Forney ISD Proposed Elementary Zones Option A
Forney ISD Proposed Elementary Zones Option A
Forney ISD Proposed Elementary Zones Option A Villas Villas Villasof of ofHeath Heath Heath Ridge Ridge Hollow Hollow Ridge RidgeHollow Hollow Ridge Ridge Hollow Hollow Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Martin Meadows Martin MartinMeadows Meadows Meadows Martin Martin Meadows Martin Meadows Travis TravisRanch Ranch Ranch Travis Ranch Travis Ranch Travis Travis Ranch Lakehurst Lakehurst Meadows Meadows Lakehurst LakehurstMeadows Meadows Lakehurst Lakehurst Meadows Meadows Lewis Lewis Criswell Criswell , , + + 0 444666 000 80 Crosby Crosby Meadowbrook MeadowbrookFarms Farms Farms Meadowbrook Farms Meadowbrook Farms Meadowbrook Meadowbrook Farms FFFm m m Adams AdamsRanch Ranch Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Adams Ranch Bluff Bluff Bluff View View Estates Estates Bluff Bluff View View Estates Estates BluffView ViewEstates Estates Brookville BrookvilleEstates Estates Estates Brookville Estates Brookville Estates Brookville Brookville Estates 77777444444 0000 N NNN FFFFFm m m m m Forney Forney + , S SS SS S 7444 77 77 7 40 0 00 00 80 W W W W W WB B B B B Brrrrrro oo oo oa d d aa aa ad d d dS S S S S Stttttt McKellar Home Place McKellar McKellarHome Home HomePlace Place Place McKellar McKellar Home Place McKellar Home Place FFFFFFm m m m m m Meadow Meadow Meadow Ridge Ridge Farm Farm Meadow Meadow Ridge Ridge Farm Farm MeadowRidge RidgeFarm Farm Diamond Diamond DiamondCreek Creek Creek Hamblen Estates Hamblen HamblenEstates Estates Estates Hamblen Hamblen Estates Hamblen Estates Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Blackburn Blackburn Mustang MustangPlace Place Place Mustang Place Mustang Place Mustang Mustang Place Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Claybon Claybon Trails of Chestnut Meadows Trails Trailsof of ofChestnut Chestnut ChestnutMeadows Meadows Meadows Trails Trails of Chestnut Meadows Trails of Chestnut Meadows Highland Prairie Highland HighlandPrairie Prairie Prairie Highland Highland Prairie Highland Prairie Rhea Rhea RheaElem Elem Elem Elem Rhea Rhea Rhea Elem Elem Villages Villagesof ofFox FoxHollow Hollow Villages of Fox Hollow Johnson Johnson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney High High High High High High Parke ParkeRidge Ridge Ridge Parke Ridge Parke Ridge Parke Parke Ridge Rhea Rhea Trad Trad Tra Trad HHH eeelll m m m sss TTTrrr lll Fox Hollow Fox FoxHollow Hollow Hollow Fox Fox Hollow Fox Hollow Claybon Claybon Claybon Claybon Claybon Claybon Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem ages ages of Falcons Lair ages of Falcons Lair ages ages of of Falcons Falcons Lair Lair agesof ofFalcons FalconsLair Lair Rio Rio Rio Rio Rio Windmill Farms Windmill WindmillFarms Farms Farms Windmill Windmill Farms Windmill Farms 1 11 41 44 64 66 1 16 11 Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosby Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem m m m F FFFm Dalview Estates Dalview DalviewEstates Estates Estates Dalview Dalview Estates Dalview Estates Smith Smith Walden WaldenPond Pond Walden Pond Smith Smith Smith Elem Elem Smith Smith SmithElem Elem Elem Elem Smith Smith Smith Elem Elem Elem Eastwood EastwoodAddition Addition Addition Eastwood Addition Eastwood Addition Eastwood Eastwood Addition Park ParkCreek Creek CreekGardens Gardens Gardens Park Creek Gardens Park Creek Gardens Park Park Creek Gardens Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Deerfield DeerfieldHeights Heights Heights Deerfield Heights Deerfield Heights Deerfield Deerfield Heights Mustang Creek Mustang MustangCreek Creek Creek Mustang Mustang Creek Mustang Creek PPPiii nnnsss ooonnn Skyline Estates Skyline SkylineEstates Estates Estates Skyline Skyline Estates Skyline Estates Forney Forney ForneyNorth North North NorthHigh High High High Forney Forney Forney North North High High Park ParkTrails Trails Trails Park Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Criswell Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem Elem RRRddd Heritage HeritageHill Hill Heritage Hill rtt Devonshire Devonshire Devonshire Armstrong Trails Armstrong Trails ArmstrongTrails Trails Armstrong Armstrong Trails Armstrong Trails Country CountryArbor Arbor Arbor Country Arbor Country Arbor Country Country Arbor High Meadows High HighMeadows Meadows Meadows High High Meadows High Meadows Grayhawk Addition Grayhawk GrayhawkAddition Addition Addition Grayhawk Grayhawk Addition Grayhawk Addition Shamrock Shamrock ShamrockRidge Ridge Ridge Emerald Ranch Estates Emerald EmeraldRanch Ranch RanchEstates Estates Estates Emerald Emerald Ranch Estates Emerald Ranch Estates Fireside Fireside FiresideEstates Estates Estates Grandview Grandview Grandview Estates Estates Grandview Grandview Estates Estates GrandviewEstates Estates Rolling RollingMeadows Meadows Meadows Rolling Meadows Rolling Meadows Rolling Rolling Meadows Hunters HuntersGlen Glen GlenEstates Estates Estates Hunters Glen Estates Hunters Glen Estates Hunters Hunters Glen Estates Henderson Henderson FFFm m m 777444 000 Buffalo Acres Buffalo BuffaloAcres Acres Acres Buffalo Buffalo Acres Buffalo Acres Bantry Gardens Bantry BantryGardens Gardens Gardens Bantry Bantry Gardens Bantry Gardens Lone Star Estates Lone LoneStar Star StarEstates Estates Estates Lone Lone Star Estates Lone Star Estates Layden Farms Layden LaydenFarms Farms Farms Layden Layden Farms Layden Farms 3 4 20 Talty Talty Heartland Heartland Heartland Heartland Heartland Winners Circle Winners WinnersCircle Circle Circle Winners Winners Circle Winners Circle mm FFFFmm 777 775555 22277 d d R R d d yyy Rd R ooo yR llllll oy aaa llo M M all Ma M M Founders Place Founders FoundersPlace Place Place Founders Founders Place Founders Place Lost Creek Estates Lost LostCreek Creek CreekEstates Estates Estates Lost Lost Creek Estates Lost Creek Estates Buffalo Buffalo Creek Creek d d R R R d d d R Rd g g id id g g geee R id id idg B B B B Brrrrrrid llll llll lloooyyy B M M Ma aaa all M M E E E E E EM Fm 741 Fm 741 Fm 741 Spring Creek Addition Spring SpringCreek Creek CreekAddition Addition Addition Spring Spring Creek Addition Spring Creek Addition Aerial Aerialcourtesy courtesy courtesyof of ofLandiscor Landiscor Landiscor Aerial courtesy of Landiscor Aerial courtesy of Landiscor Aerial Aerial courtesy of Landiscor Proposed 2008 FISD Elementary Zones With the opening of two new elementary campuses in August 2008 -- Smith Elementary in Windmill Farms, and Rhea Elementary in Fox Hollow it is necessary for Forney ISD to redraw elementary boundaries. Listed are the changes by campus, beginning in August 2008: Blackburn Elementary: Students who reside in the phases of Windmill Farms north of Reeder Rd. will attend Smith Elementary. All other students will remain at Blackburn. Claybon: Students who reside east of Forney High School on FM 741, at streets connecting to Windy Lane and south of FM 2932 will attend Rhea Elementary in Fox Hollow. In Option A: Students who reside north of FM 2932, but south of Winner’s Circle, will also attend Rhea Elementary. Criswell: There will be no changes for this attendance area. Crosby: Students who reside in the section of downtown west of Park Street between Broad Street and US 80 will attend Rhea Elementary in Fox Hollow. Henderson: Students who reside in Fox Hollow addition will attend Rhea Elementary in their neighborhood. Option A: Students who reside in Founders Place, south of I20, will also attend Rhea Elementary Johnson: There will be no changes for this attendance area. Lewis: There will be no changes for this attendance area.
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