Nicole Moneer
Nicole Moneer
1. Journey to reach your Inner Champion 2. Apply your Inner Champion at school, sports, competing and eating habits 3. You and You alone are the only one able to find “Your Golden Ticket to Your Inner Champion” 4. Breaking down the barriers: accept the change that is on the horizon 5. Team of support: here and ready to assist Luis Solarte Principal, Office in Chicago, Bilingual, President. Victor Pacini Mark Sato Fortune Growers Nicole Genarella Nicole Moneer 3D Exhibits: Vice President / Marketing NASM Personal Trainer AFAA Group Exercise Instructor C-ISSN & Pilates Certified IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete Sponsored Spokesmodel for and VPX/ Redline USA Population People who do special things Key Indicators of Typical American Diet 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 % All vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, eggs, beans and peas, unsalted nuts and seeds, fat-free and low-fat milk and milk products, and lean meats and poultry— when prepared without adding solid fats or sugars— are nutrient-dense foods. •The Main Causes •Where I am Today •The affects of food on my overall health Maebelle McClamroch Maebelle ObispoRadio Personality for Y103.9 Emery V.P. of Corporate Relations | It’s Our Little Secret Organization, a Non-forProfit Thomas M. Mitchell DC, CCSP Clinic Director Chicago Chiropractic Group Ltd Marcus Robinson Former Chicago Bear 1. Applying your inner champion at school, sports, competing, and eating habits 2. Food pyramid vs. food plate 3. Reading nutrition labels 4. Understanding your metabolism 5. Over Processed vs. Whole Foods 6. Analyzing nutritional foods 7. Nutrient dense vs. calorie dense foods 8. Reducing your risk of disease 9. Healthy body and mind — not being skinny 10. Creation of vision boards 11. Setting your goals and how to achieve them 12. Do you overcome or succumb? 13. Food does Heal 14. Integrated medicine 15. Speaker testimonials: individuals who have overcome illness, abuse and major loss yet continually strive to improve their lives while making a positive impact on others &