TOWN OF LUMSDEN Community Coordinator`s Report
TOWN OF LUMSDEN Community Coordinator`s Report
M-11 TOWN OF LUMSDEN MINUTES OF THE GROUP I MEETING HELD ON October 41h, 2012 The Group I Committee convened their monthly meeting in the Municipal Office in Lumsden, on Thursday, October 41h, 2012 at 5 pm. with Chairperson Doug Mader presiding. Present: Chairperson: Mayor: Community Coordinator: Absent: Councillor: Doug Mader Bryan Matheson Chris Exner Dan Kirby Open Discussion: a) General Government - No Report b) Recreation and Culture (Doug Mader) Community Coordinator's Report: Community Coordinator's Report- October/2012 • Campground Campground hosts (Lorne and Gail) have completed their 2012 contract as of September 30. I took them out for breakfast on October 1st and thanked them for their efforts this past summer. I was pleased with the work they did. They have expressed interest in returning next season. They will be submitting a bid on the contract in 2013. Campground Revenue: Apri12011 0 April 2012 3824.11 May 2011 1837.56 May 2012 8860.00 June 2011 S130.00 June 2012 17355.00 July 2011 17 418.00 July 2012 18600.00 Aug 2011 11211.00 Aug 2012 14 825.00 Sept 2011 4365.00 Sept 2012 5625.00 Apr to Sept 2011 $39 961.56 April to Sept 2012 $69, 089.11 Concession Revenue: May/June/July 2011-$987.98 May/June/July 2012 - $1980.20 I expect the payment for August and Septembe r within the next couple of weeks. Campground Expenditures 2012: Campground Host Contract 9 000.00 Electrical Upgrades 29 067.00 Aggregate 7 000.00 Septic Hauling 1500.00 Saskpower 2 000.00 Mise 2 000.00 Total so 567.00 Paperwork is complete for the SaskPower service upgrade. There wi ll now be 2 - 400 amp services out of the 1 campground power buildi ng. The power building is getting a new metal roof and siding starting October 4 h. We have the room to add 4 more electrical sites to the west side of campground, this would bring us up to 35 serviced sites plus one serviced campground host site. We will put this item into the 2013 Budget. we will be making some more permanent tables for the sites over the winter (2012 budget $4000). We will budget in 2013 for two service ce nters (power/water) in over-flow/ group camping area. Weather permitting and eq uipment availability, we will do some campground road grading. Also each site needs a good clean-up and aggregate topped up, if not, this work will have to be completed in Apri L Developing a Policy and Procedure Manual for the RiverPark Campground; table of contents to include: 1. RiverPark Campground Site Map 2. Campground Host 3. Facilities 4. Campground Rates 5. Campground rules and regulations 6. Campground 5 year plan Town of Lumsden M-11 Group I Committee Meeting of October 4'11, 2012 Page 2 Maintena nce: aggregate and grading campground road, removal of grass and add aggregate in west pa rki ng lot, build and install a locking gate to the campground area, clean up sma ll washroom/needs paint and vinyl commercial wall covering. Capital: • 1- Metal roof/siding on electrical maintenance bu ilding 2- Build two service centres on the east side (over-flow area) 3- Add two double electrical pedestals ($1000 each) bringing us to 35 serviced sites 4- Permanent picnic tables, currently have 12 - need 23 more 5- Fire pits- 5 sites each year 6- Wood shed library Update I attained all the ISC information for the Legion Building, assessed va lue of the lot is $30 700.00 and the bui lding $ 85 800.00 for a total of $116 500.00. We should discuss next step of negotiations with the Legion committee. We will proceed with contracting a roofer to complete the reroofing of the Legion, would like the work to be completed within the next month. To date we have received one quote. Two grant applications have been completed and sent in; Senior Horizons and CIF. We applied for funding to upgrade the Legion building to meet the needs of a new library. We should get a reply regarding grants by December, 2012. Southeast Regiona l Library Director and CEO is very optimistic with the proposed building, the local library board chairperson and branch librarian are also quite pleased with the building. • RiverPark Enviro-bin was recently installed completing the RiverPark 2012 Playground Project. I wi ll meet with Lion's contact Colleen Matheson regarding the 2013 Playground Proj ect, the 2nd phase of a 5 year Playground Partnership. I have talked with the Waterfront Press regarding a story on the completion of the RiverPark project. Maintenance: add crushed rock around RiverPa rk building, remove 2 dead t rees in the pa rk Capital: • 1- Permanent Benches and Picnic Tables near playground area 2- Metal roof on storage sheds behind RiverPark Centre 3- Water fountain on the exterior of the building 4- Special event picnic tables 5- Gazebo RiverPark Centre Userfees for the meeting room; $75/half day fee for birthdays/anniversaries etc .. $150 fee for full day conferences. There is now a switch to shut air conditioning off during meetings to decrease noise from the fans. We will monitor if this is a suitable solution during meetings. We may not need ceiling sound tiles as first thought. We have scanned several flood pictures from the museum. Now choosing wh ich ones to get printed and put up in the meeting room. Have photos from every decade. Maintenance; clean out the air conditioning unit, upgrade washroom mirrors, lock on maintenance door, shelving in the maintenance room, washroom signage. Capital: • 1- Serving window- canteen ($750) 2- Lumsden historical wall prints 3- Sound/ video equipment 4- RiverPark Centre Sign 5- Disposal and Recycling center near canteen Cemetary Fall clean-up is completed at the cemetery. Site map will be started in the late fall, an approxi mate cost of 4 to 5 hundred dollars. $12 000.00 budget over the next 3 years for landsca ping at the cemetery, fu nds are from a private donor. Upgrades needed; road, trees, signage, sitting area and miscellaneous painting. Tree planting at the cemetery is set for September, $4 000 budget fo r 2012 and again in 2013. Town ofLumsden M-11 • Group I Committee Meeting of October 4'11, 2012 Page3 Centennial Hall Just received kitchen suppl ies; mugs, cups and so me accessories. Received donation of catering items from Pat Lem ke, will issue a donation receipt. Requested quotes for painting the basement entry-way, hope t o have the work completed befo re the Fal l Supper. Landscaping front of hall will be done in Spring 2013. We have used up all of our replacement incandescent light bulbs. Next order of re placement bulbs will be compact florescent. The bulbs use a fraction of the energy and transm it the same amount of light. No quotes submitted for basement upgrade; new fire exit, small wall for server room, wall venting in preschool room. Ma intenance: kitchen supplies, basement vent covers, venting for preschoo l room, landscaping in front of the building, front exterior light cover, kitchen kickplate. Capital: • L Basement stacking chairs ($2500) 2. Town backup server room (5 x 5) 3. 350 drinking cups, 350 coffee cups 4. 60" gas range in the basement kitchen 5. Upgrade basement entry way 6. Main level sound system 7. Upgrade furnaces $12 000 Trail We com pleted a site tour of the area from Maple Bay to the first bay in Shandre Estates. The Town of Lumsden Plan Map 2- Pedestrian and Cycling Corridor M ap, shows the proposed secondary trail from Maple Bay straight south dissecting parcel111594944 and parc~ lll 1764752 - this would not be physically possible. There is a natural trail on the west side of parcel 111764752, alongside parcel163375690. Little work would have to be done to establish this trail, simple mowing would be the maintenance. Th is would be a great trail for youth f rom Shandre Estates going to school. The 6 w inter ramps for Nordic skiing are completed Nordic leveler should arrive late October or early November. I copied the Walking and Cycling policies from the Lumsden Basic Planning Stat ement. 5 year plan for development and maintenance of the following trails: RiverPark Loop- good condition I ongoing maintenance Dyke Trail- trail surface needs work including off ramps Sa whet Connector Trail Rura l Loop Trail James Street North - good condition James Street South Broad Street (pedestrian bridge) Kelly Avenue Qu Appelle Avenue Second Avenue- sidewalks to be completed 2013 Thi rd Avenue- sidewalks to be completed 2013 Eighth Avenue Maintenance: upgrade the 6 ramps into the Oxbow, lower the gradient of the trail ramp to the dyke on t he southeast and southwest side of RiverPark, ext end trail on dyke (southwest Lumsden). Capita l: • 1- 72" Trail Leveler ($2000) 2- RiverPark trail signage 34- Benches Push mower 5- Promotional Brochure Ball Diamonds Cub's diamond was recently renamed, Art Berard Field, home of the Cubs. 1 Batting cage building is getting metal siding on October 9 h. Jet's diamond needs some finishing work including; bottom rail on the outfield fence, bottom rail on the dugouts, top rail unions on the outfield f ence and the maintenance gate installed. The two rema ining SaskPower poles will be removed in Spring 2013 and replaced w ith ground mounted special event cabinets. M aintenance: batting cage building, dugouts for the Jet's dia mond, grading of parking area by Jet's diamond, bottom rai l on the fencing at the Jet's dia mond. It Town ofLumsden M-11 Group I Committee Meeting of October 4'", 2012 Page4 Capital: • 1 1- Backstop/dugouts on Jet's Diamond, Backstop/7 h east 2- Purchase and install 3 compact enviro bins at the 3 ball diamonds 3- 2 special event power cabinets, replacing the two remain ing SaskPower poles 4- Backstop Cubs Diamond 5- Bleachers (7'h East and West), player's bench ih west 6- Bleacher (Sitter, Cubs and Jets) 7- Metal siding on batting cage building Sports Centre Outdoor Rink project was a great success. 19 vo lunteers helped with the installation of new vertical boards on the rink. The Lumsden Sports Center donated $1000.00 and Lumsden/Bethune Minor Hockey donated $1000.00 making the tota l budget $6600.00. Capital: • 1- Gate walkway with bench for putting o n skates 2- Player benches and boardwalk SprayPark Held a successful bottle drive in August and Recycling at the Duck Derby Upcoming fundraising activities Halloween Cabaret and a bottle drive. Also plans for a Greek Night in the Spring 2013. Received $20 000 from a provincial grant, big boost to the proj ect. Financial Report: Optimist Club 20 265.49 RBC Foundation 1000.00 IBEW Local2038 250.00 Movie Night (2011) 1854.00 Rider Games (2011) 100.00 Frog Promo (2011) 1095.00 CIF Grant (2012) 20000.00 Lemonade Stand (June 9/12) 230.28 BigWay Donation 150.00 BBQ (June 9/ 12) 511.25 Trade Show (June 16/ 12) 2 431.26 Mike Fischer bbq 200.00 July - hot dog sale 169.00 August- Lemonade Stand 242.13 August Bottle Drive (2012) 3 778.50 Duck Derby (2012) 337.75 CPS (2012) 250.00 Horse Racing S0/50 (2012) 221.25 Birthday Parties (Hodson/Darr) 225.00 Halloween Caberet (2012) October Bottle Drive (2012) Greek Night (2013) Total • $ 53 310.91 Fund raising Goal $150 000.00 Parks Phase 2 of the 5 year Tow n/Lions park project, discussion. Broad Street idea ! 7 special events used the new power cabinets in Lion's Park during 2012. 9 hole disc golf course would cost $7 240, includes all materials and labou r. Disc course would be a great addition to Lion's park. We have sufficient space and the design would match our long-term plan with the greenspace. Benches and path would be incorporated into the design. Maintenance : cleaning t rees wells in Lion's park. Removal of 1 dead tree. Capita l • 1- Disc golf course in Lion' s Park 2- Dinosaur equipment at Broad Street Park 3- LED trail lighting in Lion's park 4- Rock Creek at Elgin Park 5- Gazebo at Lion's Park Special Events Special event power cabinet needed by Jets Diamond for Duck Derby and other events. Additional special event picnic tables would be an asset. ScareCrow Festival, in 2013 ? Discussio n Town of Lumsden M-11 • Group I Committee Meeting of October 4'11, 2012 Page S Trees Tree nursery mesh has been taken down and the grass in the surrounding area has been cut . Many trees have matured and will not be moved because of their size. Commercial Fencing will be out in November to install some new fencing at the nursery. Rototilling is still required at the site before the fence can go up. Utilities are yet to be marked at the site. In our current 2012 budget we have $1500 to upgrade the existing fence In our current 2012 budget we have aprox. $3500 remain ing in the tree budget In our current 2012 budget we have $4000 to upgrade cemetery landscaping Capital: • 123- 6 to 7ft blue spruce trees for RiverPark/Campground Landscaping in f ront of the Centenn ial Hall (Spring 2013) New fence mesh at the tree nursery ($670/ 330 ft X 8ft roll ) 4- Soaker hoses for the nursery Promotion Recently received a quote from Premier Design, a loca l web design company. They did a review of our website, highlighted the positive/negative aspects and gave a list of t heir suggestions if they were to become our site hosts. The company will send further follow-up to Group 1 meeting in December 2012. Town Sign is ordered, no installation date set yet. Waiting for the delivery, the piles and foundat ion are complete. Rec'd a Thank-You card from the Street Market Committee Holiday Home Hop will donate all funds to main street improvement. Discussion Saskatchewan Volunteer MedaL.. Discussion • Swim Program Waterfront Press will be doing a story on the 2012 swim program. 1 1 Tentative dates for the 2013 program. Session 1- July 2"d to 13'h_ Session 2- August 19 h to 30 h. • Sask Lotto Expected Grant total for 2012/13 Town of Lumsden 1523 x 8.54 = 13 006 R.M of Pense 100 x 5.77 =577 R.M of Lumsden 1043 x 5.77 = 6 018 Total-$ 19 601 Review of the Grant Allocations fo r 2011/ 12 : Cubs and Scout's Program $3000 Preschool Program $2000 Dew Drop In $1500 Lumsden Historical Society $1500 Lumsden Heritage Home $1000 Karate Program $1000 Lumsden and District Arts Council $1000 Lumsden Youth Group $1000 Remaining grant funds cover the cost of the swim program, library drop in programs and special events ie. Senior Appreciation Night, Duck Derby and Street Market. c) Protective Services- No Report d) Planning and Economic Development- No Repol} e) Lumsden Fire District - No Report New Business: No new business to discuss. Ad journment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Cha rperson
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TOWN OF LUMSDEN Community Coordinator`s Report
9 hole disc golf cou rse would cost $7 240, includes all materials and labour.
Disc course would be a great addition to Lion's park. We have sufficient space and the design would match our