The Brouse House Gazette


The Brouse House Gazette
The newsletter you’ve been waiting for… seriously (or not).
The Brouse House Gazette
Quotes of the year:
A Whole New World… or State. Whatever.
 I’m cold. Seriously.
 Are there any rivers that
we can swim in here?
 New Mexico is a little
different than Texas
 It snows a bit more in
the East Mountains
Our first fall in the
East Mountains of
New Mexico ~
Life can take funny turns,
can’t it? Last March ours
took an unexpected turn
left. Or west. Whatever.
As we searched for a job,
we saw some amazing opportunities in the least expected place: New Mexico.
After six months here, we
can say that we have faced
challenges of many kinds,
but also see many blessings
and encouragement for our
entire family. Camp Rising
Sun is a quality camp for
anytime! As usual, we love
kiddos with autism and we visitors. After shooting a
have been happily amazed. rattlesnake in the front yard
Mindy wishes she could say the second week and seeing
the same thing about the
a bear the third, Mindy was
fall/winter/Arctic weather. about to enroll in snipe
When you get this, say a
shooting classes. We all
little thawing prayer for
talked her down. We’ve
her. We have also been
had a lot of firsts here, but
pleased to see some really
see the consistent theme of
beautiful spots here and
grace and love woven in
even more beautiful peoour life here just as much
ple. We’d love to show
as we did in Texas. Who
you what we’ve discovered knew? ;-) Merry Christmas!
 Sure, you’ll have plenty
of room in the moving
truck for that.
 I’ve worked in this national park 20 years and
have never seen a bear.
 A bear!
Parenting Tip #2: Enforce the
rule of clothes in the hamper
ONLY if they are truly dirty/
smelly (wrinkly doesn’t count) .
If you have a teen son, you may
have to define the word smelly.
Number of interest:
Parenting Tip #1: Teach your children to put their shoes away in pairs. If only we...
She’s a Junior! {Hannah Beth}
Varieties of rattlesnake
Wit, charm, intelligence, and a fab
sense of humor, this girl sets the
bar high for the Brouse Kids. She
adores mountains, rivers, Starbucks, & all things BBC. This year,
2 groups she’s always wanted to be
in: drama & performance choir.
We are so proud of her character
and maturity. She rose to the challenge of the move, becoming the
world’s best pen & email pal. Next
on her list? A driver’s license &
camp leadership. She’ll do great!
Varieties Mindy shot
Minutes it took to load
the gun (.22)
Green chiles devoured
Parenting Tip #3: Ask for a roll call
before church asking if everyone
has shoes and underwear on. Don’t
ask us why we are telling you this.
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. And the government will rest on His shoulders;
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be
Copies of Mindy’s eBook 26
(Make the Most of Your
C-Section) sold
Inches of snow so far
Not Just Your Typical Stinky 14
Year old {Noah}
Did you know that deodorant is
optional, as are showers? Ask our
eldest son & he’ll logically explain
why. He can rattle off the history
of superheroes, focusing on The
Avengers. He can also sing almost
every word of “Les Mis”, so he’s
well rounded. He thinks bacon is a
gift from God. He prefers to wrestle with Paul Louis on our bed and
count it as PE. And math. And
history. And science. He has set
the school computer to auto correct the word awesome to say
Noah. That about sums him up.
Awesome. Seriously
Gentlest Girl on Earth or at
least in this house {Chloe}
Need a hug, smile, or uplift?
Chloe is your go to girl. She
is the gift of gentleness and
thoughtfulness to our family.
Going on 12, she can be found
drawing, playing with PL,
reading a Horrible History,
sewing a surprise, pretending
to be a wolf, making hot cocoa, or checking her dragons
on Dragon Cave. She’s a
great snuggler and a conversationalist, especially if it’s
about why “The Hobbit”
movie is so spectacular. She
is a treasure to us every day.
Spitfire of Love {Phoebe}
Words of wisdom from us to you:
We couldn’t be more proud of
Phoebe Faith. Since birth, she
has smiled her way through any
situation, embraced every person
she met, and reminded us what
joy and love looks like extended
to others. Going on 10, she loves
sewing, making up games for her
siblings, hosting tea parties, and
visiting friends.
She spends
money as soon as it comes in
(usually gifts for others), shares
stories while saying, “And then”,
.and giggles a lot. Her energy
and passion about life are her
trademarks. Truly precious.
If you let an almost 16yo girl watch Sherlock, she may never speak
of, pin, or think of another thing. For real. Unless you also let her
watch Dr. Who.
Rough & Tumble Delight {Esther}
Come see us! We’ve charmed
the snakes and bears, so you’ll
be safe! We <3 company!
It takes a few times in the sub freezing temps for kids to realize
their hands are numb because they wouldn’t wear gloves, not simply
because it’s snowing. They are smarter than they act.
When someone repeatedly says, “Oh!! Do you see the snow? Oh,
my!! (insert stunned stare here)” Hug them & give them chai latte.
The number of times someone asks for a dog does not guarantee that
it will show up. Sneaking puppy photos on mom’s computer won’t
do it either. Some parents are mean as nails.
Last tip: Hug your kids (of all
ages) & tell them you love them
every single day!
Ever seen Miss Congeniality?
That’s our Esther: smart, beautiful and seriously lacking couth.
We just know she will grow into
her outward beauty some day and
won’t have smudges all over her.
She loves her family with a fierceness that is often convicting and
always a blessing. She is also very
fond of full body tackle hugs,
tortellini, tortillas, anything with
sugar in it, and Texas. At 7, she
is blowing away 2nd grade, learning to cook & sew, still avoiding
socks, and didn’t brush her hair
until we got it cut. Ahem.
Family Charmer {Paul Louis}
You can get away with a lot
when you are 4. For example:
wearing the same Cars 2 shirt
every day, changing said shirt
into an arc reactor with duct
tape, hiding the shirt under
church shirts and pajamas, and
declaring the shirt permanently
clean. He is also enamored with
all things astronomy, the Avengers, Minecraft & Fancy Pants ,
kissing Mindy constantly (she is
very much NOT opposed to this),
granola or oatmeal bake for every
meal, and his family. Cutie boy!
Hours from Kerrville: 11
Beds available: 7 (ours)
Air beds available: 2
Sofas available: 2
People waiting for you: 8