August 2014 Newsletter - Career Colleges Ontario


August 2014 Newsletter - Career Colleges Ontario
The Voice
Volume 3 | Issue 8
August | 2014
2 CCO Awards 2015: Nomination
Period Opens Soon
3 CCO Member Workshop
4 NACC News
5 CCO Member News: AAPS
6 CCRF Awards for Excellence
6 CCO staff’s ALS Ice Bucket
It was a full house at CCO’s August OSAP and KPI workshop.
(more on page 3).
Career Colleges Ontario
155 Lynden Road, Unit 2
Brantford, ON N3R 8A7
1 752-2124
The nomination period for CCO’s 2015 awards for Excellence in Teaching and
Outstanding Graduates opens September 2nd, 2014.
The association will recognize award winners at the third annual CCO awards gala
on Thursday, June 25th, 2015 during the CCO conference in Niagara Falls.
To access award details, eligibility criteria, and nomination forms, visit our website at
Completed nomination packages should be sent via mail, fax or email by February
28th, 2015.
Book your room for #CCO2015
Reserve your hotel room today and save!
CCO’s annual conference will be held from June 24-26, 2015 at the Hilton
Niagara Falls/Fallsview Hotel & Suites.
For more details, visit our website at
CCO Member
CCO hosted a full-day OSAP and KPI workshop at the Toronto Reference Library on August 14th.
Guest Speakers included Sam Andrey and Sandra Muzzi-Pedota from the Student Financial
Assistance Branch of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and Deena Balsdon from the
National Student Loans Service Centre. Auditors Dave McCarroll and Edmund Leong concluded
the day with KPI best practices and strategies for success.
Presentation decks for the sessions were sent to all CCO members. If you did not receive a copy,
please contact
CCO Workshop: Accessibility
CCO Membership
It’s that time of year
Join us on September 16th for a half-day
workshop on accessibility.
Visit our events page at www. to register.
CCO membership
renewal is due
September 30th, 2014.
NACC Edge: Moving graduates from wishful to skillful
New program launched to connect recent graduates with paid internships
Hopeful job applicants know what they must
have to move their applications from the
bottom of a résumé pile to the top: relevant
and industry-specific experiences.
and internationally qualified professionals find
paid internships that will provide them with
practical skills, a stipend, the ability to build
new professional connections, and give them
access to mentors with valuable insights. This
This knowledge is of little use to recent graduates all translates to a sense of confidence that will
or educated newcomers who do not have make their job searches more fruitful.
the ability to find work in their respective
fields. On the other end, the challenge for There is room for you to help us make NACC
post-secondary institutions – especially career Edge a success by encouraging recent career
colleges – has always been in demonstrating college graduates to apply, or by pointing
the success of their programs by pointing to the prospective employers to it if they want to take
number of graduates who secured jobs within a on qualified interns.
reasonable time after graduation.
Programs like this could mean a world of
This is not an unfamiliar cycle to us at The National difference for graduates and educated
Association of Career Colleges, which is why newcomers who are looking for that one chance
we have recently joined forces with Career that may provide them with a professional start.
Edge to launch NACC Edge. Our new pilot That, at the core, is what we are committed to
program is designed to help recent graduates doing.
CCO Member
AAPS Graduation
The Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) held a graduation ceremony at their
campus in Toronto on August 16th, 2014. The Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities Reza
Moridi, along with several other special guests including faculty and students, were onsite to
congratulate the college’s 50 graduates.
Photos courtesy of AAPS
Outstanding Graduate: Business
Meet the Award Recipient for this year’s CCO Award for Outstanding Graduate in Business.
Amanda McIsaac, Trebas Institute
Amanda graduated from Trebas Institute’s Event and Venue Management
(EVM) program in 2013. “While attending school, Mandy was a role model
for other students by encouraging them to pursue their passion, letting
others know of volunteer opportunities and helping classmates understand
concepts,” wrote Department Head for the EVM program Marilyn Wasney.
Amanda volunteered at various events, including weddings, tradeshows
and corporate events, and organized a successful Flash Mob to promote
a Toronto restaurant. After volunteering at several Harley-Davidson
events, she decided to pursue her motorcycle license and purchase her
first motorcycle with the eventual goal of working for the organization.
A few weeks after graduating, she landed her dream job at Trev Deely
Motorcycles in Vancouver as a Marketing and Promotional Coordinator.
CCRF Awards for Excellence
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation The deadline to submit your nomination is
will be recognizing organizations who have September 8th, 2014.
demonstrated excellence in race relations.
The Awards of Excellence ceremony will be
According to their website, the “2014 Awards of held in Ottawa on November 18th, 2014.
Excellence will pay tribute to public, private and
voluntary organizations whose efforts represent For additional information and nomination
best practices in building an awareness and criteria, visit the CRRF Awards of Excellence
understanding of Canadian values and identity website at:
that are reflective of Canadian diversity.”
CCO staff take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
CCO staff participated in the ALS Ice bucket challenge this month. In addition to raising awareness
for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a devastating progressive neuromuscular disease, by
dumping buckets of ice water over our heads, CCO staff also made individual donations to ALS
We thank CCO Affiliate Great Exposure for the challenge and in turn nominate all of our member
To view our ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video, visit our Facebook page at
careercollegesontario. Make sure you share your videos on the CCO Facebook page!
Comments, story ideas or suggestions?
Contact Alix Mahé @ (519) 752-2124 ext. 115 or
Published by Career Colleges
155 Lynden Rd., Unit 2
Brantford, Ontario
N3R 8A7
Phone: 519-752-2124
Fax: 519-752-3649
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Career Colleges Ontario
Strong Support
Strong Voice
Quality Education
Student Success

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