August 2014 - Dayton Cycling Club


August 2014 - Dayton Cycling Club
Spoke ’N’ Link
No. 6
August 2014
Volume LI
Director candidates needed for 2015
By Ed Witte, DCC president
(937) 335-3096;
Board of Directors
DCC Calendar
Wright Wride
New members
Covered Bridge Tour
Bikeways & Beyond
Commuter Chronicles
Membership application
Cycling Club election time is right
around the corner. We are ready to receive
nominations (you or someone else you have OK’d
the nomination with) until our Sept. 3 business
meeting. Our greatest current need is in three specific
• Treasurer: Michele Rizzardi has been dutifully
fulfilling this responsibility for more than 10 years and needs to
See Presidential Pacelines/Page 3
August 2014
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
Spoke ’N’ Link
Dayton Cycling Club
The Dayton Cycling Club, a not-for-profit educational
and recreational organization for bicyclists in the Miami
Valley, publishes and distributes the digital Spoke ʼNʼ Link
eight times a year. The opinions expressed herein are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official
position of the DCC. The editor reserves the right to edit or
refuse any material.
The editor invites items for publication. Digital
submissions are preferred. Please save text in Microsoft
Word format, and send art/graphics separately in JPG
format. Do not embed graphics in document files. Send
submissions to Printed or typed
submissions may be sent to SʼnʼL, 935 Hathaway Road,
Dayton 45419. Please include your name and telephone
number. All editorial material for the SʼnʼL must be received
no later than the fifth of the month, unless otherwise stated.
Paid advertisements and inserts must be submitted
camera-ready (digital versions preferred) and must be
prepaid and cleared with the editor by the 10th of the month
preceding publication.
1/8 page
1/4 page
1/2 page
1 page
Basic rates
(3.75" W x 2.5" H)
(3.75" W x 5" H)
(7.5" W x 5 “ H)
(7.5" W x 10" H)
Prospective advertisers interested in knowing our
circulation should contact David Warner at (937) 416-1983 or
DCC members may place one free personal ad up to 1/8
page per calendar year. Such ads must be submitted to by the 10th of the month preceding
Have you changed your ISP? Are you moving?
If you change your Internet service provider or are
preparing to move, contact David Warner at (937) 416-1983
or If you are moving, be sure to
include your old and new addresses. Newsletters are not
automatically forwarded.
A journey is like marriage. The certain way to
be wrong is to think you control it.
— John Steinbeck
2014 DCC Board of Directors
President Ed Witte
(937) 335-3096;
Vice President and Advocacy Director Chuck Smith
(937) 890-6689;
Secretary Donna Williams-Powell
(937) 776-2494;
Acting Treasurer Michele Rizzardi
(937) 890-0928;
Touring Captain Bud Bell
(937) 474-1240;
Huffman Spring Classic Directors
Kimberly and Michael Bott
(937) 430-9252;
Wright Wride Director Marty Moseman
(937) 260-2109;
Membership Director David Warner
(937) 416-1983;
Social Director Kathi Witte
(937) 475-1101;
Newsletter Editor Kay Wert Minardi
(937) 299-2454;
Bikeways Director Chris Brown
(937) 299-7764;
Webmaster Harv Kiesel
(937) 885-2544;
DCC Business Meetings
The DCC Board of Directors generally meets at 6:30
p.m. the first Wednesday of the month. The next business
meetings will be Aug. 6 and Sept. 3 in the Community
Room at the Vandalia Justice Center, 245 James Bohanan
Drive. All members are welcome to attend. If you wish to
be added to the agenda of a meeting, contact President Ed
Upcoming S’n’L deadlines
For September
For Oct./Nov./Dec.
Aug. 5 for editorial material
Aug.10 for paid advertising
Sept. 5 for editorial material
Sept. 10 for paid advertising
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
August 2014
Dayton Cycling Club 2014 Calendar
• August business meeting: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 6, Vandalia Justice Center, 245
James Bohanan Drive. Contact: Ed Witte, (937)
• September newsletter deadlines: Aug. 5 for
editorial material, Aug. 10 for paid advertising.
Contact: Kay Wert Minardi, (937) 299-2454;
• Old World Tour: Springfield, Saturday-Sunday,
Aug. 16-17. Contact: John Bramhall, (937) 305-0410;
Wright Wride: Sunday, Aug. 24, Twin Towers
Park, Fairborn. Volunteers needed. Contact: Marty
Moseman, (937) 260-2109;
• September business meeting: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 3 (nominations due for 2015 Board
of Directors), Vandalia Justice Center. Contact: Ed
Witte, (937) 335-3096;
• October/November/December newsletter
deadlines: Sept. 5 for editorial material, Sept. 10 for
paid advertising. Contact: Kay Wert Minardi, (937)
• October business meeting: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 1, Vandalia Justice Center, 245
James Bohanan Drive. Contact: Ed Witte, (937)
• Morrow Wine Ride: Saturday-Sunday, Oct. 4-5,
Young's Jersey Dairy, 6880 Springfield-Xenia Road,
Yellow Springs. Contact: Betty Warwick, (937)
470-7598 or; or Joan Rudy,
(937) 475-1509 or
• Ballots due for the election of the 2015 Board
of Directors: Wednesday, Oct. 15, in the DCC post
office box or online.
• November business meeting (2014 and ’15
boards): 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5, Vandalia
Justice Center. Contact: Ed Witte, (937) 335-3096;
• 2014 budget proposals due: Sunday, Nov. 30.
• December business meeting: Wednesday Dec.
3, Vandalia Justice Center. Contact: Ed Witte, (937)
Presidential Pacelines/From Page 1
switch her priorities to loving on her grandchildren. I
know she is more than willing to give details on the
treasurer’s responsibilities to any and all prospective
nominees. No experience necessary!
• Webmaster: Harv Kiesel is ready to pass on the
webmaster task to a tech-savvy member. He will give
the necessary tech info to those considering the
webmaster nomination.
• Social director: Kathi Witte would like to shift to
other volunteering duties for the club, but first must
relinquish her social director duties. This position
involves the annual banquet and awards. She is ready
to pass on the baton and will explain responsibilities
to all interested parties.
Finally, I’d like to remind everyone that for a
volunteer organization to work we need — it goes
without saying — volunteers. It is said that the best
way to keep a volunteer organization alive is by
“giving back.” You all have a chance to step forward
to keep our DCC alive and growing.
August 2014
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
Time is running out to get your early bird registration in for the Wright Wride
By Kay Wert Minardi, DCC newsleter editor
(937) 299-2454;
Aug. 9 is the deadling for discounted registration
for the Dayton Cycling Club’s 43rd annual Wright
Wride. You can register on ride day, Sunday, Aug. 24,
but you will pay $5 more. Aug. 9 is also the deadline
to order a commemorative wicking T-shirt (see right).
The shirts are UltraClub Men's Cool & Dry sports
performance interlock T's, and they run large. The
chest measurement on a small is 40 inches, a medium
is 44 inches, a large is 48 inches, an extra large is 52
inches, and an XXL is 56 inches measured around the
largest part of the chest.
The shirts will be white. The front features the
“Wright Triangle” — the terrific trio of Wilbur,
Orville and Katharine Wright. Just about everyone
knows Daytonians Wilbur and Orville were the first
to accomplish controlled flight in a heavier-than-air,
powered aircraft, but few are aware of the role their
sister Katharine played in their success.
Katharine, the youngest Wright, ran her brothers’
Dayton bicycle shop when they were in North
Carolina flying kites, gliders and the Flyer.
The outgoing Katharine quit her teaching job and
became her shy brothers' executive secretary after
they got a patent and were trying to sell their plane.
She schmoozed royalty and potential customers as
“Wil” and “Orv” demonstrated the Flyer’s abilities.
After Wilbur's death on May 30, 1912, Orville
became president of the Wright Co. and Katharine
became secretary. Katharine also helped Orville fight
the Smithsonian Institution’s recognition of Samuel
Langley as the builder of the first heavier-than-air,
powered airplane.
The Wright Wride is a full-service tour of lightly
traveled roads of Greene, Clark and Madison
counties. The routes are 25 to 90 miles through gently
rolling countryside with a few challenging hills. We
will provide directions for a side trip to Young’s
Jersey Dairy should you need an ice cream fix.
All routes will be well marked, and maps also will
be available. SAG support teams will assist anyone
with a mechanical or physical problem.
Our food stops will include plenty of drinks, fruit,
salty snacks and homemade baked goods. We will
have an old-fashioned cookout from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at the air-conditioned Lodge at Clifton Reserve.
Invite your friends and support your club by
volunteering or riding this summer event. You can
register online or download the form at http:// and mail it in.
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
Welcome to DCC’s newest members
August 2014
Great weather, lack of detours
greet Covered Bridge Tour riders
By Alan Bindemann, DCC membership team
By Mark Buchwalder, DCC Covered Bridge Tour director
Fourteen new members have joined the Dayton
Cycling Club since late June. Say hello to:
• Eric Watz of Beavercreek
• Glenn Gilbert, Vic McHenry and Terry Stanard
of Centerville
• Kevin Remhof and Robert Zepernick of Dayton
• Jeffrey Graham of New Carlisle
• Derek, Tracy, Milly and Ben Prout; and Joseph
and Debra Schenk of Oakwood
• Bill Schieman of Xenia
As of July 23, the DCC had 401 members. The
makeup of the club was 235 adult members; 75
families consisting of 146 adults and 16 juniors; and
four honorary members.
The 2014 edition of the Dayton Cycling Club’s
Covered Bridge Tour, on May 31, was greeted with
perhaps the best weather ever for this ride.
Moderate morning temperatures and no rain
evolved into a warm and partly cloudy afternoon. The
light southwest wind was not much of a hindrance for
the nearly 90 registered riders as they visited up to 11
covered bridges.
While the pothole count was higher than normal
due to the recent severe winter, there weren't any
detours from the usual route — a somewhat rare
occurrence for this tour.
August 2014
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
Bikeways and Beyond
By Chris Brown, DCC bikeways director
(937) 299-7764;
Austin Landing developers’ methods less than ideal
There has been a lot in the news about the
development at Austin Landing, including the
proposed bike path and hub. While a new bikeway is
always welcome, the manner in which this one is
being implemented is cause for some concern.
The first misstep was the use of eminent domain
to obtain land for the bikeway very close to a house.
The family used the area to allow their mother access
to their cars to take her on errands. The proposed
bikeway will be within 3 feet of the house’s door. The
mother has since died, but the family still is not happy
that the path will be so close to the house.
The development, with its proposed office space
and restaurants, is going to attract a great deal of
motor traffic. Any cyclist who has ridden the bike
path around the Mall at Fairfield Commons knows it
can be difficult to cross streets while cars are trying to
turn in to the mall. Similar problems should be
anticipated at Austin Landing, especially as the street
plan includes an unusual left-turn lane that confuses
motorists not familiar with the design.
Developers and Miami Twp. officials hosted a
public meeting said to be for presenting possible
routes for the bike path. Residents who attended
complained that there was only one path proposed
and that it seemed to be “a done deal.” Homeowners
were concerned that the path is going to be too close
to their houses. When they suggested alternate routes,
they were told those routes were not viable.
A similar concern was expressed by homeowners
in the late 1990s about the Creekside Trail from
Beavercreek to Xenia. People were afraid the trail
would allow burglars easy access to their houses and
back yards. Beavercreek, the Miami Valley Regional
Planning Commission, Bike Miami Valley and others
worked to address those concerns, arranged for police
patrols on the trail and allayed some of those worries.
So far, the people behind the Austin Landing
development seem to be more interested in pushing
their plans through than in helping locals feel
comfortable with them.
August 2014
Dayton Cycling Club Spoke ʼNʼ Link
Commuter Chronicles
By Chuck Smith, DCC vice president and advocacy director
(937) 890-6689;
Bike sharing is coming to Dayton
Each year I attend the League of American
Bicyclists Summit in Washington, D.C. Delegates
from Portland, Ore., brag about their Bicycle Friendly
Community every year.
While the League of American Bicyclists has
awarded nine Ohio cities including Dayton the entry
bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community rating,
Portland has achieved the highest level, platinum.
During my late June visit to Portland, it rained
each day (not unusual for Portland). Despite the rain,
I saw many cyclists pedaling to and from work. Most
were wearing their suits on their bikes, similar to
European bike commuters I have seen. While bike
commuting is not yet as prevalent in Portland as it is
in Paris, it seemed to me that transportation cyclists in
Portland outnumber transportation cyclists in Dayton.
Transportation cycling should increase in
downtown Dayton next year with the creation of Bike
Share. Bike Share will permit people downtown to
rent a bike from a roadside rack, ride the bike, then
return it to another rack elsewhere in Dayton.
I tried the Washington, D.C., bike-sharing
program during the League Summit in March. It
worked very well.
We look forward to the implementation of bike
Work to live; live to bike; bike to work!
DCC commuting area coordinators
North — North of U.S. 35 west of Interstate
75 and north of Salem Avenue: Dan Blair,
d a n b l a i r @ w o h . r r. c o m ; Wa r r e n G a r d n e r,
w g a r d 7 7 7 @ a o l . c o m ; a n d H a n k Tr i m b l e ,
Southeast — South of U.S. 35 and east of
I-75: Raymond Goecke,
Southwest — South of U.S. 35 and west of
I-75: Dwaine Wheeler,
North of Vandalia — Chuck Smith,
Springfield/Urbana Area — Dan Hepp,; Marilyn Corbin,
Greene County — Dan Carrigan,
sharing next spring in Dayton. Bike sharing arrived in
Columbus last summer as CoGo, and will come to
Cincinnati in September as Cincy B-Cycle.
Send your miles and commuting tips
Be sure to send your miles by the second of each
month to Include
errands, appointments, trips to school. and other trips
during which you substituted a bicycle for a motor
vehicle. Round all figures to the nearest whole
number. Thanks to Dennis Pohl for compiling our
commuting miles!
Share commuting tips with other readers of this
column by sending me an e-mail.
In Memory of
Rita A. Larson
To honor her memory, Rita’s family is sponsoring
this year’s Simon Kenton Ride. A graduate of
Urbana College, Rita taught for more than 30
years, most of that time high school English.
Her love of teaching was surpassed only by her
love for her family.
Rita enjoyed riding the Simon Kenton Trail with
fellow teachers and staff of Kenton Ridge High
School. Her family asks that as you ride today,
please remember a loved one of your own –
because as long as they live in our hearts, they
will never truly die.
The Simon Kenton
15th Annual Fund-raiser Bike Ride
The Rita A. Larson
memorial ride
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Bruce and Rita Larson
Registration: 8-10 a.m.
Starting from
The Depot Coffee House
Please Join Us:
644 Miami Street • Urbana, Ohio
Simon Kenton Pathfinders
P.O. Box 91
Urbana, OH 43078
• For a great day of riding with friends and
• To support the Simon Kenton Pathfinders
endowment fund to maintain the Simon
Kenton Trail
• To raise money toward the northward extension
of the Simon Kenton Trail.
• If you’re not able to join us, donations are
appreciated. Please share this brochure with
fellow cyclists.
• Metric half century
• Metric century • 15-mile ride
Pre-register by
August 29 & Save!
Supporting maintenance & expansion
of the Simon Kenton Trail
Drs. Bohl
& Bauer
C & C Oxygen
CT Communications
Henderson Land Investment Co
Mad River Farm Market and Drive Thru
Therapeutic Massage of Pretty Prairie
Paul Waldsmith
Gil S. Weithman Family
Urbana Moose Lodge #1215
(deadline August 29, 2014)
Adult – $20
Ages 3-12 – $10
Under 3 – free
Day of Ride
Adult – $25
Ages 3-12 – $15
Under 3 – free
Neon Pink or Neon Orange light
weight t-shirts: $15 each
(wicking fabric)
For pre-registration,
complete attached form and
mail with check by August 29 to:
Simon Kenton Pathfinders
Bike Ride Registration
P.O. Box 91
Urbana, OH 43078
Make checks payable to:
Simon Kenton Pathfinders
(Please Print)
Cell # used only for emergency contact during bike ride.
Neon Pink Neon Orange
Men sizes: Please circle size
Youth sizes: Please circle size
S(6-8) M(10-12) L(14-16)
• Total payment enclosed
$ ______
• Adult $20 Ages 3-12 $10 $ ______
$ ______
• T-shirts : additional $15.
Pre-registration Fee:
(Adult must sign if rider is a minor)
Adult Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________
In consideration of the acceptance of my entry I, for myself, my executors, administrators and assignees, do hereby release all sponsors
and individuals assisting in the presentation of the Simon Kenton Pathfinders’ Rita A. Larson Memorial Ride from all claims of damages,
demands and action whatsoever in any manner arising or growing out of my participation in this ride. I attest and verify that I am
physically fit and have completed sufficient training for this event and my equipment is in working order. I understand that my name,
photograph, or likeness may be used in promotional or advertising materials. I consent to such uses and waive any rights of privacy
or publicity I may have in connection with those uses. I agree to wear a bicycle helmet at all times during the ride and to obey all
traffic laws. I understand that no refunds will be issued for any reasons, including non-attendance. I have read and fully understand
my own liability and accept these restrictions. This form will serve as a release for emergency care if needed. This event is rain or
shine; no alternative rain date.
E-mail address ___________________________________________________ E-mail address to be used only to notify you of future Simon Kenton Pathfinders events.
Address _______________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State ____ Zip _____________
Name _________________________________________________ Phone (______) ______________ Cell Phone (______) _____________
For more information:
937-605-2434 or
Visit our website:
Simon Kenton Pathfinders on Facebook
For lodging and dining information,
Detach and mail by August 29 • One rider per form – photocopies accepted
The Family of
Rita A. Larson
for making our ride possible
Registration Form
We thank the following sponsors
Included with Registration:
• Your choice of flat to hilly metric century or
metric half century through beautiful
Champaign County, or 15-mile ride completely
on the Simon Kenton Trail—ideal for families
with children.
• Continental breakfast and lunch—including
our famed bean soup—at the Depot
• Snacks, sport drinks and bottled water at the
Depot and SAG stations along the routes.
SAG services provided until 3 p.m.