Week 11 - SJC School Website
Week 11 - SJC School Website
Principal‟s Message Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of St Joseph‟s College, In this last newsletter for 2014 I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to the wonderful staff, students, parents and Parish of St Joseph‟s College, Banora Point. Something to ponder of Christmas: St John the Baptist lived simply in the desert. He prayed, did penance, fasted and eschewed comforts. He reminds us that our Christian faith is distinctly counter-cultural in so many ways. Indeed, so it should be. Jesus in his time often called into question so much of what was “taken for granted” as “the way we do things round here”. Think, for example, of his treatment of lepers, tax collectors, the poor, the disabled, all those who, in the „taken-for-granted‟; thinking of the time, were outcasts and no-hopers. Doyle Drive (PO Box 246) Banora Point NSW 2486 (07) 5524.9002 FAX (07) 5524.9272 Email: sjcbanora@lism.catholic.edu.au Website: www.sjctweed.org DAY 6 ~ MONDAY 15 DECEMBER DAY 7 ~ TUESDAY 16 DECEMBER Annual Christmas Liturgy (9:00am, Holy Family Chapel) Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 Annual Awards and Prizegiving Ceremony (10:30am, Doyle Centre) Moreover, John the Baptist reminds us that there is likely something amiss if our Christian faith isn‟t prodding us to question “the ways things are” and the “taken for granted” in our society. Think, for example, of the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in our day in Australia. Advent calls us to be counter-cultural in the practice of our faith. While the world around us is consumed by frenzied preparations for the summer holiday and frenetic shopping for the customary gift exchange at Christmastime, we Christians, instead of speeding up and running faster and feverish buying, are encouraged to slow down, and to focus on the things that really matter. Advent, like Lent, calls us to re-examine our lives and our consciences: Are we living in ways that are really worthy of the name Christian? Are we truly Christian in the way we treat other people? Are we really heading in the right direction in our lives and in the choices we make? Have we taken on uncritically the “taken for granted” attitudes and values of the mass media? Are there areas in our life where we have gone astray and need to get back on track? Advent also calls us to practice waiting and hoping. Christians of all people should be people of hope, quietly confident that God does not desert us even in the most desperate, shameful or painful situations. Hope doesn‟t necessarily come naturally. We have to work on it. Just as we have to practice our faith and love, we also need to practice hope. Staff Professional Development So many things in our life can sorely challenge us, cause us to lose heart and dent our hopefulness – a friend dying from cancer, a child killed in an accident, a failed business project, a broken relationship, a friend‟s betrayal. Scuba Diving Excursion (selected students) This Christmas may the Peace and Joy of a God of Hope renew our faith. DAY 9 ~ THURSDAY 18 DECEMBER God Bless DAY 8 ~ WEDNESDAY 17 DECEMBER and Teacher Interviews Staff Professional Development and Teacher Interviews DAY 10 ~ FRIDAY 19 DECEMBER Staff Professional Development Term 4 ends Mr Eric Littler Principal St Joseph‟s College Newsletter | 15 December 2014 Page 2 DEPUTY PRINCIPAL SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 2015 WEEK 1 Monday 26 January Australia Day Public Holiday Tuesday 27 January Staff Development Day Wednesday 28 January School starts Years 7, 11 & 12 and all new students Thursday 29 January School starts for Years 8, 9 & 10 TERM DATES Term 1 Tuesday 27 January to Thursday 2 April Note: Easter falls during Term 1 holidays Friday 3 April – Good Friday Saturday 4 April – Easter Saturday Sunday 5 April – Easter Sunday Monday 6 April – Easter Monday Term 2 Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June Term 3 Monday 13 July to Friday 18 September Term 4 Tuesday 6 October to Friday 18 December Please note that Pupil Free Days for 2015 will be advertised in the College Newsletter REPORTS FOR END OF YEAR As parents would be aware, the final school reports for 2014 will be distributed tomorrow for students in Years 7 to 10. Should parents have any concerns regarding their child‟s progress, an opportunity to speak with their child‟s teacher(s) exists by telephoning the College and speaking to the relevant teacher to make an appointment. Interviews will take place on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 December. ACADEMIC AND SPECIAL AWARDS As this is our final newsletter for the year and our awards presentation takes place tomorrow, the information relating to award recipients will be included in the first newsletter for 2015. PARENT PORTAL Please note that this WILL NOT be available during the break due to upgrade of the service. THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, happy and Holy Christmas. I hope you all have a most enjoyable break with your family and loved ones. Thank you for your support of the College in 2014. Mr Peter Lyon Deputy Principal This next newsletter will also provide details on Semester 2 Gold SEEAR Award winners. PASTORAL CARE / STUDENT WELFARE THE COLLEGE UNIFORM AND WEARING THE UNIFORM CORRECTLY A uniform worn correctly makes a strong statement not only about the individual but also the organisation it represents. As the name suggests, „uniform‟ is about a common standard for everyone. As such students and parents need to be aware of the following common standards: Boys‟ Hair: Length – to the collar, just on the ears and above the eyebrows. UNIFORM MATTERS – SCHOOL SHOES 2015 When purchasing school shoes for 2015, please be aware of the College uniform code: 1. Shoes are to be traditional hard-leather lace-up style. 2. Sport shoes are to be traditional lace-up style. Skate shoes, canvas style (including Dunlop Volleys) are not acceptable as they are not suitable for all sports or PDHPE. Boys‟ Shorts: Worn on or above the hips with a plain black leather belt. Girls‟ Hair: Long hair tied back. Ribbons to be white, grey or maroon. Girls‟ Skirts: Knee length or below and waist button fastened and worn above the hips. Girls‟ Ties: Length to be at waistband of blouse. It is the College‟s preference that no jewellery be worn. When students choose to wear jewellery it is to be plain and simple. Earrings are to be simple, small, plain, gold or silver sleepers or studs. Neck jewellery may not be worn. If a student chooses to wear a religious medallion, the chain and the medallion must be worn below the shirt/blouse. Don‟t forget to visit our website www.sjctweed.org for all the latest at St Joseph‟s College . . . At St Joseph‟s College, the correct wearing of the school uniform is important, especially when in public. The Athlete‟s Foot Tweed City and Pacific Fair is a recommended supplier of school and sports shoes. $5 from every pair of shoes purchased at either of these two stores is donated back to our school. Note: This applies to your whole family across their range of school, sports, work and casual shoes. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Wishing everyone a very merry, safe, happy and Holy Christmas. Please accept my thanks for your support of the College this year and I look forward to working together again in 2015. Best wishes for every success. Mr Peter Serone Leader of Pastoral Care/Student Welfare The approaching school holidays might be the perfect opportunity for our families to rectify uniform standards. The School Newsletter and School Calendar are both available online @ www.sjctweed.org. The School Calendar contains year group events, assessment schedules and term dates. Issue 38 2014 | Term 4 Week 11 Page 3 SCHOOL EVANGELISATION What is present to me is what has a hold on my becoming. I reflect on the presence of God always there in love, amidst the many things that have a hold on me. CHRISTMAS MASS & RECONCILIATION TIMES “ Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love. Moliere ST JOSEPH’S PARISH All times shown are NSW times (one hour ahead of QLD) MASS TIMES PHONE NUMBER IS: (07) 5536.7800 OFFICE PHONE: (07) 5536.7522 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Service of Forgiveness (Includes 1st Rite) 19 December: 7:00-8:00pm I pause and pray that I may let God affect my becoming in this precise moment. Monday 22 December: 9:40-10:00am Tuesday 23 December: 9:40-10:00am Wednesday 24 December: 9:40-10:00am Matthew 1:18-25 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus. The Spirit (or Breath) of God was seen as the source of all creation and of all human life. So, just as God created all that exists in the heavens and the earth, now, through the power of God‟s Spirit, Jesus is conceived in Mary‟s womb by a particular, concrete, and special case of God‟s creativity. The birth of any child brings with it a sense of awe and wonderment. Can I share a sense of awe and wonderment at the incredible fact that God becomes human in a baby boy? Mr Scott McDermott Leader of School Evangelisation Christmas Eve: 6:00pm and 8:00pm (Please note: there is NO Midnight Mass) Christmas Day: 8:00am at St Joseph‟s, Tweed Heads 9:00am at St Camillus, Bilambil We wish you all a very Happy and Holy Christmas Fr Michael Brady & Fr Des Holm ST ANTHONY’S PARISH SACRAMENT OF PENANCE & RECONCILIATION Parish 2ND Rite of Reconciliation (with several Priests available) Wednesday 17 December: 6:30am KINGSCLIFF Wednesday 17 December: 8:30am–9:00am Thursday 18 December: 8:30am–9:00am Friday 19 December: 5:30pm–6:00pm Saturday 20 December: 5:00pm–5:30pm Wednesday 24 December: 8:00am–8:30am POTTSVILLE Tuesday 23 December: 5:00pm–5:25pm Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes. Charles Dickens CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Mother Teresa KINGSCLIFF Christmas Eve Vigil – Wednesday 24 December 6:00pm Christmas Day – Thursday 25 December 7:30am and 9:00am Do not judge men by mere appearances; for the light laughter that bubbles on the lip often mantles over the depths of sadness, and the serious look may be the sober veil that covers a divine peace and joy. Edward Chapin POTTSVILLE Christmas Eve Vigil – Wednesday 24 December 6:00pm Christmas Day – Thursday 25 December 7:30am “ CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES Fr Paul McDonald Parish Priest Students Absences: Please telephone the College between 7:45am and 9:30am on the day of the absence. A signed parental note is also required within seven days. \ Congratulations and thank you to the following students who assisted in setting up and serving on the night of the Access and Inclusion Awards on December 2nd: Emilly Evans Cameron O’Toole Libby Newman Alexis Briggs Kyle Hill Abby Goodwin Sarah Nuttall Kailey Brennan Jewel Punter Keely Neish These awards were established to celebrate and acknowledge those individuals, organisations, and businesses who promote an accessible community to all in the Tweed. The above students mentored and worked with disabled adults from Lifebridge East Incorporated on the evening. Their efforts were highly praised by the organisers of the event, and I am extremely proud of them! Best wishes to all Year 10s as they embark on the Christmas holidays. Good luck to those students who are leaving St Joseph’s – I hope you find great success and happiness in everything you do. I look forward to seeing our returning students in their first year as Senior students next year. Merry Christmas and have a great holiday! Mrs Louise McLaughlin Leader of Pastoral Care – Year 10 St Joseph‟s College Newsletter | 15 December 2014 Page 6 TECHNOLOGICAL & APPLIED STUDIES (TAS) FOOD TECHNOLOGY Ms Parker and Ms Scott‟s Year 9 Food Technology classes have been learning about trends in food this term. For their assignment, they were asked to design new trendy dining spot. They designed their cafes and created trendy menus for their customers, they then cooked one of the dishes from their cafe. HUMAN SOCIETY & ITS ENVIRONMENT (HSIE) Year 8 students have been learning about climate change in their HSIE classes. Their research culminated in the writing of persuasive letters to the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott, sharing their concerns about the sustainability of our planet and offering suggestions as to how this important global issue might be better addressed by our government. With all the talk of climate change in the media and by world leaders, it was a very timely and topical task and demonstrated the importance for all of us to display active citizenship. After all, we only have ONE planet, so let‟s look after it. Mr Tom Nethery HSIE Teacher This photograph shows Sophie, Bianca and Ashleigh dressed in their waitress uniforms serving their lovely practical work. To see more of their trendy cafe visit http://biancafisher.wix.com/sbacafe Ms Carrianne Scott TAS Teacher YEAR 9 Thank you to all the students and parents of year 9 for their efforts in 2014. There have been plenty of positives for the year and I wish you all a very happy, holy and safe Christmas and New Year with your family and friends and look forward to seeing you all next year. Mr Damien Quinn Leader of Pastoral Care – Year 9 Messages to Students: Office staff cannot disrupt teaching in order to deliver messages that are not of an urgent nature. Student‟s afternoon home travel plans should be made prior to the student leaving home in the morning. Issue 38 2014 | Term 4 Week 11 Page 7 Choir Choir will return to its 8:00am Tuesday timeslot next year. I hope to see lots of singers commit to re-establishing an excellent vocal ensemble in the College. I will be calling students to sign on early in Term 1. Mrs Louise McLaughlin on behalf of the Music Dept QUICKSMART Congratulations to the students who completed QuickSmart in 2014: Numeracy: Chanelle Ametoglou James Castle Katie Croker Shamus Curtis Remy Davey Jaimie Eastment Teegan Gates Lili Godfrey Dylan Palmer Joshua Reeves Brianna Smith Literacy: Taylor Baker Tosh Baker Billy Beverstock Will Dawson Joshua Field Liam Gee Bodhi Gilbert Jai Hosking Mitch Malone Zander Paron-Berry Tallis Ward Montana Wickert CANTEEN MERRY CHRISTMAS & THANK YOU KINDLY Wishing all families a very Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year. A great big „Thank You‟ to all the wonderful parents and carers who worked in the Canteen this year – I couldn‟t have operated without your help! You have all been so very kind and generous with your time and always happy and fun to work with, I can‟t thank you enough. I hope to see you all again next year – PLEASE!! A very special thanks to those parents who have „retired‟ from the SJC Canteen – I will miss your smiling faces, your amazing generosity and willingness to help me help all our kids! My very best wishes for the future. You will always have a place in our SJC community and I‟d love to hear of your adventures so do please keep in touch. Mrs Dianne Pinkstone Canteen Manager Visit the College website for more information about SJC or for back copies of the Newsletter Mrs Angela Finkel Learning Support Coordinator Tutors Marg Carey, Hayley Mandall and Anna Fin-Roja with QuickSmart Students of the Year Joshua Field and Shamus Curtis. ON-CAMPUS UNIFORM SHOP (MANAGED BY LOWES) Just follow the covered walkway down past the St James MPC and take a right turn (look out for the signs!) 0407 666 411 or 07 5523 9300 only during shop hours Tuesdays: 12:00pm to 3:30pm Thursdays: 8:00am to 12:00pm Payments: Cash and EFTPOS Only NO CHEQUES ACCEPTED Back to School 2015 Opening Hours Monday 19 to Friday 23 January 8:00am to 3:00pm Monday 26 January – Closed (Australia Day Public Holiday) Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 January 8:00am to 3:30pm College Procedures: Unsure of College Procedures or Policies? The student planner contains information. If you don‟t find the answer, contact the relevant Year Coordinator. St Joseph‟s College Newsletter | 15 December 2014 Page 8 WEEKEND MASS TIMES The following mass times apply outside of the Christmas period: St Joseph‟s Parish St Anthony‟s Parish Saturday Vigil: 6:00pm Sunday: 7:00am & 9:00am Sunday: 9:00am (Bilambil) Saturday Vigil: 6:00pm (Kingscliff) Sunday: 7:30am (Pottsville) Sunday: 9:00am (Kingscliff) Fr Michael Brady Parish Priest Fr Paul McDonald Parish Priest ‘You Have A Friend’ Date Attendees (Accompanying Adult in bold) 15/12/14 T4, W11 Chelsea Read, Isabella Rope, Josh Bacon and Mrs Debbie James Could this be a picture of you? CAREERS You are this week’s ‘Student of the Week’ The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31 December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. The nominated student is required to present himself/herself to the College Principal by the end of this week and if he/she does, he/she will receive a voucher to the value of $5 for purchases at the College Canteen. Look out in upcoming Newsletters for another „Student of the Week‟ ... the next face that appears might just be yours! Student Representative Council How students can apply for a TFN from 1 January 2015: The Australian Taxation Office in partnership with Australia Post is making it easier for individuals to apply for a TFN. Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC27248'. Forms to apply through the Secondary Schools Program will continue to be available from Student Reception and the Careers Office until the end of this year. Students wishing to apply are advised to do so promptly. SAINTS NETBALL SIGN ON Attention! Everyone who would like to join in the fun and play netball for the Saints in 2015 Sign on will be held at St Joseph’s College Netball Courts on: 3:30pm-5:00pm Wednesday 28 January & 3:30pm-5:00pm Wednesday 4 February Age groups will be U8, U9, U10, U12, U14, U16 and Opens Please sign on as individuals Teams will be coordinated by Saints Management Committee Ms Frances Stegeman Leader of Careers / VET / SWS Visit the College website for more information about SJC or for back copies of the Newsletter For further information contact the President, Narelle Chapman, on 0475 792 599 See you at sign on! Planner: The student planner should be signed by parents/caregivers each week. Any concerns? Contact the relevant Homeroom Teacher or Year Coordinator. ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE Day/Week TERM 1 2015 CALENDAR Monday 26/1 Tuesday 27/1 Wednesday 28/1 Australia Day Public Holiday Staff Development Day TERM 1 COMMENCES FOR ALL NEW STUDENTS AND YEARS 7, 11 & 12 TERM 1 COMMENCES FOR ALL OTHER YEAR GROUPS (8, 9, 10) 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 Day 3 Thursday 29/1 Day 4 Friday 30/1 Sat/Sun Day 5 31 January Week 1A January 26-30 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 1 February Day 9 6/2 Day 10 7 February Week 2B February 2-6 9/2 Day 1 10/2 Day 2 11/2 Day 3 12/2 Day 4 Commencement Mass 8 February 13/2 14 February Day 5 Week 3A February 9-13 Year 7 Breakfast 16/2 Day 6 17/2 Year 11 Breakfast Day 7 18/2 Day 8 19/2 Day 9 College Swimming Carnival 15 February 20/2 21 February Day 10 Week 4B February 16-20 Year 11 Information Evening Year 8 Breakfast Ash Wednesday 22 February Year 10 Breakfast Parish Youth Mass (5:30pm Holy Family Chapel) 23/2 Day 1 24/2 Day 2 25/2 Day 3 26/2 Day 4 27/2 Day 5 28 February Week 5A February 23-27 Year 10 Information Evening Year 9 Breakfast Year 12 Breakfast 1 March College Photo Day SEAAR Cycle 1 2/3 Day 6 3/3 Day 7 4/3 Day 8 5/3 Day 9 6/3 Day 10 7 March Week 6B March 2-6 Year 7 Vaccinations Year 8 Vaccination Catchups 9/3 Day 1 8 March Year 7 Digital Citizenship 10/3 Day 2 11/3 Day 3 12/3 Day 4 13/3 Day 5 14 March Week 7A March 9-13 16/3 Week 8B 15 March Diocesan Swimming Carnival Day 6 Catholic Schools Week 17/3 Day 7 Catholic Schools Week March 16-20 18/3 Day 8 Catholic Schools Week Day 1 24/3 Day 9 Catholic Schools Week Open Night 23/3 19/3 20/3 Day 10 Catholic Schools Week 22 March St Joseph’s Day Day 2 25/3 Day 3 26/3 21 March Day 4 27/3 Day 5 28 March Week 9A March 23-27 29 March 7-12 Parent/Teacher Night Parish Youth Mass (5:30pm Holy Family Chapel) 30/3 Day 6 31/3 Day 7 1/4 Day 8 2/4 Day 9 3/4 4 April Good Friday 5 April TERM 1 ENDS – THIS IS A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY Week 10B Mar 30 - Apr 3 7-12 Parent/Teacher Night Easter Liturgy SEAAR Cycle 2 St Joseph‟s College (07) 5524.9002 FAX (07) 5524.9272 Daylight Savings ends Doyle Drive (PO Box 246) Banora Point NSW 2486 Email: sjcbanora@lism.catholic.edu.au Website: www.sjctweed.org