wanted fugitives Pages 6 & 7 SEX OFFENDERS Subscription form for THE POLICE NEWS on page 6 Pages 20 & 21 ON THE SCENE with The Police News THE POLICE NEWS VOLUME VI, NUMBER 8 Texas' Largest Police News Publication Nightclub Provides Two Victims for Violent Rapist By Marie Beth Jones August 2009 Two Murders, Same Gun Galveston Police Probing '83-'84 Murders By Breck Porter T bout 1:30 on the morning of June 4, 1999, a partially nude, hysterical woman ran out in front of traffic on State Highway 288 near the S-curve south of Angleton, Texas. In an effort to avoid hitting her, Robert Cox, the driver of a pickup truck swerved into a ditch. Although his truck turned over, Cox managed to emerge without serious injury. Another motorist, Morgan Page of Angleton, saw the accident and stopped to check on the truck's occupants. As Cox was asking Morgan whether she had seen someone Karl Wayne Hardy in the road, the hysterical woman ran up, clutching at her and exclaiming that she had been raped. Cox walked toward them, and the woman began screaming to Page, "Get him away; get him away from me." At that point Cox identified himself as a reserve deputy for the Brazoria County Sheriff's Department. When another vehicle stopped and a man got out, the woman began shouting, "get him away." Page got a large shirt from her car with which to cover the nude woman, and another driver gave her a pair of swim trunks from his car. Because of the time required for the investigator to arrive from the Brazoria County Sheriff's Office which was considerable distance away, the Angleton Police Department dispatched units to the scene. The victim, a 27-year-old woman currently living in Houston, was a former resident of Brazoria County . wenty-six years after Keenan Denning was murdered outside the restroom of a Galveston softball park, his family back home in Idaho Falls, Idaho are urging Galveston police to review the case in hopes that with the passage of time something new may have developed which would lead them to the killer. Brandon Denning, the dead mans nephew, 6years old at the time of his Keenan Denning uncle's death, said Keenan Was he a mistaken victim? Denning's parents and grandparents still hope and pray for the day the gunman who snuffed the life from their loved one will stand before the bar of justice. The murder of Keenan Denning is listed at the Galveston Police Department as case number G-9050, Murder, December 3, 1983. About 5 o'clock that Saturday morning police officer Wes Jennings found Denning's body in the partially closed door of the restroom at Charlie Rouque Softball Field in the 8300 block of Stewart Road. His body lay sprawled at the entrance to the facility, torso on the concrete, head in the grass, his feet inside the door propping it open. He was dead with two small caliber bullets in his brain. "I was at home in Idaho Falls when his landlord called me from Galveston," said Kim Denning, the youngest of the four Denning brothers, in an interview with The Police News. Rapist...Cont. on pg 3 Two Murders...Cont. on pg 5 A A-1AGolf Car Nation Inc. World of Pre-Owned Golf Carts RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS SALES • SERVICE WE HAVE A LOCATION NEAR YOU 1416 College Ave South Houston 2646 Hwy 35 Byp Alvin TX 281-331-8209 Galveston County Golf Cars 4010 Broadway St. Pearland TX 281-485-5226 Custom Golf Cart Conversions 12316 Highway 6 Santa Fe TX 409-925-1200 713-910-8333 832-566-9962 1-800-701-5000 Family Owned and Operated FINANCIAL SUCCESS Community: Working together, helping each other, realizing goals, and reaching them. Serving our community’s financial needs with lower fees, great rates and personal service — all with people who make banking better. Galveston locations: Are You A Contractor And Wanting To Do Work In Galveston County? You must have a $5,000 Surety Bond and a $300,000 Commercial General Liability Policy in order to work legally. 2302 Church Street 409-765-6067 2421 69th Street 409-741-9675 www.coastalcommunityfcu.org Join us today. Be a part of it. THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC PO Box 5879 Galveston TX 77554 Editor & Publisher Breck Porter editor@thepolicenews.net For as little as $500.00 you will have all the required documents to start work the same day. We also provide financing if needed with 25% down and 9 monthly payments. Advertising Sales/Distribution 409-632-0082 sales@thepolicenews.net We sell $5,000 Surety Bonds for $150.00 and a $300,000 Commercial General Liability policies as low as $300.00 plus taxes and fees. Contributors Marie Beth Jones – Jamie Nash Scott Engle Art Director/Graphic Designer Diane Jolley jolleygraphics@att.net Printing Mirror Publishers, Inc msblick@mirrorpub.com Galveston News Office 409-762-NEWS Business Office 409-632-0042 Advertising/Distribution 409-632-0082 Nationwide Toll Free 1-888-788-8967 The Police News is published monthly in Galveston TX. To subscribe or inquire about your subscription call: 1-888-788-8967 Toll Free Copyright 2009 – All rights reserved Page - The Police News We can also write new ventures, commercial or residential, buildings from 3 to 5 stories. Galveston County District Attorney Kurt Sistrunk appeared on the weekly radio program POLICE NEWS LIVE in July. The program is broadcast over KGBC 1540-AM in Galveston and features top law enforcement officials from throughout the listening area. Mr. Sistrunk has been the Galveston County DA since 2003. A recording of the program is available online at www.POLICENEWSLIVE.com. Please come by Insurance Junction, Inc. at 3320 Broadway, Galveston, TX 77550 Phone or FAX us at 409-770-0010 (409) 762-7707 Terrilyn Tarlton, CIC, CISR orare FAX Our telephones stillusnotatworking due to IKE but409-762-7707 should be anytime now. Rapist...Cont. from pg 1 Her vehicle, a white Toyota Landcruiser, was found about 1.4 miles north of FM 2004. It was impounded by investigators for forensic processing. The victim was taken to AngletonDanbury Hospital , where she was later interviewed by Buck Henson, Investigator for the sheriff's office. The victim told Henson she had met the suspect in the parking lot of an Angleton nightclub. She said although she didn’t know him, the man knew who she was and mentioned mutual friends. When he asked her for a ride home, she agreed. She said as they drove on State Highway 288, he suddenly attacked her, hitting her in the face with his clenched fists and tried to strangle her. The attacker told her he had seen a Playboy magazine photo spread in which she was featured. She said he called her names and threatened to kill her. She was able to give a partial description of the man, a white man in his midthirties, about five-feet ten to five-feet eleven inches tall and a stocky build. He had dark, crew-cut hair with a receding hairline, she said. The officer noticed the odor of alcohol on the victim's breath, and when he asked if she had been drinking, she said she had drinks at her mother's home earlier in the evening, but had not been drinking at the club. Later that day, however, interviews with employees at the bar revealed she had several drinks there. They also said she was behaving in a flirtatious manner with several men. In a second statement the victim gave to Henson at his office several days later, she added that her attacker "seemed to have a deep hatred towards her family." Asked how she managed to escape her attacker, she said she told the man they should step outside the vehicle "where there would be more room and better atmosphere." When she opened the door, she "started running and never looked back," she said. She told Henson she ran down the road toward some headlights and heard a crash but didn't see it. After that, she said, a woman driver assisted her and let her sit in the front seat of her car. Henson assured the woman that every effort would be made to find the man who assaulted her. He also told her that she would be asked to try to pick him out of a line-up. She expressed doubt that she would remember him well enough to identify him, remembering only his physical characteristics, husky, and about 200 pounds. Despite efforts by Henson and others, they found no leads to help identify the attacker during the next several months. Then, on January 22, 2000, another sexual assault with similar circumstances was reported to the Angleton Police Department. About 5 o'clock that morning, a woman came to the police department and reported she had been raped. Because the incident occurred outside the city limits, the Sheriff's Department was notified. Both a patrol deputy and Jack Langdon, an investigator for that department, were called to investigate. Langdon said the victim was crying and in shock when he arrived. As he took her to Angleton-Danbury Hospital, she told him that a man known to her as Karl Wayne Hardy approached her in the parking lot of a nightclub – the same one involved in the previous rape – and asked for a ride home. The woman said she agreed, and they were driving on State Highway 288-B when an Angleton police officer stopped them and gave her a warning ticket for having a defective tail light. At that time he identified the passenger as Karl Wayne Hardy, she said. After the policeman released them, she asked her passenger for directions to his residence and was told to head down County Road 210. After traveling several miles the woman got nervous and turned the car around. He asked her to stop, and got out of the truck, she said. "The next thing I knew, he jerked the door open, grabbed the keys and was all over me. I tried to fight him off with a flashlight, but couldn’t." Afterward, the victim said, her attacker began crying and asking her not to tell anyone. "He told me, 'I guess I am going to have to do something to you to keep you from telling," she related. The victim said she begged him to let her go, and he finally agreed. She then drove to his residence, on County Road 706. When the deputy and the victim arrived at the hospital she got sick and began throwing up and getting hysterical, preventing Langdon from continuing his interview with her. He filed a charge of Sexual Assault against Hardy, who was found hiding in the bedroom of his home when he went there to arrest him. Hardy originally told officers that he was innocent of rape, claiming the victim had agreed to have sex with him. He signed papers allowing police to take samples for DNA testing. As this was being done, Langdon noted that Hardy had bruises and red marks on his chest, consistent with what the victim said earlier about fighting her as- sailant. She was asked to view a lineup, and was able to identify Hardy as her attacker. An investigation into his background revealed that a description and picture of the suspect in a case in Portageville, MO, on March 28, 1998, was a close match to those of Hardy. Langdon contacted an officer in Poplar Bluff , Missouri and sent samples to Missouri for DNA testing. No further information about that case was available locally. In addition to a charge of Aggravated Sexual Assault in the case that occurred in January, 2000, a second charge for that offense was filed against Hardy in connection with the earlier rape. Investigators had lifted latent fingerprints from the first victim's car. After Hardy's arrest, a comparison matched those latent prints with Hardy's. A jury in 23rd Judicial District Court in Angleton found Hardy guilty of the January 22nd rape after hearing evidence of both assaults. The jurors assessed his punishment at nine years. About two months later he pled guilty to the June, 1999 assault and given another nine-year sentence. He served the full nine years and was released several months ago. Henson expressed some satisfaction about the outcome of the case, calling it "probably one of the best examples of good crime scene processing for forensic evidence." He added that it involved a case "where the suspect was unknown and latent fingerprints brought him to justice." Marie Beth Jones is a published author and freelance writer based in Angleton, Texas. She is Chairwoman of the Brazoria County Historical Commission and longtime feature writer for The Police News. BUSTED Craig Alan Stillwagon Craig Alan Stillwagon, 43, of Houston. Stillwagon was arrested in July by Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Detectives after he tried to abduct a 14-year old school girl from Hodges Bend Middle School in Mission Bend. This character is a longtime crook, mainly a thief who has been busted by police in Sugar Land, Richmond, Houston and Center, Texas. He has also been convicted of Robbery. Stillwagon was released from the penitentiary in December of 2008 and he’s headed back already. He’s a roll model for future criminal scum and bottom feeders. H & R Grocery & Meat Market 1428 35th St. Galveston • Custom Meat Orders • Italian Sausages • Marine & Restaurant Open 7 am to 8 pm Mon. – Sat. 8 am to 8 pm Sunday Since 1984 409-762-4510 Meat Market 409-762-3765 Galveston Hummer limos 409-771-9980 Weddings Rehearsal Dinners Engagement Bachelor Party Anniversary Casino Runs to Louisana Ball Games Dinner Outings Business Conferences Club Hopping Quinceañera Bar Mitzvah Day Trips in or out of state Sight Seeing Christmas Light Tours 4 Wheel Off Road Tours www.GalvestonHummerLimos.com The Police News - Page The Mailbox A teenage passenger injured in a traffic accident in the 8100 block of AlmedaGenoa May 17 died from her injuries. Brianna Perez, 15, of Houston, suffered serious head injuries and was transported to Ben Taub General Hospital where she was pronounced dead. It has come to my attention the man who caused this beautiful young person to depart from her loved ones far too early had no charges filed against him. He was only cited for failure to yield. How can this be when beside failing to yield due to his hurriedness to get to an accident to perhaps pick up a tow, (he was a wrecker driver) he failed to stop and render aid. This is truly an injustice to the family. A Police News Reader & Friend of the Family The May 2009 issue of The Police News is another winner. Really enjoyed the fine article on Oscar Ekelund. I have heard about him throughout the years but never had the pleasure to meet or work with him. He is a perfect example of what a peace officer is all about..... Keep up the great work. Randy Sillavan, Retired Houston Police Dept. and Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Riverside, Tx I have received lots of emails about your coverage of the Police Torch Run benefiting Special Olympics. I was told that it went out to Police Dept. Torch Run Liaisons all over the Nation. Our Officers deserve the recognition. Thank you for your part in spreading the news about such a worthy cause. God bless and thanks, Don and Lyndon LaPlante Keller, Texas BUSTED Rayneisha Rasha Johnson Police were called to an apartment in Galveston after receiving a call there was a fight in progress. Officers Joe Durr and Justin Popovich arrested 23-year old Rayneisha Rasha Johnson for cutting ex-husband 28-year old Rodney Dwayne Allen, with a knife. She told officers he hit her first, so she cut him. At the county jail booking office she was still smiling. Ex-hubby wasn’t. ING s R ' E lla & CAT e URANT B DLIAiN RESTA I TA Closed Mondays Tues. – Fri.············Lunch Tues. – Thurs.······Dinner Fri. – Sat.·············Dinner Sunday··················Dinner 11 – 2 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. 5 – 11 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. Death Sentence in 15-Year Old Murder Rehashed Gaylon George Walbey was convicted for the Capital Murder of Marionette Beyah, 46, in Galveston in 1994 and given the Death Penalty by a jury. Beyah was Walbey’s former foster parent. He was burglarizing her home when she returned and confronted him and was stabbed 12 times in the neck and back and struck in the head with a fire extinguisher nine times. Walbey stole several items from Beyah’s home and returned twice more after she was dead to steal more items which he sold to buy and sell cocaine. In January of this year Galveston County District Attorney Kurt Sistrunk was notified that the punishment phase of Walbey’s trial was being sent back to the 56th District Court for reconsideration of his sentence. Sistrunk was to decide whether to agree to his sentenced being reduced to a Life sentence or to proceed with a new punishment hearing before another jury. D.A. Sistrunk told The Police News during the weekly radio program POLICE NEWS LIVE, that after discussing the case with family members of the victim, investigators, and others involved, and after reviewing the evidence in the case, he will take the case back to a jury and seek imposition of the Death Penalty once more. That hearing was to be on July 31st before State District Judge Lonnie Cox in Galveston. The results of that hearing and late developments in the case may be found on The Police News website, POLICENEWSONLINE.COM Voted Best Italian Restaurant & Friendliest Service in Galveston Co. 31st & Avenue P Galveston 409-763-9036 See our Review at www.galvnews.com NOAH’S Service Center & Tires Noah S. Rice Owner Your Satisfaction is our Pride 409-744-1314 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 Page - The Police News 25 Years in Galveston County! - (BOI) Licensed Bonded Insured 409-443-6462 Two Murders...Cont. from pg 1 "She said there had been an accident." As it turned out, the so-called accident was a pure and simple case of murder and the oldest of the six Denning children was dead. In interviews with siblings, The Police News learned that Keenan Denning, a brilliant man with degrees in Accounting, English and the Science of Radiation Protection, left Idaho Falls for a position with a company at Todd Shipyard on the Galveston ship channel. Denning was a very soft spoken man, very honest, and very conscientious about his health. He didn't smoke or drink and he faithfully jogged early every morning. As a matter of fact, investigators say it was during one of these morning jogs that his life was ended by gunfire from a yet unidentified assailant. Investigators at the time reported Denning's 1981 Datsun was found near the murder scene, keys still in the ignition, passenger door wide open. His wallet, a gold watch, about fifty dollars in cash and his high school ring were found on his body. In his wallet, his ID revealed he was from Idaho Falls, however, a Rosenberg Library card and phone numbers found inside his car identified him as a resident of Galveston. A team of Galveston police were assigned the investigation, including Detectives Harry Millo and Louis Kessler, together with Identification Officers Freddie Poor and Nicholas Rac. They quickly learned that Denning had moved from Idaho Falls and signed on with Diversified Nuclear, Inc. at Todd Shipyards on June 20, 1983, a little more than six months before his murder. Investigators learned from co-workers that Denning was a shy sort of man, the quiet type who would go out of his way to avoid contact with others. He spent much of his time in the library on the Texas A&M, Galveston campus. Bullet casings discovered near Denning's body were identified as Blazer CCI .25 caliber pistol ammo. They were sent to the Houston Police Department's Ballistics Lab for identification and comparison purposes. The investigation slowed somewhat after that. Then, on Wednesday morning, February 15, 1984, about five weeks after Denning's murder officer P.E. Millo was dispatched to east Seawall Blvd., about a mile west of Boddecker Drive where the body of 27-year old John David Ruiz had been discovered, sitting behind the steering wheel of his 1980 GMC pickup truck, two small caliber bullets in his brain. Sergeant William Dagg found two spent .25 caliber casings on the ground outside the driver door. Ruiz was a Galvestonian, employed as a front desk clerk at the Marriott Hotel Galvez, now a Wyndham Hotel, and a historic landmark which opened in 1911 known as the Queen of The Gulf. Ruiz had clocked off duty shortly before one o'clock that same morning, changed clothes, and gone to a club with a female friend. That female friend told police that John David Ruiz was a gay man and had told her of problems he was having with two gay companions with whom he was living. As the story was told, there was a spat between the three gay lovers because Ruiz was garnering more attention leaving another feeling cheated. That caused a big breakup and David moved out and was warned not to come back and fool around with the other guy. David Ruiz was last seen that Wednesday morning leaving a bar called Mary’s II and driving off east from the 600 block of Seawall Blvd. being followed by a smaller sedan. Detectives visited several local businesses which sold ammunition hoping to identify people who recently purchased ammunition of the same type and caliber as that used to murder David Ruiz. They inquired at The Shooter, 4103 Avenue S; Salt Grass Gun Company, 4625 Fort Crockett; Ardans, 5900 Avenue J; Sears-Roebuck, 6102 Broadway; K-Mart, 6300 Stewart; WalMart on 61st Street; Loans Unlimited, 5201 Broadway; and Kirks Guns, 3820 Avenue S, all in the City of Galveston. And then, on March 1st, investigators were notified by the FBI National Ballistics Lab in Washington, D.C. that the bullet casings recovered at the scene of the Denning and Ruiz murders had been fired from the same weapon. Detectives believe that the murders of Keenan Denning and David Ruiz were committed by the same person. It is possible this person either moved out of the area or was imprisoned following the Ruiz murder as there were no more similar killings afterward. Police also believe that although relatives are adamant that Keenan Denning was not gay, because of his shy demeanor, good looks and introverted personality, he may have been mistaken for a gay man. Could there have been a gunman targeting gay men during these few months? There was another murder during that time frame also in which the killer used a weapon of the same caliber, but the weapon was never found. That killer was sentenced to 35 years in prison. He is now a free man and back in Galveston. Galveston Police Detective Fred Paige believes it is possible that at least one person in Galveston knows who murdered Ruiz or Denning or both and has remained silent about it all these years. He urges anyone who may have information about this case to contact him at 409-765-3766 or via e-mail at: apaige@cityofgalveston.org. Breck Porter may be reached at 409632-0042 or e-mailed at: editor@thepolicenews.net SANTA FE Archery David Leining Sr. Get your POLICE NEWS wherever you see these outdoor dispenser boxes. TOM ESTEP Concealed Handgun Training Photos & Fingerprints included Ammo Available 13238 FM 1764 Santa Fe, Texas 77510 $95 All Inclusive 409-927-4646 409-939-4081 Mobil 409-927-1986 Fax davidl01@aol.com (409) 945-6636 Cell (281) 455-0846 CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY David Gillioz, Owner 409-927-2747 12531-1/2 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, TX 77510 Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps - Pickups - Convertibles Automotive - Commercial - Marine - Residential Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they will tell you it’s because they’re such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall. The Police News - Page WANTED FUGITIVES Brazoria County Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office 979-864-2392 or Brazoria County Crime Stoppers – 1-800-460-2222 Seawall at 89th street – Galveston M ov i e H o t l i n e : 4 0 9 - 74 1 - 170 0 Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ www.pccmovies.com Wittwer, Michael WM Born 02/18/1980 5’7”/195 BLN 18203 Riverside St Rosharon, TX WRRT# 57791 Theft of Property Velez, Joel WM Born 01/30/1961 5’7”/170 BLK/BRO 401 Lakeview Dr. #45 Clute, TX WRRT# D044561 Evading Arrest Velasquez, Emmanuel WM Born 04/10/1987 6’0”/160 BLK/BRO 410 Tabor Houston, TX WRRT# 59386 Drug Possession Tejada, Jose WM Born 08/04/1983 5’8”/175 2010 Cold River Humble, TX WRRT# 59399 Theft & Evading Arrest Deem ★Realty FREE LARGE DRINK WITH PURCHASE MATINEEOF $5.75 ANY SHOW PRIOR TO 6:00 P.M. A SMALL POPCORN SUBSCRIBE TO THE POLICE NEWS ®YES - $37.50 a year. All subscriptions mailed First Class, 12 issues for the Police News Mail my Police News to: Name _____________________________________________________________________ Schroeder, Jeffrey WM Born 12/20/1962 6’0”/220 BRO/BLU 179 CR 870B Alvin, TX WRRT# 57646 Drug Possession Roberts, Shawn Rodriguez, Cesar WM Born 12/24/1969 WM6’1”/195 DOB 07/12/1981 BRO/BLU 2233 42 Austin Ave North TX Atascadero Dr.Pearland, Manvel, TX WRRT# 50765 WRRT# 59712 BF/Agg Sexual Assault w/Child Drug Possession Address ____________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip ___________________ ® Check Enclosed ® Money Order ® Charge my credit card: ® Visa ® Master Card ® American Express ® Discover Credit Card Billing Address: Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Coffman,Raymond Steven Thibault, WM Born 06/13/1990 WM DOB 04/10/1986 6125’7”/135 Elm St.RED/BRO Freeport, TX 601 E.WRRT# Coombs Alvin, TX 55816 WRRT# 59295 Agg Sexual Assault w/Child (2 Drug counts) Possession Sarazin,Raymond Christopher Thibault, WM Born 06/01/1989 WM DOB 04/10/1986 6’0”/175 BRO/BLU 612 Elm St. Freeport, TX 58 Yaupon Ct Lake WRRT# 55816Jackson, TX Agg SexualWRRT# Assault57022 w/Child (2 MTAG/Burglary counts) of Habitation City_______________________________________State______Zip____________________ Expiration Date___________ Card Number _________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________ Make checks payable and mail to: < The Police News P.O. Box 5879, Galveston, TX 77554 Call: 409-762-6397 or Call Toll-Free: 1-888-788-8967 Or subscribe online at: www.PoliceNewsOnline.com To Pay by Phone Call 409-752-6397 ✃ Page - The Police News > Robinson, Aaron Thibault, Raymond WM Born 11/20/1979 WM DOB 04/10/1986 5’5”/180 BRO/BRO 612 Elm St. Freeport, TX 236 Bastrop Angleton, TX WRRT# 55816 WRRT# 52975 MTR/Theft of Firearm Agg Sexual Assault w/Child (2 WRRT# 54822 MTR/Bail Jumping & FTA counts) WRRT# 52960 MTR/Theft Property Alvarenga, Martin Thibault, Raymond WM DOB 11041981 5’/140 BLK/BRO WM DOB 04/10/1986 1902 St. Alvin, 612 ElmW.St.Sealy Freeport, TX TX WRRT# 50298 WRRT# 55816 MTAG/Agg Sexual Assault Agg Sexual Assault w/Child of (2 Child counts) WANTED FUGITIVES Galveston County BUSTED Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2322 or 1-866-248-8477 Douglas Ted Villanueva RMS 440646 ANDERSON, DEWAYNE EDWARD AKA DEE B/M Born: 03/07/1979 LKA LAMARQUE CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 445356 CELESTINE, JERALD NATHANIEL JR B/M Born: 09/20/1987 LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 444946 COOPER, LLOYD FIZGERALD AKA COOP B/M Born: 03/16/1965 510/215 BLK/BRO LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 444861 DWYER, BRUCE ELLIOT B/M Born: 06/22/1964 LKA;HITCHCOCK CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 444376 EDEN,DERRICK DEWAYNE B/M Born: 10/10/1972 LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 444792 FLORES, GERALD BARRON W/M Born: 12/10/1964 LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT COURT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER This man, convicted six times for Driving While Intoxicated was busted again for felony DWI after he was stopped by Friendswood police. Actually, the third conviction and each conviction following the third is a felony. So this was nothing new for DWI Doug. Douglas Ted Villanueva, 55, of Alvin was unable to drive in a single marked lane. He failed a field sobriety test and registered .146 on a breath test. His criminal history lists six previous convictions for DWI in Harris and Brazoria counties. Attention Law Enforcement Agencies: If you have a picture of a criminal which you feel should be recognized for their contributions against society, e-mail the photo and a brief summary of how he or she was busted. E-mail to busted@thepolicenews.net M.L. Murley House Raising,Moving Moving, M.L. Murley House Foundation Repair and Leveling RAIsInG & LeveLInG 3rd Generation In Houston & Galveston Area – Licensed & Bonded – RMS 444784 GROOM, DIONELL RAYSHAWN AKA DNELL B/M Born: 09/04/1981 LKA;GALVESTON CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 439863 RICE, DAVID RAY B/M Born: 09/01/1972 LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 441061 SONNIER, JERRY STEVENS AKA BATMITE B/M Born: 06/01/1979 LKA;HITCHCOCK CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER RMS 441638 SMITH, THOMAS LEE JR B/M Born: 02/24/1969 604/216 BLK/BRO LKA;TEXAS CITY CONTEMPT CHILD SUPPORT ORDER – $40,000 Will$30’s meet or beat any estimate Includes Raising Above Floodplain 12 – Pilings New Stringers If Needed New Concrete Slab Elevation Certificate Engineer Drawing All Permits Needed for Job We Also Do Roofing, Remodeling & Foundation Repair Call MurleyCall Murley Felix Or 936-648-6845 936-648-6845 409-502-0297 The Police News - Page Crime Fighters Target a New Kind of Bandit said Captain Joe Pena, a veteran of almost 20 years on the local police force, and One driving through a commander of the Uniformed neighborhood and seeing Patrol Division which encoma couple of men in old passes a small group of offiwork clothes, climbing a cers known as the Special utility pole, ripping down Operations Unit. And this trashy signs, would like"Special Ops" group is who ly pay little attention. We Pena called into action to get would assume they were started cleaning up the neighprobably utility company borhoods. workers or public works "I was raised here, I'm raisemployees doing someing my children here," said thing. Pena in an interview with The But if we were to Police News. I want it to be notice their tool belts clean, just like any other resiwere instead gun belts, dent here wants it to be. We we would likely be curidon't expect any more or any ous about what they less. We just want a clean were doing on that pole. town, clean streets and clean Then if we noticed the buildings. It's just a normal, badge on their shirts, our human need." question would likely be, The police department is "What the hell is that cop trying to focus on some of the doing on that pole?" quality of life issues, accordThat very scenario has ing to Captain Pena. Littering, been fairly common abandoned vehicles, code place in some Galveston enforcement issues, high neighborhoods of late, grass, debris in the streets, and those guys up on graffiti, anything that effects those poles have been the quality of life here, is actual Galveston police their targets. officers ripping down "Anything that breeds crime bandit signs left behind we're going after," Pena said. by hundreds of uncaring, disrespectful, money Officer Chris McNeil (L) and Sgt. Michael Gray display some of the hun- "These creeps and crooks we grubbing, businesses that dreds of bandits signs seized by officers during a bandit sign sweep of deal with just look at some of our neighborhoods and assume poured into Galveston Galveston Island. (Police News photos) no one cares, so they just come following Hurricane Ike borhoods were over run with winos, hell bent and determined to leave town drug addicts, prostitutes, and thugs of in and do whatever they want to do. Stealing, prostitution, low level drug as quickly as possible with as much all calibers and categories. money as possible and uncaring about These events were not, however, dealers just take over entire neighborthe litter and debris and 'bandit signs' going unnoticed by many citizens, and hoods. "But if there are people out there mowthey left behind for Galvestonians to especially by the Galveston Police clean up. Department. The community based ing their lawns and if our guys are out That didn't leave city officials in a very police initiative enacted shortly after there helping them by ripping down good mood but the city was stretched to Police Chief Charles Wiley took over signs and whatever else we can do, the max with much work to do and few the department last year, brought in these thugs are less likely to occupy that employees to do it. There were more reports from beat cops in the neigh- neighborhood. "I'm hoping people will be out in the important fish to fry than going around borhoods they patrol indicating a seritearing down cardboard signs from light ous criminal element occupying once neighborhoods more so we can come in contact with them, and visit with them poles. decent, respectable neighborhoods. But cluttered neighborhoods, abanBut what to do? There were no city and they can talk with us in person and doned houses, unkempt lawns and ban- employees available to begin the basic communicate their concerns to us." But what kind of assignment is this for dit signs by the hundreds nailed to recapture of these neighborhoods which a police officer? Shouldn't they be busy virtually every utility pole sent strong must begin at the grass roots, ripping signals to the seedy characters in town down bandit signs, cleaning up graf- arresting crooks, patrolling the neighthat the neighborhood was abandoned fiti, running off the pimps, prostitutes, borhoods, catching thieves and robbers or uncared for, and they began moving thieves and thugs out of the neigh- and such? Aren't we already short sevin. Burglaries and thefts in the mid- borhoods they don't belong. Actually, eral police officers in Galveston? It this dle and lower class neighborhoods sky they don't belong in any neighborhood. really what a cop should be doing? "I started getting complaints from citirocketed. Transients and other bottom These people live nomadic lives, movfeeders that find Galveston an attractive ing from place to place to stay one step zens about litter and debris and a whole range of things several months ago. But place to live and bum and prey on oth- ahead of the vice and narcotics cops. ers, took over abandoned homes and set "We needed to get started so we the complaint I heard most about recentup housekeeping in them. The neigh- decided to take on the task ourselves," ly was signage, 'bandit signs', nailed on By Breck Porter Page - The Police News almost every pole in many neighborhoods. Some poles had as many as six or eight signs on them. "At first we started calling the sign owners, but they gave us the run around. When they discovered it was the police calling they quit answering the phone or they would pass the buck advising us to call someone else at some other number and that went on and on. Captain Joe Pena "We thought about Sanitation Division, Parks Department, Public Works, but those guys are spread just as thin as we are because of the cut backs. We spent so many hours trying to work it out from different angles we just decided to go ahead and do it ourselves," Pena continued. "I hope it ignites something in people. I see a lot of things I don't like. Junk vehicles, debris and those things I've mentioned and we're going to get it cleaned up. "The Code Enforcement officers have been very receptive and they are working really well with us and doing a great job, but they're over worked too. Most of the things we deal with are code enforcement issues. "Some would say this isn't police work, but really it is. Police used to do everything. Many decades ago if not longer the police used to do everything. They were everything from dog catchers to peace keepers, and everything in between, people went to them 24/7 for everything. "One may not call it crime fighting but what we are doing is an important part of our community based policing effort. For so many years I was kicking in doors and arresting people and I'll continue to do that, but we can't do that all the time. "Today, a police officer has to do both to be a well rounded, professional police officer, and that's what we are training our officers to be." concluded Pena. It’s Just A Roll of The Dice Galveston DA Hires New First ents, bad part of town. A few dollars... the Nac Rat wanted them, killed him A roll of the dice as to whether it will be and took his few dollars. So many things are wondered about you next time, you just never know. Michael Mott, was a friend of mine and with things like this. The cell phones are buzzing about Mike, disbeplayed ball with my son. lief rampant, nahhhhh, nuh One hell of a man. He uh!! they all say..Why? had just graduated from Did they catch em? You are Stephen F. Austin Unishi--ing me? get back! get versity and was working outta here!! Man I don’t beon his masters. He was lieve it! a hugely muscled man What is it about that old from the greatest work saying I heard, “only the ethic I think I have seen. Michael Mott good die young”? What Mike came back from adversity, a powerhouse running back words can be used to express the necesfor SFA, he totally ripped his quadriceps sary outrage about this? What can be done to stop, to end the from the joint. He worked, he worked hard on the very serious injury, most of Nac Rats of the world? Is my son or daughter next? Ahhhhh, the time this would be a death knell to a ban all the guns some say...LOL.....ahh running back. But not Mike. I watched him work after the tendon whatever. Bet this Nac Rat would not reattached, walking, then walking the tell the feds he had one. Good bye Mike, you were special, you stands, running the stands, then running the stands with 80 pound weighted were unique, you will be missed. That is vests. Work in the weight room, looked not enough said but I don’t know what else to say Mike! like a black Schwarzenegger. Editors Note: According to witness acVery intelligent and driven. Even after counts, a group of men were on one side the serious injury the Green Bay Packof the parking lot outside Harlon’s BBQ ers wanted him for his power and work in Nacogdoches, Texas on June 27, when ethic His Mom was so proud. I saw her Mott, 24, and a friend left the restaurant. at most ballgames. Wonderful lady, I Mott pushed his friend to the ground and know where Mike got some of his so- ran into the street as four shots were fired. cial skills. Nacogdoches Police said when they arrived President of his fraternity and class. just before 2 a.m., Mott was laying in the Popular, smiling, intelligence what else middle of the road. He was transported to Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital where he could he have? Then the rats came out at night. Mike later died. Nickevett Rhonshondo Carey, 20 was later had a few dollars at a BBQ stand, not arrested in Shelby county and returned to much. Mike came from a bad side of Nacogdoches where he was charged with Houston I understand. Wonderful parBy Matt Wingo the murder of Michael Mott. Assistant and Two Bureau Chiefs GalvestonCountyPoliceNews.Com The Galveston County Criminal District Attorney’s Office has secured the services of Ms. Donna Goode, a career prosecutor who will assume the position of First Assistant and second in command in the District Attorney’s office in August. Ms. Goode, a former Harris County Assistant District Attorney, brings more than twenty-four years of knowledge and experience as a prosecutor to the office. During her prosecutorial career, Ms. Goode has served as Chief Prosecutor of the Professional Development Bureau, the Major Fraud Division, and the Organized Crime Unit of the Special Crimes Bureau, the Intake Bureau, and the Public Integrity Division. She has also tried the entire realm of criminal cases, ranging from Misdemeanor offenses to Capital Murders. District Attorney Kurt Sistrunk has also obtained the services of another career prosecutor, Lester Blizzard, who brings more than twenty years of experience in prosecuting the full spectrum of criminal cases. A former Harris County prosecutor, Blizzard has previously served as the Division Chief, Major Frauds Division, Special Crimes Bureau, Felony Trial Bureau, Appellate Division, and in the Misdemeanor, Juvenile and Intake Divisions, and his responsibilities in Galveston will be Trial Bureau Chief, a position responsible for all cases that are tried in the District Courts. Additionally, Mr. Ted Weems, who has spent the last eleven years as the Elected District and County Attorney in Lee County, Texas, joined the Galveston DA’s office in January and was named Chief of the Misdemeanor Division. His experience and proven capabilities will be used to train the young group of beginning prosecutors in the office. DA Sistrunk told The Police News, “All three of these individuals being available, with this much experience, to join our office and assist us in our continuing prosecutorial efforts is nothing short of remarkable. With these hires, we have secured a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be invaluable, today and tomorrow, over and over again, with the positive outcomes being realized not only in the courtroom, but also in the communities we serve.” www.PoliceNewsOnline.com THE POLICE NEWS Late breaking local police news BUSTED Nina Laurletta Morning-Simen Nina Laurietta Simon-Morning, 40, of Galveston, also known as Nina Johnson, Yolanda Moore, Nina Simon (and maybe others) went shopping in the CVS Pharmacy on 25th and Broadway. Store security stopped her as she left the store without paying for her merchandise, four boxes of Neosporin. Ms. SimonMorning is 5’-9’ and weighs 280 lbs and was not easy to handle until officers Chris Coucette and Brandon Kiamar arrived and cuffed her up for the ride to the jailhouse. Who is this woman? Her conviction record dates back to at least 1993 and includes Felony Theft, Assault Causing Bodily Injury, Hot Checks, Terroristic Threats, Robbery, Possession of Cocaine and Carrying A Weapon. LIVE OAK TREES Hurricane Replacements 5-Years Old in Large Containers ESCO PEST CONTROL Up To 16' Tall $49-$95 each WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping Visit us online: 409-737-3200 www.TexasRealEstateGroup.com/TregTrees Call for directions to Treg Tree Farm 936-672-4580 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 www.escopestcontrolinc.com The Police News - Page BUSTED Galveston Police Department Accepting Applications The City of Galveston is now accepting applications from TCLEOSE Licensed Peace Officers for the position of Police Officer with the Galveston Police Department. All applicants are required to take a written exam that will be given: Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 9:00 a.m. San Luis Hotel, Ballrooms A and B 5222 Seawall Boulevard Galveston, TX All candidates should arrive early and bring photo identification to the exam. The test will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and no one will be admitted once the exam has commenced.The exam will be scored immediately. Directions and schedules for each step in the hiring process will be announced following the test. Candidates must pre-register for this examination by calling the City of Galveston’s Human Resources Office at (409) 797-3650. The exam registration deadline is 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 12th. An exam study guide is available from the City’s Human Resources Office free of charge. For more information please contact the City of Galveston’s Human Resources Department by calling (409) 797-3650. Additional information is available on the City of Galveston’s website, www.cityofgalveston.org. The City of Galveston is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. William David Townsend William David Townsend, 34, of Willis, Texas When law enforcement officers raided William Townsend’s doublewide mobile home in Montgomery County, they said they recovered a laundry list of illegal drugs from methamphetamine to hydrocodone along with thousands of dollars in cash. The home was fortified with seven rifles, two shotguns, surveillance cameras and a grenade in an ice chest on the front porch. He and his wife were arrested, then he ran off to Mexico to hide. In a secret operation the Mexican military arrested Townsend in Monterrey and turned him over to U.S. Marshals who brought him back to the U.S. in June. His wife Tabatha Jo has been sentenced to five years in prison for money laundering and delivery and sale of controlled substances. Townsend is being held in the Montgomery County Jail without bond and is a suspect in a murder case in that county. Getting a new deputy The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, so Gomer - who was not exactly the sharpest nail in the bucket went in to try out for the job. "Okay," the sheriff drawled, "Gomer, what is 1 and 1?" "11" he replied. The sheriff thought to himself, "That's not what I meant, but he's right." "What two days of the week start with the letter 'T'?" "Today and tomorrow." He was again surprised that Gomer supplied a correct answer that he had never thought of himself. "Now Gomer, listen carefully: Who killed Abraham Lincoln?" Gomer looked a little surprised himself, then thought really hard for a minute and finally admitted, "I don't know." "Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?" So, Gomer wandered over to the pool hall where his pals were waiting to hear the results of the interview. Gomer was exultant. "It went great! First day on the job and I'm already working on a murder case!" OLSON'S PILING SERVICE Boat Houses • House Pilings Water Pilings • Pile Replacement • Bulk Heads Cell: (409) 682-9040 Office: (409) 737-5074 6075 Sea Isle, Galveston TX 77554 Financing Available A&A–D&P 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE • • • • • • • Heavy Duty Unlock Any Car Jump Start RV Towing NO JOB TOO FAR Off Road Service or TOO SMALL! Out of Town Towing Emergency Auto Repair Operated by the Anderwalds 409-740-0581 - 409-740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 VISIT US ON the WEB: www.PoliceNewsOnline.com Page 10 - The Police News • • • • Air & Heat Serving the Island & Surrounding Cities Sales / Installation / Service All Brands New Construction / Remodeling Residential & Commercial No Evening or Holiday Extra Charge Owner/Operator – Randy Allen Rheem • Frigidaire Free Second Opinion Office: 409-737-5701 Service Tech Response Cell: 409-682-7565 Yearly Maintenance Program Available Insured & Licensed •TACLB024601E Career Criminal Captured in League City LEAGUE CITY - A contingent of police lead by Deputy U.S. Marshal’s arrested a long sought fugitive in League City. When an undercover officer spotted Robin Kenneth Chauvin, 33, in League City he fled but was followed to a house in the 2100 block of Shasta. Deputy U.S. Marshal’s, League City Police and deputies from Galveston County Constable Jerry Fisher’s Office surrounded the house. Chauvin finally surrendered after officers held their position for over two hours. Chauvin has a long criminal history in Galveston, Harris and Brazoria Counties, including convictions for weapons and drugs violations, theft, evading arrests, assaults, robbery, burlgary and Joseph David Bender Lovett Leslie Ledger Jr. a man used his pellet gun to repeatedly shoot Sassy. She ran to a neighbor’s yard and died. The man turned around with his children and went into his home without a care in the world about the neighbor’s pet he had just killed. The man who killed the pet wasn’t just a homeowner. Lovett Leslie Ledger Jr., 40, is an F.B.I. agent stationed in Waco. At first Ledger lied about what he had done. When he realized his other neighbors had witnessed him do it, he changed his story and admitted he shot and killed his neighbor’s pet. Ledger pleaded “no contest” to felony When Friendswood police paid a visit to the Regency Estates home of 23-year old Joseph David Bender they found a vial of liquid heroin, Vicodin pills, liquid steroids and black tar heroin, not to mention $3 grand in cash. He had already been convicted of heroin possession in January and was already a probation violator. Is there a chance he’ll get probation again? Who knows? Robin Kenneth Chauvin two drunk driving arrests. He uses nicknames of Robin and Robbie and was last known to live in Kemah. He has a reputation of carrying a firearm and is considered by law enforcement to be a dangerous criminal. F.B.I. Agent Murders Neighbor’s 3-Pound Chihuahua What kind of person would shoot and kill a 3-pound little female Chihuahua? Neighbors say Sassy was wearing her pink rhinestone collar walking in the street through the upper-middle class neighborhood in Lorena, Texas, when BUSTED animal cruelty charges in exchange for deferred probation, no fine, and 300 hours of community service. Deferred probation means Ledger will have no final verdict of guilt if he completes his terms successfully. In other words, Ledger got practically no punishment for killing his neighbor’s pet. The F.B.I. has an internal investigation to see if Ledger gets to keep his job, which he should absolutely lose. The man shot a little dog who was simply walking through the neighborhood. If he is capable of that, how has he abused his power as an F.B.I. agent? - Commercial - Industrial-Residential - Family Owned & Operated Since 1952 - Elevation for piers - We can & do move almost anything - www.cherryhousemoving.com Tel: 713-941-2924 cherryhousemoving@yahoo.com The largest structural relocation company on the Texas Gulf Coast Galveston’s Most Affordable Condos Enjoy a luxury tropical living experience at Galveston’s most affordable condominium community Completely Renovated and Upgraded Six Elegant Floor Plans NOW YOU CAN: • Own one of the most affordable condos in Galveston for as low as $50,000 (limited units available for sale) • 1 or 2 bedroom units and town homes with garages available for leasing starting at $625.00 • CORPORATE LEASING ALSO AVAILABLE – CALL FOR RATES LEASE IT, OWN IT, LIVE IT! AMENITIES/FEATURES • Walking Distance to Beach • Business Center • Fitness Center • Wet Bar in some units • Sparkling Pool with Waterfall • Tanning Deck • Club House • Fireplace • New Appliances • Tiled Floor • High Ceilings • Private Balconies • Full Size W/D Connections • Ceiling Fans • Cable and Water Included 3506 Cove View Blvd. • Galveston, TX 77554 Call Today! (409) 744-0075 www.coveviewbeachcondos.com The Police News - Page 11 Police News Aids In Capture Of Another Sex Offender FRIENDSWOOD - An anonymous tip to Friendswood police resulted in the arrest of a convicted sex offender in July. The tipster reported seeing a photo of a registered sex offender in The Police News newspaper, distributed in Friendswood. The photo was accompanied by information requesting police be contacted if the offender, Shawn Christopher Manis, 32, was observed residing at a different location than the one at which he was registered with police. The tipster told police that the sex offender had been seen near his neighborhood. Police checked the listed registered address and found it to be empty. After interviewing neighbors, police checked the reported residence and found Manis in the yard. When he saw police Manis ran into the house. He then came back outside and was taken into custody and charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, a third degree felony and Evading Arrest, a class B misdemeanor. During a search incident to his arrest, Manis produced his registration card There Are Suspects in Year Old Crystal Beach Rape-Murder By Breck Porter - The Police News Shawn Christopher Manis which had been altered several times. Manis was originally convicted of two counts of Indecency With a Child in 2000 which occurred in Texas City. He was also arrested for Failure to Register in January, 2009 by Brazoria County officials. Since beginning publication in 2004, law enforcement agencies have credited tips from Police News readers with the capture of dozens of wanted fugitives and sex offenders. we have been investigating very GALVESTON COUNTY - The lead strong persons of interest,” referring investigator in the murder of 28- to them alternately as suspects and year old Bridgette Gearen two years persons of interest. He would not reago in Crystal Beach says there are veal what state he had visited or how his investigators bonafide sustracked the suspects pects in the case there, but he did say and they have investigators from been placed at other states as well or near the crime as federal agents are scene when the involved in the inyoung mother vestigation. was strangled, A $25,000 reraped and beaten ward is offered for to death. information in the “We have becase. Confidential lieved from the information may very beginning be given to Galvesthere was more ton Crime Stopthan one person Shawn Christopher Manis pers 409-763-TIPS, involved in this EasTex Crime Stopmurder,” said Lt. Tommy Hansen. In an interview with The Police pers 409-724-TIPS or to Lt. Hansen News in July, Hansen said, “We have directly 409-766-2358. just returned from out of state where BUSTED Thomas Whitmarsh Thomas Whitmarsh, 68, was busted in a Friendwood Library for sitting in an open area masturbating. Police put him in a private cell and told him to stay out of the library in the future. Kitchen Gallery Granite, Cabinets 409354-8766 2724-1 61st St. Galveston STOP BY OUR SHOWROOM Page 12 - The Police News Joe Carpet Cleaning out of your carpet!” • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions Bonded & Insured - Galveston’s Finest SHAMPOO & $ STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, 89.95 FORDINING & HALL Additional Rooms $18.95 409-256-1569 Island Cafe American, Mexican & Chinese Cuisine 1017 61st St., Galveston 409-741-2889 Galveston County "Enforcers" Remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Capture Second in Statewide The Tough-Guy Sheriff? You all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio specifically for enforcing immigration Softball Competition of Arizona , who painted the jail cells laws, started up his hotline, and bought The Enforcers - (Standing L-R) Richard Ferrino, GCSO; Tino Ramirez, GCSO; Steve Yaden, DPS; Gilbert Villarreal, GCSO; Justin Popovich, GPD; Russell Duplechin, Alvin ISD; Tony Rogers, GCSO (Kneeling L-R) Sal Chapa, TCPD; Todd Phillips, DPS; Joe Petrillo, DPS & Bat Boy Caleb Duplechin. Not pictured Junior Urbina, GFD. The Galveston County Enforcers softball team won Second Place and a Silver Medal in the 2009 Police Games in Conroe in June. The team, comprised of police and firefighters from throughout Galveston County, defeated teams from Brownsville, San Antonio, Laredo and Austin to capture the Silver Medal. It was their third year participating in the statewide competition. (Courtesy Photo) Get Out Or You’re Under Arrest A new state law will allow police to arrest people who don’t leave town under mandatory evacuation orders. As it stands, officials cannot compel people to evacuate, only warn that those who stay behind won’t have any emergency services at their disposal. The new law gives county judges and mayors the power to authorize use of “reasonable force” to remove people from the area. The law, passed this year, takes effect Sept. 1, in the heart of hurricane season in Texas. It also applies to other disasters, such as fires or floods. pink and made the inmates wear pink 4 new buses just for hauling these crimiprison garb. Well......... He’s at it again. nal aliens back to the border. He’s kind Maricopa County was spending ap- of a ‘Git-R Dun’ kind of Sheriff. prox. $18 million dollars a year on stray Arpaio keeps getting re-elected over animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe and over and it may be because he has offered to take the department over, and jail meals down to 40 cents a serving the county supervisors said and the inmates pay okay. for them. He has The animal shelters are stopped smoking now all staffed and operand banned porno ated by prisoners. They magazines, removed feed and care for the strays. weights, and the only Every animal in his care is movies on TV are ‘G’ taken out and walked twice rated. daily. He now has prisonHe started chain ers who are experts in anigangs and have inmal nutrition and behavior. mates working on city They give great classes for and county projects, anyone who’d like to adopt then he started chain an animal. He has literally gangs for women so taken stray dogs off the he wouldn’t be sued street, given them to the for discriminating. Sheriff Joe Arpaio care of prisoners, and had At one point Arpaio them place in dog shows. disconneted the cable TV until he found The best part? His budget for the en- out there was a federal court order that tire department is now under $3 million. required cable TV for jails so he hooked A local couple adopted a Weimaraner it back up but only plays the Disney and from a Maricopa Countyshelter two Weather channels. years ago. He was neutered, and current There is no more coffee in the Arpaio on all shots, in great health, and even jail. He says it has no nutritional value had a microchip inserted the day we got so there’s no use in having it. When inhim. Cost us $78. mates complained he told them, “This The prisoners get the benefit of about isn’t the Ritz/Carlton, if you don’t like $0.28 an hour for working, but most here, don’t come back.” would work for free, just to be out of With temperatures being even hotter their cells for the day. Most of his bud- than usual in Phoenix about 2,000 inget is for utilities, building maintenance, mates living in a barbed-wire-surroundetc. He pays the prisoners out of the fees ed tent encampment at the Maricopa collected for adopted animals. County Jail, have been given permisMany people all across the country sion to strip down to their governmenthave wondered when their counties issued pink boxer shorts. would take a look at the way he runs One day in July hundreds of men wearthe jail system, and copy some of his ing boxers were either curled up on their ideas. He has a huge farm, donated to bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which the county years ago, where inmates can reached work, and they grow most of their own 138 degrees inside the week before. fresh vegetables and food, doing all the Many were dressed only in wet, pink work and harvesting by hand. towels as sweat collected on their chests He has a pretty good sized hog farm, and dripped down to their pink socks. which provides meat, and fertilizer. It ‘It Feels Like We Are In A Furnace’ fertilizes the Christmas tree nursery, remarked an inmate who has lived in the where prisoners work, and you can buy tents for 1 year. ‘It’s Inhumane.’ a living Christmas tree for $6 - $8 for The tough-guy sheriff who created the the Holidays, and plant it later. tent city and long ago started making He was reelected last year with 83% his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna of the vote. sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. Now he’s in trouble with the ACLU He said he told all of the inmates: ‘It’s again. He painted all his buses and vehi- 120 Degrees In Iraq And Our Soldiers cles with a mural, that has a special ho- Are Living In Tents Too, And They tline phone number painted on it, where Have To Wear Full Battle Gear, But people can call and report suspected il- They Didn’t Commit Any Crimes, So legal aliens. Immigrations and Customs Shut Your Mouths!’ Enforcement wasn’t doing enough in his opinion, so he had 40 deputies trained The Police News - Page 13 Meth Cook Captured Not a Good Day for Love Birds SPEAK ENGLISH and Cuffed Joshua Wallace Finley, 27, of Richmond was cuffed up, jailed and charged with third-degree felony manufacturing and possession of methamphetamine, and second-degree felony possession or transport of certain chemicals with the intent to manufacture controlled substance. The meth lab components were in a pickup Finley was driving, with Michael Wayne Turner and an unidentified 18-year-old woman as passengers. Rex Dahl, a popular bar owner in Montgomery County was killed in July when an unlicensed and uninsured, criminal alien turned his car in front of Rex’s oncoming motorcycle. Rex’s friends and customers gathered at Thirsty’s Ice House for a benefit in his honor. The uniform of the day was black t-shirts with white letters reading “SPEAK ENGLISH.” 22179_police_news_hallmark_jul.qxp Friendswood police raided the crib of Darrell Odom, 40, of Friendswood and found him in a bedroom with Kimberly Shano, 20, of Seabrook and a gun nearby. The search turned up 15.4 grams of cocaine and more than $3,700 dollars in a luggage bag. Officers also located several pills of Ecstasy, hydrocodone, Soma and some marijuana along with drug paraphernalia. They were given separate bedrooms at the Friendswood jail. The police kept their guns and cash and drugs. It wasn’t a good day for Love Birds. Beware! The Scams They were busted by state narcotics agents with the Methamphetamine Initiative Group (MIG) and the US Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Montgomery 6/2/09 1:13 PM County Page 1after they were discovered by Pct. 4 Constable’s deputies. COOLING • PLUMBING • HEATING 1,500 SAVE $ UP TO .00 PLUS IN TAX CREDITS† WE FIGURED WHILE THEY WERE HANDING IT OUT, WE’D PASS IT ALONG TO YOU! Save up to an additional $1,000 ON QUALIFYING ENERGY EFFICIENT AIR CONDITIONERS, FURNACES,HEAT PUMPS,TANKLESS WATER HEATERS AND MORE* PN *Valid only with the purchase and installation of select energy efficient air conditioners, furnaces, tankless water heaters, heat pumps and more and at participating locations. Not valid for commercial,third party or new construction customers,with any other offers or discounts or prior sales. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. See Representative for details (credit approval required).Purchase and install must be complete on 8/30/09. †See the federal economic stimulus package for complete details and qualifications for eligible tax credit. See Representative for details. With an Essential ServiceSM Plan membership* $79 Value Air Conditioner Inspection* (Regularly $79) *Offer expires 8/30/09. Cannot be combined with any other offer. FREE ✁ ✁ 49 $ SERVICE CALL *Offer expires 8/30/09. Cannot be combined with any other offer. PN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 7AM-7PM PN NO OVERTIME CHARGES • 24 HOUR PRIORITY SERVICE (409) 356.9140 www.Hallmark-AC.com TACLA024135C / MPL # 35828 • Direct Energy, LP (PUCT License # 10040) Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation P.O. Box 12157 • Austin,TX 78711 • (800) 803-9202 • (512) 463-6599 Page 14 - The Police News Work-At-Home Schemes Steady income for minimal labor!!! Envelope-stuffing solicitations promise you $2 for each brochure you fold and seal in an envelope. Craft assembly work solicitations often require an investment of hundreds of dollars in equipment or supplies, and many hours of your time producing goods for a company that has promised to buy them. The scam: You will pay a small fee to get started in the envelope-stuffing business, and you will end up with instructions on how to send the same envelope stuffing ad in your own bulk emailings. If you earn any money, it will be from others who fall for the scheme you are now perpetuating. In the craft assembly work business, after paying the initial investment and putting in the time on the crafts, you are likely to find promoters who refuse to pay you, claiming that your work is substandard. Health and Diet Scams Pills that let you lose weight without exercising or changing your diet, herbal formulas that liquefy your fat cells so that they are absorbed by your body, and cures for impotence and hair loss are among the scams flooding email boxes. The scam: Gimmicks don’t work. Successful weight loss requires a reduction in calories and an increase in physical activity. Beware of case histories from “cured” consumers claiming amazing results; testimonials from “famous” medical experts you’ve never heard of; claims that the product is available from only one source or for a limited time; and ads that use phrases like “scientific breakthrough,” “miraculous cure,” and “secret formula.” Effortless Income The hottest get-rich-quick schemes offer unlimited profits trading money on world currency markets, newsletters describing various easy-money opportunities and the secret to making $4,000 in one day. The scam: If these systems worked, wouldn’t everyone be using them? The Catch: what is the investment? How good are the chances of loosing that investment and do you really think this information is free? The thought of easy money may be appealing, but success generally requires hard work (and.. money.) Email Business Opportunities Email business opportunities claim that you can make $150 to $1,000 a day, or more, and that the business doesn’t involve selling, meetings, or personal contact with others. Many business opportunity solicitations claim to offer a way to make money in an Internet-related business. The email messages usually offer a phone number to call for more information. In many cases, you’ll be asked to leave your name and phone number so that a salesperson can call you back with the sales pitch. The scam: Many of these are illegal pyramid schemes disguised as legitimate opportunities to earn money. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Immigration Judges Found Under Strain Surprising researchers, 59 immigration judges wrote comments on the survey questionnaire elaborating on why they felt discouraged. In the comments, which were reported anonymously, the judges spoke of an overwhelming volume of cases with insufficient time for careful review, a shortage of law clerks and language interpreters, and failing computers and equipment for recording hearings. “We judges have to grovel like mangy street dogs” to win exemp- tions from unrealistic goals to complete cases, one judge commented. Another wrote of the “drip-drip-drip of Chinese water torture” from court administrators demanding more and faster decisions. A third judge cited “the persistent lack of sufficient time to be really prepared for the cases,” while still another said simply, “There is not enough time to think.” MOM & POP TOBACCO SHOP Copenhagen Skoal Red Seal Grizzly Kayak ROLL 36.95 36.95 14.95 11.99 8.99 CAN 3.99 3.99 3.49 2.75 1.85 CIGARETTES ON SALE Richwood Millinum Newport 13.85 13.85 49.99 1.49 1.49 5.49 CT. Marlboro Doral 43.99 Winston 47.99 Classic 34.99 Sandia 34.99 PK 4.99 4.59 4.99 3.59 3.59 TOBACCO BAG Gambler Large Bag 29.99 Gambler Med 13.85 Gambler Small 6.99 Kool 47.99 4.99 3005 Palmer Hwy, Texas City TX 77590 409-941-0025 All CASH prices. All prices are subject to change nternational Car Care nternational nternational Tony’s Tony’s BACK IN Car Care Car Care BUSINESS Latest Technology & Diagnostics For BACK IN Welcome all old and All Newer European & Asian Cars new customers! BUSINESS Serving Galveston County Serving Galveston Welcome all old and new customers! County Since Since 1994 1994 1328 Postoffice, Galveston 409-763-1515 Serving Galveston County Since 1994 1328 Postoffice, Galveston 409-763-1515 The Police News - Page 15 I Only Kill Dopers and Pigs 33 Years Ago in Montgomery County, Texas By Breck Porter John Denson was a 43-year old Montgomery County juvenile probation officer and reserve officer for the county sheriff’s department. He was at home with his wife Grace and 13-year old daughter Susan on the evening of November 19, 1976 when someone rang the doorbell of their Magnolia, Texas home. “They rang the doorbell,” said Grace Denson. “I started going upstairs then I heard something and looked around and this guy was pushing inside with a gun.” The guy she was referring to was 24-year old cement worker Joseph Starvaggi, and he was not alone. With him as they stormed into the Denson home was 40-year old Glenn Earl Martin and 27-year old G.W. Green. Starvaggi and Green were not known criminals but Martin, for a man of only twenty-seven had amassed an impressive criminal history in and around the Houston area. He was a burglar and a thief, and he had been busted for manufacturing and delivering dangerous drugs. He had already been to the joint, in fact he was on parole from the pen when he, Starvaggi and Green teamed up to raid the Denson home. According to investigators on the case 31-years ago this month, John Denson had quite an attractive gun collection. Word got out on the street that the collection was worth maybe ten grand, an attractive target for this trio of crooks. When they pushed their way into Denson’s home, Starvaggi was waving a pistol and demanding the gun collection. One of them ordered Grace and Susan upstairs where he demanded they lay on the floor where he covered them with a blanket and tied their hands and feet. “He went downstairs and we heard a shot,” said the daughter, adding that he later ordered them downstairs but kept the blanket over their heads. The daughter, however, could see through a hole in the blanket. She said her father, already shot once, was beg- D E T AN W Page 16 - The Police News ging for mercy while one of the invaders shouted, “Kill him, kill him!” Denson was shot twice more. Grace Denson recalled that one of the men, G.W. Green had insisted that Starvaggi kill her and Susan also, but he refused. Investigators learned later that Denson had been shot because he put up a fight, grabbing at the pistol in Starvaggi’s hand and wrestling with him. Starvaggi shot him once in his upper back and twice more directly through his heart. “I shot him the last two times to keep him from suffering,” Starvaggi was later quoted as saying. Asked why he didn’t shoot the woman and the girl Starvaggi said, “I shoot dopers and pigs, but I don’t shoot straights.” Pigs in that era, was the slang term for police officers and included anyone who may have been a law enforcement officer of any kind. Denson was double qualified as a ‘pig’, he was a juvenile probation officer, and he was a reserve deputy sheriff. Joseph Starvaggi finally went to his death when he was 34-years old. He had remained calm throughout his last day, prison officials said, requesting no visitors and no personal witnesses to his execution. He was administered a lethal injection at 12:22 a.m. and, after coughing and gasping twice, was pronounced dead eight minutes later. He had sought a reprieve, but it was turned down by a federal district court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans, and by the U.S. Supreme Court. He became the 26th person put to death by Texas since the state resumed executions in 1982 and the sixth in 1987. Glen Earl Martin was sentenced to life in prison and G.W. Green was also sentenced to death. He was executed on November 13, 1991 at the age of 54. VISIT US ON the WEB at www.policenewsonline.com City of Friendswood Peace Officer Job #342 The City of Friendswood is currently accepting applications to establish an eligibility list for full-time PEACE OFFICERS, with the Police Department. The base salary is* $43,243 to $54,059 annually, DOQ. The successful candidates will be responsible for the performance of routine patrol, crisis intervention and preliminary criminal investigations in an active, problem-solving partnership with the community. Applicants must demonstrate good human relation skills and be able to work well with all segments of the public. Applicants must be: §Enrolled in a TCLEOSE accredited entry-level program, or §Be a licensed Texas Peace Officer, or §Have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university or college, or §Been Honorably Discharged from the United States Armed Forces after 4 years of service. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. An Associate Degree or prior experience is preferred.This position has a strong, competitive benefits package and a wide range of in-service training provided to career officers.* New hires not certified will be classified as Cadet and will receive $36,000. Upon graduating academy and passing TCLEOSE Licensing exam employee will receive a change in status to Peace Officer and pay will be adjusted to $43,243. CLOSING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 AT 5:00 P.M. APPLICANTS MUST SHOW IN THE APPLICATION THAT THEY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE INVITED TO TAKE THE WRITTEN TEST. TESTING DATES ARE: TUESDAY, September 8th AT 9:00 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M. All positions at the City of Friendswood require documentation of employment eligibility in accordance with Federal employment law. Communication skills in English are required for some specific assignments based upon job-related needs for communication with the general public and/or co-workers. Bilingual skills (Spanish/English) are encouraged, but not required. Apply at the Human Resources Office, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas 77546. Fax 281-482-6491 The City of Friendswood is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer TEXAS EXECUTIONS Scheduled Execution: August 20, 2009 David Leonard Wood White man born June 20, 1957 Education Level: 8 Years Date of Offense: May 5, 1987 Native of: Tom Green County, Texas description of one used by a man who had picked up a prostitute two months earlier and raped her in the same area of desert where the bodies had been found. It was that rape, which occurred before the first of the bodies was found, for which Wood was convicted in March 1978. David Leonard Wood , convicted of Police originally had considered Wood killing six young women in and around a possible suspect in the desert deaths El Paso in 1992, is scheduled to die at because of a history of sex offenses, but the state prison in Huntsthey would not confirm that ville on August 20th. publicly. He had been paroled Wood was indicted in in January 1987 after serving the murders of six girls seven years for raping a 19and women whose bodies year-old and a 13-year-old in were in shallow graves 1980. scattered around the The years of waiting for the Northeast El Paso desert. slayings to be solved were agThe case had frustratonizing for the victims’ famied police since the first lies. two bodies were found Marcia Wheatley’s 15-year in September 1987, alold daughter, Desiree, disapDavid Leonard Wood though officers considpeared June 2, 1987. ered Wood, 33, a prime suspect almost Her body was found in one of the desfrom the beginning. ert graves Oct. 29. 1987. Wood was serving a 50-year sentence The indictment alleges that Wood used in Huntsville for a 1987 rape near where “the same scheme and course of conthe six bodies were found when he was duct” to kill: charged with capital murder in the six- Ivy Susanna Williams, 23, May 30, count indictment returned by an El Paso 1987. County grand jury. Desiree Wheatley, 15, June 2, 1987. The grim discoveries in the desert be- Karen Baker, 20, June 5, 1987. gan when El Paso Water Utilities work- Angelica Frausto, 17, Aug. 8, 1987. ers stumbled across the first two bodies Rosa Maria Casio, 24, Aug. 12, 2987. Sept. 4, 1987. The other graves were Dawn Marie Smith, 14, Aug. 28. 1987. found during the next few months, as The indictment listed a cause of death police and volunteers searched the area only for Williams. The grand jury alon foot and in helicopters. leged that Wood killed her by stabbing Wood, who maintained his innocence, her “with a sharp instrument.” filed a $20.5 million lawsuit against El The other five deaths were attributed Paso police, contending he had been to “some manner and by some means, harassed by detectives investigating the instrument or weapon unknown …”. desert bodies case. He was arrested Oct. 23, 1987, after police saw a pickup truck matching the Jamaica Beach Food Store Lowest Gas Prices BREAKFAST 7 AM Open 7am - 9 pm EVERYDAY 7 DAYS A WEEK Picnic/Beach Supplies Deli - Beer - LOTTO Groceries - Diesel Fuel ATM Pulse Machine Frozen Bait FRIENDLY SERVICE At the Traffic Light in Jamaica Beach 409-737-2414 Get late breaking local police news at www.PoliceNewsOnline.com DRYWALL & PAINTING 409-750-0885 Red's Tire Shop NEW AND USED TIRES • VEHICLE INSPECTIONS 844 Grand Ave. Bacliff TX 77518 281-559-1865 The Police News - Page 17 Line of Duty Deaths The Police News honors these area law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty in the month of August in the years indicated. Deputy James William Cook Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office End of Watch: Wednesday, August 26, 1925 Cause of Death: Gunfire Sergeant Patrick Elton Roberts Jr. Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office End of Watch: Friday, August 17, 1990 Cause of Death: Duty related illness Date of Incident: Friday, August 17, 1990 Sergeant Roberts died from the AIDS virus which he contracted while at a crime scene. Sergeant Roberts’ death is the first reported line-ofduty death caused by AIDS in the nation. Patrolman John William Sartain Corpus Christi Police Office End of Watch: Friday, August 20, 1971 Age: 22 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Friday, August 20, 1971 Weapon Used: Rifle Suspect Info: Convicted Patrolman Sartain was shot and killed by a sniper while using an employee entrance at the police station during a shift change. The suspect, who lived in an apartment complex 200-yards behind the police station, was apprehended and convicted of Patrolman Sartain’s murder. Patrolman Sartain was survived by his wife, son, brother, and mother. City Marshal James Otway Lee El Campo Police Office End of Watch: Tuesday, August 11, 1914 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Tuesday, August 11, 1914 Weapon Used: Gun Marshal Lee was shot and killed in the line of duty. Sheriff James Thomas (Tom) Garvey Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office End of Watch: Friday, August 16, 1889 Age: 29 Tour of Duty: 2 years, 10 months Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Friday, August 16, 1889 Weapon Used: Gun Suspect Info: Shot and killed Reconstruction in the South officially ended in 1877, but the Republican Party had gained a stronghold in many counties with the support of freed Black voters. A feud broke out in Fort Bend County in 1888 between wealthy, white Democratic “Jaybirds,” and Republican “Woodpeckers,” who had power since Reconstruction. The feud crossed racial, social and political lines. Assassination and violence had become commonplace. Fort Bend County Sheriff Tom Garvey was a leader of Woodpeckers, and opposed the efforts of the Jaybirds to return to power through violence. The town was an armed camp. The Governor sent Texas Rangers to maintain order. On August 16, 1889, the Jaybirds faced Woodpeckers in front of the courthouse. Sheriff Garvey and a crowd of armed men warned the Rangers to get out of the way since this was none of their business. A Ranger sergeant and four privates on horseback tried to block the two sides. A gun battle erupted and Sheriff Tom Garvey, his uncle, Page 18 - The Police News former Sheriff J. W. Blakey, Jaybird leader, H. H. Frost, and a bystander were killed outright and many participants were wounded. Ranger Private Frank Schmid, Jr., was severely wounded, and died from his wounds on June 17, 1893. Sheriff Garvey was appointed in October 1886, and was elected on November 2, 1886. He was re-elected on November 6, 1888. Ranger Sergeant Ira Aten, who was trying to maintain order that day, was appointed sheriff on August 21, 1889. Detective Jon Anthony Farrar Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office End of Watch: Friday, August 5, 1977 Age: 28 Cause of Death: Automobile accident Date of Incident: Friday, August 5, 1977 Detective Farrar was killed in an automobile accident on Highway 59 while returning from an assignment to teach a class at the police academy at the Wharton County Junior College. Patrol Officer Robert Louis John Galveston PoliceOffice End of Watch: Thursday, August 16, 1990 Age: 47 Tour of Duty: 15 years Cause of Death: Struck by train Date of Incident: Thursday, August 16, 1990 Officer John was killed when his patrol car was struck by a train at approximately 1515 hours. He was delivering the patrol car to a dealership for servicing when it was struck by the Texas Limited Passenger Train as he crossed the tracks on 77th Street. Officer John had been with the agency for 15 years. Deputy City Marshal Charles H. Baker Houston City Marshal’s Office End of Watch: Thursday, August 16, 1979 Age: 52 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Thursday, August 16, 1979 Weapon Used: Handgun Suspect Info: Executed in 1986 Marshal Baker was shot and killed when he and his partner stopped a man who was suspected of robbing a bar. When they attempted to detain the man a struggle ensued. The suspect pulled out a handgun and shot Marshal Baker and his partner. Marshal Baker succumbed to his injuries. The suspect was apprehended four days later in Kentucky and was executed for the crime in 1986. Officer John M. Cain Houston Police Office End of Watch: Thursday, August 3, 1911 Age: 31 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Thursday, August 3, 1911 Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type Suspect Info: Executed in 1916 Officer Cain was shot and killed when he attempted to arrest a suspect he saw hop onto a freight train. When Officer Cain called for the suspect to stop, the man turned and fired two shots, killing Officer Cain. The suspect was later arrested and convicted of murder. He was executed in 1916. Police Officers E. G. Meinke, Ira Raney, Ross Patton, Horace Moody and Rufus Daniels Houston Police Office End of Watch: Thursday, August 23, 1917 Age: 23 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Thursday, August 23, 1917 Weapon Used: Rifle Suspect Info: 19 suspects executed Officer Meinke, Officer Ira Raney, Officer Ross Patton, Officer Horace Moody, and Officer Rufus Daniels were all shot and killed during race riots which were sparked by the arrest of several black soldiers assigned to Camp Logan. After being harassed by local law enforcement and citizens a large mob of the soldiers stole rifles and went on a rampage, shooting and killing a total of 16 people throughout the city. 110 of the soldiers were court-martialed after being taken into custody. 19 of them were sentenced to death and executed. Officer J. Clark Etheridge Houston Police Office End of Watch: Saturday, August 23, 1924 Cause of Death: Motorcycle accident Officer Etheridge was killed in a motorcycle accident while pursuing a speeding car when another vehicle pulled out in front of him. The motorcycle skidded and turned over, causing Officer Etheridge to slide under the vehicle. He was survived by his wife, parents, and three sisters. Police Officer Howard B. Hammond Houston Police Office End of Watch: Sunday, August 18, 1946 Age: 33 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Sunday, August 18, 1946 Weapon Used: Officer’s handgun Suspect Info: Shot and killed Officer Hammond was shot and killed with his own service weapon while he and his partner investigating a group of people dancing and drinking in a tailor shop on Dowling Street. When the officers went into the shop they were attacked and severely beaten. Officer Hammond was disarmed by one suspect and shot as the two struggled. The suspect was also shot and killed during the struggle. Officer Robert Schultea Houston Police Office End of Watch: Saturday, August 25, 1956 Age: 28 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Saturday, August 25, 1956 Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type Officer Schultea was shot and killed after he and his partner responded to a tavern on Navigation Boulevard to investigate reports of gambling. When the officers arrived they told the bar owner to close the bar for the night. The man refused and began to fight with the two officers. The bar owner’s wife opened fire on the officers, striking Officer Schultea. Officer Schultea was trans- ported to Jefferson Davis Hospital where he succumbed to his wounds two hours later. Officer Schultea was survived by his wife and son. Police Officer John W. Suttle Houston Police Office End of Watch: Monday, August 3, 1959 Age: 24 Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle Date of Incident: Monday, August 3, 1959 Officer Suttle was struck and killed by a vehicle while directing traffic around the scene of an accident on the Gulf Freeway at the Lombardy overpass. The vehicle that struck Officer Suttle dragged him more than 50 feet. Officer Suttle was survived by his wife, son, parents, sister, and two brother. Sergeant Charles R. McDaniel Houston Police Office End of Watch: Sunday, August 4, 1963 Cause of Death: Automobile accident Date of Incident: Sunday, August 4, 1963 Sergeant McDaniel was killed in an automobile accident while returning home in his police cruiser following his shift. Officer Francis Eddie Wright Houston Police Office End of Watch: Saturday, August 2, 1975 Age: 32 Tour of Duty: 3 years Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle Date of Incident: Saturday, August 2, 1975 Officer Wright was struck by a vehicle and killed while directing traffic at an accident scene. The vehicle that struck him was being driven at a high rate of speed at the time. The driver was charged initially, but all charges were later dropped. Officer Wright had served with the Houston Police Department for three years. He was survived by his expectant wife and three children. Police Officer Kathleen C. Schaefer Houston Police Office End of Watch: Wednesday, August 18, 1982 Age: 33 Tour of Duty: 3 years Cause of Death: Gunfire (Accidental) Date of Incident: Wednesday, August 18, 1982 Weapon Used: Handgun; .357 caliber Officer Schaefer was accidentally shot and killed by a fellow officer while conducting a drug buy-bust for the Narcotics Unit. She had just made a purchase and gave the signal a buy had been completed. Another officers mistook her for a suspect holding a gun and shot her once in the abdomen, fatally wounding her. Officer Schaefer had served with the Houston Police Department for 3 years. She was survived by her husband and two children. Deputy Thomas Nolan Nueces County Sheriff’s Office End of Watch: Wednesday, August 15, 1860 Age: 24 Tour of Duty: 3 years Cause of Death: Gunfire Line of Duty..Cont. on next pg Line of Duty..Cont. from previous pg Date of Incident: Saturday, August 4, 1860 Weapon Used: Handgun Deputy Nolan died of injuries he received when attempting to arrest an intoxicated man. Deputy Nolan and his brother, Sheriff Matthew Nolan responded to a call where an armed, intoxicated suspect was creating a disturbance. While attempting to arrest the suspect, the suspect produced a handgun from his pants and shot Deputy Nolan in the forehead. Deputy Nolan remained in a coma until his death 11 days later. Sheriff Matthew Nolan was shot and killed in the line of duty four years later. Deputy Nolan had served with the Nueces County Sheriff’s Department for three years. Deputy City Marshal Louis W. Ahlers Victoria Police Office End of Watch: Tuesday, August 8, 1893 Age: 44 Cause of Death: Gunfire Date of Incident: Monday, August 7, 1893 Weapon Used: Handgun Deputy Marshal Ahlers was shot and killed while attempting to arrest a drunk male who had attacked another male at approximately 2300 hours. The victim found Deputy Marshal Ahlers and reported the incident to him. The victim and Deputy Ahlers returned to the restaurant where the attack occurred and waited for the suspect to come out. When the male exited the restaurant, he began to walk away as the deputy and the victim called out to him. When Deputy Marshal Ahlers told the male he was under arrest, the male suddenly turned and opened fire. Deputy Marshal Ahlers returned fire but was struck in the chest and killed. The suspect fled the scene following the shooting. Deputy Marshal Ahlers was survived by his wife and two children. He is buried in Weimer Masonic Cemetery in Weimer, Texas. POLICE NEWS UPDATES Delivered to your e-mail FREE www.PoliceNewsOnline.com Blue Knights Stage International Convention Members From Around The World Meet in Louisville, Kentucky By Breck Porter If the term ‘saddle sore’ can be applied to those who ride motorcycles, then surely several members of the Blue Knights law enforcement motorcycle club can claim that discomfort after a recent ride of 2750 miles around the country and 49 hours of saddle time. Their destination was Louisville, Kentucky and the annual Blue Knights International Convention. Blue Knights members from Texas Chapter XXXI, lead by Chapter President D.J. Alvarez of the Galveston Police Department, set out for Louisville, Kentucky July 17th with stops along the way in Birmingham, Alabama; Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and Deals Gap, North Carolina. From Galveston, Alvarez, Laura Sims a Galveston County Sheriff’s Sergeant, retired Friendswood officer Roger Byars and wife Tracy, traveled by way of Beaumont where they were joined by Blue Knights members from that area. Some rode motorcycles, some traveled on four wheels tailoring their bikes to be ridden in the parade and other activities in Louisville, sparing them the aggravating saddle sores. Founding Father Ed Gallant and wife Maggie (Florida) and Glen Wheat and wife Linda (Indiana) sharing time together. On the ride through Deals Gap they experienced the Dragon ride, an 11 1/2 mile roadway of 318 continuous, winding curves, a very popular ride for motorcycle enthusiasts. Then on for 180 miles more through the Great Smokey Mountains, eleven bikers headed for Louisville. Ruben Gardner and members of Kentucky II (Elizabethtown) Chapter hosted the convention which brought 650 members and spouses from nearly every state in the U.S. and from Canada, England, Scotland, Belgium and Mexico. In addition to board meetings, chapter president meetings, and business meetings, there were pool parties, magic shows and hospitality rooms. Ladies were treated to pampering parties with body massages, manicures, pedicures and facials. Parade Day through downtown Louisville -Rich Bartley and wife Reida (GLRC ChaplinOhio) w/mini replica police car. On the more serious side of the agenda were motorcycle safety awareness seminars, internet seminars, motorcycle skills competition and a night at a ball game at Louisville Stadium. Some rode the Kentucky Bourbon Trail visiting eight breweries and returning safely without any crashes or DWI’s. There was a ride to the Corvette Museum, the Frazier Arms Museum, the General George Patton Museum at Fort Knox, and the Horseshoe Casino where one Blue Knights wife scored a $1600 win. Chaplin, Reverend Richard Bartley conducted a Memorial Service and Blessing of the Bikes prior to an escorted parade through parts of Louisville and International President Dave Mulford read the names of BK’s who have entered Heaven One since last year’s convention. Heaven One symbolized Fine Jewelry Since 1967 Jewelry Repair & Designers Samuel Diaz de Leon Jewelry • Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:30 Sat. - 9:00 - 1:00 • 6506 Stewart Rd. Galveston TX 77551 409-744-5127 D.J. Alvarez (Rio Grande Conference Rep.) giving Rio Grande Conference report to attendees. the death of a brother member. Ed Gallant, one of the original seven founding members of the Blue Knights in 1974, was there with wife Maggie. Having traveled to Louisville by car, they rode the parade aboard a HarleyDavidson offered by Galveston’s D.J. Alvarez. One item on the business agenda was a proposal that the International Blue Knights award $1000 scholarships annually to a family member in each of the 11 Blue Knights chapters throughout the world. This proposal was brought forth by Alvarez, the regional representative for the Rio Grande Conference which encompasses Texas, Arkansas and Eastern Mexico. He is also a founding member of the Galveston County Chapter and it’s president since it’s beginning. In September the world’s longest, escorted motorcycle ride may make the Guinness Book of World Records when Blue Knights join other motorcycle clubs in the annual Texas Honor Ride. More than 200 bikers are expected to make the ride from Houston to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio where they will present a check from the Texas Honor Ride Foundation to help improve the quality of life of wounded soldiers and their families who are recovering at the Brooke Army Medical Center. In 2008 the check was for $75,000. Glen Wheat, Blue Knights, Indiana and D.J. Alvarez, Blue Knights, Texas contributed to this story. A-ALTERNATOR & STARTER REBUILDERS Alternators • Starters • Generators • Auto • Truck • Industrial • Marine • Exhaust Systems • Catalytic Converters • Voltage Regulators Rebuilt–Installed Exchange 900 Grand Ave. Bacliff TX 77518 Danny Hudson 281-339-9099 The Police News - Page 19 To Stop or Not To Stop Sometimes That Is The Question If you are leery of an unmarked police car trying to pull you over: Put on your dome light and slow down. Drive slowly to a well-lit, populated area. Park where you can be seen by passersby. A genuine cop will never ask you for cash or threaten you. If you have a cell phone, call 911 and ask the dispatcher if the cop is for real. If so, the dispatcher will know; if not, the dispatcher will send help. Crack your window and ask for the cop’s I.D. card and check it. A badge is not enough; they’re easy to buy. If the officer will not provide you with requested information, do not give the officer any personal information. A real officer will respect these requests, especially in light of recent fake-cop reports. Ask the officer to call a supervisor on his or her handheld radio. If you still are suspicious, don’t get out of the car. Drive away and immediately call 911 and report the incident. LA MARQUE 104 E Main – Just Off Hwy 146 DIRECTIONS: I-45 to FM 519 Exit at LaMarque. Take 519 East a couple miles - on the left hand side. 409-935-9939 SEX OFFENDERS-Brazoria Co. These are NOT wanted fugitives, but Registered Sex Offenders. If observed residing at any address other than the one listed below the photo, please notify the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office 979- 864-2392. HAWES, LYLE WILLIAM W/M Born: 7-2-1967 78 Briar Oak Court (CR 794C), Alvin, Tx. 77511 Possession/Promotion of Child Porn Victim: Female 16 yoa Risk level: High GREENWALD, SHAWN BRIAN W/M Born: 2-28-1978 3930 Live Oak, Damon, Tx 77430 Aggravated Sexual Assault - Child (3 counts) Victim: Female 14 yoa Risk level: Moderate MILLS, MICHAEL SCOTT W/M Born 6-8-1958 4034 FM 523, Freeport, Tx 77541 Indecency with a child by contact Victim: Female 12 yoa Risk level: Not Available SAMPSON, KELLY MITCHELL W/M Born 6-13-1960 4808 Arnold, CR 107C Pearland, Tx 77584 Indecency with child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female 8 yoa Risk level: Low STRAMBLER, MYRON LYNN B/M DOB: 5-3-1988 214 CR 770, Rosharon, Tx 77583 Sexual assault - child Victim: Female 14 yoa Risk level: High RUBIO RENATO H/M Born: 1-18-1956 5340 CR 306A, Brazoria, Tx. 77422 Indecency w/child - sexual contact (3 counts) Victim: Female 12 yoa Risk level: Low DEVORE, BRIAN CHRISTOPHER W/M Born: 5-25-1980 3727 Temple Dr. ,Manvel, Tx. 77578 Sexual Assault - Child Victim: Female 15 yoa Risk level: Moderate FLOOD, FRANCIS W/M Born: 12-2-1962 100 Munson Ranch Rd, Angleton,Tx 77515 Indecency with child - sexual contact Victim: Female 10 yoa Risk level: Low T KIESSLING, JOSHUA W/M Born: 3-17-1978 322 CR 129, Alvin, Tx. 77511 Aggravated sexual assault - child Victim: Female 13 yoa Risk level: Low TELANO, JOSHUA W/M Born: 10-4-1984 4121 ½ CR 424, Alvin, Tx 77511 Criminal Solicitation of a Minor Victim: Female 15 yoa Risk level: High Now Open: MURPHY'S ON 6 14710 Hwy 6 Santa Fe, TX 77517 409-925-0333 Oldest Biker Bar in Galveston County Lots of times, changes in life also affect your investments. That’s why there’s never been a better time to schedule your free portfolio review. We’ll talk about the changes in your life, and help you decide whether it makes sense to revise your investments ecause of them. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments are keeping pace with your goals. Call your local financial advisor today. David P Rodgers Financial Advisor 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 201 Galveston TX 77551 409-744-1769 Page 20 - The Police News SEX OFFENDERS-Galveston Co. These are NOT wanted fugitives, but Registered Sex Offenders. If observed residing at any address other than the one listed below the photo, please notify the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2320 Alford, Joseph Walter W/M Born: 04-22-58 1071 Faggard Slip Rd Gilchrist Tx 77617 Victim: Female/30 Burglary w/Intent to Commit felony Risk Level: Medium Beadles, John Travis W/M/ Born: 11-23-42 923 B Perkins Dr, Bacliff Tx 77518 Victim: Male/13 Indecency with child by Contact Risk Level: Not reported Calderon, Roberto H/M Born: 10-24-75 4812 N Railroad Ave Hitchcock,Tx 77573 Victim: Female/15 Indecency with a Child by Contact Risk Level: Not reported Callihan, AKA: Odom Amelia Elizabeth W/F Born: 08-14-52 2603 Branding Iron #48 Dickinson Tx 77539 Victim: Female/16 Indecency with a Child by Contact Risk Level: Not reported Deangelis, Michael Edward W/M Born: 12-12-71 2443 Rue De Laffitte St. San Leon TX 77539 Victim: Female/16 Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: Not reported Drewing, Danny Dean W/M Born: 06-19-63 1026 Bacliff Drive Bacliff, Tx 77518 Victim: Male/16 Indecency with a Child by Exposure Risk Level: Not reported The Flood: An orthodox rabbi is studying in his living room, when there is a knock on the door. When he opens the door, it is a policeman, who informs him that a hurricane is coming, the tides are rising, a flood is expected, and evacuation is recommended. The rabbi explains, “I am a man of God. I am sure he will protect me from danger.” The policeman shrugs his shoulders and leaves. As the rabbi is watching the rising tide waters getting closer and closer to his house, there is a second knock, this time a State Trooper. The trooper says, “Rabbi, we are evacuating the area as the flooding is getting serious and you are in jeopardy.” Again the rabbi explains, “I am a man of God. I am sure he will protect me from danger. I am staying.” Well, the water continues to rise, until the rabbi is forced to stay on the second floor. He hears some yelling and looks up to see two firemen in a rowboat right outside his second floor window. “Rabbi!” one of the firemen calls, “Get in the boat, the flood waters are getting deeper! It’s getting serious.” “I am a man of God. He will protect me from danger. I’ll stay.” The firemen, fearing for their own safety, row on. As the flood rises, the rabbi is forced to climb out onto his roof, just as a helicopter is flying over. The helicopter drops a rope ladder and a voice calls down, “We’re coming to get you, rabbi!” “No, no.... God will protect me. You go on.” Well, needless to say, the water continues to rise and the rabbi drowns. When he gets to Heaven, he’s really upset. “I must see God,” says the rabbi. “Please take me to God.” He is granted an audience with God. “Lord,” says the rabbi, “after a lifetime of devotion to you, why would you forsake me in my moment of need?” God says, “You schmuck, I sent two cops, a rowboat full of firemen, and a helicopter. E. R. Johnson Family Mortuary Eddie R. Johnson Owner/Funeral Director Cremation, Monuments, Pre-Arrangements, Insurance and Notary Services “ Quality, Distinctive, Professional Service ” 3828 Avenue O/PO Box 5 Ph: 409-762-8470 Galveston, TX 77550-6626 Fax: 409-762-8480 Email: erjfm@aol.com Get late breaking local police news at Elkin, Robert Kenneth W/M Born: 09-04-81 18101 McKay Algoa, Tx 77511 Victim: Female/13 Indecency with a Child by Exposure Risk Level: Not reported Flores,Naun Pineda W/M Born: 05-05-87 4424 6th Street Bacliff, Tx 77518 Victim: Female/14 Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: Not reported Gibson, Mitchell Lee W/M Born: 11-30-56 13118 Sayko Santa Fe, TX 77510 Victim: Female/12 Indecency with a Child by Contact Risk Level: Not reported Hart, James Wetherill W/M Born: 03-16-34 1438 24th Street #2 San Leon, Tx 77563 Victim: Female/12 Sexual Assault Risk Level: Not reported www.PoliceNewsOnline.com The Police News - Page 21 Police Monkeys: Koch home helpers Our Capable Care Gives You Peace of Mind In Home assIstance Mackenzie T. Koch, Director 409-939-0435 teal_2001@yahoo.com mackenzietkoch@yahoo.com FREE Estimates Electric Co. 24 Hour Service ÿ Residential ÿ Commercial ÿ New Construction ÿ Repair & Maintenance 409-762-5895 or 888-762-5510 or 281-317-1430 powerhouse.electric@yahoo.com Licensed & Insured – TECL #22987 Law Enforcement Equipment and Accessories 6831 Broadway Suite F Pearland, Texas 77584 Owned & Operated by Ofr. Rick Fernandez Office: 281-412-7358 Fax: 281-412-7354 Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm Saturday 10am - 7pm www.copstop.net E-mail: copstop@sbcglobal.com A man walks into a pet store and is looking around when he spots a chimpanzee in a cage marked, “$1000”. The man looks a little closer and discovers that the chimpanzee is wearing a tie and a hat and is twirling a set of handcuffs around his finger. Curious, the man summons the shopkeeper and asks him what the deal is with this thousand-dollar monkey. “Sir, You have discovered our Police Officer Monkey. This one is our basic Patrol version. It’s got a Basic certification; can fire ‘Expert’ with a Glock, Remington 870, or an AR15; knows the Penal Code and Traffic Code by heart and is up-to-date on Cultural Diversity and Active Shooter Response. Very good value for a thousand dollars!” The man is suitably impressed and moves to the next cage, which is occupied by a gorilla -- also wearing a hat and tie, but is gnawing on a pen instead of the handcuffs. The price on this one is $5000. Shopkeeper exclaims, “Ah, sir! You have discovered the Sergeant model! This one has an Advanced certification, is capable of training other monkeys in basic firearms skills, mechanics of arrest, physical training, investigation and small unit tactics! It can even type! Very good value for five thousand, sir!” Impressed, the man moves to the next cage. Inside, he finds an orangutan, dressed in the same hat and tie as the others, but holding only a coffee cup. “What does this one do that he’s worth $12,000?” asks the man. The shopkeeper clears his throat, “Ah, sir, well .... we’ve never actually seen him do anything except drink coffee and smoke cigars, but he says he’s a Lieutenant.” MONTHLY AUTO AUCTION IN HOUSTON AREA 100 + CARS FOR FULL LISTINGS CALL F 361-939-7749 F OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.drugseizure.com www.auto-title.com Texas Auto Title & Registration Consultants, Inc. Donald McClure TX 12482 Courtney McClure TX 15173 O'Donohoe Allstate Agency • • • • Auto homeowners life • health commercial 5928 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 409-744-1888 Page 22 - The Police News Brutal Babe Jailed But Where Is Carlos? WANTED BUSTED Carlo Alejandro Gonzalez Mexican Male, 24, 5’11”, 200 Brown Eyes, Black Hair LKA: Houston, Texas Charge: Aggravated Robbery Walter Eddie Coyne Tanya D. Swarthout, 22, has been held in the Montgomery County Jail on $100, 000 bond since her July 12 arrest for her involvement in the brutal beating and robbery of a 66-year old Patton Village man. The victim told investigators he heard a car pull into his driveway and went onto his porch where he was met by a woman he identified as Swarthout. As they talked, a white male got out of the car, walked up to the porch and attacked the resident with a club, striking the man’s head repeatedly and causing severe injuries. The other party involved in the vicious attack remains unidentified. He is a white male, about 6’-1”, 180 pounds, medium build with numerous tattoos. His name may be “Carlos,” and he is rumored to be an ex-convict staying somewhere in southeast Montgomery County or Northeast Harris County. Anyone with information is asked to contact Patton Village Police Chief Joe Schultea at 281-689-9511 or Montgomery County Crime Stoppers at 1-800STOP (7867). Big Amos Serving 11:00 a.m. till Closing Patton Village Police say Gonzalez and Tanya Swarthout, entered the home of a 66year old man, brutally beat him, and stole his social security money and cell phone. Swarthout is in custody. Information about this fugitive should be given to Patton Village Police (281) 6899511 or contact your nearest law enforcement agency. Police warn Gonzalez is an ex-convict currently on parole and is to be considered dangerous. Catch our daily market specials! Whole Salmon • Fillets • Shellfish • Specialty Seafood www.PoliceNewsOnline.com THE POLICE NEWS Late breaking local police news Brisket Plate 2 Sides, Bread SAUSAGE Plate 2 Sides, Bread RIBS Plate 2 Sides, Bread ChOPPED BEEF SANDWICHES 2 Sides PHILLY CHEESE STEAK Fries Chicken Plate 2 Leg Quarters, 2 Sides, Bread 1/2 LB CHEESE BURGER Fries Pearland Lake Jackson Angleton Houston 409-763-8160 10% OFF $$$ C-A-S-H N-O-W $$$ with this ad. Catering Available 33rd & Broadway • 409-770-0880 Kevin O'Brien, Owner This sign is available to businesses in Galveston County from the Galveston County Auto Crimes Task Force. To request signage for your parking lot, call 409-766-4800. At Katie’s Seafood Market, what you “sea” is what you get: the highest quality, freshest seafood the region has to offer! We’re Online! BBQ 409-741-2245 ✯ 281-337-3338 Galveston Office 409-741-BAIL Walter Eddie Coyne 33, thought the sleepy little village of Jamaica Beach on the west end of Galveston Island would be a safe haven from police who wanted him on drug charges. Wrong! Jamaica Beach Police Chief Andy McLane recognized him when he walked out of a restaurant and cuffed him for a ride to the Galveston County jail. Galveston officers standby to take custody as McLane removes his handcuffs. (Police News photo) $6.99 $5.99 $6.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 CAFE Open Monday – Saturday 6am-2pm 413 24th Street Galveston )%.",+(".'-. Open fOr BuSineSS WelcOMe Back! BAIL BOND SERVICES League City Dickinson Kemah Are You receiving payments from a Real Estate Note Business Note Structured Settlement? We will buy your payments for a Lump Sum of CASH! We also buy Life Insurance Policies if You are 65 or older – $100,000 & up. Attention Business Owners: We buy Accounts Receivbles too! Call 1-800-215-8512 for a quote or visit us online: www.mainternationalfunding.com 979-848-2245 ✯ 281-337-3338 Angleton Office 979-848-BAIL ALL GALVESTON AND BRAZORIA COUNTY JAILS The Police News - Page 23 Special! Come Play This Summer. Just Add Water! Island Events are Rebounding! World-class attractions are open. Art and entertainment venues are putting on productions. Families are playing on the newly renourished beaches - lots and lots of beach sand and shore. Attractions, restaurants and shops are ready to greet you. Let Hawthorn Suites at The Victorian Resort be your home while playing on the beautiful beaches of Galveston Island. Eat at award winning restaurants or cook your own meal in our one or two bedroom condominium hotel suite, fully furnished with all the comforts of home. Have a deluxe continental breakfast in our Hawthorn Room or sip coffee on your private patio fÇ fÇ while watching dolphins and pelicans cruise by... at The Victorian Resort & Conference Center fÇ fÇ fÇ ÈÎääÊ-i>Ü>ÊUÊ>ÛiÃÌ ÛVÌÀ>V`°VÊUÊnnn°Î°nÈnä -Ì>ÞÊ ÜÊÌ ÀÕÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊÓäÌ ÊvÀ -* Ê» iÊ*>ÞÊÌ ÃÊ-ÕiÀºÊ,>Ìià vÀÊfÇÉ} Ì°Ê-Õ`>Þ/ ÕÀÃ`>ÞÊx} ÌÊÃÌ>Þ° Ask about our other multiple night Summer Value Rates. *5 night minimum. Sun.-Thurs. Plus tax, etc. Not valid holidays or with any other discount. Based on availability. Maximum of 2 adults and 3 children, limited time offer. Advance Reservations Required. One Bedroom Suite sleeps 5. Valid now thru August 20th 2009.
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