South African Racing Factbook
South African Racing Factbook
Content Welcome Note 03 SA Racing Structure Industry Profiles 06 Industry Profiles Racing Industry 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 24 26 35 Racing Statistics Graded & Listed Races Grade 1 Races Grade 1 Winners Leading Trainers and Jockeys by Grade 1 Wins Leading Races by Prizemoney Equus Award Winners Leading Horses, Owner’s, Jockey’s & Trainer’s Course Records SA Racecourses Training Centres Breeding Industry 37 Breeding Statistics 38 Leading Sires 41 Stud Fees International 42 Top 10 SA Bred Horses 43 Top 10 Breeders by International Stakes Earning 43 Thoroughbred Imports & Exports Auction Sales 45 Sales Results Industry Trends 48 Registrations and Licences 49 Prize Money Trends Classifications 50 Race Meeting Statistics 53 Champion Racehorses by Rating 54 Classicfication by Age Wagering 60 SAFTOTE 63 Bet Types Contacts 66 Directory The South African Fact Book has been compiled and edited by John Bescoby and the Publishing Department of Gold Circle. Although every effort has been made to ensure the information provided in this publication is correct, there may be inaccuracies or typographical errors. Any comments or suggestions on this publication will be welcomed and may be emailed to CONTRIBUTORS The National Horse Racing Authority of Southern Africa, Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd, Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd, The Thoroughbred Breeders Association, Bloodstock South Africa, Equimark Equestrian Sales (Pty) Ltd, The National Gambling Board, The National Racing Bureau, The Publishing Department of Gold Circle, John Lewis, Nkosi Hlophe, Denzil Govender and Andrew Harrison. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 1 2 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Welcome Note W elcome to the 2009 edition of the South African Racing Fact Book. The horseracing industry has, along with almost every other sector of the South African economy, felt the effects of the global economic meltdown that began at the onset of the racing season under review and whilst we in South Africa have not been as badly affected as some racing jurisdictions we have nevertheless felt the impact of this throughout every sector of the industry. In the auction ring a decade of ever increasing sale prices came to an end as our Premier Sale recorded a downturn of 24% with other sales recording drops of between 9-41%. The only sales to perform well were those that were held at the beginning of the 2008/9 racing year which was immediately prior to the start of the recession. Totalisator turnovers were marginally down on the previous year but the lack of growth has meant that, with the exception of our graded and listed race programme, stakes have not managed to keep pace with ever rising costs and this is a major source of concern for the industry which has had to tighten its belt and become more innovative in an effort to attract a greater share of the gambling rand. On a positive note, it has brought the two Racing Operators together in a national effort to rationalise certain areas of our business which will produce cost savings and generate additional revenues both of which will have ongoing benefits for all stakeholders. Internationally, South Africa can truly be regarded as a global player as our horses, trainers and jockeys continue to fly the South African flag with increasing success. Indeed it is rare not to find a South African presence at any of the numerous International Racing carnivals, a statement borne out in the 2009 Melbourne Cup where Mourilyan ran an outstanding race to finish third in the race “that stops a nation”. Trained by Herman Brown and ridden by former South African-based jockey Glynn Schofield, it is ongoing proof of the talent that South Africa produces in all sectors of the industry we are all passionate about. I trust that you will find the information contained in this publication to be both interesting and informative and once again my thanks to all those who have assisted with the process. y b o c s e B John SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 3 SA Racing Structure RACING In addition to the operation of the race meetings the Racing Operators are also responsible for the training centres located Controlling Body in their regions. The controlling body of racing is the National Horseracing Authority of South Africa “NHA” (formerly the Jockey Club of Owners and Members Bodies Southern Africa). The core function of its racing division is to Since the disbandment of the individual racing clubs and the ensure that thoroughbred racing is provided with a competent formation of the racing operators, the interest of the previous and efficient racehorse and jockey control and monitoring ser- Club members and Racehorse owners have been accommo- vice in terms of the rules of racing. dated by either membership of the Racing Association, Eastern Province Owners & Trainers Association, Western Province Racing Operators Owners & Trainers Association or Gold Circle’s local racing There are two Racing Operators in South Africa: board. PHUMELELA GAMING AND LEISURE LTD Jockeys Body Who conduct race meetings at five tracks located in Gauteng, The national body is the South African Jockeys Association Free State and Eastern and Northern Cape; and “SAJA” although all jockeys are individually contracted to the racing operators as independent professionals. GOLD CIRCLE (PTY) LTD Who conduct race meetings at five tracks located in KwaZuluNatal and the Western Cape. 4 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Racing Industry Initiatives BREEDING SA Racing and Equestrian Academy The Thoroughbred Breeders of South Africa have a National This is the only institution in South Africa that offers an appren- Body: tice programme for aspiring professional jockeys. Acclaimed The Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association of South Africa worldwide, this sports academy is situated in Summerveld, “TBA” is run by a Council elected from its members. It con- KwaZulu-Natal, and has satellite campuses in Cape Town and ducts its sales through its marketing arm, Bloodstock South Af- Port Elizabeth. There is also an academy based in Gauteng rica which currently conducts five major sales a year through- funded and administered by The Thoroughbred Racing Trust. out South Africa. The other major sales company is Equimark Also operated under this banner is the Grooms School Trust Equestrian Sales (Pty) Ltd , a privately owned Company that that operates courses for the education of grooms. conducts four major sales. In addition to the “TBA” there are a number of regional Breed- National Horse Trust ers Clubs. The Trust operates four horse care units with the aim to reduce potential neglect and deterioration of thoroughbreds after their WAGERING racing careers. South Africa conducts wagering on horseracing through both Bookmakers and the Totalisator. The Thoroughbred Racing and Development Centre Controlling Body The aim of the centre is to improve the riding skills of all the The controlling body for wagering in South Africa is a Gov- work riders and to discover any talent among the work riders. ernment body, The National Gambling Board, which oversees Regional Gambling Boards for the individual Provinces. Horseracing South Africa (Pty) Ltd Trading as Racing South Africa, the organisation was founded in 2005 to look after matters of national and international interest on behalf of its equal shareholders, the operators, breeders and owners. The functions of the body are; • To fund and direct the management of the Equine Research Council • To manage the functions of the former South African Horse Import & Export Council • To manage the Kenilworth Quarantine Station • To fund and direct the work of the South African Equine Trade Council • To fund and direct the work of the African Horse Sickness Trust • To provide a forum that encourages debate on matters of national importance. Bookmakers Are licensed by the Gambling Board and pay a commission on turnover to the Racing Operators. Betting World (Pty) Ltd This is a bookmaking business operating 59 bookmaking branch outlets in South Africa in which the two racing operators “Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd” and “Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd” hold a majority shareholding. Totalisator “TAB” The two racing operators “Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd” and “Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd” are the only licensed horseracing and tote betting operators in South Africa and commingle (combine) all tote bets in South Africa into single national pools under the “TAB” banner and pools are commingled through Phumelela’s tote betting system. Phumelela Gold Enterprises “PGE” National Racing Bureau This is a joint venture between South African horseracing and In 2005 South Africa’s two racing operators “Phumelela Gam- tote betting operators Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd ing and Leisure Ltd” and “Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd” established a and Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd, PGE is managed by Phumelela and central office to handle entries, declarations and card changes owns the domestic and international broadcast and informa- for all race meetings throughout South Africa in an industry bid tion rights to South African horseracing. “PGE” also acquired to streamline the administration of the sport. the worldwide betting-related broadcast rights to 30 of the United Kingdom’s 60 racecourses including 10 of the 12 “super” tracks from Racing UK. “PGE” also owns and manages Tellytrack, South Africa’s domestic horseracing TV channel. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 5 Industry Profiles African Horsesickness Trust Equimark Equestrian Sales (Pty) Ltd The AHS Trust was primarily established to raise funds for Equimark is a privately owned Bloodstock Company that con- research into the control and management of AHS and for a ducts four major sales a year throughout South Africa. potential cure for the disease. Since the 2006 AHS season the Trust has managed a surveillance system in parallel with the Equine Research Centre SA Veterinary Services system. Increasing awareness of the Founded in 1990 the Equine Research Centre was established disease and accuracy of reporting has been achieved with to provide scientific and veterinary services to the horseracing the result that better decisions could be taken by both indus- and breeding industry. A research co-operation agreement ex- try and the State Vet. Additionally, strategic AHS vaccination ists between Racing South Africa and the University of Pretoria campaigns have been facilitated by the Trust in order to raise where current research is focusing on; levels of immunity among indigent communities. • Equine Infectious Diseases • Equine Sports Medicine Betting World (Pty) Ltd Betting World is a bookmaking business operating 59 book- • Equine Management and Welfare making branch outlets in South Africa in which the two racing Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd operators, Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd and Gold Circle Gold Circle is one of the two South African Racing operators. (Pty) Ltd, hold a majority shareholding. It operates thoroughbred horseracing throughout KwaZuluNatal and the Western Cape. The Company was created by Bloodstock South Africa (BSA) the amalgamation of several Racing Clubs and organisations Bloodstock South Africa is the marketing arm of the Thorough- representing thoroughbred breeders, owners and trainers in bred Breeders Association and has been conducting sales the two regions in which it operates. since 1977. BSA currently conducts five major sales a year from its own complex at Gosforth Park (Gauteng), Durban (KwaZulu-Natal) and Cape Town (Western Province). 6 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Grooms School Trust The Grooms School Trust is operated under the SA Racing & National Horseracing Authority of Southern Africa (NHA) Equestrian Academy banner. There are currently four grooms’ Formerly “The Jockey Club of Southern Africa” the NHA’s core schools in operation, two in the Western Province and two in function of its Racing Division is to ensure that thoroughbred KwaZulu-Natal. The purpose of the school is to offer courses racing is provided with a competent and efficient racehorse where grooms are educated to a level that enables them to and jockey control and monitoring service to “maintain the in- work effectively, safely and with care in the stable yards where tegrity of horseracing”. The Studbook Department is a division they are employed. All courses boast an incentive scheme for of the NHA that manages and regulates all processes relating both groom and trainer. to the incorporation of horses into the thoroughbred population in South Africa. The NHA has operated its own laboratory since HARNESS RACING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (HRSA) 1985 and currently tests both horse and jockey specimens. A total of 89 000 specimens have been analysed since it commenced operations. The laboratory also carries out contract The Harness Racing Association of South Africa (HRSA) was analysis for other equine sports as well as feed and residue established in 2004 in an effort to compliment the current thor- analysis for meat exportation from South Africa. oughbred status quo, and provide a less expensive alternative platform for equine racing. HRSA is the governing body for National Horse Trust Harness Racing in South Africa and the neighbouring coun- In 1989 the South African horseracing industry, through the tries, and is a full member of the International Trotting Asso- then Association of Racing Clubs of Southern Africa (ARCSA), ciation. HRSA also carries full responsibility for keeping of the started the National Horse Trust and developed a programme Standardbred Stud Book, and allied registers. unique to South Africa to try to reduce potential neglect and de- Catering to the gaits of both “trot” and “pace”, harness rac- terioration of thoroughbreds after their racing careers. The Trust ing includes not only the driven “sulky” version, but a ridden to date has established four Horse Care Units which are situat- “monte” version. ed throughout SA and located where possible on the premises of existing welfare organisations such as local SPCAs. Import Export Working Group The Import Export Working Group was formed in response to National Racing Bureau the de-registration of the SA Horse Import & Export Council. As In 2005 South Africa’s two racing operators, Gold Circle and a private-public partnership, it is responsible for the ongoing Phumelela, established a central office to handle entries, dec- maintenance of the South African Export Protocol and the de- larations and card changes for all race meetings throughout velopment of a sustainable delivery system for the movement South Africa in an industry bid to streamline the administration of horses in and out of South Africa. of the sport. The Bureau has a highly sophisticated telephone call centre and computer system and offers all role players a Kenilworth Quarantine Station more efficient system. In 1997, a high-tech vector protected quarantine station was export of “London News” who won the coveted QE II Cup in Onderstepoort Equine Research Centre Hong Kong. An additional 32 stables have been added and The Faculty of Veterinary Science of the University of Preto- more than 200 horses have since been exported. The facil- ria is situated on the Onderstepoort campus and has a proud ity has access to a 1400m sand track, a lunge ring, a horse tradition in veterinary and para-veterinary education, research walker and kilometres of bridle ways within Kenilworth Race- and service rendering which dates back to the early 1920s. track, making it the only facility in South Africa that can accom- It aims to be an internationally accredited seat of veterinary modate international competition horses. excellence, strives to be globally competitive, regionally pre- built at Kenilworth Racecourse in Cape Town to facilitate the National Gambling Board The National Gambling Board operates under the National eminent and locally relevant while providing an effective veterinary interface to Africa. Gambling Act 2004 which makes provision for the oversight of matters relating to casinos, gambling, betting and wagering and promotes uniform norms and standards in relation to gambling throughout South Africa. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 7 Industry Profiles Phumelela Gaming And Leisure Ltd tion rights to South African horseracing. PGE also acquired the Phumelela Gaming and Leisure is one of the two South African worldwide betting-related broadcast rights to 30 of the United racing operators. Kingdom’s 60 racecourses including 10 of the 12 “super” Horseracing in Gauteng was corporatised in 1998 and the tracks from Racing UKPGE. three racing clubs that had run racing in the region until then transferred their assets to Phumelela which took over manage- Racing Association ment of the sport. Horseracing in the Northern Cape and later The Racing Association with a membership comprising own- followed by the Free State and Eastern Cape subsequently ers and former racing club members was established to rep- joined the corporatisation process. Phumelela was listed on resent the interest of owners. It is run by a board of Directors the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in 2002. elected from the ranks of its members. The Directors appoint two of the four trustees to the Racing Trust which holds a 35% Phumelela Gold Enterprises “Pge” share in Phumelela. They appoint a third trustee in conjunction This is a joint venture between South African horseracing and with National Sports Council Investments. tote betting operators Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Ltd 8 and Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd. PGE is managed by Phumelela and Racing South Africa owns the domestic and international broadcast and informa- Horseracing South Africa (Pty) Ltd, trading as Racing South SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Africa, was founded in August 2005 to look after matters of an independent, non-aligned and transparent organisation national and international interest. Owned and funded equally created in 1988 by The Racing Association and the National by the Breeders, Operators and Owners its functions are to: Sports Council (now the South African Sports Confederation • Fund and direct management of the Equine Research Centre & Olympic Committee). The principal object of the Trust is to • Manage the functions of the South African Horse Import Export Council • Manage Kenilworth Quarantine Station • Fund and direct the work of the South African Equine Trade Council promote the interests of all persons interested in, and affected by, the sport in South Africa, with a view to the long term viability of the sport. It is particularly concerned with transformation and is charged with initiating, supporting and encouraging the participation of persons who have been historically disadvantaged and discriminated against. The Racing Trust also pro- • Fund and direct the work of the African Horse Sickness Trust vides supplementary stakes for horse racing events. • Provide a forum that encourages debate on matters of national The Racing Trust currently totally supports the Gauteng Jock- importance eys’ Academy, the Work Riders’ Training Programme and Saftote “Tab” race series and a new venture training young men to become farriers. It also contributes towards supporting the Grooms’ The two racing operators ”Phumelela” and “Gold Circle” are School at Randjiesfontein, the Equine Research Centre at the only licensed horseracing and tote betting operators in Onderstepoort and the informal racing sectors of the Eastern South Africa and commingle (combine) all tote bets in South and Northern Capes. Africa into single national pools under the “TAB” banner. Sa Racing And Equestrian Academy Thoroughbred Racing Development Centre This is the only institution in South Africa that offers an appren- The Thoroughbred Racing Development Centre began in tice programme for aspiring professional jockeys. Acclaimed 1999. The object of the centre is to improve the riding skills of worldwide, this sports academy is situated in Summerveld, all work riders and to discover any talent. The centre runs both KwaZulu-Natal, and has satellite campuses in Cape Town and a work rider course and an advanced race-riding course. Port Elizabeth. There is also an academy based in Gauteng under this banner is the Grooms School Trust that operates Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association of South Africa (TBA) courses for the education of grooms. The TBA is the National South African Breeders Association funded and administered by the Racing Trust. Also operated and was founded in 1921. It is run by a Council elected from South African Equine Trade Council (SAETRAC) its members. It owns its own sales complex at Gosforth Park Formed in 2001, SAETRAC is the marketing arm of Racing marketing arm “Bloodstock South Africa.” (Johannesburg, Gauteng) and conducts its sales through its South Africa and is responsible for promoting South African bloodstock (of all breeds) to world markets. As a member of the Association of Export Councils, Department of Trade & Industry it is also responsible for establishing market access in foreign countries and facilitating the export of horses of all breeds. Tellytrack Tellytrack, which is owned and managed by Phumelela Gold Enterprises, is South Africa’s horseracing channel where all South African and International races on which TAB operates are screened live on pay channel DSTV. Tellytrack is also beamed live into TAB outlets. The Thoroughbred Horseracing Trust The Thoroughbred Horseracing Trust (The Racing Trust) is SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 9 Racing Statistics Gauteng No of Tracks No of Meetings No of Races No of Runners Average races per meeting Average Field size Northern Cape Eastern Cape Western Cape Kwa Zulu Natal 2 1 2 2 3 10 134 35 66 87 114 436 1 182 313 552 742 971 3 760 13 968 3 499 6 877 8 438 10 846 43 628 8.82 8.94 8.36 8.53 8.52 8.62 11.82 11.18 12.46 11.37 11.17 11.60 111 850 225 13 042 000 31 957 000 57 149 000 80 818 000 294 816 225 Average Prizemoney per race * 94 628 41 668 57 893 77 020 83 232 78 409 Average Prizemoney per runner 8 008 3 727 4 647 6 773 7 451 6 758 Total Prizemoney (ZAR) Trainers Assistant Trainers Jockeys 187 98 108 Apprentice Jockeys 41 Work Riders 71 Total Thoroughbred Registrations 6 455 Individual Colourholders 3 224 Partnership Colourholders 472 Syndicate Colourholders 63 Company Colourholders 58 Trust Colourholders 7 Total Colourholders 3 824 Bookmakers *All figures in South African Rand as at July 2009. US$1.00 - ZAR 7.80. GBP1.00 - ZAR 12.90. EURO1.00 - ZAR 11.05 10 Totals SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 240 Graded and Listed Races GAUTENG EASTERN CAPE Grade 1 Stakes Grade 2 Stakes Stakes Total No Graded Races Total of Graded Stakes Listed Races Listed Stakes GRADE 1 KWAZULU-NATAL TOTALS 8 16 32 11 500 000 7 600 000 12 400 000 31 500 000 17 10 12 39 7 915 000 Grade 3 SEASON WESTERN CAPE 8 3 600 000 2 700 000 14 215 000 18 3 14 11 46 3 440 000 850 000 2 450 000 1 950 000 8 690 000 43 3 32 39 117 22 855 000 850 000 13 650 000 17 050 000 54 405 000 27 17 19 11 74 3 650 000 2 075 000 2 375 000 1 500 000 9 600 000 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 TOTAL GRADED RACES TOTAL GRADED STAKES LISTED RACES TOTAL LISTED STAKES 2000/1 29 37 46 112 26 890 000 73 9 175 000 2001/2 33 34 42 109 28 270 000 69 6 295 000 2002/3 35 33 45 113 27 240 000 69 6 050 000 2003/4 34 34 45 113 30 595 000 68 6 560 000 2004/5 29 32 50 111 33 340 000 66 6 535 000 2005/6 32 37 43 112 39 265 000 62 6 593 450 2006/7 28 32 42 102 36 900 000 59 6 665 000 2007/8 32 36 42 110 40 800 000 64 7 290 000 2008/9 32 39 46 117 54 405 000 74 9 600 000 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 11 12 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Grade 1 Races RACE NAME DISTANCE STAKES (ZAR) WEIGHTS MONTH COURSE PROVINCE Scottsville Kwazulu-Natal 2 YEAR OLDS - OPEN Gold Reef Resorts Medallion 1200 500 000 LW May Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1400 500 000 LW July Greyville Kwazulu-Natal Premier's Champion Stakes 1600 500 000 LW July Clairwood Kwazulu-Natal Allan Robertson Fillies Championship 1200 500 000 LW May Scottsville Kwazulu-Natal Mercedes Benz Golden Slipper 1400 500 000 LW July Greyville Kwazulu-Natal Thekwini Fillies Stakes 1600 500 000 LW July Clairwood Kwazulu-Natal 2450 1 500 000 LW April Turffontein Gauteng 2 YEAR OLDS - FILLIES 3 YEAR OLDS - OPEN SA Derby Investec Cape Derby 2000 600 000 LW January Kenilworth Western Cape Daily News 2000 2000 1 000 000 LW June Greyville Kwazulu-Natal SA Classic 1800 2 000 000 LW March Turffontein Gauteng Bloodstock SA Guineas 1600 1 000 000 LW December Kenilworth Western Cape 3 YEAR OLDS - FILLIES Woolavington 2000 2000 500 000 LW June Greyville Kwazulu-Natal SA Fillies Classic 1800 1 000 000 LW March Turffontein Gauteng Avontuur Estate Cape Fillies Guineas 1600 500 000 LW December Kenilworth Western Cape Canon Gold Cup 3200 1 200 000 HCP August Greyville Kwazulu-Natal Vodacom Durban July 2200 3 000 000 HCP July Greyville Kwazulu-Natal Steinhoff International Summer Cup 2000 2 000 000 HCP November Turffontein Gauteng J&B Metropolitan Handicap 2000 2 500 000 COND January Kenilworth Western Cape Gommagomma Champions Challenge 2000 2 000 000 COND April Turffontein Gauteng Champions Cup 1800 750 000 COND July Clairwood Kwazulu-Natal L'Ormarins Queens Plate 1600 1 000 000 WFA December Kenilworth Western Cape H F Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut Stakes 1600 1 000 000 WFA March Turffontein Gauteng Gold Challenge 1600 750 000 WFA June Clairwood Kwazulu-Natal Golden Horse Casino Sprint 1200 600 000 HCP May Scottsville Kwazulu-Natal Mercury Sprint 1200 600 000 WFA July Clairwood Kwazulu-Natal Betting World Cape Flying Championship 1000 500 000 WFA January Kenilworth Western Cape Computaform Sprint 1000 1 000 000 WFA May Turffontein Gauteng 3 YEAR OLDS AND OLDER - OPEN 3 YEAR OLDS AND OLDER - FILLIES AND MARES TBA Paddock Stakes 1800 1 000 000 WFA January Kenilworth Western Cape Fancourt Majorca Stakes 1600 500 000 WFA January Kenilworth Western Cape Empress Club Stakes 1600 1 000 000 WFA March Turffontein Gauteng Garden Province Stakes 1600 500 000 WFA July Greyville Kwazulu-Natal South African Fillies Sprint 1200 500 000 WFA May Scottsville Kwazulu-Natal SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 13 Grade 1 Winners 14 DATE COURSE RACE NAME DIST WINNER AGE KG SIRE JOCKEY TRAINER 02-08-08 Greyville Canon Gold Cup 3200 Desert Links 5yo bg 57 Kahal (GB) G Cheyne B Marcus 29-11-08 Turffontein Steinhoff International Summer Cup 2000 Rudra 4yo chc 56.5 Parade Leader (USA) K B Shea MF de Kock 06-12-08 Kenilworth Avontuur Estate Cape Fillies Guineas 1600 Sparkling Gem 3yo bf 57 Joshua Dancer (USA) R Fourie JS Snaith 20-12-08 Kenilworth Bloodstock SA Guineas 1600 Le Drakkar (AUS) 3yo bc 57 Anabaa (USA) MJ Byleveld D Kannemeyer 10-01-09 Kenilworth L'Ormarins Queens Plate 1600 Pocket Power 6yo bg 58 Jet Master B Fay D'herbe M W Bass 10-01-09 Kenilworth TBA Paddock Stakes 1800 Emblem Of Liberty 4yo bf 57.5 National Emblem G Cheyne GV Woodruff 24-01-09 Kenilworth Betting World Cape Flying Championship 1000 Rebel King 5yo chh 58 National Emblem A Marcus C S Laird 31-01-09 Kenilworth Fancourt Majorca Stakes 1600 Mother Russia 3yo bf 53 Windrush (USA) G Hatt J Ramsden 31-01-09 Kenilworth J&B Metropolitan Stakes 2000 Pocket Power 6yo bg 58 Jet Master B Fay D'herbe M W Bass 31-01-09 Kenilworth Investec Cape Derby 2000 Big City Life 3yo bc 57 Casey Tibbs (IRE) B Fay D'herbe GS Kotzen 28-02-09 Turffontein L Jaffee Empress Club Stakes 1600 Dancer's Daughter (GB) 5yo bm 60 Jet Master M Khan JS Snaith 28-03-09 Turffontein SA Classic 1800 Forest Path 3yo chg 57 Fort Wood (USA) R Danielson MF de Kock 28-03-09 Turffontein SA Fillies Classic 1800 Gypsy's Warning 3yo bf 57 Mogok (USA) PJ Strydom OA Ferraris 04-04-09 Turffontein H F Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut Stakes 1600 Smart Banker 4yo bg 60 Strike Smartly (CAN) B Nyawo C S Laird 25-04-09 Turffontein GommaGomma Champions Challenge 2000 Smart Banker 4yo bg 58 Strike Smartly (CAN) A Marcus C S Laird 25-04-09 Turffontein SA Derby 2450 Bouquet-Garni 3yo chg 57 Strike Smartly (CAN) AC Delpech MF de Kock 25-04-09 Turffontein Computaform Sprint 1000 Private Jet (ARG) 3yo bg 58 Orpen (USA) PJ Strydom GV Woodruff 30-05-09 Scottsville Golden Horse Casino Sprint 1200 Earl Of Surrey (ZIM) 5yo chg 57 Century Stand (AUS) J Geroudis GV Woodruff 30-05-09 Scottsville Gold Reef Resorts Medallion 1200 Villandry 2yo bg 57 Var (USA) F Coetzee VH Marshall 30-05-09 Scottsville SA Fillies Sprint 1200 Lady Windermere 3yo bf 57 Western Winter (USA) G Cheyne GS Kotzen 30-05-09 Scottsville Allan Robertson Fillies Championship 1200 Give Me Five 2yo bf 57 Goldkeeper (USA) J Geroudis S G Tarry 06-06-09 Greyville Woolavington 2000 2000 Zirconeum 3yo bf 57 Jallad (USA) K B Shea MF de Kock 06-06-09 Greyville Daily News 2000 2000 Big City Life 3yo bc 57 Casey Tibbs (IRE) G Cheyne GS Kotzen 13-06-09 Clairwood Gold Challenge 1600 Pocket Power 6yo bg 58 Jet Master B Fay D'herbe MW Bass 04-07-09 Greyville Vodacom Durban July 2200 Big City Life 3yo bc 51 Casey Tibbs (IRE) G Cheyne GS Kotzen 04-07-09 Greyville Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1400 Musir (ARG) 2yo chc 57 Redoubte's Choice (AUS) AC Delpech M F de Kock 04-07-09 Greyville Mercedes Benz Golden Slipper 1400 All Afire 2yo bf 57 Jet Master J Geroudis AG Laird 04-07-09 Greyville Garden Province Stakes 1600 Lady Windermere 3yo bf 57 Western Winter (USA) G Cheyne GS Kotzen 19-07-09 Clairwood Mercury Sprint 1200 Our Giant (AUS) 5yo chg 58 Giant's Causeway (USA) A Marcus C S Laird 25-07-09 Clairwood Champions Cup 1800 Ivory Trail 4yo bg 54.5 Badger's Drift R Danielson J Ramsden 25-07-09 Clairwood Premier's Champion Stakes 1600 Exhilaration 2yo bc 57 Captain Al A Marcus D Zaki 25-07-09 Clairwood Thekwini Fillies Stakes 1600 Laverna 2yo bf 57 Parade Leader (USA) AC Delpech MF de Kock SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Leading Trainers & Jockeys Leading Graded Race Trainers By Grade 1 Race Wins 2008/9 Trainer (Winners) Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Total Stakes M F de Kock 6 3 - 9 4 937 500 G S Kotzen 5 4 1 10 4 147 500 C S Laird 4 7 2 13 4 953 125 M W Bass 3 4 4 11 4 031 250 G V Woodruff 3 2 3 8 2 384 375 J Ramsden 2 3 1 6 1 468 750 J S Snaith 2 1 1 4 1 156 250 S G Tarry 1 2 2 5 1 196 875 D Kannemeyer 1 1 3 5 1 156 250 B Marcus 1 - 3 4 1 062 500 Leading Graded Race Jockeys By Grade 1 Race Wins 2008/9 Jockey (Winners) Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Total G Cheyne 6 3 2 11 4 897 500 A Marcus 4 7 4 15 4 859 375 B R Fay D’herbe 4 2 1 7 3 718 750 J Geroudis 3 2 - 5 1 531 250 A C Delpech 3 1 2 6 1 915 625 P J Strydom 2 3 3 8 2 393 750 K B Shea 2 2 - 4 1 875 000 R Danielson 2 - - 2 1 718 750 M Khan 1 2 3 6 1 365 625 M J Byleveld 1 1 3 5 1 156 250 Leading trainer, Mike de Kock. Stakes Leading jockey, Greg Cheyne. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 15 Leading Races 2008/9 Vodacom Durban July 2009 Winner: BIG CITY LIFE 16 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 By Prize Money DATE RACE RACECOURSE DIST GRADE VALUE 1ST STAKE 2009.07.04 Vodacom Durban July Greyville 2200 2009.01.31 J&B Metropolitan Handicap Kenilworth 2000 1 3 000 000 1 710 000 1 2 500 000 1 562 500 2009.04.25 Gommagomma Champions Challenge Turffontein 2008.11.29 Steinhoff International Summer Cup Turffontein 2000 1 2 000 000 1 250 000 2000 1 2 000 000 1 250 000 2009.03.28 SA Classic 2009.04.25 SA Derby Turffontein 1800 1 2 000 000 1 250 000 Turffontein 2450 1 1 500 000 937 500 2008.08.02 2008.12.12 Canon Gold Cup Greyville 3200 1 1 200 000 750 000 Bloodstock SA Guineas Kenilworth 1600 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.01.10 TBA Paddock Stakes Kenilworth 1800 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.01.10 L'Ormarins Queens Plate Kenilworth 1600 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.02.28 L Jaffee Empress Club Stakes Turffontein 1600 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.03.28 SA Fillies Classic Turffontein 1800 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.04.04 HF Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut Stakes Turffontein 1600 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.04.25 Computaform Sprint Turffontein 1000 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.06.06 Daily News 2000 Greyville 2000 1 1 000 000 625 000 2009.02.28 Gauteng Guineas Turffontein 1600 2 1 000 000 625 000 2009.06.13 Gold Challenge Clairwood 1600 1 750 000 468 750 2009.07.25 Champions Cup Clairwood 1800 1 750 000 468 750 2009.04.25 SA Oaks Turffontein 2450 2 750 000 468 750 2009.01.31 Investec Cape Derby Kenilworth 2000 1 600 000 375 000 2009.05.30 Golden Horse Casino Sprint Scottsville 1200 1 600 000 375 000 2009.07.19 Mercury Sprint Clairwood 1200 1 600 000 375 000 2008.09.28 Emerald Cup (Sand) Vaal 1400 2 600 000 375 000 2008.11.01 Gauteng Charity Mile November H'cap Turffontein 1600 2 600 000 375 000 2008.12.06 Avontuur Estate Cape Fillies Guineas Kenilworth 1600 1 500 000 312 500 2009.01.24 Betting World Cape Flying Championship Kenilworth 1000 1 500 000 312 500 2009.01.31 Fancourt Majorca Stakes Kenilworth 1600 1 500 000 312 500 2009.05.30 Gold Reef Resorts Medallion Scottsville 1200 1 500 000 312 500 2009.05.30 South African Fillies Sprint Scottsville 1200 1 500 000 312 500 2009.05.30 Allan Robertson Fillies Championship Scottsville 1200 1 500 000 312 500 2009.06.06 Woolavington 2000 Greyville 2000 1 500 000 312 500 2009.07.04 Golden Slipper Greyville 1400 1 500 000 312 500 2009.07.04 Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe Greyville 1400 1 500 000 312 500 2009.07.04 Garden Province Stakes Greyville 1600 1 500 000 312 500 2009.07.25 Premier's Champion Stakes Clairwood 1600 1 500 000 312 500 2009.07.25 Thekwini Fillies Stakes Clairwood 1600 1 500 000 312 500 2008.11.29 Unitrans Dingaans Turffontein 1600 2 500 000 312 500 2009.02.28 Gauteng Fillies Guineas Turffontein 1600 2 500 000 312 500 2009.04.25 The Nursey Turffontein 1160 2 500 000 312 500 2008.05.03 Gold Bowl Turffontein 3200 2 500 000 312 500 2009.05.12 KRA Guineas Greyville 1600 2 500 000 312 500 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 17 Horse of the Year: POCKET POWER 18 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Equus Awards Winners Horse of the Year: Champion Stallion: POCKET POWER JET MASTER Champion Two-Year-Old Filly: Outstanding Stallion Achievement: LAVERNA CAPTAIN AL Champion Two-Year-Old Colt: Champion Broodmare: MUSIR TRADE ENQUIRY Champion Three-Year-Old Filly: Champion Stud: LADY WINDERMERE SUMMERHILL Champion Three-Year-Old Colt: Breeder of the Year: BIG CITY LIFE MAURITZFONTEIN STUD Champion Older Male: Outstanding International POCKET POWER Achievement (human): DOUG WHYTE Champion Older Filly / Mare: DANCER’S DAUGHTER Champion Apprentice Jockey: Champion Jockey: ANDREW FORTUNE. Fortune topped the log with 200 wins. DERRICK DAVID Champion Sprinter (1000-1200m): REBEL KING Work Riders of the Year: JACKSON FENI (Phumelela) Champion Middle Distance Horse ANDILE NZOGO (Gold Circle) (1400-2200m): POCKET POWER Champion Jockey: ANDREW FORTUNE Champion Stayer (2400m and up): MOKARO Champion Trainer: CHARLES LAIRD Special Award for International Achievement: Owners of the Year: CAPTAIN’S LOVER, DANE JULIA, MARKUS & INGRID JOOSTE J J THE JET PLANE, NATIONAL COLOUR, IMBONGI Journalist of the Year: DAVID MOLLETT Exceptional International Achievement (equine): DANE JULIA Champion Trainer: CHARLES LAIRD. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 19 Leader’s in the Industry Top Sire: JET MASTER 20 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Top 20 Horses - Sa Racing Season 1 August 2008 - 31 July 2009 Name Runs Wins Win % 2nd 3rd Other Place % Win Stakes Total Stakes 1. BIG CITY LIFE b.c 3y 11 7 63 2 0 0 81 3 180 625 3 280 625 2. POCKET POWER b.g 6y 9 5 55 2 0 1 88 2 906 250 3 206 250 3. SMART BANKER b.g 4y 8 4 50 1 0 0 62 2 125 000 2 525 000 4. FOREST PATH ch.g 3y 10 1 10 1 1 2 50 1 250 000 1 607 000 5. ZIRCONEUM b.f 3y 10 3 30 3 2 1 90 675 000 1 606 300 6. RUDRA ch.c 4y 3 1 33 1 1 0 100 1 250 000 1 370 000 7. DANCER’S DAUGHTER (GB) gr.f 5y 5 3 60 1 1 0 100 758 130 1 358 130 8. OUR GIANT (AUS) ch.g 5y 10 4 40 3 0 2 90 693 750 1 162 500 9. BOUQUET-GARNI ch.g 3y 12 4 33 0 0 1 41 1 081 875 1 086 375 10. ORACY (NZ) br.c 3y 4 4 100 0 0 0 100 1 032 500 1 032 500 11. MOTHER RUSSIA b.f 3y 10 5 50 2 1 1 90 662 510 968 760 12. EMBLEM OF LIBERTY b.f 4y 5 3 60 1 1 0 100 896 875 963 875 13. GYPSY’S WARNING b.f 3y 6 3 50 0 3 0 100 778 125 958 125 14. LE DRAKKAR (AUS) gr.c 3y 6 3 50 1 2 0 100 850 000 942 400 15. REBEL KING ch.c 5y 6 3 50 2 1 0 100 612 500 932 500 16. LADY WINDERMERE b.f 3y 7 5 71 0 0 0 71 919 380 919 380 17. SPARKLING GEM b.f 3y 12 4 33 4 0 3 91 616 250 906 500 18. PRIVATE JET (ARG) b.g 3y 5 4 80 1 0 0 100 844 375 884 375 19. CERISE CHERRY ch.c 3y 8 1 12 5 0 1 87 125 000 784 800 20. IVORY TRAIL b.g 4y 8 4 50 0 0 0 50 778 755 778 755 Top 20 Owners - Sa Racing Season 1 August 2008 - 31 July 2009 Name Place % Win Stakes Total Stakes 1. Mrs I Jooste & Mr M J Jooste 599 105 17 80 68 128 63 6 614 430 9 762 795 2. Mrs B D Oppenheimer 385 62 16 44 44 70 57 4 810 025 6 425 415 3. Mr C J H Van Niekerk 478 62 12 48 62 91 55 2 950 660 4 798 715 4. Mr G J & Mrs R D Beck 223 34 15 26 27 45 59 2 065 272 3 358 462 5. Mr St John D Gray 289 47 16 26 30 59 56 2 474 380 3 307 680 9 5 55 2 0 1 88 2 906 250 3 206 250 7. Mr A L A Crabbia 357 50 14 38 40 67 54 1 968 145 3 065 835 8. Mrs S Plattner 338 37 10 52 46 72 61 1 608 770 2 915 950 8 4 50 1 0 0 62 2 125 000 2 525 000 6. Mr N M Shirtliff, Mr & Mrs A D Webber 9. Messrs L J Lindsay, N Isaacs, M J Jooste & J C von Solms 10. Mr H Adams Runs Wins Win % 2nd 3rd Other 220 27 12 23 29 30 49 1 143 780 1 853 590 11. Messrs H J Basson, R W Deacon, G A Hauptfleisch, G S Kotzen & G W Mitchell 2 1 50 0 0 0 50 1 710 000 1 710 000 12. Messrs D J Haynes, M F de Kock, G M Grant, A 11 4 36 3 2 1 90 725 000 1 656 300 223 21 9 23 21 36 45 795 645 1 558 675 M Haynes, C S Haynes & Mrs H S Haynes 13. Mr J H Van Heerden 14. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Maktoum 59 18 30 9 5 11 72 1 169 415 1 552 655 175 27 15 14 18 33 52 1 117 540 1 537 250 16. Messrs Tony Moodley, P Bayvel, M F de Kock, M C Gerber & F Ladeira 3 1 33 1 1 0 100 1 250 000 1 370 000 17. Messrs R W Deacon, G A Hauptfleisch, G S Kotzen & G W Mitchell 4 3 75 1 0 0 100 1 312 500 1 352 500 59 6 10 8 10 10 57 411 250 1 233 425 19. Lammerskraal Stud (Nom: Mr M L P Rattray) 145 19 13 23 22 24 60 726 880 1 227 955 20. Mr D R & Mrs K M L Makins 219 14 6 18 23 32 39 605 625 1 141 540 15. Drakenstein Stud (Nom: Mrs G A Rupert) 18. Mr J Abreu SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 21 Champion jockey: ANDREW FORTUNE 22 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Top 20 Jockeys (By Number of wins) - Sa Racing Season 1 August 2008 - 31 July 2009 Name 1. A C Fortune Runs Wins Win % 2nd 3rd Other Place % 102 191 60 7 856 195 11 800 800 115 80 100 73 13 131 345 16 892 005 148 113 194 65 9 621 335 13 258 312 19 91 104 109 67 8 252 505 12 067 792 116 19 84 69 114 65 6 859 620 10 344 655 113 12 99 83 184 54 4 847 620 7 380 062 688 106 15 105 83 132 61 6 015 000 8 959 038 827 93 11 87 107 174 55 4 864 415 7 908 800 1086 200 18 166 2. A Marcus 658 187 28 3. G M Cheyne 934 154 16 4. P J Strydom 635 126 5. A C Delpech 586 6. R D Fourie 879 7. M T Khan 8. G J Lerena 9. K W Neisius Win Stakes Total Stakes 628 92 14 82 76 134 61 3 962 345 6 265 292 10. M J Byleveld 1006 79 7 104 110 206 49 4 174 855 7 049 720 11. J G Sampson 793 71 8 60 79 139 44 2 993 125 5 354 288 12. R A Hill 565 70 12 62 54 136 56 3 624 450 5 846 975 13. B R Fay D’Herbe De Maudave 433 67 15 56 57 81 60 6 841 320 9 319 390 14. F Naude 759 67 8 62 73 129 43 2 635 000 4 612 475 15. G J Schlechter 827 65 7 52 75 140 40 2 318 780 3 789 170 16. D T Habib 713 65 9 75 48 128 44 2 500 625 4 292 788 17. S Khumalo 870 64 7 63 72 142 39 2 821 265 4 642 982 18. J Geroudis 454 62 13 49 42 92 53 4 401 885 6 405 935 19. R Danielson 772 60 7 90 82 161 50 4 228 180 6 895 225 20. S N Cormack 374 58 15 48 45 55 55 2 649 450 4 152 440 Top 20 Trainers (By gross stakes earned) - Sa Racing Season 1 August 2008 - 31 July 2009 Name Other Place % 1.CS Laird Runs 752 Wins 151 Win % 20 2nd 104 3rd 73 134 61 Win Stakes 11 958 165 Total Stakes 16 643 945 2.MW Bass 904 117 13 88 105 188 55 8 520 530 12 715 280 3.MF de Kock 549 94 17 72 54 103 59 8 841 960 12 518 760 4.GV Woodruff 702 130 19 91 72 123 59 8 396 260 11 857 388 5.GS Kotzen 810 105 13 98 73 138 51 8 114 465 10 884 100 6.JS Snaith 1232 148 12 135 122 220 51 6 760 962 10 646 822 7.SG Tarry 901 123 14 86 104 169 53 6 437 565 9 527 905 8.J Ramsden 955 120 13 107 95 160 50 6 242 050 9 518 115 9.GD Smith 1242 110 9 119 115 232 46 3 955 862 6 662 170 10.AC Greeff 971 118 12 100 90 185 51 4 195 635 6 458 218 11.PF Matchett 701 52 7 68 86 133 48 2 862 505 6 204 280 12.D Zaki 522 54 10 69 61 90 52 2 929 385 5 199 855 13.DM Kannemeyer 539 62 12 63 64 91 52 3 535 460 5 163 130 14.B Marcus 503 66 13 66 46 99 55 3 486 350 5 009 240 15.DR Drier 462 66 14 53 52 92 57 3 088 840 4 691 100 16.OA Ferraris 292 41 14 31 32 55 54 2 936 875 4 666 288 17.AG Laird 399 47 12 40 35 80 51 2 718 765 4 402 035 18.St John D Gray 388 59 15 45 39 77 57 3 065 630 4 348 955 19.GM Alexander 457 47 10 33 53 78 46 2 524 238 4 298 625 20.PAC Miller 696 86 13 70 75 128 52 2 414 375 3 617 245 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 23 Course Records Clairwood Racecourse 1500 2004.07.14 VERTICAL SPORT 53.50 89.30 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1600 2005.06.26 MIST OF GOLD 55.50 94.14 CRSE 800 1998.11.29 GLORIFY 56.00 45.70 CRSE 1700 2007.05.27 GENIUS MY KING 57.50 100.95 1800 2004.05.12 COASTAL NEWS 53.00 106.40 CRSE 1000 2007.09.19 DANTE’S INFERNO 61.00 55.47 CRSE CRSE 1100 2002.11.03 WAVES OF ARGOSY 55.50 61.86 CRSE 1950 2009.05.20 IN WRITING (ARG) 55.50 118.03 CRSE 1200 2007.08.26 CATMANDU 58.00 67.28 CRSE 2000 2007.04.30 CAPTAIN SPIKE 59.50 120.45 CRSE 1400 2001.09.30 GREENBELT 50.00 82.06 CRSE 2400 2007.04.22 ACCORD 52.50 148.63 CRSE 1450 2003.11.16 WHACKY LAD 55.50 84.20 CRSE 2600 2006.07.09 RAMP MODEL 51.50 162.14 CRSE 1500 2003.02.18 TAMARINO BAY 58.00 88.26 CRSE 3000 2006.11.12 MODERN QUEST 57.00 189.00 CRSE 1600 2002.06.08 FREE MY HEART 58.00 93.16 CRSE 1700 2004.03.21 MEDAL CEREMONY 54.50 100.08 Durbanville Racecourse CRSE 1800 2009.07.25 IVORY TRAIL 54.50 105.41 CRSE 1900 2007.04.01 CAPTAIN SPIKE 57.00 109.03 CRSE 2000 2003.07.26 AFRICAN LION 53.00 117.32 CRSE 2400 1982.08.28 HAWKINS 49.50 147.30 CRSE 2500 2003.11.16 TWIN PEAKS 55.50 152.75 CRSE 2800 2001.07.15 DESERT PALM 57.50 176.47 CRSE 3200 1992.07.18 LARA’S GAME 54.50 210.10 CRSE 3250 1994.07.16 GREAT WHITE WAY (NZ) 51.00 209.70 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1000 1992.12.15 EMPRESS CLUB (ARG) 58.00 56.50 CRSE 1000 1995.08.16 WARRIOR LADY 56.00 57.10 CRSE 1200 1994.08.17 BRAVO BRADO 54.00 69.80 CRSE 1300 1999.03.27 GHOSTLY GALLEON 53.00 77.59 CRSE 1400 1995.08.16 SIGNAL GREEN 58.00 83.80 CRSE 1500 1991.06.05 JOSEY WOOD 55.00 91.10 CRSE 1600 2009.10.21 FORTUNATES 56.00 96.02 CRSE 1700 1994.08.31 BEAT THE LOT 52.50 104.50 Greyville Racecourse CRSE 1800 2007.10.27 FRANKIE DE WHEELS 55.00 109.08 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1900 1991.06.05 SANBONANI 58.00 117.40 CRSE 1000 1992.07.29 BLUSHING STAR 52.00 56.70 CRSE 2000 1999.08.28 HAUTCAR 52.50 120.20 CRSE 1100 1996.07.06 JULY DAY 51.50 62.50 CRSE 2400 1970.07.19 THUNDERBIRD 55.00 151.80 3200 1994.07.13 ROYAL VOYAGER 53.00 208.10 CRSE 1200 1985.07.13 EXTRA COVER 56.50 69.10 CRSE CRSE 1300 1998.06.06 CHIEF EDITOR 57.50 74.87 CRSE 1400 1994.02.19 ELDORIZA 50.00 81.50 Kenilworth Racecourse CRSE 1600 2009.03.27 PIRATE’S GOLD 53.00 92.99 CRSE 1800 1977.04.16 LUELA (GB) 55.50 111.20 CRSE 1900 2007.08.19 CIELO ET MARE 58.50 113.25 CRSE 2000 1996.06.08 LONDON NEWS 57.00 119.60 CRSE 2100 1998.06.06 PERSIAN BRAVE 51.50 126.60 CRSE 2200 2009.07.04 BIG CITY LIFE 51.00 127.04 CRSE 2300 1986.04.05 VILLAGE DEEP 54.50 140.90 CRSE 2400 2006.07.01 WALL STREET 51.50 142.47 CRSE 2900 1970.11.07 TAKI 49.50 182.80 CRSE 3000 2004.07.03 DOUBLE REEF (NZ) 55.00 185.32 CRSE 3200 1987.08.01 AQUANAUT 53.00 198.00 Scottsville Racecourse 24 CRSE CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 800 1987.11.14 KARTHALA 57.00 48.20 CRSE 1000 2006.04.01 BALL SIDER (ARG) 56.00 56.67 CRSE 1100 2009.12.05 CASEY COOL 56.50 65.06 CRSE 1200 2001.05.19 L’PASSIONATA (GB) 58.00 69.90 CRSE 1400 1997.01.25 WHAT A PROSPECT 56.50 84.00 CRSE 1500 2009.05.26 GONE WILD 59.00 92.05 CRSE 1600 1995.12.30 COUNTER ACTION 57.00 96.20 CRSE 1800 2006.02.25 BADGER’S GIFT 53.50 108.98 CRSE 1900 1997.04.19 MADAM DE ROCHE 48.50 117.10 CRSE 2000 2001.02.03 BUNTER BARLOW 53.00 122.10 CRSE 2200 2003.04.30 KURA STAR 60.00 134.10 CRSE 2400 2001.11.07 STEIGER 55.00 146.60 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 2500 2007.01.16 SUPREME GOLD 55.50 153.66 CRSE 800 2006.12.03 ORIENTAL LITES 57.00 45.97 CRSE 2700 1994.09.10 GOWER 57.00 169.90 2800 2000.11.08 CHATTER ALONG 58.00 173.10 3200 2006.02.25 LATIN GROOVE 46.00 204.12 CRSE 1000 2007.01.14 REGENT’S HONOUR 58.00 56.08 CRSE CRSE 1100 1998.09.19 RING ON TIME 55.00 62.12 CRSE CRSE 1200 2007.05.27 KILDONAN 57.50 67.00 CRSE 1400 1989.06.14 FANCIFUL (ARG) 49.00 82.39 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Turffontein Racecourse (Standside Track) Vaal Racecourse (Sand) CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 800 1998.11.22 RAMBLIN JAC ELIOT 57.00 45.38 CRSE 1000 2005.02.03 SAFE STRUCTURE 53.50 56.00 CRSE 1000 2007.05.05 MYTHICAL FLIGHT 56.50 54.96 CRSE 1200 2004.07.22 WEST POINT 57.00 71.69 CRSE 1100 1999.09.04 RUBY CLIPPER (NZ) 54.00 61.65 CRSE 1400 2004.04.08 TIPTOETHRUTHEWOODS 54.50 85.46 CRSE 1160 2000.06.18 BIG SKY COUNTRY 54.00 65.12 CRSE 1450 2009.08.06 RYAN’S A LION 56.00 89.11 CRSE 1400 1998.02.08 FOV’S FANCY 56.50 81.41 CRSE 1600 2006.03.09 KEENELAND 55.50 98.01 CRSE 1600 2000.09.16 CELTIC GROVE 49.50 95.44 CRSE 1800 2007.10.29 ADMIRAL’S DAUGHTER 56.50 113.6 CRSE 1600 2003.06.21 LOCK THE DOOR 57.00 100.91 CRSE 1700 1999.10.02 ELEGANT AL 54.00 102.70 CRSE 1800 1998.02.08 KEENELAND GOLD 52.50 108.92 WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1900 1985.10.05 LINES OF POWER 55.00 116.87 CRSE 2000 2003.03.22 THE GRADUATE 56.50 120.13 CRSE 2100 1991.09.07 RAKEEN (USA) 56.50 130.92 CRSE 2450 2003.05.31 MR KNOWITALL 55.50 151.59 CRSE 2450 2002.09.21 SATELLITE 53.00 152.82 CRSE 3200 1991.10.12 EATON LAD 52.00 200.71 Turffontein Racecourse (Inside Track) Arlington Racecourse CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE CRSE 1000 2005.05.21 ORIGINAL RESIDENT 56.50 55.53 CRSE 1200 1988.07.02 LACONIC 54.00 70.50 CRSE 1300 1997.03.21 CLAIM 54.00 75.99 CRSE 1400 1989.01.28 FINAL STRAW 57.00 83.20 CRSE 1600 1991.12.13 BEAUFORT HUNT 58.00 95.38 CRSE 1800 2003.09.02 AEOLUS 58.00 101.18 CRSE 1900 1990.01.12 ROSEKNIGHT 50.50 113.90 CRSE 2000 1983.01.22 BLUE NILE 50.50 117.80 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 2200 2000.08.23 CAJUN SUN 55.50 136.90 CRSE 1000 2007.11.08 ROSINANTE 54.50 56.29 CRSE 2400 1988.10.15 CLASSIC CHARM 57.50 147.50 CRSE 1200 2002.12.29 MISTY GOLD (ZIM) 58.00 68.65 CRSE 2700 2000.04.07 RONDEBOSCH 56.50 174.29 CRSE 1400 2005.01.30 GRAVITY 52.50 82.30 CRSE 1450 2009.05.09 WOODYEW 52.00 85.88 CRSE 1600 2004.10.09 ROYAL APROVAL 52.50 94.80 CRSE 1600 2004.10.09 BUSHRA 52.50 95.56 CRSE 1800 2003.01.04 FIERY FRED 56.00 107.57 CRSE 2200 2005.07.03 SUPREME 50.50 135.88 CRSE 2600 2003.04.20 STORM FLO 55.00 160.59 Vaal Racecourse (Turf) Fairview Racecourse CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE CRSE 800 1997.12.12 AL KARAMA WEIGHT TIME 56.00 45.09 57.00 CRSE 1000 2007.10.26 BATTLE LINE 57.50 CRSE 1100 2009.05.08 STRIKE THE FLAME 58.00 65.89 CRSE 1200 2005.05.13 NIK NAK 58.00 67.00 CRSE 1400 2006.03.17 JOSIAH 54.50 81.36 CRSE 1600 1989.12.26 FOVERITA 52.00 96.00 CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1700 1989.12.26 Saffron Light (IRE) 55.50 102.60 CRSE 800 1985.11.20 GYAROS 56.00 45.43 CRSE 1800 1989.11.25 FOVERITA 55.00 109.20 CRSE 1000 2002.11.21 THE BOOGIEMAN 53.00 55.51 CRSE 1900 1989.12.22 OFF DUTY 51.50 116.10 CRSE 1100 1992.12.08 FREE FROM FEAR 54.50 62.29 CRSE 2000 2007.10.28 DUNFORD 54.50 122.62 CRSE 1200 2003.10.02 ORDINANCE 57.00 67.74 CRSE 2400 1996.03.08 ADELANTE 57.00 149.50 CRSE 1300 2002.11.07 ADMIRAL BOLITHO 53.00 74.77 CRSE 2700 1993.07.30 SPARTAN LAD 56.00 171.48 CRSE 1400 2005.10.01 WINTER BIRD 54.00 80.38 CRSE 2800 1989.12.15 WHAT A CARD 52.00 174.80 CRSE 1500 1992.12.08 SINGIN IN THE RAIN 54.50 88.37 CRSE 3600 1996.10.18 FRAGRANT CHOPPER 50.50 226.11 CRSE 1600 2009.06.04 JULIUS 58.00 92.82 CRSE 1700 1985.08.28 SEAFARER 53.50 101.11 CRSE 1800 2000.06.01 ALTATURK (USA) 57.50 107.85 CRSE 1900 1984.05.24 ON GOLD 51.00 114.79 CRSE 2000 2007.09.13 BOUND BY HONOUR 57.50 121.06 CRSE 2200 2005.01.06 ZAMBOMBA 51.50 132.82 CRSE 2400 2005.10.01 THE DECAGON 58.00 145.94 CRSE 3200 1989.04.19 FLAMING HOT 49.50 201.46 Flamingo Park CLASS DIST DATUM HORSE WEIGHT TIME CRSE 1000 2009.08.31 CYBER CASE 56.00 56.38 CRSE 1200 2009.08.31 TAMARA’S STAR 59.00 73.39 CRSE 1400 2009.08.31 PETRUS 58.00 87.12 CRSE 1600 2009.08.31 CROWN OF POWER 54.50 99.05 CRSE 1800 2008.02.04 PINE NUT 57.00 113.77 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 25 South African Racecourses S outh Africa currently has ten Racecourses which, as shown on the map, are located throughout the country at all the major centres. Of the ten Racecourses, eight have grass surfaces, one has both grass and sand and one is solely a sand surface (Flamingo Park). There are also floodlights installed at the Greyville track where night meetings take place approximately 24 times annually and lights have recently been installed at Turffontein. Race meetings are held daily in South Africa with a carded programme of from eight to ten races and a typical week’s racing fixtures would look as follows; Monday Flamingo Park (Sand) Tuesday Kenilworth Wednesday Scottsville Thursday Vaal Friday Fairview; Greyville (Night) Saturday Turffontein; Kenilworth Sunday Clairwood ZIMBABWE BOTSWANA MOZAMBIQUE 1 2 JOHANNESBURG NAMIBIA 8 KIMBERLEY 5 3 4 SOUTH AFRICA 6 CAPE TOWN 26 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 9 10 7 PORT ELIZABETH DURBAN 1. Turffontein 2. Vaal 3. Greyville 4. Clairwood 5. Scottsville 6. Arlington 7. Fairview 8. Flamingo Park 9. Kenilworth 10. Durbanville Clairwood Racecourse C lairwood Racecourse is built on land that was originally a swamp and was opened on Tuesday, May 24, 1921. Known as the “Garden Course”, Clairwood is situated approximately 10 km from the Durban city centre and 2 km from Durban International airport. The left-handed oval track is a flat 2500 metres in circumference with one of the easiest turns in the country. The run-in to the winning post is 600 metres. There is also a 1 200 metre straight, meeting the bend at the 600 metre mark. Wide draws are of little consequence except in races over 1450 m, with a short run-in to the home turn, and races over 2400 m where the runners jump straight into the first bend. Grandstand at Clairwood Racecourse. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 27 Greyville Racecourse 1600m T he Greyville Racecourse surrounds the Royal Durban 1400m Golf Club’s Championship course and is situated in 1800m 2000m 2200m 1200m 2400m the heart of Durban. In 1996 it became the first track in the country to install floodlights, enabling the course to stage night racing. The track is an undulating 2 800 metre pear- 1000m shape. There is a downhill slope from the 2 600 metre mark then uphill from the 2 400 metre mark to the 1 800 metres. Thereafter a gentle downward slope for about 800 metres is followed by a testing uphill section from the 800 metre mark FINISH into a 500 metre home straight which is slightly uphill. Wide 3200m draws are a factor in races over 1 400m to 1 600 m where the start is situated on the turn. Aerial view of Greyville Racecourse. 28 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Photo: Airserv Scottsville Racecourse S cottsville Racecourse is situated about 2,5km from the 1800m 1600m 1400m Pietermaritzburg City Hall and 85 km from Durban. The track is a right-handed oval and approximately 2 300 metres in circumference with a banked home turn into a divided 550 metre straight. A portable rail, similar to railway points system, is used to guide the horses into the inside or outside straights, both of which rise steeply up to the winning post. 2000m FINISH 1200m Scottsville also has a tricky 1 200 metre straight course which is downhill from the start before rising steeply from the junction to the finish. Because of the cambered home turn, wide draws appear to be of little consequence. Scottsville is also a “Racino” course with the Golden Horse Casino and hotel conveniently “attached” to the back of the grandstand allowing both racing and casino patrons easy access to both facilities. Aerial view of Scottsville Racecourse. Photo: Airserv SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 29 Aerial view of Kenilworth Racecourse. 30 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Kenilworth Racecourse K enilworth is a left-handed track and is unique amongst South African racecourses in that it consists of three 1400m 1600m OLD TRACK 2000m 1200m 1000m separate tracks. There is a new track with a circumference of 2800m and a run- 1800m in of about 600m which is used primarily in summer, and an old track with a circumference of 2700m and a run-in of about 450m which is normally used for winter racing. There is also a FINISH separate 1200m straight course which bisects the infield at a diagonal, the three courses only coming together in the pull-up FINISH 2800m area. The new course particularly is one of the fairest in South Africa and gives every horse a winning chance, but ability to race handy is of greater importance on the old course. The 1200m straight is the stiffest in the country. A climb for the first 200m and another rise over the final 200m make this a real test of ability to stay 1200m and horses who go fast early on almost invariably get caught wanting at the finish. Horses who seem best over middle distances often do well in 1200m races at Kenilworth, especially when the winter going is soft or heavy. Low number draws are generally favoured in sprints, but fields tend to split into two distinct groups when the going is heavy and outside barriers then enjoy a slight advantage. Draws are of little importance around the turn, especially on the new course. Durbanville Racecourse A left-handed course with a circumference of about 2200m, Durbanville has a run-in of about 600m and 1200m 1400m 1600m no straight course. Durbanville’s excellent drainage makes it an ideal winter racing 1000m 1800m venue and that is when almost all meetings there take place. With the home straight on a downward slope until just before the finish and ability to at least race handy is important over al- FINISH most any distance, but the tracks reputation in this regard can also lead to pacemakers going much too fast early on. Horses 3200m 2000m who race from off the pace need a good turn of acceleration to give of their best at this course. Low number draws are a marked advantage over almost any distance and Durbanville has a tendency to produce course specialists. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 31 Turffontein Racecourse T urffontein is the Phumelela flagship course and con- 1800m 1600m 1200m 1400m sists of the old “Standside” track and a new inside track. The Standside course is a right-handed track with a circumference of approximately 2700m, with a 1200m 1000m straight course joining the round course at about the 800m 500m mark. The Standside course is widely considered one of SA’s FINISH stiffest tracks because of a steady climb from about the 1200m to the final turn. The straight course is flat, and the Turffontein 2200m FINISH 2600m 3000m 1200m is probably one of the most undemanding in SA. The draw appears to be of little significance in sprints, but low barriers are favoured in races run over 1400m and 1600m. The new inside track shares a common back straight with the Standside Track. All races run clockwise round a tight turn with a run-in of slightly less than 500m. The track rises 10m from the 1400m to the 500m marks. Low-number draws favoured over 1000m and 1200m. Nightracing was launced in November 2009. Vaal Racecourse (grass) 2400m 2200m 2000m A right-handed course with a circumference of about 1800m 2900m, the Vaal consists of two 1000m straights connected by fairly sharp bends. The run-in of 1000m is 2800m the longest in the country, and the Vaal also has South Africa’s FINISH 1400m 1600m only 1600m straight course. All races of up to a mile are run down the straight. Generally, outside draws hold an advantage on the straight course, especially when the going is soft, but 1000m in the winter months the two extremes appear equally favour- 1200m able and fields tend to split into two distinct groups on either side of the course. Draws are of little significance in races run around the turn. Vaal Racecourse (sand) 2400m 2200m 2000m A right-handed course with a 1000m straight course, 1800m with the 1000m start taking place at the top of the 1200m straight. Races over 1200m start in the middle of the bend, those over 1400m right at the entrance of the bend. FINISH Starting stalls for races over 1400m are positioned at an angle, to compensate for wide draws. The sand track appears to put 800m 1000m a premium on stamina. The sand track at the Vaal was inaugurated in August 2001. 32 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Fairview Racecourse A right-handed course with a circumference of ap- 2000m 1800m proximately 2700m and a run-in of 800m, Fairview has a straight course of 1200m which joins the round 1600m 2200m 1400m course at the 800m mark. The straight course (and therefore the run-in) is mostly downhill, which means that most races are run at a good pace. High 2400m FINISH 1000m 1100m 1200m number draws hold a marked advantage in races run over the straight course, but barriers seem of little significance in races 2700m 2800m 3600m around the turn. Fairview tends to be a slow-draining course and the going frequently remains soft or heavy for some time after a wet spell. Arlington Racecourse A sharp, undulating right-handed course with a cir- 2000m 1900m 1800m 1600m 1400m 3200m 1200m cumference of approximately 2000m and a run-in of 600m. There is a 1000m straight course which joins the round course at about the 600m mark. The sharp uneven nature of the course has made Arlington notorius as a fast track. The 1000m straight course is mostly downhill. Barrier draws are of little importance over most distances as there is a 400m stretch to FINISH 800m 2200m 2400m 1000m 2800m the first turn even when racing over 1400m. Races between 1800m and 2000m start from a chute extending from the back straight. Arlington enjoys excellent drainage and the going is good to firm almost all year round. Turffontein Racecourse by night SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 33 34 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Training Centres T he training of racehorses in South Africa is largely centralised into training centres controlled by the two racing operators, Gold Circle and Phumelela. There are, however, a number of successful private setups around the country. In KwaZulu-Natal, operated by Gold Circle, the main training centre is at Summerveld about 36km from central Durban at Shongweni and some 600 m above sea level. Over 1 100 horses are stabled here. Ashburton Training Centre was established in 1984 and the complex is situated 12 km outside of the KZN capital Pietermaritzburg where nearly 500 horses are stabled. Clairwood Racecourse in Durban is also used as a training centre and has a small resident population of horses whose numbers swell during the important winter racing season when visiting horses are stabled there. In the Western Cape, also controlled by Gold Circle, the main training centre is situated on part of the old Milnerton Racecourse on the West Coast where more than 1 000 horses are stabled. Phillipi, which houses about 300 horses, is situated on the Cape Flats on the False Bay side of Table Mountain. Both centres boast access to the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the regions controlled by Phumelela, the main training facilities on the Highveld are at Randtjiesfontein in Midrand near Johannesburg, where the majority of the Gauteng-based trainers and horses are situated, and at The Vaal Racecourse in the Free State. There is also a smaller training community situated at Turffontein Racecourse in the centre of Johannesburg which also houses the Phumelela headquarters. In the Eastern Cape, also controlled by Phumelela, the main training facilities are situated at Arlington Racecourse. Photos: Airserv SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 35 Equus Award for Breeder of the Year and First Lady of South African racing: Bridget Oppenheimer (MAURITZFONTEIN STUD) 36 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Breeding Industry Breeding Statistics Season ended 31 July No of Registered Breeders No of Stallions Returned 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 509 408 459 419 423 451 490 527 683 730 853 925 131 105 105 102 103 111 128 120 142 171 170 181 No of Mares Returned 4 406 3941 4 480 3 970 4 230 4 615 4 403 4 338 4 562 4 345 4 703 5 054 No of Live Foals * 3738 3480 3 286 3 079 2 970 3 119 3 134 3 227 3 423 3 587 3 651 3 672 * From 2001 the statistics for the foal crop are based on the micro chipping data. REGISTERED BREEDERS 1998 - 2009 STALLIONS RETURNED 1998 - 2009 1000 200 900 800 150 700 600 500 100 400 300 50 200 100 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 MARES RETURNED 1998 - 2009 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 LIVE FOALS 1998 - 2009 4000 5500 3750 5000 3500 4500 3250 4000 3000 3500 2750 3000 2500 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 37 Top 20 Breeders (by stakes) - Sa Racing Season 1 August 2008 - 31 July 2009 Name Runs Runners Wins 1. Summerhill Stud (Pty) Ltd 254 1755 153 2. D Cohen & Sons (Pty) Ltd Win % 2nd 3rd Other Place % Win Stakes %SW Wnrs Total Stakes 8 169 179 326 47 8 301 325 7 14 088 530 139 911 87 9 83 76 178 46 5 174 405 12 7 876 820 3. Lammerskraal Stud (Nom: Mr M L P Rattray) 90 584 79 13 73 64 111 55 5 235 040 12 7 435 765 4. Highlands Farm Stud (Pty) Ltd 137 787 93 11 89 60 140 48 4 399 042 11 6 743 285 5. Ascot Stud (Pty) Ltd 101 683 58 8 54 63 131 44 4 320 635 5 6 434 128 6. Scott Bros 153 967 79 8 90 76 178 43 3 316 290 2 5 634 852 7. Gary Player Stud (Pty) Ltd 156 984 67 6 93 83 164 41 3 337 275 2 5 440 470 8. Klawervlei Stud 123 479 62 12 49 53 88 52 3 411 940 10 5 054 830 9. Normandy Stud 10. Maine Chance Farms (Pty) Ltd 82 547 67 12 43 56 77 44 3 091 930 5 4 596 825 114 600 59 9 65 54 92 45 2 678 165 7 4 531 490 41 179 33 18 19 24 30 59 3 550 010 9 4 503 520 12. Wilgerbosdrift 102 628 69 10 53 75 110 48 2 765 922 8 4 234 100 13. Zandvliet Stud 35 229 16 6 18 21 42 42 3 325 625 11 4 097 075 14. The Alchemy 96 562 56 9 53 57 102 47 2 423 795 10 4 083 515 15. Mr G J Armitage 64 411 42 10 31 45 92 51 2 050 655 18 3 941 450 16. Varsfontein Stud 101 621 52 8 56 64 113 45 2 222 525 8 3 832 075 70 398 49 12 48 33 84 53 2 428 490 6 3 782 575 11. Mauritzfontein Stud 17. Avontuur Thoroughbred Farm 18. Mrs J A Wintle 6 61 17 27 6 2 9 55 3 549 385 25 3 740 155 19. Graystone Stud 62 466 53 11 39 39 92 47 2 600 135 4 3 657 922 20. Cheveley Stud 84 457 40 8 48 34 86 45 2 441 280 14 3 607 950 AEPR Runs Winners Leading Sires by Stakes Top Earner % Runrs/ Wnrs Wnrs Stakes Wins Stakes 55 95 36 5 9 9 77 127 57 8 8 10 Exhilaration 62 94 38 5 6 8 Zirconeum 68 110 52 8 12 12 1057 63 96 35 4 8 56 589 769 60 99 42 3 134 56 651 850 50 73 37 125 59 063 830 55 78 44 68 98 616 422 33 50 125 48 172 831 57 91 66 002 573 39 Muhtafal (USA) 111 53 957 767 5 802 498 Al Mufti (USA) 133 43 628 5 737 005 Silvano (GER) 124 46 266 5 060 450 Joshua Dancer (USA) 105 4 962 420 Windrush (USA) 4 503 320 Goldkeeper (USA) 4 228 542 Mogok (USA) 4 053 402 4 016 658 Sire 10 821 985 Jet Master 152 71 197 841 9 470 865 Captain Al 135 70 155 823 9 167 580 Jallad (USA) 164 55 900 950 8 579 370 Western Winter (USA) 131 65 491 788 Runners 8 175 148 National Emblem 180 45 417 8 092 170 Fort Wood (USA) 143 7 591 260 Casey Tibbs (IRE) 7 382 900 Kahal (GB) 6 705 855 Strike Smartly (CAN) * 6 021 558 National Assembly (CAN) 6 006 225 Parade Leader (USA) 5 989 255 Pocket Power Stakes % of Total Stakes 3 206 250 30 615 625 7 1 606 300 18 Lady Windermere 919 375 11 6 Emblem Of Liberty 963 875 12 3 5 Forest Path 1 607 000 20 4 8 8 Big City Life 3 280 625 43 3 3 5 Smangaliso 770 825 10 49 5 7 15 2 525 000 38 84 46 3 3 5 Kings Troop 65 43 3 3 8 Rudra 55 78 50 4 5 7 767 57 83 43 4 4 683 52 81 42 4 5 48 195 653 49 72 47 3 85 58 381 592 42 64 49 73 61 689 475 34 51 47 101 41 867 562 33 49 Rambo Dancer (CAN) * 97 41 788 756 39 Saumarez (GB) 87 46 168 574 34 * Deceased 38 % SW/ Wnrs Wins Total Stakes SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Smart Banker 310 500 5 1 370 000 23 Thunder Key 370 875 6 7 Trojan 258 450 4 8 Mochachino 305 900 5 4 6 Sparkling Gem 906 500 18 2 5 5 Mother Russia 968 750 20 3 4 9 Cerise Cherry 784 800 17 33 2 3 6 Gypsy’s Warning 958 125 23 54 40 2 2 5 Spring Garland 252 100 6 52 39 6 6 18 Crown Of Power 303 900 8 Leading 2yo Sires by Stakes Total Stakes Sire Runners AEPR Runs Winners Wins % Runrs/ Wnrs Wnrs Stakes Wins Stakes % SW/ Wnrs Top Earner Stakes % of Total Stakes 3 040 995 Captain Al 48 63 354 159 30 40 63 5 5 17 Exhilaration 615 625 20 1 762 970 Var (USA) 29 60 792 92 15 19 52 2 4 13 Villandry 531 025 30 972 240 Kahal (GB) 24 40 510 68 7 9 29 1 1 14 Spring Clover 411 125 42 818 800 Dynasty 28 29 243 93 10 11 36 1 1 10 Squashy Joy 234 375 29 796 875 Lecture (USA) 30 26 563 106 10 12 33 1 2 10 Fairy Queen 154 975 19 781 355 Goldkeeper (USA) 9 86 817 37 4 7 44 2 3 50 Give Me Five 362 500 46 748 600 Jet Master 29 25 814 65 6 7 21 1 1 17 All Afire 450 500 60 739 905 Toreador (IRE) 24 30 829 90 5 7 21 0 0 0 Six Articles 194 075 26 684 095 Casey Tibbs (IRE) 31 22 068 95 8 10 26 2 2 25 Youth Club 166 025 24 649 345 Tamburlaine (IRE) 23 28 232 94 9 10 39 1 1 11 Sarah Em 128 525 20 643 720 Western Winter (USA) 17 37 866 44 6 6 35 0 0 0 My Kazzie 268 125 42 629 470 Parade Leader (USA) 17 37 028 48 6 6 35 1 1 17 Laverna 367 125 58 623 860 Silvano (GER) 21 29 708 52 5 7 24 1 1 20 Bold Silvano 207 500 33 567 760 Redoute’s Choice (AUS) 2 283 880 8 2 4 100 1 1 50 Musir 377 125 66 534 960 Al Mufti (USA) 28 19 106 75 6 7 21 1 1 17 Kiss Again 121 875 23 524 010 Victory Moon 23 22 783 60 7 7 30 1 1 14 Nocturnal Affair 129 275 25 520 415 Woodbrough (USA) 20 26 021 77 6 7 30 0 0 0 Deigo 156 625 30 500 510 National Emblem 36 13 903 101 5 6 14 0 0 0 Lt Samson 68 750 14 444 355 National Assembly 16 27 772 54 5 5 31 1 1 20 Velvet Hue 103 925 23 18 23 356 64 5 6 28 0 0 0 Ashjaan 104 500 25 Winners Wins % Runrs/ Wnrs Wnrs Stakes Wins Stakes % SW/ Wnrs (CAN) 420 400 Malhub (USA) Leading Damsires by Stakes Total Stakes Sire Runners AEPR Runs Top Earner Stakes % of Total Stakes 12 098 025 Northern Guest (USA) 307 39 407 1 857 101 140 33 6 6 6 Forest Path 1 607 000 13 11 356 312 Elliodor (FR) 272 41 751 1 508 115 174 42 7 8 6 Exhilaration 615 625 5 2 525 000 24 10 643 422 Al Mufti (USA) 169 62 979 1 045 73 119 43 5 7 7 Smart Banker 6 970 325 Model Man * 204 34 168 1 262 73 100 36 3 3 4 Test Pilot 194 775 3 5 887 728 National Assembly (CAN) 185 31 826 995 56 73 30 9 10 16 Laverna 367 125 6 5 736 805 Fort Wood (USA) 121 47 412 685 46 70 38 6 6 13 Bouquet-Garni 1 086 375 19 5 610 155 Jallad (USA) 130 43 155 774 56 82 43 2 2 4 Give Me Five 362 500 6 5 560 428 Badger Land (USA) 117 47 525 703 46 70 39 2 4 4 Rebel King 932 500 17 5 474 565 Foveros (GB) 103 53 151 749 41 67 40 3 3 7 Magical 502 250 9 5 261 098 Complete Warrior (USA) 104 50 587 724 39 58 38 2 6 5 Ivory Trail 778 750 15 5 115 265 Goldmark 49 104 393 312 20 37 41 3 7 15 Big City Life 3 280 625 64 4 747 455 Centenary (USA) 100 47 475 625 37 71 37 2 2 5 Kings Troop 310 500 7 4 597 092 Northfields (USA) 72 63 849 486 29 42 40 2 2 7 Rudra 1 370 000 30 4 038 445 Prince Florimund 6 673 074 56 5 9 83 1 4 20 Pocket Power 3 206 250 79 3 627 265 Harry Hotspur 3 427 410 Golden Thatch (IRE) 3 417 442 94 38 588 593 35 55 37 2 2 6 Galahad 403 450 11 114 30 065 709 31 39 27 3 3 10 Vacherin 362 500 11 Fine Edge (GB) 78 43 813 522 32 43 41 3 3 9 Senor Versace 573 200 17 3 208 655 Russian Fox (USA) 67 47 890 428 20 29 30 1 4 5 Mother Russia 968 750 30 3 125 080 Royal Chalice 48 65 106 284 16 26 33 4 6 25 Gypsy’s Warning 958 125 31 2 939 298 All Fired Up (USA) 80 36 741 485 26 42 33 0 0 0 Mighty Atom 207 325 7 * Deceased SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 39 Top sire, Western Winter. 40 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Stud Fees STALLION Western Winter (USA) SERVICE FEE (ZAR) STUD PROVINCE STANDING 200 000 Lammerskraal Stud Western Cape Jet Master 170 000 Klipdrif Stud Western Cape Fort Wood (USA) 150 000 Mauritzfontein Stud Northern Cape Trippi (USA) 100 000 Drakenstein Stud Western Cape Captain Al 80 000 Klawervlei Stud Western Cape Tiger Ridge (USA) 80 000 Wilgebosdrift Stud Western Cape National Assembly (CAN) 60 000 Highlands Western Cape Black Minnaloushe (USA) 60 000 Maine Chance Western Cape Count Dubois (GB) 60 000 Litchfield Western Cape Jallad (USA) 60 000 Highlands Western Cape Kahal (GB) 60 000 Summerhill KwaZulu - Natal Silvano (GER) 60 000 Maine Chance Western Cape Spectrum (IRE) 60 000 Highlands Western Cape Var (USA) 60 000 Avontuur Stud Farm Western Cape Daylami (IRE) 50 000 Riethuiskraal Western Cape Goldkeeper (USA) 50 000 Sandown Stud Western Cape Muhtafal (USA) 50 000 Summerhill KwaZulu - Natal Antonius Pius USA) 40 000 Highlands Western Cape Miesque’s Approval (USA) 35 000 Scott Bros KwaZulu - Natal West Order (USA) 35 000 Arrowpoint Stud Western Cape SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 41 International International Earnings of the Top 10 South African Bred Horses 2008/9 42 HORSE BREEDER SIRE DAM Paris Perfect Mrs G. Fabricus Muhtafal (USA) Candle Princess (NZ) 5 908 522 JJ The Jet Plane Mrs P J Devine Jetmaster Magestic Guest 2 438 487 Fearless Maine Chance Farms (Pty) Ltd Western Winter (USA) Festive Forever 2 116 802 Tyndrum Wilgerbosdrift Rich Man’s Gold (USA) Cathay Firth 1 981 027 Diana’s Choice Mr R T Knight Windrush (USA) Fly To The Stars 1 786 966 Art Of war Summerhill Stud (Pty) Ltd Kahal (GB) Cariad 1 631 262 Tiza Daytona Stud (Pty) Ltd Goldkeeper (USA) Mamushka 1 569 622 Master Sufi Mr A Zelinsky Jetmaster Kal Sufi 1 303 242 Hunting Tower Mrs B D Oppenheimer Fort Wood (USA) Stirrup Cup 1 247 275 Imbongi Summerhill Stud (Pty) Ltd Russian Revival (USA) Garden Verse 1 241 367 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 EARNINGS IN ZAR * Top 10 Breeders by International Stake Earnings 2008/9 BREEDER INTERNATIONAL STAKES IN ZAR * Mrs G. Fabricus 5 908 522 Summerhill Stud (Pty) Ltd 2 872 629 Mrs P J Devine 2 438 487 Maine Chance Farms 2 379 697 Wilgerbosdrift 2 135 092 Mr R T Knight 1 786 966 Daytona Stud (Pty) Ltd 1 569 622 Mr A Zelinsky 1 303 242 Mrs B D Oppenheimer 1 247 275 Midlands Equine Enterprises 1 195 704 * All International Earnings converted to ZAR at the exchange rate on race date Thoroughbred Exports Year Ended UK UAE USA HK AUS QTR SING IRE FRA MAL NZ MAU KEN RUS SAU BRZ TOTAL July 2001/2002 6 5 6 3 11 2002/2003 8 18 1 5 1 19 2003/2004 9 20 6 12 2 4 2 4 2005/2006 2 18 3 1 11 2006/2007 12 13 3 3 2007/2008 27 1 5 1 5 2008/2009 5 27 1 6 3 2004/2005 16 31 1 1 6 1 61 1 30 84 19 41 23 58 122 1 2 4 153 96 2 1 143 5 1 1 51 Thoroughbred Imports Year Ended UK Ire USA Arg Fr NZ Aus 1997 4 1 12 14 1 32 1998 9 9 16 26 1 1999 5 8 13 10 Brz Chil Other Total Breeding Racing 27 1 92 15 77 64 23 1 149 13 136 28 49 113 13 100 134 July 2000 1 5 10 28 2001 4 13 6 19 2002 4 3 10 4 3 27 64 2 26 37 1 8 17 6 1 3 1 138 4 109 13 96 56 13 41 2003 8 11 26 14 2 5 11 6 1 2 86 22 64 2004 8 4 18 15 3 5 40 1 1 6 101 20 81 2005 11 13 42 38 2 10 41 9 1 6 2006 14 17 43 40 4 17 77 13 5 173 24 149 230 21 209 2007 14 20 38 39 4 4 122 10 1 8 260 79 181 2008 13 27 34 27 1 8 149 33 1 2 295 68 227 2009 9 25 12 39 1 1 84 15 - 2 188 30 158 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 43 Auction Sales 44 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 MAJOR SALES RESULTS SALE MONTH VENUE EMPERORS PALACE NATIONAL 2YO SALE EMPERORS PALACE READY TO RUN SALE EQUIMARK READY TO RUN SALE GRANDWEST YEARLING SALE EQUIMARK VINTAGE YEARLING SALE EMPERORS PALACE NATIONAL YEARLING SALE SIBAYA YEARLING SALE Aug - 08 TBA Complex Johannesburg Nov - 08 TBA Complex Johannesburg Jan - 09 Durbanville Cape Province Feb - 09 Grandwest Casino Cape Town Mar - 09 Durbanville Cape Province Apr - 09 TBA Complex Johannesburg Jul - 09 Sibaya Casino KwaZulu-Natal GRANDWEST MARE SALE EQUIMARK MARE & WEANLING SALE SIBAYA MARE & WEANLING SALE Feb - 09 Grandwest Casino Cape Town May - 09 Durbanville Cape Province Jul - 09 Sibaya Casino KwaZulu-Natal SALE GROSS % CHANGE RACING STOCK 30 475 000 13.65 MEDIAN % CHANGE 55 000 10.00 TOP PRICE BREEDING 26 740 000 57.70 100 000 0.00 3 475 000 -41.40 42 000 -6.70 480 000 AL MUFTI(USA)-HANCOCK PARK (USA) 2 200 000 ROCK OF GIBRALTER (IRE)LADY'S LIGHT (USA) 260 000 CAPTAIN AL - CAPE WONDER 11 995 000 -9.250 50 000 -9.09 450 000 SILVANO(GER) - BLUE ACRES 16 679 000 -41.70 60 000 -33.33 800 000 Jet Master - Mythical Bird 153 110 000 -23.84 220 000 -15.38 2 400 000 Kahal(Gb) - Cousin Linda 14 345 000 -9.010 45 000 -18.18 400 000 Fusaichi Pegasus(USA) La Favorita(USA) BREEDING STOCK 1 996 000 -75.63 30 000 -14.28 7 918 500 46.90 30 000 50.00 2 432 000 -64.60 17 000 -32.00 360 000 Rich Man's Gold(USA) Glib Talk 800 000 Equalize(USA) - Esmerada (ARG) 240 000 Giant's Causeway(USA) Colour Me Red (IRE) Yearling Sales Results 1997/98-2008/09 No Sold % Change 1997/98 Year 989 -2.98 Average 60 737 % change 11.76 1998/99 994 0.51 60 394 1999/00 999 0.50 62 639 Gross % Change Median % Change 60 069 000 9.16 41 000 -0.57 60 031 334 -0.06 41 000 0.00 3.72 62 576 041 4.24 47 000 14.63 2000/01 939 -6.01 73 176 16.82 68 712 500 9.81 55 000 17.02 2001/02 936 -0.32 80 364 9.82 75 221 000 9.47 60 000 9.09 2002/03 929 -0.75 95 800 19.21 88 998 000 18.32 65 000 8.33 2003/04 898 -3.34 128 019 33.63 114 961 000 29.17 84 000 29.23 2004/05 940 4.68 143 794 12.32 135 166 600 17.58 98 000 16.67 2005/06 1146 21.91 165 080 14.80 189 182 000 39.96 113 000 15.31 2006/07 1133 -1.13 195 460 18.40 221 456 000 17.06 137 000 21.24 2007/08 1193 5.30 218 883 11.98 261 127 500 17.91 149 000 8.76 2008/09 1075 -9.89 182 446 -16.65 196 129 000 -24.89 100 000 -32.89 YEARLING SALES RESULTS (Gross) R000’s 300 000 000 250 000 000 200 000 000 150 000 000 100 000 000 50 000 000 0 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 45 Ready To Run Results 2000/1-2008/09 Year No Sold %Change Average %Change 33 081 Gross %Change 2 944 200 Median %Change 2000/01 89 2001/02 77 -13.50 37 448 13.20 2 883 500 -2.06 30 000 25 000 2002/03 109 41.60 48 853 30.46 5 325 000 84.67 31 000 3.33 2003/04 144 32.10 46 875 -4.05 6 750 000 26.76 35 000 12.90 2004/05 149 3.50 50 470 7.67 7 520 000 11.41 39 000 11.43 2005/06 155 4.00 66 955 32.66 10 378 000 38.01 50 000 28.21 2006/07 169 9.00 94 444 41.06 15 961 000 53.80 81 000 62.00 2007/08 233 37.90 98 279 4.06 22 899 000 43.47 76 000 -6.17 2008/09 211 -9.40 143 199 45.71 30 215 000 31.95 85 000 11.84 20.00 2YO Sales Results 1997/8-2008/9 Year No Sold % Change Average % change Gross % Change Median % Change 1997/98 329 4.11 30 470 53.11 10 024 500 59.40 20 000 42.86 1998/99 349 6.08 28 463 -6.59 9 933 500 -0.91 20 000 0.00 1999/00 283 -18.91 33 060 16.15 9 356 000 -5.81 25 000 25.00 2000/01 273 -3.53 29 253 -11.52 7 986 000 -14.64 20 000 -20.00 2001/02 274 0.37 45 365 55.08 12 430 000 55.65 32 000 60.00 2002/03 327 19.34 50 367 11.03 16 470 000 32.50 37 000 15.63 2003/04 293 -10.40 49 358 -2.00 14 462 000 -12.19 30 000 -18.92 2004/05 354 20.82 52 390 6.14 18 546 000 28.24 35 000 16.67 2005/06 328 -7.34 72 354 38.11 23 732 000 27.96 45 000 28.57 2006/07 337 2.74 76 513 5.75 25 785 000 8.65 55 000 22.22 2007/08 404 19.88 81 106 6.00 32 767 000 27.08 50 000 -9.09 2008/09 333 -17.57 80 526 -0.72 26 815 000 -18.16 50 000 0.00 Weanling Sales Results 1999/00-2007/08 Year 46 No Sold % Change Average % change % Change 807 000 Median % Change 51 2000/01 44 -13.73 18 477 16.77 813 000 0.74 16 000 23.08 2001/02 70 59.09 16 014 -13.33 1 121 000 37.88 10 000 -37.50 2002/03 71 1.43 16 528 3.21 1 173 500 4.68 12 000 20.00 2003/04 36 -49.30 22 444 35.80 808 000 -31.15 18 000 50.00 2004/05 28 -22.22 33 964 51.33 951 000 17.70 21 000 16.67 2005/06 28 0.00 45 000 32.49 1 260 000 32.49 41 000 95.24 2006/07 60 114.29 40 817 -9.30 2 449 000 94.37 33 000 -19.51 2007/08 20 -66.67 23 450 -42.55 469 000 -80.85 15 000 -54.55 2008/09 36 80.00 35 819 52.75 1 289 500 174.95 20 000 33.33 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 15 824 Gross 1999/00 13 000 Broodmare & Fillies for Stud Sales Results 1999/00-2008/09 Year No Sold % Change Average % change Gross 16,173 % Change 2,798,000 Median % Change 1999/00 173 2000/01 190 9.80 25,195 55.78 4,787,000 71.09 10,000 2001/02 184 -3.20 28,533 13.25 5,250,000 9.67 10,000 0.00 2002/03 178 -3.30 30,331 6.30 5,399,000 2.84 9,000 -10.00 2003/04 187 5.10 36,545 20.49 6,834,000 26.58 14,000 55.56 2004/05 169 -9.60 48,302 32.17 8,163,000 19.45 20,000 42.86 2005/06 187 10.70 65,267 35.12 12,205,000 49.52 30,000 50.00 2006/07 332 77.50 62,274 -4.59 20,675,000 69.40 35,000 16.67 2007/08 289 -13.00 52,588 -15.55 15,198,000 -26.49 20,000 -42.86 2008/09 249 -13.80 56 839 8.08 14 153 000 -6.88 25 000 25.00 READY TO RUN SALES RESULTS (Gross) 8,000 25.00 2YO SALES RESULTS (Gross) R000’s R000’s 35 000 000 30 000 000 30 000 000 25 000 000 25 000 000 20 000 000 20 000 000 15 000 000 15 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 0 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 WEANLING SALES RESULTS (Gross) R000’s 3 000 000 2 500 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 BROODMARE SALES RESULTS (Gross) R000’s 30 000 000 25 000 000 20 000 000 15 000 000 10 000 000 5 000 000 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 47 Industry trends licences and registrations Season ending 31 July Trainers Assistant Trainers Jockeys Apprentice Jockeys Work Riders Individual ColourhoLders Partnership Colourholders 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 175 174 170 187 182 180 181 193 210 204 99 90 90 95 98 84 110 84 90 128 116 108 81 90 109 97 114 94 138 102 116 117 164 41 34 28 29 41 16 24 11 21 187 174 98 41 29 22 71 113 99 85 83 110 2 912 3 203 3 186 3 518 3 334 3 460 3 336 3 605 4 064 4 414 3224 3 342 472 529 449 515 554 583 511 534 605 619 718 819 Syndicate Colourholders 63 63 51 62 54 70 69 66 76 88 110 129 Company Colourholders 58 58 47 46 45 36 30 29 27 25 23 13 7 1 6 7 6 2 1 1 1 5 - - 240 240 242 236 240 6455 6 047 6 019 5 975 5 857 5 816 6 070 6 323 6 628 6 961 7 612 7 377 Trust Colourholders Bookmakers Total Thoroughbred Registrations 48 2009 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 Races Prizemoney and Foal Crops Foal Crop 1998/9 % Change 3 651 Races -0.57 % Change 3 763 -0.05 Prizemoney % Change 171 111 753 16.71 1999/0 3 587 -1.75 3 566 -5.24 177 274 129 3.60 2000/1 3 423 -4.57 3 758 5.38 182 630 930 3.02 2001/2* 3 227 -5.73 3 709 -1.30 163 740 420 -10.34 2002/3 3 134 -2.88 3 921 5.72 177 005 185 8.10 2003/4 3 119 -0.48 3 704 -5.53 178 574 560 0.89 2004/5 2 970 -4.78 3 889 4.99 205 919 710 15.31 2005/6 3 079 3.67 3 897 0.21 229 461 869 11.43 2006/7 3 286 6.72 3 880 -0.44 254 130 580 10.75 2007/8 3 480 5.90 3 820 -1.55 278 719 201 9.68 2008/9 3 738 7.40 3 760 -1.57 294 816 225 5.78 * From 2001 the statistics for the foal crop are based on the micro chipping data Prizemoney Trends Prizemoney Standard Races % change Prizemoney Listed Races % change Prizemoney Graded Races 28 270 000 2000/1 146 565 930 2001/2 129 175 420 -11.87 6 295 000 -31.39 2002/3 143 715 185 11.26 6 050 000 -3.89 2003/4 141 419 560 -1.60 6 560 000 8.43 2004/5 166 044 710 17.41 6 535 000 -0.38 2005/6 183 603 419 10.57 6 593 450 2006/7 210 565 580 14.68 6 665 000 2007/8 230 629 201 9.53 2008/9 230 811 225 0.08 9 175 000 26 890 000 % change 182 630 930 163 740 420 -10.34 27 240 000 -3.64 177 005 185 8.10 30 595 000 12.32 178 574 560 0.89 33 340 000 8.97 205 919 710 15.31 0.89 39 265 000 17.77 229 461 869 11.43 1.09 36 900 000 -6.02 254 130 580 10.75 7 290 000 9.38 40 800 000 10.57 278 719 201 9.68 9 600 000 31.69 54 405 000 33.35 294 816 225 5.78 RACES PRIZEMONEY TRENDS 2000/01 - 2008/09 TOTAL R000’s 4 000 350 000 000 3 750 300 000 000 3 500 250 000 000 3 250 200 000 000 3 000 150 000 000 2 750 100 000 000 2 500 50 000 000 0 Prizemoney Total 5.13 RACES & FOAL CROP 1998/99 - 2008/09 FOAL CROP % change 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 0 2000/01 STANDARD RACES 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 GRADED RACES 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 LISTED RACES 2007/08 2008/09 PRIZEMONEY 1998/99 - 2008/09 PRIZEMONEY R000’s 300 000 000 275 000 000 250 000 000 225 000 000 200 000 000 175 000 000 150 000 000 100 000 000 75 000 000 50 000 000 0 1998/09 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 49 Racemeeting Statistics JJ The Jet Plane SOUTH AFRICA 50 Total No of Race meetings Total No of Races Total No of Starters Average Field Size 2001/2 441 3 709 45 683 12.32 2002/3 468 3 921 44 940 11.46 2003/4 436 3 704 42 038 11.35 2004/5 458 3 889 43 219 11.11 2005/6 462 3 897 41 989 10.77 2006/7 447 3 880 41 948 10.81 2007/8 436 3 820 42 103 11.02 2008/9 436 3 760 43 628 11.60 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 BY PROVINCE RACEMEETINGS GAUTENG & FREE STATE NORTHERN CAPE EASTERN CAPE KWA ZULU NATAL WESTERN CAPE 2001/2 168 23 67 94 89 2002/3 182 19 73 104 90 2003/4 156 25 63 109 83 2004/5 169 21 64 112 92 2005/6 155 31 69 112 95 2006/7 140 39 68 109 91 2007/8 125 35 68 116 92 2008/9 134 35 66 114 87 NO OF RACES 2001/2 1 424 180 533 832 740 2002/3 1 534 154 585 900 748 2003/4 1 372 202 528 918 684 2004/5 1 477 170 533 945 764 2005/6 1 327 249 573 955 793 2006/7 1 240 337 571 971 761 2007/8 1 153 305 583 997 782 2008/9 1 182 313 552 971 742 NO OF STARTERS 2001/2 17 924 1 896 6 684 11 003 8 176 2002/3 17 214 1 602 6 702 11 104 8 318 2003/4 15 915 2 187 6 366 10 037 7 533 2004/5 16 845 1 878 6 261 10 206 8 029 2005/6 14 985 2 611 6 109 10 231 8 053 2006/7 13 715 3 177 6 296 11 143 7 617 2007/8 12 886 3 270 6 535 11 138 8 274 2008/9 13 968 3 499 6 877 10 846 8 438 AVERAGE FIELD SIZE 2001/2 12.59 10.53 12.54 13.22 11.05 2002/3 11.22 10.40 11.46 12.34 11.12 2003/4 11.60 10.83 12.06 10.93 11.01 2004/5 11.40 11.05 11.75 10.80 10.51 2005/6 11.29 10.49 10.66 10.71 10.16 2006/7 11.06 9.43 11.03 11.48 10.01 2007/8 11.18 10.72 11.21 11.17 10.58 2008/9 11.82 11.18 12.46 11.17 11.37 TOTAL RACEMEETINGS NATIONALLY TOTAL RACEMEETINGS PER PROVINCE GAUTENG & FREE STATE KWAZULU-NATAL WESTERN CAPE EASTERN CAPE NORTHERN CAPE 200 500 180 160 480 140 120 460 100 80 440 60 420 40 20 400 0 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 SA RACING FACTBOOK 2008/2009 51 Classifications Jockey Grant Behr 52 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Champion Racehorses by Ratings Age Sex Rating 2008/9 Year Pocket Power Horse 6 G 121 2007/8 Pocket Power 5 G 120 Mythical Flight 4 G 120 JJ The Jet Plane 3 G 120 2006/7* Mythical Flight 3 G 119 2005/6 Ilha da Vitoria (BRZ) 5 M 113 Nhlavini 8 G 113 2004/5 Nhlavini 7 G 115 2003/4 Yard Arm 4 G 119 2002/3 National Currency 3 C 114 Dynasty 3 C 114 Eventuail (ARG) 4 G 114 Free My Heart 7 G 114 All Will Be Well 9 G 114 2001/2 Ingleside 7 G 118 2000/1 Golden Loom 9 G 124 * On the 1st August 2006 the weight of all horses in the major centres was raised by 6 points to bring the ratings in line with international benchmarks South African Leading Race Classifications Rating Date Course Race Name Gr Conditions Distance (M) Winning Horse Age Sex 121 2009.01.31 Kenilworth J&B Met 1 COND 2000 POCKET POWER 6 G 115 2009.05.30 Scottsville Golden Horse Casino Sprint 1 HCP 1200 EARL OF SURREY(ZIM) 5 G 115 2009.07.19 Clairwood The Mercury Sprint 1 WFA 1200 OUR GIANT(AUS) 5 G 114 2009.01.31 Kenilworth J&B Met 1 COND 2000 DANCER'S DAUGHTER(GB) 5 M 114 2009.06.13 Clairwood Gold Challenge 1 WFA 1600 POCKET POWER 6 G 113 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 COND 1800 BUY AND SELL 5 G 111 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 COND 1800 IVORY TRAIL 4 G 111 2009.01.10 Kenilworth L'Ormarins Queen's Plate (WFA) 1 WFA 1600 KAPIL 6 G 111 2009.02.28 Turffontein Standside L Jaffee Empress Club Stakes 1 WFA 1600 MILK AND HONEY(USA) 4 F 111 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside Computaform Sprint 1 WFA 1000 PRIVATE JET(ARG) 3 G 111 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside Computaform Sprint 1 WFA 1000 REBEL KING 5 H 111 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside Computaform Sprint 1 WFA 1000 WARM WHITE NIGHT 3 C 111 2009.03.28 Turffontein Standside Man O' War Sprint 3 COND 1100 WARM WHITE NIGHT 3 C 111 2009.07.04 Greyville Vodacom Durban July 1 COND 2200 BIG CITY LIFE 3 C 110 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 COND 1800 BLUE TIGER 4 C 110 2008.12.20 Kenilworth Bloodstock SA Cape Guineas 1 LW 1600 LE DRAKKAR(AUS) 3 C 110 2009.04.04 Turffontein Standside H F Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut Stakes 1 WFA 1600 SMART BANKER 4 G 110 2009.06.13 Clairwood Gold Challenge 1 WFA 1600 BLUE TIGER 4 C 108 2008.11.29 Turffontein Standside Steinhoff International Summer Cup 1 HCP 2000 RUDRA 4 C SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 53 Classifications South African Classifications 2008/9 - Two Year Olds 54 Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Dist Finished 108 Musir (AUS) 2 C 2009.07.04 Greyville Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1 1400 1 105 Exhilaration 2 C 2009.07.25 Clairwood Premier’s Champion Stakes 1 1600 1 105 Villandry 2 G 2009.05.30 Scottsville Gold Reef Resorts Medallion 1 1200 1 104 Bulsara 2 C 2009.07.25 Clairwood Premier’s Champion Stakes 1 1600 2 103 Royal Bounty 2 C 2009.01.31 Kenilworth Lexus Summer Juvenile Stakes Listed 1000 2 102 Solid Choice (AUS) 2 C 2009.07.25 Clairwood Premier’s Champion Stakes 1 1600 3 101 Straight Forward 2 C 2009.07.04 Greyville Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1 1400 2 100 Exclaim’n’Exclude (AUS) 2 C 2009.07.04 Greyville Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1 1400 3 100 Solid Choice (AUS) 2 C 2009.07.04 Greyville Zulu Kingdom Explorer Golden Horseshoe 1 1400 4 100 Exhilaration 2 C 2009.05.30 Scottsville Gold Reef Resorts Medallion 1 1200 2 100 Never Forever 2 G 2009.05.30 Scottsville Gold Reef Resorts Medallion 1 1200 4 100 Vacherin 2 C 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside The Nursery 2 1160 1 100 Bold Silvano 2 C 2009.07.17 Fairview Champion Juvenile Cup 3 1400 1 100 Runaway Man 2 C 2009.03.28 Turffontein Standside Protea Stakes 3 1100 1 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 South African Classifications 2008/9 - Two Year Olds - Fillies Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Distance Finished 106 Laverna 2 F 2009.07.25 Clairwood Thekwini Fillies Stakes 1 1600 1 99 All Afire 2 F 2009.07.04 Greyville Mercedes-Benz Golden Slipper 1 1400 1 98 Possible Dream 2 F 2009.07.25 Clairwood Thekwini Fillies Stakes 1 1600 3 97 My Kazzie 2 F 2009.07.25 Clairwood Thekwini Fillies Stakes 1 1600 2 97 Give Me Five 2 F 2009.05.30 Scottsville Allan Robertson Fillies Championship 1 1200 1 96 Fairy Queen 2 F 2009.05.30 Scottsville Allan Robertson Fillies Championship 1 1200 2 96 Spring Clover 2 F 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside The Fillies Nursery 2 1160 1 South African Classifications 2008/9 - Three Year Old Colts and Geldings Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Distance Finished 112 Private Jet (ARG) 3 G 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside Computaform Sprint 1 1000 1 111 Warm White Night 3 C 2009.04.25 Turffontein Standside Computaform Sprint 1 1000 3 111 Big City Life 3 C 2009.07.04 Greyville Vodacom Durban July 1 2200 1 110 Le Drakkar (AUS) 3 C 2008.12.20 Kenilworth Bloodstock SA Cape Guineas 1 1600 1 107 Forest Path 3 G 2009.03.28 Turffontein Standside S A Classic 1 1800 1 107 Bush Pirate 3 G 2008.12.20 Kenilworth Bloodstock SA Cape Guineas 1 1600 2 106 Oracy (NZ) 3 C 2009.02.28 Turffontein Standside Gauteng Guineas 2 1600 1 Highest rated filly, Dancer’s Daughter (GB). SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 55 Classifications 56 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 South African Classifications 2008/9 - Three Year Old Fillies Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Dist Finished 107 Zirconeum 3 F 2009.07.04 Greyville Vodacom Durban July 1 2200 2 105 Gypsy’s Warning 3 F 2009.03.28 Turffontein Standside SA Fillies Classic 1 1800 1 105 Mother Russia 3 F 2009.01.31 Kenilworth Fancourt Majorca Stakes (WFA) 1 1600 1 104 Sparkling Gem 3 F 2009.12.06 Kenilworth Avontuur Estate Cape Fillies Guineas 1 1600 1 105 Lady Windemere 3 F 2009.07.04 Greyville Garden Province Stakes 1 1600 1 101 On Her Toes 3 F 2009.07.04 Greyville Garden Province Stakes 1 1600 4 100 Merlene De Lago (AUS) 3 F 2009.05.30 Scottsville South African Fillies Sprint 1 1200 2 South African Classifications 2008/9 - Four Year Olds And Older Colts and Geldings Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Dist Finished 121 Pocket Power 6 G 2009.01.31 Kenilworth J&B Met 1 2000 1 115 Earl Of Surrey (ZIM) 5 G 2009.05.30 Scottsville Golden Horse Casino Sprint 1 1200 1 115 Our Giant (AUS) 5 G 2009.07.19 Clairwood The Mercury Sprint 1 1200 1 113 Buy And Sell 5 G 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 1800 3 111 Ivory Trail 4 G 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 1800 1 111 Kapil 6 G 2009.06.13 Clairwood Gold Challenge 1 1600 2 111 Rebel King 5 H 2009.04.04 Turffontein Standside Senor Santa Handicap 2 1160 1 110 Blue Tiger 4 C 2009.07.25 Clairwood Champions Cup 1 1800 Listed 110 Smart Banker 4 G 2009.04.04 Turffontein Standside H F Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut Stakes 1 1600 1 108 Rudra 4 C 2008.11.29 Turffontein Standside Steinhoff International Summer Cup 1 2000 1 South African Classifications 2008/9 - Four Year Olds And Older - Fillies And Mares Rating Horse Age Sex Date Course Race Grade Dist Finished 114 Dancer’s Daughter(GB) 5 M 2009.02.28 Turffontein Standside L Jaffee Empress Club Stakes 1 1600 1 111 Milk And Honey(USA) 4 F 2009.02.28 Turffontein Standside L Jaffee Empress Club Stakes 1 1600 2 109 River Jetez 5 M 2009.01.31 Kenilworth J&B Met 1 2000 3 104 Gilded Minaret 4 F 2008.08.02 Greyville Gold Bracelet 2 2000 1 103 Emblem Of Liberty 4 F 2009.01.10 Kenilworth Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association Paddock Stakes (WFA) 1 1800 1 103 She’s On Fire 6 M 2009.03.07 Turffontein Standside Jacaranda Handicap 3 1800 3 103 Charming Lady 4 F 2009.04.05 Scottsville KwaZulu-Natal Stakes Listed 1000 1 102 Prestic 4 F 2009.07.04 Greyville Garden Province Stakes 1 1600 3 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 57 Classifications 58 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 HIGHEST RATING TWO YEAR OLDS Year Horse Sex Rating 2008/9 Musir (AUS) C 108 2007/8 Forest Path C 107 Rocks Off (ARG) C 107 Argonaut G 110 2006/7 Fearless G 107 2005/6 Carnadore G 102 2007/6 2004/5 Tiza C 99 2003/4 Far De Vie F 98 2002/3 Ice Cube G 97 2001/2 Zolaroyale F 99 Highest Rated Three Year Olds by Distance 2000/1 - 2008/9 RATING 3 YO Miler Age/ (1400 to 1800) Sex RATING 3 YO Middle Distance Age / RATING 3 YO Stayer Age/ (1800 to 2450) Sex (2400 plus) Sex 3C 111 Dan de Lago (AUS) 3C 104 Eddington 3G 112 Classic Oasis 3G 106 Jay Peg 3C 112 Ravishing 3C 108 104 Eyeofthetiger (BRZ) 3C 110 Elusive Fort 3C 98 Year 3 YO Sprint Age / (up to 1300m) Sex 2008/9 Private Jet (ARG) 3G 112 Le Drakkar (AUS) 3C 110 Big City Life 2007/8 J J The Jet Plane 3G 120 Imbongi 3G 112 2006/7 Mythical Flight 3G 119 Kildonan 3C 112 2005/6 National Colour 3F 111 Express Way (BRZ) 3C RATING 2004/5 Cataloochee 3C 112 Royal Approval 3F 108 Dusinane 3C 104 Zebrawood 3G 98 2003/4 Tobe or Nottobe 3C 107 Promisefromyheart 3F 107 Greys Inn(USA) 3C 111 Sabina Park 3F 100 2002/3 National Currency 3C 114 Kestrel 3G 108 Dynasty 3C 114 Big Bad John 3G 99 2001/2 Hinterland 3G 113 Flight Alert 3C 109 Ipi Tombe (ZIM) 3F 108 Timber Trader (NZ) 3C 104 2000/1 Kushka 3F 108 Celtic Grove 3C 110 Hoeberg (NZ) 3F 105 Badger’s Gift 3C 109 RATING 4 YO +Middle Distance Age/ RATING 4 YO+Stayer Age/ RATING (1800 to 2450) Sex (2400 plus) Sex Highest Rated Four Year Olds and Over by Distance 2000/1 - 2008/9 Year 2008/9 RATING 4 YO+Miler Age/ (1400 to 1800) Sex 4 YO+Sprint Age/ ( up to 1300m) Sex Earl of Surrey 5G 115 Pocket Power 6G 4G 120 Biarritz Dancer’s Daughter (GB) 117 Pocket Power 6G 121 Desert Links 5G 108 4C 114 Pocket Power 5G 120 Prince Assad 4G 106 4F 114 4C 113 Pocket Power 4G 116 Major Bluff 7G 106 (ZIM) 2007/8 Mythical Flight 2006/7 Vega 5G 114 Elusive Fort Hunting Tower 4G 113 2005/6 Nhlavini 8G 113 Winter Solstice 5G 110 Ilha da Vitoria (BRZ) 5M 113 Reveille Boy 6G 101 2004/5 Nhlavini 7G 115 Winter Solstice 4G 108 Eventuail (ARG) 6G 111 Saddlewood 4G 109 2003/4 Key of Destiny 5G 118 Yard-Arm 4G 119 Wolf Whistle 5G 113 Fantastic Horse 5G 105 2002/3 Allwillbewell 9G 114 Eventuail (ARG) 4G 114 Free My Heart 7G 114 Badger’s Coast 6H 106 2001/2 Nhlavini 4G 114 Bunter Barlow 5G 112 Ingleside 7G 118 Double Reef (NZ) 5G 107 2000/1 Golden Loom 9G 124 Free My Heart 6G 116 Classic Flag 6G 113 Double Reef (NZ) 4G 107 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 59 Wagering Year PHUMELELA (Off course) PHUMELELA (On Course) PHUMELELA (Phone&Internet) PHUMELELA (TOTAL) Phumelela 2001/2 1 620 017 000 78 858 000 1 698 875 000 2002/3 1 790 428 000 82 056 000 1 872 484 000 2003/4 1 521 627 863 46 807 310 304 111 540 1 872 546 713 2004/5 1 697 763 233 52 756 826 369 662 048 2 120 182 107 2005/6 1 802 831 949 55 263 976 416 937 420 2 275 033 345 2006/7 2 012 014 019 51 513 876 455 714 097 2 519 241 992 2007/8 2 202 803 229 51 269 344 504 830 101 2 758 902 674 2008/9 2 200 016 376 52 512 426 508 993 055 2 761 521 857 PHUMELELA TURNOVER OFF COURSE ON COURSE PHONE & INTERNET TOTAL R000’s 3 000 000 000 2 500 000 000 2 000 000 000 1 500 000 000 1 000 000 000 500 000 000 0 2000/1 60 2001/2 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 Year GOLD CIRCLE (Off course) GOLD CIRCLE (On Course) GOLD CIRCLE (Phone&Internet) GOLD CIRCLE (TOTAL) Gold Circle 2001/2 1 084 578 189 101 345 136 1 185 923 325 2002/3 1 201 281 160 105 176 769 1 306 457 929 2003/4 1 074 851 679 103 205 685 226 420 161 1 404 477 525 2004/5 1 271 482 769 103 332 496 271 956 449 1 646 771 714 2005/6 1 390 233 801 95 816 089 337 860 376 1 823 910 266 2006/7 1 509 743 640 100 391 971 373 423 671 1 983 559 282 2007/8 1 555 117 697 103 500 146 405 632 411 2 064 250 254 2008/9 1 506 380 983 94 775 516 425 533 948 2 026 690 447 GOLD CIRCLE TURNOVER OFF COURSE ON COURSE SAFTOTE TURNOVER PHONE & INTERNET TOTAL OFF COURSE R000’s R000’s 3 000 000 000 6 000 000 000 2 500 000 000 5 000 000 000 2 000 000 000 4 000 000 000 1 500 000 000 3 000 000 000 1 000 000 000 2 000 000 000 500 000 000 1 000 000 000 0 2000/1 Year 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 SAFTOTE (Off course) 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 SAFTOTE (On Course) ON COURSE PHONE & INTERNET TOTAL 0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 SAFTOTE (Phone&Internet) 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 SAFTOTE (TOTAL) 2001/2 2 704 595 189 180 203 136 2 884 798 325 2002/3 2 991 709 160 187 232 769 3 178 941 929 2003/4 2 596 479 542 150 012 995 530 531 701 3 277 024 238 2004/5 2 969 246 002 156 089 322 641 618 497 3 766 953 821 2005/6 3 193 065 750 151 080 065 754 797 796 4 098 943 611 2006/7 3 521 757 659 151 905 847 829 137 768 4 502 801 274 2007/8 3 757 920 926 154 769 490 910 462 512 4 823 152 928 2008/9 3 706 397 359 147 287 942 934 527 003 4 788 212 304 * Saftote turnover is a combination of Phumelela’s and Gold Circle’s turnover. SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 61 Wagering 62 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 BET TYPE 2003/4 Phumelela TOTAL % 2004/5 % 2005/6 TOTAL % TOTAL 2006/7 % TOTAL 2007/8 % TOTAL 2008/9 % TOTAL 178 780 118 9.55 214 418 548 10.11 250 605 927 11.02 277 192 205 11.00 304 739 030 11.05 281 548 777 Place 77 495 173 4.14 90 960 750 4.29 103 918 505 4.57 115 150 370 4.57 119 499 545 4.33 123 996 777 4.49 Exacta 78 460 555 4.19 81 856 186 3.86 87 058 290 3.83 95 990 395 3.81 97 284 597 3.53 90 526 306 3.28 Swinger 339 632 424 18.14 365 686 827 17.25 378 983 152 16.66 405 008 910 16.08 418 727 920 15.18 417 666 313 15.12 Win 10.20 Double 41 682 018 2.23 45 075 251 2.13 46 144 467 2.03 50 798 153 2.02 50 537 834 1.83 42 454 091 1.54 Trifecta 288 878 792 15.43 294 517 958 13.89 264 987 931 11.65 289 618 061 11.50 304 452 658 11.04 309 765 443 11.22 Quartet 296 290 765 15.82 353 856 769 16.69 425 738 261 18.71 470 765 797 18.69 494 195 166 17.91 472 806 400 17.12 Place Accumulator 192 812 069 10.30 210 866 114 9.95 224 044 776 9.85 242 729 050 9.64 265 460 116 9.62 265 521 136 9.62 Jackpot 124 152 530 6.63 141 452 775 6.67 140 281 037 6.17 149 388 391 5.93 180 796 364 6.55 178 904 489 6.48 Pick Three 1.06 11.14 240 061 299 12.82 282 270 357 13.31 280 116 041 12.31 296 535 992 11.77 320 334 679 11.61 307 636 914 13 633 752 0.49 14 300 970 0.76 39 220 572 1.85 73 154 958 3.22 126 064 668 5.00 202 874 766 7.35 227 686 212 8.24 1 872 546 713 100 2 120 182 107 100 2 275 033 345 100 2 519 241 992 100 2 758 902 675 100 2 761 521 857 100.00 Pick Six Soccer 4 Soccer 6 TOTAL 29 375 247 BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - PHUMELELA (2003 - 2008) 1% 13% Win 10% Place 4% 4% 7% Exacta Swinger Double 10% 18% Trifecta Quartet Place Accumulator 2% 16% Jackpot 15% Pick Six Soccer 6 BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - PHUMELELA (2008 - 2009) Win 0% 8% 10% Place 4% 11% 3% 1% Exacta Swinger Double Trifecta 6% 16% Quartet Place Accumulator 10% 2% 18% 11% Jackpot Pick Three Pick Six Soccer 4 Soccer 6 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 63 Wagering BET TYPE 2003/4 GOLD CIRCLE TOTAL % 2004/5 % 2005/6 TOTAL % 2006/7 TOTAL % TOTAL 2007/8 % TOTAL % TOTAL 198 145 364 14.11 245 999 974 14.94 291 437 492 15.98 319 985 249 16.13 326 087 026 15.80 313 720 385 15.48 Place 92 427 740 6.58 108 621 082 6.60 121 142 551 6.64 133 501 474 6.73 136 223 398 6.60 137 497 144 6.78 Exacta 57 136 483 4.07 69 179 757 4.20 75 998 341 4.17 87 734 791 4.42 88 490 886 4.29 85 712 520 4.23 Win Swinger 228 615 088 16.28 256 746 805 15.59 272 606 936 14.95 295 375 116 14.89 300 545 484 14.56 298 422 278 14.72 Double 29 930 087 2.13 34 135 228 2.07 36 434 290 2.00 39 612 801 2.00 40 586 827 1.97 32 125 124 1.59 Trifecta 174 350 295 12.41 184 422 218 11.20 162 780 118 8.92 171 738 105 8.66 180 276 683 8.73 184 086 243 9.08 Quartet 276 697 656 19.70 337 939 723 20.52 419 546 708 23.00 463 766 149 23.38 469 874 730 22.76 425 231 664 20.98 Place Accumulator 101 612 544 7.23 122 753 990 7.45 143 046 906 7.84 145 012 332 7.31 149 843 534 7.26 149 898 003 7.40 66 214 987 4.71 77 269 839 4.69 79 477 421 4.36 83 233 440 4.20 107 125 663 5.19 112 068 864 5.53 Jackpot Pick Three Pick Six Soccer 6 TOTAL 27 808 125 1.37 175 930 688 12.53 203 795 560 12.38 216 510 372 11.87 228 640 640 11.53 242 439 747 11.74 230 429 883 11.37 2 652 168 0.13 3 416 594 0.24 5 907 536 0.36 4 929 130 0.27 14 959 188 0.75 22 756 278 1.10 27 038 046 1.33 1 404 477 526 100.00 1 646 771 712 100.00 1 823 910 265 100.00 1 983 559 285 100 2 064 250 256 100 2 026 690 447 100.00 Soccer 4 BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - GOLD CIRCLE (2003 - 2008) 13% 0% BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - GOLD CIRCLE (2008 - 2009) Win Win 14% Place 7% 5% 11% Swinger Double 16% Trifecta 0% 1% 15% 7% 6% 20% 7% 12% Pick Six Soccer 6 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 Trifecta Quartet Place Accumulator Quartet Jackpot Swinger Double 4% 15% Place Accumulator 2% Place Exacta 1% Exacta 4% 7% 64 2008/9 Jackpot Pick Three 22% 9% 2% Pick Six Soccer 4 Soccer 6 BET TYPE 2003/4 SAFTOTE TOTAL Win 376 925 482 % 2004/5 % 2005/6 TOTAL 11.50 460 418 522 % 2006/7 TOTAL 12.22 542 043 419 % 2007/8 TOTAL 13.22 597 177 454 % 2008/9 TOTAL 13.26 630 826 056 % TOTAL 13.08 595 269 162 12.43 Place 169 922 913 5.19 199 581 832 5.30 225 061 056 5.49 248 651 844 5.52 255 722 943 5.30 261 493 921 5.46 Exacta 135 597 038 4.14 151 035 943 4.01 163 056 631 3.98 183 725 186 4.08 185 775 483 3.85 176 238 826 3.68 Swinger 568 247 512 17.34 622 433 632 16.52 651 590 088 15.90 700 384 026 15.55 719 273 404 14.91 716 088 591 14.96 Double 71 612 105 2.19 79 210 479 2.10 82 578 757 2.01 90 410 954 2.01 91 124 661 1.89 74 579 215 1.56 Trifecta 463 229 087 14.14 478 940 176 12.71 427 768 049 10.44 461 356 166 10.25 484 729 341 10.05 493 851 686 10.31 Quartet 572 988 421 17.49 691 796 492 18.36 845 284 969 20.62 934 531 946 20.75 964 069 896 19.99 898 038 064 18.76 Place Accumulator 294 424 613 8.98 333 620 104 8.86 367 091 682 8.96 387 741 382 8.61 415 303 650 8.61 415 419 139 8.68 Jackpot 190 367 517 5.81 218 722 614 5.81 219 758 458 5.36 232 621 831 5.17 287 922 027 5.97 290 973 353 6.08 57 183 372 1.19 538 066 797 11.24 16 285 920 0.34 Pick Three Pick Six 415 991 987 12.69 486 065 917 12.90 496 626 413 12.12 525 176 632 11.66 562 774 426 11.67 Soccer 4 Soccer 6 TOTAL 17 717 564 0.54 45 128 108 1.20 78 084 088 1.90 141 023 856 3.13 225 631 044 4.68 254 724 258 5.32 3 277 024 239 100 3 766 953 819 100 4 098 943 610 100 4 502 801 277 100 4 823 152 931 100 4 788 212 304 100.00 BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - SAFTOTE (2008 - 2009) BET TYPES % OF TOTAL TURNOVER - SAFTOTE (2003 - 2008) 13% 1% Place 5% 6% Win Win 12% Swinger Double 17% Trifecta 12% 5% 6% 2% 9% 14% Pick Six Soccer 6 Trifecta Quartet Place Accumulator Quartet Jackpot Swinger Double 4% 15% Place Accumulator 17% Place Exacta 1% Exacta 4% 9% 11% 0% 5% Jackpot Pick Three 20% 10% 2% Pick Six Soccer 4 Soccer 6 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 65 Contacts Racing Operators PHUMELELA GAMING AND LEISURE LTD Chairman Mr MP Malungani Group Chief Executive Officer Mr Rian du Plessis Turffontein Racecourse 14 Turf Club Street Turffontein 2190 P O Box 82625 Southdale 2135 (T) +2711 681 1500 (F) +2711 683 7716 E: W: GOLD CIRCLE (PTY)LTD Chairman Mr J A Bescoby Chief Operating Officer Mr G T Hawkins 150 Avondale Road Durban 4001 P O Box 40 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1500 (F) +2731 314 1767 W: Controlling Body NATIONAL HORSERACING AUTHORITY Chairman Dr L Konar Chief Executive Mr RD de Kock Turf Club Street Turffontein 2091 P O Box 74439 Turffontein 2140 (T) +2711 683 9283 (F) +2711 434 1636 E: W: CENTRAL PROVINCES RACING BOARD Secretary Mrs J Bockel Turf Club Street Turffontein 2091 P O Box 74439 Turffontein 2140 (T) +2711 683 9283 (F) +2711 434 1636 E: KWAZULU-NATAL RACING BOARD Secretary Mrs J Wilson P O Box 876 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1740 (F) +2731 314 1755 E: EASTERN CAPE RACING BOARD Secretary Mrs C van Rensburg P O Box 5299 Walmer 6065 (T) +2741 366 1686 (F) +2741 366 1241 E: WESTERN CAPE RACING BOARD Secretary Mrs L Etheridge P O Box 18258 Wynberg 7824 (T) +2721 700 1900 (F) +2721 797 1343 E: ZIMBABWE REGIONAL OFFICE Secretary Terence Masimbe Box BW90 Borrowdale, Harare (T) (00263) 488 2233 (F) (00263) 488 3246 E: Chief Executive Ms Thebi Moja Block G, Ground Floor Mapungubwe Building 77 Meintjes Street, Sunnyside Pretoria, Private Bag X27 Hatfield 0028 (T) +2712 394 3800 (F) +2712 394 0831 E: W: Wagering NATIONAL GAMBLING BOARD 66 SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 SAFTOTE (TAB) Turffontein Racecourse 14 Turf Club Street Turffontein 2190 (T) +2711 681 1500 (F) +2711 682 7051 E: W: PHUMELELA GOLD ENTERPRISES Director International Marketing & Operations John Stuart Turffontein Racecourse 14 Turf Club Street Turffontein 2190 (T) +2711 681 1500 (F) +2711 681 1718 E: W: BETTING WORLD (PTY) LTD Managing Director Michael Weare 15 Mitchell Cresent Greyville, Durban 4001 P O Box 40 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1868 (F) +2731 314 1875 W: TELLYTRACK Chief Executive Nico Kritsiotis 17 9th Avenue Rivonia 2128 (T) +2711 234 1796 (F) +2711 234 1811 Sales Organisations BLOODSTOCK SOUTH AFRICA Chairman Adv.A.Joubert Chief Executive Officer Jan Naude TBA Complex Gosforth Park Germiston P O Box 827 Germiston 1400 (T) +2711 323 5700 (F) +2711 323 5788 E: W: EQUIMARK EQUESTRIAN SALES (PTY) LTD Sales Amanda Carey Arden Grove Unit C2 Cnr Racecourse & Omurambo Milnerton 7441 P O Box 1620, Milnerton 7435 (T) +2721 873 7755 (F) +2721 873 7755 E: W: Laboratory And Veterinary NATIONAL HORSERACING AUTHORITY LABORATORY Director Dr Schalk de Kock Turf Club Street Turffontein 2091 P O Box 74439 Turffontein 2140 (T) +2711 683 9283 (F) +2711 683 3888 E: AFRICAN HORSE SICKNESS TRUST Chairman Douglas Welsh P O Box 40 Durban 4000 (T) +27 31 314 1926 (F) +27 31 314 1402 E: W: ONDERSTEPOORT EQUINE RESEARCH CENTRE UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA - FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE Director Professor Alan Guthrie Private Bag X04 Onderstepoort 0110 (T) +2712 529 8068 (F) +2712 529 8301 SOUTH AFRICAN EQUINE VETERINARY ASSOCIATION (SAEVA) Secretary Madaleen Schultheiss P O Box 232 Groenkloof 0027 (T) +2712 346 1590 E: W: Owners & Trainers Organisations THE RACING ASSOCIATION Chairman Larry Wainstein The White House Turffontein Racecourse Johannesburg 2140 P O Box 74054 Turffontein 2140 (T) +2711 683 3220 (F) +2711 683 3222 E: W: EASTERN PROVINCE OWNERS & TRAINERS ASSOCIATION Secretary Margaret James P O Box 7140 Newton Park 6055 (T) +2741 372 1859 (F) +2741 372 1032 WESTERN PROVINCE OWNERS & TRAINERS ASSOCIATION Chairman Rodney Dunn Kenilworth Racecourse Kenilworth Cape Town (T) +2721 762 3094 (F) +2721 761 9229 E: W: KWAZULU-NATAL TRAINERS ASSOCIATION Chairman Tony Rivalland Secretary Janet O’Donoghue Cluster Box 3123 Assagay 3624 (C) +2782 455 4420 (F) +2731 782 3757 (T) +2731 782 3757 E: SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 67 Breeders Organisations THE THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA Chairman Adv A Joubert Chief Executive Officer Jan Naude TBA Complex Gosforth Park Germiston P O Box 827 Germiston 1400 (T) +2711 323 5700 (F) +2711 323 5788 E: W: CAPE BREEDERS CLUB Chairperson Liesl King P O Box 425 Klapmuts 7625 (T) +2721 862 2430 (F) +2721 862 2434 E: KZN BREEDERS CLUB Chairperson Warwick Render P O Box 209 Mooi River 33000 (T) +2733 263 1135 (F) +2733 263 1616 E: Jockeys, Apprentices And Groom Associations SOUTH AFRICAN JOCKEY ASSOCIATION Chairman Tex Lerena P O Box 452 Highlands North 2037 (T) +2711 434 4879 (F) 086 671 3775 E: W: SOUTH AFRICAN JOCKEY ACADEMY & GROOMS SCHOOL -KWA ZULU NATAL Head Master Graham Bailey Private Bag X1008 Hillcrest 3650 (T) +2731 769 1103 (F) +2731 769 1034 E: principal@the W: GROOM’S SCHOOL TRUST-CAPE Chairman John Freeman P O Box 36004 Glosderry 7702 (T) +2721 762 3094 (F) +2721 761 9229 E: Other Contacts 68 CAPE HUNT & POLO CLUB Contact Danielle Pienaar P O Box 397 Durbanville 7551 (T) +2721 976 3968 (F) 086 567 6236 E: HARNESS RACING ASSOCIATION OF SA Chairman Dean Latimer P O Box 46 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1680 (F) +2731 314 1647 E: W: NATIONAL HORSE TRUST Chairperson Ronnie Napier Secretary Joanne Lombaard P O Box 74439 Turrfontein 2140 (T) +2711 683 4388/9 (F) +2711 683 5326 E: RACING SOUTH AFRICA CEO Peter Gibson P O Box 40 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1799 (F) +2731 314 1402 E: W: SOUTH AFRICAN EQUINE TRADE COUNCIL (SAETRAC) CEO Peter Gibson P O Box 40 Durban 4000 (T) +2731 314 1402 (F) +2731 314 1402 E: W: THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING TRUST Manager Alison Mackenzie P O Box 74319 Turffontein 2140 (T) +2711 783 1250 (F) +2711 784 5075 E: KWAZULU-NATAL AMATEUR RACING ASSOCIATION Chairman Llewellyn Abbott SA RACING FACT BOOK 2008/2009 (T) +2776 837 0784 E: