Kenney*
Pat Kenoyer*
Theresa Kinealy*
Kim Klein*
Rev. Martin Lally*
† Mary C. Leibman*
Barbara Light*
Kitty Madden*
Rosalie Malec*
Judy McLaughlin*
Barbara Mecker* & Brian
Prudence T. Moffett*
Lillian Moskeland*
Rev. Irvin Mouser*
Mary Louise Murphy*
Mary Nelson*
Connie Newton*
Linda Nies*
Sonja Earthman Novo*
Catherine O’Grady-Melvin*
Nancy Oaks*
Sharon Palma*
Marion Panyon*
Sylvia Pautler*
Paulette Peterson*
Irma S. Portillo*
Joan Powers*
Jo Ann Purcell*
Brenda Purser*
Mariela Ramirez*
Elena Remedios*
Lisa Reynolds*
Mary Roberts* &
Jim Schumacher*
† Anna Barbara* &
Ed Sakurai*
Susan Schilling*
Alma Schuler*
Mary Seematter*
Marcella* & Eldon Shields*
Ethel Siegwald*
Maureen Smith*
Anne Spillane*
Therese Stawowy*
Norma Mason Stikes*
Michelle Stimac* &
Bill Roat*
Jeannine Swift*
Rita Vigil*
Virginia Vobejda*
Helen Walsh*
Barbara Wander*
Kathleen Weddel*
Jen Wessler*
† Jacqueline* & Paul
† Raymond Wilkie*
Susan* & Scott Winkler*
Estate of Clare & Ted Bow
Estate of Ruth Burgett*
Estate of Carl Chamberlain
Estate of Kathleen A.
Estate of Ruth & Ralph
Estate of Elizabeth Halpin
Estate of Margaret M. Lee
Estate of Arthur E. Lottes, Jr.
Estate of Audrey M. Maher
Estate of Mildred
Estate of Margaret Morrison
Estate of Veronica Murphy*
Estate of Helen & Harry
Andrews Foundation
Bernard & Charlotte
Blommer Foundation
California Community
The Catholic Foundation
Chambers Family Fund
Chicago Community Trust
The Clorox Company
Community Foundation for
the Fox Valley Region,
Appleton, Wisc.
Denver Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fogarty Charitable Gift
Fund at Schwab
Charitable Fund
Foundation for the Carolinas
The Gary-Williams
GHR Foundation, Inc.
J. K. Mullen Foundation
Lucretia Philanthropic
Foundation, Inc.
Marin Community
Milagro Foundation
Rose Foundation
Walter S. Rosenberry, III
Charitable Trust
Ghana, West Africa,
Blessed Trinity
Leadership Academy
Diana P. Adams
All Souls Catholic Parish,
Englewood, Colo.
Judy & Robert Allan
Stephanie Allen
Mary Sue Anderson
Roland Boisvert
Susan Bonsall
Dr. Joan L. Buckley
Sheila R. Bugdanowitz
The Catholic Foundation
Sarah & Donald Chabot
Margaret G. Couvillon
Barbara Croghan SL
Margaret Cunningham
Carolyn E. Daniels
Fred T. Davine
Cornelia R. Dietz
Karen & Norman John East
Rose Esquibel
Lee C. Palmer Everding
Fannie Harris Fiddmont
Marilyn S. Fiddmont
Barbara Gene Fitzpatrick
Ginny & Dennis Floyd
Lester L. Garrison
The Gary-Williams
Rochelle M. Gay
GHR Foundation, Inc.
Margaret M. Hartman
Sharon Hartman
Help Out, Inc.
Dolores & James Hoffman
Hauwa Ibrahim
Clare Imholtz
Myra & Frank Isenhart
Cyndi & Ed Kahn
Irene & Kenzo Kawanabe
Cheryl Kelly
Sharon J. Kirts
Dorothy Lamm
Mary Ellen Lewis
Patricia & William Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lojek
Loretto Academy, El Paso,
Deanna Lowman
Spring 2012 • 7
loretto development office
Sarah L. Lutz & John
Van Rens
Patricia Matte
Ann M. McConnell
John D. McGurk
Stephen Mut
Jacquelyn Norris
Dorothy A. Ortner*
Verlean & Ernest Owens
Lydia Peña SL
Gail E. Petersdorff
Queen of Peace Catholic
Church, Aurora, Colo.
Mary Beth & John Reese
Mary Sandoval Rome
Rebecca J. Roser
Sandra Vinnik
Christine & David Wagner
Phyllis & Roy Ward, Jr.
Francie & Paul Molliconi
Elaine M. Olson
Dorothy Ortner*
Jill & Joe Polito
Elaine Prevallet SL
Charlotte Raftery SCNY
Lisa Reynolds*
Ruth Routten
Judy & Ramiro Salas
Michele Stimac* & Bill Roat*
Kathy Tegtman
Gretchen & Mark Trail
Kathleen Vonderhaar SL
Karen Wehrman*
Gifts to Loretto Centers
El Paso, Texas,
Sisters of Loretto
Patsy Boesen
Ted Boesen
Noel Longuemare
Palmyra & David Morgan
Andy Ratermann
Monetary and In-Kind
Denver, Colorado
Loretto Center
Kathleen M. Albi
Ruth Aldridge
Rebecca Ballon
Ann Barrett SL
Cindy & Colin Bills
Mary Bundy*
Patty Calixto*
Minnie & Bill Diss
Margaret & Jennifer
Rev. Ray Ensman*
Josepha Eyre*
Mary Pius Fagan OP
Pat Frueh SL
Ernest Gibson
Marietta Goy SL
Rose Green
Victoria Houghton
Mary Ann Johnson
Hazel & Bob Kern
Theresa Kinealy*
Jane Kosters*
Carol & Ed Lobato
Gabriel Mason SL
Patricia Matte
Mary McAuliffe SL
El Paso, Texas,
Loretto Academy
Teresa Flores
Mary Lou Gomez Leon*
Nerinx, Kentucky:
Cedars of Peace Retreat
Knobs Haven Retreat
Jane & Thomas Kensok
Motherhouse & Infirmary
Theresa Coyle SL
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Downs
Louis P. Gant
Catherine Keene
Joyce E. Minkler
Barbara Nicholas SL
Mary Catherine Stovall
Teresa Thompson
† Dr. Raymond Wilkie*
St. Louis, Missouri
Loretto Center
Martha Alderson*
Barbara Ann Barbato SL
Almaretta Bedford
Mary Behrmann
Janice Bohnert
Patsy Byrne
Claudia Calzetta SL
Janet Clark
Bill Clifford
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Betty Connor*
Donna Day SL
Teresa Emnett
Lucera Montanez Galindo
Christin & Jim Gilsinan
Jo Goeke
Jesse & John Hagale
Ann Johnson SL
Sharon Kassing SL
Golf volunteer Priscilla O'Leary (left) with Katie Weaver at the
Sister Aline Dalton Memorial Golf Tournament and Auction, the
Loretto Development Office's annual fundraiser for the Retired
Sisters. Photo by Donna Mattingly SL.
8 • 2011 Annual Report of Fnancial Gifts
Mike Kumpf
Dr. Joseph Lane
Barbara Light*
Barbara Mecker* & Brian
Mary Nolan BVM
The Rabbitt Family
Sue Rogers SL
† Anna Barbara Sakurai*
Alice & Peter Sargent
Melanie Scheetz
Bobbie Schneider
Mary Seematter*
Arlene Soehngen
Edna Spence
Annie Stevens SL
Kathy Sullivan SL
Tom Walters
Gifts: Restricted
Judy & Richard Andrews
Sharon Barker
Joe Boyce
Carol J. Colligan*
Ginger & F. R. Daily, Jr.
Jeanne & Timothy Dalton
Gregory M. DePrince
Teresa M. Emnett
Susan Garber
Barbara & Robert Havira
Jane E. Kosters*
Sarah M. Legett
Elizabeth & William Mariner
Dr. Nancy McMahon
Mary Louise & Elias
Mary Martha Mueller
Marion Mundy
Mary Louise Murphy*
Emily O’Neill
Elizabeth & David Paige
Ready Foods, Inc.
† Anna Barbara* & Edward
Jacqueline St. Joan
Nancy Suda
† Dr. Raymond Wilkie*
Amy & Calvin Wing
Joan Wislinsky*
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Gifts of Stock
Virginia Burns
JoAnn Gates*
† Arthur E. Lottes, Jr.
Katherine Lottes
Jim Mammoser
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Rev. Irvin Mouser*
NRRO Direct Care
2011 Golf Tournament
& Silent Auction
Auction Donors &
Winning Bidders
240 Union – A Creative
Elise André*
Marian Andrews SL
Anheuser Busch Brewery
Arrowhead Golf Club
Avenue Theater
Ann Barrett SL
Steve L. Beaudoin
Gloria & Bill Beckham
Martha Belke SL
Judy Berry
Bonnie Brae Ice Cream
The Broker Restaurant
Mary & Jim Bruce
Patty Calixto*
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Elizabeth Ann Compton SL
Sallie Dalton
Kathy Darnell
Donna Day SL
Adele & Bill DeLine
Denver Center for the
Performing Arts
Jeanne Dueber SL
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Doyle
Carolyn Dunbar
Trish Dunbar
EmBodyWorks Integrative
Massage Therapy,
Cathy Hupp*
Enstrom Candies, Inc.
Geraldine & John Faes
Benedicta Feeney SL
Laura J. Fischer
Mary Jane Frederick*
Mary Nelle Gage SL
Georgetown Loop Railroad
Gethsemani Abbey Monks,
Trappist, Ky.
Sylvia Ginder SL
Grand Hyatt
Denver Downtown
Margaret Grant*
Karen & Tom Gross
Sheila Hasenkamp
Cecilia Hernandez
Sharon Hernandez
Evelyn Houlihan SL
Roberta Hudlow SL
Hudson Gardens &
Event Center
Isle Casino Hotel,
Black Hawk
Marilyn Jensen
John Erger Catholic Goods
Ray Johanson
Theresa Kinealy*
Michaela Kolberg
Jane E. Kosters*
Camilla J. Kryzsko
Mary Kenneth Lewis SL
Lodge Casino & Hotel,
Black Hawk
Loretto Motherhouse
Ruby & Matt Lynett
Manitou & Pike’s Peak
Railway Company
Imelda Therese Marquez SL
Gabriel Mason SL
Rick Matiscik
Donna Mattingly SL
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Margaret McMahon
Dr. Nancy McMahon
McNeil Designer Portraits
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Patty & Bernie Michalek
Betty & Stephen Murphy
David T. Murray
Janet O’Halloran
Priscilla & Mke O’Leary
Omni Interlocken
Resort & Spa
Lydia Peña SL
Rosalie Marie Phillips SL
Piccolo’s Restaurant
Players find their golf carts on an early August morning at
Arrowhead Golf Club, a spectacular setting in the Colorado
foothills for the 16th Annual Golf Tournament fundraiser for the
Sisters of Loretto Retirement Fund. Photo by Carolyn Dunbar.
Alicia Ramírez SL
Marie Joann Rekart SL
Ruth Routten
Royal Gorge Route
Railroad Company
Virginia Sandoval
Barbara Schroeder
Barbara Schulte SL
Barbara Selim
Joan Spero SL
Spero Winery, Dr. June
Joan Spero SL
Marlene Spero SL
Al Stutson
Nancy & John Sunkel
Sunset Printing, Kim &
Eddie Clem
Susan Swain SL
Town Hall Arts Center
Trail Mechanical, Inc.,
Gretchen & Mark Trail
Kimberly & Timothy Travis
Kim Vance
Virgie’s Beauty Salon
Rita & Ken Werth
White Fence Farm
Family Restaurant
Windsor Gardens, Emerald
Greens Golf Course
Bernardine Wiseman SL
Theresa Louise Wiseman SL
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ash
LaFawn Biddle
The Cella Family
Shelly & Dan Clem
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Rev. David P. Croak
Adele & Bill DeLine
Rich Evans Insurance
Kathy & Tim Farrell
Maureen Flanigan*
Mary Jane Frederick*
Margaret Grant*
Barbara Hennigar
Theresa Kinealy*
Gabriel Mason SL
Patricia McCormick SL
Margaret McMahon
Dr. Nancy McMahon
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Spring 2012 • 9
loretto development office
Betty Murphy
David Murray
Ali & Rod Rucker
Steven Runnings, D.D.S.
Dorothy Scheopner SL
Slattery & Company, Inc.,
Robert F. Connor, Jr.
Spectrum General
Michele Stimac* & Bill Roat*
The Sunkel Family
Trail Mechanical, Inc.,
Gretchen & Mark Trail
Joan Irene & George
Wells Fargo Bank
Ruth Ann Zook
Charles Arbogast
Christie L. Beal
Steve L. Beaudoin
Bill Beckham
Judy Berry
Dean Brancucci
Nancy Bullis
Joseph Calvaresi
Christopher Cella
Paul Cella, Jr.
Dan & Shelly Clem
Lynn Coluccy
John J. Conway
Larry Cook
Sallie Dalton
John Daywalt
Gene Deges
Adele DeLine
Ricardo Dicochea
Mary Doyen
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Doyle
Jim Dullea
John Faes
Mel Faes
Laura J. Fischer
Joe Gallegos
Denise Garcia
Teresa & Steve Gibbons
Tony Gomez
Karen & Tom Gross
Dan Hall
Sheila Hasenkamp
Becky & Greg Hastings
Brian Hastings
Mark Hastings
Gary Helminski
Barbara Hennigar
Rod Hernley
Ted Horrell
Ray Johanson
Glenn Johnson
Hazel & Bob Kern
Kelly Kern
Patt Kerr
Kathy Kluck
Nasreen Daniel SL, far right, with students from St. Albert High
School in the Archdiocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan. The school
educates preschool children through tenth grade.
10 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Carol Kluver
Gary L. Kuxhaus
Andrew Layton
Larry Layton
Chris Lynett
Matt Lynett
Jim Martindale
Rick Matiscik
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Pat McElroy
Don McFall
Bruce McIntosh
Patty Michalek
Jeff Mostek
Betty Murphy
David Murray
Karen Musgrave
Diann L. Nestel
Steve Nichols
Sally O’Donnell
Janet O’Halloran
Meghan O’Halloran
Mike O’Leary
Rosemary Pagliano
Cory Philipieh
Alicia Ramírez SL
Kate Rooney
Dana Rotter
Ali & Rod Rucker
Robert L. Schmitz
Christin & Randy Schooler
Barbara Schroeder
Kyle Schulte
Paul L. Schulte
Don Schupe
Barbara Selim
Nancy & John Sunkel
Gretchen & Mark Trail
Scott Trail
Kimberly & Timothy Travis
Gary Van Doorn
Kim Vance
Jeff Vaniwarden
Carl D. Walters
Matt Weaver
Rita & Ken Werth
Orlando “Lannie” Adelman, Jr.
Marian Andrews SL
Ann Barrett SL
Mary Kay Brannan SL
Mary & Jim Bruce
Steve Beaudoin
Patty Calixto*
Dan Clem
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Risha Dimas
Regina Drey SL
Carolyn Dunbar
Marie Ego SL
Benedicta Feeney SL
Mary Jane Frederick*
Mary Nelle Gage SL
Sylvia Ginder SL
Marietta Goy SL
Sharon & Tom Hernandez
Evelyn Houlihan SL
Roberta Hudlow SL
Catherine Hupp*
Marilyn Jensen
Raymond E. Johanson
Hazel & Bob Kern
Theresa Kinealy*
Jane Kosters*
Carol Labado
Jim Mammoser
Rev. Martin Lally*
Mary Kenneth Lewis SL
Imelda Therese Marquez SL
Donna Mattingly SL
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Craig McNeil
Betty McWilliams SL
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Francie Mollicori
Cathy Mueller SL
Priscilla & Michael O’Leary
Lydia Peña SL
Mike Phelan
Alicia Ramírez SL
Marie Joann Rekart SL
Ruth Routten
Barbara Schulte SL
Joan Spero SL
Marlene Spero SL
Nancy & John Sunkel
Susan Swain SL
Gretchen & Mark Trail
Mary Catherine Widger SL
Hunger Fund
Theresa & Charles Arbogast
Cabrini Bartolo SL
2011 annual report of financial gifts
A tricolored goat with piebald
eyes and decorative necklace
peers around the corner to
see what's happening in the
neighborhood, Faisalabad,
Pakistan. Photo by Cathy
Mueller. SL.
Mary N. Berlin
Madonna & Joseph Bialek
Angelus Caron SL
Change for Change,
Loretto Center St. Louis
Susan Classen*
Phyllis Cole
Barbara Croghan SL
Deirdre Cryor
Maureen DeCourcey
Mary Jeanne DeMarie
Regina Drey SL
Lois Dumphy SL
Carolyn Dunbar
Dolores A. Ferrell
Nancy Finneran SL
Mary & Peter Fobes
Rita & Charles Foster
Mary Jane Frederick*
JoAnn Gates*
Dr. Susan Geersen
Jane B. Hoogerwerf
Deborah A. Horning
Margaret (Peg) Jacobs*
Cecily Jones SL
Deborah M. Kasberg
Lynn B. Kelly
Kentucky Derby Party,
St. Louis
Margaret Rose Knoll SL
Mary C. Kolbach
Loretto Center, St. Louis
Loretto Infirmary
Loretto Motherhouse
Sisters of Loretto
Story Telling, Loretto
Patricia Jean Manion SL
Caroline L. Marvin
Jack McDonald, Jr.
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Kathryn McNamee
Mary Pauline Mudd
Mary & Stephen Mueller
David Nockels
Dr. Beth & James
Janet O’Halloran
Anne Pace
Vicki L. Peirce
Barbara & Jon Peister
Rosalie Marie Phillips SL
Elaine Prevallet SL
Jo Ann* & Larry* Purcell
Alicia Ramírez SL
Dr. Julio & Mariela* Ramirez
Dr. Thomas, M. Maureen C.,
& T. M. Rauch
Sue Rogers SL
Kathy Rosborough
Ruth E. Routten
Anthony Mary Sartorius SL
C. Marie Scheetz
Janice E. Schmitt
Agnes Ann Schum SL
Patricia Sheradan
Marlene Spero SL
St. Mary’s Academy, Denver
Anne & Robert Streno
Susan Swain SL
Mary Thompson
Susan Twining
Kim Vance
Maria Visse SL
Carolyn Wilson
Individual Ministries
Maruca, Guatemala
John C. Fitzpatrick
Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens
Loretto Academy,
El Paso, Texas
David F. McGivern
Genevieve B. McGivern
Julia Ellen McGivern
Mary Ann McGivern SL
Cynthia & Peter McGivern
Natalie Wing SL,
Helene & Glenn Blue
Joe Boyce
Rev. Paul J. Kersgieter
Mae Morita
Mary Martha Mueller
Dr. Julio & Mariela* Ramirez
Residents of Sansbury Care
Center, St. Catherine, Ky.
Jean Schildz
Nancy Suda
Joan Wislinsky*
Mary Ann Gleason SL,
Uganda, East Africa
Angel Bianco SL
Asherah Cinnamon
Pearl McGivney SL &
Alicia Zapata*
RSM Farm Worker
Ministry Inc.,
Auburndale, Fla.
Mary Kay Brannan SL
Mary Sue Brock
Lupe Arciniega, Loretto, Ky.
Catherine D. Albiez
Carol & Joseph H. Mattingly, III
Judy Popp SL, Loretto, Ky.
Joyce E. Minkler
Dorothy A. Ortner*
Mary Ann McGivern SL
Prison-Related Legislation
Jeanne & Robert J. Franklin
Seena & Daniel H. Kohl
New York
Loretto United Nations
Office, NYC
California Community
M. Cherie Haitz
Washington, DC
Jeannine Gramick SL ,
LGBT Education/
William N. Baird
Cynthia Bomba
Rev. Tom Borkowski
Margarita Covarrubias
Mary Alice Cronin
Virginia A. Day
Bill Diederich & Jim Green
Michele Dougher
Jane Bierdeman Fike
Kenneth M. Fitch
Dr. Ruth Ann Fox-Hines
Marilyn Gerhard
James P. Henry
John P. Hilgeman
John R. Hoffman
Reginald M. Hsu
Jo Ann M. Iglehart
Linda Knowles
Mary Jo Lackaff
John M. LeBedda II
Janet C. Marsh
Gerald J. McCarthy
Spring 2012 • 11
loretto development office
Patricia Montley
Janice & Michael Mueller
Phyllis Nickels
Carol Toohey O’Hara
Merton Preston
Kathaleen & Harry Quinn
Ellen K. Radday
Madeline Ritchie
Norma M. Shogren
Vernon Smith
Michael Sullivan, III
Lynn A. Shuppel
Louis Thibault
Rev. Paul K. Thomas
Sally Wall
Cecelia Wambach
Mary Watros
Evelyn & James Whitehead
Loretto Women’s Network
Kenneth M. Fitch
200th Jubilee Events
and Projects
50th Jubilee Class of 1962
Sandy Ardoyno SL
Louise Bell
Dianne Spiller Chowen
Shelby & Clint Cox
Marion & George Curtis
Pat Wrobel Dickens
Patricia J. Dore
Norma & Peter Egge
Carolyn & Michael J. Pope
200th Jubilee Fund
Ruth Aldridge
Martha Bennett
Gloria & Thomas Brown
Janet & Eddie Burke, Jr.
Virginia A. Burns
Donna Campbell
Maria J. Codinach
Suzanne V. Dace
Annabelle & Robert Deline
Doris L. Dore
Constance Dorsey
Carol & Derrick Dufresne
Colette H. Dumstorf
Bernard L. Ellert
Marielena & Tom Finn
Ginnie & Dennis Floyd
Mary A. Heesacker
Catherine E. Kane
Helen Ryan Kindler
Betty & Jack Knapp
Nancy E. Luger
John C. Morrison
Priscilla & Michael O’Leary
Katherine Hays Padmos
Paula Palotay
Elizabeth C. Pfaff
Elaine M. Quintana
Barbara B. Rancour
Mildred B. Scannell
Donald J. Tiffany
“A Century of Change”
Joseph T. Manion
TEME, Ltd., Santa Fe, N.M.
Gala, Denver , Colo.
Janice N. Dunbar
Rev. Bernard A. Meyer
Jubilee Liturgy,
Denver, Colo.
The Bridge Community, Inc.
Kansas City, Mo.
Ronald M. Barrett
Margaret P. Brush*
Denise & Janice BuglerReeves
Eleanor Craig SL
Jubilee Committee &
Alumnae of Kansas City
Mr. & Mrs. John Monteil
Marilyn Schaeffer
Loretto Exhibit,
Denver Public Library
Catherine Canny
Chambers Family Fund
Minnie & Bill Diss
Janice N. Dunbar
John R. Duncan
Frances Finnegan
Peace & Justice
Conversation, Denver, Colo.
Mary Frances & Bill Jaster
Travel Fund Assistance
Sisters of Loretto
Sylvia Pautler*
“Loretto Spirituality”
Judith T. Carrell
Rosemary Chinnici SL
Penny Cuttone
Marie Decker
Catherine & Leroy M.
Peggy Gutrich
Jeanne A. Henry
M. Virginia May
Mary McAuliffe SL
Judith K. McGuire
Margaret G. Schreiber
Carol C. Whitley
Downstream Neighbor,
Denver, Colo.
Frances A. Candlin
Cheryl L. Conner
Sally Dunne*
Cecilia Linenbrink OSF
Cathy Mueller SL for
Loretto Community
Nancy Wittwer SL for
Loretto Earth Network
Regis University,
Environmental Studies
Transition Colorado
12 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
The Loretto Mission in Faisalabad provides sewing instruction
for young women. They enjoy creating and embroidering clothing
from the gorgeous fabrics that are so much a part of daily life in
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Loretto Funds
Education Projects
Elizabeth & William Mariner
Jane Trainor
Sylvia H. Chadwick
Barbara & Richard Cook
Clare Imholtz
Patricia & Francis Kapper
Catherine M. Kosa
Molly Markert
Mary & John Metz
Mary Pauline Mudd
Peace & Justice Efforts
Donald Cuddihee, Sr.
Frances Finnegan
Pat & Jack Sliemers
Special Needs
Kim Vance
Loretto Memorial Funds
Leon Albin Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Rita J. Zitek
Ann Manganaro Memorial
Martha Crawley
Joan C. Phillips
Dr. & Mrs. Warren J. Wimmer
Loretto Mission
Janyce White Angel
Kay Carlew SL
Rosemary Casey*
Jean Collins
Barbara Croghan SL
Frank DeBernardo
Evelyn M. Donohoo*
Colette H. Dumstorf
Margaret Fitzgerald SL
Regina & Steven Hermann
Clare Imholtz
Sharon W. Leahy
Loretto Academy,
El Paso, Texas
Loretto Volunteers
Patricia & John McCracken, Jr.
Mary Louise Murphy*
Dotty & Roger Nittler
Christine & Richard S.
Rosalie M. Phillips SL
Jo Ann* & Larry* Purcell
Jeanne & Sabet A. Sabet
Janet Schwalbe
Mary E. Seematter*
Maureen Smith*
Emma & George Steen
Dee Dee Stone
Kathleen M. Whitson
School Chairs Project
Angela Bianco SL
Dallas & James Harris, Jr.
Loretto Center Community,
St. Louis, Mo.
Sisters of Loretto
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Ethel & Ronald Siegwald
Rosemary Sullivan SL
Kathleen & J. Scott Wessel
SOIL Project
Susan J. Anderson
Elizabeth Beaver
Bell Studio/Gallery
Elizabeth H. Devanny
Rosann M. Doran
Ann W. Ellis
Eileen B. Finn
Brenda J. Hollis
Mary Marjorie McDonald
Yanita Rowan
Martha D. Russell
Elaine Schoelzel
Jacqueline St. Joan
Sisters of Loretto
Retirement Fund
Jean Carol Ahrens
Marguerite Allan
Judy & Robert Allan
Ann Andrew
Valerie & Albert Antoine
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ash
Glorianna Atencio
Maureen R. Baine
Constance & Richard
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Beard
Eleanor J. Begley
Mary Behrmann
Sheila Beims
Joan B. Bellan
Martha Joan Bennett
Louise W. Berezny
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bernal
Margaret Birsnehan
Natalie Blecher
Bernard & Charlotte
Blommer Foundation
Leonida & Conrad Bodner
Betty L. Bolt
Amy Bondon
Mary Jo & Vince Boryla
Geraldine Boschert
Susan Bowman
Mary Braden
Deacon & Mrs. Robert R.
Karen Marie Breen
Rosemary & Mel Brent
Mary Ann Brilling
Mary Jean Brod
Louise B. Brown
Marion F. Brown
Mary & Jim Bruce
Mary Alice Bruemmer
Glenna & Robert Burckel
Emily & Edmund Burke
Ann Patricia Burnes
Marianne Burnes
Joan & Walter Burtelow, Jr.
Alicia P. Butler
Sharon Welch Callaghan
Frances A. Candlin
Elizabeth Cannon
Arthur Carbonell, Jr.
Katherine L. Carley
Margaret & J. Dan
Virginia A. Carpenter
Marie C. Casey
Mary Ann Ceriotti
Mary Catherine Cernicek
Lois & Brian Chambers
Anne L. Chandler
Carol & Clay Chapman
Miriam G. Chen
Helen K. Chew
Mary Jane & Thomas
Richard D. Clark
Sue & Charles Clement
Kay & Robert Clifford
Margaret L. Cloonan
Maria J. Codinach
Marilyn & Eugene Colbert
Mary Moran Collier
Mary & Henry Concha
Susan & Christopher W.
Stefani & Cliff Conley
Patricia W. Connelly
Marie E. Connor
Daria & Joseph Conran
Coleman J. Conroy
Patricia L. Corning
Martha Crawley
George F. Crest
Angela & John Crilly
Elenita D. Cruz
Dolores & Vicente Cruz
Mark Currington
Lynn & Nicholas Davis
Virginia A. Day
Kathleen Quinn Dea
Alice & John Dearing
Joan & Gene Deges
Dr. & Mrs. Colman Dell
Katherine & Ken DeLorenzo
Ann Dintelmann
Stephen G. Disch
Minnie & Bill Diss
Mary Alice Dobbin
Elizabeth C. Dober
Winnie & David Docter
Agnes L. Domenico
Joan K. Donnelly
Doris L. Dore
Mary Bernadette Downs
Shirley & Boniface Doza
Margaret L. Driscoll
Doris & Joseph Duffey
Colette H. Dumstorf
Penelope H. Ebbitts
Ellen Mary E. Eliceiri
Spring 2012 • 13
loretto development office
Therese S. Ellery
Catherine H. Ellgass
Teresa M. Emnett
Rev. Ray Ensman*
Mrs. Patrick Ernest
Twila & Thomas Evans
Russell Fallon
Kathy & Tim Farrell
Virginia L. Faulkner
Mariana D. Finch
Wilma & Robert Fiori
Kenneth M. Fitch
Mary Flodin
Karen & Herman
Ewelina Frackowiak &
Catherine Kilbride
Janet Frane
Debbie & Ronald Frye
Joy & Roman Gales
Paula & Brian Gallagher
Jeanette C. Gannon
Felicia Garcia
Stephanie Garcia
Nina Marie Garofalo
Velma & Edward Gembra
Mary Rose & Charles
Catherine & Donald Gergick
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Glick, Jr.
Anita Gonzales
Julia C. Gonzales
Rosa Maria Gonzalez
Mary & Glen Goy
Irene K. Graas
Sandra & Galen Graham
Marilyn Granger
Carol Springer Greco
Janice Green
Joan & Charles Grennan
Karri Guigui & Family
Leonard N. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hammett
Kathleen & Thomas Hansen
Yvonne D. Harding
Janet Hart
Beverly & Robert Hart
Ada & Jack Hartz
Janelle & Thomas Hebert
Col. & Mrs. Michael E.
Mary A. Heesacker
Mary J. Henrekin
Tina Heuer
Rita Kennedy Hill
Nancy S. Hillhouse
Janet & Werner Hintzen
Mark A. Hinueber
Carol & Frederick Hodes
Jeanette Hof
† Loretta G. Holcomb
Evelyn & Ronald Holmes
Florence Eileen Holtgrave
Mary & David Homme
Kathryn Hopkins
Rosemary & Ronald
Florence & Lawrence Horan
Grace B. Horvat
Sharlene & Raymond
Marie & John Huson
Alyssa M. Iaia
Il Ritiro
Clare Imholtz
Maryanne & Robert Jacobs
Emma Jagger
Mary & Lawrence
Sarah & Antonio Jimenez
Barbara A. Johnson
Mary Ann Johnson
Patricia McEvoy Kabler
Patricia W. Kambourian
Margaret E. Keane
Rose Mary Keenan
Barbara T. Kendall
Jane & Thomas Kensok
Grace E. Kieffer
Charlotte Kilpatrick
Helen Ryan Kindler
Angeline M. Kinnaman
Michelle G. Kleve
Jackie Koroshetz
Corrine C. Kuester
Camelia & Jonathan Laing
Martin Lally
Mary Lynn Lally
Madonna M. Lane
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
Late Nite Catechism,
Nonie Breen
Rosemary A. Leberer
14 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Thelma M. Lederhos
Olga M. Lee
Nancy S. Levicki
Leticia Lopez*
Florence & Joseph Lormans
Katherine D. Lottes
Patricia Lucka
Nancy E. Luger
Judith & Paul Lyons
Charlene & Joseph Madden
Rev. Msgr. Edward T.
Elizabeth & William Mariner
Susan & Vincent Marino
Marie V. Markowski
Mary G. Martinez
Rosemary Mason
Dorothy C. Matern
Pauline Mathers
Mary McAuliffe SL
Lucretia Seitz McCarthy
Mary Jane & Charles
Ruth McCarthy
Carol & Lawrence McDaniel
Mary & John McDonald
Helen McDonnell
Mae McFarren
Jeanne & Archie McGill
Gail McGowan
Sheryl A. McGowan
Virginia & Patrick McGrail
Judith & J. Terry McIntire
Dr. Nancy McMahon
Mary McManus
Kathleen Michel
Sharon Mickelson
Ursula & Joseph Miller
Susan Poirot Kapetanovic
Sally J. Minelli
Patricia Minogue
Dr. Marilyn Montenegro
Loretta Montgomery
Mary Beth Moorhead
Rita & Patrick Moran
Mary F. Morgan
Kathleen A. Moschel
Patricia K. Muckerman
Mary Pauline Mudd
Linda & Robert Mueller
Ann E. Mullally
J. K. Mullen Foundation
Mary W. Myers
Margaret & Robert Nail
Earnestine C. Nall
Regina & Edward Nesdill
Kathleen & Larry Nichols
Claire & Jerome Nix
Fraternite Notre Dame,
Chicago, Ill.
Sonja Earthman Novo*
† Lois & James O’Connor
Janet & Kenneth R.
Katrina O’Leary
Emily O’Neill
Celeste Oberle
Jeanne Orben
Joann M. Orovitz
Kathleen M. Owen
Joan C. Palazzotto
Barbara & Joseph Pawley
Corrine & Fernando Payan, Jr.
Bennie Peña
Mary Helen & Emil Peter, III
Adele & Gerald Phelan
Grace C. Pino
Helen L. Poje
Karen Polich
Antoinette & Gerald Pollack
Mary F. Powers
Rita & Frank Precopio
Jo Ann* & Larry* Purcell
Margaret J. Quinn
Maureen & James Quinn
Linda M. Quintero
Bettie & John Rawe
Dede Reedy
Catherine E. Reeves
Jo Anne E. Rickard
Jeanne & Bill Robertson
Verlene D. Rogalin
Mary Ann & Gayle Rogers
Oma & Ralph Rogers
Marie Chaney Royal
Phyllis Rita Roytek
Carolyn & Jim Russell
Michele & Charles Saad
Jeanne & Sabet A. Sabet
Estela Salsbury
Helen L. Sanks
Carol M. Santens
Christine & Raul Santoyo
2011 annual report of financial gifts
LaVerne & William Saxbury
Mary Ann & Walter
Berenice Charles Schaefer
Jean Schildz
Elizabeth S. Schulte
Jeanette & Orlando Sedillo
Carol A. Selig
Laura & Christopher Sertich
Mildred Shelton
Mary & Philip Sheridan
Julie & Stephen Sheridan
Mary Lou Sherman
Peggy & Mark Shlanta
Elaine & Tom Sigman
Sheila & Michael Sise
Sisters of Charity,
Leavenworth, Kan.
Aidea & Robert Sluyter
E. Kaye Smith, D.V.M.
Claudia & Robert D. Smith
Rita M. Smith
Diana Snell
Jane & Francis Southall, Sr.
Southall Pharmacy
Frances & Sidney Spencer
Patricia A. St. Peters
Marilyn L. Stacey
Virginia St-Cyr
Emma & George Steen
Patricia Stevinson
The Stevison Family
Elmer J. Stokes
Pamela & Richard Stokes
Dee Dee Stone
Alicia Suarez-Marill
Barbara A. Sullivan
Mary Ann Sullivan
Emily & James Taflinger
Jean & Arthur Taylor
Rae Marie Taylor
TEME, Ltd.,Santa Fe, N.M.
Jo Ann Testa
Carol M. Thompson
Donald J. Tiffany
Phyllis & Charles Tighe
Kathy & Charles Titterton
Catherine Tomczak
Mary Jo Torczon
Concetta Torrillo SL
Tours For You, LLC
Mary E. Uhlenbrock
Loretto Co-member Barbara Wander (above center) with survivors of the 2010 Haiti earthquake in
the mountains near Port-au-Prince. Many children and teachers were injured and killed during the
devastation. School buildings and all structures on the school compound of the Little Sisters of St.
Therese of the Child Jesus were flattened. The Little Sisters are a Haitian order of Catholic nuns
with whom Wander has worked over the past 12 years. Wander and many friends of Loretto have
raise thousands of dollars of direct relief to rebuild the school and help families so terribly affected
by the quake and its long aftermath. Photos courtesy of Barbara Wander CoL.
Nancy & Bruce Upton
Dorothy Dalton Verhalen
Theresa & Dennis Vertrees
Ann C. Vifquain
Grace & Francis Wagner
Mary E. Waldschmidt
Jane A. Wallner
Karen & Stanley K. Walton, III
Rose Mary & Thomas
James M. White
Kathleen M. Whitson
Georda & Hubert A. Willard
Amelia O. Winchester
Marlene & Dale Wolf
Kati Woodward
Judy F. Wright
Bronwyn C. Young
Victor J. Zgiet
Relief Efforts
Haiti Earthquake Relief
Kathryn & Stephen Amato
Lori & Albert Angel
Susan Angst
Stiliani Antonakis
Annette Anzalone
Marisa & Chad Aull
Diane Avare
Karla & Kevin Balcirak
Mary E. Barnes
Janna & Michael Bassetti
Jeanne Battagin
Mu’afrida Bell
Myrna Bernadel-Huey
Trisha & Andrew Bernard
Angela Bianco SL
Florence Blackburn
Jean Blomquist
Karie & Joseph Boneau
Leona Box
Carol Boyd
Mary & Everett Bracken
Michael Bradley
Esther & Bruce Breeding
Patricia Broemmel
Ann M. Bryant
Doris & Raymond Burk
Thitirat & Michael L.
Cass Candell
Lora & William Caudill
Elizabeth Cholerton
Marilyn A. Coffy
Mary & Jon Cole
Margaret A. Connor
Renee & Danilo Corales
Martha Crawley
Rosemarie M. Krovoza
Laura Crump
Spring 2012 • 15
loretto development office
The Loretto Mission in Faisalabad, Pakistan, was founded in
2009. A tiny group of sisters have already made a difference in
the lives of their young students at St. Albert High School, owned
by the Faisalabad Archdiocese. This Catholic school educates
preschoolers through the equivalent of tenth grade.
Vivian & James Cutcher
Diane & Richard Davis
Lisa de Carbonel
Anne & F. R. De Castro
Nancy Delaney
Judith & Frank Delich
Diane Repulles
Paula & Ralph Derango
Patricia Dombrink
Michaela & Dennis Duzyk
Karen Eagan
Carla De Sola Eaton
Catherine N. Edelen
Sandy G. Edelen
Charles D. Edwards
Alison Engh
Epsilon Omega Chapter
Elizabeth Eshleman
Toinette M. Eugene
Janet Evans
Angie & Matt Falcone
Gwendolyn Farey
Olivia & Michael Ferguson
Fischer Family Fund
Corinne Florek
Trudy Frei-Buhler
Diana Freundt
Erin Connell Gabbert
Lugene & Edward
Elena & Eduardo Garcia
Gary L. Ginder
Francoise Gorfain
Susan Grant
Margaret M. Graves
Stacy & Douglas Griffin, III
Hilary D. Gutman
Catherine & Richard Haier
Sandra & Carl Haines
Stephanie L. Hall
Ellen Hamilton
Ingrid Hamilton
Emily & Michael Hammond
Elizabeth D. Hampson
Laura & David Harmon
Erin & Kyle Harney
Maureen Hartmann
Barbara Hazzard
Francesca Healy
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Hein, III
16 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Mary Henrekin
Marilynne L. Homitz
H. Hoogenbosch
Dahne & Don Hosinski
Cathy & James Hourigan
Jeremy M. Howard
Tara & Christopher Howell
Emily Hukill
Patricia Ann Ignacio
Judith Jarosz
Theresa & Ronald Johnson
Margaret Kane
June Kearney SNJM
Mark T. Kelder
Shirley T. Kirchen
June Kirk
Beatrice Klebba SL
Lucille A. Kolin
Rosemarie M. Krovoza
Francis T. Kun
Germaine La Berge
Donna Lack
Marie Lawler
Pearl Lea
Chung Hwa Lee
Margaret & Michael Levy
Lexington Catholic High
School, Lexington, Ky.
Jeanne Lovi
Annabel & Roger Lucich
Richard Lundy
Richard A. Maggi
Donna & Scott Mair
Melanie & Richard Marrs
Peter Martin
Lauren & Stephen Mason
Jean & Dale Massie
Paul A. Mathew
Kathleen McGowan
Margaret M. McGowan
Peter McGrath
Patricia W. McLaren
Katherine Anne McStravick
Amy & Gregory Meegan
Janice L. Michael
Milagro Foundation
Charlotte Miller
Madonna & David Minion
Carol L. Mitchell
Jean Molesky Poz
Noretto Morgan SND
Patricia A. Morgan
Debra & David Murphy
Carolina & Gregory Nakai
Helen & John Neville
Linda & Quentin Olwell
Orthopedic & Sports
Physical Therapy
Marie Owen
Park Tree Investments
Joanne C. Parrilli
Ann Peri
Mary S. Phillips
Susan Phillips
Evelyn Pierce
Ellen C. Potthoff
Peggy Presley
Helen T. Randall
Judith Raymer
Dennis Reno
Diane Repulles
Dawn & Michael Reynolds
Robyn Riley
Carolyn Rissanen
Mary Jo Robinson
Deborah A. Roche
Deborah & Michael
Elizabeth & Alan Roselius
Molly & James Roth
Jennifer & James
Patricia Ryan
Sagrada Sacred Arts
Clifford E. Salwen
Marta Sanchez
Mitzi & Tim Sawyer
Rachel & Scott Scanlon
Sue Chumbley Schiffer
Patricia A. Schreiber
Alma Schuler*
Mary Jane Schutzius
Vicky Semones
Roberta J. Silverstein
Genia Simpson
Laura N. Sinex
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Sisters of St. Dominic,
Congregation of the
Most Holy Name
Sisters of the Holy Names
Edward Smith
Mary Smith
Maureen Smith*
Rocio Smith
Kara Speltz
Sharon Spiller
St. Elizabeth Elementary
School, Oakland, Calif.
Marie St. Pierre
Sharon Stalkfleet
M. B. Staller
Joyce Stanek
Paula J. Stokes
Deanna & John Strother
Jennifer Sullivan
Amy & Michael Sutton
Mary Tansey
Angela & Coleman Taylor
Karen & David Thomas
Amy W. Thompson
Kelly & Brian Thompson
Virginia J. Thompson
Kim Thornhill
Louise Todd
Marilyn & Edward Todd
Shannon & B. Seward Totty
Tecia & Terry Troutt
Morgan & Bradley Turner
Elizabeth & Daniel Turner
Michelle & John Vaughn
Kathryn Desil VaVigar
Gianna M. Vennari
Stacy & Scott Vollet
Timiza Wagner
Sarita Waite
Meredith S. Walker
Penelope Washbourn
Willie Washington III
Ann Watson
Gwen Watson
Corazon & Paul Watson
Judith & Karl Weisgraber
Mary Grace Westman
Julia & Bradley Wheeldon
Darryl Whitlock
Marjorie Wilkes
Irene Woodward
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Woody, II
Yasmine’s Hair & Nail Salon
Dennis Yniguez
Joyce Yoxall
Pakistan Flood Relief
Pat Wrobel Dickens
Evelyn M. Donohoo*
Janet Schwalbe
Maureen Smith*
Where Funds Are
Most Needed
Kathleen Adams
Susan Marie Adams
Jee Y. Ahn
Gail Albin
Ruth Aldridge
Marianne & Patrick Alpers
Barbara J. Antonietti
Frances & Frederick
Dorothy Rae Archer
Corinne R. Armijo
Dr. Fran Armstrong
Virginia & Wayne Arner
Mary Stella Bagaman
Dudley L. Baker
Beverley & John Ballantine
Joan Bancroft
Kathleen E. Banks
Kathleen & Philip Barenberg
Joan & Scott Barker
Lucretia Beatty
Linda Beaven
Kathleen Beckett
Jo Ann & Charles Berger
Doris Rose Beuttenmuller
Diane & Maynard
Virginia Foshage Boivin
Mary Ann Bolkovatz
Rev. Anthony P. Bolman
Angela & Gerome Booth
Arthur G. Bothe, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden, III
Charles Brady
Harlan Branham
Rosemary & Mel Brent
Inez & Earl Brines
Louise B. Brown
Brenda & Donald Brown
Mary Alice Bruemmer
Carol & Donald Brunnett
Barbara A. Buettner
Irene Bugdalski
William B. Bundschu
Mary Ann & Eugene Burdick
Philip J. Burguieres
Rita Burrows
Joan & Walter Burtelow, Jr.
Cletus E. Byrne, Jr.
Joyce & Michael Bytnar
Donna Campbell
Theresa Cannon
Eileen J. Cantin, Ph.D.
Armando Carlos
Judith L. Carlson
Anne L. Chandler
Jean Chapman
The Chicago Community
Judith & Donald Christl
Leilani Chu
Shelly & Dan Clem
The Clorox Company
Anne & Thomas Coerver
Mary Ann Coffey
Virginia & William Colwell
Community Foundation for
the Fox Valley Region,
Appleton, Wisc.
Betty Connor*
Margie & John Conway
Aurelia & Larry Cook
Mrs. E. Gregorina Cooper
Mary Jo Costello
Carole Ines Cottrell
Carol A. Countryman
Joanne Kelly Coursey
Margarita Covarrubias
Ruth Roberts Cowan
Edward J. Coy
Sherry & Paul Cozby
Kathryn & Gary Crabtree
George F. Crest
Michael A. Curtis
Margaret J. Czufin
Joan & Arthur Dailey
Theresa DaSilva
Elizabeth Davis
Virginia A. Day
Mary H. De Luca
Anne & Thomas Dea
Emilie & Joseph Deady
Rockie & John Deboben
Joan & Eugene Deges
Carol W. Dennes
Doris L. Biava
Michael A. Diebold
Lois Ann Diehl
Carolyn Ann DiMarcello
Bunny C. Dines
Dr. Rita L. Don
John K. Donnelly
Richard H. Doran
Dawn E. Dorsey-Smart
James Douthit
Jeanne & Gregory Downey
Martha & Hugh Downey
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Doyle
Patricia & Anthony
Jane & James Duffy
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Dunn
Geraldine F. Dusselier
Anne H. Dykstra
Patricia & Dallas Edwards
Marie Ego SL
Mary & Frank Ellington
John Erger Catholic Goods
Sharon & Robert Ernst
Susan D. Evans
Russell Fallon
Ellen K. Fassbender
Mary Jane Fassel
Nancy Feeney
Marjorie & Robert Felsburg
Sue T. Fenwick
Madelene Ferguson
Dolores A. Ferrell
Mary C. Fitzgerald
Mary E. FitzGerald
Spring 2012 • 17
loretto development office
Barbara Gene Fitzpatrick
John C. Fitzpatrick
Robert T. Flynn
Gladys & John Ford
Patricia Forsyth
Rita & Charles Foster
Richard Fox
Frank W. Fraass
Mary Clare Freeman
Phyllis & Joseph Fresta
Paula & Alfred Frey
Ronald Fugazzi
Jo Ann & Joseph Furay
Florence Buescher Gaffney
Barbara A. Galli
Edwina & Merle Garten
George I. Gates, Jr.
Marian B. Gelzer
Mary Rose & Charles
Robert J. Gettelfinger
Eva & Gerald Gobbi
Bibiana W. Gonzalez
Patricia & Michael Grace
Rev. Joseph T. Graffis
Catherine Green
Mr. & Mrs. James E.
Janet Gross
Harriet A. Halpin
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hammett
Beth L. Hansen
Anna & David Harlan
Donald K. Harmon
Kathleen Hart
Barbara & Robert Havira
Haydon Oil Co. of
Springfield, Inc.,
Springfield, Ky.
Dr. & Mrs. David Hazuka
Dorothy J. Heagney
John C. Healy
Henry W. Heck
Kathryn M. Hegeman
Ella & Edmund Heilmeier
Carlee Heit
Laura Henderson
Dorothy I. Hess
Kathleen Hibbets
Marie Louise Hickey
Mary & Joseph Highland
Lisa & John Hillenbrand
Donna Kearney Hinds
Fritz Hitchcock, Jr.
Dorothy Hitt
Anne & John Hoeck
Carolyn & David Holder
Judy Kasey Houlette
Julia & Douglas Howard
Jane & Norbert Hummel, Jr.
Lilly Huppert
Walter F. Imhoff
Mary & John Jacobson
Linda Sands Jenkins
Nancy & Dalan Jensen
Rosemary & James Jepson
Barbara Johnson
Edith J. Kapfensteiner
M. Virginia & Thomas X.
Madelaine & Henry Kelly
Kathleen Kennedy
Mary Joan Kenny
Joan & Arthur Kidnay
Charlotte Kilpatrick
Patricia & William King
Mary & John Kirchner, Jr.
Rita L. Klingen
Alecia & Joseph Klobe
Goetz Kloecker
Barbara & William Klump
Betty & Jack Knapp
Rev. Kenneth Koehler
Mary Jane & Richard
Anne M. Kohlman
S. Barbara Kopel
Judy & Andrew Kramer
Patricia L. Kratschmer
Nancy E. Krody
Nadine Frett Kuhns
Jeanne M. Lacerte
Martha J. Lane
Patricia & Larry Lanners
Mr. & Mrs. Al Lawing
Sharon W. Leahy
Stacy & Michael Leard
Jennie & Philip Leman
Gaetana & James Lenox
Edward D. Lesch
18 • 2011 Annual Report of Financial Gifts
Drs. Nancy & Jacques
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Lewis
Rosemary Lewis
Barbara Light*
Alice Jane Linehan
Karen & Michael Loden
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lojek
Jane Lopez
Rosemary K. Lopiano
Lucretia & Joseph Lorenzo
Florence Lovato
Colby Lowe
Nancy E. Luger
Rene E. Lusser
James W. Lynch
Kathleen Lyons
Marcia & James Lyons
Dr. Tess Malumphy
JoAnn Mancinelli
Marian Middle School,
St. Louis, Mo.
Therese M. Martelli
Katherine & Michael Martin
Patsy & Woods Martin
Nancy & Henry Mascotte
Jean Mastin
Dr. & Mrs. Armando Mata
Patricia Matte
John Matthews
Pauline M. Mattras
Sue & Louis McAvoy
Amy McCarthy
Christina A. McCarthy
Barbara J. McCarville
Rev. Thomas L. McCormick
Larry C. McGinn
Genevieve B. McGivern
Frances M. McMahon
Sally & Virgil McQueen
Maria McRae
Geraldine Mearns
Mary Louise Menefee &
Mary Louise & Elias
Patty & Bernie Michalek
Anna C. Miller
Deborah B. Miller
Margaret & Alan Miller
Mary Ann & John Miller
Constance F. Milligan
Sally J. Minelli
Lois Ann & Richard Minto
Dorothy & Joel Mitchell, Jr.
Mary Ellen & Allan Molgaard
Mr. & Mrs. James Moore
Col. & Mrs. Robert C.
Morris, Jr.
Mary & Thomas Morrison
Mary Pauline Mudd
Alice O. Mulhall
Kay Mullen
Betty & Stephen Murphy
Richard D. Murphy
Robert T. Murphy
Michele E. Nelan
Diane D. Nelson
Regina & Edward Nesdill
Rose Grenough Nett
Sally & John Newcomb, Sr.
Agnes & Patrick Noonan
John R. Novak
Ronald J. Novak
Edward “Dan” O’Connor
Janet & John O’Connor
Ann & Michael O’Hara
Thomas O’Malley
Joan C. O’Neill
Rosemary & Jack Oliver
Rev. Robert E. Osborne
Viola F. Osborne
Doris & Kenneth Owens
Mary Frances Palumbo
Gwen Parker
Dorothy & Norman Parker
Jane & Rex Parr
Darren M. Patrick, O.D.
Henry David Payne, III
Susan K. Pelz
Doreen & Ronald Perkins
Essie Lou Perlmutter
Angelina M. Petersen
Grace C. Pino
Virginia E. Price
Gerry Prus
Sally & Robert Przekwas
Carol Ann Ptacek SL
Brenda Purser
Pamela A. Purvis
2011 annual report of financial gifts
Kathleen A. Schoenhard
Mary Frances & Donald
Carolyn R. Schroer
Mary Elizabeth Schroll
Thomas R. Schuerger
Anita Wathen Schumacher
Nancy & Fred Schweiger
Joan & James Scofield
Linda & Richard Scott
Bernadettt Seick
Hon. Ann O’Malley Shake
Gertrude M. Sharpe
Lois Sheil
Julie & Stephen Sheridan
John A. Siebert
Dorothy Sigman
Helen Clare Sillstrop
Mary E. Silva
Sheila & Michael Sise
Rita May Sloan
Sally C. Smart
Sharon M. Smart
Martha & James M. Smith
Fr. Joseph C. Spina, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis,
Denver, Colo.
St. Mary’s Grade School,
Whitesville, Ky.
Betty Standiford
Jeanette D. Steube
Patricia Stevinson
Dr. Ann Stoddard
Clara Ellen Stone
Virginia Strange
Bernice & Melvin Strawn
Dr. Tom Sullivan
Teresa A. Sweetman
Lucille & Harry Szurek
Mary Takacs
Mary Frances & Robert
Consuelo G. Thomas
Bertha M. Timmel
Sandra & Thomas Tokarski
Blanca Isela Torres
Robert & Patricia Triggs
Mary Lou Trujillo
Van Truong
Ginger & Wade Upton
Margaret Utz
Mary Ann & David Van Etten
Margaret & John Veatch
Nancy & John Vincent
Margit Vincenz
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond J.
Corinne & David Walentik
Cathy & Dennis Walker
Doris & Joseph Walsh
Sarah Walsh
Toni Walters
Gloria & Joseph Wark
Marie Warnock
Eleanor Warzoha
Mary Lou Weakland
Barbara Wehling
Lucy A. Weiss
Dottie Wilcox
Lola & Charles Wilcox
Nancy B. Wilkins
Joanne M. Wilson
Joan Wislinsky*
Ellen & Boniface Wittenbrink
Mary Sue Wofford
Dr. Mary Jean Wood
Kati Woodward
Marie Wright
John E. Wrobel, Jr.
Mary Ann Wyrsch
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ybarra
Bronwyn C. Young
Luciana & Arthur Young
John M. Zook
Photo by Cecilia Hernandez
Jim Quatmann
Alice M. Quinlan
Peggy & Dennis Rabbitt
Virginia M. Radler
Mercedes Rael
Florence & Edward D.
Margaret Raine
Dr. Julio & Mariela* Ramirez
Barbara B. Rancour
Rt. Rev. Msgr. James W.
Pat Ray
Jessica R. Raymaker
Judith Recknagel
Mary Anne Reese*
Mary Beth & John Reese
Paula & Samuel Reid
Jean & Michael Reidy
Terri F. Reilly
Jane & Donald Reiman
Vincent Remedios
Meredith & Michael Rice
Ann Wall Richards
Leo Riegel
Valerie Ritchie
Joan M. Robel
Drs. David J. & Catherine
Verlene D. Rogalin
Vernell E. Rogers
Sue Rogers SL
Mary Sandoval Rome
Rose Community
Foundation, Denver, Colo.
Eva Antone Ross
Vicki M. Runnion
Kaelin & William Rybak
Judy & Ramiro Salas
Ann B. Salter
Alice & Peter Sargent
Charlotte M. Savignac
LaVerne & William Saxbury
Sandra & David Schardein
C. Marie Scheetz
Pat & Sam Schloemer
Ruth & Francis Schneider
Jacqueline & Robert
Ann R. Schnurr
The Loretto Development Department staff salute the many
generous supporters of Loretto Community's mission and work.
From left: Carolyn Dunbar, Lydia Peña SL, Denise Ann Clifford SL,
and Donna Mattingly SL.
Spring 2012 • 19
Glory to God
whose power,
working in us,
can do infinitely
more than we can
ask or imagine.
— Ephesians 3:20

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