a PDF of this meeting`s information packet
a PDF of this meeting`s information packet
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2015 Proposal of Agenda REGULAR MEETING: 7:00PM NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from July 2 meeting Minutes from August 6 meeting 2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit. 3. Board Member Appointments: Make nominations and appoint: Chairperson: _________________ Vice Chair: _________________ Secretary: _________________ 4. Dog Park Discussion: Update and information provided by JCDogPac 5. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report Joint Meeting with Council; Park Plan Discussion 6. Fall Season: Busy time of year with youth & adult leagues, NCJH VB practices, etc… 7. Upcoming Events: Doggie Plunge - September 10 & 11 8. Any new issues not on the agenda? OLD BUSINESS: 1. Quick Updates: Facility Age Policy, Fall Brochure, Upper Floor Work 2. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month. 3. Any old business not on agenda? CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 2. Adjourn Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, July 2, 2015 Board Members Present: Bonnie Pitz, Jef Farland, Scott Stahmer, RaQuishia Harrington, Jeff Kellbach Others Present: Shelly Simpson and Guy Goldsmith Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve minutes: Minutes from May 7, 2015 were approved. 2. Welcome new appointments: Jeff Kellback and RaQuisha and re-appointed Bonnie Pitz 3. Building and Grounds Report: Cleaned out culverts under trails, ponds and outflows. With recent rain many hours have been spent mowing and trimming. Maintained ball fields for league and tournaments. Approximately 300 people attended free fish weekend on June 6. Planning and prep for Blues & BBQ continue. Concession stand bid has been awarded. Splash pad will be installed after concession stand so the water lines can be used. Planted trees at West Lake. 4. Summer Fun/Programs: Summer lunch program is held at Ranshaw house. Tuesdays is Library summer reading program. Prime time and game time has started, women play on Wednesdays and men on Thursday/Sunday. 5. Upcoming events: Upcoming events, kayaking trip on July 25; youth triathlon on August 2, summer lock-in August 8-9. 6. Fall Brochure: Working on programming for September to December, 2015. Will be available to public end of July. Registration begins 1st week of August and programs start 1st week of September. 7. New Issues: No new issues. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Recreation Monthly Report: Reviewed reports presented. CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 2. Adjourned at 7:27 pm Minutes submitted by Bonnie Pitz Thursday August 6, 2015 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Thursday, August 6, 2015 Board Members Present: Jef Farland, Scott Stahmer, Jami Maxson, RaQuishia Harrington Others Present: Brian Motley, Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith and Tim Hamer Meeting called to order: 7:02 pm NEW BUSINESS: 8. Approve minutes: Minutes from July 2 meeting reviewed; no vote to approve due to concern over quorum. 9. Public Comments: Susan Vileta from Johnson County Health Dept. was present to discuss parks becoming “nicotine free”. There is no safe level of second-hand smoke and even outdoors this can be found at same levels as indoors. The importance of proceeding with this to promote citizen health was discussed. Value of enlisting NLYBS as a big park user was mentioned; plan to bring up ordinance with City Council. 10. Building and Grounds Report: Worked on landscaping areas and watering, also planted 19 trees in parks. Trail improvements are progressing and LL Pelling is done with asphalt and working on concrete at intersections. Parks staff will seed edges, likely in fall. Packet includes portion of Parks Plan. Guy would like board members input. Penn Meadows concession stand is in production and should have e here by end of October. Water and sewer work in the area is just starting. 11. BASP Update: Subsidy proposal that would allow both sliding scale fees and state subsidies. Also, evaluating whether Rec Center run programs are DHS licensing exempt or not. To be licensed would be costly and involve prohibitive paperwork. Rec Center committed to run BASP at Garner through end of year, but then may step out. 12. Unattended Age Policy: Staff has formulated updated policy whereby users would need to be 11-12 yo to use facility unattended and would need to obtain a Facility Pass. Use of track and weight and exercise equipment would be allowed for older users, with fees associated. The pass would allow staff to better monitor age of users and be able to ID responsible parties in case of discipline or safety issues. 13. Fall Brochure: Out and available to the public, most programs start the first week of September. 14. Upper Level Floor Work: Weight area had new flooring completed today, needs to cure for a week. Track and cardio area will be next; sand and fix areas and apply new overlay. Area will be closed Aug 16-mid-Sept and memberships affected have been extended. 15. New Issues: Upper level floor work cost less than expected, so money is available to replace carpet in Gerdin Conference Center. Quotes are being obtained. OLD BUSINESS: 2. Recreation Monthly Report: Main activity is in pool area until fall programs start. On warm days it is very busy. Concern about capacity. Staff does limit camps to certain days to limit attendance numbers. CONCLUSION: 1. Next Meeting 3. Adjourned at 8:12 pm Minutes submitted by Jami Maxson Thursday September 3, 2015 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle August 30, 2015 To: Parks & Recreation Board, City of North Liberty From: North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park Re: Please add us to your September 3 agenda, 2015 Dear Board Members, Our group has been working in earnest since June to reboot an effort from 2009 to bring an off-leash dog park to North Liberty. We started a new petition on July 1, 2015, and have collected 698 signatures on a petition that says: “I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. “ We respectfully request to be added to your Sept. 3 agenda to request that an off-leash dog park be added to the city’s comprehensive parks plan. To support our request, we are sending copies of the petition (569 collected online, and 129 signatures collected by hand), a summary of the results of a survey completed by 189 people regarding the number of dogs they own, how often they would use a dog park, and the type of park they would like to use. We hope this information helps guide your decision if you add an off-leash park to the parks plan, and hope you will work with our group to gather additional information. We also are including some information about other dog parks, and to the extent that we are able, the costs of constructing and maintaining them. Our initiative is supported by the nonprofit Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). Sincerely, Jake Villhauer on behalf of the North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park group Benefits for North Liberty — Revenue, Tourism, Code Compliance Iowa City brings in about twice as much in revenue (from its annual dog park use tags) than it spends to maintain the two dog parks it operates. From: Mike Moran <Mike-Moran@iowacity.org> Date: November 4, 2014 at 2:18:21 PM CST To: "'sclangenberg@gmail.com'" <sclangenberg@gmail.com> Cc: Marian Karr <Marian-Karr@iowa-city.org>, Zac Hall <Zac-Hall@iowa-city.org> Subject: Dog Park Request I have been forwarded your request about Dog Park’s in Iowa City. We have worked exclusively with DOGPAC a non-profit group of volunteers that were instrumental in getting Iowa City’s two dog parks up and running. They contributed upwards of $70,000 for fencing and amenities for both parks and continue to purchase benches, trash cans, etc. for the parks. The city takes care of the maintenance of the parks including mowing and snow removal. Over the past several years we have spent around $35,000 annually for upkeep. This also includes staff that monitors the dog parks by making sure that dog tags are worn by participants and assist owners in the sales of tags for their dogs. The city collects and receives all admission and tag money which over the past several years has been approximately $70,000/yr. Both Thornberry and Rita’s Dog Park provide a great atmosphere to all participants and owners and has for several years. Please feel free to contact DOGPAC at www.jcdogpac.org or myself for any additional information that you need. Michael Moran CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation City of Iowa City 220 S. Gilbert St. Attracting visitors to support NL businesses About 60% of Iowa City’s annual dog-park use tags are sold to people who do not live in Iowa City, according to information gathered from Iowa City officials by JCDogPac. Real estate website: Savvy communities are recognizing the need and establishing designated dog parks as a home buyer perk that works. Many dog owners I have worked with have nixed a property that isn't near a dog park. As one buyer said to me "They're better than children as far as networking yourself in a new neighborhood, a cute and polite dog can open conversations and a whole lot more." As a real estate broker, dog parks as a community amenity are an emerging trend, one that can increase property values, lower market times when selling a property and be a deciding factor in a home purchase decision. Plus, if a town is looking to establish neighborhood associations, dogs are a great conduit to get people banding together. Enhanced Compliance with City Codes City residents are more likely to follow the law and buy North Liberty city dog licenses because it can be required to purchase a dog park tag. This helps to bump up compliance with the law and raise additional city revenue. Dogs that are trained, socialized and properly exercised are less aggressive and less prone to nuisance behaviors such as barking, chewing, or destroying property — Rovers Ranch web site (Dog Park) membership encourages responsible dog ownership, since you have to keep vaccinations current, clean up after your dog, and control your dog's behavior—Rovers Ranch web site Fundraising Opportunities Affiliation with a nonprofit that can collect donations and offer a tax-deduction for donations toward the park. The nonprofit Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac) is sponsoring this effort, and was instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars since 2006 to build both the Iowa City dog parks (Thornberry and Rita’s Ranch), which are now operated by Iowa City. Sponsorship of events plus event participation fee (donation) JCDogPac is willing to seek out major donors, conduct fundraisers, and spend money already in its bank account to assist paying for initial construction and continued maintenance costs on a North Liberty Dog Park as we have already done for two dog parks in Iowa City—Current JCDogPac President Angela Pitkin Doggie Dash 5K/1K Sponsored Dog Paddle/Dog Plunge Fundraiser T-shirts (for humans and for dogs) Bandanas Memorial Bricks, Trees, Benches, Shelters National/State Contests Epworth Iowa Dog Park just won $25,000 toward building a park in an online vote competition to win in this year’s PetSafe community dog park contest. Epworth is one of two communities in Iowa that have received money in recent years ,ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. Facility sponsorship and naming opportunities: Current naming opportunity donation levels for JCDogPac: Shelter: $5,000 – $9,999 donation Bench: $1,500 – $4,999 donation Tree: $500 – $1,499 donation Brick: $100 – $499 donation Poop Bag Dispenser: $200 annually Nearby Off-Leash Dog Parks — Size, Features Overview Cheyenne — Cedar Rapids, IA 13.8 acres of fenced canine recreation yards. walking trails, benches and a shelter mowed and naturalized areas. The training yard is separately fenced for dog training and for preparing dogs socially for the main yard. small dog yard water for owners and dogs a portable restroom K9Acres at Squaw Creek Park — Cedar Rapids 11-acre fenced Entrance: A graveled parking lot at the front entry to the park will accommodate up to 40 cars. A restroom, a nonpotable water source for dogs and a dumpster (for park waste and garbage). Main Off-leash Yard which is approximately 8.1 acres in size, fully grassed, walking trail, waste receptacles, trees and a small park storage building. Future amenities in this area include benches and small shelters. Training Yard. It is 1.8 acres in size and is also fully grassed with trees. The purpose of the Training Yard is to provide an area to train dogs that are not yet fully socialized enough to use the Main Off-leash Area. It is also used for various training classes and events. Single gates with double-gated systems planned. Small Dog Yard, approximately 1 acre. This grassy area with trees provides a space for smaller dogs to run without the danger of inadvertently being hurt by larger dogs in the Main Yard. Single gates with double-gated systems planned. Thornberry Park — Iowa City (Foster Road) 11-plus acres Linder Small Dog Yard Lucky Pawz Playground for all dogs Emma’s Run Training Area Lily’s Pond Rita’s Ranch—Iowa City (Scott Boulevard) 3 acres Double-gated entry Two shelters Rita’s Ranch This petition has collected 569 signatures using the online tools at iPetitions.com Printed on 2015-08-30 Page 1 of 68 Bark for a Park in North Liberty 2015 About this petition I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an offleash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an offleash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in North Liberty. This is NOT a request for donations. If you are asked for a donation as part of taking this online survey, it is likely a request for a donation to support iPetition. You CAN make donations to support our initiative through the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee, however. JCDogPac is a nonprofit 501c3, making all donations tax-deductible. This petition is sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee. Our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/northlibertydogpark Page 2 of 68 Signatures 1. Name: Sara Langenberg (sclangenberg@gmail.com) Street Address: 65 Penn Ridge Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 2. Name: Scott Stahmer (stahmer.sh@pg.com) Street Address: 125 Buckingham Place Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 3. Name: Angela Pitkin (akpitkin@gmail.com) Street Address: 2409 Biltmore Ln Zip Code: 52241 Comments: on 2015-07-01 20:18:15 4. Name: Jessi Williams (jessidehl@aol.com) Street Address: 185 Whitman Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-01 21:32:40 5. Name: Mark Braun (braun.mark.j@gmail.com) Street Address: 65 Penn Ridge Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 6. Name: Ashley Hinman (ashley-hinman@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 152 Alydar Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 7. Name: Jake villhauer (jake.villhauer@gmail.com) Street Address: 785 prospect CT north liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 8. Name: Kelsey Stoltenberg (Kelseystoltenberg@gmail.com) Street Address: 220 Sugar Creek Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 9. Name: Tonya Stahmer (tonyastahmer@gmail.com) Street Address: 125 Buckingham Pl Zip Code: 52317 Page 3 of 68 on 2015-07-01 15:49:04 on 2015-07-01 18:16:02 on 2015-07-01 21:59:53 on 2015-07-02 02:18:50 on 2015-07-02 12:06:59 on 2015-07-02 18:37:43 on 2015-07-02 19:24:14 Comments: 10. Name: Martha Johansen (marti1226@hotmail.com) Street Address: 10 East Tartan Drive Zip Code: North Liberty, IA Comments: 11. Name: Stephanie Anthony (stepherbee@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 19:30:41 Street Address: 1350 Maple Street Zip Code: 52328 Comments: Off leash dog parks are a great asset to the community and a huge attraction as I begin my search for a house! I think it would be a great selling point for others looking to relocate to the area! 12. Name: Kelly Joseph (mikekellyjoseph@ymail.com) on 2015-07-02 19:32:08 Street Address: 1485 Red Oak Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please, please build this! It is long overdue and there are so many dog parents in NL that would love to see this built! 13. Name: Mandy Shepard (mustangmandy01@msn.com) Street Address: 80 Juniper Court, North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 14. Name: Craig Wilkinson (capone2377@hotmail.com) Street Address: 65 Prairie Ridge Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 15. Name: Taylor Riley (tjriley33@gmail.com) Street Address: 1020 Maple St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 16. Name: Keely Hinkel (keelyhinkel@gmail.com) Street Address: 270 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Our pups would love this!! 17. Name: Carrie Kaminsky (cekaminsky@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 19:49:19 Street Address: 247 Parkview Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We frequently go to the Iowa City dog park & we love it! Would definitely support one closer to our home in NL. Our dog gets so anxious & excited on the way to Page 4 of 68 on 2015-07-02 19:30:28 on 2015-07-02 19:43:52 on 2015-07-02 19:45:12 on 2015-07-02 19:47:00 on 2015-07-02 19:49:01 the park, knowing she is going to see her "friends"! It is not any different than having a playground for kids. I find it so fun to watch the dogs interact. 18. Name: Emily Riley (emilykowens@gmail.com) Street Address: 1020 Maple Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 19. Name: Ed Hinkel (edhinkel11@gmail.com) Street Address: 270 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 20. Name: Sarah Williams (sarah-williams-1@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 1865 Wood Duck Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 21. Name: Matthew Strauser (mstrauser@gmail.com) Street Address: 340 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This park is really needed. 22. Name: Lindsay (plut6942@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 19:58:51 Street Address: 865 west cherry st Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I would absolutely use a dog park in NL ... As long as it was decent size and also somewhat kid friendly. I would love a huge 'nature' style dog park with walking trails and a little pond for the dogs to play in 23. Name: Ashley Parrish (ashleybogner@gmail.com) Street Address: 1680 right point trail Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 24. Name: Tom (tomk@ric-inc.net) on 2015-07-02 20:02:57 Street Address: 30 Penn Ridge Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 25. Name: Lauren Anderson (laurengerdom@gmail.com) Street Address: 1020 Patton Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 5 of 68 on 2015-07-02 19:49:23 on 2015-07-02 19:50:26 on 2015-07-02 19:56:37 on 2015-07-02 19:57:20 on 2015-07-02 19:59:24 on 2015-07-02 20:05:13 26. Name: Leah vaske (vaske2013@gmail.com) Street Address: 1452 alder dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-02 20:08:17 27. Name: Rachel Schramm (rachelnschramm@gmail.com) Street Address: 1157 Winchester Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 28. Name: Terry (tjvaske@gmail.com) Street Address: 1452 alder dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 29. Name: Tristan Sievers (tlmeade21@gmail.com) Street Address: 20 Jefferson lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 30. Name: Sarah Rule (sarahnrule@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 20:14:13 Street Address: 450 Locust Drive North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 31. Name: Danielle Sparks (drsparks28@gmail.com) Street Address: 2861 Coral Ct #102 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 32. Name: Dane Sievers (dane.sievers@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 20:27:21 Street Address: 20 Jefferson Ln. North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Great idea! Our dog Rylee loves to play and would love the interaction! 33. Name: CHWoodhouse (Chwoodhouse@gmail.com) Street Address: 225 Lily Pond Rd. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 34. Name: Rae Mosier (jasonandrae@gmail.com) Street Address: 456 Pinehurst Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-02 20:08:34 on 2015-07-02 20:09:17 Page 6 of 68 on 2015-07-02 20:13:43 on 2015-07-02 20:21:16 on 2015-07-02 20:37:30 on 2015-07-02 20:47:46 35. Name: Kenzie Stepp (sdrums_74@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1519 Bank St. Zip Code: 50595 Comments: 36. Name: addie martinez (addiemartinez1980@gmail.com) Street Address: 1455 Red Oak Dr. North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 37. Name: Kara Ellison (ellison.kara@gmail.com) Street Address: 70 Hawthorne Place Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 38. Name: Bradley Pannell (brad.pannell@yahoo.com) Street Address: 130 Shannon drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 39. Name: Anne Sparks (apeters30@gmail.com) Street Address: 2861 Coral Ct. Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 40. Name: Deanna Wade (deanna_mezich@yahoo.com) Street Address: 50 north main street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 41. Name: Karla Tonella (karlatonella@gmail.com) Street Address: 10 Penn Oaks Dr Apt 1 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I signed the previous petition too. 42. Name: Clark Adams (adamsck@southslope.net) Street Address: 730 black bear bend Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 43. Name: Jennifer Adams (jenniferadams@southslope.net) Street Address: 730 black bear bend Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 7 of 68 on 2015-07-02 20:48:04 on 2015-07-02 20:51:14 on 2015-07-02 20:55:20 on 2015-07-02 20:56:10 on 2015-07-02 20:56:43 on 2015-07-02 20:58:28 on 2015-07-02 21:03:10 on 2015-07-02 21:03:55 on 2015-07-02 21:05:27 44. Name: Kelly Duffy (kelly.l.duffy@gmail.com) Street Address: 87 N. Park Ridge Road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 45. Name: heather keeler (heathermkeeler@yahoo.com) Street Address: 40 prairie ridge ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 46. Name: Jennifer Weatherford (jenweatherford@gmail.com) Street Address: 1302 Whipple Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 47. Name: Leslie Oates (Northcats1@mchsi.com) on 2015-07-02 21:19:36 Street Address: 1602 McCormick Place Zip Code: 52807 Comments: I have family there and spend a lot of time in North Liberty with my dog. It would be great to have a place to take him.. 48. Name: Michelle starkenburg (michellestarkenburg@yahoo.com) Street Address: 365 tartan dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 49. Name: Austin Hershberger (austinhershberger@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 21:27:56 Street Address: 22 Ash Ct North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We pay $45 a year to use Iowa city dog parks. Would gladly pay the same here in NL. 50. Name: Brittany (britthouwen@gmail.com) Street Address: 415 locust drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 51. Name: Jennifer Rigdon (jrigdon112@gmail.com) Street Address: 195 N Sunset Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 52. Name: Heather (hbaxter18@gmail.com) Street Address: 1450 Red Oak Drive Zip Code: 52317 Page 8 of 68 on 2015-07-02 21:05:59 on 2015-07-02 21:06:49 on 2015-07-02 21:10:55 on 2015-07-02 21:21:19 on 2015-07-02 21:40:04 on 2015-07-02 21:48:06 on 2015-07-02 21:48:33 Comments: 53. Name: Thea Steil (koch.thea@iowacityschools.org) on 2015-07-02 21:51:50 Street Address: 2300 west lake road , north liberty ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 54. Name: Jordan Springsteen (jmspring011@gmail.com) Street Address: 10 Alydar Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 55. Name: Alison Stoner (stoneram82@gmail.com) Street Address: 423 N Dubuque St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 56. Name: mikaela easton (measton8530@gmail.com) Street Address: 220 sugar creek ln. #14 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 57. Name: Sarah hoefer (goferhed@aol.com) Street Address: 3054 oakridge rd. ne Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 58. Name: Cindy peters (peterscindy@gmail.com) Street Address: 103 west main Zip Code: 50434 Comments: 59. Name: Victoria isenhour (isenhourv@gmail.com) Street Address: 130 east jefferson street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 60. Name: Angelique Rivera (aojeda76@yahoo.xom) Street Address: 780 Rachael street Zip Code: 52327 Comments: 61. Name: Beth Westermann (bwestermann06@gmail.com) Street Address: 1517 Sadler Drive Zip Code: 52317 Page 9 of 68 on 2015-07-02 21:53:21 on 2015-07-02 21:58:28 on 2015-07-02 21:59:44 on 2015-07-02 22:03:28 on 2015-07-02 22:06:55 on 2015-07-02 22:07:28 on 2015-07-02 22:13:42 on 2015-07-02 22:15:26 Comments: 62. Name: Brittany Reynolds (brittany.reynolds.br@gmail.com) Street Address: 117 Alydar Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 63. Name: Anna Wu (willow21@juno.com) Street Address: 160 Buckingham Pl. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 64. Name: Erica S. (rika_sol17@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1504 Crossby Lane Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 65. Name: Emily Gamerdinger (eaj1026@gmail.com) Street Address: 1385 Franklin St. North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 66. Name: Jessica Krob (jessica.krob@gmail.com) Street Address: 1490 Deerfield Dr W Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 67. Name: Rhyan (rhyanlaree@yahoo.com) Street Address: 610 Strathmoor Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 68. Name: Christina Wilson (christinalinnell@yahoo.com) Street Address: 767 prairie ridge rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 69. Name: Candace Erickson (candace_erickson@hotmail.com) Street Address: 360 E Hickory St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 70. Name: Sarah Conner (srpedrick@hotmail.com) Street Address: 55 penn ridge ct Zip Code: 52317 Page 10 of 68 on 2015-07-02 22:16:13 on 2015-07-02 22:24:14 on 2015-07-02 22:27:12 on 2015-07-02 22:35:25 on 2015-07-02 22:39:16 on 2015-07-02 22:51:29 on 2015-07-02 23:15:32 on 2015-07-02 23:23:09 on 2015-07-02 23:33:11 Comments: we would absolutely LOVE a dog park in our favorite town!!! 71. Name: Nathan Gillespie (nate.m.gillespie@gmail.com) Street Address: 635 Fisher Trl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 72. Name: Liz Cibula (lizcibula@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 23:40:53 Street Address: 1535 Deerfield drive west Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please please open a dog park in NL! Our fur babies would love it :) 73. Name: Shalina Frimml (shalina_marie@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-02 23:47:31 Street Address: 1315 North Jones BLVD #5 North Liberty, Iowa Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This is an excellent idea for the community of North Liberty with dogs! It would benefit the people that live in town. 74. Name: Alicia Abrams (sealesal@hotmail.com) Street Address: 640 Black Bear Bend Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 75. Name: Kris Cameron (kristyelainecameron@gmail.com) on 2015-07-02 23:54:02 Street Address: 2873 Coral Court Zip Code: 52241 Comments: I live on the edge of North Liberty/Coralville and would LOVE to have a dog park in the area! 76. Name: Kim Stratton (strattok@uni.edu) on 2015-07-03 00:01:27 Street Address: 1557 Deerfield Dr. North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 77. Name: ila Sibley (frognsib@southslope.net) Street Address: 1510 Timber Wolf Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 78. Name: Rachel Villhauer (rachelko15@hotmail.com) Street Address: 785 Prospect Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 79. Name: Tammy Madsen (tmadsen74@gmail.com) Page 11 of 68 on 2015-07-02 23:36:31 on 2015-07-02 23:49:46 on 2015-07-03 00:17:28 on 2015-07-03 00:42:28 on 2015-07-03 00:52:58 Street Address: 1620 Grizzly Trl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 80. Name: Julie Russell (julierussell1207@gmail.com) Street Address: 310 westbury drive Zip Code: 52245 Comments: on 2015-07-03 00:53:24 81. Name: Sara Christoph (sarojo1179@hotmail.com) Street Address: 620 Tantara Ct Zip Code: 52417 Comments: on 2015-07-03 01:15:28 82. Name: Josh Grothe (jgrothe3224@gmail.com) Street Address: 640 Andrews Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 83. Name: Leslie Alvarez (leslie.crandall@live.com) Street Address: 1244 Nicholas Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 84. Name: Elisa Lyons (glandon19@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-03 02:07:05 Street Address: 267 S Park Ridge Rd. North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 85. Name: Michael O'Brien (Miko687@aol.com) Street Address: 35 holiday lodge rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 86. Name: Jen Kazmierczak (jkazmierczak@southslope.net) Street Address: Penn ridge court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 87. Name: Lauren Moniot (lala.2432@hotmail.com) Street Address: 640 Andrews Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 88. Name: Eric Ellison (eric.ellison@gmail.com) Page 12 of 68 on 2015-07-03 01:25:09 on 2015-07-03 02:04:27 on 2015-07-03 02:08:32 on 2015-07-03 02:13:46 on 2015-07-03 02:33:23 on 2015-07-03 02:39:26 Street Address: 70 Hawthorne Pl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 89. Name: amber s. scroggie (amber__sunshine22@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-03 02:47:01 Street Address: 30 cherry ct. # 2 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: It is a must & would be very much appreciated and taken advantage of! One major th8by that our city is lacking.... 90. Name: Alesha blair (coxbaby917@gmail.com) Street Address: 1860 Monroe wapello rd Zip Code: 52535 Comments: 91. Name: Angela Shelfo (angieshelfo@aol.com) Street Address: 1143 Winchester lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 92. Name: Rachael Irlbeck (irlbeck1210@hotmail.com) Street Address: 190 Watercress Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 93. Name: Neil Christiansen (nchristiansen@southslope.net) Street Address: 750 Pheasant Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: please being a dog park to NL! 94. Name: Alex Lyons (arlyons5vum@gmail.com) on 2015-07-03 03:48:20 Street Address: 267 S Park Ridge Rd. North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 95. Name: Laura McLeran (lemcleran@gmail.com) Street Address: 85 Penn Ridge Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 96. Name: Holly Lauer (hfranz@illinoisalumni.org) Street Address: 1467 Kentucky Ave Zip Code: 52659 Comments: Page 13 of 68 on 2015-07-03 02:56:09 on 2015-07-03 02:56:33 on 2015-07-03 03:11:57 on 2015-07-03 03:12:30 on 2015-07-03 03:55:07 on 2015-07-03 04:04:28 97. Name: Rachel Goetzinger (rachel.leick@gmail.com) Street Address: 25 Penn Ridge Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 98. Name: Fiatala Salamo (robsalamo@gmail.com) Street Address: 230 Lockmoor Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 99. Name: Christine Langridge (smaclang2@gmail.com) on 2015-07-03 06:52:48 Street Address: 1350 Logan Ct North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park would most definitely be used! 100. Name: Julianna Bemboom (julorote@gmail.com) Street Address: 1880 Alderwood Road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 101. Name: Charlie (goetz2772@gmail.com) Street Address: 25 Penn Ridge Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 102. Name: Jeanna Dankle (jeannafrantz@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1598 Burr Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 103. Name: Allysa Ellard (allysa87@me.com) Street Address: 89 Alydar Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 104. Name: Kim Leisinger (kim.leisinger@gmail.com) Street Address: 1600 Fawn Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 13:26:03 105. Name: Suzanne Fesler (suzifesler@yahoo.com) Street Address: 95 W Zeller St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 13:33:13 Page 14 of 68 on 2015-07-03 04:49:47 on 2015-07-03 05:16:36 on 2015-07-03 07:38:33 on 2015-07-03 10:05:39 on 2015-07-03 12:00:15 on 2015-07-03 12:48:24 106. Name: Chad Wilson (wilsonchada@sau.edu) on 2015-07-03 13:41:52 Street Address: 1410 Gentry Ln. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This would be a great addition our thriving community! 107. Name: Laura oconner (lauraoconner@me.com) Street Address: 655 black bear bend Zip Code: 52327 Comments: on 2015-07-03 13:46:56 108. Name: Kelly McDonald (kellym280@gmail.com) Street Address: 825 Saint Andrews Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 14:11:10 109. Name: Ann Delano (anndelano@29gmail.com) Street Address: 1682 Eight point trail Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 110. Name: Vicki Kean (vickilkean@yahoo.com) Street Address: 767 Hodge Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 111. Name: Moleigh Ryther (moleighkr12@yahoo.com) Street Address: 210 South Clinton St Apt 602 Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 112. Name: Cathryn Rahe (rcathryn68@gmail.com) Street Address: 2046 9th st apt 102 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 113. Name: Tricia Krier (steeletricia@gmail.com) on 2015-07-03 17:59:22 Street Address: 2190 Westlake Rd. #303 North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 114. Name: GEORGE LAWRENCE (g.machine.79@gmail.com) Street Address: 65 ELM RIDGE DRIVE, NORTH LIBERTY Zip Code: 52317-9409 Comments: Page 15 of 68 on 2015-07-03 14:41:14 on 2015-07-03 15:51:57 on 2015-07-03 16:01:19 on 2015-07-03 16:15:05 on 2015-07-03 18:38:24 115. Name: Kari Phillips (mnkphillips@gmail.com) Street Address: 123 Alydar Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 18:44:19 116. Name: Katie (carterkatie7@gmail.com) Street Address: 725 Andy Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 117. Name: Tracey Molina (traceymolina@gmail.com) Street Address: 2028 Bluffwood Circle Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 118. Name: Trisha Moon (britrimoon@aol.com) Street Address: 1537 Vandello Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 119. Name: Jennifer (msinsgal@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1455 Deerfield Dt Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 120. Name: Sara Comer (scomer80@yahoo.com) Street Address: 437 Washington Ave. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 121. Name: Marsha Tomson (m.tomson@mchsi.com) Street Address: 750 Yorkshire Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 122. Name: Kristin (gillespie.krism@gmail.com) Street Address: 635 Fisher Trl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 123. Name: Curtis (curtty23@yahoo.com) Street Address: Mckenzie ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 19:09:29 on 2015-07-03 19:18:14 on 2015-07-03 19:28:53 on 2015-07-03 19:35:24 on 2015-07-03 19:48:01 on 2015-07-03 19:55:01 on 2015-07-03 19:55:03 on 2015-07-03 20:01:32 Page 16 of 68 124. Name: Kim phelps (kimbuch4@gmail.com) Street Address: 565 locust drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please! 125. Name: Jennifer Blume (jnbrennan@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1360 Deerfield Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 126. Name: Kayla Ruth (kaylajruth@gmail.com) Street Address: 210 N Colton Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 127. Name: Amber Duwe (vosamber22@gmail.com) Street Address: 1417 Vandello Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Yes please!!! 128. Name: jan stephan (janetstephan8@msn.com) Street Address: 1953 lakeside drive Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 129. Name: Chisato Conway (shychisato@gmail.com) Street Address: 1501 timber wolf dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 130. Name: tim ditch (allditch@southslope.net) on 2015-07-03 22:11:00 Street Address: 840 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park in North Liberty would be fantastic! 131. Name: kris ditch (tditch@msn.com) on 2015-07-03 22:12:12 Street Address: 840 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park in North Liberty would be fantastic! 132. Name: anna ditch (tditch@icloud.net) on 2015-07-03 22:13:14 Street Address: 840 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park in North Liberty would be fantastic! Page 17 of 68 on 2015-07-03 20:55:52 on 2015-07-03 21:26:05 on 2015-07-03 21:29:36 on 2015-07-03 21:33:55 on 2015-07-03 21:45:47 on 2015-07-03 21:59:52 133. Name: lauren ditch (tiditch@msn.com) on 2015-07-03 22:14:06 Street Address: 840 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park in North Liberty would be fantastic! 134. Name: lucy ditch (kizzy1@icloud.net) on 2015-07-03 22:15:10 Street Address: 840 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park in North Liberty would be fantastic! 135. Name: Kaitlyn (KaitlynV123@aol.com) on 2015-07-03 22:46:13 Street Address: 560 Augusta Circle Apt 12 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 136. Name: Bridget Doughan (bridget.doughan@gmail.com) Street Address: 405 Ashley Ct apt #100 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 137. Name: Sidney Terry (tc1976@gmail.com) Street Address: 935 W Cherry St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 138. Name: Helga O'Brien (haldapem@gmail.com) Street Address: 870 W. Cherry St. Unit 7 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-03 23:23:59 139. Name: Paul Brenner (pdbrenner@yahoo.com) Street Address: 60 N George St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 00:18:50 140. Name: Peter Metz (pmetz78@gmail.com) Street Address: 315 N Juniper Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 141. Name: Melanie Harrison (melanie.harrison2013@gmail.com) Street Address: 527 Penn Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 18 of 68 on 2015-07-03 22:54:27 on 2015-07-03 23:05:46 on 2015-07-04 00:25:43 on 2015-07-04 00:40:45 142. Name: Natalie Childs (Giggle488@mchsi.com) on 2015-07-04 00:57:39 Street Address: 115 Elm Ridge Drive, North Liberty, IA 52317 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We're getting a dog soon, and it would great to have a place in town to take him/her when we want :) 143. Name: Catherine Metz (catiemetz@gmail.com) Street Address: 315 N. Juniper Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 144. Name: Dennis Herman (hermymikey@southslope.net) on 2015-07-04 01:54:11 Street Address: 40 parkview ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I think North Liberty Should have a dog park, There are enough people here who want the park. If we have a park here we won't need to take our dog to Iowa City 145. Name: Kathy Schellenberg (hermionesmyidol@gmail.com) Street Address: 105 North Park Ridge Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 146. Name: Jessica Wachendorf (jesshoyt1003@hotmail.com) Street Address: 910 pheasant lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 147. Name: kelsey walker (kelseywalker_10@hotmail.com) Street Address: 70 cherry ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 148. Name: Gina Uthe (glganibegovic@hotmail.com) Street Address: 485 Juniper St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 149. Name: Chris von Rabenau (cgapperi@gmail.com) Street Address: 225 W Walnut Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 04:39:11 150. Name: Bailey Mulford (baileymulford@gmail.com) Street Address: 209 holiday rd Zip Code: 52241 on 2015-07-04 04:56:09 Page 19 of 68 on 2015-07-04 01:01:33 on 2015-07-04 02:25:56 on 2015-07-04 03:38:14 on 2015-07-04 04:09:54 on 2015-07-04 04:13:44 Comments: 151. Name: Ashley Dvorak (dvorak1@me.com) Street Address: 219 copeland ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 152. Name: Abby Kos (abbylkos@gmail.com) Street Address: 587 locust dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 153. Name: Dalimar Sanchez (daliamahijos@gmail.com) Street Address: 437 n colton dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 154. Name: Angela Phipps (aphipps14@gmail.com) Street Address: 412 Colton Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 14:00:24 155. Name: John Burns (Kenneth0029@yahoo.com) Street Address: 2210 Westlake Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 14:09:26 156. Name: Jaime Strickler (jaimestrickler@gmail.com) Street Address: 647 Andy Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 157. Name: Stephanie (stephanie_mcclure@hotmail.com) Street Address: 400 glen moor dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 158. Name: lisa persels (pers_l@yahoo.com) Street Address: 332 Oriole Court Zip Code: 52340 Comments: 159. Name: Jamie Wirtz (wirtzjamie@gmail.com) Street Address: 385 N Colton Dr Zip Code: 52317 Page 20 of 68 on 2015-07-04 05:13:38 on 2015-07-04 05:52:22 on 2015-07-04 13:13:43 on 2015-07-04 14:25:45 on 2015-07-04 16:51:36 on 2015-07-04 17:23:37 on 2015-07-04 19:35:18 Comments: 160. Name: Chad Murray (cornellcoach@gmail.com) Street Address: 191 Lockmoor Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 19:36:46 161. Name: Sara Crosby (saracrosby64@gmail.com) Street Address: 265 Whitman Ave. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 20:17:56 162. Name: Lydia fine (lydiafine3@gmail.com) Street Address: 1519 red oak Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 163. Name: Dan Tiedt (dant@pipic.com) Street Address: 920 maple st Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 164. Name: Karen Davison (kdavison31@gmail.com) Street Address: 260 N McKenzie Lane Zip Code: 52317-8910 Comments: on 2015-07-04 20:55:52 165. Name: Cathy stange (cathystange@yahoo.com) Street Address: 175 north liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-04 21:14:24 166. Name: Joellen & Jim Megan (meganjoellen@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1812 B. St. Iowa City , IA Zip Code: 52245-4633 Comments: 167. Name: Angie Rummel (amrummel@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1675 Red Barn Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 168. Name: Tara Stoddard (dtstoddard1@gmail.com) Street Address: 65 Lynx lane Zip Code: 52317 on 2015-07-04 20:39:12 on 2015-07-04 20:51:03 Page 21 of 68 on 2015-07-04 21:25:40 on 2015-07-04 21:25:55 on 2015-07-04 21:38:54 Comments: 169. Name: Sean Keller (sean.keller7@gmail.com) Street Address: 2923 Wyatt Dr NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 170. Name: Kristen Stoll (kristenstoll74@gmail.com) Street Address: 250 Lencester Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 171. Name: Brieanna Roth (briepearce@hotmail.com) Street Address: 30 Pinehurst Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 172. Name: Karen Fowler (kmwaltz@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-04 22:24:51 Street Address: 640 Pebble Ct., North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 173. Name: Rachael (rachael_mitchell01@hotmail.com) Street Address: 916 Augusta Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 174. Name: Kelly Oelmann (kelly_oelmann@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-04 22:42:54 Street Address: 722 Molly Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I believe this is an excellent idea especially since there are so many pet owners in town. 175. Name: Erin Manley (emmanley@gmail.com) Street Address: 464 N Dubuque St. Unit F Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 176. Name: Amy J. (aajohnson30@gmail.com) Street Address: 400 Broadmoor Place Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 177. Name: Cory Hammitt (cory-hammitt@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 620 Jessie St Page 22 of 68 on 2015-07-04 22:10:55 on 2015-07-04 22:13:21 on 2015-07-04 22:16:18 on 2015-07-04 22:34:27 on 2015-07-04 22:50:51 on 2015-07-04 23:51:35 on 2015-07-05 00:33:50 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 178. Name: Barbara Lawrence (bclaw1968@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 00:35:39 Street Address: 65 elm ridge dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We need to have one, for all the dog owner here in North liberty. I pay for school on my property tax. So I think I or other people like me should have the right on having this. 179. Name: Brad Tomson (bradtomson@gmail.com) Street Address: 750 Yorkshire Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 180. Name: Tracey Moberley (tlmoberley@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1331 Prairie Grass Lane Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 181. Name: Brian P Hodous (brianhodous@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-05 01:22:27 Street Address: 910 West Zeller Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We should have a dog park!!! Dog parks are fun. I don't own a dog currently, but I like dogs and I may get a dog in the future. I can't believe that this item costs very much. If it is expensive then it shouldn't be done. But if it is expensive then that is only because people are trying to make money off of it. Maybe private contractors, maybe public employees. Either way our Mayor should avoid these pitfalls and institute a public dog park that doesn't require much maintenance. You could have a user fee of $1 or $.50. That should pay for poop pick up, fencing, and grass cutting. Make it big and beautiful and the dog park could be a positive revenue generator for the city in addition to providing a needed service. 182. Name: Thad Abrams (abramst@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-05 01:31:39 Street Address: 640 black bear bend Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This is very important for our city and community 183. Name: Lauren Carlson (lec452@yahoo.com) Street Address: 405 fox run Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 184. Name: Dan Williams (danwilliams83@aol.com) Street Address: 185 Whitman Ave Zip Code: 52317 Page 23 of 68 on 2015-07-05 01:06:59 on 2015-07-05 01:21:30 on 2015-07-05 01:46:32 on 2015-07-05 03:18:08 Comments: 185. Name: Stefanie plym (stefplym@gmail.com) Street Address: 1655 n jones blvd Zip Code: 52316 Comments: 186. Name: Michael T Hussey (pughaus@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 04:37:08 Street Address: 1621 Spruce Ct, Zip Code: 52240 Comments: In my experience as i have worked at the dog park. These parks generate more traffic than any other city park. They also generate more income in tag sales. Be mindful of the closing terms don't underestimate the tag fees. 187. Name: John Ord (jword52@gmail.com) Street Address: 191 W. Marengo Rd Zip Code: 52340 Comments: 188. Name: Carrie meyer (c33711@gmail.com) Street Address: 331 w short st Zip Code: 52333 Comments: on 2015-07-05 06:13:12 189. Name: Eric Berry (ericpberry@gmail.com) Street Address: 305 Penn Ridge Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-05 10:15:21 190. Name: Tiffany pollock (tiffanyrpollock@gmail.com) Street Address: 1300 ashley place north Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 191. Name: Melissa Johnson (ml_goedert@hotmail.com) Street Address: 102 Watercress Rd., North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 192. Name: Jill Lindley (jillplants@gmail.com) Street Address: Penn Ridge Pl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 193. Name: mike lindley (mlindley2005@hotmail.com) Page 24 of 68 on 2015-07-05 03:41:18 on 2015-07-05 04:52:47 on 2015-07-05 10:22:41 on 2015-07-05 12:36:52 on 2015-07-05 14:22:26 on 2015-07-05 14:23:38 Street Address: 590 penn ridge pl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 194. Name: Matt Kuster (matthew.j.kuster@gmail.com) Street Address: 1605 N Jones Blvd #1 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-05 14:23:50 195. Name: Jessica Baker (jesimikebaker@gmail.com) Street Address: 1670 Cedar Springs Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-05 14:55:28 196. Name: Mary Kay brooks (mkrn@mchsi.com) on 2015-07-05 14:59:21 Street Address: 2483 Biltmore Lane Zip Code: 52241 Comments: Include a portion for small dogs please 197. Name: valerie rodriguez (vherteen@gmail.com) Street Address: 115 catalpa ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 198. Name: Amber Stockbauer (pvamber2006@gmail.com) Street Address: 290 Lencester Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 199. Name: Tera Cooling (natecooling@hotmail.com) Street Address: 240 Sadler Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 200. Name: Christina Weiske (christina.weiske@gmail.com) Street Address: 1580 deerfield dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 201. Name: Jenny Brenner (brenner_jenny@yahoo.com) Street Address: 60 N George Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 202. Name: Shawna Fredrickson (shawna.fredrickson@ymail.com) Page 25 of 68 on 2015-07-05 15:05:16 on 2015-07-05 15:19:46 on 2015-07-05 15:24:48 on 2015-07-05 15:30:59 on 2015-07-05 15:35:01 on 2015-07-05 15:45:03 Street Address: 1329 Dolen Pl Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 203. Name: Lori Smith (knucklez@mchsi.com) Street Address: 1924 North Ridge Drive Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 204. Name: Jessica Reynolds (Jezzca82@gmail.com) Street Address: 417 8th Ave Zip Code: 52356 Comments: 205. Name: Emily Hora (hora.emily@gmail.com) Street Address: 1605 N Jones Blvd #1 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 206. Name: Chuck Yrigoyen (cyrigoyen3@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1545 Poplar Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 207. Name: Kelsey Teeter (kelseyt8287@msn.com) Street Address: 885 prairie ridge rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 208. Name: Lorretta Harding (missharding5401@gmail.com) Street Address: 527clover ridge Zip Code: 52351 Comments: 209. Name: Michele Bogs (michelebogs@yahoo.com) Street Address: 120 Catalpa Ln Zip Code: 52417 Comments: 210. Name: Iveth (exstatic00@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 17:15:03 Street Address: 240 heritage dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I have a loving dog that loves to interact with people, kids and other dogs. He even likes cats! Id love to have a dog park near home! Page 26 of 68 on 2015-07-05 16:21:15 on 2015-07-05 16:21:37 on 2015-07-05 16:25:34 on 2015-07-05 16:47:08 on 2015-07-05 16:53:23 on 2015-07-05 16:59:06 on 2015-07-05 17:13:26 211. Name: eileen dighton (e.dighton@mchsi.com) Street Address: 114 S Jackson st Lisbon Iowa Zip Code: 52253 Comments: 212. Name: Anisa Riley (the.native.fire@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 18:06:44 Street Address: 1920 12th ave Coralville Zip Code: 52241 Comments: Looking for a low cost, well maintained facility with bathrooms. 213. Name: Kels (langenberg85@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 18:14:25 Street Address: 46 hoover blvd. Zip Code: 52358 Comments: Dog parks are awesome. Make sure u make it sectioned. So if 2 dogs can be together or like a shitzu and a st bernard can still play but not in the same area. I wish west branch had more than just one big huge section. :( also a decent way to get water. And shade is good. Doggie bags are nice. We have a portapotty. It's nice. I don't use it but it could be nice in an emergency. 214. Name: Samira (sambo_2002@hotmail.com) Street Address: 100 e dovetail dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 215. Name: Brittany Decker (bndecker11@gmail.com) Street Address: 2230 west lake road apt 101 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 216. Name: Oumou Diop (odia319@aol.com) Street Address: 1635 vandello cir Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 217. Name: Cassie Holm (cassieholm95@yahoo.com) Street Address: 401 Hawk Ridge Dr. Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 218. Name: Stephanie Duncan (s.dessicino@gmail.com) Street Address: 760 Molly Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-05 20:30:22 219. Name: Rebecca Booth (booth.rebecca@gmail.com) on 2015-07-05 21:37:41 Page 27 of 68 on 2015-07-05 17:30:08 on 2015-07-05 18:23:26 on 2015-07-05 18:44:27 on 2015-07-05 19:07:14 on 2015-07-05 20:07:02 Street Address: 245 Parkview Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 220. Name: Sara Smith (seith333@gmail.com) Street Address: 305 Penn Ridge Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 221. Name: Karla Smith (bellagram08@gmail.com) Street Address: 536 Olive St Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 222. Name: Brittany Duggan (thatsme_86@hotmail.com) Street Address: 120 Shannon dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This would be wonderful!! on 2015-07-06 01:43:26 223. Name: katie connolly (katieconnolly29@yahoo.com) Street Address: 642 Molly dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-06 01:51:39 224. Name: Robert Sulzer (robertsulzer@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1935 south ridge dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 225. Name: Maren Stevens (stevens.maren@gmail.com) Street Address: 1208 Mormon Trek Blvd Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 226. Name: Ashley Ruttum (aaruttum@gmail.com) Street Address: 510 Fox Run Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 227. Name: Jennifer Thompson (keyplyr88@gmail.com) Street Address: 160 Elm Ridge CT Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 228. Name: Ben Rickels (benrickels@gmail.com) Page 28 of 68 on 2015-07-06 00:27:59 on 2015-07-06 00:55:47 on 2015-07-06 01:52:40 on 2015-07-06 03:15:46 on 2015-07-06 05:13:43 on 2015-07-06 12:05:06 on 2015-07-06 15:36:09 Street Address: 1440 Red Oak Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 229. Name: Malinda Gronewold (scrubscleaningllc@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-06 19:39:55 Street Address: 1760 Hedgwood Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: this would be awesome to have a local dog park with out the drive.. being its walking distance for many and also the interaction with other dogs makes for healthy happy pets! Great Idea!!! 230. Name: Megan Spurrell (tmjacountry11@hotmail.com) Street Address: 30 Jefferson st apt 4 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 231. Name: Eve Harvey-Staveley (deadpoetsociety22@hotmail.com) Street Address: 751 W Benton St Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 232. Name: Pat Rice (pat@everybodytans.com) Street Address: 405 2nd Street Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 233. Name: Tyler Erenberger (terenberger@southslope.net) Street Address: 30 Jefferson St. Apt. 4 north Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 234. Name: Sandi Spurrell (sandispurrellphotography@yahoo.com) Street Address: 455 Penn ct. Apt 9 north Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 235. Name: Sarah Brumwell (sarahalice011@yahoo.com) Street Address: 90 Prairie Ridge Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 236. Name: Liz Harvey (lizzeellee@gmail.com) Street Address: 1855 Cypress Ridge Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 29 of 68 on 2015-07-07 20:19:41 on 2015-07-07 22:43:56 on 2015-07-08 00:02:57 on 2015-07-08 01:48:57 on 2015-07-08 01:50:08 on 2015-07-08 17:42:20 on 2015-07-08 19:17:07 237. Name: Nathan Patton (nathan.carrothers@gmail.com) Street Address: 325 N Juniper St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 238. Name: Bretta DeVore (qcrn11@aol.com) Street Address: Windam Drive Zip Code: 52333 Comments: 239. Name: Tess Washington (washington.tess@gmail.com) Street Address: 5251 Johnson ave SW apt#4 Zip Code: 52404 Comments: 240. Name: Libby meyer (libzmeyer@gmail.com) Street Address: 1500 vandello circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 241. Name: Rnni (ronnidiasse@yahoo.com) Street Address: 72holiday lodge rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 242. Name: Steve Mcleran (nessie0707@gmail.com) Street Address: 85 Penn Ridge ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 243. Name: Aldijana Gillham (aldijana.gillham@gmail.com) Street Address: 412 kimberlite St Zip Code: 52340 Comments: 244. Name: Shelly Freemole (shelly.freemole@aonhewitt.com) Street Address: 1790 Silver Maple Trail Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 245. Name: Aimee Cusic (aimeek22@gmail.com) Street Address: 700 Andrews Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 30 of 68 on 2015-07-08 22:07:27 on 2015-07-10 15:44:40 on 2015-07-11 17:00:52 on 2015-07-11 18:22:51 on 2015-07-13 07:14:11 on 2015-07-14 03:30:03 on 2015-07-14 06:18:40 on 2015-07-14 10:23:13 on 2015-07-14 14:03:21 246. Name: Audrey Salow (audrey-salow@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 455 Glenmoor Place Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We need a dog park! 247. Name: Kari murphy (schildkl@gmail.com) Street Address: 195 cattail lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 248. Name: Sara Nordman (sarak_04@hotmail.com) Street Address: 60 Augusta ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 249. Name: Brittni (brittniriggan@gmail.com) Street Address: 1420 Greyson Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 250. Name: Jayna Olvera (jayburnrn@me.com) Street Address: 535 26th ave Moline Il Zip Code: 61265 Comments: 251. Name: Ryan Bentrim (bentrimryan@gmail.com) Street Address: 1450 Greyson Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Give us a Dog Park! 252. Name: Sarah Gilpin (seh0304@gmail.com) Street Address: 70 Heritage Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 253. Name: Melea Ballou (meleaballou@hotmail.com) Street Address: 730 Yorkshire St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 254. Name: Zach clemence (Zachclem@yahoo.com) Street Address: 860 pheasant lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 31 of 68 on 2015-07-14 14:12:18 on 2015-07-14 14:23:30 on 2015-07-14 14:52:59 on 2015-07-14 15:03:32 on 2015-07-14 15:28:18 on 2015-07-14 16:15:18 on 2015-07-14 18:33:06 on 2015-07-14 18:37:44 on 2015-07-15 01:33:32 255. Name: Bill Spurrell (bspurrell@deeryford.com) on 2015-07-15 02:07:08 Street Address: 455 Penn Ct. Apt 9 north Liberty, ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 256. Name: Katie Wilson (kwilson24ia@gmail.com) Street Address: 1238 Nicholas Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 257. Name: Lisa Pfannebecker (jorgenlisa@gmail.com) Street Address: 504 Duchess Dr, Solon, IA Zip Code: 52333 Comments: 258. Name: Morgan Owen (morgan_mccarthy_2009@hotmail.com) Street Address: 175 Heritage Dr., North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52137 Comments: 259. Name: Rachelle Sickles (Rachelle_grace@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1410 Gentry Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 260. Name: Tyler McCarthy (tyler.mccarthy23@gmail.com) Street Address: 1175 Alexander Way Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 261. Name: Cathy Lathrop-Utterback (pawprintgarden@yahoo.com) Street Address: 466 sugar creek lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 262. Name: sue vanderhorst (sue.vanderhorst100@gmail.com) on 2015-07-16 12:10:28 Street Address: 105 w penn st Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A local dog park is MUCH needed. So many of us drive into Iowa City to meet the emotional and physical needs of our beloved furkids. 263. Name: Adam Johnston (aej4chiefs@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1010 240th St Zip Code: 52317 Page 32 of 68 on 2015-07-15 13:39:51 on 2015-07-16 02:46:54 on 2015-07-16 03:25:04 on 2015-07-16 03:30:13 on 2015-07-16 03:48:42 on 2015-07-16 10:33:16 on 2015-07-19 18:47:29 Comments: 264. Name: Phillip schellenberg (hawki8624@gmail.com) Street Address: 105 North Park Ridge Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 265. Name: Julie Meister (Profa40@gmail.com) Street Address: 1365 antler Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 266. Name: Shannon Yost (shannonpruemer@hotmail.com) Street Address: 30 Lily Pond Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 267. Name: Amber Smith (amberasmith@gmail.com) Street Address: 220 Cattail Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 268. Name: Michael joseph (mike_joseph21@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1485 red oak dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 269. Name: Annika yost (annika.elise@yahoo.com) Street Address: 30 lily pond road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 270. Name: Ashley Postma (postmaashley@gmail.com) Street Address: 1595 Sadler Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 271. Name: Nicole Strong (nicolelkroese@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-20 03:48:53 Street Address: 220 N McKenzie Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We really need this! It is crazy to have to drive 20 min to a dog park!!! 272. Name: Shauna Raner (rx4life@gmail.com) Street Address: 110 Shannon Drive Zip Code: 52317 Page 33 of 68 on 2015-07-19 22:55:07 on 2015-07-19 22:59:26 on 2015-07-19 23:01:13 on 2015-07-19 23:17:26 on 2015-07-20 00:11:06 on 2015-07-20 00:13:02 on 2015-07-20 00:33:07 on 2015-07-20 03:53:49 Comments: 273. Name: Beth Jayathan (blewis84@gmail.com) Street Address: 1409 sycamore street Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 274. Name: Derek Burns (derek.burns@machq.com) Street Address: 700 Strathmoor Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: we need this bad! 275. Name: Aliyah lukes (jazzromy@yahoo.com) Street Address: 293 lencester ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-20 09:23:35 276. Name: Jena Bixby (jenabixby@yahoo.com) Street Address: 191 Lockmoor Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-20 10:58:38 277. Name: Hannah Born (hborn85@gmail.com) on 2015-07-20 13:12:26 Street Address: 432 North Stewart Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I would volunteer to help get this up and going. the old Penn way park land would be a perfect place! 278. Name: Kristen Horrie (kristen-horrie@uiowa.edu) on 2015-07-20 13:17:30 Street Address: 50 David Lee Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please please please! I hate having to drive to Iowa city to go to the dog park! 279. Name: Matt Grems (matt-grems@mchsi.com) Street Address: 129 Golfview Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 280. Name: Chris Reid (chrisr743@icloud.com) Street Address: 2127 Kountry Lane Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 281. Name: JD Walters (jdw324@hotmail.com) Page 34 of 68 on 2015-07-20 03:56:31 on 2015-07-20 08:37:25 on 2015-07-20 13:23:21 on 2015-07-20 13:41:15 on 2015-07-20 13:43:02 Street Address: 409 E Green st, West Branch Zip Code: 52358 Comments: 282. Name: Scott Wubben (swubben02@Gmail.com) Street Address: 1825 goose lake circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 283. Name: Ashley Moore (ashley.moore9317@gmail.com) Street Address: 2059 V Ave Zip Code: 52236 Comments: 284. Name: Kevin Parrott (kparrott57@gmail.com) Street Address: 1018 Conklin Ln. Zip Code: 52245 Comments: YES!!! 285. Name: Sarah opiol (sjaoasap@gmail.com) Street Address: 4555 sand rd Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 286. Name: Raymond Sickles (raymond@raymondsickles.com) Street Address: 280 Jacolyn Dr NW Zip Code: 52405 Comments: 287. Name: Victoria Mufson (mufson.victoria@gmail.com) Street Address: 210 w Marengo rd apt 1 Zip Code: 52340 Comments: 288. Name: Kayla Berner (kberner19@yahoo.com) Street Address: 505 Penn Ct #12 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 289. Name: Meghann Van De Voorde (meghann-vandevoorde@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 1808 Gleason Ave Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 290. Name: bridget dual (bridgetdual@yahoo.com) Page 35 of 68 on 2015-07-20 13:49:34 on 2015-07-20 13:55:49 on 2015-07-20 14:05:10 on 2015-07-20 14:27:55 on 2015-07-20 15:38:32 on 2015-07-20 16:25:19 on 2015-07-20 16:44:19 on 2015-07-20 17:25:05 on 2015-07-20 16:50:1 Street Address: 197 golfview ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 291. Name: Maggie Opiol (maggieopiol@gmail.com) Street Address: 133 Grandview Dr. NE Zip Code: 52333 Comments: 292. Name: Julia Herman (hermyrosie@southslope.net) on 2015-07-20 17:52:35 Street Address: 40 Parkview Ct Zip Code: North Liberty Comments: Being I live here it makes sense to have one so I don't have to take my dog to Iowa City. 293. Name: Chelsie (thatmcnatt@gmail.com) Street Address: 223 Holiday Lodge Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 294. Name: Alia Salameh (alia.salameh67@gmail.com) Street Address: 602 W 9th st. Davenport, IA Zip Code: 52803 Comments: 295. Name: Todd Galloway (outlawcowboy07@hotmail.com) Street Address: 108 holiday lodge rd. North liberty. Ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 296. Name: Justin Clark (jaclark802@gmail.com) Street Address: 1056 Sunny Side Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 297. Name: Ryan Baumbach (r_baumbach@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-20 20:01:41 Street Address: 220 Sugar Creek Ln Apt #7 North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 298. Name: Erin Buckingham (erinmjones12@hotmail.com) Street Address: 420 LOCKVIEW AVE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 36 of 68 on 2015-07-20 17:28:08 on 2015-07-20 18:12:28 on 2015-07-20 18:25:14 on 2015-07-20 18:28:19 on 2015-07-20 19:30:53 on 2015-07-20 20:43:58 299. Name: Brian Steere (dianoga7@3dgo.net) Street Address: 1320 Logan Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-20 20:44:50 300. Name: Carly (c.anderson@3dgo.net) Street Address: 1320 LOGAN CT Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 301. Name: Matt Freemole (matt.freemole@aonhewitt.com) on 2015-07-20 20:47:34 Street Address: 1790 Silver Maple Trail Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This is long overdue for North Liberty residents. 302. Name: Kasey Befeler (kbefeler@gmail.com) Street Address: 234 Hutchinson Ave Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 303. Name: Jennifer L. Fuhrman (fuhrmanjennifer@gmail.com) Street Address: 725 Molly Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 304. Name: Dean Aman (dean_aman@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1520 Otter Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 305. Name: Mike Vitti (mvitti09@gmail.com) Street Address: 1085 Bayhill Cir Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 306. Name: Kate Schwenker (neonursekate@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1795 Wenrose Dr NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 307. Name: Scott Sweetalla (ssweet9@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1517 Deerfield Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-20 20:46:51 Page 37 of 68 on 2015-07-20 20:47:57 on 2015-07-20 20:49:07 on 2015-07-20 20:50:16 on 2015-07-20 20:51:04 on 2015-07-20 20:51:48 on 2015-07-20 20:56:14 308. Name: Christa duhme (christa-duhme@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 2865 coral court #302 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 309. Name: Priscila Sackett (priscillasackett@gmail.com) Street Address: 795 Broadmoor Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 310. Name: Alyson Gates (alyson.gates@hotmail.com) Street Address: 400 Glenmoor Place Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 311. Name: Jonathan Greiner (greinerballs@gmail.com) on 2015-07-20 21:18:55 Street Address: 1285 Doe Run Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I am 33 and physically disabled from a stroke following a traumatic brain injury but am fully independent. Due to severe chronic pain I cannot take my dog for a daily walk, as every step and secind standing exacerbates my pain increases exponentally the more I wall aND stand. I use Thornberry Off-Leash Dog Park, but that is 25 minutes away from my house here in North Liberty. I am very stoic and pick up my dog's fecal matter, but am then able to sit while my dog plays. My hometime, Washington, Iowa, has an off least dog park in their main park. Many people walk their dogs on my road's sidewalk. An off leash dog park is essential in making North Liberty a wonderful town! Thank you. 312. Name: Svitlana Avtukh (ayda35@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-20 21:20:34 Street Address: 3432 Terrace Hill Drive NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We DO need a dog park in North Liberty. 313. Name: Jesse Soukup (jesse.soukup@gmail.com) Street Address: 939 23rd Ave Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 314. Name: Whitney Hillyard (whitneyhillyard@gmail.com) Street Address: 1601 N HIGHWAY 965 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 315. Name: Kris Ockenfels (origcavy@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1039 Fairview Ln Zip Code: 52317 Page 38 of 68 on 2015-07-20 20:57:24 on 2015-07-20 21:05:00 on 2015-07-20 21:11:06 on 2015-07-20 21:37:49 on 2015-07-20 21:41:54 on 2015-07-20 21:43:34 Comments: I would love to have a dog park in town, rather than driving to Iowa City to use theirs. It's often not worth the drive as I spend more time in the car than at the park. If it was in town, I could visit the dog park far more often. North Liberty is a fairly young city, with many citizens in condos or townhouses withough yards. How many people would benefit from having a place to let their dogs (and themselves) exercise and socialize in town? A tired and well socialized dog is a quiet and friendly dog. Having access to an off leash dog park is a benefit to those with dogs (who would expect to pay for the park via tags, just like we do now for Iowa City) and those without dogs as fewer dogs would be in the regular parks off leash. Thank you! 316. Name: Kim Marie Wyatt (kmw346@msn.com) Street Address: 860 maple st Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 317. Name: Amanda bell (fielding@gmail.com) on 2015-07-20 22:05:05 Street Address: 232 25th at dr se Zip Code: 52403 Comments: We no longer live in NL but would love to see one go in!! 318. Name: Daniela Williams (daniela.l.williams@gmail.com) Street Address: 120 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 319. Name: Rae Mosier (raemosier@yahoo.com) Street Address: 456 Pinehurst Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 320. Name: Elisabeth Ross (elisabethross7@gmail.com) on 2015-07-20 22:34:20 Street Address: 3200 12th Ave. Zip Code: 52241 Comments: We live on the north end of Coralville and would love to go to a dog park in North Liberty with our two small dogs. 321. Name: Cory Hammitt (clhammitt34@gmail.com) Street Address: 620 Jessie St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 322. Name: Jay Malin (jay.l.malin@gmail.com) Street Address: 1580 Fawn Dr Page 39 of 68 on 2015-07-20 21:59:42 on 2015-07-20 22:12:34 on 2015-07-20 22:22:36 on 2015-07-20 22:45:46 on 2015-07-20 23:03:21 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 323. Name: Cheryl Holub (cherylaholub@aol.com) on 2015-07-20 23:04:26 Street Address: 165 E Weston Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: yes please we would love a dog park in North Liberty :) 324. Name: Zach Carter (zmcarter7@gmail.com) on 2015-07-20 23:10:58 Street Address: 304 N 2nd St Zip Code: 52235-0032 Comments: Dog parks are good for the community! 325. Name: Elizabeth (elizabeth_englund@hotmail.com) Street Address: 2853 Coral Court #303 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 326. Name: Karin Bond (kbmmc@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1573 Burr Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 327. Name: Stephanie Haigh (stephaniehaigh733@gmail.com) on 2015-07-21 00:05:44 Street Address: 420 6th Ave # 6, Coralville, IA Zip Code: 52241 Comments: I don't see any reason why North Liberty shouldn't have a dog park! I think it would be great for the community and their beloved doggies. 328. Name: patty kieffer (patty.kieffer7@gmail.com) Street Address: 219 holiday lodge road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: We need one badly! 329. Name: Bobbi O'Rourke (barbara-orourke@uiowa.edu) on 2015-07-21 00:18:39 Street Address: 240 W. Zeller St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Sorely needed and would be deeply appreciated by many. Serves many more purposes than dog excercising. Ask anyone who has enjoyed the facilities in Iowa City and the community building that occurs. 330. Name: Paula Manternach (jenandpaula@msn.com) Street Address: 3 Kay LN NE Zip Code: 52240 Comments: Page 40 of 68 on 2015-07-20 23:45:35 on 2015-07-20 23:52:35 on 2015-07-21 00:07:17 on 2015-07-21 00:21:28 331. Name: Erica Younf (ericabyoung26@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-21 00:39:08 Street Address: 1845 400th St SW Zip Code: 52322 Comments: With North liberty having so many zero lots it makes sense to have a public space for dogs to run and play and for dog people to socialize as well, I think this could be another step in building strong community for North Liberty 332. Name: Jody Kline (kline.jody@gmail.com) Street Address: 140 North George St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 333. Name: Alicia Chrest (aliciachrest@gmail.com) Street Address: 515 Penn Ct #2 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 334. Name: Heather yeggy (heatheryeggy@gmail.com) Street Address: 146 golf view ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 335. Name: Melissa Glanz (melissaglanz96@yahoo.com) Street Address: 80 North McKenzie Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 336. Name: Vicki Bellmore (vickibcrvl@gmail.com) Street Address: 1980 s Ridge Dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 337. Name: Jordan Kraus (jacobsjm1989@hotmail.com) Street Address: 105 watercress rd north liberty ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 338. Name: Arianne Price (renbult@gmail.com) Street Address: 560 Penn Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 339. Name: Nicholas Zukin (zukin30@gmail.com) Street Address: 625 hodge st Page 41 of 68 on 2015-07-21 01:01:07 on 2015-07-21 01:03:26 on 2015-07-21 01:19:47 on 2015-07-21 01:24:27 on 2015-07-21 01:46:08 on 2015-07-21 01:53:36 on 2015-07-21 01:58:41 on 2015-07-21 02:42:18 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 340. Name: Maria donohoe (donohoe85@gmail.com) Street Address: 260 alydar Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 341. Name: Corey Phillips (corey-phillips@hotmail.com) Street Address: 437 Washington ave North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 342. Name: sue gates (susieg1121@aol.com) Street Address: 135 prairie ridge court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 343. Name: Dawn Thurman (ddthurman@southslope.net) Street Address: 650 Strathmoor Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 344. Name: Elizabeth L Sullivan (jbkatsulli@msn.com) Street Address: 165 E Dovetail Dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 345. Name: Erika Callaghan (erika.callaghan@gmail.com) Street Address: 1487 Jaylen Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 346. Name: Elizabeth Sauter (sauter.elizabeth@gmail.com) Street Address: 27 Vandello Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 347. Name: Jason Callaghan (jcally7@gmail.com) Street Address: 1487 Jaylen Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 348. Name: Colleen Elin (colslp@gmail.com) Street Address: 475 North Stewart St Page 42 of 68 on 2015-07-21 03:08:20 on 2015-07-21 05:56:43 on 2015-07-21 11:08:18 on 2015-07-21 11:12:33 on 2015-07-21 11:15:51 on 2015-07-21 12:30:49 on 2015-07-21 12:46:29 on 2015-07-21 13:49:26 on 2015-07-21 14:05:51 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 349. Name: Michelle theisen-Konrardy (michelletheisen@hotmail.com) Street Address: 182 Alydar dr Zip Code: 522317 Comments: 350. Name: Deb Gaddis (dgaddis66@hotmail.com) on 2015-07-21 14:31:11 Street Address: 3682 Douglas Dr NE Solon, IA 52333 Zip Code: 52333 Comments: 351. Name: Aaron Kline (Kline.aaron.k@gmail.com) Street Address: 140 N. George St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-21 14:44:57 352. Name: Tom White (tomwhite@southslope.net) Street Address: 563 Augusta Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-21 15:00:15 353. Name: Lori Cassady (loricassady@gmail.com) Street Address: 1455 Blacktail Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-21 15:47:48 354. Name: Monica (monicabrianne@gmail.com) Street Address: 514 Sicily Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 355. Name: David Roman (dlr2006@mac.com) Street Address: 810 Chukar Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 356. Name: Josh Mara (jdmara@hotmail.com) Street Address: 2270 West Lake Rd #104 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 357. Name: Shana Bischof (shanabis@aol.com) Street Address: 420 Bradley Pl Unit 9 Page 43 of 68 on 2015-07-21 14:23:06 on 2015-07-21 16:44:25 on 2015-07-21 17:10:55 on 2015-07-21 17:11:38 on 2015-07-21 17:15:36 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: A dog park is strongly needed by this community. Let's get this done. 358. Name: Kari Steinkamp (ksteinkamp@yahoo.com) Street Address: 3247 Kelsey Ln Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 359. Name: Sharon Wright (sharsue@hotmail.com) Street Address: 552 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 360. Name: Jenny (vetwannab2007@yahoo.com) Street Address: 123 XXX Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 361. Name: Caleb Keenan (CLKeenan88@aol.com) Street Address: 1816 goose lake circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 362. Name: Lindsey Heser (macm0023@umn.edu) Street Address: 1802 goose lake circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 363. Name: Rebecca McManigal (becs_17@ymail.com) Street Address: 409 W Zeller St Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 364. Name: Steven Lipinski (perrinslip@gmail.com) Street Address: 580 Augusta Cir #11 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-21 17:47:55 365. Name: Teresa Lipinski (tmskalko@gmail.com) Street Address: 580 Augusta Cir #11 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-21 17:48:36 366. Name: Brian (bkasten@q.com) on 2015-07-21 17:55:01 Street Address: 141 War Admiral Ln Page 44 of 68 on 2015-07-21 17:16:28 on 2015-07-21 17:17:35 on 2015-07-21 17:18:56 on 2015-07-21 17:20:13 on 2015-07-21 17:31:11 on 2015-07-21 17:34:25 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 367. Name: Greg Hanson (ghhanson@uwalumni.com) Street Address: 1895 Silver Maple Trail Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 368. Name: Nancy pratt (nlpratt@msn.com) Street Address: 2269 e grantview dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 369. Name: Julie Pacheco (julie6446@gmail.com) Street Address: 2470 Dempster Drive Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 370. Name: Tina McAfee (tinee1416@hotmail.com) Street Address: 3701 2nd st #20B Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 371. Name: Helen Andersen (helen.t.andersen@gmail.com) on 2015-07-21 19:12:52 Street Address: 3157 Country Ct NE, Iowa City Zip Code: 52240 Comments: We use the bike path on Dubuque frequently and would love to have a new dog park as a destination in North Liberty! 372. Name: Mica Boulton (minnmic@gmail.com) Street Address: 542 Locust Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 373. Name: Alison Ruebel (alicat663@gmail.com) Street Address: 130 Jefferson street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 374. Name: Laura Kastens (lkastens@q.com) on 2015-07-21 20:24:44 Street Address: 45 Ealing Drive, Iowa City Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 375. Name: Kevin Kremer (kevin.m.kremer@gmail.com) Page 45 of 68 on 2015-07-21 18:09:44 on 2015-07-21 18:19:13 on 2015-07-21 18:33:50 on 2015-07-21 18:53:30 on 2015-07-21 20:03:19 on 2015-07-21 20:23:39 on 2015-07-21 20:43:04 Street Address: 4506 Fenimore Dr Zip Code: 65202 Comments: I previously lived in North Liberty and there is a high likelihood I will move back one day so a dog park being constructed would be amazing for the community! 376. Name: Dustin Elin (dustin.elin@gmail.com) Street Address: 475 N Stewart St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 377. Name: Jennifer Hahn (ictigereyes@yahoo.com) Street Address: 505 Sugar Creek lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 378. Name: Barbara McCoy (blmccoy31@gmail.com) Street Address: 6 Hawkeyes Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 379. Name: Christel Philipp (cjphilipp31@gmail.com) Street Address: 512 fox run drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 380. Name: Liz Bergeron (lizzieb@southslope.net) on 2015-07-22 03:11:41 Street Address: 2202 Scales Bend Rd NE North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 381. Name: Jordyn Wiser (jordyn.wiser@gmail.com) Street Address: 1070 Fairview Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 382. Name: Tina (tina.tiainen@gmail.com) on 2015-07-22 11:01:56 Street Address: 2391 mehaffey bridge road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I may just start a dog park ;P 383. Name: Kristine bauer (pawzsalonnl@gmail.com) Street Address: 1601 n hwy 965 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 46 of 68 on 2015-07-21 21:27:03 on 2015-07-21 22:39:58 on 2015-07-21 23:31:55 on 2015-07-22 02:26:57 on 2015-07-22 06:11:01 on 2015-07-22 12:42:59 384. Name: Chera Gilleland (shera008@hotmail.com) Street Address: 817 10th St NW Zip Code: 52405 Comments: More dog parks!! 385. Name: Amy AHearn (afagerberg03@hotmail.com) Street Address: 520 Lockmoor Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 386. Name: Renatta Stevens (renattastevens@gmail.vom) Street Address: 1777 Jonathan Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 387. Name: Jamie Reinhardt (jlreinhardt@gmail.com) on 2015-07-22 17:13:21 Street Address: 525 Penn Ridge Drive North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 388. Name: Thomas Businga (thomas.businga@gmail.com) Street Address: 45 Vandello Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 389. Name: Christin Meyer (christinmeyer12@gmail.com) Street Address: 1468 Marilyn Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 390. Name: Katie Arcenas (katherine.arcenas@gmail.com) Street Address: 105 E Hickory St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please 391. Name: Adrianne Heisdorffer (lilhwks3@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1915 Wood Duck ct Zip Code: 52417 Comments: 392. Name: S. Bryant (leaderservices@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-22 21:37:50 Street Address: 831 Clark Street, Iowa City IA Zip Code: 52240 Comments: A dog park is a major benefit for any community. It promotes a healthy lifestyle, is an added perk to promote moving to a community, and reduces canine Page 47 of 68 on 2015-07-22 13:22:33 on 2015-07-22 13:30:26 on 2015-07-22 17:12:44 on 2015-07-22 17:26:09 on 2015-07-22 17:48:50 on 2015-07-22 18:04:12 on 2015-07-22 19:20:29 behavior problems. 393. Name: Tiffany Zweibohmer (tiffany-malanaphy@uiowa.edu) on 2015-07-23 00:55:26 Street Address: 2270 West Lake Rd #203 Zip Code: North Liberty, IA Comments: The closest dog park is the one in Iowa city and it's just too time consuming to get there. We live in an apartment building and don't have a great spot for our boxer to exercise. 394. Name: Kathleen Unger (carona727@yahoo.com) Street Address: 155 South Park Ridge Road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 395. Name: Carley Bockenstedt (cmbockenstedt@aim.com) Street Address: 1779 Park Ridge Dr Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 396. Name: Tom Kubly (thomaskubly@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-23 23:52:28 Street Address: 885 Walker Cir Zip Code: 52245 Comments: In Colorado, dog parks do Not charge a fee for use. Please do Not charge a fee like the dog park in Iowa City. #LandOfTheFree 397. Name: Kelsey Seligmann (kseligmann27@gmail.com) Street Address: 1132 melrose Ave Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 398. Name: Steve Krob (steve.krob76@gmail.com) Street Address: 1490 Deerfield Dr W Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 399. Name: Melissa Chagala (svveetmelissa03@aol.com) Street Address: 375 North Main Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 400. Name: Emily Heath (emmaleigh1983@gmail.com) on 2015-07-24 17:31:59 Street Address: 275 Heritage Drive North Liberty Iowa Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 48 of 68 on 2015-07-23 02:02:28 on 2015-07-23 11:22:15 on 2015-07-24 02:17:58 on 2015-07-24 02:45:16 on 2015-07-24 15:43:09 401. Name: Joshua Anderson (imaguero32@hotmail.com) Street Address: Coralville Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 402. Name: Julie (jchandler226@gmail.com) Street Address: 4045 Crest View Rd Zip Code: 52333 Comments: 403. Name: Heather (yoerg1@aol.com) on 2015-07-25 15:32:12 Street Address: 571 Fox Run Drive, North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 404. Name: Paul (paulyoerger@skogman.com) Street Address: 571 Fox Run Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 405. Name: Catherine Kastens (catherinekastens@gmail.com) Street Address: 141 War Admiral Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 406. Name: Lizzie Oneill (lizzie-ginsberg@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 2997 Dubuque st Zip Code: 52250 Comments: 407. Name: Bill schulte (billschulte@southslope.net) Street Address: 1880 cypress ridge Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 408. Name: Kelsey Clegg (sweetie13708@yahoo.com) Street Address: 130 Jefferson st #9 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 409. Name: Abby (abbyrobinsonw24@gmail.com) on 2015-07-26 03:24:59 Street Address: 405 Knowling Dr. Zip Code: 52241 Comments: Would love a dog park in north liberty! Page 49 of 68 on 2015-07-24 17:40:44 on 2015-07-25 15:09:24 on 2015-07-25 16:56:23 on 2015-07-25 20:03:00 on 2015-07-25 20:22:25 on 2015-07-26 02:58:05 on 2015-07-26 03:20:39 410. Name: Joann Barkalow (jbarkalow14@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1840 Wenrose Dr NE Zip Code: 52 Comments: 411. Name: Brooke christiansen (brooke.christiansen80@gmail.com) Street Address: 2145 10th st Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 412. Name: Aaron Benson (bensonaaronb@sau.edu) on 2015-07-26 12:58:04 Street Address: 40 Cherry Court Unit 5, North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Let's get this thing Built already! 413. Name: Heather eastman (eastmanhj@gmail.com) Street Address: 2 Kelsey ct Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 414. Name: Jo Goughnour Roof (jdee90@southslope.net) Street Address: 240 Juniper Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 415. Name: Alisha (lynnee_2008@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1472 Burr dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 416. Name: angela hawkins (angiehawkins07@gmail.com) Street Address: 880 rachael st #302 north liberty ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 417. Name: Shannon baethke (s5myers@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1365 Deerfield dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 418. Name: Natalie Janey (natalie.n.janey@gmail.com) Street Address: 20 Cherry Court #6 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 50 of 68 on 2015-07-26 03:58:14 on 2015-07-26 04:13:59 on 2015-07-26 13:40:03 on 2015-07-26 14:09:11 on 2015-07-26 15:41:33 on 2015-07-26 16:01:00 on 2015-07-26 16:16:36 on 2015-07-26 17:17:22 419. Name: Mirna Infante (queen_pipster2000@hotmail.com) Street Address: Coralville Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 420. Name: Kaitlyn Van Fossen (vanfossenkc@gmail.com) Street Address: 100 Hawk Ridge Dr. Zip Code: 54426 Comments: 421. Name: Joslyn Haffarnan (haffarnj@uni.edu) on 2015-07-26 20:18:34 Street Address: 60 Cherry Court. North Liberty Iowa Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 422. Name: Lori Winckler (wincklerfamily@southslope.net) Street Address: 380 Juniper Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 423. Name: Terri Gordy (terrigordy@gmail.com) Street Address: 79 Stanwyck Drive Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 424. Name: Emma (embenson@iastate.edu) Street Address: 40 Cherry Ct #5 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 425. Name: Adam McDonough (space_kid92@yahoo.com) Street Address: 961 22nd Ave Apt 16 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: on 2015-07-27 03:09:07 426. Name: Tracy D'Antonio (tracyanne1010@yahoo.com) Street Address: 255 Washington Ave. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-27 03:59:22 427. Name: Amber Martinson (ambermartinson2013@gmail.com) Street Address: 1601 twin valley dr ne Zip Code: 52333 Comments: Page 51 of 68 on 2015-07-26 19:30:10 on 2015-07-26 20:16:41 on 2015-07-27 00:51:33 on 2015-07-27 01:32:02 on 2015-07-27 01:32:20 on 2015-07-27 22:40:53 428. Name: karen berg (jadeoharts2008@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1037 Cross Park Ave # A Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 429. Name: Kelli Purkapile (kelli-purkapile@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 140 Buckingham Pl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 430. Name: Jamie Jorgensen (jdjorg@hotmail.com) Street Address: 700 Penn Ridge Dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 431. Name: Macey Greiner (maceygreiner@gmail.com) Street Address: 405 Ashley Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 432. Name: Howard Cowen (howard-cowen@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 140 Buckingham Pl Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This is way overdue! 433. Name: Cassandra Lanier (cassandraleigh@hotmail.com) Street Address: 152 N Park Ridge Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 434. Name: Ken Welsch (ouinibodini@gmail.com) Street Address: 625 Sugar Creek Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 435. Name: Wanda Hageman (wanda-hageman@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 3680 Coral Cove Ln NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 436. Name: Laura Uhrich (laura-zahn-johnson@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 1115 S 1st Ave Zip Code: 52240 Comments: Page 52 of 68 on 2015-07-27 23:15:17 on 2015-07-28 01:01:41 on 2015-07-28 03:49:23 on 2015-07-28 06:34:23 on 2015-07-28 12:55:44 on 2015-07-28 20:25:31 on 2015-07-29 13:25:49 on 2015-07-29 17:46:24 on 2015-07-29 17:55:32 437. Name: Terri Deetz (tigerlily129@juno.com) Street Address: 922 aspen ct Zip Code: 52240 Comments: on 2015-07-29 18:00:24 438. Name: Eric Zweibohmer (eezacres13@gmail.com) on 2015-07-30 01:06:37 Street Address: 2270 West Lake Rd #203 North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 439. Name: Nancy Swaney (nsnannygoat@gmail.com) on 2015-07-30 02:21:48 Street Address: 145 Juniper Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: North Liberty should be a dog friendly town and as such needs a dog park. 440. Name: Kerry Koschgen (kerryk7@hotmail.com) Street Address: 610 D St Zip Code: 52203 Comments: 441. Name: Heath Boeke (heathboeke@yahoo.com) on 2015-07-30 18:50:49 Street Address: 125 alydar dr. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This would be fabulous, we already give too much money to iowa city, let's keep the money in our town! 442. Name: Matt Meseck (mattmeseck@hotmail.com) Street Address: 3684 Quarry Heights Ln NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 443. Name: Aimee Olmedo (terminal_plague@yahoo.com) Street Address: 30th street Zip Code: 1634 Comments: 444. Name: Jen (jen8150@hotmail.com) Street Address: 65 north Colton dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 445. Name: Sara McLeod (lunchlady6566@gmail.com) Street Address: 10725 N McKinnley St Zip Code: 64157 Comments: For the doggies! on 2015-07-30 14:29:09 on 2015-07-31 01:09:53 on 2015-07-31 01:27:33 on 2015-07-31 01:41:17 Page 53 of 68 on 2015-07-31 01:50:03 446. Name: Stacy Meseck (stacymeseck@gmail.com) Street Address: 3684 Quarry Heights Ln NE Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 447. Name: Janet lubben (sharksrock@gmail.com) Street Address: 880 west zeller street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-07-31 02:30:07 448. Name: Caitlin Dyer (caitster37@hotmail.com) Street Address: 485 taft avenue Zip Code: 52245 Comments: on 2015-07-31 02:32:41 449. Name: Natashia (SS4life67@gmail.com) Street Address: 7812 Hillcrest Dr. Zip Code: 46158 Comments: 450. Name: ALLISON DeBiase (aleighdebiase@gmail.com) on 2015-07-31 04:21:09 Street Address: 5525 Tennessee Ave, Clarendon Hills IL Zip Code: 60514 Comments: 451. Name: Erin Duffy (duffy.k.erin57@gmail.com) Street Address: 21250 Beach Blvd K202 Zip Code: 92648 Comments: 452. Name: Sherley M. (smirville89@gmail.com) Street Address: Montreal Zip Code: H4J 2M7 Comments: 453. Name: Donna Healy (dbhbo@live.com) on 2015-07-31 16:55:54 Street Address: 420 Bradley Pl #3 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: As the community of NL grows the need for a dog park is becoming increasingly important for the socialization of people and their dogs. This is a happy community and it is lacking for nothing except the dog park. 454. Name: Cynthia Larson (cmlarson@msn.com) Street Address: 770 Prospect Court Page 54 of 68 on 2015-07-31 02:05:32 on 2015-07-31 03:42:47 on 2015-07-31 04:31:54 on 2015-07-31 14:45:34 on 2015-07-31 18:15:11 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I go to the IC dog park every weekend and sometimes during the week. It sure would be nice to have a NL dog park close to home. 455. Name: Nicole eichenberger (nicole.m.eichenberger@gmail.con) Street Address: 1881 Curtis bridge road ne Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 456. Name: Crystal noble (crystal.l.noble@gmail.com) Street Address: 1005 pheasant lane north liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 457. Name: Darwin eichenberger (sbc.darwin@gmail.com) Street Address: 1881 Curtis bridge road ne Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 458. Name: Dusty noble (dnoble82581@gmail.com) Street Address: 1005 pheasant lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 459. Name: Brian Motley (bmotley@southslope.net) Street Address: 1530 Deerfield Dr. W. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 460. Name: Samantha Garringer (samantha-garringer@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 625 Molly Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 461. Name: Kori O'Brien (koriobrien@yahoo.com) Street Address: 303 6th Ave NW Zip Code: 52314 Comments: 462. Name: Matthew Trosky (mtrosky11@gmail.com) Street Address: 1812 Goose Lake Circle Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-01 16:00:03 463. Name: Connie Trosky (labmom04@hotmail.com) on 2015-08-01 21:10:27 Page 55 of 68 on 2015-07-31 19:44:44 on 2015-07-31 19:46:14 on 2015-07-31 19:47:35 on 2015-07-31 19:48:35 on 2015-08-01 02:54:31 on 2015-08-01 03:18:25 on 2015-08-01 15:46:48 Street Address: 4720 Midway Drive NW Zip Code: Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 Comments: Our son lives in North Liberty with his family which includes a lab mix. With North Libertys growth this would be a wonderful asset for the entire family. 464. Name: Matthew Hagele (mateo_h4@hotmail.com) Street Address: 210 N Park Ridge Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-02 02:43:29 465. Name: Paula Yrigoyen (paulay1988@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1545 poplar lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-02 04:18:45 466. Name: Kim Gehring (kjct44@hotmail.com) Street Address: 210 W. Zeller St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 467. Name: Michelle Gehring (gehringm@hotmail.com) Street Address: 210 N Zeller St Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 468. Name: Tara Wachendorf (taralynn115@gmail.com) Street Address: 408 Cambria Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 469. Name: Ashley Mills (joshash_mills07@yahoo.com) Street Address: 263 stone road Pineville ky Zip Code: 40977 Comments: 470. Name: Megan Nieman (nieman.mk@gmail.com) Street Address: 1695 Burr Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-02 20:43:00 471. Name: Douglas Brown (brown@southslope.net) Street Address: 1255 S. Jones Blvd. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-02 20:59:29 Page 56 of 68 on 2015-08-02 12:15:01 on 2015-08-02 15:33:54 on 2015-08-02 19:12:21 on 2015-08-02 19:26:52 472. Name: Douglas Long (dlong@southslope.net) on 2015-08-03 00:00:47 Street Address: 3075 Meadow Rd. Ne. North Liberty Ia Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 473. Name: Lori Wallrath (lori-wallrath@uiowa.edu) on 2015-08-03 12:47:59 Street Address: 19 E. Dovetail Pl., Coralville, IA Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 474. Name: Samantha Myers (myers.sam.m@gmail.com) Street Address: 1280 Nicholas Ln, North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 475. Name: Margo Glass (margo.glass46@gmail.com) on 2015-08-03 14:57:13 Street Address: 835 Blue Sky Drive #102 North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 476. Name: Jennifer Cook (cookjennifer77@gmail.com) Street Address: 845 Blue Sky Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please please 477. Name: Jennifer Cook (jennifer.l.cook@rrd.com) Street Address: 845 Blue Sky Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please please 478. Name: Lindsey Torgler (lindsey.torgler@gmail.com) Street Address: 1405 Easton Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 479. Name: BROOKE PETTENGILL (BPETTENGILL125@GMAIL.COM) on 2015-08-03 15:55:40 Street Address: 165 ELM RIDGE CT Zip Code: 52317 Comments: If this town is truly family focused, then there should be no problem getting a dog park because dogs are part of our families. 480. Name: Karin Hotchkiss (Karin.Hotchkiss@Gmail.com) Street Address: 3345 lower west branch rd Zip Code: 52245 Comments: Page 57 of 68 on 2015-08-03 13:13:49 on 2015-08-03 15:18:16 on 2015-08-03 15:19:01 on 2015-08-03 15:23:17 on 2015-08-03 15:57:28 481. Name: Rachel Scroggin (rrscroggin@gmail.com) Street Address: 225 Beaver Kreek Centre #5 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 482. Name: Nick Hagen (nhagen427@gmail.com) on 2015-08-03 16:51:56 Street Address: 155 Early Moon Dr. North Liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 483. Name: Jenna Isaacson (jennaisaac@gmail.com) on 2015-08-03 18:34:35 Street Address: 418 Cambria Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: New to the area. Hoping to get a dog soon and would love to have access to a dog park to get to know other residents! 484. Name: Liz (lizg0021@yahoo.com) on 2015-08-03 19:19:08 Street Address: 2875 Coral Ct. #303 Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 485. Name: alexandra (ale.benoit1@gmail.com) Street Address: 388 sugar creek ln unit a Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 486. Name: JoAnne Hudachek (ryan3422@southslope.net) on 2015-08-03 19:55:28 Street Address: 3422 Willow Dr Ne Zip Code: 52137 Comments: Try to lease the old girl scout camp off of Scales Bend that the CORP of Engineers has, out of sity limits but in the country. 487. Name: Sara Tokheim (satokheim@outlook.com) on 2015-08-03 20:01:41 Street Address: 20 E. Zeller St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: This is long overdue, There are several areas that would be ideal. 488. Name: Jim Hudachek (hoody5353@hotmail.com) Street Address: 3422 willow dr ne Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-03 20:03:31 489. Name: Victoria McBrien (V.McBrien@mchsi.com) Street Address: 250 Westside Drive, Iowa City, IA on 2015-08-03 20:23:18 Page 58 of 68 on 2015-08-03 16:43:48 on 2015-08-03 19:20:16 Zip Code: 52246 Comments: 490. Name: John daly (john-daly@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 625 molly drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 491. Name: Bhavna Lahmon (bwpatel12@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1050 Patton Lanr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Please!!! We need the dog park. 492. Name: Judy Howell (dogpark@jksattic.com) on 2015-08-03 22:06:33 Street Address: 2339 Seth Ct, Coralville Zip Code: 52241 Comments: Yes, a dog park would benefit a whole lot of people with dogs! We would definitely use it, especially if it is located on the south side of NL. 493. Name: Amanda (amandacarlso@gmail.com) Street Address: 1555 cook cir Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 494. Name: Sheryl Murphy-Ask (ask4him@gmail.com) Street Address: 405 Ashley Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 495. Name: Jeannette ballas (nettysue61@aol.com) Street Address: 580 Augusta Cir #7 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 496. Name: Allie Delaney (delaneyalb@gmail.com) Street Address: 4562 Main Street Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 497. Name: Nicole Reisen (nicole.reisen@gmail.com) Street Address: 1238 Nicholas Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 498. Name: Alaina Hanson (alaina.neu@gmail.com) Page 59 of 68 on 2015-08-03 20:24:45 on 2015-08-03 21:59:24 on 2015-08-04 02:18:16 on 2015-08-04 02:21:00 on 2015-08-04 14:01:25 on 2015-08-04 16:19:25 on 2015-08-04 16:31:24 on 2015-08-04 16:34:27 Street Address: 1490 Doe Run Drive North Liberty, IA Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 499. Name: Sue Randall (suerandall04@gmail.com) Street Address: 65 west penn st Zip Code: 52317 Comments: North Liberty Needs this 500. Name: Sue Gibson (gibsue3@gmail.com) on 2015-08-04 16:44:42 Street Address: 4375 Berkeley Lane Zip Code: 52245 Comments: I'm not sure if you have to live in North Liberty to sign, but I completely support this cause. 501. Name: Gina Grozier (ginagrozier@aol.com) on 2015-08-04 16:45:34 Street Address: 1601 Eagles Crest Ave. Zip Code: 52804 Comments: Every town benefits from a dog park! 502. Name: Ariel (ariel11590@gmail.com) on 2015-08-04 16:52:13 Street Address: 301 Jewel Drive Apt 5 Zip Code: 50010 Comments: 503. Name: Dillon Carpenter (dcarp08@gmail.com) Street Address: 1060 Patton Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 504. Name: Sara Tack (sumtack@yahoo.com) on 2015-08-04 17:43:39 Street Address: 20 eastview place ne Iowa city Zip Code: 52240 Comments: 505. Name: Becky Koch (beckykochiceman@yahoo.com) Street Address: 280 S 79th St, Unit #903 Zip Code: 50266 Comments: 506. Name: Jennifer Holst (jennholst@gmail.com) Street Address: 130 s park ridge Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 60 of 68 on 2015-08-04 16:35:22 on 2015-08-04 17:21:21 on 2015-08-04 18:14:44 on 2015-08-04 18:25:49 507. Name: Erin McDowell (s.e.mcdowell@gmail.com) Street Address: 75 Penn Ridge Ct. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 508. Name: Courtney Jensen (courtneyjjensen19@gmail.com) on 2015-08-04 19:51:02 Street Address: 4957 Woodland Ave Apt 37, West Des Moines, IA Zip Code: 50266 Comments: 509. Name: Gail J O'Donnell (gail-odonnell@uiowa.edu) Street Address: 2620 Princeton Road Zip Code: 52245 Comments: 510. Name: Lauren O'Donnell (laurenjeanodonnell@gmail.com) Street Address: 420 N 1st Ave Zip Code: 52245 Comments: 511. Name: Christina Stafford (cstafford27@hotmail.com) on 2015-08-04 23:11:44 Street Address: 3656 Harold Ct SE Zip Code: 52403 Comments: My family and fur baby would travel to North Liberty dog park! 512. Name: Roger Stafford (rstafford48@hotmail.com) on 2015-08-04 23:12:55 Street Address: 3656 Harold Ct SE Zip Code: 52403 Comments: My family and fur baby would travel to North Liberty dog park! 513. Name: Kory Vanuos (klv50308@gmail.com) on 2015-08-04 23:15:10 Street Address: 124 Janice Dr SW Zip Code: 52404 Comments: My family and fur baby would travel to North Liberty dog park! 514. Name: Angie Aubrecht (angie.1021@aol.com) Street Address: 1355 N Jones Blvd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 515. Name: Alyssa Nevill (akhuinke@gmail.com) Street Address: 280 Colton Dr S Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 61 of 68 on 2015-08-04 19:20:30 on 2015-08-04 20:22:22 on 2015-08-04 20:51:29 on 2015-08-05 00:39:52 on 2015-08-05 01:04:32 516. Name: Lacey Miller (laceymiller29@gmail.com) Street Address: 707 Franklin street Zip Code: 52361 Comments: 517. Name: Anna Hinkel (ahink1616@hotmail.com) Street Address: Coral Court Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 518. Name: John Wieskamp (jwieskamp@yahoo.com) on 2015-08-05 11:52:06 Street Address: 232 S. Stewart St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: we now go to Thornberry and would like a park of that quality in North Liberty. thanks 519. Name: Deb Wieskamp (dwieskamp@gmail.com) on 2015-08-05 11:56:07 Street Address: 232 S. Stewart St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: It would be nice not to drive to Iowa City all the time to use the dog park. 520. Name: Sheri Jelinek (sljelinek121271@gmail.com) Street Address: 231 Golfview Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 521. Name: Dana Cook (dana-l-miller@hotmail.com) Street Address: 90 Watercress Rd Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 522. Name: Deborah Kies (debk14@msn.com) Street Address: 1434 Marilyn Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-05 17:38:34 523. Name: Sally Cook (sallycook@gmail.com) Street Address: North Liberty Zip Code: 50022 Comments: on 2015-08-05 18:20:44 524. Name: Megan Shriver (meshriver59@gmail.com) Street Address: 1455 Easton Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Page 62 of 68 on 2015-08-05 02:12:47 on 2015-08-05 03:14:40 on 2015-08-05 16:51:18 on 2015-08-05 16:55:53 on 2015-08-05 18:39:09 525. Name: Amber (amberscrattish@gmail.com) Street Address: 1678 burr dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-05 20:34:02 526. Name: Kendra (kendram6913@yahoo.com) Street Address: 190 lencester Ave Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-05 20:37:14 527. Name: drew shaffer (dshaffer@southslope.net) on 2015-08-05 22:32:51 Street Address: 200 heritage drive, north liberty Zip Code: 52317 Comments: I would love to see a dog park in north liberty. If I can be of assistance in accomplishing this goal please feel free to contact me. dshaffer@southslope.net 528. Name: Jessica stuckey (thornbagjr@hotmail.com) Street Address: 656 kimberlite street Zip Code: 52340 Comments: on 2015-08-05 22:32:54 529. Name: Jessica stuckey (thornbagjr@hotmail.con) Street Address: 656 kimberlite street Zip Code: 52340 Comments: on 2015-08-05 22:34:02 530. Name: Emily (ehelin7@gmail.com) on 2015-08-05 22:43:12 Street Address: 1710 N. Jones Blvd. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 531. Name: Brandy Hicks (brandymcatee@gmail.com) Street Address: 169 Golfview court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 532. Name: Jessica Gerot (jessgerot@gmail.com) Street Address: 1555 Sadler drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 533. Name: Ryan Robinson (ryan.cr84@gmail.com) Street Address: 1555 Sadler dr Zip Code: 52317 Page 63 of 68 on 2015-08-06 00:11:36 on 2015-08-06 00:59:03 on 2015-08-06 01:12:40 Comments: 534. Name: Tom Morgan (shake8169@gmail.com) Street Address: 330 fox run dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-06 04:44:10 535. Name: Jill (jillianjean08@gmail.com) Street Address: 164 golfview CT Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 536. Name: Troy Ward (troysward@gmail.com) on 2015-08-06 12:04:50 Street Address: 5 mark twain ct north liberty iowa Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 537. Name: Brittany Deb (brittanie25@hotmail.com) Street Address: 2210 West Lake Rd. Unit 301 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 538. Name: Sayantan Deb (shyguy4534@hotmail.com) Street Address: 2210 West Lake Rd. Unit 301 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 539. Name: Emily Petersen (Emilypetersen31@gmail.com) Street Address: 285 Sadler LN Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-06 18:46:47 540. Name: Brittany Shickell (brittany.shickell@gmail.com) Street Address: 2328 16th St NW Zip Code: 52405 Comments: on 2015-08-06 19:00:04 541. Name: Traci Meyers (meyers_traci@yahoo.com) Street Address: 20 Penn Ridge Court Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 542. Name: Mike (hoovemaa@gmail.com) on 2015-08-06 22:01:40 Street Address: 720 S Dubuque St Apt 3 Zip Code: 52240 on 2015-08-06 07:47:54 Page 64 of 68 on 2015-08-06 14:45:23 on 2015-08-06 14:46:46 on 2015-08-06 20:35:07 Comments: 543. Name: Shelby Holvenstot (sholvenstot95@ymail.com) Street Address: 815 H Ave NW Cedar Rapids, IA Zip Code: 52405 Comments: 544. Name: Mariah achey (machey@gmail.com) Street Address: 722 g ave nw Zip Code: 52405 Comments: 545. Name: Austin pinney (austinpinney@gmail.com) Street Address: 722 g ave nw Zip Code: 52405 Comments: 546. Name: Katy Calvert (kbrammeier@yahoo.com) Street Address: 95 Lynx Ln Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 547. Name: scot calvert (scotcalvert@yahoo.com) Street Address: 95 Lynx Lane Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 548. Name: Meagan Laraway (meagan_kennedy24@yahoo.com) Street Address: 540 locust dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 549. Name: Genna Kramer (gennakramer@yahoo.com) Street Address: 477 North Colton Dr Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 550. Name: Sarah (sarahdenny_11@yahoo.com) on 2015-08-09 00:40:03 Street Address: 634 Ashton PL NE Cedar Rapids Zip Code: 52402 Comments: 551. Name: Natalie Burgert (wldfire68@gmail.com) Street Address: 625 Andrews Ct Zip Code: 52317 Page 65 of 68 on 2015-08-06 23:34:07 on 2015-08-07 00:10:26 on 2015-08-07 00:12:24 on 2015-08-07 13:56:02 on 2015-08-07 13:57:29 on 2015-08-08 18:42:44 on 2015-08-08 22:38:04 on 2015-08-09 13:10:51 Comments: 552. Name: Tuyet Baruah (tuyetbcn@msn.com) Street Address: 680 Andy ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 553. Name: Alyssa Burgert (alyssab1209@gmail.com) Street Address: 625 andrews ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 554. Name: carrie (cep81@aol.com) on 2015-08-10 01:21:05 Street Address: 420 bradley pl #7 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 555. Name: Sarah Laack (smparkins@hotmail.com) Street Address: 1005 17th Ave. Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 556. Name: Joe Gaffey (jgaff70@gmail.com) on 2015-08-11 03:00:38 Street Address: 4363 E Court St, Iowa City Zip Code: 52245 Comments: 557. Name: Theresa Parkison (Parkison4@mchsi.com) on 2015-08-12 21:28:29 Street Address: 2511 140th Street NW Zip Code: 52338 Comments: This would be a great addition this fast growing community. 558. Name: Brittney Sharp (britt.sharp@gmail.com) Street Address: 472 Colton Drive Zip Code: 52317 Comments: on 2015-08-19 00:27:00 559. Name: Sue Busta (skbusta2000@yahoo.com) Street Address: 1213 Curtis Bridge Rd Zip Code: 52338 Comments: on 2015-08-19 14:35:27 560. Name: Hannah Jennings (hannah_henderson@hotmail.com) Street Address: 55 Hawthorne Place Zip Code: 52317 Page 66 of 68 on 2015-08-09 15:07:41 on 2015-08-09 17:56:27 on 2015-08-11 02:03:30 on 2015-08-19 16:00:37 Comments: 561. Name: Hannah Wilke (wilkehannahm@gmail.com) Street Address: 70 Green Meadow Court Unit 3 Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 562. Name: April Baker (aprillizard@gmail.com) Street Address: 40 Holiday Lodge Road Zip Code: 52317 Comments: Long overdue. 563. Name: Jamie Sloan (jsloan789@gmail.com) Street Address: 20 David Lee Ct Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 564. Name: Nicholas Hafner (nphafner@gmail.com) Street Address: 513 Kimberlite St Zip Code: 52340 Comments: 565. Name: Brendon Panther (panther.brendon14@gmail.com) Street Address: 20 Zeller Crossing apt 311 Zip Code: 52245 Comments: 566. Name: Katrina strickland (kstrickland44@gmail.com) Street Address: 880 Rachael St. Zip Code: 52317 Comments: 567. Name: Robert Svetly (RWSvetly@hotmail.com) on 2015-08-30 01:04:21 Street Address: 2409 Biltmore Lane Coralville, Iowa Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 568. Name: Jane Kent (janekent@mchsi.com) Street Address: 1512 1st. Ave 203B Zip Code: 52241 Comments: 569. Name: Shawn Patterson (sdp1367@gmail.com) Street Address: 1780 N Jones Blvd #4 Zip Code: 52317 Page 67 of 68 on 2015-08-20 11:09:43 on 2015-08-21 00:57:36 on 2015-08-21 03:07:54 on 2015-08-24 20:04:44 on 2015-08-24 23:16:22 on 2015-08-29 15:33:49 on 2015-08-30 19:41:43 on 2015-08-30 22:27:31 Comments: Page 68 of 68 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) North Liberty Dog Park Petition "Bark for a Park in North Liberty" -- 2015 I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City ofNorth Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in NL. Sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). Date North Liberty Dog Park Petition "Bark for a Park in North Liberty" -- 2015 I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in NL. Sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). <; ~+7~~~~~~~=+~----------------~---=~~~~~~~~~~~ b ~~~~~~~~------------~~~~~---b~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~------------~--------------r---~ a:. v ~ C'io iS""" •.) ~tv· Or )JLlPLto ~~ ~.NL S2s) 7 ~~~------~~~~~----------------~------------~--~------~ w V\.1~ c.c-es; G"23\ 52:3) I7 l<& 11 c:).o aU( JJ.. elJ .&-4- '13 Y=~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~----------------~----~~ North Liberty Dog Park Petition "Bark for a Park in North Liberty"-- 2015 I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in NL. Sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). Street Address Zi Code North Liberty Dog Park Petition "Bark for a Park in North Liberty"-- 2015 I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in NL. Sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). Zi Code $" .:J.3 ( 7 Sl31/ North Liberty Dog Park Petition "Bark for a Park in North Liberty"-- 2015 I want the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city. Our furry canine friends deserve a place to run and play without leashes in North Liberty. Join us in asking the City of North Liberty to participate in the construction and maintenance of an off-leash dog park within the city, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN NORTH LIBERTY but would use a park in NL. Sponsored by North Liberty Residents for a Dog Park and the Johnson County Dog Park Action Committee (JCDogPac). Date z _g 'f ) ~ 1 ~ 1 to l\ !L \~ Name (print) Email (optional) <3/3o Lonb~ (j~ tLA (}o)j flf'tJ 'A-lA/) ~~~Ark~~t"Sn.~\"~dV\ rfvt ttK \ d bill ~(/A~ 1<: OS~~~ s~~~,,~ ~\ rY\ (\) ~.e \.{)<,. S} tUYct \ eh.ref\ ( ~A P1:U (~ , tZ_56Y\ 16CJ'M\WV ~hu (/0 Ca_kbqqe I ~'\ VII (.).}) -J ~~ l1 1l\e ~ cw~ j u I - '5fio g({JAOL. 01111 Zip Code Street Address t'+ ~~ Bla..~~l ~ 5d-3t 7 l~lfo IJJavl Uuclt Cvr v:id3/7 ~~lk\CkJI 52.-~\1 t\ la \1 f'V\'{F~\Q .A~ oll 6 Gz>ll~ ~ Si- II <;d-Oth cs--v.}-{C 'SG75 LoGuSYlJr 52'61-:t523(7 ~~ l~ Pc_eltv- LA 16~5_ }<~~,s- ·Q- l'f1231'7 lfO ~({€F Xc_b Nod{1,1 . 51-"3 tl /.3S '\tJ~V\d-So( Rd (Vl !)?--> 1/ 6D ~~ 'X 'tn l Jl/lt 1\ IL \"') :l~ Hl~S+ Ml... v . . 5~1l FSJ3ll ~t , f,.XJ-/S z. ~~Jo·!$ .;tB/'?o/tC:. 4i2/3o) lS .s~_fo-t.S r, '6f36 /15 1 ~ J ~/ r1 \JaKYLe C±v.'J#~fAir Sc~ve- ~~M.~ ~ai71v~ ~ ;(/tr/2 ~ fl1ac/~~7 ~ . oonrYa l-\e?tf:Y ~ 6 l()u\ fee,..,()>;; c;~ e.c;IS.VJ'>. _W j5<A--\-\c.1b ~-vukJ 1 ~~ ~ (J/(~ .1 ~~ ~ TL-Lefk:o-. '~/~D/1~ uEeL! O~V\M 2-btt/36 g !<C<C\1el So_ \Qmo f5z_3;·7 t£/{o ~cR~:~v6A/ 5Z-3r ?-43c ~~ SC:s 17 ZDIB ocales Bend r.d·. IJ£ cf ·$25'/0 rs~Uf-~ .~r+- /TZI f),e~c~ '!.f/3"'/ t'O ~ ~k \~?;o \9 ~w ~ outlJ£ l5 ~l30 11 s (~Jiv-r o~}e~0~~ ~~l,fJO [It; Kv,\ l)t.tv~ ' t'!'Q 51Jfls ~vrs+tf'\CAiUluP,~ .I . 9J(!5 5~0'+/c:hn-s0~ _ ~ bo L-1 & Cts-nr{)._fJ "zt lL :S)Jt) t.f3o CamdLrt S, s.j ~o~dle.- Mct~«f Lve~+lze_ 1\) V&06r'"c/!~ fr. ~1S$1) i\cxJ~ tslwJ t'Jr ~~ ~JJJ_7 li'C/~o1 /() A~Jf-0r+Vi'l'<u~ I ~ 0-~~ !30 Ji{~li~v-Cav45tl1li-=t· qyjWJ/?.,ftM jjJ.6 {, J/lehqo-5!)~rl3'*?.tr;._ -r ~; ~<6/ ~D\ l~ lfJ/:J.o)J 5 CTcH~~~ 3!5 Tarfa~bv _ YJ--- 7o'f(;fv{,_c'71~ CAJ!><- 24S hrf M ~4-s- ~~. r1.-ecr S~---&1') 52?17t;:W-'-f( SJ3lls-;31} 52~0. O,v~r tlt2uk s-d> rt Jo W:?!!~l kjvf 2s!J /7 9tf'4/'!5J,,~ ~ 5251/ ~. /fvuJ 111.- 11 77 <.1 ~ ~ f?'0°rt~ Cf-~+4'-.Q 5cl3ft /1 6 To: Mayor and City Council Parks and Recreation Commission City Administrator From: Guy Goldsmith, Director of Parks, Building and Grounds Date: September 1, 2015 Re: Monthly Report We performed various building maintenance tasks as needed this month. We picked up trash and pet waste stations as needed this month. With the adequate rain fall in August a great deal of time was spent mowing and trimming weeds around fence lines, the bike trail, city parks, city grounds and ponds this month. We continue to maintain and water our city landscaping areas and trees as needed. We continue to maintain ball fields and facilities this month as needed. Planning continues for the Penn Meadows Park restroom/concessions facility. We are preparing the building site at Penn Meadows Park for the foundation. Poor soil conditions required us to remove 200 cubic yards of soil and bring in soil that was more suited for a building foundation. The Penn Meadows Park Water & Sewer Project is now complete and the site has been graded and seeded. The Trail Improvement Project has been completed except for the placement of signage along the trail. Grading and seeding along the trail has been completed from Penn Street to Forevergreen Road. We assisted with an Eagle Scout Project on August 29th at Penn Meadows Park. It consisted of planting plants around a tree, adding limestone edging and lava rock mulch. Two concrete pads were installed and will be the future location of two new benches when they arrive. The landscaping and benches are in close proximity to the future splash pad. We continue to work on the Parks Master Plan with City Planner Dean Wheatley as time permits. We added grass carp to the Fox Valley Pond to help with the algae problem. We have tried chemical means to control the algae but with little success. All but three of our twelve Seasonal Parks Maintenance Workers have finished for the season and retuned to college. To: Park & Recreation Commission Board Members Mayor, City Council and City Administrator Shelly Simpson, Recreation Director September 1, 2015 Monthly Report – August 2015 From: Date: Re: Program Summaries – August Swim Lessons: Parent Tot: Next session will begin in September. Tadpoles: Next session will begin in September. Level 1: Next session will begin in September. Level 2: Next session will begin in September. Level 3: Next session will begin in September. Level 4: Next session will begin in September. Level 5: Next session will begin in September. Level 6: Next session will begin in September. Level 7: Next session will begin in September. Level 8: Next session will begin in September. Level 9 GS: Next session will begin in September. Private Lessons: Tuesdays Next session will begin in September. Thursdays Next session will begin in September. Saturdays Next session will begin in September. Pool Programs: Water Fitness: Early Bird Aqua Aerobics: Easy Does It: Water Resistance AM Aqua Boot Camp: Arthritis Foundation Aqua: Sat. Water Aerobics 3 participants, plus walk-ins. 4 participants, plus walk-ins. 6 participants, plus walk-ins. 2 participant, plus walk-ins. 1 participant, plus walk-ins. 3 participant, plus walk-ins. Preschool: Kids Campsite: AM session = 559; PM session = 535; totaling 1,094 participants. Lucky Duck: This session $ 66.00 Parent Tot Art Workshop: August 1 class had 2 participants August 15 class was canceled Youth: Tae Kwon Do: 1 participants, plus walk-ins. BASP: Summer Camp: Week 9 had 54 participants Week 10 had 60 participants Knitting: August 8 & 22 had 3 participants Youth Art Workshop: August 1 class canceled August 8 class had 3 participants August 15 class had 2 participants August 22 class canceled Youth Sports: Youth Sports: Leagues will resume in September. Adult Sports/Programs: Basketball: Package $ 90; Drop-in $ 448; totals $ 538.00 Pickleball: Package $ 95; Drop-in $ 403; totals $ 498.00 Adult Fitness: Cardio Pump: Kickboxing PM: Cross Training: Boot Camp/Yoga: Lower Body Blast: Body Blast: Personal Training: Kris C Lindsay O 7 participants, plus walk-ins. 2 participants, plus walk-ins. 7 participants, plus walk-ins. Walk-ins only. Walk-ins only. 2 participants, plus walk-ins. This month totals $ 26.00 $ -0- Special Events: CR Kernels – Aug. 29: 280 “free” tickets were distributed to NL residents for NL Night at the Kernels. ActiveNet Totals: Residency Breakdown August 1-31, 2015: Package Track Package Daily Fees August 1-31, 2015 Daily Weight Senior Daily Weight Sub Total Pool August 1-31, 2015 Daily Fees Gross Income (August) = $ 96,287.84 Residents 11 Non-residents Total 2 13 vs. July = 63 260 11 271 14 0 14 274 11 285 vs. July = 792 vs. July = 143 vs. July = 935 Adult 193 Youth/Seniors 386 Total 579 vs. July = 998 Page 1 of 1 Sep 1, 2015 5:12 PM Net Revenue Report By Account Name GL Account: Aquatic Programs/ Classes, Baseball/ Softball, Before/After School, Classes/Programs, Conf. Center Rental, Daily Pool Fees, Donations/ Misc., Field Rental, Gerdin CC Rental, Gym Rentals, League Fees, Membership, Park/ Special Event Fees, Pool Concessions, Pool Passes, Pool Programs, Pool Rentals, Rec. Rentals, Swim Lessons, Weight Fees Transaction Date/Time: From Aug 1, 2015 through Aug 31, 2015 Revenue Site: North Liberty Recreation Department Transaction Site: Internet Site - North Liberty Recreation Dept., North Liberty Recreation Department, Pool Other Information Account Name Aquatic Programs/ Classes Before/After School Classes/Programs Daily Pool Fees Donations/ Misc. League Fees Pool Concessions Pool Passes Pool Rentals Rec. Rentals Swim Lessons Weight Fees Regular POS Total Total Total Sales + Sales + Deposits - Discount = Income Account # Aquatic Programs/ Classes Before/After School Classes/Programs Daily Pool Fees Donations/ Misc. League Fees Pool Concessions Pool Passes Pool Rentals Rec. Rentals Swim Lessons Weight Fees Grand Total: * Linked account credits $595.05 $899.00 Total Refs/ Credits/ Total - Paid-Outs - Expense = Net Revenue Unpaid Paid Amounts Amounts Deferred POS Revenue QTY $0.00 $0.00 $1,494.05 ($36.50) $0.00 $1,457.55 $0.00 $1,457.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($90.00) $3,445.00 ($360.00) $0.00 $3,085.00 $0.00 $3,085.00 $0.00 $17,588.80 $3,908. 00 $0.00 $21,306. 00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,496.80 ($289.00) $0.00 $21,207.80 $0.00 692 $0.00 $0.00 $21,306.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,306.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $21,207. 80 $0.00 $21,306. 00 $0.00 $63.00 678 5 2 $13,260.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,260.00 ($520.00) $0.00 $12,740.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,693. 25 $5,066.65 $24.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $0.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $12,740. 00 $0.00 $9,693.25 $0.00 $0.00 $5,090.65 ($160.00) $0.00 $4,930.65 $0.00 $4,930.65 $0.00 749 1 12 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 ($10.50) $0.00 39 $0.00 $20,776. 09 $0.00 $939.00 $0.00 $0.00 290 $0.00 $96,287. 84 $0.00 156 18 $3,535.00 $30.00 $19.50 $0.00 $0.00 $49.50 ($60.00) $0.00 ($10.50) $21,974.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,974.02 ($1,197.93) $0.00 $20,776.09 $356.00 $583.00 $0.00 $0.00 $939.00 $0.00 $0.00 $939.00 ($90.00) $98,911.27 ($2,623.43) $0.00 $96,287.84 $62,405.52 $36,595. 75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 306 RS II Recreation Revenue Summary; August 1-31, 2015 Date Class/Prgms Weight Fees BASP Sat., Aug 1 $ 200.50 $ 37.00 $ 23,014.50 Sun., Aug 2 $ 24.00 $ 23.00 $ 180.00 Mon., Aug 3 $ 11,856.43 $ 8.00 $ 8,610.00 Tues., Aug 4 $ 1,270.00 $ $ 460.00 Wed., Aug 5 $ 490.50 $ 227.00 $ Thurs., Aug 6 $ 352.50 $ $ Fri., Aug 7 $ 860.50 $ 2.00 $ Sat., Aug 8 $ 412.50 $ 7.00 $ Sun., Aug 9 $ 166.75 $ 29.00 $ Mon., Aug 10 $ 364.50 $ 34.00 $ 180.00 Tues., Aug 11 $ 495.50 $ 10.00 $ Wed., Aug 12 $ 365.00 $ 56.00 $ Thurs., Aug 13 $ 242.50 $ 49.00 $ 100.00 Fri., Aug 14 $ 949.00 $ 10.00 $ 555.00 Sat., Aug 15 $ 421.00 $ 9.00 $ Sun., Aug 16 $ 136.00 $ 8.00 $ Mon., Aug 17 $ 271.50 $ 21.00 $ 90.00 Tues., Aug 18 $ 229.50 $ 1.00 $ Wed., Aug 19 $ 356.00 $ $ $ 45.00 Thurs., Aug 20 $ 176.00 $ Fri., Aug 21 $ 112.00 $ 401.00 $ Sat., Aug 22 $ 38.50 $ $ Sun., Aug 23 $ 4.00 $ $ 45.00 Mon., Aug 24 $ 105.50 $ $ Tues., Aug 25 $ 139.00 $ 2.00 $ 405.00 Wed., Aug 26 $ 65.50 $ $ Thurs., Aug 27 $ 36.00 $ $ Fri., Aug 28 $ 74.00 $ $ 360.00 Sat., Aug 29 $ 63.50 $ $ Sun., Aug 30 $ 144.00 $ 2.00 $ Mon., Aug 31 $ 394.50 $ $ 1,950.00 Totals $ 20,816.68 $ 936.00 $ 35,994.50 League Fees $ 40.00 $ 220.00 $ 1,205.00 $ 695.00 $ 170.00 $ 785.00 $ 240.00 $ 120.00 $ 180.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 660.00 $ 770.00 $ 375.00 $ 1,675.00 $ 360.00 $ 350.00 $ 586.87 $ 225.00 $ (35.00) $ 260.00 $ 165.00 $ 40.00 $ 315.00 $ 85.00 $ 40.00 $ 460.00 $ 275.00 $ $ $ $ 585.00 $ 12,171.87 Rentals $ 328.50 $ 1.50 $ 301.00 $ 514.00 $ 626.00 $ 26.00 $ 1.50 $ 0.50 $ 1.00 $ 23.50 $ 96.50 $ 261.50 $ $ 10.50 $ 0.50 $ 16.50 $ 223.00 $ $ 1.00 $ 392.50 $ 270.50 $ 15.00 $ $ 31.25 $ 1,120.00 $ 0.50 $ 10.50 $ $ $ $ 395.00 $ 4,668.25 Park Fees $ $ $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ 10.00 $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ 55.00 GCC Fees $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - BB / SB $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 705.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13.00 $ 718.00 Totals $ 23,620.50 $ 448.50 $ 21,990.43 $ 2,954.00 $ 1,513.50 $ 1,163.50 $ 1,104.00 $ 540.00 $ 376.75 $ 1,927.00 $ 1,267.00 $ 1,457.50 $ 766.50 $ 3,199.50 $ 790.50 $ 510.50 $ 1,202.37 $ 455.50 $ 322.00 $ 1,578.50 $ 953.50 $ 93.50 $ 364.00 $ 221.75 $ 1,706.00 $ 526.00 $ 321.50 $ 434.00 $ 63.50 $ 146.00 $ 3,342.50 $ 75,360.30 Pool Revenue Summary; August 1-31, 2015 Date Pool Passes Daily Fees Sat., Aug 1 $ 587.00 $ 942.00 Sun., Aug 2 $ 59.00 $ 1,087.00 Mon., Aug 3 $ 293.00 $ 1,298.00 Tues., Aug 4 $ 76.00 $ 883.00 Wed., Aug 5 $ 231.00 $ 623.00 Thurs., Aug 6 $ 150.00 $ 1,103.00 Fri., Aug 7 $ 30.00 $ 673.50 Sat., Aug 8 $ 180.00 $ 387.00 Sun., Aug 9 $ $ 254.00 Mon., Aug 10 $ 112.00 $ 640.00 Tues., Aug 11 $ 116.00 $ 1,399.00 Wed., Aug 12 $ 471.00 $ 1,116.00 Thurs., Aug 13 $ 576.00 $ 1,264.00 Fri., Aug 14 $ 182.00 $ 1,230.00 Sat., Aug 15 $ 188.00 $ 1,913.00 Sun., Aug 16 $ 30.00 $ 2,084.00 Mon., Aug 17 $ 150.00 $ 672.00 Tues., Aug 18 $ 225.00 $ 164.00 Wed., Aug 19 $ 150.00 $ 91.00 Thurs., Aug 20 $ 2.00 $ 589.00 Fri., Aug 21 $ 145.00 $ 1,158.00 Sat., Aug 22 $ 205.00 $ 300.00 Sun., Aug 23 $ 7.65 $ 216.00 Mon., Aug 24 $ 38.00 $ 42.00 Tues., Aug 25 $ 240.00 $ 63.00 Wed., Aug 26 $ $ 180.00 Thurs., Aug 27 $ 71.00 $ 45.00 Fri., Aug 28 $ 25.00 $ 23.00 Sat., Aug 29 $ 325.00 $ 52.00 Sun., Aug 30 $ $ 188.00 Mon., Aug 31 $ $ 504.00 Totals $ 4,864.65 $ 21,183.50 Swim Lessons $ $ $ 10,947.88 $ 1,291.00 $ 3,388.33 $ 1,096.50 $ 878.50 $ 272.50 $ 152.00 $ 379.50 $ 300.00 $ 240.00 $ (30.00) $ 70.00 $ 52.00 $ 52.50 $ 110.50 $ 253.25 $ 82.50 $ 150.00 $ 205.00 $ $ $ 76.00 $ 66.50 $ 74.00 $ 30.00 $ 172.87 $ 16.25 $ $ (60.00) $ 20,267.58 Aqua Prgms $ 18.00 $ $ 264.55 $ 33.00 $ 71.50 $ 32.00 $ 29.00 $ 31.00 $ $ 56.00 $ 40.00 $ 63.00 $ 20.00 $ 53.00 $ 18.00 $ $ 94.00 $ 34.00 $ 36.00 $ 26.00 $ 72.00 $ $ $ 42.00 $ 27.00 $ 50.00 $ 59.00 $ 89.50 $ 20.00 $ $ 140.00 $ 1,418.55 Concessions $ 650.75 $ 686.75 $ 559.25 $ 522.00 $ 386.25 $ 705.25 $ 422.50 $ 125.75 $ 93.75 $ 471.25 $ 643.00 $ 605.75 $ 598.00 $ 842.75 $ 489.00 $ 667.25 $ 381.75 $ 97.00 $ 7.25 $ 141.00 $ 475.75 $ 4.00 $ 88.25 $ 28.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,692.25 Rentals $ $ $ $ 335.00 $ 190.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 190.00 $ 90.00 $ $ $ 180.00 $ $ $ 180.00 $ 90.00 $ $ $ $ 90.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 90.00 $ 1,435.00 Uniforms $ $ $ 33.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.00 $ $ 3.00 $ 50.00 $ $ $ 6.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 122.00 Totals $ 2,197.75 $ 1,832.75 $ 13,395.68 $ 3,140.00 $ 4,890.08 $ 3,086.75 $ 2,033.50 $ 996.25 $ 499.75 $ 1,658.75 $ 2,498.00 $ 2,495.75 $ 2,618.00 $ 2,467.75 $ 2,660.00 $ 2,833.75 $ 1,588.25 $ 803.25 $ 366.75 $ 1,091.00 $ 2,195.75 $ 509.00 $ 311.90 $ 232.00 $ 486.50 $ 304.00 $ 205.00 $ 310.37 $ 413.25 $ 188.00 $ 674.00 $ 58,983.53