first church of the nazarene - IndyNazarene – Independence, KS
first church of the nazarene - IndyNazarene – Independence, KS
Calendar of Upcoming Events . JULY 13—Powerhouse Café 14-16—Kids Camp 1 16-19—Kids Camp 2 27—NMI Council meeting 28—Aug. 1—Vacation Bible School AUGUST 1—Vacation Bible School 3—VBS Sunday 3—SDMI council meeting 4—Prime Time Lunch 13—Back to school picnic 14—Church Board meeting 17—Powerhouse Café 24—NMI Council meeting 27—Caravan begins 31—No evening service SEPTEMBER 1—Happy Labor Day! 3-7—Power Team 7—SDMI council meeting 11—Church Board meeting 18—Women of Missions 21—Powerhouse Café 28—NMI Council meeting OCTOBER 5—Caravan Sunday 5—SDMI council meeting 6—Prime Time Lunch 9—Church Board meeting 16—Women of Missions 19—Powerhouse Café 26—Homecoming 31—Trunk or Treat Please add the following category to your Ministry Volunteer sheet: Library Volunteer category: check in books, shelf straightening, and new book processing We would love for you to join one of our great classes! All classes begin at 9:30 am on Sundays. Below is a list of our classes, teachers & locations! Nursery 2’s & 3’s 4’s & 5’s 1st & 2nd grade 3rd & 4th grade 5th & 6th grade Jr. High & Sr. High 20-somethings Q&A Homebuilders Friendship Prayer Class Nursery & Children Becky & Kelly Duke North Nursery Allene Bales South Nursery Twila Bales Room 114 Ryan & Kaci Gilchrist Room 113 Beverly Canaday Room 112 Terry Voth Baptistry room Teens Neil Schaper FLC- south side Adults Bill Knight FLC - south side Brian Smith FLC - south side Shanda Chambers FLC - north side Cindi Weaver Room 123 Matthew Simwinga Room 125 The Food Pantry & Clothes Closet will be closed this Thursday, June 19th and will re-open on Thursday, June 26th. If you are unable to attend service, you may click the link on our website or facebook page! 3167 S. 10th St. Independence, KS 67301 Phone: 620-331-5404 Email: Website: Find us on FACEBOOK!! FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE July 13, 2014 Prelude “I Have A Hope” Welcome & Greeting Worship In Music “Glory To His Name” “Jesus Messiah” “Mighty Is The Power Of The Cross” Family Prayer Time Tithes and Offering “Lord, I Need You” Message –Pastor Darren Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am -2:30 pm Friday 9:00 am - 12:00pm Lead Pastor: Darren Melton 620-714-1770 Youth/Outreach Pastor: Bill Knight 620-330-3173 Worship Leader: Erin Shelton 620-330-6918 Hispanic Pastor: Daniela Pena des Torres Visitation Pastor: Carl Craig 620-332-4020 College Pastor: Cory Standridge 620-762-2911 “Who Am I? A Child Of God” Part 3—1 John 2-5 Communion “The Wonderful Cross” We welcome Joshua and Katie Crowe and their children, Caleb, Corban, Cole, Emmi & Ellie. He will be interviewing after Powerhouse Café for the children’s pastor position. Please pray that God will guide each of us as we seek His will! Children will be dismissed to the Activities this week Today(July 13) 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Breakfast (FLC) Pre-Service Prayer Time Sunday School Morning Worship Powerhouse Cafe Evening service Monday - 11:15 am 7:30 pm Kids leave for camp 1 Men’s Basketball Tuesday - 8:30 am Senior Adult Breakfast Family Life Center during the service! POWER HOUSE CAFÉ –TODAY after the AM service! Join us for lunch and a fun time of fellowship! Attention kids! If you are attending kids camp you need to be at the church at 11:15 this Monday for those attending Primary camp and 12:45, this Wednesday, for those attending Junior camp! Please eat lunch BEFORE you come! See Emmalee if you have any questions! ***If you would like to sponsor a child for district camp, please mark your gift and place it in the offering!*** Upcoming special missionary guests: Gail Dooley—Next Sunday, July 20, 6:00 p.m. in the FLC We will have an ice cream social afterwards with our area Nazarene churches! Scott & Emily Armstrong family—Wednesday, July 23! We will meet at 6:00 pm for finger foods/potluck. Then the Scott & Emily will speak at 6:30. All adults and children will be meeting together! Please bring finger foods! The pastor’s wife from our church plant in Belize will be with us sometime in August! We will be collecting the following items through June for her to take back for the kids in Belize! You may leave the items in the foyer! Pencils Glue Glitter Cotton balls Art stuff Construction paper Clay Playdough Story books Balloons Bubbles Soccer balls Baseballs Darts Games (monopoly etc.) Blunt-nose scissors Wednesday - 12:45 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Kids leave for camp 2 Kids’ Sports Camp Powerhouse (Act. Center) Prayer meeting Next Week(July 20) Pre-Service Prayer Time Sunday School Morning Worship Evening service w/ Gail Dooley 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm If this is your first time with us, please fill out the visitor’s card in the pew. You may place your card in the box on the welcome desk in the foyer or in the offering plate! We would love to get to know you better and pray for your needs! July 6 stats Total Tithes Received Capital Improvement Fund (Year to date: $56,645.35) Family Life Center Funds Received (Debt balance: $274,720.52) Morning Service Attendance $10,782.59 $100.00 $860.00 255 Tyro Community Christian School enrollment for Preschool—12th grade is this Friday, July 18 from 9:00 am—6:00 pm. The clothes closet is NOT accepting donations at this time. Also, the clothes closet is in need of someone with a pickup truck to take some boxes of clothes to Bartlesville. Please see Beverly Hight or Nancy Smith if you can help! Thank you! Hemos habilitado un espacio en el balcón para la traducción del servicio en espanõl porque nos interesa tu bienestar. Por favor siéntete en el derecho de dis frutarlo. Capital Improvement Fund! 1. Activity Center Roof/ Water damage repair $10,000 2. Information/Welcome CenterC O M P L E T E D !$ 4,500 3. Children/Nursery wing ? C O M P L E T E D ! 4. Carpet $35,000 COMPLETED! 5. Paint $ 1,000 6. Van $10,000 7. Restroom remodel $10,800 TOTAL NEED $71,300 COMPLETED! The Power Team will be with us Sept. 3-7! Please be praying and inviting and trusting God will use this to save many souls!! Kids & sponsors at camp this week Eagles family Mike Rowe Dennis Hosier Roger Janzen Belize Church plant Our work & witness teams: Ernie Loganbill Harold Taylor Rev. Don Burchett Cindy DeTar Mercy Hospital Susie Whitson 1011th Reserves Jim Duke Larry Lankard’s mom Trenetta Robertson Elmo Goates Children’s Leadership Terry Killman Jim Stelting Margaret Greenburg Chris Ashford Sherwood & Jan Bryan Don Jones Jim Wilson Bartlesville’s children’s pastor Joe & Nancy Smith Matt Lewis Vernetta Buchanan Ron Songer Jim Glasgow Twila Bales Pastors & Missionaries Tim Veith being jailed Coleman Family Emmalee Hoggatt Linda Spillman’s mom Karrie Lester College ministry Don Keenan Linda Watkins Deb Stanfield’s dad Graceson Mitchell Jerry Spillman Wayne Boulanger Nancy Smith June Veith (Shanda’s mom) Julie Quanstrom The Butler family Mabel Rowe Kayla Imhoff Aaron & Sara Imogene Mitchell McPheeters