January - Capital City Mopars


January - Capital City Mopars
CCM News
A Car Club for the Chrysler Corp. and American Motors Corp. Enthusiast (EST. 1992)
Volume 24, Issue 1
January 2016
Happy New Year !
Events Coming Up.
 CCM General Meeting, Jan 5th, 7 PM.
 CCM Board Meeting,
Jan19th, 7 PM.
The year 2015 is over and it was a good one.
Despite the drought and a sluggish economy,
we forged ahead to have over 14 club sponsored events and activities. Thanks go out to
several of our most dedicated members who
continue to step up and pitch in where needed.
Shriners Toy Run
On The Inside
Club Information
Mopar Hall of Fame
Membership App
There are fewer things in life more heart breaking than a sick child. You just want to hold
them and wish their pain away. Shriners Hospital does what they can for the kids but the annual Shriners Toy Run is one step further. So often these kids spend Christmas time getting
medical care and they are away from their families. The annual toy drive was created to add a
sense of normalcy to their lives and to let them
feel like kids instead of patients. This years
event was held the day after our annual Christmas/Holiday party. Gary Leymaster organized
the event for the CCM club and reports that 7
of our club cars were in attendance. No doubt,
this Christmas will be a little better for several
children that really needed a smile.
CCM Christmas Tree
CCM seeks a member to STORE the club
Christmas tree for this next year. The tree will
be taken down before the January meeting and
fitted in a canvas bag for easy storage.
PLEASE step up and offer to store this tree.
Greg has stored it for 5 years, it is time for another member to hold onto it for the year.
Annual CAM Potluck and Tree
Some people asked...how the heck did THIS
This year, WE actually were the first club to
eat! Complaints from attendees must have finally been heard. Plenty of food was there for
the taking. Not the case this year according to
Bob Berry. We had a smaller showing than in
years past. This years CCM count was 9 people. Greg, Bob and Randy erected the artificial
tree despite it losing as many needles as a real
tree. It may be a good idea to consider the purchase of a new one. We are FLUSH with decorations though. Plenty of garland and the like. If
anyone has a tree in good shape and wishes to
donate it, please speak to Bob or Randy about
the matter.
2016 CCM Elected officers
The results are in. After counting and recounting, tossing away several ballots due to hanging
chads and illegible writing , (Kidding) the positions for the Club President. Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer are set in stone for
2016. I'm proud to report that everyone ran a
clean campaign, proving that politics doesn't
have to be a dirty business.
Bob Berry
Vice President: Randy Pike
Eric Seifert
Norm Benedict.
Thanks to Sheila Black for her service as both
Treasurer and Secretary in years past and also
another BIG Thank You to Mr Benedict for
stepping in for 2016. We all appreciate your
work as Webmaster and Historian so we are
truly in your debt for the gesture!
Club Information
Board of Directors
Vice President:
Newsletter Editor:
Car Show:
Members at Large:
Bob Berry
Randy Pike
Norman Benedict
Eric Seifert
Larry LaDuc
Greg Kern
Norman Benedict
Tom Pluth
Jack Porter
John Gerson
(916) 925-0336
(916) 835-9605
(916) 985-8523
(916) 448-4132
(408) 221-9047
(916) 204-4626
(916) 985-8523
(916) 283-6112
(916) 742-5356
Staff Members
Property Manager:
Norm Benedict
Competition Director:
Michael Moore
Norm Benedict
Legislative Director:
Norm Benedict
Larry Pierce
Sunshine Coordinator:
Larry Pierce
The Capital City Mopars is a proud
member of the Association of California
Car Clubs and the California Automobile
What we’re all about
Capital City Mopars (CCM) provides a place to share
your enthusiasm and knowledge about Mopars and enjoy the company of other Mopar enthusiasts. CCM
membership is open to anyone interested in Chrysler
Corporation or American Motors vehicles who are
eighteen years or older and have a valid drivers license.
Annual membership dues are $36 for regular members
and an additional $6 per co-member. One co-member is
allowed for each regular member. The co-member must
reside in the same household and be eighteen years or
older. All members and co-members are required to
participate as worker/chairperson in at least one function per year, and it is desired that, in addition, work at
the annual car show.
Guest Speaker Ideas Wanted
We are looking for ideas and suggestions for guest speakers
to appear at our monthly General meeting. In the past we
have had insurance agents, oil industry experts, DMV officials, an expert from the WPC museum and various others.
These speakers provide information and entertainment for the
meetings and are always appreciated. or business
CCM welcomes Jack Porter as Activities
Kern’s Corner
"Wise old Man"
Some people have no respect for their elders. Who hasn't heard
that phrase?
I respect them. The old guys in our hobby are assets to everyone. They didn't read about racing, they WERE they guys doing it. They were the ORIGINAL owners of these beautiful
Mopars we all love. They bought them for transportation, for
recreation, for fun. They scraped their knuckles changing spark
plugs like we do today. They jacked up these cars, bolted on N50-15 tires, hood scoops, traction bars and sometimes even
sidepipes. When the cars broke, they swapped in junkyard engines. They didn't buy these cars just to let them sit in the garage. I doubt many of our Mopar elders expected these cars to
be around for 40 years or more. They fixed them when they
broke, but when these cars became too much to bear, they
passed them along to someone else.
Guess who that someone else is now?
Recently I decided to make a few changes to the wiring in my
Charger. I'd read and heard about the problems that can occur
when old wires reach the point of failure. Lucky for me I made
these changes before anything went wrong. I eliminated the
ammeter and rerouted the way that the interior of my car gets
power. Electrical stuff has always been my weak point. Lucky
for me I had Bob Berry as a friend to lean on. My Dad liked
cars but wasn't as mechanically inclined as I turned out to be. I
grew up fumbling my way through most tasks and learning by
my mistakes. These changes I was planning were made much
easier with help from Bob. I had already "Googled" about Mopar wiring but Bob did a better job of helping me understand it
all. No matter how great the internet is, nothing replaces real
world experience.
At car shows, I enjoy hearing from the older guys. They tell of
dealerships that are long gone as if they still had Dusters and
Fury IIIs on the lot freshly washed. They tell how they were
worried about how they could afford the gas for these cars ...
(At less than 30 cents a gallon). You can see the happiness in
their eyes as they recall the cars they wished they bought or the
ones they regretted selling. I see these guys and just know I'll
be just like them someday soon. I'm totally fine with that too.
Google is great for finding information but it is often cold and
impersonal. Nothing compares to hearing information directly
from the people that have been there and done that.
Sacramento Chrysler
Dodge Jeep Ram
3610 Fulton Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821S
Sales: (877) 470-9987
Service: (916) 229-8901
After several months of the position being vacant, Jack Porter is
stepping in as the new Activities Coordinator for 2016. The position, previously held by Floyd Black, was once held for almost
TEN years by Greg Kern who now holds the position of Newsletter Editor.
The Activities position is important to the club. During each
monthly General meeting, the Coordinator is responsible for the
raffle along with notifying club members of upcoming events. In
years past, the Coordinator has also organized Show-N-Shine
events for club members. Jack looks forward to making a few
changes to improve the club including an occasional CASH raffle at our meetings! Wouldn't it be nice to toss in a buck and head
home with $30 ? Jack requests that anyone with Mopar parts,
tools, books or any other surplus goods bring them in to add to
the raffle prizes. Leftover Christmas gifts are welcome as well!
Hoblit Chrysler Jeep Dodge
333 Main Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Sales: (844) 257-3092 Service: (844) 257-3092
CCM still seeking Legislative Director
Rust never sleeps, neither do politicians that are looking to use
old cars as a springboard to make a name for themselves. Some
may not know that CCM member Robin Cole was instrumental in
promoting "Pro-Classic Car" legislation in the past. (Along with a
few other CCM members) Her contribution to the club has been
noted elsewhere but it bears repeating. Robin has served us well
but it is time to pass the torch to another member. Being in our
club should be more than just attending our annual show. Our
club can only succeed when members step up and help carry the
load. We simply cannot look away or clam up when help is needed. The position of Legislative Director is important not only to
the club but the hobby as well. This position only requires a few
hours a month at the most. In months past, former CCM member
Pat Reddy has spoken on Legislative matters. Pat lives in Southern CA so he is currently unable to fill the position. Please contact Bob Berry or Randy Pike if you are willing to help the club
by filling this position.
Mopar Hall of Fame
When Dick Maxwell retired from Chrysler in 1991, he was
then head of Dodge’s Special Vehicle Program, but Maxwell
could easily be considered the single most important executive
in the history of Chrysler’s performance-oriented cars. Dick
Maxwell began working for Chrysler in 1959 as a student engineer, and became one of the founding members of the Ramchargers. Alongside Tom Hoover and others, he helped design
and bring the Max Wedge cars into production, along with the
early Hemi cars. By the late sixties, Dick was in charge of
Chrysler’s performance division and would later become
Chrysler’s vehicle performance racing manager. He pioneered
the link between Chrysler and the aftermarket parts industry,
and Maxwell was instrumental in getting the 440 Six Pack cars
introduced, and in getting the Charger Daytona into production.
Regarding the A12 Six Pack cars, Maxwell later said, “We
knew our time was running out with all the Federal regulations
closing in on us, and I can say this now but I couldn’t say it
then, we just wanted to build the last bad ass street car that we
could before we got shut down.” Regrettably, Dick Maxwell
passed away due to injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident
in 2002.
CCM Members can now receive
newsletters via email
In an effort to curb costs, the offer has been made to CCM
members to either continue receiving their newsletters by mail
or to have them sent via email. The print copy isn't going away,
we are just looking to cut some expenses where we can. Please
notify Greg Kern by phone or email if you have not already.
Those that do not reply will continue to get theirs in the mail.
New Law Enables Hobbyists to Purchase
Turn-Key Replica Cars Thanks to a new SAN-supported federal law, enthusiasts
who want to own a replica car will soon have the option of
purchasing a completed turn-key vehicle from the manufacturer. Hobbyists who want to install an engine in a kit car
or build their own specialty constructed vehicle are still
permitted to do so.
Thank you to all who participated in supporting this
bill. Details on the New Law Beginning in 2017, low volume manufacturers (up to 5,000
motor vehicles a year global production) will have the option of selling up to 325 completed replica vehicles in the
U.S. each year.
• A replica is a vehicle that resembles the body of another
motor vehicle produced at least 25 years ago (ex: ’32 Roadster, ’65 Cobra, etc
• Previously, companies were unable to sell turn-key cars
since the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) regulated these vehicles as if they were current
model year vehicles, not vintage cars.
• The new law treats these replicas the same as kit cars,
subject to certain equipment standards (lighting, tires,
windshields, brake hoses, etc.), recalls and remedies but not
vehicle standards (roof crush, side impact, etc.).
• Replica vehicles produced by the companies will have a
current model year engine package certified by the EPA or
California Air Resources Board and are exempt from emissions testing. (Enthusiasts building kits will still have the
option of installing engines of their choice.)
• For information on how your home state regulates kit cars
and replicas, please visit the SAN’s “Tag & Title Toolbox.” CCM NEWS
2015 Holiday party recap
This year's Christmas/Holiday party was a great time for
all that attended. As in past years, CCM VP Randy Pike
handled the details for the event. As usual, everything ran
smoothly and nobody had to call the Police or an ambulance.
CCM President Bob Berry highlighted the numerous
events held throughout the year including Two club
cruises, Our own car show, Carmichael Park Bar B Que,
The Veterans day Parade, CAM potluck and Christmas
Tree trimming, the Shriners Toy Run and the annual
Christmas/Holiday party and awards presentation.
Mike Moore was honored with Life Member status for
being a loyal member of the club for over 20 years.
Greg and Mary Kern entertained at least three people
with the annual slide show presentation that grows in size
every year. Now may be a good time to start looking for
additional photos to share for the 2016 presentation.
CCM considers Car show class reduction
In the interest of reducing costs and improving car show
conditions, the CCM Board is considering a reorganization of the amount of classes in the 2016 Mopar day in
the Park. The 2015 show had 36 classes, 14 of which had
3 cars or less in the class. As much as we love and appreciate the DeSoto and AMC cars, they just are not showing up in great numbers to warrant a class of their own.
The goal is to streamline the roster so that the classes are
full and competitive. What kind of accomplishment is it
when you win 1st place in a class where you are the only
car? Car Show Chairman Tom Pluth and President Bob
Berry are hard at work for the club sweating the details.
Further details on this matter will follow
Submissions welcome
Month after month, it can be difficult to come up with
articles to write. Submissions are not only welcome, they
are encouraged. Feedback is also welcome, as it is important for the newsletter to be informative, entertaining
and helpful to all CCM members. If there is something
new going on that you wish to share with the club, please
be sure to email the Editor so it can be featured in the
CAPITOL CITY MOPARS (CCM) provides a place to
share your enthusiasm and knowledge about Mopars, and
enjoy the company of other Mopar enthusiasts. CCM publishes a monthly newsletter that includes articles on upcoming events, technical information, pertinent Mopar related
information, and an advertising section with free ad space
for members. Various social activities are also planned
throughout the year, and posted on this site.
The Capitol City Mopars meet the first Tuesday of each
month at The California Automobile Museum located at
2200 Front Street Sacramento, CA 95818. Enter via the
door just left of the main entrance. Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. and visitors are always welcome. For further directions contact a club officer.
The Board of Directors meeting is open to all club members and is held on the third Tuesday of every month, beginning promptly at 7:00 p.m. Locations may vary from
year to year depending on the discretion of the sitting
board, so check the monthly newsletter, or contact a club
CCM membership is open to anyone interested in Chrysler
Corporation or American Motors vehicles who are eighteen
years or older and have a valid drivers license. Annual
membership dues are $36.00 for Regular Members and an
additional $6.00 per Co-Member**. One Co-Member is
allowed for each Regular Member. The Co-Member must
reside in the same household and be eighteen years or older. All members and co-members are required to participate
as workers in at least one function per year, and it is desired
that, in addition, work at the annual car show.
** Spouses are not required to become Co-Members since
each member is allowed one guest at every function, but
only a registered Co-Member is allowed voting privileges
and the option of holding an office. CCM NEWS
PO Box 340426 Sacramento CA 95834-0426
CAPITAL CITY MOPARS (CCM) provides a place to share your enthusiasm and knowledge about Mopars and enjoy
the company of other Mopar enthusiasts. CCM publishes a monthly newsletter that includes articles on upcoming events, technical information, pertinent Mopar-related information, and an advertising section with free ad space for Members. Various social
activities are also planned throughout the year. Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the California Auto
Museum (2200 Front St., Sacramento) and visitors are always welcome.
CCM membership is open to all Chrysler Corporation vehicle owners and enthusiasts who are eighteen years or older and
have a valid drivers’ license. Annual membership dues are $36.00 for Regular Members and an additional $6.00 per Co-Member.
One Co-Member is allowed for each Regular Member. The Co-Member must reside in same household and be eighteen years or
older. The CCM newsletter is mailed each month to Members and is available on our website. All Members are required to help
with the production of our various Club events, or the annual car show, or to be active on the Board of Directors or Staff.
Failure to meet these minimum requirements may result in termination of Membership.
Please complete the following information and bring your application to the next CCM meeting or mail it, along with a check or
money order for $36.00 ($42.00 if Regular and Co-Member) payable to Capital City Mopars, to the address above. F or more
information please call: Larry (408) 421-9312 or Bob (916) 925-0336
Please Print Clearly:
Regular Member Name_____________________________ T-shirt Size______ COMMITMENT (1) (2) (3)
Drivers’ License # ___________________State_____
(See below) Circle all applicable
Co-Member Name_________________________________ T-shirt Size______ COMMITMENT (1) (2) (3)
(See below) Circle all applicable
Home Phone_________________________
City, State, Zip Code__________________________________________
Work Phone_________________________
Tell us about the Mopar(s) you own: (use back of sheet for additional vehicles)
Year_____ Make ________________ Model________________ Special Features_______________________________
** REQUIRED COMMITMENT: I want to help –
(1) at the car show (2) plan/execute club activity/event (3) on the Board or Staff
I have read and understand the above membership requirements
___________________________________ __________
Member signature
_______________________________ ____________
Co-Member signature
RENEWALS. DUE 1 January and may be paid anytime from December until the GENERAL (ANNUAL) meeting in
DROPPED FROM THE CLUB ROLLS. Thereafter, any Member dropped in February, who renews within that same
Member $________
Effective Date:________ Co-Member $_________
Referred by:_______________________________________
Expire Date:_________
Processing Fee $_________
Total $_________
Looking for a special gift to give to your car guy or
gal? How about a “Gearhead” membership to the California Automobile Museum? Several membership options are available. Membership information and an
application form can be downloaded from the CAM
website at calautomuseum.org.
Capital City Mopars
P. O. Box 340426
Sacramento, CA 95834-0426
First Class
The Lunch Bunch
Several CCM members have been meeting for lunch at
various locations in town on the last Wednesday of the
month. They call themselves the “The Lunch Bunch”.
This an open invitation for anyone interested in attending. Time is usually 11AM. Larry Pierce is the organizer and you can call him at 353-0965 or mail at
kpierce569@aol.com to get on the call list. Larry will call
you a few days before to let you know what restaurant the
group will be going too.
Note: Free car club member complimentary passes
to the California Automobile Museum can be obtained
from President Bob Berry or Treasurer Sheila Black.
Passes can also be mailed with your newsletter when
CCM Members!
Got a business?
Provide a business card and it will be printed in
the pages of CCM News free!
next meeting
Donate Raffle Prizes
Got any items you won at a previous raffle or
bought that you do not need? Consider donating
them to the club as raffle prizes for the general
meeting or the annual car show.
DMV Help Line (916) 657-6560
Tuesday, Jan 5th
at 7:00 p.m.
California Automobile Museum
2220 Front Street, Sacramento CA

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