6:00 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION PER M.S. 13.D.01
6:00 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION PER M.S. 13.D.01
6:00 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION PER M.S. 13.D.01 Advice of Legal Counsel re: Pondview Development REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2 MOMENT OF SILENCE/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4 VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. 5 Jeremiah Miller, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon/Month of the Military Child PUBLIC HEARINGS None 6 ROUTINE BUSINESS a. Resolution No. 16-11 - Approving the Feasibility Report and Calling a Public Hearing for the 2016 City MSA Street Improvement Project No. 2016-01 7 UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8 NEW BUSINESS a. Tobacco License Application – Theresa M. Schoolmeesters b. Tobacco License Application – Fahed Akram Aljabari c. Amendment to Verizon Wireless Equipment Lease Agenda – March 15, 2016 Page 2 9 CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 b. Minutes – City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 c. Payroll & Expenditures – March 2016 10 CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 11 COMMISSION REPORTS Airport Board (Councilmember Rose) EDA (Councilmembers Fitch, Arndt) Heritage Preservation Commission (Councilmember Tlougan) OTHER Discover Waseca Tourism Board (Mayor Clemons/Councilmember Fitch) 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 ADJOURNMENT Request for City Council Action Title Meeting Date: Agenda Section: RESOLUTION NO. 16-11 APPROVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2016 CITY MSA STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2016-01 March 15, 2016 Agenda Item Number: 6A PUBLIC HEARINGS ROUTINE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Action: MOTION RESOLUTION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION Originating Department: Engineering Prepared By: City Engineer Supporting Documents: Feasibility Report Legal Notice Resolution City Engineer Presented By: Reviewed By: City Manager Approved By: Proposed Action: Motion to Adopt Resolution No. 16-11, Approving the Feasibility Report and Calling a Public Hearing for the 2016 City MSA Street Improvement Projects, City Projects 2016-01 City Manager BACKGROUND: On January 5, 2016, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing City staff to prepare a feasibility study for the 2016 City MSA Street Improvement Project, City Project 2016-01. The feasibility study has been completed and is presented for your acceptance. A portion of the project costs are proposed to be financed with special assessments to benefiting properties in accordance with State statute 429 and the City’s Special Assessment Policy. Special assessments are calculated on a front footage basis and the per foot rate is set per the land use designation according to the special assessment policy. Corner lots are provided a corner lot credit per the special assessment policy where both streets are being assessed with the same project or it is reasonably assumed that the street adjacent to the corner lot that is not part of the current project will be assessed by the City at a later date. Per the Special Assessment Policy, backyard drainage improvement costs are assessed 100% to the benefited properties based on a prorated share of contributing flow area. Upon acceptance of the feasibility report a public hearing is proposed to be held on April 5, 2016, to discuss the improvements. BUDGET IMPACT: The MSA Street Improvement project is included in the 2016 Budget. Based on information in the feasibility report, the estimated cost and funding sources for the 2016 City MSA Street Improvement Projects is as follows: 2016 MSA Street Overlay Project Summary of Cost Item Estimate Construction Items Contingency 10% Construction Subtotal Engineering 10% Administration 3% (3% of Construction & Engineering) Total Project $1,109,159 $110,916 $1,220,075 $122,007 $40,262 $1,382,344 2016 MSA Street Improvement Project Funding Summary Funding Source Amount 440 Special Assessments Fund $258,342 402 MSA Street Fund $954,207 601 Water Utility Fund $169,795 Total Project $1,382,344 POLICY QUESTION: Are the proposed improvements consistent with the City of Waseca’s Pavement Management Policy and Special Assessment Policies? Yes, the proposed project is consistent with the policies for the City and is necessary to provide safe and reasonable transportation to the citizens of the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Waseca City Council adopt Resolution No. 16-11, Approving the Feasibility Report and Calling a Public Hearing for the 2016 City MSA Street Improvement Project, City Project 2016-01 RESOLUTION NO. 16-11 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MUNICIPAL PROJECT 2016-01 2016 MSA STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Waseca has reviewed the condition of various streets and determined repairs are necessary in order to protect pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the downtown area; AND WHEREAS, the policy of the City Council of the City of Waseca is too special assess said type of improvements; AND WHEREAS, the City of Waseca’s Special Assessment Policy calls for the City Council to hold a public hearing for said assessments; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has accepted and reviewed the feasibility study prepared by the City Engineer in compliance with Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes; AND WHEREAS, the City of Waseca, in compliance with Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes desires to hold a public hearing on the merits of the proposed improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Waseca hereby calls for a public hearing on the merits of the proposed improvements. The time and date of said public hearing are hereby established on April 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Waseca. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City staff is hereby directed to publish the required notice and notify the affected property owners as prescribed by Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. Adopted this ____ day of ____________. 2016. __________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Waseca will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday April 5, 2016, to consider Municipal Project 2016-01 a project to provide street and drainage improvements in the following locations: 5th Street SE from Elm Avenue to 11th Ave SE 3rd Street NE from 11th Ave NE to 15th Ave NE 11th Ave NE from State Street (TH13) to 3rd St NE The estimated cost of the improvements is $1,382,344, a portion of which will be assessed to the adjacent properties. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons that wish to speak in reference to the merits of the proposed improvements will be heard at the meeting. Questions in regards to the proposed project may be directed to the City Engineer, Mark DuChene. Danny Lenz City Manager FEASIBILITY STUDY MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 2016-01 2016 MSA STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 508 South State Street Waseca, Minnesota 56903-3097 507-835-9700 FAX 507-835-8871 www.ci.waseca.mn.us CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. _______________________________________ Mark W. DuChene, PE License No. 46594 Date: 3/11/16 1 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................................. 2 1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 1.1.1 AUTHORIZATION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.2 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.3 DATA AVAILABLE............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 GENERAL BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 4 PROJECT LOCATION ......................................................................................................................................... 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3.1 ROAD SURFACE ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3.2 UTILITIES............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 2 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................... 3 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.4.1 ROAD SURFACE ................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4.2 UTILITIES............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4.3 PERMITS APPROVALS ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4.4 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS/STAGING .............................................................................................................. 7 1.4.5 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 7 FINANCING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 OPINION OF PROBABLE COST ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 FUNDING .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 3 PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 4 FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A............................................................................................................................................................................ 10 2016 MSA STREET IMPROVMENT OPINION OF PROBABLE COST .......................................................................... 10 APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 ASSESSMENT ROLL .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICE AND SIGN-IN SHEET ......................................................................................................... 12 2 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 1 1.1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS INTRODUCTION The 2016 MSA Street Improvement Project includes a partial street reconstruction at the following locations: 5th St SE from 6th Ave SE to 11th Ave SE The Project also includes street milling and bituminous overlay at the following locations: 11th Ave NE 3rd St NE 5th St SE from from from TH 13 to 3rd St NE 11th Ave NE to 15th Ave NE Elm Avenue to 6th Ave SE The total project footage is approximately 5,055 feet (0.96 miles). These locations were all included in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and have been included in the approved 2016 budget. 1.1.1 AUTHORIZATION On January 5, 2016, the Waseca City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects, City Project No 2016-01. 1.1.2 SCOPE These streets are recommended for renovation with pavement reconstruction and mill and overlay techniques. There is also a rear yard storm sewer improvement proposed as part of the project adjacent to 3rd St NE. Streets were selected based on the City Pavement Management Evaluation Program from an analysis of their condition, the existing pavement structure, and on the condition of the underlying utilities . The Special Assessment Policy adopted by the City Council indicates that street improvement projects are to be assessed to benefiting property owners at the rates stated in the policy. The proposed streets are part of the City’s Municipal State Aid Street System (MSAS) and the MSAS eligible cost items are proposed to be paid for out of the MSAS fund. Per the Special Assessment Policy, State Aid Street assessments receive a 25% reduction to the assessable per foot calculation. Utility replacement costs will be funded through the respective utility enterprise funds. The included backyard drainage improvement is proposed to be 100% assessed to the benefiting property owners per the City’s Special Assessment Policy. 3 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 1.1.3 DATA AVAILABLE Generally the information used in preparation of this report includes but is not limited to the following: • Record/Asbuilt Drawings • Utility Record Drawings • Field Observations • Televising Reports for the Sanitary Sewer System • Water main Repair Records • City of Waseca Pavement Management Policy • City of Waseca Special Assessment Policy 1.2 GENERAL BACKGROUND 1.2.1 PROJECT LOCATION The projects are located throughout the City, see attached project map. 1.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 1.3.1 ROAD SURFACE The streets within the proposed project area are showing signs of aging and varying degrees of pavement distress which includes alligator cracking, block cracking, transverse cracking, longitudinal cracking and localized drainage issues. The pavement condition index (PCI) for the proposed project streets range from 51-93. Table 1 below provides a summary of the existing street conditions for the streets included in the 2016 Street Improvement Projects. Additionally some of the sidewalks within the project limits are showing signs of aging including spalling, cracking and faulty joints. The majority of the curb ramps within the project limits do not meet current ADA accessible design standards. 1.3.2 UTILITIES The sanitary sewer mains have been televised and reviewed with the project. The water main has also been reviewed for historical breaks and issues and has been determined to be in satisfactory condition within 3rd St NE and 11th Ave NE. The watermain within 5th St SE from 6th Ave SE to 10th Ave SE has been identified as being undersized at 4-inches according to the City’s Comprehensive Water Plan and is proposed to be replaced with a 6” watermain to improve flow rates and water pressures. The sanitary sewer in this area has been previously improved through trenchless technologies and the sanitary sewer under 5th St SE in the proposed overlay portion of the project will likely be improved utilizing trenchless repair technologies in the future as well. The remaining water and sanitary sewer mains are generally in an acceptable condition and should have a useful life that exceeds the expected life of the proposed improvements. There are some storm sewer structures that are structurally deficient and need improvements. 4 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 19th Ave N W 19th Ave NE Northridge Plaza 3rd St SW 4th St SW Cle t NE 11th St SE 9th St SE 6th St SE 6th Ave SE Oak e SE Cir Park 4th A St 12th 8th Ave SE Memorial Park Woodville Cemetery 355th Ave 9th Ave SE 10th Ave SE 12th Ave SE Waseca Federal Prison Southview Park 1 3 th Ave SE College PKWY Gaiter Lake St SE 15th Ave SE 8t h 128th St University Dr 13 9 th St : 750 1,500 Feet t SE 11th Ave SE 0 W 5th St SW SE 7th Ave SE University Park 7th St NE 2nd St NE 5 th Ave El m Ave E 3rd Ave SE S 12th 6th St SW 2nd Ave SE Johnson Ave 350th Ave Emerson Park 5th St SE 7th St SW City Hall 7th Ave SW 120th St 2nd Ave NE St Veteran's Park 3rd Ave NE h 13t SW Ave NE v Weather 57A Rd 2nd St SW 2nd Ave SW 5 th Ave State Hwy 13 eW Overlay 3rd St NE (11th Ave NE to 15th Ave NE) 11th Ave NE (3rd St NE to North State St) 5th St SE (Elm Ave E to 6th Ave SE) Reconstruction w/ watermain replacement 5th St SE (6th Ave SE to 11th Ave SE) 4th Ave NE Courthouse 2nd Ave NW Legend Clear Lake Park 5t h 7th St SE 3rd St NW Trowbridge Park Hartley Elemetery 8th St NE Tink Larson Park 2nd St SE Elm A v Weather Station 7th Ave NE 4th St NE Loon Lake 9th Ave NE 8th Ave NE 6th Ave NE 4 th A v e NW 2016 State Aid Street Improvements & Watermain Replacement Clear Lake 10th Ave NE County Fairground 3rd St NE 7th Ave NW St N W 5th St NW 7th St NW 9th Ave NW Loon Lake Park NE 10th St NE NW ve Ave NW 4t h 3 13th A ve v e NE 11t h A 8th Ave NW e Av hA NW 11th Ave N W 10t h d 62n 12t Av e 10th St SE Northwest Park ve 15th Ave N E 2nd St NW 123rd St 13 th Se rvice Rd NW 14th Ave NW Northwest Nature Area 16th Ave NE D ri 9t h S 16th Ave NW ke La ar 17th Ave NE 5 th St NE 6th St NE Waseca High School dville oo Dr The data represented on this document is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey, and is intended for reference purposes only. The information presented has not been verified and neither the City of Waseca, nor its employees or agents makes any representation to the accuracy of the features and data presented here within. This map was created through the use of several city, county, state and federal data sources. For specific information regarding this map, or to report errors or omissions, contact the City of Waseca Engineering Department. Map #20151204-1 | Printed: 12/15/2015 Table 1 - 2016 Street Improvement Project Summary of Existing Street Conditions Approx. Avg Last Road Year of Street Beginning Pt to Street Curb Aggregate Bit. Original Improvement Name End Pt ROW Width Type Base Section Construction Year PROJECT 2016-01-STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS 11th Ave NE to N 3rd St NE of 13th Ave NE 66 44 B 6" 7" 1986 2001 N of 13th Ave NE 3rd St NE to 15th Ave NE 66 44 B 6" 4" 1981 1998 North State Street 11th Ave NE to 3rd St NE 60 38 B 6" 6" 1997 1997 East Elm Ave to 5th St SE 5th Ave SE 66 39 B 6" 7" Unknown 1988 5th Ave SE to 10th 5th St SE Ave SE 60 39 B 6" 7" Unknown 1988 10th Ave SE to 5th St SE 11th Ave SE 60 39 B 6" 7" Unknown 1988 Most Recent PCI 51 60 84 82 74 93 5 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 1.4 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 1.4.1 ROAD SURFACE Per the City of Waseca’s Pavement Management Policy, Staff is recommending that the City Council consider overlaying several street segments included in this feasibility study in order to preserve the pavement life before more extensive reconstruction is required. The overlay process is not intended to provide a new pavement structure, but rather to extend the life of an existing structure. All road improvements must be designed to meet MSAS standards. The overlay process involves full depth patching in areas of the pavement where major degradation has occurred, milling to avoid overlaying the gutter section, and placing a 2” wear course on top of existing pavement. 2” of existing pavement will be milled and removed along the curb edges, areas showing pavement distresses deeper than 2” will be patched and a new wear course pavement will be placed. In areas where a well-defined centerline street crown is not prevalent, additional bituminous pavement will be placed to establish a centerline crown in the road to facilitate better drainage conditions. A drain tile with sump pump discharge connections is proposed along 5th St SE only. Staff is also recommending that the City Council consider reconstruction the portion of 5th St SE where the watermain replacement is proposed. This section of road will be replaced with a modern pavement section of 4” of pavement, 8” of aggregate base and 18” of a sand subgrade and drain tile with sump pump discharge connections. The decision on what type of pavement preservation technique is recommended is based on many factors including but not limited to the following: • Most recent Pavement Condition Index (PCI) • Existing pavement structure • History of pavement preservation projects • Utility conditions • Records on street patching (sizes, depths, frequency) Spot curb and gutter replacement will also be done where the curb has shown to be structurally deficient or is causing drainage impediments. Pedestrian curb ramps will also be reconstructed to be in compliance with ADA standards. 1.4.2 UTILITIES Utility work associated with the overlay project includes adjusting the casting elevations of sanitary and storm manholes as well as gate valve boxes to match the new overlay pavement elevations. Structures that are failing or in disrepair will be reconstructed to extend the service life of the utility. See section 1.3.2 for a discussion of proposed watermain improvements related to 5th St SE. Localized drainage issues will also be addressed to the extent possible with final design of the project. This includes the construction of a new storm sewer line south of the Real Life Cooperative at 1212 3rd St NE to address localized backyard flooding in the Louis 6 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 Born’s 2nd Addition near the SE corner of the Real Life property. All properties who contribute runoff to this area will be assessed a prorated portion of the drainage improvement costs per Council policy. 2 2.1 1.4.3 PERMITS APPROVALS The following permits will be required: • MPCA NDPES Construction Permit • MDH Watermain Permit 1.4.4 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS/STAGING The contractor and City staff when appropriate will be responsible for providing access to all properties throughout the project duration. There are times during construction when access to all properties may not be available at all times. Every effort will be made to give residents advanced notice of these times. All residents will have safe and adequate access each night after work ceases and mail and trash refuse pickup will not be interrupted. 1.4.5 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A public informational meeting was held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 for all property owners within the project limits. Residents were notified of the meeting via mail correspondence approximately one week in advance of the meeting. A copy of the meeting notice and sign in sheet from the informational meeting are included in Appendix C. FINANCING OPINION OF PROBABLE COST The Total Project Cost includes construction, a 10% contingency factor, 10% engineering, and 3% administrative costs to cover such expenses as advertising for the hearing, etc. A summary of the estimated total project costs is as follows: Table 2-2016 MSA Street Overlay Project Summary of Cost Item Construction Items Contingency 10% Construction Subtotal Engineering 10% Administration 3% (3% of Construction & Engineering) Total Project Estimate $1,109,159 $110,916 $1,220,075 $122,007 $40,262 $1,382,344 7 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 2.2 FUNDING Assessments Benefiting properties are proposed to be assessed in accordance with Waseca’s Special Assessment Policy. The total amount to be assessed is estimated to be approximately $231,457 (21.23%) with 105 parcels being assessed on a front footage basis. The estimated MSA street assessment cost per assessable foot (with 25% credit) is as follows: 3rd St NE & 11th Ave NE Residential/Duplex/City Multiple Dwelling Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Overlay(No Drain Tile) $18.28 $27.86 $31.34 5th St SE Residential/Duplex/City Multiple Dwelling Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Overlay(With Drain Tile) $37.11 $56.56 $63.63 5th St SE Residential/Duplex/City Multiple Dwelling Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Reconstruct (With Drain Tile) $56.18 $85.61 $96.31 There are a total of 43 parcels being assessed for the backyard drainage improvement in the Louis Born’s 2nd Addition. The assessments are based on the contributing flow area for each parcel and the drainage area for the Real Life Cooperative parcel at 1212 3rd St NE was equally distributed among all units in the cooperative. The estimated backyard drainage assessment cost per square foot of contributing area is as follows: LOUIS BORN’S 2nd ADDITION All Contributing Properties Back Yard Storm Sewer $0.1925/SF 8 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 Project Funding The project funding is proposed as shown in Table 3. Table 3-2016 MSA Street Improvement Project Funding Summary Funding Source Amount 440 Special Assessments Fund $258,342 402 MSA Street Fund $954,207 601 Water Utility Fund $169,795 Total Project 3 4 $1,382,344 PROJECT SCHEDULE Event Date Authorization to Prepare Feasibility Report Neighborhood Meeting Present Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing Public Improvement Hearing Authorize Plans and Specifications Receive Bids Award Contract Begin Construction Substantial Completion Final Completion (restoration) Public Hearing for Assessments January 5, 2016 January 16, 2016 March 15, 2016 April 5, 2016 April 5, 2016 April 26, 2016 May 3, 2016 May/June 2016 September 1, 2016 October 1, 2016 November, 2016 FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The work is necessary and feasible from an engineering and financial basis. The following recommendations are presented for consideration by the Waseca City Council: 1. That this feasibility report be approved and adopted by the City Council as the guide for the proposed work. 2. That a public improvement hearing be held to receive input regarding the proposed improvements. 3. That the project be financed with special assessments in accordance with the City’s special assessment policy, and with MSAS funds and watermain utility enterprise funds. 9 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 Appendix A 2016-01 MSA Street Improvement Project Opinion of Probable Cost 10 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 2016 STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 2016-01 No. MnDOT Spec. No. 1 2021.501 2 Description PAGE ONE OF FIVE UPDATED 3/11/16 Unit QTY Unit Price Total MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 3 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 14 $ 125.00 $ 1,750.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LN.FT. 770 $ 5.00 $ 3,850.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 20 $ 10.00 $ 200.00 6 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 1170 $ 1.00 $ 1,170.00 7 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 802 $ 4.50 $ 3,609.00 8 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LN.FT. 50 $ 5.00 $ 250.00 9 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LN.FT. 236 $ 5.00 $ 1,180.00 10 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2" SQ.YD. 2570 $ 4.00 $ 10,280.00 11 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED) EACH 80 $ 10.00 $ 800.00 12 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON 845 $ 65.00 $ 54,925.00 13 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 14 2231.502 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE 15 2531.501 16 2531.507 17 18 3RD STREET NE-OVERLAY-SAP 172-102-010 GAL. 444 $ 3.00 $ 1,332.00 SQ.YD 802 $ 35.00 $ 28,070.00 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 LN.FT. 770 $ 23.00 $ 17,710.00 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 20 $ 55.00 $ 1,100.00 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 500 $ 7.50 $ 3,750.00 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 670 $ 5.50 $ 3,685.00 HIGH EARLY CONCRETE CU.YD. 15 $ 25.00 $ 375.00 SQ.FT. 80 $ 45.00 $ 3,600.00 19 20 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES 21 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING SANITARY WITH INFI-SHIELD EACH 5 $ 600.00 $ 3,000.00 22 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH SANITARY MANHOLE INFI-SHIELD LN.FT. 4.58 $ 500.00 $ 2,290.00 23 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING STORM MANHOLE EACH 6 $ 425.00 $ 2,550.00 24 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE ADJUST LN.FT. 4.25 $ 300.00 $ 1,275.00 25 2506.602 ADJUST MANHOLE CAST IRON PAVING RING EACH 3 $ 300.00 $ 900.00 26 2506.522 ADJ. FRAME AND RING CASTING ST. CATCH BASIN (27") EACH 6 $ 425.00 $ 2,550.00 27 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY MANHOLE (NEENAH R-1733) EACH 1 $ 650.00 $ 650.00 28 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY CATCH BASIN (NEENAH R-3238) DRIVE OVER EACH 3 $ 700.00 $ 2,100.00 29 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 4 $ 200.00 $ 800.00 30 2504.602 FURNISH & INSTALL GATE VALVE BOX EACH 6 $ 250.00 $ 1,500.00 31 2506.502 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 EACH 1 $ 2,300.00 $ 2,300.00 32 2503.511 12" RCP PIPE SEWER CL V LN. FT. 253 $ 35.00 $ 8,855.00 33 2506.502 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN "H" -4006 EACH 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 34 2105.901 GRADING (SPECIAL) L.S. 1 $ 220.00 $ 220.00 35 2575.505 SOD, TYPE LAWN SOD SQ.YD. 810 $ 11.00 $ 8,910.00 36 2582.502 4" YELLOW STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 310 $ 0.25 $ 77.50 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 3RD ST NE $ 182,613.50 CONTINGENCY-10% $ 18,261.35 ENGINEERING-10% $ 20,087.49 ADMINISTRATION-03% $ 6,628.87 TOTAL 3RD STREET NE SAP 172-102-010 $ 227,591.21 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 2016 STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 2016-01 No. MnDOT Spec. No. Description PAGE TWO OF FIVE UPDATED 3/11/16 Unit QTY Unit Price Total 11TH AVENUE NE-OVERLAY- SAP 172-115-004 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 2 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 3 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 3 $ 125.00 $ 375.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LN.FT. 205 $ 5.00 $ 1,025.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 5 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 6 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 370 $ 10.00 $ 3,700.00 7 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 241 $ 4.50 $ 1,084.50 8 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LN.FT. 50 $ 5.00 $ 250.00 9 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LN.FT. 100 $ 5.00 $ 500.00 10 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2" SQ.YD. 900 $ 4.00 $ 3,600.00 11 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED) EACH 16 $ 10.00 $ 160.00 12 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2) (B) TON 277 $ 65.00 $ 18,005.00 13 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 14 2231.502 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE 15 2531.501 16 2531.507 17 18 GAL. 147 $ 3.00 $ 441.00 SQ. YD. 241 $ 35.00 $ 8,435.00 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 LN.FT. 205 $ 23.00 $ 4,715.00 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 5 $ 55.00 $ 275.00 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 100 $ 7.50 $ 750.00 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 270 $ 5.50 $ 1,485.00 19 HIGH EARLY CONCRETE CU.YD. 6 $ 25.00 $ 150.00 20 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ.FT. 16 $ 45.00 $ 720.00 21 2575.505 SOD, TYPE LAWN SOD SQ.YD. 90 $ 11.00 $ 990.00 22 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE ADJUST LN.FT. 0.33 $ 300.00 $ 99.00 23 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING SANITARY WITH INFI-SHIELD EACH 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 24 2506.602 ADJUST MANHOLE CAST IRON PAVING RING EACH 2 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 25 2506.522 ADJ. FRAME AND RING CASTING ST. CATCH BASIN (2'X3') EACH 2 $ 425.00 $ 850.00 BACKPLASTER EXISTING MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 26 27 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 28 2582.502 4" YELLOW STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 122 $ 0.25 $ 30.50 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 11TH AVE NE $ 54,990.00 CONTINGENCY-10% $ 5,499.00 ENGINEERING-10% $ 6,048.90 ADMINISTRATION-03% $ 1,996.14 TOTAL 11TH AVENUE NE SAP 172-115-004 $ 68,534.04 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 2016 STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 2016-01 No. MnDOT Spec. No. Description Unit PAGE THREE OF FIVE UPDATED 3/11/16 QTY Unit Price Total 5TH STREET SE-OVERLAY-EAST ELM TO 6TH AVE SE-SAP 172-111-004 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 2 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 3 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 14 $ 125.00 $ 1,750.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 552 $ 4.50 $ 2,484.00 5 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LN. FT. 508 $ 5.00 $ 2,540.00 6 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SQ.YD. 28 $ 10.00 $ 280.00 7 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 2677 $ 1.50 $ 4,015.50 8 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE (SANITARY) EACH 1 $ 425.00 $ 425.00 9 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EACH 1 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 10 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LN. FT. 120 $ 5.00 $ 600.00 11 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEVENT LN. FT. 173 $ 5.00 $ 865.00 12 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED) EACH 128 $ 10.00 $ 1,280.00 13 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2") SQ.YD. 3135 $ 4.00 $ 12,540.00 14 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 LN. FT. 508 $ 23.00 $ 11,684.00 15 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 28 $ 55.00 $ 1,540.00 16 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 1209 $ 5.50 $ 6,649.50 17 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 1468 $ 7.50 $ 11,010.00 18 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ.FT. 160 $ 45.00 $ 7,200.00 19 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB, DESIGN V6 LN. FT. 50 $ 25.00 $ 1,250.00 HIGH EARLY CONCRETE CU.YD. 16 $ 25.00 $ 400.00 LN. FT. 2396 $ 16.00 $ 38,336.00 5,750.00 20 21 2502.541 6" PVC PERFORATED TILE (SDR 35) 22 2506.602 CONNECT TILE LINE TO STORM STRUCTURE EACH 23 $ 250.00 $ 23 2502.541 4" PVC SUMP LINE SCHEDULE (SDR 35) LN. FT. 75 $ 11.00 $ 825.00 24 2503.602 6" X 4" TEE FOR SUMP SERVICE EACH 15 $ 125.00 $ 1,875.00 25 2502.602 CONNECT EXISTING SUMPS TO TILE LINE EACH 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 26 2502.602 TILE LINE CLEANOUT EACH 16 $ 400.00 $ 6,400.00 27 2231.502 BITUMINOUS PATCHING-TILE DITCH SQ. YD. 805 $ 30.00 $ 24,150.00 28 2506.502 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 2 x 3 CATCH BASIN EACH 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 29 2506.502 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 EACH 1 $ 2,300.00 $ 2,300.00 30 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING SANITARY WITH INFI-SHIELD EACH 3 $ 600.00 $ 1,800.00 31 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING STORM MANHOLE EACH 8 $ 425.00 $ 3,400.00 32 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE ADJUST LN. FT. 0.33 $ 300.00 $ 99.00 33 2506.522 ADJ. FRAME AND RING CASTING ST. CATCH BASIN (27") EACH 3 $ 425.00 $ 1,275.00 33 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 34 2504.602 FURNISH & INSTALL GATE VALVE BOX EACH 4 $ 250.00 $ 1,000.00 35 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY CATCH BASIN (NEENAH R-3238) DRIVE OVER EACH 7 $ 700.00 $ 4,900.00 36 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY CATCH BASIN (NEENAH R-3065-R) EACH 1 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 37 2231.502 BITUMINOUS PATCHING SQ.YD. 552 $ 35.00 $ 19,320.00 38 2360.501 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON 635 $ 65.00 $ 41,275.00 39 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 371 $ 3.00 $ 1,113.00 40 2504.602 REPAIR EXISTING SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 41 2575.505 SOD, TYPE LAWN SOD SQ.YD. 170 $ 11.00 $ 1,870.00 42 2582.502 4" YELLOW STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 436 $ 0.25 $ 109.00 43 2582.502 4" WHITE STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 2251 $ 0.25 $ 562.75 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 231,822.75 10% CONTINGENCY $ 23,182.28 10% ENGINEERING $ 25,500.50 3% ADMINISTRATION $ 8,415.17 TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-OVERLAY SAP 172-111-004 $ 288,920.69 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 2016 STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 2016-01 Description Unit PAGE FOUR OF FIVE UPDATED 3/11/16 No. MnDOT Spec. No. QTY Unit Price Total 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 2 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 3 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 14 $ 125.00 $ 1,750.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ. YD. 6965 $ 4.50 $ 31,342.50 5 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (PLAN QUANTITY) CU.YD. 4458 $ 11.00 $ 49,038.00 6 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU.YD. 50 $ 20.00 $ 1,000.00 7 2105.541 STABILIZING AGGREGATE (CV) CU.YD. 50 $ 35.00 $ 1,750.00 8 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SQ. YD. 8468 $ 5.00 $ 42,340.00 3,735.00 5TH STREET SE-RECONSTRUCT -6TH AVE SE TO 11TH AVE SE-SAP 172-111-004 9 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LN. FT. 747 $ 5.00 $ 10 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY SQ.YD. 38 $ 10.00 $ 380.00 11 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 3723 $ 1.50 $ 5,584.50 12 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT LN. FT. 70 $ 5.00 $ 350.00 13 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LN. FT. 448 $ 5.00 $ 2,240.00 14 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2") SQ.YD. 50 $ 4.00 $ 200.00 15 2301.602 DRILL & GROUT REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPOXY COATED) EACH 128 $ 10.00 $ 1,280.00 16 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 LN. FT. 747 $ 23.00 $ 17,181.00 17 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ.YD. 38 $ 55.00 $ 2,090.00 18 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 2781 $ 5.50 $ 15,295.50 19 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ.FT. 942 $ 7.50 $ 7,065.00 20 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ.FT. 128 $ 45.00 $ 5,760.00 21 2531.502 CONCRETE CURB, DESIGN V6 LN. FT. 50 $ 25.00 $ 1,250.00 HIGH EARLY CONCRETE CU.YD. 8 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 LN. FT. 2630 $ 16.00 $ 42,080.00 22 23 2502.541 6" PVC PERFORATED TILE (SDR 35) 24 2506.602 CONNECT TILE LINE TO STORM STRUCTURE EACH 14 $ 250.00 $ 3,500.00 25 2502.541 4" PVC SUMP LINE SCHEDULE (SDR 35) LN. FT. 140 $ 11.00 $ 1,540.00 26 2503.602 6" X 4" TEE FOR SUMP SERVICE EACH 28 $ 125.00 $ 3,500.00 27 2502.602 CONNECT EXISTING SUMPS TO TILE LINE EACH 2 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 28 2502.602 TILE LINE CLEANOUT EACH 14 $ 400.00 $ 5,600.00 29 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING SANITARY WITH INFI-SHIELD EACH 9 $ 600.00 $ 5,400.00 30 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH SANITARY MANHOLE INFI-SHIELD LN. FT. 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 31 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING STORM MANHOLE EACH 7 $ 425.00 $ 2,975.00 32 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE LN. FT. 2.5 $ 300.00 $ 750.00 33 2503.511 12" RCP PIPE SEWER CL V LN. FT. 50 $ 35.00 $ 1,750.00 34 2506.502 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 2 x 3 CATCH BASIN EACH 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 35 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 3 $ 750.00 $ 2,250.00 36 2506.522 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE ADJUST LN. FT. 1.08 $ 300.00 $ 324.00 37 2506.522 ADJ. FRAME AND RING CASTING ST. CATCH BASIN (27") EACH 1 $ 425.00 $ 425.00 BACKPLASTER EXISTING MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH 2 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 38 39 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 1 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 40 2504.602 FURNISH & INSTALL GATE VALVE BOX EACH 3 $ 250.00 $ 750.00 41 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY MANHOLE (NEENAH R-1733) EACH 1 $ 650.00 $ 650.00 42 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY STORM CATCH BASIN (NEENAH-3065-R) EACH 6 $ 700.00 $ 4,200.00 43 2506.602 ADJUST MANHOLE CAST IRON PAVING RING 44 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) 45 2211.501 46 2360.501 47 2357.502 48 2504.602 EACH 1 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 CU.YD. 3482 $ 16.00 $ 55,712.00 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TON 2817 $ 19.00 $ 53,523.00 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON 1588 $ 65.00 $ 103,220.00 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 345 $ 3.00 $ 1,035.00 REPAIR EXISTING SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 2016 STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 2016-01 Description PAGE FIVE OF FIVE UPDATED 3/11/16 No. MnDOT Spec. No. Unit QTY Unit Price Total 49 2573.533 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE. F.1 LN. FT. 300 $ 3.50 $ 1,050.00 50 2573.535 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXITS L.S. 1 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 51 2575.505 SOD, TYPE LAWN SOD SQ.YD. 620 $ 11.00 $ 6,820.00 52 2582.502 4" YELLOW STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 491 $ 0.25 $ 122.75 53 2582.502 4" WHITE STRIPE-LATEX LN. FT. 2539 $ 0.25 $ 634.75 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 503,493.00 10% CONTINGENCY $ 50,349.30 10% ENGINEERING $ 55,384.23 3% ADMINISTRATION $ 18,276.80 TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-RECONSTRUCT SAP 172-111-004 $ 627,503.33 5TH STREET SE-RECONSTRUCT -6TH AVE SE TO 11TH AVE SE-SAP 172-111-004 No. MnDOT Spec. No. Description Unit QTY Unit Price Total 5TH STREET SE-WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION-6TH AVE SE TO 11TH AVE SE-SAP 172-111-004 1 2504.601 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE L.S. 1 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE EXISTING WATER MAIN LN. FT. 1615 $ 4.00 $ 6,460.00 3 2104.509 REMOVE EXISTING HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE EACH 3 $ 250.00 $ 750.00 4 2104.509 REMOVE EXISTING GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 10 $ 125.00 $ 1,250.00 5 2104.509 REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE (WATER MAIN) EACH 1 $ 425.00 $ 425.00 6 2504.603 4" PVC C900 WATER MAIN PIPE LN. FT. 25 $ 30.50 $ 762.50 7 2504.603 6" PVC C900 WATER MAIN PIPE LN. FT. 1621 $ 27.30 $ 44,253.30 8 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 15 $ 1,130.00 $ 16,950.00 9 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 8 $ 875.00 $ 7,000.00 10 2504.602 FURNISH & INSTALL ZINC ANNODE BAG EACH 8 $ 200.00 $ 1,600.00 11 2504.602 HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE WITH BOX EACH 4 $ 3,955.00 $ 15,820.00 12 2504.608 WATER MAIN FITTINGS LBS. 2845 $ 3.75 $ 10,668.75 13 2504.602 CONNECT SERVICE TO WATER MAIN 1" (INCLUDES CORP.) EACH 24 $ 160.00 $ 3,840.00 14 2504.603 1" COPPER WATER SERVICE PIPE TYPE "K" LN. FT. 610 $ 22.00 $ 13,420.00 15 2504.602 1" CURB STOP AND STAND PIPE EACH 24 $ 170.00 $ 4,080.00 16 2504.602 LOCATE MARKER BALL EACH 24 $ 40.00 $ 960.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 136,239.55 10% CONTINGENCY $ 13,623.96 10% ENGINEERING $ 14,986.35 3% ADMINISTRATION $ 4,945.50 TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION SAP 172-111-004 $ 169,795.35 227,591.21 TOTAL 3RD STREET NE SAP 172-102-010 $ TOTAL 11TH AVENUE NE SAP 172-115-004 $ 68,534.04 TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-OVERLAY SAP 172-111-004 $ 288,920.69 627,503.33 TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-RECONSTRUCT SAP 172-111-004 $ TOTAL 5TH STREET SE-WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION SAP 172-111-004 $ 169,795.35 TOTAL PROJECT 2016 STATE STREET IMPROVEMENTS-2016-01 $ 1,382,344.61 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll 11 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 PAGE ONE OF ONE CITY OF WASECA PROJECT 2016-01 ASSESSMENT ROLL 279 IMPROVEMENT HEARING LOUIS BORN'S 2ND ADDITION REAR YARD DRAINAGE No. Name Parcel ID Property Description Property Address OWNERS OF RECORD DECEMBER 2015 Classification Assessable Assessment Area (Sq. Ft.) Rate Assessment Mailing Address-1 Mailing Address-2 1 ROBERT C & CAROL A BRAATEN 17.160.0225 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 S70FT OF LOT 15 & W40FT OF S70 FT OF LOT 1102 14 BLK 3RD2ST NE RESIDENTIAL 894.00 $0.1925 $172.10 1102 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 2 GERALDINE R COTNER 17.160.0230 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 LOT 15 EX S70FT & W40FT OF LOT 14 EX S 70FT 1104BLK 3RD2 ST NE RESIDENTIAL 3343.00 $0.1925 $643.53 1104 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 3 DALE T & ELIZABETH MCSHANE 17.160.0245 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 BEG AT NW COR OF LOT 16 BLK 2...58.39FT TO 300 PTLILAC OF BEG CT RESIDENTIAL 4034.00 $0.1925 $776.55 300 LILAC COURT WASECA MN , 56093 4 CRAIG A & DIANNE PETERSON 17.160.0270 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 W73FT OF LOT 19 BLK 2 314 LILAC CT RESIDENTIAL 2909.00 $0.1925 $559.98 4 NICKOLAY LANE GRAND MARAIS MN , 55604 5 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ELEANOR REZAC 17.160.0101 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 121 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 6 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE AGNES PRIEBE 17.160.0102 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 122 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 7 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE MARGARET HASSLEN 17.160.0100 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 120 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 8 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE EDNA FREESE 17.160.0099 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 119B 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 9 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE STANLEY H KRIPPNER 17.160.0098 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 119A 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE #119A WASECA MN , 56093 10 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JUDY JEWISON 17.160.0097 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 118 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE #118 WASECA MN , 56093 11 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE KENNETH & HARRIET EATON 17.160.0096 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 117 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093-5612 12 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE CHARLES & JANICE DELASKE 17.160.0095 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 116 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 13 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE YVONNE PRIEBE 17.160.0094 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 115 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093-4015 14 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE GLORIA J DOSS 17.160.0093 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 113 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE #113 WASECA MN , 56093 15 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE PHYLLIS M SWENSON 17.160.0091 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 111 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 16 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE GEBHARD W & ILENE E SINGLESTAD 17.160.0092 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 112 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE UNIT 112 WASECA MN , 56093 17 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JANNET L RIETFORT 17.160.0090 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 110 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 18 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ROLLAND & CAROL SWENSON 17.160.0089 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 109 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE #109 WASECA MN , 56093 19 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JEANETTE E ROSENTHAL 17.160.0088 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 108 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 20 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE DONNA A HILDREBRANDT 17.160.0087 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 107 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 21 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE PHYLLIS WERNER 17.160.0086 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 106 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 22 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE MILDRED R WHITE 17.160.0085 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 105 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 23 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ART & ALICE HUTCHENS 17.160.0084 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 104 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 24 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JULIET SALMON 17.160.0083 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 103 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 25 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE KENNETH HAMILTON 17.160.0082 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 102 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 26 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE DOROTHY HARGUTH 17.160.0081 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 101 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 1163.00 $0.1925 $223.88 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 27 KENNETH D & LINDA S PETERSON 17.160.0220 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 E1/2 OF LOT 14 & W20FT OF 13 BLK 2 305 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 4340.00 $0.1925 $835.45 305 11TH AVE NE WASECA, MN 56093 28 WAYNE C HURSH TRUSTEE 17.160.0210 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 13 EX W 20FT BLK 2 309 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 4461.00 $0.1925 $858.74 309 11TH AVE NE WASECA, MN 56093 29 JUDY JEWISON 17.160.0200 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 12 BLK 2 313 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 5971.00 $0.1925 $1,149.42 313 11TH AVE NE WASECA, MN 56093 30 AGNES A & SUSAN M BRISBANE 17.160.0190 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 11 BLK 2 317 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 1705.00 $0.1925 $328.21 317 11TH AVE NE WASECA, MN 56093 31 ATIF F BHATTI 17.160.0180 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 10 BLK 2 1105 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 6771.00 $0.1925 $1,303.42 1105 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 32 PAUL WALKER 17.160.0170 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 9 BLK 2 1109 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 7673.00 $0.1925 $1,477.05 1109 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 33 DONALD L FRANK TRUSTEE 17.160.0160 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 8 BLK 2 1113 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 7061.00 $0.1925 $1,359.24 1113 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 34 ARMILLA MOLKENTHIN ETAL 17.160.0150 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 7 BLK 2 1201 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 8296.00 $0.1925 $1,596.98 1201 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 35 ANTHONY L & IONA M ARNFELT 17.160.0140 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 6 BLK 2 1205 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 7897.00 $0.1925 $1,520.17 1205 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 36 DOUGLAS D & DELAIN J DRAEGER 17.160.0130 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 5 BLK 2 1209 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 7132.00 $0.1925 $1,372.91 1209 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 37 CHERYL MILBRATH 17.160.0120 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 4 BLK 2 1213 4TH ST NE RESIDENTIAL 4792.00 $0.1925 $922.46 1217 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 38 RODGER D & VADA A DAHNERT 17.160.0240 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 BEG AT … TO PT OF BEG 302 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 4931.00 $0.1925 $949.22 302 LILAC COURT WASECA, MN 56093 39 RUTH L EUSTICE 17.160.0255 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 BEG AT SE COR LOT 17… TO PT OF BEG 304 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 9085.00 $0.1925 $1,748.86 304 LILAC COURT WASECA, MN 56093 40 MERLIN WEGNER 17.160.0250 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 BEG AT NE COR LOT 17… TO PT OF BEG 306 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 5377.00 $0.1925 $1,035.07 PO BOX 64 LEWISVILLE, MN 56060-0064 41 WELLS FARGO BANK NA 17.160.0260 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 BEG AT SE COR LOT 18… TO PT OF BEG 308 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 4127.00 $0.1925 $794.45 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL, SC 29715 42 JOYCE A WOBSCHALL 17.160.0265 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 BEG AT MOST WESTERLY … TO PT OF BEG 310 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 8744.00 $0.1925 $1,683.22 200 22ND AVE NE APT 417 WASECA, MN 56093 43 JOYCE E ZIEMKE 17.160.0275 LOUIS M BORN SUB. #2 LOT 19 EX W73FT BLK 2 312 LILAC COURT RESIDENTIAL 4530.00 $0.1925 $872.03 312 LILAC COURT WASECA, MN 56093 TOTALS 139,659.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $26,884.57 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT RATE PER SQ. FT. $0.1925 $26,884.42 CITY OF WASECA PROJECT 2016-01 ASSESSMENT ROLL 279 IMPROVEMENT HEARING 5TH ST SE FROM EAST ELM TO 6TH AVE SE OVERLAY WITH TILE CITY PROJECT 2016-01 ROLL 279 16-01 No. PAGE ONE OF THREE Name Parcel ID Property Description OWNERS OF RECORD DECEMBER 2015 Property Address Classification Front Footage Side Footage Credit or Addition Assessable Footage Assessment Rate Assessment Mailing Address-1 Mailing Address-2 Mailing Address-3 1 EVAN MCCOLLEY & SUSAN KOETHE 17.100.2870 ORIGINAL PLAT N 1/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 17 416 ELM AVE E RESIDENTIAL 104.50 56.00 -52.25 52.25 $37.11 $1,939.00 416 ELM AVE E WASECA, MN 56093 2 DAVID & PEGGY LARKIN 17.100.2880 ORIGINAL PLAT S 1/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 17 417 2ND AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 104.50 56.00 -52.25 52.25 $37.11 $1,939.00 417 2ND AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 3 THOMAS G & KATHRINE K ROYCRAFT 17.151.0490 BARNEYS ADD E 67 FT OF LOT 8 BLK 5 416 2ND AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 100.00 67.00 -50.00 50.00 $37.11 $1,855.50 416 2ND AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 4 GARY F OWENS 17.704.0220 WINONA & ST PETER LAND CO 1ST N 1/2 OF LOT 1 BLK 3 300 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 66.00 88.00 -33.00 33.00 $37.11 $1,224.63 9973 WILTON BRIDGE RD WASECA, MN 56093 5 BRIDGETT A & DAMON A NOWAK 17.704.0210 WINONA & ST PETER LAND CO 1ST S 1/2 OF LOT 1 BLK 3 306 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 66.00 66.00 $37.11 $2,449.26 306 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 6 WILLIAM F & SHEILA I EVENSON 17.704.0310 WINONA & ST PETER LAND CO 1ST N 50 FT OF LOT 8 BLK 3 308 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 50.00 50.00 $37.11 $1,855.50 308 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 7 WARREN E JR & NIMA RUGGER 17.704.0300 WINONA & ST PETER LAND CO 1ST LOT 8 EX N 50 FT & E 1/2 OF LOT 7 BLK 3 312 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 82.00 133.00 -40.00 42.00 $37.11 $1,558.62 312 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 8 BLAIN J & JOAN D NELSON 17.226.0010 DM & E SUBD Lot-001 Block-001 400 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 167.08 103.00 -60.00 107.08 $37.11 $3,973.74 101 S STATE ST WASECA, MN 56093 9 MARGARET M HILDEBRANDT 17.017.0900 S-17 T-107 R-022 PARCEL 280 X 129.52 X 248.27 X 133.35 IN COR BTWN 5TH ST & 5TH AVE SE 409 5TH AVE SE COMMERCIAL 133.35 280.00 -40.00 93.35 $63.63 $5,939.86 35205 73RD ST WASECA, MN 56093 10 GARY P STEWART 17.151.0550 BARNEYS ADD LOT 4 & THAT PART OF LOT 3:BEG AT NW COR ...W TO PT OF BEG BLK 6 412 5TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 72.00 68.00 -30.00 42.00 $37.11 $1,558.62 412 5TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 11 IND SCHOOL DIST 829 17.276.0400 FIRST ADDITION N100FT OF LOT 1 & N93FT OF W63 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 4 TAX EXEMPT 100.00 129.00 -40.00 60.00 $63.63 $3,817.80 501 ELM AVE EAST WASECA, MN 56093 12 BRADLEY T GRAY & CYNTHIA A WREN-GRAY 17.276.0380 FIRST ADDITION S 75 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 4 105 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 75.00 $37.11 $2,783.25 105 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 13 MICHAEL D PETERSON 17.276.0410 FIRST ADDITION LOT 2 EX N93FT OF W63FT BLK 4 504 1/2 E ELM RESIDENTIAL 66.00 66.00 $37.11 $2,449.26 504 1/2 ELM AVE EAST WASECA, MN 56093 14 MARGARET THERESE JEWISON 17.276.0540 FIRST ADDITION N 75 FT OF LOT 12 BLK 4 201 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 75.00 $37.11 $2,783.25 201 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 15 DAVID CONE 17.276.0530 FIRST ADDITION LOT 12 EX N 75 FT BLK 4 207 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 100.00 66.00 -50.00 50.00 $37.11 $1,855.50 416 4TH AVE NE WASECA, MN 56093 16 ROBERT D & JOYCE M BROWN 17.276.0550 FIRST ADDITION Lot-001 Block-005 500 3RD AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 132.00 66.00 -60.00 72.00 $37.11 $2,671.92 410 2ND AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 17 JOEL A GASNER 17.276.0670 FIRST ADDITION N 1/2 OF LOT 12 BLK 5 309 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 66.00 66.00 $37.11 $2,449.26 309 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 18 RICHARD I J LYKKEN 17.276.0660 FIRST ADDITION S 1/2 OF LOT 12 BLK 5 313 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 66.00 66.00 -33.00 33.00 $37.11 $1,224.63 313 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 19 ANTHONY W & TAMARA J O'BRIEN 17.276.0680 FIRST ADDITION Lot-001 Block-006 500 4TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 110.00 66.00 -55.00 55.00 $37.11 $2,041.05 500 4TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 20 PHILLIP BUZZARD 17.501.0010 OAK PARK ADDITION LOT 1 EX S101.50FT BLK 1 517 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 160.00 160.00 $37.11 $5,937.60 517 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 21 DANIEL R PETERSON 17.501.0020 OAK PARK ADDITION S101.50FT OF LOT 1 EX E8FT BLK 1 523 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 101.50 50.75 $37.11 $1,883.33 20025 CEDAR LAKE TRL MORRISTOWN, MN 55052-5068 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE 1996.93 TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE -646.25 1350.68 -50.75 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS Name Parcel ID Property Description $54,190.58 $37.11 $56.56 $63.63 5TH ST SE FROM 6TH AVE SE TO 11TH AVE SE RECONSTRUCT WITH TILE CITY PROJECT 2016-01 ROLL 279 16-01 No. ASSESSMENT RATES Residential/Duplex/City Per Front Foot Multiple Dwelling Per Front Foot Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Per Front Foot 72.25 OWNERS OF RECORD DECEMBER 2015 Property Address Classification Front Footage Side Footage Credit or Addition Assessable Footage Assessment Rate Assessment Mailing Address-1 Mailing Address-2 Mailing Address-3 68.00 -30.00 34.00 $56.18 $1,910.12 412 5TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 52.25 $56.18 $2,935.41 211 E 3RD ST ST ANSGAR, IA 50473 1 GARY P STEWART 17.151.0550 BARNEYS ADD LOT 4 & THAT PART OF LOT 3:BEG AT NW COR ...W TO PT OF BEG BLK 6 412 5TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 64.00 2 JOHN DOCKSTADER 17.101.0210 AUDITOR'S ADD TO BARNEYS ADD Lot-008 Block-021 600 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 52.25 3 TRACY K ROEKER 17.101.0200 AUDITOR'S ADD TO BARNEYS ADD Lot-007 Block-021 419 7TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 52.25 117.75 -26.12 26.13 $56.18 $1,467.98 419 7TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 4 RACHEL H BETHKE 17.107.0180 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-018 700 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 102.22 -37.50 37.50 $56.18 $2,106.75 700 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 5 FIRST CHOICE OF WASECA INC C/O JON O'NEIL 17.107.0190 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-019 704 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 80.30 80.30 $56.18 $4,511.25 217 E ELM AVE WASECA, MN 56093 6 DONNA R POSSIN 17.107.0200 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-020 708 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 62.11 62.11 $56.18 $3,489.34 708 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093-3426 7 CLIFFORD C & ETHEL WILKER 17.107.0210 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-021 712 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 62.11 62.11 $56.18 $3,489.34 712 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 8 BENJAMIN E ALLEN 17.107.0220 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-022 714 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 60.50 60.50 $56.18 $3,398.89 714 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 9 ERIN B HEDMAN-SIME & ERIC SIME 17.107.0230 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-023 718 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 63.00 63.00 $56.18 $3,539.34 718 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 10 DARWIN K KARSTEN ETAL 17.107.0240 AUD PLAT OF LARGE LOT 1 BLK 5 Lot-024 800 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 62.83 62.83 $56.18 $3,529.79 800 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 11 JOAN D & BLAIN NELSON 17.155.0900 BROUGHTONS ADD N 58 FT OF LOTS 21 & 22 BLK 5 804 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 58.00 58.00 $56.18 $3,258.44 14420 RICE LAKE DR WASECA, MN 56093 12 AMBER MARIE FENNERT 17.155.0910 BROUGHTONS ADD S50FT OF N108FT OF LOTS 21 & 22 BLK 5 808 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 50.00 50.00 $56.18 $2,809.00 808 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 13 CLARENCE B & YONG AE VAN ORNUM 17.155.0890 BROUGHTONS ADD LOTS 21 & 22 EX N 108 FT BLK 5 810 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 67.33 113.11 -33.66 33.67 $56.18 $1,891.58 810 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 14 TROY A BROUWERS 17.155.0490 BROUGHTONS ADD N 56 1/3 FT OF E 1/2 OF LOT 18 & N 56 1/3 FT OF LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 4 900 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 56.33 144.16 -28.16 28.17 $56.18 $1,582.59 1108 4TH ST NE WASECA, MN 56093 15 CHRISTOPHER C & DEBRA A SELTHUN 17.155.0500 BROUGHTONS ADD E1/2 OF LOT 18 EX N56.33 FT & EX S69FT & S50FT ...LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 4 904 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 50.00 50.00 $56.18 $2,809.00 904 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 16 CATHERINE M KUSCHEL 17.155.0510 BROUGHTONS ADD S69FT OF E1/2 OF LOT 18 & S69 FT OF LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 4 908 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 69.00 69.00 $56.18 $3,876.42 908 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 17 DEANNA M WINEGAR 17.155.0710 BROUGHTONS ADD N 70 FT OF LOTS 39 & 40 BLK 4 912 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 70.00 70.00 $56.18 $3,932.60 912 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 18 LORI SOMMERS 17.155.0700 BROUGHTONS ADD LOT 39 EX W55FT & EX N70FT & LOT 40 EX N70FT BLK 4 421 10TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 105.33 58.11 -52.66 52.67 $56.18 $2,959.00 1001 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 19 MICHAEL R RUTHERFORD 17.155.0310 BROUGHTONS ADD LOT 21 EX E30FT & E 9FT OF LOT 20 BLK 3 424 10TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 144.00 59.00 -60.00 84.00 $56.18 $4,719.12 424 10TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 20 MATTHEW R SCHMITZ 17.501.0090 OAK PARK ADDITION N 1/2 OF LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 2 601 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 122.00 -37.50 37.50 $56.18 $2,106.75 601 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 21 VIRGIL E & FRANCES E AMENDT 17.501.0080 OAK PARK ADDITION S 1/2 OF LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 2 605 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 75.00 $56.18 $4,213.50 605 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 22 KALEB M KUBAT 17.501.0250 OAK PARK ADDITION N 1/2 OF LOTS 21 & 22 BLK 2 611 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 75.00 $56.18 $4,213.50 611 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 23 ALEAH HAUGEN 17.501.0240 OAK PARK ADDITION LOT 20 & S1/2 OF LOTS 21 & 22 BLK 2 615 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 75.00 170.80 -37.50 37.50 $56.18 $2,106.75 615 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 24 JEREMY E CASSEM 17.501.0260 OAK PARK ADDITION Lot-001 Block-003 701 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 120.66 70.60 -60.00 60.66 $56.18 $3,407.88 701 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 25 JUSTIN R TIEDE 17.501.0450 OAK PARK ADDITION N 55.66 FT OF LOTS 21 & 22 BLK 3 709 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 55.66 55.66 $56.18 $3,126.98 709 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 26 BERNARD C MORRIS JR 17.501.0440 OAK PARK ADDITION LOTS 21 & 22 EX N55.66FT BLK 3 713 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 65.00 119.70 -32.50 32.50 $56.18 $1,825.85 713 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 27 TREVOR M PEHRSON 17.501.0460 OAK PARK ADDITION N40.50 FT OF LOT 1 & N40.50 FT OF W1/2 OF LOT 2 BLK 4 801 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 40.50 94.50 -20.25 20.25 $56.18 $1,137.65 801 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 28 KEVIN L ROESLER 17.501.0470 OAK PARK ADDITION LOT 1 & W 1/2 OF LOT 2 EX N 40.50 FT THEREOF BLK 4 501 9TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 86.16 94.50 -40.00 46.16 $56.18 $2,593.27 34240 WOODVILLE BLVD WASECA, MN 56093-9120 29 LORI SOMMERS 17.155.0940 BROUGHTONS ADD W 59.5 FT OF N 141 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 6 500 9TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 141.00 59.50 -60.00 81.00 $56.18 $4,550.58 1001 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 30 JOHN M CONWAY 17.155.1010 BROUGHTONS ADD BEG AT A PT 191 FT S OF SW COR OF LOT 1 ...PART OF LOT 1 BLK 6 909 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 62.12 62.12 $56.18 $3,489.90 909 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 31 GENE A BUCHHOLZ 17.155.1020 BROUGHTONS ADD S 70 FT OF W 119 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 6 913 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 70.00 119.00 -35.00 35.00 $56.18 $1,966.30 47850 243RD LN ELYSIAN, MN 56028-4545 32 LORI SOMMERS 17.155.1150 BROUGHTONS ADD N 68 FT OF W 150 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 7 1001 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 68.00 150.00 -34.00 34.00 $56.18 $1,910.12 1001 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 33 D L SOMMERS & M A VOLLBRECHT-DL SOMMERS TRUST 17.155.1110 BROUGHTONS ADD S 68 FT OF N 136 FT OF W 150 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 7 1005 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 68.00 68.00 $56.18 $3,820.24 1005 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093 34 IVAN R & DEBRA HARSHMAN 17.155.1125 BROUGHTONS ADD BEG 101FT N OF SW COR OF LOT 1 BLK 7;THENCE ...TO PT OF BEG 1009 5TH ST SE RESIDENTIAL 68.12 68.12 $56.18 $3,826.98 1009 5TH ST SE WASECA, MN 56093-3503 35 LOWELL B & ARLENE M NELSON TRUSTEES 17.155.1120 BROUGHTONS ADD N68FT OF S101FT OF W150FT OF LOT 1 BLK 7 501 11TH AVE SE RESIDENTIAL 68.00 34.00 $56.18 $1,910.12 501 11TH AVE SE WASECA, MN 56093 2517.56 -658.85 1858.71 ASSESSMENT RATES Residential/Duplex/City Per Front Foot Multiple Dwelling Per Front Foot Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Per Front Foot $56.18 $85.61 $96.31 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE 150.00 -34.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $104,422.33 CITY OF WASECA PROJECT 2016-01 ASSESSMENT ROLL 279 IMPROVEMENT HEARING 3RD STREET NE FROM 11TH AVE NE TO 15TH AVE NE CITY PROJECT 2016-01 ROLL 279 16-02 No. PAGE TWO OF THREE Name Parcel ID Property Description Property Address OWNERS OF RECORD DECEMBER 2015 Classification Front Footage Side Footage Credit or Addition Assessable Footage Assessment Rate Assessment Mailing Address-1 Mailing Address-2 Mailing Address-3 130.00 -35.00 35.00 $18.28 $639.80 1102 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 55.22 $18.28 $1,009.42 1104 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 58.57 $18.28 $1,070.66 300 LILAC COURT WASECA MN , 56093 115.00 $18.28 $2,102.20 4 NICKOLAY LANE GRAND MARAIS MN , 55604 1 ROBERT C & CAROL A BRAATEN 17.160.0225 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 S70FT OF LOT 15 & W40FT OF S70 FT OF LOT 14 BLK 2 1102 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 70.00 2 GERALDINE R COTNER 17.160.0230 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 LOT 15 EX S70FT & W40FT OF LOT 14 EX S 70FT BLK 2 1104 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 55.22 3 DALE T & ELIZABETH MCSHANE 17.160.0245 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 BEG AT NW COR OF LOT 16 BLK 2...58.39FT TO PT OF BEG 300 LILAC CT RESIDENTIAL 117.13 73.68 4 CRAIG A & DIANNE PETERSON 17.160.0270 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 W73FT OF LOT 19 BLK 2 314 LILAC CT RESIDENTIAL 115.00 73.00 5 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ELEANOR REZAC 17.160.0101 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 121 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 6 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE AGNES PRIEBE 17.160.0102 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 122 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 7 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE MARGARET HASSLEN 17.160.0100 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 120 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 8 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE EDNA FREESE 17.160.0099 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 119B 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 9 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE STANLEY H KRIPPNER 17.160.0098 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 119A 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE #119A WASECA MN , 56093 10 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JUDY JEWISON 17.160.0097 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 118 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE #118 WASECA MN , 56093 11 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE KENNETH & HARRIET EATON 17.160.0096 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 117 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093-5612 12 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE CHARLES & JANICE DELASKE 17.160.0095 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 116 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 13 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE YVONNE PRIEBE 17.160.0094 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 115 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093-4015 14 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE GLORIA J DOSS 17.160.0093 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 113 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE #113 WASECA MN , 56093 15 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE PHYLLIS M SWENSON 17.160.0091 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 111 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 16 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE GEBHARD W & ILENE E SINGLESTAD 17.160.0092 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 112 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE UNIT 112 WASECA MN , 56093 17 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JANNET L RIETFORT 17.160.0090 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 110 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 18 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ROLLAND & CAROL SWENSON 17.160.0089 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 109 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE #109 WASECA MN , 56093 19 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JEANETTE E ROSENTHAL 17.160.0088 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 108 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 20 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE DONNA A HILDREBRANDT 17.160.0087 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 107 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 21 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE PHYLLIS WERNER 17.160.0086 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 106 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 22 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE MILDRED R WHITE 17.160.0085 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 105 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 23 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE ART & ALICE HUTCHENS 17.160.0084 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 104 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 24 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE JULIET SALMON 17.160.0083 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 103 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 25 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE KENNETH HAMILTON 17.160.0082 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 102 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 26 REAL LIFE COOP OFFICE DOROTHY HARGUTH 17.160.0081 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION # 2 UNIT 101 1212 3RD ST NE RESIDENTIAL 20.91 11.36 -2.73 18.18 $18.28 $332.33 1212 3RD ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 27 LESTER K & MINNIE G ROOT 17.163.0010 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION #4 Lot-001 Block-001 301 13TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 120.00 91.56 -60.00 60.00 $18.28 $1,096.80 301 13TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 28 NORTHRIDGE ESTATES LLC 17.483.0150 NORTH RIDGE Lot-001 Block-004 300 15TH AVE NE MULTIPLE DWELLING 349.98 271.73 -60.00 289.98 $27.86 $8,078.84 16935 ROBERDS LAKE BLVD FARIBAULT MN , 55021 29 SUSAN L PANIAGUA 17.150.0200 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 Lot-013 Block-002 219 11TH AVE CT NE RESIDENTIAL 65.29 116.59 -65.29 0.00 $18.28 $0.00 217 11TH AVE CT NE WASECA MN , 56093 30 MARY C HARTER TRUSTEE 17.150.0190 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 Lot-012 Block-002 217 11TH AVE CT NE RESIDENTIAL 85.11 19.76 -85.11 0.00 $18.28 $0.00 215 11TH AVE CT NE WASECA MN , 56093 31 JOY D NESS 17.150.0180 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 Lot-011 Block-002 215 11TH AVE CT NE RESIDENTIAL 39.31 19.43 -39.31 0.00 $18.28 $0.00 4135 BLACKHAWK PLAZA CIR #250 DANVILLE CA , 94506 32 FHS WASECA/PORTAGE LP C/O MGR ASSETS INC 17.157.0025 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION NO. 1 BEG AT NW COR OF LOT 2, COMMERCIAL 309.94 309.94 $31.34 $9,713.52 4135 BLACKHAWK PLAZA CIR #250 DANVILLE CA , 94506 33 FHS WASECA/PORTAGE LP C/O MGR ASSETS INC 17.157.0011 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION NO. 1 THAT PART OF LOT 1 BLK 1 STARTING ...TO PT OF BEG 1230 STATE ST N COMMERCIAL 273.23 273.23 $31.34 $8,563.03 4135 BLACKHAWK PLAZA CIR #250 DANVILLE CA , 94506 34 FHS WASECA/PORTAGE LP C/O MGR ASSETS INC 17.157.0010 LOUIS M BORN SUBDIVISION NO. 1 THAT PART OF LOT 1 BLK 1 STARTING ...TO PT OF BEG 1300 STATE ST N COMMERCIAL 343.75 343.75 $31.34 $10,773.13 540 S FIRST ST MONTEVIDEO MN , 56265 35 MAGIC FIVE PROPERTIES C/O VAN BINSBERGEN & ASSOC. 17.483.0090 NORTH RIDGE TRACT B EX N40FT FOR STREET 208 14TH AVE NE MULTIPLE DWELLING 121.31 279.00 -40.00 81.31 $27.86 $2,265.30 508 S STATE ST WASECA MN , 56093 36 PROFESSIONAL PLAZA ASS'N 17.156.0050 BESCHNETT SUBDIV REPLAT OF BLK Lot-004 (TRACT D) COMMERCIAL 193.92 219.81 -40.00 153.92 $31.34 $4,823.85 212 15TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT RATES Residential/Duplex/City Per Front Foot Multiple Dwelling Per Front Foot Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Per Front Foot TOTAL ASSESSMENTS Name Parcel ID Property Description $57,447.81 $18.28 $27.86 $31.34 11TH AVENUE NE FROM 3RD ST NE TO NORTH STATE ST CITY PROJECT 2016-01 ROLL 279 16-03 No. 2719.21 -543.33 2175.88 -58.56 Property Address OWNERS OF RECORD DECEMBER 2015 Classification Front Footage Side Footage Credit or Addition Assessable Footage Assessment Rate Assessment 1 SUSAN L PANIAGUA 17.150.0200 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 Lot-013 Block-002 219 11TH AVE CT NE RESIDENTIAL 116.59 71.07 -58.29 58.30 $18.28 $1,065.72 2 DELORES NELSON 17.150.0130 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 Lot-006 Block-002 205 11TH AVE CT NE RESIDENTIAL 92.11 53.84 -46.05 46.06 $18.28 $841.98 3 JAMES E MCKENNA 17.150.0080 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 LOT 1 BLK 2 EX N 10.38FT 1100 2ND ST NE RESIDENTIAL 120.13 102.88 -60.00 60.13 $18.28 4 CHARLES R HOOGLAND TRUSTEE 17.150.0010 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 LOTS 1,2,3,4,5 EX N 38FT OF LOT 5 BLK 1 1101 NE 2ND ST COMMERCIAL 116.96 194.95 -40.00 76.96 5 DOROTHY DORN TRUSTEE 17.150.0230 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 LOT 3 & BEG AT SW COR OF LOT 3 THENCE N86D...PT OF BEG BLK 3 208 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 110.16 69.99 -55.07 6 DOROTHY & MICHAEL DORN TRUSTEE 17.150.0260 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 2 OUTLOT B RESIDENTIAL 35.36 7 ROBERT O & SHIRLEY A TIEDE 17.150.0245 BARTZ ADDITION PUD LOT 4 BLK 3 EX BEG AT SW COR OF LOT 3; THENCE N… TO PT OF BEG 210 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 77.82 8 DORATHEA E SUTTER TRUSTEE 17.149.0020 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 3 Lot-002 Block-001 206 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 9 PETER A & VERNA V FOG 17.149.0010 BARTZ ADDITION PUD 3 Lot-001 Block-001 204 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 10 NELEMANS CONSTRUCTION LLC 17.376.0485 JENKINS ADDITION E 153FT OF LOT 15, BLK 13 100 11TH AVE NE RESIDENTIAL 153.00 11 DONG HU CHEN 17.376.0480 JENKINS ADDITION LOT 15 BLOCK 13 EX E 153FT 916 STATE ST N RESIDENTIAL 12 DONG HU CHEN 17.008.0500 S-08 T-107 R-022 COM AT SW COR LOT 15 BLOCK 13 JENKINS ADDN; THENCE ... PT OF BEG 13 DONG HU CHEN 17.007.1050 S-07 T-107 R-022 COM SW COR LOT 15 BLOCK 13 JENKINS ADDITION; THENCE... PT OF BEG TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE 1145.59 -358.32 787.27 ASSESSMENT RATES Residential/Duplex/City Per Front Foot Multiple Dwelling Per Front Foot Commercial/Industrial/Tax Exempt Per Front Foot Mailing Address-2 Mailing Address-3 16336 W MAGNOLIA ST GOODYEAR AZ , 85338 205 11TH AVE CT NE WASECA MN , 56093 $1,099.18 1100 2ND ST NE WASECA MN , 56093 $31.34 $2,411.93 1022 E ADAMS ST SPRINGFIELD IL , 62703 55.09 $18.28 $1,007.05 MAIL TO MARLENE KLEMP 28561 WILLOW RD WAUCOMA IA , 52171 35.36 $18.28 $646.38 MAIL TO: MARLENE KLEMP 28561 WILLOW RD WAUCOMA IA , 52171 38.91 $18.28 $711.27 53.07 53.07 $18.28 $970.12 206 11TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 141.51 141.51 $18.28 $2,586.80 204 11TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 93.00 $18.28 $1,700.04 401 16TH AVE SE WASECA MN , 56093 50.00 50.00 $18.28 $914.00 105 17TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 RESIDENTIAL 33.24 33.24 $18.28 $607.63 105 17TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 RESIDENTIAL 45.64 45.64 $18.28 $834.30 105 17TH AVE NE WASECA MN , 56093 80.01 66.00 67.88 -38.91 -60.00 0.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $18.28 $27.86 $31.34 Mailing Address-1 $15,396.40 CITY OF WASECA PROJECT 2016-01 ASSESSMENT ROLL IMPROVEMENT HEARING PAGE THREE OF THREE SEPARATE RATES FOR OVERLAY STREETS, OVERLAY STREETS WITH TILE AND RECONSTRUCTION STREETS ASSESSMENT CALCULATIONS CITY PROJECTS 2015-01 and 2015-02 2015 STREET IMPROVEMENTS-ASSESSMENT ROLL 278-PROJECT HEARING ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ASSESSABLE COSTS TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE GROSS COST PER FOOT ASSESSMENT RATE RESIDENTIAL/DUPLEX/CITY 75% OF 35% ASSESSMENT RATE MULTIPLE DWELLING 40% ASSESSMENT RATE COMM/IND/TAX EXEMPT 45% TOTAL ASSESSMENTS PERCENT ASSESSED 2016-01 OVERLAYS-NO TILE 3RD ST AND 11TH AVE NE $269,144.10 3,864.80 2,963.15 $69.64 $18.28 $27.86 $31.34 $72,844.21 27.07% 2016-01 OVERLAYS WITH TILE 5TH ST SE-E ELM TO 6TH AVE $282,350.51 1,996.93 1,350.68 $141.39 $37.11 $56.56 $63.63 $54,190.58 19.19% 2016-01 RECONSTRUCT 5TH ST SE-6TH AVE TO 11TH AVE $538,813.50 2,517.56 1,858.71 $214.02 $56.18 $85.61 $96.31 $104,422.33 19.38% $1,090,308.11 8379.29 6172.54 $231,457.12 21.23% TOTALS Appendix C Neighborhood Meeting Notice and Public Correspondence 12 Feasibility Report 2016 MSA Street Improvement Projects City of Waseca, MN City Project 2016-01 To: Property Owners affected by Drainage Improvements proposed in conjunction with the 2016 Street Improvement Project- City Project No. 2016-01 Affected Area Between 3rd and 4th Streets NE from 11th Ave NE to 13th Ave NE Re: Invitation to Open House to Review Projects The City of Waseca will hold a public information open house on the 2016 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Projects Tuesday January 12th from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM at City Hall. The areas listed above are included in this project. There will not be a set formal presentation time, but City staff will be present to discuss the project with residents on an individual or group basis. As part of the 2016 Street improvement project, the City is considering drainage improvements to the area near the southeast corner of the Real Life Cooperative property. These improvements are being explored based on prior feedback from affected adjacent property owners. Up to 100 % of the costs of these associated drainage improvements may be specially assessed to the benefiting property owners according to City Policy. Also, additional written comments may be submitted to City Hall before the Open House meeting, and written comments will be considered in the final decisions. Any written comments may be as short or as long as you wish, but must include the name, address and signature of a property owner in the project area to be considered. Mark DuChene City Engineer 507-835-9716 markd@ci.waseca.mn.us To: Property Owner on Streets in the 2016 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Projects City Project Nos. 2016-01 and 2016-04 Street Improvements 3rd Street NE from 11th Ave NE to 15th Ave NE 11th Avenue NE from North State St to 3rd St NE 5th St SE from Elm Ave East to 11th Ave SE Sidewalk Improvements 4th Street NE from 20th Ave NE to 22nd Ave NE 10th Street NW from 10th Ave NW to 11th Ave NW Re: Invitation to Open House to Review Projects The City of Waseca will hold a public information open house on the 2016 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Projects Tuesday January 12th from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM at City Hall. The areas listed above are included in this project. There will not be a set formal presentation time, but City staff will be present to discuss the project with residents on an individual or group basis. Also, additional written comments may be submitted to City Hall before the Open House meeting, and written comments will be considered in the final decisions. Any written comments may be as short or as long as you wish, but must include the name, address and signature of a property owner in the project area to be considered. Mark DuChene City Engineer 507-835-9716 markd@ci.waseca.mn.us MINUTES REGULAR WASECA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 9A CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 1 The regular Waseca City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor John Clemons. Councilmembers present: Mayor John Clemons Fred Salsbury Ann Fitch Les Tlougan Allan Rose Mark Christiansen Daren Arndt Staff present: Danny Lenz, City Manager Mark DuChene, City Engineer Penny Vought, Police Chief Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2 A moment of silent prayer was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3 It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Arndt, to approve the agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0. VISITORS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 4a “Connections” Visitation Center update Shelly Hovland, 621 North State Street, and Katie Thomas, 803 Northwest Street, Janesville, addressed the Council and provided an update of the Visitation Center. Ms. Hovland explained the center was started by a grant in 2012 and they recently received an extension of the grant, which will allow them to be operational for another year. In 2013 the Center served 21 families and 34 children and the numbers have grown steadily since the Center opened, to 200 visits and 40 exchanges. Ms. Hovland stated the Center serves clients from 8 Minnesota counties and provides accessibility for many families who are living at or below the poverty level, or have no means of transportation. She stated there are some clients who walk to the Center. Ms. Thomas added the Center also serves clients from MN Prairie Human Services and other agencies as well. Seventeen families and 36 children came to the Center from these other agencies. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 2 Mayor Clemons stated he appreciates the service the Center provides and has heard good things about it. He wondered where visitations were taking place prior to the Center. Ms. Hovland stated many exchanges and visitations were taking place in parking lots, and other family members were put into uncomfortable positions of monitoring the visitations. Mayor Clemons suggested the Center be advertised. Ms. Hovland replied they have placed information on various directories and brochures are placed in many locations, including police cars so officers can hand them out. Councilmember Tlougan asked for an example of what takes place at the Center. Ms. Hovland explained during an exchange the parents come in separate entrances at different times. The children are taken from one parent and handed to another. At no time are the parents in contact with each other. The visits take place in the police building where behavior is monitored and the visitations are videotaped and a staff person is present in the room. The Council thanked Ms. Hovland and Ms. Thomas for their presentation. Mayor Clemons asked if there was anyone else in the audience, not on the agenda, who wished to address the Council at this time. There were no further comments. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5a Amendment to Tax Abatement & Business Subsidy Agreement – Winegar, Inc. Resolution No. 16-08 – Authorizing Amendment to Tax Abatement & Business Subsidy Agreement with Winegar, Inc. On June 15, 2012 the City of Waseca entered into a Tax Abatement and Business Subsidy agreement with Winegar, Inc. to assist in funding the construction of an addition to their existing facility. The project was evaluated according to the City of Waseca Tax Abatement Policy to determine the term of the abatement. The project was awarded the following points: 5-points: Create jobs paying $2.00 over current minimum wage 10-points: Retention of 10 jobs 6-points: Creation of 6 new jobs 5-points: Construction of building 5-points: Expansion critical to the growth of Waseca Total: 31-points - Qualifies for 10-year Tax Abatement As part of the agreement Winegar, Inc. is required to report on their progress toward meeting the goals for job retention and growth, with penalties for not meeting the anticipated goals. The first year of tax abatement payments was scheduled to begin in 2015, with the reporting being required prior to payments being made. The terms of the agreement were for payments of $9,599 per year for ten years for a total of $95,990. Winegar, Inc. informed the City, prior to the distribution of funds, that they had not met the job retention and creation goals, with all 10 position being eliminated and no new jobs being created. Winegar, Inc. staff asked City staff what options were available to continue the tax abatement. Staff has reviewed the abatement terms, and has researched the value generated by the project. The estimated market value of the abated properties post-project was $1,368,900, while the actual market value for 2015 is $1,528,600. Staff has also re-scored the Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 3 project based on the post-project conditions for a total of 15-points. Based on the re-scoring, the project would have likely qualified for a 5-year Tax Abatement without the job retention and creation component. Based on this information staff has developed several options for the City Council to consider. The City of Waseca Economic Development Authority has reviewed the request and has recommended the City Council amend the agreement to remove the job creation and retention requirements. Councilmember Tlougan asked what should be done next, so this does not happen again. The City Manager replied an updated business subsidy policy was presented at the last EDA meeting for their review. The public hearing opened at 7:10 p.m. There were no comments. The public hearing closed at 7:10 p.m. It was moved by Fitch, seconded by Rose, to adopt Resolution No. 16-08, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO TAX ABATEMENT & BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT WITH WINEGAR, INC.; DISCUSSION Mayor Clemons stated he is glad the Council is flexible in these circumstances and this is a good reason to change the policy. He appreciated that Winegar went for the expansion. Councilmember Salsbury commented the economic times are not the same as when the policy was developed. VOTE ON THE MOTION The motion carried 6-0-1 (Arndt abstained as an employee of Winegar, Inc.) Tim Wenzel, Winegar, Inc., thanked the City for working with Winegar on this issue and stated the company will try to be good corporate citizens. 5b Adoption of Ordinance No. 1041 – Amending Chapter 36.01 of City Code, Master Fee Schedule With the anticipated completion of the Northeast Park Pavilion this spring staff has been reviewing the Master Fee Schedule to determine the appropriate price for the rental of this facility. In addition staff has reviewed the existing fees for park and park facility rentals. The current fees offer a large variety of rates based on day of the week, length of rental time, entity and residency. This fee structure can be difficult for residents and visitors to understand and is burdensome to staff to administer. The proposed changes to the park rental fees eliminates the weekend and weekday rates, nonresident rates and the ½ pavilion rates for all facilities except the Johnson Pavilion at Clear Lake Park. It also adds the 4-hour and All Day fee for the Northeast park Pavilion ($45 and $90 respectively). The Water Park fee for Punch cards has also been updated to eliminate the 20 and 30 visit punch card options. Staff recommends that these fees be incorporated into the fee schedule via Ordinance No. 1041. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 4 Councilmember Salsbury commented one reason for the resident/non-resident fees at the water park is because the Council told residents they would get a break in water park fees. Councilmember Fitch inquired whether we still need the swimming lesson fees. The City Engineer replied the water park may still offer private lessons and lessons for tots. Mayor Clemons opened and closed the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. with no public comments. It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Clemons, to adopt Ordinance No. 1041, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WASECA, MINNESOTA AMENDING CHAPTER 36.01 OF THE CITY CODE; MASTER FEE SCHEDULE; the motion carried 7-0. ROUTINE BUSINESS 6a Resolution No. 16-10 – Resolution of Support and Funding Commitment for Local Trail Connection Program Grant Application At the February 16, 2016, City Council Meeting, the City Council directed staff to assist with the application for a MnDNR Local Trail Connections Program Grant for phase 1 of the northeast trail connection (see attached map). Part of the grant application requirements is a supporting resolution from the local government authority. This grant application would commit the City to at least a 25% local fund match for the grant. The total estimated cost for the proposed project is $160,000. This commits the City to at least $40,000. These funds have not been appropriated but since this would likely be a 2017 construction project these funds would be identified through the 2017 budget process and likely come from the capital improvement fund. It was moved by Rose, seconded by Tlougan, to adopt Resolution No. 16-10, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL SUPPORTING APPLICATION FOR A MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LOCAL TRAIL CONNECTIONS PROGRAM GRANT; DISCUSSION Councilmember Tlougan commented it is nice when people from the community come forward and push the Council in the right direction. He commended Roger Ashland and the Retired Citizens of Waseca group for their efforts. Roger Ashland, 522 11th Avenue NW, addressed the Council and stated City staff has been great to work with, and this has been a very pleasant experience. Mayor Clemons stated Mr. Ashland and his group were committed enough to this project that they were willing to do fundraising for it. VOTE ON THE MOTION The motion carried 7-0. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7a Appoint Downtown Walkway Task Force The City Council approved the creation of a Downtown Walkway Park Taskforce at the February 16, 2016 City Council meeting. Staff has reached out to possible members of the taskforce and proposes the following taskforce: Mark DuChene, Waseca Director of Engineering Mark Bartelt, Waseca Park Director Amy Swain, Adjacent Property and Business Owner at 118 North State Street Oscar Marquez, Adjacent Property Owner at 112 North State Street Tracy Jevning, Downtown Business Owner and Member of Waseca Downtown District Partnership Park Board Member (to be assigned at next park board meeting) City Council Member All meetings will be scheduled and posted and be open to the public for participation. The taskforce is proposed to bring back ideas for the Park Board to consider recommending to the City Council. Councilmember Salsbury stated he would like an official representative from the Chamber to also serve on the taskforce. Mayor Clemons felt this is a good idea, but it should be a business owner and not a Chamber staff member. Councilmember Arndt volunteered to serve on this task force as the council representative. It was moved by Clemons, seconded by Tlougan, to appoint a Downtown Walkway Task Force with the above-mentioned members, including Daren Arndt as the Council representative, and also a member appointed by the Chamber; the motion carried 7-0. 7b Appoint Downtown Winter Decorations Task Force The City Council approved the creation of a Downtown Winter Decorations Taskforce at the February 16, 2016 City Council meeting. Staff has reached out to possible members of the taskforce and proposes the following taskforce: Ann Fitch, City Council Member Tracy Jevning, Downtown Business Owner and Member of Waseca Downtown District Partnership Steve Burnett, Waseca Resident At-Large (if desired) At-Large (if desired) Carl Sonnenberg, Utilities Director Mark Duchene, City Engineer Tim Roessler, Public Works Maintenance Superintendent All meetings will be scheduled and posted and be open to the public for participation. The taskforce is proposed to bring back ideas for the City Council to consider. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 6 The City Manager commented Andrew Miller may be one of the at-large members. Councilmember Salsbury stated he felt someone appointed by the Chamber should also be a member of this task force. It was moved by Salsbury, seconded by Rose, to appoint a Downtown Winter Decorations Task Force, including a member appointed by the Chamber; DISCUSSION Mayor Clemons commented this group is being called “Winter Decorations Task Force” simply because winter decorations can be left up longer that Christmas decorations, and will offer more leeway as to what designs can be chosen. NEW BUSINESS 8 None CONSENT AGENDA 9 It was moved by Rose, seconded by Arndt, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0 and included the following actions: a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – February 16, 2016 – were accepted and placed on file. b. Payroll & Expenditures – February 2016 – were authorized for payment. c. Payment Request #5 – Waseca Public Library Remodel Phase 2 – was authorized for payment. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 10 The City Manager provided the following report: Regarding the Elm Avenue Project, yesterday Waseca County Board voted to amend the settlement agreement with MnDOT to extend the required completion date from 2017 to 2018. This is important to staff, as we are on a tight time schedule and this will give us a better planning schedule. The term “completion” has been defined as “open to traffic with no lane restrictions”. City Manager stated we anticipate the contract with our contractor would extend into 2019 to deal with project and warranty work, etc. Councilmember Salsbury wondered when this agreement occurred as MnDOT was concerned that we were going to get the project done in 2017. The City Engineer stated MnDOT District 7 is aware of the amendment agreement. The grant is for 2019 funds so as long as we get the project done by 2019 he does not feel there would be any concerns. The City Manager reported he attended a scheduling conference regarding Pondview. The trail has been set for October 18th and 19th. We are still working with the property owner but staff is proceeding as if it is going to trial. Councilmember Christiansen questioned if this means nobody can build in Pondview at this time. The City Manager stated if someone came in for a building permit, the City would be obligated to grant it, but the DNR would stop it. Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – March 2, 2016 – page 7 The City Manager reminded the Council of the retreat tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Building Community Room. If there are items the Council would like to discuss, please let him know. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 Councilmember Christiansen announced March is an active month for the Boy Scouts, with their burger and fish fry fundraiser at the American Legion next Friday. Councilmember Christiansen stated on Saturday, March 12th there is a concert at the Art Center, featuring two local musicians. Concert times are 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and tickets are $15.00 each. Councilmember Christiansen stated the Boy Scouts Scouting For Food fundraiser begins on March 12th. Last year over 2400 pounds of food was collected and the Scouts will try to increase that amount this year. Councilmember Christiansen commented he has some ideas he would like to discuss at the retreat, i.e. how to sell Waseca, get it developed and people involved with their ideas. He felt this is a key year and hopes to hear some good ideas. Councilmember Christiansen welcomed Chamber members or anyone who would like to have a say in the Council’s priorities. Councilmember Arndt wished the Waseca High School Boys Basketball team good luck this week. Mayor Clemons commented there is a significant amount of garbage and debris at the house on 2nd Street NW. He has brought this to staff’s attention and the City Manager has informed him that staff has a plan to address this issue. ADJOURNMENT 12 There being no further business to be brought before the Council, it was moved by Arndt, seconded by Rose, to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m.; the motion carried 7-0. _________________________________ JOHN CLEMONS MAYOR ________________________________ MARY BUENZOW RECORDS SECRETARY MINUTES WASECA CITY COUNCIL RETREAT THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 9B The City Council retreat began at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Building Community Room. Councilmembers present: Mayor John Clemons Fred Salsbury Ann Fitch Les Tlougan Allan Rose Mark Christiansen Daren Arndt Staff present: Danny Lenz, City Manager Mark DuChene, City Engineer Shelly Kolling, Finance Director Carl Sonnenberg, Utilities Director Penny Vought, Police Chief Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary Also present were Jacob Stark, Waseca County News, and Kim Foels, Waseca Chamber. The City Manager presented an agenda of this session, which included strategic plan priorities, sales tax projects, and policy discussion. He stated these items are based on recent council discussion of their priorities and asked the Councilmembers if they were comfortable with the list of priorities as presented. There were no objections to the list of priorities. The City Manager explained there is nothing on the list of priorities that we won’t pursue when the opportunity becomes available. He stated Council direction this evening will immediately trigger staff work, and guide the budget development process for 2017. Develop long-range plans to identify and implement critical infrastructure maintenance and upgrades Comprehensive funded 5-year CIP Infrastructure expansion funding options Conduct necessary infrastructure studies The City Manager stated a funding plan was approved during the budget process, which included an additional $80,000 for 10 years specifically for street projects. The City Manager informed the Council of an instance where Gary Sandholm requested feedback from a company who could employ 150 people. He was informed the reason the business was not moving forward in Waseca was because we didn’t have utilities at the site. The City Manager stated we need to begin discussion on trunk fees, assessments, etc. and develop plans for the west interchange utility extension, so if a developer came in we would be able to move forward right away. The City Manager added if this is a top priority for Council, staff is going to take action. Councilmember Tlougan asked, if we start now, would this be completed by the end of the year. The City Manager stated he hoped by construction season. Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 2 Councilmember Fitch asked if the developer told the City this is what they need, as she felt they would not be the only interested developer. The City Manager replied it was a very clear signal of what the City needs to do. He stated the plan is for two phases – Phase 1 east of the interchange and Phase 2 across the highway. Councilmember Fitch wondered if there had been opposition before and why this issue is being discussed today. The City Manager stated we can start doing things in this area and take the first year off it and then look at funding. There is a possibility of Public Facilities funding and we can be on that list, or do the project ahead of other things. The City Engineer commented this would give us a plan when someone (developer) comes in ready to go. The City Manager stated this plan would put $1 million toward the project. Mayor Clemons stated he would like to expand, but not the west interchange. He felt the reason this is being discussed now is because it is the first time in years there has been a council willing to move forward. Mayor Clemons stated he would rather have a long range plan to identify infrastructure needs, housing, etc. He would like to develop a long range plan for the City to grow. The City Manager replied that is the City’s Comprehensive Plan. He stated the City typically does not move forward with utilities until we know how a property will be developed. Encourage appropriate housing development and redevelopment through the use of targeted incentives, and ensure safe and healthy living standards. Incentives for new housing needs from housing study Incentives for improvements to existing homes Regarding the topic of appropriate housing, the City Manager asked Councilmembers how far the City is willing to go, based on information revealed in the housing study. He asked what the Council is willing to do to fill the gap between developers, financers and the cost for housing. Councilmember Christiansen felt the money should be given to the person who will own the house. The City Manager commented that multi-housing would also need to be considered. He stated he hopes Pondview will eventually be buildable, and in the meantime we should look at rentals. The City Manager asked what the Council felt we should do to help with financing and what level of involvement they are willing for the City to have. There was some discussion regarding the definition of affordable housing. The City Manager explained the housing stock we have in Waseca needs updating and rehabilitating. There is a different market for what people’s expectations are. Councilmember Christiansen commented a lot of updating took place two years ago after a damaging storm, especially in the Southeast part of town. The City Manager stated there is a demand for new multi-rental units and we also lack step-up housing in the $150,000-$200,000 range. Councilmember Christiansen suggested the area next to Wal-Mart and near the school as a good location for housing. Mayor Clemons disagreed, stating we don’t want multi-family housing next to WalMart. He felt it would be better placed behind the WIS school, as that property is sitting empty. The City Manager commented with lot prices, a new house isn’t worth as much as it cost to build. The cost of building multi-family housing is more than they can rent it for. He asked the Council how they thought the City could help with this and to what level the Council would be willing to go to fill that gap. Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 3 Councilmember Christiansen explained he felt the City should sit down with a developer and get the costs on paper. He stated there aren’t even any spec homes for sale. The City Manager stated he has heard the cost to build is more than they could rent for. Developers struggle to get financing for spec homes because the bankers think they are a risk. Mayor Clemons commented he has never been in favor of giving people money to fix up their houses. He does not feel the City should fill a gap, and houses are simply overpriced. The City Manager stated they could be priced right and need some updates, but people don’t want to pay for updating. Regarding new housing the City Manager asked whether the Council is willing to fill a gap for developers, i.e. “…but for this incentive, this property is not going to be built”. He added the cost to build a house here in Waseca is more than in Owatonna or Mankato. Mayor Clemons disagreed, as he felt labor costs are a little lower, which would make things cost less. The City Manager stated the housing study is showing that it costs more, in part due to mobilization costs. Mayor Clemons suggested an RFP, asking builders what they would need to build 10 houses. Councilmember Christiansen felt the EDA or Small Cities grants may be of assistance. Councilmember Fitch commented there is an aging population of people moving out of their houses. The City Manager reiterated that without incentives the houses are never going to be built. He stated if the Council wants staff to talk to developers, staff needs to know what’s on the table and how the Council is willing to fill the gap. Councilmember Salsbury stated he felt we need to look at incentives for developers. Mayor Clemons stated he has spoken with bankers and realtors, and the realtors weren’t willing to reduce their percentages. Councilmember Tlougan commented we need to look at some options and wondered what other cities do. The City Manager stated he is hearing from the Council that all options should be on the table when looking at new housing. Councilmember Christiansen stated he would rather help the homeowner or the developer. He stated we may be surprised at what the builders would be willing to do. He felt they could build one or two spec homes and leave the realtors out of it. The City Manager commented according to the housing study we have a significant portion of people who work in the city but do not live here. We have more people that come into the city to work. Mayor Clemons stated he would not be in favor of giving a single person an abatement to build a house. The City Manager explained there are a lot of lots which are set up for one person to build on. The cost of building is still more than the value of the house and a bank isn’t going to give a loan for a house that isn’t worth what it cost to build it. The City would have to develop incentive programs. Councilmember Salsbury commented the council seems to be in favor of giving incentives. Councilmember Christiansen preferred that a banker, realtor and builder coordinate the development, as was the case years ago in Waseca. He feels the concept here is that we don’t want people to make their money here. Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 4 Mayor Clemons suggested the possibility of a Housing Development Corporation program of selling shares. The City Manager stated that is not out of the realm of possibility. Regarding incentives for improvements to existing homes, the City Manager stated there are a lot of questions to discuss. It is a rare concept to give tax abatements for people who want to improve their house. Councilmember Tlougan wondered if it would be worth it, if there was only a $20-$30 difference in taxes. The City Manager stated it could be a couple hundred per year, and although this type of incentive may not be a good business decision, it may give someone the incentive. Mayor Clemons commented if people can’t afford to fix their home, they can’t afford the tax. Councilmember Fitch asked whether this would apply to people purchasing homes. The City Manager stated a tax abatement is based on actual value and we would be trying to give people incentive to invest in their homes. Councilmember Salsbury wondered whether there could be grant assistance. Councilmember Tlougan asked whether improvements would be for interior or exterior work. The City Manager stated the improvements would have to result in a measurable increase in the value of the home. The City Manager stated in today’s market, people are looking for a property that has already been updated and they are not interested in doing the work themselves. Councilmember Fitch agreed, stating there is a new expectation in buying a home. The City Manager explained a tax abatement is only based on new revenue generated from the abatement. He further stated staff has not yet spent a lot of time developing a program and wondered if the Council is interested in this. After brief further discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to continue looking into developing an incentive program. Councilmember Christiansen commented he felt time would be better spent looking at new housing. Councilmember Fitch commented we need to make sure realtors and lenders are well educated on the program, so we can sell it. Provide incentives and support for commercial and industrial development through the better utilization of existing incentives and the creation and utilization of new incentive opportunities. Business Subsidy policy update in process Develop expertise in available programs Provide information in various formats on incentives and programs Act as subject matter experts in guiding businesses through various programs The City Manager explained staff is currently updating the City’s Business Subsidy Policy. The other three bullet points have been addressed with the hiring of Gary Sandholm, Economic Development Coordinator. Mr. Sandholm will help businesses navigate through programs and this is an area that he will focus on. Adopt policies, prepare plans and develop agreements for the orderly, safe development of housing in Waseca. Begin discussion to develop orderly annexation agreements with townships Develop funding plans for extension of infrastructure to potential areas for annexation Continue development of rental housing rights and responsibility information Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 5 The City Manager explained there are plans in place for annexation around Clear Lake. There will be significant costs involved in putting utilities around the lake, and if the Council directs staff to go ahead, staff will start looking at those costs. We will also need to talk about when annexation will be triggered. Most of the tax revenue would have to go to funding infrastructure. Mayor Clemons asked which area the City Manager is referring to. The City Manager replied around Clear Lake and to the southeast side of Gaiter Lake. Mayor Clemons felt it would be better to look at the area around the memory care center (northwest), as it would be cheaper and less political. Discussion ensued as to annexation around Clear Lake. The City Manager stated the City needs to have orderly annexation agreements. The Mayor is indicating he does not want us to focus on areas already developed. Councilmember Rose commented the topic creates contention and there would be less resistance in the area around the memory care center. Councilmember Fitch stated she has not heard adamant resistance to annexation. The City Manager stated there may be some property owners around the lake that have already put in new septic systems. He asked the Council to indicate where they wish staff to spend time. Councilmember Tlougan commented we should develop agreements for when development takes place. The City Manager agreed a plan should be in place so that when ”X” occurs, then annexation takes place. Mayor Clemons stated we need to start discussing annexation with the townships and mend some fences from the past. Councilmember Fitch commented the City should have a plan, so we can put it into action when needed. Councilmember Tlougan agreed the City should have a plan and when the townships agree, we are ready to go. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to begin conversations with the townships regarding annexation. The City Manager informed the Council that staff continues the development of rental housing rights and responsibilities information, and the Human Rights Commission is working on a brochure to provide a summarized version of that information. Improve community aesthetics through increased communication about and enforcement of property maintenance and landscaping requirements. Downtown Design Guidelines process Continue to evaluate code enforcement changes Regular staff review of CUP's and Variances for compliance Increase communication about IPMC and other code requirements General discussion ensued regarding this topic. Councilmember Fitch inquired what the bullet point regarding increased information about IPMC entails. The City Manager explained it includes parking issues, permits for water heaters, fence requirements, etc., and staff will be more proactive in these and other areas. The City Manager commented he has been contacted by another city manager about how the City of Waseca implemented the IPMC. Utilize Technology to reduce cost and increase efficiency in service provisions and communications. Continue to review software and systems for efficiency and capabilities Increase availability of services through online interactions and transactions Continue transition to current technology solutions, and develop plans to increase speed in deploying new technology Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 6 The City Manager explained staff continues efforts to actively increase performance of our systems. Finance Director Shelly Kolling has implemented a Minnesota User Group, looking at all our software for best value and efficiency. Staff continues to work on increasing the availability of services through online interaction. An example of this is that park calendars are now on the City’s website and citizens can look at availability for park reservations. At this time they have to call to pay park fees, but we want them to eventually be able to pay online. Mayor Clemons commented that council meetings are now available to watch online. The City Manager also stated there are a lot of efficiencies in Utility Billing and we need to bring more into other areas as well. The Utilities Director commented there have been other labor savings because of those increased efficiencies. Regarding technology, the City Manager stated staff is continually working with Pantheon and changing software to allow us to be quicker. Mayor Clemons asked if we have hands-free in city vehicles and whether there is a policy against City staff talking on cell phones. Staff replied we do not have hands-free in city vehicles and there is no policy at this time. Mayor Clemons commented he notices a lot of bills for Pantheon, and wondered if our systems are well planned out. The City Manager replied staff spends a lot of time planning software and we meet with Pantheon on a monthly basis. Councilmember Tlougan commented it is necessary to spend money on technology in order to save money. The City Manager stated as the baby-boomer generation ages out, we will need to figure out how to use technology. The Council took a 10-minute break at 7:35 p.m. Ensure future development and growth provides for multi-modal transportation options by updating policies, plans and ordinances to require the incorporation of minimum standards and access. Develop goals, performance standards and policies for multi-modal transportation Incorporate performance standards and policies into development requirements Make necessary updates to the comprehensive plan, zoning code and existing policies consistent with performance standards and goals The City Manager explained this topic is largely about complete streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. the Council must consider how far we should expect people to have to walk before they get to a sidewalk. Councilmember Fitch asked whether our sidewalks are too narrow. The City Manager stated there are some that do not meet ADA standards. The City’s sidewalk plan takes care of about 15%, and the Council increased the annual budget amount for sidewalks from $20,000 to $30,000 this year. Mayor Clemons commented he has heard that streets are easier for people to walk on. Utilize parks as destinations for residents, providing equipment and activities allowing for year-round use. Conduct a survey on citizen priorities for park amenities and activities to add Develop programs and services to increase resident usage of parks, lakes and trails Develop proposals for underutilized parks to increase usage, including special purpose parks Provide equipment of parks to allow all residents and visitors to fully enjoy the City’s unique amenities Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 7 The City Manager commented the NW Nature area is a large open area with no dedicated purpose. He stated the Park Board will be looking at how we can better utilize the parks. The City Manager further stated we have beautiful lakes and parks but don’t have a way for people to utilize them, with no bike or canoe rentals, no skate rentals at the ice rinks, etc. He asked if there are better ways to use our parks. The Park Board can come back and present the Council with a plan for the parks. Develop a plan to identify implementation funding to connect neighborhoods to community amenities and destinations through multi-modal options Develop multi-modal transportation plans and policy for the City Ensure access throughout the City to amenities and key destinations through trail, sidewalk, bike-land and bus service development Incorporate trail and sidewalk maintenance and additions into 5-Year CIP Continue to build on partnership with SMART Transit The City Manager explained this area is about how to address the existing gap we have. Regarding SMART bus stops, we can look at plans as to how we want to see that connection. The City Manager commented this is the last piece of the strategic plan. There are a lot of costs involved, but with the current staff he felt we can make progress. He asked the Council if they are comfortable with the priorities as presented, The Council indicated they are comfortable with the priorities. POTENTIAL SALES TAX PROJECTS Estimated sales tax revenue of $321,000 annual Would fund approximately $3- 3.5 million in projects over 10 years Resolution by July 19th on estimates Voter approval in November 2016 Legislative approval during 2017 Estimated implementation January 2018 Completion of Trails System The City Manager distributed a map of trails, with numbers as to priority. He felt the need for the trail along the railroad could be eliminated. Trails can be developed as properties are developed. Lake Aesthetic and Quality Improvements Loon Lake Shoreline Restoration: $500,000 Stormwater drainage Management Improvements Lake Alum Treatment Clear Lake $1,630,000 Loon Lake $305,000 There was some discussion regarding stormwater management and alum treatment and the costs associated with those. City staff does not have the expertise to do this ourselves. The stormwater drainage improvements would be from Industrial Park to Gaiter Lake. Significant Park Improvements Facilities and Activities at Maplewood Park Facilities and Activities at Northwest Nature Area Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 8 The City Manager stated the cost to improve all the city-owned areas around Loon Lake would be around $500,000. The City Manager stated this is staff’s initial list of potential projects. We can’t do it all and he is looking for feedback from the Council as to what they are interested in. Councilmember Tlougan asked if there is other grant money available for the trail. The City Engineer stated the grant we’re applying for this year will be a good indicator. Councilmember Christiansen asked whether there are any mandates or anything the City must do, and if we should start with those items. The City Engineer responded stormwater is an issue and we will have to start making investments in water quality. Mayor Clemons suggested the Council think of something that would be a landmark, i.e. parks, water park, trail, etc. He noted another city solicited comments from its residents as to what they thought the City should do with sales tax revenue. Mayor Clemons stated he would like the people to have some ownership, and if the money is used for infrastructure it would be “out of sight, out of mind”. He would like to do something tangible. Councilmember Rose stated he would be in favor of the first two items as they are most important – completion of the trail system and lake aesthetic and quality. He felt it is important to put the money into something that would draw people to town. Mayor Clemons, Councilmembers Rose and Arndt agreed that trails and lake improvements are most important. Councilmember Christiansen commented he felt park improvements and the west interchange are more important. Councilmember Salsbury recalled the intent of the NW Nature Park was to make it a nature/learning facility. Councilmember Tlougan suggested installing educational/interpretive pieces there. Councilmember Fitch commented that both interchanges are very important but not exciting to voters. She also felt it would be tricky to show people their money had value for the lakes, and agreed that trails and lake quality improvements are important. Councilmember Fitch suggested asking the citizens for their preference. There was discussion as to asking the citizens and sending out a survey. Mayor Clemons stated he would prefer something that would be visible to citizens, i.e. the best walking trails. Councilmember Rose commented he would like to make Waseca the best place to raise a family and if we beautify it, the rest of it will come. Mayor Clemons asked staff for their thoughts. The City Engineer felt all the items were worthwhile endeavors. Chief Vought commented there may be something City staff and the Council hasn’t thought of. The City Manager stated there is time to solicit the community. One of our priorities is utilizing our parks better. Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 9 Council discussed putting a survey in utility bills. Councilmember Tlougan suggested gearing to the younger generation as those are the people we want to stay in town. The City Manager stated he can talk to the school about having students complete the survey. We want something that will be a draw to the community and improve the quality of life. It was the consensus of the Council to move forward on a sales tax and they directed staff to prepare a brief survey to be included in the next utility bill. UPCOMING POLICY ISSUES Special Events Policy The City Manager explained the City currently does not have a special events policy. Events are expanding in scope and are rarely for a single purpose. The purpose of a Special Events policy is to bring the events under one umbrella permit. After brief discussion, it was the consensus of Council to direct staff to move forward with the Special Events Policy. Assessment Policy Change Staff explained the change to the Assessment Policy would be to add work for private residents to City projects. This would include driveways, lawns, service lines, etc. The City Engineer explained this would allow the City Manager to enter into an agreement at the City’s discretion, at 100% cost to the property owner, to add the cost to the assessment amount. The property owner would waive their rights to hearings and agree to the costs. There was some discussion. Councilmember Salsbury spoke in favor, as residents can get these items done cheaper. Mayor Clemons expressed concern that it would delay completion of the projects. He wondered how you would know the cost until the contractor has dug up the street. The City Manager explained the property owner would discuss the work with the contractor. The City Engineer explained this would become part of the early neighborhood project meetings and the additional work would have to fit within the scope of the project and would be at the City’s discretion. The City would have to agree to the project beforehand. The City would be financing private work for people, and would be paying up front but will get 100% of the cost back. Councilmember Salsbury commented this would be more work in project engineering, but would make residents happier. It was the consent of the Council to direct staff to create a Consent Assessment Policy. Visitation Center Funding The City Manager explained the visitation center is currently funded by a federal grant, which ended this year. Staff is currently applying for additional grants. He asked if the Council is interested in continuing the visitation center in the event we do not receive another grant. The City Manager stated staff is exploring how we could structure staff differently and possibly look at a sliding fee scale. He estimated the cost of $75-$100,000 in order to make sure the program continues. Minutes – Waseca City Council Retreat – March 3, 2016 – page 10 Mayor Clemons asked whether clients pay to use the center. The City manager stated a lot of the clients do not have the money to pay for this service. The Police Chief stated there has been a significant drop in issues and cases, and reduced calls to the Police Department because they know the facility is here. Councilmember Rose asked whether clients in other communities pay for their center. The Police Chief explained there is a grant requirement for certain individuals, and for those outside of the scope, there is a fee in our fee schedule. She further stated the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) states we can serve anyone and Waseca gets overflow from Blue Earth County. Councilmember Rose commented he does not want to see this center go away, but also does not want to burden taxpayers. Mayor Clemons asked Councilmembers if they are agreeable to the center closing when the grant runs out. It was the consensus of the Council to leave the center open. The City Manager commented that the Police Chief and Shelly Hovland are working very hard to keep it open to the end of 2016, and this item can be discussed during the budget process. Mayor Clemons asked the Council, if the grant runs out, do they want to increase staff by one to keep it running. He is in favor of staffing it. Councilmember Rose asked if a different position in the City could be eliminated. The Police Chief commented the Center has been a dream of people for years, particularly Vickie Staloch and Barb Penny. The grant is good through September 30th. The Center is open 365 days/year, including holidays and weekends. Councilmembers Tlougan and Arndt felt it is important to find a way to fund it. It was the consensus of the Council to include funding the Visitation Center in the 2017 budget, and hope for other revenue sources as well. Mayor Clemons commented he would like another retreat for an overview of all City departments. The City Manager stated he will need some time to put information together and will schedule a retreat sometime in the near future. There being no further business, the retreat ended at 8:59 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Mary Buenzow Records Secretary 9C LIST OF EXPENDITURES March 15, 2016 ====================================================================================== Payroll dated March 3, 2016 City Council Streets Parks Wastewater Utility Administration Utility Billing Electric Water Building and Code Compliance Police Administration Community Aides Fire Volunteer Fire Department Election Judges PEG Finance Community Development Engineering Water Park Econ Development 0.00 18,837.41 7,970.88 8,430.37 5,686.50 3,793.80 10,889.87 2,599.44 2,109.44 44,938.36 5,883.16 900.00 6,397.99 0.00 0.00 913.80 9,124.07 4,116.02 9,800.28 1,991.11 1,971.15 Total Gross Payroll 146,353.65 *Less- Payroll Deductions (52,067.19) Net Payroll Cost $ 94,286.46 *These costs are included in Accounts Payable totals below Accounts Payable Expenditures dated: February 26, 2016 - March 11, 2016 Includes check #'s 147677 - 147805 and Bank ACH Withdrawals……………………………………...……………………..………… 949,804.98 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,044,091.44 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 1 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount General Fund 03/03/2016 31606 ACH Internal Revenue Service FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21701-0000 Total 101217010000: 03/03/2016 31603 MN Department of Revenue 15,539.21 M 15,539.21 STATE WITHHOLDING TAX Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21702-0000 Total 101217020000: 6,397.58 M 6,397.58 03/03/2016 31606 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21703-0000 6,065.02 M 03/03/2016 31606 ACH Internal Revenue Service SOCIAL SECURITY Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21703-0000 6,065.02 M Total 101217030000: 12,130.04 03/03/2016 31604 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORD Emplr 1% Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21704-0000 1,009.52 M 03/03/2016 31604 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employee Pay Period: 2/28/201 101-21704-0000 6,561.90 M 03/03/2016 31604 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employee Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21704-0000 4,768.16 M 03/03/2016 31604 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA COORDINATED Employer Pay Period: 2/28/201 101-21704-0000 6,561.90 M 03/03/2016 31604 Public Employees Retirement Assn (AC PERA POLICE Employer Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21704-0000 7,152.25 M Total 101217040000: 26,053.73 03/03/2016 147678 IBEW IBEW UNION DUES Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21707-0000 267.33 03/03/2016 147679 IUOE Local #70 FIRE UNION DUES Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21707-0000 113.25 03/03/2016 147679 IUOE Local #70 IUOE UNION DUES Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21707-0000 703.91 03/03/2016 147680 Law Enforcement Labor Services POLICE UNION DUES Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21707-0000 539.00 Total 101217070000: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 1,623.49 March Life Insurance 101-21710-0000 Total 101217100000: 331.30 331.30 03/03/2016 31606 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21712-0000 1,993.39 M 03/03/2016 31606 ACH Internal Revenue Service MEDICARE Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21712-0000 1,993.39 M Total 101217120000: 3,986.78 03/03/2016 31607 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - ROTH (AFTER TAX) Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21713-0000 50.00 M 03/03/2016 31607 MSRS- (DEF COMP) MSRS - DEF COMP Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21713-0000 275.00 M Total 101217130000: 03/03/2016 31605 Vantagepoint Transfer Agents 457 325.00 ICMA DEF COMPENSATION Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21714-0000 Total 101217140000: 1,900.00 M 1,900.00 03/03/2016 147677 AFLAC AFLAC PRE TAX Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21715-0000 473.55 03/03/2016 147677 AFLAC AFLAC AFTER TAX Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21715-0000 152.00 Total 101217150000: 625.55 03/10/2016 31608 SelectAccount Flex plan reimbursement 101-21716-0000 639.61 M 03/10/2016 31614 SelectAccount Flex plan reimbursement 101-21716-0000 4,491.89 M 03/03/2016 31602 SelectAccount HSA EE Contribution 3-3-16 101-21716-0000 312.08 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101217160000: 03/03/2016 147681 MN Child Support Payment Center 2 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 5,443.58 CHILD SUPPORT FLAT AMT Pay Period: 2/28/2016 101-21717-0000 Total 101217170000: 905.85 905.85 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-21720-0000 5,548.20 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-21720-0000 5,548.20 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-21720-0000 5,548.20- V Total 101217200000: 5,548.20 03/11/2016 147727 Fitch, Ann Technology reimbursement-Feb phone bill 101-41110-3200 82.08 03/11/2016 147727 Fitch, Ann Technology reimbursement-Jan phone bill 101-41110-3200 87.08 Total 101411103200: 03/11/2016 147700 APG Media of So MN LLC 169.16 Ord. 1041 (Fees) Hearing Notice 101-41110-3400 Total 101411103400: 03/11/2016 147790 US Highway 14 Partnership 53.70 53.70 2016 Membership dues 101-41110-4330 Total 101411104330: 2,500.00 2,500.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 1,749.40 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 1,749.40- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 1,749.40 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 59.24- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41320-1300 59.24 M Total 101413201300: 1,808.64 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-41320-1310 345.83 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-41320-1310 83.50 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-41320-1310 25.00 M Total 101413201310: 454.33 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-41320-1330 45.37 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-41320-1330 1.24 Total 101413201330: 46.61 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-41320-1340 62.83 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-41320-1340 .92 M Total 101413201340: 03/11/2016 147728 Flaherty & Hood PA 63.75 Job descriptions 101-41320-3000 Total 101413203000: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2,000.00 2,000.00 2016 MCFOA Annual conference 101-41320-3300 265.00 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101413203300: 03/11/2016 147695 A. H. Hermel Company 3 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 265.00 Pop 101-41320-4945 Total 101413204945: 20.71 20.71 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41500-1300 4,860.05 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41500-1300 4,860.05- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41500-1300 4,860.05 M Total 101415001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 4,860.05 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-41500-1310 Total 101415001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 1,375.00 March Life Insurance 101-41500-1330 Total 101415001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 1,375.00 M 66.00 66.00 March LTD Insurance 101-41500-1340 Total 101415001340: 90.51 M 90.51 03/11/2016 147768 Personalized Printing Inc. #9 Window envelopes 101-41500-2000 224.80 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-41500-2000 4.99 Total 101415002000: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 229.79 Postage-Work Comp document 101-41500-3200 Total 101415003200: 45.66 45.66 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC National GFOA Conference 101-41500-3300 241.02 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC National GFOA Conference 101-41500-3300 484.53 Total 101415003300: 725.55 03/11/2016 147728 Flaherty & Hood PA Legal services 101-41600-3000 2,745.75 03/11/2016 147742 Kennedy & Kennedy Law Office Legal services 101-41600-3000 276.00 Total 101416003000: 03/11/2016 147767 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 3,021.75 2016 Maintenance Agreement - 101-41920-3100 Total 101419203100: 03/11/2016 147724 ESRI Inc 4,404.40 ArcGIS Annual License 101-41920-4950 Total 101419204950: 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products Total 101419402000: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 4,404.40 1,600.00 1,600.00 Office supplies 101-41940-2000 66.94 66.94 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147695 A. H. Hermel Company Coffee, supplies 101-41940-2170 61.75 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 13.85 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Breakroom supplies 101-41940-2170 11.72 Total 101419402170: 03/11/2016 147771 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca 87.32 Hanger screws 101-41940-2230 Total 101419402230: 5.40 5.40 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services Mats 101-41940-3100 45.60 03/11/2016 147775 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning Service 101-41940-3100 1,556.00 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-41940-3100 541.47 Total 101419403100: 03/11/2016 147719 Culligan 4 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 2,143.07 Monthly billing 101-41940-3800 Total 101419403800: 24.95 24.95 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41950-1300 1,838.50 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41950-1300 1,838.50- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-41950-1300 1,838.50 M Total 101419501300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 1,838.50 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-41950-1310 Total 101419501310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 345.83 March Life Insurance 101-41950-1330 Total 101419501330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 8.25 8.25 March LTD Insurance 101-41950-1340 Total 101419501340: 03/11/2016 345.83 M 12.42 M 12.42 2015 MN Plumbing Code Books 101-41950-2170 Total 101419502170: 98.00 98.00 03/04/2016 147587 MN Department of Revenue State deed tax-812 6th Ave NE 101-41950-3000 25.00- V 03/04/2016 147689 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer State Deed Fee-812 6th Ave NE 101-41950-3000 25.00 M Total 101419503000: .00 03/11/2016 147700 APG Media of So MN LLC Winegar Tax Abatement Hearing Notice 101-41950-3400 89.50 03/11/2016 147700 APG Media of So MN LLC Comm. Devt. Coordinator Employment Ad 101-41950-3400 178.64 Total 101419503400: 03/11/2016 147801 Winegar Inc. Total 101419504310: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 268.14 Tax abatement 101-41950-4310 9,599.00 9,599.00 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 5 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1300 9,886.30 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1300 9,886.30- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1300 9,886.30 M Total 101421001300: 9,886.30 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1301 2,122.00 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1301 2,122.00- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42100-1301 2,122.00 M Total 101421001301: 2,122.00 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-42100-1310 4,287.49 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-42100-1310 177.08 M Total 101421001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 4,464.57 March Life Insurance 101-42100-1330 Total 101421001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 330.00 330.00 March LTD Insurance 101-42100-1340 Total 101421001340: 379.18 M 379.18 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-42100-2000 168.77 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Supplies 101-42100-2000 25.65 Total 101421002000: 194.42 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Fuel 101-42100-2120 25.87 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Fuel 101-42100-2120 17.00 Total 101421002120: 42.87 03/11/2016 147741 Keeprs Inc. Refurbishing shipping cost 101-42100-2170 15.99 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Office supplies 101-42100-2170 18.90 Total 101421002170: 34.89 03/11/2016 147779 Streicher's uniform expense 101-42100-2180 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Leather allowance 101-42100-2180 84.99 03/11/2016 147792 Vought, Penny Uniform allowance 101-42100-2180 478.95 Total 101421002180: 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca 688.94 Petty cash reimb 101-42100-2210 Total 101421002210: 03/11/2016 147765 Orkin Pest Control Inc. 125.00 15.99 15.99 Pest control 101-42100-3000 Total 101421003000: 82.50 82.50 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services Mats 101-42100-3100 58.87 03/11/2016 147775 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning Service 101-42100-3100 423.81 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147783 Thomson Reuters - West CLEAR Expense-Feb 101-42100-3100 200.00 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-42100-3100 28.75 Total 101421003100: 711.43 03/11/2016 147716 Controlled FORCE Inc Controlled Force training 101-42100-3300 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 6.44 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 15.01 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 10.59 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 12.55 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 260.56 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 7.39 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 8.56 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 118.85 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 22.29 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 101.12 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 26.41 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 21.05 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 21.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 202.24 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 6.47 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 31.93 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 404.48 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42100-3300 303.38- 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MN JOA Conference 101-42100-3300 14.98 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MN JOA Conference 101-42100-3300 14.36 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MN JOA Conference 101-42100-3300 36.71 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MN JOA Conference 101-42100-3300 26.13 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MN JOA Conference 101-42100-3300 373.52 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Governors Conference-HSEM 101-42100-3300 16.84 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Governors Conference-HSEM 101-42100-3300 72.03 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Governors Conference-HSEM 101-42100-3300 18.02 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 101-42100-3300 404.40 Total 101421003300: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 101-42100-3800 Total 101421003800: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Printer repair 101-42100-4040 147717 Creative Product Sourcing Inc. - DARE 2016 MN Chiefs Association-membership 101-42100-4330 147706 Cariveau, Christopher Total 101421004650: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 130.00 130.00 DARE Program expense 101-42100-4600 Total 101421004600: 03/11/2016 267.19 267.19 Total 101421004330: 03/11/2016 551.26 551.26 Total 101421004040: 03/11/2016 870.00 2,820.75 Monthly Billing 2,783.30 2,783.30 Police Reserve Separation 6 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 101-42100-4650 500.00 500.00 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 7 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42200-1300 3,357.90 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42200-1300 3,357.90- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42200-1300 3,357.90 M Total 101422001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 3,357.90 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-42200-1310 Total 101422001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 927.08 March Life Insurance 101-42200-1330 Total 101422001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147786 Trades Office Products 57.75 57.75 March LTD Insurance 101-42200-1340 Total 101422001340: 03/11/2016 927.08 M 47.37 M 47.37 Office supplies 101-42200-2000 Total 101422002000: 36.98 36.98 03/11/2016 147739 Jefferson Fire & Safety Inc Gear wash soap 101-42200-2170 265.00 03/11/2016 147752 Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Tank rental 101-42200-2170 29.77 Total 101422002170: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 294.77 Lithium-ion 28 volt battery pack 101-42200-2210 Total 101422002210: 551.48 551.48 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services Mats 101-42200-3100 58.88 03/11/2016 147775 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning Service 101-42200-3100 423.82 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-42200-3100 28.76 Total 101422003100: 03/11/2016 147699 Ancom Communications Inc 511.46 Communication-battery 101-42200-3200 Total 101422003200: 142.00 142.00 03/11/2016 147755 MES - MIDAM Training masks 101-42200-3310 190.03 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42200-3310 244.80 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 101-42200-3310 244.80 Total 101422003310: 679.63 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy Monthly Billing 101-42200-3800 66.30 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy Monthly Billing 101-42200-3800 551.27 Total 101422003800: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Total 101422004000: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 617.57 Moose plow conversion kit for skids 101-42200-4000 50.90 50.90 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/11/2016 Description Payee 147760 MN State Fire Department Association Membership dues 8 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 101-42200-4330 Total 101422004330: 210.00 210.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42400-1300 475.50 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42400-1300 475.50- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-42400-1300 475.50 M Total 101424001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 475.50 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-42400-1310 Total 101424001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 250.00 March Life Insurance 101-42400-1330 Total 101424001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 250.00 M 16.50 16.50 March LTD Insurance 101-42400-1340 Total 101424001340: 17.62 M 17.62 03/11/2016 147711 City Building Inspection Services LLC Contract Building Inspection Services 101-42400-3000 4,202.68 03/11/2016 147742 Kennedy & Kennedy Law Office Legal services-Beebe 101-42400-3000 120.00 Total 101424003000: 4,322.68 03/11/2016 147745 Lenz Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. Snow removal-613 3rd Ave SE 101-42400-3100 25.00 03/11/2016 147745 Lenz Lawn Care & Landscaping Inc. Snow removal-613 3rd Ave SE 101-42400-3100 25.00 Total 101424003100: 50.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43000-1300 2,907.50 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43000-1300 2,907.50- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43000-1300 2,907.50 M Total 101430001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 2,907.50 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43000-1310 Total 101430001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 1,250.00 March Life Insurance 101-43000-1330 Total 101430001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 1,250.00 M 99.00 99.00 March LTD Insurance 101-43000-1340 Total 101430001340: 90.26 M 90.26 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products Office supplies 101-43000-2000 20.99 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Tape for label maker 101-43000-2000 76.98 Total 101430002000: 03/11/2016 147794 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 97.97 GIS Contract 101-43000-3100 9,419.44 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/11/2016 Description Payee 147794 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer GIS Contract 9 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 101-43000-3100 Total 101430003100: 704.32 10,123.76 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca Petty cash reimb 101-43000-3300 118.86 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference lunch 101-43000-3300 28.34 Total 101430003300: 147.20 03/11/2016 147704 Bellkato Corporation Equipment Calibration 101-43000-4040 230.00 03/11/2016 147771 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca lumber 101-43000-4040 20.00 Total 101430004040: 250.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 2,931.44 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 2,931.44- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 2,931.44 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 108.66 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 108.66- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43100-1300 108.66 M Total 101431001300: 3,040.10 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43100-1310 1,266.75 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43100-1310 21.35 M Total 101431001310: 1,288.10 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-43100-1330 80.19 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-43100-1330 1.65 Total 101431001330: 81.84 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-43100-1340 75.35 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-43100-1340 1.65 M Total 101431001340: 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products 77.00 Office supplies 101-43100-2000 Total 101431002000: 2.28 2.28 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Kit coupler 101-43100-2170 03/11/2016 147710 Cintas Corporation First aid supplies 101-43100-2170 49.86 03/11/2016 147721 Earl F. Andersen Inc. cones 101-43100-2170 699.50 03/11/2016 147749 MainStreet Designs Inc. pole wrap-garland 101-43100-2170 575.00 03/11/2016 147750 Mantek Spray power w/quick connects 101-43100-2170 107.22 03/11/2016 147757 Miller, Scott Safety glasses 101-43100-2170 165.00 03/11/2016 147766 Owatonna Shoe Company Eric-Safety boots 101-43100-2170 190.00 03/11/2016 147771 ProBuild Company LLC - Waseca lumber& blade 101-43100-2170 121.63 03/11/2016 147777 Sportsmans Stop Inc. UPS charges 101-43100-2170 7.69 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Water 101-43100-2170 17.10 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Laundry soap 101-43100-2170 11.97 03/11/2016 147797 Waseca Rent N Save scaffolding 101-43100-2170 410.40 03/11/2016 147804 Zacks Inc. supplies 101-43100-2170 621.69 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 134.82 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101431002170: 3,111.88 03/11/2016 147698 AmeriPride Services Inc Uniform Service 101-43100-2180 130.58 03/11/2016 147698 AmeriPride Services Inc Uniform Service 101-43100-2180 130.50 03/11/2016 147698 AmeriPride Services Inc Uniform Service 101-43100-2180 132.52 03/11/2016 147698 AmeriPride Services Inc Uniform Service 101-43100-2180 130.58 Total 101431002180: 03/11/2016 147748 Mag's Garage Door Repair 524.18 Install garage doors 101-43100-2240 Total 101431002240: 5,000.00 5,000.00 03/11/2016 147775 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning Service 101-43100-3100 286.00 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-43100-3100 369.92 Total 101431003100: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 10 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 655.92 Monthly Billing 101-43100-3800 Total 101431003800: 66.30 66.30 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 760.00 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 760.00- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 760.00 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 108.66 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 108.66- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43125-1300 108.66 M Total 101431251300: 868.66 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43125-1310 328.42 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43125-1310 21.35 M Total 101431251310: 349.77 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-43125-1330 20.79 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 101-43125-1330 1.65 Total 101431251330: 22.44 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-43125-1340 19.54 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 101-43125-1340 1.65 M Total 101431251340: 03/11/2016 147803 Xcel Energy 21.19 Street lighting-Feb 101-43160-3800 Total 101431603800: 624.12 624.12 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43170-1300 162.86 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43170-1300 162.86- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43170-1300 162.86 M M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101431701300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 162.86 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43170-1310 Total 101431701310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 31601 Reliance Standard March Life Insurance 101-43170-1330 147720 Diamond Vogel Paints March LTD Insurance 101-43170-1340 147743 Korman Signs Inc 4.19 M 4.19 traffic paint 101-43170-2170 Total 101431702170: 03/11/2016 4.46 4.46 Total 101431701340: 03/11/2016 53.19 M 53.19 Total 101431701330: 03/03/2016 11 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 1,571.80 1,571.80 rivots 101-43170-2210 Total 101431702210: 314.55 314.55 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43220-1300 271.43 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43220-1300 271.43- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-43220-1300 271.43 M Total 101432201300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 271.43 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-43220-1310 Total 101432201310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 76.15 March Life Insurance 101-43220-1330 Total 101432201330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 31611 SelectAccount March LTD Insurance 101-43220-1340 147736 Insty-Prints VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-45130-1310 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 400.00 M 400.00 Waterpark punch cards 101-45130-2000 Total 101451302000: 03/11/2016 6.98 M 6.98 Total 101451301310: 03/11/2016 7.43 7.43 Total 101432201340: 03/07/2016 76.15 M 448.44 448.44 Large flag pole-Water Park 101-45130-2170 Total 101451302170: 159.65 159.65 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca Petty cash reimb 101-45130-3300 12.11 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MRWAC Meeting 101-45130-3300 4.50 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC MRPA Aquatics-Inver Grove Heights 101-45130-3300 8.84 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 101451303300: 03/11/2016 147705 Border States Electric Supply 25.45 replacement of outdoor lighting over pool 101-45130-4000 Total 101451304000: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 12 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 192.64 192.64 Membership 101-45130-4330 Total 101451304330: 9.00 9.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-45200-1300 4,838.90 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-45200-1300 4,838.90- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 101-45200-1300 4,838.90 M Total 101452001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 4,838.90 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 101-45200-1310 Total 101452001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 1,427.08 March Life Insurance 101-45200-1330 Total 101452001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147786 Trades Office Products 57.75 57.75 March LTD Insurance 101-45200-1340 Total 101452001340: 03/11/2016 1,427.08 M 72.17 M 72.17 Office supplies 101-45200-2000 Total 101452002000: 37.99 37.99 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Lock pin 101-45200-2170 7.28 03/11/2016 147756 Metering & Technology Solutions water meter repair 101-45200-2170 85.67 03/11/2016 147805 Zep Sales & Service Zep O-shine 101-45200-2170 218.30 Total 101452002170: 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services 311.25 Uniforms 101-45200-2180 Total 101452002180: 79.75 79.75 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Pin & cable assembly 101-45200-2210 7.51 03/11/2016 147785 Toppers Plus Inc Return-cutting edges 101-45200-2210 450.00- 03/11/2016 147785 Toppers Plus Inc Plow cutting edges 101-45200-2210 480.00 03/11/2016 147785 Toppers Plus Inc Cutting edge-boss 101-45200-2210 430.00 Total 101452002210: 467.51 03/11/2016 147754 McClune's Tree Service Tree trimming 101-45200-3100 2,520.00 03/11/2016 147796 Waseca County Landfill Landfill fees 101-45200-3100 34.00 Total 101452003100: 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2,554.00 Petty cash reimb 101-45200-3300 26.00 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC SMRPA Meeting 101-45200-3300 6.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC SMRPA Meeting 101-45200-3300 15.97 Total 101452003300: 47.97 03/11/2016 147748 Mag's Garage Door Repair Garage doors, installation 101-45200-4000 10,820.00 03/11/2016 147781 T & M Electric LLC Garage door openers, inspection fee 101-45200-4000 661.00 Total 101452004000: 11,481.00 03/11/2016 147784 Toads Sharpening & Repair New chains, sharpening 101-45200-4040 19.00 03/11/2016 147784 Toads Sharpening & Repair New chains, sharpening 101-45200-4040 30.00 Total 101452004040: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 49.00 Non-commercial pesticide applicator license (4) 101-45200-4330 Total 101452004330: 03/11/2016 147715 Connors Plumbing & Heating Inc. 41.00 41.00 HVAC Maint - Fuse 101-45500-2280 Total 101455002280: 145.99 145.99 03/11/2016 147775 ServiceMaster of Mankato/Waseca Cleaning Service 101-45500-3100 790.00 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 101-45500-3100 217.14 Total 101455003100: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 1,007.14 Monthly Billing 101-45500-3800 Total 101455003800: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 588.18 588.18 Flowers for funeral 101-49210-4930 Total 101492104930: 53.09 53.09 03/11/2016 147744 League of MN Cities 2016 Safety & Loss Control Workshop 101-49210-4940 200.00 03/11/2016 147770 Philips Healthcare HeartStart Defibrillators 101-49210-4940 4,322.40 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Annual Safety Meeting 101-49210-4940 57.74 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC First Aid Kits-supplies 101-49210-4940 67.63 Total 101492104940: 4,647.77 Total General Fund: 220,046.75 Waseca Rehab Program 2015 03/11/2016 147769 Pettipiece & Associates LLC 2015 RLF Rehab Program 212-46500-3000 2,046.62 Total 212465003000: 2,046.62 Total Waseca Rehab Program 2015: 2,046.62 TIF District 27 03/11/2016 147795 Waseca County Auditor-Treasurer M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Decertification-TIF #25 13 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 227-31050-0000 37,105.04 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 14 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 227310500000: 37,105.04 Total TIF District 27: 37,105.04 Airport 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services Mats 230-49810-2170 Total 230498102170: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 7.68 7.68 Monthly Billing 230-49810-3800 243.61 Total 230498103800: 243.61 Total Airport: 251.29 Water Park Operations 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 240-45130-1300 947.84 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 240-45130-1300 947.84- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 240-45130-1300 947.84 M Total 240451301300: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 947.84 March Life Insurance 240-45130-1330 Total 240451301330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 19.80 March LTD Insurance 240-45130-1340 Total 240451301340: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 19.80 14.65 M 14.65 Monthly Billing 240-45130-3800 Total 240451303800: 237.26 237.26 Total Water Park Operations: 1,219.55 Economic Development-General f 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 261-46700-1300 592.40 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 261-46700-1300 592.40- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 261-46700-1300 592.40 M Total 261467001300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 592.40 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 261-46700-1310 Total 261467001310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 416.50 March Life Insurance 261-46700-1330 Total 261467001330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard Total 261467001340: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 416.50 M 4.13 4.13 March LTD Insurance 261-46700-1340 9.14 M 9.14 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/11/2016 Description Payee 147753 Maxfield Research & Consulting Professional services 15 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 261-46700-3000 Total 261467003000: 97.20 97.20 Total Economic Development-General f: 1,119.37 Police Special Revenue Fund 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca Petty cash reimb 278-35200-0000 12.59 Total 278352000000: 12.59 Total Police Special Revenue Fund: 12.59 Safe Haven Grant 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 279-46350-1300 1,157.00 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 279-46350-1300 1,157.00- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 279-46350-1300 1,157.00 M Total 279463501300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 1,157.00 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 279-46350-1310 Total 279463501310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 345.83 March Life Insurance 279-46350-1330 Total 279463501330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 33.00 33.00 March LTD Insurance 279-46350-1340 Total 279463501340: 03/11/2016 345.83 M 26.43 M 26.43 Connection supplies 279-46350-2170 Total 279463502170: 54.94 54.94 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 1,635.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 1,635.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Conference 279-46350-3300 578.20 Total 279463503300: 6,739.20 Total Safe Haven Grant: 8,356.40 PEG Channel 03/11/2016 147767 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. Annual anti-virus for PEG Channel computer 290-41920-2170 60.00 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products Office supplies 290-41920-2170 109.13 Total 290419202170: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 169.13 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 16 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total PEG Channel: 169.13 Tax Increment Dist. #23 Debt S 03/11/2016 147787 U.S. Bank GO TIF Bonds-Series 2005E Admin fees 380-47800-6200 425.00 Total 380478006200: 425.00 Total Tax Increment Dist. #23 Debt S: 425.00 Library Remodel 03/11/2016 147722 Embury Ltd Library Shelving 427-45500-5200 7,152.31 Total 427455005200: 7,152.31 Total Library Remodel: 7,152.31 Capital Improvement 03/11/2016 147697 American Engineering Testing Inc. Geotech Survey 430-43010-5560 4,615.23 Total 430430105560: 4,615.23 Total Capital Improvement: 4,615.23 HWY 14 Reconstruction 03/11/2016 147778 Stantec Consulting Services Inc Old TH 14/Elm Ave Improvements 436-43010-3000 171,865.35 Total 436430103000: 171,865.35 Total HWY 14 Reconstruction: 171,865.35 Water 03/10/2016 31609 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 601-20210-0000 Total 601202100000: 03/11/2016 147733 Hawkins Inc 731.79 Water Chemicals 601-49401-2170 Total 601494012170: 03/11/2016 147747 M & R Electric Inc. 147708 Centerpoint Energy Electrician 601-49401-3100 147733 Hawkins Inc 249.29 249.29 Monthly Billing 601-49401-3800 Total 601494013800: 03/11/2016 9,853.83 9,853.83 Total 601494013100: 03/11/2016 731.79 M 150.79 150.79 Chlorine Scales 601-49401-4000 Total 601494014000: 2,485.00 2,485.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.50 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.50- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.50 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.13 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49430-1300 475.13- V M = Manual Check, V = Void Check CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/04/2016 Description Payee 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 17 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 601-49430-1300 Total 601494301300: 475.13 M 950.63 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 601-49430-1310 250.00 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 601-49430-1310 1,041.75 M Total 601494301310: 1,291.75 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 601-49430-1330 16.50 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 601-49430-1330 9.64 Total 601494301330: 26.14 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 601-49430-1340 9.56 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 601-49430-1340 21.42 M Total 601494301340: 03/11/2016 147734 Huber Supply Co Inc 30.98 Carbon dioxide 601-49430-2170 Total 601494302170: 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services 22.00 Uniforms 601-49430-2180 Total 601494302180: 03/11/2016 147756 Metering & Technology Solutions 147759 MN Pipe & Equipment 9.75 9.75 Meter 601-49430-2215 Total 601494302215: 03/11/2016 22.00 624.42 624.42 Saw Blades 601-49430-2230 Total 601494302230: 337.60 337.60 03/11/2016 147732 Gopher State One-Call Inc Location calls - February 601-49430-3100 4.35 03/11/2016 147754 McClune's Tree Service Tree Removal 601-49430-3100 840.00 03/11/2016 147761 MN Valley Testing Labs Bacteria Testing 601-49430-3100 77.00 03/11/2016 147777 Sportsmans Stop Inc. Shipping 601-49430-3100 7.87 Total 601494303100: 03/11/2016 147738 James Brothers Construction Inc. 929.22 Private Service Repair 601-49430-4000 Total 601494304000: 4,664.80 4,664.80 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49585-1300 282.05 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49585-1300 282.05- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49585-1300 282.05 M Total 601495851300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount Total 601495851310: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 282.05 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 601-49585-1310 197.50 M 197.50 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/03/2016 Description Payee 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance Invoice Check GL Account Amount 601-49585-1330 Total 601495851330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 18 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 15.64 15.64 March LTD Insurance 601-49585-1340 Total 601495851340: 13.80 M 13.80 03/11/2016 147751 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service - March 2016 601-49585-3200 49.00 03/11/2016 147798 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - February 601-49585-3200 25.00 Total 601495853200: 74.00 03/11/2016 147713 City of Waseca Collections 601-49585-4320 51.23 03/11/2016 147780 Summit Account Resolution Collection fees 601-49585-4320 28.85 Total 601495854320: 80.08 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 59.24- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 717.12 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 717.12- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 601-49586-1300 717.12 M Total 601495861300: 776.36 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 601-49586-1310 25.00 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 601-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 601495861310: 167.36 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 601-49586-1330 1.24 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 601-49586-1330 8.17 Total 601495861330: 9.41 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 601-49586-1340 17.13 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 601-49586-1340 .92 M Total 601495861340: 03/11/2016 147786 Trades Office Products 18.05 Office supplies 601-49586-2000 Total 601495862000: 30.99 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 2015 MN Plumbing Code Books 601-49586-2170 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 2015 MN Plumbing Code Books 601-49586-2170 Total 601495862170: 03/11/2016 147767 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. Total 601495864950: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 30.99 213.86 17.86196.00 2016 Maintenance Agreement - 601-49586-4950 629.20 629.20 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 19 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total Water: 24,848.43 Sanitary Sewer 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 977.15 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 977.15- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 977.15 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 108.66 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 108.66- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49470-1300 108.66 M Total 602494701300: 1,085.81 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 602-49470-1310 510.57 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 602-49470-1310 21.35 M Total 602494701310: 531.92 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 602-49470-1330 26.72 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 602-49470-1330 1.65 Total 602494701330: 28.37 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 602-49470-1340 25.12 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 602-49470-1340 1.65 M Total 602494701340: 26.77 03/11/2016 147777 Sportsmans Stop Inc. UPS charges 602-49470-2170 24.46 03/11/2016 147777 Sportsmans Stop Inc. UPS charges 602-49470-2170 95.41 03/11/2016 147777 Sportsmans Stop Inc. UPS charges 602-49470-2170 22.90 Total 602494702170: 03/11/2016 147732 Gopher State One-Call Inc 142.77 Location calls - February 602-49470-3100 Total 602494703100: 4.35 03/07/2016 147690 MN Pollution Control Agency Wastewater Certification 602-49470-3300 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training Certification 602-49470-3300 Total 602494703300: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy 147705 Border States Electric Supply 55.00 M 600.00 655.00 Monthly Billing 602-49470-3800 Total 602494703800: 03/11/2016 4.35 18.86 18.86 Monitor, socket 602-49470-4020 Total 602494704020: 95.95 95.95 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49480-1300 2,845.47 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49480-1300 2,845.47- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49480-1300 2,845.47 M Total 602494801300: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 2,845.47 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/07/2016 Description Payee 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar Invoice Check GL Account Amount 602-49480-1310 Total 602494801310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 31601 Reliance Standard March Life Insurance 602-49480-1330 147786 Trades Office Products 64.61 64.61 March LTD Insurance 602-49480-1340 Total 602494801340: 03/11/2016 458.25 M 458.25 Total 602494801330: 03/03/2016 64.81 M 64.81 Office supplies 602-49480-2000 Total 602494802000: 79.32 79.32 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Heater hose 602-49480-2170 2.98 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Connectors 602-49480-2170 11.19 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Connectors 602-49480-2170 1.20 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca Petty cash reimb 602-49480-2170 9.50 03/11/2016 147773 Red Feather Paper Company janitor Supplies 602-49480-2170 84.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Solving Activated Sludge-manual 602-49480-2170 98.25 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Maintenance supplies 602-49480-2170 15.81 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Soap 602-49480-2170 31.94 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Coffee 602-49480-2170 25.85 03/11/2016 147791 USA Blue Book Lab Supplies 602-49480-2170 316.71 Total 602494802170: 03/11/2016 147762 Monson Eye Care Center 597.43 Safety Glasses Warren 602-49480-2190 Total 602494802190: 200.00 200.00 03/11/2016 147804 Zacks Inc. Shop Supplies 602-49480-2230 209.67 03/11/2016 147804 Zacks Inc. Shop Supplies 602-49480-2230 129.96 Total 602494802230: 03/11/2016 147778 Stantec Consulting Services Inc 339.63 Engineering 602-49480-3000 Total 602494803000: 872.00 872.00 03/11/2016 147730 G & K Services Uniforms, Mats 602-49480-3100 03/11/2016 147758 MN Department of Labor & Industry Annual boiler inspection-WWTP 602-49480-3100 10.00 03/11/2016 147789 UC Laboratory Permit Testing 602-49480-3100 3,101.94 03/11/2016 147799 Waste Management of Southern MN Monthly Billing 602-49480-3100 233.23 Total 602494803100: 47.04 3,392.21 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 602-49480-3300 225.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Training 602-49480-3300 225.00 Total 602494803300: 03/11/2016 147708 Centerpoint Energy M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 20 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 450.00 Monthly Billing 602-49480-3800 207.06 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 21 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 602494803800: 207.06 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49585-1300 282.05 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49585-1300 282.05- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49585-1300 282.05 M Total 602495851300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 282.05 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 602-49585-1310 Total 602495851310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 197.50 March Life Insurance 602-49585-1330 Total 602495851330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 197.50 M 15.64 15.64 March LTD Insurance 602-49585-1340 Total 602495851340: 13.80 M 13.80 03/11/2016 147751 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service - March 2016 602-49585-3200 48.99 03/11/2016 147798 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - February 602-49585-3200 25.00 Total 602495853200: 73.99 03/11/2016 147713 City of Waseca Collections 602-49585-4320 98.19 03/11/2016 147780 Summit Account Resolution Collection fees 602-49585-4320 55.29 Total 602495854320: 153.48 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 59.24- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 717.12 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 717.12- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 602-49586-1300 717.12 M Total 602495861300: 776.36 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 602-49586-1310 25.00 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 602-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 602495861310: 167.36 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 1.24 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 1.23 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life March Life Insurance 602-49586-1330 8.17 Total 602495861330: 10.64 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 602-49586-1340 17.13 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 602-49586-1340 .92 M Total 602495861340: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 18.05 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number 03/11/2016 Description Payee 147767 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 2016 Maintenance Agreement - Invoice Check GL Account Amount 602-49586-4950 Total 602495864950: 03/11/2016 147714 Clark Equipment Co 22 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 629.20 629.20 Bobcat Replacement 602-49593-5400 3,950.00 Total 602495935400: 3,950.00 Total Sanitary Sewer: 18,448.66 Electric Utility 03/10/2016 31609 MN Sales and Use Tax Payable Sales tax payable 604-20210-0000 Total 604202100000: 03/10/2016 31612 SMMPA 29,202.21 M 29,202.21 Power-Feb 2016 604-20600-0000 Total 604206000000: 388,017.73 M 388,017.73 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49570-1300 106.26 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49570-1300 106.26- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49570-1300 106.26 M Total 604495701300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 106.26 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49570-1310 Total 604495701310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 48.00 March Life Insurance 604-49570-1330 Total 604495701330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 48.00 M 1.58 1.58 March LTD Insurance 604-49570-1340 Total 604495701340: 2.71 M 2.71 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49571-1300 2,344.34 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49571-1300 2,344.34- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49571-1300 2,344.34 M Total 604495711300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 2,344.34 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49571-1310 Total 604495711310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 1,059.00 March Life Insurance 604-49571-1330 Total 604495711330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 34.95 34.95 March LTD Insurance 604-49571-1340 Total 604495711340: 03/11/2016 1,059.00 M 59.83 M 59.83 CQ Oil absorbent 604-49571-2170 9.30 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147712 City of Waseca Petty cash reimb 604-49571-2170 43.00 03/11/2016 147776 Sonnenberg, Carl Mileage reimbursement 604-49571-2170 70.30 Total 604495712170: 03/11/2016 147732 Gopher State One-Call Inc 23 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 122.60 Location calls - February 604-49571-3100 Total 604495713100: 4.35 4.35 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49572-1300 235.76 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49572-1300 235.76- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49572-1300 235.76 M Total 604495721300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 235.76 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49572-1310 Total 604495721310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 106.50 March Life Insurance 604-49572-1330 Total 604495721330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 106.50 M 3.51 3.51 March LTD Insurance 604-49572-1340 Total 604495721340: 6.02 M 6.02 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49573-1300 425.04 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49573-1300 425.04- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49573-1300 425.04 M Total 604495731300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 425.04 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49573-1310 Total 604495731310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 192.00 March Life Insurance 604-49573-1330 Total 604495731330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147754 McClune's Tree Service 6.34 6.34 March LTD Insurance 604-49573-1340 Total 604495731340: 03/11/2016 192.00 M 10.85 M 10.85 Tree Removal 604-49573-3100 Total 604495733100: 1,890.00 1,890.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49574-1300 119.54 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49574-1300 119.54- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49574-1300 119.54 M Total 604495741300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 119.54 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49574-1310 54.00 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 604495741310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 54.00 March Life Insurance 604-49574-1330 Total 604495741330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147705 Border States Electric Supply 1.78 1.78 March LTD Insurance 604-49574-1340 Total 604495741340: 03/11/2016 24 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 3.05 M 3.05 Street Light Supplies 604-49574-2230 Total 604495742230: 15.34 15.34 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49584-1300 89.66 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49584-1300 89.66- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49584-1300 89.66 M Total 604495841300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 89.66 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49584-1310 Total 604495841310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 40.50 March Life Insurance 604-49584-1330 Total 604495841330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 40.50 M 1.34 1.34 March LTD Insurance 604-49584-1340 Total 604495841340: 2.29 M 2.29 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49585-1300 283.82 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49585-1300 283.82- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49585-1300 283.82 M Total 604495851300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 283.82 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49585-1310 Total 604495851310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 198.75 March Life Insurance 604-49585-1330 Total 604495851330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 198.75 M 15.74 15.74 March LTD Insurance 604-49585-1340 Total 604495851340: 13.90 M 13.90 03/11/2016 147751 MAS Communications Inc. Answering service - March 2016 604-49585-3200 48.99 03/11/2016 147798 Waseca Secretarial Service Processing utility bills - February 604-49585-3200 25.00 Total 604495853200: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 73.99 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee 25 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147713 City of Waseca Collections 604-49585-4320 277.49 03/11/2016 147780 Summit Account Resolution Collection fees 604-49585-4320 156.26 Total 604495854320: 433.75 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 59.24- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 59.24 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 738.86 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 738.86- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 604-49586-1300 738.86 M Total 604495861300: 798.10 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49586-1310 25.00 M 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 604-49586-1310 142.36 M Total 604495861310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 167.36 March Life Insurance 604-49586-1330 Total 604495861330: 8.41 8.41 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 604-49586-1340 17.64 M 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard March LTD Insurance 604-49586-1340 .92 M Total 604495861340: 18.56 03/11/2016 147694 MN Department of Commerce State DOC Assessment 604-49586-4330 1,030.03 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Membership 604-49586-4330 175.00 Total 604495864330: 03/11/2016 147767 Pantheon Computer Systems Inc. 1,205.03 2016 Maintenance Agreement - 604-49586-4950 Total 604495864950: 629.20 629.20 03/11/2016 147740 JT Services of MN Transformer Pad 604-49593-5300 1,217.50 03/11/2016 147800 Wesco Receivables Corp Hoffman Box-3Phase 604-49593-5300 579.26 Total 604495935300: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 1,796.76 Substation fan 604-49593-5400 Total 604495935400: 199.81 199.81 Total Electric Utility: 430,050.26 Storm Water Utility 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-43140-1300 325.72 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-43140-1300 325.72- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-43140-1300 325.72 M Total 651431401300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 325.72 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 651-43140-1310 110.75 M CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 651431401310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 110.75 March Life Insurance 651-43140-1330 Total 651431401330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 26 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 8.91 8.91 March LTD Insurance 651-43140-1340 Total 651431401340: 8.37 M 8.37 03/11/2016 147772 Ramy Turf Products bio rolls for Andys Stink 651-43140-4000 862.00 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Silt fence 651-43140-4000 405.00 Total 651431404000: 1,267.00 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-49585-1300 44.63 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-49585-1300 44.63- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 651-49585-1300 44.63 M Total 651495851300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 44.63 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 651-49585-1310 Total 651495851310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 31.25 March Life Insurance 651-49585-1330 Total 651495851330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 31.25 M 2.48 2.48 March LTD Insurance 651-49585-1340 Total 651495851340: 2.18 M 2.18 Total Storm Water Utility: 1,801.29 Central Garage Services 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 701-43180-1300 1,847.12 M 03/04/2016 31610 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 701-43180-1300 1,847.12- V 03/04/2016 31613 Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN (ACH) March Health Insurance 701-43180-1300 1,847.12 M Total 701431801300: 03/07/2016 31611 SelectAccount 1,847.12 VEBA/HSA submittal Mar 701-43180-1310 Total 701431801310: 03/03/2016 147682 MN Life 363.03 March Life Insurance 701-43180-1330 Total 701431801330: 03/03/2016 31601 Reliance Standard 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 28.05 28.05 March LTD Insurance 701-43180-1340 Total 701431801340: 03/11/2016 363.03 M 28.13 M 28.13 Air brake tubing 701-43180-2170 7.60 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Coupling 701-43180-2170 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Coupler 701-43180-2170 6.32 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Couplings 701-43180-2170 111.67 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Wire loom 701-43180-2170 11.89 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Safety walk 701-43180-2170 79.64 03/11/2016 147735 IFACS Misc nuts, bolts, fuses 701-43180-2170 161.16 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Annual DOT inspection decals 701-43180-2170 104.50 Total 701431802170: 8.33 491.11 03/11/2016 147696 ABM Equipment & Supply Inc. Swivel joint vaccon 701-43180-2210 337.49 03/11/2016 147701 Aspen Equipment Co Rubber seal 701-43180-2210 32.25 03/11/2016 147702 Auto Value Waseca Wiper blades 701-43180-2210 36.95 03/11/2016 147702 Auto Value Waseca Battery 701-43180-2210 121.79 03/11/2016 147702 Auto Value Waseca Wiper blades 701-43180-2210 48.98 03/11/2016 147702 Auto Value Waseca Wiper blades 701-43180-2210 97.96 03/11/2016 147702 Auto Value Waseca Sealed beam standard 701-43180-2210 5.99 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Black rubber flaps 701-43180-2210 15.79 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Black rubber flaps 701-43180-2210 11.79 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Purple power wash 701-43180-2210 23.94 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Hydraulic hose fitting 701-43180-2210 14.78 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Beam extra clear 701-43180-2210 25.50 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Return-beam extra clear 701-43180-2210 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Battery holdown 701-43180-2210 3.16 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Auto slack 701-43180-2210 72.09 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Automotive bearing 701-43180-2210 7.50 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Break pig tail, clear lamp 701-43180-2210 4.98 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Tow strap, wire cup brush 701-43180-2210 38.07 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Oil filters 701-43180-2210 6.84 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Wire plug, coil plug boot, gasket 701-43180-2210 143.33 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Fittings, oil filters 701-43180-2210 79.93 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Black rubber flaps 701-43180-2210 15.79 03/11/2016 147709 Christensen Tire Service Change oil, filter, lube 701-43180-2210 29.83 03/11/2016 147709 Christensen Tire Service Change oil, filter, lube 701-43180-2210 26.83 03/11/2016 147709 Christensen Tire Service Repair street sweeper tire 701-43180-2210 72.80 03/11/2016 147718 Crysteel Truck Equipment Inc. 4-Way Sol equipment part 701-43180-2210 108.81 03/11/2016 147725 Fastenal Company Seal kit 701-43180-2210 34.98 03/11/2016 147729 FleetPride Inc Disassemble & check cylinder, test 701-43180-2210 248.92 03/11/2016 147731 Genesis Cooperative Association Super lube 15W-40, 5W-20-bulk 701-43180-2210 1,232.80 03/11/2016 147737 Interstate Battery Systems Batteries 701-43180-2210 249.90 03/11/2016 147746 Lubrication Technologies Inc. Premixed coolant 701-43180-2210 588.00 03/11/2016 147763 MTI Distributing Inc. Tube support assembly 701-43180-2210 210.72 03/11/2016 147774 Sanco Equipment LLC Arm & blade wipe assembly 701-43180-2210 91.16 03/11/2016 147774 Sanco Equipment LLC Edge cutting bolt-on 701-43180-2210 219.24 03/11/2016 147774 Sanco Equipment LLC Spring gas door 701-43180-2210 35.51 03/11/2016 147782 Terminal Supply Co Strobe lights 701-43180-2210 463.87 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Electrical connectors, housings 701-43180-2210 109.23 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC Air filter housing cover 701-43180-2210 49.89 03/11/2016 147793 Walser Chevrolet Buick Cadillac Mirror test 701-43180-2210 103.07 03/11/2016 147802 Winegar Inc. Tubing 701-43180-2210 40.61 Total 701431802210: .76- 5,060.31 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Oil filter wrench, trailer connector 701-43180-2400 03/11/2016 147707 CarQuest Auto Parts Fuel line quick disc, disconnects 701-43180-2400 15.13 03/11/2016 147764 Northern Tool & Equipment Co Fuel 1/2" impact, battery 701-43180-2400 342.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 27 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 20.08 CITY OF WASECA Check Register - Council Page: Check Issue Dates: 2/26/2016 - 3/11/2016 Check Check Issue Date Number Description Payee Invoice Check GL Account Amount Total 701431802400: 03/11/2016 147788 U.S. Bank - CC 377.21 Monthly computer program engine monitor code 701-43180-3100 Total 701431803100: 149.00 149.00 Total Central Garage Services: 8,343.96 Property and Liability Insuran 03/11/2016 147726 First National Insurance Insurance agent fee-March 2016 702-49955-3000 800.00 Total 702499553000: 800.00 Total Property and Liability Insuran: 800.00 Equipment Replacement Fund 03/11/2016 147703 Barcodes Inc printer - 2016 squad 705-49920-5400 03/11/2016 147723 Emergency Automotive Technologies Inc equipment - new squad 705-49920-5400 222.66 03/11/2016 147723 Emergency Automotive Technologies Inc equipment - new squad 705-49920-5400 1,843.20 Total 705499205400: 03/11/2016 147739 Jefferson Fire & Safety Inc 705-49930-5400 Total 705499305400: 03/11/2016 147714 Clark Equipment Co Total 705499505400: Total Equipment Replacement Fund: Grand Totals: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail [Report].Amount = {<>} 0 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 1,009.50 3,075.36 Hose roller for hose dryer 1,002.39 1,002.39 bobcat replacement 28 Mar 11, 2016 11:21AM 705-49950-5400 7,050.00 7,050.00 11,127.75 949,804.98 11