Diapositiva 1


Diapositiva 1
NTA 6 progress report
Anja Rösler,
Departamento de Estra4gra6a y Paleontología
Universidad de Granada
Progress (1)
• Coralline algal assamblages of many TF sta4ons characterized • 8
• Analysis of the samples of Batu pu4h region almost finished
Progress (2)
About 475 sequences of 5 gene4c markers of about 85 specimen of ±30 recent species obtained
What else have I worked on since june?
• ZMT Bremen
• Amplifica4ons….coming to an end
• New gene4c marker
• Rhodolith workshop
– First new ocurrance date established
• Colabora4on in Stadium reef paper
• Prepara4on EJIP
Coralline algae from the Miocene Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan, SE Asia) Anja Rösler and Juan Carlos Braga Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Estra4gra6a y Paleontología
IV Interna4onal Rhodolith Workshop, Granada, 18.09.2012 Rhodolith beds associated with reefs
Bed 2
Bed 1
Rhodolith beds associated with reefs
Bed 2
Bed 1
Rhodolith beds associated with reefs
Bed 1 rhodoliths:
Main genera: Sporolithon (39%), Lithothamnion (23%), Mesophyllum(23%) and Lithoporella (10%)
Rhodolith beds associated with reefs
Bed 2
Bed 1
Rhodolith beds associated with reefs
Bed 2 rhodoliths:
mainly consis4ng of Lithothamnion (51%), Sporolithon (28%) and Mesophyllum (10%)
Shallow reef
Shallow reef
Neogoniolithon ssp. (80%), Spongites and Lithoporella
Shallow reef
Neogoniolithon fosliei, new first occurrence date
Was just known from Pleistocene to recent (Johnson 1965)
Preliminary biostra4graphic analysis (with benthic forams) suggests a Serravallian age for this segng
• In darker water segngs:
– Assemblages of Melobesioids and Sporolithon
• In shallow water segngs:
– Assemblages of “Mastophoroids”
• First ocurrences of modern reef taxa in Miocene in SE Asia
What else have I worked on since june?
• ZMT Bremen
• Amplifica4ons….coming to an end
• New gene4c marker
• Rhodolith workshop
– First new ocurrance date established
• Colabora4on in Stadium reef paper
• Prepara4on EJIP
What else have I worked on since june?
• ZMT Bremen
• Amplifica4ons….coming to an end
• New gene4c marker
• Rhodolith workshop
– First new ocurrance date established
• Colabora4on in Stadium reef paper
• Prepara4on EJIP
Next steps
Finishing of gene4c laboratory work in ± one week
Obtain evolu4onary and phylogen4c informa4on from results
Further study of fossil samples to be finished this year, too
Establish more “new” first ocurrences of coralline species
Prepara4on EJIP
GSA annual mee4ng in Charlole
Work on first own publica4ons (february)
SAGE conference in Berlin (march)