theUltimate Spa Experience
theUltimate Spa Experience
theUltimate Spa Experience Welcome to mirage holistic spa Your Sanctuary for Relaxation, Renewal and Wellness o u r g o a l at M i r a g e h o l i s t i c s pa i s t o p r o v i d e o u r g u e s t s WITH o n ly t h e h i g h e s t m o r a l a n d e t h i c a l s ta n d a r d s o f s e r v i c e . i n t e g r i t y a n d q u a l i t y a r e o f t h e u t m o s t i m p o r ta n c e t o u s , a n d T h r o u g h o u r p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e a n d h o l i s t i c a p p r o a c h , w e h av e c r e at e d a p l a c e w h e r e t h e m i n d , b o d y a n d s o u l a r e e q u a l ly c a r e d f o r . M i r a g e i s a s t r e ss - f r e e s a n c t u a ry w h e r e o u r g u e s t s c a n e n j o y a p e a c e f u l a n d r e l a x i n g S ETTING t h at w i l l r e v i ta l i z e , r e s t o r e a n d r e j u v e n tat e . D i s c o v e r o u r r e s u lt d r i v e n s pa a n d s a l o n a n d a c h i e v e t h e u lt i m at e i n w e l l n e ss a n d t r a n s f o r m at i o n . M i r a g e i s a f u l l s e r v i c e s pa a n d s a l o n o f f e r i n g s p e c i a l i z e d t r e at m e n t s f o r t h e fa c e , b o d y, h a i r a n d n a i l s . w e k n o w y o u r t i m e w i t h u s i s p r e cious, so if there is something we can do to enhance your experience, p l e a s e l e t u s k n o w. Give into the ultimate spa experience, where it's all about you! Mirage Spa Journeys the ultimate mirage journey | approximately 7 1/2 hours INDULGE IN A DAY AT MIRAGE! YOUR JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A RELAXING BODY POLISH, which will LEAVE YOUR SKIN feeling SOFT AND SILKY. A DEEPER SENSE OF RELAXATION IS THEN ACHIEVED WITH OUR MIRAGE SIGNATURE MASSAGE, FOLLOWED BY A HYDRATING SIGNATURE FACIAL. REFUEL WITH A HEALTHY LUNCH IN OUR SANCTUARY BEFORE YOUR SIGNATURE PEDICURE & MANICURE. FINALLY, A SHAMPOO AND STYLE IN OUR SALON WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING REFRESHED, RELAXED AND REJUVENTATED. IT’S TRULY THE ULTIMATE SPA DAY! TREAT YOURSELF TO A DAY OF PAMPERING, OR SHARE THIS JOURNEY WITH A LOVED ONE. mirage bliss | approximately 4 hours TRUE BLISS! ENJOY A RELAXING MIRAGE SIGNATURE MASSAGE, FOLLOWED BY OUR SIGNATURE PEDICURE & MANICURE WITH WARM PARRAFIN WAX. THE PERFECT PACKAGE TO DE-STRESS, OR PREPARE FOR A SPECIAL OCCASION. mirage romance retreat | approximately 2 1/2 hours ENJOY A TRUE ESCAPE WITH YOUR PARTNER with SIDE BY SIDE TREATMENTS IN OUR COUPLES SUITE. A PRIVATE JACUZZI TUB WITH EXOTIC CRYSTALS IS SURE TO RELAX YOU BEFORE A 60 MINUTE CUSTOMIZED MASSAGE. COMPLETE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH A COMPLIMENTARY CHEESE and FRUIT TRAY AND A SPARKLING BEVERAGE. mirage de-stress | approximately 2 1/2 hours BEGIN TO MELT YOUR STRESS AWAY WITH AN AROMATHERAPY RITUAL AND BODY POLISH. A SWEDISH FULL BODY MASSAGE IS SURE TO LEAVE YOU FEELING RELAXED AND RENEWED. mirage devine | approximately 3 1/2 hours GET PAMPERED WITH OUR SIGNATURE HYDRATING FACIAL, SIGNATURE MANICURE AND signature PEDICURE. THE PERFECT PACKAGE TO DE-STRESS AND UP-LIFT YOUR SPIRIT! IT’S A MUST! mirage perfection | approximately 2 1/2 hours THE HEALING ART OF OUR LA STONE MASSAGE COMBINED WITH A CUSTOMIZED MIRAGE SIGNATURE FACIAL IS SURE TO BALANCE YOUR SPIRIT AND DELIGHT THE SENSES. AH, PERFECTION! mirage elegant simplicity | approximately 3 hours THIS IS A PACKAGE FOR THE TRULY DESERVING. FIRST, DE-STRESS WITH OUR SIGNATURE PEDICURE AND MANICURE. THEN LET YOUR HAIR DOWN FOR A RELAXING SHAMPOO AND STYLE. SIMPLE ELEGANCE! Customize your own journey. A Mirage Spa Specialist will assist you in creating your own Spa Journey based on your desires and needs. Facial Therapies Mirage Holistic Spa offers a variety of facial therapies. To ensure only the best results, a consultation with one of our professionals will help customize a facial specifically for your unique needs. Your esthetician will also include a program for you to continue your results at home. Leave the spa feeling revived and rejuvenated, with a luminous glow! Choose from: hydration it is the foundation of healthy skin, regardless of skin type. To prevent premature aging and to keep your skin radiant and glowing, hydration is the key. soothing Ease sensitive skin and promote circulation with gentle, soothing products. by stimulating the body’s circulation and calming irritated skin, a smoother complexion and increased skin tone is achieved. purity Allow your skin to come to balance. Targeting problem areas and controlling oil production is essential to an even complexion. Deeply cleanse pores and impurities with proper products and exfoliation. age defense Slow down the effects of time with innovative products. Focus is placed on fine lines and the loss of elasticity. our Regenerating products are the ultimate in protecting aging and mature skin. mirage essential facial A condensed yet truly relaxing experience, this customizable facial will reinforce your skin with the nourishment it needs. mirage signature facial This facial is anything but standard and will leave your skin re-oxygenated and refreshed. It includes two masks and is customized for your skins specific needs. mirage phytomer prestige facial Enjoy a facial therapy to the fullest with this powerful treatment. The double exfoliation treatments and two customized masks will leave your skin with optimal radiance. This is a truly decadent experience that will relax both your body and mind. teen spa facial Growing up comes with changes and obstacles; Your skin should not be one of them. Have your skin thoroughly cleansed and analyzed. Your esthetician will educate and provide you with a simple home care routine. Learn about your skin and start on the road to a clearer complexion. Facial Therapies continued swiss line ultimate radiance collagen cure This facial therapy is designed purely for deep hydration and plumping of the skin. Collagen along with precious and rare ingredients, penetrate the skin for an immediate sensation of well-being and rejuvenation. This treatment boosts cell revitalization while promoting a youthful and radiant complexion. swiss line virtual surgery lifting treatment The perfect facial for anyone concerned with aging skin and its lack of resilience. This intense anti-aging treatment improves cell’s oxygen intake and skin regeneration for immediate face-lifting results. swiss cellular brightening facial Unlike other brightening facials, this treatment combines medical grade actives with a clinically proven skin lightening pigment. We begin with a peel to eliminate keratinized cells, which will prepare the skin for brightening complexes that target pigmentation at its very core. A compress mask is then applied to create luminosity in the skin. This brightening paramedical treatment is relaxing and result orientated, offering you unparalleled radiance. For optimum results a series of treatments is recommended. Massage Therapy Mirage Signature Massages are designed to not only relax and rejuvenate, but also assist with numerous health benefits. All massage therapies include consultation and/or assessment prior to the treatment. mirage signature massage 30 minutes | 45 minutes | 60 minutes | 90 minutes This full body massage will leave you feeling like royalty. Warm towel wipes are used to increase circulation in the skin and will aid in relaxation. You will feel stress and tension being released from not only the body, but the mind and soul. Choose from: swedish full body This form of massage promotes good health by loosening muscles and invigorating tissues, as well as evoking feelings of tranquility. back, neck & shoulders This session will allow time to focus on the areas that trouble you most. Muscular tension will be reduced, resulting in a deep sense of well-being. deep tissue this full body massage uses deep manual techniques and pressure needed to release muscle tension at its core. Once muscle stress is gone, a feeling of deep relaxation can be achieved throughout the body. Massage Therapy continued la stone massage therapy With roots in Native American traditions and beliefs, La Stone Therapy goes beyond the physical experience of massage. The application of heated and chilled stones create a chemical release within the body, to achieve balance and harmony on all levels. This treatment takes you to a deeper dimension of relaxation AND spiritual healing. hot stone massage therapy This unique massage utilizes warm basalt oiled stones to align and harmonize the chakras (energy centrE) of the body. The heat penetrates deep into the muscles and induces a profound state of relaxation. The warmth of these stones allows for less pressure to be used during the massage, and therefore a meditative state if often achieved early into the session. indian head massage This massage was originally developed by Indian women as part of their daily grooming routine. Benefits of this type of massage include relaxation, improved blood circulation and toxin release. this technique encourages deep breathing, and triggers the release of ‘feel good’ chemicals called endorphins, creating an almost euphoric sensation. Goodbye stress! reflexology This treatment is based on the theory that specific points on the bottom of the feet are energetically connected to different areas of the body. By stimulating these points, the corresponding body parts are benefited. Reflexology neutralizes the effects of stress by inducing a deep state of relaxation that calms the nervous system and allows the body to achieve a state of equilibrium. top to toe massage This amazing experience combines a head and neck massage with a foot and lower leg massage, skillfully performed by two massage therapists. Imagine the bliss! pregnancy/postnatal massage This treatment is designed specifically for expectant moms. Massage during pregnancy can improve circulation and relieve tension and headaches. The perfect massage to soothe aching muscles, relieve stress and decrease swelling. Choose any massage and share the experience. Holistic Therapies holistic massage Holistic massage is a form of Swedish and Shiatsu massage therapy. This treatment is aimed at healing the physical, energetic and emotional aspects of a person. The pressure point massage technique is used to create harmony and wholeness by restoring balance between our inner selves and the environment around us. Each person is unique and therefore each treatment is suited to the needs of the whole person. reiki treatment Reiki is a Japanese practice used for stress reduction, relaxation and healing. It is administered by ‘laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that the ‘life force energy’ that flows through us is what allows us to be alive. If one’s ‘life force energy’ is low, then one may be more likely to get sick, or feel stress. It is also believed that when our energy is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. holistic massage with reiki treatment The powerful combination of Reiki energy work and massage will help release blockages and imbalances in the energetic body (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). Paired with a healing Japanese shiatsu massage, this treatment will instantly uplift both the body and soul. Aromatherapy aromatherapy massage Immerse yourself in the luxurious aroma of essential oils while you receive a full body Swedish AND shiatsu massage. The session includes a consultation and mixing of a personalized blend of essential oils. The oils selected will be based on your individual therapeutic and relaxation needs. These hypnotic fragrances paired with a relaxing face and scalp massage will quiet your mind, release your stress, and prepare you for a restful and restorative night’s sleep. Ask your therapist to make an additional personalized take home oil blend. Body Treatments spa prestige aspara treatment The Spa Prestige Aspara Treatment begins with a delightful sea water mist. A scalp massage will help you to relax, while self-heating mud is placed down your spine, and along the arch of your foot to ease both the body and mind. Your body is massaged with a spa peeling and marine treatment that exfoliates, relaxes, and softens your skin. This unique treatment will not only relax you of tension, rid you of dull skin, but will leave you looking and feeling refreshed. back treatments A deep cleansing treatment for the back, neck and shoulders which removes impurities and refines and smooths your skin. body bronzing Enjoy a healthy tropical suntan without the dangers of the sun. An isolated exfoliation is followed with a self-tanning solution to create a beautifully bronzed look. body polish Gently exfoliate, stimulate and moisturize your skin with a choice of cleansing crushed walnut shell or sea salt scrub. Next you can relax as revitalizing aroma therapy oil is applied to your skin. This invigorating treatment helps stimulate blood circulation and promote skin regeneration by reducing dead skin build-up. Your body is polished velvety soft to reveal luminous skin and leave you feeling energized and refreshed. Body Wraps Mirage body wrap therapies offer health benefits through exfoliation, detoxification and product ingredients. Each therapy is designed to help with different skin conditions for better skin health. The treatments include contouring, remineralizing and firming. Beginning with an exfoliation, your skin is better prepared to accept products with specific active ingredients which have been integrated into each unique therapy. Each treatment is finished with a body product designed to support skin hydration and help maintain the benefits of your treatment. anti-cellulite wrap the appearance of cellulite is reduced by facilitating increased blood circulation with effective ingredients. This treatment is a combination of a detoxifying self-heating mud and a cool draining gel. A powerful heat sensation followed by a cooling sensation supports tissue firmness. It is very effective for minimizing localized cellulite. Your skin will be visibly firmer and smoother. Your esthetician will provide you with an at home care program to benefit better health and wellness. ocean detox wrap This treatment will leave you with soft smooth skin and wholesome clarity. Toxins and excess fluids are eliminated from the body with the use of mineral rich algae, marine sediments and therapeutic essential oils. You will also enjoy an invigorating facial cleanse and treatment mask. A great wrap to kick-start a dietary change or begin a new season. energizing body wrap Refine your silhouette and regain energy with this body wrap. Algae (a gel rich in marine active ingredients) is wrapped around your body and is applied with a self-heating blanket which activates the assimilation of ingredients. For instant results, this treatment is customized to suit your individual needs, and is perfect for anyone looking to boost their energy levels. relaxing lavender body wrap Relax as French lavender is smoothed over your body, which will help to rebalance skins hydration and encourages skin cell regeneration. The soy extract promotes tissue healing and IS rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You will then receive a soothing scalp or face massage for a complete sense of health and well-being. chocolate moor mud wrap This mineral packed body mask offers therapeutic benefits for muscular fatigue, joint discomfort and minor skin irritations. Remineralizing the skin helps sustain hydration levels while skin detoxification brings a sense of balanced energy and deep relaxation. The addition of cocoa to the mud increases your metabolism which can assist in weight loss. this treatment Includes a facial cleanse and treatment mask. Hydrotherapy Come experience relaxation and healing with a hydrotherapy treatment. These extraordinary healing water therapies are designed to strengthen your circulation, balance your metabolism, help with joint and muscle pain, and stimulate your senses. Soothe your nerves, de-stress and invigorate your body with a hydrotherapy treatment. balneotherapy treatment This soul searching journey begins with a natural exfoliation before soaking in earth mineral enriched water. Next you will enjoy an underwater massage which will stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory systems. This marine bath will promote muscle relaxation, and internal healing as your body is massaged with revitalizing jets. The session will end with a soothing lotion application to further moisturize and soften your skin. thalassotherapy (seaweed) bath This hydrotherapy treatment is restorative and rejuvenating. The use of algae will stimulate your metabolism, circulation and cell function. After this journey your body will have improved water and mineral balance, and will experience a gentle detoxification. This session will aid in creative energies, mental clarity, and bring freshness and renewal to both the body AND mind. Hair Removal IPL permanent hair reduction This is a treatment for those who are tired of waxing and shaving. The number of treatments necessary may vary according to individual needs. We cannot make any guarantees or warranties regarding the results of any treatments. Reserve a consultation and discover how easy it is to say goodbye to unwanted hair. epilations For men and women with unwanted hair, waxing is a highly recommended treatment. When you remove hair from the root, the length of time before regrowth is significantly greater than shaving. Legs, arms, face, bikini, chest and back – we do it all! less maintenance for you, with beautiful touchable results. Purchase five treatments and get your sixth free! (must be of equal or lesser value) Pedicures & Manicures classic pedicure Our classic pedicure allows us to focus our attention on foot essentials. The toenails, cuticles and soles of your feet are cared for with detailed grooming to promote good health, and beautiful results. A light mousse is applied to leave feet feeling incredibly hydrated. This treatment ends with a buff and/or polish of your choice. signature pedicure Our cherished signature pedicure is designed for you to love and admire your feet. After meticulous toenail, cuticle and sole grooming, dead skin cells will be removed using a mineral salt exfoliation. A slow comforting foot and leg massage will relieve stress and tension before a paraffin wax treatment. This treatment will remineralize and rehydrate your skin. Complete this blissful experience with flawless toenail polish and/or buff. Feel beautiful to your very sole. classic manicure This manicure gives hands all the necessary care to promote good health. The treatment begins with a hand soak and soothing hand massage to help you relax. Nails and cuticles are groomed with detail, and a hydrating hand cream is applied to leave your hands soft and smooth. Fingernails are then polished and/or buffed to your desire. signature manicure This detailed manicure begins with a blend of alpha hydroxy acids for exfoliating dead skin cells, which helps to soften skin. Meticulous work on your nails and cuticles encourages vibrant hand health. A tension relieving massage from hand to elbow offers relaxation and comfort for the entire body. A paraffin dip is ideal for skin nourishment, promoting circulation and helping with joint and arthritic pain. Polish and/or buff for a perfect finish. hand treatment A gentle scrub prepares your hands for a warm paraffin treatment followed by a gentle massage with a moisturizing cream. This treatment gently deposits a protective film over your hands and leaves them soft and beautiful. nail works for a longer lasting manicure, Ask for a Bio-Sculpture Gel Nail application or hybrid polish. fill | overlay | tips | repair | nail art | polish change | french nails | mini mani & pedi call us for more detailed information regarding nail care Hair Salon & Design All hair services include: consultation, scalp massage, styling instructions and blow dry styling. Bang and neck trims are always complimentary for salon clients. cut design hair stylist senior stylist Women from $47 from $52 Men from $30 from $32 (under 15) from $22 from $25 styling hair stylist senior stylist fashion up-do from $55 from $60 blow dry styling from $40 from $45 Children hair curling extra $10 hair trial up-do $45 hair extensions consultation deep conditioning treatment infuse your hair with moisture and protein. Small amino acids in quinoa — a grain like crop — penetrate to strengthen hair from the inside out. Beautiful hair starts with repair. hair services hair stylist senior stylist from $90 from $95 solid colour & cut from $125 from $130 solid colour & cut & half head highlights from $160 from $165 solid colour & cut & full head highlights from $180 from $185 half head highlights from $90 from $95 full head highlights from $120 from $125 colour correction WITh cut from $150 from $160 regular perm from $150 from $155 specialty perm with cut from $200 from $220 solid colour Price of service will vary based on length and thickness of hair. Join the Mirage Hair Salon VIP Loyalty Client! ASK US ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF THIS AMAZING PROGRAM! MakeupFor Any Occasion designed for you… Look and feel your best every day. Our makeup artists will work with you to create a look just for you. Our experts will give you a personal makeup lesson and advise you on application, technique and coloUr selection. Design an effortless makeup regime with the confidence of a skilled professional. wedding & graduation makeup (two visits) Let your beauty radiate in every picture on your big day. Leave nothing to chance with the help of a makeup trial. This will allow you to meet your makeup artist, and together create the perfect look for your special day. Feel relaxed, and confident knowing your makeup is picture perfect. tattoo removal Don’t live with regrets! Book a consultation, and our professionals will guide you back to healthy, clear skin. A series of treatments is recommended for best results. brow and lash tinting Define your eyebrows AND eyelashes with a professional tinting treatment. Results last up to 10-12 weeks. Enhancements We would love to enhance your experience at Mirage. Please choose from any of the following treatments. Facial Therapy Enhancements glycolic peel | radiance and cell renewal eye treatment | body polish | brow wax lash and brow tinting Massage Therapy Enhancements therapeutic back mask treatment | body milk | body polish | essential facial Hair Treatment Enhancements deep conditioning treatments | gloss treatment/toner | curl styling Enhance with Selected Treatments makeup touch-up | blow dry styling | paraffin wax For Him Enhance your distinguished looks with active treatments designed specifically for men. Energize hard working skin; soothe skin exposed to harsh elements or contrast wrinkles and expression lines. A healthy appearance starts with good grooming. A Mirage skincare therapist will provide a complete skin analysis with each treatment. We will then recommend a facial that will best benefit your skin. Let us take care of you. gentleman’s signature facial This is a tailor-made treatment dedicated to the specific needs of a man’s skin and is designed to release tension. It begins with a relaxing back massage, followed by the application of self-heating mud to eliminate all traces of tension and stress. Once completely relaxed, the face is deeply cleansed and oxygenated. A facial mask is applied and a scalp massage activates calmness and well-being. Your skin is left feeling fresh and comfortable. gentleman’s age performer facial Renew your Look! combat wrinkles and expression lines. Entice a more youthful appearance by stimulating the skin with marine spring water to bring younger, stronger, healthier skin cells to the surface faster. You are gorgeous and young looking again! gentleman’s manicure This treatment includes expert cleansing, shaping and cuticle removal, followed by exfoliation, paraffin dip and a hand massage. Just relax and take a nap. gentleman’s pedicure Relax into our state of the art spa chair while we give your feet the attention they are so often denied. This ultimate treatment for your feet includes cleansing, exfoliation, shaping, cuticle removal and massage. back treatments This deep cleansing treatment eliminates the dead skin build up which contributes to clogged pores and blackheads. By increasing your circulation we will reduce toxins in your body and create balance and clarity in your skin. A true must for summer. gentleman’s oasis package this package includes a 60 minute full body massage, followed by a gentleman’s facial and spa manicure and pedicure. You deserve it! Customized Special Events Let Mirage plan and execute the ideal program for your special occasion or event. The Spa and Salon team are experts in their fields and are committed to preparing you and your friends for your very special event! special occasion packages for... the beautiful bride | the handsome groom | the wedding party | bridal shower mom & daughter | engagement | birthday | graduation | reunion anniversary | corporate functions Our Mirage event planner will take your vision and turn it into a reality. You may choose from private or semi-private events and include any of the experiences from the Mirage menu. We can accommodate up to 60 guests per day. Price discounts are available based on the type and the number of treatments. Call Mirage and set up an appointment with an event planner so that we can make your next event a very memorable one! All events are customized and priced to accommodate your needs. All groups are subject to a 15% gratuity fee. Mirage Holistic Spa Gift Cards A mirage gift card is the ideal gift for a loved one. Personalize it with a journey or treatment of your desire, or let them do the choosing by selecting a dollar amount. Give a gift they are sure to remember, and let us take care of the rest. You’re Invited... Become a VIP Mirage Member and Live a Healthier Life! Call us for details. Spa Guidelines reservation and cancellation policy All treatments and services you select are reserved especially for you. All bookings require a credit card to guarantee your reservation. All cancellations and/or changes require 24 hour notice. 24 hours or more notice: service will be cancelled without charge. Less than 24 hours notice: 50% of the service price will be charged. All spa packages booked require 48 hour notice. 48 hours or more notice: package will be cancelled without charge. Less than 48 hours notice: 50% of the package price will be charged. Failure to show: Full price of the package or service will be charged Group reservations are subject to a contract agreement. Prices do not include GST and are subject to change without notice. Gift cards are not redeemable for cash. please know… Should we encounter an unforeseen scheduling conflict, Mirage may have no choice but to reschedule your previously reserved appointment(s). Please be assured that on such occasion, we have exhausted all other options. We will do our very best to accommodate your needs at your earliest convenience. In such a case, complimentary services or compensation for the treatment(s) may not be provided. what to expect Expect an awakening of the senses, an inner feeling of well-being and a release of stress. We’re here to guide you along in your experience, as well as show you how to take the spa experience home with you. This is your time to focus on you and discover just what you have been missing. You will find our treatment rooms comfortable and enhanced with soothing music and candlelight. Our change rooms and steam baths are fully supplied for your convenience. Enjoy the experience, wander with your thoughts, or converse with your therapist. Please express any discomfort or special needs with your therapist. If you would appreciate silence during your treatments, please do not hesitate to inform us. We encourage you to tell us how we can make you more comfortable. Complimentary use of showers, steam rooms and pool with every spa treatment over $60. For those enjoying full-day packages, lunch and snacks are available. Whether you plan to enjoy a full day of wellness, or to drop in for a spa pedicure, one thing is certain — our expert staff will make even the briefest visit an unforgettable experience! Spa Guidelines continued arrival To ensure your full enjoyment of your spa experience, please arrive at least 20 – 30 minutes early to give yourself time to do paperwork (if required), check-in, slip into a robe and start your treatment relaxed and on time. Arriving late will deprive you of precious minutes of your spa treatments. Your appointment will end as scheduled so the next guest is not delayed. expectant mothers All of our treatments are customized to promote the health and stability of your body as it adjusts to changes throughout your pregnancy. We encourage you to discuss your needs with our therapists. personal care products we have carefully researched and selected only the highest quality products for all of your services. Most of these are available for you to purchase and take home. These products will offer you the best results and prolong the benefits of the services you receive at Mirage Holistic Spa. ® YOUNGBLOOD MINERAL COSMENTICS gratuities For service excellence, gratuities are graciously accepted. consideration Please leave your cell phone off and respect the right to privacy and quiet of other spa guests. For your maximum pleasure and in consideration of other spa guests, it is recommended that small children do not accompany you on your spa experience. spa hours Monday 10am – 5pm Tuesday to Friday 10am – 9pM Saturday 10am – 6pm Sunday & holidays closed special arrangements can be made for couples & group events Your Sanctuary for relaxation, renewal and wellness. P TF 780 513 0300 1 877 513 0303 HOLIDAY INN, 9816 107 Street GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB T8V 8E7 www.MIRAGEHOLISTICSPA.CA OR VISIT US ON FACEBOOK