EvernoteWow December 2014


EvernoteWow December 2014
Evernote. Wow! I Didn’t Know It Could Do That
How-To Tips with Pics
Updated December 2014
By Garth Scaysbrook
Copyright © Garth Scaysbrook 2014
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of
this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of copyright
and the above publishers.
Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in
this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby
disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or
omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other
Affiliate links are sometimes used in my content. This means if you purchase a product or
service I will receive a commission. I have personally used every affiliate link and find the
product or service useful. Please do your own research before making a decision to purchase
Free Gift/Book Updates
Thankyou for purchasing my book. As a way of saying thankyou I am offering you a free
Whenever I tell people about Evernote they always ask what it is about and why they need
it. That is why I have written Evernote. Frequently Asked Questions.
This PDF contains answers to many questions that I get asked about Evernote.
You can download this free report by clicking here.
Important Information about Book
I just wanted to let you about the FREE updates I offer all my customers. Every month I
send an email with the latest tips, tricks and how-to’s. If you would like to receive this email
sign up for Updates here. Don’t worry I won’t share your details with anyone, I hate spam
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Table of Contents
Free Gift
Chapter 1. Capture
Web Clipper
To Do List/Day Planner
Capture Screenshots
Evernote Email
How to Save Gmail Email Using Chrome Evernote Web Clipper.
Business Cards
iCloud Contacts
Google Contacts
How to Import Files Using the Send To Menu
Kindle Book Highlights
Chapter 2. Notebooks, Tags and Notes
How to Structure Your Notebooks and Tags
Encrypting Text
Edit PDF
Note Links
How to Create a Table of Contents for Your Notes
Shortcuts to Folders and Files
How to Merge Notes
How to Undo a Note Merge
How to Convert a List to a Checklist
How to Display Shortcuts in Horizontal Toolbar
Note History - How To Retrieve Previous Version of a Note
Chapter 3. Search
Saved Searches
Finding Shared Notes
Finding Checklists
Finding Images
Finding Reminders
Chapter 4. Share
Sharing Notes
Sharing Notebooks
Chapter 5. Add-ons
Evernote Add-Ons
Food, Recipes and Restaurants - Evernote Food
Chapter 6. Extra
Blogging with Postach.io
Saving Tweets
Facebook Posts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Signing Documents
Recommended Books
More Books By Garth
Did You Like "Evernote. Wow! I Didn’t Know It Could Do That"?
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This book is a collection of tips that help you get more out of Evernote. Each tip has step by
step instructions with screenshots. The tips are organized into 6 sections:
● Capture
● Notebooks, Tags and Notes
● Search
● Share
● Add-ons
● Extras
This book is not a complete how-to guide to Evernote. It was created to answer many
questions that you have after using the software. Most of these tips, the information is hard
to find and not obvious.
The way to use this book is to use scan through the tips first and discover any solutions to
problems that you are having. Use Evernote and when you encounter another problem,
refer back to this book for solutions.
If you have a question please send to feedback@garthscaysbrook.com
Chapter 1. Capture
Web Clipper
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Web Clipper is a must have Evernote extension. It is used for saving web pages to Evernote
and is extremely good at it. You can download it for Firefox,Safari,Chrome,Opera and
Internet Explorer. Web Clipper is awesome for researching, saving your favorite web pages
and clipping articles to read later on mobile devices. As of writing if you use Safari and
Chrome versions you have access to following new features:
● Article Clipping - Article smartly clipped
● Simplified Article Clipping - just shows the content without all the extra
● Full page - entire web page
● Bookmark-one image and snippet of page
● Screenshot - takes a snapshot of web page
● Markup Tools-arrows,text,stamps,crop,highlighter
● Saving-smart filing and easier notebook searching
● Sharing-Evernote URL,Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn and email
● Add Reminders to Web Clips
Just to give you an idea how awesome Evernote is, this entire book was researched using
Evernote Web Clipper. I would find great content that I wanted to reference later, so I
would save the web page or clip the article directly into Evernote. This was invaluable for
writing this book. Anytime I wanted to find content I just searched and Evernote would
display the content nicely.
Download and Install Evernote Web Clipper
To use Evernote Web Clipper, click the Evernote icon on the toolbar.
The first time you use this extension/plugin you need to login with your username and
You can choose what Notebook you want to put the article in and add tags and comments.
The clip button gives you an option of clipping the article,URL or full page.
If you use the latest chrome extension the window is now a sidebar with more options.
The old way of bookmarking or adding favorites is dead. Evernote Web Clipper allows you
to save and search later. Most favorite/bookmarking tools allow you to search, however it is
usually limited to the title of the page and the description. With Evernote Web Clipper all
words and images are indexed so that you can easily find something latter.
To Do List/Day Planner
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There are a few different ways of using Evernote to keep a to do list/day planner.
Reminders always appear at the top of your notes and are also grouped according to which
Notebook they are in. Because the reminders appear at the top you see them more often.
A summary of reminders are emailed daily by default. You can disable this feature under
Tools->Options, Reminder Tab; untick the Receive Reminder Emails tick box.
Method 1:
This method is good for one task that you have to do.
Step 1. Add a New Note:
● Click New Note Button.
● Enter Note Title.
● Enter Note.
Step 2. Add a Reminder Date:
● Click New Note button.
● Click Reminder Button.
● Click Add Date.
● Select a Date. Press Enter.
The reminder button will now display the date in blue.
Change the Reminder Date:
● Click the Reminder Button again.
● Click Change Date.
● Select the Date. Press Enter.
The Reminder Button will now display the new date in blue.
Remove the Reminder Date:
● Click the Reminder button.
● Click Clear Reminder.
The Reminder Button will now go back to its default color
Method 2:
This method is good for a list of tasks that you have to do.
Step 1. Add a New Note:
● Click New Note Button.
● Enter Note Title. Name it something like To Do List or Day Planner or todays date To Do
Step 2. Add a Checklist:
● Click in the body of the note.
● Click Format->To-do->Insert Checkbox (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + C)
● Start typing your list of things to do. Press enter to begin a new line. Each line represents
a new task.
Step 3. Complete Tasks:
● Open note containing to do list/day planner
● Tick the checkbox’s as you complete each task
Step 4. Following Day:
● Add new tasks to complete
● Keep or delete old tasks. If you keep old tasks you can search for them at a later date.
● If you used a date in the title of the note you can rename it to today’s date.
Capture Screenshots
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Evernote has a screenshot capture (clipping) function which is really handy.
By default there is a keyboard command Windows + Prt Scr for PC and Print Screen for
Once you activate the Capture Screen mode you will have the following options:
● Click and Drag a box around what you want to capture.
● Click to capture a window.
● Ctrl + Click and Drag to capture to clipboard (paste into another application)
● Shift + Click and Drag to capture to desktop
● Esc cancels Capture Screen Mode
You can change the keyboard command under Tools->Options->Hotkeys->Capture Screen.
There are more options found under Tools->Options->Clipping.
You can select the notebook for the screen capture to be saved into.
If you want to Annotate the Screen Capture be sure to tick Launch Annotate after
When you have finished Annotating, click Done.
Another option for screen captures is using Skitch. It is a stand-alone application that
integrates with Evernote.
Download Skitch from the following link
Evernote Email
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When you create an Evernote account you automatically receive an email address.
To locate this email address look for it under Account Info or Settings depending on
which platform you are using.
Click Tools ->Account Info
Click Preferences->Account Info tab
Tap All Notes in the app menu -> Settings
Tap the Gear icon in top left of the application (if you can’t see the gear icon, tap the
elephant icon first).
Under the Settings tab tap General->Evernote Email Address
Tap Menu button->Settings
Under Account Info tap the name of the account (usually your name)
Scroll down until you see Evernote Email Address
Adding a Note via Email
You can email any information to your Evernote email address including attachments. If
you receive an email and want to save it into Evernote, simply forward it tour Evernote
email address and it will be saved into the default notebook.
There are special fields you can use to have more control on what happens to your email
once it reaches Evernote. Here are the list of features:
Email Subject Line:
Note Title:
Start typing your note title in the subject line
Use @ followed by the name of the notebook
Use # followed by the name of an existing tag
Setting a Reminder:
Specific Date: !YYYY/MM/DD
Today: !today
Tomorrow: !tomorrow
Next Monday: !monday
Next Tuesday: !tuesday
Next Wednesday: !wednesday
Next Thursday: !thursday
Next Friday: !friday
Next Saturday: !saturday
Next Sunday: !sunday
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You must have a space between your fields and they are not case sensitive.
To use these fields we need to put it in the correct order. The syntax is as follows.
[title] [reminder] [notebook] [tag]
Each field is optional however it must be in the correct order for it to work. The tag field can
have multiple tags.
Buy Bread and Milk !tuesday @shopping #milk #bread
This creates a note called “Buy Bread and Milk”, a reminder is set for next Tuesday, and the
note is saved into “shopping” notebook and tagged “milk” and “bread”
Remember that you must have already created the notebooks and tags previous to emailing,
otherwise it will not work.
Appending a Note via Email
To add text to an existing note use the “+” field at the end of your subject line of your email.
Syntax as follows:
Email Subject: [note title] [+]
Email Body: additional text
Email Subject: Buy Bread and Milk +
Email Body: need coffee
Auto Filing Email
When an email is sent to your Evernote email address, the note is saved in your default
notebook, unless you specify which notebook using the “@” followed by the notebook name.
Evernote has a feature Auto Filing Email. This can be found when you log into your online
account using a browser.
Account Settings->Personal Settings
When you turn this feature on Evernote will look for similar notes and apply the same
notebooks and tags.
How to Save Gmail Email Using Chrome Evernote
Web Clipper
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This new feature recently introduced, saves so much time and effort. Previously you would
have to forward the email to Evernote. Now all you need to do is use the latest Chrome
Evernote Web Clipper and follow the steps below.
1. Open Gmail and select email to be saved to Evernote.
2. Click the Web Clipper Icon. There is a select all messages checkbox and a checkbox for
individual emails. Check the emails you want to save.
3. Click Email.
4. Select Notebook. This example I have chosen Archive notebook.
5. Add Tag. This example I have added business cards as the tag. The tag was in the drop
down list as it was created previously, however you can create new tags by typing them in.
Select from the drop down list or press Enter to confirm your choice.
6. Click Save.
7. Email is now successfully saved into Evernote. There is a link automatically created which
allows you to open the email conversation up in Gmail.
Business Cards
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Let’s imagine you have a business card folder or Rolodex packed full of business cards.
Having them on your desk is fantastic, but what if we are on the road and need that contact
urgently. Most of us would call the office and the secretary or admin staff to go to your desk
and find the business card and pass the information over the phone. Your on the other end
trying to find a pen and notebook to write the details down.
Ok, lets backup a step. You are out on the road and need the contact number of one of your
clients. You know the card is on your desk, but you were smart enough to scan all your
business cards into Evernote last week. All you do is get on your iPhone or Android powered
smartphone, open Evernote and search for a first name or business name. Instantly the note
containing the business card appears on the screen. Bingo! A win for Evernote.
The first chance you get, scan all your business cards into Evernote. Now you can do this
using a scanner attached to your computer or you can use your iOS or Android powered
device to photograph the business card. Either way, get those cards into Evernote. All the
text on the business card becomes searchable after adding into Evernote.
If you want to be able to find all the business cards later, add a tag called business card to
each note containing the image of the business card.
iOS version of Evernote provides a business card option when creating a new note with a
photo. The options when attaching photos to notes are Post-It Note, Photo, Document and
Business Card. If you choose Business Card, Evernote will attempt to decipher
name,title,phone,fax,email, address and company name. If the card is mainly white, place it
on a dark surface. If the card is mainly black, place it on a light surface. If the card is glossy,
instead of taking photo directly over the top, angle the camera so that the flash does not
affect the card.
Note: Ipad 2 (2nd Generation) has a 0.7 MP camera is not effective for business card
iCloud Contacts
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Have you wondered how to get all your iCloud contacts into Evernote quickly? Here is the
Before we begin, you will need to have a PDF printer driver installed.
If you are using Windows you can download and install Foxit Reader from
Now open your favorite browser.
Open iCloud on the Internet
Click Contacts and you are ready to start.
Printing and Saving iCloud Contacts to Evernote:
1. Click the Gear icon.
2. Click Select All.
3. Click Print.
The Printer dialog window will appear.
4. Select Foxit Reader PDF Printer.
5. Click Print.
6. Select folder and change name. Click Save.
7. Once saved you can then add to Evernote. Simply right click on the PDF file where you
saved it and click Send to
8. Click Evernote
The address book will saved into Evernote as a note with a PDF attachment. At any time you
want to update your address book, simply delete this note and redo the steps above to create
a new note with the latest address book.
Google Contacts
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This is a handy tip to get your Google Contacts into Evernote.
1. While in Gmail click Gmail drop down menu and select Contacts.
2. Click More ->Print
3. Select the contacts you want to print and Click Print.
In the Internet browser click the Evernote Web Clipper icon. Select which notebook you
want the addresses put into. Create any tags or comments you want. Click Clip Full Page
button. This will save the contacts nicely formatted.
How to Import Files Using the Send To Menu
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If you are in File Explorer and want to import a file to Evernote, here is a quick tip on how
to do just that.
1. Open File Explorer and locate the file you want to send to Evernote.
2. Right Click on the file and choose Send to->Evernote.
3. Evernote will import the file automatically.
Kindle Book Highlights
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Have you ever wanted to get your highlights from Kindle books into Evernote? This little tip
shows you how to do just that.
1. Login into https://kindle.amazon.com/ Click Sign in and enter your amazon email and
password. Click Sign in to Secure Server.
2. Click Your Highlights.
3. Click Evernote Web Clipper icon
4. Select Article, click Save. You may have to keep scrolling down the window and wait for
more highlights to load before you web clip the page.
5. Once synced, your highlights will be saved to Evernote and fully search-able.
Chapter 2. Notebooks, Tags and Notes
How to Structure Your Notebooks and Tags
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The million dollar question everyone asks. There are of course multiple answers depending
on you. Here are just a few methods of creating structure and getting the most out of
Let us describe a stack, notebook, notes and tag.
● A stack is like a stack of notebooks.
● A notebook is like a notebook that you write in.
● A note is like a page in a notebook.
● A tag is like a colored sticker attached to a page in your notebook, sticking out at the top,
so you can find it easily.
Method 1:
Everything Bucket - I’m lazy
Let’s begin with nothing. When you first start Evernote. There are no stacks,notebooks or
notes. You create an inbox just like your email. Why? Because that is what you are used too.
When you create the Inbox notebook do it like this,“!Inbox”. The reason you put the
exclamation mark is so that it appears at the top of all your notebooks. “Trash” is created
automatically. You create a notebook called “Archive”. Every note you create goes into
“!Inbox” first, deal with it there and once you are done, archive it by moving it into your
“Archive” notebook. You don’t tag many notes, maybe just a few. When you want to find a
note you just search and find what you are looking for. Remember Evernote indexes every
word. Let Evernote do all the hard work for you.
Method 2:
Minimal Notebooks and Maximum Tags. I’m organized.
When you first start using Evernote you try to use it like a hard drive on your computer. You
create folders (notebooks) and then put documents into those folders. The problem is that
Evernote is not like that. There is only stacks, notebooks and notes. A stack is one level, a
notebook is the second level. I started off recreating what I already was used too. After a
while it was driving me crazy. How can you organize anything when you only have 2 levels,
Stacks and Notebooks? You end up with a lot of notebooks.
So the solution was to select all the notes in a notebook and attach a tag to them. I created a
tag that was the same name as the notebook. Then moved the notes to the archive notebook.
Deleted the old notebook. Less notebooks, more tags, I was happier and so will you.
The simple way to understand this when you think of wanting to create a notebook, stop!
Create a tag instead. For example, let’s say you like collecting recipes. Instead of creating a
notebook called recipes, create a tag called recipes and attach it to the note. The recipes can
stay in !Inbox and when you have finished with it, move it to Archive. You can always find
all your recipes by searching for the tag. If you want to differentiate between types of
recipes, then add another tag. Sticking with the recipe example, you could have beef,chicken
or fish tags. A chicken recipe would have recipe and chicken tags.
When you find a few notebooks that have something in common you group them together
using a stack. You may find yourself scrolling up and down your list of notebooks looking
for just the right one to put your note into. Painful! Stop scrolling.
Click on Notes in the left panel. Just to the right you will see a drop down menu called All
Notes. Click All Notes and use the Note List search function (keyboard shortcut: Shift + Alt
+ N). Type the name of your notebook and click the notebook from the list or use the
up/down arrows and press enter. The trick is to locate your notebook first, then create a
new note. If you create a note in your default notebook first and want to move it latter, it is
harder because you have to scroll through your list.
When creating tags, here are some ideas:
Year Tags: 2010,2011,2012
Month Tags: January, February…December
Names: Bob, Fred, Anne, Jane
Places: Brisbane, New York, New Zealand, Canada
Topics: Books, Study, Work, Home, Tax, Statements, Invoices, Receipts
Interests: Sport, News, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Movies
Encrypting Text
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Before encrypting any text you must understand that if you forget your passphrase you will
not be able to decrypt the text.
When you encrypt text for the first time there is a checkbox called Remember Passphrase
until I quit Evernote.
● If you tick this option, you will only be prompted to enter a passphrase once when
Evernote starts for the first time. If someone has access to Evernote they will be able to read
your passphrase protected text. Note: Evernote can run in the background in the system
tray. Right Click the Evernote icon and Click Quit Evernote to completely close the software.
● If you don’t tick the option, you will need to enter the passphrase every time you want
decrypt the text.
If you want to encrypt text:
● Highlight the text that you want to encrypt inside the body of the note.
● Press Ctrl + Shift + X.
● Evernote prompts you for a passphrase.
● You will need to type the passphrase in again and have the option of giving yourself a hint.
● If you forget the passphrase you will not be able to decrypt the text.
If you want to decrypt the text:
● Place the cursor before or after the locked icon and press Ctrl + Enter. You can also right
click on the locked icon giving you 2 options,Show Encrypted Text and,Decrypt Text
● Click Show Encrypted Text.
● You will be prompted for a passphrase.
● Enter the passphrase.
● Click Ok.
If you don’t want the text to be encrypted anymore:
● Place the cursor before or after the locked icon and press Ctrl + Enter. You can also right
click on the locked icon giving you 2 options,Show Encrypted Text and Decrypt Text
● Click Decrypt Text permanently.
● You will be prompted for a passphrase.
● Enter the passphrase.
● Click Ok.
If you want to change your passphrase:
● Strongly suggest decrypting all your text first
● Encrypt the text again as previously described.
● If you have ticked Remember Passphrase until I quit Evernote previously, then Evernote
will encrypt the text again using your old passphrase.
● To solve this, decrypt the text again and quit Evernote. Make sure it is not running in the
background. Start Evernote, highlight text, and encrypt text. You will be prompted for new
passphrase. Enter new passphrase. This time make sure you untick Remember Passphrase
until I quit Evernote. Click Ok.
● Evernote will tell you that the passphrase you entered is different to previously and
suggests that you try again to remember old passphrase instead of creating a new one.
Ignore this and Click Create a New Passphrase.
● If you did not tick Remember Passphrase until I quit Evernote previously, then Evernote
will prompt you for a new passphrase.
● Evernote will tell you that the passphrase you entered is different to previously and
suggests that you try again to remember old passphrase instead of creating a new one.
Ignore this and Click Create a New Passphrase.
● Re-enter passphrase and optional hint
● Click Ok.
Edit PDF
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Would you like to Edit a PDF in Evernote?
Evernote displays PDF files as a preview in the notes window. This feature is turned on by
default and is changed under Options->Note->Always show PDF documents as
attachments. If you want to edit PDF in Evernote you can download Foxit Reader which will
give you additional features for free.
Download Foxit Reader
Once installed you can open the PDF from inside Evernote and edit in Foxit Reader. Open a
note that has a PDF attached and move your mouse over the document. A navigation
toolbar will appear. Click the document icon.
Foxit Reader will open your document. It must be the default application for opening PDF
Files. You can access this in Foxit Reader under File->Preferences->File Associations>Make Default PDF Viewer.
Your document will open and you will see the extensive options located on the main toolbar.
Note Links
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You can create links to other notes within a note. This feature is handy if you want to link
notes or reference other notes. You can even create a table of contents for your notes. Here’s
1. Open a note.
2. Click Note->Copy Note Link under main menu.
3. Create a new note (Ctrl + N) and paste link. (Ctrl + V)
4. Repeat the steps for each note that you would like to add.
5. When you finish it should look something like this.
How to Create a Table of Contents for Your Notes
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A table of contents you find in nearly all books and allows you to find information quicker.
Evernote has this feature so that you can create your own table of contents for your notes.
Here are the steps to do just that.
1. Multi select the notes you want using CTRL + Left Click.
2. Click Create Table of Contents Note.
3. A new note is created with a table of contents. If you click a link Evernote will open that
note. To return to your previous note (Table of Contents Note) use a shortcut hack ALT +
Shortcuts to Folders and Files
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Would you like to be able to click on a hyperlink in a note and open a folder on your
How about a shortcut to a file on your computer?
Here is how to do it in Windows 7:
Hyperlink to Folder
1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to folder you want.
2. Click in the address bar and the text will change to the file path. Press Ctrl + C.
3. Open Evernote, Create or open a note, click with mouse where you want to insert link.
4. Click Format->Hyperlink->Add (Ctrl + K) under the main menu.
5. The Add Link dialog will display asking for link. Paste link (Ctrl + V). Make sure you
overwrite “http://”. Click OK.
6. Hyperlink will display in your note. Click hyperlink to test that folder opens.
Shortcut to File
1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to file you want.
2. Right Click the file and click Send to->Desktop (Create Shortcut).
3. Display Desktop (Windows Key + D). Locate shortcut created. Select shortcut (1 Click).
Press Ctrl + C.
4. Open Evernote, open a note, click with mouse where you want to insert link.
5. Click Format->Hyperlink->Add (Ctrl + K) under the main menu.
6. The Add Link dialog will display asking for link. Paste link (Ctrl + V). Make sure you
overwrite “http://”. Click OK.
7. Shortcut will display in note. Double Click Shortcut to open file.
8. Delete Shortcut file from windows desktop.
Sidebar: You can drag drop shortcut if you prefer, instead of copy pasting. If you just want
to create a new note with the shortcut, do steps 1 to 3, then press Ctrl + Alt + V. This will
create a new note with the shortcut you just copied.
How to Merge Notes
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Often we have individual notes that we would like to combine into one note. You can also
control the order of the notes by selecting each note in the order that you want.
1. Multi select the notes using CTRL + Left Click. The first note selected will be the first note
in your merged note. The second note selected will be the second note in your merged note
and so forth.
2. Click Merge.
3. A new note is created merging the notes together. Notice Sun Down is first because we
selected it first.
How to Undo a Note Merge
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If you have previously merged notes and want them “unmerged” using the undo function
will not help. Here are the steps to undoing merged notes.
1. Click Trash
2. Find and Left Click note that you want restored.
3. Click Restore Note.
4. Your previously merged note is back to normal. Repeat steps 2 through 3 for each note
you previously merged.
How to Convert a List to a Checklist
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Have you started writing a list and then realized it would be good to have checkbox for each
line so that you can tick them off when they are completed? Convert your list the easy way.
1. Start with a list.
2. Highlight the list.
3. Click the checkbox button (Ctrl + Shift + C).
4. List now converted to checkbox list
How to Display Shortcuts in Horizontal Toolbar
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Shortcuts are displayed in the left panel by default. You can change the location of the
shortcuts and make them appear in a toolbar at the top for easier access.
1. Click View in the main toolbar.
2. Click Shortcuts->Show in Toolbar.
3. The shortcuts will now appear in the main toolbar.
To change the shortcuts back to the left panel, click View->Shortcuts->Show in Left Panel.
Note History - How To Retrieve Previous Version of
a Note
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Note history is a premium feature. You will need to upgrade from free to paid to access this
feature. Note history allows you to restore a previous version of a note. It is like a backup of
a note when content changes. But be careful as it does not save every version of the note. It
saves multiple times a day which is good enough for most notes. If you are worried about
saving different versions, I suggest you make a new note instead of updating the old note.
To retrieve a previous note follow the steps:
1. Select the note that you want to retrieve a previous version of. Click Note (1) -> Note
History (2).
2. The Note History window appears. Click a previous version of the note.
3. The preview window will display showing contents of the note. You can move back and
forward through the different versions of the notes by clicking "Older" or "Newer". You can
select a version from the drop down list (1) and click Import (2) and the note will be
imported into a notebook called "Imported Notes". The other way is to highlight and copy
(CTRL + C), close the preview window and note history window, then create a new note
(CTRL + N) and paste the information (CTRL + V).
4. The imported note will now show in the "Imported Notes" notebook.
Chapter 3. Search
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Evernote indexes every word that is in a note title or note. Users can search for text in
images and hand written notes. Premium users can search text within PDF's and
attachments. This feature alone is worth every cent.
This is the main search tool you will use to find everything you need.
Basic Search
Just click in the Search All Notes box. The first thing you will notice is a drop down menu
appears with your recent searches and a saved searches button. Start typing and you will see
additional items: suggestions,notebooks,tags.
If you press Enter you will notice your notes will display below. You must have the Note List
visible (F11) in order to display your notes.
Evernote will tell you how many notes you are viewing and from which notebooks, as well as
your search query. I have used “evernote” as the search term.
When searching for a term that contains a space. Example: Evernote research. It is best to
enclose your search term with quotes as follows, “evernote research”, as to get the results
you want.
You can use boolean searches to narrow down what you are looking for. To search using
booleans take a look at the following syntax:
+keyword -keyword
+evernote -mac
This searches for the word “evernote” and then checks if it also contains the word “mac”. If
it does contain the work “mac” the note will not show.
Advanced Search
#1. Notebook
You can limit your searching to a specific notebook.
notebook:[nb name]
notebook:”evernote research”
This will search for notes only in “evernote research” notebook
#2. Note Title
This only searches for notes with “evernote” in the title.
#3. Tag
tag:[tag name]
This only searches for notes that are tagged “evernote”.
#4. Created
This searches for notes created on or after 18/02/2014.
#5. Updated
This searches for notes last updated on or after 25/12/2010.
#6. Resource
resource:[MIME type string]
This searches for notes with at least one image/gif resource
This searches for notes with at least one audio resource
This searches for notes with images
This searches for notes with one or more ink resources
#7. For more advanced searches visit Search Grammar at Evernote
Saved Searches
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After a while using Evernote you will discover you keep searching for the same things, this is
when you use Saved Searches. It saves you time because you don’t have to type the search
criteria. The way to access Saved Searches is to click on the main search bar and Saved
Searches will appear in the drop down list. But first we must create a Saved Search. You can
have a maximum of 100 Saved Searches.
Create a Saved Search:
1. Click the Search Bar. (Windows + Shift + F)
2. Type your search phrase
3. Click Save Search in the drop down list
4. Enter a Name for your Saved Search and click Ok.
Access a Saved Search:
1. Click the Search Bar. (Windows + Shift + F)
2. The Saved Search will appear in the list. Click the Saved Search you want.
Create a Shortcut for your Saved Search:
1. Click the Search Bar. (Windows + Shift + F)
2. Right Click the Saved Search and click Add to Shortcuts or Drag and Drop the Saved
Search to your Shortcuts panel on the left (F10 displays left panel). Make sure View->Left
Panel->Show Shortcuts is enabled.
Now your shortcut appears in the Shortcut panel on the left.
Finding Shared Notes
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How do you find notes that you have shared but you are not sure which ones? Simple. You
use the search bar with a special search keyword called sharedate:*.
This will find all notes that are currently being shared.
This finds shared notes on the 22nd of April 2014 and after.
This finds shared notes on the 22nd April 2014 and before (note the minus before
This finds shared notes today or yesterday.
This finds share notes within the last 30 days and today.
This finds shared notes before this month.
This finds shared notes last year and this year.
Finding Checklists
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Checklists/checkboxes are used for To-Do lists. When you create To-Do lists you may want
to find all notes with checklists. You can also search for completed and uncompleted
checkboxes. The following steps show how to to this.
1. Create a To-Do list using checkboxes. Click in note editor. Click Checkbox icon (1). Type
your To-Do list (2). Tick one of the items. The shortcut for inserting checkboxes is CTRL +
Shift + C.
Sidenote: If you have Skitch installed and running in the background the shortcut will not
work because Skitch uses CTRL + Shift + C for copying from the clipboard. The work
around is to open Skitch, click Edit->Preferences and untick “Keep the Skitch system tray
app running in the background when I close Skitch”. Then exit Skitch.
2. Now we can search for these checkboxes using a special search term called
todo:[true|false|*]. Click in the “search all notes” box. Type “todo:true” and press Enter.
This will display all notes that contain checkboxes that are ticked. This is how you find
completed To-Do items.
3. If you want to search for uncompleted To-Do items in notes, search for “todo:false”. If
you want to find all To-Do items search for “todo:*”.
Finding Images
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Often is handy to search for notes that contain images. This tip is for how to find images
fast. Just follow the steps:
1. If you don’t already have any images in your notes just add one now. Click New Note, give
the note a title and click the attachment icon above the note editor. The Open window will
appear, select the image that you want to attach to the note (1), click Open(2).
2. The note should look similar to this with your image.
3. To search for images within notes you need to use a special search term:
4. Click within the search toolbar. Type resource:image/* and press Enter. Search results
will display showing all notes that contain images.
5. If you need to narrow down your results even further you can continue with adding any
other search term. In this example I have added intitle:"my image" which finds the note
we added in the first step. The entire search phrase would be resource:image/*
intitle:"my image". We use quotes because we want to match "my image" not "my" or
Finding Reminders
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Reminders display in the note list at the top. You can re-arrange the reminders by draging
and droping them, sort by date and show upcoming and completed reminders.
Often it is helpful to be able to search for reminders. This tip shows you how.
There are three special search terms:
● reminderOrder:*
● reminderTime:[datetime]
● reminderDoneTime[datetime]
[datetime] represents a compact profile of ISO 8601 (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 )
Simply the format is yyyymmdd
E.g. 20141130 is 30th November 2014
day,week,month,year are relative to the todays date.
E.g. If today is 30 November 2014 then day = 30, month=11 and year =2014.
Try these searches:
● Click the search all notes box at the top. Type "reminderOrder:*" and press Enter. This
displays all notes marked as reminders.
● Click the search all notes box at the top. Type "reminderTime:day" and press Enter.
This displays all notes marked as reminders and the date set to today or in the future.
● Click the search all notes box at the top. Type "reminderDoneTime:day-7" and press
Enter. This displays all notes marked reminders and marked completed within the last
● Click the search all notes box at the top. Type "reminderDoneTime:20141125 reminderDoneTime:20141130" and press Enter. This displays all notes marked
reminders and marked completed between 25th November and up to the 29th Novmeber.
Note there is no space between the minus sign and reminderDoneTime.
Chapter 4. Share
Sharing Notes
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Sharing Notes with Evernote is easy. Here are some simple ways to share a note.
Open a note that you want to share and click Share.
Send by Email
Post to Facebook
Post to Twitter
Post to LinkedIn
Copy Note URL to Clipboard
This allows you copy and paste the URL into another application.
Stop Sharing
This stops sharing the note.
Sharing Properties
● You can open the note on the web and/or copy the link to the clipboard.
● You can stop sharing the note
Note Sharing URL
Click this link and see your note shared on the web.
Sharing Notebooks
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When you want to share lots of notes the best way is to put those notes in a notebook and
share that notebook. The following steps will help you get started.
1. Select a notebook to share from the left panel. In the example I have chosen Evernote
2. There a 3 notes in this Notebook.
3. Right Click the Notebook that you want to share from the left panel. Click Share
4. Click Share with Individuals.
5. Enter email address of the person you want to share the notebook with(#1). Select what
the person can do with the notes(#2). Click Share(#3).
These are the options for what individuals can do with the notes.
6. Click Done.
7. Once the person accepts the invitation to join the shared notebook an icon will appear
next to the notebook name in the note panel.
8. To stop sharing the notebook all you need to do is Right Click the notebook that is shared
in the left panel and choose Share Notebook. Click the X next to the person’s email address.
9. Click Remove and click Done on the next window.
Chapter 5. Add-ons
Evernote Add-Ons
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Evernote has some awesome add-ons to make it even more powerful.
● Skitch
● Penultimate
● Evernote Web Clipper
● Evernote Food
● Evernote Clearly
● App Center
● Market
Skitch is a markup tool that allows you to annotate images or PDF’s and share them. The
desktop version can take screen captures while iOS and Android versions takes pictures
with the camera.
Penultimate is a handwriting app that allows you to hand write notes just like a real
notebook but without the paper. Your handwritten notes save to Evernote and are easily
Evernote Web Clipper is a browser tool that allows you to save web pages to Evernote.
Awesome for research and collecting information from web pages. Easily searched in
Evernote Food is an app that allows you to save and share images of food, discover
restaurants nearby and collect recipes.
Evernote Clearly is an browser tool that makes web pages easier to read by removing
background distractions.
App Center allows you to download/purchase third party apps that integrate with
Evernote. Some examples include:
Bamboo Paper, Awesome Note, Prizmo, Zapier and File this Fetch
Market is an online store where vendors can sell physical products related to Evernote.
Food, Recipes and Restaurants - Evernote Food
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Evernote makes collecting, exploring and sharing recipes even better by using Evernote
Food. If you have iOS or Android, download Evernote Food from the following link.
Love food? So do I. If you like taking pictures of your favorite food Evernote Food for iOS
and Android is perfect for the job.
1. Open Evernote Food for iOS.
2. Tap My Meals
3. Tap Plus icon
4. Enter information about your meal. Name, Place (powered by Foursquare), Cuisine, Tags,
Notes and Pictures. Tap Tick when finished.
Evernote allows you to save your favorite recipes by using Web Clipper.
You want to make something different for dinner, you need a recipe. So you get on to
Google and find a recipe. Now you want to save it for later. So here is where Evernote comes
in handy. Use Web Clipper to clip the recipe using article mode. I suggest you create a
notebook called recipes and tag your web clipped recipe with the tags recipe and main
ingredient (eg. Corned Beef).
1. Search for recipe.
2. Found Recipe.
3. Web Clip using Article mode (using Chrome). Click Save.
4. Recipe is now saved to Evernote.
Install Evernote Food if you have not already.
After you have installed Evernote Food and linked to your Evernote Account. Open Settings
within the app and find Recipe Settings->Notebook and select the recipe notebook you
created previously. Select Done to exit Settings page.
Select My Cookbook from main page in Evernote Food. Your new recipe will now appear in
the list.
Now, if you are on the Internet and like a recipe you web clip it and it automatically syncs to
you mobile devices.
You can also Explore Recipes within the app and web clip them to My Cookbook.
Finding restaurants is easy with Evernote Food.
1. Open Evernote Food
2. Tap Restaurants.
3. Select Restaurant nearby or search another location.
4. Tap Scissors icon to clip Restaurant to Saved Restaurants. Tap Cross to exit page.
5. Restaurant is now saved in Saved section.
Chapter 6. Extra
Blogging with Postach.io
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Would you like to create a blog using your Evernote content? Well you can with Postach.io.
Postach.io is an Evernote powered blogging platform. Simple to setup and use.
It literally takes 3 minutes to create a new blog linking Evernote with Postach.io. You can
have more than one blog if you become a premium member. You have multiple themes to
choose from and can change your cover page photo.
The name of the blog becomes a notebook in Evernote. To create a post on your blog it is
simple as creating a new note in the notebook created by Postach.io (Site Name) and
tagging it “published”, Sync and the post is published to your Postach.io blog. How easy is
1. Log in using Evernote Account - You will need to authorize Postach.io.
2. Create Your First Site - Enter your name and email address, author name, site name and
site URL. Author name is displayed with your post. Site name is the actual name of your site
and a notebook is created in Evernote of the same name. Site URL is used to find your blog
on the web, just like a web page. Essentially you are using a sub domain of postach.io
however if you become a premium member you can use a custom domain name.
3. Click Create Site.
Your new blogging site has been created.
4. The Dashboard allows you to select your site for editing. Click your site and a new
window will open with your new site showing.
5. Look for your avatar icon and click for options. Click Edit Site.
6. You can now have access to Details, Settings, Import and Sharing, Theme Browser and
Source Editor.
7. Click Settings->Cover Photo->Browse and select a new photo. Click Open. Click Save Site
Settings at the bottom of the page.
8. Click Theme Browser. Select a theme you like. Click Apply.
9. Close current browser window leaving previous window and refresh page to display
changes to your new site.
Saving Tweets
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Would you like to save your tweets from Twitter to Evernote?
Here are 2 ways to save your tweets to Evernote.
Option 1
If This, Then That is an online service that allows you to connect two website services
Join IFTTT and click Browse.
Search for Evernote.
Browse for the following recipe and click.
Click Use Recipe
You will then see the following page.
1. Change the username in the title to your twitter username.
2. You can leave the body as is.
3. You can change Notebook and Tags to whatever you like. Leave Notebook blank to use
default notebook.
4. Click Update.
Now when you tweet it will be automatically saved into Evernote.
Option 2
Zapier is an online service that enables you to automate tasks between online apps like
Salesforce, Basecamp and Gmail.
Join Zapier and click Explore.
Select “Click here and select the apps you use”.
Click Evernote and Twitter. This will display only zaps that for Evernote and Twitter.
Browse for Track My Tweets in Evernote Note
Click Start Using This!
1. Choose a trigger action. Click Continue.
2. Select a Twitter Account. Enter your Twitter account information. Click Continue.
3. Select a Evernote account. Enter your Evernote account information. Click Continue.
4. Filter Twitter triggers. Click Continue.
5. Match up Twitter My Tweet to Evernote Note. Enter Notebook, Title and Content. Click
6. Test this Zap. Click Test Twitter trigger.
7. Name and Turn on this Zap on. Type a name. I’ve used “tweet to evernote”. Click Turn
Zap on.
You will now see your Zap in your dashboard. When you tweet, it will be automatically save
to Evernote.
Facebook Posts
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If you want to save Facebook posts into Evernote you will be disappointed because they will
also contain lame ads. The way around this is to install an ad blocker.
If you are using Chrome as your browser you can install an extension called AdBlock.
1. Install AdBlock (ver 2.6.25) into Chrome
2. Open Facebook
3. Find the timeline of the Facebook User
4. Click the date/time stamp of the post to open the actual post.
5. The post will display similar to this.
6. Click the Clip to Evernote icon on the Chrome Toolbar.
7. Select Full page.
8. Click Save.
9. The Facebook Post will be saved to Evernote and look similar to this, without the ads.
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Would you like to send Evernote notes to your Wordpress blog? You can, using the share via
email option in Evernote and using Jetpack from Wordpress.com.
1. Create an account with Wordpress.com.
2. Open your Wordpress Dashboard on your website. Click Plugins.
3. Click Add New.
4. Search for “jetpack”. Click Search Plugins.
5. Click Install Now.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Activate Plugin.
8. Click Connect to Wordpress.com.
9. Click Authorize Jetpack.
10. Click Configure.
11. Click Enable Post By Email.
12. Highlight your new email address and copy to clipboard (Ctrl + C).
13. Open Evernote and open note to send to Wordpress. Click Share->Send By Email…
14. Click Send.
15. Click OK.
16. Evernote note has been posted to Wordpress.
For more information on additional options for posting visit the following link.
Keyboard Shortcuts
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The following shortcuts are for Evernote on Windows. The online link is
There is a link at the bottom of the page for Mac Users.
These shortcuts work when Evernote is running in the background. You can be anywhere in
Windows. Note: Other programs may have the same shortcuts and cause a conflict. You can
change the shortcuts under Tools->Options->Global Hot Keys tab.
Ctrl + Alt + N
Switch to Evernote and open a new note
Win + Print Screen
Start screen capture mode
Cancels screen capture mode
Win + A
Clip selection
Win + Shift + F
Find in Evernote
Ctrl + Alt + V
Paste clipboard into Evernote as a new note
Application Wide:
These shortcuts work when Evernote is active.
Open online help in default browser
Start Sync
Ctrl + N
Create a new note
Moves focus to search box if empty or moves
to first highlighted text search word
Ctrl + Shift + A
Reset Search
Toggle display of left panel
Toggle display of note list
Ctrl + F11
Toggle display of note panel
Ctrl + F10
Toggle display of the search explanation
Cycle through note list views
Ctrl + F5
Set note lists to Table view
Ctrl + F6
Set note list to Mixed view
Ctrl + F7
Set note list to Thumbnails view
Toggle display of note info panel
Ctrl + F8
Toggle display of note editing toolbar
Set focus to the tag field of the active note
Ctrl + Shift + N
Create a new notebook
Ctrl + Shift + T
Create a new tag
Ctrl + Shift + S
Create a new saved search
Ctrl + Alt + T
Assign Tags
Start spell check
Ctrl + Shift + I
Opens a notepad for handwritten notes
Ctrl + Shift + U
Opens a voice recorder in a new note
Ctrl + Shift + W
Opens a new webcam note
Note List:
These shortcuts work when the note list panel has focus.
Go to previous note
Go to next note
Page Down
Scroll list up one page
Page Down
Scroll list down one page
Go to the first note in the list
Go to the last note in the list
Move selected notes to trash
Ctrl + A
Select all notes
Ctrl + Enter
Opens selected note in a separate window
Ctrl + Shift + E
Sends selected note by email
Ctrl + P
Opens Print dialog
Ctrl + F2
Opens Print Preview dialog
Places focus in the note editor of the selected
Ctrl + Alt + T
Open “Assign Tags” Dialog
Note Editor:
These shortcuts work when editing a note.
Toggle display on note information
Ctrl + F8
Toggle display of note editing toolbar
Set focus to the tag field of the active note
Move focus from the note editor to the note
Ctrl + F
Search within a note
Ctrl + G
Find Next
Ctrl + Shift + G
Find Previous
Ctrl + A
Select all content in the current note
Ctrl + X
Cut selection to clipboard
Ctrl + C
Copy selection to clipboard
Ctrl + V
Paste text from clipboard with original
Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste text as unformatted text
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + B
Make selection bold
Ctrl + I
Make selection italic
Ctrl + U
Make selection underlined
Ctrl + T
Make selection strikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + B
Format selection as a bulleted list
Ctrl + Shift + O
Format selection as a numbered list
Ctrl + D
Open font dialog
Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase font size of selected text
Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease font size of selected text
Ctrl + Space
Remove Formating
Ctrl + M
Increase Indent
Ctrl + Shift + M
Decrease Indent
Ctrl + L
Align Left
Ctrl + R
Align Right
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + J
Ctrl + Shift + C
Insert a “To Do” checkbox
Ctrl + Shift + X
Open Encryption selection dialog
Alt + Shift + D
Insert current date and time
Ctrl + click on a hyperlink
Open hyperlink under caret
Ctrl + K
Open “Add Hyperlink” dialog
Ctrl + Shift + K
Open “Edit Hyperlink” dialog
Ctrl + Shift + F9
Remove hyperlink
Ctrl + S
Save note
Side Panel:
These shortcuts only work when the side panel has focus
Moves focus to the previous item
Moves the focus the next item
Expands items that have sub items
Collapse items that have sub items
Delete selected notebook, tag or saved search
Mac Users link for Keyboard Shortcuts
Signing Documents
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Do you need to sign documents regularly? Here are two options you can use with Evernote:
● Foxit Reader (Windows)
● SignEasy (iOS,Android,Blackberry)
Please note that both options are electronic signatures, not digital signatures. Refer to
Wikipedia for more information.
Foxit Reader (Free)
Evernote displays PDF files as a preview in the notes window. This feature is turned on by
default and is changed under Options->Note->Always show PDF documents as
attachments. If you want to edit PDF in Evernote you can download Foxit Reader which will
give you additional features for free.
Download Foxit Reader
Once installed you can open the PDF from inside Evernote and edit in Foxit Reader. Open a
note that has a PDF attached and move your mouse over the document. A navigation
toolbar will appear. Click the document icon.
Foxit Reader will open your document. It must be the default application for opening PDF
Files. You can access this in Foxit Reader under File->Preferences->File Associations>Make Default PDF Viewer.
Your document will open and you will see the extensive options located on the main toolbar.
1. Make sure you are on the Home tab of the main toolbar. Click PDF Sign.
2. Click Create Signature.
3. Click Drop Down Box and click Draw Signature.
4. Click Draw.
5. Draw Signature. Click Ok. Click Save.
6. Open document to be signed. You can open it from Evernote or from your hard drive.
7. Click PDF Sign, Click the signature you just created.
8. Move the signature box to where you want to sign, then Click.
9. Double Click to apply signature.
10. Signature has been applied to PDF.
SignEasy (Paid)
“Electronic Signatures on the Go”
Sign documents from your smartphone or tablet.
The following instructions are for iOS/iPhone.
1. Open App Store, tap Search, search for “signeasy”, tap Install. Wait for download. Tap
2. Tap create an account.
3. Sign Up
4. Enter your email, password and confirm password. Tap Sign Up.
5. SignEasy main page. Tap My Signatures & Initials
6. Tap Signature.
7. My Signature page.
8. Use finger or stylus and draw your signature. Tap Save.
9. Adjust Size Slider to change size of signature. Tap Save. Tap Done.
10. From the SignEasy main page tap My Signature & Initials. Tap Initials.
11. Draw initials with finger or stylus. Tap Save. Adjust Size Slider. Tap Save. Tap Done.
12. From the main page, tap My Documents. Tap Try it now - demo.
13. Tap Sign.
14. Pan page to where signature must go. Tap signature icon. Tap Signature.
15. Tap My Signature.
16. Adjust size slider to change size of signature. Move signature by tap and holding then
17. Tap Save. If you want to add Name and Date you will need to tap the Signature icon
again choosing Text or Date. Tap Save. Tap Finish. You will be asked if you want really want
to finalize the document. Tap Save as Draft.
18. Tap Try it now - demo under Drafts. You will have an option to finalize or continue
editing. Tap Finalize. The document will now appear under Signed Documents. Tap to view
19. Tap Share icon. Save to Evernote.
20. Subscription Option or Pay as you go. If you intend to use it regularly go ahead and sign
up for 12 months. If you are a casual user, just sign up for the pay as you go.
Recommended Books
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● Brett Kelly's Evernote Essentials
● Mastering Evernote: The 30 Minute Guide to Unlocking the Power of Evernote!
● Evernote (65 Ways to Use Evernote to Supercharge Your Life)
● Evernote for your Life | A Practical Guide for the Use of Evernote in Your Everyday Life
[2014 Edition]
● Master Evernote: The Unofficial Guide to Organizing Your Life with Evernote (Plus 75
Ideas for Getting Started)
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Here is a list of links that you may find useful.
Evernote Forum
Evernote Blog
Evernote Twitter
Evernote Facebook
Garth Scaysbrook
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I hope this book has helped you get more out of Evernote. Over time with your feedback I
will update this book to include new tips on Evernote. If you would like to receive free
updates to this book please don’t forget to download your free gift and we can stay in touch.
You can download this free report by clicking here.
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