Seal bypass systems
Seal bypass systems
Seal bypass systems AUTHORS Joe Cartwright, Mads Huuse, and Andrew Aplin ABSTRACT We present an interpretational framework for the analysis of a diverse set of geological structures that breach sealing sequences and allow fluids to flow vertically or subvertically across the seal. In so doing, they act as seal bypass systems (SBS). We define SBS as seismically resolvable geological features embedded within sealing sequences that promote cross-stratal fluid migration and allow fluids to bypass the pore network. If such bypass systems exist within a given seal sequence, then predictions of sealing capacity based exclusively on the flow properties (capillary entry pressure and hydraulic conductivity) of the bulk rock can potentially be negated by the capacity of the bypass system to breach the grain and pore network. We present a range of examples of SBS affecting contrasting types of sealing sequences using three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data. These examples show direct evidence of highly focused vertical or subvertical fluid flow from subsurface reservoirs up through the seal sequence, with leakage internally at higher levels or to the surface as seeps. We classify SBS into three main groups based on seismic interpretational criteria: (1) fault related, (2) intrusion related, and (3) pipe related. We show how each group exhibits different modes of behavior with different scaling relationships between flux and dimensions and different short- and long-term impacts on seal behavior. INTRODUCTION The term ‘‘seal’’ is one of the most widely used in petroleum geology, but is perhaps, one of the most misleading. The definition suggests that the seal prevents flow, whereas all rock types possess intrinsic permeability to both single and multiphase fluids. In this article, the term ‘‘sealing sequence’’ refers to an assemblage of generally low-permeability lithofacies that halt or retard the flow of petroleum toward the basin surface. Although there is no doubt that Joe Cartwright 3DLab, School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3YE, United Kingdom; Joe Cartwright received his B.A. degree and his D.Phil. in geology from Oxford University. He is a research professor of geophysics and director of the 3DLab at Cardiff University. His research interests focus on three-dimensional seismic interpretation in basin analysis, with special emphasis on seal integrity analysis, the genesis of polygonal faults, the emplacement of sandstone and igneous intrusions, and silica diagenesis. Mads Huuse 3DLab, School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3YE, United Kingdom; present address: Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, United Kingdom; Mads Huuse received his Ph.D. from the University of Aarhus in 1999. In 1999 – 2005, he was a postdoctoral researcher, first at the University of Aarhus, then at the University of Aberdeen, working on injected sands, and finally, at Cardiff University, working on cap rocks. Currently, he is lecturer of geophysics at the University of Aberdeen. His special interest is in the seismic imaging of fluid-flow features, glacial deposits, and cool-water carbonates. Andrew Aplin NRG, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom; Andrew Aplin received his Ph.D. from Imperial College in 1983. He was a Royal Society European Fellow at Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques Nancy from 1983 to 1984 and worked at BP as a research geochemist from 1984 to 1990. Since 1990, he has worked at the University of Newcastle, where he is currently professor of petroleum geoscience. His main research interests are in the physical and fluidflow properties of fine-grained sediments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Copyright #2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. Manuscript received December 1, 2005; provisional acceptance December 7, 2005; revised manuscript received February 2, 2007; final acceptance April 9, 2007. DOI:10.1306/04090705181 AAPG Bulletin, v. 91, no. 8 (August 2007), pp. 1141 – 1166 1141 We acknowledge receipt of Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/C516 487/1 to A. Aplin. petroleum migrates through sealing sequences on modest geological time scales (e.g., Macgregor, 1996), flow paths and flow rates are poorly constrained and commonly conjectural (e.g., Weber, 1997). Faults, fractures, and capillary pore systems are all possibilities and appear to be operative in specific cases (e.g., Caillet, 1993; Leith et al., 1993; Leith and Fallick, 1997; Losh et al., 1999; O’Brien et al., 1999; Gartrell et al., 2002; Nordgard Bolas and Hermanrud, 2003; Boles et al., 2004). Deciding among these possibilities is clearly an important element of petroleum systems analysis, but is notoriously difficult and requires a detailed knowledge of the material properties of seal units at a range of scales and through geological time. Much of the work on the physical properties of seals has been undertaken in the context of either seal analysis or overpressure prediction. Seal analysis, both for top seals and fault seals, has largely focused on the prediction of potential column heights and generally centers on the definition of a threshold capillary entry pressure, which must be overcome for leakage to occur (e.g., Berg, 1975; Schowalter, 1979; Watts, 1987; Vavra et al., 1992; Brown, 2003). Once breached, or in situations where the pore system of the seal is oil wet (Bennett et al., 2004; Aplin and Larter, 2005), the rate of leakage through a sealing sequence is fundamentally controlled by its (relative) permeability. Recent research has provided useful permeability data for mudstone and chalk seals (e.g., Schlömer and Krooss, 1997; Dewhurst et al., 1998, 1999; Kwon et al., 2004; Mallon et al., 2005). In situations where pore pressure is sufficiently high to cause mechanical failure of the seals, petroleum may leak through resulting fractures (Grauls and Cassignol, 1992; Gaarenstroom et al., 1993). However, rates and mechanisms are imprecisely known (Ingram and Urai, 1999; Brown, 2000). The analysis described above is limited in being based largely on the core-scale properties of sealing sequences. The ultimate goal for any exercise in assigning risk levels to seals is the definition of the threedimensional (3-D) architecture of the seal combined with a full description of the sealing properties in 3-D, in the context of past and present-day stress regimes. This includes a description of heterogeneities on any observable scale, not merely those accessible from core or well data. The most vulnerable parts of a seal are, by definition, those that can act as fluid-migration pathways, i.e., the most permeable connected routes with the lowest capillary threshold pressures. A major challenge for explorationists, therefore, is to identify and predict these routes using a combination of geophys1142 Seal Bypass Systems ical, petrophysical, and geological data. This approach was fully appreciated over two decades ago by Downey (1984), but can now be reevaluated using modern techniques such as 3-D seismic interpretation. The focus of this article is on seismic-scale permeability heterogeneities and is based on a reappraisal of Downey’s pioneering recognition that some high-quality seals may be breached episodically or semipermanently by a range of geological structures that we collectively term ‘‘seal bypass systems.’’ We propose that if such bypass systems exist within a given sealing sequence, then predictions of sealing capacity based exclusively on rock physical properties such as capillary entry pressure, hydraulic conductivity, and wettability may be largely negated by the capacity of the bypass system to breach the microscale sealing framework of the grains and pore network. The degree to which the pore-scale analysis might be invalidated depends critically on the relative fluxes that can be transmitted via the pore network as opposed to the bypass systems. This article is based largely on 3-D seismic observations of sealing sequences in which geological discontinuities are embedded within the seal and breach it by acting as highly focused, vertical, or subvertical fluid-flow paths from the underlying reservoirs. As such, it focuses mainly on an object-based recognition of potential features that could lead to significant bypass of the pore network. It should be noted here that the recognition of seismicscale features does not automatically imply that fluxes through these features would be greater than through their subseismic equivalents. Our approach is to define and classify different categories of pathways and to document these with a series of examples based on the interpretation of modern 3-D seismic volumes. Our classification is object based because it is intended as a guide to interpretation. Whereas many of these objects have been recognized previously, this article is a first attempt to group the range of observed phenomena. It should therefore be regarded only as a preliminary, qualitative scheme, to be refined as more such features are recognized and their impact on fluid-flow regimes is quantified. The article is intended to alert seismic interpreters to the significance of the bypass features and to aid them in their task of distinguishing them from the many subvertical to vertical artifacts present on seismic data. The article begins with some formal definitions, sets out the classification we propose, and presents examples for each of the main categories. The article concludes with a discussion of the wider significance of these features for petroleum exploration. SEAL BYPASS SYSTEMS We define seal bypass systems (SBS) as ‘‘large-scale (seismically resolvable) geological features embedded within sealing sequences that promote cross-stratal fluid migration and allow fluids to bypass the pore network.’’ The restriction to objects that are large enough to be resolvable on seismic data is purely arbitrary and for the purposes of developing a seismically based classification. It is not intended to exclude bypass systems that fall beneath this arbitrary scale limit. Subseismicscale bypass systems can be more efficient than much larger features, and it is important to recognize that the size of any given feature does not necessarily correlate with its permeability. We recognize three main groups of SBS (Table 1), consisting of (1) faults, (2) intrusions, and (3) pipes, described in detail below, and based on an extensive review of published seismic data. We observe that SBS are extremely common in most petroliferous basins where there is good 3-D seismic coverage. They are widespread on a global scale: all petroliferous basins for which we have access to data contain SBS. We have also found that SBS are commonly unreported in basins where they are well developed and may be significant fluid-flow conduits. In many petroliferous basins, at least two of the three classes of SBS are developed, and in some, all three classes can be found widely distributed within a basin. In the section below, we review background data for each of the groups in turn, providing examples of seismic expression, and compare the relative efficiencies of each group and the different types of fluid-flow behavior they exhibit. FAULT BYPASS This is the largest group of bypass systems, and their function of conduits across sealing sequences has been intensively studied (e.g., Sibson, 1981; Downey, 1984; O’Brien et al., 1999, Finkbeiner et al., 2001; Nordgard Bolas and Hermanrud, 2003). The function of hydraulic fractures in seal leakage has also been extensively researched (Secor, 1965; Silverman, 1965; Engelder and Lacazette, 1990). Small fractures are known to be important as potential hydrocarbon conduits (Smith, 1966), but because they are unlikely ever to be imaged individually on seismic data, we confine our discussion to seismically resolvable faults as vertical fluid-migration pathways. Because fault dimensions scale with fault displacement, seismically resolvable faults with throws greater than 10 m (33 ft) are commonly found to cross hundreds of meters of stratigraphic section, and fault conduits thus have great potential for long-range vertical fluid transmission (Hooper, 1991). We subdivide the class into two families: trapdefining or supratrap, based on whether the faults define and delimit the trap with a lateral seal component, or whether they are embedded within the sealing sequence (Table 1). The rationale behind this subdivision is based on the notion that many trap-defining faults may have grown by successive earthquakes, and that this motion history would have involved a different mode of fluid flow along the fault planes than for supratrap faults. Examples of trap-defining faults include many of the classic tilted fault block traps of the North Sea Basin, or thrusted hanging-wall traps of foreland thrust and fold belts. Examples of supratrap faults include, for example, sets of synthetic and antithetic faults in crestal collapse structures above rollover anticlines or polygonal fault systems as widely developed in seals of Cenozoic age in northwest Europe and on the Atlantic margins. In the case of trap-defining faults, the vertical permeability of the fault plane and adjacent damage zones is dependent on the larger scale context of the fault and its history of motion, in combination with the local hydrodynamic boundary conditions. In the case of supratrap faults, the behavior of the faults as fluid valves from the trap is more closely coupled with the hydrodynamic conditions in the reservoir and in the sealing sequence. Smaller faults with throws typically less than 100 m (330 ft) that detach or tip out within the seal sequence or within the reservoir are likely to slip in small-magnitude increments, so seismic pumping (Sibson, 1981) is less likely to feature as a mechanism than for many basementlinked, trap-defining faults that are more likely to have been seismogenically active. Seismic examples of trap-defining faults versus supratrap faults are presented in Figure 1. Leakage of hydrocarbons is visible in both examples in the form of distributed amplitude anomalies that can be directly linked to small gas accumulations, but this does not by itself prove that the faults have acted as the conduits, as is sometimes assumed (Heggland, 1997). Despite the wide appreciation of the potential function of faults as being potential leakage routes through sealing sequences (O’Brien et al., 1999; Gartrell et al., 2002; Nordgard Bolas and Hermanrud, 2003), there are few published case studies documenting this function or quantifying their impact on fluid fluxes. The Cartwright et al. 1143 Table 1. Classification of SBS SBS Faults: trap defining Faults: supratrap Intrusions: sand Intrusions: mud Intrusions: salt Intrusions: igneous Pipes: dissolution Pipes: hydrothermal Pipes: blowout Pipes: seepage Setting Dimensions Any tectonically active setting; commonly seismogenic in character Faults embedded in sealing sequence, generally not lined to basement Mainly in deep-water basins; various tectonic settings; very fine-grained seals Variable, but lengths commonly greater than 5 km (3.1 mi) Usually < 10 km ( <6 mi) in length, < 1–2 km ( <0.6 –1.2 mi) vertical extent Aperture: centimeters to meters; height: meters to 1 km (0.6 mi); length: meters to 10 km (6 mi) Aperture: centimeters to meters; height: meters to 1 km (0.6 mi); length: meters to 10 km (6 mi) Height: tens of meters to kilometers; width: tens of meters to kilometers Height: tens of meters to kilometers; width: tens of meters to kilometers Height: tens of meters to kilometers; width: meters to hundreds of meters Height: tens of meters to several kilometers; width: tens of meters to 1–2 km (0.6 –1.2 mi) Mainly in tectonically active basins, commonly with highly overpressured deeper sequences Within salt basins In volcanic margin basins and other magmatically active settings Underlain by carbonate or evaporite sequences In volcanic margin basins and other magmatically active settings; associated with magmatic intrusions into basin fill sequences Various basin types, but commonly where there are overpressured intervals at depth Various basin types, but commonly where there are overpressured intervals at depth Height: tens of meters to 1– 2 km (0.6 –1.2 mi); width: tens to hundreds of meters Height: tens of meters to 1– 2 km (0.6 –1.2 mi); width: tens to hundreds of meters theoretical basis for this type of analysis is well established (Secor, 1965; Sibson, 1981), but the question of whether faults are semipermanently open pathways for fluid migration is widely debated within the petroleum industry. That faults act as fluid-flow pathways is hard to dispute, given the wide evidence for this in ore 1144 Seal Bypass Systems Seismic Expression Systematic offsets of stratal reflections Systematic offsets of stratal reflections Discordant amplitude anomalies, localized forced folding Cylindrical conduits with amplitude anomalies distributed adjacent to or within the conduit Geometries range from diapirs to walls to fault-controlled intrusions Discordant amplitude anomalies, localized forced folding, and hydrothermal pipes Cylindrical or steeply conical zones of intense disruption of stratal reflections, localized sag folding Cylindrical or steeply conical zones of intense disruption of stratal reflections typically developed directly above igneous intrusions and commonly linked to sea-floor mounds Cylindrical or steeply conical zones of intense disruption of stratal reflections typically developed directly above localized breach points of underlying fluid source interval; linked to pockmarks; distributed amplitude anomalies are common As for blowout pipes, but no link to pockmarks deposits (Newhouse, 1942). More of the debate centers on which faults act as seals or as fluid pathways. If some act as both, when do they exhibit their specific functions? It may be most relevant to play analysis to consider their sealing potential as a time-dependent parameter (Alexander and Handschy, 1998). One of the major controls on the long-term behavior of fault planes as flow conduits is the static permeability of the fault rocks. Faults whose damage zones are more permeable than their host sequences can be major flow routes irrespective of their specific history of rupture and displacement. In these rare cases, faults may act as cross-stratal migration routes on a semipermanent basis (Hooper, 1991; James, 1997). However, most fault zone rocks are characterized by lower permeability than their host rocks, and steady-state leakage rates would be commensurately small (Knipe, 1997). The physical properties of gouge in fault zones (Gibson, 1994) and the permeability of any connected fractures in any damage zones surrounding the larger scale fault (Aydin, 2000) will determine the extent to which steady-state flow can occur along the fault zone during dormant periods between slip events. The capacity of seismogenic faults to act as flow conduits needs to take account of the slip behavior of the fault in addition to the static permeability of the fault zone. Considerable deviation of the efficiency of the conduit can be predicted for periods before, during, and immediately after active rupture of the fault plane, i.e., during the earthquake cycle. Faults most probably act as valves for fluids during active rupture events (Sibson, 1981; Muir Wood, 1994; Hickman et al.,1995) and could potentially bleed large volumes of fluid from a reservoir in contact with the active fault. Direct evidence of significant fluid flux upward along fault planes is graphically revealed by trails of large pockmark craters that are aligned vertically above the upper tips of fault planes (Heggland, 1997; Ligtenberg, 2005). The link with pockmarks by itself suggests that fluxes conducted along the fault planes were large enough to excavate substantial volumes of sediment from the seabed (Hovland and Judd, 1988). Other, less direct observational evidence that links fault planes to significant fluid flux includes (1) mud mounds or mud diapirs forming directly above fault planes (Berryhill, 1986); (2) hydrate mounds above fault planes (Roberts et al., 2000); (3) temperature anomalies above faults (Kumar, 1977) or within fault rocks (Roberts et al., 1996; Losh et al., 1999); (4) fluid pressure distributions across faults (Berg and Habeck, 1982); (5) distribution of cementing phases in fault-hosted veins (Eichhubl and Boles, 2002); (6) pore-water salinity anomalies associated with faults (Lin and Nunn, 1997); (7) and hydrothermal deposits associated with faults (e.g., Hedenquist and Henley, 1985) and clustering of small gas-related amplitude anomalies stacked vertically in footwall or hanging-wall traps along single faults (Heggland, 1997). Polygonal Fault Systems A good example of the supratrap family of fault bypass systems is provided by polygonal fault systems. In the past decade, it has been recognized that many ultralowpermeability sealing sequences are deformed by pervasively developed networks of polygonal faults, and it is therefore pertinent to consider the likely impact of these faults on seal integrity (Cartwright and Dewhurst, 1998; Cartwright et al., 2003; Stuevold et al., 2003) (Figure 2). These fault networks are ubiquitous within certain finegrained lithologies, such as smectitic claystones and siliceous or calcareous oozes. Sealing sequences of Eocene age in the North Sea are deformed by extensive polygonal fault systems and yet overlie many prolific Paleocene reservoirs, suggesting that these faults do not compromise the seal integrity. The typical range of lithofacies in which polygonal faults occur possesses core-scale permeabilities that are extremely low (<10 17 m 1), so the presence of such a pervasive fault network formed during the earliest stages of compaction and dewatering represents a significant potential permeability heterogeneity. Polygonal fault planes are known to transmit fluids, although the fault planes have almost no fault gouge, and static permeabilities are lower in the vicinity of the slip zone than in the adjacent wall rocks ( Verschuren, 1992; A. Bolton, 2001, personal communication). This suggests that dilatancy occurs during active slip (Sibson, 1981), and there is a transient flux during any given slip event (Cartwright et al., 2003). In addition, indirect indicators for fluid flow along polygonal faults have been inferred from pockmark trails that are observed above polygonal faults in diverse settings (e.g., Gay et al., 2004). Stacked gas anomalies are commonly associated with polygonal faults in North Sea Tertiary gas chimneys, but as noted earlier, this does not imply that the faults bled gas. Gas leakage from hydrocarbon reservoirs such as in the Ormen Lange field has also been indirectly linked to polygonal faults acting as the main conduits (Stuevold et al., 2003; Berndt et al., 2003). In summary, the fact that many prolific accumulations are successfully trapped by a top seal that is polygonally faulted suggests that leakage through these faults is insufficiently rapid to compromise the accumulation. However, there may be specific circumstances where the polygonal faults are reactivated under later stress conditions where they can potentially threaten trap integrity. The recognition of polygonal faults in a sealing sequence thus points to a high-quality seal being present because of their tendency to occur in very Cartwright et al. 1145 1146 Seal Bypass Systems low-permeability sediments, but evidence of leakage via the faults needs to be scrutinized as part of the seal risk assessment. INTRUSIVE BYPASS Intrusive bypass systems are a group of intrusive structures that breach the integrity of a sealing sequence in one or another of three distinct ways. First, the intrusive event itself involves the puncturing of the seal, and the transmission of fluids through the seal along with the intrusive material. A good example of this behavior is when mud volcanoes first form. Second, when the intruded material possesses a markedly higher permeability compared to the sealing sequence, fluid flow will be focused upward through the intrusion. Examples of this case are sandstone intrusions or highly fractured igneous intrusions. Third, when the intrusion process results in intense fracturing and deformation of the sealing sequence, fluid flow can exploit the increased permeability of the sealing sequence in the contact zone. Good examples of this can be found in the sheath zone around salt diapirs, or in metamorphic aureoles around igneous intrusions. The magnitude of the permeability perturbation in each of these three cases depends on several factors related to the specific intrusion family. Each of the four intrusive bypass families included in Table 1 is discussed in more detail below, with reference to seismic examples and context. Sandstone Intrusions This family is a potentially significant element in regionalscale fluid flow in basins and a significant mode of seal failure, whose existence at seismic scale has only recently been recognized (Molyneux et al., 2002; Hurst et al., 2003). Three-dimensional seismic data have revealed kilometer-scale sandstone dikes and sills in several petroleum systems in northwest Europe (Hurst et al., 2003; Schwartz et al., 2003; Huuse and Mickelson, 2004; Shoulders and Cartwright, 2004). They commonly intrude what would otherwise be regarded as high-quality sealing sequences and, in so doing, fundamentally alter the seal integrity. The effect of a sandstone intrusion in this context is to insert a meters-wide conduit with darcy permeability into a sequence with nanodarcy permeability. Sandstone intrusions crossing otherwise excellent sealing successions up to 1000 m (3300 ft) thick are documented in the United Kingdom Atlantic margin petroleum province (Shoulders and Cartwright, 2004) (Figure 3). The dimensions of the intrusions and, therefore, the amount of sealing section they transect depend on several factors: (1) the size of the parent sand body supplying sand to the intrusion; (2) the overpressuring mechanism needed to liquefy and fluidize the sand and to drive the fluid flow; (3) the burial depth; and (4) the scale of the hydrodynamic regime imposing the overpressure. Reservoir-scale sandstone intrusions are not uncommon: single sandstone dikes of up to 10 m (33 ft) width and 30 km (18 mi) length have been described from the coastal ranges of California (Schwartz et al., 2003). In addition, discordant sandstone intrusions of up to 45 m (147 ft) thick with a characteristic conical geometry have been identified on 3-D seismic data from a large area of the central and northern North Sea, crossing up to 700 m (2296 ft) of otherwise highly impermeable seal of Eocene age (Molyneux et al., 2002; Huuse et al., 2003; Huuse and Mickelson, 2004). These sandstone intrusions certainly compromise the seal, but in a more positive vein, they also provide secondary migration pathways into isolated deep-water sandstone reservoirs within the Eocene (Huuse et al., 2005). The emplacement of sandstone intrusions is a form of natural blowout similar to that envisaged for blowout pipes (see below), although the geometry of the two bypass systems is quite distinct. High fluid pressures approaching lithostatic are involved in the process of sandstone intrusion and result in high fluid fluxes, particularly during the intrusion event. The fluxes most likely scale with the pore volume and pressure state of the parent sand body supplying the intrusion network. The fluid flux also likely scales with the volume of sand emplaced in the intrusions. As a first-order estimate, we suggest that the total fluid flux during an intrusion Figure 1. Seismic profiles illustrating hydrocarbon leakage associated with faults. (A) Leakage from the crestal region of a large tilted fault block expressed as vertically distributed amplitude anomalies (arrowed) in the footwall to this major trap-defining fault. A bottom simulating reflection (BSR) associated with local development of gas hydrates can be seen near the top of the profile. Data shown with permission of NAMCOR. (B) Extensive leakage of gas from a large anticlinal trap with a reservoir of submarine-fan sandstone top sealed by polygonally faulted claystone (TF is top reservoir, A/CT is the Opal A to Opal CT boundary). The supratrap faults are implicated indirectly in the leakage process. Data courtesy of Petroleum Geo-Services (UK) Ltd. Cartwright et al. 1147 Figure 2. Seismic expression of polygonal fault systems. (A) Horizontal slice through a variance attribute volume showing a classical polygonal network embedded within a biosiliceous mudstone seal. Note the mud volcano conduit (MVC) toward the bottom of the image. (B) Profile from a 3-D volume showing intense polygonal faulting developed in sealing sequences offshore Norway. The change in amplitude response across the marker labeled A/CT is caused by silica diagenesis of the lower part of the faulted interval. Data courtesy of Norsk Hydro. 1148 Seal Bypass Systems Figure 3. Seismic expression of large-scale, interconnected sandstone intrusions from the Faeroe-Shetland Basin, offshore United Kingdom. The sandstone intrusions cross a low-permeability sealing sequence comprised of mainly smectite-rich mudstones, rendering them ineffective as a top seal for the major submarine-fan reservoir seen below the top fan (TF) marker. Some of the sandstone intrusions are associated with forced folds, allowing them to be dated (Shoulders and Cartwright, 2004). Data by permission of Exxon-Mobil. event might be an order of magnitude larger than the intrusion volume (Shoulders, 2005). From simple considerations of Stoke’s law, likely flow velocities during intrusion are on the order of 1–2 cm s 1 (0.4– 0.8 in. s 1) (Shoulders, 2005). The impact of sandstone intrusions on sealing sequences is not restricted to the period of the intrusion event (which may last only a few days). After formation, sandstone intrusions can remain open as highly permeable conduits for many millions of years, until their vertical continuity is broken by deformation, or the pore space becomes cemented (Hurst et al., 2003; Huuse et al., 2004; Jonk et al., 2005). They may thus have a significant long-term impact on seal integrity. Wellcalibrated examples of large-scale sandstone intrusions in the North Sea are partially cemented (Løseth et al., 2003), but rarely completely tight, and there is abundant evidence from fluid-inclusion data of long-term (>10 m.y.) and episodic flux of aqueous and hydrocarbon fluids via these intrusive pathways (Jonk et al., 2005). Igneous Intrusions In contrast to sandstone intrusions where it is the intrusive lithology (sand) that provides the permeable pathway to allow focused fluid migration along the intrusion, igneous intrusions have generally much lower permeability than the host medium typical sealing facies. However, the intrusion of hot magma at greater than 1000jC into cold and wet sediments results in major changes in host rock properties for tens of meters away from the immediate contact zone (Einsele et al., 1980). In addition to fracturing associated with forceful intrusion, fracture sets also form during prograded metamorphism in the contact aureole, during hydrothermally driven fluid loss from surrounding sediments (Einsele et al., 1980) and also in the thermal contraction fracturing during longer term cooling of the intrusive body itself. These different fracture sets thus provide a fracture permeability network at various scales surrounding the intrusion and occasionally within the body of the intrusion itself. Cartwright et al. 1149 Figure 4. Seismic expression of major igneous sills from the Rockall Basin, offshore United Kingdom. The sills are easily recognizable as high-amplitude bodies with a generally concave- or bowl-shaped geometry (Hansen et al., 2005). They are interconnected and transect 2 – 3 km (1.2 – 1.8 mi) of sealing successions of late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic age. Data courtesy of Petroleum Geo-Services (UK) Ltd. The fractures that develop during initial intrusion will significantly modify fluid-flow behavior around the intrusion during and immediately after the intrusion event. The drive for this phase of fluid flow comes from the thermal energy of the intrusion. Einsele (1992), for example, estimated a total flux caused by hydrothermal activity resulting from sill intrusion in the Gulf of California on the order of 107 m3/km2 (5.7 107 ft3/mi2) of sill surface area based on the observed reduction in porosity in sediments surrounding the sills. Fractures within the metamorphic contact aureoles can provide potentially longer term flow conduits, but hydrothermal fluids are highly mineralizing, and the fracture sets have a high probability of closing quickly because of cementation. Vein systems observed surrounding igneous sills are commonly filled with mineral phases linked to the initial stages of hydrothermal activity (Einsele et al., 1980). 1150 Seal Bypass Systems The scale and distribution of the fractured country rock associated with any given intrusion depends mainly on intrusion size, geometry, and mechanism. In many petroliferous sedimentary basins, the most important types of intrusion likely to feature in any assessment of seal bypass are mafic dikes and sills, which are widely developed, for example, on many volcanic continental margins (Planke et al., 2000). These range in size from a few meters to many kilometers in dimension and, in the case of dikes, can cross many kilometers of sealing sequences (Figure 4) (Rubin, 1995). The fracture systems associated with these types of forcible intrusions are particularly complex and are known to be mainly controlled by pore fluid –magma interactions and intrusion geometry (Pollard, 1973; Delaney, 1987). The dimensions and typical context of these types of intrusions mean that they may be important in providing secondary migration routes in addition to having a negative impact on seal integrity. As exploration campaigns increasingly target volcanic continental margin domains such as west Africa, Brazil, India, and the northeast Atlantic margin deep water, the recognition of igneous intrusions as major fluid-flow conduits will likely become more important. Mud Diapirs and Diatremes Mud diapirs and diatremes are an important and widespread subgroup of SBS, most widely known from tectonically active settings such as convergent margins, foreland basins, and strike-slip provinces (Kopf, 2002; Dimitrov, 2002), but they are increasingly recognized in passive-margin settings (e.g., Graue, 1999; Hansen et al., 2005; Frey Martinez et al., 2007). Mud diapirs or diatremes are commonly associated with mud volcanoes. Collectively, this group of intrusive and extrusive structures is widely documented, and the structures are increasingly being identified from producing regions on 3-D seismic data (Van Rensbergen and Morley, 2003; Davies and Stewart, 2005). Modern studies have largely focused on methane flux during mud vulcanism in the context of global greenhouse gas budgets (Dimitrov, 2002; Kopf, 2002). However, mud volcanoes are also recognized as an extremely efficient mechanism for dewatering rapidly buried and overpressured clay-rich sedimentary sequences (Kopf and Behrmann, 2000). The main flux of fluid linked to mud intrusions is associated with the intrusion event itself, i.e., in the form of the fluids that comprise the ascending mud column. Intrusive activity is highly episodic, and this episodicity most likely depends on the hydrodynamic conditions in the source layer providing the flow of mud into the diapir or diatreme (Brown, 1990). Our knowledge of fluxes associated with mud intrusion comes mainly from studies of mud volcanoes, and accurate quantitative data are limited (Kopf and Behrmann, 2000). Nevertheless, mud volcanoes are clearly episodic (Dimitrov, 2002), which in turn implies that the underlying mud intrusions are also episodic. Fluid flow upward along a mud intrusion in the intervening periods separating eruption is likely to be limited to small volumes flowing via fracture networks that develop through the forceful intrusion of the mud into its host medium or through intercalations of coarser material entrained in the conduit fill (Morley, 2003). Known or extrapolated fluxes from mud volcanoes span a large range and are commonly based on extrapolations of modern eruptions. The most detailed quantitative analysis of flux is that of Kopf and Behrmann (2000), in an analysis of a suite of large mud volcanoes on the Mediterranean Ridge. They found that flux ranged on the order of 103 – 104 m3/day (3.53 104 –3.53 105 ft3/day). Scales of mud intrusions and extrusions vary considerably from meters to kilometers. The depth of origin of mud extruded in volcanoes gives a good indication of the vertical distances that mud can be transported and, hence, the vertical extent of any potential seal breach. In the mud volcanoes in Trinidad, clasts of Eocene limestone and Cretaceous silicified shale are commonly erupted from depths of greater than 2 km (1.2 mi) (Kugler, 1933). Mud volcanoes in the Vøring Basin, Norway, ascend through greater than 1 km (0.6 mi) of otherwise highly intact sealing lithologies. The key requirements for mud diapirism and vulcanism are a means to liquefy the fine-grained parent sedimentary unit. This can be achieved by inflation (addition of fluid under pressure), in-situ overpressuring, or external triggering (e.g., earthquakes). The liquefied mud can ascend rapidly (in kilometers per day), but the rates of ascent vary widely depending on conduit geometry and viscosity (Kopf, 2002). The vent geometry is the least well-understood part of the system, but the most important (Kopf and Behrmann, 2000; Davies and Stewart, 2005). Not only does vent geometry control the surface expression and flux, but it also forms the main breach of the seal. Seismic imaging of vents is generally poor (Dimitrov, 2002), although modern 3-D seismic data commonly reveal a much narrower vent geometry than commonly apparent on two-dimensional (2-D) seismic data (Figure 5). Prestack depth migration is commonly required to obtain the best results (Davies and Stewart, 2005). Conduits are generally narrower than commonly apparent on seismic data (Van Rensbergen and Morley, 2003). Rare field examples of vents indicate a large degree of fracture propagation and stoping for the ascent process (Morley, 2003). Several major hydrocarbon accumulations have reservoirs that are pierced by mud diapirs or mud volcano conduits. Excellent examples are known from Trinidad (e.g., the Forest Reserve field; Deville et al., 2003) and also the Caspian Sea hydrocarbon province, where fields such as ACG (Azeri Chirag Gunashli) and Shah Deniz are giant oil and gas fields with penetrative mud structures close to their respective crests (Fowler et al., 2000; Davies and Stewart, 2005). In both these fields, although there is considerable leakage of hydrocarbons at the surface above and surrounding the mud structures, the major accumulations are, nonetheless, intact. This may be an indication that the passage of a mud diapir through the reservoir was largely self-sealing, or it Cartwright et al. 1151 Figure 5. Seismic expression of a buried mud volcano (MV) and underlying cylindrical conduit. The conduit is associated with localized folding and with vertically stacked amplitude anomalies, probably indicative of gas-filled porous units or cemented zones. Thickness changes related to the associated folds have been used to identify two to three phases of fluid venting along this and similar conduits in the area (Hansen et al., 2005). Data courtesy of Norsk Hydro. could imply that hydrocarbon charge is very recent, and the rate of influx of hydrocarbons to the reservoir is greater than the rate of loss via the mud vent. Fracture and fault systems are widely observed in association with mud diapirs and diatremes, either forming through forceful intrusion mechanisms, stoping, or caldera-style collapse of the mud chambers supplying the vent (Kopf, 2002; Morley, 2003; Davies and Stewart, 2005). These faults and fractures represent an additional means for upward fluid flow and, where intimately linked to the mud structures, can be considered as part of the intrusion-related bypass system. Salt Diapirs Many hydrocarbon provinces are located in areas where salt tectonics is an integral part of the deformational regime and where diapirism is a common structural 1152 Seal Bypass Systems style (Jackson, 1995). The growth of salt diapirs commonly involves forced folding and radial and concentric faulting, and this associated deformation can exert a major impact on fluid-flow regimes and seal integrity. Salt diapirs are widely associated with focused fluid flow as evidenced by (1) localized development of mud mounds above diapirs in the Gulf of Mexico (Roberts and Carney, 1997); (2) shallow gas anomalies clustered around and above salt diapirs in the North Sea (Heggland, 1998); and (3) localized salinity anomalies around salt diapirs, offshore Louisiana (Esch and Hanor, 1995), and with large pockmarks above diapir margins in west Africa. In the North Sea, gas chimneys in the Tertiary overburden are widely observed above salt diapirs, and these contribute to imaging problems at depth and to drilling hazards in the shallow subsurface (Heggland, 1997, 1998). Hydrocarbon leakage in the vicinity of salt diapirs occurs via complex fracture networks that are developed in the sheath of drag folds in the immediate contact zone between the salt body and the forcibly intruded host sediments and in the carapace immediately above the crest of the diapir (Alsop et al., 2000; Davison et al., 2000). Despite this obvious vertical permeability to hydrocarbons, major oil accumulations occur in Paleocene sandstone and Upper Cretaceous chalk reservoirs trapped against salt walls and diapirs, and the large column heights of these accumulations testify to the effectiveness of both lateral seals and top seals in this setting (Davison et al., 2000). It is probable, therefore, that the fault and fracture systems surrounding the intrusive salt bodies are only permeable for finite periods of time and are not open for flow long enough to deplete reservoired hydrocarbons. Diapir growth is commonly episodic (Jackson, 1995), and commonly follows the cyclicity established by regional tectonics (Davison et al., 2000). Hence, the fluid flow associated with salt diapirism is also likely to be episodic. Finally, it should be borne in mind that the deformation of local aquifers and seals caused by the intrusion of a diapir has the potential to dramatically alter the local hydrogeology, and this, in turn, can lead to seal failure resulting from excess pressure heads linked to lateral pressure transfer (Evans et al., 1991). PIPE BYPASS Pipes are the least well documented of the SBS groups, and they have only recently been described in detail with the benefit of 3-D seismic data (Løseth et al., 2001, 2003; Berndt et al., 2003). They can best be defined seismically as columnar zones of disturbed reflections that may or may not be associated with subvertically stacked amplitude anomalies. Pipes are commonly ignored on seismic data because they tend to exhibit a vertical to subvertical geometry (Figure 6) and can therefore be confused with seismic artifacts such as migration anomalies, scattering artifacts, lateral velocity anomalies, and attenuation artifacts related to shallow diffractors (Løseth et al., 2001, 2003; Davies, 2003). Care is therefore needed in differentiating true pipes from seismic artifacts, which is best done by considering the structural and stratigraphic context of any candidate pipe. They are commonly seen to emanate from crestal regions, e.g., tilted fault block crests, fold crests, or crests of sand bodies with positive topography, but many pipes are also documented from flat-lying units or synclinal regions, albeit with some focusing element at depth. Pipes are commonly circular or subcircular in planform, and they are therefore easiest to identify in 3-D seismic volumes using slice-based or horizon-based attributes (Figure 7). As with any attribute-based interpretation, the usual caveats apply regarding artifacts. The detailed structure of pipes is poorly understood at present and may be highly variable. In some cases, pipes consist of zones of deformed reflections related to minor folding and faulting. In others, they simply appear to consist of stacked pockmark craters or stacked localized amplitude anomalies that are likely to be small gas accumulations or zones of cementation, but with no resolvable deformation (Figure 6). Although there is commonly no visible systematic offset of reflections that would support an interpretation of associated smallscale faulting (and fracturing), outcrop analogs suggest that intense fracturing is indeed likely to occur within the pipe (Løseth et al., 2001, 2003). This fracturing is responsible for the enhanced permeability and loss of seal integrity (Bryner, 1961). By analogy with many published accounts of breccia pipes at outcrop and in mines, the pipes seen on seismic data cutting across sealing sequences (e.g., Figure 6) are considered most likely to consist of brecciated seal facies with zones of high fracture intensity, variably intruded by small dikes of material transported from the base and from along the flow route. We suggest a subdivision of the pipe bypass systems into four families based on their contextual setting ( Table 1). This should be regarded only as a preliminary classification because of the infancy of research into these features. The use of a context-based scheme specifically for pipe bypass systems requires a significant input from the interpretation of geologic setting before a classification can be made, but this scheme does have the advantage that the context offers strong clues as to pipe genesis. Suggestions are made below on how to approach this interpretation. These four families are dissolution pipes, hydrothermal pipes, blowout pipes, and seepage pipes. The latter two are closely related and distinguished on the basis of presence or absence of surface features denoting a more dynamic flow regime along the pipe. Dissolution Pipes Dissolution pipes form by dissolution of rock units at depth to form subsurface cavities that promote instability in the overburden leading to collapse (Stanton, 1966; Cooper, 1986). They are thus likely to occur in areas of evaporite or carbonate karst. The dimensions Cartwright et al. 1153 Figure 6. Seismic expression of pipes crossing sealing sequences. (A) A large pipe from the Faeroe-Shetland Basin, offshore United Kingdom, characterized by a vertical zone of disrupted reflections, with small offsets, and localized brightening of reflections within or adjacent to the pipe. The profile is from a 3-D survey, but even with 3-D migration, the imaging cannot be trusted to give an accurate portrayal of internal structure: the feature is too close in diameter to the horizontal resolution limit. The pipe is seen to emanate from a small fold structure deeper in the profile, which is inferred to be the fluid source unit for the genesis of the pipe. This is a regional aquifer of early Eocene age. Data courtesy of CGGVeritas. (B) Pipes seen on a seismic profile emanating from the crest of a low-relief anticlinal structure and reaching the seabed, where they terminate in small pockmarks (Berndt et al., 2003). The source of the fluid is unknown, but most likely from within the underlying polygonally faulted sealing sequence, which is a regional top seal for important hydrocarbon accumulations in this basin. Data courtesy of Statoil A/S. of the collapse pipe are directly related to the dimensions of the solution cavity, but are also influenced by overburden strength and heterogeneity (Branney, 1995). An example of a group of dissolution pipes is shown in Figure 8, from the Levant Basin in the eastern Mediterranean where circular cavities were dissolved into the Messinian evaporite sequence and the overburden collapsed to form tall cylindrical zones of sagging, intense faulting, and fracturing. The high-quality evaporite seal is thus breached by the localized dissolution 1154 Seal Bypass Systems structure, and fluids could therefore exploit this depleted region to migrate up through the overburden, further assisted in their vertical migration by the fracture pathways opened up in the dissolution pipe (Bertoni and Cartwright, 2005). This type of migration window through evaporite seals could represent a significant component of play modeling in areas such as the raft domain of offshore Angola, where the main source and reservoirs are in the pre- and postevaporite sequences, respectively (Duval et al., 1992). Figure 6. Continued. Dissolution pipes form at a rate controlled by the rate of solution: this could be gradual or rapid (Stanton, 1966). The strain rate of the collapse will dictate the extent of fracturing and, hence, the permeability of the pipe (Branney, 1995). The highest permeabilities are likely to be developed during the phase of active deformation of the pipe; hence, the greatest potential for fluid expulsion probably occurs during pipe formation. Once formed, however, fracture networks could remain as potential fluid escape pathways for long periods thereafter, subject to the local history of fracture closure and healing caused by cementation or confining stress (Aydin, 2000). Hydrothermal Pipes Hydrothermal pipes form by the release of a high flux of hydrothermal fluids associated with certain kinds of igneous intrusions, particularly mafic sills or laccoliths (Svensen et al., 2004), and can therefore be expected to affect sealing sequences when they are breached by igneous intrusions. The hydrothermal fluids are derived from the magma by devolatilization and from the host sediments by localized heating, metamorphism, or sim- ply thermal pumping of pore fluids (Delaney, 1987; Einsele, 1992). The volumes of fluids involved depend primarily on magma composition, temperature, and intrusive volume (Delaney, 1987). Subsurface examples of hydrothermal pipes were first interpreted from regional 2-D seismic data (Skogseid and Eldholm, 1989), but their geometry and relationship to underlying mafic sills was only recognized more recently using 3-D seismic data (Bell and Butcher, 2002; Davies et al., 2002). Subsequently, their ubiquitous development in volcanic continental margins has become more apparent (Trude et al., 2003; Hansen, 2004; Svensen et al., 2004), and they can be predicted to occur in any petroliferous basin where there is a phase of mafic intrusion in the form of dikes and sills. This encompasses such active petroleum systems as offshore Brazil, the entire northeastern Atlantic margin, and offshore India, all regions of intensive deep-water exploration. Hydrothermal pipes are recognized on seismic data from two main types of observation: (1) from their character as columnar or steep-sided, downward-tapering conical zones of disturbed or even collapsed stratal reflections and (2) from their direct connection with Cartwright et al. 1155 Figure 7. Use of attribute maps to recognize pipes. Pipes are seen clearly on this display of the variance attribute on a stratal slice taken within a sealing sequence that has been penetrated by a suite of pipes (P). These have a characteristic circular to oval planform and can easily be distinguished from survey acquisition artifacts (A) and faults (F ). igneous sills (Figure 9). They are almost exclusively observed to emanate from the inclined lateral margins of sills or from ridge-like junctions within sills, i.e., local structural crests (Hansen et al., 2004). They exhibit a considerable range in dimensions, with diameters of about 100 m (330 ft) to 3 km (1.8 mi), and heights of hundreds of meters to 2.5 km (1.5 mi) (Figure 9). Hydrothermal pipes associated with mafic sills are common sites of mineralization and are referred to in the mining literature as breccia pipe bodies (Barrington and Kerr, 1961; Bryner, 1961). These breccia pipe bodies are widely considered to have formed catastrophically by high-velocity focused fluid flow with large fluxes (Rove, 1947; Sohnge, 1963). The fracture networks are 1156 Seal Bypass Systems opened within the columnar pipe body by hydraulic fracturing and by stoping and collapse (Phillips, 1972). The dynamics of fluid flow likely lead to pipe enlargement, wall rock abrasion, and collapse (Barrington and Kerr, 1961), which are associated with the formation of complex multiphase vein networks (Newhouse, 1942). From studies of ore petrogenesis, breccia pipes are known to act as fluid-flow conduits for many millions of years after the initial intrusion-related phase of hydrothermal activity (Barrington and Kerr, 1961). Much complementary evidence of this is seen on seismic data for hydrothermal pipes acting as fluid conduits after a gap of many millions of years after their initial formation (Svensen et al., 2004; Hansen et al., Figure 8. Seismic profile across a series of three dissolution pipes from the eastern Mediterranean. The regionally sealing Messinian evaporite succession (labeled ME, and approximately 250 ms in vertical extent) is locally depleted beneath three vertical collapse structures (labeled 1 –3) (Bertoni and Cartwright, 2005). The reflection continuity and amplitude are almost lost within these collapse zones. These dissolution pipes represent a window for fluid migration across the otherwise high-quality regional seal of the evaporites. Data courtesy of BG Group. 2005). This propensity for durability as flow conduits means that these types of pipes have important implications for seal integrity and also for secondary hydrocarbon migration. Blowout Pipes This group of pipes is perhaps the most enigmatic and most difficult to classify. Some affinities exist between our classification of blowout pipes and the definition of mud-related diatremes by Brown (1990, p. 8970), who considered that ‘‘widespread diatreme formation is an important indication of vigorous and regionally extensive fluid advection systems.’’ Blowout pipes can have similar horizontal and vertical dimensions to the other types of pipe, and likewise as with other pipe families, they are typically seen on seismic data as a columnar zone of disturbed reflections or vertically stacked localized amplitude anomalies (Figure 10). They can be dis- tinguished, however, on the basis of their association with surface or paleopockmarks (Løseth et al., 2001). Localized deformation of reflections in the form of small faults and folds is also commonly seen either on the margins of the columnar disturbance or within the core of the column (Figure 10). Blowout pipes can be differentiated from dissolution and hydrothermal pipes by their context: they are not specifically associated with underlying igneous intrusions or with karstified units. Instead, they tend to be localized at natural leakoff points for overpressured pore fluids, for example, at the crests of structures, above gas reservoirs, or at the updip limits of aquifers. This contextual link to obvious positions of focus of overpressure is strong supporting evidence justifying the use of ‘‘blowout’’ in the terminology because it hints at a link to the genetic process of a high pressure gradient driving the fluid flow in such a way as to produce the columnar conduit. Cartwright et al. 1157 Figure 9. Seismic expression of a hydrothermal vent and underlying pipe fed from a shallow-level igneous sill, offshore Norway. The sill is clearly recognizable from its high-amplitude reflections, and the pipe is a subvertical zone of disrupted reflection character located directly above the upper tip of the sill. This is a typical position for the location of hydrothermal pipes. The seabed extrusion of hydrothermal fluids and entrained sediment built a sea-floor mound. Amplitude anomalies are distributed at shallower stratigraphic levels directly above the mound and pipe, suggesting later rejuvenation of the pipe as a fluid conduit. Data courtesy of Statoil A/S. The formation of blowout pipes is poorly understood at present because only a few examples have been described, and none have been calibrated by drilling. They were first described and named by Løseth et al. (2001), who linked their genesis to catastrophic breaching of top seals on shallow gas reservoirs. They can be regarded as a natural blowout to surface or to some shallower aquifer (internal blowout). The diagnostic link between blowout pipes and pockmarks is the main argument to support the concept that these pipes represent a discrete blowout event, instead of a longer term, slower flux process or seepage (Løseth et al., 2001) (see Seepage Pipes section). 1158 Seal Bypass Systems The large flux most likely involved in the formation of some of the larger pockmarks requires a high transient permeability along the pipe. We therefore consider that they form by a highly dynamic process involving a combination of hydraulic fracture under elevated pore-fluid pressures and stoping or fluid-driven erosion and collapse (Figure 11). The fact that they have been observed to ascend across more than 1000 m (3300 ft) of highly impermeable units suggests that the driving processes involved in pipe development are extremely energetic and may be analogous to the formation of igneous diatremes, where gas expansion is a major factor in fracturing the conduit ahead of the Figure 10. Example of blowout pipe and typical seismic characteristics. This seismic profile is from offshore Namibia, showing vertically stacked pockmarks as a testament to longevity of blowout pipe activity. The association with methane from deeper sources (thermogenic) is suggested by the shallow anomalies and the interpreted presence of gas hydrate in the shallow interval. Data courtesy of NAMCOR. rising fluid (magma) column (Lorenz, 1985). We suggest that blowout pipes represent the first stage in an evolutionary sequence that could ultimately lead to the development of conduits for mud volcanoes because the theoretical conditions are similar for both cases (Karakin et al., 2001). This potential link to mud volcano conduits is evident from the similarities of scale and seismic expression of some pipes and mud volcano conduits (e.g., compare Figures 5, 10). Possibly, the different outcomes could be controlled by differences in the source layer of the fluids. If there is insufficient flux of gas-saturated mud to reach the surface and build an edifice, then we might expect the surface expression to be a pockmark crater instead of a mud volcano. Blowout pipes are commonly, but not universally, circular in planform, even when they are seen to emanate from fault planes or from linear ridge crests or pinch-outs. This circular planform is common to all diatremes and has been explained by Novikov and Slobodskoy (1978) as a means of minimizing energy losses caused by wall friction in the contact zone between the upward-flowing and expanding fluids and granular particles in suspension and the static country rock. The fluid flux associated with blowout pipes is likely to be a maximum at the time of formation based on their highly dynamic mode of formation. Many examples do, however, show evidence of episodic flow behavior, notably in the vertical stacking of pockmark craters (Figure 10), and significant permeability anisotropy may thus persist between the pipe and the host strata for long periods of time. Some of this permeability differential must be caused by fracturing, but Cartwright et al. 1159 Figure 11. Model for pipe-type conduit development, based on existing models for diatreme formation and breccia pipe formation (e.g., Novikov and Slobodskoy, 1978). Gas expansion and highvelocity gas jets are intrinsic to most models of diatreme and breccia pipe formation, so we propose a model for pipes where seal failure by hydraulic fracturing is followed by the ascent of fluids with a gas phase separating at some point, expanding and focusing the energy on wall rock degradation in a cylindrical or thin, tapering conical conduit. the remainder could be the result of lithological heterogeneity by transport of higher permeability rock types upward along the pipe during flow episodes. Seepage Pipes Seepage pipes encompass a range of structures that resemble blowout pipes in their seismic character and dimensions, but which lack the blowout craters diagnostic of a violent outburst of fluid at the upper pipe termination (Figure 12). Seepage pipes tend to form in similar settings to blowout pipes, i.e., above gas reservoirs, on structural crests, and along updip margins of aquifers. The main difference between seepage and blowout pipes appears to be the physical properties of the host rock. Blowout pipes occur almost exclusive1160 Seal Bypass Systems ly in fine-grained sealing sequences, whereas seepage pipes mainly seem to occur in sand or silt-dominated sequences. The higher bulk permeability of the latter host sequences promotes vertical seepage of fluids through the pore network and, thus, prevents overpressure buildup by bleeding off fluids before they reach the host-rock fracture gradient. DISCUSSION The brief review of bypass systems presented above demonstrates that they are embedded into many sealing sequences worldwide. Evidence on seismic data of focused fluid flow through low-permeability sedimentary units is ubiquitous in many petroliferous sedimentary Figure 12. Example of seepage pipes (arrow) from the Faeroe-Shetland Basin, offshore Scotland. Pipes are recognizable as columnar zones of disrupted reflections with localized amplitude anomalies. This pipe emanates from a small fold on the upper surface of a deeper buried aquifer. The lack of any pockmark located at the upper termination of the pipe is suggestive of low fluid flux and possible seepage, but some uncertainty is attached to this interpretation because of limited seismic resolution. Data courtesy of CGGVeritas. basins. The realization that many sealing sequences are transected partly or entirely by features that facilitate cross-stratal fluid flow raises several fundamental questions that should be addressed in play development. For example, if a prospect has a sealing sequence where such features can be identified on seismic data, when did they form relative to the charge history? If they were present prior to hydrocarbon charge, do they represent a significant risk to the seal? The recognition of SBS is also important in a wider context in basin analysis. For example, they are important to factor in to any modeling of basinal fluid flow because the distribution and continuity of low-permeability units is a prime factor in flow routes and magnitudes (Bethke, 1985; Garven, 1995). At present, basin fluid-flow models do not implicitly incorporate SBS mainly because their importance is underappreciated and their function is poorly quantified. The modeling of overpressure development might be significantly impacted if bypass systems are incorporated into a fluid-flow model because they can clearly function as long-term drains preventing pressure buildup, and the recognition of blowout pipes over many structural crests testifies to this function (Figure 10). Many models would be compromised by the presence of even a small number of pipes or sandstone intrusions were these to connect the overpressured cell with shallower hydrostatically pressured compartments. An integrated analysis of pressure valves within any basin where substantial overpressure is predicted would therefore greatly benefit from the incorporation of SBS. Given that significant pathways for vertical fluid migration over distances greater than 1 km (0.6 mi) are widely developed in many sedimentary basins, future research relating to the wider significance of these pathways and reducing risk and uncertainty in play analysis should focus on quantifying the bulk permeability of specific families of bypass structure and defining scaling relationships of value in prediction. Only limited quantification of fluxes has been attempted in this article simply because there is little public domain data to address this issue. Future work should involve physical and numerical modeling, and it would be invaluable to explore whether there are any scaling relationships between dimensions and permeability or mode of formation and permeability. Cartwright et al. 1161 The key issue for risking any particular SBS is to ascertain whether the cumulative flux over geologic time scales through the bypass system is significantly greater than that through the pore network of the neighboring sealing sequences. Estimating the maximum fluxes for specific periods of time is also important, particularly for those where hydrocarbon charge into reservoirs is at its peak or where there is a risk of subsequent leakage. The geomechanical context is important to consider in risking bypass phenomena because host lithology and in-situ stress both are major factors in most of the bypass-forming processes discussed above, particularly where hydraulic fracturing is involved (Hubbert and Willis, 1957). In our review of seismic examples, we have encountered many large structures that have been drilled and found to be water bearing or have residual hydrocarbons where there are SBS developed throughout the main sealing sequence down to the reservoir interval. We consider that in many, if not all, of these cases, the development and activity of the SBS is the main reason for leakage instead of capillary leakage. A recent case history of the Snorre field (Nordgard Bolas and Hermanrud, 2003) is a definitive example of this, where a supratrap fault defined the leakage limit for the field and, hence, dictated the position of the present-day oil-water contact of this underfilled trap. The emphasis in this article has been on the function of bypass systems as fluid conduits, and this might present too negative a picture that the presence of a bypass feature in a top seal, for example, means inevitable failure. Certainly, top seal failure is one of the most commonly cited reasons for failed accumulations or dry holes (Grunau, 1987). Also important is that many hydrocarbon accumulations occur in areas where SBS have formed after the hydrocarbons were emplaced and where those SBS crosscut the reservoirs. Good examples are the ACG and Shah Deniz fields of the Caspian Sea petroleum province (Fowler et al., 2000; Davies and Stewart, 2005), where mud volcanic activity is very recent, and where the conduits for the giant mud volcanoes cross the main reservoir units. That major accumulations can survive the formation and subsequent activity of the SBS involved implies that whatever leakage has occurred is less than the incoming flux of hydrocarbons, so that a dynamic fill-and-spill equilibrium is maintained despite the SBS. In conclusion, although many critical elements of bypass systems need much further investigation, their potential function in determining the overall integrity of a seal is clear. Where they can be identified within a 1162 Seal Bypass Systems sealing sequence, an attempt should be made to assess their short- and long-term impact on fluid flow. Modern 3-D seismic data goes some way to enabling such an assessment to be conducted, but much work remains to be done on characterizing their permeability before risking of seals containing bypass systems can be truly quantitative. CONCLUSIONS 1. Seal bypass systems are shown to encompass a range of geologic features that promote cross-stratal fluid migration and allow fluids to bypass the pore network of the dominant seal lithology. 2. Seal bypass systems are commonly developed in petroliferous basins around the world. 3. To aid in seismic interpretation of these systems, a threefold, object-based classification scheme has been introduced, in which SBS are divided into fault bypass, intrusive bypass, and pipe bypass groups. 4. The most important need when risking the impact of SBS is to date their formation and to estimate their contribution to fluid flow across a sealing sequence. 5. Bypass systems are responsible for many seal failures and failed accumulations, but they are also present in top seals of large petroleum accumulations. 6. The presence of a bypass system does not inevitably mean that the seal has completely failed: seal failure is relative, and if the hydrocarbon flux into the reservoir exceeds the capacity of the bypass system to bleed off fluids, significant accumulations will occur. REFERENCES CITED Alexander, L. L., and J. W. 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