Untitled - Gator Greetings


Untitled - Gator Greetings
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1003 Make Way for the birthday duckling!
Quacky birthday little one!
1001 Cat’s out of the bag...
Happy Birthday!
1004 Go coastal... on your
birthday. Happy Birthday!
1002 Sweet one special day one
special person! Happy Birthday!
1005 Happy Birthday to the most beautiful
one of all.
1006 Jockeying into position to
wish you a Happy Birthday
1009 Thinking of you on this
special day. Happy Birthday
1013 Bottoms up. Happy
1010 As time goes on, dance
on! Happy Birthday
1014 May all your birthday
wishes come true. Happy Birthday
1007 ...on your birthday! Happy
1011 I picked this especially for
you. Happy Birthday
1015 Wishing you a beautiful
day. Happy Birthday
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
1008 It’s your day, you can
horse around! Happy Birthday!
1012 Yeah right... And pigs fly.
Happy Birthday!
1016 Wishing you sun on your
shoulders and the wind at your
back. Happy Birthday
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
1018 For your birthday, wishing you sunny
blue skies and many more relaxing days.
Happy Birthday
1022 Have a wicked pissah day!
1028 It’s your birthday, we will drink to that!
Then again we will drink to anything!
1032 What happens on your
birthday stays on your birthday.
Happy Birthday
1019 Attitude is Everything,
fly high today! Happy Birthday
1024 Time for a shell-a-bration! Happy
1020 Hope today brings you to the
top of the world! Happy Birthday.
1025 Like fine wine you improve
with age. Happy Birthday
1021 May your birthday be filled with the
warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles,
the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and
the sharing of good cheer. Happy Birthday
1027 It’s the journey not the destination.
Have a Happy Birthday!
1029 Nacho ordinary day. Happy Birthday
1030 Happy Birthday to a real
game changer!
1033 Having a charming day.
Happy Birthday
1034 You Rock! Happy Birthday
1031 Happy Birthday... It’s not
your choice.
1035 It’s your day, dance like no
one is watching! Happy Birthday.
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1036 See no gray. Hear no birthday song.
Speak no age. It’s your day, do what you have
to do to enjoy it! Happy Birthday
1040 I hope your birthday is like
a day at the beach!
1044 I hope you get all you wish
for today and all year long!
Happy Birthday
1037 Hang loose! Happy
1041 It’s your birthday, we’ll drink to it!
Then again, what won’t we drink to?! Happy
1045 How many candles were on that cake?
Happy Birthday
1039 I am a little slow… Happy Belated
1038 I Gnome it’s your birthday!
1042 I hope your birthday is like a day at the
beach! Happy Birthday.
1043 You would be how old?
Happy Birthday
1046 I hope today is everything
you wish for. Happy Birthday
1047 Wishing you a day that is
much better than par.
1051 There is one in every bunch
and you are ours! Wishing you a
very special birthday
1052 Wishing you a day full of
sweet surprises! Happy Birthday
1048 Happy Birthday to a real swinger!
1049 Young enough to be able
to, wise enough not to get caught!
Happy Birthday
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
1055 Wishing you a monster of a day!
Happy Birthday
1053 It’s icing on the cake.
Happy Birthday
1057 May your day be magically
delicious! Happy Birthday
1061 Let’s just say he won’t
be joining us for cake. Happy
1065 You are your mother after
all. Happy Birthday
1056 Genie’s out of the bottle.
May all your birthday wishes be
granted! Happy Birthday
1054 Happy Birthday Champ!
1058 Don’t know how I forgot???
Happy Belated Birthday
1062 May your birthday be filled
with sunshine, smiles and the
beach at your feet. Happy Birthday
1066 Monster Birthday Wishes.
Happy Birthday
1059 To have a Happy Cluckin’
1063 Have a pink-alicious birthday!
Happy Birthday
1067 Party animals are here! Let’s get this
party started. Happy Birthday
1060 Like scoops of ice cream,
you can never have too many
birthdays! Happy Birthday
1064 Be thankful you are not
counting in doggie years. Happy
1068 Go coastal on your birthday!
Happy Birthday
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1069 Hear your team is on a roll!!!
*Glitter accented
1073 Time for a sail-a-bration!!
Happy Birthday
1070 Today is a special time
to celebrate the gift of you
to the world! Happy Birthday
1074 1. Forget the past, you
can’t change it. 2. Forget the
present, you didn’t get one.
Happy Birthday
1071 Have a blast while you
last!!! Happy Birthday
1075 I hear you are on the back nine
Happy Birthday
1078 Happy Birthday to a real classic
1076 Tee it up, it’s your birthday!
1080 Happy Bear-day!!!
1079 …you can never have too
many!! Happy Birthday
1077 It’s your day to party like
you’re Gronk!!! Happy Birthday
1081 It is time for a birthday celebration.
Happy Birthday
1072 Time to cowboy up!
Happy Birthday
1082 Celebrate like Lady Liberty
with a day of freedom and cake
for all. Happy Birthday
1083 Wishing you a whale of a
day. Happy Birthday
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
1084 If I had a flower for every
time I thought of you, I could walk
in my garden forever. Wishing you
a special day, Happy Birthday
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
1085 Live dangerously on your
1089 Have a sun-sational birthday!
1086 Wishing you a
whale of a day. Happy Birthday
1090 Happy Birthday to a Classic All
1093 Seas the day. Happy Birthday
1094 Wishing you a birthday
that is a real kick! Happy Birthday
1097 Wishing you a BIG APPLE
kind of birthday!
1098 As you look back, may
your memories be warm ones.
As you celebrate today, may your
heart be filled with happiness
and joy. As you look ahead, may
all your dreams and wishes
come true. Happy Birthday
1087 Hope lovely surprises are coming your
way, to make your birthday a beautiful day.
1091 Fishing you a happy birthday
1095 Wishing a little sunshine back into the
heart of someone who has shared it throughout
the year! Happy Birthday
1099 Heroes are remembered but legends live
forever. ~Babe Ruth
Happy Birthday to a true legend.
1088 Irish-ing you a day filled with home runs
and good luck!
1092 Another historic day.
Happy Birthday
1096 Wishing you a day full of rest and
relaxation today and all year long. Happy
1112 Anchors away for your
birthday! Happy Birthday
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1113 SUP on your birthday? Wishing you a
stand up kind of day. Happy Birthday
1114 “Time and tide wait for no man, but time
always stands still for a woman.” ~Robert Frost
Happy Birthday
1117 ...the best are those that have yet to
arrive. Wishing you another fun filled year.
Happy Birthday
1115 Wishing you a swell time. Happy
1116 Your birthday is just the
first day of a 365 day journey
around the sun. Enjoy your next
journey. Happy Birthday
1120 I remember my 21st… Wait…no, I
don’t. Cheers!!! Happy Birthday!
1118 Wishing you one sHELL
of a birthday! Happy Birthday
1122 Cupcake kisses and starfish wishes.
Happy Birthday
1119 May today be filled
with sunshine, smiles and good
times. Happy Birthday
1123 Relax and unwind, get into a flip flop
state of mind! Happy Birthday
1121 You got number 10.
Happy Birthday
1125 On this historic day, with honor and
honesty, wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
1126 Don’t let another year
deflate your cake, pump it up on
this special day. Happy Birthday
1127 Anchors aweigh on your
special day! Happy Birthday!
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
1124 I wanted to send an email, however, my
private server was down, so this paper card will
have to do. With Honor, Integrity and Honesty,
wishing you a truly Happy Birthday!
1128 Par-Tee it up on your
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
Rock on! Happy Birthday
You Rock! Happy Birthday
2800 Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
Congratulations on your marriage.
2801 Congratulations on your
wedding. Wishing you lasting
love and happiness.
2803 Wishing you both the happily ever
after you deserve. Congratulations on your
wedding day!
2802 Together forever, wishing
both of you love and happiness.
Congratulations on your wedding
2804 Congratulations to a very special couple.
May both of you always find love, laughter, good
health and happiness together for a lifetime.
2601 ...for a special delivery.
Congratulations on your new
2602 Congratulations on your
new love bug
2603 A baby will make love stronger, days
shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home
happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten,
and the future worth living for. ~Author
unknown. Congratulations
2604 May your child be blessed and cradled
with love and joy. Congratulations on the
newest addition to your family.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
1022 Have a wicked pissah day!
1069 Hear your team is on a roll!!!
*Glitter accented
8001 Live faithfully, one step
at a time.
8002 When life gives you
lemons make lemontinis!
8005 ...are friends!
3815 Blank Inside
3820 The best thing about having
a sister is that I always have a friend.
~Cali Rae Turner. Blank Inside
8003 …like stars. You don’t always see them,
but you know they are always there.
8004 Who and what she wants. –Coco Chanel
You are perfect just the way you are
8008 ...are like a good bikini hard to find,
very supportive, and close to the heart.
8009 Blank Inside
8010 Be yourself everyone else is taken
8012 There is only one shell that fits perfectly
with another, you are my other half.
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1105 I am a happy camper!
2703 The love dance continues. Happy
1441 With you I cannot lose.
2704 You are the sun in my sky, the wind in
my day, the waves in my ocean, and the beat
in my heart.
2701 Wishing you joy for today, Dreams for
tomorrow, Love forever and always! Happy
8006 When I’m with you!
2705 Like the waves in the
ocean, the happily ever after
continues. Happy Anniversary
8007 Tides may come and go....but my love
for you will last forever!
8011 You had me at merlot
2702 Another year in paradise!
Happy Anniversary
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
2501 Thank You
2502 Blank inside
2503 Thanks a boatload!
2504 Sometimes words are not enough….
Thank you
2508 How beautiful a day can be, when
kindness touches it! Thank you
2505 Thanks a bunch
2510 Many thanks mate!
2507 Gratitude is when memory
is stored in the heart and not in
the mind.– lionel hampton
Thank you from my heart
*Glitter accented
2506 Thank you berry much!
2509 I’m overwhelmed with
gratitude and happy as a clam.
Thank you
2901 Thinking of you at this
difficult time.
2902 May love and memories bring peace to
you and your family during this difficult time.
2905 Words, however kind, can’t mend your
heartache. But those who care and share
your loss with you, wish you comfort and peace
of mind.
2906 My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I can only hope that time will bring you comfort
and help to heal your sorrow.
2903 May joyous memories bring you comfort
at this difficult time. Thinking of you.
2907 Those we love don’t go away, they walk
beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but
always near, still loved, still missed and very
dear. ~Author Unknown
2904 When someone you love
becomes a memory, the memory
becomes a treasure. ~Author
8001 Live faithfully, one step
at a time.
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
3001 Hope you are out from under it soon.
Get well
3005 Get Well Soon
3002 I hope your health care
plan covers more! Get well soon
3003 Scars remind us where
we have been, but don’t dictate
where we are going. Get well soon
3004 …that the rainbow
appears. Wishing you a speedy
recovery. Get well soon
3006 Healing thoughts and
prayers from someone who cares.
Get Well Soon
3007 May good health be yours
again soon.
3008 Wishing that each day
brings you renewed strength,
brighter times, and a healthier,
happy you. Get well soon.
3009 Get well soon so you can once again
experience all the fun and delight that life has
to offer!
8001 Live faithfully, one step
at a time.
8002 When life gives you
lemons make lemontinis!
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
3303 Congratulations!
3307 Wishing you the luck of the Irish.
Good luck!
1088 Irish-ing you a day filled with home runs
and good luck!
3310 Congratulations
3308 Congratulations, wishing you the best!
1101 Luck is what happens when preparation
and hard work meet opportunity.
3801 Blank Inside
3802 Blank Inside
3803 Blank Inside
3804 Blank Inside
3808 Blank Inside
3805 Blank Inside
3806 Blank Inside
3807 Blank Inside
3811 Blank Inside
3809 Blank Inside
3812 Blank Inside
3810 Blank Inside
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
3813 Blank Inside
3815 Blank Inside
3814 Blank Inside
3816 Blank Inside
3818 Blank Inside
3819 Blank Inside
3817 Blank Inside
3821 Blank Inside
3822 Blank Inside
3824 Blank Inside
3823 Blank Inside
3825 Blank Inside
3827 Blank Inside
3826 Blank Inside
3828 Blank Inside
3820 The best thing about having
a sister is that I always have a friend.
~Cali Rae Turner. Blank Inside
8009 Blank Inside
Everyday greeting cards retail for $2.99–$3.25 and include bar code.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
1412 I’m living the teenage dream Happy
Valentine’s Day, valentine
1416 I chews you to be my
valentine because you are so
sweet! Happy Valentine’s Day
1420 I want the gold, be my valentine! Happy
Valentine’s Day
1402 Keep it! Happy Valentine’s Day
1405 It’s always a home run when I’m with
you! Happy Valentine’s Day
*Glitter accented
1414 Anyone can catch your
eye, but it takes someone special
to unlock your heart. You’ve
unlocked my heart. Happy
Valentines Day
1413 Love is friendship on fire
1417 When the day seems so
beautiful, and life even more worth
living, I realize, I have been thinking
of you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
1418 One dozen roses = $12 A box of
chocolates = $10 A Happy Valentine’s Day
card = $3.25 You being single = priceless!
1421 To the world you may be one person, but
to me you are the world.
1422 I will love you until my last breath. Happy
Valentine’s Day
1411 My love for you will never seas. Happy
Valentine’s Day
1401 Happy Valentine’s Day
1415 You changed my status. Happy
Valentines Day
1419 You are the sun in my sky, the wind in
my day, the waves in my ocean, and the beat
in my heart.
1423 You are purr-fect! Happy Valentine’s Day
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
2704 You are the sun in my sky, the wind in
my day, the waves in my ocean, and the beat
in my heart.
1441 With you I cannot lose.
8006 When I’m with you!
8007 Tides may come and go....but my love
for you will last forever!
8013 I am a happy camper!
8014 Hugs and Kisses
8011 You had me at merlot
1302 Wishing you a sweet Easter
1303 Have an egg-cellent Easter!
7504 Some bunny is wishing you
an Easter full of sweet surprises!
1307 Wishing you an Easter that is full of
7501 Happy Easter from one of your peeps!
1306 Jesus took a place on
the cross to give us a place in
heaven, rejoice He has risen!
Happy Easter
1305 It is a new spring and a new beginning.
Happy Easter. For God so loved the world that
He gave his only son so that everyone who
believes in Him may not perish, but may have
eternal life. –John 3:16
Holiday cards retail for $2.85–$3.50 and include bar code.
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
4003 Wishing you a day full of rest and
relaxation today and all year long. Happy
Mother’s Day
4001 You always kept us in line. Happy
Mother’s Day.
4000 Thank you for all the gentle
nudges. Happy Mother’s Day
4004 No matter where the road takes me, I will
always be your little girl. Happy Mother’s Day
4002 You always give me a lift.
Happy Mother’s Day
4005 Wishing a beautiful day
to a beautiful Mom. Happy
Mother’s Day
4008 Of all the rights of women, the greatest
is to be a mother. — Lin Yutang
Happy Mother’s Day to the greatest mother
4006 Mothers hold their children’s
hands for a short while but their
hearts forever -author unknown
4009 If I had a flower for every
time I thought of you, I could walk
in my garden forever. Wishing you a
special day, Happy Mother’s Day
4007 A Mother is she who can
take the place of all others, but
whose place no one else can
take. ~Cardinal Mermillod
4010 May all the love you give to
others come back to you on this
special day. Have a wonderful
Mother’s Day
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
1101 Luck is what happens when preparation
and hard work meet opportunity.
3308 Congratulations, wishing you the best!
3303 Congratulations!
6002 Watch out world!
Here comes the graduate.
6003 Congratulations on your
6001 Congratulations, you did it!
6004 Dream big and the future
is yours! Congratulations and
best wishes
Holiday cards retail for $2.85–$3.50 and include bar code.
6005 Wishing you a future of achievement and
happiness. Congratulations on your graduation
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
4504 Dad thanks for all the times you lifted
me up. Happy Father’s Day
4501 No matter where the path
takes us I will always be your little
girl. Happy Father’s Day
4502 Happy Father’s Day to a
real top dog.
4503 To a Dad that is much better
than par. Happy Father’s Day
4506 Fatherhood is pretending the present you
love the most is a neck tie. Happy Father’s Day
4507 To a dad who knows all the reel angles
in life!
4505 Any man can be a father but
it takes someone special to be a
dad. Happy Father’s Day Dad!
4508 Anyway you slice it, you are the best
dad. Happy Father’s Day!
4509 Dad, you gave me the greatest gift
anyone can give. You gave me the courage to
sail on my own knowing that, when the waves
got rough, I could always come back to port.
Happy Father’s Day
4510 Wishing you a Tee-rific day!
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
7003 Wishing you a Halloween full of sweet
surprises! Happy Halloween
7001 Witching you a Happy
7002 Happy Halloween from
one of your peeps
7004 Wishing you a Halloween that is full of
sweets and surprises!! Happy Halloween
7005 When black cats are seen we are near
Halloween! Happy Halloween
*Glitter accented
7006 At this special time of year when JackO-Lanterns glow, it gives a welcome chance
to say hello. Happy Halloween
1802 No matter how you slice it, you are in for
some forced family fun! Happy Thanksgiving
1801 Be thankful you are not a
turkey!!! Happy Thanksgiving
1803 There is one day that is truly
ours. Thanksgiving is as American
as football. Happy Thanksgiving
*Glitter accented
1805 Thanksgiving is good, Thanksgiving is
great, Please don’t let me end up on someone’s
plate. Happy Thanksgiving
*Glitter accented
Place your Gator Greetings order today at 781.421.3042 or 239.529.1268.
9001 Hope the holidays are
all they’re cracked up to be.
Season’s Greetings
9002 Merry Christmas
9005 Get into the holiday spirit.
Merry Christmas
9006 Wishing you and your
family a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
9009 Season’s Greetings!
*Glitter accented
9003 Season’s Greetings
9007 From our house to yours.
Sending you and your family
warm wishes this holiday season.
9010 May all your holiday wishes come true...
Happy Holidays!
*Glitter accented
9008 I hope you are on the right list…
which ever it may be. Wishing you a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
9011 Wishing you and your family a very
Merry Christmas
*Glitter accented
9015 Seas and greetings
9013 All I want for Christmas
is my two sweet peeps. Merry
*Glitter accented
9004 Happy Holidays
9014 Wishing you a holiday
season full of Sweet Surprises!
Holiday cards retail for $2.85–$3.50 and include bar code.
9012 May you and your family
have the gift of faith, the blessing
of hope, and the peace of his love
at Christmas and throughout the
New Year.
*Glitter accented
9016 May the magic of Christmas never end.
Merry Christmas
Visit www.gatorgreetings.com or email us at sales@gatorgreetings.com
9021 Believe in the magic of the season.
9019 Deck the halls with your
golf balls. Merry Christmas
9023 Enjoy the magic of the season!
9022 Christmas greetings!
Celebrate the reason for
the season.
9025 The gift of love. The gift of
peace. The gift of happiness. May
all be yours this Christmas.
9026 Happy Hanukkah
9028 Wishing you and your family a happy
holiday season
9017 Peace on Earth & Joy to
all. Merry Christmas
9020 Seas and greetings
9018 Have a HO HO HO Hole in one
9024 May your Christmas sparkle with
moments of love, laughter and goodwill. May
the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.
Merry Christmas
9027 Happy Hanukkah
9029 Wishing you all the hope,
wonder and joy that the SEA-son
can bring!
Greetings Photographers and Artists
Christine G. Anderson
Christine is an Artist and Art teacher from Cape
Cod, MA. She has been taking photos since she
received her first Kodak camera from here parents
when she was 10 years old. Christine is a graduate of
the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with a BA
in Education. She has studied with artists from Maine, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina and Massachusetts. She has sold her photography and paintings
over the last 20 years. She enjoys gardening and is at home near the ocean.
Her photography and paintings reflect her love of nature.
Susan Hagstrom
Susan began her photography career taking sports actions
shots and now specializes in fine art print for sale, portraits,
commercial, wedding and real estate photography. Her
work has been recognized with many awards in many
local art competitions including the distinction of Best in
Show in the Quincy Arts Fest competition. Her work has
been published in several local publication including South
Shore Living and South Shore Magazine. Many of her photos have made their
way to the greeting cards of Gator Greetings. Susan is a board member of
the South Shore camera club in Quincy, MA. Her work has been exhibited
at the Hingham Public Library, the Thomas Crane Library in Quincy, Gallery
Nantasket in Hull, MA and the Duxbury Art Complex Museum. Samples of her
work and information about her business, Snapshots by Susan, can be found
on her website snapshotsbysusan.com. Susan is a graduate of the University
of Michigan.
Larry Johnson
Born in Boston, MA, Larry attended The Boston
Museum School of Fine Arts. For over thirty years
Johnson was the Editorial Sports cartoonist for the
Boston Globe, The National Sports Daily, ESPN’s
Quickie page and WEEI.com. Johnson’s interests
extend beyond cartoons as an accomplished book/commercial illustrator.
As a fine artist Johnson has had much success selling originals to Oprah
Winfrey, Vernon Johnson as well as a series of 5' x 5' paintings for the
Adams Mark Hotel in Texas. Johnson is also a sports talk host on WEEI in
Boston, MA.
Frankie B. Washington
Washington is an alumna from Butera School of Art which
was located in Boston. Washington has worked 22 years
as a freelance concept and story board artist for Olive Jar
animation as well as Robbins Entertainment. Doing work
and getting screen credit on two Miramax films (Squeeze
& Next Stop Wonderland). He decided to venture into the
world of advertising, which led to various gigs in print
publication, toy design, comic books & gaming studios. Washington has also
done editorial artwork for SoCo Magazine as well as worked on licensed
properties (Marvel, Archie, Greatest American Hero, King Kong & Transformers)
for various trading companies (Upper Deck, RittenHouse Archives & Breygent
Marketing). Washington has successfully taken his co-created concept,
Robot God Akamatsu, and turned it into a graphic novel printed and
distributed by Canada based Zetabella Publishing
Jim Gross
Jim Gross is an illustrator and graphic designer living and
working in the Boston area. The Massachusetts College
of Art graduate has been creating logos (including Gator
Greetings logo) portraits, caricatures, print projects,
websites and theatrical scenic painting for over 20 years.
Mark Menesale
Mark is the founder and president of Gator Greetings. His
interest in photography as well as enjoyment of sports and
the outdoors has helped the growth of Gator Greetings.
Mark is a Graduate of the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst. He and his wife Marianne have three children and
reside on the South Shore of Massachusetts.
Justina Strickland
Justina is a graduate from Gordon College and a
teacher in Southern Maine. She has always loved
having a camera in hand and began taking her hobby
of photography seriously while shooting events for
friends and family. Most of her work now includes
events in the New England area such as weddings, maternity, engagement,
and family portraits. Her photography reflects her love for people and
capturing the important events in their lives. Her love of travel also helps to
inspire and influence her photographic artistry. She has photos from all over the
world including North America, Scandinavia, Europe, South America and Asia.
Paul Munroe
Paul can often be found behind the camera. Paul’s work
includes portraits and action photos of local sports teams
to outdoor scenes. Paul is the former president of the
South Shore Camera Club and resides in Hingham, MA.
Paul has photos from all around the world including North
America, Europe and Africa. Paul enjoys the outdoors and
can often be found in the back woods of New Hampshire
or the beaches of Cape Cod.
Paige Wyatt
A native of New Hampshire, Paige is a graduate
of Lasell College in Newton, MA and is employed
full time at Gator Greetings. Besides photography,
Paige is involved in all aspects of the greeting
card business from design to sales and specializes
in merchandising.
Meaghan Menesale
Meaghan is a full time student studying Education and
Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
In addition to her love of photography. Meaghan is a
competitive swimmer. She enjoys outdoor activities,
especially hiking the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Gator Greetings has a refreshing feel. Our cards
have a high positive turnover, and put more
profit into your pocket!
We make people smile, and the environment too!
Gator Greetings is an environmentally friendly greeting card company
based in Eastern Massachusetts. Our cards are environmentally friendly
as we print with 100% wind energy credit, use recycled paper and soy
ink in the publishing process.
Gator Greetings’ cards are published in the USA, and our envelops are
also manufactured in the USA. The paper mills we buy our paper from
are FSC certified. Gator Greetings offers a full line of everyday stationery
from Birthday to Special Occasion and Holiday cards.
72 pockets with a card capacity
of up to 864 cards and a retail
card value of over $2,800.
96 card pockets
with optional
wings to expand
to 128 pockets.
Card Rack
Offset Program
FREE Spinner Card Rack with the
purchase of 1 dozen cards per pocket
unter top
12 wire –
Spinner racks are available as:
• 12 wire
• 24 wire
• 48 wire
• 72 acrylic by UPC
• 112 acrylic by UPC
• 128 acrylic by UPC
Freight for 48 wire spinner and under $25
Freight for 72 wire spinner and up $45
Not available to distributors.
Our customer service pledge:
Like us on Facebook
• Free shipping on all orders of 20 six-packs
or more
• Orders placed by 3:30 pm EST ship same day
• 100% merchandise credit on any unsold
holiday and everyday cards
92 Reservoir Park Drive, Rockland, MA 02370 / 781.421.3042
7300 St. Ives Way, Unit 5101, Naples, FL 34104 / 239.529.1268