New Members - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
New Members - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Fo us A monthly publication of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Volume 7 | Number 5 | May 2014 New Members 8 One on One with St. Charles Chiropractic 9 Photo Gallery 10 “ Thibodaux Regional’s concussion technology is very advanced and thorough. And it really helped the doctors determine when it was safe for me to get back to baseball. Thibodaux Regional is my choice.” Mike Barba | Houma, LA Former Outfielder, Nicholls State University Baseball Assistant Coach, South Terrebonne High School Baseball For More Accurate, Objective Diagnosis and Safer Return to the Game... Thibodaux Regional is the Only Hospital in the Bayou Region with Advanced Concussion Testing Technology. For more information: 985-493-4502 Nationally-Recognized Hospital. Contact Us! Officers: Chairman of the Board Donald A. Hingle II is NOT by Kimi P. Walker Chamber Development Committee Chair I am at a loss for the right way to express myself following the “Mega Business After Hours,” as Chamber Board Chairman Don Hingle so appropriately coined it. Due to the input and actions of so many individuals, the April 30th event at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission evolved into one huge success. With much gratitude and humility, I thank the members of the Chamber Development & Diplomat committee for their plotting and planning that set the foundation for a successful event. In addition to the planning committee, the following event sponsors provided the backbone of support: All South Consulting Engineers, Bourg Supermarket, Coastal Commerce Enough!! Bank, Pat’s of Chauvin, Piggly Wiggly, Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency and Chauvin Brothers. Supplementing sponsor support, the Chamber offers a huge thanks to the following event partners: Sola Flight Services (donation of a Houma air tour), Pizza Express, Raising Cane’s – Grand Caillou Location, Big Mike’s BBQ Smoke House, Cannata’s Family Market, Houma’s Town & Country Real Estate, Inc., Buquet Distributing Company and Cajun Ice Houses. Of course I cannot forget to express my gratitude to all those who attended. Depending on the enjoyment and feedback from attendees, perhaps we can work toward providing this Mega Business After-Hours as an annual occurrence. Again, I am overwhelmed with all the community support and participation. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not sincerely thank Mr. David Slater for providing the perfect venue at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Join Us ! Business First Bank Chairman-Elect Stephanie Hebert Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency Treasurer Earl J. Eues, Jr. KEE Environmental Services, LLC Vice Chairman-Community Development Division Kathleen (Kate) Theriot Coaching for Change, LLC Vice Chairman-Chamber Development Division Paul Labat Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center Vice Chairman-Infrastructure & Economic Develop. Div. Stephen Smith All South Consulting Engineers, LLC Vice Chairman-Government Activities Division Mark Folse Coastal Commerce Bank Immediate Past Chairman Jennifer Armand Armand Creative BOARD MEMBERS: Ann Barker Leroy Guidry Terrebonne Ford Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC Jason Bergeron Mike Lewis Technology Professionals, LLC Big Mike’s BBQ Smoke House Jeff Bordelon Oneil P. Malbrough Southern Recycling, LLC Shaw Coastal Inc., a CB&I Company Joseph Boudreaux Bruce Murphy Blackhawk Specialty Tools Nicholls State University Rene Claudet David Rabalais Quality Hotel - Houma Terrebonne Port Commission Reggie Dupre Ann Summers Terrebonne Levee & Conservation Dist. Synergy Bank H. Miles Forrest Yolanda V. Trahan The Courier Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence Michael J. Garcia, M.D. South Louisiana Medial Assoc. Kimi Walker Chauvin Brothers, Inc. Business After-Hours Thursday, June 19 • 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by: staff: Anela’s Wellness & Yoga Lounge 7720 Main Street Business After-Hours is held each month for Chamber members and their employees to network and enjoy food, drinks and door prizes. There is no attendance fee or registration required. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 President and CEO Suzanne Nolfo Carlos Events & Communication Coordinator Betsy Breerwood Administrative Assistant Chantell Pepper Membership Account Executive Kay Thibodeaux 3 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Business to Business 11:30am @ Plantation Inn Chamber Development Committee Noon @ Quality Hotel of Houma Economic Development & Infrastructure Committee Noon @ Chamber Office Wounded War Heroes Golf Classic Chamber Executive Committee Meeting 8am @ Chamber Office LAPHCC C.E. Course Continuing education course hosted by the Louisiana Assocation of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Chamber Board Meeting 8am @ Chamber Office Government Activities Committee Meeting 8am @ Chamber Office Business After-Hours 5-7pm @ Anela’s Wellness & Yoga Lounge 7720 Main Street Education Committee Meeting 8am @ Chamber Office General Membership Meeting 11:30am @ Quality Hotel Healthcare Committee Meeting Noon @ Terrebonne Ford MacDonell Children’s Services $10 Plate Lunch Fundraiser (985) 232-9048 or (337) 205-1178 Louisiana State Troopers Association Convention Steubenville on the Bayou Conference Steubenville on the Bayou Conference Chamber events denoted in color. For more information about any Chamber event visit our website at or call 985-876-5600. Steubenville on the Bayou Conference Table of Contents 3 Board Spotlight 4Calendar of Events 5Chairman’s Message 6 Notes from the President 7Focus on the Parish 8 Join Us! H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 4 9 One-on-One 10 Photo Gallery 12 Member Events 13Stars of the Industry Awards 14 Member News w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Chairman’s Message Still Business as Usual School is out, graduation ceremonies have been held, and summer vacations have begun, but it’s still business as usual for Chamber members and office staff. The Chamber held the first of several public forums on public education for our parish a little more than a week ago. The focus of this forum, held at the Main Library, was for the business community to discuss whether a sales tax or a millage would be the best source of revenue to increase the salaries of our public school teachers and support staff. Currently our parish ranks 47th in the state for average teacher salaries. Chris Lagarde, Sales & Use Tax Director, and Loney Grabert, Terrebonne Assessor, gave an overview of the current sales and property taxes collected, along with a breakdown of where those taxes are distributed. Productive comments from participants at the forum will soon be shared with the Terrebonne Parish School District to assist them as they develop their funding proposition for a parish vote later this year. This forum was not a vote by Chamber members for one tax option over another nor has the Chamber taken a position on a funding option based on the comments received at the forum. We recognize that all taxing decisions continue to be the authority of the Terrebonne Parish School Board. Special thanks to Jennifer Armand, the Chamber’s Past Chairman and co-owner of Armand Creative, for organizing and conducting the forum. We would also like to thank all the business representatives who attended. Our Business After-Hours events are a fun and relaxed networking opportunity for our members. The ‘East Side’ Business After Hours at the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission was a huge success with There really is no place like houma. over one hundred business people from the east and west side of the Intracoastal enjoying good conversation, great food, live entertainment, and great door prizes. Appropriate to the location, SoLa Flight Services donated a local air tour to one lucky winner and their two guests. Special thanks to our east side members who sponsored this event: All South Consulting Engineers, Bourg Supermarket, Chauvin Brothers, Coastal Commerce Bank, Pat’s of Chauvin, Piggly Wiggly, and Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency. The Morrison Terrebonne Lumber/Home Hardware Center Business After-Hours event was also a hit at their St. Charles Street location. With live music by Billy Stark and Marybeth Landry, great food, drinks, and door prizes, it was most enjoyable. Thanks to Morrison Terrebonne Lumber/Home Hardware Center for another great BAH! Donald A. Hingle II Chairman of the Board Business First Bank When we became part of the community here in Houma, we did it with the promise to offer each of our neighbors the best in service, knowledge and guidance. We have carried out that promise each year since. Today we are one of the state’s top accounting and consulting firms offering a myriad of services from tax planning for businesses and individuals and audit and assurance to litigation and forensic accounting. Our experts are eager to share our accumulated knowledge and help you reach your goals or prepare for the unexpected. Call us today and let us show you how we can help you thrive in the place we call home. New Orleans 504.831.4949 | North Shore 985.246.3022 | Houma 985.868.0139 | Thibodaux 985.447.5243 H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 5 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m notes from the President Broad Scope of Benefits to Being a Chamber Member Networking at the various events the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber offers, is only one of the many benefits of being a member. Opportunities to build and strengthen relationships are a big part of the Business After-Hours, the Business 2 Business luncheon, the General Membership Luncheon, and the golf tournament, as well as participating in the various committees. The Chamber also provides an outlet for the opinions and needs of businesses in the community to be heard in order to influence projects and programs that support our community’s growth. Issues such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure become Chamber business issues because they are a significant part of the overall business climate. As a collective voice, we can have a greater impact on issues that transform our community and from a much broader economic standpoint. Additionally, Chamber members have unique and cost effective marketing and advertising opportunities through: • sponsorship of events Suzanne Nolfo Carlos President/CEO • advertising and listings in the Business & Community Guide • Chamber website advertising and listing with direct link to your website • articles and advertising in our monthly newsletter the Focus • advertising for your events and programs in weekly electronic newsletter the eFocus • flyers in our monthly mail-outs to members • ribbon cuttings • mailing labels of members The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce has the added benefit of legislative advocacy through a state lobbyist who works on our behalf on issues that affect the businesses of Terrebonne Parish. The Chamber helps to build a strong community by connecting its members to people and issues important to business success. Through Chamber programming, you and your business are engaged in activities that move Terrebonne toward a successful future. On behalf of its diverse membership, the Chamber works to create a climate of growth and success that benefits all business. Your membership investment allows your business and our community to prosper. The Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven, volunteer organization dedicated to improving the quality of life by building a strong economy through promotion of services to members, partnerships and alliances, legislative advocacy, economic development, and programs of action and value to sustain a prosperous and vibrant community. This is the mission of your Chamber. EMAIL MARKETING! Constant Contact® (701) 472-8100 Members receive up to 25% discount on 1-year service! SAM’S CLUB! (800) 881-9180 Members receive $25 Sam’s Club Gift Card with Business Plus Membership enrollment $5.00 Off PURCHASE OF $30.00 OR MORE! Deep South Oil and Vinegar (985) 858-6222 Mention this offer and receive $5.00 off from already low prices! $ave! ADDvantage CARE Benefit Services, Inc. OFFICE DEPOT Lisa Peranio-Hodges (985) 873-2337 Members and their employees receive discounts at participating wellness providers for eye exams, dental services, fitness centers and more!. (985) 223-0565 Members enroll and receive discounts on office supplies. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 6 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Focus on the Parish Terrebonne Economy Continues to Thrive by Michel Claudet Terrebonne Parish President Hiring signs are popping up throughout Terrebonne Parish. As the local economy continues to thrive and even outpace that of the rest of nation, skilled and unskilled workers are becoming harder to find. In fact, the Houma-Thibodaux MSA boasted the lowest unemployment rate in the entire nation for February. Our unemployment rate is projected to remain low for years to come. This is due to the work being done to explore for and extract oil and gas from the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, local companies and workers are poised to be impacted by the billions of dollars being invested in new petrochemical plants in the Baton Rouge and Lake Charles areas. Given this historic volume of economic activity, the local labor market will be further tested. We must take this opportunity to steer our children and grandchildren to training programs and jobs that meet this ever-growing demand. For example, high school graduates can attend classes for two years thru the Fletcher Technical Community College Integrated Production Technologies Program and reasonably expect to earn $60,000 per year. Similar opportunities are available locally for commercial truck drivers, machinist, and marine personnel. Our goal is to continue to provide the necessary infrastructure to assist this growth. We are aggressively building hurricane protection levees, roads, parks and recreational features. Going forward, our refocused economic development efforts will place an increased emphasis on work force development and worker training. New Parish Educational Videos For the third consecutive year, Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government has commissioned the production of three new videos to help inform residents about various aspects of their parish government. In the past, educational videos have been developed to allow residents to become familiar with the proper installation of drainage culverts, the operations and policies of Good Earth Transit, the parish Solid Waste department, emergency preparedness, permits, and flood plain management. Our latest series of videos include how to use the parish GIS Mapping System, how to start a business in Terrebonne Parish, and the current and future recreational offerings in our community. These entertaining and informative videos are being aired at regular intervals on the parish government access channel (TPTV) and are also available to be viewed on Chauvin Sculpture Garden Named Among Best in World The Houma-Terrebonne community recently garnered another honor as the Chauvin Sculpture Garden was ranked the 12th “Most Amazing Sculpture Garden in the World” by This hidden gem off of Bayouside Drive near the banks of Bayou Little Caillou offers a glimpse into the artistic and sometimes eccentric nature of former Terrebonne resident Kenny Hill. The approximately 100 handmade sculptures range from religious figures and cowboys to a 45 foot lighthouse. In recent years, Nicholls State University with the help of the Kohler Foundation has taken over the sculpture garden and has been actively promoting it as the true cultural asset that it is. I encourage everyone to visit the Chauvin Sculpture Garden to get a better appreciation of why this special piece of Terrebonne Parish has received the attention of those outside of our region. C HECK OUT THE S E 2 PROPERTIES! The Ultimate Sportsman’s Paradise 2,196 acres with an additional 900 acres that can be either purchased or leased! Excellent deer and duck hunting and fishing, includes camps and a 500 acre High Fence deer enclosure. Frontage on Bayou DesAllemands. This is the best recreational property on the market in Louisiana. Call for details. 1,180 Acres in Pearl River Co., Mississippi. Completely high fenced with a very nice lodge and several lakes, this property offers deer and turkey hunting as good as it gets! Excellent fishing and dove hunting with some duck hunting and a fantastic timber investment with tremendous upside potential. Call for details. Call 601-341-1131 or visit us at Licensed in Louisiana & Mississippi. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 7 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Join Us ! Welcome New Members sOUTH cOAST REAL ESTATE Travis Griffin BUSINESS BUSINESS (985) 868-9494 410 Corporate Drive Houma, Louisiana 70360 2 Categories: Real Estate Companies absolute recovery services, llc Tyler LaBauve (337) 412-3366 P.O. Box 91212 Lafayette, Louisiana 70509 Business to Business is a networking event for Chamber members and their employees to promote their business and hand out marketing materials to the guests at their table. Admission is $15 per person with payment required in advance. Categories: Collection Agencies CAJUN MEAT MARKET Friday, June 6 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sean Boudreaux Plantation Inn of Houma, Inc. 1381 West Tunnel Boulevard Sponsored by: Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency (985) 851-1727 216 Mystic Boulevard, Suite C Houma, Louisiana 70360-2717 Categories: Catering, Meat & Seafood Market WOLFE’S PHARMACY Peter Wolfe (985) 594-5821 5458 Highway 56 Chauvin, Louisiana 70344 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP Categories: Pharmacy LUNCHEON New Associate Members Tuesday, June 24 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. AFLAC-AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Quality Hotel Karen Calhoun 210 South Hollywood Road, Houma (985) 223-5775 1356 West Tunnel Boulevard, Suite A Houma, Louisiana 70360 Sponsored by: Charter Business HOUMA’S TOWN AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE, INC. Speaker: Panel of Local Legislators Review of 2014 Legislative Session Jollette Foret (985) 876-7013 5958 West Main Street Houma, Louisiana 70360-1753 Admission is $20 per person in advance and $25 per person at the door for members. General public is invited to attend, call the Chamber at (985) 876-5600 for admission fees. MORGAN STANLEY Amy Hammock, CFP® (985) 868-5250 1340 West Tunnel Boulevard, Suite 405 Houma, Louisiana 70360 Having Trouble Losing Weight and Keeping it Off? AFLAC-AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ements You’re Not Alone. Lisa Feyerabend (985) 223-5775 1356 West Tunnel Boulevard, Suite A Houma, Louisiana 70360 ➤ Plexus Worldwide has the BEST weight loss combo on theay market! ➤ Plexus Slim is the most natural way to lose weight. ➤ As a companion to Plexus Slim, Accelerator+ adds a personality AFLAC-AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY to your weight loss strategy that you can feel. Charlotte Grace Angie LeBlanc (985) 665-3585 1356 West Tunnel Boulevard, Suite A Houma, Louisiana 70360 H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Independent Ambassador 985-232-7559 Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 8 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m One-on-One with Dr. Bryan Dufrene of St. Charles Chiropractic The Chamber selects member businesses, organizations and individuals to highlight in this monthly publication. Bryan J. Dufrene, DC, DABCO of St. Charles Chiropractic was selected at a recent General Membership Luncheon to be featured here today. Dr. Dufrene shares a little about his past and what lead him to St. Charles Chiropractic located at 1437 St. Charles Street, Suite 113 in Houma. This year marks 30 years since I graduated from chiropractic college! So many things have changed and progressed since I first began practice. While maintaining the traditions of care I learned in school, I have made a continual effort to incorporate the latest research and technologies to help my patients get the best and quickest results possible. After receiving my undergraduate degree in biology from Nicholls State University, I began my professional training at Texas Chiropractic College and graduated with academic honors in 1984. I continued my studies with an emphasis in orthopedics and became one of only a handful of chiropractors in Louisiana to become Board Certified in Chiropractic Orthopedics in 1993. This specialty focuses on joint and spinal conditions such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, and other types of joint and spinal conditions. As we have kept up with the advancements in technology I added the Antalgic-Trak Decompression System to our treatments in 2009. Antalgic-Trak is the most advanced range of motion spinal decompression system currently available. The results of a study presented at the 19th annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management stated the Antalgic-Trak has a 95% success rate in eliminating neck and b a c k pain. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of And now we are the only chiropractic clinic in Louisiana with the Class IV K-Laser. The K-Laser is helpful in treating many types of pain including neck pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, knee pain, and more! I originally opened St. Charles Chiropractic in the beginning of 2012. My first year practicing in Houma, I continued to operate my clinic in Raceland. As the success of my practice grew in Houma I decided to work here in Houma full time. I am extremely proud of my caring staff. Gina and Nikki are truly dedicated to helping our patients. We all do our best Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 Dr. Bryan Dufrene performs the newest treatment offered at St. Charles Chiropractic called Dry Needling to make our patients feel like ‘family’. And that’s my goal…To treat each patient as though they were part of my family. I have always been one to continually improve and expand my knowledge to help my patients. The newest treatment we will offer at my clinic is Dry Needling. Dry Needling is effective in normaling pain, reducing inflammation and swelling, and helping the body to heal. The concept of using needles to alleviate pain and improve health goes back many centuries with acupuncture. There are some significant differences between acupuncture and dry needling though. Acupuncture is based upon the ‘Meridian’ theory. This concept believes that the acupuncture points lie along channels or pathways called meridians. Dry Needing is primarily based upon the nerves that travel through the − continue on page 12− St. Charles Chiropractic staff - Nikki Hebert, Dr. Bryan Dufrene and Gina Matherne 9 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Lauri Anne and Steven Bergeron with Bergeron Performance Shop participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony in April. BPS is a family-owned performance oriented company providing Houma with a safe friendly environment for all performance enthusiasts. BPS specializes in Performance Upgrades and Dyno Tuning, and is available to provide consultations on how to improve your vehicle’s performance as a daily driver on the street or on the drag strip. For more information visit their website at Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, President and CEO of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, Donald A. Hingle, II, Chairman of the Board of the Houma Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce, J. Thomas “Tom” Schedler, Louisiana Secretary of State, Yolanda Trahan, Executive Director of the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence and George Robichaux, President of the Board of the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence attend the General Membership Luncheon in April. Special thanks to Ms. Trahan, Mr. Robichaux and the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence for sponsoring the event. Gordon and Mona Dove and Al Copeland, Jr. and his wife, Liz, participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony with family and friends at Copeland’s of New Orleans. Participants celebrated the completion of the New Orleans themed renovation at the Houma restaurant located at 1534 Martin Luther King Blvd. The restaurant features the ambiance of New Orleans, a delicious Cheesecake Bakery, private dining areas, a lounge and a Jazz Brunch every Sunday. Dirk Guidry of Pizza Express and Terrebonne Parish Councilman, Dicky Jackson, Terrebonne Parish School Board member, Russell “Red” Hornsby with RRH, LLC and Terrebonne Parish Councilman and Robyn Hornsby with Morgan Stanley attend a Business After-Hours at the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission in April. Garret Graves, David Slayter, Executive Director of the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission, Reggie Dupre, Executive Director of the Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District and President of Bourg Supermarket, and Alcee Dupre, Jr., Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of Bourg Supermarket visit at the Business After-Hours at the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission in April. Special thanks to All South Consulting Engineers, LLC, Bourg Supermarket, Chauvin Brothers, Coastal Commerce Bank, Pat’s of Chauvin, Piggly Wiggly and Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency for sponsoring the event. John Rogers, Brian Arceneaux and Bob Henry of Coastal Commerce Bank volunteer as bartenders for the Business After-Hours at the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission in April. Special thanks to all of the volunteers and Diplomats for their time and energy to make this event a success. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 10 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Photo Gallery Glenda Bourgeois, Krystal Brunet and Amy Neil of Coastal Commerce Bank and Lisa Rogers, educator with Terrebonne Parish School District visit at the Business After-Hours in April. Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee members Stephanie Hebert with Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency, Donald A. Hingle, II with Business First Bank, Jennifer Armand with Armand Creative, Kathleen “Kate” Theriot with Coaching for Change, LLC., Earl J. Eues, Jr., with KEE Environmental Services, LLC. attend the Business After-Hours in April. Kimi Walker, Chairman of the Chamber Development Committee and Secretary-Treasurer/Public Relations for Chauvin Brothers, Angela Rains of the Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District and Donald A. Hingle, II, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce celebrate after the announcement of the SoLa Regional Aerial Tour door prize awarded to Ms. Rains. SoLa Flight Services donated the flight for the winner and 2 guests. Special thanks to SoLa Flight Services for their generosity. To learn more about SoLa Flight Services visit www. LaDonna Cruse of Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency, Angela LeBlanc of ABL Ventures, LLC. and Roxanne Mayer, Independent Distributor for Premier Designs Jewelry attend the Business AfterHours at the Houma Terrebonne Airport Commission in April. The staff and friends of Heavenly Scent of Houma celebrate its relocation with a ribbon cutting ceremony in April. Rebecca Dhuet, Jimmy Phipps, Lori Vedros, Terah Domangue, Barbara V. Romero, Owner, Mazel LaCoste, Karen Hartley, Kay Waldron and Kathryn Dakia pose for a picture before the ceremony. Heavenly Scent of Houma has moved to Suite 109 in the St. Charles Plaza shopping center at the intersection of St. Charles Street and Valhi Blvd. Stop by their health food store and check out their large selection of vitamins, supplements, candles, organic products and much more or call 868-2216 for more information. Brooke Carrere Hyde, Owner of Brooke’s Sno-World, LLC, cuts the ribbon during a grand opening celebration with her husband, Michael, her parents, Ernest and Geraldine Carrere, friends and staff members at her second location at 808 Grand Caillou Road. Brooke’s Sno-World offers sno-balls, ice cream and a wide variety of food options at the new location. Make plans to stop by for lunch, a quick snack or a refreshing sno-ball. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 11 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Member Events Plate Lunch Fundraiser Plate Lunch Fundraiser benefitting MacDonell Children’s Services will be held on Saturday, June 7 at Mike Bruno’s Bayou Country Harley Davidson - 1740 Martin Luther King Boulevard in Houma. Lunches are $10 and will include Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya, Danos participates in a ground-breaking ceremony for their corporate headquarters at the construction site in Gray. Participants include from left to right- Joey Noto, MAPP Construction Project Manager, Greg LaCour, Gensler Principal, Paul Danos, Danos Executive Vice President, Eric Danos, Danos Executive Vice President, Hank Danos, Danos President and CEO, Michel Claudet, Terrebonne Parish President, Mark Danos, Construction and Fabrication Division Manager, and Brady Hebert, Danos Senior Account Manager. Danos employs 1703 people with office locations in Larose, Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, Houston, Texas, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Midland, Texas and Equatorial Guinea, West Africa. Take Aim at Heart Disease Clay Shoot The Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau honors the “Stars of the Industry” at an awards reception during National Tourism Week at The Cypress Columns in Gray. The reception honored the leaders of the hospitality/tourism industry for their exceptional contributions to the tourism industry of Terrebonne Parish. of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 The Foundation for TGMC will hold its 2nd Annual Take Aim at Heart Disease Clay Shoot on Saturday, May 31st at Tri-Parish Clays in Houma. For ques- tions or additional information contact Jay Walker at (985) 860-3747, Paul Labat at (985) 804-7975 or visit www. − continue from page 9− Our hours are 9 AM - Noon and 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM. We offer both short term relief care and more involved treatment programs for the more advanced or serious conditions. My mission is to give you the most effective, safe treatments available so you body. These nerves control or effect the various joints, muscle, blood vessels and other tissues of the body. Dry Needling is often effective for muscular pain and joint problems, as well as, nerve related problems. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis, hip pain, TMJ pain, and spinal pain can respond very well to Dry Needling. This in combination with the other high-tech treatments we offer provides exceptional relief for many acute and chronic conditions I see in my practice every day! I see patients Monday through Thursday at my St. Charles Street location. The Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau staff welcomes guests to their Open House during National Tourism Week. This event was one of many during the week to bring the hospitality community together to celebrate tourism in the Houma area! Staff members include from left to right Ashley Gravois, Marketing Manager, Sharon Alford, Executive Director, Angela Morehead, Convention & Events Sales Manager, Joey Pierce, Travel Counselor, Sondra Corbitt, Accounting Manager, Hal Moser, Group Tour Manager and Kelly Gustafson, Communications Manager. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r Fried Fish, White Beans and dessert. The event will also include live music and 50/50 raffle. For more information call Christy at 985-232-9048 or Etta at 337-205-1178. Place your order by noon on Wednesday, June 4. 10 plate minimum for delivery. 12 can get back on track and out of pain quickly, and without surgery or drugs. To schedule an appointment call 985655-4373. We are here to help you! Bryan J. Dufrene, DC, DABCO w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Congratulations to the "Stars of the Industry" Award Recipients! Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau held an awards reception during National Tourism Week to honor the leaders of the hospitality/tourism industry for their exceptional contributions to the tourism industry of Terrebonne Parish. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 13 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Member News With Allstate life insurance, love wins. Lofton Staffing Services Opens New Houma Location Lofton Staffing & Security Services announced today that it has expanded itsnumber of locations to 12 by opening a new branch office in Houma, LA. The expansion increases Lofton’s presence in Louisiana and allows them to better serve clients throughout the Southeast portion of the state. “We are very excited to open a location in the Houma‐Thibodaux market. The area is growing and skilled employees are critical to that growth.” says Bart Lofton, Co‐President of Lofton Staffing. “In today’s competitive environment, businesses must be able to effectively recruit skilled employees to operate their business. Lofton has proven for over 35 years that we understand that need and can respond quickly to our clients and provide those services effectively.” Lofton will have an experienced, local staff with more than 30 years of combined staffing experience in the Houma area. Working in concert with surrounding Lofton offices, Lofton’s Houma team will not only provide quality staffing services across a variety of industry segments, but also will bring security services to the market. “We feel the quality and diversity of our staffing & security services will allow our clients to receive an expanded and enhanced service offering from a single staffing provider allowing them to operate their business more efficiently and effectively” Lofton explains. “This formula has been very well received across our other markets, allowing us to strengthen our partnerships with our clients. We are excited to bring this concept to the Houma area.” About Lofton: Lofton was founded in 1979 by Tommy Lofton and has grown from a small firm to a full‐service corporation with consulting, staffing, security, energy, and medical staffing services. Lofton has twelve office throughout Louisiana and Texas with its corporate headquarters located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Lofton specializes in partnering with clients to continuously develop their business through the recruitment and retention of the top talent in their respective industries. Lofton provides its clients the flexibility of utilizing employees on a full‐time or interim basis, thus increasing the operational effectiveness of their clients’ business. For more information, visit I can help you protect your family’s future. Life insurance isn’t something people like to discuss. But having it is one of the best ways to provide for your family if something happens to you. With the right life insurance, love wins. Call me today for affordable options. Stephanie Hebert (985) 872-0201 854 Grand Caillou Rd. Houma Thibodaux Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce the addition of Huong Pham, MD, obstetrician/gynecologist, to the active medical staff. Dr. Pham has joined the practice of Dr. Natchez Morice. Dr. Pham attended the University of Houston in Houston, Texas where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree. She completed her residency obstetrics and gynecology training at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. Dr. Pham is a member of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 Availability from a particular company varies by product. Subject to availability and qualifications. Life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Co. 14 69871 Dr. Huong Pham Joins Medical Staff w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m USI Promotes Edward J. Daigle, CIC Dr. April Sorrel Joins Medical Staff USI Insurance Services (“USI”) announced that Edward J. Daigle, CIC, has been promoted to president of USI’s Louisiana practice. Daigle will be responsible for growing USI’s middle market brokerage practice in Louisiana and will be located at USI’s Houma, Louisiana office. Daigle has more than 35 years of experience in the insurance industry and has been with USI for 24 years. Prior to the promotion, he was an executive vice president at USI’s Houma, Louisiana office. In that role, Daigle was their property-casualty leader and commercial lines producer for mid to large-sized accounts in the marine, industrial and oil industries. John D. Collado, regional chief executive officer for USI’s Southwest region, said: “Ed has a long history of success in cultivating strong and trusted relationships with both his clients and colleagues. He brings a wealth of talent and industry knowledge to the table Thibodaux Regional Medical Center is pleased to announce the addition of April Sorrel, MD, pediatrician, to the active medical staff. Dr. Sorrel has joined the practice of The Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. Dr. Sorrel attended Texas Tech University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. She received her medical degree from University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Texas, and completed her residency at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston. Dr. Sorrel is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. and I am confident that, as president of our Louisiana practice, Ed will play a significant role in expanding USI’s market share in the Gulf Coast and Mississippi regions.” He Means Business B usiness First Bank congratulates Don Hingle on his promotion to EVP and CEO of the bank’s Southeastern Region, where he will lead banking teams in Covington, New Orleans and Houma. Don has over 32 years of banking industry experience and has lived in the Houma area for 16 years. He is actively involved in the local community currently serving as Chairman of the Houma Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce. Business First is proud of Don’s many accomplishments and excited about his continued leadership with Business First as… CEO of the Southeastern Region Don Hingle Executive Vice President T H E B A N K Bayou Region T H A T Baton Rouge H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of P U T S Lafayette Y O U R B U S I N E S S F I R S T Northshore Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana 1-985-879-7151 Member Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 15 B usiness First w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m BTNEP Has Successful 2014 Paddle Bayou Lafourche The Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) and its Foundation recently hosted their 13th annual Paddle Bayou Lafourche trip on April 3-6. The event was a huge success. Over 130 paddlers over the four day period traveled along the quiet waters of Bayou Lafourche. Along with locals, paddlers came from Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Maryland and Wisconsin. The 52mile, four-day paddling trip began Thursday in Donaldsonville, and ended in Lockport on Sunday. They were treated to scenic natural vistas and a fascinating backyard view of the bayou from the water’s perspective while enjoying camaraderie, food, music, and fun. Paddlers were also given a firsthand look at the restoration work being conducted along the bayou. Saturday, the most popular day, had over 90 paddlers fill the waters of Bayou Lafourche, with each other day having over 70 paddlers. Each day paddlers were treated to local cuisine and entertainment. BTNEP would like to thank its sponsors for the event; Bourgeois & Associates, Inc., Breaux Petroleum Products, Valentine Chemicals, Bobby Lynn’s Marina, Lafourche Ford Lincoln, Georgia Farms, Inc., Community Bank, Jones Dermatology and Synergy Bank. In-kind sponsors include Mr. JC Leblanc and Family, Mosaic, Orbitz Worldwide, DOW Chemical, Nicholls State University, Bayou Lafourche Freshwater District, Town of Lockport, City of Donaldsonville, Kleinpeter, and Jean Lafitte National Historical Park & Preserve. The group would also like to thank Madewood Plantation, Nubby Ducks, Emily’s Cajun Café, Vinnie’s Sandwich Shoppe, Ms. Virginia Plaisance and family, Dr. Mike and Mrs. Brenda Dardar Robichaux and family and all the residents of Bayou Lafourche for the hospitality that was shown to the paddlers over the four days. BTNEP started Paddle Bayou Lafourche as an innovative approach to educate residents and visitors about the culture and ecology of Bayou Lafourche, as well as the coastal restoration needs of the area and potential solutions. The date for the 2015 Paddle Bayou Lafourche trip will be release in months to come. For more information on Paddle Bayou Lafourche, visit the BTNEP website at BTNEP is a partnership of government, businesses, scientists, conservation organizations, agricultural interests and individuals dedicated to the preservation, protection, and restoration of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary in Southeast Louisiana. Making a Difference 985.222.2858 1459 Tiger Dr Dr., ., Thibodaux Doug & Jeff Tauzin OWNERS R o ta r y C l u b of Houma H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r A/C & of NG HEATI $29 Tune-Up Special! Per system. One use per customer. Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 16 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Testroet Named 2013 Realtor® of the Year Pam Foreman Testroet, agent with Latter & Blum Inc. in Boutte, Louisiana, has been named the 2013 REALTOR® of the Year by Louisiana REALTORS® (LR). The announcement was made April 10, 2014 during the association’s Spring Into Action Conference & Expo. The Louisiana REALTOR® of the Year award was first established in 1958 to recognize the REALTOR® member who has contributed most to the advancement of their profession and the community at large during the current year. Nominees for the award are based on the suggestions of the local Boards of REALTORS® and associations throughout the state, with the recipient being chosen by an appointed selection committee. “Pam displays sincere commitment and devotion to the real estate industry and her community. She certainly deserves this award and we are so proud to have her as an active member of LR,” said Norman Morris, Louisiana REALTORS® CEO. Louisiana REALTORS® is a professional trade association comprised of nearly 11,000 members. As one of the largest trade associations in Louisiana, LR represents its membership on important real estaterelated issues to state and federal government, while providing legal assistance, professional development, discounts and unique services for its members. Louisiana REALTORS® has been the voice for real estate in Louisiana for 96 years. For more information, please visit Congratulations to the Quality Hotel of Houma Star of the Industry Award Winners and Nominees! Winners: Elante Carson- Star Leader Service Award Nicole St. Laurent- Star Service Award Rose Chisel- Star Service Award Nominees: Bailey Robinson-Star Service Award Louisiana REALTOR® of the Year Pam Foreman Testroet and 2014 Louisiana REALTORS® President Matt Ritchie at annual awards luncheon on April 10. Awards were given by the Houma Convention and Visitors Bureau. MEMORIAL DAY | MONDAY, MAY 26 WIN FREE GAS FOR A YEAR! 3 LUCKY GUESTS WILL WIN! | DRAWINGS: 6:00pm, pm,, 7:00pm & 8:00pm 8:00 EARN ENTRIES THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF MAY TO QUALIFY. Check your mail for entry dates or see B Connected for details. One year of gas based on the average 12,000 miles per year, 20 miles to the gallon, $4 per Gallon. Management reserves all rights. See B Connected Staff for full details. BEST BET ON THE BAYOU | GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1.877.770.STOP H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 17 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Rotary at Work! Rotarians across the globe continually work to improve the quality of life in their communities and worldwide. Just to name a few international projects, Rotarians work to eradicate polio, to promote peace, to provide the necessary resources for water wells, filtration and sanitation systems in third world countries. Locally, Rotarians support education, literacy, Veteran’s programs and community-wide projects. Rotary Club of Houma (RCH) members can be found in a variety of ways, working in our community. A long list of service projects provides opportunities for every RCH member to find their niche by attending EarlyAct, Interact or Rotaract club meetings, spending a few hours at Southdown Marketplace working in a cold drink booth, serving Nachos at the MAX Charter School 5K Run and TFAE’s Run for Excellence and Food Festival, or a Best of the Bayou food or drink booth. Over the past six years, RCH members have been involved with the distribution of personal dictionaries to third grade students in every Terrebonne parish parochial, private and public school. Throughout the year members can be seen placing American flags at businesses and private homes to celebrate national holidays. This past year RCH members escorted Veterans on a “first time” visit to the World War II Museum in New Orleans. Following in the footsteps of Rotary International, the RCH became a community funding partner of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) which was introduced to the community by TFAE, a local education foundation. DPIL is a literacy program which provides an age-appropriate book every month to children from birth until their fifth birthday. This project prompted a new RCH service project, Rotary Reads. “RCH members visit three and four year olds in their pre-school classrooms once a month to read the DPIL book of the month. Studies show that reading to children greatly improves educational outcomes and we felt that having a diverse group of caring adults go into the Head Start classrooms and read on a monthly basis was one small way we could give back to the community and perhaps bridge that education gap for some of our parish’s most vulnerable treasures,” stated Sherri Roach, RCH member and Rotary Reads Montegut Elementary third grade students receive their dictionary from the Rotary Club of Houma. committee chairperson. To learn more about Rotary International or the Rotary Club of Houma, visit the RCH website . TIME FOR AN UPGRADE? See better shing days. Apply for a recreational boat loan today. BANKSYNERGY.COM/LOANS H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r of Commerce Focus/May 25, 2014 18 w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m Roussell St. “Wow with a Purpose” Our new Texas Star Beef is raised on small ranches by family farmers, and grass-fed, grain-finished, so you get great marbling, texture and that famous Texas beef flavor. And because Texas Star Beef is a Rouses exclusive, we’re able to price it lower than our USDA Choice Angus and Prime Beef.
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