DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-27-055 - The University of North Carolina
DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-27-055 - The University of North Carolina
NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY OF HEALTH DIGITAL COLLECTION Program of the … Annual Session of the Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society Volume 55 (1942) DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-27-055 || || This item is part of the North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection. Some materials in the Collection are protected by U.S. copyright law. This item is presented by the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for research and educational purposes. It may not be republished or distributed without permission of the Health Sciences Library. The North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection is an open access publishing initiative of the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for the initiative was provided in part by a multi-year NC ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) digitization grant, awarded by the State Library of North Carolina, and funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). For more information about the collection, or to search other volumes, please visit: || || rogram FIFTY-FIFTH A N N U A L MEETING Old North State Medical, Dental and % " Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. 1887 -1942 Seventh Annual Post Graduate Course Division of Cooperation in Education and Race Relations JUNE 2, 3, 4, 1942 Guests of the Due to the National Emergency this is a combined session of the Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., and the Health Committee of the Division of Cooperation in Education and Race Relations. rogram FIFTY-FIFTH A N N U A L MEETING Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. 1887 -1942 Seventh Annual Post Graduate Course Division of Cooperation in Education and Race Relations « JUNE 2, 3, 4, 1942 e NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM, NORTH COLLEGE CAROLINA Page Twenty-three DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA City of Education and Industry Location—Durham is located in the north central portion of North Carolina, equidistant between Atlanta and New York. The area of the City is 12.8 square miles with a population of 60,195. Churches—Eighty-seven, representing 12 denominations. Value of property $2,681,832. Industry—Durham's 96 industries manufacture cigarettes, smoking tobacco, sheets and pillow cases, hosiery, flour, corrugated fibreboard containers, wooden boxes, proprietary medicines, furniture, roofing, fertilizer, mattresses, lumber products, meat packing products, foundry and machine shop products, livestock feed and seed cleaning, brick, machinery, harnesses and saddles. Tobacco is the chief industry, manufacturing well-known brands as Duke's Mixture, Bull Durham, 44 brands of cigarettes which include Chesterfield and Lucky Strike. Industry now employs 13,650 men and women with an annual payroll of $21,000,000. Durham is in the greatest tobacco growing area in the world. Hospitals—Four, with total of 944 beds. Lincoln Hospital (public, Colored), Watts Hospital (public, White), Duke University Hospital (mixed), McPherson Hospital (private—eye, ear, nose and throat). Durham is the chief medical center south of Baltimore. Education—North Carolina College, Duke University, Southern Conservatory of Music, Croft Secretarial School. Things to see while in Durham—Lincoln Hospital, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Bankers Fire Insurance Company, Mechanics and Farmers Bank, North Carolina College, Union Insurance & Realty Company, Stanford L. Warren Public Library, Biltmore Hotel, Garrett's Biltmore Drug Store, Bull City Drug Store, Mutual Building & Loan Association, Duke University. Durham entertains more visitors each year than any other city in North Carolina. Page Twenty-three OLD NORTH STATE MEDICAL, DENTAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, INC., is a member of the N A T I O N A L MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND NATIONAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Page Four PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE A whetstone is an instrument used by woodsmen to sharpen axes when they become dull and blunt. The State Medical Society may be likened unto a whetstone, designed to sharpen our wits when they become somewhat dull and sluggish. An axe is unlike the wit, in that it becomes dull from continued use, while our wits become dull from the lack of use. r We are living in a period when necessity is calling for the use of every scientific thing there is within us, including those that lie dormant as well as active. We can arouse these dormant percepts by affiliation, direct contact, and through the exchange of ideas and thoughts. The man who shuts himself up within himself, automatically stagnates and fails to render the type of service the world demands. We believe that those of us who are most serviceable to our respective communities, are the zealous workers who make sacrifices to keep abreast with the times. Every professional man who has his patient's interest at heart, strives to give him the best that can be had in a therapeutic way, and so he takes advantage of all that the medical world has to offer. Let us be fair and honest to our patients; we owe it to them. Allow me to solicit your hearty cooperation in trying to make this the greatest year in the history of our organization. Make yourself a committee of one to see that nothing stands between you and your State Meeting at Durham this year. We need you and you may need us. So, come one, come all. We shall be glad to meet you there. Come! Let's whet up. Your humble servant, J. H . PITTMAN, President. J Page Five THREE M O R N I N G S - C O M E ON T H E 2 N D S T A Y THROUGH T H E 4 T H Let's Fraternize Let's Conventimiize Let's Criticize, constructively Tennis if you wish— Fishing if you choose— Bridge if you must— Ginger Ale if you dare— GOOD PROGRAM—GOOD TIMES Page Six T H R E E IN AFTERNOONS D U R H A M FEASTING TENNISING SIGHT-SEEING PLCNICING Bring your sport togs, your other shoes and a complete set of alibis Page Seven THREE EVENINGS— Not far into the night— The exception, Thursday night NO ANNUAL BALL VISITING DANCING BRIDGING GINGER ALEING SMOKERN O R T H CAROLINA M U T U A L INSURANCE VICTORY LIFE COMPANY BRIDGE—FOR THE VISITING LADIES Bring your wife— and a double portion of friendliness Page Eight Tuesday, June 2, 1942 3:30 P.M. Registration at— NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE Administration Building 5:00 P.M. M E E T I N G OF T H E E X E C U T I V E BOARD 8:00 P.M. Administration Building Assembly Room Business Session INVOCATION M I N U T E S OF L A S T R E P O R T S OF MEETING COMMITTEES " HOSPITALIZATION " . .Edson E. Blackman, ' ' P O S T GRADUATE MEDICINE" M.D. Chairman of Commission on Hospitalization, Charlotte L. E. McCauley, M.D. Chairman of Commission on Post Graduate Medicine, R'aleigh Dr. C . C . Spaulding President, North Carolina Mutual Life Ins. Company, Durham ADDRESS INTRODUCTION OF P R E S I D E N T . . . J . N . PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL Mills, M.D. Durham ADDRESS J. H. Pittman, M.D. President, Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., Burlington REMARKS E L E C T I O N OF OFFICERS: 1. President 2. First Vice-President 3. Second Vice-President 4. Recording Secretary and Official Reporter 5. Secretary and Treasurer 6. Election of two new members to Executive Board. 10:00 P.M. R E C E P T I O N FOR M E M B E R S AND V I S I T O R S Residence: Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Donnell 506 Fayetteville Street Page Nine Wednesday, June 3, 1942 7:30 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. LINCOLN HOSPITAL CLINICS—Medical and Pediatric W. A. Cleland, M.D. Surgical J. W. V. Cordice, M.D. Tuberculosis L. G. Bruce, M.D. Wednesday, June 3, 1942 9:00 A.M. N O R T H CAROLINA COLLEGE B. N. Duke Auditorium JOINT PROGRAM Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., Dr. J. H. Pittman, President Health Committee Division of Cooperation and Race Relations Dr. George H. Evans, Chairman, Medical Section, Presiding INVOCATION Rev. J . A. Valentine Pastor, St. Joseph A.M.E. Church M I N U T E S OF L A S T REPORTS OF Paper, MEETING COMMITTEES '4 PREVENTION^AND T R E A T M E N T OF SHOCK" Ast Lt. Frank W. Claytor, Paper, ' 1 Paper, ' 4 TREATMENT^ st Lt. James M. Pair,^KLC, OF W A R I N J U R I E S TO T H E S K U L L AND F A C E ' 1st Lt. John^r-WSsEington, M.C. DISCUSSION F O L L O W I N G E A C H PAPER 1:30 P.M. Paper, " T R E A T M E N T OF V ? A R I N J U R I E S TO T H E CHEST". Paper, " T R E A T M E N T OF W O U N D S OF S O F T PARTS". Paper, . .1st Lt. James M. Mason, 3rd, M.C. . . .Major Norman W. Thiessen, M.C. " T R E A T M E N T OF FRACTURE" Major William C. Emerson, M.C. DISCUSSION F O L L O W I N G E A C H PAPER 5:00 P.M. Refreshments for Visiting Doctors ALGONQUIN CLUB HOUSE Fayetteville Street Page Twenty-three Wednesday—Continued 8:00 P.M. June 3, 1942 MOUNT VERNON BAPTIST PUBLIC H E A L T H CHURCH MEETING— .. Bryce, M.D., President, Durham Academy of Medicine, Presiding Music Mount Vernon Choir Rev. J. H. Thomas INVOCATION Pastor, Mount Vernon Baptist Church Behalf of the Citizens of Durham and Its Institutions Dr. J. E. Shepard WELCOME ADDRESS—On President, North Carolina College SOLO—Ave Maria Mascagni Miss Datie Mae Bridgeforth Paper, " W O M A N ' S P O W E R IN DEFENSE" Mrs. W. P. DeVane President, Ladies' Auxiliary Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. Paper, " T H E P H A R M A C I S T IN THIS N A T I O N A L Wm. R. Perry, Ph.C. CRISIS" Paper, " T H E Burlington M O U T H AND A T R I A OF H E A L T H OR D I S E A S E " W. L. T. Miller, D . D . S . Greensboro SOLO—Ah ! Moon of My Delight Mr. Isadore Boyd Oglesby Lehmann Walter J. Hughes, M.D. ADDRESS State Board of Health, Raleigh INTRODUCTION OF PRESIDENT—Dr. J. H. Pittman, Burlington J. B. Davis, M.D. , Fuquay Springs REMARKS Mount Vernon Choir MUSIC INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS— Clyde Donnell, M.D. Secretary-Treasurer, Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., Chairman, Health Committee, Division of Cooperation in Education and Race Relations. Durham ANNOUNCEMENTS BENEDICTION Page Eleven Thursday, June 4, 1942 7:30 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. LINCOLN HOSPITAL CLINICS—Medical and Pediatric W. A. Cleland, M.D. Surgical J. W. V. Cordice, M.D. Tuberculosis Leo G. Bruce, M.D. 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. N O R T H CAROLINA COLLEGE B. N. Duke Auditorium Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. Dr. J. H. Pittman, President V Health Committee, Division of Cooperation and Race Relations INVOCATION Rev. Miles Mark Fisher Pastor, White Rock Baptist Church M I N U T E S OF L A S T R E P O R T S OF MEETING COMMITTEES SYMPOSIUM ON P U B L I C HEALTH NURSING DR. MILTON J. ROSENAU Director of School of Public Health University of North Carolina, Presiding MISS RUTH W. HAY. R.N. Prof. Public Health Nursing University of North Carolina Chairman, Program Committee and Discussion Leader 9 A.M. to 9 :45 A.M.—'' Coordinated Services in Public Health Nursing" Miss Margaret Blee, R.N. Asst. Prof. Public Health Nursing University of North Carolina 9 :45 A.M. to 10 :30 A.M.—"The Negro Public Health Nurse in North Carolina Before and After 1935". . . .Miss Mary L. Mills, R.N. Public Health Nurse-Midwife North Hampton County Health Department 10:30 A.M. to 11:15 A.M.—" The Part the Public Health Nurse Plays in Promoting Good H e a l t h " . . . .Miss Minella Shoffner, R.N. Public Health Nurse City of Greensboro Health Department DISCUSSION Page Twenty-three Thursday—Continued 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Joint Session: Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Sections Dr. J. H. Pittman, President, Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., Presiding Paper, C A S E REPORT OF " B U L L E T OF C H E S T " W. C. WOUND Baucum, M.D. Concord L. DISCUSSANT T. Delany, M.D. Raleigh Paper, " H E A R T DISEAES," W . A . Coleman, M.D. Salisbury DISCUSSANT R. L. Smith, M.D. Winston-Salem REPORT FROM D E N T A L SECTION R E P O R T FROM P H A R M A C E U T I C A L R E P O R T OF COMMITTEES 1. Obituary 2. Special 3. Executive 4. Place of Meeting PICNIC SECTION Page Twenty-three DENTAL SECTION Officers C. A. Dunston, D.D.S., Honorary Chairman (Deceased) Raleigh W. L. T. Miller, D.D.S., Chairman.. Greensboro J. B. Ewers, D.D.S., ITice-Chairman Winston-Salem M. L. Watts, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Raleigh W. E. Merritt, D.D.S., Recording Secretary Clinton A. S. Hunter, D.D.S., Chairman Program Committee Durham PROGRAM Wednesday, June 3, 1942 Administration Building Assembly Room This Emergency Meeting will seek to formulate plans for a better organized and functioning activity. "THE BENEFITS OF ORGANIZED Dr. Henry C. Can- DENTISTRY" Member N. C. Dental Society. Durham J. M. Hubbard, D.D.S. RESPONSE TABLE CLINIC, " A M E T H O D OF FOR F R A C T U R E S OF T H E TREATMENT MANDIBLE" Dr. T. W. Atwood Member N. C. Dental Society Special Surgery Duke Medical School. Durham RESPONSE J. B. Ewers, D.D.S. 2:30 P.M. Ewell Neil's Lecture Showing the Basic Technic for the Construction of Upper and Lower Dentures W. L. T. Miller, D.D.S. VOICE FILM—Dr. Greensboro (This film starts at 2:30 and to derive the benefit, it must be seen from the beginning and throughout). B U S I N E S S AND A N N O U N C E M E N T S Page Fourteen Dental Section—Continued Thursday, June 4, 1942 9:30 A.M REGISTRATION ANNOUNCEMENTS "THE FOR T H E PROCUREMENT AND DAY ASSIGNMENT SERVICE AND R E H A B I L I T A T I O N OF R E J E C T E D D R A F T E E S " . . .Dr. H. 0. Lineberger Member N. C. Dental Society, Chairman N. C. Military Affairs Committee, Procurement and Assignment, Raleigh H. L. Fleming, D.D.S. RESPONSE HOUSING COMMITTEE Leo G. Bruce, M.D. E. P. Norris, D.D.S. J. S. Thompson, M.D. S. T. James, Phar.D. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE J. M. Hubbard, D.D.S., Chairman W. A. Cleland, M.D. J. W. V. Cordice, M.D. I. E. Turner, M.D. E. E. Toney, M.D. PLACE OF MEETING COMMITTEE J. N. Mills, M.D., Chairman York D. Garrett, Phar.D. E. A. Bryce, M.D. N. H. Cordice, D.D.S. A. S. Hunter, D.D.S. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE J. B. Davis, M.D., Chairman R. P. Randolph, M.D. M. C. King, M.D. S. M. Beckford, M.D. V. W. Love, D.D.S. Page Seventeen PHARMACEUTICAL SECTION Officers J. E. Shepard, Ph.G., A.M., D.D., Litt.D., Durham President Emeritus R. E. Wimberley, P h . C . , Chairman Raleigh W. R. Perry, P h . C . . Secretary Burlington York D. Garrett, Phar.D., Treasurer.. .Durham B. J. Burnett. P h . C . . Special Advisor Rocky Mount LOCAL COMMITTEE S. T. James, Phar.D., Durham Y. D. Garrett. Phar.D., Durham PROGRAM Wednesday, June 3, 1942 11:00 A.M. Administration Building INVOCATION C O L L E C T I O N OF D U E S R E P O R T OF COMMITTEES R E P O R T OF S E C R E T A R Y AND T R E A S U R E R Paper, T H E " S U L F A " D R U G S — The Proper Handling of Them— How Dispensed R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C. Raleigh DISCUSSANT R. Ilairston, P h . G . S. Winston-Salem Paper. " T H E D R U G STORE AN S P O T IN E V E R Y IMPORTANT COMMUNITY" Edgar L. Caldwell, Ph.C. Greensboro DISCUSSANT Lemuel T. Yancy, P h . C . Charlotte Page Seventeen Pharmaceutical Section—Continued Thursday, June 4, 1942 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. N O R T H CAROLINA COLLEGE B. N. Duke Auditorium SYMPOSIUM ON P U B L I C HEALTH NURSING 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. INVOCATION F I N A L R E P O R T OF A L L COLLECTION OF COMMITTEES DUES PAPER AND QUESTION BOX V. C. Hamlin, Jr., Ph.C. Raleigh Paper, 11 C O M M U N I T Y LEADERSHIP, DEVELOPMENT" T. R. BUSINESS Gatling, P h . G . Reidsville H. H. Lemon, Ph.C. High Point John W. Isler, Ph.G. Charlotte OPEN FORUM " T h e Future of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Education in North Carolina as Related to Our G r o u p " E L E C T I O N OF O F F I C E R S CLOSING BUSINESS Let every Druggist in the State spend a few hours at the convention this year. The contact will help you. " Join Hands with Progress And March on to Victory" Page Seventeen ENTERTAINMENTS Tuesday, June 2, 1942 10:00 P.M. RECEPTION Residence of Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Donnell 506 Fayetteville Street Wednesday, June 3, 1942 3:00 P.M. PROGRESSIVE L U N C H E O N FOR V I S I T I N G LADIES 5:00 P.M. R E F R E S H M E N T S FOR V I S I T I N G DOCTORS ALGONQUIN CLUB HOUSE 10:00 P.M. VICTORY BRIDGE (For Visiting Ladies) 10:00 P.M. SMOKER North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Thursday, June 4, 1942 4:30 P.M. PICNIC NORTH No CAROLINA ANNUAL COLLEGE BALL Page Eighteen DURHAM ACADEMY OF MEDICINE OFFICERS R. A. Bryce, M.D W. A. Cleland, M.D Clyde Donnell, M.D President Secretary Treasurer MEMBERS S. M. Beckford, M.D. A. S. Hunter, D.D.S. Leo G. Bruce, M.D. S. T. Jpmes, Ph.C. R. A. Bryce, M.D. M. C. King, M.D. J. W. V. Cordice, M.D. V. W. Love, D.D.S. N. H. Cordice, D.D.S. J. N. Mills, M.D. W. A. Cleland, M.D. E. P. Norris, D.D.S. J. Bustee Davis, M.D. J. W. Pearson, Ph.C. Clyde Donnell, M.D. R. P. Randolph, M.D. York D. Garrett, Phar.D. E. E. Toney, M.D. J. M. Hubbard, D.D.S. J. S. Thompson, M.D. I. E. Turner, M.D. LADIES' AUXILIARY DURHAM ACADEMY OF MEDICINE Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. S. M. Beckford Mrs. M. C. King Leo G. Bruce Mrs. V. W. Love R. A. Bryce Mrs. J. N. Mills J. W. Y. Cordice Mrs. E. P. Norris N. H. Cordice Mrs. J. W. Pearson W. A. Cleland Mrs. R. P. Randolph J. B. Davis Mrs. C. H. Shepard Clyde Donnell Mrs. W. C. Strudwick Y. D. Garrett Mrs. J. S. Thompson A. S. Hunter Mrs. I. E. Turner J. M. Hubbard Mrs. E. E. Toney Mrs. S. L. Warren LADIES' AUXILIARY OLD NORTH STATE MEDICAL, DENTAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, INC. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. W. P. DeVane W. B. Pettiford W. H. Bruce A. M. Lee B. P. Bynum Leopold Marks Frank Avant H. H. Creft J. H. Isler President Treasurer Recording Secretary First Vice-President Second Vice-President Corresponding Secretary Publicity Agent Editor Historian Page S e v e n t e e n LADIES' AUXILIARY SECTION N O R T H C A R O L I N A COLLEGE Wednesday, June 3, 1942 10:00 A.M. Administration Building E X E C U T I V E BOARD M E E T I N G BUSINESS MEETING Mrs. W. P. DeVane, President, Presiding MEDITATION Mrs. Leopold T. Marks Corresponding Secretary, Ladies' Auxiliary Section. Old North State Medical. Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc., Sanitorium M I N U T E S OF L A S T MEETING MUSIC Mrs. J. N. Mills W E L C O M E ADDRESS Durham Dr. J. H. Pittman ADDRESS President, Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. R E A D I N G AND A D O P T I O N OF M I N U T E S OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD R E P O R T OF C O M M I T T E E S APPOINTING N E W GENERAL COMMITTEES DISCUSSION A N N U A L ADDRESS Mrs. W. P. DeVane President, Ladies' Auxiliary Section, Old North State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Inc. Thursday, June 4, 1942 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. B. N. Duke Auditorium S Y M P O S I U M ON P U B L I C H E A L T H N U R S I N G 2:00 P.M. Mrs. W. P. DeVane, President, Presiding Mrs. Clyde Donnell, Registrar MEDITATION Durham Music P R E S E N T A T I O N OF M R S . L U C I L L E S H E P A R D , Phila- delphia, Pa. R E P O R T OF COMMITTEES I N S T A L L A T I O N OF OFFICERS Mrs. W. H. Bruce, Recording Secretary Winston-Salem ADJOURNMENT Page Twenty-three OLD NORTH STATE MEDICAL, DENTAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, INC. OFFICERS J. H. Pittman, M.D., President Burlington R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C., President-Elect Raleigh J. B. McLaughlin, M.D., First Vice-President Greensboro W. M. Sessoms, D.D.S., Second Vice-President Rocky Mount J. B. Davis, M.D., Recording Secretary and Official Reporter Fuquay Springs Clyde Donnell, M.D., Secretary-Treasurer Durham OFFICERS DENTAL SECTION W. L. T. Miller, D.D.S., Chairman Greensboro J. B. Ewers, D.D.S., Vice-Cliairman Winston-Salem M. L. Watts, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Raleigh W. E. Merritt, D.D.S., Recording Secretary Clinton A. S. Hunter, D.D.S., Chairman Program Committee Durham OFFICERS PHARMACEUTICAL SECTION J. E. Shepard, Ph.G., A.M., D.D., Litt.D., President Emeritus Durham R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C., Chairman and Assistant State Representative Raleigh W. R. Perry, Ph.C., Secretary Burlington York D. Garrett, Phar.D., Treasurer and State Representative Durham B. J. Burnett, Ph.C., Special Advisor Rocky Mount EXECUTIVE BOARD R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C., Chairman W. A. Coleman, M.D. (1942) John H. Isler, Ph.C. (1942) Geo. C. Simkins, D.D.S. (1942) M. N. Leary, D.D.S. (1943) York D. Garrett, Phar.D. (1943) R. M. Wyche, M.D. (1943) G. W. Cardwell, M.D. (1944) W. E. Merritt, Jr., D.D.S. (1944) PHARMACEUTICAL Raleigh Salisbury Charlotte Greensboro Wilmington Durham Charlotte Elizabeth City Clinton SECTION R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C., Chairman, Raleigh DENTAL W. L. T. Miller, D.D.S., MEDICAL SECTION Chairman, Greensboro SECTION George H. Evans, M.D., Chairman, Greensboro Page Twenty-three DIVISION OF COOPERATION IN EDUCATION RACE AND RELATIONS COMMITTEE ulyde Donnell, M.D. Chairman Durham Milton Jos. Rosenau, M.D. School of Public Health Chapel Hill David T. Smith, M.D. Secretary Duke University Durham L. E. McCauley, M.D. Raleigh Dr. N. C. Newbold Raleigh Wm. M. Rich Supt. Lincoln Hospital Durham J. M. Fleming, D.D.S. Raleigh E. A. Branch, D.D.S. Raleigh MEMBERS OF THE OLD NORTH STATE MEDICAL, DENTAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL W. E. Armstrong, Phar.D.. Rocky Mount M. G. Alston. Phar.D., Sanford A. R. Artice, Ph.C., Elizabeth City B. J. Burnett. Ph.G., Rocky Mount Edgar L. Caldwell. Ph.C., Greensboro D. B. Cook. Ph.C., Weldon J. D. Douglass, Ph.G.. Henderson H. O. Eccles. Ph.G., Greensboro Willa V. Easlev, Ph.C.. Whiteville York D. Garrett. Phar.D., Durham A. M. Greenwood. Ph.C., High Point T. R. Gattling, Ph.C., Reidsville Rufus Hairston, Ph.G., Winston-Salem Leonard Hill, Ph.C., New Bern J. Thomas Hamlin. Ph.C., Raleigh DENTAL B. J. Abernathy, D.D.S.. Statesville C. M. Alston. D.D.S., Monroe Paul C. Banks. D.D.S., Reidsville B. W. Barnes, D.D.S., Greensboro SOCIETY, INC. SECTION V. C. Hamlin, Phar.D., Raleigh J. H. Isler, Ph.G., Charlotte Osceola Jackson. Ph.C., Goldsboro S. T. James, Phar.D., Durham H. E. Jones. Ph.C. Asheville H. H. Lemon. Ph.C.. High Point O. U. Mason. Ph.G., Winston-Salem J. W. Pearson. Ph.G., Durham W. R. Perry. Ph.O.. Burlington J. Richardson. Phar.D., Salisbury I. A. Shade. Phar.D.. Wilson H. R\ Taylor, Ph.C., Tarboro Sara Vick. Ph.G.. Wilson J. Williston, Phar.D.. Fayetteville R. E. Wimberley, Ph.C.. Raleigh W. M. Wynn, Ph.C., Greensboro Lemuel A. Yancey, Ph.C., Charlotte D. C. Yancey. Ph.G.. Wilson SECTION J. W. Black. D.D.S., Rocky Mount J. H. Barnhill, D.D.S., State Board of Health Raleigh G. K. Butterfield, D.D.S.. Wilson Page Twenty-three R. M. Bell, D.D.S., Sanford P. M. Brandon, D.D.S.. State Board of Health Raleigh D. W. Clayborne, D.D.S., Winston-Salem H. W . Chandler, D.D.S., Wilmington F. C. Cook. D.D.S., Elizabeth City N. H. Cordice. D.D.S., Durham C. W. Cooper, D.D.S., Winston-Salem A. L. Cromwell, D.D.S., Winston-Salem I. A. Daves. D.D.S.. State Board of Health Raleigh J. D. Douglass, D.D.S., Fayetteville H. N. Dowdy, D.D.S., Washington Theo. Evans, D.D.S., Salisbury F. A. Evans. D.D.S., Asheville J. B. Ewers. D.D.S.. Winston-Salem Harper Fleming, D.D.S., Raleigh R. L. Foy, D.D.S., Kinston C. R. Graves, D.D.S., Greenville H. V. Hicks, D.D.S., Oxford L. C. Holliday, D.D.S., State Board of Health Raleigh D. A. Hawkins, D.D.S., Henderson J. D. Hawkins, D.D.S.. Henderson W. L. Home. D.D.S., Weldon O. L. Hines, D.D.S., Edenton J. M. Hubbard. D.D.S., Durham A. S. Hunter, D.D.S., Durham Robert M. Hendrick. D.D.S., Asheville W . M. Jenkins. D.D.S.. Greensboro C. B. Jones. D.D.S.. Elizabeth City L. C. Jones, D.D.S., Salisbury Geo. Kirkland, D.D.S., Chapel Hill M. N. Leary, D.D.S., Wilmington C. O. Lee. D.D.S., V. W . Love. D.D.S., Durham J. Frank Martin. D.D.S.. Charlotte W . L. T. Miller. D.D.S.. Greensboro J. D. Martin, Jr., D.D.S., Charlotte W. O. McGill, D.D.S.. Asheville J. Clyde McEnight, D.D.S., Winston-Salem J. A. Moore. D.D.S.. Laurinburg J. C. Morgan, D.D.S., High Point W. E. Merritt. D.D.S., Clinton W. F. Meroney, D.D.S., Winston-Salem E. P. Norris, D.D.S., Durham W . H. Phillips, D.D.S., Wilson J. E. Pittman, D.D.S., Rocky Mount Caswell Reives, D.D.S., Winston-Salem A. L. Robinson, D.D.S., Hamlet S. R. Rosemond, D.D.S., Wilmington W . H. Russell. D.D.S., Charlotte W . S. Scott, D.D.S., Burlington W . M. Sessoms. D.D.S., Rocky Mount G. C. Simkins, D.D.S., Greensboro C. C. Smith, D.D.S., Lumberton C. F. Smith, D.D.S., Asheville L. I. Strickland, D.D.S., Reidsville E. W . Swepson, D.D.S., State Board of Health Raleigh Thomas Watkins, D.D.S., Charlotte M. L. Watts, D.D.S., Raleigh J. J. Wilson, D.D.S., High Point A. J. Williams, D.D.S.. Charlotte W . A. Williams. D.D.S., Charlotte J. B. Wright, D.D.S., Goldsboro Eva Zeigler, D.D.S., Winston-Salem MEDICAL Girardeau Alexander, M.D., Greensboro J. L. Alexander, M.D., Greensboro J. E. Alexander, M.D., Charlotte H. T. Allen, M.D.. Winston-Salem L. W. Anderson. M.D., Oxford L. P. Armstrong, M.D., Rocky Mount F. H. Avant, M.D., Rocky Mount High Point SECTION F. W. Avant, M.D., Wilmington D. P. Allen, M.D., Lumberton William Atkinson, M.D., Wilson Boisey Barnes, M.D., Wilson W. C. Baucum, M.D., Concord J. E. Baxter, M.D., Henderson S. M. Beckford, M.D., Henderson G. W . Bullock, M.D., Rocky Mount Page Leo G. Bruce, M.D., Durham Edson E. Blackmail, M.D., Charlotte W. H. Bruce. M.D.. Winston-Salem R. A. Bryce, M.D., Roxboro W. H. Bryant, M.D., Goldsboro M. T. Brodie. M.D.. Charlotte P. W. Burnett. M.D., Rocky Mount Foster Burnett, M.D.. Wilmington J. A. Battle. M.D.. Greenville J. E. Caine. M.D., Tarboro G. W. Games, M.D., Whiteville W. B. Capehart, M.D.. Greenville G. W. Cardwell. M.D.. Elizabeth City W. P. Carter. M.D., Gastonia A. H. Clark. M.D.. Reidsville W. A. Cleland, M.D., Durham C. B. Codrington. M.D., Dunn W. A. Coleman. M.D.. Salisbury F. C. Garden, M.D., Statesville W . F. Clark. M.D., Raleigh J. F. Cowan. M.D., Wilson J. W. V. Cordice. M.D.. Durham A. H. Coleman. M.D., Winston-Salem H. H. Culner, M.D., Monroe H. H. Creft, M.D., Monroe H. H. Creft. Jr., M.D. High Point T. E. Craig. M.D.. Charlotte L. A. Curry, M.D., Thomasville Lemuel T. Delany, M.D.. Raleigh M. E. Dubissette, M.D., Clayton H. A. Day, M.D., Salisbury W. P. DeVane. M.D., Fayetteville C. Dillard. Jr.. M.D., Goldsboro Clyde Donnell, M.D., Durham A. G. Dula, M.D., Lenoir M. B. Davis. M.D., High Point J. B. Davis, M.D., Fuquay Springs F. E. Davis, M.D., Greensboro C. A. Eaton, M.D., Winston-Salem H. J. Erwin, M.D., Gastonia G. H. Evans, M.D., Greensboro W. J. Ezell, M.D., Salisbury Edward L. Earley, Jr.. M.D., Williamston H. W . Fisher. M.D., New Bern O. M. Fisher. M.D.. Reidsville J. A. Fountain, M.D., Fairmont C. W. Furlonge, M.D., Clayton L. N. Galligo, M.D., Asheville C. H. J. Gaylord, M.D.. High Point L. A. Gibson, M.D., Kannapolis Twenty-three Samuel Gray, M.D.. Williamston R. H. Green. M.D., Charlotte W . M. Hampton, M.D.. Greensboro R. C. Hairston, M.D., Asheville Leroy Hall, M.D.. Winston-Salem J. R. Hawkins. M.D., Greensboro J. P. Harrison, M.D., Kinston T. W. Haywood, M.D., Warrento-n J. R. Henry, M.D., Winston-Salem R. S. Holliday, M.D., Statesville W . W. Hoffler, M.D., Elizabeth City E. L. Hoffler, M.D., Elizabeth City J. W. Holt. M.D.. Asheville 0 . L. Holley, M.D., Edenton S. F. Hogans, M.D., Charlotte Walter J. Hughes, M.D., State Board of Health Raleigh R. C. Jacocks, M.D., Belhaven N. E. Jackson, M.D., .Laurinburg R. J. Jenkins. M.D., Reidsville J. C. Jordan, Jr..Winston-Salem M.D.. 1. L. Johns. M.D., Winston-Salem M. C. King, M.D., Franklinton J. L. Kingsland, M.D.. Laurinburg Robert Lesueur. M.D.. Burlington P. H. Lee. M.D., Concord M. D. Lloyd, M.D., Washington P. C. Lloyd. M.D., Kinston A. D. Lord. M.D., Statesville H. D. Malloy. M.D., Winston-Salem Wm. Mann, M.D., New Bern J. H. Martin, M.D., High Point J. S. Massey, M.D., Monroe C. S. Massey, M.D., Wadesboro L. E. McCauley, M.D., Raleigh O. B. Michael, M.D., Asheville W. C. Melchor, M.D., Fayetteville L. Otis Miller. M.D.. Asheville J. B. McLaughlin. M.D., Greensboro Wm. R. Martin. M.D.. New Bern J. N. Mills. M.D., Durham L. S. Mitchell. M.D., Plymouth S. H. Mumford. M.D.. New Bern M. N. Muldrow. M.D., Whiteville Leopold Marks, M.D., Sanatorium H. A. Parris, M.D., Rich Square Page T w e n t y - t h r e e J. L. Page, M.D., N. Wilkesboro LeRoy Perry, M.D., Maxton J. A. Pethel, M.D., Charlotte N. L. Perry, M.D., Raleigh Wm. B. Pettiford, M.D., Raleigh J. H. Pittman, M.D., Burlington J. O. Plummer, M.D., Raleigh F. D. Quick, M.D., Rockingham J. D. Quick, M.D., Winston-Salem M. D. Quigless, M.D., Tarboro A. Hamilton Ray. M.D., Winston-Salem Wm. H. Ross. M.D., Southern Pines D. C. Roane. M.D., Wilmington Monte Rivera, M.D., Mt. Olive P. F. Roberts, M.D., Raleigh J. H. Robinson, M.D., Hamlet R. P. Randolph, M.D., Durham D. J. Sammons, M.D., Clinton G. W. Sherrill, M.D., Lexington E. B. Thompson, M.D., Asheville J. S. Thompson, M.D., Durham J. A. Tinsley, M.D., Weldon E. E. Toney, M.D., Oxford I. E. Turner, M.D., Durham E. F. Tyson, M.D., Charlotte L. W. Upperman, M.D., Wilmington R. S. Vass, M.D., Raleigh R. S. Wynn, M.D., Charlotte C. T. Whitten, M.D., High Point H. N. White, M.D., Asheville Joseph Walker, M.D., Winston-Salem E. S. Wright, M.D., Winston-Salem Gordon M. Wilkins, M.D., Kinston R. M. Wyche, M.D., Charlotte R. O. Weathers. M.D., Goldsboro C. C. Stewart, M.D., Greensboro J. Williams. M.D., Williamston N. H. Styron, M.D., Elizabeth City R. L. Smith. M.D., Winston-Salem Joseph D. Weaver, M.D., Hertford J. P. Wade, M. D., Greensboro W . E. Young, M.D., Louisburg Breakfast 7:30 A. M . to 8:30 A. M. Lunch 12:30 P. M . to 1:30 P. M . Dinner 5 P. M .