optiSLITE broschure
optiSLITE broschure
-technology for best running features. Miniature Ball Screws 3-16 mm. Benefits: ·Improved running characteristics ·Low, uniform idling torque Applications: ·Semiconductor ·Optics ·Medical Instrument ·Metrology Miniature Ball Screws 3 -16 mm. -technology – Optimized spindle surfaces for superior operation. Miniature ball screws are mainly used in the Special versions, e.g. for clean room applica- applications of semiconductor, optics, medi- tions or in vacuum, are available on request. cal and metrology. Comparative advantages: Through the use of innovative production All Steinmeyer miniature ball screws technologies, the surface roughness of the Our miniature ball screw product line consists with optiSLITE technology are optimized raceways can be reduced significantly. Irreg- of two spindle series, which can be combined with smoother spindle surfaces for su- ularities are virtually eliminated. with a total of six different nuts. The nuts can perior operation. optiSLITE ball screws show noticeable im- be preloaded or mounted with axial play. They can be combined with two predetermined Standard Ball Screws: provement in their running characteristics. spindle types or a customer-specific spindle shape. Through the use of innovative production technologies, the surface roughness of the raceways can be reduced significantly. Standard Standard optiSLITE optiSLITE Surface - SEM image Surface - SEM image (scanning electron micrograph) (scanning electron micrograph) 100-fold magnification. 1000-fold magnification. 2 Quiet and measurably smoother. Improved running characteristics optiSLITE benefits: Surface quality Rz. and low uniformity of idling torque. 2,5 • Improved running characteristics The main advantages of optiSLITE include a • Low, uniform idling torque noticeable improvement in running charac- 2 1,5 teristics. Through the use of innovative production technologies, the surface roughness -60% 1 of the raceways can be reduced significantly. 0,5 0 Standard Roughness optiSLITE Roughness [µm] vertical magnification: x 10,000 | lateral magnification: x 34,87 [µm] vertical magnification: x 10,000 | lateral magnification: x 51,38 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 Standard 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 [mm] 0 0,2 0,4 0,60,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3 [mm] optiSLITE Ra 0,194 µm Ra 0,088 µm Rz 1,053 µm Rz 0,533 µm Rmr (0,5 µm) 20,22 % Rmr (0,5 µm) 96,86 % Surface topographies compared. ur Order o E optiSLIT y. gy toda technolo equest. y your r if c e p s Please t us Contac ote. q for a u *optiSlite technology is available for Positioning Ball Screws (with P-tolerance) with nominal diameter of 3-16 mm including. 3 Miniature Ball Screws 3 -16 mm. -technology – Reduced noise, higher efficiency. Other advantages. Material contact area ratio Rmr (c). Measurable improvement. Another advantage of the new product line is The material contact area Rmr (c) indicates the 90 that it improves the running characteristics in percentage of material filled path lengths depend- 80 the installed state and reduces the noise of the ing on the depth of cut "c". 100 70 60 ball screws at high speeds by increased mate- +70% 50 rial contact. Through increased material contact the running 40 characteristics of ball screws can be enormously 30 20 improved. The plateau-like surface of the optiSLITE 10 ball screws provides clean and smooth running, 0 while offering improved lubricating properties. Standard optiSLITE The markedly improved running characteristics allow the ball screw to achieve higher energy efficiency. Firestone-Abbott-curve of roughness data Firestone-Abbott-curve of roughness data Lc = 250.0000um Lc = 250.0000um [µm] [µm] 1 0,6 0,4 0,5 depth-z depth-z 0,2 0 0 -0,2 -0,4 -0,5 -0,6 -0,8 -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 [%] 100 -1 0 5 10 contact area Standard material contact area 4 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 contact area optiSLITE 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 [%] 100 Operating precision at the smallest detail. High precision processing requires In addition, through innovative manufacturing a The spindle shafts can be combined with our fine machining operations. smoother idle torque can be generated, which standard nuts or with different versions. in turn offers the possibility to design more efSteinmeyer miniature ball screws meet the cri- ficient drives. We will gladly give you a quote on price and delivery information. teria of various high precision requirements. Feel free to contact us. Please provide simply a drawing or a sketch. The new optiSLITE ball screws were developed especially for precision positioning in semicon- Steinmeyer miniature ball screws can be ob- ductor, optics, medical instrument, and metrol- tained in reduced lengths, or even completely Contact: ogy applications. different special designs to the standard spindle Phone: +49 (0) 7431 1288-0 shafts. E-mail: info@steinmeyer.com Modern production technologies at Steinmeyer. Usage: Optical industry, microscopy, medical technology. 5 Welcome to where precision is. Steinmeyer – Your reliable partner for Ball Screws. Ball screws in all sorts of designs. Precision and quality. Reliable customer service. Fulfilling your exact design requirements is our Innovation, precision, quality, reliability, and dura- Steinmeyer has reliable customer service repre- main focus. The expertise of our engineers com- bility have distinguished our ball screws for deca- sentatives available at your disposal, before and bined with high standards enables us to provide des. We use sophisticated manufacturing tech- after your purchase – whether it's for a com- custom ball screw solutions for your application. nology and hand-select only first-class materials. prehensive initial consultation or for a quick and simple repair after purchase. Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 7431 1288-0 E-mail: info@steinmeyer.com Our aim is to find the right solution for you. www.steinmeyer.com 6 High precision ball screw Certified processes. assemblies of 3 mm to 160 mm. We provide high precision products through our Ball screw assemblies are the central element high quality standards. Our processes are certi- of linear drives for general machinery and de- fied under quality management systems. vices. We are a worldwide leader in ball screw assembly innovation for applications within mechatronics, optics, and aerospace. 7 www.artistic.de Our product range: • Miniature Ball Screws 3 - 16 mm • Large Ball Screws 16 - 125 mm • Ultra Thrust Ball Screws 32 -160 mm • Aerospace Ball Screws • Rotating Nuts • Precision Lead Screws With more than 460 employees, Steinmeyer is the leading competence center in Europe in the fully integrated manufacturing of ball screws. August Steinmeyer GmbH & Co. KG 72458 Albstadt Germany Phone +49 (0) 7431 1288-0 Fax +49 (0) 7431 1288-89 E-mail info@steinmeyer.com Internetwww.steinmeyer.com optiSLITE | EN-001-2016-09 | We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice. | Typing and printing errors reserved. Riedstraße 7