Extreme - Trelleborg


Extreme - Trelleborg
A magazine from Trelleborg
Group. Solutions that seal,
damp and protect critical
“The job keeps
me young and
Debarati Sen,
Global Business Director
Oil and Gas Solutions, 3M
sealing systems
London calling
A safe suspension
solution for the
city’s new highcapacity rail line
Reducing the toll of
mineral extraction
on milling machines
and their operators
T-TIME 1-2016 1
The bikes’ shock
absorbers protect the
riders as they take risks
on difficult terrain.
The acquisition of a Turkish industrial hose
manufacturer has been a true success story.
As a world leader in the aerospace industry,
Trelleborg keeps you safe in the air.
London’s newest rail line will use highper formance suspension solutions from
Farmers learn the benefits of Trelleborg
on the European Road Show.
Case page 18
People and Trends page 19
News/Update page 22
Wherever you go, we’re there
ALMOST ANYWHERE you may find yourself, Trelleborg
products play an important role. They’re not always visible,
though. For example, did you know about the small solid
tires on the jet bridge, the movable connector that extends
from the airport terminal gate to the plane? These tires allow
the jet bridge to be rolled out so that passengers can board
without going outdoors, and they’re often manufactured by
Trelleborg. Read more about Trelleborg solutions in your
everyday life in T-Time’s new section on pages 10 and 11.
Another place where our products are not visible but are
making a difference is London’s transportation network.
Commuting in London is a common topic of discussion,
and the city is investing heavily in making it faster and less
congested. The Crossrail project, the new high-capacity
line featured in this issue of T-Time, will make commuting
in the greater London area both safer and more
comfortable, and Trelleborg’s suspension system
is helping to achieve this.
Responsible under Swedish Press Law:
Patrik Romberg
Editor-in-chief: Karin Larsson
Co-editors: Rosman Jahja
Donna Guinivan
Production: Appelberg Publishing
Project manager: Petra Lodén
Editor: Eriq Agelii
Language coordinator:
Maggie Hård af Segerstad
Art director: Magdalena Taubert
Printing: Trydells Tryckeri
Cover photo: Christoph Breiner
Subscription: trelleborg.com/subscribe
Address: Trelleborg ab (publ)
Box 153, se-231 22 Trelleborg, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)410-670 00
Fax: +46 (0)410-427 63
T-Time is published three times a year.
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author or people
interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of Trelleborg.
Peter Nilsson
and ceo
Peter Nilsson,
President and ceo
2 T-TIME 1-2016
If you have any questions about
Trelleborg or wish to send us your
comments about T-Time, please email:
Massive drops through clouds of
desert dust dictate the equipment
standards. For high-performance
bicycle shock absorbers there is
just no room for failing seals.
T-TIME 1-2016 3
4 T-TIME 1-2016
XTREME cyclists ride their bikes off vertical rock
faces, do cartwheels while flying through the air
and perform tricks while careering down craggy
rocks. The bikes’ shock absorbers protect the riders
as they take unimaginable risks on the most difficult
of terrains, allowing them to land safely. Within the
shock absorbers, the sealing system is the most critical
component. Seal failure is not an option.
Trelleborg supplies sealing systems to HB Performance,
a leading manufacturer of front forks and shock absorbers
for high-performance cycles under the Manitou brand.
“A precision application such as this requires precision
seals,” says Kevin Lai, General Manager of Trelleborg
Sealing Solutions in Taiwan. “It’s not just one seal but
a complex combination of sealing profiles and materials
that ensures that the required friction
and damping is achieved along with
leak tightness.”
Trelleborg is one of the few sealing
companies in Taiwan to offer the
advanced finite element analysis (FEA)
necessary to calculate the different
pressures within the shock absorber
“Taiwanese companies are very
innovative and want their products
to go rapidly to market,” says Lai.
“FEA is a key tool in facilitating this,
as it helps to significantly reduce
development time. There is really
“Trelleborg does an excellent engineering
job. Its advanced FEA service helps
to optimize the performance of HB
Performance bicycle shocks.”
Kendrew Sua, General Manager of HB Performance Asia
The sealing technology in
extreme cycling is tested to
its limit to ensure the performance and safety of shock
FEA calculations show
the pressures on different parts inside the
shock absorber. Red
areas are the most
no other way to easily measure the pressures created in a
component such as a shock absorber.”
As the product uses a complete sealing system,
Trelleborg uses FEA to simulate how the seals interact
and create pressure.
“BY CHANGING SEAL profiles and compounds, we balance
the system to meet the customer’s requirements and
optimize component performance,” Lai explains.
Kendrew Sua, General Manager of HB Performance
Asia, comments: “HB Performance evaluated many sealing
suppliers and found that Trelleborg Sealing Solutions was
the right sealing supplier to work with.
“Trelleborg is superior in logistics, quality and
products,” he continues. “It does an excellent engineering
job, like its FEA service. HB Performance is looking forward to a longterm partnership.”
Trelleborg’s work with HB Performance is now continuous.
“The cycle market has become a
bit like the motor industry,” say Lai.
“The top cycle manufacturers now
bring out new models each year,
trying to better the performance of
previous models every time. That
means we’re constantly working with
the engineering department of HB
Performance to fine-tune the sealing
system of its front forks.”
is a U.S.-based
manufacturer of
brake systems.
Its Taiwan manufacturing facility
focuses on the
bicycle market,
advanced disc
brake systems,
cockpit components (bars,
stems, seat posts
and apparel), front
and rear suspension, wheel sets,
spokes and more.
T-TIME 1-2016 5
Following the acquisition of a major
manufacturer of industrial hoses in
Turkey, Trelleborg introduced its
excellence initiatives – techniques that
have proved successful throughout
the Group.
N JULY 2014, Trelleborg acquired Turkey’s
privately owned Superlas Group, now
part of Trelleborg Industrial Solutions.
It develops and manufactures industrial
hoses for a range of industrial niches such
as construction and civil engineering,
processing, industrial cleaning and tanker transportation.
With manufacturing facilities in Turkey and sales offices
in Austria and the UK, the company is one of the world’s
largest makers of mandrel-built hoses. Besides offering a
complementary product portfolio and geographic presence
in key markets, the acquisition expanded Trelleborg’s
product offering of customized special hoses.
Beyond the standard project range, Trelleborg produces
6 T-TIME 1-2016
Besides doing
what I love, I still
consider myself
a good student.”
Nilgün Sevil, Site Manager
E 1-2016
016 7
8 T-TIME 1-2016
In manufacturing,
the most important
thing is the flow of
Nilgün Sevil, Site Manager
Erkan Dogru, Managing Director
for industrial hoses in Turkey, and
Nilgün Sevil, Site Manager
tailor-made hoses in response to
special requests from customers. It is
able to do this because of its highly
flexible mode of production and
skilled labor force.
Producing industrial hoses requires
an efficient flow of material through
all the processes, from mixing and
calendering to final production. The
challenge is to make sure the processes
are balanced and flexible enough to
handle sudden variations in demand.
To address this challenge, Trelleborg
brought its technical knowledge, its
approach to manufacturing excellence
and its financial strength.
company, two main actions are
launched in tandem: integrating the
acquired company into the Trelleborg
world and unlocking identified
Integration began immediately
after the acquisition. Nilgün Sevil,
who now manages two facilities
with more than 300 employees, is
a good example of how having the
right team is crucial for a successful
change process. Sevil had worked at
the company for 23 years and thus
was able to play a critical role in
adjusting its manufacturing processes
to Trelleborg standards.
Sevil’s interest in production
started in her youth when she
worked her summer vacations in
her grandfather’s vineyard. After her
engineering studies, she started as
planning manager in the acquired
WHAT’S THE SECRET of her success?
“Besides doing what I love, I still
consider myself a good student,”
she says. “Learning gives me positive
energy, and applying what I learn
together with my team brings success.”
Erkan Dogru, Managing Director
for industrial hoses in Turkey, says
Turkish people are receptive to
change. “They are hard workers,
determined, proud and always looking
for heroism,” he says. “This is one of
the reasons that the integration has
been faster than expected. Today we
can all be proud of our achievements.”
Not only did the integration empower
communications, but it also enhanced
workplace safety and quality, and
promoted more women within the
“I consider myself lucky in this
respect,” Sevil says. “I believe women’s
organizational skills, empathy skills,
emotional intelligence and thirst
for success are appreciated by many
companies in Turkey. Also, most are
much less affected by the outcome of
a soccer match!”
Before the acquisition, the company
had tried to implement lean manufacturing, but she says her company
lacked a global understanding of the
principles and relied too much on a
top-down approach, with the managers
responsible for deciding on, implementing and controlling the changes.
brought in proven techniques to raise
the bar in terms of manufacturing
excellence. These included a
clear roadmap ahead and Lean
manufacturing tools, such as 5S and
Hoshin, that can be used in daily
work. 5S is a method for quickly
organizing a workplace’s tools and
instruments, while Hoshin is a way
of improving the layout of a plant. “In
manufacturing, the most important
thing is the flow of material,” Sevil
says. “To reduce throughput time
and increase the speed of this flow,
it’s necessary to minimize all forms
of waste.”
Trelleborg starts by training
the operators who will become the
architects of the change, she says,
explaining: “The first goal is to
implement 5S, with the shop-floor
staff as the change agents. Benefits
include fewer accidents, standardized
processes and decreased waste, as well
as increased quality and efficiency.” It
also means that workers focus more
on what really adds value – that is,
producing the hoses.
T-TIME 1-2016 9
you are
Any plane you fly in will almost
certainly have a seal or airframe
solution from Trelleborg.
HERE IS probably a
Trelleborg component
within a few meters of
you, wherever you may be!
When traveling by air,
Trelleborg’s solutions
will not only be keeping
you safe when flying,
Trelleborg’s engineered fabrics used
in evacuation slides will also keep you
safe in the event of an emergency.
Premium tires from Trelleborg enable
rapid application of jet bridges, while
high-technology microspheres help
aircraft manufacturers meet lightweighting targets.
We spoke to Chris Busby, Product
Manager at Trelleborg’s manufacturing
facility in Tewkesbury, England,
which specializes in aerospace sealing
In manufacturing, what do you
have to do differently to meet the
needs of aerospace customers?
10 K¤K@D<Ú~¤‡~ƒ
Though holding to manufacturing
standards is important for all industries, there are specific and extremely
stringent ones that need to be met for
aerospace. Tewkesbury was the first
volume manufacturer in Europe to
be Nadcap-accredited. The Nadcap
program is supported by all major
manufacturers of aircraft and aerospace components and audits good
practices in relation to special processes
for manufacturing aerospace parts.
How do you coordinate with the
We’ve seeing a trend for our
aerospace customers to become
fewer and larger through mergers
and acquisitions. Recognizing that
manufacturing may be in one region
while engineering is in another,
we’ve set up our aerospace marketing
structure to reflect that. Importantly,
our expert local engineers can work
with our customers’ engineers in their
local language. Then our international
logistics network can ensure delivery,
where required and as required,
from our worldwide aerospace
manufacturing facilities.
Why not visit some places to learn more
about aircraft and flying?
The Imperial War Museum in Duxford,
England, has a world-leading collection of
World War II planes.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space
Museum in Washington, D.C., in the U.S.,
has the plane that the Wright brothers made
their first flight in. While you’re in Washington you can also visit the Future of Flight
Aviation Center where you can design your
own jet.
If you find yourself in China, there is the
China Aviation Museum in Beijing, which
boasts more than 200 aircraft.
Check out CNN’s list of the top 14 aviation
museums at cnn.it/1NFku66
What’s the most important part
of your role?
Our local engineers tend to be
generalists. They are experts in
designing seals but when it comes to
developing solutions for aerospace,
specific knowledge is required
and in particular on Trelleborg’s
perfluoroelastomer material, Isolast.
Tewkesbury is the only facility that
manufactures seals in this material.
I spend much of my time working
alongside local engineers, visiting
customers with them and helping
them put together proposals or
dealing with any issues. It can be a
very demanding role involving lots
of traveling, but it is at the same time
bridge was first used
in the U.S. in 1959,
London, England, had
movable canvas gangways in the 1930s.
ÜÚÚ9ja\_]kÚYj]ÚeYf]mvered on small, often
solid tires, like those
manufactured by
Wing, a self-taught
aeronautical engineer,
invented the fasteners
used in virtually all aircraft flying today.
average about
100,000 scheduled
commercial airline
flights; that’s more
than 30 million per
ÜÚÚK`]ÚdYj_]klÚhdYf]Ú^dqing, the Airbus A380,
contains more than
100 Trelleborg products and solutions.
T-TIME 1-2016 11
*Blue Dimension refers to products and
solutions that not only satisfy the needs
of the customer but also protect people,
the environment and infrastructure.
to a safer future
Trelleborg has been chosen to deliver high-performance
suspension solutions to the trains that will operate on the
Crossrail project now under construction. The solution
includes the DragonCoat fire-retardant protective coating,
which enables train manufacturer Bombardier to meet
strict fire-safety standards.
12 T-TIME 1-2016
ONDON, home to 8.4 million
and compression and offers optimum load-deflection
These solutions deliver long service life, reduced
maintenance, increased passenger comfort and reliability.
“When selecting our supply partners we expect superior
product performance and compliance as well as expertise
and financial security,” Chandra says.
Transport for London has awarded the contract to
operate Crossrail to MTR Corporation. The first Crossrail
services through central London are expected to start in
late 2018. It’s estimated that 200 million passengers will
use Crossrail annually.
people, expects its population
to increase to 10 million by the
2030s. The city is investing
billions in updating and
expanding its transportation
system, world-famous for its red
double-decker buses and historic
underground Tube network.
Part of this upgrade is the Crossrail railroad project,
one of the most significant infrastructure projects ever
undertaken in England. Crossrail is a new high-capacity
line that will transform rail transportation in London
and southeastern England. It will run more than 100
kilometers, from Reading and Heathrow in the west
through new tunnels under central London to Shenfield
and Abbey Wood in the east.
Crossrail will increase rail capacity in central London
by 10 percent, cut journey times across the city and
bring an additional 1.5 million people to within
45 minutes of central London. It will also play an
important role in reducing emissions from existing road
and rail transportation. Transport for London, a local
government body responsible for most aspects of London’s
transportation system, has estimated the CO2 emission
payback period for Crossrail at nine to 13 years, excluding
the least likely worst- and best-case scenarios.
A Trelleborg
coated with
stringent inhouse testing.
THE LINES WILL be operated with a new advanced fleet of
66 Class 345 trains delivered by Bombardier, a Canadabased transportation company. The trains are more than
200 meters long, equivalent in length to two full-sized
soccer pitches, with space for up to 1,500 passengers.
They will have wide interconnecting gangways and three
double doors on either side of each carriage, providing
high capacity with quick boarding and alighting times,
particularly beneficial at busy central stations.
Recently, Trelleborg Industrial Solutions secured the
order to supply rail suspension solutions for the new
Bombardier trains. Trelleborg was selected because of
its excellent track record of providing high-performance
suspension solutions and its patented DragonCoat fireretardant protective coating for rubber products.
“Since the recent introduction of fire-safety standard
EN 45545, rubber-based products specified for use
on new trains have come under heavy scrutiny,” says
Naveen Chandra, Global Lead Buyer for Bombardier
“With passenger safety of paramount importance to
us, we have taken care to find products that lower fire
concerns,” says Chandra.
Another important issue for the train operator is
passenger comfort. The Metacone Spring is a compact
suspension unit. The rubber is loaded in combined shear
The Primary
ing offers:
The coating offers
a number of benefits:
s Reduces the flammability of the product
s Delays smoke and toxic
s Delays the onset of
In the context of a fire
occurring on a train, these
factors reduce the risk of
passenger exposure by
increasing the time for
evacuation by up to three
A test in fire performance
was set up to compare a
large coated rubber spring
with an uncoated product.
The part selected contains
approximately 10 liters of
natural rubber. Both products were exposed to gas
flame for two minutes.
The uncoated product
showed characteristics of
standard natural rubber; it
ignited easily and yielded
heat and heavy smoke.
With DragonCoat applied,
the product allowed initial
localized ignition but
released minimal heat
and smoke and self-extinguished at 12 minutes.
T-TIME 1-2016 13
With the right tractor tires and optimal
inflation levels, farming professionals can
maximize crop yields and save both time
and money. Trelleborg demonstrates
how it’s done.
In one-day events
held in Italy, Sweden,
Austria, France,
Spain, Poland and
the UK, the 2015
European Road
Show attracted more
than 7,500 farming
professionals who
came to watch a
series of field demonstrations highlighting how they could
enhance the productivity and efficiency
of their operations
and so protect the
future of their business. During the
event, the Trelleborg
“Blue Box” interactive stand was also
on site to showcase
the range of digital
tools and apps
14 T-TIME 1-2016
EEING is believing, and the real-world tire
demonstrations that took place at each
stop on the Trelleborg Wheel Systems 2015
European Road Show showed farming professionals the
numerous benefits Trelleborg agricultural tires can deliver.
Each of the seven stops on the 2015 Road Show was
organized with a premium partner – one of the leading
tractor manufacturers that Trelleborg works with to develop
complete agricultural tire solutions. The partner provided
two tractors that were identical apart from the tires. The
tractors were equipped with the same tools configured to
work at precisely the same depth, and transparent cylinders
showed each vehicle’s fuel consumption throughout the
trial. This real-world demonstration format was reproduced
at each of the seven farm locations throughout Europe.
The first demonstration showcased the importance
of selecting the optimal tire pressure for specific farming
operations, as recommended by the Trelleborg Load
Calculator (TLC) app.
Philip Wright, an independent adviser on cultivation
and soils, joined the Road Show for its last stop in Norfolk,
England. He points out that tire pressure is not merely a
matter of efficiency but is also about savings over the long
term. “It’s important to avoid damage in the first place,”
he explains. “Soil compaction from tractor tires can reduce
the yield in following years. Each tire mark means less
crops.” Compaction affects the soil’s porosity and thus the
infiltration rate, allowing rainwater to run off the surface,
taking nutrients and pesticides with it.
The test results demonstrated that by applying the lowest
possible pressure as recommended by the TLC, farming
professionals can reduce operating time by up to 17 percent
and lower farming costs by up to 25 percent. “This is a winwin situation,” Wright says. “Alongside the financial benefits,
the real saving for me is in improving the soil structure.”
Wright says he considers tires one of the main
priorities when advising his clients on the purchase of
new agricultural machinery. “I believe you can greatly
improve an average tractor by adding better tires,” he says.
“It’s difficult to talk about return on investment, but some
payback should be evident after three or four years of a
better-structured soil.”
The trial proved that lowering the tire pressure brings
substantial benefits, but with the stipulation that only
higher-specification tires can perform well under such
conditions, both on and off the fields. “Most farmers
would assume it’s not worth the effort of adjusting the
pressure,” Wright explains. “The Trelleborg tires on show
let you drive over the field at low pressure while still driving
at speed on the road.” Additional time is saved with these
advanced tires, as there is no need to change the pressure
as you change from field to road.
THE SECOND demonstration was intended to display the
advantages of Trelleborg’s ProgressiveTraction technology.
This is specifically designed to improve farming efficiency
by way of a double lug that gradually increases the
traction as required. “In the trial, the tractor fitted with
the Trelleborg tires clearly demonstrated a reduction in
wheel slip and fuel consumption,” Wright says. He added
that on the road, the new sidewall design considerably
lowers rolling resistance, fuel consumption and emissions,
while increasing stress tolerance, comfort and safety for
the operator. Furthermore, the inter-lug terracing at the
base of the lug helps to eject the mud, maximizing the
self-cleaning capability of the tire.
The third trial showed how a wider tire footprint can
also lead to significant savings. The TM1000, which is
capable of working at extremely low pressure and makes
use of BlueTire technology, offers the widest footprint on
the market, resulting in superior flotation performance.
Once again, the wider footprint enables maximum crop
yields, while protecting the soil against compaction and
erosion. “Tractor manufacturers could gain from offering
such tires, especially at the top end of the range,” Wright
says. “And some hire companies already use these tires as
a marketing argument.”
Roberta D’Agnano, responsible for PR & Events
within Trelleborg Wheel Systems, pronounced the 2015
Road Show an overwhelming success. “We were able to
highlight how farming professionals can produce more
with less, enhancing their productivity and efficiency with
our premium agricultural tires,” she says. “Moreover, we
demonstrated the associated benefits in terms of cost
savings when choosing Trelleborg tires.”
The demonstrations proved a valuable source of data,
thanks to the range of operating conditions encountered
during the tour. “We also learned more about farming
professionals and their growing interest in digital tools,”
says D’Agnano. “In fact, we discovered that they’re using
the latest digital innovations not only to boost farming
performance but also to share best agricultural practice.”
The 2016 Road Show will include even more stops in
European countries before continuing on to Asia, Africa
and North America.
T-TIME 1-2016 15
Lining system
A ball mill is a hollow shell into
which ore and steel grinding balls
are placed. As the shell is rotated,
the balls crush the ore, allowing
for the next step in the mineral
extraction process.
Trelleborg’s liner solution
uses a highly durable rubber compound (1605AM)
and a system of shell plates
and lifter bars to reduce
weight, power consumption, noise and wear and
tear, without compromising
performance or durability.
The lining of the shell is usually
made from steel, rubber or a composite of steel and rubber and must
be regularly replaced because of
wear. Such liners are heavy and
lead to noisy mill operation.
16 T-TIME 1-2016
By using a special-grade rubber compound in place of composite
steel, Trelleborg has helped improve the efficiency and ease of
operation of grinding mills without compromising performance.
he process of extracting
minerals from ore takes
a heavy toll on milling
machines as well as on mill
planners and operators.
Mills use high-impact
forces to crush the ore fed
into them, and as a result they tend
to be noisy and prone to accelerated
wear and high energy consumption.
But a recent breakthrough by
Trelleborg’s team in Australia promises
to reduce mill energy consumption,
wear and tear ,and noise levels, while
increasing efficiency. A trial at an
operation in Australia has yielded
impressive results, and a second trial
is now well under way.
Zane Thomas, Technical Manager
for Mills at Trelleborg Offshore &
Construction in Australia, says the
new concept involves the use of a
special-grade rubber compound in
the lining of ball mills that replaces
the steel and composite steel solutions
that have traditionally been used.
“The new solution is lightweight, as
well as quicker and easier to install,” he
says. “It reduces load and power draw,
is not prone to cracking and allows for
predictable wear life monitoring.”
Mills are used to crush and reduce
the size of ore to enhance mineral
extraction, Thomas explains. One of
the most commonly used mills is the
ball mill in which the ore is placed
in a cylindrical shell with heavy steel
grinding balls (the grinding media)
and rotated. The weight of the falling
balls pulverizes the ore, allowing for
the next stage of processing.
TYPICALLY, the inside linings of
primary and secondary grinding
mills are made of steel or composite
steel. Because of the high impact and
abrasive nature of milling operations,
the liners must be replaced regularly.
Trelleborg recognized that the
milling process could be improved
for some primary and all secondary
and tertiary milling applications. The
company’s operations in Australia
used a highly durable rubber product
(1605AM) to create a new lining
system for the mills. Rather than the
composite steel approach, the system
relies on rubber lifter bars and shell
plates to do the job.
When trialed at an Australian
mining operation in 2013 and 2014,
the system produced outstanding
results. The rubber liners proved just
as durable as composite steel liners,
and their much lighter weight greatly
improved ease of installation.
“Trelleborg has a mindset of continuous improvement, and this was part
of that policy,” says Thomas. “Our
mining team considered the challenges mill operators were facing and
came up with a solution that would
help clients and develop the mining
business globally, in terms of both
milling applications and other highwear areas.”
IN ADDITION to its other benefits, the
new solution reduces wear and tear on
the most expensive part of the milling
operation, the grinding media. It also
eliminates the potential of liners and
inserts cracking, something that can
pose a hazard to operation and lead
to losses from unnecessary downtime.
The global potential for such a
product is enormous, Thomas says.
Following the success of an initial
trial with a mining client, a full set of
linings has been installed to revalidate
the results of the trial.
T-TIME 1-2016 17
A pioneer
in plastics
Chinese manufacturer Haitian Plastic Machinery
Group is working with Trelleborg to build highperformance injection-molding machines.
AITIAN Plastic Machinery
Group, a Chinese world
leader in manufacturing
hydraulic injection-molding
machines, was facing new
challenges in enhancing the
performance of its plastic machinery.
In 2013, Haitian started developing a
high- and mid-pressure injection-molding
machine, which required a higher level of
extrusion resistance, abrasion resistance and
compressive ability in seals. Cooperating
with Haitian since 1999, Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions provided a solution to meet the
requirements of single function and high side
load with a new sealing ring
and the whole cylinder sealing
solution using Turcon M12 and
Orkot C380 materials.
WHEN THE global financial
crisis of 2008–2009 hit China,
almost every domestic business
scaled back investment to
avoid losses. Haitian, however,
expanded its production. Thus,
in 2010, when the negative
effects of the financial crisis
were beginning to recede,
Haitian was in a position to
rapidly expand its capacity and
become a global market leader.
Gao Shiquan, Vice Director
Technical Center, Haitian
Plastic Machinery Group,
joined the company 19 years
ago and has witnessed Haitian’s
fast development. “The success
of Haitian relies on continuous
18 T-TIME 1-2016
innovation and close contact with customers,” he says.
“In the 1990s, when our customers were
mainly from the home appliances industry,
we served almost all the popular brands,”
Gao says. “In the past decade, the domestic
auto industry has developed very fast, so our
major clients are now from the auto industry.
The current plastic machinery market
is mature, but it will develop to meet the
demands of specific applications in different
industries and will require new materials.
“IF OUR CUSTOMERS adopt new technologies
and new materials in their production,
we, as their equipment provider, also need to follow in
their footsteps,” Gao says.
“For example, automobile
manufacturers have begun to
use carbon fiber to produce
auto parts.
“Haitian is a fast-growing
company, and it needs to
work with superior suppliers
such as Trelleborg,” Gao
“When Trellesays. “The solutions and the
borg established technical support provided by
Trelleborg are what we need.
itself in China,
When Trelleborg established
it was a perfect
in China, it was perfect
timing for both itself
timing for both companies to
companies to
work together.”
work together.”
In the future, Haitian
will focus its research and
Gao Shiquan,
Vice Director
development on high
Technical Center,
efficiency and precision. Gao
Haitian Plastic
says that even when seals are
Machinery Group
small, they are very important
Haitian is a Chinese world leader in manufacturing hydraulic injection-molding machines.
for the performance of plastic machinery.
“Increased cooperation between Haitian and
Trelleborg will bring bigger opportunities for
both companies in the long run,” he says.
Company: Haitian
Plastic Machinery Group
Co. Ltd., member of
Hong Kong-listed Haitian
International Group
Employees: 10,000
Output in 2014:
27,000 sets of injectionmolding machines
Main markets:
Asia, Europe, the U.S.,
the Middle East and
Main products:
Hydraulic injection-molding machines (clamping
force covers from
600 kN to 66,000 kN).
Debarati Sen
finds her quickpaced problemsolving role in
3M’s oil and
gas business an
excellent outlet
for her high
energy and thirst
for knowledge.
T-TIME 1-2016 19
In global business, you never
really become a graduate. I feel
that I’m a lifelong student, still
in high school. The job keeps
me young, and it keeps me
humble. I think, ‘Oh my gosh,
I have so much left to learn.’”
20 T-TIME 1-2016
who doesn’t
often stand
still, has just
returned home
to the United
States from Abu
“Almost every
other week,
I’m on the road
working with country leaders, making
customer calls and solving problems
on the ground,” says Sen, who works
for 3M as Global Business Director
for Oil and Gas Solutions. “I can’t do
that from my office. In fact, my office
is probably my least favorite place.”
Sen clearly draws inspiration from
her job, saying, “I was born with
high energy.” She regularly visits
the top 10 countries where oil and
gas are produced, from Canada to
Saudi Arabia. In Abu Dhabi, she was
attending the International Petroleum
Exhibition and Conference.
When she’s not traveling, Sen’s
office is at the 3M company
headquarters, outside of St. Paul in
the U.S. state of Minnesota. (The
company’s original name reflects
its location: Minnesota Mining
and Manufacturing.) The oil and
gas division, launched in 2004,
represents several 3M product and
service solutions to the industry.
Fortunately, 3M ’s business is
remarkably diversified, helping at a
time when oil prices have collapsed.
3M employing nearly 90,000 people
worldwide and manufacturing more
than 50,000 different products, from
optical films and dental resins to
anticorrosion coatings used in the oil
and gas industry.
“Oil and gas is an industry that
deals with risk every day,” she says,
adding that 3M is always inventing
new approaches and products for
energy technologies. The question,
she says, is “how can we make them
better – more efficient and less
3M prides itself on its culture of
innovation, which Sen explains has
evolved since the company’s founding
in 1902. Sequential innovation,
with each new product developed
individually, has given rise to what Sen
calls “connected innovation” – a more
collaborative approach that draws on
3M’s vision as a “global nurturer of
IN HER OWN area of 3M, oil and gas,
Sen credits three of the company’s
strengths for fostering innovative
Access to 46 core technologies.
3M has 46 technology platforms,
including advanced materials,
ceramics and polymers that are shared
companywide. “Each core technology
has several PhDs and researchers who
are experts in that area,” Sen says.
“Product divisions can lean on them as
a corporate resource, freely accessible
to all.” This means, for example, that
3M can take a fluoropolymer coating
used to enhance durability and put
it “downhole” (into a borehole) to
modify the surface properties of the
rock, improving gas or oil flow.
The “15 percent culture.” 3M
allows employees to spend 15 percent
of their time working on “something
they feel passionate about” that is not
part of their official job description.
The policy, which has led to such
successful innovations as Post-it
Notes™ and Scotchgard™, Sen says,
takes advantage of “the employee
initiative that runs deep in our
Engineers developing new applications in oil and gas. These engineers aren’t necessarily focused on
existing 3M products. Instead, says
Sen, “they’re looking at customers’
unsolved problems, saying, ‘Can we
look at this and find a solution using
3M technologies?’”
SEN HAS WORKED for 3M for almost
20 years. But she spent her childhood
far from the freezing Minnesota
winters. She grew up in Bhopal, India,
where her father was an engineer for
Union Carbide; he stayed on after the
gas tragedy of 1984, considered to be
one of the worst industrial accidents
ever. That experience changed Sen
forever. “I had a very early training
in what can go wrong,” she says.
“This made me a lifelong, passionate
advocate for safety and environmental
Along those lines, one of her
first jobs with 3M was as a division
manager of Occupational Health
and Environmental Safety in India.
Then in 2002, she moved to 3M
in the U.S., where she held jobs
in marketing, strategy and global
business development before moving
up to her current position in oil and
gas in 2012.
Sen has found her career at 3M
immensely satisfying. “It has been a
fantastic journey,” she says. “In global
business, you never really become a
graduate. I feel that I’m a lifelong
student, still in high school. The job
keeps me young, and it keeps me
humble. I think, ‘Oh my gosh, I have
so much left to learn.’”
Lives in: St. Paul, Minnesota,
in the United States.
Grew up in: Bhopal, India.
Education: Engineering degree;
also an MBA from Xavier School of
Management in Jamshedpur, India.
Book she’s reading: Flex: The New
Playbook for Managing Across
Differences. “Wherever I am in the
world, it’s easy for me to manage the
high achievers,” says Sen. “It’s harder
for me to manage people who are not
that way. Flex offers advice on
managing those differences.”
Hobbies: “As a single mom, I didn’t
have much time for hobbies. I was very
much into parenting.” Her 19-year-old
son attends the University of Miami
in Florida.
Volunteers activities : Governing
board member for Jeremiah Program,
a Minnesota based non profit for
women and children’s welfare and
Vice Chair on board of 3M’s Asian
employeeresource group, A3CTION.
Also volunteers with Good Deeds
Society, usually at a homeless shelter.
T-TIME 1-2016 21
Marine expansion
in North America
Since November 2015, Maritime International, a U.S.-based manufacturer that
designs and produces marine fender
systems and other quay wall accessories,
has been a part of Trelleborg.
The newly acquired facility is headquartered in Broussard, Louisiana, and has
90 employees. It is a leading provider of
products and services within the marine,
civil and government sectors, which
include marine fenders and mooring
bollards, engineering and design services,
laboratory performance testing, heavy
steel fabrication and naval systems.
This will add to the two existing facilities
that Trelleborg’s marine systems operation
has in the U.S. – a production facility in
Berryville, Virginia, for manufacturing
foam-based marine fenders and buoys,
and a sales and business development
office in Houston, Texas.
Maritime President, David LeBlanc, said
at the announcement of the acquisition:
“We’ve built a strong reputation in North
America, and now, boosted by the financial
strength of Trelleborg, we look forward to
continuing to provide the excellent
products and services that customers from
both legacy companies have come to
Richard Hepworth, President within
Trelleborg Offshore & Construction,
commented: “We’re looking forward to
working closely with our new colleagues to
share best practices and processes for the
benefit of both businesses.”
in attractive markets
Trelleborg has signed a deal to acquire CGS
Holding. The acquisition allows Trelleborg to reinforce its position Trelleborg is reinforcing its position as a world leader in engineered polymer
solutions. CGS is a privately owned supplier of agricultural and specialty tires and engineered polymer
solutions, with headquarters in the Czech Republic.
The company generated sales of about SEK 5.6 billion in the rolling 12-month period ended June 30,
2015. Trelleborg will pay about SEK 10.9 billion on
a cash and debt-free basis.
The transaction is expected to be completed in
the first half of 2016, subject to approval from relevant authorities.
“I am very proud to announce this highly complementary acquisition, which is a significant and
attractive add-on to our existing businesses,” says
Peter Nilsson, President and CEO of Trelleborg.
With the acquisition of CGS and its subsidiary
Mitas, Trelleborg Wheel Systems will almost double its revenue, broaden its geographical reach
and add new positions in complementary tire niches. Moreover, the acquisition of CGS’s other industrial polymer businesses, Rubena and Savatech,
will enhance Trelleborg’s leading positions in several of the Group’s existing business areas.
To meet current and upcoming growth
opportunities, Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions has increased the size of its
product testing laboratory located at
the HA Traub Technical Center in Fort
Wayne, Indiana, in the United States.
The expansion consists of an addition to the existing facility to accommodate growing requests for product testing and validation, including rotary
seals, specialty aerospace sealing and
environmental testing.
Colin Macqueen, Director of
Technology for Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions in the Americas, says: “We
are very excited about this expansion,
as it affords us the opportunity to leverage new opportunities and support
the continued growth of our sealing
The HA Traub Center, also referred to
as the HAT Center, is named in honor
of Hank Traub, who held 17 sealrelated patents, including many products still considered market leaders
Advanced liquid silicone rubber
(LSR) is seen to be growing exponentially, particularly in high-tech
fields where the technology can
meet the manu-facturing and design
challenges of complex applications.
By investing in its facility in Pernik,
Bulgaria, Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions demonstrates its commitment to developing the manufacture
of LSR. Boasting compliance with
ISO 22000 Food Safety
Management System in particular,
the Bulgarian facility will focus on
components for sensitive food and
beverage applications among other
Ursula Nollenberger, Product
Director, Liquid Silicone Rubber
Components, says: “Our investment
in Bulgaria follows significant investments in Stein am Rhein in Switzerland and Northborough in the U.S.
It is part of Trelleborg’s strategy to
strengthen its positions in selected
attractive market segments.”
22 T-TIME 1-2016
Growth in Lithuania
Trelleborg Industrial Solutions has integrated additional pipe liner production capabilities at its manufacturing facility in Taurage, Lithuania. The new
technology was obtained from TWE / Trelit along
with its customer base, which has also been taken
over by Trelleborg to ensure continued service.
The new manufacturing line will see a new product added to Trelleborg’s pipe liner portfolio – the
Drainliner PP.
“Since implementing our own liner facility in
Lithuania in February 2014, our liner production
has increased in 2015 by 50 percent,” says Bill
Hagenberg, President within Trelleborg Industrial
Solutions. “We expect this speed of growth will continue following the installation of this new technology and an extended customer base.
The production line will enable us to significantly
increase our output to fulfill the increasing
demands from our customers and allow us to grow
further within the pipe seals market.”
“The automotive market in North America has been
recovering well, particularly in Mexico,” says Didier
Burger, President within Trelleborg Industrial
Solutions. “As a result, more and more automotive
manufacturers and tier-one suppliers are building new
capacity there, so it was a logical step for Trelleborg to
join them.”
Production of automotive boots started at the new
facility in Querétaro, in north-central Mexico, at the
end of November 2015. Two production machines are
already up and running, with two more arriving over the
course of 2016. A total of 10 are planned by the end of
2018. “Our order books are filling up and a fully trained
team is on the ground, keen to ensure the top-flight
performance, high quality and smooth logistics that
our customers have learned to expect,” Burger says.
Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered
polymer solutions that seal, damp
a nd protect critica l applications
in dema nding environments. Its
innovat ive eng ineered solut ions
accelerate performance for customers in
a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group
has annual sales of SEK 25 billion (EUR
2.65 billion, USD 2.94 billion) in over
40 countries. The Group comprises five
business areas: Trelleborg Coated Systems,
Trelleborg Industrial Solutions, Trelleborg
Offshore & Construction, Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions and Trelleborg Wheel Systems.
In addition, Trelleborg owns 50 percent
of TrelleborgVibracoustic, the global
market leader within antivibration
solutions for light and heavy vehicles,
with annual sales of SEK 18 billion
(EUR 1.94 billion, USD 2.15 billion)
in about 20 countries. The Trelleborg
share has been listed on the Stock
Exchange since 1964 and is listed
on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.
Net safe
No, it’s not a braided
basket, nor is it electrical wires.
Can you see what it is?
Turn the page upside
down for the answer.
The white inner tube of a
hose for the food and beverage industry has a braid
reinforcement for pressure
resistance and stability.
T-TIME 1-2016 23
Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions
that seal, damp and protect critical applications in demanding
environments. Our innovative solutions accelerate performance
for our customers in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group
has local presence in over 40 countries around the world.