Agenda Packet - City Of Waseca
Agenda Packet - City Of Waseca
REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2 MOMENT OF SILENCE/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4 VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 5 a. Greater Mankato Area United Way b. American Lung Association PUBLIC HEARINGS a. 6 7 Adoption of Ordinance No. 1044 – Amending Chapter 91 of City Code, Open Burning of Leaves ROUTINE BUSINESS a. Airport Master Plan Update b. Resolution No. 16-19 – Approving State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement c. Resolution No. 16-20 – Awarding Contract for 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project #2016-03 d. Resolution No. 16-21 – Granting Rear Yard Setback Variance to Barbara Kooken for a Deck e. Ordinance No. 1045 - Introduction & set hearing date – Amending Chapter 150.04 of the City Code, Building Regulations UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8 NEW BUSINESS a. Dispose of surplus equipment/property b. Approve Change Order Nos 1 & 2 and Final Payment – Northeast Park Pavilion Project #2015-12 Agenda – May 17, 2016 Page 2 9 CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 b. Payroll & Expenditures – May 2016 10 CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 11 COMMISSION REPORTS EDA (Councilmembers Arndt, Fitch) HPC (Councilmember Tlougan) Human Rights Commission (Councilmember Fitch) Planning Commission (Councilmember Christiansen) OTHER Discover Waseca Tourism Board (Mayor Clemons, Councilmember Fitch) 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 ADJOURNMENT Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Adopting Ordinance No. 1044 re: Open Burning of Leaves May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 5A PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Prepared By: Administration Supporting Documents: Ordinance 1044 Administration Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1044 re: Open Burning of Leaves. City Manager City Manager BACKGROUND: At the February 16, 2016 meeting, the City Council directed staff to draft an ordinance to introduce at the first meeting in May, eliminating the City ordinance that allows burning of leaves within the City. The existing City ordinance allows City residents to burn leaves from October 15 to November 15, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The ordinance includes certain other restrictions, including that burning of other refuse is prohibited. Now that the City offers free leaf pickup service to residents in the fall, members of the Council have requested consideration that the open burning of leaves within the City limits is no longer necessary and should not be allowed. Attached is Ordinance No. 1044, eliminating the open burning of leaves within the City limits. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: The Council may want to consider amending the language to be more restrictive, yet still allow burning of leaves in the City. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1044 banning the Open Burning of Leaves. ORDINANCE NO. 1044 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WASECA, MINNESOTA AMENDING CHAPTER 91.02 OF THE CITY CODE OPEN BURNING OF LEAVES The City of Waseca does hereby ordain: That Chapter 91, Section 91.02 shall be amended to read as follows, with language to be removed indicated by strikeout, and language to be added indicated by underline. BURNING PROHIBITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS § 91.01 NEGLIGENT FIRES. It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit a fire to get out of control and thereby create an unreasonable risk and high degree of probability of damage or injury to another and the property or person of another. § 91.02 OPEN BURNING OF LEAVES. (A) Subject to applicable Minnesota Statutes and regulations the open burning of dried leaves only between October 15 and November 15 is hereby permitted subject to the stated limits and conditions of the city code. (B) (1) The burning should be limited to areas of the city zoned and used for residential purposes only. (2) Burning shall be permitted only between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. (3) All burning shall be conducted a minimum of 25 feet from all buildings, structures, flammable materials and tall grasses and weeds. (4) No person shall kindle a fire on land of another without first obtaining permission of the owner or his or her agent. (5) No burning is permitted in any public streets. Any burning that takes place on the in-drive of a property owned or occupied by the burner must be cleaned following the burning. (6) All fires shall be attended at all times by a person of suitable age and discretion. (7) No burning shall take place during an air pollution alert, warning or emergency declared by the Pollution Control Agency or during a fire alert or warning declared by the city and the Fire Chief may prohibit burning of leaves when atmospheric or local conditions make the burning hazardous. (8) The burning of other refuse is prohibited. Open burning of leaves within the City limits of Waseca is prohibited. § 91.03 CAMPFIRES. Camp fires in a commercial recreational campground are permitted within a properly constructed fire ring, but limited to one fire ring per camp site. § 91.04 FOOD PREPARATION OR RECREATIONAL FIRES. Fires set for food preparation or social purposes are allowed without a permit provided that only unpainted and untreated wood or charcoal is burned and provided further the fire is contained within a grill, firebox made of metal, fireplace or other fire burning equipment designated for such purpose and further complies with all other state regulations pertaining to open burning. Ordinance No. 1044 Page 2 § 91.05 RECREATIONAL BURNING IN A PIT. (A) The burn pit cannot exceed three feet in diameter and must be at least 18 inches deep. (B) (1) Fires shall not be conducted within 25 feet of a building or combustible materials unless contained in a barbecue pit. (2) For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. (C) No materials other than untreated wood or charcoal may be burned for recreational purposes. (D) The fire cannot be larger than three feet diameter and the flames cannot be higher than three feet. (E) Buckets, shovels, garden hoses or fire extinguishers shall be readily available. (F) Fires shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of extinguishing equipment. (G) The fire shall be supervised by an adult until fully extinguished. (H) The Fire Department or Police Department may require the fire to be extinguished if it becomes a hazardous situation or there are complaints about smoke from the neighbors. Adopted this _____ day of ______, 2016. ____________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ATTEST: _______________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY Introduced:________________ Adopted: __________________ Published: _________________ Effective: __________________ Request for City Council Action Title Airport Master Plan Update Meeting Date: May 17, 2016 Agenda Section: PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: Action: Originating Department: Prepared By: Public Works Supporting Documents: City Engineer Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Discussion on Airport Master Plan 6A MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION City Engineer City Manager BACKGROUND: The City is in the process of updating the Waseca Airport’s master plan. TKDA, the City’s hired consultant to complete the master plan will be in attendance to update the Council on the master plan’s development as well as present information related to the public open house scheduled for May 17, 2016 from 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm, and to answer any questions the Council may have on the master plan or the master plan process. The airport master plan is a required document of the FAA and MnDOT aeronautics and its purpose is to plan airport improvements at the Waseca Airport for the next 20-30 years based on current and projected user demands and operations at the airport. These plans are updated every 10-15 years. No formal action is required regarding the master plan at this time. Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Res. No. 16-19 entering into a Master Joint Powers Agreements with the State of MN, Department of Public Safety, MN BCA and the State Court Administrator’s Office May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 6B PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Agenda Section: Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Waseca Police Department Prepared By: Chief Vought Supporting Documents: Res. No. 16-19 Master JPA Court Amendment City Manager Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion to approve Res. No. 16-19 entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of MN, Department of Public Safety, MN BCA and the State Court Administrator’s Office City Manager BACKGROUND: In 2011, the Waseca City Council adopted Resolution 11-25 and entered into a five year agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to use systems and tools available over the State’s criminal justice data communications network for which the City was eligible to use. At the time, the Waseca Police Department was adding an e-charging capability in August of 2011. The Waseca Police Department continued to have access to the following BCA systems and tools: CCH (Computerized Criminal History) system, CJDN (Criminal Justice Data Communication Network) system, CHRMS (Criminal History Record Maintenance System), CIBRS (Comprehensive Incident Based Reporting System), ISS (Integrated Search System), and MRAP (Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photos) system, and POR (Predatory Offender Registry) system. This agreement expires in June of 2016. Per MN State Statute, §471.59, Subd. 1, the Joint Powers Agreement must be approved by the City Council. Additionally, this Resolution includes the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment to the CFDN Subscriber Agreement. This Amendment will allow for access to/or submission of Court records and makes Courts a party to the JPA. The Court Amendment document is strictly for agencies that use eCharging (which the Waseca Police Department does). This Court Amendment, per State Statute, must also be approved by the City Council. BUDGET IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Res. No. 16-19 entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety and the State Court Administrator’s Office City of Waseca RESOLUTION NO. 16-19 RESOLUTION APPROVING STATE OF MINNESOTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF WASECA ON BEHALF OF ITS CITY ATTORNEY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the City of Waseca on behalf of its Prosecuting Attorney and Police Department desires to enter into Joint Powers Agreements with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to use systems and tools available over the State’s criminal justice data communications network for which the City is eligible. The Joint Powers Agreements further provide the City with the ability to add, modify and delete connectivity, systems and tools over the five year life of the agreement and obligates the City to pay the costs for the network connection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Waseca, Minnesota as follows: 1. That the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements by and between the State of Minnesota acting through its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the City of Waseca on behalf of its Prosecuting Attorney and Police Department, are hereby approved. Copies of the two Joint Powers Agreements are attached to this Resolution and made a part of it. 2. That Chief Penny Vought, or her successor, is designated the Authorized Representative for the Police Department. The Authorized Representative is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. To assist the Authorized Representative with the administration of the agreement, Captain Kris Markeson is appointed as the Authorized Representative’s designee. 3. That John Clemons, the Mayor for the City of Waseca and Danny Lenz, the City Manager of Waseca are authorized to sign the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement and are also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. Passed and Adopted by the Council on this _____ day of _________-, ______. CITY OF WASECA _________________________________ By: Mayor ATTEST:_________________________ By: City Clerk SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 STATE OF MINNESOTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED AGENCY This agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension ("BCA") and the City of Waseca on behalf of its Police Department ("Agency"). Recitals Under Minn. Stat. § 471.59, the BCA and the Agency are empowered to engage in those agreements that are necessary to exercise their powers. Under Minn. Stat. § 299C.46 the BCA must provide a criminal justice data communications network to benefit authorized agencies in Minnesota. The Agency is authorized by law to utilize the criminal justice data communications network pursuant to the terms set out in this agreement. In addition, BCA either maintains repositories of data or has access to repositories of data that benefit authorized agencies in performing their duties. Agency wants to access these data in support of its official duties. The purpose of this Agreement is to create a method by which the Agency has access to those systems and tools for which it has eligibility, and to memorialize the requirements to obtain access and the limitations on the access. Agreement 1 Term of Agreement 1.1 Effective date: This Agreement is effective on the date the BCA obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subdivision 2. 1.2 Expiration date: This Agreement expires five years from the date it is effective. 2 Agreement between the Parties 2.1 General access. BCA agrees to provide Agency with access to the Minnesota Criminal Justice Data Communications Network (CJDN) and those systems and tools which the Agency is authorized by law to access via the CJDN for the purposes outlined in Minn. Stat. § 299C.46. 2.2 Methods of access. The BCA offers three (3) methods of access to its systems and tools. The methods of access are: A. Direct access occurs when individual users at the Agency use Agency’s equipment to access the BCA’s systems and tools. This is generally accomplished by an individual user entering a query into one of BCA’s systems or tools. B. Indirect access occurs when individual users at the Agency go to another Agency to obtain data and information from BCA’s systems and tools. This method of access generally results in the Agency with indirect access obtaining the needed data and information in a physical format like a paper report. C. Computer-to-computer system interface occurs when Agency’s computer exchanges data and information with BCA’s computer systems and tools using an interface. Without limitation, interface types include: state message switch, web services, enterprise service bus and message queuing. For purposes of this Agreement, Agency employees or contractors may use any of these methods to use BCA’s systems and tools as described in this Agreement. Agency will select a method of access and can change the methodology following the process in Clause 2.10. 2.3 Federal systems access. In addition, pursuant to 28 CFR §20.30-38 and Minn. Stat. §299C.58, BCA may provide Agency with access to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Crime Information Center. 1 SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 2.4 Agency policies. Both the BCA and the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Systems (FBI-CJIS) have policies, regulations and laws on access, use, audit, dissemination, hit confirmation, logging, quality assurance, screening (preemployment), security, timeliness, training, use of the system, and validation. Agency has created its own policies to ensure that Agency’s employees and contractors comply with all applicable requirements. Agency ensures this compliance through appropriate enforcement. These BCA and FBI-CJIS policies and regulations, as amended and updated from time to time, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. The policies are available at 2.5 Agency resources. To assist Agency in complying with the federal and state requirements on access to and use of the various systems and tools, information is available at Additional information on appropriate use is found in the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Policy on Appropriate Use of Systems and Data available at 2.6 Access granted. A. Agency is granted permission to use all current and future BCA systems and tools for which Agency is eligible. Eligibility is dependent on Agency (i) satisfying all applicable federal or state statutory requirements; (ii) complying with the terms of this Agreement; and (iii) acceptance by BCA of Agency’s written request for use of a specific system or tool. B. To facilitate changes in systems and tools, Agency grants its Authorized Representative authority to make written requests for those systems and tools provided by BCA that the Agency needs to meet its criminal justice obligations and for which Agency is eligible. 2.7 Future access. On written request by Agency, BCA also may provide Agency with access to those systems or tools which may become available after the signing of this Agreement, to the extent that the access is authorized by applicable state and federal law. Agency agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement that when utilizing new systems or tools provided under this Agreement. 2.8 Limitations on access. BCA agrees that it will comply with applicable state and federal laws when making information accessible. Agency agrees that it will comply with applicable state and federal laws when accessing, entering, using, disseminating, and storing data. Each party is responsible for its own compliance with the most current applicable state and federal laws. 2.9 Supersedes prior agreements. This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements between the BCA and the Agency regarding access to and use of systems and tools provided by BCA. 2.10 Requirement to update information. The parties agree that if there is a change to any of the information whether required by law or this Agreement, the party will send the new information to the other party in writing within 30 days of the change. This clause does not apply to changes in systems or tools provided under this Agreement. This requirement to give notice additionally applies to changes in the individual or organization serving a city as its prosecutor. Any change in performance of the prosecutorial function must be provided to the BCA in writing by giving notice to the Service Desk, 2.11 Transaction record. The BCA creates and maintains a transaction record for each exchange of data utilizing its systems and tools. In order to meet FBI-CJIS requirements and to perform the audits described in Clause 7, there must be a method of identifying which individual users at the Agency conducted a particular transaction. If Agency uses either direct access as described in Clause 2.2A or indirect access as described in Clause 2.2B, BCA’s transaction record meets FBI-CJIS requirements. When Agency’s method of access is a computer to computer interface as described in Clause 2.2C, the Agency must 2 SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 keep a transaction record sufficient to satisfy FBI-CJIS requirements and permit the audits described in Clause 7 to occur. If an Agency accesses data from the Driver and Vehicle Services Division in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and keeps a copy of the data, Agency must have a transaction record of all subsequent access to the data that are kept by the Agency. The transaction record must include the individual user who requested access, and the date, time and content of the request. The transaction record must also include the date, time and content of the response along with the destination to which the data were sent. The transaction record must be maintained for a minimum of six (6) years from the date the transaction occurred and must be made available to the BCA within one (1) business day of the BCA’s request. 2.12 Court information access. Certain BCA systems and tools that include access to and/or submission of Court Records may only be utilized by the Agency if the Agency completes the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, which upon execution will be incorporated into this Agreement by reference. These BCA systems and tools are identified in the written request made by Agency under Clause 2.6 above. The Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment provides important additional terms, including but not limited to privacy (see Clause 8.2, below), fees (see Clause 3 below), and transaction records or logs, that govern Agency’s access to and/or submission of the Court Records delivered through the BCA systems and tools. 2.13 Vendor personnel screening. The BCA will conduct all vendor personnel screening on behalf of Agency as is required by the FBI CJIS Security Policy. The BCA will maintain records of the federal, fingerprint-based background check on each vendor employee as well as records of the completion of the security awareness training that may be relied on by the Agency. 3 Payment The Agency agrees to pay BCA for access to the criminal justice data communications network described in Minn. Stat. § 299C.46 as specified in this Agreement. The bills are sent quarterly for the amount of Two Hundred Seventy Dollars ($270.00) or a total annual cost of One Thousand Eighty Dollars ($1,080.00). Agency will identify its contact person for billing purposes, and will provide updated information to BCA’s Authorized Representative within ten business days when this information changes. If Agency chooses to execute the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment referred to in Clause 2.12 in order to access and/or submit Court Records via BCA’s systems, additional fees, if any, are addressed in that amendment. 4 Authorized Representatives The BCA's Authorized Representative is Dana Gotz, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Minnesota Justice Information Services, 1430 Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55106, 651-793-1007, or her successor. The Agency's Authorized Representative is Chief Penny Vought, 303 S State Street, Waseca, MN 56093, (507) 835-2120, or his/her successor. 5 Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Contract Complete 5.1 Assignment. Neither party may assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement. 5.2 Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement, except those described in Clauses 2.6 and 2.7 above must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been signed and approved by the same parties who signed and approved the original agreement, their successors in office, or another individual duly authorized. 5.3 Waiver. If either party fails to enforce any provision of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or the right to enforce it. 5.4 Contract Complete. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the BCA and the Agency. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 3 SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 6 Liability Each party will be responsible for its own acts and behavior and the results thereof and shall not be responsible or liable for the other party’s actions and consequences of those actions. The Minnesota Torts Claims Act, Minn. Stat. § 3.736 and other applicable laws govern the BCA’s liability. The Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 466, governs the Agency’s liability. 7 Audits 7.1 Under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 5, the Agency’s books, records, documents, internal policies and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the BCA, the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Agreement. Under Minn. Stat. § 6.551, the State Auditor may examine the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of BCA. The examination shall be limited to the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices that are relevant to this Agreement. 7.2 Under applicable state and federal law, the Agency’s records are subject to examination by the BCA to ensure compliance with laws, regulations and policies about access, use, and dissemination of data. 7.3 If Agency accesses federal databases, the Agency’s records are subject to examination by the FBI and Agency will cooperate with FBI examiners and make any requested data available for review and audit. 7.4 To facilitate the audits required by state and federal law, Agency is required to have an inventory of the equipment used to access the data covered by this Agreement and the physical location of each. 8 Government Data Practices 8.1 BCA and Agency. The Agency and BCA must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data accessible under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Agency under this Agreement. The remedies of Minn. Stat. §§ 13.08 and 13.09 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Agency or the BCA. 8.2 Court Records. If Agency chooses to execute the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment referred to in Clause 2.12 in order to access and/or submit Court Records via BCA’s systems, the following provisions regarding data practices also apply. The Court is not subject to Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 (see section 13.90) but is subject to the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court. All parties acknowledge and agree that Minn. Stat. § 13.03, subdivision 4(e) requires that the BCA and the Agency comply with the Rules of Public Access for those data received from Court under the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment. All parties also acknowledge and agree that the use of, access to or submission of Court Records, as that term is defined in the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, may be restricted by rules promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court, applicable state statute or federal law. All parties acknowledge and agree that these applicable restrictions must be followed in the appropriate circumstances. 9 Investigation of alleged violations; sanctions For purposes of this clause, “Individual User” means an employee or contractor of Agency. 9.1 Investigation. Agency and BCA agree to cooperate in the investigation and possible prosecution of suspected violations of federal and state law referenced in this Agreement. Agency and BCA agree to cooperate in the investigation of suspected violations of the policies and procedures referenced in this Agreement. When BCA becomes aware that a violation may have occurred, BCA will inform Agency of the suspected violation, subject to any restrictions in applicable law. When Agency becomes aware that a violation has occurred, Agency will inform BCA subject to any restrictions in applicable law. 9.2 Sanctions Involving Only BCA Systems and Tools. The following provisions apply to BCA systems and tools not covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber 4 SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 Amendment. None of these provisions alter the Agency’s internal discipline processes, including those governed by a collective bargaining agreement. 9.2.1 For BCA systems and tools that are not covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, Agency must determine if and when an involved Individual User’s access to systems or tools is to be temporarily or permanently eliminated. The decision to suspend or terminate access may be made as soon as alleged violation is discovered, after notice of an alleged violation is received, or after an investigation has occurred. Agency must report the status of the Individual User’s access to BCA without delay. BCA reserves the right to make a different determination concerning an Individual User’s access to systems or tools than that made by Agency and BCA’s determination controls. 9.2.2 If BCA determines that Agency has jeopardized the integrity of the systems or tools covered in this Clause 9.2, BCA may temporarily stop providing some or all the systems or tools under this Agreement until the failure is remedied to the BCA’s satisfaction. If Agency’s failure is continuing or repeated, Clause 11.1 does not apply and BCA may terminate this Agreement immediately. 9.3 Sanctions Involving Only Court Data Services The following provisions apply to those systems and tools covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, if it has been signed by Agency. As part of the agreement between the Court and the BCA for the delivery of the systems and tools that are covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, BCA is required to suspend or terminate access to or use of the systems and tools either on its own initiative or when directed by the Court. The decision to suspend or terminate access may be made as soon as an alleged violation is discovered, after notice of an alleged violation is received, or after an investigation has occurred. The decision to suspend or terminate may also be made based on a request from the Authorized Representative of Agency. The agreement further provides that only the Court has the authority to reinstate access and use. 9.3.1 Agency understands that if it has signed the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment and if Agency’s Individual Users violate the provisions of that Amendment, access and use will be suspended by BCA or Court. Agency also understands that reinstatement is only at the direction of the Court. 9.3.2 Agency further agrees that if Agency believes that one or more of its Individual Users have violated the terms of the Amendment, it will notify BCA and Court so that an investigation as described in Clause 9.1 may occur. 10 Venue Venue for all legal proceedings involving this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 11 Termination 11.1 Termination. The BCA or the Agency may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice to the other party’s Authorized Representative. 11.2 Termination for Insufficient Funding. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written notice to the other party’s authorized representative. The Agency is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the BCA will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. Neither party will be assessed any penalty if the agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. Notice of the lack of funding must be provided within a reasonable time of the affected party receiving that notice. 12 Continuing obligations The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this Agreement: 6. Liability; 7. Audits; 8. Government Data Practices; 9. Investigation of alleged violations; sanctions; and 10.Venue. 5 SWIFT Contract # 108246 MN0810300 The parties indicate their agreement and authority to execute this Agreement by signing below. 1. AGENCY 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION Name: _____________________________________________ (PRINTED) Name: _____________________________________________ (PRINTED) Signed: ____________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Title: ______________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Date: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ 3. COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION delegated to Materials Management Division Name: _____________________________________________ (PRINTED) By: ______________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Date: ______________________________________________ 6 COURT DATA SERVICES SUBSCRIBER AMENDMENT TO CJDN SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT This Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment (“Subscriber Amendment”) is entered into by the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, (“BCA”) and the City of Waseca on behalf of its Police Department (“Agency”), and by and for the benefit of the State of Minnesota acting through its State Court Administrator’s Office (“Court”) who shall be entitled to enforce any provisions hereof through any legal action against any party. Recitals This Subscriber Amendment modifies and supplements the Agreement between the BCA and Agency, SWIFT Contract number 108246, of even or prior date, for Agency use of BCA systems and tools (referred to herein as “the CJDN Subscriber Agreement”). Certain BCA systems and tools that include access to and/or submission of Court Records may only be utilized by the Agency if the Agency completes this Subscriber Amendment. The Agency desires to use one or more BCA systems and tools to access and/or submit Court Records to assist the Agency in the efficient performance of its duties as required or authorized by law or court rule. Court desires to permit such access and/or submission. This Subscriber Amendment is intended to add Court as a party to the CJDN Subscriber Agreement and to create obligations by the Agency to the Court that can be enforced by the Court. It is also understood that, pursuant to the Master Joint Powers Agreement for Delivery of Court Data Services to CJDN Subscribers (“Master Authorization Agreement”) between the Court and the BCA, the BCA is authorized to sign this Subscriber Amendment on behalf of Court. Upon execution the Subscriber Amendment will be incorporated into the CJDN Subscriber Agreement by reference. The BCA, the Agency and the Court desire to amend the CJDN Subscriber Agreement as stated below. The CJDN Subscriber Agreement is amended by the addition of the following provisions: 1. TERM; TERMINATION; ONGOING OBLIGATIONS. This Subscriber Amendment shall be effective on the date finally executed by all parties and shall remain in effect until expiration or termination of the CJDN Subscriber Agreement unless terminated earlier as provided in this Subscriber Amendment. Any party may terminate this Subscriber Amendment with or without cause by giving written notice to all other parties. The effective date of the termination shall be thirty days after the other party's receipt of the notice of termination, unless a later date is specified in the notice. The provisions of sections 5 through 9, 12.b., 12.c., and 15 through 24 shall survive any termination of this Subscriber Amendment as shall any other provisions which by their nature are intended or expected to survive such termination. Upon termination, the Subscriber shall perform the responsibilities set forth in paragraph 7(f) hereof. 2. Definitions. Unless otherwise specifically defined, each term used herein shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the CJDN Subscriber Agreement. 1 a. “Authorized Court Data Services” means Court Data Services that have been authorized for delivery to CJDN Subscribers via BCA systems and tools pursuant to an Authorization Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement for Delivery of Court Data Services to CJDN Subscribers (“Master Authorization Agreement”) between the Court and the BCA. b. “Court Data Services” means one or more of the services set forth on the Justice Agency Resource webpage of the Minnesota Judicial Branch website (for which the current address is or other location designated by the Court, as the same may be amended from time to time by the Court. c. “Court Records” means all information in any form made available by the Court to Subscriber through the BCA for the purposes of carrying out this Subscriber Amendment, including: i. “Court Case Information” means any information in the Court Records that conveys information about a particular case or controversy, including without limitation Court Confidential Case Information, as defined herein. ii. “Court Confidential Case Information” means any information in the Court Records that is inaccessible to the public pursuant to the Rules of Public Access and that conveys information about a particular case or controversy. iii. “Court Confidential Security and Activation Information” means any information in the Court Records that is inaccessible to the public pursuant to the Rules of Public Access and that explains how to use or gain access to Court Data Services, including but not limited to login account names, passwords, TCP/IP addresses, Court Data Services user manuals, Court Data Services Programs, Court Data Services Databases, and other technical information. iv. “Court Confidential Information” means any information in the Court Records that is inaccessible to the public pursuant to the Rules of Public Access, including without limitation both i) Court Confidential Case Information; and ii) Court Confidential Security and Activation Information. d. “DCA” shall mean the district courts of the state of Minnesota and their respective staff. e. “Policies & Notices” means the policies and notices published by the Court in connection with each of its Court Data Services, on a website or other location designated by the Court, as the same may be amended from time to time by the Court. Policies & Notices for each Authorized Court Data Service identified in an approved request form under section 3, below, are hereby made part of this Subscriber Amendment by this reference and provide additional terms and conditions that govern Subscriber’s use of Court Records accessed through such services, including but not limited to provisions on access and use limitations. 2 f. “Rules of Public Access” means the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court, as the same may be amended from time to time, including without limitation lists or tables published from time to time by the Court entitled Limits on Public Access to Case Records or Limits on Public Access to Administrative Records, all of which by this reference are made a part of this Subscriber Amendment. It is the obligation of Subscriber to check from time to time for updated rules, lists, and tables and be familiar with the contents thereof. It is contemplated that such rules, lists, and tables will be posted on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website, for which the current address is g. “Court” shall mean the State of Minnesota, State Court Administrator's h. “Subscriber” shall mean the Agency. Office. i. “Subscriber Records” means any information in any form made available by the Subscriber to the Court for the purposes of carrying out this Subscriber Amendment. 3. REQUESTS FOR AUTHORIZED COURT DATA SERVICES. Following execution of this Subscriber Amendment by all parties, Subscriber may submit to the BCA one or more separate requests for Authorized Court Data Services. The BCA is authorized in the Master Authorization Agreement to process, credential and approve such requests on behalf of Court and all such requests approved by the BCA are adopted and incorporated herein by this reference the same as if set forth verbatim herein. a. Activation. Activation of the requested Authorized Court Data Service(s) shall occur promptly following approval. b. Rejection. Requests may be rejected for any reason, at the discretion of the BCA and/or the Court. c. Requests for Termination of One or More Authorized Court Data Services. The Subscriber may request the termination of an Authorized Court Data Services previously requested by submitting a notice to Court with a copy to the BCA. Promptly upon receipt of a request for termination of an Authorized Court Data Service, the BCA will deactivate the service requested. The termination of one or more Authorized Court Data Services does not terminate this Subscriber Amendment. Provisions for termination of this Subscriber Amendment are set forth in section 1. Upon termination of Authorized Court Data Services, the Subscriber shall perform the responsibilities set forth in paragraph 7(f) hereof. 4. SCOPE OF ACCESS TO COURT RECORDS LIMITED. Subscriber’s access to and/or submission of the Court Records shall be limited to Authorized Court Data Services identified in an approved request form under section 3, above, and other Court Records necessary for Subscriber to use Authorized Court Data Services. Authorized Court Data Services shall only be used according to the instructions provided in corresponding Policies & Notices or other materials and only as necessary to assist Subscriber in the efficient performance of Subscriber’s duties 3 required or authorized by law or court rule in connection with any civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitral proceeding in any Federal, State, or local court or agency or before any self-regulatory body. Subscriber’s access to the Court Records for personal or non-official use is prohibited. Subscriber will not use or attempt to use Authorized Court Data Services in any manner not set forth in this Subscriber Amendment, Policies & Notices, or other Authorized Court Data Services documentation, and upon any such unauthorized use or attempted use the Court may immediately terminate this Subscriber Amendment without prior notice to Subscriber. 5. GUARANTEES OF CONFIDENTIALITY. Subscriber agrees: a. To not disclose Court Confidential Information to any third party except where necessary to carry out the Subscriber’s duties as required or authorized by law or court rule in connection with any civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitral proceeding in any Federal, State, or local court or agency or before any self-regulatory body. b. To take all appropriate action, whether by instruction, agreement, or otherwise, to insure the protection, confidentiality and security of Court Confidential Information and to satisfy Subscriber’s obligations under this Subscriber Amendment. c. To limit the use of and access to Court Confidential Information to Subscriber’s bona fide personnel whose use or access is necessary to effect the purposes of this Subscriber Amendment, and to advise each individual who is permitted use of and/or access to any Court Confidential Information of the restrictions upon disclosure and use contained in this Subscriber Amendment, requiring each individual who is permitted use of and/or access to Court Confidential Information to acknowledge in writing that the individual has read and understands such restrictions. Subscriber shall keep such acknowledgements on file for one year following termination of the Subscriber Amendment and/or CJDN Subscriber Agreement, whichever is longer, and shall provide the Court with access to, and copies of, such acknowledgements upon request. For purposes of this Subscriber Amendment, Subscriber’s bona fide personnel shall mean individuals who are employees of Subscriber or provide services to Subscriber either on a voluntary basis or as independent contractors with Subscriber. d. That, without limiting section 1 of this Subscriber Amendment, the obligations of Subscriber and its bona fide personnel with respect to the confidentiality and security of Court Confidential Information shall survive the termination of this Subscriber Amendment and the CJDN Subscriber Agreement and the termination of their relationship with Subscriber. e. That, notwithstanding any federal or state law applicable to the nondisclosure obligations of Subscriber and Subscriber’s bona fide personnel under this Subscriber Amendment, such obligations of Subscriber and Subscriber's bona fide personnel are founded independently on the provisions of this Subscriber Amendment. 6. APPLICABILITY TO PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED COURT RECORDS. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that all Authorized Court Data Services and related Court Records disclosed to Subscriber prior to the effective date of this Subscriber Amendment shall be subject to the provisions of this Subscriber Amendment. 4 7. LICENSE AND PROTECTION OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. During the term of this Subscriber Amendment, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the Court hereby grants to Subscriber a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to use Court Data Services Programs and Court Data Services Databases to access or receive the Authorized Court Data Services identified in an approved request form under section 3, above, and related Court Records. Court reserves the right to make modifications to the Authorized Court Data Services, Court Data Services Programs, and Court Data Services Databases, and related materials without notice to Subscriber. These modifications shall be treated in all respects as their previous counterparts. a. Court Data Services Programs. Court is the copyright owner and licensor of the Court Data Services Programs. The combination of ideas, procedures, processes, systems, logic, coherence and methods of operation embodied within the Court Data Services Programs, and all information contained in documentation pertaining to the Court Data Services Programs, including but not limited to manuals, user documentation, and passwords, are trade secret information of Court and its licensors. b. Court Data Services Databases. Court is the copyright owner and licensor of the Court Data Services Databases and of all copyrightable aspects and components thereof. All specifications and information pertaining to the Court Data Services Databases and their structure, sequence and organization, including without limitation data schemas such as the Court XML Schema, are trade secret information of Court and its licensors. c. Marks. Subscriber shall neither have nor claim any right, title, or interest in or use of any trademark used in connection with Authorized Court Data Services, including but not limited to the marks “MNCIS” and “Odyssey.” d. Restrictions on Duplication, Disclosure, and Use. Trade secret information of Court and its licensors will be treated by Subscriber in the same manner as Court Confidential Information. In addition, Subscriber will not copy any part of the Court Data Services Programs or Court Data Services Databases, or reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to discern the source code of the Court Data Services Programs or Court Data Services Databases, or use any trademark of Court or its licensors, in any way or for any purpose not specifically and expressly authorized by this Subscriber Amendment. As used herein, "trade secret information of Court and its licensors" means any information possessed by Court which derives independent economic value from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. "Trade secret information of Court and its licensors" does not, however, include information which was known to Subscriber prior to Subscriber’s receipt thereof, either directly or indirectly, from Court or its licensors, information which is independently developed by Subscriber without reference to or use of information received from Court or its licensors, or information which would not qualify as a trade secret under Minnesota law. It will not be a violation of this section 7, sub-section d, for Subscriber to make up to one copy of training materials and configuration documentation, if any, for each individual authorized to access, use, or configure Authorized Court Data Services, solely for its own use in connection with this Subscriber Amendment. Subscriber will take all steps reasonably necessary to protect the copyright, trade secret, and trademark rights of Court and its licensors and Subscriber will advise its bona fide personnel who are permitted access to any of the Court Data Services Programs and Court Data Services Databases, and trade secret information of Court and its licensors, of the restrictions upon duplication, disclosure and use contained in this Subscriber Amendment. 5 e. Proprietary Notices. Subscriber will not remove any copyright or proprietary notices included in and/or on the Court Data Services Programs or Court Data Services Databases, related documentation, or trade secret information of Court and its licensors, or any part thereof, made available by Court directly or through the BCA, if any, and Subscriber will include in and/or on any copy of the Court Data Services Programs or Court Data Services Databases, or trade secret information of Court and its licensors and any documents pertaining thereto, the same copyright and other proprietary notices as appear on the copies made available to Subscriber by Court directly or through the BCA, except that copyright notices shall be updated and other proprietary notices added as may be appropriate. f. Title; Return. The Court Data Services Programs and Court Data Services Databases, and related documentation, including but not limited to training and configuration material, if any, and logon account information and passwords, if any, made available by the Court to Subscriber directly or through the BCA and all copies, including partial copies, thereof are and remain the property of the respective licensor. Except as expressly provided in section 12.b., within ten days of the effective date of termination of this Subscriber Amendment or the CJDN Subscriber Agreement or within ten days of a request for termination of Authorized Court Data Service as described in section 4, Subscriber shall either: (i) uninstall and return any and all copies of the applicable Court Data Services Programs and Court Data Services Databases, and related documentation, including but not limited to training and configuration materials, if any, and logon account information, if any; or (2) destroy the same and certify in writing to the Court that the same have been destroyed. 8. INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. Subscriber acknowledges that the Court, Court’s licensors, and DCA will be irreparably harmed if Subscriber’s obligations under this Subscriber Amendment are not specifically enforced and that the Court, Court’s licensors, and DCA would not have an adequate remedy at law in the event of an actual or threatened violation by Subscriber of its obligations. Therefore, Subscriber agrees that the Court, Court’s licensors, and DCA shall be entitled to an injunction or any appropriate decree of specific performance for any actual or threatened violations or breaches by Subscriber or its bona fide personnel without the necessity of the Court, Court’s licensors, or DCA showing actual damages or that monetary damages would not afford an adequate remedy. Unless Subscriber is an office, officer, agency, department, division, or bureau of the state of Minnesota, Subscriber shall be liable to the Court, Court’s licensors, and DCA for reasonable attorneys fees incurred by the Court, Court’s licensors, and DCA in obtaining any relief pursuant to this Subscriber Amendment. 9. LIABILITY. Subscriber and the Court agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, each party will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. Liability shall be governed by applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, liability of the Court and any Subscriber that is an office, officer, agency, department, division, or bureau of the state of Minnesota shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes, section 3.376, and other applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing, if Subscriber is a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota, liability of the Subscriber shall be governed by the provisions of Minn. Stat. Ch. 466 (Tort Liability, Political Subdivisions) or other applicable law. Subscriber and Court further acknowledge that the liability, if any, of the BCA is governed by a separate agreement between the Court and the BCA dated December 13, 2010 with DPS-M -0958. 6 10. AVAILABILITY. Specific terms of availability shall be established by the Court and communicated to Subscriber by the Court and/or the BCA. The Court reserves the right to terminate this Subscriber Amendment immediately and/or temporarily suspend Subscriber’s Authorized Court Data Services in the event the capacity of any host computer system or legislative appropriation of funds is determined solely by the Court to be insufficient to meet the computer needs of the courts served by the host computer system. 11. [reserved] 12. ADDITIONAL USER OBLIGATIONS. The obligations of the Subscriber set forth in this section are in addition to the other obligations of the Subscriber set forth elsewhere in this Subscriber Amendment. a. Judicial Policy Statement. Subscriber agrees to comply with all policies identified in Policies & Notices applicable to Court Records accessed by Subscriber using Authorized Court Data Services. Upon failure of the Subscriber to comply with such policies, the Court shall have the option of immediately suspending the Subscriber’s Authorized Court Data Services on a temporary basis and/or immediately terminating this Subscriber Amendment. b. Access and Use; Log. Subscriber shall be responsible for all access to and use of Authorized Court Data Services and Court Records by Subscriber’s bona fide personnel or by means of Subscriber’s equipment or passwords, whether or not Subscriber has knowledge of or authorizes such access and use. Subscriber shall also maintain a log identifying all persons to whom Subscriber has disclosed its Court Confidential Security and Activation Information, such as user ID(s) and password(s), including the date of such disclosure. Subscriber shall maintain such logs for a minimum period of six years from the date of disclosure, and shall provide the Court with access to, and copies of, such logs upon request. The Court may conduct audits of Subscriber’s logs and use of Authorized Court Data Services and Court Records from time to time. Upon Subscriber’s failure to maintain such logs, to maintain accurate logs, or to promptly provide access by the Court to such logs, the Court may terminate this Subscriber Amendment without prior notice to Subscriber. c. Personnel. Subscriber agrees to investigate, at the request of the Court and/or the BCA, allegations of misconduct pertaining to Subscriber’s bona fide personnel having access to or use of Authorized Court Data Services, Court Confidential Information, or trade secret information of the Court and its licensors where such persons are alleged to have violated the provisions of this Subscriber Amendment, Policies & Notices, Judicial Branch policies, or other security requirements or laws regulating access to the Court Records. d. Minnesota Data Practices Act Applicability. If Subscriber is a Minnesota Government entity that is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that: (1) the Court is not subject to Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 (see section 13.90) but is subject to the Rules of Public Access and other rules promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court; (2) Minn. Stat. section 13.03, subdivision 4(e) requires that Subscriber comply with the Rules of Public Access and other rules promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court for access to Court Records provided via the 7 BCA systems and tools under this Subscriber Amendment; (3) the use of and access to Court Records may be restricted by rules promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court, applicable state statute or federal law; and (4) these applicable restrictions must be followed in the appropriate circumstances. 13. FEES; INVOICES. Unless the Subscriber is an office, officer, department, division, agency, or bureau of the state of Minnesota, Subscriber shall pay the fees, if any, set forth in applicable Policies & Notices, together with applicable sales, use or other taxes. Applicable monthly fees commence ten (10) days after notice of approval of the request pursuant to section 3 of this Subscriber Amendment or upon the initial Subscriber transaction as defined in the Policies & Notices, whichever occurs earlier. When fees apply, the Court shall invoice Subscriber on a monthly basis for charges incurred in the preceding month and applicable taxes, if any, and payment of all amounts shall be due upon receipt of invoice. If all amounts are not paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice, the Court may immediately cancel this Subscriber Amendment without notice to Subscriber and pursue all available legal remedies. Subscriber certifies that funds have been appropriated for the payment of charges under this Subscriber Amendment for the current fiscal year, if applicable. 14. MODIFICATION OF FEES. Court may modify the fees by amending the Policies & Notices as provided herein, and the modified fees shall be effective on the date specified in the Policies & Notices, which shall not be less than thirty days from the publication of the Policies & Notices. Subscriber shall have the option of accepting such changes or terminating this Subscriber Amendment as provided in section 1 hereof. 15. WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS. a. WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, COURT, COURT’S LICENSORS, AND DCA MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, NOR ARE ANY WARRANTIES TO BE IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION, SERVICES OR COMPUTER PROGRAMS MADE AVAILABLE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. b. ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF INFORMATION. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH, COURT, COURT’S LICENSORS, AND DCA MAKE NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE COURT RECORDS. 16. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. Subscriber is an independent contractor and shall not be deemed for any purpose to be an employee, partner, agent or franchisee of the Court, Court’s licensors, or DCA. Neither Subscriber nor the Court, Court’s licensors, or DCA shall have the right nor the authority to assume, create or incur any liability or obligation of any kind, express or implied, against or in the name of or on behalf of the other. 17. NOTICE. Except as provided in section 2 regarding notices of or modifications to Authorized Court Data Services and Policies & Notices, any notice to Court or Subscriber 8 hereunder shall be deemed to have been received when personally delivered in writing or seventytwo (72) hours after it has been deposited in the United States mail, first class, proper postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom it is intended at the address set forth on page one of this Agreement or at such other address of which notice has been given in accordance herewith. 18. NON-WAIVER. The failure by any party at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Subscriber Amendment or any right or remedy available hereunder or at law or in equity, or to exercise any option herein provided, shall not constitute a waiver of such provision, remedy or option or in any way affect the validity of this Subscriber Amendment. The waiver of any default by either Party shall not be deemed a continuing waiver, but shall apply solely to the instance to which such waiver is directed. 19. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Subscriber nor Court shall be responsible for failure or delay in the performance of their respective obligations hereunder caused by acts beyond their reasonable control. 20. SEVERABILITY. Every provision of this Subscriber Amendment shall be construed, to the extent possible, so as to be valid and enforceable. If any provision of this Subscriber Amendment so construed is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severed from this Subscriber Amendment, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 21. ASSIGNMENT AND BINDING EFFECT. Except as otherwise expressly permitted herein, neither Subscriber nor Court may assign, delegate and/or otherwise transfer this Subscriber Amendment or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other. This Subscriber Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, including any other legal entity into, by or with which Subscriber may be merged, acquired or consolidated. 22. GOVERNING LAW. This Subscriber Amendment shall in all respects be governed by and interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of Minnesota. 23. VENUE AND JURISDICTION. Any action arising out of or relating to this Subscriber Amendment, its performance, enforcement or breach will be venued in a state or federal court situated within the State of Minnesota. Subscriber hereby irrevocably consents and submits itself to the personal jurisdiction of said courts for that purpose. 24. INTEGRATION. This Subscriber Amendment contains all negotiations and agreements between the parties. No other understanding regarding this Subscriber Amendment, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party, provided that all terms and conditions of the CJDN Subscriber Agreement and all previous amendments remain in full force and effect except as supplemented or modified by this Subscriber Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have, by their duly authorized officers, executed this Subscriber Amendment in duplicate, intending to be bound thereby. 9 1. SUBSCRIBER (AGENCY) 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION Subscriber must attach written verification of authority to sign on behalf of and bind the entity, such as an opinion of counsel or resolution. Name: ____________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Signed: ___________________________________________ (PRINTED) (PRINTED) Signed: _______________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Title: ________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Date: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ 3. COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION delegated to Materials Management Division By: ______________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ (PRINTED) Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ 4. COURTS Authority granted to Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Title: ________________________________________ (with delegated authority) Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Signed: ___________________________________________ (PRINTED) Title: _____________________________________________ (with authorized authority) Date: _____________________________________________ 10 Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: Originating Department: Prepared By: Reviewed By: Proposed Action: RESOLUTION NO. 16-20 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2016 CRACK SEAL/ SEAL COAT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2016-03 May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Engineering Paul Bruder, Sr. Engineering Tech. City Engineer 6C Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Supporting Documents: Resolution, Bid Tabulation & Project Map City Engineer Presented By: Approved By: City Manager Motion to Adopt Resolution No. 16-20 Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project, City Project 2016-03. BACKGROUND: The City of Waseca awards a contract for crack sealing and seal coat of local streets annually in accordance with the pavement management policy. Bids for the project were received on May 13th, 2016. Three bids were received; a tabulation of the bid and the Engineers Estimate is attached. The lowest responsible bid received was from Caldwell Asphalt Company, the amount of $88,042.88. Caldwell Asphalt Company, Inc. has done crack seal/seal coat projects for the City in previous years and completed the projects on time and per specifications. BUDGET IMPACT: The crack seal/seal coat project is included in the City’s 2016 budget. The low bid of $88,042.88 is within budget and will be funded by the CIP and State Aid Maintenance Funds. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Waseca City Council adopt Resolution No. 16-20 Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project, City Project 2016-03 and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Pearson Brothers, Inc. for the amount of $88,042.88. RESOLUTION NO. 16-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2016 CRACK SEAL/SEAL COAT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 2016-03 WHEREAS, all bids on construction of the 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project, City Project No. 2016-03, are hereby received and tabulated; and WHEREAS, the bid of Caldwell Asphalt Company, Inc. of Hawick, Minnesota, in the amount of $88,042.88 for the construction of said improvements, in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bid, and shall be and hereby is accepted. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements, for and on behalf of the City of Waseca. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. Adopted this 17th day of May, 2016. ATTEST: _________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY ____________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR BID TABULATION CITY OF WASECA PROJECT 2016-03 2016 CRACK SEAL/SEAL COAT BID OPENING MAY 13, 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. CONTRACTOR: No. Description Unit QTY Engineers Estimate 508 South State St Waseca, MN 56093 Unit Price Caldwell Asphalt 24060 175th St NE Hawick, MN 56273 Total Unit Price Pearson Brothers 11079 Lamont Ave NE Hanover, MN 55341 Total Unit Price Allied Blacktop Co. 10503 89th Ave N Maple Grove, MN 55369 Total Unit Price Total CITY ROADWAYS 1 2356.506 BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT SQ. YD. 57832 $ 0.50 $ 28,916.00 $ 0.84 $ 48,578.88 $ 0.55 $ 31,807.60 $ 1.02 $ 58,988.64 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL COAT (CRS-2) GAL. 17350 $ 3.55 $ 61,592.50 $ 1.60 $ 27,760.00 $ 2.50 $ 43,375.00 $ 1.00 $ 17,350.00 3 2331.608 FURNISH & INSTALL CRACK SEALANT - ROADWAYS LB. 6160 $ 3.00 $ 18,480.00 $ 1.90 $ 11,704.00 $ 2.15 $ 13,244.00 $ 2.10 $ 12,936.00 TOTAL PROJECT 2016-03 $ 108,988.50 $ 88,042.88 $ 88,426.60 $ 89,274.64 Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: Resolution No. 16-21 Approving a Variance to Allow a Rear Property Line Setback on Property Zoned R-2, Urban Residential (413 13th Avenue NE) May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 6D PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Prepared By: Community Development Community Development Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 16-21 PC Memo/Attachments City Manager Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 16-21, A Resolution of the Waseca City Council Approving a Variance to Allow a Rear Property Line Setback on Property Zoned R2, Urban Residential (413 13th Avenue NE) City Manager BACKGROUND: Barbara Kooken, owner of the property located at 413 13th Avenue NE, is requesting a Variance to allow construction of a new attached deck, which will encroach into the allowed rear property line setback. The property is zoned R-2, Urban Residential. Single-family dwellings are permitted principal uses, and attached decks are permitted accessory uses in the R-2 zoning district. The property is occupied by a single-family dwelling. The principal dwelling meets all required setbacks. The property is a corner lot, irregular in shape. Due to the unusual size and shape of this lot, the rear yard area is considerably shallower than a standard lot. This does not allow for the proposed deck to be constructed without encroachment into the rear setback. City Code allows an attached deck to encroach into the rear setback, but no more than 20 feet from the rear property line. The applicant wishes to have a deck that allows adequate space for movement, and yet maintain space from the neighboring house to the north. The proposed 14’ x 20’ deck will encroach into the rear setback a distance of 6 feet on the west side and 2 feet on the east side due to the irregular shape of the lot. The project meets all other zoning requirements in an R-2 zoning district. POLICY QUESTION: The City Council has the authority to approve Variances. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on May 10, 2016. There were no comments by the public. The Planning Commission discussed the fact that the location of the principal structure on this lot, the shallow back yard, and the irregular shape of the lot, warranted a Variance. Based on five (5) findings, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Variance with four (4) conditions (6-0). RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends adoption of Resolution 16-21, A Resolution of the Waseca City Council Approving a Variance to Allow a Rear Property Line Setback on Property Zoned R-2, Urban Residential (413 13th Avenue NE). RESOLUTION NO. 16-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A REAR PROPERTY LINE SETBACK ON PROPERTY ZONED R-2, URBAN RESIDENTIAL (413 13th Avenue NE) WHEREAS, application has been made to the City Council of the City of Waseca by Barbara Kooken for approval of a Variance from the provisions of Chapter 154, Section 154.199 (B) to allow a rear property line setback for the construction of a new deck on property zoned R-2, Urban Residential. The property is located at 413 13th Avenue NE and is described as: Louis M Born Subdivision #3 Lot 001, Block 001 and WHEREAS, the Waseca Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request at its May 10, 2016 meeting, and all interested parties were provided an opportunity to comment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Waseca has considered the advice and recommendation of the Planning Commission, the consistency of the proposed project with the Waseca Zoning Ordinance and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding land, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect of proposed use on the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the anticipated drainage patterns; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Waseca, makes the following findings of fact related to the proposed development and requested variances: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Variance is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the ordinance. The use and Variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposal puts the property to use in a reasonable manner. There are unique circumstances to the property not created by the landowner. The Variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waseca that Variances from the provisions of Chapter 154, Section 154.199 (B) of the Waseca City Code to allow a rear property line setback for the construction of a new deck zoned R-2, Urban Residential, subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. The property shall be developed according to the approved site plan attached as Exhibit A to the approving resolution. All building and fire codes shall be met in construction of the addition. Development of the site shall commence within 180 days of the date of approval or the Variance shall be deemed null and void. Development of the site shall be completed within one year of approval, or the Variance shall be deemed null and void. Resolution No. 16-21 Page 2 Adopted this 17th day of May 2016. __________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ATTEST: ________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY EXHIBIT “A” RESOLUTION 16-21 Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: Introduction of Ordinance No. 1045 re: Minimum Structure Square Feet for Building Permit May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 6E PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Prepared By: Administration Administration Supporting Documents: Ordinance 1045 City Code Ch. 150.04 City Manager Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 1045 and set the public hearing date of June 7, 2016. City Manager BACKGROUND: Current City Code requires that “no person shall construct, alter, wreck or move any kind of structure or building or part thereof without first securing a building permit therefore: provided no permit shall be necessary for the construction, reconstruction or alternation of a building where the building is less than 100 square feet in size.” Since this portion of the code was adopted State Building Code has been updated to allow buildings less than 120 square feet to not need a building permit. In addition, when the City Council adopted the updated Zoning Code in January of this year the maximum size for accessory structures was increased to the same 120 square feet to be consistent with the State Building Code. Staff is proposing to modify Chapter 150.04 of the City’s Building Code to be consistent with the State Building Code and Zoning Code at set the minimum structure size needing a permit at 120 square feet. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED: Maintain current requirement. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 1045, and set the hearing date of June 7, 2016. ORDINANCE NO. 104 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WASECA, MINNESOTA AMENDING CHAPTER 150.04 OF THE CITY CODE BUILDING REGULATIONS The City of Waseca does hereby ordain: That Chapter 150, Section 150.04 shall be amended to read as follows, with language to be removed indicated by strikeout, and language to be added indicated by underline. § 150.04 ORGANIZATION. (A) Chapter 7510—Minnesota Fire Code is applicable to buildings and activities in the city pursuant to state law. (B) The Building Inspection Services Department shall be the Building Code Department of the city. The administrative authority shall be the state certified Building Official. (C) The City Council shall designate the Building Official for the jurisdiction of the city and the extraterritorial limits. (D) (1) Hereafter, no person shall construct, alter, wreck or move any kind of structure or building or part thereof without first securing a building permit therefore; provided no permit shall be necessary for the construction, reconstruction or alteration of a building where the building is less than 100 120 square feet in size. In the shoreland overlay zoning district, a building permit shall be required for the construction or installation of any building or structure, regardless of size, for the installation of sewage treatment systems, and for those grading and filling activities not exempted by §§ 154.045 through 154.060. Application for a building permit shall be made to the Building Official or his or her designee on the forms provided by the city. The application shall include sufficient use and that, in cases where municipal sewer does not yet serve a site, a compliant sewage treatment system will be provided. Permits shall stipulate that any identified nonconforming sewage treatment system, as defined by § 154.058, shall be reconstructed or replaced in accordance with the provisions contained therein. (2) Applications for building permits shall be accompanied by the following exhibits unless waived by the City Council. (a) A legal description and a drawing or sketch of an area including the property in question and 100 feet beyond its outer boundaries showing existing utilities, plat boundaries and dimensions, buildings, easements, foliage and topography and waterway if pertinent. Soil tests may be required if pertinent. (b) Preliminary building and site development plans showing building's location, dimensional parking and loading arrangement, vehicular and pedestrian access and egress, surface drainage plan, landscaping, utility plan, screening, size and location of all signs, building floor plans of all floors, elevations of all sides of buildings, sections and outline material specifications as appropriate. (E) (1) Persons requesting a building permit shall fill out a building permit form available from the Building Official. (2) Completed building permit forms and a fee as may be established by resolution by the City Council shall be submitted to the Building Official. If the proposed development conforms in all respects to Ch. 154 of this code and the Building Code as adopted by the City Council, a building permit shall be issued by the Building Official within a period of 15 days unless additional information is required to determine compliance of the plans with applicable laws in which case the time period shall be extended by the amount of time required by the applicant to provide the information. (3) If the proposed development involves a zoning amendment, variance or conditional use permit, the application shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and appropriate action according to the procedures set forth in §§ 154.171 through 154.173 of this code. If the application is approved, a copy of the approval shall be included with the building permit application and the building permit may be issued. (F) No vacant land shall be occupied or used and no buildings hereafter erected, significantly altered or moved shall be occupied until the city has issued a certificate of occupancy. The certificate shall show that the building or premises or part thereof and the use thereof are in conformity with the provisions of this code. The certificate shall be issued only when the building or premises and the use thereof conform to all the requirements of this code. The certificate shall be issued only when an affidavit signed by the permit holder has been provided to the City Building Official indicating that the property is graded in accordance with the approved drainage plan on record with the city by the subdivision developer or submitted by the permit holder in the case where there is not subdivision grading plan on record with the city. (`86 Code, § 11.02) (Am. Ord. 734, passed 7-6-99; Am. Ord. 737, passed 9-21-99; Am. Ord. 816, passed 5-20-03; Am. Ord. 896, passed 2-7-06) Penalty, see § 10.99 Adopted this _____ day of ______, 2016. ATTEST: _______________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY Introduced:________________ Adopted: __________________ Published: _________________ Effective: __________________ ____________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR § 150.04 ORGANIZATION. (A) Chapter 7510—Minnesota Fire Code is applicable to buildings and activities in the city pursuant to state law. (B) The Building Inspection Services Department shall be the Building Code Department of the city. The administrative authority shall be the state certified Building Official. (C) The City Council shall designate the Building Official for the jurisdiction of the city and the extraterritorial limits. (D) (1) Hereafter, no person shall construct, alter, wreck or move any kind of structure or building or part thereof without first securing a building permit therefore; provided no permit shall be necessary for the construction, reconstruction or alteration of a building where the building is less than 100 square feet in size. In the shoreland overlay zoning district, a building permit shall be required for the construction or installation of any building or structure, regardless of size, for the installation of sewage treatment systems, and for those grading and filling activities not exempted by §§ 154.045 through 154.060. Application for a building permit shall be made to the Building Official or his or her designee on the forms provided by the city. The application shall include sufficient use and that, in cases where municipal sewer does not yet serve a site, a compliant sewage treatment system will be provided. Permits shall stipulate that any identified nonconforming sewage treatment system, as defined by § 154.058, shall be reconstructed or replaced in accordance with the provisions contained therein. (2) Applications for building permits shall be accompanied by the following exhibits unless waived by the City Council. (a) A legal description and a drawing or sketch of an area including the property in question and 100 feet beyond its outer boundaries showing existing utilities, plat boundaries and dimensions, buildings, easements, foliage and topography and waterway if pertinent. Soil tests may be required if pertinent. (b) Preliminary building and site development plans showing building's location, dimensional parking and loading arrangement, vehicular and pedestrian access and egress, surface drainage plan, landscaping, utility plan, screening, size and location of all signs, building floor plans of all floors, elevations of all sides of buildings, sections and outline material specifications as appropriate. (E) (1) Persons requesting a building permit shall fill out a building permit form available from the Building Official. (2) Completed building permit forms and a fee as may be established by resolution by the City Council shall be submitted to the Building Official. If the proposed development conforms in all respects to Ch. 154 of this code and the Building Code as adopted by the City Council, a building permit shall be issued by the Building Official within a period of 15 days unless additional information is required to determine compliance of the plans with applicable laws in which case the time period shall be extended by the amount of time required by the applicant to provide the information. (3) If the proposed development involves a zoning amendment, variance or conditional use permit, the application shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and appropriate action according to the procedures set forth in §§ 154.171 through 154.173 of this code. If the application is approved, a copy of the approval shall be included with the building permit application and the building permit may be issued. (F) No vacant land shall be occupied or used and no buildings hereafter erected, significantly altered or moved shall be occupied until the city has issued a certificate of occupancy. The certificate shall show that the building or premises or part thereof and the use thereof are in conformity with the provisions of this code. The certificate shall be issued only when the building or premises and the use thereof conform to all the requirements of this code. The certificate shall be issued only when an affidavit signed by the permit holder has been provided to the City Building Official indicating that the property is graded in accordance with the approved drainage plan on record with the city by the subdivision developer or submitted by the permit holder in the case where there is not subdivision grading plan on record with the city. (`86 Code, § 11.02) (Am. Ord. 734, passed 7-6-99; Am. Ord. 737, passed 9-21-99; Am. Ord. 816, passed 5-20-03; Am. Ord. 896, passed 2-7-06) Penalty, see § 10.99 Request for City Council Action Title Declaration of Surplus Equipment and Property Meeting Date: May 17, 2016 Agenda Section: PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: Action: 8A MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Prepared By: Public Works Supporting Documents: Excess Property List City Engineer Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion to approve the declaration of surplus equipment and property and disposal. City Engineer City Manager BACKGROUND: City Staff has identified existing City property, identified on the attached lists, as surplus property and of no use to the City. Property will be disposed of according to all applicable laws generally by either auction, by being sold for scrap value or recycled. All items deemed to have no value will be disposed of in an approved landfill. BUDGET IMPACT: fund. The proceeds from the disposal of the excess property will be returned to the general RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a motion by the City Council to approve the declaration of surplus equipment and property and disposal. 2016 City Items for Disposal Street Dept. 2 – Metal Cabinets Parts Washer Fuel Injector Cleaning Machine WWTP 2 – JD Gator Windshields Parks Dept. 18 – Chairs 10 – Lockers 2 – Weed Whips Schlage Entry Door Lockset Shelving Brackets Ceiling fan Roll of Plastic Map Holder Projection Screen Waders (leaky) Boat Ramp Plank (concrete) City Hall Misc. Electronic Equipment Computer Printers, Keyboards, & Monitors Cases Cassette Recorders 35mm Camera with Case Sony Camcorder 2 - Bike Helmets Phone System with 46 Phones VHS/DVD Player VHS – VHS Recorder VHS Player Sympodium Electronic Drawing Board Wide Drawer File Cabinet Tapco 6306 Sound Board Cameras Engineering Trimble- Backpack GPS HP 1050c Large Format Plotter Waseca Police Department 2016-Auction Items Case number: Item: Item description: Approved by: Approved date: 20150000- Truck bed toolbox w/misc contents TUFFBOX BJK 4-28-16 200900000885 Projectors(3) DELL projectors BJK 4-28-16 No case number-WPD crossing guards Boots Cabela’s- Inferno-8D BJK 4-28-16 201200007835 Tackle boxes Small and large BJK 4-28-16 200300005147 Tuner Pioneer Super Tuner BJK 4-28-16 200900005683 Sunglasses Oakley BJK 4-28-16 200800006024 Spotlight Spotlight BJK 4-28-16 200500002473 Knife Black BJK 4-28-16 200300002760 Knife Silver BJK 4-28-16 20080000- Knives 2 knives BJK 4-28-16 200300005490 Knife Winchester BJK 4-28-16 200800002947 Knife blade Winchester Limited Edition 2005 BJK 4-28-16 200300002880 Knife Silver BJK 4-28-16 200400001675 Gun Pellet BJK 4-28-16 200600002930 BB gun and ring BB gun and ring BJK 4-28-16 200800004863 Pellets Crossman pellets BJK 4-28-16 200600003770 Pellet gun Taurus BJK 4-28-16 200600002907 BB gun BB gun and BB’s BJK 4-28-16 201200005683 BB guns 2 BB guns and BB’s BJK 4-28-16 200300004183 Pellet gun Walther P99 BJK 4-28-16 201500007621 Bike Schwinn-Sidewinder BJk 4-28-16 201500002252 Bike Schwinn BJK 4-28-16 201500002807 Bike Magna-Outreach BJK 4-28-16 201500003318 Bike Honda BJK 4-28-16 201500003781 Bike Mongoose BJK 4-28-16 201500003935 Bike Headspin BJK 4-28-16 201500004514 Bike Huffy-Stryker BJK 4-28-16 201500009245 Bike Mongoose BJK 4-28-16 201500004600 Bike Mongoose BJK 4-28-16 201500005973 Bike Roadmaster-Gradite Peak BJK 4-28-16 201500006012 Bike Roadmaster-Granite Peak BJK 4-28-16 201500006110 Bike Next-Chaos-FX 20 BJK 4-28-16 201500006431 Bike Main Street BJK 4-28-16 201500006463 Bike Mongoose-Montana BJK 4-28-16 201500006689 Bike Magna-Glacier Point BJK 4-28-16 201500006731 Bike Magna-Glacier Point BJK 4-28-16 201500006961 Bike Mongoose BJK 4-28-16 201500007497 Bike Kent-Abyss BJK 4-28-16 201500007458 Bike Huffy-Fortress BJK 4-28-16 201500007582 Bike Roadmaster BJK 4-28-16 201500007604 Bike Comanch-TSI BJK 4-28-16 201600000628 Bike Next-Youth BJK 5-3-16 201500007891 Bike Scout Bike-ChromeMoly BJK 5-3-16 201500008148 Bike Schwinn-Ranger BJK 5-3-16 201500008340 Bike Murray-Back Track BJK 5-3-16 201500008616 Bike Mongoose BJK 5-3-16 201500007856 Bike Huffy-P53 BJK 5-3-16 201500008427 Bike Ross BJK 5-3-16 No case number-WPD bike Bike KLEIN-Pulse ProManton-16 speed BJK 5-3-16 Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: Approve Change Order Nos 1 & 2 and Final Payment – Northeast Park Pavilion Project #2015-12 May 17, 2016 Agenda Item Number: PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 8B Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Prepared By: Engineering City Engineer Supporting Documents: Final Pay Estimate, CO Nos 1 & 2 City Manager Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion Accept the project and Approve Change Order Nos 1 & 2 and Final Payment – Northeast Park Pavilion Project #2015-12 contingent on completion of minor punch list work and submittal of project closeout documentation. City Manager BACKGROUND: Work is complete and has been inspected by the Architect and is recommended for final acceptance. Final payment is for the retainage left on the job and final payment will be held until the City receives IC-134’s. BUDGET IMPACT: This work is a budgeted expense. The original contract amount was $562,238 and the final contract amount is $560,846.70 or a reduction of $1,391.30. Change Orders Nos 1 & 2 reflect cost savings due to value engineering completed during construction related to the utility service lines, building insulation and electric system revisions. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Waseca City Council Motion Accept the project and Approve Change Order Nos 1 & 2 and Final Payment – Northeast Park Pavilion Project #2015-12. Final payment will not be released until minor punch list work is complete and all project closeout documentation has been provided to the City. MINUTES REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2016 9A CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 1 The regular Waseca City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Clemons at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor John Clemons Fred Salsbury Ann Fitch Les Tlougan Allan Rose Mark Christiansen Daren Arndt Staff present: Danny Lenz, City Manager Mark DuChene, City Engineer Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary MOMENT OF SILENCE/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2 A moment of silent prayer was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3 It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Arndt, to approve the agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0. VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 4a Proclamation – National Small Business Week Mayor Clemons read aloud a proclamation, declaring May 1 through May 7, 2016 as National Small Business Week. 4b Proclamation – Poppy Month Mayor Clemons read aloud a proclamation proclaiming May as Poppy Month and presented it to Terri Halleck, a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Ms. Halleck thanked the Council and the City for its support and gave some background information regarding the history of Poppy Month, to remember our fallen soldiers. Ms. Halleck stated all the money collected stays in the community and helps local veterans connect with local services. She encouraged anyone who knows of a veteran with needs, to contact the American Legion Auxiliary. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 2 4c Relay for Life request for waiver of park fees David Baldini, 36428 169th Street, addressed the Council and explained the Waseca Relay for Life is scheduled for Saturday, July 23rd, 2016. On behalf of the Relay for Life Committee, Mr. Baldini requested the Council consider waiving the park fees and granting requests and was done in 2015. The Relay for Life will be held at Northeast Park again and they will be building on the theme from last year with the water park and a carnival for kids. Mr. Baldini referred to a list of requests and asked for approval from the Council and City staff. The City Manager commented the Committee submitted a list of 11 requests, some of which will be handled by staff and two will need Council approval – waiving the park fee and an exception for the music. It was moved by Rose, seconded by Fitch, to approve waiving the park fee and allowing music until midnight for the Relay for Life event on July 23, 2016 as requested; the motion carried 7-0. Mayor Clemons asked if there was anyone else in the audience, not on the agenda, who wished to address the City Council at this time; Nancy Walters, 13925 573rd Avenue, Mapleton, addressed the Council and explained she is the owner of Homestead, at 917 North State Street. This property is currently zoned Residential Specialty. Ms. Walters stated she received a letter from the City regarding a zoning violation and a sign/sandwich board which was also in violation of City Code Chapter 154 regarding the number of signs allowed per business. Ms. Walters explained the sign issues. She stated she believes there is a personal vendetta against her business and Zinnias and asked the City to investigate that matter. Ms. Walters stated people come to Waseca because it is a unique community. Last night she received a Historic Preservation Award and that is what draws people to Waseca. Ms. Walters asked the Council to consider changing ordinance chapter 154.130C regarding signs. Mayor Clemons stated he felt the sandwich board ordinance is a good rule and should not be changed. He further stated he felt the Council painstakingly crafted the zoning ordinance based on her request last year so her property could have a second sign. The City Manager commented if the Council wants to change the ordinance, they will need to direct staff to bring back an ordinance change for the Council to consider. An ordinance change would take a couple months Mayor Clemons asked the City Manager to see if he can find anything regarding signs, temporary or hanging signs, etc. The City Manager asked if the Council is directing staff to evaluate the ordinance and come back with recommended changes. The council stated they did not want that at this time. Mayor Clemons stated the Council does not want staff to put in the time on a new ordinance, but would like staff to look at the existing ordinance to see if there is something that can be done to accommodate Ms. Walters’ request. There were no other public comments. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS 5 None ROUTINE BUSINESS 6a Ordinance No. 1044 – Introduction & set hearing date – Amending Chapter 91 of the City Code, Open Burning of Leaves At the February 16, 2016 meeting, the City Council directed staff to draft an ordinance to introduce at the first meeting in May, eliminating the City ordinance that allows burning of leaves within the City. The existing City ordinance allows City residents to burn leaves from October 15 to November 15, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The ordinance includes certain other restrictions, including that burning of other refuse is prohibited. Now that the City offers free leaf pickup service to residents in the fall, members of the Council have determined that open burning of leaves within the City limits is no longer necessary. It was moved by Clemons, seconded by Tlougan, to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 1044, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WASECA, MINNESOTA AMENDING CHAPTER 91 OF THE CITY CODE, OPEN BURNING OF LEAVES and set the hearing date for its adoption to May 17, 2016; DISCUSSION Mayor Clemons stated this is an item he brought up last fall and has spoken about it previously so nobody would be surprised. Councilmember Fitch commented she has had several comments regarding keeping the burning ordinance in place, and has heard from no one who would like to see a ban. Councilmember Rose stated he has spoken with more people who are in favor of burning leaves than who are against it. He stated it amounts to only 240 hours per year in which people can burn leaves. This is a choice the public has and he does not want to see the choice taken away. Councilmember Rose also stated he felt moving leaves to the curb is a burden for some people. He reiterated he does not want to see this choice taken away from the citizens. Councilmember Tlougan commented public hearings are held for a purpose, and the Council can hear what people have on their minds. There were two gentlemen in the audience who were willing to wait until the public hearing to speak about this subject. VOTE ON THE MOTION The motion carried 5-2 (nay-Salsbury, Fitch). Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 4 6b Resolution No. 16-17 – Receiving bids and awarding contract for 2016 State Aid Street & Watermain Improvement Project #2016-01 On April 5, 2016 the City Council held a public hearing for the 2016 Street Improvements, Project 2016-01, and authorized Staff to prepare plans and specifications and advertisement for bids. Bids were received on April 29th, in accordance with state statutes. Two bids were received, and a tabulation of those bids is attached. The lowest responsible bid received was from James Brothers Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,029,487.10. It was moved by Salsbury, seconded by Christiansen, to adopt Resolution No. 16-17, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2016 STATE AID STREET & WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #2016-01 and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with James Brothers Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,029,487.10; the motion carried 7-0. 6c Resolution No. 16-18 – Amending City of Waseca Special Assessment Policy Often times during City initiated public capital improvement projects, staff is approached by property owners and asked if additional work can be done as part of the project such as replacing additional driveway area, sidewalk panels, utility services etc. that are outside the scope of the public improvement project. The items requested are typically small in nature and the costs for the homeowner to contract with a contractor to do the work would often times be higher than if they could be included as part of a larger City project. The property owner usually offers to pay 100% of the costs for these improvements either upfront or as part of their proposed assessment for the City project. The City’s current special assessment policy does not address these types of requests and due to the very strict statutory requirements of the 429 special assessment process a very specific process needs to be adopted and followed to allow these types of requests to be accommodated. The proposed special assessment policy amendment and Consent Assessment Agreement would allow the City to accommodate requests for additional work on City projects. The proposed policy states that it is at the City’s sole discretion if requested additional work can be added to a public improvement project since the nature of the work being requested must fit within the scope of the project (i.e. can’t add utility work to a mill and overlay project if there wasn’t any utility work previously part of the project) and that the work doesn’t negatively affect the project completion timeline. Property owners requesting additional work must execute a Consent Assessment Agreement which meets the requirements to complete this type of work and assess 100% of the costs to the property owner under the chapter 429 statutes. The attached resolution 16-18 authorizes the City Manager to execute said Consent Assessment Agreements on behalf of the City. Work completed under the consent assessment agreement would be added to the project assessment roll and approved by Council resolution at the project assessment hearing. After some discussion, it was moved by Fitch, seconded by Rose, to adopt Resolution No. 16-18, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE CITY OF WASECA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY; the motion carried 7-0. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7 None NEW BUSINESS 8a Appointment to Human Rights Commission There are currently two vacancies on the Human Rights Commission. The attached application was received from Toni Larson, Director of the Neighborhood Service Center, who is interested in appointment to this Commission. It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Tlougan, to appoint Toni Larson to the Human Rights Commission; the motion carried 7-0. CONSENT AGENDA 9 It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Tlougan, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0 and included the following actions: a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting = April 19, 2016 – were accepted and placed on file. b. Payroll & Expenditures – April 2016 – were authorized for payment. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 10 The City Manager provided the following report: A press release was sent out regarding Tink Larson Field, notifying the public that on Thursday the City will be demolishing the structure. There will be an open house on Wednesday, to give residents an opportunity to say goodbye to this piece of Waseca’s history before we start hauling it away, which will take place on Thursday and Friday. The City Manager further stated next week we will be trying to get poles in the ground and install netting, courtesy of the Minnesota Twins, and will bring in bleachers so the Waseca Bluejays baseball team can play their final home game at Tink Larson Field on May 20th. Councilmember Arndt asked whether big trucks will be allowed on the field. The City Manager stated he hopes they can access from another way to avoid the actual field during the demolition. Mayor Clemons asked about design firms. The City manager stated bids are due from the design firms on May 27th, to be awarded at the June 7th Council meeting. June 16th will be the first work session to discuss concepts and ideas. Preliminary designs will be reviewed in July and there will be open houses and a public comment period, with the final design approved in September or October. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 6 Mayor Clemons commented there are a lot of people who want to help or donate. He noted one business in Janesville who will be donating a percentage of all their sales this weekend to the project. There are also a lot of other fundraisers, and he would like citizens to know how to make donations. The City Manager stated citizens can send donations to City Hall, attention B.E.S.T. of Waseca, or Tink Larson Field, or they can go to the City’s website and donate from there. Mayor Clemons stated if a donation is made to BEST, the entire amount will go to the project, but if someone uses PayPal or GoFundMe, a percentage of their donation will go elsewhere. Councilmember Fitch inquired how much of the wood will be salvaged. The City Manager stated staff took as much of the remaining wood that was salvageable. We cannot allow people to take pieces, for insurance reasons. The City has some wood saved for historical purposes, but the public will not have access to the wood. The City Manager announced there will be a Council work session on May 18th, to discuss electric power issues. The work session will be held at the Public Safety Building at 6:00 p.m. There is also a work session on May 26th for department presentations. The City Manager reminded the Council he will be out of the office at a conference this Thursday and Friday. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 The following announcements were made: Councilmember Tlougan stated the HPC recognized some properties this week – Diane Kortuem for Summerhouse Farm, Shane Wendland for Barden’s Bar, Nancy Walters for Homestead House, and John & Teri Pribble for their renovation of the original Ira Trowbridge House. The Mayor’s Choice Award went to Tink Larson Field Grandstand, which is now a part of our history, rather than a part of our present. Each of the property owners received a sign that says “This Place Matters”. Councilmember Fitch commented she went to Barden’s for the presentation and was very impressed by the new look, which is light, bright and inviting. Councilmember Christiansen reminded everyone of the Art Center concert on Saturday May 14th. He also stated there is an Art Center fundraiser at Pizza Ranch on Monday. Councilmember Christiansen commented there are many things going on in the community and we are very lucky to have a new showcase park. They did a great job on the pavilion and Relay for Life will get far more use out of the park this year with the new facility. He encouraged everyone to attend the Relay for Life on July 23rd . Councilmember Christiansen reported 73 volunteers showed up for the Lakes Cleanup on April 23rd. The weather was beautiful and it was a great day. Mayor Clemson commented he recently sat in on an Aging Mastery Program (AMP), presented by Sherry Scholljegerdes. He stated the program includes topics such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, medications, etc. and how you can age properly. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – May 3, 2016 – page 7 Mayor Clemons again reminded everyone that the Janesville greenhouse and nursery is holding a fundraiser this weekend, with proceeds to go to Tink Larson Field. Mayor Clemons stated on May 20th will be the first baseball game at Tink Larson Field since the fire, and the last opportunity for Waseca seniors to play on the field. This will be a big deal and everyone is welcome. ADJOURNMENT 12 There being no further business to be brought before the Council, it was moved by Arndt, seconded by Clemons, to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.; the motion carried 7-0. ________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR _______________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY 9B CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 1 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount General Fund 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 101-20210-0000 Total 101202100000: 05/12/2016 51610 ACH Internal Revenue Service 74.76 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21701-0000 Total 101217010000: 05/12/2016 51607 MN Department of Revenue 74.76 M 16,627.33 M 16,627.33 STATE WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21702-0000 Total 101217020000: 6,772.39 M 6,772.39 05/12/2016 51610 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21703-0000 6,354.60 M 05/12/2016 51610 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21703-0000 6,354.60 M Total 101217030000: 12,709.20 05/12/2016 51608 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORD Emplr 1% Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21704-0000 1,052.87 M 05/12/2016 51608 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employee Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21704-0000 6,843.65 M 05/12/2016 51608 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employee Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21704-0000 4,932.61 M 05/12/2016 51608 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employer Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21704-0000 6,843.65 M 05/12/2016 51608 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employer Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21704-0000 7,398.89 M Total 101217040000: 27,071.67 05/12/2016 148141 IBEW IBEW UNION DUES Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21707-0000 267.33 05/12/2016 148142 IUOE Local #70 FIRE UNION DUES Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21707-0000 113.25 05/12/2016 148142 IUOE Local #70 IUOE UNION DUES Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21707-0000 703.91 05/12/2016 148143 Law Enforcement Labor Services POLICE UNION DUES Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21707-0000 539.00 Total 101217070000: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 1,623.49 May Life Insurance 101-21710-0000 Total 101217100000: 328.50 328.50 05/12/2016 51610 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21712-0000 2,083.25 M 05/12/2016 51610 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21712-0000 2,083.25 M Total 101217120000: 4,166.50 05/12/2016 51611 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - ROTH (AFTER TAX) Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21713-0000 50.00 M 05/12/2016 51611 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - DEF COMP Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21713-0000 275.00 M Total 101217130000: 05/12/2016 51609 Vantagepoint Transfer Agents 457 325.00 ICMA DEF COMPENSATION Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21714-0000 Total 101217140000: 1,025.00 M 1,025.00 05/12/2016 148140 AFLAC AFLAC PRE TAX Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21715-0000 473.55 05/12/2016 148140 AFLAC AFLAC AFTER TAX Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21715-0000 152.00 Total 101217150000: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 625.55 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 2 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/13/2016 51603 SelectAccount Flex plan reimbursement 101-21716-0000 721.25 M 05/13/2016 51606 SelectAccount Flex reimbursement plan 101-21716-0000 205.59 M 05/12/2016 51613 SelectAccount HSA EE Contribution 5-12-16 101-21716-0000 312.08 M Total 101217160000: 05/12/2016 148144 MN Child Support Payment Center 1,238.92 CHILD SUPPORT FLAT AMT Pay Period: 5/8/2016 101-21717-0000 Total 101217170000: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 908.62 May Health Insurance 101-21720-0000 Total 101217200000: 05/13/2016 148203 Pheasant Cafe 148212 Rose, Al 5,844.40 M 5,844.40 MN User Group Meeting 101-36244-0000 Total 101362440000: 05/13/2016 908.62 165.00 165.00 Printer ink cartridges 101-41110-3200 Total 101411103200: 67.93 67.93 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 1,749.40 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 59.24 M Total 101413201300: 1,808.64 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-41320-1310 345.83 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-41320-1310 83.50 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-41320-1310 25.00 M Total 101413201310: 454.33 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-41320-1330 45.37 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-41320-1330 1.24 Total 101413201330: 46.61 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-41320-1340 61.97 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-41320-1340 .92 M Total 101413201340: 05/13/2016 148204 Pitney Bowes 62.89 Postage meter-red ink cartridge 101-41320-2000 Total 101413202000: 05/13/2016 148190 MCFOA 65.44 Membership dues 101-41320-4330 Total 101413204330: 05/13/2016 148146 A. H. Hermel Company 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 35.00 35.00 Pop-vending machine 101-41320-4945 Total 101413204945: 05/12/2016 65.44 54.11 54.11 May Health Insurance 101-41500-1300 3,082.85 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101415001300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 3,082.85 VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-41500-1310 Total 101415001310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-41500-1330 148184 Kennedy & Kennedy Law Office 57.75 57.75 May LTD Insurance 101-41500-1340 Total 101415001340: 05/13/2016 1,375.00 M 1,375.00 Total 101415001330: 05/01/2016 74.93 M 74.93 Legals services-April 101-41600-3000 Total 101416003000: 756.00 756.00 05/13/2016 148201 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. Monitor- Street Staff 101-41920-2050 175.00 05/13/2016 148201 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. Cordless mouse 101-41920-2050 29.95 05/13/2016 148201 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. Magnetic strip card reader-PD Squad 101-41920-2050 74.99 Total 101419202050: 05/13/2016 148201 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 279.94 City Hall Server 101-41920-4950 Total 101419204950: 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products 3 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 1,878.57 1,878.57 Office supplies 101-41940-2000 Total 101419402000: 78.23 78.23 05/13/2016 148146 A. H. Hermel Company Coffee, supplies 101-41940-2170 90.65 05/13/2016 148158 Central Fire Protection Inc. Fire Extingushers 101-41940-2170 157.00 05/13/2016 148208 Red Feather Paper Company 159.05 Janitor supplies 101-41940-2170 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 7.42- M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 6.94 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WaLMart-Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 7.42 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC HyVee-Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 14.84 M Total 101419402170: 428.48 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 101-41940-3100 19.20 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning service 101-41940-3100 1,556.00 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-41940-3100 549.17 Total 101419403100: 2,124.37 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-41940-3200 202.83 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-41940-3200 69.72 Total 101419403200: 272.55 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy Monthly billing 101-41940-3800 280.74 05/13/2016 148167 Culligan Monthly billing 101-41940-3800 26.95 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101419403800: 307.69 05/13/2016 148220 Streamline Communications LLC Phone Cabling 101-41940-4000 05/13/2016 148220 Streamline Communications LLC Phone Cabling 101-41940-4000 96.00 05/13/2016 148220 Streamline Communications LLC Cabling for Breakroom Phone 101-41940-4000 247.50 Total 101419404000: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 101-41950-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-41950-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-41950-1330 148227 Trades Office Products 33.00 33.00 May LTD Insurance 101-41950-1340 Total 101419501340: 05/13/2016 345.83 M 345.83 Total 101419501330: 05/01/2016 1,838.50 M 1,838.50 Total 101419501310: 05/12/2016 690.52 1,034.02 Total 101419501300: 05/12/2016 36.18 M 36.18 Office supplies 101-41950-2000 Total 101419502000: 13.98 13.98 05/13/2016 148236 Waseca County Recorder Alex's House CUP recorder 101-41950-3200 46.00 05/13/2016 148236 Waseca County Recorder Rezone CUP recorder 101-41950-3200 46.00 05/13/2016 148236 Waseca County Recorder Resolution 16-13 Tobacco 101-41950-3200 46.00 05/13/2016 148236 Waseca County Recorder Ord 1043 Tobacco 101-41950-3200 46.00 Total 101419503200: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 184.00 May Health Insurance 101-42100-1300 Total 101421001300: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 4 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 9,886.30 M 9,886.30 May Health Insurance 101-42100-1301 Total 101421001301: 2,122.00 M 2,122.00 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-42100-1310 4,287.49 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-42100-1310 177.08 M Total 101421001310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 4,464.57 May Life Insurance 101-42100-1330 Total 101421001330: 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 313.50 313.50 May LTD Insurance 101-42100-1340 374.21 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 5 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101421001340: 374.21 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-42100-2000 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-42100-2000 52.74 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-42100-2000 149.99 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-42100-2000 43.00 WalMart-Supplies 101-42100-2000 45.76 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Total 101421002000: 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department 18.49 309.98 Monthly billing 101-42100-2120 Total 101421002120: 1,635.35 1,635.35 05/13/2016 148165 Condon Farm Service Propane-Command Trailer 101-42100-2170 34.80 05/13/2016 148208 Red Feather Paper Company Janitor supplies 101-42100-2170 60.77 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Sirchie-Transport tubes 101-42100-2170 58.94 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Misc Supplies 101-42100-2170 40.04 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Water 101-42100-2170 13.70 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Water 101-42100-2170 15.92 M Total 101421002170: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 224.17 Leather allowance-Matson 101-42100-2180 Total 101421002180: 90.44 M 90.44 05/13/2016 148225 Thornhill, Lawrence E. Vehicle maintenance 101-42100-2220 84.00 05/13/2016 148235 Waseca County License Bureau License tabs-2007 Dodge Charger 101-42100-2220 11.00 Total 101421002220: 95.00 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 101-42100-3100 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 101-42100-3100 11.77 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning service 101-42100-3100 423.81 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-42100-3100 29.18 Total 101421003100: 11.77 476.53 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-42100-3200 152.12 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-42100-3200 228.18 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-42100-3200 21.99 Total 101421003200: 402.29 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Jefferson Pub-Training-lunch 101-42100-3300 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Granite City-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 27.27 M 15.95 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Best Western-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 327.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Bacl Defense-PIT/EVOC Training lunch 101-42100-3300 10.92 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Country Inn-PIT/EVOC Training-hotel 101-42100-3300 100.02 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Granite City-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 26.65 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Best Western-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 327.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Best Western-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 327.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC BB CADA-CADA Conference-Mankato 101-42100-3300 50.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC DB Searles-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 16.01 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 6 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Green Mill-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 40.66 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC The White Horse-Police Chiefs Conference-St. Cloud 101-42100-3300 16.00 M Total 101421003300: 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy 1,284.48 Monthly billing 101-42100-3800 Total 101421003800: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 202.32 Waseca Clakr-Tire repair 101-42100-4040 Total 101421004040: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 101-42200-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-42200-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-42200-1330 148234 Waseca County Highway Department 57.75 57.75 May LTD Insurance 101-42200-1340 Total 101422001340: 05/13/2016 927.08 M 927.08 Total 101422001330: 05/01/2016 3,357.90 M 3,357.90 Total 101422001310: 05/12/2016 20.00 M 20.00 Total 101422001300: 05/12/2016 202.32 47.37 M 47.37 Monthly billing 101-42200-2120 Total 101422002120: 206.16 206.16 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Street elbow 101-42200-2170 1.90 05/13/2016 148189 Matheson Tri-Gas Inc tank rental 101-42200-2170 30.55 05/13/2016 148191 MES - MIDAM letters for turn out coat 101-42200-2170 37.35 05/13/2016 148208 Red Feather Paper Company restroom supplies 101-42200-2170 90.57 05/13/2016 148208 Red Feather Paper Company Janitor supplies 101-42200-2170 60.78 Total 101422002170: 221.15 05/13/2016 148170 Duo-Safety Ladder Corporation ladder safety sticker for heat 101-42200-2190 87.30 05/13/2016 148191 MES - MIDAM turnout coat repair 101-42200-2190 162.42 Total 101422002190: 249.72 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 101-42200-3100 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 101-42200-3100 11.78 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning service 101-42200-3100 423.82 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-42200-3100 29.19 Total 101422003100: 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 11.78 476.57 Monthly Billing 101-42200-3200 21.99 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 7 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101422003200: 21.99 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Hotel charge in error 101-42200-3300 2,553.06 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Charge reversed 101-42200-3300 2,553.06- M Total 101422003300: 05/13/2016 148211 Riverland Community College .00 rochester sectional school 101-42200-3310 Total 101422003310: 800.00 800.00 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy Monthly billing 101-42200-3800 202.32 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy Monthly billing 101-42200-3800 25.37 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 101-42200-3800 22.49 Total 101422003800: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 250.18 May Health Insurance 101-42400-1300 Total 101424001300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 475.50 VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-42400-1310 Total 101424001310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-42400-1330 148160 City Building Inspection Services LLC May LTD Insurance 101-42400-1340 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) Contract Building Inspection Services 101-42400-3000 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 101-43000-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43000-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-43000-1330 148234 Waseca County Highway Department M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 82.50 82.50 May LTD Insurance 101-43000-1340 Total 101430001340: 05/13/2016 1,250.00 M 1,250.00 Total 101430001330: 05/01/2016 2,611.30 M 2,611.30 Total 101430001310: 05/12/2016 4,757.25 4,757.25 Total 101430001300: 05/12/2016 17.62 M 17.62 Total 101424003000: 05/12/2016 16.50 16.50 Total 101424001340: 05/13/2016 250.00 M 250.00 Total 101424001330: 05/01/2016 475.50 M 91.04 M 91.04 Monthly billing 101-43000-2120 65.78 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101430002120: 05/13/2016 148210 RepNet Inc 65.78 Locate flags 101-43000-2170 Total 101430002170: 05/13/2016 148193 MN GIS/LIS Consortium 8 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 168.50 168.50 GIS Workshop 101-43000-3300 Total 101430003300: 212.00 212.00 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 2,931.44 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 108.66 M Total 101431001300: 3,040.10 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43100-1310 1,266.75 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43100-1310 21.35 M Total 101431001310: 1,288.10 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-43100-1330 80.19 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-43100-1330 1.65 Total 101431001330: 81.84 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-43100-1340 75.35 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-43100-1340 1.74 M Total 101431001340: 77.09 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43100-2000 93.98 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43100-2000 43.05 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43100-2000 94.96 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43100-2000 93.95 Total 101431002000: 325.94 05/13/2016 148185 Kritzer Oil Company Inc. Fuel 101-43100-2120 690.93 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 101-43100-2120 1,871.02 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 101-43100-2120 10.00 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 101-43100-2120 186.39 Total 101431002120: 2,758.34 05/13/2016 148151 Batteries Plus LLC Batteries 101-43100-2170 25.32 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Bracket mounting 101-43100-2170 4.84 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Air freshner 101-43100-2170 2.90 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Hose clamps 101-43100-2170 13.62 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Cobalt drill carded 101-43100-2170 14.99 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Rubbing compound 101-43100-2170 33.87 05/13/2016 148156 Cemstone Concrete Materials LLC block 101-43100-2170 720.00 05/13/2016 148165 Condon Farm Service bolts 101-43100-2170 18.80 05/13/2016 148200 Owatonna Shoe Company safety boots 101-43100-2170 182.75 05/13/2016 148207 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca screws 101-43100-2170 30.64 05/13/2016 148207 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca forms 101-43100-2170 28.98 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 9 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/13/2016 148222 T & M Electric LLC Re-wire door opener 101-43100-2170 70.00 05/13/2016 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43100-2170 15.49 17.10 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Culligan-Water 101-43100-2170 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC WalMart-Garbage bags 101-43100-2170 12.72 M 05/13/2016 148231 Waco Scaffolding & Supply Co. Inc. Grade Rod 101-43100-2170 113.00 05/13/2016 148240 Waterville Foods & Ice Inc. Ice 101-43100-2170 46.10 Total 101431002170: 05/13/2016 148230 W W Blacktopping Inc. 1,351.12 Blacktop 101-43100-2171 Total 101431002171: 699.50 699.50 05/13/2016 148148 AmeriPride Services Inc uniform service 101-43100-2180 130.40 05/13/2016 148148 AmeriPride Services Inc uniform service 101-43100-2180 130.40 05/13/2016 148148 AmeriPride Services Inc uniform service 101-43100-2180 133.03 05/13/2016 148148 AmeriPride Services Inc uniform service 101-43100-2180 130.67 Total 101431002180: 524.50 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning service 101-43100-3100 286.00 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-43100-3100 375.17 Total 101431003100: 05/13/2016 148163 Clarke Environmental Mosquito Mgmt Inc 661.17 mosquito contract 101-43100-3101 Total 101431003101: 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications 4,575.00 Monthly Billing 101-43100-3200 Total 101431003200: 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy 4,575.00 22.49 22.49 Monthly billing 101-43100-3800 Total 101431003800: 25.37 25.37 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 760.00 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 108.66 M Total 101431251300: 868.66 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43125-1310 328.42 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43125-1310 21.35 M Total 101431251310: 349.77 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-43125-1330 20.79 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 101-43125-1330 1.65 Total 101431251330: 22.44 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-43125-1340 19.54 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 101-43125-1340 1.74 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101431251340: 05/13/2016 148242 Xcel Energy 21.28 Monthly billing 101-43160-3800 Total 101431603800: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 101-43170-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43170-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-43170-1330 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May LTD Insurance 101-43170-1340 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 101-43220-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-43220-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 101-43220-1330 51614 SelectAccount May LTD Insurance 101-43220-1340 148146 A. H. Hermel Company VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-45130-1310 148166 Consolidated Communications Concession supplies 101-45130-2500 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Monthly Billing 101-45130-3200 148157 Centerpoint Energy M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 132.44 132.44 Masters Bar & Grille-SMRPR Meeting lunch 101-45130-3300 Total 101451303300: 05/13/2016 811.13 811.13 Total 101451303200: 05/12/2016 400.00 M 400.00 Total 101451302500: 05/13/2016 6.98 M 6.98 Total 101451301310: 05/13/2016 7.43 7.43 Total 101432201340: 05/12/2016 76.15 M 76.15 Total 101432201330: 05/01/2016 271.43 M 271.43 Total 101432201310: 05/12/2016 4.19 M 4.19 Total 101432201300: 05/12/2016 4.46 4.46 Total 101431701340: 05/12/2016 53.19 M 53.19 Total 101431701330: 05/01/2016 162.86 M 162.86 Total 101431701310: 05/12/2016 614.24 614.24 Total 101431701300: 05/12/2016 10 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 16.00 M 16.00 Monthly billing 101-45130-3800 88.42 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101451303800: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 88.42 May Health Insurance 101-45200-1300 Total 101452001300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 101-45200-1310 51601 Reliance Standard 1,177.08 M 1,177.08 May Life Insurance 101-45200-1330 Total 101452001330: 05/01/2016 2,827.90 M 2,827.90 Total 101452001310: 05/12/2016 11 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 57.75 57.75 May LTD Insurance 101-45200-1340 Total 101452001340: 72.17 M 72.17 05/13/2016 148185 Kritzer Oil Company Inc. Fuel 101-45200-2120 710.72 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 101-45200-2120 174.92 Total 101452002120: 885.64 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Black wire ties 101-45200-2170 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Black wire ties 101-45200-2170 9.98 9.98 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Black wire ties 101-45200-2170 36.49 05/02/2016 148065 Bartelt, Mark Waders 101-45200-2170 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Bulb 101-45200-2170 18.98 05/13/2016 148181 Helena Chemical Company Rodeo chemical 101-45200-2170 102.56 05/13/2016 148209 Reinders Inc Turf supplies 101-45200-2170 1,909.82 05/13/2016 148224 Tessman Seed Company Grass seed 101-45200-2170 302.40 107.86- V 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Fleet Farm-Waders 101-45200-2170 107.86 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Bachmans-Pruner - 2 101-45200-2170 27.90 M Total 101452002170: 2,418.11 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Uniforms 101-45200-2180 15.95 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Uniforms 101-45200-2180 15.95 Total 101452002180: 31.90 05/13/2016 148153 Born Well Drilling Inc. Maplewood well test 101-45200-3100 265.45 05/13/2016 148222 T & M Electric LLC Clear Lake Pavilion lights 101-45200-3100 120.00 05/13/2016 148222 T & M Electric LLC Fix well wires, switch in bathroom 101-45200-3100 60.00 Total 101452003100: 445.45 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning service 101-45500-3100 05/13/2016 148214 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca carpet cleaning 101-45500-3100 90.00 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-45500-3100 245.34 Total 101455003100: 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 790.00 1,125.34 Monthly Billing 101-45500-3800 1.00 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101455003800: 1.00 05/13/2016 148167 Culligan Water softner-annual contract 101-45500-4000 204.45 05/13/2016 148222 T & M Electric LLC Electrical Work 101-45500-4000 115.00 Total 101455004000: 05/13/2016 148233 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer 12 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 319.45 Ditch assessments 101-49210-4992 Total 101492104992: 4,813.51 4,813.51 Total General Fund: 168,335.08 Airport 05/13/2016 148215 Southern MN Skydiving Refund overpayment 230-38020-0000 Total 230380200000: 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy 440.00 Monthly billing 230-49810-3800 Total 230498103800: 05/13/2016 148233 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer 440.00 79.75 79.75 Property tax, ditch assessment 230-49810-4800 13,156.98 Total 230498104800: 13,156.98 Total Airport: 13,676.73 Water Park Operations 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 240-20210-0000 Total 240202100000: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 10.94 May Health Insurance 240-45130-1300 Total 240451301300: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard 947.84 M 947.84 May Life Insurance 240-45130-1330 Total 240451301330: 05/01/2016 10.94 M 19.80 19.80 May LTD Insurance 240-45130-1340 Total 240451301340: 14.65 M 14.65 Total Water Park Operations: 993.23 Economic Development-General f 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 261-46700-1300 Total 261467001300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 592.40 M 592.40 VEBA/HSA submittal May 261-46700-1310 416.50 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 261467001310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 416.50 May Life Insurance 261-46700-1330 Total 261467001330: 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard 13 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 4.13 4.13 May LTD Insurance 261-46700-1340 Total 261467001340: 9.14 M 9.14 Total Economic Development-General f: 1,022.17 Police Reserve 05/13/2016 148168 Dewees, Matt Police Reserve-Security 275-49212-3100 60.00 05/13/2016 148219 Stoltz, Jon Police Reserve-Security 275-49212-3100 60.00 Total 275492123100: 120.00 Total Police Reserve: 120.00 Police Special Revenue Fund 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC American Inn-Crime Victims supplies 278-42160-3060 60.32 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Kwik Trip-Crime Victims supplies 278-42160-3060 17.25 M Total 278421603060: 77.57 Total Police Special Revenue Fund: 77.57 Safe Haven Grant 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 279-46350-1300 Total 279463501300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 681.50 VEBA/HSA submittal May 279-46350-1310 Total 279463501310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 279-46350-1330 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 16.50 16.50 May LTD Insurance 279-46350-1340 Total 279463501340: 05/12/2016 95.83 M 95.83 Total 279463501330: 05/01/2016 681.50 M 13.82 M 13.82 WalMart-Connections supplies 279-46350-2170 Total 279463502170: 27.03 M 27.03 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Pizzeria ParadisoConference-meal in Washington DC 279-46350-3300 66.66 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC MSP Airport Parking-Concerence in Washington DC 279-46350-3300 110.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC BB CADA-Conference-Mankato 279-46350-3300 40.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC BB CADA-Conference-Mankato 279-46350-3300 40.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Elephant & Castle-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 116.48 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Delta baggage fee-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 25.00 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 14 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Delta baggage fee-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Delta baggage fee-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Delta baggage fee-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Delta baggage fee-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 34.54 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 1,035.08 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 1,035.08 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 1,035.08 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 1,035.08 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 1,035.08 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Embassy Row-Conference-Washington DC 279-46350-3300 776.31 M Total 279463503300: 6,484.39 Total Safe Haven Grant: 7,319.07 Library Remodel 05/13/2016 148220 Streamline Communications LLC Cabling for phones 427-45500-5200 1,732.00 Total 427455005200: 1,732.00 Total Library Remodel: 1,732.00 Capital Improvement 05/13/2016 148162 CJ Masonry Final Payment 430-43010-5390 Total 430430105390: 05/13/2016 148217 Stantec Consulting Services Inc 37,204.85 37,204.85 Engineering Services 430-43010-5560 Total 430430105560: 860.40 860.40 Total Capital Improvement: 38,065.25 HWY 14 Reconstruction 05/13/2016 148218 Stantec Consulting Services Inc A/E Services 436-43010-3000 93,326.00 Total 436430103000: 93,326.00 Total HWY 14 Reconstruction: 93,326.00 Water 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 601-20210-0000 Total 601202100000: 05/13/2016 148164 Clear Lake Signs Inc 798.17 M 798.17 Signage 601-49401-2230 Total 601494012230: 141.00 141.00 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy Monthly billing 601-49401-3800 80.51 05/13/2016 148242 Xcel Energy Monthly billing 601-49401-3800 63.43 Total 601494013800: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 143.94 May Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.50 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 05/12/2016 Description Payee 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 15 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 601-49430-1300 Total 601494301300: 475.13 M 950.63 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 601-49430-1310 250.00 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 601-49430-1310 1,041.75 M Total 601494301310: 1,291.75 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 601-49430-1330 16.50 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 601-49430-1330 9.64 Total 601494301330: 26.14 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 601-49430-1340 9.56 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 601-49430-1340 21.42 M Total 601494301340: 30.98 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 601-49430-2120 270.13 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department Monthly billing 601-49430-2120 5.00 Total 601494302120: 275.13 05/13/2016 148183 JT Services of MN Locate Paint 601-49430-2170 165.06 05/13/2016 148194 MN Pipe & Equipment Oil 601-49430-2170 129.48 WalMart-Light for ERT installs 601-49430-2170 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Total 601494302170: 11.59 M 306.13 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Uniforms 601-49430-2180 1.95 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Uniforms 601-49430-2180 1.95 Total 601494302180: 3.90 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book Gate Valve 601-49430-2230 69.22 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book Plumbing 601-49430-2230 213.50 Total 601494302230: 282.72 05/13/2016 148154 C & C Plumbing Inc. RPZ Testing 601-49430-3100 1,082.00 05/13/2016 148180 Gopher State One-Call Inc Location calls - April 601-49430-3100 122.98 05/13/2016 148195 MN Valley Testing Labs Bacteria Testing 601-49430-3100 77.00 05/13/2016 148239 Water Conservation Service Inc. Leak Locate 601-49430-3100 540.10 Total 601494303100: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 1,822.08 May Health Insurance 601-49585-1300 Total 601495851300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 375.65 VEBA/HSA submittal May 601-49585-1310 Total 601495851310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 375.65 M 197.50 M 197.50 May Life Insurance 601-49585-1330 15.64 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 601495851330: 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard 15.64 May LTD Insurance 601-49585-1340 Total 601495851340: 05/13/2016 148192 Metro Sales Inc. 13.80 M 13.80 Fax machine toner 601-49585-2000 Total 601495852000: 51.73 51.73 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 601-49585-3200 40.57 05/13/2016 148188 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service 601-49585-3200 49.37 05/13/2016 148237 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - April 601-49585-3200 25.00 Total 601495853200: 05/13/2016 148161 City of Waseca 16 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 114.94 Collections 601-49585-4320 Total 601495854320: 27.75 27.75 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 59.24 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 717.12 M Total 601495861300: 776.36 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 601-49586-1310 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 601-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 601495861310: 167.36 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 601-49586-1330 1.24 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 601-49586-1330 8.17 Total 601495861330: 9.41 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 601-49586-1340 17.13 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 601-49586-1340 .92 M Total 601495861340: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 18.05 USPS-Postage 601-49586-2170 Total 601495862170: 22.95 M 22.95 Total Water: 7,863.71 Sanitary Sewer 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 977.15 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 108.66 M Total 602494701300: 1,085.81 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49470-1310 510.57 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49470-1310 21.35 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 17 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 602494701310: 531.92 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 602-49470-1330 26.72 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 602-49470-1330 1.65 Total 602494701330: 28.37 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 602-49470-1340 25.12 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 602-49470-1340 1.74 M Total 602494701340: 26.86 05/13/2016 148174 Environmental Products & Access LLC 2.5" Shank 602-49470-2170 113.18 05/13/2016 148183 JT Services of MN Locate Paint 602-49470-2170 165.06 Total 602494702170: 05/13/2016 148180 Gopher State One-Call Inc 278.24 Location calls - April 602-49470-3100 Total 602494703100: 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications 122.98 Monthly Billing 602-49470-3200 Total 602494703200: 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy 122.98 374.90 374.90 Monthly billing 602-49470-3800 Total 602494703800: 21.71 21.71 05/13/2016 148171 Eastech Flow Controls Inc Sewer Meter Kiesler 602-49470-4000 2,440.00 05/13/2016 148182 James Brothers Construction Inc. Sewer Service Repair 602-49470-4000 2,891.80 Total 602494704000: 5,331.80 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts V-belts 602-49470-4020 19.54 05/13/2016 148243 Ziegler Inc Generator repair 602-49470-4020 185.18 Total 602494704020: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 204.72 May Health Insurance 602-49480-1300 Total 602494801300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 2,845.47 VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49480-1310 Total 602494801310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard Total 602494801340: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 458.25 M 458.25 May Life Insurance 602-49480-1330 Total 602494801330: 05/01/2016 2,845.47 M 64.61 64.61 May LTD Insurance 602-49480-1340 63.95 M 63.95 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 05/13/2016 Description Payee 148227 Trades Office Products Office supplies Invoice Check GL Account Amount 602-49480-2000 Total 602494802000: 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department 53.08 53.08 Monthly billing 602-49480-2120 Total 602494802120: 73.25 73.25 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Air-CFI 602-49480-2170 05/13/2016 148207 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca Lumber 602-49480-2170 WalMart-Lab water & salt 602-49480-2170 33.33 2.64 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book Lab Supplies 602-49480-2170 259.00 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book Lab Supplies 602-49480-2170 702.95 Total 602494802170: 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book 44.92 M 1,042.84 Safety Wear 602-49480-2180 Total 602494802180: 156.49 156.49 05/13/2016 148175 Fastenal Company Eqiupment bolts 602-49480-2210 129.58 05/13/2016 148179 Goodin Company Plumbing Parts 602-49480-2210 830.48 05/13/2016 148205 Plant & Flanged Equipment Co Reducer 602-49480-2210 194.70 Total 602494802210: 05/13/2016 148217 Stantec Consulting Services Inc 1,154.76 Engineering 602-49480-3000 Total 602494803000: 2,148.00 2,148.00 05/13/2016 148172 Electric Motor/Bearing Service Inc. Motor Repair 602-49480-3100 133.08 05/13/2016 148177 G & K Services Mats 602-49480-3100 15.68 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Sportsman Stop-UPS shipping 602-49480-3100 23.95 M 05/13/2016 148228 UC Laboratory Permit Testing 602-49480-3100 2,504.63 05/13/2016 148238 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 602-49480-3100 236.54 Total 602494803100: 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications 18 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 2,913.88 Monthly Billing 602-49480-3200 Total 602494803200: 138.99 138.99 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC McDonalds-Training-lunch 602-49480-3300 10.74 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Marriott-Training-hotel 602-49480-3300 308.78 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Marriott-Training-hotel 602-49480-3300 416.10 M 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC Caseys-Chlorine Safety Training 602-49480-3300 7.49 M Total 602494803300: 05/13/2016 148157 Centerpoint Energy 743.11 110th st Bldg 7 602-49480-3800 Total 602494803800: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 46.27 46.27 May Health Insurance 602-49585-1300 375.65 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 602495851300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 375.65 VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49585-1310 Total 602495851310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 602-49585-1330 148192 Metro Sales Inc. 15.64 15.64 May LTD Insurance 602-49585-1340 Total 602495851340: 05/13/2016 197.50 M 197.50 Total 602495851330: 05/01/2016 13.80 M 13.80 Fax machine toner 602-49585-2000 Total 602495852000: 51.74 51.74 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 602-49585-3200 40.57 05/13/2016 148188 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service 602-49585-3200 49.37 05/13/2016 148237 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - April 602-49585-3200 25.00 Total 602495853200: 05/13/2016 148161 City of Waseca 19 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 114.94 Collections 602-49585-4320 Total 602495854320: 53.19 53.19 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 59.24 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 717.12 M Total 602495861300: 776.36 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49586-1310 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 602-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 602495861310: 167.36 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 1.24 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 1.23 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life May Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 8.17 Total 602495861330: 10.64 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 602-49586-1340 17.13 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 602-49586-1340 .92 M Total 602495861340: 18.05 05/13/2016 148217 Stantec Consulting Services Inc Lagoon Project 602-49586-3000 788.00 05/13/2016 148217 Stantec Consulting Services Inc West Interchange 602-49586-3000 1,616.00 Total 602495863000: 05/13/2016 148233 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2,404.00 Ditch assessments 602-49586-4800 222.78 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 602495864800: 05/13/2016 148205 Plant & Flanged Equipment Co 222.78 Raw Pump 2 Check Valve 602-49593-5300 Total 602495935300: 05/13/2016 148202 Parkson Corporation 20 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 6,863.00 6,863.00 Bar Screen Equipment 602-49593-5400 5,492.62 Total 602495935400: 5,492.62 Total Sanitary Sewer: 36,687.53 Electric Utility 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 604-20210-0000 Total 604202100000: 05/13/2016 51605 SMMPA 27,346.76 Power - April 2016 604-49550-3810 Total 604495503810: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 604-49570-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49570-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49570-1330 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May LTD Insurance 604-49570-1340 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 604-49571-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49571-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49571-1330 148234 Waseca County Highway Department M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1,412.00 M 58.25 58.25 May LTD Insurance 604-49571-1340 Total 604495711340: 05/13/2016 3,015.75 M 1,412.00 Total 604495711330: 05/01/2016 3.26 M 3,015.75 Total 604495711310: 05/12/2016 2.64 3.26 Total 604495711300: 05/12/2016 64.00 M 2.64 Total 604495701340: 05/12/2016 136.69 M 64.00 Total 604495701330: 05/01/2016 M 136.69 Total 604495701310: 05/12/2016 356,544.51 356,544.51 Total 604495701300: 05/12/2016 27,346.76 M 89.33 M 89.33 Monthly billing 604-49571-2120 480.51 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 604495712120: 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts 21 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 480.51 Giant red funnel 604-49571-2170 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Carquest 604-49571-2170 .37 M 05/13/2016 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Stuart C Irby 604-49571-2170 20.22 M Total 604495712170: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 5.44 26.03 Amazon-Reimb-prime membership 604-49571-2180 Total 604495712180: 99.00- M 99.00- 05/13/2016 148180 Gopher State One-Call Inc Location calls - April 604-49571-3100 122.99 05/13/2016 148199 Obrien, Jennifer Electrician 604-49571-3100 100.00 05/13/2016 148216 Sportsmans Stop Inc. Shipping 604-49571-3100 11.49 Total 604495713100: 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) 234.48 May Health Insurance 604-49572-1300 Total 604495721300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 303.28 VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49572-1310 Total 604495721310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49572-1330 148241 Wesco Receivables Corp May LTD Insurance 604-49572-1340 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) Guy Wire 604-49572-2230 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 604-49573-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49573-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49573-1330 51604 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 10.56 10.56 May LTD Insurance 604-49573-1340 Total 604495731340: 05/13/2016 256.00 M 256.00 Total 604495731330: 05/01/2016 546.76 M 546.76 Total 604495731310: 05/12/2016 63.32 63.32 Total 604495731300: 05/12/2016 7.24 M 7.24 Total 604495722230: 05/12/2016 5.86 5.86 Total 604495721340: 05/13/2016 142.00 M 142.00 Total 604495721330: 05/01/2016 303.28 M 13.06 M 13.06 Trenchers Plus 604-49573-2230 1.78 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/13/2016 148221 Stuart C. Irby Company Splice Kits 604-49573-2230 892.44 05/13/2016 148221 Stuart C. Irby Company Splice Kits 604-49573-2230 779.76 Total 604495732230: 05/13/2016 148187 Locators & Supplies Inc. 1,673.98 Locator Repairs 604-49573-3100 Total 604495733100: 05/13/2016 148169 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) Boring Machine Beacon 604-49573-4000 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 604-49574-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49574-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49574-1330 148183 JT Services of MN May LTD Insurance 604-49574-1340 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) Materials 604-49574-2230 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 604-49584-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49584-1310 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 604-49584-1330 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May LTD Insurance 604-49584-1340 51614 SelectAccount M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2.75 M 2.75 May Health Insurance 604-49585-1300 Total 604495851300: 05/12/2016 2.22 2.22 Total 604495841340: 05/12/2016 54.00 M 54.00 Total 604495841330: 05/01/2016 115.34 M 115.34 Total 604495841310: 05/12/2016 1,197.24 1,197.24 Total 604495841300: 05/12/2016 3.67 M 3.67 Total 604495742230: 05/12/2016 2.97 2.97 Total 604495741340: 05/13/2016 72.00 M 72.00 Total 604495741330: 05/01/2016 153.78 M 153.78 Total 604495741310: 05/12/2016 2,375.83 2,375.83 Total 604495741300: 05/12/2016 522.82 522.82 Total 604495734000: 05/12/2016 22 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 378.01 M 378.01 VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49585-1310 198.75 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 604495851310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 198.75 May Life Insurance 604-49585-1330 Total 604495851330: 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard 148192 Metro Sales Inc. 15.74 15.74 May LTD Insurance 604-49585-1340 Total 604495851340: 05/13/2016 13.90 M 13.90 Fax machine toner 604-49585-2000 Total 604495852000: 51.73 51.73 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 604-49585-3200 70.98 05/13/2016 148166 Consolidated Communications Monthly Billing 604-49585-3200 22.49 05/13/2016 148188 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service 604-49585-3200 49.36 05/13/2016 148237 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - April 604-49585-3200 25.00 Total 604495853200: 05/13/2016 148161 City of Waseca 23 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 167.83 Collections 604-49585-4320 Total 604495854320: 150.34 150.34 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 59.24 M 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 738.86 M Total 604495861300: 798.10 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49586-1310 25.00 M 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal May 604-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 604495861310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 167.36 May Life Insurance 604-49586-1330 Total 604495861330: 8.41 8.41 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 604-49586-1340 17.64 M 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard May LTD Insurance 604-49586-1340 .92 M Total 604495861340: 05/13/2016 148150 Barr Engineering Company 18.56 Arc Flash Analysis 604-49586-3000 Total 604495863000: 4,135.00 4,135.00 05/13/2016 148152 Border States Electric Supply Meter Sockets 604-49593-5300 825.22 05/13/2016 148152 Border States Electric Supply Meter Sockets 604-49593-5300 825.23 05/13/2016 148152 Border States Electric Supply Materials 604-49593-5300 105.71 05/13/2016 148213 Schumacher Electric Inc House Conversions 604-49593-5300 532.86 05/13/2016 148241 Wesco Receivables Corp Primary Wire 604-49593-5300 50,516.81 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 24 May 13, 2016 01:34PM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 604495935300: 52,805.83 Total Electric Utility: 455,749.45 Storm Water Utility 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 651-43140-1300 Total 651431401300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 325.72 VEBA/HSA submittal May 651-43140-1310 Total 651431401310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life 51601 Reliance Standard May Life Insurance 651-43140-1330 148165 Condon Farm Service May LTD Insurance 651-43140-1340 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) Grass seed 651-43140-4000 51614 SelectAccount May Health Insurance 651-49585-1300 148145 MN Life VEBA/HSA submittal May 651-49585-1310 51601 Reliance Standard 31.25 M 31.25 May Life Insurance 651-49585-1330 Total 651495851330: 05/01/2016 59.44 M 59.44 Total 651495851310: 05/12/2016 57.15 57.15 Total 651495851300: 05/12/2016 8.37 M 8.37 Total 651431404000: 05/12/2016 8.91 8.91 Total 651431401340: 05/13/2016 110.75 M 110.75 Total 651431401330: 05/01/2016 325.72 M 2.48 2.48 May LTD Insurance 651-49585-1340 Total 651495851340: 2.18 M 2.18 Total Storm Water Utility: 606.25 Central Garage Services 05/12/2016 51602 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) May Health Insurance 701-43180-1300 Total 701431801300: 05/12/2016 51614 SelectAccount 1,847.12 VEBA/HSA submittal May 701-43180-1310 Total 701431801310: 05/12/2016 148145 MN Life M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1,847.12 M 363.03 M 363.03 May Life Insurance 701-43180-1330 28.05 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 701431801330: 05/01/2016 51601 Reliance Standard 28.05 May LTD Insurance 701-43180-1340 Total 701431801340: 05/13/2016 148234 Waseca County Highway Department 25 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 29.58 M 29.58 Monthly billing 701-43180-2120 Total 701431802120: 108.85 108.85 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Thread locker 701-43180-2170 17.98 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Oil filters, air filter, ice cutter 701-43180-2170 92.91 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Sweep compound 701-43180-2170 55.95 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Lube 701-43180-2170 3.38 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Rotella 15W40 701-43180-2170 79.99 Total 701431802170: 250.21 05/13/2016 148147 Ag Power Enterprises Inc. Hook, clevis 701-43180-2210 22.70 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Anti-freeze 701-43180-2210 17.98 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Window handle 701-43180-2210 2.99 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Equipment parts 701-43180-2210 27.98 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Disc brake pad, rotor 701-43180-2210 128.97 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Disc brake rotors 701-43180-2210 107.97 05/13/2016 148149 Auto Value Waseca Fuel filters 701-43180-2210 80.79 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Hyd filter 701-43180-2210 51.93 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Multi-conductor cable 701-43180-2210 56.00 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Bulbs 701-43180-2210 20.88 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Bulbs 701-43180-2210 13.30 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Air filter 701-43180-2210 11.46 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Fog light 701-43180-2210 45.04 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Tie rod dust boot 701-43180-2210 4.50 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Air filter 701-43180-2210 42.93 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Voyager brake control 701-43180-2210 109.51 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Oil filters, fuel filters, air filters 701-43180-2210 99.38 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Motor oil, Scott rags 701-43180-2210 62.96 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Brake drum, shoes, drum kit axle 701-43180-2210 120.33 13.70 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Brake control adapter 701-43180-2210 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Drum adjustment kit 701-43180-2210 7.91 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Fuel, oil filters 701-43180-2210 54.74 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Trailer cable, 12v battery, marker lamp 701-43180-2210 57.69 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Breakaway switch, interior lamp, wire cable 701-43180-2210 41.62 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Rubber plug 701-43180-2210 6.44 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Truck rubber flap 701-43180-2210 33.88 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Truck rubber flaps 701-43180-2210 39.26 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Truck rubber flaps-returned 701-43180-2210 33.88- 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Oil filter 701-43180-2210 23.48 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Back-up lamp 701-43180-2210 5.95 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Battery cable, terminal 701-43180-2210 75.45 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Hose clamps 701-43180-2210 31.90 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Lamp, lens 701-43180-2210 9.45 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts Truck rubber flap 701-43180-2210 13.79 05/13/2016 148155 CarQuest Auto Parts 8 MP Plug 701-43180-2210 3.54 05/13/2016 148159 Christensen Tire Service Tire repair 701-43180-2210 22.25 05/13/2016 148159 Christensen Tire Service Tire repair 701-43180-2210 64.43 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 5/1/2016 - 5/13/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 05/13/2016 148159 Christensen Tire Service Tire repair 701-43180-2210 64.43 05/13/2016 148178 Genesis Cooperative Association Super lube 701-43180-2210 976.45 05/13/2016 148196 MTI Distributing Inc. Bearing ball, lever pump 701-43180-2210 140.88 05/13/2016 148197 NAPA Auto Parts Plug, LED 701-43180-2210 44.40 05/13/2016 148197 NAPA Auto Parts Plug, LED 701-43180-2210 42.60 05/13/2016 148198 Northern Tool & Equipment Co Tool box 701-43180-2210 119.65 05/13/2016 148206 PowerPlan - RDO Equipment Co. Filter element 701-43180-2210 52.73 05/13/2016 148223 Terminal Supply Co Low profile 4-LED 701-43180-2210 113.80 05/13/2016 148232 Walser Chevrolet Buick Cadillac Cap test 701-43180-2210 151.60 Total 701431802210: 3,205.74 05/13/2016 148175 Fastenal Company Rota Cut Kit 701-43180-2400 100.46 05/13/2016 148226 Tool Sales Company Tools 701-43180-2400 60.00 05/13/2016 148229 USA Blue Book Face respirator cartridges 701-43180-2400 45.65 Total 701431802400: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 206.11 II Identifix-Diagnostic computer program 701-43180-3100 Total 701431803100: 05/12/2016 51615 U.S. Bank - CC 149.00 M 149.00 Horizon Pool-CPO Certification 701-43180-3300 Total 701431803300: 266.50 M 266.50 Total Central Garage Services: 6,454.19 Property and Liability Insuran 05/13/2016 148176 First National Insurance Insurance Agent Fee-May 2016 702-49955-3000 800.00 Total 702499553000: 800.00 Total Property and Liability Insuran: 800.00 Equipment Replacement Fund 05/13/2016 148173 Emergency Automotive Technologies Inc new squad expense 705-49920-5400 212.44 05/13/2016 148186 L & L Street Rod & Sports Truck LLC squad expense 705-49920-5400 2,555.00 Total 705499205400: 2,767.44 Total Equipment Replacement Fund: 2,767.44 Grand Totals: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail [Report].Amount = {<>} 0 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 26 May 13, 2016 01:34PM 835,595.67