Stude U -
Stude U -
1 Stude U Wasatch Mountain Chapter, SDC Volume XXIII Number 3 March 2016 President’s Letter Upcoming Events March is upon us and it looks like we might be approaching Spring. I’ve had both Studes out for their first drives of the year and everything went according to schedule. Although I expect we’ll have some more snow and icy rain before Spring really arrives, our plants are starting to poke their noses through the ground and our willow tree wants really hard to start budding out. We had a wonderful turnout for our Valentine’s Party and I want to thank, again, Babette Julius, Linda Nation, and Marjeen Nation for their great efforts in planning a good party. Although the day was murky and we hadn’t seen the sun in weeks, the mood inside La Sage Restaurant was bright and cheerful. In all, we had 26 members attending. March’s Club Event is the Old Folks Sociable and Car Show in Grantsville, UT. This is on March 19. Hopefully, the weather will be as great as it was last year and lots of Studes will be in attendance. I would also like to remind you that the Pacific Southwest Zone Meet in Reno, NV, is scheduled for May 19-21. There is a registration form in this newsletter, so if you are planning to attend, please get your registration in as soon as possible. See you at the breakfast meeting and don’t forget to drive your Studebakers as the drawing for driving your car will start in March. Dave March 5, 2016: Membership Breakfast Meeting @ Golden Corral, 655 East Fort Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. 9: 30 a.m. March 19, 2016: Old Folks Sociable and Car Show, Grantsville, UT. No host event April 2, 2016: Membership Breakfast Meeting @ Golden Corral, 655 East Fort Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. 9: 30 a.m., followed by a Club trip to view a ¼ scale railroad display owned by Neil Blosch. April 16, 2016: Pizza Pie Place/Legend Emporium, Provo/Springville, UT. Lunch at Pizza Pie Place in Provo, UT, at 12:30 p.m. followed by trip to Legend Emporium in Springville, UT. Hosts: Harvey and Gloria Simons, 801-375-6737 May 19-21, 2016: Pacific Southwest Zone Meet, Reno, NV. Watch newsletter and website for information and registration information. "In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours." December 5, 2016 — Mark Twain 2 February 6, 2016 Breakfast Meeting – Golden Corral Saturday morning, February 6, was sunny and cold, but that didn’t stop 43 members and guests from enjoying a laughter-filled breakfast with each other. None, however, wanted to expose those precious Studes to the weather. Those attending were Fred and Erika Ball; Joe Bordelon; Jan and Judy Brunvand and granddaughter, Rosalie; Raymond and Diana Compton; David and Alice Fisher; Wayne and Barbara Fullmer; Candido and Frances Gallegos; Darius and Leslee Gray; Ken Green; Eddy and Babette Julius and grandson, Taelib; John, Dianne, and Ian Levanger; Bruce Linger and guest, Doris Gabbitas; Cecil and Marlaine Metcalf and daughter, Melissa, and grandchildren Maybel and Degan; David and Martha Mark and son, David Mark; Gale and Linda Nation; Marjeen Nation; Terry and Janell Overturf; Henry Scott; Harvey and Gloria Simons; Barbara Varner; and Elisabeth Walker. Dave welcomed everyone to the meeting. He reminded those who hadn’t already done so to pay their dues and sign up for the Valentine’s Party. Sheets were passed out for members to sign up for the Valentine’s Party. A menu and menu selection from La Sage were available for members to make early menu selections. Linda Nation gave us all an opportunity to stock our freezers and, at the same time, give the Girl Scouts a boost by purchasing their Girl Scout cookies. Eddy Julius won the 50/50. Dave reminded everyone that the drawing for driving our Studebakers to the breakfast meeting would resume with the March meeting. Dave closed the meeting with a hope that he would see many of us at the Valentine’s Party and for all of us to have a good February. 2015 Year End Fiscal Report Amended Beginning Balance Deposits: Error Check 463 Membership dues Advertising Shirts 50/50 $6011.03 Total Deposits: Sub-Total 6.00 435.00 165.00 21.00 344.00 971.00 6982.03 Debits: Web Master Utah Food Bank Barbara Fullmer – picnic Henry Scott – Fish Pavilion Fred Ball – posters Editor/Secretary Supplies Editor Christmas Dinner Bereavement Total Debits: Ending Balance 75.00 100.00 96.50 50.00 20.00 395.66 30.00 327.42 1094.58 5887.45 In This Issue……… President’s Message ..............1 Upcoming Events ..................1 February Meeting Minutes .........2 Amended Yr. End Report............2 Announcements ....................3 Valentine’s Party/Pix…. ........3-5 Tech Tip/Remember When............6 Amended Event Calendar ...........7 Zone Meet Registration ...........8 Events Flyers .................9-10 Our Sponsors ....................11 Officers/Membership Info ........12 3 March Birthdays Van Turner Lannette Jolley Harvey Simons Terry Overturf Jeff Susott Gert Kristiansen Jan Brunvand Kristie Jolley 3 6 9 9 10 15 23 28 March Anniversaries Doug & Myrna Forney Van & Wendy Turner Lloyd & Philys Barker 3/20/04 3/24/73 3/29/51 Congratulations to Henry Scott A proud 50-year member of Studebaker Drivers Club. Way to go, Henry! Our Condolences to Mike Cazier on the death of his mother earlier in February. We are so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you. February 13, 2016 Article and Pictures by Erika Ball Roses are red, Violets are blue. We love Studebakers, How about you? Too bad Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, is on vacation until December! His shiny bright nose would have really helped us to find our way to the “La Sage Bistro” for fun Stude-getherness! Fog/smog shrouded the landscape and neither Big Red, our ‘63 Wagonaire, nor Buttercup, our ‘60 Lark Convertible, wanted to leave their safe home place, ‘cause they did not want to run the risk of getting clobbered and end up with major cuts and bruises. Both said: use your Brand X today and we’ll be ready to roll when the weather is marvelous once again! We did make it and met up with our dear friends for a classic Valentine’s Celebration. But guess what? Not a Studebaker in sight! Everyone wanted to make sure their beloved darlings were sheltered. But, 26 Stude-enthusiasts of the SDCWMC gathered in the comfortable little Bistro for a delightful celebration of the day. This place is generally closed on Saturdays and Sundays, but was open for our rosy-cheeked group. What a big surprise! We must be the MVPs in Stude-dom! The meals were gigantic and everyone was totally sated with a delicious meal. Big hearts filled with goodies were on the table for each couple, a Studebaker Quiz created by Marjeen tested our knowledge. John Levanger won 1st place and our Studeguru, Fred Ball ended up with 2nd place, ‘cause he missed one correct answer. Dianne Levanger’s number was drawn and she received a big bag of extra special Valentine’s goodies. Spirited conversations and bubbly laughter made our time together a truly lovely time. It was topped off with a very special delicious cake. It was much enjoyed with lots of coffee by the happy group. A big Thank You goes to our hostesses, Babette & Linda for selecting a fine place and adding their special touch to the event. Let’s continue down the Studebaker Lane! Studely, Erika 4 5 6 Tech Tip From Jerry Blount of the Northwest Chapter SDC: edited by Tom Clarke The harnessing and routing of spark plug cables on a Studebaker V-8 is important, so that they may perform reliably, safely, and look good at the same time! Starting in 1956, and through 1964, a pair of brackets (#1539892) were mounted, using the rear most bolt on the intake manifold—one on each side. These were used as intermediate brackets to capture the four cables leading to each side. From there, the wires were routed to #1549752 clips, which held two cables each and were mounted using the valve cover stud and nut. “Four stud” valve covers were used through very early 1960, and used a total of four #1549752 clips– two per side. Most of the 1960 production through 1964 used “two stud” valve covers which had a spot welded cable clip attached midway between the stud holes, and thus only used one #1549752 clip per side, at the rear valve cover stud. The point of this column is that I have seen many cars that have had their #1539892 brackets missing. It is important to have these in place, beyond eliminating an unsightly tangle of spark plug cables, there is a very real possibility of the cables getting caught in the throttle linkage and holding the throttle open. So, if your 1956-64 V-8 does not have these brackets at the rear of the intake manifold, get some soon. Both the above parts are available from Studebaker vendors, or can be found used. A very important related topic is the correct routing of spark plug cables on the left (drivers) side. A Studebaker V-8 fires 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, as do most V-8s with 1-3-5-7 on the drivers dide and 2-4-6-8 on the passenger side. The problem is that two adjacent cylinders (5 and 7) fire consecutively on the same side of the engine. To avoid induced cross firing, these two cables MUST NOT RUN NEXT TO EACH OTHER! There are several ways to route the cables to avoid this, but in any event don’t let the 5 & 7 cables run next to each other after leaving the distributor. Editor’s note: I have used a spark plug wire separator for separating the 4 plug wires going to each side of the engine as they leave the distributor. I found these available through Dallas Mustang Parts—(800) 687-8264 . Their part number is 3424 and they are just $2.99 each. From the March, 1971, version of Turning Wheels Courtesy of Henry Scott 7 Wasatch Mountain Chapter Calendar of Events 2016/2017 -- Amended February 6, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. February 13, 2016: WMC Annual Valentine's Party, LaSage Bistro, 6831 S 1300 E, Midvale, Hosts: Linda Nation, 801266-7582 and Babette Julius, 801-641-1670. March 5, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. March 19, 2016: Old Folks Sociable and Car Show, Grantsville, UT – no host event. April 2, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT; followed by a Club trip to view a ¼ scale railroad display owned by Neil Blosch. April 16, 2016: Lunch at Pizza Pie Café, 12:30 p.m., Provo, UT followed by tour of Legend Emporium in Springville. Hosts: Harvey and Gloria Simons, 801-375-6737. May 7, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. May 19-21, 2016: Pacific Southwest Zone Meet, Reno, NV. See info and registration sheet in newsletter. May 28, 2016: Golden Living Center Car Show, Taylorsville, UT. Hosts: Gale and Linda Nation, 801-266-7582. June 4, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m. Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. June 18, 2016: Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT. Hosts: Raymond and Diana Compton, 435-427-3946. July 9, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. NOTE: Date changed from the second to July 9. July 14, 15, 16, 2016: North Central Zone Meet, Casper, WY. Non-sponsored event. August 6, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. August 20, 2016: Poker Run and Dutch Oven Supper. Poker Run hosted by Eddy and Babette Julius and Dutch Oven Supper hosted by Phil Smart. September 3, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. September 10, 2016: International Drive Your Studebaker Day hosted by Terry Overturf, 801-466-3974, and Gale Nation, 801-266-7582. Drive in the Uintas including Tabiona. Lunch somewhere along the way. October 1, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. October 15, 2016: Hill Air Force Base Museum, Roy, UT, hosted by Dave and Alice Fisher, 801-773-1966. Lunch before the tour. November 5, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT November 19, 2016: Annual Members Meeting and Election of Officers, Salt Lake City, UT. Hosts: Harvey and Gloria Simons, 801-375-6737. December 3, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. December 10, 2016: WMC Annual Christmas Party. Salt Lake City, UT. Hosts: Eddy and Babette Julius, 801-6411670 and Cecil and Marlaine Metcalf, 801-295-7550. January 7, 2016: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655, E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. January 21, 2016: Annual Planning Meeting, Sizzler Restaurant, Salt Lake City, UT. Hosts: John and Dianne Levanger, 801-255-8389. February 4, 2017: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. February 11, 2017: WMC Annual Valentine's Party. Salt Lake City, UT. Hosts: Linda Nation, 801-266-7582, Babette Julius, 801-641-1670, and Marjeen Nation, 801-281-2590. March 4, 2017: Breakfast Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Golden Corral, 655 E Ft Union Blvd., Midvale, UT. March 18, 2017: Old Folks Sociable and Car Show, Grantsville, UT – no host event. 8 2016 SDC Pacific Southwest Zone Meet May 19-20-21, 2016 Host Hotel: Nightly Room Rates: Prices good through 4/25/2016 Atlantis Casino Resort 3800 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89502 $129 + tax & fees for 5/20 and 5/21/2015 $79 + tax & fees for 5/19 Phone: 800-723-6500 Mention SDC to get these rates Car Show Classes 1902-1946 – all models Div. 6: 1963-85 Avanti Div. 9 All Years, Modified Non-Stude Powered Cars 1947-58 Sedans & Wagons Div. 6A: 1987-2007 Avanti & Trucks Lark Types 1959-66 Div. 7: 1902-64 Trucks Div. 10: Special Interest, to include Non-motorized 1953-61 C & K Body Coupes, Hardtops, and Div. 8: All Years, Custom, Stude Powered Cars & Wagons, carts, goat wagons, weasels, pedal cars, B-17 Finned Hawks Trucks Bombers, etc. Div. 5: 1962-64 GT Hawks Judging will be done by meet participants who will be instructed to judged based on the car’s overall condition. There will be First and Second place awards for each class. Div. 1: Div. 2: Div. 3: Div. 4: General Registration Your Name (First) _________________________________ (Last) ___________________________________________ Guest/Spouse Names _______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone # ________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________ General Registration per family: $35.00 Car Show Entries (Judged): No. _____ x $10 Late Fee for registration after 5/1/2016 $ 5.00 Div. _____ Year _____ Model ___________________ Div. _____ Year _____ Model ___________________ Thursday Driving Tour to Military Vehicle Museum or shopping at Sparks Outlet Stores Free Car Show Entries (Display Only) No. ____ Friday “Surprise” driving tour Free Div. _____ Year _____ Model ___________________ Div. _____ Year _____ Model ___________________ Friday evening ice cream social at National Auto Museum, includes admission fees No. ____x $20 $_____ Outside Swap Meet spaces (Bring your own table & chairs). Security will Not be Provided by SDC No. _____ x $5 $______ Event Long Sleeve T-shirts (Men’s Sizes) M _____ L _____ XL ________ x $20 $_____ 2XL _____ 3XL _____ x $25 $_____ Saturday Awards Banquet, includes an hour of entertainment By Mark Twain impressionist McAvoy Layne. Taxes and Gratuity included in price below: Award Sponsorships x $20 $_____ Chicken Chasseur No. _____ $ ______ Free No. _____ x $39 $_____ Roast Pork Loin No. _____ x $39 $_____ Vegetarian Strudel No. _____ x $39 $_____ Total: $_____ Make checks payable to: SDC Sagebrush Chapter, c/o Gary Crabtree, 24 Shirley Ln., Yerington, NV 89447 For more information contact: Joe Modarelli (775) 882-1178 or Website: . Entrants and guests thereof expressly agree to indemnify SDC, the Sagebrush Chapter of SDC, the Atlantis Resort, their representatives, and anyone else connected with the Pacific Southwest Zone Meet, from any known or unknown damages, injuries or claims that may occur on the way to, during the event, or leaving the meet. Entrant’s Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 9 March 19, 2016 Car Show and other events Grantsville, UT 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Lunch trucks will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. No host event but contact Dave Fisher, 801-773-1966 or Gale Nation, 801-266-7582 with questions. 10 Good Times are Coming! Pizza, Studes, and Motorcycles Saturday, April 16, 2016 When: 12:30 p.m. Where: Pizza Pie Café 2235 N University Blvd. Provo, Ut Then……. Drive to Legend Emporium 1715 W 500 S Springville, UT Hosts: Harvey and Gloria Simons 801-375-6737. 11 Autobody Bruce’s Autobody Repair 7279 S 1600 E South Weber, UT 84405 801-479-9079 Bruce Linger, Owner/Operator ACS Precision Finish Inc. Auto Collision Specialists 1065 S 300 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 801-521-4774 Anthony Gallegos Floral Firehouse Floral 1321 California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 801-972-6298 “In the Doghouse?” Call Firehouse Floral Glass Phil’s Glass, Inc. Smart Glass Service 635 North Main Street Tooele, UT 84074 435-882-4976 Phil Smart Valley Glass Corporation Automotive, Residential, & Commercial Glass 26 E 800 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-534-1908 Kathy Delgado, Manager Insurance Ford Hill Insurance Agency, Inc. State Farm Se Habla Espanol 3612 W 4700 S, Ste. 5 Taylorsville, UT 84118 801-966-1431 Ford Hill, Agent American National Insurance Dave Hogan, Agent 922 W Baxter Dr. South Jordan, UT 84095-8626 801-474-1234 Restaurants Hook & Ladder Co Firestation #13 “Old Fashion Taste with a Fast Pace” 1313 West California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 801-972-2336 Stude Parts StudebakerParts.Com The Online Studebaker Parts Store 2410 W Freeway Lane Phoenix, AZ 85021 602-995-5311 Chuck & Chris Collins Upholstery Arrowhead Upholstery 954 E 100 N Payson, UT 84651 Shessann Logue, Owner, Seamstress 12 SDC National Officers Tom Curtis President Don Cox Vice President Nita Ketchum Secretary Jane Stinson Treasurer Pacific Southwest Zone Malcolm Stinson Zone Director Fred Ball Zone Coordinator Raymond Compton UT Reg. Mgr.; Wasatch Mountain Chapter Officers David Fisher 2162 S 1840 W, Syracuse, UT 84075 (801) 540-5520 E-mail: Gale Nation 5122 S Wesley Rd, SLC, UT 84117 (801) 266-7582 E-mail: Alice Fisher 2162 S 1840 W, Syracuse, UT 84075 (801) 773-1966 E-mail: Candido Gallegos 4750 S 3685 W, SLC, UT 84129 (801) 968-0256 E-mail:; President V. President Sec’y/Editor Treasurer Wasatch Mountain Chapter Club Membership The Wasatch Mountain Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club is open to anyone who shares the love of Studebakers. Ownership of a Studebaker is not necessary to become a member; however, membership in the national organization is Required. Send check for $31.00 ($24.00 for new members for the first year) to Studebaker Drivers Club, Cornerstone Registration, Ltd., P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 55311-7615 for national dues and be sure to include source of referral and how many Studes owned. Wasatch Mountain Chapter dues are $15.00 (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, pro-rated at $1/25 per month). Please make checks payable to Wasatch Mountain Chapter and send to Candido Gallegos, 4750 S 3685 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84129. Name_______________________________________________ Spouse _____________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ Phone _______________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________ Birthday (Month/Day) ____________________________ Spouse’s Birthday __________________________ Wedding Anniversary (Month, Day, Year) _________________________ Nat’l SDC Number _____________ Studebakers Owned _________________________________________________________________________ Send Comments, Changes and News by the 25th of Each Month to: Stude U Wasatch Mountain Chapter 2162 S 1840 W Syracuse, UT 84075 To Certified Studebaker Enthusiast(s):