Sec. Alcala inaugurates Agri-Pinoy Trading Center in Camarines Norte


Sec. Alcala inaugurates Agri-Pinoy Trading Center in Camarines Norte
April - June 2014
Vol. 23 No. 2
Sec. Alcala inaugurates Agri-Pinoy Trading
Center in Camarines Norte
by Emily B. Bordado
Secretary Alcala, Governor Tallado and Secretary delos
Reyes hold a pack of vegetables which were among those
products sold in the AgriPinoy Trading Center.
secretary Proceso J. Alcala
led the inauguration
P44.2M worth AgriPinoy Trading Center in
Sitio Mat-i, Barangay Sto.
Domingo of this municipality
on May 14. This facility is
the first of its kind
to be
established in the country and
in the Bicol under the Aquino
Administration. Patterned after
the very successful “Sentrong
initiated by then 2nd district
representative, Proceso Alcala,
this facility will serve as an
alternative marketing system
and business model where
small farmers and fisherfolk
can sell their products directly
at reasonable whole sale prices.
constructed inside a 1,200
square meter lot owned by
the provincial government of
(Please turn to page 5)
Masbate gets P6.5M
Liquid Nitrogen Plant
CITY – The
Department of Agriculture
turned over a Mini-Liquid
Nitrogen Generating Plant
worth P6.5M to the local
government of this city. DA
Undersecretary for Livestock
Jose C. Reaño turned over to
mayor Rowena R. Tuason the
plant constructed inside the
compound of Masbate Fish
Complex and Bus terminal of
this city on April 9 this year.
DA Bicol cascades agri-programs to Masbate
MASBATE CITY - Officials
of the DA Bicol regional Office
headed by
OIC, Regional
Executive Director Abelardo
R. Bragas took time to visit
this city and the province of
Masbate on June 25-27, 2014
to consult with , LGU officials
and municipal agriculturists/
officers and
farmers on their needs and
interventions necessary to spur
agricultural development in
the province. The DA team
also turned over post harvest
facilities, farm machineries
and production inputs and
committed to bring
assistance as requested.
On the first day, the DA
team met with the MAs /MAOs
and Provincial Agrculturists
other provincial staff.
Dir. Bragas underscored that
DA is giving priority attention
to the island province as it
among the poorest provinces in
the country with 44% poverty
rate. He urged everyone to
put his stake in the upliftment
of the province
the farming and fishing sector
. He added that the DA will
be working closely with the
to alleviate poverty in the
Aside from the
regular programs
that DA
(Please turn to page 13)
inauguration ceremonies was
also graced by DA Assistant
Davinio Catbagan;
of Animal Industry director,
Rubina Cresencio; National
Dairy Authority administrator,
Grace Ceñas; Edwin
Sanchez, president
of the
Federation of
Cattle Raisers; officials of
(Please turn to page 8)
”Yes, garlic
also thrives
in Bicol” (Story on
page 11)
Revving up Agricultural Mechanization
for ASEAN Integration
gricultural mechanization
is said to have helped
global production of food
and animal feeds. It has enhanced
farmers profitability and helped
them prepare for the challenges
brought about by globalization.
improves production efficiency,
encourages large scale production
and improves the quality of farm
produce and reduce post harvest
losses. Thus, farm mechanization is
incorporated as a key intervention
and major component of the banner
programs being implemented by
the Department of Agriculture.
To encourage farmers and
fisherfolk to mechanize and
modernize their operations a new
law has been signed by President
Benigno S. Aquino in a bid to boost
food security and farmer’s income.
Republic Act No. 10601, “An Act
Promoting Agricultural and Fisheries
Mechanization Development in the
Country,” was signed on June 5,
2013. Also known as “Agricultural
Engr. Abelardo R. Bragas
OIC Regional Executive Director
Dr. Edgar R. Madrid, RTD
for Research and Regulations
Dr. Elena B. Delos Santos
RTD for Operations and
(AFMech) Law, this new law would
ensure “the development
adoption of modern, appropriate
and cost-effective agricultural and
fisheries machinery and equipment
to enhance farm productivity to
achieve food security and safety
and increase farmers’ income.”
There are those who argue
that farm mechanization
displace unskilled farm labor and
can contribute to environmental
pollution. But farm mechanization
could be the answer to the dwindling
labor force in the farm. Given the
present reality
that the average
age of our farmers is 57 years and
most rural youth do not want to stay
in the farm where work is hard and
income low. Farm mechanization
is a good option because it will
the drudgery and hard
work in the farm.
alternative energy sources like the
use of biomass, and solar energy
which are environment friendly
are now being used to address the
adverse impact of mechanization
on our environment.
It is clear we need farm
mechanization. According to the
Philippine Center for Postharvest
Development and Mechanization
(PHilMech), the government agency
Editor-in-Chief: Emilia B. Bordado
Senior Staff Writer/
Researcher: Ma. Bella R. Ilan
Writers: Lovella P. Guarin,
Blesilda A. Nunez,
Jayson M. Gonzales,
Lay-out Artist: Lovella P. Guarin
Photographer/Liason Officer:
Eduardo D. Collantes, Jr.
Illustrators: Hermito Antonio T. Privaldos
Ramon C. Adversario
taking the lead in the development
of postharvest technologies and
interventions, our country’s level of
mechanization is increasing from
0.52 horsepower per hectare in
the 1990’s to 1.02hp/ha in 2012
and 2.3hp/ha in 2013. But our
country still lags behind other
Asian countries.
But our concern is not being
at par with our Asian neighbors
but realizing the full intent and
essence of AFMech Law. The most
important stipulation of the law is
the provision of support services,
such as credit facilities, training and
extension programs and marketing
services. The law also mandates
the DA craft a National Agriculture
and Fishery Program to promote a
conducive environment to the local
assembling and manufacturing
of equipment
for agricultural
and fisheries production and
processing. Moreover, the LGUs who
are in the frontline of agriculture
development in their respective
areas should formulate their own
unique agriculture mechanization
program. With this AFMech Law
along with Rice Mechanization,
our farmers can confidently face
the challenges of the forthcoming
ASEAN economic integration and
Circulation: Blesilda A. Nuñez, Lita V.
Estrella, Diana Velarde
Records Unit
Published quarterly by the Regional
Agriculture and Fisheries Information Division
of the Department of Agriculture, Regional
Field Unit No. 5, San Agustin, Pili, Camarines
Sur, Tel No.(054) 477-5113 Fax 477-0381
E-mail Address:
Re-entered as a Second Class Mail Matter at
the Pili Post Office, Pili, Camarines Sur under
Permit No. 2014-13 on March 26, 2014.
April - June 2014
Philippine Rural Development Program
Coco coir/geonet project and
FMR sub-projects for Albay set
for approval by RPAB
Program Advisory Board (RPAB)
which provides guidance,
and approves sub projects for funding
under the Philippine Rural Development
Program (PRDP) has already approved
in principle the proposed Coconut Coir/
Geonet Manufacturing project and the
Rehabilitation and Improvement of PistolaTablon FMR section in the town of Oas in
the province of Albay. However, since
most of the attendees were representatives
of the RPAB members, it was agreed that
a second round of meeting be held and
a Referendum of Approval be conducted.
Governor Joey S. Salceda himself
presented the Commodity Investment
Plan of the province and the project brief
April 1, 2014
during the said RPAB meeting on April 14,
2014 at the Venezia Hotel here. Salceda
underscores that with coco coir/ geonet
manufacturing, the province is expected to
get 30% market share of total market value
of P5B and a market potential of P12B.
The RPAB is a multi-sectoral group
headed by the regional executive director
of the DA with a member of the League of
provinces in the region as vice chair. The
other members are the director or head of
Chamber of Commerce , LMP and the
stakeholder representative which
the case of Albay is a non-government
organization, the Tunay, Tapat Lahing
Pilipino Corporation (TTLPC).
Regional Information Officer
DA-RFU 5, San Agustin, Pili
Camarines Sur
One of the suggestions from the
RPAB members during the meeting is to
include in the business plan the disposal
management of coco dust or coco peat.
Another suggestion is the positioning of
decorticating machines at a distance of
50 kilometers from each other to avoid
competition. Concern about the threat
of scale insect now affecting coconut
plantation in Batangas provinces was also
raised. It was also suggested that a written
Technical Evaluation and Endorsement
from the Regional Program Coordinating
Office be issued.
Present during the meeting were:
Dir. Shandy M. Hubilla, PRDP Luzon B.
Program Coordinator; Dr. Ellen de los
Santos, DA Regional technical director
for Operations and Extension and PRDP
focal person , Allen Aga, Acting Asst.
Director, Bureau of Local Government
Finance (BLGF); Engr. Sergio Uy of
DPWH; Ramon Orticio of DTI; Lerma
Dino of DAR; Marilou Palacio of DSWD;
Elizabeth Padilla of
DENR; Alvin
Trespeces and Edmundo Bailon of PCA;
Domingo Pera and Sandro Noquera of
Alfredo Rillo of RAFC and
Josias Pedrocello, chairperson of TTLPC).
Also present were the members
of the Provincial Program management
Implementing Units of Albay and the
Regional Program Coordinating Office in
Bicol. (Emily B. Bordado).
Dear Ms. Bordado,
We are pleased to inform you that the provincial
Government of Albay thru the provincial Agricultural Services
Office will celebrate the 12th Farmers and Fisherfolks’
Celebration: Agri-Fiesta 2014 on May 6 to 8. This years’
theme will be “Agri-BOOM: Better Opportunity for Organic
(Agri-products) Marketing.”
Said event will primarily bring prestige to the role of
fisherfolks, farmers and livestock raisers of their contribution
to the province’s sufficiency in agricultural production that
leads to the improvement of economy in the countryside.
In view of this, may we request from your good office
information, education and communication (IEC) materials
to be included in the registration kits of the Agri-fiesta
Your continued valuable support for this year’s Agri-Fiesta
will be greatly appreciated.Thank you and Mabuhay!
Very truly yours,
Over-all Chairman, Agri-Fiesta 2014
OIC- Provincial Agriculturist, Albay
April - June 2014
Secretary Proceso J. Alcala, Governor Edgardo
Tallado, Director Shandy Hubilla and DA Bicol
Regional Executive Director Abelardo Bragas
signed the Memorandum of Agreement on the
implementation of the Philippine Rural Development
Program (PRDP) in Camarines Norte, with coconut
as priority commodity and geonet as its major
product. Witnessing the signing at the back are Vice
Governor Jonah Pimentel (5th from left); DA RTD
for Operations Elena delos Santos (3rd from left)
and members of the provincial board.
Undersecretary Puyat
visits agri projects and
women’s orgs in CSur
Usec. Puyat with
Cong. Wimpy
Fuentebella at the
Cueto’s farm in
Tigaon (left) and with
members of Tabugon
tribe (right)
Special Concerns, Bernadette
Romulo-Puyat took time from her
hectic schedule in Manila last week and
stayed for 3 days in Camarines Sur visiting
agricultural projects and interacting with
various women’s groups and stakeholders.
Puyat, who is also the Focal person
of the DA Gender and Development Focal
System interacted with over 30 women
cacao processors from Tigaon and Goa
who attended the Training on Fermentation
of Cacao Beans held at Angelie’s Farm in
Goa. Said training was sponsored by the DA
under the High Value Crops Development
Program with invited resource persons
from the CacaoPhil. She awarded
fermentation boxes and cacao seedlings
to the 8 rural women’s associations which
participated in the training. Likewise, she
inducted the newly elected officers of the
Kababaihang Magkakakaw ng Goa headed
by its president, Adelia Magsino , 2nd
placer National Outstanding Rural Women
for 2013; and the Tigaon Cacao Growers
Association headed by its president, Jazmin
Usec. Puyat also dropped by and
briefly interacted with about 42 participants
to the Training on Pili Production and
Processing conducted by the DA and the
Agricultural Training Institute at the Jimmy
Cordero”s Farm in Caraycayon, Tigaon.
She was amazed with the outputs of the
participants which included extracted pili
pulp oil and fashion novelties such as
bracelets, chokers and necklaces made
from discarded pili shells. She was also
welcome there by Sangay mayor Evelyn
She also visited the diversified farm
of barangay captain Lorenzo Cueto in
barangay Cayaoyao also of Tigaon. Of
its total 16 hectares area, 10 hectares are
planted to 600 cacao trees (fruit bearing)
intercropped with calamansi and 5 hectares
are being utilized for free for vegetable
production by 10 families of AgtaTabangnon Tribe. Undersecretary Puyat
was warmly welcomed and entertained
by the Cueto family, the rural women and
the members of the tribal community who
serenaded her with their tribal music and
original local compositions. She sampled
the locally produced cacao- inspired
products like chakoy with tablea filling,
choco crinkles, cupcakes, curros and
others. She was joined there by 4th district
representative Wimpy Fuentebella.
As she is also the chairperson of the
With participants to the training on Pili
Production and Processing in Tigaon.
With Mayor Evelyn B. Fuentebella of
Sangay, Cam. Sur.
With cacao growers of Goa.
National Organic Agriculture Board
(NOAB), Usec. Puyat also visited organic
farms in the province. Among which is the
organic farm of Rosalinda Tan in Cadlan,
Pili. Tan is also engaged in processing
of pili oil into cosmetic products one of
which is the pili-oil based lipstick which
is being patronized and endorsed by Usec.
Puyat herself . Puyat also brought along
two prospective buyers of fermented cacao
beans and pili products. On her last day in
Camarines Sur, Usec. Puyat presided over
the meeting of the Evaluation Committee
National Organic Board which came over
to Camarines Sur to evaluate two Bicolano
organic practitioners vying for a position
in the NOAB which is now in the process
of screening new members of the board.
(Emily B. Bordado)
April - June 2014
AgriPinoy trading center...
(from page 1)
Camarines Norte which shall
serve as a government common
service complex. The APTC
has the following facilities:
a 675 square meters building
equipped with food storage,
cold storage, an office, and a
trading floor. Another building
has a farmers’ lounge with
space for a canteen, power
house, and guard house. There
is also a parking area within
the complex. The facility for
now is being operated by
the provincial government
under the direct supervision
of the Office of the Provincial
Agriculturist, through the
transfer cost; transport and
hauling cost subsidy of at least
5% will be enjoyed by farmers
because of the provision
of trucking facility of the
APTC in the collection and
distribution of farm produce.
Moreover, it is expected that a
more organized trading system
will be established among
producers, traders and other
players within the province,
and neighbouring provinces
including Metro Manila.
In his speech Alcala said
that despite the negative
publicity that he has been
getting he is more focused on
designated project manager,
Engr. Almirante A. Abad.
Later, an accredited farmers’
organization will operate this
facility under the supervision
and direction of the PLGU.
The facility is expected to
benefit at least 10,000 farmers
who are tilling almost 33,198
farms covering approximately
15,000 hectares of productive
lands in the
province. Positive impact will
come in the form of lesser/
minimal trading layers and
intermediaries which almost
always results to higher farm
gate and market price because
of additional logistics and
fulfilling his commitment to
the president and the people
to feed the over 100 Filipino
people. He apologized that the
DA fell short of its 100% rice
self-sufficiency target last year
due to uncontrollable factors
but he explained that the 97%
sufficiency level was still the
highest so far since the Aquino
government took over. He cited
the significant breakthroughs
last year which were : first for
the country to export rice to a
number of countries after 30
years; first for the country to
export chicken to South Korea
and first for the country to
export Peking ducks to Japan.
April - June 2014
He then asked the agristakeholders, LGUs and the
private sector to continue
supporting the programs of
the DA. But he requested
everyone never to refer to the
trading center as “bagsakan”
it has a negative connotation
and does not augur well for
Aside from Alcala also
present during the occasion
were: DAR secretary Virgilio
R. de los Reyes who led the
ceremonial turn over of the 2nd
Agrarian Reform Communities
Project. Other guests include
Dipayan Battacharya of the
World Food Program of the
FAO ; Leandro H. Gazmin,
director of DA Agribusiness
and Marketing Assistance
Service; Executive director,
Helena B. Habulan, Municipal
Development Fund Office of
the Department of Finance;
Leonardo “Sandy
Javier of Javier, Leyte who is
currently the national president
of the League of municipalities;
DSWD regional director Arnel
B. Garcia who also represented
secretary Corazon “Dinky”
Soliman; DA Bicol regional
executive director, Abelardo
R. Bragas; DAR regional
director, Luis B. Bueno, Jr;
DA- PRDP Luzon B Program
The provincial government
officials headed by Governor
Edgardo A. Tallado and vice
governor Jonah Pimentel and
the provincial board members
came in full force. Vinzons
mayor Agnes Ang and other
municipal mayors also graced
the occasion. Regional heads of
DA attached agencies as NIA,
PCA, PhilFIDA, PCIC were
also present.
On same occasion,
Agreement (MOA) on the
implementation of Philippine
Rural Development Program
(PRDP) was signed by Sec.
Alcala and governor Tallado.
The provincial government has
enrolled in this project and has
chosen coconut as its priority
commodity to invest in, with
geonet as its major product.
Moreover, the secretary and
the governor signed a MOA
renewing the contract between
DA and the PLGU authorizing
the latter to utilize 33.3 hectares
of the DA facility – the
Lowland Rainfed Research
Station (formerly
Seed Farm) for agricultural
Alcala also distributed to
farmers’ groups and individuals
farm equipment like
tractors with trailers and farm
and processing equipment,
greenhouse, certified seeds,
assorted vegetables, piglets,
packets of sheep, carabaos with
plow, laminated sacks, bottom
gill nets and motors for bancas
and other items worth over
P54.6M. Some of these were
raffled to lucky farmers and
fisherfolk participants.
After the program an open
forum was held
by a press conference then
trading proper commenced.
Rural based organizations/
associations from nine (9)
in the whole sale trading of
agricultural goods mostly
vegetables which were all sold
out even before the day’s end.
A ting alagaan
para sa
I kauunlad ng
S ambayanan
Malusog na
Nasa Maisan!
Visit at
Dairy Farm
Usec. Reaño inspects
livestock facilities in Bicol
During his recent trip
to Bicol, Department of
Agriculture Undersecretary for
Operations (Livestock) Jose
C. Reaño visited the different
livestock facilities of the DA
in Bicol and conducted briefing
with DA-5 top officials on his
major plans for the livestock
and poultry industry in the
region. He made the inspection
of the facilities on April 14
to 16, 2014, following the
turnover of the Mini-Liquid
Nitrogen Generating Plant in
Masbate City.
First in the list was Naga
City Goat Farm owned by Dr.
Rufo Llorin which is a nucleus
farm accredited by the Bureau
of Animal Industry (BAI). Usec
Reaño committed to provide
dairy goats, forage chopper and
shrubs planting materials under
the DA Livestock and Poultry
Program. He also instructed
Raymond Marcelino, regional
Livestock Program coordinator
to do an analysis on the soil
condition and nutrient content
of the pasture grasses
the goat farm which will be
conducted by the DA Soils and
Feed laboratories respectively.
Usec. Reaño also visited
the Native Chicken Production
project at the DA 5 compound in
Pili, Camarines Sur. It is a new
project jointly of the DA Bicol
and BAI under the Philippine
Native Animal Development
Program (PNAD) aimed to
develop the “Camarines” strain
of native chicken.
He instructed BAI director
to provide other strains and
species of native chicken and
pigs as well as purebred pigs
as he envisioned the project to
be a show window for biogas
production in the region in
support to climate change
mitigation efforts.
was the Regional Animal
Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Reaño ordered the RADDL
to set aside funds for the
procurement of reagents and
for the continuous trainings of
laboratory personnel on latest
developments in diagnostic
He also visited the
Sorsogon Dairy Farm in Cabidan, Sorsogon City, the center
for dairy development in the
region. It will also become a
Multiplier Farm for Goats under
the PL480 project. Usec. Reaño
envisioned it as a show window
on the different improved
production technologies on
crops and livestock integration.
He also dropped by the DA
regional office in Pili where
he interacted with Director
Bragas, other top officials
and employees. (Lovella P.
Irrigation projects turned over in Ocampo
OCAMPO, CAM. SUR -DA OIC Regional Executive
Director Engr. Abelardo R.
Bragas (second from right)
with Cam. Sur 3rd district
Robredo during the blessing
and turnover of the large scale
irrigation projects constructed
by the National Irrigation
Administration (NIA) in 2013
in Ayugan, Ocampo, Camarines
The project beneficiaries
were rice farmers of Ayugan
Hacienda Espiritu Irrigators
Association, Inc. headed by its
president Jesus Quingquing.
Director Bragas said that
Secretary Alcala has allocated
a big chunk of the DA
budget in the construction of
irrigation facilities as water is
a very important component
for sustainable rice production.
Producing more rice with less
water is therefore a formidable
challenge in attaining food
security in our region especially
after PAGASA has announced
the start of El Niño or prolonged
drought until December this
year. He added that because
of irrigation, the Bicol region
ranked 6 among the 17 regions
in terms of contribution to the
over all rice production of the
country, and Camarines Sur
is 6th among the top ten rice
producing provinces of the
country. Director Bragas said
that the DA’s interventions do
not end in the inauguration of
the projects, as all projects are
continuing study on how the rice
farmers can feel the inclusive
growth that the DA envisions.
He said Secretary Alcala orders
a study on the impacts of the
DA’s interventions especially
on farm mechanization in
increasing yield and decreasing
costs of production and
postharvest losses.
Cong. Robredo thanked the
DA and the NIA for the all-out
support to her advocacies for
the 3rd district of Camarines
Sur particularly to the farmers.
She also brought with her 71
pcs. Laminated sacks for the
members of the Ayugan IA.
The IA will also be given a
hand tractor and thresher at
50% counterparting scheme.
Also present during the turn
over were: the very supportive
Cam. Sur Vice Governor
Fortunato C. Peña; Ocampo
Mayor Corazon Olos; barangay
president of CANDUYOG
coop, and members of the
irrigators association. (Lovella
P. Guarin)
April - June 2014
PHILRICE BICOL INAUGURATION. PhilRice Director Eufemio Rasco (at the rostrum) graced the inauguration and
farmers field day of PhilRice Bicol station (right photo) in Batang, Ligao City, Albay. Seated at the presidential table
are Ligao City Mayor Patricia G. Alsua; DA RTD for Operations and Extension Dr. Elena delos Santos; Albay 3rd district
Representative Fernando Gonzales.
DA turns over equipments to farmers/
fisherfolk during Agri Summit in Naga
NAGA CITY. Over 150
farmers and fisherfolk leaders
from the eight (8) towns
of Cam. Sur third district
participated in the “Asenso
Tercer Distrito Agricultural
Summit” on May 27 at the
Naga City People’s Hall. The
occasion was also a tribute to
the late DILG Secretary Jesse
Robredo’s 56th birthday.
Atty. Leni G. Robredo, 3rd
district representative of Cam.
Sur spearheaded the occasion
to connect the farmers and
fishers to government agencies
present such as the Philippine
Charity Sweepstakes Office
Department of
(DA) region 5, Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) region
5, National Dairy Authority
April - June 2014
Director Bragas hands over to City Councilor Nene De
Asis the certificate of award for the 4 wheel drive tractor
Insurance Corporation (PCIC),
GSIS, Planters Product Phil and
Central Bicol State University
of Agriculture (CBSUA).
Atty. Rainier B. Butalid,
Commissioner of Governance
Commission for Government
Corporations was the keynote
Abelardo R. Bragas, OIC
Regional Executive Director of
the Department of Agriculture
in Bicol turned over to the LGU
of Naga City a 4 wheel drive
tractor worth P2.4 million with
counterpart of 15% from the
Naga City LGU. All farmers/
fisherfolk present were also
given one (1) sack certified rice
seeds worth P1,200, laminated
sacks worth P500 and a set
of vegetable seeds. Twenty
(2) lucky raffle draw winners
received a piglet each for
fattening. Director Bragas said
that although some agencies
which used to be attached to the
DA are now under the Office of
the President like NIA, they
will still be united in helping
farmers increase income.
National Dairy Authority
Administrator Grace J. Cenas
discussed the dairy industry
roadmap. She said the NDA and
the Bicol Federation of Dairy
Cooperatives is embarking on
a collaborative undertaking to
increase milk production in the
One of the highlights of
the summit was the outright
instruction of Commissioner
Butalid to NDA Administrator
Grace Cenas and PCSO general
manager Jose Ferdinand Roxas
to implement a milk feeding
program in the 3rd district in
collaboration with the Bicol
Federation of Dairy Coops and
Cam. Sur 3rd district office.
after the
program, NDA Administrator
Director Bragas and Santiago
Cervantes, Chairman of the
Bicol Federation of Dairy
Cooperatives (BFDC) signed
(DGD) program 2014-2016
between TRIAS - a Belgian
sustainable livelihood security
and their organizations in
developing countries, National
Dairy Authority and BFDC.
(Lovella P. Guarin)
Masbate gets
P6.5M... (from page 1)
DA marks Farmers’ month with a festival
- In celebration of Farmers
and Fisherfolk's month, the
Department of Agriculture
regional office held the Farmers
Festival and Barangay Food
Terminal (BFT) Summit on
May 28-30. This year’s theme
is “Ang Family Farming
ay Buhay.” The activity
featured agri-fishery trade fair,
participated by BFT operators,
farmers groups and other ruralbased organizations from the
six provinces of Bicol, techno
fora and product demonstration
by various agri- suppliers/
extension workers and even
students joined the festival
and participated in the technofora on technologies and demo
of modern post harvest and
processing equipment, or to
buy the agri-products for sale
from the various provinces, or
simply to watch the product
demonstrations and exhibits.
Some agriculture stakeholders
also took the opportunity to
visit the facilities of the DA
and consult with the technical
personnel of the DA. Local
media partners also covered the
DA regional executive
director Engr. Abelardo R.
Bragas, said the festive event
was intended to honor and thank
the farmers and fisherfolk and
other agriculture stakeholders
for their contribution not only
to agriculture but also to the
economy of our country, as
providers of food and job
Meanwhile, the Barangay
Food Terminal Summit is also
being held yearly since the
inception of this program in
2010 to serve as a venue for
the BFT operators/recipients
to review and assess the
implementation of the program,
get updates and enhance their
skills on new technologies and
practices and provide them
opportunity to promote their
products and link-up with
buyers or markets for their
BFTs serve as food depot
and distribution outlets in the
community offering affordable,
safe and quality food products
Trading layers are reduced as
middlemen are minimized.
There are now 121 operational
BFTs in the Bicol region.
According to Adelina
A. Losa, chief of the DA
Agribusiness and Marketing
Division which oversees the
implementation of the BFTs
and organized the trade-fair
and summit, the 3-day trade
fair helped the farmers in
linking them to buyers and the
consumers on the otherhand
benefitted from the safe,
affordable products sold in
the exhibit. Moreover, market
matching was facilitated among
producers and buyers.
Also present during the
festival were: BFAR Director
Dennis del Socorro; CBSUA
President Georgina Bordado;
Nida San Juan AMAD Chief
of Region 4B and Philippine
Statistics Authority Director
Cesar Calleja. (Mabelle R.
Masbate Livestock Raisers,
DA 5 RTD Research
Edgar Madrid and Livestock
Program regional coordinator
Raymond Marcelino, who
represented Regional executive
director Engr. Abelardo R.
Bragas who has to fly back to
Manila a few hours before the
occasion because of an urgent
meeting called by DA secretary.
The facility
will be operated by the city
government was established
in response to the clamor of
cattle raisers, in particular the
Cattle Raisers Association of
Masbate Inc. headed by Gerry
Aguilar. The availability of
Liquid Nitrogen is one of the
logistical components of the
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Program of the DA as it is
vital for proper storing and
transporting of animal semen.
Artificial insemination is one
of the strategies to improve
genetics and breed of livestock.
Usec. Reaño who also
met with
the livestock
approved their requests to
establish an animal diagnostic
laboratory in the province.
He committed to release P3M
for the establishment of the
laboratory and the purchase
of the necessary equipment
including an electro semen
determine if the semen of
bulls are still viable. The site
for the laboratory has yet to
be determined but this has to
be under the supervision of the
DA regional office according to
Reaño. BAI director Cresencio,
who hails from Sorsogon
province has suggested to have
it at the Don Emilio B. Espinosa
Sr. Memorial State College of
Agriculture and Technology
(DEBESMSCAT) in Mandaon
or at the DA Breeding Station
in Asid,
Masbate City.
Mayor Tuason thanked the
(Next page pls.)
April - June 2014
Masbate gets P6.5M...
DA for making a reality the
long time demand of cattle
raisers of their province. She
said the presence of the plant
right in their locality will
greatly reduce the
cost of
transporting semen tanks and
make them readily accessible
at any time. She also strongly
endorsed the
of an Animal Diagnostic
Laboratory as this will pave
the way to realizing their vision
of making Masbate an Organic
Beef Producer by 2020.
According to Dr. Ceñas
of NDA, Masbate has great
potential for dairy development
and that their office is ready
to support the island province
in this undertaking.
presented a scheme where
breeds for meat
production will be crossbred
with dairy breeds. NDA will
buy the offspring for milking
purposes and later when there
are enough dairy animals in
the island, the establishment
of milk processing or dairy
plants will subsequently follow.
During the turn-over ceremony
the DA regional office also
turned over to the city
Masbate; a check worth P2.9M
(from page 8)
as a first tranche payment
for the opening of a Farmto-Market
Barangay Igang in Masbate
City and sitio Gatuson in
Milagros under the Bottomup-Budgetting
Likewise, the DA regional
office turned over 200 bags
of hybrid corn seeds (at 20 kg
per bag) worth P500,000.00
in addition to 200 bags earlier
turned over to the province to
be distributed to corn cluster
areas there. Dir. Bragas also
turned over to the LGU of
Aroroy 2 units of palay thresher
and 2 units of hand tractor
also under the BUB program.
Meanwhile, during the
meeting with livestock raisers
Assec. Catbagan said that
imported breeds from the USA
are due to arrive in our country
this year and 300 heads are
allocated for Visayas with
Masbate getting its share from
the Visayas allocation.
importation of livestock is part
of the government’s thrust of
infusing new livestock breeds
to upgrade our native stocks.
Usec. Reaño said that the
DA will not only concentrate
on animal infusion but will
DA-DepEd award Best Gulayan
sa Paaralan in Cam. Sur
The winners of the Best Gulayan sa Paaralan implementer
in Camarines Sur.
April - June 2014
National Dairy Authority Administrator Dr. Grace Ceñas
looks over the facilities inside the newly inaugurated
Liquid Nitrogen Plant in Masbate City.
also focus on improving animal
improvement and
calving or conception and
education for
breeders through trainings.
He invited the breeders to
visit the DA facility, the 187hectare Regional
Breeding Center in Mabatobato, in Mandaon town where
native carabaos have been
genetically upgraded and where
nutrition-rich forage grasses
are also available as source of
planting materials. He bared
that only five (5) personnel are
assigned in the facility and yet
it has now produced a total of
148 heads and generated a total
income of P234,000- over the
last two years.
Usec. Reaño was also the
guest of honor in this year’s
(Emily B. Bordado)
Agriculture in partnership with
the Department of Education
for two years now has been
evaluating and awarding the
best Gulayan sa Paaralan in
the province of Camarines
Sur. The search aims to sustain
the program and to generate
among schools.
The project is being
implemented in all public
elementary and secondary
According to DepEd Assistant
Nympha Guemo the project
has encouraged school children
to plant and inculcate in them
the importance of planting trees
and vegetables not only for
the environment but also for
health. She emphasized that
the measure of the effectiveness
of the project implementation is
when each family has adopted
and established their home
gardens as their source of
vegetable for consumption.
Guemo added that there at
least five benefits in planting
saving as the family need not
buy vegetables as they have
ready source of vegetable
for consumption; beneficial
to health and wellness as
vegetables are rich in vitamins
and minerals; it is a form of
exercise because in planting
alone 200-500 calories is lost;
the taste of the vegetable is
different because it is harvested
fresh and cooked fresh and it
is good for the environment as
(Please turn to page 12)
A young Engineer
committed to develop
green and
in agriculture
by: Emily B. Bordado
ey E. Bien is a young
full of bright
innovative ideas. He developed
an agitator/mixer which is an
add-on component for the flat
bed dryer (FBD) developed by
PhilMech. This agitator helps
prevent uneven drying
reduces the normal drying time
of grains. Not only that, this
add-on component is easy to
operate and prevents exposure
of the FBD operator to heat
while drying is in progress.
But most important , this paddy
agitator/mixer is powered by
2-geared DC motors connected
to a solar panels and utilizes
renewable energy systems
which is appropriate to flat
bed dyers without access to
Using his technical knowhow
in agricultural engineering and
his 3 years work experience
at the Department of Energy –
Affiliated Non-Conventional
Rey Bien shows his especially designed furnace made of brick.
(DOEANEC) he came up with
a Programmable Integrated
Circuit (PIC) which serves
as operation controller for
the paddy agitator/mixer. The
system also controls the plenum
by reducing
or increasing the speed of
automatic rice hull feeder.
Rey explains that he uses
which powers all electrical
components such as the system
PIC, DC motors for mixer and
rice hull automatic feeder. A
24 volts alternator charge two
12 volts battery connected in
series ,driven using the engine
used by the FBD Blower. The
software for programmable
IC (PIC) was developed by
his younger brother Diosdado
(Dadoy) who is an IT
He also has a modified
version of
the direct- fired
furnace for dryer with heat
exchanger for drying cacao
and gabi leaves.
A graduate from the
Central Bicol State University
of Agriculture
(CSSAC), Rey
is also
engaged in Greenhouse design
and construction; designing and
installation of drip and sprinkler
irrigation systems,
gardening and hydrophonic
He also provides organic
services. He is currently the
proprietor/ manager of the REB
Greentech Systems Enterprises
based in Calabanga town in
, Camarines Sur. He is ably
assisted by his wife Christine
who takes charge of the
administrative matters of their
business enterprise.
He has designed a greenhouse
which could
be hoisted to plant height
when the wind velocity is
strong. Said greenhouse is also
installed with RH, temperature
and soil
moisture sensors
which automatically drip when
soil moisture is below 30%
and mist when the temperature
reached 35%. Said greenhouse
Engr. Bien explaining the
functions of the agitator he
introduced in the flatbed
is installed with an air vent to
ensure continuous air flow and
prevent hot temperature to be
retained inside. He is currently
working on an automatic plant
grower using light spectrum
for indoor gardening.
not only enjoys
and loves
tinkering with
agricultural equipment and
machineries. He is also an
agriculturists in the real sense
of the world as he loves to
collect and plant all sorts of
plants in the hectare lot which
and his wife purchased several
years ago. This lot located
at Barangay Bigaas, also of
Calabanga also serves as his
demo and fabrication area.
He has about 30,000 cacao
seedlings which are the BR25
and UF18 varieties. The seeds
came all the way from Davao.
This cacao seedlings according
to Rey is fast growing and
could start fruiting after 18
He also has over a hundred
gabi plants consisting of the
local Binting Dalaga variety
and the bicol purple variety
which according to him is the
best variety for processing as
dried gabi leaves.
Along the boundaries of
his lot he also planted bamboos,
the Guadua varieties from
Costa Rica which according
to Rey is the world’s strongest
(Please turn to page 12)
April - June 2014
Yes, garlic also
thrives in Bicol
arlic has been hogging
the limelight recently
with its price spikes.
From the regular price of P120
to P150 per kilo a few months
ago it soared to P300 to P320 at
this time of the year when the
local varieties of this essential
culinary ingredient is being
harvested in the Ilocos and
Pangasinan regions, Southern
Tagalog and Central Luzon.
One possible reason for
this sudden spike in the prices
of garlic is the big demand for
this important spice because
it is now also being used for
medicinal purposes.
It is
claimed to help prevent heart
disease , high cholesterol , high
blood pressure and cancer. It
is also used in preparation
of drugs, pesticides and
But the DA is also looking
into the possible manipulation
unscrupulous traders who are
controlling the price of garlic
by controlling the supply. With
the government’s
campaign against smuggling,
goods which used to proliferate
our local markets via illegal
routes are no longer possible.
Thus, some traders who have
bought and amassed the bulk
of the locally produced garlic
are controlling the supply of
this commodity in the market.
But this sudden surge
April - June 2014
by: Emily B. Bordado
in prices of garlic should be
taken by our local farmers as
an opportunity for them to
generate income.
from other regions should
try planting this crop. In
fact Bicolano farmers from
barangay Malapay, Pio Duran
in Albay
successfully planted
Initially, 20 farmer
members of Malapay Farmers
Association was assisted by
the Department of Agriculture
regional office through its High
Value Crops Development
Program (HVCDP) last year
(2013) even before the price
spikes of garlic. A techno
demo on garlic production
implemented in the
municipality involving the 20
According to Rosita M.
Imperial, regional HVCDP
coordinator, the 20 farmers
were provided
with the
Ilocos white variety with the
understanding that for every
20 kg received the farmer
will payback 25 kg of garlic
after harvest to be rolled over
or be given to other interested
farmers. A total of 2 hectares
were planted by the 20 farmers
at not less than 1,000 square
meter each. Seeding rate was
800 kilograms per hectare.
After harvest the average yield
obtained was 1.3 metric tons
per hectare.
The DA in Bicol decided
to put its stake in garlic
production in 2013
some farmers from Pio Duran
participated in the Agrifair
held at the regional office in
2013 during the Farmers and
Fisherfolk’s month celebration.
The farmers accompanied by
their agricultural technicians
brought garlic for sale and
claimed that it was their own
produce. This
caught the
interest of the DA regional
executive director Abelardo
R. Bragas and instructed the
HVCDP coordinator to extend
assistance to the garlic farmers.
On October of 2013 the
farmers began planting the
Ilocos white varieties provided
by the DA. The farmers’
counterpart were their land and
labor. They were also trained
on organic garlic production
using green manure. Provincial
Albay and the Office of
Municipal Agricultural
Office of Pio Duran headed
Rosalina Sariola lent
support by providing technical
assistance to the farmers and
by monitoring the progress of
the project .
On March 18 this year the
first harvest festival
Garlic production was held in
barangay Malapay. This was
attended by the DA officials
from the regional office led by
Rosita M. Imperial, from the
provincial agriculture office
led by Ernesto S. de la Torre,
OIC provincial agriculturist,
Pio Duran mayor
Callope and members of the
municipal council also graced
the occasion. Mayor Callope
said he is keen on reviving
garlic production in his town.
He said about several years
ago, local farmers have been
planting garlic on a backyard
But most of their
produce were very small. But
for quite a while after typhoon
Reming hit Albay province
farmers stopped planting.
Perhaps the renewed
interest of farmers to plant
this crop again is the fact
that Bicol over the past years
had been spared from strong
typhoons. Also, the farmers
who underwent training prior
to the establishment of the
techno demo, learned some
new good practices such as:
that December planting which
was their practice before tends
to produce smaller bulbs due to
infestation of thrips and mites
and the bulbs are sometimes
affected by early rain.
also learned that application
of organic fertilizer
not only provide macro and
micro-nutrients but also some
which improves the physical,
conditions of the soil.
Couple Diego and
Veronica Madela were among
(Please turn to page 12)
DA HVCDP regional coordinator Rosita Imperial addesses the
garlic farmers during the harvest festival.
A young engineer...
bamboo. He said he was able
to get this specie from a plant
nursery in Los Baños, Laguna
Assorted vegetables are
also planted in his farm
which include iceberg lettuce,
turmeric and herbal plants
and ornamental plants are also
planted in his farm.
Engineer Rey is not only
full of bright and innovative
DA - DepEd award Best Gulayan...
(from page 10)
ideas. He is also strongly
committed to develop green
or environment-friendly and
sustainable technology in
agriculture. He has the chance
to work abroad and practice his
craft and skills there perhaps
with better pay but he chose to
stay and offer his service to his
fellow Bicolanos and Filipinos.
is propagating
for sale inside
his farm.
Engr. Bien shows to the author (in red) the metal frame of
the furnace he is using for the flatbed dryer. Also in photo
(in stripe tops) is his wife Cristine.
Growing garlic in Bicol...
the first 6 farmers who
harvested. They utilized a ¼
hectare portion of their land. In
October 2013 they planted 100
kgs cloves of Ilocos white at a
distance of 20 cm x 29 cm at
2cm to 3 cm deep. They used
green manure as fertilizer.
By March they have already
harvested a total of 800 kgs
of garlic which they sell at
P100 – P200 per bundle which
has over 100 heads or gloves
depending on the size (small,
medium and large). This gives
the Madela couple a gross
income of about P160,000.
(from page 11)
Shortly before the price of
garlic spike up to P300-320
per kilo some of the farmers
from Pio Duran who harvested
late brought their produce
to the Agri-fiesta event at
the DA regional office as a
culminating activity for the
farmers and fisherfolk’s month
celebration. They sold their
garlic at P150 per kilo.
Encouraged by the success
of this techno demo and the
high price and big demand for
garlic, the DA regional office is
mulling over expanding the area
of garlic production not only
Operations and Extension Elena
de los Santos said that gulayan
also aims to raise awareness on
the nutritional and economic
benefits of vegetables by
encouraging more households
and community gardens; to
inculcate among children the
appreciation of agriculture as
a life support system; maintain
school gardens as food basket to
sustain supplementary feeding,
thereby help reduce hunger and
malnutrition in the schools and
community. DA will continue to provide
quality planting materials and
technical assistance.
De los Santos congratulated
the teachers and the project
in-charge particularly Dr.
Amancio Doblon, EPS for
Agriculture for spearheading
the project and the Department
Education Agriculture
Teachers Association (DEATA)
with its President Mr. Pedro
Borason Jr.
(from page 9)
The contest has three
categories: District level,
Congressional level and the
Division Level where
26 schools were ranked
accordingly. The top five
received a trophy, drum,
water hose, knapsack sprayer,
wheelbarrow, garden tools,
plastic crates, plastic twine
and assorted vegetable seeds
from DA. The winners for
the congressional and district
levels received certificate of
This year’s best NGP/
School of Buhi; 2nd placeUnion Elementary School
of Calabanga; 3rd place
Buenavista Elementary School
Tinambac South; 4th place
Caranan North Elementary
School Pasacao; 5th place
Tinambac. (Mabelle R. Ilan)
Taking off from the National Year of Rice 2013, the Be RICEponsible
is an advocacy campaign that aims to promote the RICEponsibility of
every Filipino to their bodies and to our country for better health and
rice self-sufficiency. Apart from the role of the farmers, it is informing
the consumers and policy-makers on how they can help the country
achieve rice self-sufficiency.
in Albay but also in Camarines
Sur and other provinces. In
fact some municipalities in
Camarines Sur like Sipocot,
Libmanan and Lupi used to
grow this crop. Some LGUs
have also expressed their
interest in venturing into garlic
Among them
is mayor Olivia Bermillo of
Castilla Sorsogon.
Garlic can actually be
grown in different types of soil.
However, sandy, silt and clay
loam are recommended for
commercial production. The
soil should be fertile, rich in
organic matter, well-drained
and capable of holding adequate
moisture during the growing
period. Garlic does not grow
well in areas with excessive
rainfall. It grows favorably
in areas with Type I climate,
which is characterized by a
wet season that usually occurs
from May to October and a
dry season from November to
It may not
only be
wishful thinking but given the
proper climate, soil condition ,
technology and good practices,
and the strong determination
of farmers to grow this crop,
garlic could become a prolific
crop in Bicol and elsewhere.
April - June 2014
in Naga City
– The cutflower industry
here received a boost as the
Department of Agriculture
RFO 5 under its High Value
Crops Development Program
(HVCDP) included it among
the priority projects for
2014 to provide additional
income to upland farmers.
As an initial step a twoday training on cutflowers
production was conducted for
some 56 members of the Pacol
Cutflowers Association
June 24-25, 2014 here.
Cut flowers are fresh
flowers and flower buds that
DA Bicol cascades...
is currently implementing
it is also looking into other
interventions that will have
greater impact and wider and
holistic coverage or reach.
Bragas cited
that one
such intervention and project
being promoted by the DA to
Masbate is the establishment of
Rice Processing Centers like
the one to be turned over the
next day to the a cooperative
in the town of Milagros.
Said facility will improve the
milling recovery for palay,
minimize losses and lessen
incidence of rice smuggling.
This will subsequently lower
poverty rate.
The next day the team went
to the town of Milagros for
the blessing and turn over to
the Narangasan Multipurpose
of the
completed Rice Processing
Center I
The facility
which was
received by
Vilma Fontelan,
chairperson, was developed
by the Philippine Center for
Postharvest Development and
April - June 2014
Cutflower growers from Pacol Naga City listen intently
to experts from Baguio City demonstrating cutflower
handling techniques.
have been cut from the plant
suitable for bouquets, wreaths,
corsage and special flower
In the 70’s the industry was
confined only to a few, small
growers - hobbyists or plant
enthusiasts. The burgeoning
of more hotels and restaurants,
influx of tourists have increased
the demand for cutflowers and
triggered more production. But
there is still a short fall in the
supply. The demand for the
domestic market is so big that
the country has no option but
to import some cut flowers,
mainly chrysanthemum and
orchids from other countries.
This is especially true during
Valentine's Day (Feb. 14), All
Saint's Day (Nov. 1), School
Graduation (March and April),
May Flower Festivals and
Yuletide Seasons (December).
and vegetable and cutflower
experts from Baguio City – DA
RFO Cordillera Administrative
Region were invited to serve as
resource speakers. Andy Colte,
Magsasaka Siyentista of CAR
(from page 1)
has the following components:
a mechanical dryer with
biomass furnace (multi fuel);
multi pass rice mill (doublepass; 1 ton/h milling capacity)
and a warehouse).
Mayor Isabel Magbalon
expressed her gratitude to the
DA for granting this facility
. She expressed that DA is
truly bridging the gap by
reaching out and delivering
services especially to poor
municipalities like theirs.
Likewise, she
the NMC officials for taking
the initiative to avail of this
intervention being offered by
DA-PhilMech under its Rice
Mechanization Program. Also
present during the turn over
were: Don Julian david of
PhilMech; Restituto Dunceras
Jr.,of the National Food
Authority; Nacida Aspa, of
the Cooperative Development
Authority and Barangay captain
Johnson Victoria.
(Turn to page 14)
and Lito Mocati, Agriculturist
II and vegetable focal person
also of CAR discussed the
selection of Chrysanthemum,
cultural management, insect
and disease control, postharvest
and economic
The speakers noted that
the present practice of the
cutflower growers in Naga
City used to be the practice
in Benguet 40 years ago.
Therefore, there is a need to
learn to new technology and
techniques to improve the
quality of cutflowers in Naga
Dr. Elena B. delos Santos,
RTD for Operations and
Extension said, this is a joint
project of the DA, the Naga
City Government and the Pacol
Cutflowers association. As the
lead implementor, the DA will
provide technical assistance,
irrigation facilities, capability
enhancement (Lakbay Aral),
demonstration. The DA, in
cooperation with Central Bicol
State University of Agriculture
to conduct research studies on
cutflower production, including
industry analysis for its further
The Naga City government
assistance, assign a technician
who will closely monitor
the project; provide funds
for new upgraded varieties;
establish a seedling nursery
for distribution to farmers; and
provide one stall for the cut
flowers association in the CBD
While the cut flower
association provided the site
and manpower for the project
and inputs in the establishment
of greenhouse, and maintain
the project.
Present during the training
were Edna Bongalonta, City
Imperial, DA HVCDP regional
Coordinator; Cam. Sur 3rd
district Representative Leni
Robredo also graced the hands
on demonstration on the second
day. (Lovella P. Guarin)
DA employees do earthquake and fire drill
The Department of Agriculture
RFO 5 in cooperation with
the Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP), Municipal Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management
Council of Pili and Kabalikat
Civicom Pili (104), conducted
an earthquake and fire drill
inside the DA compound here
on April 7. Several briefings on
general emergency procedures
in case of earthquake and fire
was conducted by the BFP for
the DA employees in the first
week of the month.
The drill was initiated by
the DA Regional Action Center
led by Eduardo L. Lomerio,
Chief of the Operations
Division in compliance with
the memorandum from the
Regional DRRMC. This is
DA Bicol cascades...
for valuable things which
can still be saved. Injured
employees were brought to
the evacuation center and
immediately given first aid by
the first aid team.
emphasized that there is a risk
of fire during an earthquake
which could be caused by
breaking of gas pipes, electrical
wiring, or dislodged stoves, etc.
So right after the earthquake
drill, the fire drill followed.
Some employees got a chance
to use the fire extinguisher to
extinguish a real fire.
At the end of the drill,
FO1 Joey Ricky B. Cesar of
the BFP gave his assessment
on the concluded drill. Overall,
the DA got a passing grade with
some recommendations.
DA Regional Executive
Director Abelardo R. Bragas
thanked the Bureau of Fire, the
MDRRMC Pili and Kabalikat
Civicom for teaching the DA
employees on safety in times of
disaster. He said knowing what
to do in times of an earthquake
or fire is very important not
only in the office but also in the
homes as one’s knowledge and
preparedness will determine
one’s safety when faced with
real disaster.
(Lovella P.
(from page 13)
On the 3rd day the team
went to the town of Cataingan
and turned over to the Local
Government of
through Mayor Wilton T. Kho
one (1) unit 4-wheel drive
tractor; 30 bags open pollinated
variety corn seeds and 100
pieces laminated sacks.
Regional Technical
Director for Operations and
Extension, Dr. Elena b. de los
Santos bared that there are a lot
more programs and projects in
store for LGUs and farmers
such as the Participatory
Grassroots Budgeting, the
Pamana and the PRDP.
Dir. Bragas for his part
reiterated president Aquino’s
order to government agencies
to cascade down government
programs to the grassroots. He
also noted that opportunities for
agricultural development in the
countryside is vast because of
its rich natural resources most
also part of the continuing
commitment of all government
agencies in reducing risks
conducting drills and testing
evacuation plans and level
of preparedness if actual
earthquake and fire take place.
The drill has four stages
namely: Alarm of the siren
simulating an earthquake;
Response where employees
executed the duck, cover
and hold position. As the
siren stopped, the employees
proceeded to the designated
counting was done to determine
missing personnel. Afterwards
the rescue team immediately
searched for injured employees
while the salvage team looked
DA OIC Regional Executive
Director Abelardo R. Bragas
delivers hands over the
certificate of commendation
to MDRRMC of Pili, Cam.
of which remain untapped.
“That is why the government
determined in pouring
assistance to the rural areas,’ he
As an additional commitment
to the LGU of Cataingan,
Dir. Bragas promised to send
10 knapsack sprayers and
assorted vegetable seeds to be
distributed to farmers engaged
in high value crops.
also promised to coordinate
with the Philippine Coconut
Authority to provide assistance
in arresting or treating coconut
diseases in the area.
Mayor Kho conveyed
his deep appreciation for the
assistance provided by the
DA. He said that the tractor
will be a great help to farmers
in their municipality as the
time for land preparation
will be shortened and farm
work will be more efficient.
however, reminded
Dir. Bragas turns over to Vilma Fontelan,President of the
Narangsan Multipurpose Cooperative (NMC), the symbolic
key to to the Rice Processing Center I.
the farmers beneficiaries to
ensure the proper maintenance
efficient utilizations of
the farm inputs and goods
provided them. Also present
during the turn-over were:
Fernando Talisic, municipal
administrator, Rodrigo Datoon,
Farmer association president
Municipal Agriculturist.
Bragas, the DA regional team
included, RTD Elelena B. de
los Santos, operations division
High Value Crops Program
coordinator, Rosita Imperial,
Regional Crops protection
chief, Dr. Evangeline de la
Engineer Nilda
Albaño of the Regional
Luz Marcelino,
BIARC, manager and Don
Julian David of PhilMech.
(Emily B. Bordado and
Blesilda A. Nuñez)
April - June 2014
PRDP orientation for Bicol provinces held
The Department of Agriculture
recently conducted series of
Orientation Meetings with the
Local Government Units on
Philippine Rural Development
According to RTD for
Operations and Extension Elena
de los Santos, PRDP is being
implemented in partnership
with the local government units.
It is a platform for a modern
and climate smart agriculture
with four program components
namely: investments for AFMP
Planning at the local and national
levels (I-PLAN), Intensified
Building-Up of Infrastructure
and Logistics for Development
(I-BUILD), Investments for
Rural Enterprises and AgriFishery Productivity (I-REAP)
and Support to Program
Implementation (I-SUPPORT).
De los Santos added
that each province came up
with a Provincial Commodity
Investment Plan (PCIP). This
is a product of the value chain
analysis and interventions
shall be focused on the
identified commodity. She
said orientations like this is
being conducted to orient the
PLGUs and the PLGU planning
team on the process of PCIP
preparation, using the value
chain analysis. They will also
be taught on how to prepare the
draft PCIP for review on the
next step of PCIP finalization.
On the part of the
governors they are optimistic
that the project would bring
benefits to the farmers and
that it would also promote
in the countryside. Under
the I-BUILD and I-REAP
infrastructures will be built
that would increase production
and income of the farmers and
fisherfolk. The I-BUILD in
particular took the biggest slice
of the PRDP funds.
Araceli B. Wong said that the
project is important for the
island province as they want
to ensure that farmers would
get quality produce and obtain
City Mayor Sally Lee on the
otherhand, emphasized that this
project is part of the answer
to mitigate climate change.
She thanked the DA and the
World Bank for coming up
Two farmers from Baao, Cam.
Sur, namely, Hazel Buena
and Lando Ferrer, joined the
Lakbay Aral of High Value
Crops Development Program
(HVCDP) School on the Air
farmer graduates, regional
farmcasters and outstanding
graduates of Farmers Field
School to selected provinces of
region III (Central Luzon).
conducted by the Agriculture
and Fisheries Information
collaboration with the High
Value Crops Development
It aims to give the farmergraduates actual exposure
on productive, viable and
profitable technologies and
projects which they can apply
in their respective farms.
Charism Natural Farm in San
Roque, Magalang Pampanga;
Zambales Farmers Cooperative
in San Antonio, Zambales;
Batungbakal Mango Plantation
in Palawig, Zambales; Gawad
Saka HVCDP regional winner
Tayaben’s farm in San Luis
Aurora and the Okra Export
Processing Center Jelfarm of
San Manuel, Tarlac. (Blesilda
Dir. Shandy Hubilla discusses the PRDP project during
the orientation at Sorsogon
with this project that prioritizes
and resource conservation.
commodities were identified for
the PCIP which include abaca,
coconut and crab. They will
decide on the final commodity
in their next meeting. On the
part of Sorsogon, they chose pili
while Masbate has not decided
yet on the specific commodity.
Meanwhile, the PRDP
Overview and Implementation
Arrangement was discussed
by Director Shandy Hubilla
Luzon B- Program Support
Office Coordinator
the Investments in AFMP
Planning at the Local and
National Levels was discussed
by Jaydda Mayoralgo. Other
topics discussed include :
Intensified Building Up of
Infrastructure and Logistics
for Development; Investments
for Rural Enterprises and
Agricultural and Fisheries
Productivity and Social and
Planning Development Officers
of each province presented
their priority commodities.
(Mabelle Roa-Ilan)
Baao farmers join lakbay aral DA summer internship program
to Central Luzon
April - June 2014
PILI, CAMARINES SUR. Twenty-six (26) youths
participated in the tweny (20) days Summer Internship
Program being offered annualy by the DA.
It started on April 21 and ended on May 20 through
a colorful closing ceremony.
Climate FFS on Corn
for AEWs
--- In May the Department
of Agriculture RFO 5 Corn
Program in cooperation with
Institute (ATI) and LGUs,
conducted a massive Climate
Farmers Field School (CFFS)
on corn to help corn farmers be
resilient to climate change. A
total of thirty (30) pilot CFFS
will be conducted for four
(4) months starting May (wet
cropping season).
In preparation for this,
Business Center here on April
Eduardo Lomerio, Chief
of the DA Bicol Operations
Division and Regional Corn
Program coordinator said that
after this crash course, these
AEWs will simultaneously
conduct the targeted thirty (30)
CFFS to coincide with typhoon
months to test Good Practice
Options (GPOs)suited for this
kind of weather disturbance. He
added that the DA 5 AgriPinoy
corn program has already
Camarines Sur; seven (7) in
Albay; one (1) in Camarines
Norte; and five (5) in Masbate.
The CFFS is in response to
the directive from Agriculture
Secretary Proceso J. Alcala
to incorporate
topics on
disaster risk reduction and
climate change adaptation
in all trainings of the DA.
Lomerio also added that the
DA Central Office is coming
up with a manual of operation
where the CFFS training will
be mainstreamed in the said
The modules to be used
for this FFS will focus more on
PAGASA weather forecasting –
how it can be related to farmers
Ed Lomerio, Chief
Operations Division
over seventy (70) agricultural
extension workers (AEWs) of
the Department of Agriculture 5
Corn program attended a three
(3) day Trainers’ Training on
Climate Farmers Field School
for corn held at the Macagang
transferred a total of P1 million
to the Agricultural Training
Institute for the procurement of
inputs and supplies to be used
in the conduct of the CFFS.
seventeen (17) sites in
field. The AEWS will be
obliged to observe the weather
and teach farmers in using the
weather data in their corn fields.
The first day of the training was
spent at the CBSUA Agromet
Station wherein
Consulta, Chief Meteorological
Officer discussed how the
station provides daily agri
bulletin and other important
information needed by the
Meanwhile, the topics
discussed during the training
at Nabua include: weather
interpretation and common
weather and climate terms
by Dr. Landrico Dalida,
Chief, PAGASA Southern
Luzon Bureau; Basic Data
Automated Weather Stations
and Basic Operation of Rain
gauge by Allan Almojuela
and Mitigation Initiative in
Climate Adaptation Techniques
discussed by Dr. Salvadora
Gavino Agriculturist II of DA;
Pests and Diseases occurrence
on Changing Climate by Dr.
Evangeline dela Trinidad, Chief
of DA Integrated Laboratories
and Regional Crop Protection
Cambaya; and Growth Stages
of Corn Affected by Climate
Change by Edgardo dela Torre
of FAO. Reynaldo Dizon of
ATI presented the final module
for CFFS corn as output of
the workshop. (Lovella P.
DA women employees train
on uses of herbs and spices
NAGA CITY --- As a strategy to explore
the high economic potential of Bicol’s
endemic/indigenous plants, the DA 5
conducted a two-day Trainors’ Training on
Herbs and Spices Utilization on April 2425 here.
According to Dr. Estela C. Tano, Sr.
Agriculturist from Quezon Agricultural
Experiment Station, it is important to
identify what particular herbs grow in your
region to promote its value and maximize
its use.
The 17 participants, mostly members
of the DA 5 Lady Employees Association
were given 3 modules: Development of
Soap using indigenous plants (papaya
extract); Develoment of herbal tea using
indigenous plants; Development of a
natural healing cream using indigenous
plants (turmeric).
Lucia Dalisay of the Green Reserve
Organic Association, Inc. explained the
many uses and benefits of turmeric. She
also shared her experiences when she
ventured into business upon learning the
3 modules. (Blesilda A. Nuñez)
Herbal cream making
April - June 2014
...on Sustainable
Upland Farming
Department of Agriculture
together with the Department
of Environment and Natural
Resources and Bureau of
Soils and Water Management
conducted a training on
sustainable upland farming
through soil conservation or the
guided farm approach recently.
Over 30 farmers attended the
training at Conde’s Resort in
Cagmanaba, Oas, Albay.
According to Concepcion
Mendoza Chief, Forestry
Management of DENR, this
training will equip the members
of the Cagmanaba Upland
Coastal Farmers Association
with the technologies on forest
management and conservation
which is one of the mitigating
measures to combat climate
change. She urged the group
to support the project and
continue to protect the forest
for the next generation. The
government is sincere in
carrying out interventions and
projects to protect the forest and
To date, 567 hectares has been
planted to pili, cacao, coffee,
gmelina, mahogany, narra and
fuelwoods. To ensure that right
technologies are adopted , the
DA together with BSWM will
supervise the establishment of
the model guided farm. The
1.5 hectare model farm will
showcase sustainable upland
farming and soil conservation
Topics discussed include:
National Greening Program –
Ms. Gemma Lavilla Regional
Balik Probinsiya Program
Coordinator; Soil Conservation
and Management Technologies
and Pagkuha ng Lupang
Ipapasuri – Engr. Bony de
La Cruz, BSWM ; Hakbang
sa Paggawa at Paggamit ng
A-Frame and Paggawa ng
RTD Edgar
Kompost sa Pamamagitan ng
Madrid turns over Tradisyonal at Makabagong
various garden
Pamamaraan – Mr. Rogelio
tools to Oas,
Creencia, BSWM . Second
Albay Municipal
day was devoted to layout,
contouring using A-Frame at
the model farm site facilitated
Officer Leandro
Ondis. Looking on by Mr. Patricio Yambot of
BSWM. Likewise, DA also
are the officers
turned-over 10 sets garden tools
and members
(rake, hoe, sprinkler, shovel)
of Cagmanaba
and 2 units wheelbarrow to the
Upland Coastal
association. (Mabelle R. Ilan)
aggressive advocacy campaign
is being done to preserve and
conserve the forests.
Meanwhile, RTD for
Research and Regulations
Dr. Edgar Madrid said that
the training is one of the
interventions identified in the
inter-agency Balik Probinsiya
Program being implemented
by DENR. Other agencies
involved are DA, DTI,
and DPWH. The barangays
identified are Nagas, Tapel
and Cagmanaba in Oas,Albay
covering 2,000 hectares. It has
a two-pronged approach; one
is social recovery and the other
one is supplementation of the
National Greening Program.
...on PRISM
for crop
NAGA CITY – 30 agriculture extension
workers (AEWs) and selected personnel
from the DA regional office who will
serve as crop health observers in selected
municipalities regionwide attended the
4-day training for Component B of the
Philippine Rice Information System
(PRISM). It was held July 8-11 at Villa
Caceres Hotel in Naga City.
PRISM is a planning and monitoring
tool developed by IRRI and PhilRice
that the Department of Agriculture’s
April - June 2014
Rice Self Sufficiency Program /Food
Staple Sufficiency Program adopted for
implementation in selected areas in the
Philippines. It comprises 2 components.
Component A will serve as a databank
of actual rice area and yield; map of
rice growing areas affected by flooding
and drought. Component B will measure
animal pest and diseases injuries. This is
being carried out through surveys of the
different rice ecosystems characterizing
the production situation and yield reducing
factors in rice production.
The crop health observers have
cellphones that are programmed with
applications to input the data following
the IRRI’s survey portfolio and to record
plant injuries caused by animal pests,
diseases, weeds present in identified farms
during the booting and ripening stages of
rice. Yield data will be gathered at harvest.
Farmers’ interview will also be conducted
to determine pesticide and fertilizer input
utilized on their farms. Data from the
cellphones will be directly transmitted to
the data bank of IRRI and will be made
available online.
In Bicol, four sites namely: Pamplona
and Minalabac in Camarines Sur;
Polangui, Albay and Castilla, Sorsogon
were identified as pilot sites.
Dr. Evangeline dela Trinidad, OIC
chief of Integrated Laboratories Division
and concurrent chief of the DA Regional
Crops Protection Center (RCPC) will be
the focal person on the Component B. She
said that Component B is a continuation of
(Please turn to page 18)
Sanitation and communitywide rat control - best way
to combat rodent infestation
SUR – The Regional Crop
Protection Center (RCPC) of
the Department of Agriculture
regional office in Bicol is
conducting surveillance on ratinfested rice fields following
reports from some farmers and
LGUs in Camarines Sur and
Beginning January to
February, a total of 2,759.55
hectares of rice in seedbed,
vegetative and tillering stages
have been reported and
validated to be infested by
rodents. These are the towns
of Nabua (393 has.) and San
Jose (122 has.) in Camarines
Sur and Oas (817 has.),
(Libon (135 has.), Manito (85
has.) Malilipot (100 has.) and
Malinao (1,106 has.) in Albay
which has the biggest area
Evangeline dela Trinidad,
chief of the RCPC, they have
already distributed a total of
700 sachet chronic (20gm)
and 1,109 sachet acute (10gm)
rodenticides to the affected
conducted technical briefing to
the farmers to help them prevent
and control if not minimize rat
infestation in their farms.
recommended some strategies
aside from use of rat poisons
to fight rat infestation in rice
farms such as: 1) Sanitation
and weeding – without weeds
and grasses, the rats will have
no cover or hiding places. In rat
burrows, burrowing or digging
is important to remove more
female rats. Pour mixed mud
with water into the holes to
force rats to come out and kill
them by physical means. 2)
Synchronous planting - when
planting occur at different
times, the rats will just go from
one field to another where food
...on PRISM for crop health...
the Component A training last
June 2014 which focused on
the pest injuries observed in the
Eduardo Lomerio, Chief
represented Director Abelardo
Bragas. In his welcome
remarks said that PRISM is
an important breakthrough in
rice production as it will hasten
the delivery of results of data
analysis. Unlike before when
it takes longer time before the
results were given to farmers.
Topics discussed include:
Identification of Fungal and
Bacterial Diseases by Dr.
dela Trinidad; Identification
18 18
is available thus, more breeding
will occur. 3) Physical removal
of rodents through: a) burrow
digging – destroy every hole
in the field and force the rats
to come out and catch them;
b) Rat night hunting - catch
them at night because rodents
are nocturnal creatures, they
are more active at night; c)
Blanketing – in idle or grassy
areas suspected to harbour
rodent population, plow the
field using a hand tractor
starting from the peripheries
first then going to the center
to force rats to come out in the
Rodent control needs the
involvement of the community
because rats are very mobile
and elusive to catch. That is why
Republic Act 3942 of 1954,
borrowing from the Locust
Act No. 2472 provides among
others that all able-bodied male
inhabitants between the age of
16 to 60 years of the stricken
locality to render two days of
gratuitous labor per week to
help control rats.
that rat population increases
during rainy months when
there is much food and she
anticipates that with the onset
of drought, rat population will
be minimized due to decreased
breeding activities.
pest, the armyworm, recently
attacked 16 hectares of ready
for harvest rice in Sipocot and
10 hectares of watermelon in
Nabua. This occasional but
very destructive pest gets its
name because it travels in armylike pattern and consumes just
about everything in its path.
(1-3/4 inch long) are most
active at night and hide under
the leaves during the day.
They can skeletonize leaves
of vegetables, corn, and
watermelon and also grasses.
insecticides to control this pest.
Dela Trinidad urges the farmers
to be vigilant and immediately
report to the RCPC or to the
nearest Municipal Agriculturist
any signs of infestation so as to
instigate early control measures
and prevent yield loss.
Since 2013, the DA has
also organized Bantay Peste
Brigades/teams to perform
monitoring and surveillance in
in their own fields where there
is rampant occurrence of pests.
Dr. Dela Trinidad reported
that as of April 2014, a total of
ten (10) bantay peste brigade
training in rice was conducted
by the RCPC and attended by
approximately 300 farmers.
(Lovella P. Guarin)
(from page 17)
Phytoplasma by Cyndie Pardo,
Deputy IPM Coordinator of
Sorsogon; Identification of
Insect Pests and Injuries by
Gertrudo Arida of PhilRice;
Identification of Common
Weeds in Lowland and Rainfed
Areas by Salvacion Siapno,
provincial IPM coordinator
of Albay; Identification of
Injuries Caused by Rodents
by Leonardo Marquez of
IRRI; Identification of Injuries
Caused by Golden Apple Snail
by Ma. Luisa Estaraje, IPM
Coordinator of Sorsogon;
Crop Health Assessment using
the IRRI survey portfolio by
Giovanni Valenciano of RCPC;
Fertilizer, Pesticide and Yield
Crop health assessment in the field conducted in
Minalabac, Camarines Sur.
Data Forms by Mr. Marquez.
Viewing of collected pests
from the different sites in Bicol,
exercise on collection of survey
data using cellphones, and crop
health assessment in the field
were conducted in Minalabac,
Camarines Sur on the third
day of seminar. (Lovella P.
- March
April - June
A tribute to a fallen comrade:
The chance of El Niño is 70%
during the July-Aug –Sept. season
and is near 80% during Oct-Nov-DecJan season.
Leilani G. Naga of BSWM
perishes while conducting
cloud seeding
lady employee from
the Bureau of Soils and
Water Management who
hails from Camalig, Albay was
among the four persons who
perished when their aircraft
while conducting
cloud seeding operation in a
corn plantation in Bagabag,
Nueva Viscaya on April 27,
Leilani Grageda
who works at the BSWM in
Quezon City usually goes home
for a short stay and bonding
with her brothers and her
nephews and nieces whenever
she has official business to
do in Bicol as part of her
function either as Soil and
Water Area coordinator, or
technical staff for the Organic
Fertilizer Project or as the
team leader of Cloud seeding
operations which are among
the tasks she performs for her
agency. But this time she is
home for good - to be buried
in her birth place alongside
with her parents in barangay
Quirangay in Camalig town.
Lei, as she is fondly
called by friends is single at
52 years old but has lived a
fruitful and meaningful life.
A graduate of BS Agricultural
Technology from the Republic
Colleges of Guinobatan, Albay
, she has dedicated her life to
her work at the BSWM which
brought her to many parts of
the country and even overseas
April - June 2014
as she underwent intensive
training on Meteorology, Soil
and water management. For
30 years she unselfishly shared
her time and efforts to perform
her mission undaunted by the
risks and highly motivated
despite the low salary and
the elusive promotion.
has received many awards
and commendations for her
dedication and commitment to
her work.
Lei exemplifies a true
public servant who risks her
life and always respond to the
call of duty even beyond the
prescribed office day or hours.
The fateful seeding operation
was conducted on a Sunday.
commended Leilani for her
outstanding service to the
Philippines and the Filipino
people and for her bravery
in performing her mission
– a demonstration of an
to her job and to the people,
especially the farmers she took
pride in serving.
Her passing is a great
loss to the BSWM and the DA
family. But for every drop of
rain that falls especially on a
hot summer like today, we will
be reminded that there unsung
heroes like Leilani who bravely
risk their lives to induce rainfall
to save crops and alleviate
lives of farmers (Emily B.
What may be done to reduce the
problems of water supply caused
by El Niño?
1. Do not burn rice straws and use them as
composting materials or mulch/land cover to
minimize moisture losses and as supplementary
hay to livestock.
2. Clean the irrigation canal and remove as
much weeds as possible to reduce irrigation
water losses and improve farm water delivery.
3. Reduce the amount of water level in the rice
paddy to as low as 1 to 2 centimeters.
4. Limit land preparation so as not to disturb
the soil and preserve the water aborbed in the
Pecuaria Dev’t. Coop exports...
US$1,850 per metric ton. It
could be recalled that in May
2013, the country exported to
Singapore black and aromatic
It was the first time
after forty years that our
country made its bid again in
rice exportation.
The second shipment was
in July of the same year to
Dubai. The white onion which
are exported to Indonesia,
Malaysia and Singapore started
December 2013 including
the June 5 shipment the total
volume has added up to 1,300
(from page 20)
MT at FOB price of US$850
per metric ton. Officials of the
DA attended the ceremonial
send off of the commodities
for export at the North Harbor
in Manila. They include: DA
Agribusiness and Marketing
Assistance Service Director,
Leandro Gazmin; Jennifer
Remoquillo, High Value Crops
Development Program national
director; Clarito Barron, Bureau
of Plant and Industry director,
and Adelina Losa, chief of the
Agribusiness and Marketing
Assistance Division of the DA
Bicol. (Emily B. Bordado)
The Philippines continues to export black rice from Bicol
to neighboring Asian countries (China, Malaysia, and
Indonesia). In the photo are High Value Crops Development
Program National Coordinator Director Jennifer Remoquillo
(leftmost), Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service
Director Leandro Gazmin (2nd from the left), VIEVA
President Leah Cruz, DA Bicol Agribusiness and Marketing
Assistance Division Chief Adelina A. Losa, Bureau of
Plant Industry Director Clarito Barron (rightmost), and
representatives of farmers’ organizations and cooperatives,
during the send-off ceremonies held on June 5, 2014 at
Manila North Harbor.
Pecuaria Development
Coop., Inc. exports
black rice
Black rice produced
by the Pecuaria Development
Cooperative, Inc. (PDCI) based
in Bula town, Camarines Sur
were among those shipped to
China last June 5, 2014. PDCI
contributed 4 metric tons or
80 cavans to the 25MT black
rice exportation which was
facilitated by the Vegetable
Vendors Association or VIEVA.
PDCI is so far the only
organic rice producer in the
region certified by the Organic
Certification Center of the
Philippines (OCCP). According
to Leah Cruz, VIEVA president,
aside from PDCI
the other producers of the
exported black rice were the
Mindoro Allium Growers
Cooperative) of Occidental
Mindoro, and the Black Rice
Farmers of Quezon province.
The shipment also
included 77 metric tons of
aromatic white rice, and shallots
or white onions which came
mostly from Nueva Ecija. Of
the 77 MT aromatic rice, 75 MT
were produced by the Nueva
ng Sta. Rosa Multi-purpose
Cooperative and 5 MT were
produced by the Firmus
Cooperative of Korondal City
in South Cotabato.
of Agriculture ensured the
exportation of these agricultural
products through
issuance of Certificates of
Agricultural Practices (GAP) to
farmers and exporter’s groups.
The DA through
its Agribusiness Marketing
Assistance Division in the
regions also links the
GAP compliant exporters.
The current rice shipments are
consigned to Heze Tianlong
Fruits and Vegetables Co. Ltd
in Shangdong China which
purchased the agricultural
product at the FOB price of
(Please turn to page 19)
CSC reaffirms Level II
accredited status of DA-5
Civil Service Commission
regional office in Bicol once
more reaffirmed the Level II
accredited status of DA RFO
5 for having continuously met
the requirements for the status
pursuant to CSC Resolution
No. 1302616.
This is under the CSC
Meritocracy and Excellence in
Human Resource Management
(PRIME-HRM) through a
program of reward, recognition,
empowerment and continuous
development to capacitate
agencies in the performance
of their human resource
management functions and
recognize best practices in
the various areas of human
resource management.
As Level II accredited
agency, the DA can take final
action on appointments of
personnel. But to maintain
its accreditation, the DA will
operationalize the Strategic
System (SPMS) as a means
performance of employees as
well as agency performance.
The DA central office has
devised a unified SPMS for the
whole organization.
revalidation was awarded by the
CSC during the Commitment
Building Ceremony held at CSC
regional office in Legazpi City
on April 8, 2014 attended by
heads of national governments
agencies, presidents of state
colleges and universities and
Local Government officials
whose accredited status were
The DA also signed a
Memorandum of Commitment
with the CSC honoring its
commitment to maintain said
status and further strive to
ultimately achieve the seal of
OIC Regional Executive
Director Abelardo R. Bragas
was represented by Rosario
T. Sales, OIC Chief of
Administrative and Finance
Division and Imelda P.
Acompañado, OIC Chief,
Human Resource Management
Section. (Lovella P. Guarin)
Awarding of the Certificate
of Revalidation. (From left)
Director II Jocelyn L.
Marifosque, Field Director
of CSC Camarines Sur;
Mesdames Imelda
Acompañado and Rosario
Sales of DA RFO 5; Cecilia
R. Nieto, CSC-5 Regional
Director; and Atty. Daisy P.
Bragais, Assistant Regional
Department of Agriculture
Regional Field Unit No. 5
Reg’l Agriculture and Fisheries
Information Division
San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur
e-mail: darafid5 @
visit our website:
at Pili, Post Office,
Pili, Cam. Sur
under Permit No. 2014-13
on March 26, 2014