Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 1 of 6 Page ID #:1071 I 2 Peter J. Anderson, Esq., Cal. Bar No. 88891 E-Ma i I : pia@,pianders'on. com LAW OFFIÕES OF PETER J. ANDERSON 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 t3 t4 ANTHONY PLANT, JOHN PAUL JO WARNETVCHAPPELL MUSIC, INC., SUPER HYPE ATLANTIC RECORD ING CORP ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY MUSIC GROUP CORP. Helene Freeman. Esq.. admitted oro hac vice E-Mail : hfreernánlÐbhittipsnizei.com PHILIPS NIZER LI,P 666 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10103-0084 Tel: (212\ 977-9700 Fax: 12ll\ 262-5152 Attorhev í for De fendants JAMES PATRICK PAGE, ROBERT ANTHONY PLANT and JOHN PAUL JONES 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT I6 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA r7 WESTERN DIVISION l8 MICHAEL SKIDMORE, efc., l9 20 Plaintitïì vs. LED ZEPPELIN, et al,, 22 Defendants. 24 25 26 )1 28 Case No. 2:15-cv-03462 RGK (AGRX) ) ) ) ) 2l 23 ) ) ) ) ) DECLARATION OF JAMES PATRICK PAGE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT Date: March 28,2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. Courtroom of the Honorable R. Garv Klausner United Statés District Judge Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 2 of 6 Page ID #:1072 DECLARATION OF JAMES PATRICK PAGE l 2 I, James Patrick Page, declare and state: 3 l. 4 facts and could competently testi$ to those facts 2. 5 6 if called upon to do so. I, along with Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and the late John Bonham, were the members of the band LedZeppelin, formed 3. 7 8 I am over the age of 18 and have personal knowledge of the following in 1968. The musical composition Stairway to Heaver? was created by Robert Plant and me, independently and without knowledge of Taurus. 4, 9 I composed the music to Stairway to Heaven with the intention to create 10 a long work, with multiple different ll cornplexity and speed culminating in a guitar solo that was preceded by a distinct t2 fanfare, followed by the last verse concluding a climax to the song. Robert Plant l3 created the lyrics tlor Stairway to Heaven after my initial composition of the music, t4 when the song was worked on by the band members of Led Zeppelin l5 rehearsals for its recording. 16 January 1971 in London, England, and first performed by Led Zeppelin in March t7 l97l l8 created in early parts, that would unfold with increasing in 1970 in Stairtay îo Heavel? was recorded in December 1970 to at Ulster Hall in Belfast, Northern lreland. The recording of l97l in London, England, 5. irway to Heaven was included in the Led Zeppelin album l9 usually referred to as LedZeppelin IV, in November 20 ,Sra 1971. The beginning of Stairway to Heaven includes a descending chromatic I line. 2t line chord progression and arpeggios, over which ')i consider descending chromatic lines and arpeggiated ohords basic skills learned by 23 any student of the guitar. Certainly, as a guitarist, 24 chromatic lines and arpeggios long before 1968. For example, in 1960, I arranged for 25 a friend, Chris Farlowe, and his band the Thunderbirds to record a demo of 26 composition Spring is Near along with other material.. Chris Farlowe did get 27 recording contract. Spring is Near was not released. However, 28 pressing of the demo and provided it to my counsel for production in this case. The played an ascending I I was aware of descending the a I still have the Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 3 of 6 Page ID #:1073 I beginning of Spring is Near, recorded ?, chromatic line chord progression. 6. 3 in 1960, is a guitar playing a descending Before 1968, I also was familiar with other songs that included a 4 descending line, such as songs by the Beatles and Cry Me a River by Davey Graharn. 5 Also, in 1964 a studio musician, Joe Moretti, introduced me to the song Chim Chím 6 Chiree and I liked the idea of music going at counterpoint and I used that and similar 7 ideas 8 descending chromatic line over which there is also an ascending line, so that the music 9 is going in two different directions. r0 in my music. For example, as stated above, Stairway to Heavere has a 7, I performed as a session guitarist on recordings by a musical group called u Cartoone for their album of the same name. That album includes a song titled /ce t2 Cream Dreams, which also begins with a guitar playing a descending 13 participated in that recording as a session guitarist in the fall t4 Zeppelin went to the U.S. in December 1968. l5 8. of Prior to hearing a recording of Tauras in 2014 in connection with this it. I am very good at remembering matter, I had never heard Taurus or even heard of t7 music and am absolutely certain that I never heard Taurus until 2014. l9 20 2L 22 I 1968, before Led 16 l8 line. 9, I do not recall ever seeing Spirit perfonn live. Again, though, I am absolutely certain I never heard them, or anyone else, perform Taurus, 10. Led Zeppelin and the band Spirit never performed together and were never on the same stage at the same time. I l. To the best of my knowledge based on the information presently 23 available to rne, the only occasions when Led Zeppelin performed at the same venue 24 on the same date on which Spirit was scheduled to perform were: the Auditorium 25 Arena in Denver, Colorado, on December 26, 1968, the Atlanta International Pop 26 Festival at the Atlanta Speedway in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 5, 1969 and the Seattle )1 Pop Festival in Woodinville, Washington, on July 28 2 27,1969. The latter two events Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 4 of 6 Page ID #:1074 I were outdoor festivals over two or three days with approximately 20 to 40 bands or 1 individual peforrners and ten or rnore of them performing each day. 3 12. Led Zeppelin's first U.S. performance was the concert in Denver, 4 Colorado, the day after Christmas in 1968. I understand that Spirit also performed 5 that night, but I did not see or hear Spirit's performance. 6 13. I have no personal knowledge of whether Spirit performed at the festivals 7 in Atlanta, Georgia, or Vy'oodinville, rWashington, and, if it did, when in the course of 8 the day it performed, as I have no recollection of seeing them perform. 9 14. Generally, in my experience, when bands played on the same bill, each l0 band or performer used their own guitars, amplifiers, keyboards, drums and other ll equiprnent. In between performances, their respective road crews would set up or T2 dismantle and remove their equipment, and that generally took anywhere from l3 20 minutes depending on the extent of the equipment. t4 l5 15. l5 to In rny experience, the set-up interval between bands meant that we did not encounter any other bands entering or leaving the stage. l6 16. I understand Mark Andes testified that he was introduced to the members t7 of Led Zeppelin at the concert in Denver in 1968 by Toby Roberts, who he stated had l8 leased an airplane we were then l9 Roberts, did not lease a plane from hirn and to the best of my knowledge he was not 20 involved in our tour. Led Zeppelin did not lease an airplane for use in touring until 2T 1973,long after the concert in Denver in December 1968. using. In December 1968, we did not know Toby ')) 17, Before Led Zeppelin's first performance in the United States in 23 December 1968, Led Zeppelin performed live concerts in England and Scandinavia 24 that included Led Zeppelin's performance of the song As Long As 25 medley that included a short bass 26 Garbage. I had heard Fresh Garbage on the radio in England before Led Zeppelin 27 first toured in the United States. I Have You as a riff sirnilar to the bass riff in the song Fresh 28 3 Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 5 of 6 Page ID #:1075 l 18. I purchased a Sonic Vy'ave, a Theremin-type devise, in Los Angeles 2 before LedZeppelin was formed, while I was a member of the Yardbirds. I purchased 3 the Sonic Wave after Jeff Beck told me that Brian Wilson used a Theremin in the 1966 4 song Good Vibrations and on tour. 5 19. I have several thousand albums of many different kinds. They include I purchased, albums people gave me and albums that were simply left at my 6 albums 7 home. Also, like a book collector who never gets around to reading books they 8 collect, I have never listened to many of the albums. 9 20. In connection with this litigation, I discovered a copy of Spirit's first l0 album in my record collection. I had not previously seen it in my collection and do not 1l know how or when it got there. It may well have been left by a guest. I doubt it was t2 there for long, since I never noticed it before. But, again, I know I did not hear Taurus l3 until 2014. t4 15 21. In the over four decades since the l97I release of Led Zeppelin IV and Stairway to Heaven, documents have been lost or stolen. For example, portions of the l6 music recorded during the creation of ,Srairway to Heaven that were made at Headley t7 Grange in 1970 are gone. They were stolen from my home at some time in the 1980's, l8 and in later years copies of the stolen recordings have turned up for sale on bootleg l9 recordings. I have had to purchase bootleg recordings in order to try to recover what 20 was stolen and those recordings 2t However, other recordings remain missing, and with the passage of time documents, )) such as concert contracts, set lists, and travel documentation, have been lost or 23 discarded. 24 22. I recovered have been produced in this action. Also, and unfortunately, rnany people have passed away since 197l, 25 including John Bonham, who died in 1980, Peter Grant (Led Zeppelin's personal 26 manager and who attended many 27 engineer for the recording of its concerts) in 1995 and Andy Johns (the of Stairway to Heaven) in 2013. 28 4 Case 2:15-cv-03462-RGK-AGR Document 97-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 6 of 6 Page ID #:1076 I 2 f dcol¡re undor pcnalty of perjury undor tho laws of the Unit€d Statcs of Amcisa tbat thc fortgoing is il¡e aud corroct. Exofl¡ted on Febnrary 24,20t6. 3 4 JAMES P 5 6 7 E 9 l0 il t2 l3 l4 l5 r6 L7 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5