to open the 2013 Annual Report


to open the 2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
A Message from Public Safety Director
Kevin McCarthy
As you read through our annual report, you will see that the members of the Bolingbrook
Police Department continue to build our relationship with members of the
community. Our service-oriented / problem-solving approach to policing has been very
Once again this year, we had a 1.99% drop in the overall crime rate which directly translates
to fewer victims and a more secure community. This is the 8th consecutive year we have
seen a decrease in the crime rate, a reduction of 18.71% over the past decade.
The 2013 Annual Report reflects the highlights of the year as well as several data-points that
help us continuously monitor our performance and adjust our strategies as needed. Our
focus has been, and always will be, professional community policing. To do this, we follow
best practices from around the United States and train continuously to enhance our
professional knowledge.
We experienced tragedy this past year as well. Our friend and colleague Lt. Pat Freeman
sadly died while off-duty on July 16th. His loss has touched everyone in the Bolingbrook
Police Department, and that loss will continue to be felt by all of us for a very long time.
In 2014, I look forward to the continued opportunity to lead the dedicated men and women
of the Bolingbrook Police Department. Together with the rest of the command staff, I look
forward to working in close partnership with the Village administration to provide the
highest level of police service to those who live and work in Bolingbrook.
Points of Interest
The Village of Bolingbrook spans both Will and DuPage Counties. It is the 17th largest incorporated municipality in Illinois located approximately 28 miles Southwest of Downtown
The Village of Bolingbrook was incorporated in 1965.
The Bolingbrook Police Department was created October 16, 1968
Population................................................................................. 74,195
Residential Units ......................................................................... 23,501
Square Miles ................................................................................ 25.65
Sworn Officers ............................................................................... 113
Front: Deputy Chief Tom Ross, Chief Kevin McCarthy, Commander Dennis Hess Back: Commander Ken Teppel, Lieutenant Mike Rompa Deputy Chief Tom Ross Tom Ross started with the Bolingbrook Police Department in 1987. During that time he worked in Patrol, six years in TAC, and as a Detective before being promoted to Sergeant in 2000. He served as a
member of REACT and supervised Patrol, the Gang Unit, and was in charge of the Training Unit before
being promoted to Lieutenant in 2005. He rose through the ranks and was made the
Commander of the Support Services Division in 2006, Commander of the Patrol Division in 2007, and
Deputy Chief on September 23, 2008.
Patrol Commander Dennis Hess Dennis Hess came to the Bolingbrook Police
Department in 1994 after first beginning his career
as a Wheaton Police Officer. His assignments have
included Patrol, Gangs, Traffic, REACT and serving
as a Firearms Instructor. He was promoted to
Sergeant in 2004 and then Lieutenant in 2006. In
2008 he was appointed as the Commander of the
Patrol Division where he supervises 5 Lieutenants,
9 Sergeants, and 59 Police Officers. In addition,
Commander Hess is in charge of REACT
(Raid Entry And Containment Team), the unit
responsible for tactical
operations and
execution of search warrants.
Inves ga ons Commander Ken Teppel Ken Teppel started as a Police Cadet with
Bolingbrook in 1988. He was hired as a Police
Officer in 1990 and served in Patrol, as a School
Resource Officer, in REACT, and as a Detective.
He was promoted to Sergeant in 2004, and then
Lieutenant in 2006 where he headed Professional
Standards. He was appointed Commander of
Support Services in 2009 and then asked to take
over command of the Investigations Division in
He currently supervises Detectives,
Problem Oriented Policing, Evidence, Detached
Services and Task Forces (DEA, MANS & TCAT).
Of icerDanielSmetters
Officer Daniel Smetters was the most accurate and proficient with his firearm among
sworn personnel, and received the 2013 ‘Top Gun’ award. Officer Smetters began with the
Bolingbrook Police Department on July 7, 2006. He is currently assigned to the Patrol
Division. This award recognizes the best of the 113 Police Officers who carry firearms as
part of their duties.
Lieutenant James Coughlin has been a member of the Bolingbrook Police Department since
1988. He was promoted to Sergeant in 2006 and subsequently promoted to Lieutenant in
2009. Lt. Coughlin currently supervises the B-Nights Platoon. During his career with the
BPD he has worked on the Traffic Unit, SWAT, REACT, as a Field Training Officer and has
been a member of the Police Department Honor Guard. Lt. Coughlin and his family are
life-long residents of the Village of Bolingbrook.
Of iceroftheYear
Officer Pete Moranda has been a member of the
BPD since 2006. In addition to working in the
Patrol Division, he is a member of the Skatin’
Bacon Hockey Team comprised of members of
local Police Departments. Skatin’ Bacon raises
money for various charities every year. In 2013
Skatin’ Bacon raised an incredible $31,500 for
the Wounded Warrior Project.
Dina Panos has been a member of the
Telecommunications Division of the BPD since
2011. Prior to her service with the BPD,
Dina was a Telecommunicator for the Darien
Police Department.
Dina’s co-workers
recognized her for her work ethic and ability
to assist callers in crisis.
Of icerBurdettandK‐9Goliath
Arrests (due to K-9 Goliath)
Assist Other Agency
Drug: Cannabis Found
Drug: Heroin Found
Vehicle Searches
Building Searches
Search Warrants
USC Seized & Located
Of icerLiazukandK‐9Leon
Arrests (due to K-9 Leon)
Assist Other Agency
Drug: Cannabis Found
Drug: Cocaine Found
Drug: Heroin Found
Vehicle Searches
Building Searches
Search Warrants
USC Seized & Located
Of icerGeier
Officer Geier is an 11-year veteran of the Bolingbrook PD. She
has served as an SRO for 6 years. Officer Geier works with the
staff and students of both Humphrey and Jane Addams Middle
Schools. In addition to her SRO duties, Officer Geier coaches
Middle School Track and serves as the Post Advisor for the
Bolingbrook Police Explorers whom she has led to 1st Place in
the Traffic Stop Competition along with other team awards.
Of icerThomas
Officer Thomas is an 11 veteran of the Bolingbrook PD and has served as an SRO at Brooks Middle
School for the last 6 years. He believes the greatest thing about being an SRO is the opportunity to
build good relationships with students that lead to positive choices being made by them. As an
SRO, he sees his main goal as bridging the gap between Students
& Police Officers. Students have the opportunity to interact
with Police Officers on a daily basis and have become more
comfortable approaching them. Officer Thomas says; “Nothing
brightens my day more than when I see the smile displayed by
students as I reach out to shake their hands. “
Of icerHamptonandOf icerIvlow
Officer Ivlow is an 18-year veteran of the Bolingbrook PD. He has
been an SRO at Bolingbrook High School for 14 years. Officer
Hampton is an 10-year veteran of the Bolingbrook PD. He was an
SRO at Jane Addams and Humphrey Middle Schools prior to
joining Officer Ivlow at BHS. Both officers work together to
oversee a diverse population of 3,800 students. In addition to their
duties during the school day, Officer Ivlow coaches the BHS
Raiders Varsity Football Team and Officer Hampton coaches Varsity
Girls Basketball at BHS and the Varsity 8th Grade Girls Basketball at Brooks Middle School. Both
SROs have played professional sports and they bring team building and leadership skills to the
students they oversee and the players they coach in their respective sports.
TYPE TOTAL TYPE TOTAL Administrative Conferences 133 Student Escorts 199 Community Liaison Meetings 23 Student Interviews 45 Intervention: Crisis 47 Intervention: Other 73 Student Mediations Parent Conferences (via telephone) 94 Vehicle Searches Parent/Student Meetings 89 Non Arrest Citations Student & Locker Searches Building Safety Meetings 63 121 2 144 5 COMMUNITYVOLUNTEERS
The Bolingbrook Police Explorers program is one that
provides young men and women, ages 14-20, with an
opportunity to learn about a career in law enforcement.
They receive hands-on experience to help them
determine whether or not police work might be the right
field to pursue. They develop valuable networking
contacts with officers, leadership skills, accountability, and get to know other teenagers and young adults sharing the same interests and aspirations. Becoming involved
with Police Explorers can be the first step in identifying a career in Law Enforcement
while having fun in an exciting and informal environment. Explorer Post #38 attends
the Illinois Law Enforcement Explorers Conference in Springfield, IL each year.
Competitions in various events helps built team spirit and unit cohesion.
The Police Chaplain Unit
became operational on
December 17, 1990. It was
organized as a volunteer
ministry through the
Bolingbrook Ministerial
Association. It is offered as a Volunteer Chaplains
public service of the Police
Department to the Citizens of Call-Outs
Bolingbrook Police VCRW is currently comprised of 12 full-time volunteers.
The volunteers have logged a total of 33 patrols, with approximately 2,146 miles driven
and 569.25 volunteered hours. These hours include night rides, code enforcement, persons
with disabilities parking, radar, special events, and disaster call outs. During the past year
there were ten training sessions and one appreciation event. Our Community relies on
volunteers to work in conjunction with the Police Department. Anyone interested in
finding out more can email
The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are official data on crime in the United States,
published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). UCR is a nationwide, cooperative
statistical effort of nearly 18,000 city, university and college, county, state, tribal, and federal
law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes reported.
The UCR indexes report incidents in two categories: violent and property crimes. Aggravated
assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery are classified as violent crimes while arson,
burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft are classified as property crimes. Part 1 crimes
are collectively known as “Index crimes” and are expressed as the number of crimes per 1,000
The term “Index” is used because the crimes are considered quite
serious, tend to be reported more reliably than others, and are reported directly to the police.
Traffic enforcement and motorist safety is an important part of the Patrol
Division’s mission. The overall goal is to increase public safety on the streets of
Bolingbrook. Through the use of both enforcement and education, Police
Officers address dangerous behaviors that can compromise traffic safety. Each
Officer identifies the enforcement needs of their area and works in conjunction
with the Traffic Unit in developing traffic safety initiatives. Traffic Officers also
respond to citizen complaints about problem areas in need of increased/focused
traffic enforcement.
We envision the day when all residents, their property
and neighborhood will be safe from the dangers and
nuisances of irresponsible animal owners.
Animal Control Mission
We envision the day when animals will not suffer
because of human abuse, neglect or ignorance and will
be valued as true companions.
We envision the day when every companion animal born
will be assured of a forever home and live a full life free
from suffering.
We envision the day when the entire community
embraces the spaying and neutering of companion
animals and wholeheartedly assists us in ending the
unnecessary euthanasia of our beloved animal friends.
We believe success will be ours when no animal is
euthanized except those for whom euthanasia is an
escape from suffering or necessary for the safety of
people and other animals.
Animal Control Supervisor Linda Laketa works with the Public Works
Department to move Dogs and Cats out of the pound during flooding on
April 18, 2013.
2013 Animal Control Sta s cs Calls for Service 2,960 Dogs Impounded 305 Returned to Owner 205 Euthanized 18 Cats Impounded 160 Returned to Owner 33 Euthanized 48 Wildlife Calls 827 Traps Set 183 82 Cats Transferred 79 Dogs Transferred 9‐1‐1EmergencyDispatch
The Village of Bolingbrook Telecommunicators are a talented group of men and women who are true
first responders. Telecommunicators are proud of what they do and are committed to
providing quality assistance to the residents of this Village.
This past year, the
Te l e c o m m u n i c a t o r s , a l o n g w i t h t h e Po l i c e a n d F i r e D e p a r t m e n t s ,
developed a new PSAP Departmental Patch that reflects their dedication and commitment to the
Police Department, Fire Department and the Bolingbrook Community. Again this year, the
dedicated Telecommunicators who comprise the Public Education Team have committed to
educating all 1st graders with the tools they need to learn how and when to dial 9-1-1. In
addition, they have provided presentations for local Scouts and have assisted our Crime Prevention
Division during the Open House for the Bolingbrook Fire Department and the Village Picnic.
Code Enforcement
Crime Prevention
Animal Control
9-1-1 Telecommunications
Total Rental Inspections
Occupancy Permits Issued
Property Maintenance Inspections
Property Maintenance Violations
Requests for Action (RFA)
Bolingbrook Police Department Officer Brian
Ferry provides public education concerning crime
reduction. The Crime Prevention Officer also
conducts presentations and training on personal
safety and can provide information tailored to
seniors and children. Additionally, the Crime
Prevention Officer disseminates information on
workplace violence and identity theft and is able to
work with both individuals and organizations to
customize training needs.
RFA Violations
Total Violations Found
Citizen Assists
Violations Corrected
Elderly Service Officer Visits
Business Operating without a License
Vending Licenses Issued
Cars Marked for Tow
Citations Issued
Advisory Letters Sent
Advisory Notices/Door Tags
Community Events
Professional Events
Crime Prev. Training/Talks
Plans Reviewed
Police Department Tours
Community Alerts
Quasi-Criminal Investigation
School Talks
Security Surveys
Tobacco/Liquor Compliance
Training Cases
On March 16, 2013, the
Sixth Annual Bolingbrook 4
Kids St. Baldrick’s Event was
held at the Bolingbrook Golf
Club. The morning event
began with Gina Glocksen
(American Idol Singer)
singing the National Anthem.
The Bolingbrook Fire
Department Pipes and Drums along with the Bolingbrook High School ROTC
Honor Guard led off the evening event with Sondra Solarte (Fox News Chicago)
as emcee. Ten VIP children with cancer, and their families were honored. One of
the honored, Faith Robinson, was unable to attend due to her illness and less than
a month later succumbed to the disease, leaving behind her mother and 3 brothers. Her younger brother Connor also has cancer, and their Father passed away
from cancer 5 years earlier. This year’s event raised over $182,000! Come join us
at the Bolingbrook Golf Club on March 15th, 2014 for the Seventh Annual Bolingbrook 4 Kids St. Baldrick’s Event.
D e p a r t m e n t ’s S p e c i a l O l y m p i c s
Illinois Fundraising Team opened the 2013
season by attending the Law Enforcement Torch
Run Kick-off Conference in Bloomington,
Illinois. They participated in the ‘Cop-on-Top’
fundraiser, a joint partnership with Dunkin
Donuts to raise money through donations.
Gordon Biersch again graciously hosted its Beer,
Bags and Barbeque event to benefit Special
Olympics at their Promenade Bolingbrook
location. The fundraising season closed with
Bolingbrook runners participating in the Law
Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. The Bolingbrook
runners carried the Torch to our southern border, passing the Torch to the
Romeoville Police Department runners as it continued to be passed from police
department to police department, until it reached The Special Olympics
Summer Games in Bloomington-Normal, IL. The Bolingbrook Torch Run Team
raised over $9,000 by receiving donations, holding fundraising events, selling
Torch Run t-shirts and hats, and selling raffle tickets for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
On Tuesday, December 17th from 4pm to 6pm, the East Boughton Meijer store
graciously hosted the 15th Annual Bolingbrook Police "Shop with a Cop"
program. The program entails various members of the Bolingbrook Police
Department accompanying over 100 Bolingbrook students throughout the store to
pick items of their choice. Each child was supplied with a $50 gift card.
The school district supplies a list of over 100 students who would either benefit
from the program or are deserving of the opportunity. The Police Department
then coordinate with each parent to ascertain if their child can attend.
The program enables our officers to meet and interact with many Bolingbrook
children in a positive atmosphere. It is exemplified by the unselfishness the
students display, as many buy gifts for other family members even though they
might not get any gifts themselves this season. Many of our officers identify this
and then take the child back into the store to buy them something extra at their
own expense. This event truly personifies the Christmas Spirit. It is an
outstanding way to bring the Bolingbrook Community together and it is just a
great experience for all of those involved.
Meijer has been a great host and they are very strong supporters of giving back to
the community. A special thanks to Store Manager Leena Whestone and
Administrative Assistant Pam Willis. They were a pleasure to work with.
Crime Stoppers began in Albuquerque, New Mexico
in September 1976 and is a partnership of the
community, the media and law enforcement designed
to combat crime and keep our streets safe. Today
there are some 1,200 Crime Stopper programs in
communities around the world that take tips to assist
investigators to solve crime. These programs are operated as not-for-profit
charities and are managed by a volunteer board of directors. Bolingbrook
Crime Stoppers is comprised of a civilian board of directors and three
Bolingbrook Police Officer Coordinators. The board meets monthly to take
on the responsibility of fundraising and paying of rewards to “tipsters” who
have reported and assisted in solving crime.
Many people choose not to contact the police during an investigation for
typically one of three reasons: fear of reprisal, an attitude of apathy or
reluctance to get involved. Crime Stoppers allows people the opportunity to
provide information without identifying themselves, speaking directly to the
police or appearing in court. Police Officers can then use this valuable
information to continue their investigation.
Rewards are paid for tips that lead to the arrest and indictment of people
charged with felony offenses.
Crime Stoppers Tips can be called into: