State of North Carolina 2013-2014 ROSTER OF REGISTERED FORESTERS December 2013 STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS POST OFFICE BOX 27393, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 State of North Carolina Beverly Perdue, Governor Board of Registration for Foresters Daniel W. Edwards, Chairman Miriam Brown, Vice-Chairman Sean Brogan, Secretary-Treasurer Richard R. Braham Gerald D. Hansen III Communications should be addressed to: Board of Registration for Foresters P.O. Box 27393 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Telephone: (919) 847-5441 E-mail: INFO@NCBRF.ORG STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS POST OFFICE BOX 27393 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 PHONE: 919-847-5441 Executive Director Sara Koch WEB PAGE: NCBRF.ORG E-MAIL: INFO@NCBRF.ORG BOARD MEMBERS Daniel W. Edwards Chairman Miriam Brown Vice-Chairman Sean Brogan Secretary-Treasurer Richard R. Braham Gerald D. Hansen III December 1, 2013 The Honorable Patrick L. McCrory Governor of North Carolina Office of the Governor Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Governor McCrory: The State Board of Registration for Foresters is pleased to present to you and the citizens of North Carolina this Roster of Registered Foresters for 2013-2014. The roster is being distributed to offices of the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources and to Clerk of Court offices throughout the state, and is available to all interested parties. It is important for North Carolina’s citizens to realize that forestry provides $23 billion annually to the state’s economy as well as playing a lead role in the overall environmental well being of the state. It is critical that North Carolina’s forests be managed wisely in a sustainable manner to ensure their continued environmental and economic viability. The registration program for Foresters is a means through which standards and continuing accreditation are maintained to identify those individuals fully educated and trained in the scientific procedures needed to fulfill this responsibility. Since the registration law was passed in 1975, there have been 1741 foresters who have qualified for registration with 901 currently registered. It is the continuing objective of this program to ensure the public that they deserve and can expect competent, ethical, professional forestry services from all registered foresters. The Board looks forward to being of further service to you and all citizens of North Carolina. Sincerely, Daniel W. Edwards Chairman R.F. # 612 STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS POST OFFICE BOX 27393 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 PHONE: 919-847-5441 Executive Director Sara Koch WEB PAGE: NCBRF.ORG E-MAIL: INFO@NCBRF.ORG BOARD MEMBERS Daniel W. Edwards Chairman Miriam Brown Vice-Chairman Sean Brogan Secretary-Treasurer Richard R. Braham Gerald D. Hansen III Contents Current members of the Board Board’s receipts and expenditures for 2012 – 2013 Alphabetical listing of Registered Foresters Registered Foresters by State/Country Act to Establish State Board – General Statute 89B State Board’s Rules and Regulations *NCCF denotes a “Consulting Forester” as defined in General Statute 89B, Section 2 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the State Board of Registration for Foresters as of and for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012, and the related notes to the financial statements, as listed in the table of contents. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting principles used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the State Board of Registration for Foresters as of June 30, 2013 and 2012, and the changes in financial position and cash flows thereof for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management's discussion and analysis on pages 1 through 2 be presented to supplement the financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide an assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Raleigh, North Carolina October 28, 2013 REGISTERED FORESTERS’ ROSTER Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number ABSHER, E. BRIAN Home: PO Box 15962, Fernandina Beach, FL 32035 Business: PO Box 1747, Longview, TX 75606 Telephone: H: 904-277-6797 B: 904-624-4969 Universal Timber Services LLC - President email: brian.absher@universaltimberservices.com 1360 ALMOND, WALTER FRASER Home: 1638 Black Gum Lane, Ridgeway, SC 29130 Business: 2637 Broad Street, Camden, SC 29020 Telephone: H: 803-438-8389 B: 803-272-0491 Almond Forest Products, Inc. - President/Owner email: almondfp1@hotmail.com ADAMS, MICHAEL A. Home: 2300 Elledge Mill Rd., N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Business: PO Box 98, Roaring River, NC 28669 Telephone: H: 336-670-3492 B: 336-670-3492 Louisiana-Pacific - Procurement Manager email: mike.adams@lpcorp.com 1112 *NCCF ALMOND, JR., JACOB F. Home: 340 Speers Road, Kingston, TN 37763 Business: 248 Barrie Lane, Kingston, TN 37763 Telephone: H: 865-248-8315 B: 865-248-8315 American Forest Management, Inc. - Vice President email: jake.almond@amforem.biz 808 *NCCF ADKINS, JAMES H. Home: 205 Grouse Rd.., Summerville, SC 29485 Business: 205 Grouse Rd., Summerville, SC 29485 Telephone: H: 843-821-8154 B: 843-870-1655 Adkins Forestry Services, LLC - Owner email: jadkins@sc.rr.com 1325 ALSUP, III, JOHN DEAN Home: 511 Harwood St., Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-876-1633 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber LLC - Partner email: dalsup@tristatelt.com 950 ALDRIDGE, ALAN L. Home: 469 Cove Wood Drive, Denton, NC 27239 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Telephone: H: 704-438-2535 B: 336-956-2111 NC Forest Service - FIA Forester email: alan.aldridge@ncagr.gov 1728 ALTIZER, CLAYTON B. Home: 34 Duffy St., Clayton, NC 27527 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-585-6560 B: 919-857-4840 NC Forest Service - Utilization Forester email: clay.altizer@ncagr.gov 1714 ALLEN, BRAD H. Home: 463 Crestview Dr., Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: 1163 North US HWY #1, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 910-895-5509 B: 910-997-9220 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: brad.allen@ncagr.gov 1617 AMARAL, BONNIE P. Home: 131 Woodburn Dr., Swannanoa, NC 28778 Business: 160 A. Zillicoa St., Asheville, NC 28801 Telephone: H: 828-259-0559 B: 828-259-0559 USDA - Forest Service - Agreements Spec. email: d_a74@hotmail.com 1230 *NCCF ALLEN, JAMES DAVID Home: 190 Allen Forest Lane, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 38, Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-576-4886 B: 910-576-4886 Little River Forestry Consultants - Consulting Forester 639 AMARAL, DAVID Home: 131 Woodburn Dr., Swannanoa, NC 28778 Business: Telephone: NC Forest Service - District Forester - Retired email: d_a74@hotmail.com 905 *NCCF ALLEN, JEAN ANDERSON Home: 1361 B New Hope Road, LaGrange, NC 28551 Business: PO Box 1091, Goldsboro, NC 27535 Telephone: H: 919-778-5108 B: 919-778-5108 Self-employed - Consulting Forester email: jallen51@ec.rr.com 578 *NCCF ANDERTON, JR., DAVID E. Home: 3699 Palmore Ct., Powhatan, VA 23139 Business: 591A Southlake Blvd., Richmond, VA 23236 Telephone: H: 804-598-7170 B: 804-897-5052 American Forest Management, Inc. - Region Manager email: david.anderton@amforem.biz 479 952 ALLEN JR., GREGORY B. Home: 2200 Portrush Drive; Apt. 23, Spartanburg, SC 29301 Business: PO Box 351, Lauren, SC 29630 Telephone: H: 803-372-2864 B: 864-682-9663 Piedmont Pulp, Inc - Procurment Forester email: gballen2@yahoo.com 1724 ANDRES, DAVID L. Home: 118 Ben Hudson Road, Rockingham, NC 28379-6942 Business: Telephone: H: 910-997-4997 NC Forest Service - FM/Dev. Section Chief - Retired email: dandres@carolina.rr.com *NCCF ALLEN, JR., HOWARD LEE Home: 225 Winding Ridge Dr., Cary, NC 27518 Business: 225 Winding Ridge Dr., Cary, NC 27518 Telephone: H: 919-362-4582 B: 919-612-1456 Pro For Consulting - Owner email: allen.profor@gmail.com 1076 ANDREWS, JODY R. Home: 2824 Old Creek Road, Greenville, NC 27834 Business: PO Box 210, Wilmington, NC 28902 Telephone: H: 252-217-4145 Corbett Timber Co - Forester email: jodyray8@hotmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 1 1369 1566 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number ANTILL, BRADLEY W. Home: 130 Seneca Trail, Henrico, NC 27842 Business: PO Box 849, Weldon, NC 27890 B: 252-536-3055 Telephone: Coastal Timberland Co. - Regional Manager email: bantill@coastaltimberlands.com 1231 ASHWORTH, SCOTT T. 1469 Home: 117 Falmouth Rise, Columbia, SC 29229 Business: 1038 Wildewood Centre Drive, Ste A, Columbia, SC 2922 Telephone: H: 803-865-1429 B: 803-788-6256 RegionsTimberland Group - South Regional Manager email: scott.ashworth@regions.com *NCCF ARDREY, J. BENJAMIN Home: 275 Scout Cabin Road, Kershaw, SC 29067 Business: PO Box 1013, Lancaster, SC 29721 Telephone: H: 803-286-7459 B: 803-283-2303 Bill Ardrey Forestry, Inc. - Consulting Forester email: bafi@comporium.net 1658 ASKEW, JAMES SCOTT 1678 Home: 186 Lick Creek Church Road, Denton, NC 27239 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27309 Telephone: H: 336-859-1980 B: 910-220-0899 Ext: 8170 Jordan Lumber & Supply, Inc. - Procurement Forester email: saskew@jordanlumber.com *NCCF ARDREY, SAMUEL D. Home: 682 W. Doc Garris Road, Lancaster, SC 29720 Business: PO Box 1013, Lancaster, SC 29721 Telephone: H: 803-804-7195 B: 803-283-2303 Bill Ardrey Forestry Inc. - Forester email: bafi@comporium.net 1705 ATCHLEY, NORMAN G. Home: 367 Atchley Rd., Union Mills, NC 28167 Business: 251 Parton Rd., Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Telephone: H: 828-287-7065 B: 828-287-4257 Parton Lumber Co. - Sales email: na2@partonlumber.com *NCCF ARDREY, WILLIAM M. Home: PO Box 1013, Lancaster, SC 29721 Business: PO Box 1013, Lancaster, SC 29721 Telephone: H: 803-286-7457 B: 803-283-2303 Bill Ardrey Forestry, Inc. - President email: bafi@comporium.net 792 *NCCF ARDREY III, W. MCCULLOUGH Home: 3315 S. Potter Rd., Heath Springs, SC 29058 Business: PO Box 1013, Lancaster, SC 29721 Telephone: H: 803-804-1838 B: 803-283-2303 Bill Ardrey Forestry, Inc. - Forester email: mardrey@comporium.net 1361 BAILEY, ANDREW D. Home: 3529 E. Trail Bluff Lane, Boise, ID 83716 Business: 2141 Airport Way, Ste 100, Boise, ID 83705-5354 Telephone: H: 919-931-0921 B: 208-387-5248 Ext: 211 US Dept of Interior - Biologist (Data Manager) email: abailey@alumni.ncsu.edu 1618 ARMSTRONG, JR., CHARLES S. Home: 14708 Castletown House Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273 Business: 600 E. Fourth St., 2nd Floor, Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone: H: 704-688-6883 B: 704-688-6883 City of Charlotte - Urban Forestry Specialist email: scarmstrong@ci.charlotte.nc.us 1493 *NCCF BAILEY, GREGORY L. Home: 720 Robertsville Rd., Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Business: 103 Barrie Lane, Kingston, TN 37763 Telephone: H: 865-805-4788 B: 865-248-8315 American Forest Management, Inc. - Forester/GIS email: greg.bailey@amforem.biz 1544 *NCCF ARMSTRONG, JR., JOSEPH E. Home: 199 Plantation Drive, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 199 Plantation Drive, Littleton, NC 27850 Telephone: H: 252-678-2566 Scientific Forest Management - Consulting Forester email: sfmforestry@yahoo.com 1181 BAKER, DONALD L. Home: 1708 Lake Shore Dr., Manning, SC 29102 Business: Same, , Telephone: H: 843-527-9069 Santee Land & Timber Co., LLC - Owner email: santelandtmbr@ftci.net 1271 ARNOLD, T. PHILIP Home: 118 Debbie Lane, Union, SC 29379 Business: 177 Strother Rd., Union, SC 29379 Telephone: H: 864-429-0375 B: 864-427-2179 International Paper Co. - Fiber Specialist email: philip.arnold@ipaper.com 1011 BAKER, HERBERT BRUCE Home: 5404 Lake Russell Rd., Mullins, SC 29574 Business: PO Box 1021, Mullins, SC 29574 Telephone: H: 843-464-0289 B: 843-464-2400 Canal Wood, LLC - Area Manager email: bruce.baker@canalwood.com 698 *NCCF ARVIN, THOMAS L. Home: , , Business: PO Box 754, Bethel, NC 27812 B: 252-825-1803 Telephone: Pitt Appraisal & Consulting Services - Owner BAGWELL, MARVIN H. Home: 28 Stonegate Trail, Leicester, NC 28748 Business: PO Box 1148, Old Fort, NC 28762-1148 Telephone: H: 828-674-0426 B: 828-724-9495 Columbia Carolina Products - Area Procurment Forester email: mbagwell@cfpwood.com 548 BAKER, R. KEITH Home: 381 Bennett Tingle Road, New Bern, NC 28560 Business: Telephone: H: 252-670-4297 B: 252-670-4297 Self - Forester email: grantsboro1@embarqmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 2 1046 600 1156 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number BALDINGER, JAMES R. Home: 2229 N. Old Carriage Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: General Thomas Highway, Newsomes, VA Telephone: H: 252-558-5095 B: 757-654-9462 Cox Industries - Procurement Forester email: woodworkr2@aol.com 783 BARKER, DAVID S. Home: 684 Jack Pointer Road, Semora, NC 27343 Business: 11177 Cherry Grove Road, Reidsville, NC 27320 Telephone: H: 336-514-1428 B: 336-349-2212 Gregory Pallet Company - Forester email: davidbarker@earthlink.net 1694 BALDWIN, RAYMOND F. Home: 4770 James B. White Rd., So., Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: Telephone: H: 910-840-1779 170 BARKER, MATTHEW J. Home: 4813 Country Meadows Drive, Gastonia, NC 28056 Business: 1933 Mountain Island Hwy., Mt. Holly, NC 28120 Telephone: H: 704-823-9469 B: 704-827-7576 Ext: 28 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: Matthew.Barker@ncagr.gov 1425 BALL, STEVEN 1723 Home: 215 Leghorn Drive, Zebulon, NC 27597 Business: 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 Telephone: H: 919-691-2114 B: 919-846-5900 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA - Project Mgr/Enviro. Specialis email: sball@sandec.com BARNES, GENE G. Home: 102 Lake Run, Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: Telephone: H: 910-997-2766 NC Forest Service - Retired - District Forester email: gbarnes15@carolina.rr.com 656 1062 *NCCF BARNES, JONATHAN C. Home: 8938 Grove Park Drive, Oak Ridge, NC 27310 Business: PO Box 49571, Greensboro, NC 27419 B: 336-632-9088 Telephone: William H. Lock & Assoc. - Forester email: jcbarnes@whlock.com 1517 *NCCF BALLINGER, MICHAEL H. 1291 Home: 220 Read Road, Warrenton, NC 27589 Business: 8394 Six Forks Road, Suite 203, Raleigh, NC 27615 Telephone: H: 252-257-3330 B: 919-841-0089 Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Forester email: mballinger@gfrforestry.com *NCCF BARNHARDT, ELIZABETH A. Home: 110 W. 13th Street, Washington, NC 27889 Business: 110 W. 13th Street, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-975-5132 B: 252-974-3205 Elizabeth A. Barnhardt, RF Consulting For. - Owner email: eabarnhardt@embarqmail.com 810 BANAITIS, CAROL M. 1077 Home: 1225 Hillingdon Way, Raleigh, NC 27614 Business: 11405 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Wake Forest, NC 27587 Telephone: H: 919-676-8101 B: 919-846-9332 Ext: 226 US Army Corps of Engineers - Operations Manager email: cbanaitis@msn.com BARNHILL, JEFFREY A. Home: 115 Greenbriar Lane, Cheraw, SC 29520 Business: PO Box 1527, Laurinburg, NC 28352 Telephone: H: 843-537-6749 B: 910-734-4720 Edwards Wood Products/ Scotland - Forester email: JBARN18257@aol.com 1272 BALL, WENDELL R. Home: 412 Tarboro Road, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: 6750 Tryon Road, Cary, NC 27518 Telephone: H: 919-562-2109 B: 919-858-1876 Mulkey Engineers & Consultants - Survey Project Manager email: wball@mulkeyinc.com *NCCF BANKS, THADDEUS N. Home: 4366 Beaver Dam Church Rd., Roseboro, NC 28382 Business: 4366 Beaver Dam Church Rd., Roseboro, NC 28382 Telephone: H: 910-531-3283 B: 910-531-3283 Banks Forestry - Owner email: thadbanks@msn.com 851 *NCCF BARRETT, THOMAS B. Home: 2611 Wells Ave., Raleigh, NC 27608 Business: 6750 Tryon Rd., Cary, NC 27518 Telephone: H: 919-785-1837 B: 919-858-1817 Mulkey Engineers & Consultants - Senior Scientist email: tbarrett@mulkeyinc.com 1426 BARBER, JR., WILLIAM O. Home: 1416 Holly Neck Rd., Roper, NC 27970 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Rd., Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-793-5383 B: 252-809-2139 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Forester email: bill.barber@weyerhaeuser.com 187 BATCHELOR, TIMOTHY R. Home: 195 Roland Batchelor Rd., Beulaville, NC 28518 Business: 197 Bratten Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Telephone: H: 910-298-3148 B: 910-358-9502 Tri-State Land and Timber - Forester email: jville@tristatelt.com 533 BARDON, ROBERT E. 1182 Home: 209 Sarabande Drive, Cary, NC 27513 Business: Campus Box 8008, Ext. Forestry, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008 B: 919-515-5575 Telephone: NC State University - Assct Dean of Ext & Ext Leader email: rebardon@ncsu.edu BATES, PETER C. Home: 485 Scarlet Ridge Rd., Sylva, NC 28779 Business: 331 Stillwell, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Telephone: H: 828-586-5716 B: 828-227-3914 WCU, Dept. of Geoscience & Nat. Res. - Assistant Professor email: bates@email.wcu.edu *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 3 1292 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number BEAVANS, JR., S. CLARK Home: 102 Bridletrail Lane, Union, SC 29379 Business: PO Box 11706, Rock Hill, SC 29731-1706 Telephone: H: 864-427-0335 B: 803-329-5534 City of Rock Hill - City Forester email: cbeavans@cityofrockhill.com 1391 BERZINIS, MICHAEL A. 1513 Home: 3726 School House Lane, Charlotte, NC 28226 Business: 3325 Springbrank Lane, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28226-3 Telephone: H: 850-320-2522 B: 704-541-9810 Ext: 8788 ESRI - Account Executive email: mberzinis@esri.com *NCCF BEAVERS, III, KENDALL (K.C.) C. Home: 10612 Lake Place, Zebulon, NC 27597 Business: 10612 Lake Place, Zebulon, NC 27597 Telephone: H: 919-269-9315 B: 919-269-9315 K.C. Beavers, III, Inc., Consulting Forester - President email: kcbeavers@aol.com 1293 BESONEN, MICHAEL J. Home: 183 Rolling Meadows Dr., Chillicothe, OH 45601-4084 Business: 327 South Point St., Chillicothe, OH 45601 Telephone: H: 740-773-5480 B: 740-772-3681 Glatfelter - West District Forester email: michael.besonen@glatfelter.com 520 *NCCF BECK, FREDERICK G. Home: 121 Fairview Lane, Bennettsville, SC 29512 Business: PO Box 240, Bennettsville, SC 29512 Telephone: H: 843-454-0015 B: 843-439-2547 American Forest Management, Inc. - District Manager email: fred.beck@amforem.biz 873 BIRCKHEAD, E. HUNTER Home: 2726 Arden Dr., Lenoir, NC 28645 Business: 1543 Wilkesboro Blvd., NE, Lenoir, NC 28645 Telephone: H: 828-446-2587 B: 828-757-5611 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: Hunter.Birckhead@ncagr.gov 679 *NCCF BELAND, JOHN M. Home: 6 Meadow Brook Dr., Fletcher, NC 28732 Business: 6 Meadow Brook Dr., Fletcher, NC 28732 Telephone: H: 828-628-3205 B: 828-712-3303 Land Management - Owner email: belandj@bellsouth.net 906 *NCCF BISHOP, BLAIR B. 1575 Home: 143 Meadow Street, Waynesville, NC 28786 Business: 143 Meadow Street, Waynesville, NC 28786 Telephone: H: 828-280-6394 B: 828-280-6394 HCC & Forestland Mgmt. & Mapping LLC - Instructor/Forester email: forestlandman@gmail.com BELCHER, JERICHO J. Home: 111 Bray Drive, Mebane, NC 27302 Business: 118 Brooks Ave, Shelby, NC 28152 Telephone: H: 336-214-4015 B: 704-477-4747 Utilifer, LLC - Senior Forester email: xjerichoc722@hotmail.com 1670 BLACKBURN, JR., DANIEL Home: 625 Old Moore Road, Selma, NC 27576 Business: 2411 Old US 70 W, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-218-3881 B: 919-553-6178 NC Forest Service - Inventory Forester email: daniel.blackburn@ncagr.gov 1576 *NCCF BELL, A. QUENTIN Home: 108 Holly Hills Ct., Manteo, NC 27954 Business: 108 Holly Hills Ct., Manteo, NC 27954 Telephone: H: 252-473-3388 B: 252-473-3388 Quentin Bell Company - Owner 195 BLACKWOOD, NANCY L. Home: 4909 Friendly Farms Rd., Greensboro, NC 27406 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Telephone: H: 336-292-7322 B: 336-956-2111 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: nancy.blackwood@ncagr.gov 1210 *NCCF BELT, KEVIN A. Home: 164 McCracken Dr., Gary, TN 37615 Business: PO Box 3304, Johnson City, TN 37602 Telephone: H: 423-282-9313 B: 423-282-9313 Appalachian Forestry - Owner email: kevinbelt@embarqmail.com 700 BLAKE, DOLAN M. Home: 164 Blake Loop Road, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gillead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-572-8723 B: 910-439-6121 Jordan Lumber Co. - Land Management email: mblake@jordanlumber.com 1685 BERG, ANTHONY R. "NED Home: 1704 Middle Rd., Trenton, NC 28585-5382 Business: Telephone: H: 252-448-1602 NC Forest Service - District Ranger - Retired email: ned.berg@rocketmai.com *NCCF BERNARD, JR., R. J. "BARNY" Home: 312 Dunnegan Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Business: PO Box 344, Timberlake, NC 27583 Telephone: H: 919-471-7759 B: 336-364-9203 Bernard & Dryman Consulting Forestry, Inc. - President email: Bernardtree@aol.com 1232 *NCCF BLANCHARD, HAROLD C. 67 Home: 1833 Waccamaw Shores Rd., Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Business: 257 N. J.K. Powell Boulevard, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-646-6461 B: 910-642-7875 H.C. Blanchard & Associates - Consulting Forester email: hcblanchard@embarqmail.com 446 BLAND, JAMES D. Home: 248 Laurel Oak Rd., Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 1515 Bourne St., Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 843-344-3178 B: 843-520-5621 International Paper Co. - Fiber Supply Mgr.Manager email: jim.bland@ipaper.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 4 709 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number BLANKENSHIP, WILLIAM B. Home: 980 Richmond Hill Dr., Marietta, GA 30068 Business: 15 Peidmont Center Suite 1250, Atlanta, GA 30305 Telephone: H: 334-332-3883 B: 404-495-8583 Forest Investment Associates - Regional Investment Forester email: bblankenship@forestinvest.com 1597 *NCCF BOWYER, SHEREE Home: 4213 Laurel Ridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: 4213 Laurel Ridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Telephone: H: 919-787-8242 B: 919-787-3460 Woods Work, Inc. - President email: woodswork@nc.rr.com *NCCF BLANTON, CHRISTOPHER R. Home: 129 Christian Creek Lane, Dobson, NC 27017 Business: 129 Christian Creek Lane, Dobson, NC 27017 Telephone: H: 336-366-4220 B: 336-366-0739 Blanton TreeWorks - Owner email: christiancrk@surry.net 1400 BOYER, CHRIS D. Home: 436 Continental Dr., Durham, NC 27712 Business: 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC 27701 Telephone: H: 919-309-0195 B: 919-560-4197 City of Durham Dept. of Gen. Serv. - Asst. Director email: cdbjff@aol.com BLANTON, REGINA "RED" Home: 129 Christian Creek Lane, Dobson, NC 27017 Business: Telephone: H: 336-366-4220 1420 901 1379 Ext: 21291 BOYETTE, WARREN G. Home: PO Box 1142, Wendell, NC 27591 Business: Telephone: H: 919-365-4369 Retired - 1079 BRADLEY, ROBERT ALLEN Home: 8401 Southbriar Dr., Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: Box 7516, Raleigh, NC 27695 Telephone: H: 919-852-4873 B: 919-215-1298 NC State University - Grounds Manager email: robert_bradley@ncsu.edu 1113 1470 *NCCF BRADY, HAROLD R. Home: 360 E. Ohio Avenue, Southern Pines, NC 28387 Business: 360 E. Ohio Avenue, Southern Pines, NC 28387 Telephone: H: 910-692-6347 B: 910-692-6347 Brady and Associates Forestry Services - Owner email: hbrady1@nc.rr.com 1100 BONCEK, JOSEPH J. Home: 12717 Victory Church Road, Raleigh, NC 27613 Business: 151 Ridgeline Road, Aberdeen, NC 28315 Telephone: H: 919-980-1240 B: 910-944-0747 Burford's Tree Inc. - Region Manager email: Joe-boncek@burfordstree.com 744 *NCCF BRADY, JODY T. Home: 6002 Boone Trail, Millers Creek, NC 28651 Business: same as above, , Telephone: H: 336-902-7119 Self Employed - Consulting Forester email: jodybrady3@gmail.com 1340 BOOHER, STEPHEN T. Home: 48 Mobley St., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27850 Business: 1039 E. 10th St., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-535-4301 B: 252-535-3220 Gator Wood, Inc. - Forester email: ncsteve@centurylink.net 827 BRAHAM, ANNEMARGARET H. Home: PO Box 37088, Raleigh, NC 27627-7088 Business: Campus Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008 Telephone: H: 919-858-9210 B: 919-515-6074 NCSU Christmas Tree Genetics - Research Technician email: annemargaret_braham@ncsu.edu 1233 *NCCF BOOTHBY, JEFFREY 1686 Home: PO Box 215, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Business: PO Box 215, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 910-690-2002 B: 910-690-2002 Woodsmen Forestry & Garden Services, LLC - Founder/Operator email: woodsmenforestry@gmail.com BRAHAM, RICHARD R. Home: PO Box 37088, Raleigh, NC 27627-7088 Business: Campus Box 8002, Raleigh, NC 27695-8002 Telephone: H: 919-858-9210 B: 919-515-7568 NCSU- Dept. of Forestry - Professor email: Richard_Braham@ncsu.edu 833 email: red@greenelogging.com BLEDSOE, TABATHA G. 1377 Home: 7202 Hidden Ridge Drive, Apt. 304, Raleigh, NC 27613 Business: 2411 Old US 70 West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 252-315-3099 B: 919-553-6178 Ext: 230 NC Forest Service - WQ & Wetlands Staff Forester email: Gail.Bledsoe@ncagr.gov BLUE, J. ADRIAN Home: 3075 Vass-Carthage Rd., Carthage, NC 28327 Business: PO Box 533, Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-949-3820 B: 910-571-3731 Uwharrie Lumber Co. - Procurement Forester email: jablue.ulc@earthlink.net BOST, MARK K. Home: 8398 Silas Drive, Snow Camp, NC 27349 Business: 3490 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Telephone: H: 919-428-4378 B: 919-545-4499 NC Forest Service - Assistant Regional Forester email: mark.bost@ncagr.gov 1275 BRANDON, CHADWICK Home: 2024 Trinity Drive, Nashville, NC 27856 Business: 737 Smokey Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-904-5614 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 225 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: chad.brandon@ncagr.gov *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 5 1551 Name and Address Registration Number BRANDON, DANIEL R. Home: 514 Upper Spencer Mtn. Rd., Stanley, NC 28164 Business: 1933 Mountain Island Hwy., Mt. Holly, NC 28120 B: 704-827-7576 Telephone: NC Forest Service - District Forester email: dan.brandon@ncagr.gov Name and Address 715 Registration Number *NCCF BROUILLARD, KEITH H. 1363 Home: 3604 Pewter Pl., Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: 314 W. Millbrook Road, Suite 121, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 919-906-2807 B: 919-510-4663 Carolina Forestry, Inc. - President/owner email: info@carolinaforestry.com BREWER, ADAM F. 1326 Home: 305 N. Country Club Dr., Oxford, NC 27565 Business: PO Box 785, Henderson, NC 27536 Telephone: H: 919-697-0121 B: 252-430-1110 Carolina Common Wealth Forest Products - Procurement Forester email: brewer2000@nc.rr.com BROWN, ASHBY B. Home: 10128 Joyners Bridge Road, Carrsville, VA 23315 Business: PO Box 176, Fairfield, NC 27826 Telephone: H: 757-651-3162 B: 757-651-3162 Woods, Water & Wildlife, Inc. - Forester email: ashbybrown@woodswaterandwildlife.com 1545 BREWER, SCOTT A. Home: 3519 Violet Court, Wilmington, NC 28409 Business: 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood, NC 28456 Telephone: H: 910-793-2044 B: 910-362-4782 Ext: 24 International Paper Co. - Fiber Specialist email: scott.brewer@ipaper.com 1294 *NCCF BROWN, DARON C. Home: 275 Bar Mill Dr., Millers Creek, NC 28651 Business: 275 Bar Mill Dr., Millers Creek, NC 28651 Telephone: H: 336-903-1595 B: 336-927-3967 Evergreen Forest Management - Owner email: daronbrown67@gmail.com 1111 BRINKLEY, JEREMY S. Home: 245 Bethesda Drive, Lexington, NC 27295 Business: 521 A East Center Street, Lexington, NC 27293 Telephone: H: 336-247-3068 B: 336-249-7755 Carrollton, Inc. - Forester email: jeremy@wallandcompanyinc.com 1436 BROWN, DAVID R. Home: PO Box 357, Boonville, NC 27011 Business: PO Box 300, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718-0300 Telephone: H: 336-367-7863 B: 828-877-6527 NC Forest Service - Forest Supervisor email: david.r.brown@ncagr.gov 549 BROCK, PHILLIP H. Home: 198 Greensboro St., Holden Beach, NC 28462 Business: 198 Greensboro St., Holden Beach, NC 28462 Telephone: H: 910-842-6709 B: 910-520-3401 Brock Forestry - Owner email: pbrock@atmc.net 123 BROWN, TONY Home: 287 Karrimont Road, Mooresville, NC 28115 Business: PO Box 219, Marshville, NC 28103 Telephone: H: 704-857-7967 B: 704-291-0135 Edwards Timber Co., Inc. - Forester email: tonybrown@ewpi.com 1679 BROCKENFELT, CHRIS P. Home: 3828 Forsyth Park Court, Winterville, NC 28590 Business: 371 Hanrahan Road, Grifton, NC 28531 Telephone: H: 252-229-5797 B: 252-746-7250 Weyerhaeuser Company - Procurement & Marketing Rep. email: christopher.brockenfelt@weyerhaeuser.com 1625 BRYANT, RICKY L. Home: 1049 NC Hwy 58, Warrenton, NC 27589 Business: 1049 NC HWY 58, Warrenton, NC 27589 Telephone: H: 252-432-8191 B: 252-432-8191 Rangerwood Forestry LLC - Owner, Manager 1179 BROGAN, SEAN M. 1362 Home: 6617 Graymont Place, Raleigh, NC 27615 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-917-5202 B: 919-857-4818 NC Forest Service - FM Branch Head email: sean.brogan@ncagr.gov BUCKLEY, SHANNON A. Home: 730 Freeman Town Road, Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Business: PO Box 246, Union Mills, NC 28167 Telephone: H: 828-287-9248 B: 828-287-0565 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - District Procurement Forester email: shannon.buckley@domtar.com 633 BROOKS, CURTIS O. 1380 Home: 1215 Jones Ferry Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Business: 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Telephone: H: 919-929-9416 B: 919-969-5116 Town of Chapel Hill - Landscape Architect/Urban For. email: cbrooks@townofchapelhill.org *NCCF BULLARD, R. PAUL Home: 3236 Wintergreen Rd., Cove City, NC 28523 Business: 3236 Wintergreen Road, Cove City, NC 28523 Telephone: H: 252-636-3538 B: 252-671-6753 Buzzard Corner Forestry, LLC - Owner email: pbullard@centurylink.net 788 *NCCF BROOKS, JAMES H. Home: PO Box 498, York, SC 29745-0498 Business: PO Box 498, York, SC 29745-0498 Telephone: H: 803-684-3845 B: 803-684-3845 Self-employed - Forester 1401 BUNCH, GREGORY B. 1471 Home: 12472 O'Bryan Road, Whitakers, NC 27891 Business: 1005 Old Halifax Road, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-813-9558 B: 252-537-0544 J.E. Kerr Timber Co. - Procurement Forester email: gbunch66@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 6 Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF BURAK, STEVEN G. Home: 118 Sims Ave., Tallassee, AL 36078 Business: PO Box 780278, Tallassee, AL 36078 Telephone: H: 334-283-4229 B: 334-283-3611 Sizemore & Sizemore, Inc. - President email: sgburak@sizemore1949.com Name and Address 1392 BURLESON, DOUGLAS C. 1276 Home: 85 Pinwheel Drive, Pittsboro, NC 27312 Business: 4408 Mt. Hermon-Rock Creek Rd., Graham, NC 27253 Telephone: H: 336-214-3140 B: 336-214-3140 Ext: 18 New South Lumber Co. - Procurment Forester email: doug.burleson@newsouthcanfor.com Registration Number CALE, ALISSA B. Home: 537 Summerby Road, Roper, NC 27970 Business: PO Box 787, Plymouth, NC 27962 Telephone: H: 252-791-0933 B: 252-791-3215 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Land Adj. Program Mananger email: alissa.cale@weyerhaeuser.com 907 *NCCF CALHOUN, ROBERT R. Home: 61 Cherokee Lake Dr., Ringgold, GA 30736 Business: PO Box 41, Newberry, SC 29108 Telephone: H: 803-960-6210 B: 803-276-9425 Ext: 105 Henderson & Associates, Inc. - Consultant email: calhouns@catt.com 790 *NCCF BURLESON, JEFFREY N. Home: 8300 Parasol Court, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Business: PO Box 1532, Conway, SC 29526 Telephone: H: 843-602-0189 B: 843-602-0189 The Bigman Company - Consultant email: burlesonoutdoors@yahoo.com 1433 CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS S 1546 Home: 217 Farmington Road, Grimesland, NC 27837 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Road, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-945-9457 B: 252-945-1646 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Forester email: doug.campbell2@weyerhaeuser.com *NCCF BURR, JAMES ROBERT Home: 161 Whispering Pines Road, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Business: PO Box 494, Lilesville, NC 28091 Telephone: H: 704-695-2587 B: 704-695-2587 R.B. Consulting Forestry, Inc. - Owner email: pdfishingadventures@yahoo.com 1355 CAMPBELL, KIMBERLY 1671 Home: 300 Pine Lane, Washington, NC 27889 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Road, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-975-3560 B: 252-945-2723 Weyerhaeuser - Waterflow Manager email: kimberly.campbell@weyerhaeuser.com *NCCF BURTON, DANIEL D. Home: 598 Lower River Rd., Sanford, NC 27330 Business: PO Box 7, West End, NC 27376 B: 919-776-7995 Telephone: Forest Land Resource Consultants, PLLC email: ddb11@hotmail.com 208 *NCCF CANNON, JOHN R. Home: 507 Magnolia Drive, Emporia, VA 23847 Business: 507 Magnolia Dr., Emporia, VA 23847 Telephone: H: 434-634-9236 B: 434-634-9236 J.R. Cannon, LLC - Owner email: jrcannon@comcast.net BUSICK, KARL H. Home: 5126 Oriole Dr., Wilmington, NC 28403 Business: Telephone: H: 910-392-6630 Progress Energy - Retired email: kbusick@ec.rr.com 957 CAPPS, LESTER D. Home: 211 Plummer St., Warrenton, NC 27589 Business: PO Box 321, Warrenton, NC 27589 Telephone: H: 252-257-5615 B: 252-213-5615 Capps Forestry Enterprises, Inc. - President/Owner 1082 *NCCF BYRD, JOSEPH RANDALL Home: 3605 East Geer St., Durham, NC 27704 Business: 3605 East Geer St., Durham, NC 27704 Telephone: H: 919-818-3677 B: 919-818-3677 Self email: byrd@forestmanagement.com 881 CAPPS, ROBIN W. Home: PO Box 677, Warrenton, NC 27589 Business: PO Box 321, Warrenton, NC 27589 B: 252-257-2990 Telephone: Capps Forestry Enterprises, Inc. - Owner/Forester email: pineburr@hotmail.com 1081 BYRD, RONALD W. Home: 132 Nez Perce Dr., Darlington, SC 29532 Business: PO Box 160 W54, Hartsville, SC 29550 Telephone: H: 843-393-2424 B: 843-383-7779 Sonoco Products Co. - General Manager-Forest Products Div email: ronald.byrd@sonoco.com 874 *NCCF CARGILE, GARY L. Home: PO Box 1647, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Business: PO Box 1647, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Telephone: H: 910-540-5329 B: 910-540-5329 Cape Fear Land Company - President email: gary@capefearland.com 572 *NCCF CARLSON, PAUL J. Home: PO Box 1154, Franklin, NC 28744 Business: PO Box 1148, Franklin, NC 28744 Telephone: H: 828-349-6350 B: 828-524-2711 The Land Trust for the Little Tennessee - Executive Director email: pcarlson@ltlt.org 746 CADDY, JAMES M. Home: 299 White Hat Road, Hertford, NC 27944 Business: 113 Wakelon Road, Windsor, NC 17893 Telephone: H: 252-339-5694 B: 252-794-3725 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: bzcaddy_85@hotmail.com 1659 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 7 627 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number CARPENTER, DANIEL R. Home: 8802 Carriage Lane, Fairmont, WV 26554 Business: PO Box 160, Craigsville, WV 26205 Telephone: H: 304-619-0081 B: 304-619-0081 Columbia Forest Products - Forester email: nctimberwolf@yahoo.com 1370 CHAREST, CHRISTOPHER D. Home: 4906 Club View Dr, Concord, NC 28025 Business: PO Box 235, New London, NC 28127 Telephone: H: 704-985-5864 B: 704-463-7311 H.W. Culp Lumber Company - Procurement Forester email: charest@culplumber.com 1680 CARTER, P. CRAIG Home: 1113 Quail Hollow Circle, Chester, SC 29706 Business: 1113 Quail Hollow Circle, Chester, SC 29706 Telephone: H: 803-377-3411 B: 803-385-7109 Carter Forestry - Owner email: cjcecarter@yahoo.com 1018 CHAVIS, JASON C. Home: 5197 Duval Road, Kent's Store, VA 23084 Business: 26 Zion Park Road, Troy, VA 22974 Telephone: H: 434-981-0098 B: 434-981-0098 Chips, Inc. - Forester email: jchavis@chipslbr.com 1574 *NCCF CARTNER, TIMOTHY J. Home: 502 Rawlsville Rd., Rock Hill, SC 29730 Business: PO Box 8004, Rock Hill, SC 29732 Telephone: H: 704-996-0380 B: 704-996-0380 Timberland Advisors, Inc. - President/Owner email: tim@timberlandadvisors.com 1114 CHEEK, MICHAEL E. Home: 501 Ciccone Drive, Hendersonville, NC 28791 Business: 14 Gaston Mtn. Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 704-453-5637 B: 828-665-8688 NC Forest Service - Assistant Regional Forester email: michael.cheek@ncagr.gov 1277 *NCCF CASEY, W. ANDREW Home: 201 Eastover Dr., N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Business: PO Box 955, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Telephone: H: 336-667-2614 B: 336-838-5766 Casey & Company Forestry, PLLC - Owner email: acasey@caseyandcompany.com 798 CHELLBERG, RICHARD A. Home: 287 Hidden Creek Road, Winston Salem, NC 27127 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Rd., Lexington, NC 27295 B: 336-956-2111 Telephone: NC Forest Service - Asst. District Forester email: richard.chellberg@ncagr.gov 1295 CASS, RANDY Home: 1270 Skipstone Drive, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Business: 1431 Capital Avenue, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Telephone: H: 706-424-3697 B: 706-705-1354 ForesTech International, LLC - Exec. Project Manager email: rcass@forestech.us 1715 CHESNUTT, L. MICHAEL Home: 4670 NC HWY 242 N, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: 4470 Hwy. 242 N, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-258-5354 B: 910-588-4964 NC Forest Service - Forest Supervisor email: michael.chesnutt@ncagr.gov 1216 CHILDERS, CHRISTOPHER J. Home: 3221 Roberta Farms D SW, Polkton, NC 28135 Business: 715 Cabarrus Ave. W, Concord, NC 28027 Telephone: H: 704-475-0477 B: 704-788-2107 Ext: 3 USDA-NRCS - DC email: cuchilders@yahoo.com 1587 CHRISTOPHER JR, EDWIN A. Home: 201 Montpelier Dr., Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 205 S. Ludington Dr., Columbia, NC 27925 Telephone: H: 252-394-6858 B: 252-935-5373 US Fish & Wildlife Service - Fire Mgmt Officer email: edwin_christopher@fws.gov 1519 1168 CIPRIANI, JR., W. BILLY F. Home: 1418 Cumberland Circle, Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: PO Box 26, Proctorville, NC 28375 Telephone: H: 910-995-7797 B: 910-995-7797 Claybourn Walters Company, Inc. - Forester email: cipriani@claybournwalters.com 1660 CHAMBLEE, AARON K. 1736 Home: 118 N. Riverdale Drive, Durham, NC 27712 Business: 8394 Six Forks Road; Suite 203, Raleigh, NC 27615 Telephone: H: 919-382-0641 B: 919-841-0089 Gelbert, Fullbright, & Randolph For Cons - Entry Level Forester email: achamblee@gfrforestry.com *NCCF CLARK, ERIC S. Home: 4413 Longleaf Lane, Raeford, NC 28376-9419 Business: PO Box 1470, Hope Mills, NC 28348 Telephone: H: 910-875-3163 B: 910-426-2734 American Forest Management - District Manager email: eric.clark@amforem.biz 1019 CATHEY, THOMAS N. Home: 5009 Roland Road, Pace, FL 32571 Business: 5605 Woodbine Road, Pace, FL 32571 Telephone: H: 850-994-1618 B: 850-994-1130 Resource Management Service - Region Manager email: tcathey@resourcemgt.com 503 Ext: 104 *NCCF CAWTHORNE, WALLACE G. Home: 100 Pineview Drive, Henderson, NC 27536 Business: 100 Pineview Drive, Henderson, NC 27536 Telephone: H: 252-492-4514 B: 252-430-9717 Self email: wcawthorne@nc.rr.com CECIL, JOHN T. Home: 2613 Wildcat Creek Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Business: PO Box 62, New Hill, NC 27562 Telephone: H: 919-932-3833 B: 919-367-9696 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - District Forester email: john.cecil@domtar.com 5 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 8 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number CLARKE, CRAIG K. Home: 5226 Deep River Rd., Sanford, NC 27330-6578 Business: 1616 Mail Service Drive, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 B: 919-857-4820 Telephone: NC Forest Service - SPA Director email: craig.clarke@ncagr.gov 909 *NCCF COLEMAN, JR., WILLIAM G. Home: 2703 N. Fraser Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 Business: PO Box 3007, Florence, SC 29502 Telephone: H: 843-229-8716 B: 843-662-1022 Wilson, Wright, Coleman & Richardson, Inc. - President email: wilsonwrightcole@bellsouth.net 689 CLONINGER, ROBERT A. Home: 922 Nightingale Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732 Business: 480 Mayfield Road, Duncan, SC 29334 Telephone: H: 803-325-4320 B: 864-801-4430 KVA Scope - Inspector email: robert.cloninger@duke-energy.com 401 COLLIER, TALMADGE W. Home: 2621 Valley Woods Ct., Raleigh, NC 27613 Business: Telephone: H: 919-847-1773 Retired - NCFS - Staff Forester - 252 *NCCF CLONINGER, WILLIAM ROY Home: PO Box 591, Lancaster, SC 29721 Business: PO Box 591, Lancaster, SC 29721 Telephone: H: 803-804-1787 B: 803-804-1787 Cloninger Forestry - Owner email: forestry@cloninger.com 882 *NCCF COMALANDER, JR, CECIL L. Home: 1832 Beagle Run Road, Chapin, SC 29036 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-345-9062 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co, Inc. - President email: comalander@millikenforestry.com COCKERHAM, RICHARD C. Home: 4195 Lindsay Street, Lenoir, NC 28645 Business: 1543 Wilkesboro Blvd., NE, Lenoir, NC 28645 Telephone: H: 828-759-1406 B: 828-757-5611 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: richard.cockerham@ncagr.gov 1217 *NCCF COE, DAVID B. Home: 582 Saddlechase Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Business: PO Box 36, Wallburg, NC 27373 B: 336-769-4673 Telephone: Coe Forestry and Surveying - Owner/Operator email: coefor@bellsouth.net 649 COMER, SCOTTY Home: 42816 A Will Road, Norwood, NC 28128 Business: 1163 N US HWY 1, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 704-474-9194 B: 910-997-9220 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: scotty.comer@ncagr.gov COFFEY, ALBERT B. Home: 4517 Old Larkin Court, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Business: Telephone: H: 919-266-6367 USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Ser. - Forester/Retired email: albertcoffey@bellsouth.net 386 *NCCF CONARD, WILLIAM DAVID Home: 77 Richmond Rd., Jackson Springs, NC 27281 Business: 77 Richmond Road, Jackson Springs, NC 27281 Telephone: H: 910-690-4171 Conard Forestry Services - Owner COMBS, DAVID C. Home: 165 White Oak Trail, Carlton, GA 30627 Business: 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602-2044 Telephone: H: 706-797-3783 B: 706-559-4306 USFS-Southern Research Stat. - Forester email: dcombs@fs.fed.us COGGIN, GEORGE J. Home: 13701 US 64 Alt. West, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Business: Same Address, , Telephone: H: 252-212-5307 Sourthern Forestry - Owner email: gjcoggin2003@yahoo.com 1218 *NCCF CONNER, GREGORY S. Home: P.O. Box 884, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: P O Box 884, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-862-2459 B: 910-876-2459 Woods Run, Inc. - President email: gsconner19@yahoo.com COLE, DAVID G. Home: 50 Sidney Blvd., Hampden, ME 04444 Business: 40 Champion Lane, Milford, ME 04461 Telephone: H: 207-862-5962 B: 207-827-3700 Ext: 122 American Forest Management, Inc. - District Manager email: david.cole@amforem.biz 1115 CONNOR, BUDDY W. Home: 365 Oakwoods Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Business: Telephone: H: 336-667-1814 COLEMAN III, MOSELY C. Home: 700 Hampton Court, Florence, SC 29505 Business: PO Box 88, Marion, SC 29571 Telephone: H: 843-601-3050 B: 843-601-3050 Swamp Fox Timber Company, Inc. - Forester email: ccolmn@aol.com 1706 1552 447 1600 593 1176 23 email: ncntp1@embarqmail.com CONNOR, JOHN WALTER 1021 Home: 116 W. Cypress St., Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Business: 116 West Cypress Street, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Telephone: H: 910-618-2045 B: 910-618-2045 J. W. Connor & Son, Inc. - President email: jwconnor@embarqmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 9 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF CONRAD, III, J. LOCKE Home: 5603 Taylor Road, Grifton, NC 28530 Business: PO Box 8488, Greenville, NC 27835 Telephone: H: 252-524-4636 B: 252-752-1101 Self-employed - Consulting Forester/Owner email: jlconradacf@msn.com 536 COX, JOSEPH L. Home: 119 Court Jester Way, Morrisville, NC 27560 Business: Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695 Telephone: H: 919-665-5053 B: 919-515-7576 NCSU Dept. of Forestry - College Forest Manager email: joe_cox@ncsu.edu 1449 *NCCF COOK, JAMES R.(BUD) Home: 604 Myrtle Drive, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Business: 604 Myrtle Drive, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Telephone: H: 910-640-8784 B: 910-640-8784 Mossy Oak Properties Land, Farms & Timber - Owner email: budcook@mossyoakproperties.com 586 COX, RAYMOND DALTON Home: 2003 Stroud's Corner Rd., Kinston, NC 28504 Business: Telephone: H: 252-527-9601 B: 252-560-4845 Self email: daltoncox460@yahoo.com 1236 COOK, JOHN C. Home: 901 Burnside Road, Manteo, NC 27954 Business: PO Box 127, Fairfield, NC 27826 Telephone: H: 252-305-8122 B: 252-926-3041 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: john.cook@ncagr.gov 1457 *NCCF COX, STEPHEN (STEVE) L. Home: 192 Greene Rd., Dobson, NC 27017 Business: 192 Greene Rd., Dobson, NC 27017 Telephone: H: 336-374-4677 B: 336-467-1314 Self - Forester email: stevecox@surry.net 353 COOLEY, JOHN P. Home: 5110 Beckford Drive, Charlotte, NC 28226 Business: 400 N. Broome St., Suite 100, Waxhaw, NC 28173 Telephone: H: 803-493-2411 B: 704-800-1210 Terra Source Valuation - Senior Appraiser email: cooleyp@carolina.rr.com 1235 *NCCF CRAIN, WILLIAM T. Home: 128 Laffite St., Wilmington, NC 28411-6788 Business: Telephone: H: 910-686-2083 B: 910-520-7501 Retired email: william.crain@charter.net 908 COOPER, RODERICK "RODDY Home: PO Box 219, Marietta, SC 29661 Business: PO Box 219, Marietta, SC 29661 Telephone: H: 864-561-2471 B: 864-561-2471 Cooper Land & Timber, LLC - President - Operating For. email: roddy.cooper@cooperlandtimber.com 1716 CRASE, HERBERT W. Home: 108 Nancy Drive, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Business: 108 Nancy Dr., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-264-3154 B: 252-264-3154 Herbs Tree Service - Owner 911 CORLEY, GERALD L. Home: 1360-A Northlake Drive, Lexington, SC 29072 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-920-8774 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co., Inc. - Forester email: corley@millikenforestry.com 1553 CRAVEN, JR., THOMAS Home: 705 West Main Street, Carrboro, NC 27510 Business: Telephone: H: 919-286-6097 B: 919-286-6097 Heritage Forestry Consulting, LLC - Owner/Manager email: heritageforestry@gmail.com 1616 *NCCF CORLEY, HEATH M. Home: 222 Conner Road, Lexington, SC 29072 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-730-2916 B: 803-730-2916 Milliken Forestry Company, Inc. - Consulting Forester email: hcorley@millikenforestry.com 1661 *NCCF CRAWFORD, JESSE T. Home: 70 Woodbury Rd., Walkerton, VA 23177 Business: PO Box 190, King William, VA 23086 Telephone: H: 804-769-7583 B: 804-769-7583 South Rivers Forestry Consultants, LLC - Owner email: jcrawfordsrf@verizon.net COSTIN, DOUGLAS H. Home: 21 Red Tail Hawk Loop, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 1515 Bourne Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 843-240-4504 B: 843-520-5634 International Paper Co. - Forester email: douglas.costin@ipaper.com 1047 CREAMER, GARY W. Home: 1549 Hwy. 903, Bracey, VA 23919-1617 Business: 820 Boyd Street, Chase City, VA 23924 Telephone: H: 804-370-2303 PalletOne of Virginia LLC - Wood Procurement Mgr. email: gwc_07@hotmail.com 1465 *NCCF CREED, G. CLAY Home: PO Box 1073, Laurinburg, NC 28535 Business: PO Box 159, Laurel Hill, NC 28351 B: 910-462-2122 Telephone: Z. V. Pate, Inc. - Forest and Land Manager email: clay.creed@hotmail.com 1655 COTTEN, JASON R. 1382 Home: 1299 Roanoke Shores Rd., Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 1039 East Tenth Street, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 919-818-6771 B: 252-535-3220 Gator Wood, Inc. - Procurement Manager email: gatorwdnc3@embarqmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 10 843 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number CRESS, L. MICHAEL Home: 490 Sunnybrook Lane., Hartwell, GA 30643 Business: 1225 Smith Street Ext., Donalds, SC 29638 Telephone: H: 864-245-1164 B: 864-456-7168 Clendenin Lumber Co. - Senior Forester email: mcress@clendeninlumberco.com 1064 CURCIO, GARY M. Home: 3899 Gray's Mill Rd., LaGrange, NC 28551 Business: Same as above, , Telephone: H: 252-624-7635 B: 252-522-0916 IPA - Fire Environment Specialist - FE Forester email: gary.curcio@gmail.com 1298 *NCCF CROSS, TERRY LEE Home: 4670 Spucewood Dr., Macon, GA 31210 Business: 201 Second St., Ste 1200, Macon, GA 31201 Telephone: H: 478-471-6583 B: 478-741-8742 Knapp-Barrs & Associates - Client & Resource Manager email: tcross7488@aol.com 1442 CURRIE, JOSEPH Home: 35 Buckingham Court, Asheville, NC 28803 Business: 35 Buckingham Court, Asheville, NC 28803 Telephone: H: 540-808-7832 B: 540-808-7832 Banner Forest Resources, PC - Forester, Owner email: bannerforest@hotmail.com 1707 CROUSE, RICHARD A. Home: 108 Davenport Road, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Business: PO Box 669, Burnsville, NC 28714 Telephone: H: 828-766-1122 B: 828-682-6215 Bryant & Young Lumber Co. - Forester email: bycrouse@yahoo.com 1466 CURRIE, ROBIE W. Home: PO Box 972, Raeford, NC 28376 Business: PO Box 972, Raeford, NC 28376 Telephone: H: 910-624-5054 B: 910-624-5054 Sandhills Timber Company - Owner email: rcurrie@earthlink.net 1024 CRUM, CHRISTOPHER T. Home: 1901 Shadow Glen Dr., Raleigh, NC 27604 Business: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: H: 919-625-8343 B: 919-516-2561 City of Raleigh - Forestry Specialist email: chris.crum@raleighnc.gov 1601 CURRIE, JR., W. DEEMS Home: 2817 Herring Blvd., Durham, NC 27704 Business: 2817 Herring Blvd., Durham, NC 27704 Telephone: H: 919-475-4497 B: 919-475-4497 Currie & Company Contractors, Inc. - President 855 CUSIMANO, MICHAEL S. Home: 3076 US 158, Reidsville, NC 27320 Business: 300 W. Washington St, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 Telephone: H: 336-613-2586 B: 336-373-2150 City of Greensboro - Planning Dept. - Urban Forester email: mike.cusimano@greensboro-nc.gov 667 *NCCF CRUMP, JOHN M. Home: P.O. Box 204, Colerain, NC 27924 Business: 754 NC 11 North, Ahoskie, NC 27910 Telephone: H: 252-356-2808 B: 252-398-1470 Michael D. Neal & Associates, Inc. - Forester email: johnc1@mdneal.com 494 *NCCF CUBBAGE, FREDERICK W. 1083 Home: 1025 Kingsway Dr., Apex, NC 27502 Business: Dept. of Forestry, Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008 Telephone: H: 919-363-8928 B: 919-515-7789 NC State University - Professor email: fredcubbage@yahoo.com *NCCF DAHLEM, WILBERT E. Home: 506 Virginia St., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: 506 Virginia St., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-535-1583 B: 252-535-1583 Roanoke Forestry, Inc. - President email: wdahlem@gmail.com 1048 912 *NCCF DANIEL, JR., JOHN H. Home: 1023 W. T. Ross Rd., Williamston, NC 27892 Business: 1023 W. T. Ross Rd., Williamston, NC 27892 Telephone: H: 252-792-1377 B: 252-792-1377 Daniel Forestry email: deedeebob@aol.com 812 CULLOM, RALPH M. Home: 4806 Meadow Court Dr., New Bern, NC 28562 Business: Telephone: H: 252-638-4329 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - District Forester - Retired email: drcullom@embarqmail.com *NCCF CULP, JOHN M. Home: 163 Vermont Ave., Asheville, NC 28806 Business: PO Box 17531, Asheville, NC 28816 B: 828-712-4910 Telephone: Blue Ridge Forestry - Forester email: info@blueridgeforestry.com 1118 DANIELS, CHARLES E. Home: 1250 NC 45 S, Windsor, NC 27983 Business: PO Box 747, Plymouth, NC 27962 Telephone: H: 252-536-8398 B: 252-536-8398 Domtar - Procurement Forester email: charles.daniels@domtar.com 672 CUMMINGS, WARREN F. Home: 415 Bay Drive, Washington, NC 27889 Business: PO Box 1391, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-943-8105 B: 252-943-8105 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Contract Adm. email: warren.cummings@weyerhaeuser.com 1023 *NCCF DARDEN, III, HUNTER Home: 19311 Rosemont Road, Franklin, VA 23851 Business: 19311 Rosemont Road, Franklin, VA 23851 Telephone: H: 757-647-8242 Self-employed - 107 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 11 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number DAUGHTRY, RUDY V. Home: 5233 Marina Club Dr., Wilmington, NC 28409 Business: PO Box 385, Wallace, NC 28466 Telephone: H: 910-799-1585 B: 910-289-5666 Canal Wood LLC - Region Manager email: rudy.daughtry@canalwood.com 1237 *NCCF DEAN, JR., V. PAUL Home: 7625 Roberts Road, Cary, NC 27519 Business: 7625 Roberts Road, Cary, NC 27519 Telephone: H: 919-387-0141 B: 919-389-7855 Dean Consulting Services, LLC - Forester email: dean3384@bellsouth.net DAVIS, JUSTIN W. Home: PO Box 561, Beulaville, NC 28518 Business: PO Box 12513, New Bern, NC 28561 Telephone: H: 910-290-3373 Canal Woods LLC - Procurement Specialist email: jwdandys@gmail.com 1725 DECKER, GREGORY A. Home: 6656 Sugar Hill Rd., Marion, NC 28752 Business: PO Box 1148, Old Fort, NC 28762-1148 Telephone: H: 828-738-8294 B: 828-724-9495 Columbia Forest Products - Timber Manager email: gdecker@cfpwood.com 552 DAVIS, KELLY N. Home: 19770 US 264, Swan Quarter, NC 27885 Business: 19770 US 264, Swan Quarter, NC 27885 Telephone: H: 252-944-3685 B: 252-944-3685 Self email: kel.cb.davis@gmail.com 1026 DEMAY, WILLIAM (BILL) J. Home: 532 Shelton Dr., Aberdeen, NC 28315 Business: 1163 N. US Hwy #1, Rockingham, NC 28379-8513 Telephone: H: 910-944-7359 B: 910-997-9220 NC Forest Service - Asst. District Forester email: bill.demay@ncagr.gov 902 DAVIS, KENNETH "LARRY" Home: 268 Davis Farm Drive, Franklin, NC 28734 Business: Same, , Telephone: H: 828-524-2863 Self - Forester/ Owner 722 DENIG, JOSEPH Home: PO Box 918, Riner, VA 24149 Business: Telephone: H: 540-382-3951 NC State University - Dept. Ext. Leader - Retired email: joe.denig@gmail.com 845 DAVIS, THOMAS PAUL Home: 256 Davis Road, Shelby, NC 28150 Business: Telephone: H: 704-487-9835 B: 704-434-6865 South Mountain Pulpwood Company, Inc. - Retired email: smpcl@bellsouth.net 106 DENMAN, RANDALL W. Home: 87 Cresthaven Drive, Clyde, NC 28721 Business: Telephone: H: 828-627-2370 564 DENNIS, ROBERT CANNING Home: 113 Willow Oak Drive, Clarksville, VA 23927 Business: 1930 Mays Chapel Rd., Boydton, VA 23917 Telephone: H: 434-738-6143 B: 434-374-8031 US Army Corps of Engineers - Lead Forester email: robert.c.dennis@usace.army.mil 736 DAVIS, WESLEY Y. 1636 Home: 3100 Daniel McCall Drive, Lufkin, TX 75904 Business: 1320 S. john Redditt Drive, Suite A, Lufkin, TX 75904 Telephone: H: 936-208-0995 B: 936-634-3994 Rayonier - Timber Marketing Forester email: wes.davis@rayonier.com 1583 755 DESMOND, DENNIS F. Home: 3693 Olive Hill Road, Franklin, NC 28734 Business: PO Box 1148, Franklin, NC 28744 Telephone: H: 828-369-0421 B: 828-524-2711 Ext: 205 Land Trust for the Little Tennessee - Stewardship Director email: ddesmond@ltlt.org 1515 DAVISON, JOSEPH A. Home: 315 Burke St., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Business: 141 Knobbs Creek Dr., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-562-2328 B: 252-435-4465 Universal Forest Products - Production Manager email: jsphdvsn@yahoo.com 1619 DETAR, DENNIS SCOTT Home: 740 Rebecca St., Franklin, VA 23851 Business: 5272 Godwin Blvd, Suffolk, VA 23434 Telephone: H: 757-569-8088 B: 757-284-9539 Dominion Virginia Power - Distribution Forestry Coordinator email: sdetar@juno.com 724 DAWSON, CAROLYN M. Home: PO Box 386, Waynesville, NC 28786 Business: 301 C W South Broad Street, Walhalla, SC 29691 B: 864-638-5889 Ext: 117 Telephone: Clemson University - Area Forester email: dawson4@clemson.edu 1626 DODD, MICHAEL H. Home: 5900 Hwy 15, Clarksville, VA 23927 Business: Telephone: H: 434-374-8900 US Army Corps of Engineers - Forester - Retired email: mdodd@kerrlake.com 580 *NCCF DAVIS, JR., CHARLES M. Home: 116 Hill Place, Louisburg, NC 27549 Business: PO Box 562, Louisburg, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 919-496-3225 B: 919-496-3797 Forest Management Specialists - Owner email: piedmontsurvey@centurylink.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 12 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address DODSON, JR., JAMES "JIMMY" W. 1647 Home: 3825 Vesta Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603 Business: 1615 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27695-1615 Telephone: H: 919-796-7308 B: 919-707-9330 NC Division of Parks & Recreation - Piedmont Region Biologist email: jimmy.dodson@ncparks.gov DOGGETT, COLEMAN A. Home: 217 Rosecommon Lane, Cary, NC 27511 Business: same as home, , Telephone: H: 919-467-0551 Self email: nancyandcoleman@gmail.com 958 Registration Number *NCCF DUCKWORTH, CHARLES J. Home: 854 Swan Road, Nashville, NC 27856 Business: PO Box 143, Rocky Mount, NC 27802-0143 Telephone: H: 252-450-9073 B: 252-442-1536 Duckworth Forestry & Realty, Inc. - President email: dfrinc2000@aol.com 108 DUFF, JOHN STEPHEN Home: 3104 Coriander Drive, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 5401 Monrow Road, New Bern, NC 28561 Telephone: H: 252-638-3172 B: 252-633-3605 Rankin Timber Company - Secretary-Treasurer email: jduff8257@yahoo.com 751 DOSTER, DAVID (TONY) A. Home: 126 Albemarle Rd., Wilmington, NC 28405 Business: 2704-C Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-452-0692 B: 910-444-2944 Resource Mgmt Service - Region Manager email: tdoster@resourcemgt.com 1028 *NCCF DOUGHERTY, DEREK S. Home: PO Box 82013, Athens, GA 30608 Business: PO Box 82013, Athens, GA 30608 Telephone: H: 910-827-4290 B: 706-783-3333 Dougherty & Dougherty Forestry Services - CEO email: ddougherty@progressiveforestry.com 1029 DUNCAN, TRENT W Home: 415 Old Haw Creek Road, Asheville, NC 28805 Business: 220 Sardis Road, Asheville, NC 28806 B: 828-667-5211 Telephone: North Carolina Forest Service - Service Forester email: trent.duncan@ncagr.gov *NCCF DOWDLE, K. TODD Home: 382 Crystal Bay Drive, Denton, NC 27239 Business: 382 Crystal Bay Dr., Denton, NC 27239 Telephone: H: 336-465-2323 B: 336-465-2323 Yadkin Forestry & Realty, PLLC - Owner email: yadkinforestry@gmail.com 1278 *NCCF DUNCAN, WARREN L. 1554 Home: 209 Popes Lane, Lexington, SC 29072 Business: 213 N. Gramipians Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-730-1249 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Company, Inc. - Forester email: duncan@millikenforestry.com DUNBAR, JAMIE L. Home: 1050 Old US HWY 64, Roper, NC 27970 Business: PO Box 127, Fairfield, NC 27826 Telephone: H: 252-542-0127 B: 252-926-3041 NC Forest Service - Field Forester email: jamie.dunbar@ncagr.gov DOWDLE, JR., LEIGHTON T. 662 Home: 351 French Mountain Dr., Marion, NC 28752-8623 Business: 204 Charlotte HWY - Suite B, Asheville, NC 28803-8681 Telephone: H: 828-776-0077 B: 828-299-8284 NC Dept. of Labor/ OSHA - OSHA Safety Compliance Officer email: leighton.dowdle@labor.nc.gov 1568 Ext: 207 *NCCF DUTTON, EARL L. Home: 1310 John Street, Dillon, SC 29536 Business: PO Box 1053, Dillon, SC 29536-1053 Telephone: H: 843-774-6355 B: 843-774-2017 Forestland Services, Inc. - President email: eld@forlanser.com 1539 226 *NCCF DRUMMOND, ROBERT A. Home: 6123 Poplar Ridge, Columbia, SC 29206 Business: 213 N. Grampion Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-730-1017 B: 803-788-0590 Ext: 211 Miliken Forestry - Team Leader email: drummond@millikenforestry.com 1567 *NCCF EADDY, JR., DONALD W. 1682 Home: 2976 Anderson Circle, Smyrna, GA 30080 Business: 3715 Northside Prkwy, Bldg 2 St-500, Atlanta, GA 30327 B: 404-848-7535 Telephone: Timbervest, LLC - Forestry Dispositions email: eaddy@timbervest.net *NCCF DRYMAN, WILLIAM M. Home: 380 Shannon Ct., Timberlake, NC 27583 Business: PO Box 344, Timberlake, NC 27583 Telephone: H: 336-364-4708 B: 336-364-9203 Bernard & Dryman Consulting Forestry - President email: Wdryman@aol.com 1155 EDDINS, THOMAS W. Home: 4664 Bear Creek Road, Chesterfield, SC 29709 Business: 4664 Bear Creek Road, Chesterfield, SC 29709 Telephone: H: 843-623-6556 B: 843-623-6556 Sappy Pine Forestry - Owner 1279 *NCCF DUCKWORTH, BRADLEY C. Home: 3629 Temperance Hall Road, Elm City, NC 27822 Business: Telephone: H: 252-903-9954 Consulting Forester email: bradleyduckworth@centurylink.net 884 EDEBURN, JUDSON D. Home: 4110 Kesley Road, Durham, NC 27705 Business: PO Box 90332, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: H: 919-402-8810 B: 919-613-8013 Duke University - Resource Manager email: judeburn@duke.edu 1299 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 13 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF EDMONDS, THOMAS J. Home: 619 Hyco Hills Rd., Semora, NC 27343 Business: 619 Hyco Hills Rd., Semora, NC 27343 Telephone: H: 336-234-8921 B: 336-234-8921 Edmonds Forestry Consulting - Owner email: tedmonds@mebtel.net 643 ERIKSSON, PAUL T. 1084 Home: 18627 Lower Town Creek Rd., SE, Oldtown, MD 21555-114 Business: 57 North Liberty St., Cumberland, MD 21502 Telephone: H: 301-478-5937 B: 301-759-6607 City of Cumberland, MD - Natural Resources Specialist email: paulori1@verizon.net *NCCF EDWARDS, DANIEL W. Home: 2994 Creekridge Dr., Asheboro, NC 27205 Business: PO Box 633, Asheboro, NC 27204-0633 Telephone: H: 336-626-0272 B: 336-626-0272 Daniel W. Edwards, Consulting For PA - President email: dan.edwards17@yahoo.com 612 EVANS, DONALD (BRUCE) Home: PO Box 637, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-439-5528 B: 910-439-8116 Ext: 216 Jordan Lumber & Supply, Inc. - Procurement Forester email: bevans@jordanlumber.com EDWARDS, RONNIE L. Home: 460 Dave Sims Road, Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Business: 251 Parton Rd., Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Telephone: H: 828-287-5656 B: 828-287-6682 Parton Lumber Co. - Forester 461 EVANS, JR., JOSEPH D. Home: 1751 Buckleberry Road, Princeton, NC 27569 Business: 2457-A Old Mt. Olive HWY, Dudley, NC 28333 Telephone: H: 919-936-2710 B: 919-738-4515 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Forester/Trader email: jdevans@gapac.com *NCCF EDWARDS, SR., ROBERT L. 439 Home: 960 Foxfire Road, Aberdeen, NC 28315 Business: 2145 Foxfire Village #10, Jackson Springs, NC 28315 Telephone: H: 910-255-0671 B: 910-255-0092 Edwards Real Estate & Forestry Consulting - Owner email: robdianne@nc.rr.com FAIRCLOTH, ASHLEY K. Home: 6180 Gum Branch Road, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Business: 105 Forestry Center Circle, Maysville, NC 28555 Telephone: H: 910-376-0462 B: 910-347-6950 NC State Nat. Res. Foundation, Inc. - Director of Forestry Oper. email: akfaircl@embarqmail.com 960 1101 677 *NCCF ELLEN, JOSEPH L. Home: 1075 Asbury Church Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Business: 1075 Asbury Church Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Telephone: H: 919-774-8857 B: 919-353-1161 Ellen & Associates Cons. Forestry, Inc. - President 565 FARRIOR, NATHAN J. Home: 303 W. Main Street, Wallace, NC 28466 Business: PO Box 385, Wallace, NC 28466 Telephone: H: 910-289-5492 B: 910-284-4905 Canal Wood, LLC - Procurement Forester email: natefarrior@i40mail.net 1506 ELLENBURG, BARRY T. Home: 720 Horn Mill Road, Union Mills, NC 28167 Business: 720 Horn Mill Road, Union Mills, NC 28167 Telephone: H: 828-447-4834 B: 828-447-4834 Unique Places, LLC - Forester email: ellenburg28018@yahoo.com 959 FAULCONER, H. MICHIE Home: 929 Bexhill Ct., Greenville, NC 27858 Business: 929 Bexhill Ct., Greenville, NC 27858 Telephone: H: 252-714-2035 B: 252-714-2035 NC Forest Products, Inc. - Owner email: ncfp@aol.com 961 FERGUSON, JOEY A. Home: 67 Greenbriar Ave., Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 9418 Higmarket St., Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 843-240-2149 B: 843-546-4276 Ext: 4 Resource Mgmt. Service, LLC - Regional Manager email: jferguson@resourcemgt.com 650 ELLIS, RICHARD C. Home: PO Box 118, Spring Hope, NC 27882-0118 Business: PO Box 268, Spring Hope, NC 27882 Telephone: H: 252-478-3806 B: 252-478-5245 Ellis & Holmes, PLLC - Retired EMORY, JR., ROBERT R. Home: 17 Batts Hill Road, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-638-8587 B: 252-633-7417 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Evn. Affairs Mgr. email: bob.emory@weyerhaeuser.com ENLOE, JOHN MARK Home: 5010 NC HWY 53 W, White Oak, NC 28399 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-876-1648 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber - Procurement Forester email: tristate@tristatelt.com 92 813 1485 FIELDS, BRADLEY F. Home: 206 Country Club Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408 Business: 826 N. Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: H: 336-803-1336 B: 336-272-9221 Piedmont Land & Timber, Inc. - Timber Procurement email: brad@piedmontlandandtimber.com 1472 FINCH, JAMES K. Home: 1960 Embark Dr., Kernersville, NC 27284-7592 Business: PO Box 2511, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Telephone: H: 336-784-6885 B: 336-748-3162 City of Winston-Salem - Urban Forester email: keithf@cityofws.org 1489 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 14 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address *NCCF FINKBINER, RODNEY T. 914 Home: 5204 North Hills Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: 314 W. Millbrook Road, Suite 121, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 919-906-3114 B: 919-510-4663 Carolina Forestry, Inc. - Owner email: info@carolinaforestry.com Registration Number FORMY-DUVAL II, JOHN GEROME Home: 5023 Buck's Bluff Dr., North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Business: Telephone: H: 843-249-1223 224 email: jformyduval@sc.rr.com *NCCF FISHER, DONALD B. Home: 351 Cheney Lane, Highlands, NC 28741 Business: PO Box 1708, Highlands, NC 28741 Telephone: H: 828-787-2324 B: 828-226-1030 Country Club Properties - Real Estate Broker email: donandbetty9126@frontier.com 1411 FORT, DAVID S. Home: 1508 Watson Ave, Little River, SC 29566 Business: PO Box 523, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-540-7727 B: 910-540-7727 Sledge Industries - Nat. Resource Manager email: david_s_fort@yahoo.com 1584 *NCCF FISHER, II, JAMES "JIM" Y. Home: 308 Jasmine Dr., Conway, SC 29527 Business: 308 Jasmine Dr., Conway, SC 29527 Telephone: H: 843-902-3388 B: 843-902-3388 Fisher Forestery Env. Consulting Mgmt email: fisherforestry@gmail.com 1443 *NCCF FRANKLIN, E. CARLYLE Home: 602 S. Hughes St., Apex, NC 27502-2118 Business: 602 S. Hughes St., Apex, NC 27502-2118 Telephone: H: 919-280-3497 B: 919-280-3497 Franklin Forestry Associates email: franklinforestry@bellsouth.net FLEMING, WILLIAM "TAL" T. Home: 1443 Green Street, Turbeville, SC 29162 Business: 8250 Sumter Highway, Alcolu, SC 29001 Telephone: H: 843-550-7910 B: 843-550-7910 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Procurement email: wtflemin@gapac.com 1408 FREBIS, RONALD F. 1257 Home: 1831 Lake Pointe Ave., Zachary, LA 70791-7348 Business: 222 St. Louis St., Room B-284, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Telephone: H: 225-654-5921 B: 225-389-3070 City of Baton Rouge/Parish of E Bat. Rouge - GIS Project Manager email: frebisr@bellsouth.net FLOWERS, SR., ARNOLD L. Home: 3601 Arrington Bridge Rd., Seven Springs, NC 28578 Business: Telephone: H: 919-222-1470 Flowers Timber & Land, Inc. - Owner - Retired email: flowerstimber@nc.rr.com 1215 FREEMAN, CLANTON G. 1185 Home: 762 Hackberry Drive, Bossier City, LA 71111 Business: 6425 Youree Drive, Suite 300, Shreveport, LA 71105 Telephone: H: 318-742-4718 B: 318-655-9253 International Paper Co. - Fiber Quality Specialist email: greg.freeman@ipaper.com 858 *NCCF FOE, LLOYD A. Home: PO Box 353, LaGrange, KY 40031 Business: PO Box 353, LaGrange, KY 40031 Telephone: H: 502-222-1115 B: 502-797-0134 Lloyd A. Foe, Consulting Foresters, LLC - Owner email: lloyd@foeforestry.com 135 *NCCF FOIL, DAVID Home: 222 12th St, NE, Unit 1007, Atlanta, GA 30309 Business: 717 North Avenue, Macon, GA 31211 Telephone: H: 478-718-3090 B: 478-745-4910 Forest Resource Consultants, Inc. - President email: dfoil@frcemail.com 1627 *NCCF FULLBRIGHT, KENTON H. 1186 Home: 2306 White Oak Road, Raleigh, NC 27608 Business: 8394 Six Forks Rd, Ste 203, Raleigh, NC 27615 Telephone: H: 919-828-4040 B: 919-841-0089 Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Managing Partner email: kfullbright@gfrforestry.com *NCCF FOOSE, JACOB O. Home: 219 Luna Lane, Central, SC 29630 Business: 281 Fairforest Way, Greenville, SC 29607 Telephone: H: 864-612-9542 B: 864-297-9944 S&ME - Environmental Scientist email: jfoose@aol.com 1620 FULTON, JOHN DANE Home: 5417 Cross Creek Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403 Business: PO Box 210, Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: H: 910-617-5349 B: 910-763-9991 Corbett Timber Co. - Forester email: johndfulton@corbetttimber.com FORDHAM, WENDELL A. Home: 855 Live Oak Church Rd., Selma, NC 27576 Business: 855 Live Oak Church Rd., Selma, NC 27576 Telephone: H: 919-915-0196 B: 919-965-8388 Forham Timber Co., Inc. - President email: fordhamtimber@nc.rr.com 1030 GALLAGHER, THOMAS V. 964 Home: 1132 Annalue Drive, Auburn, AL 36830 Business: 3425 Forestry & Wildlife Serv. BLDG, Auburn University, Telephone: H: 334-844-1095 B: 334-844-1095 School of Forestry & Wildlife Siences - Assoc. Professor email: tgallagher@auburn.edu FRETZ, JAMES E. Home: 139 Hillside Drive, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 247 Collins Road, Norlina, NC 27563 Telephone: H: 252-586-0148 B: 252-908-0283 International Paper Co. - Fiber Specialist email: jfretz8528@aol.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 15 963 1239 Name and Address Registration Number GARNER, II, EDWARD C. (TED) Home: 416 Old Farm Road, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: PO Box 459, Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: H: 252-678-0600 B: 252-678-0600 West Fraser - Procurement Manager email: ted.garner@westfraser.com GARRISON, JOHN CHRIS Home: 1604 E. Mulberry St., Goldsboro, NC 27530 Business: PO Box 1673, Goldsboro, NC Telephone: H: 919-731-9590 B: 919-731-9590 JC Garrison & Associate - Member email: jcgarrison@nc.rr.com Name and Address 1043 Registration Number *NCCF GIBSON, MICHAEL DALE Home: 99 West Dogwood Trail, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 34040 Union Camp Drive, Franklin, VA 23851 Telephone: H: 252-586-1137 B: 252-904-8915 International Paper - Forester email: michael.gibson1@ipaper.com 708 743 GILKESON, CATHY E. 1612 Home: 106 Chesterfield Dr., Washington, NC 27889 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Road, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-927-2181 B: 252-945-9370 Weyerhaeuser - Forester email: cathy.gilkeson@weyerhaeuser.com GARRISON, III, CARL E. 1031 Home: 86 Bear Island Parkway, Gordonsville, VA 22942 Business: 900 Natural Resrouces Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Telephone: H: 434-390-0840 B: 434-977-6555 VA Dept. of Forestry - State Forester email: carl.garrison@dof.virginia.gov *NCCF GILLAND, AARON L. Home: 79 Oak Ridge Drive, Lugoff, SC 29078 Business: PO Box 1386, Lugoff, SC 29078 B: 803-438-6138 Telephone: DRM, Inc. - President email: agilland@dendroresourcemgt.com 1087 GATLIN, NATHAN P. 1687 Home: 952 Sand Ridge Road, Millers Creek, NC 28651 Business: 638 New Browns Ford Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Telephone: H: 336-452-4828 B: 336-973-4104 NC Forest Service - County Forester email: gatlinnp@gmail.com GILLESPIE, COREY P. Home: 2522 Moss Creek Loop, Elon, NC 27244 Business: 382 Co Rd 131, Russellville, AL 35654 Telephone: H: 256-443-2779 B: 256-443-2779 TN Valley Timber Spec, LLC - Owner/Forester email: coreygillespie@yahoo.com 1737 GAY, AARON L. Home: 209 Worth Gaurd Road, Coinjock, NC 27923 Business: 861 Berea Church Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: NC Forest Service - County Ranger email: aaron.gay@ncagr.gov 1532 *NCCF GILLETTE, MATTHEW B. Home: 23062 Meadow Street, Capron, VA 23829 Business: PO Box 279, Capron, VA 23829 Telephone: H: 757-377-8427 B: 434-658-3123 Rock Springs Forestry Inc. - Forester/Secretary email: magillet@vt.edu 1637 GEHLE, DAVID B. Home: 281 Three Oaks Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Business: 281 Three Oaks Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Telephone: H: 770-995-9777 B: 770-757-4398 Mylander Forestry, LLC - Owner email: gahlemylander@gmail.com 1717 *NCCF GILLETTE, WILLIAM F. Home: PO Box 277, Capron, VA 23829 Business: PO Box 279, Capron, VA 23829 Telephone: H: 757-377-8762 B: 434-658-3123 Rock Springs Forestry LLC - President email: rockspringsforestry@hotmail.com 916 GELLERSTEDT, PAUL A. 1585 Home: 3613 Country Cove Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-857-4827 B: 919-857-4827 NC Forest Service - Training Officer email: paul.gellerstedt@ncagr.gov GILLIAM, PAUL A. "ANDY" Home: 4804 Radcliff Rd., Raleigh, NC 27609 Business: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: H: 919-786-2545 B: 919-996-2477 City of Raleigh - Forestry Specialist email: andy.gilliam@ci.raleigh.nc.us 965 GERDING, DWIGHT H. 587 Home: 3216 Monticello Farm Rd., Hookerton, NC 28538 Business: 3000 Wayne Memorial Drive Aza 310, Goldsboro, NC 275 Telephone: H: 252-560-7485 B: 919-739-6809 Ext: 237 Wayne Community College - Forestry Instructor email: dhgerding@embarqmail.com *NCCF GILREATH, GARY R. Home: 3479 Mt. Vernon Road, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Business: 3479 Mt. Vernon Road, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-695-5591 B: 704-695-5591 Forest Management LLC - Owner email: grgilreath@windstream.net 335 GEROW, JR., THOMAS A. Home: 101 Chatfield Court, Cary, NC 27513 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 B: 919-857-4824 Telephone: NC Forest Service - BMP Staff Forester email: tom.a.gerow@ncagr.gov 1510 GLADDEN, DAVID R. Home: 298 Gladden Lane, Sanford, NC 27330 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-776-3226 B: 910-770-5971 Jordan Lumber & Supply, Inc. - Forester email: gladden5@windstream.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 16 1300 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF GODWIN, W. TERRY Home: 901 Clay Street, Franklin, VA 23851 Business: 901 Clay Street, Franklin, VA 23851 Telephone: H: 757-556-5271 Franklin Lumber - Forester 1629 GRAY, CHARLES T. Home: 640 Arch Cook Rd., Pelham, NC 27311 Business: 640 Arch Cook Rd., Pelham, NC 27311 Telephone: H: 336-514-0290 B: 336-514-0290 Tristate Land & Timber - Forester email: duckdog66@centurytel.net 1088 GOFORTH, JR., EDMOND J. Home: 27 Kevin Ct., Asheville, NC 28806 Business: Telephone: H: 828-667-0254 Retired email: egoforth@bellsouth.net 1328 *NCCF GRAY, JAMES M. Home: 128 Chicora Club Dr., Dunn, NC 28334 Business: 128 Chicora Club Dr., Dunn, NC 28334 Telephone: H: 910-897-6765 B: 910-891-7396 JMG Forestry - President email: jmgray1@earthlink.net 1187 GOOD, MICHAEL E. Home: 6281 Lakehaven Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28304 Business: 221 Airport Rd., Fayettevllle, NC 28306 Telephone: H: 910-423-5386 B: 910-437-2620 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: michael.good@ncagr.gov 966 GREEN, DAVID W. 1511 Home: 9361 S. Plaquemine Drive, Shreveport, LA 71115 Business: 8570 Business Park Dr., Suite 200, Shreveport, LA 71105 Telephone: H: 318-797-1712 B: 318-629-1836 Hancock Forest Management - Land Operations Manager email: dgreen@hnrg.com GOODRICH, MOLLIE A. Home: 537 Planters Row SW, Lilburn, GA 30047 Business: 537 Planters Row SW, Lilburn, GA 30047 Telephone: H: 770-806-6971 B: 770-806-6971 self - Forester email: mabsourir@hotmail.com 1569 GREENE, JOHN L. 1697 Home: 911 Odyssey Drive, Durham, NC 27713 Business: PO Box 12254, Research Tri Park, NC 27709 Telephone: H: 919-450-8202 B: 919-549-4093 US Forest Service, Southern Research Stn - Emeritus Scientist (Retire email: johnlgreene@fs.fed.us *NCCF GOULDING, JOSEPH B. Home: 204 Longleaf Acres Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Business: 1200 N 23rd St, Suite 201, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-640-9268 B: 910-815-4320 Campbell Timberland Mgmt. - Forester email: bgoulding@campbellgroup.com 1621 *NCCF GREGG, STEWART W. Home: 779 Kallam Mill Road, Madison, NC 27025 Business: 779 Kallam Mill Rd., Madison, NC 27025 Telephone: H: 336-427-5126 B: 336-344-3388 Gregg Forestry Company - Owner email: stewart@greggforestryco.com GRAGG, BRAD A. Home: 5423 Reepsville Road, Vale, NC 28168 Business: PO Box 25, Vale, NC 28168 Telephone: H: 704-276-0401 B: 704-276-0401 Catawba Valley Timber Co., LLC - Member/Manager/Forester email: .catvalleytimber@bellsouth.net 1169 GRIFFIN, MARK H. Home: 199 Fishing Rock Rd., Castalia, NC 27816 Business: 2711 NC HWY 58, Warrenton, NC 27589 Telephone: H: 919-497-2105 B: 919-496-0104 Louisburg Hardwood, Inc. - Forester email: ncrf1102@embarqmail.com 437 1102 GRAHAM, JOANNE E. Home: 96 Patton Valley Dr., Nebo, NC 28761 Business: Telephone: H: 828-652-8153 McDowell Co. School - Teacher (Science) 442 *NCCF GRIFFIN, JR., G. RICHARD Home: 509 S. Broad St., Kenbridge, VA 23944 Business: 509 S. Broad St., Kenbridge, VA 23944 Telephone: H: 434-676-8690 B: 434-447-9680 G. Richard Griffin, Jr., Consulting For. - Forester GRAHAM, TED ALEXANDER Home: 96 Patton Valley Dr., Nebo, NC 28761 Business: 3991 Bridgewater Road, Morganton, NC 28655 Telephone: H: 828-652-8153 B: 828-584-3335 Bristol Industries, Inc. - Forester email: tagjoe@earthlink.net 441 *NCCF GRINDLEY, STEVEN J. 1556 Home: 235 Saxon's Ferry Drive, Lexington, SC 29072 Business: 109 E. Church Street, Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070 B: 803-532-3841 Ext: 8420 Telephone: AgSouth Farm Credit, ACA - Forester/Appraiser email: sgrindley@agsouthfc.com *NCCF GRANT, MICHAEL J. Home: 825 Mt .Valley Rd., Blythewood, SC 29016-7772 Business: 825 Mt. Valley Rd., Blythewood, SC 29016-7772 Telephone: H: 803-714-0655 B: 803-714-0655 Michael J. Grant Forestry Consultant - Owner email: mikejamesgrant@aol.com 513 GUGGENHEIM, DAVID M. Home: 51 Talmadge Street, Asheville, NC 28806 Business: PO Box 1148, Old Fort, NC 28762-1148 Telephone: H: 828-231-0432 B: 828-724-9495 Columbia Forest Products - Forester email: dmg01@charter.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 17 712 385 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number GUNDERSON, DAVID F. Home: 2726 Edgewood Ave., Burlington, NC 27215 Business: 306 Corinth Road, Moncure, NC 27559 Telephone: H: 919-356-3468 Moncure Plywood, LLC - Forester email: ihopemydie@gmail.com 865 *NCCF HANDLEY, DON M. Home: 1167 Berkley Ave., Florence, SC 29505 Business: 4527 Four Seasons Road, Florence, SC 29505 Telephone: H: 843-662-2230 B: 843-665-7015 Handley Forestry Services - Consulting Forester email: handleyfor@aol.com 407 GUY, RANDY C. Home: 2043 N. Halifax Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804-0723 Business: PO Box 7723, Rocky Mount, NC 27804-0723 Telephone: H: 252-443-4040 B: 252-443-4040 Eastern Log Sales, Inc. - President 739 *NCCF HANDLEY, GARY E. Home: 4527 Four Seasons Road, Florence, SC 29505 Business: 4527 Four Seasons Road, Florence, SC 29505 Telephone: H: 843-665-1028 B: 843-665-7015 Handley Forestry Services - Consultant Forester email: gary@handleyforestry.net 1120 HAGGARD, JAY W Home: 2301 Crestview Dr., New Bern, NC 28562-9059 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Rd., Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-637-5599 B: 252-633-7462 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Harvesting Manager email: jhaggard@suddenlink.net 969 *NCCF HANE, JOHN B. Home: 1410 Ellison Road, Columbia, SC 29206 Business: 213 N. Grampion Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-429-3498 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Company, Inc. - Consulting Forester email: hane@millikenforestry.com 1557 *NCCF HALES, STANLEY W. Home: 2413 Wintergreen Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Business: 513 Wicker Street, Ste. D, Sanford, NC 27330 Telephone: H: 919-774-1855 B: 919-775-3325 Hales & Associates Forestry/Realty - Owner email: halesforestry@windstream.net 781 *NCCF HANKINS, DAVID B. Home: 4700 North Poplar Lane, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Business: 4700 North Poplar Lane, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: H: 919-732-7331 B: 919-732-7331 Self-employed - Consulting Forester email: davidhankins@embarqmail.com 490 HALL, MARK W. Home: PO Box 1009, Brevard, NC 28712 Business: 206 Laurel Valley Road, Sunset, SC 29685 Telephone: H: 803-331-3142 B: 864-878-9071 SC Dept. of Natural Resources - Forester email: markhall@innova.net 1468 HANSEN, III, GERALD D. Home: 3722 Amber Drive, Wilmington, NC 28409 Business: 2704-C Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-799-8613 B: 910-540-0255 Ext: 107 Resource Management Service - Forestry Manager email: ghansen@resourcemgt.com 1607 *NCCF HALLEY, DAVID P. Home: 4713 Salem Ridge Rd., Holly Springs, NC 27540 Business: 4713 Salem Ridge Rd., Holly Springs, NC 27540 Telephone: H: 919-567-3838 B: 919-815-3468 True-North Forest Management Services - President email: halleydave@aol.com 1428 HANSON, MARY BETH 1440 Home: 118 N. Hampton Rd., Wilmington, NC 28409 Business: 1200 N. 23rd St. Suite 201, Wilmington, NC 28405-1824 Telephone: H: 910-409-5332 B: 910-815-4320 Ext: 102 Campbell Timberland Management - Forester email: mbhanson@campbellgroup.com 799 *NCCF HARDEE, RUSSELL A. Home: 88 Fox Crossing Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603 Business: Telephone: H: 919-628-8079 Self Employed - Consulting Forester email: r-hardee@nc.rr.com 1301 *NCCF HAMPTON, FREDERICK B. Home: 1975 Pleasant Hill Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Business: PO Box 366, Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone: H: 252-972-4668 B: 252-824-2900 Cardinal Forestry Service, Inc. - Owner email: redbird07@embarqmail.com 1032 HARDEE, SHANE D. Home: 675 Walter Todd Road, Clarendon, NC 28432 Business: 1413 Chadbourn Hwy., Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-840-9023 B: 910-770-1880 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: shane.hardee@ncagr.gov 1402 *NCCF HANCOCK, PETER (PETE) D. Home: 1495 N. Old Carriage Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: PO Box 1294, Tarboro, NC 27886 B: 252-955-0473 Telephone: Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Forester email: phancock@gfrforestry.com 1613 HARDEN, MICHAEL J. Home: 1008 US HWY 17 North, Windsor, NC 27983 Business: PO Box 650, Windsor, NC 27983 Telephone: H: 252-794-9355 B: 252-794-3642 Timberlands Unlimited, Inc. - Asst. Manager email: mharden@timberlandsunlimited.com 1534 *NCCF HAMILTON, RICK A. Home: 1016 Branchview Ct., Raleigh, NC 27610 Business: 1016 Branchview Ct., Raleigh, NC 27610 Telephone: H: 919-217-9942 B: 919-217-9942 self - Consultant email: ncrf799@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 18 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF HARDIE, ROBERT L. Home: 1041 Old Stancil Rd., Kenly, NC 27542 Business: 1041 Old Stancil Rd., Kenly, NC 27542 Telephone: H: 919-284-4643 B: 919-631-1896 Farm and Forest Realty Co. - Owner email: 19robert42@gmail.com 540 HARRIS, MICHAEL M. 837 Home: 307 Buckingham Dr., Mebane, NC 27302 Business: 4408 Mt. Hermon Rock Creek Road, Graham, NC 27302 Telephone: H: 919-563-8665 B: 336-213-2659 New South Lumber - Forester email: mharris8@triad.rr.com HARDIN, JAMES FRED Home: 3996 Second Court, Morganton, NC 28655 Business: 2250 US Hwy. 221 W., Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Telephone: H: 828-584-7259 B: 828-286-9069 Gilkey Lumber Co., Inc. - Sales email: fredhardin@gilkeylumber.com 440 *NCCF HARRIS, TIMOTHY G. Home: 6125 Hobgood Rd., Rougemont, NC 27573 Business: Telephone: H: 336-598-2077 Self email: hdwatersforestry@gmail.com HARDISON, JAMES B. Home: PO Box 206, Arapahoe, NC 28510 Business: 760 Hwy. 306 S, Grantsboro, NC 28529 Telephone: H: 252-249-0187 B: 252-745-3775 NC Forest Service - County Ranger email: james.hardison@ncagr.gov 1188 HARRIS, VICTOR L. Home: , , Business: PO Box 97033, Raleigh, NC 27624 B: 919-215-1632 Telephone: Cierra Publishing - President email: carolinatrees@earthlink.net HARPER, RICHARD A. 670 Home: 108 Mariner Pointe Drive, Salem, SC 29676 Business: 127 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC 29676 Telephone: H: 864-944-1771 B: 864-656-5153 USDA Forest Service - Forester, Resource Analyst email: RAHARPER@FS.FED.US 852 1331 *NCCF HARRISON, JAMES L. 917 Home: 10232 Glenmac Rd., Charlotte, NC 28215 Business: 2401 Whitehall Park Dr., Suite 1100, Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: H: 704-617-5700 B: 704-617-5700 Ext: 389 American Forest Mgmt. - Silviculturist email: butch.harrison@amforem.biz HARRELL, WILLIAM J. Home: 428 Thunder Road, Four Oaks, NC 27524 Business: Telephone: H: 252-589-1497 Retired email: harrellwj@gmail.com 360 HART, ROGER J. Home: 5309 Republic Ave., Hope Mills, NC 28348 Business: 221 Airport Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Telephone: H: 910-584-0218 B: 910-437-2620 NC Forest Service - Asst. District Forester email: roger.hart@ncagr.gov 1578 HARRIS, C. WAYNE Home: 1147 Union Church Road, Gladstone, VA 24553 Business: 1147 Union Church Road, Gladstone, VA 24553 Telephone: H: 434-969-2943 B: 434-391-4068 Rock Tenn - Procurement Forester II email: wharris@rocktenn.com 706 HARTRICK, LISA S. Home: 308 N. Thompson St., Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: 1413 Chadbourn Highway, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-625-9092 B: 910-642-5093 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: lisa.hartrick@ncagr.gov 1491 HARRIS, FRED W. Home: 346 Terrell Lane, Louisburg, NC 27549 Business: 2177 Fire Tower Road, Louisburg, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 919-496-5891 B: 919-496-3665 NC Forest Service - County Ranger email: fred.harris@ncagr.gov 1159 *NCCF HARTSFIELD, MARSHALL B. Home: 5593 Duncan St. Ext., Hope Mills, NC 28348 Business: PO Box 267, Hope Mills, NC 28348 Telephone: H: 910-425-2569 B: 910-425-2654 Woodland Management, Inc. - President/Forester email: woodmanage@cs.com 789 HARRIS, JULIANNE M. Home: 408 Fort Hill Dr., Blounts Creek, NC 27814 Business: Telephone: H: 252-943-1645 1672 HARVELL, KEVIN B. Home: 206 South Elm Street, Asheboro, NC 27203 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Telephone: H: 336-308-3013 B: 336-956-2111 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: kevin.harvell@ncagr.gov 1280 email: vthokie@gotricounty.com HARRIS, LARRY H. Home: PO Box 96, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-439-5719 B: 910-439-8114 Jordan Lumber & Supply, Inc. - Procurement Manager email: lharris@jordanlumber.com 971 HASSELL, HUGH S. Home: 259 Eagles Ridge Road, Sylva, NC 28779 Business: 133 Glen Cabe Road, Sylva, NC 28779 Telephone: H: 757-377-7600 B: 828-586-4007 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: hugh.hassell@ncagr.gov *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 19 801 Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF HAWLEY, LARRY L. Home: PO Box 537, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Business: PO Box 537, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Telephone: H: 252-395-2328 B: 252-398-5411 Hawley Forestry & Realty Co. - Owner HAYNES, JR., CLAUDE B. Home: 201 Newfound Rd., Leicester, NC 28748 Business: Telephone: H: 828-683-4374 Name and Address Registration Number 120 HEMINGWAY, JR., JOSEPH O. Home: 113 Wynfield Dr., Clayton, NC 27520 Business: 3127 Smoketree Ct., Raleigh, NC 27604 Telephone: H: 919-341-3362 B: 919-791-3395 BB & T - Review Appraiser email: hobcaw81@yahoo.com 1458 17 HENDERSHOTT, DAVID B. Home: 315 Plantation Rd., Clayton, NC 27520 Business: 315 Plantation Road, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-631-4064 B: 919-631-4064 Black Creek Forestry - Forester email: blackcreekherbicide@earthlink.net 1492 email: 2cb.haynes@charter.net HEARN, DENNIS B. Home: PO Box 1901, Carthage, NC 28327 Business: PO Box 174, Bonlee, NC 27213 Telephone: H: 910-947-7571 B: 919-837-2964 Chatham Lumber Co., Inc. - President email: chathamlumber@embarqmail.com 400 *NCCF HENDERSON, DAVID CARROLL Home: 1160 Cedar Creek Dr., Asheboro, NC 27205 Business: 919 S. Cox St., Suite A-1, Asheboro, NC 27203 Telephone: H: 336-626-0847 B: 336-626-0849 Henderson Forestry Consultants - President/Forester email: david@hendersonforestryconsultants.com 550 HEATH, BRIAN E. Home: 612 Chigger Ridge Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681 Business: 220 Old Colony Road, Morganton, NC 28655 Telephone: H: 828-495-3649 B: 828-413-2291 NC Forest Service - Forest Health Specialist email: brian.heath@ncagr.gov 972 *NCCF HENDERSON, LEONARD T. Home: 56 Jughole Rd., Prosperity, SC 29127 Business: PO Box 41, Newberry, SC 29108 Telephone: H: 803-364-7143 B: 803-276-9425 Ext: 102 Henderson & Associates, Inc. - President email: tomh@hendersonandassociates.net 671 1242 HENDERSON, STEPHEN O. Home: 8725 US HWY 220 South, Seagrove, NC 27341 Business: 2473 Falling Oak Rd., Asheboro, NC 27203 Telephone: H: 336-953-2994 B: 336-241-2544 McDowell Lumber Co., Inc. - Procurement email: shenderson@rtmc.net 973 601 HENDRICK, LAURA E. Home: 205 Railroad Street, Cove City, NC 28523 Business: 3810 ML King Jr Blvd, New Bern, NC 28560 Telephone: H: 434-738-8304 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: laura.hendrick@ncagr.gov 1657 HEATH, JOSEPH E. Home: 118 S. Newton St., Rose Hill, NC 28458 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-289-4554 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber LLC - Procurement Forester email: jheath@squirestimber.com *NCCF HEETER, DAVID G. Home: 104 West Royal Street, Salemburg, NC 28385 Business: PO Box 729, Salemburg, NC 28385 Telephone: H: 910-525-4320 B: 910-525-4320 David G. Heeter, PA - Owner/President email: davidheet@yahoo.com HENDRICKS, J. MICHAEL Home: 206 Lake Watson Dr., Broadway, NC 27505 Business: 3490 Big Woods Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27517-7652 Telephone: H: 919-258-5332 B: 919-542-1515 NC Forest Service - Regional Forester email: mike.hendricks@ncagr.gov 974 *NCCF HEGLER, TIMOTHY D. 1649 Home: 1741 Kershaw Country Club Road, Kershaw, SC 29067 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-475-5022 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Company - Forestery Manager email: hegler@millikenforestry.com HENSON, STEPHEN K. Home: 206 Caring Place Loop, Clyde, NC 28721 Business: Telephone: H: 828-506-4786 496 *NCCF HELMS, JOHN R. 1394 Home: 215 Barmount Dr., Columbia, SC 29210 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-798-4265 B: 803-429-7868 Milliken Forestry Company, Inc. - Appr. Mgr. & Tech. Forester email: helms@millikenforestry.com *NCCF HERMAN, THOMAS D. Home: 2728 Mulatto Mountain Rd., Fleetwood, NC 28626 Business: PO Box 519, Jefferson, NC 28640 Telephone: H: 336-877-5656 B: 336-846-3352 Thomas Herman Company, PLLC - Paartner email: hermansurvey@skybest.com HEGE, BENJAMIN F. Home: 71 Juniper Court, Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: PO Box 38, Rieglewood, NC 28456 Telephone: H: 910-675-7515 B: 910-655-2973 Canal Wood LLC - Forester email: bhege@ec.rr.com 1089 email: shenson1@charter.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 20 534 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number HERRING, LARRY RON Home: 432 Jam Road, Tabor City, NC 28463 Business: PO Box 37, Tabor City, NC 28463 Telephone: H: 910-653-3098 B: 910-653-3162 Tabor City Lumber Co. - Procurement For./Land Mgr. email: ronherring@centurylink.net 1160 HILL, ALAN W.R. Home: 170 Hill Farm Lane, Waynesville, NC 28786 Business: 133 Glenn Cabe Road, Sylva, NC 28779 Telephone: H: 828-400-4146 B: 828-586-4007 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: Alan.W.Hill@ncagr.gov HESTER, JAMES H. Home: 4115 Somerset Dr., Oxford, NC 27565 Business: PO Box 51, Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Telephone: H: 919-482-0918 B: 919-848-2036 River Ridge Forest Products, Inc. - Forester email: jhester29@nc.rr.com 1050 *NCCF HILL, TERRAL H. Home: 608 Seven Lakes North, West End, NC 27376 Business: PO Box 7, West End, NC 27376 Telephone: H: 910-673-2982 B: 910-673-0001 Forest Land Resource Consultants, PLLC email: terryhill@forestlandrc.com HEWETT, GREGORY L. Home: 3167 S. Hwy. 41, Mullins, SC 29574 Business: 4930 Planer Road, Effingham, SC 29541 Telephone: H: 843-464-8020 B: 843-992-6622 Charles Ingram Lumber Company - Forester email: glh0241@aol.com 1497 *NCCF HILTON, JUSTIN R. Home: 116 Trellis Court, Lexington, SC 29072 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-356-6215 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry - Forester email: hilton@millikenforestry.com 1558 HEWITT, JASON P Home: 1403 Sherwood Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320 Business: 1403 Sherwood Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320 B: 828-545-5378 Telephone: USFS-FIA - Field Forester email: jasonhewitt@fs.fed.us 1588 HINES, JR., CHARLES D. Home: 1323 NC 57, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Business: PO Box 344, Timberlake, NC 27583 Telephone: H: 919-943-5986 B: 336-364-9203 Bernard & Dryman Consulting Forestry - Forester email: cdhines@embarqmail.com 1450 *NCCF HICKS, EDWARD B. Home: 647 Pinners Cove Road, Asheville, NC 28803 Business: 647 Pinners Cove Road, Asheville, NC 28803 Telephone: H: 828-676-0221 B: 828-676-0221 Wildwood Consulting, LLC - Manager email: wlwd@charter.net 1220 *NCCF HIOTT, JOHN A. Home: 223 Kings Mountain St., York, SC 29745 Business: 48 North Congress St., York, SC 29745 Telephone: H: 803-684-3983 B: 803-684-4115 Hiott Forestry Consultants, Inc. - President email: jhiott@hiottforestry.com 1395 HICKS, GREGORY M. Home: 3696 Hicks Rd., Oxford, NC 27565 Business: 3490 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Telephone: H: 919-693-4224 B: 919-542-1515 NC Forest Service - Assistant Regional Forester email: greg.hicks@ncagr.gov 1431 HOFFMAN, MATTHEW F. Home: 23 Old Barge Dr., Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 1515 Bourne Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 845-237-5695 B: 843-520-5605 International Paper Co. - Forester email: matthew.hoffman1@ipaper.com 1243 HIGGINS, III, HENRY S. Home: 2607 Island Cove Rd., Fort Mill, SC 29708 Business: 227 W. Trade St., Suite 1000, Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone: H: 704-363-0219 B: 980-321-6254 Crescent Communities, LLC - Director, Land Sales email: hshiggins@crescent-resources.com 1033 *NCCF HOLMES, KENT T. Home: 115 N Church St., Enfield, NC 27823-1305 Business: PO Box 268, Spring Hope, NC 27882 Telephone: H: 252-445-4244 B: 252-478-5245 Ellis & Holmes, PLLC - Owner email: holmeskt@embarqmail.com HIGHTOWER, III, WILLIAM D. Home: 1011 Damon Pointe Dr., Belmont, NC 28012 Business: PO Box 11308, Rock Hill, SC 29731 Telephone: H: 704-214-2188 B: 704-214-2188 Williams Forest Products, Inc. - Procurement Forester email: douglas_hightower@yahoo.com 1529 *NCCF HOLMES, WILLIAM M. 1344 Home: 5605 E. Whisper Creek Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409-2590 Business: PO Box 626, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-622-7790 B: 910-622-7790 Woods Run Consulting Forestry PA - Vice-President email: bill@woodsrunforestry.com HILDRETH, W. REID Home: PO Box 1631, Spring Hope, NC 27882 Business: 737 Smokey Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804-2002 Telephone: H: 252-373-1131 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 224 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: reid.hildreth@ncagr.gov 976 *NCCF HORN, WAYNE D. Home: 1134 Whitmire Rd., Brevard, NC 28712 Business: 1134 Whitmire Rd., Brevard, NC 28712 Telephone: H: 828-862-4680 B: 864-316-0440 Wayne D. Horn, Consulting Forester - Consulting Forester email: hornfor@comporium.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 21 1332 772 544 417 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number 1302 HUFFMAN, THOMAS E. Home: 1141 Wterford Drive, Hickory, NC 28602 Business: PO Box 2165, Monroe, NC 28111 Telephone: H: 704-289-9570 B: 704-289-9570 Wood Harvest, Inc. - Forester email: forestmech@embarqmail.com 1282 918 HUGHES, DANIEL B. Home: 115 Watts Lane, Pauline, SC 29374 Business: PO Box 8, Pauline, SC 29374 B: 864-706-0810 Telephone: Hughes Land & Timber Co. - President 1034 *NCCF HOUSER, ROBYN DEVINEY Home: 573 John Queen Rd., Casar, NC 28020 Business: 838 Moriah School Road, Casar, NC 28020 Telephone: H: 704-538-5472 B: 704-538-9071 M.O. Deviney Lumber Co. - Forester/ Office Manager email: rdhouser@touchnc.net 1137 HUGHES, JOSEPH HENRY Home: 665 Territorial Road, New Bern, NC 28560 Business: Telephone: H: 252-638-4905 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Forest Scientist-Retired email: joehughes731@gmail.com 86 HOWARD, CHARLES "BRAD" Home: 201 H.G. Lewis Rd., Thurmond, NC 28683 Business: 524 Pride Way, Elkin, NC 28621 Telephone: H: 336-874-4838 B: 336-526-6405 Weyerhaeuser Co.-Elkin OSB - Raw Materials Manager email: brad.howard@weyerhaeuser.com 802 HUGHES, TRAVIS W. Home: 402 N. Belvedere Dr., Hampstead, NC 28443 Business: 2704-C Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 252-532-3287 B: 910-444-2945 Resource Management Services, LLC - Area Tech. Forester email: thughes@resourcemgt.com 1444 HOWARD, JOHN P. Home: 4307 Bradford Ridge Rd., Efland, NC 27243 Business: 3314 NC Hwy 86 South, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: H: 919-563-0700 B: 919-732-8105 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: john.howard@ncagr.gov 1372 HULKA, BRYAN H. Home: 113 New Hampshire Lane, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-633-5600 B: 252-229-8268 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Southern Timberlands EMS Mgr. email: bryan.hulka@weyerhaeuser.com 1373 HOWELL, TIMOTHY Home: 95 High Street, Canton, NC 28721 Business: 14 Gaston Mountain Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-400-3728 B: 919-810-5623 NC Forest Service - Fire Environ. Branch Head email: tim.howell@ncagr.gov 1559 HUNT, J. PERRY Home: PO Box 1756, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: PO Box 1756, Wake Forest, NC 27588 Telephone: H: 919-562-1861 B: 919-562-1861 Hunt Forest Resources - Forester email: phunt@huntforestry.com 1480 HOYT, FREDERICK W. Home: 410 S. First St., Smithfield, NC 27577 Business: 410 S. 1st Street, Smithfield, NC 27577 Telephone: H: 919-631-0150 C & F Forestry and Environmental, Inc. - Owner email: fred@cfforestry.com 1366 HUNTER, LESLIE (LES) P. Home: 902 Curtiss Dr., Garner, NC 27529 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 Telephone: H: 919-662-1337 B: 919-857-4833 NC Forest Service - For. Stew. Coord/For. Legacy Coord. email: les.hunter@ncagr.gov 626 HUDOMINT, ANN S. Home: 306 RiversideTrail, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: PO Box C, Gaston, NC 27832 Telephone: H: 252-533-9291 B: 252-241-7077 Enviva Pelletts Norhampton LLC - Fiber Supply Manager email: ann.hudomint@envivabiomass.com 1405 HUTCHISON, STEVE M. Home: 234 Dallas Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405 Business: 2829 N. Kerr Ave., Wilmington, NC Telephone: H: 910-540-8342 Self email: llwp1@hotmail.com 556 HUFFMAN, J. ADAM Home: 117-204 Weatherstone Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28311 Business: 221 Airport Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Telephone: H: 919-721-8522 B: 910-437-2620 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: adam.huffman@ncagr.gov 1479 *NCCF HYMAN, WALDO H. "TRES" 644 Home: 2340 East Lynches River Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 Business: PO Box 1135, Marion, SC 29571 Telephone: H: 843-346-5614 B: 843-423-7394 Bishop Brothers Forestry Consultants - Owner email: rryeti@aol.com HOSKINS, JR., L. WAYNE Home: 4801 St. Georges's Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 Business: 3204 Nash St. N, Suite C, Wilson, NC 27896 Telephone: H: 252-230-9065 B: 252-243-7285 Gator Wood, Inc. - Vice President email: waynehoskins@nc.rr.com HOUSEMAN, ROBERT H. Home: 245 Batten Farm Road, Selma, NC 27576 Business: Telephone: H: 919-965-8411 B: 919-965-8411 USFS - Program Specialist email: bobhouseman@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 22 Name and Address Registration Number ISNER, DAVID B. Home: 1609 Memorial Park Drive, Sparta, NC 28675 Business: 1609 Memorial Park Drive, Sparta, NC 28675 Telephone: H: 336-372-8800 B: 336-341-6404 Highland Forestry. Land & Timber LLC - Owner/Manager email: david@highlandforesterylandtimber.com 630 *NCCF ISOM, JEREMY M. Home: 173 Doe Run Drive, Sanford, NC 27330 Business: PO Box 488, Lillington, NC 27546 Telephone: H: 919-774-7136 B: 910-893-8197 Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Forester email: jisom@gfrforestry.com JACKSON, JAMES M. Home: 27 Hunter Circle, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: PO Box 40, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-586-6016 B: 252-537-1507 Canal Wood, LLC - Regional Manager email: jimmy.jackson@canalwood.com JACKSON, LEE H. Home: 4716 Trent River Dr., New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 105 Forestry Center Circle, Maysville, NC 28555 Telephone: H: 252-670-3503 B: 910-915-5467 NC State Nat. Res. Foundation, Inc. - Operations Forester email: leehjackson@gmail.com Name and Address Registration Number JENKINS, JR., DONALD L. Home: 100 Gail Dr., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: 3000 Wayne Memorial Drive, Goldsboro, NC 27534 Telephone: H: 252-678-0099 B: 919-735-5151 Wayne Community College - Instructor 816 1488 *NCCF JENNETTE, JR., DAVID L. Home: 305 S. King Street, Windsor, NC 27983 Business: PO Box 650, Windsor, NC 27983 Telephone: H: 252-794-7333 B: 252-794-3642 Timberlands Unlimited, Incorporated - Manager email: djennette@timberlandsunlimited.com 638 1345 JETER, THOMAS S. Home: 1519 Church St., Whitmire, SC 29178 Business: PO Box 92, Whitmire, SC 29178 Telephone: H: 803-694-3485 B: 803-924-6481 Goshen Land & Timber - Forest Contractor email: goshentimber@charter.net 366 JETT, JR., JACKSON (J.B.) B. Home: 1404 Lorimer Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: Telephone: H: 919-637-0459 1191 828 email: jbjett@ncsu.edu *NCCF JACKSON, TIMOTHY O. Home: 120 Jones Dr., Dunn, NC 28334 Business: 120 Jones Dr., Dunn, NC 28334 Telephone: H: 919-820-0635 B: 919-820-0635 Jackson Land Management - Consulting Forester/ Owner email: timj60@nc.rr.com 1161 *NCCF JEUCK, JAMES A. Home: 3225 Grande Classic Way, Cary, NC 27513 Business: Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695 Telephone: H: 828-734-9795 B: 919-515-5574 NCSU Extension Forestry - Extension Associate email: jajeuck@ncsu.edu 795 JAMIESON, GREGORY W. Home: PO Box 203, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-244-0101 B: 252-514-3612 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Harvest Rep. email: greg.jamieson@weyerhaeuser.com 1103 JEWELL, GEORGE KENT Home: 3607 Camp Creek Rd., Lancaster, SC 29720 Business: Telephone: H: 803-283-9129 B: 803-283-9129 Self - Land Sales 718 JENKINS, E. CLAY Home: 2408 East Yacht Drive, Oak Island, NC 28465 Business: 2704 C Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-512-4263 B: 910-512-4263 Resource Mgmt Service - Land Sales email: cjenkins@resourcemgt.com 1512 JOHNSON, D. MATTHEW Home: 316 Robinhood Road, Franklin, VA 23851 Business: 149 Lilly Road, South Mills, NC 27976 Telephone: H: 757-651-8636 B: 252-333-8685 Swain & Temple Inc. - Forester email: dmatthewjohnson@verizon.net 1591 *NCCF JENKINS, KEITH M. Home: 32 Spring Hill Drive, Asheville, NC 28804-9796 Business: 32 Spring Hill Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 Telephone: H: 828-989-8060 B: 828-989-8060 Jenkins & Associates - Forester email: jenkinsplanning@bellsouth.net 641 JOHNSON, DAVID B. Home: 1294 Harrison Trail, Sophia, NC 27350 Business: 524 Pride Way, Elkin, NC 28621-0590 Telephone: H: 336-404-9603 Weyerhaeuser Co.-Elkin - Forester email: david.johnson3@weyerhaeuser.com 817 *NCCF JENKINS, WILLIAM A. Home: 117 Kimberly Dr., Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 117 Kimberly Dr., Edenton, NC 27932 Telephone: H: 252-482-4674 B: 252-312-6139 Ext: 15 W.A. Jenkins, LLC, Forestry Services - Owner email: wallcjenkins@yahoo.com 980 *NCCF JOHNSON, DONALD K. Home: 1001 North High St., Franklin, VA 23851 Business: PO Box 308, Roxobel, NC 27872 Telephone: H: 757-569-0172 B: 252-287-9016 Don Johnson Forestry, Inc. - President email: donjohnsonforestry@verizon.net 919 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 23 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF JOHNSON, EDWARD M. Home: 615 Impala Dr., Albemarle, NC 28001 Business: 202 C Greenwood Lane, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-694-8508 B: 704-694-6637 Self - Owner email: ejohnsonforestry@yahoo.com 1244 KEARNS, ALEC M. 1303 Home: 1156 Smith Creek Way, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Business: 4408 Mt. Herman-Rock Creek Rd., Graham, NC 27252 Telephone: H: 336-214-4669 B: 336-376-3130 New South Lumber Co. - Procurement Forester email: alec.kearns@newsouth.canfor.com JOHNSON, JEFFERY H. Home: PO Box 715, Inman, SC 29349 Business: PO Box 715, Inman, SC 29349 Telephone: H: 864-706-0816 B: 864-472-4386 Mid-South Timber Co. LLC - Owner email: midsouthtimber@gmail.com 1638 KEATING IV, HARRY (A.J.) A. 1665 Home: 677 Cromartie Road, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: PO Box 2358, Lumberton, NC 28359 Telephone: H: 910-734-9816 B: 910-671-8042 Lumber River Timber Co, Inc. - Timber Buyer/Procurement For. email: ajkeating1@yahoo.com JOHNSON III, J. TOM 1708 Home: 7944 Bradenton Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210 Business: 600 E. 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone: H: 704-336-3622 B: 704-336-3622 City of Charlotte, NC Land Development - Sr. Urban Forestry Speciali email: tjjohnson@ci.charlotte.nc.us JONES, CALEB Y. Home: 15 Tiffany Lane, Asheville, NC 28804 Business: 220 Sardis Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-450-5210 B: 828-667-5211 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: caleb.jones@ncagr.gov JONES, FREDERICK W. Home: 3088 Piney Woods Road, Burgaw, NC 28425 Business: PO Box 1471, Burgaw, NC 28425 Telephone: H: 910-259-2954 B: 910-259-2954 F.W. Jones Surveying - Owner email: jonessurveying@bellsouth.net KEEGAN, MARIAN S. Home: PO Box 306, Rowland, PA 18457 Business: 1007 Hemlock Farms, Lords Valley, PA 18428 Telephone: H: 570-903-9776 B: 570-775-4200 Ext: 127 HFCA - Dir. Of Conservation email: mkeegan@alumni.duke.edu 647 1592 KEIM, MICHAEL F. Home: 231 Fairway Dr., Newberry, SC 29108 Business: PO Box 211, Newberry, SC 29108 Telephone: H: 803-924-0617 B: 803-924-0617 Keim's Forestry Services - Owner 648 838 KELLEHER, JOHN L. Home: 245 Mimosa Road, St. Augustine, FL 32145 Business: 600 CR 204, Hastings, FL 32145 Telephone: H: 910-619-2202 B: 904-797-2837 Rayonier - Resource Development Mgr. email: luke.kelleher@rayonier.com 1693 1090 JONES, STEVEN B. Home: 1193 Moonlight Road, Smithfield, VA 23430 Business: 26570 Rose Valley Road, Franklin, VA 23851 Telephone: H: 804-370-2225 B: 757-694-5931 Enviva Pellets, LLC - Fiber Supply Manager email: sjones@mosssideforestry.com 1718 KELLEHER, JOSEPH B. Home: 3704 Rhynewood Dr., Greensboro, NC 27410-4724 Business: PO Box 4771, Greensboro, NC 27404 Telephone: H: 336-420-3388 B: 336-420-3388 Legacy Landbank, LLC - President email: legacylandbank@gmail.com JORDAN, CHRISTOPHER W. Home: 1925 Hoyt Scott Road, Bear Creek, NC Business: PO Box 149, Hoffman, NC 28347 Telephone: H: 910-995-7404 B: 910-638-3984 NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Wildlife Forester email: chris.jordan@ncwildlife.org 1192 KELLISON, ROBERT C. Home: 1316 Dixie Trail, Raleigh, NC 27607 Business: Telephone: H: 919-247-3139 Retired email: bkelliso@bellsouth.net 834 *NCCF KARAKASH, JOHN T. Home: PO Box 287, Harford, PA 18823 Business: PO Box 287, Harford, PA 18823 Telephone: H: 570-768-0647 Resource Professional Group - Managing Consultatn email: jtk@resourceprofessionalsgroup.com 408 KELLY, L. MICHAEL 1260 Home: 1680 Wellshire Lane, Dunwoody, GA 30338 Business: 15 Piedmont Center, Suite 1250, Atlanta, GA 30305 Telephone: H: 770-673-0650 B: 404-495-8590 Forest Investment Associates - President email: mkelly@forestinvest.com *NCCF KEA, JAMES B. Home: 115 Wellesley Rd., Washington, NC 27889 Business: 115 Wellesley Rd., Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-946-8760 B: 252-946-8760 Jim Kea's Tree Company - Owner/Operator email: jimannkea@earthlink.net 921 KENLEY, JR., CHARLES B. Home: 7904 Ripplestir Ct., Raleigh, NC 27615 Business: Telephone: H: 919-965-7012 email: ckenley@nc.rr.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 24 922 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number KENNEDY, HUGH BRIAN Home: 1040 David Rogerson Rd., Williamston, NC 27892 Business: 1040 David Rogerson Rd., Williamston, NC 27892 Telephone: H: 252-792-6080 B: 252-792-6080 Coastal Plain Timber Co, Inc. - President email: hkennedy@suddenlink.net 594 *NCCF KINLAW, ALAN KEITH 1245 Home: 4378 Twisted Hickory Rd., Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: 4378 Twisted Hickory Road, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-645-4415 American Forest Management - Forester email: keith.kinlaw@amforem.biz KERR, II, JAMES EDWARD Home: 108 South River Rd., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: 1005 Old Halifax Rd., Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-308-7144 B: 252-537-0544 J. E. Kerr Timber Company - Owner/President email: jekerr60@gmail.com 599 KIRVEN, TIMOTHY B. Home: 857 Bethune Hwy., Bishopville, SC 29010 Business: 1 North 2nd street, W-54, Hartsville, SC 29550 B: 843-307-0302 Telephone: Sonoco Products Co. - Fiber Operations Supervisor email: timothy.kirven@sonoco.com 1067 *NCCF KESSINGER, JEREMY A. 1560 Home: 634 Mt. Vernon Lane, Duncan, SC 29334 Business: 13950 Ballantyne Corp. Pl.; St 150, Charlotte, NC 28277Telephone: H: 864-486-8265 B: 704-540-4100 Hancock Forest Management, Inc. - Area Manager email: jkessinger6@charter.net KLAMUT, COREY L. Home: 250 Ramsey Ford Road, Nakina, NC 28455 Business: 1413 Chadbourn HWY, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-642-2464 B: 910-642-5093 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: cklamut@aol.com 1662 168 *NCCF KLASS, RICHARD B. Home: 302 Bayoak Drive, Cary, NC 27513 Business: 302 Bayoak Drive, Cary, NC 27513 Telephone: H: 252-203-2390 B: 252-203-2390 RB Klass Forestry Services - Owner 472 KIDD, ROBERT B. 981 Home: 108 Gabor, Hot Springs, AR 71913 Business: 1000 James T. Tucker Road, Broken Bow, OK 74728 Telephone: H: 423-802-6110 B: 423-802-6110 Huber Engineered Woods, LLC - Wood Procurement Manager email: fisherkidd@huber.com *NCCF KNIGHT, TRACY A. Home: 513 Hillcrest Road, Hartsville, SC 29550 Business: PO Box 246, Darlington, SC 29540 Telephone: H: 843-687-6561 B: 843-395-0068 Dargan, King, and Knight, LLC - Sect./Treasurer email: DKandK@aol.com 1561 KESSLER, EDWARD E. Home: 3009 Schloss Rd., Louisburg, NC 27549 Business: 581 Lee-Jackson HWY, Staunton, Va 24401 Telephone: H: 919-495-2162 B: 540-885-8801 American Hardwood Industries - Wood Procurement Manager email: edkessler@ahiwood.com *NCCF KIGHT, II, JOHN H. Home: 121 Pine Street, Camden, NC 27921 Business: PO Box 1814, Elizabeth City, NC 27906 Telephone: H: 252-335-2122 B: 252-335-4047 Frazier Consulting Foresters - President/Owner email: loggerman@inteliport.com 1193 KOSTYAL, DAVID M. Home: 738 Scotts Hill Loop Road, Wilmington, NC 28411 Business: PO Box 10141, Wilmington, NC 28404 Telephone: H: 910-520-3805 B: 910-686-0504 David M. Kostyal Timber, Inc. - Forester email: dave@transformedbytheword.org *NCCF KIKER, JASON B. Home: PO Box 361, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Business: PO Box 933, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-695-2810 B: 704-694-6436 Kiker Resource Mgmt., LLC - Managing Principal email: jkiker@kikerforestry.com 1481 KRAWIEC, MATTHEW B. Home: 116 Church Ave, Hartsville, SC 29550 Business: 585 Willamette Road, Bennettsville, SC 29512 Telephone: H: 843-309-1083 B: 843-479-6531 Domtar Paper Co., LLC - District Procurement Forester email: matthew.krawiec@domtar.com *NCCF KIKER, III, PAUL J. Home: 3450 Cameron Road, Polkton, NC 28135 Business: Telephone: H: 704-272-9285 Retired - Forester email: paulandbj@windstream.net 190 KING, C. PATRICK Home: 12817 Bay Briar Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613 Business: 2457 A Old Mt. Olive HWY, Dudley, NC 28333 B: 919-738-4457 Telephone: Georgia-Pacific LLC - Forester email: cpking@gapac.com 606 1283 KRIETEMEYER, STEVEN W. 1459 Home: 109 Rose Creek Ln., Columbia, SC 29229 Business: 1038 Wildewood Centre Dr, Suite A, Columbia, SC 29229 Telephone: H: 803-699-1341 B: 803-788-6295 RMK Timberland Group - Investment Forester email: steve.krietemeyer@regions.com 1058 *NCCF KULLNAT, RICHARD T. Home: 617 Country Club Dr., Conway, SC 29526 Business: PO Box 9, Aynor, SC 29511 Telephone: H: 843-488-4798 B: 843-358-1054 American Forest Management, Inc. - Land Mgt. Forester email: rick.kullnat@amforem.biz *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 25 693 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address *NCCF LAFAYE, ANGUS B. 1507 Home: 1412 Haynesworth Rd., Columbia, SC 29205 Business: 213 North Grampian Hill Road, Columbia, SC 29213 Telephone: H: 803-787-5458 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co., Inc. - President email: lafaye@millikenforestry.com *NCCF LAMB, J. DANIEL Home: 127 Hemlock Lane, Moravian Falls, NC 28654-9636 Business: 127 Hemlock Lane, Moravian Falls, NC 28654-9636 Telephone: H: 336-667-4479 B: 336-957-1817 Boundary Tree Investments - Consulting Forester email: jdlrf272@aol.com *NCCF LAMB, ROBERT Home: 416 Boundary St., Waynesville, NC 28785 Business: 331 Stillwell BLDG, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Telephone: H: 828-280-5899 B: 828-227-3388 Forest Stewards, Inc. - Executive Director email: rlamb@foreststewards.net Registration Number LEARY, KENNETH H. Home: 111 Sunrise Harbor, Anderson, SC 29621 Business: PO Box 933, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-690-5148 B: 704-694-6436 Kiker Resource Mgmt, LLC - Associate email: hleary@kikerforestry.com 272 LEE, PHILLIP M. Home: 9122 NC Hwy. 32 North, Washington, NC 27889 Business: Telephone: H: 252-943-7498 1738 31 email: pleesr@earthlink.net 1614 LAMBERT, COLBY S. 1482 Home: 5715 Christian Light Road, Fuquay-Varinia, NC 27526 Business: 301 E. Mountian Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28306-3444 Telephone: H: 919-567-0634 B: 910-321-6875 NC Cooperative Extension - Extension Agent email: colby_lambert@ncsu.edu LEFLER, JASON M. Home: 511 Currie Road, Candor, NC 27229 Business: PO Box 219, Marshville, NC 28103-0219 Telephone: H: 704-242-3327 B: 704-242-3327 Edwards Wood Products - Forester email: jasonlefler@ewpi.com 1528 LEONARD, J. BRIAN Home: 2727 Rainier St., Florence, SC 29505 Business: 2727 Rainier St., Florence, SC 29505 Telephone: H: 843-665-0976 B: 843-662-9466 Southeast Woodland Services - Region Manager email: jblforest@sc.rr.com 1306 1730 LANE, DAVID M. Home: 250 Highgate Circle, Wake Forest, NC 27587-5117 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-616-4201 B: 919-857-4838 NC Forest Service - FP Section Chief email: david.lane@ncagr.gov 924 LEVINE, AARON Home: 3762 Sheep Pasture Road, Spring Hope, NC 27882 Business: 737 Smokey Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-478-3260 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 227 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: aaron.levine@ncagr.gov *NCCF LANE, W. MICHAEL Home: 1200 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA 23434 Business: 1200 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA 23434 Telephone: H: 757-539-5077 Lane Environmental Consultants - Owner email: lanewmike@aol.com 759 *NCCF LEWIS, CLIFFORD R. Home: 150 Deer Run Drive, Lewisville, NC 27023 Business: PO Box 24155, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-4155 Telephone: H: 336-945-9540 B: 336-721-0816 Piedmont Forestry Consultants, PC - President email: lewistree@triad.rr.com 474 LASSITER, TOM Home: , , Business: 175 Main Street, Canton, NC 28716 B: 828-335-8154 Telephone: Evergreen Packaging - Fiber Procurement Manager email: tom.lassiter@everpack.com 1692 *NCCF LEWIS, W. MICHAEL Home: 1608 Terry's Mtn. Road, Martinsville, VA 24112 Business: PO Box 4386, Martinsville, VA 24115 Telephone: H: 276-732-4531 B: 276-666-4514 W. Michael Lewis & Associates - Owner email: wmlfstr@comcast.net 476 LATHAM, TERRY ALAN Home: 107 Eastview Ave, Hohenwald, TN 38462 Business: PO Box 679, Linden, TN 37096 Telephone: H: 931-306-9343 B: 931-589-2143 Graham Lumber Co. - Forester email: lathamtask@bellsouth.net 1141 *NCCF LILES, JR., NELSON P. Home: 1309 Dogwood Lane, Laurinburg, NC 28352 Business: 1309 Dogwood Lane, Laurinburg, NC 28352 Telephone: H: 910-276-3551 B: 910-276-8862 Liles Consulting Forestry - Consulting Forester email: np.liles@gmail.com 119 LEACH, KENNETH S. Home: 69 Sea Dollar Lane, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 1515 Bourne St., Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 843-344-0400 B: 843-520-5657 International Paper Co. - Procurement Forester email: kensleach@yahoo.com 699 LILLEY, CHRISTOPHER Home: 3329 Cadenza St., Greenville, NC 27858 Business: PO Box 549, Jamesville, NC 27846 Telephone: H: 252-714-8610 B: 252-792-1889 Woodridge Timber Inc. - Procurement Forester email: chrislilley1217@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 26 1615 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number LILLEY, RAYMOND MASON Home: 3100 Rolstor Road, Greenville, NC 27858 Business: PO Box 549, Jamesville, NC 27849 Telephone: H: 252-714-9045 B: 252-729-1889 Woodridge Timber, Inc. - President/ Owver email: mlilley@suddenlink.net 507 LONDON, BRENDAN Home: 9706 Northwoods Forest Drive, Charlotte, NC 28214 Business: Telephone: H: 540-691-6838 B: 704-600-8173 Utilifor - Forester email: brendan.london@utilifor.com 1732 *NCCF LINDBERG, STEPHEN P. Home: 3824 Weatherbury Place, Moseley, VA 23120 Business: PO Box 396, Chesterfield, VA 23832 Telephone: H: 804-739-4488 B: 804-796-9622 Timber Marketing & Management, Inc. - Owner/President email: tmm4u@aol.com 595 *NCCF LONG, GARY R. Home: 984 Laurel Creek Rd., Pilot, VA 24138 Business: 984 Laurel Creek Rd., Pilot, VA 24138 Telephone: H: 540-651-6000 B: 540-651-6000 Ridgerunner Forestry, LLC - President email: ridgrunr@swva.net 1460 LIPFORD, ROBERT W. Home: 4000 Carybrook Court, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 Business: 737 Smokey Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-972-3829 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 223 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: rob.lipford@ncagr.gov 925 LONG, JR., WILLIAM M. Home: 7405 Chickadee Ct., Sanford, NC 27332 Business: 7405 Chickadee Ct., Sanford, NC 27332 Telephone: H: 919-353-2734 B: 919-353-2734 Self-employed - President email: longland@windstream.net 1194 1104 LIPSCOMB, JAMES E. Home: 978 Dority Farm Rd., Fort Lawn, SC 29714 Business: PO Box 418, Whitmire, SC 29178 Telephone: H: 803-872-4272 B: 803-694-5570 Foothills Forest Products, Inc. - Forester email: jl_timber_29720@yahoo.com 1374 LUDLUM, TONY SCOTT Home: 1705 Pine Forest Dr., Scotland Neck, NC 27874-1443 Business: 737 Smokey Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804-2002 Telephone: H: 252-578-1736 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 228 NC Forest Service - Management Ranger email: scott.ludlum@ncagr.gov LISTERMAN, ADAM K. Home: 35329 Gene Road, New London, NC 28127 Business: 3479 Mt. Vernon Road, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-463-2856 B: 704-695-2098 Forest Management, LLC email: alisterman@windstream.net 1731 LUNDBERG, ROBERT J. Home: 2910 Malone Drive, Panama City, FL 32405-3839 Business: PO Box 35173, Panama City, FL 32412-0565 Telephone: H: 850-784-3918 B: 850-691-0212 Rock Tenn - Regional Woodlands Mgr email: blundber@rocktenn.com 452 LISTERMAN, EDWIN A. Home: 5150 River Road, Richfield, NC 28137 Business: PO Box 235, New London, NC 28127 Telephone: H: 704-463-4102 B: 704-463-7311 HW Culp Lumber Co., Inc. - Procurement email: edlisterman@culplumber.com 571 LYNCH, RICKY O. Home: PO Box 197, Vaughan, NC 27586 Business: PO Box 459, Seaboard, NC 27876 Telephone: H: 252-308-3079 B: 252-308-3079 West Fraser - Procurment Forester email: rick.lynch@westfraser.com 1105 *NCCF LITTLE, EDGAR L. Home: 12468 Halifax Road, Java, VA 24565 Business: 12468 Halifax Road, Java, VA 24565 Telephone: H: 434-432-8709 B: 434-432-8709 Self-employed - Consulting Forester email: flittle@hughes.net 326 LYNCH, ROGER D Home: 276 Robinson Ferry Road, Macon, NC 27551 Business: PO Box 2112, Rocky Mount, NC 27802 Telephone: H: 252-257-3135 B: 252-442-4930 Canal Woods, LLC - Procurement Forester email: roger.lynch@canalwood.com 1535 LIV, CHRIS Home: 125 Timberlane Drive, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: Telephone: H: 919-308-7134 1622 *NCCF LYTTON, JAMES E. Home: 2788 HWY 109 N, Troy, NC 27371 Business: 2788 HWY 109 N, Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-572-1085 B: 910-975-0262 American Forest Mgmt. - Consulting Forester email: jamie.lytton@amforem.biz 1527 MACKENZIE, JAMES D. Home: 101 Sleepy Ridge Ct., Suffolk, VA 23435 Business: 149 Lilly Rd., South Mills, VA 27976 Telephone: H: 757-538-0333 B: 252-333-8725 Swain & Temple, Inc. - Procurement Manager email: JimMacKnz3@aol.com 1035 email: liv.chris@gmail.com *NCCF LOCK, WILLIAM H. Home: 5100 Tower Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 Business: PO Box 49571, Greensboro, NC 27419 Telephone: H: 336-299-5850 B: 336-632-9088 William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. - President email: whlock@whlock.com 482 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 27 Name and Address Registration Number MALLARD, JR., WALTER (CHIP) H. Home: 708 Corley St., Lexington, SC 29072 Business: PO Box 2358, Lexington, SC 29701 Telephone: H: 803-359-2348 B: 803-356-2133 Lexington Timber Co., LLC - Managing Partner email: lextimberllc@sc.twcbc.com Name and Address 1310 Registration Number MARLOWE, THOMAS ADAM 1719 Home: 1137 S. Third St. Ext., Mebane, NC 27302 Business: 4408 Mt. Hermon-Rock Creek Road, Graham, NC 27253 Telephone: H: 336-213-3783 B: 336-213-3783 Confor Southern Pine - Procurement Forester email: adam.marlowe@newsouth.canfor.com MALLORY, JOSEPH L. Home: 1897 Bessie Lane, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: 2711 NC HWY 58, Warrenton, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 252-813-1914 B: 252-257-3303 Louisburg Hardwood, Inc. - Forester 710 *NCCF MARTIN, JAMES ANDY Home: 504 Hawthorne Lane, Wilson, NC 27893 Business: PO Box 2907, Wilson, NC 27894 Telephone: H: 252-230-2610 B: 252-246-4365 BB&T - Vice President email: amartin@bbandt.com MALM, RICHARD L. Home: 95103 Bermuda Drive, Fernandia Beach, FL 32034 Business: 95103 Bermuda Drive, Fernandia Beach, FL 32034 Telephone: H: 678-427-3148 B: 678-427-3148 Timbervest, LLC - Region Forester email: malm@timbervest.net 765 *NCCF MASSENGILL, JR, RAYMOND A. 1197 Home: 2638 Stricklands X Roads Road, Four Oaks, NC 27524 Business: Telephone: H: 919-934-6309 B: 919-427-8370 Johnston County Public Utilities - Site Attendant & Consultant email: rjmassengill@embarqmail.com *NCCF MALPASS, JAMES E. Home: 4172 Livingston Chapel Road, Delco, NC 28436 Business: 4172 Livingston Chapel Road, Delco, NC 28436 Telephone: H: 910-840-6713 B: 910-655-2638 James E. Malpass & Associates - Manager email: jimmymalpass@aol.com 161 MATHEWS, RAND L. 1486 Home: 8205 Zebulon Road, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: 4900 Falls of Neuse Road. Suite 205, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 910-554-8785 B: 919-878-2400 Ext: 103 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Environmental Manager email: rlmathew@gapac.com MALPASS, II, JAMES E. Home: 1009 Pine St, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Business: PO Box 549, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-840-2523 B: 910-862-3533 Squires Timber Co. - Forester MANESS, DANNY R. Home: 175 Johnson Dr., Halifax, NC 27839 Business: 142 NC HWY 561 East, Ahoskie, NC 27910 Telephone: H: 252-583-5921 B: 252-209-6032 Ext: 241 Enviva Biomass - Fiber Supply Manager email: danny.maness@envivabiomass.com MANOR, ZACHARY J. Home: 300 Sparta Lane, Apex, NC 27502 Business: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: H: 919-623-5920 B: 919-996-4868 City of Raleigh - Asst. Tree Planting Coordinator email: zach.manor@raleighnc.gov 1311 MAYO, STEVEN A. Home: 158 Hiding Place, Goodleich, TX 77335 Business: 1913 FM 105, Evatute, TX 77656 Telephone: H: 409-554-6495 B: 409-554-6495 Meadwest Va Co. - Procurement Forester email: samayo75@gmail.com 1198 985 *NCCF MAZUR, ROBERT S. Home: 1216 Queen Anne Road, Wilson, NC 27896-1442 Business: 2801-6A Ward Blvd., Wilson, NC 27893-1757 Telephone: H: 252-245-4742 B: 252-237-6004 Robert S. Mazur Consulting For., Inc. - President email: emazur@nc.rr.com 273 1726 *NCCF MCBETH, JONATHAN A. Home: 248 Ashley Dr., Aberdeen, NC 28315 Business: 174 Airport Road, Rockingham, NC 28380 Telephone: H: 910-281-0338 B: 910-997-2248 Iron Horse Auction Company - Forester email: jmcbeth@windstream.net 1092 MCBRYDE, JOHN M. Home: 8604 Yucca Trail, Raleigh, NC 27615 Business: 3314 NC HWY 86 South, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: H: 919-609-3438 B: 919-732-8105 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: john.mcbryde@ncagr.gov 1639 *NCCF MCCALL, BARRETT B. Home: 4535 Kingsway Drive, Mobile, AL 36608 Business: 10 N. Florida St., Mobile, AL 36607-3108 Telephone: H: 251-340-6560 B: 251-438-4581 Larson & McGowin, Inc. - President email: bmccall@larsonmcgowin.com 1473 *NCCF MANUS, CHRISTOPHER P. 1500 Home: 3267 Ivy Creek Road, Maiden, NC 28650 Business: 2401 Whitehall Park Dr Suite 1100, Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: H: 704-301-0255 B: 704-527-6780 Ext: 348 American Forest Management, Inc. - District Manager email: chris.manus@amforem.biz MANZENE, STEPHEN CRAIG Home: 712 Oakdale Ave., New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-633-5928 B: 252-633-5928 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Forester email: manzene@suddenlink.net 608 804 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 28 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number MCCALL, JONATHAN S. Home: 4172 Watia Road, Bryson City, NC 28713 Business: 133 Glenn Cabe Road, Sylva, NC 28779-8513 Telephone: H: 828-488-5651 B: 828-586-4007 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: jonathan.mccall@ncagr.gov 1580 MCKEAND, STEVEN E. Home: 1000 S. Knoll Ct., Raleigh, NC 27603 Business: NCSU - Box 8002, Raleigh, NC 27695-8002 Telephone: H: 919-218-4669 B: 919-886-6073 NC State University - Professor email: steve_mckeand@ncsu.edu MCCARTER, KELLEY D. Home: 1124 Stonewater Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603 Business: Campus Box 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008 Telephone: H: 919-803-0527 B: 919-515-9563 NCSU - FEOP - Assistant Director email: kmac@mccarterforestry.com 1422 *NCCF MCKENSTRY, JAMES M. Home: 676 Fifth Road, Haddock, GA 31033 Business: PO Box 6111, Macon, GA 31208 Telephone: H: 478-932-5795 B: 478-932-5795 James M. McKenstry Co., LLC - President email: mike@mckenstry.com *NCCF MCCLURE, R. CRAIG Home: 1652 Conley Cheek Road, Fleetwood, NC 28626 Business: 310 E. Main Street, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Telephone: H: 336-877-5335 B: 336-838-5766 Casey & Company Forestry, LLC - Forester email: cmcclure@caseyandcompany.com 1593 MCKINNEY, MARY-MARGARET S. Home: 908 Indian Trail Road, Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 908 Indian Trail Road, Edenton, NC 27932 Telephone: H: 252-482-8389 B: 252-482-8491 Carolina Silvics, Inc. - Principal email: mary-margaret@carolinasilvics.com 1284 *NCCF MCKINNEY, JR., J. DWIGHT Home: 908 IndianTrail Road, Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 908 IndianTrail Rd., Edenton, NC 27932 Telephone: H: 252-482-8389 B: 252-482-8491 Carolina Silvics, Inc. - Principal email: dwight@carolinasilvics.com 1123 MCCOLLUM, J. KEITH Home: 180 Marl Pointe Drive West, Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: PO Box 1527, Laurinburg, NC 28353 Telephone: H: 910-734-2546 B: 910-734-2546 Edwards Wood Products - Procurement Manager email: jkeithmccollum@hotmail.com 142 1246 983 MCCONNELL, BRAD L. Home: 192 Van Vlake Dr., Georgetown, SC 29440 Business: 192 Van Vlake Dr., Georgetown, SC 29440 Telephone: H: 843-527-0140 B: 843-527-0104 McConnell Land & Timber, LLC - Owner email: mcconnellandtimber@wildblue.net 1196 *NCCF MCMILLAN, JUSTIN S. Home: 1303 Kathwood Dr., Columbia, SC 29206 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-730-9641 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co., Inc. - Vice President email: mcmillian@millikenforestry.com 1499 MCELVEEN, J. THOMAS Home: 818 Evans Road, Marion, SC 29571 Business: PO Box 88, Marion, SC 29571 Telephone: H: 843-430-2487 B: 843-423-4821 Swamp Fox Timber Company, Inc. - Field Representative email: jtcutiger@gmail.com 1703 MCNEILL, TONY L. Home: 131 Fairwood Rd., Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: 131 Fairwood Road, Rockingham, NC 28379 B: 910-540-4773 Telephone: Resource Management Service - District Manager email: tmcneill@resourcemgt.com 1106 MCGOWEN III, THOMAS D. Home: 420 Emerson Dr., Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Business: 3700 Claypond Road, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Telephone: H: 843-344-3393 B: 843-903-8821 New South Lumber Company - Procurement Tech. Mgr. email: davis.mcgowen@newsouth.canfor.com 1663 MCWHIRTER, EDDIE J. Home: 325 Stamford Bridge Road, Columbia, SC 29212 Business: MCK74 4600 12th St. Ext., Cayce, SC 29072 Telephone: H: 704-466-2024 B: 803-217-7811 South Carolina Electric & Gas - Transmission Forester email: emcwhirter@sc.rr.com 614 MCGUIRE, BRAD D. Home: PO Box 2266, Rockingham, NC 28380 Business: PO Box 219, Marshville, NC 28103-0219 B: 704-291-6859 Telephone: Edwards Timber Co. - Forester email: foresters@ewpi.com 1036 MEACHAM, JEFFREY Home: 1418 Carolina Dr., Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: 1418 Carolina Drive, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 910-995-4581 B: 910-995-4581 Meacham Forestry & Associates - Procurement Forester email: meachamforestry@yahoo.com 1396 MEACHAM, W. GREG Home: 1530 Grassy Island Rd., Ellerbe, NC 28338 Business: Telephone: H: 910-997-1159 Meacham Logging, Inc. - Logging Foreman email: gtimberjack1@aol.com 1423 MCINTYRE, VICTOR LORING Home: 57 Yow Drive, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Business: Telephone: H: 828-298-8429 Retired email: vlmcintyre1@bellsouth.net *NCCF 519 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 29 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number MEAD, PHILIP M. 1702 Home: 1571 Idlebrook Trail, Asheboro, NC 27205 Business: 919 South Cox Street, Suite A-1, Asheboro, NC 27203 Telephone: H: 336-653-8839 B: 336-626-0849 Henderson Forestry Consultants, P.A - Logistics Forester email: phil@hendersonforestryconsultants.com MEIGGS, DAVID E. Home: 409 Ainsley Ave, Hertford, NC 27944 Business: 409 Ainsley Ave, Hertford, NC 27944 Telephone: H: 252-340-1640 B: 252-340-1640 David Meiggs Logging - Owner email: davidmeiggs@ncloggers.com 928 MEADOWS, ANTHONY "ANDY" R. 820 Home: 3303 Hedgerow Circle, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 3810 M.L. King, Jr. Blvd., New Bern, NC 28562-2236 Telephone: H: 252-514-4764 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: andy.meadows@ncagr.gov *NCCF MELTON, ANDREW C. Home: 104 Seaman Street, Oxford, NC 27565 Business: 104 Seaman Street, Oxford, NC 27565 Telephone: H: 919-693-1554 B: 919-690-4133 Andy Melton Forestry - Consultant email: amelton4@nc.rr.com 538 MERRITT, JR., ROBERT W. Home: 1941 Old Mt. Olive Hwy., Dudley, NC 28333 Business: PO Box 1756, Wake Forest, NC 27588 Telephone: H: 919-734-4646 B: 919-562-1861 Hunt Forest Resources, LLC - Procurement Forester email: timberdog@aol.com 567 *NCCF MEADOWS, JAMES L. Home: 227 Oak Grove Church Road, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 9925 Highway 158, Littleton, NC 27850 Telephone: H: 252-586-5537 B: 252-586-7918 Watson Timber Co. - Forester/Real Estate Broker email: 5meadows@embarqmail.com MEADOWS, KOREY W. Home: 9561 Pleasant Hill Church Road, Liberty, NC 27298 Business: 2200 Fairfax Road, Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone: H: 336-467-7332 Duke Energy - Vegetation Manager email: korey.meadows@duke-energy.com 839 1666 MEADOWS JR., STEVEN R. 1720 Home: 1520 N. Andrews Dr., Thomasville, AL 36784 Business: 2476 Lena Laudegger HWY, Purdue Hill, AL 36470 Telephone: H: 251-593-4173 B: 251-743-8254 Georgia Pacific - Bus. Ana. For Wood & Fiber Supply email: steven.meadows84@gmail.com MEARS, P.J. Home: 91 Outlook Circle, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Business: 12 S. Blueridge Road, Black Mountian, NC 28711 Telephone: H: 207-577-3281 Carolina HemlockArborists - Forester email: newroadchoices@gmail.com MEDFORD, ALAN R. Home: 5304 Dutchman Dr., Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: Telephone: H: 919-387-8249 MEGALOS, MARK A. Home: 105 McCoy Court, Cary, NC 27511-5166 Business: CB 8008, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008 Telephone: H: 919-481-1931 B: 919-513-1202 NCSU Extension Forestery - Ext. Associate Professor email: mark.megalos@ncsu.edu 1037 METCALF, MARYANN R. Home: 1001 Edgebrook Dr., Garner, NC 27529 Business: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: H: 910-612-3063 B: 919-516-2562 City of Raleigh - Forestry Specialist email: maryann.metcalf@ci.raleigh.nc.us 1385 1727 MILLER, ASHLEY T. 1589 Home: 7008 Valley Haven Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 Business: 13950 Ballantyne Corp. Pl, Ste 150, Charlotte, NC 28277 Telephone: H: 704-705-0867 B: 704-405-4932 Ext: 16 Hancock Timber Resource Group - Valuation Analyst email: amiller@hnrg.com 927 *NCCF MILLER, JOHN C 1530 Home: 7008 Valley Haven Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 Business: 2401 Whitehall Park Drive Suite 110, Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: H: 704-577-7082 B: 704-527-6780 Ext: 322 American Forest Mgmt. Inc. - Consulting Forester email: chris.miller@amforem.biz 1124 MILLER, ROGER V. 1286 Home: 1981 Alfred Hartley Rd., Lenoir, NC 28645 Business: 1543 Wilkesboro Blvd., NE, Lenoir, NC 28645-8215 Telephone: H: 828-726-1700 B: 828-757-5611 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: roger.miller@ncagr.gov email: randymedford@gmail.com *NCCF MEDLOCK, BRIAN E. Home: PO Box 198, Dallas, NC 28034 Business: PO Box 198, Dallas, NC 28034 Telephone: H: 704-922-1889 B: 704-922-1889 Medlock Forest Resources, Inc. - Owner email: brianmedlock@bellsouth.net MERTEN, PAUL R. Home: 763 Shepherd Branch Rd., Burnsville, NC 28714 Business: 200 Wt. Weaver Blvd., Asheville, NC 28804 Telephone: H: 828-682-9281 B: 828-257-4845 U.S. Forest Service - Entomologist email: pmerten@fs.fed.us 728 MILLER, WILLIAM N. Home: 228 Black Camp Gap Road, Maggie Valley, NC 28751 Business: Telephone: H: 828-926-9524 B: 919-548-2589 Dept. of Homeland Security - Lead Instructor email: billm228@earthlink.net *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 30 929 Name and Address Registration Number MILLER, JR., JOSEPH M. Home: PO Box 685, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-439-5815 B: 910-439-8118 Jordan Timberlands, Inc. - Timberlands Manager email: cmiller@jordanlumber.com Name and Address 988 Registration Number MOORE, ALAN Home: 106 Muirfield Ridge Dr., Garner, NC 27529 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-634-7803 B: 919-857-4841 NC Forest Service - Urban For. Spec. email: amoore92@nc.rr.com 1681 1656 *NCCF MILLIKEN, II, WILLIAM F. Home: 213 N. Grampion Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Business: 213 N. Grampion Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-730-0122 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co., Inc. - Reg. Forester email: bmilliken@millikenforestry.com 1562 MOORE, BEN S. Home: 11Trinity Chapel Road, Asheville, NC 28805 Business: 160A Zillicoa Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Telephone: H: 828-298-3433 B: 828-259-0508 USDA Forest Service - Review Appraiser email: bsmoore@fs.fed.us MILLS, JEREMY R. Home: 1035 Biddle Road, Dover, NC 28526 Business: 1035 Biddle Road, Dover, NC 28526 Telephone: H: 252-635-0017 B: 252-635-0017 Mills Bros. Logging, Inc. - Forester email: jrmills1475@gmail.com 1475 *NCCF MOORE, J. GRAHAM Home: 2605 Claussen Road, Florence, SC 29505 Business: PO Box 13961, Florence, SC 29504 Telephone: H: 843-669-3655 B: 843-669-3655 Moore's Consulting Foresters, LLC email: kandgmoore@att.net 687 752 *NCCF MOORE II, CHARLES F. Home: PO Box 1112, Brevard, NC 28712 Business: Telephone: H: 828-966-9077 B: 828-884-8747 930 MILLS, JR., CARLTON NEAL Home: 171 Altman Road, Gray, GA 31032 Business: 100 Graphic Packaging Int. Way, Macon, GA 31206 B: 478-256-8024 Telephone: Graphic Packaging International - Wood Procurement Super. email: neal.mills@graphicpkg.com MIMS, STEPHEN L. Home: 128 Hollow Trail, Rockingham, NC 28379 Business: Telephone: H: 910-895-3964 Mims Forestry Services - Retired email: smims65@gmail.com 1223 MOORMAN, LESLIE S. Home: 808 Nuttree Place, Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: PO Box 37416, Raleigh, NC 27627 Telephone: H: 919-609-0155 B: 919-614-6388 NC Urban Forest Council - Executive Director email: ncufc1@gmail.com 1586 MOAN, JASON E. Home: 329 Riverstone Dr., Clayton, NC 27527 Business: 2411 Old US HWY 70 West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-553-8447 B: 919-553-6178 Ext: 223 NC Forest Service - Forest Health Mon. Coordinator email: Jason.moan@ncagr.gov 1571 *NCCF MOORMAN, ROBERT M. Home: 6005 Centerview Dr., Indian Trail, NC 28173 Business: 6005 Centerview Drive, Indian Trail, NC 28079 Telephone: H: 704-292-8668 B: 704-292-8668 Woodland Appraisal Company - President email: michael@woodlandappraisal.com 1640 MONEY, KEITH R. Home: 212 Johns Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Rd., Lexington, NC 27292 Telephone: H: 336-247-1681 B: 336-956-2111 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: keith.money@ncagr.gov 1414 MORGAN, REED F. Home: 109 Walker Ave., Summersville, WV 26651 Business: PO Box 160, Craigsville, WV 26205 Telephone: H: 304-872-7074 B: 304-742-5317 Columbia Forest Products - Timber Manager email: morgan.rf@gmail.com 1312 MONTAGUE, ROBERT T. Home: PO Box 255, Stovall, NC 27582 Business: 5087 Herbert Henly Road, Oxford, NC 27565 Telephone: H: 919-482-2301 B: 919-693-3154 North Carolina Forest Service - Granville County Ranger email: rob.montague@ncagr.gov 1386 *NCCF MORGAN, SR., J. THOMAS Home: 95 Parkers Fork Rd., Corapeake, NC 27926 Business: 95 Parkers Fork Rd., Corapeake, NC 27926 Telephone: H: 252-465-8670 B: 252-333-2689 Morgan's Forestry Service - Owner email: jtmorgansr@gmail.com *NCCF MOODY, III, CHARLES J. Home: 5218 Trent Wood Dr., New Bern, NC 28562-7442 Business: PO Box 15069, New Bern, NC 28561-5069 Telephone: H: 252-633-3382 B: 252-633-6484 Ext: 225 Timberland Valuation Assoc., Inc. - President/Owner email: chuck.moody@realtyservicesec.com 469 MORRIS, JUSTIN Home: 133 S. Pine Street, Aberdeen, NC 28315 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 910-571-2227 B: 910-439-6121 Jordan Lumber Company - Procurement Forester email: jmorris@jordanlumber.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 31 989 1713 Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF MORRISON, CRAIG K. Home: PO Box 10, Aynor, SC 29511 Business: PO Box 9, Aynor, SC 29511 Telephone: H: 843-358-1074 B: 843-358-1054 American Forest Management, Inc. - District Manager email: craig.morrison@amforem.biz Name and Address 340 Registration Number *NCCF MURR, JANNON ROY (JR) 1143 Home: 5649 Aldridge Road, Norwood, NC 28128 Business: 49104 Morrow Mountian Road, Albemarle, NC 28001 Telephone: H: 704-474-7954 B: 704-982-4402 NC Division of Parks & Recreation - Park Ranger - Morrow Mtn. St. email: jr_murr@yahoo.com *NCCF MORRISON III, HARRY S. Home: 25 Coffin Bluff, St. Helena Island, SC 29920 Business: PO Box 725, Estill, SC 29918 Telephone: H: 803-625-2757 B: 803-625-2757 Morrison Forestry & Real Estate Co., Inc. - Owner/President email: stromorrison@earthlink.net 1709 MURRAY, JONATHAN L. Home: 102 Chowan Trl, Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 861 Berea Church Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-904-9869 B: 252-562-2154 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: jlmurray116@gmail.com 1739 *NCCF MORRISON IV, HARRY S. Home: 1005 10th Street, Port Royal, SC 29935 Business: PO Box 725, Estill, SC 29918 Telephone: H: 843-522-9428 B: 803-625-2757 Morrison Forestry & Real Estate Co. - Consulting Forester email: stroh4@earthlink.net 1710 MUSTIAN, AMY R. Home: 885 NC HWY 58, Warrenton, NC 27589 Business: PO Box 29, Louisburg, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 252-257-2035 B: 919-497-6293 AgCarolina Financial, ACA - Financial Services Officer email: amustian@agcarolina.com 1315 *NCCF MOSS, K. KEITH Home: PO Box 408, Hiawassee, GA 30546 Business: PO Box 408, Hiawassee, GA 30546 Telephone: H: 706-835-5853 B: 706-835-5853 Moss Forestry Consulting Services, Inc. - President email: keithmos@juno.com 1125 *NCCF MYERS, JR., FREDERICK M. Home: 2005 Brook Drive, Camden, SC 29020 Business: PO Box 205, Camden, SC 29021 Telephone: H: 803-427-5489 B: 803-432-4320 Forest Land Management - VP email: coymyers@bellsouth.net 1522 492 MYERS, JR., RONALD J. Home: PO Box 1242, Clayton, NC 27520 Business: 2411 Old US Hwy 70 West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-763-0144 B: 919-553-6178 NC Forest Service - Staff Forester email: ron.myers@ncagr.gov 869 MOWREY, PAUL Home: 104 Sea Breeze Ct., Hampstead, NC 28443 Business: 1939 NC HWY 53 W, Burgaw, NC 28424 Telephone: H: 910-270-2795 B: 910-259-7251 NC Forest Service - Assistant County Ranger email: paul.mowrey@ncagr.gov 1733 *NCCF NAGEL, DAVID A. Home: 44 Coach Rd., Cheraw, SC 29520 Business: PO Box 240, Bennettsville, SC 29512 Telephone: H: 843-537-1913 B: 843-454-0015 American Forest Management - Area Manager email: david.nagel@amforem.biz 849 MUECKE, ERIC Home: 186 Forest Glen Way, Morganton, NC 28655 Business: 220 Old Colony Road, Morganton, NC 28655 Telephone: H: 828-584-2886 B: 828-438-3795 Ext: 205 NC Forest Service - Urban Forestry Specialist email: eric.muecke@ncagr.gov 1673 NAPPEN, KATHERINE E. Home: 6751 Cleveland Road, Clayton, NC 27520 Business: PO Box 1551 PEB4, Raleigh, NC 27601 B: 919-614-2554 Telephone: Progress Energy - Sr. Environmental Coordinator email: katherine.nappen@pgnmail.com 568 *NCCF NEAL, MICHAEL D. Home: 1229 NC 42, Colerain, NC 27924 Business: PO Box 37, Colerain, NC 27924 Telephone: H: 252-356-2747 B: 252-356-2747 Michael D. Neal & Associates, Inc. - President email: mike@mdneal.com 198 *NCCF MOTT, GREGORY A. Home: 297 Riverside Trail, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Business: PO Box 1645, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-308-7020 B: 800-533-3754 Mott & Shay, PLLC Consulting Forestry - President/Owner email: greg.mott@mottshay.com MUNCY, JACK A. Home: PO Box 115, Norris, TN 37828 Business: 400 W. Summit Hill Dr., Knoxville, TN 37902 Telephone: H: 865-567-0940 Tenn. Valley Authority - Forester email: jamuncy@tva.gov 770 MURPH, LEON A. 1445 Home: 435 S. Timberlake Lane, Hartsville, SC 29550 Business: 1 North Second Street Mail W-54, Hartsville, SC 29550 Telephone: H: 843-319-3221 B: 843-319-3221 Sonoco - Forester email: leon.murph@sonoco.com NEGGERS, CHRISTIAN Home: 1719 S. Buffstone Ct., Bloomington, IN 47401 Business: 4523 TC Steele Road, Nashville, IN 47448 Telephone: H: 812-929-8296 B: 812-837-9445 The Nature Conservancy - Forester email: chrisneggers@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 32 1598 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number NEW, BARRY D. Home: 2109 Tibwin Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-233-2985 B: 919-857-4843 NC Forest Service - Branch Head, Tech. Dev. email: barry.new@ncagr.gov 895 NORRIS, RYAN T. Home: 160 Mariners Cay, Rock Point, NC 28457 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-617-2326 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber - Partner email: rnorris@tristatelt.com 1334 NEWCOMB, STEPHEN M. Home: 611 Brookwood Ln., Goldsboro, NC 27534 Business: 2457A Old Mt. Olive HWY, Dudley, NC 28333 Telephone: H: 919-738-4453 B: 919-736-2722 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Procurement Manager 210 NORRIS, TOMMY L. Home: 108 Tall Oaks Dr., Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-620-5172 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber LLC - President email: tnorris@tristatelt.com 358 NEWTON, JOHN H. Home: 249 Buff Circle, Wilmington, NC 28411 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 910-604-2234 B: 910-283-4133 Tri State Land & Timber LLC - Forester email: fuelchipper@yahoo.com NEWTON, R. E. Home: 559 Candy Rock Road, Union Mills, SC 28167 Business: Telephone: H: 828-429-3185 *NCCF NICHOLLS, SMITH C. Home: 13 Terrace Dr., Canton, NC 28716 Business: 13 Terrace Drive, Canton, NC 28716 Telephone: H: 828-648-3768 B: 828-648-3768 Nicholls Consulting Forestry - Forester email: snich@bellsouth.net NICKOLICH, MARY BETH Home: 105 Sheri's Ct., New Bern, NC 28560 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-633-7415 B: 252-633-7415 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Area Forester email: mary.nickolich@weyerhaeuser.com 1502 *NCCF NORTON, DENNIS E. 1199 Home: 1760 Apple Blvd., Marietta, GA 30066 Business: 1180 Peachtree Street, Suite 1200, Atlanta, GA 30303 Telephone: H: 770-971-8023 B: 404-374-8735 Regions Timberland Group - VP Acquisitions Forester email: dennis.norton@regions.com 367 O'KANE, KEVIN B. Home: 502 Broad Creek Drive, Washington, NC 27889 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28563 Telephone: H: 252-945-3003 B: 252-945-0384 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Operations Manager email: kevin.okane@weyerhaeuser.com 1144 931 1313 OLIVER, STEVEN W. Home: 8054 Hwy. 49, Laurens, SC 29360 Business: 124 Brown-Kennedy Rd., Woodruff, SC 29388 Telephone: H: 864-682-4224 B: 864-415-2030 Apalache Land & Timber - President email: apalache@prtcnet.com 636 *NCCF OLSON, RICHARD A. Home: 108 Live Oak Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Business: PO Box 510, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Telephone: H: 910-256-3972 B: 910-256-0003 Timber & Land Management Consultants Inc - President 526 896 NICOLL, JOEY R. Home: 208 Tartan Road, Lumberton, NC 28358 Business: 306 Corinth Road, Moncure, NC 27559 Telephone: H: 910-374-5568 B: 919-770-2753 Moncure Plywood LLC - Procurement Forester email: jnicoll@mplyllc.com 1387 ORDNUNG, ROBERT L. Home: PO Box 63, Conway, NC 27820 Business: 754 NC 11 North, Ahoskie, NC 27910 Telephone: H: 252-585-0085 B: 252-398-1469 Michael D. Neal & Associates - Senior Forester email: bob@mdneal.com *NCCF NOBLE, JR., MILAN BERT Home: 1919 Winter Forest Dr., Kinston, NC 28504-7424 Business: 1919 Winter Forest Drive, Kinston, NC 28504 Telephone: H: 252-569-5671 B: 252-509-5671 Noble Forestry Consulting - CEO email: extremeforester@yahoo.com 1248 *NCCF ORR, EDWIN E. 477 Home: 1300 Ballyclare Ct., Raleigh, NC 27614 Business: PO Box 97803, Raleigh, NC 27624 Telephone: H: 919-848-4459 B: 919-846-7520 Timber Marketing & Mgmt of the Carolinas Inc - President/Owner email: eeorr@tmmoc.com NORRIS, ANDREW W. 831 Home: 704 Huckleberry Trail, Nashville, TN 37221 Business: 1881 Gen. George Patton Dr, Ste 202, Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: H: 615-370-9796 B: 615-373-3606 The Forestland Group. LLC - Regional Director email: andy@forestlandgroup.com *NCCF OSWALD, KENNETH A. Home: 4519 Scotts Ferry Rd., Bradley, SC 29819 Business: 4519 Scotts Ferry Rd., Bradley, SC 29819 Telephone: H: 864-227-8312 B: 864-227-6955 Loblolly Forestry Management, Inc. - President email: koswald10@yahoo.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 33 1484 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number OTEN, KELLY Home: 107 Gumdrop Path, Apex, NC 27502 Business: 762 Claridge Nursery Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530 Telephone: H: 919-282-7530 B: 919-609-1556 NC Forest Service - Forest Health Specialist email: kelly.oten@ncagr.gov 1734 PARIS, DAKOTA Home: 3420 Indian Heaps Road, East Bend, NC 27018 Business: PO Box 433, Yadkinville, NC 27055 Telephone: H: 336-266-0312 B: 336-679-8941 NC Forest Service - Assistant County Ranger email: dakota.paris@ncagr.gov 1675 OTTINGER, DONALD Home: 107 Kristen Court, Goldsboro, NC 27534 Business: PO Box 549, Jamesville, NC 27846 Telephone: H: 919-778-0571 B: 252-792-1889 Woodridge Timber Inc. - Procurement Forester email: ottingerjam@nc.rr.com 1249 *NCCF PARKER, JOHN H. Home: 247 W. First St., Denton, NC 27239 Business: PO Box 24155, Winston-Salem, NC 27114 Telephone: H: 336-953-1804 B: 336-721-0816 Piedmont Forestry Consultants, PC - Consulting Forester email: jparker7@triad.rr.com 1051 *NCCF OVERBEY, JOHN (BILL) W. Home: PO Box 100, State Road, NC 28676 Business: PO Box 100, State Road, NC 28676 Telephone: H: 336-244-1686 B: 336-386-8733 Timberbrook Forestry - President email: boverbey@embarqmail.com 597 PARKER, LAURA L. 1570 Home: 1838 Quailwood Dr., Fort Mill, SC 29074 Business: 2410 Whitehall Park Dr, Suite 1100, Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: H: 704-533-2569 B: 704-319-0302 American Forest Management - Forest Analyst email: laura.parker@amforem.biz *NCCF OVERBY, J. WENDELL Home: 1043 Cambrook Ct., Concord, NC 28027 Business: PO Box 832, Concord, NC 28027 Telephone: H: 704-262-9756 B: 704-239-2001 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA - Forester/Soil Scientist email: wendelloverby@gmail.com 932 *NCCF PARRIS, KENT H. Home: 6639 US Hwy. 321 N, Winnsboro, SC 29180 Business: 6639 HWY 321 N, Winnsboro, SC 29180 Telephone: H: 803-635-8764 B: 803-635-8764 Kent Parris Forestry Co. - Consulting Forester - Owner email: kentparrisforesty@gmail.com 871 1094 PARRISH, TRACY Home: 74 Bluebird Ln., Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: PO Box 549, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-866-5488 B: 910-862-3533 Squires Timber Co. - Office Manager email: tparrish@squirestimber.com 696 OWENS, NEIL 1650 Home: 1809 W. Lakeview Dr.; Unit 6, Johnson City, TN 37601 Business: 103 Barrie Lane, Kingston, TN 37763 Telephone: H: 865-567-4583 B: 865-248-8315 American Forest Management - Forester email: neil.owens@amforem.biz PARSONS, JOHN F. Home: PO Box 618, Ellerbe, NC 28338 Business: PO Box 219, Marshville, NC 28103 Telephone: H: 910-652-7921 B: 704-291-6860 Edwards Wood Products - Procurement Manager email: johnparsons@ewpi.com 1107 PARSONS, WILLIAM P. Home: 1602 Plum Nelly Road, Rockingham, NC 28347 Business: PO Box 149, Hoffman, NC 28347 Telephone: H: 910-995-7807 B: 910-281-3917 NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Management Biologist email: bill.parsons@ncwildlife.org 1200 OWEN, WILB L. Home: 1109 Woodbrook Way, Garner, NC 27529 Business: Telephone: H: 919-779-6091 Southern Group of State Foresters - Executive Director email: wib.owen@southernforests.org PAGE, JASON R. Home: 507 Clyde Ave. NW, Wilson, NC 27893 Business: PO Box 1724, Wilson, NC 27894-2367 Telephone: H: 252-230-1447 B: 252-289-9800 Jason R. Page, Attorney at Law - Attorney email: jason@jpagelaw.com 1409 PALMER, R. KELLI Home: 1028 Berea Chuch Quincy Rd., Hiddenite, NC 28636 Business: 1543 Wilkesboro Blvd NE, Lenoir, NC 28645-8215 Telephone: H: 828-638-3809 B: 828-757-5611 NC Forest Service - Forester email: kelli.palmer@ncagr.gov 866 PATE, GREGORY A. Home: 206 Killdeer Drive, Goldsboro, NC 27530 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 Telephone: H: 919-922-1539 B: 252-520-2402 NC Forest Service - State Forester email: greg.pate@ncagr.gov 1314 *NCCF PARDUE, JEFFERY L. Home: PO Box 807, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Business: PO Box 807, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Telephone: H: 336-984-2518 B: 336-667-4424 Forestland Consultants, Inc. - Forestry Consultant email: jpforestry@aol.com 546 PATE, NORMAN M. Home: PO Box 885, West Point, VA 23181 Business: 33072 King William Road, West Point, VA 23181 Telephone: H: 804-441-2091 B: 804-441-2091 Augusta Lumber LLC - Procurement Forester email: normanpate@cox.net 1516 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 34 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number PATRAM, MICHAEL B. Home: 3140 Zoo Parkway, Unit #903, Asheboro, NC 27205 Business: 3231 Staley Store Road, Liberty, NC 27298 Telephone: H: 336-633-4880 B: 336-516-5713 Edwards Wood Products - Alamance Proc. Mgr. email: mikepatram@ewpi.com 994 *NCCF PERKINS, DANIEL F. Home: 14705 Swift Water Rd., Chesterfield, VA 23838 Business: 14705 Swift Water Rd., Chesterfield, VA 23838 Telephone: H: 804-586-2263 B: 804-586-2263 Daniel F. Perkins, Inc. - Forester email: danielperkins@msn.com 1439 PATTERSON, KEVIN G. Home: 387 Stewart Circle, Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: 2457 A Old Mt. Olive HWY, Dudley, NC 28333 Telephone: H: 910-840-3907 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Procurement Forester email: kgpatter@gapac.com 1250 PERNELL, DAN T. Home: 116 Rooster Ridge Road, Summerville, SC 29483 Business: 309 N. Maple Street, Summerville, SC 29483 Telephone: H: 843-709-2009 B: 843-709-2009 Kapstone - Forester email: dan.pernell@kapstonepaper.com 1349 PAUTZ, GARY L. Home: 620 Grand Vista Dr., Sylva, NC 28779 Business: 620 Grand Vista Drive, Sylva, NC 28779 Telephone: H: 828-228-7100 B: 828-228-7100 Woodtech Services, Inc. - Owner/President email: gpautz@msn.com 1536 *NCCF PERRY, MICHAEL J. Home: 108 Tulliallan Lane, Cary, NC 27511 Business: 108 Tulliallan Lane, Cary, NC 27511 Telephone: H: 919-467-7011 B: 919-467-7011 Forestry Services, Inc. - President email: MikePerry@ncforester.com 610 PAYNE, DWIGHT O. Home: 137 E. Fleming Farm Dr., Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: 3025 Les Paul Road, Creedmoor, NC 27522 Telephone: H: 919-691-1223 B: 919-691-1223 A&P Timber Co., Inc. - Owner/Forester email: dpayne86@aol.com 1224 PETRUNCIO, MICHAEL M. Home: 100 Ballast Ct., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Business: 861 Berea Church Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-264-2551 B: 252-331-4781 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: mike.petruncia@ncagr.gov 1251 *NCCF PAYNE, JASON A. Home: 693 Knoll Ridge Lane, Bear Creek, NC 27207 Business: Telephone: H: 919-896-2478 Unique Places, LLC - Forester email: timberace@gmail.com 1610 PHILLIPS, AMY O. Home: 2716 Swaringen Rd., Traphill, NC 28685 Business: 524 Pride way, Elkin, NC 28621 Telephone: H: 336-984-9853 B: 336-526-6425 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Procurement Forester email: amy.phillips@weyerhaeuser.com 1127 PEARSON, MARK V. Home: PO Box 670, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: PO Box 591, Emporia, VA 23847 Telephone: H: 919-554-1171 B: 919-690-5734 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Forester email: mvpearso@gapac.com 829 PHILLIPS, RONALD W. Home: 101 Harbour Town Ct., Mebane, NC 27302 Business: 4408 Mt. Hermon-Rock Ck. Rd., Graham, NC 27253 Telephone: H: 919-304-6758 B: 336-214-7321 New South Lumber Co. - Procurement Manager email: rphillips@newsouthcompanies.com 996 PEELER, ALLYSON C. Home: 242 Odum Crest Ln., Birmingham, AL 35226 Business: PO Box 380757, Birmingham, AL 35238 Telephone: H: 205-733-4489 B: 205-980-7327 Resource Management Service, LLC - Mgr of Silviculture email: jpeeler@resourcemgt.com 847 PICKENS, WILLIAM R. Home: PO Box 397, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: 2411 Old US Hwy 70 West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-341-7645 B: 919-553-6178 Ext: 233 NC Forest Service - Conifer Silviculturalist email: bill.pickens@ncagr.gov 933 PEELER, III, R. JAMES Home: 242 Odum Crest Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226 Business: PO Box 380757, Birmingham, AL 35238 Telephone: H: 205-733-4489 B: 205-980-7327 Resource Management Services, Inc. - Mgr of Silviculturalist email: jpeeler@resourcemgt.com 848 PIPER, JR., ROBERT W. 506 Home: 156 Stoneridge St., Mineral Point, PA 15942 Business: 401 Candlelight Dr., Suite 229, Ebensburg, PA 15931 Telephone: H: 814-322-4167 B: 814-472-2120 Cambria Co. Cons. District - Manager email: piper@co.cambria.pa.us *NCCF PERCIVAL, THOMAS H. Home: 2002 North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC 28358 Business: PO Box 2232, Lumberton, NC 28359 Telephone: H: 910-739-2997 B: 910-734-6699 Percival Land & Timber Consultants, Inc. - Owner email: tompercival@nc.rr.com 541 PIPPEN, JR., ROBERT L. Home: 309 Pinelake Dr., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Business: 1443 Northside Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-338-2778 B: 252-771-2497 J.W. Jones Lumber Co., Inc. - Vice President-Operations&Sales email: rlpipp@yahoo.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 35 393 Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF PLASTER, ALLEN LOUIS Home: 3255 Ten Mile Fork Road, Trenton, NC 28585 Business: PO Box 12865, New Bern, NC 28561-2865 B: 252-636-2340 Telephone: Comprehensive Forestry Services, Inc. - President email: allenplaster@gmail.com Name and Address 616 Registration Number *NCCF PREVATTE, EUGENE D. Home: 123 Cree Trail, Georgetown, SC 29440 Business: PO Box 1311, Hemingway, SC 29554 Telephone: H: 843-527-4349 B: 843-558-7021 Prevatte & Associates, Inc. - President email: gene.prevatte@frontier.com 684 PLAUGHER, AARON W. Home: 8636 Alta Drive, Alderson, WV 24910 Business: PO Box 577, Rupert, WV 25984 Telephone: H: 304-645-7282 B: 304-392-1606 Mead Westvaco Corp. - Forester Manager email: aaron.plaugher@mwv.com 1453 PREVATTE, LAURA Home: 16315 NC HWY 210 East, Ivanhoe, NC 28447 Business: 1815 Gardner Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-669-2755 B: 910-251-5826 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: laura.prevatte@ncagr.gov 904 PLUMMER, MARY BETH Home: 912 Timberlane Drive, Mount Holly, NC 28120 Business: 1933 Mountian Island HWY, Mt. Holly, NC 28120 Telephone: H: 704-236-8777 B: 704-827-7576 Ext: 25 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: beth.plummer@ncagr.gov 1573 PREVETTE, JR., JAMES H. Home: 2417 Chickamauga Dr., Apex, NC 27539 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-779-3992 B: 919-857-4848 NC Forest Service - Fire Chief email: jim.prevette@ncagr.gov 998 POMEROY, EDWARD ELLIS Home: 1085 West Core Road, Dunn, NC 28334 Business: Telephone: H: 919-218-0623 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Manager email: eepomero@gapac.com 575 PRIDGEN, JAMES P. Home: 4890 Independence Drive, Lumberton, NC 28358 Business: 4311 D Ludgate St., Lumberton, NC 28358 Telephone: H: 910-827-2525 B: 910-739-2885 Canal Wood , LLC - Chairman of the Board email: jim.pridgen@canalwood.net 254 *NCCF PORTERFIELD, PAUL ERIC Home: 4889 Pinevilla St., Grifton, NC 28530 Business: 4889 Pinevilla St., Grifton, NC 28530 Telephone: H: 252-524-5832 B: 252-560-4075 Contentnea Forestry Consultants - Owner/President email: sandp72@gmail.com 359 PRUETT, ROBERT (JIM) Home: 870 Red Hill Rd., Cameron, NC 28326 Business: PO Box 1027, West End, NC 27376 Telephone: H: 910-245-1640 B: 910-783-6277 American Timber Services, LLC - Owner 779 POWELL, JEFFREY SCOTT Home: 9 Quail Cove Road, Asheville, NC 28804 Business: 81 Dogwood Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-658-3294 B: 828-667-9616 NCDOT - Location & Surveys - Engineering Technician III email: jpowellpls@charter.net 760 QUERY, JUSTIN E. 1581 Home: 4726 Granada Hills Road, Granite Falls, NC 28630 Business: 3420 Playmore Beach Road, Lenoir, NC 28645 Telephone: H: 828-446-1315 B: 828-757-5608 NC Forest Service - Tuttle Edu. State For. - Educational Ranger email: justin.query@ncagr.gov POWELL, SAMMIE N. Home: 303 Flying Hawk Trail, Waynesville, NC 28786 Business: 303 Flying Hawk Trail, Waynesvill, NC 28786 Telephone: H: 828-452-9506 B: 828-452-9506 Smokies Property - President email: sammie@smokiesproperty.com 780 *NCCF RALEIGH, LLOYD Home: 73 Swannanoa Ave, Asheville, NC 28806 Business: 73 Swannanoa Ave, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-337-7261 B: 828-337-7261 Helia Environmental LLC - Director email: lraleigh@heliaenvironmental.com POWELL, WILLIAM S. Home: 2449 Village of Wakefield, Zebulon, NC 27597 Business: 2411 Old US 70 West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 919-404-1414 B: 919-553-6178 Ext: 227 NC Forest Service - Staff Forester email: mpowell4@nc.rr.com 997 RAMIREZ, JAMES R. Home: 160 Crescent Lane, Clarksville, VA 23927 Business: Telephone: H: 919-608-5835 Retired email: kerrlakejrr@aol.com POWELL, III, WALTER H. 867 Home: 1008 Coopers Court, New Bern, NC 28562-7206 Business: 3810 M.L. King Jr. Blvd., New Bern, NC 28562-2236 Telephone: H: 252-638-5933 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: walter.powell@ncagr.gov *NCCF RANDOLPH, HENRY A. Home: 656 Cameron Hill Rd., Cameron, NC 28326 Business: PO Box 488, Lillington, NC 27546 Telephone: H: 910-499-9418 B: 910-893-8197 Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Partner email: hrandolph@gfrforestry.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 36 1711 21 935 Name and Address Registration Number RANKIN, JR., JAMES R. Home: 5310 Trent Woods Drive, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 5401 Morton Road, New Bern, NC 28562 Telephone: H: 252-514-8727 B: 252-633-3605 Rankin Timber Company - President email: jrankinjr@suddenlink.net RATLIFF, JR., DAVID G. Home: 166 Marsha Lane, King William, VA 23086 Business: PO Box 100, West Point, VA 23181 Telephone: H: 804-769-1202 B: 804-512-8805 Rock Tenn - Forester email: dratliff@rocktenn.com Name and Address Registration Number 570 REITTER, KEITH B. Home: 2815 Gunnersbury Ct., Cumming, GA 30041 Business: 133 Peachtree St., NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 Telephone: H: 919-332-2287 B: 404-652-7010 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Compliance & Ethics Director email: kbreitte@gapac.com 1467 1225 RESPESS, JR., TIMOTHY L. Home: 564 West Beaufort Road, Beaufort, NC 28516 Business: 2457 Lennoxville Road, Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone: H: 252-635-7139 B: 252-635-7139 Atlantic Veneer Corporation - Management Trainee email: tim_respess@yahoo.com 1698 *NCCF RHODES, MICHAEL D. Home: 1715 Cherry Town Rd., Hallsboro, NC 28442 Business: 109 West Nance Street, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-646-1932 B: 910-640-3800 Rhodes & Associates - President email: rhodesinc@embarqmail.com 1202 *NCCF 936 RAVAL, SHARDUL V. 1454 Home: 1070 Merrivale Chase, Roswell, GA 30075 Business: 1720 Peachtree Valley Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 Telephone: H: 919-368-9872 B: 404-347-3464 USDA Forest Service - NIMO - Asst. Dir. - Fire & Aviation Mgmt. email: sraval@fs.fed.us *NCCF RAWLINGS, BRADLEY J. Home: 1408 Rockwood Downs Dr., Wendell, NC 27591 Business: PO Box 1134, Wendell, NC 27591 B: 919-365-5451 Telephone: Rawlings Consulting Forestry, PLLC - Owner email: forester@rawlingsforestry.com 589 RICE, ERIC R. Home: 739 Pond Pine, Orlando, FL 32825 Business: Telephone: H: 919-757-4247 Self - Forester email: erice6@comcast.net RAYNOR, EUGENE G. Home: 625 Mills Road, Mt. Olive, NC 28365 Business: 625 Mills Rd., Mt. Olive, NC 28365 Telephone: H: 919-689-2026 B: 919-689-3400 Triangle East Timber Co., Inc. - Forester email: raynor@bellsouth.net 856 *NCCF RICH, JACK V. Home: 1212 N. Old Carriage Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: 3917 Sunset Ave., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-443-5122 B: 252-443-2515 Agriland Assoc., Inc. - Forestry Consultant email: brich0406@aol.com 517 REED, THOMAS M. 484 Home: 1170 Wild Azalea Lane, Athens, GA 30606 Business: 2500 Daniels Brdg Rd Ste 2A Bld 200, Athens, GA 30606 Telephone: H: 706-543-4285 B: 706-583-6708 Plum Creek Timber - VP/General Manager email: tom.reed@plumcreek.com *NCCF RICHARDSON, BENJAMIN S. Home: 824 Strattan Drive, Florence, SC 29501 Business: PO Box 1087, Darlington, SC 29532 Telephone: H: 843-229-5765 B: 843-393-3861 Darlington Veneer Co. - Forester email: brichardson@darlingtonveneer.com 688 REESE, JAMES E. Home: 3320 Silver Pond Court, Charlotte, NC 28210 Business: 700 North Tyron Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Telephone: H: 704-900-6378 B: 704-336-4398 NC Forest Service - County Forester email: jereese1@yahoo.com 1523 *NCCF RICHARDSON, KIRK A. Home: 154 Hadley Lane, Clayton, NC 27527 Business: PO Box 1470, Hope Mills, NC 28348 Telephone: H: 919-585-2098 B: 910-426-2734 American Forest Mgmt., Inc. - Forester II email: kirk.richardson@amforem.biz 1604 REGISTER, DENNIS K. Home: 3403 Belmont Blvd., New Bern, NC 28562 Business: 3810 ML King, Jr. Blvd., New Bern, NC 28562 Telephone: H: 252-633-1125 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: dennis.register@ncagr.gov 1434 RICKS, GREGORY T. Home: 6300 Daybreak Dr., Wake Forest, NC 27587 Business: 10475 Boston Road, Roxboro, NC 27573 B: 919-451-5442 Ext: 255 Telephone: Louisiana Pacific Corp. - Resource Manager II email: greg.ricks@lpcorp.com 1358 REINHART, BRIAN C. Home: 3004 Lethbridge Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Business: PO Box 540, South Hill, VA 23970 Telephone: H: 757-784-2720 B: 434-676-1080 Upton Lumber Company - Operations Manager email: bcreinhart@cox.net 1688 RILEY, DONALD F. Home: 535 Timberland Drive, Lousiburg, NC 27549 Business: 4407 Bland Road Suite 117, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 919-702-8300 B: 919-873-2185 USDA-NRCS - State Biologist email: don.riley@nc.usda.gov 1508 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 37 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address RILEY, STEVEN B. 1171 Home: 5849 Fisher Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28304 Business: Building A-1308,Longstreet & Gruber, Fort Bragg, NC 28 Telephone: H: 910-425-2255 B: 910-908-4564 DPTM, Range Control, ITAM - RTLA Coord. email: sbriley@embarqmail.com Registration Number ROBINSON, DAVID ALAN Home: 104 Wayfarer Drive, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Business: PO Box 210, Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: H: 252-939-2196 B: 910-763-9991 Corbett Timber Co. - Kinston Area Mgr. email: drobinson98@ec.rr.com 720 1095 RITTER, BRIAN A. Home: 440 Patterson Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28739 Business: Telephone: H: 828-693-0259 Pickens County Government - GIS Analyst email: willowcreekforestry@yahoo.com 1044 ROBINSON, JACK B. Home: PO Box 1558, Lancaster, SC 29721 Business: PO Box 1558, Lancaster, SC 29721-1558 Telephone: H: 803-286-7773 B: 803-286-7773 Pinecare Env. Forestry - Owner/CEO email: pinecare@comporium.net RIVENBARK, BYRON L. Home: 145 Avakin Dr, Athens, GA 30606 Business: 360 Hawthorne Lane, Athens, GA 30606 Telephone: H: 706-202-1822 B: 706-354-7925 Nutter & Associates, Inc. - Land Treatment Project Scientist email: lrivenbark@nutterinc.com 1651 ROEDER, KENNETH R. Home: , , Business: 762 Claridge Nursery Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530 B: 919-731-7988 Ext: 206 Telephone: NC Forest Service - Forest Geneticist email: ken.roeder@ncagr.gov 703 ROACH, JENNIFERJOHNSON L. Home: 3678 Ben-Mil Court, Franklinton, NC 27525 Business: 3314 NC 86 South, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: H: 919-764-9112 B: 919-732-8105 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: jennifer.roach@ncagr.gov 1498 *NCCF ROGERS, BRIAN E. Home: 4421 Wedgewood Drive, Columbia, SC 29206 Business: 213 N. Grampian Hills Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Telephone: H: 803-738-0676 B: 803-788-0590 Milliken Forestry Co., Inc. - Consulting Forester email: rogers@millikenforestry.com 1563 ROGERS, CHRISTA Home: 12724 Cliffcreek Dr., Huntersville, NC 28078 Business: 6300 Sample Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 Telephone: H: 704-948-5907 B: 704-948-4504 Mecklenburg Co. Park & Rec. - Natural Resource Specialist email: christa.rogers@mecklenburgcountync.gov 1641 ROACH, II, DON F. 1446 Home: 3678 Ben-Mil Court, Franklinton, NC 27525 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-857-4851 B: 919-857-4851 NC Forest Service - FIA Program Head email: don.roach@ncagr.gov ROBBINS, SR., DONALD H. Home: PO Box 224, Benson, NC 27504-0224 Business: Telephone: H: 919-894-8413 Retired - 68 ROGERS, DONALD F. Home: 2040 Dove Lane, Clayton, NC 27527-9176 Business: PO Box 158, Clayton, NC 27528 Telephone: H: 919-359-1004 B: 919-219-3462 Neuse River Home Inspect. Service LLC - Owner/Inspector email: don@neuseriverhomeinspection.com 37 ROBERSON, DALLAS LEVERN Home: 1049 W.T. Ross Rd., Williamston, NC 27892 Business: Telephone: H: 252-809-2086 Domtar - Procurement Forester - Retired email: levern.roberson@yahoo.com 434 ROGERS, JAMES B. 1549 Home: 1595 NC 96 HWY E, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-815-5126 B: 919-857-4850 North Carolina Forest Service - Fire Prev. & Mitigation Staff For. email: james.b.rogers@ncagr.gov ROBERSON, ROBIN J. Home: 6104 Hope Lane, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Business: 3314 NC Hwy 86 South, Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: H: 919-557-5115 B: 919-732-8105 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: robin.roberson@ncagr.gov 999 ROHR, HANS C. Home: 4095 Ivanhoe Rd., Ivanhoe, NC 28447 Business: 4470 HWY 242 N., Elizabethtown, NC Telephone: H: 910-385-6485 B: 910-588-4964 NC Forest Service - Management Forester email: hans.rohr@ncagr.gov 864 ROBERTSON, DEBORAH H. 897 Home: 106 Remington Woods Drive, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Business: 1001 Mail Service Center, Ag. Bldg, Raleigh, NC 27699-1 Telephone: H: 919-554-3114 B: 919-733-3236 NCDA&CS, Research Stations Div. - Assistant Director email: debbie.robertson@ncagr.gov ROISE, JOESPH P. Home: 7840 Harbor Drive, Raleigh, NC 27615 Business: Box 8008, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695 Telephone: H: 919-848-4133 B: 919-515-7783 NC State Univeristy - Professor email: joe_roise@ncsu.edu 1594 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 38 Name and Address Registration Number ROSE, JR., BENNETT S. Home: 885 N. Ridge St., Southern Pines, NC 28387 Business: Telephone: H: 910-692-6483 Name and Address 27 Registration Number SAN FRATELLO, ANGELO J. Home: 1286 Corbett Hill Rd., Mt. Olive, NC 28365 Business: Telephone: H: 919-689-9861 Retired email: asfallingcreek@bellsouth.net 821 ROSS, ROBERT C. Home: PO Box 7934, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: 733 Smokey Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804-2002 Telephone: H: 910-540-6942 B: 252-442-1626 Ext: 231 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: ross.robert15@yahoo.com 1145 *NCCF SANDERS, RICHARD P. Home: 103 Houston Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Business: Telephone: H: 828-284-7871 Richard P. Sanders LLC - Consultant email: localwood@gmail.com 1564 ROSSER, JR., B. NEIL Home: 122 Hazel Dr., Boiling Springs, SC 29316 Business: 122 Hazel Drive, Boiling Springs, SC 29316 Telephone: H: 864-706-7125 Natural Resoruce Services 360, LLC - Managing Member 1352 SANDT, JR., JOSHUA L. Home: 2110 Flynn Lane, Camden, SC 29021 Business: PO Box 1016, Camden, SC 29020 Telephone: H: 803-425-4234 B: 803-424-2824 Canfor Southern Pine - Procurement Manager email: josh.sandt@newsouth.canfor.com 1172 SANFORD, TOMMY E. Home: 89 Ramblewood Drive SE, Silver Creek, GA 30173 Business: 380 Mays Bridge Road, Rome, GA 30165 Telephone: H: 252-410-1324 B: 936-208-7906 Temple-Inland - Team Leader email: tesanford@hotmail.com 1476 ROUNTREE, JASON M. 1689 Home: 4492 Kellogg Circle, Dunwoody, GA 30338 Business: 15 Piedmont Center, Suite 1250, Atlanta, GA 30305 Telephone: H: 919-215-4189 B: 404-261-9575 Forest Investment Associates - Regional Investment Forester email: jrountree@forestinvest.com ROWE, GARY L. Home: 3395 Brick Kiln Rd., Greenville, NC 27858 Business: Telephone: H: 252-917-0442 1201 *NCCF SAUERBORN, ROGER EUGENE Home: PO Box 8368, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: PO Box 8368, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-883-8501 Sauerborn & Associates - Owner email: ramenc@aol.com 436 *NCCF ROWLAND, III, THOMAS C. Home: 58 Swan Point Trail, Georgetown, SC 29440 Business: 98 Centermarsh Lane, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Telephone: H: 843-436-0050 B: 843-979-2221 American Timberlands Co. - President &CEO email: tcr@americantimberlands.com 1211 *NCCF SAUNDERS, JR., CECIL J. Home: 2315 Mtn. Laurel Trail, Morganton, NC 28655 Business: 2315 Mtn. Laurel Trail, Morganton, NC 28655 Telephone: H: 828-430-9548 B: 828-430-9548 C.J. Saunders Land, Timber &Surveying Co. - Owner email: cjslts1@bellsouth.net 8 *NCCF RUDD, M. THOMAS Home: 5413 Kissimmee Lane, Raleigh, NC 27616 Business: PO Box 97803, Raleigh, NC 27624 Telephone: H: 919-819-4781 B: 919-846-7520 Timber Marketing & Mgmt of the Carolinas, Inc. - Forester email: t.rudd@tmmoc.com 1699 *NCCF SCARBOROUGH, DONALD LOGAN Home: 2861 Cameron Road, Polkton, NC 28135 Business: 209 East Wade Street, Wadesboro, NC 28170 Telephone: H: 704-695-2207 B: 704-695-2207 Plank Road Forestry. LLC - Principal Manager email: dloganscarborough@gmail.com 1721 *NCCF RUTLAND, III, JOHN W. Home: 5 Feather Drive, Asheville, NC 28805 Business: 5 Feather Drive, Asheville, NC 28805 Telephone: H: 828-275-6179 B: 828-275-6179 WNC Forestry Services, Inc. - Owner email: johnwrutland@gmail.com 642 *NCCF SCHATZKI, ALFRED "FRED" E. Home: 3688 E. Jack Jouett Rd., Louisa, VA 23093 Business: PO Box 992, Troy, VA 22974 Telephone: H: 540-967-2212 B: 804-516-2194 American Forest Management, Inc. - Forester email: fred.schatzki@amforem.biz 1096 SALISBURY, STEPHEN J. Home: 114 Spruce Ct., Greenwood, SC 29649 Business: 3287 College Street, Newberry, SC 29649 Telephone: H: 864-223-6030 B: 864-554-2453 Ext: 286 West Fraser, Inc. - Woods Manager email: steve.salisbury@westfraser.com 704 SCHLENKER, JAMES W. Home: 1502 Greenock Ave., Fayetteville, NC 28304 Business: Telephone: H: 910-425-9420 NC Forest Service - Assist District Forester - Retired email: jimschlenker@embarqmail.com 1000 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 39 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number SCHNAKE, DAVID K. Home: 3617 Sugar Tree Place, Durham, NC 27713 Business: 2 West Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 Ext: 216 Telephone: H: 217-855-2927 NCDA&CS Researcj Stats. Div. - Forest Manager email: dkschnake@gmail.com 1690 SELLERS, TIM H. Home: 4150 N. Old Carriage Rd., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: PO Box 369, Red Oak, NC 27868 Telephone: H: 252-883-8002 B: 252-883-8002 Tar River Timber Co., Inc. - President email: timbertim45@gmail.com SCHNEIDER, BRIAN Home: 1 Chestnutt St., Weaverville, NC 28787 Business: Telephone: H: 828-772-0043 Haywood Community College - Forestry/Fish & Wildlife Inst. email: brianjschneider@gmail.com 1643 *NCCF SHAFFER, JON 1704 Home: 257-A Sand Hill Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Business: Stillwell Bldg, Room 331 WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Telephone: H: 240-997-0267 B: 828-227-3388 Forest Stewards - Associate Professor email: jshaffer@foreststewards.net SCHNEIER, JOAN 1644 Home: 513 Singletary Pl., Fayetteville, NC 28314-0954 Business: 225 Green St. Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301-0707 Telephone: H: 910-580-0529 B: 910-433-3333 NC DENR - Environmental Spec. email: joan.schneier@ncdenr.gov 711 *NCCF SHARPE, TERRY L. Home: 956 W. Hwy. 73, Ellerbe, NC 28338 Business: Telephone: H: 910-206-0602 B: 901-652-6403 Self Employed - Consulting Wildlife Bio. & Forester email: sharpetl@etinternet.net 1147 1676 SHARPTON, CHRISTOPHER D. Home: 4 Adamswood Road, Asheville, NC 28803 Business: 220 Sardis Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-989-7000 B: 828-667-5211 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: chris.sharpton@ncagr.gov 1696 SCOTT, DAVID K. Home: 263 Woodtrail Way, Henderson, NC 27536 Business: PO Box 785, Henderson, NC 27536 Telephone: H: 252-438-2346 B: 252-430-1110 Carolina Commonwealth Forest Products, LLC - Manager email: davidscott@ncol.net 657 SHAVER, WILLIAM A. Home: 1190 Shaver Road, Richfield, NC 28137 Business: PO Box 235, New London, NC 28127 Telephone: H: 704-438-3513 B: 704-463-7311 H.W. Culp Lumber Co. - Procurement Forester email: bshaver@culplumber.com 1289 SCOTT, HARRY THOMAS Home: 430 Nicks Bend E, Pittsboro, NC 27312 Business: 1708 Petty Farm Rd., Cary, NC 27519 Telephone: H: 919-616-4888 B: 919-469-2620 Triangle Forest Products, Inc. - Forester email: webcott@bellsouth.net 757 *NCCF SHAW, JR., BARTOW S. Home: PO Box 3780, Sumter, SC 29151 Business: PO Box 1919, Sumter, SC 29151 Telephone: H: 803-840-7003 B: 803-773-5461 American Forest Management, Inc. - Director email: bo.shaw@amforem.biz 443 SCRUGGS, KENNETH O. 611 Home: 2176 Sugartree Church Rd., Danville, VA 24541 Business: PO Box 10123, Danville, VA 24543 Telephone: H: 434-685-3615 B: 434-251-2387 Forestry & Land Management Co, LLC - President/Professional Forest email: kscruggs@chatmosscable.com *NCCF SHEALY, MICHAEL G. Home: 408 Dantzler St., St. Matthews, SC 29135 Business: 5500 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC 29212 Telephone: H: 803-664-0912 B: 803-360-6882 SC Forestry Commission - State Lands Coordinator email: mshealy@forestry.state.sc.us 822 SCOTT, ANDREW P. Home: 77 Spring Street, Canton, NC 28716 Business: 14 Gaston Mountain Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 843-845-2148 B: 828-665-8688 NC Forest Service - FIA Inventory Forester email: andrew.scott@ncagr.gov SECOGES, JOSEPH M. Home: 2474 Dragon Circle, Norristown, PA 19403 Business: PO Box 124, Fairview Village, PA 19409 Telephone: H: 240-446-1583 B: 240-446-1583 Eastern Forest Consultants, LLC - Forester/Owner email: jsecoges.efc@gmail.com 1729 SHEPHERD, RONNY L. 1623 Home: 111 Garrison Street, Stanley, NC 28614 Business: 1933 Mountian Island HWY, Mount Holly, NC 28120 B: 704-827-7576 Telephone: NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: ronny.shepherd@ncagr.gov SEILER, JEFFREY E. Home: 271 Perimeter Dr., Sylva, NC 28779 Business: Telephone: H: 828-316-9032 B: 828-316-9032 NC State University - County Ext Director - Retired email: jesylva@yahoo.com 1097 *NCCF SHERAR, JAMES R. Home: 7 N. Oak Terrace, Arden, NC 28704 Business: 7 N. Oak Terrace, Arden, NC 28704 Telephone: H: 828-684-7643 B: 828-684-7643 Treetrans Systems - Owner email: jrs4trees@gmail.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 40 1226 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF SHIPLEY, JOHN A. 1645 Home: 1512 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 Business: 314 West Millbrook Road, Ste 121, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 336-416-6384 B: 910-510-4663 Carolina Forestry, Inc. - President email: johns@carolinaforestry.com SMEARMAN, SCOTT A. Home: 16341 Lakeshore Drive, Wagram, NC 28396 Business: PO Box 678, Bennettsville, SC 29512 Telephone: H: 910-369-2856 B: 843-454-8968 Domtar Paper Company, LLC - District Procurement Forester email: scott.smearman@domtar.com 619 SHORT, KENNETH B. 1595 Home: 21460 Justice Branch Road, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 820 HWY 158 Bus. West, Suite 102, Warrenton, NC 2758 Telephone: H: 252-678-3253 B: 252-257-3836 USDA-NRCS - Area Resource Conservationist email: brian.short@nc.usda.gov SMITH, BENJAMIN TAYLOR Home: 321 Whitaker Raod, Shelby, NC 28152 Business: 1460 E. Dixon Blvd, Shelby, NC 28152 Telephone: H: 704-434-7112 B: 704-481-2992 Doninion Real Estate - Owner email: bsmith2@cbcworldwide.com 735 SHOTWELL, JR., JAMES F. Home: 509 Meherrin Lane, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Business: Telephone: H: 252-398-4801 Union Camp Corp. - Logistics Manager - Retired email: onehalfshot@yahoo.com 255 *NCCF SMITH, CHRISTOPHER E. Home: 105 New Castle Court, Youngsville, NC 27596 Business: PO Box 807, Wake Forest, NC 27588 Telephone: H: 919-570-0989 B: 919-495-2187 Dougherty & Dougherty Forestry Services, Inc. - NC Manager email: csmith@progressiveforestry.com *NCCF SIBLEY, CHARLES A. Home: 2220 Island Trail, Chapin, SC 29036 Business: 2220 Island Trail, Chapin, SC 29036 Telephone: H: 803-781-3647 B: 803-781-3647 Sibley Forestry Service - Owner email: thesibleyteam@gmail.com 668 SMITH, DANIEL E. Home: 6200 Quarter Road, Swanquarter, NC 27885 Business: 3833 South Development Ave., Boise, ID 83705 Telephone: H: 252-926-9131 B: 208-867-0908 Nat. Assoct. of State Foresters - Fire Director email: desmith@blm.gov SICKERT, JOEL P. Home: 102 Sabre Pointe Drive, Bath, NC 27808 Business: PO Box 9777, Federal Way, WA 98063-9777 Telephone: H: 252-923-9210 B: 252-923-9236 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Strategic Planning Manager email: joel.sickert@weyerhaeuser.com 1317 SMITH, GREGORY A. Home: 15 Merrill Lane, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Business: 220 Sardis Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-230-8527 B: 828-667-5211 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: greg.smith@ncagr.gov SIMON, DEAN M. 1227 Home: 8676 Will Hudson Rd., Lawndale, NC 28090 Business: 8676 Will Hudson Rd., Lawndale, NC 28090 Telephone: H: 828-433-7277 B: 828-433-7277 NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Western Region Forester email: dean.simon@ncwildlife.org SMITH, JAMES A. Home: 2001 Chapel Dr., Clayton, NC 27520 Business: Telephone: H: 919-553-3708 NC Forest Service - Staff Forester, FM Retired email: jsmith086@nc.rr.com 1438 937 1253 243 SITTS, JAMES I. Home: 4353 St. Paul's Church Rd., Morganton, NC 28655 Business: PO Box 1148, Old Fort, NC 28762-1148 Telephone: H: 828-584-0672 B: 828-724-4191 Columbia Forest Products - Appalachian Timber Mgr. email: jsitts@cfpwood.com 1002 SMITH, MARK D. Home: 3916 Laurel Manor Ct., Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: 1408 Mechanical Blvd, Garner, NC 27529 Telephone: H: 919-896-8009 B: 919-329-5860 Duke Energy - Forester email: msmith2153@nc.rr.com SLIGH, JR., WILLIAM D. Home: 944 Clyde School Rd., Hartsville, SC 29550 Business: PO Box 98, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Telephone: H: 843-383-6080 B: 843-339-7523 Jordan Lumber & Supply, Inc. - Procurement Forester email: wstermite@aol.com 1212 SMITH, PHILLIP G. 1053 Home: 2001 Oak Bow Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614 Business: 1002 Copeland Oaks Drive, Morrisville, NC 27506-6609 Telephone: H: 919-866-0982 B: 919-267-5304 Timbco, LLC - Member Manager email: phil@timbcollc.com SLYE, JAMES N. Home: 100 MeadowlarkRd., Goldsboro, NC 27534 Business: 2958 Rouse Road Ext., Kinston, NC 28504-7320 Telephone: H: 919-778-7863 B: 252-520-2402 Ext: 231 NC Forest Service - Asst. Regional Forester - FM email: james.slye@ncagr.gov 1318 SMITH, SCOTT B. Home: 202 Herring Ct., Nags Head, NC 27959 Business: PO Box 1673, Nags Head, NC 27959 Telephone: H: 252-480-3976 B: 252-722-0493 US Air Force - Installation Forester email: scott.smith@seymourjohnson.af.mil *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 41 1204 853 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address SMITH, STEPHEN A. 1740 Home: 2125 Southend Drive, #433, Charlotte, NC 28203 Business: 2401 Whitehall Park Dr; Suite 1100, Charlotte, NC 28273 Telephone: H: 865-599-6448 B: 704-527-6780 Ext: 311 American Forest Management, Inc - Forest Analyst email: stephen.smith@amforem.biz Registration Number *NCCF SPEECE, JR., HERMAN MARSHALL Home: 185 Indian Hill Road, Union Grove, NC 28689 Business: PO Box 28, Union Grove, NC 28689 Telephone: H: 704-539-4735 B: 704-872-0760 Piedmont Forestry Consultants, PC - Consulting Forester email: hjrspeece@aol.com 495 SMITH, STEVEN D. Home: 24 Dogwood Lane, Greenville, SC 29607 Business: PO Box 14245, Greenville, SC 29610 Telephone: H: 864-616-9490 B: 864-517-3620 Cross Creek Timber, LLC - President email: ssmith@crosscreektimber.com 1148 SPENCE, DAVID A. Home: 110 W. River Watch Trail, Winton, NC 27986 Business: PO Box 5, Gatesville, NC 27938 Telephone: H: 252-209-4242 B: 252-357-0050 Ashton Lewis Lumber Co., Inc. - Procurement Forester email: dspence27986@yahoo.com 769 SMITH, VERNON M. Home: 602 Kate Cove, Oxford, MS 38655 Business: PO Box 972, Oxford, MS 38655 Telephone: H: 662-801-9017 B: 662-234-7480 Hancock Forest Management, Inc. - Area Forester email: msmith@hnrg.com 1397 SPENCE, HOWARD C. Home: PO Box 153, Bridgeton, NC 28519-0153 Business: Telephone: H: 252-637-9917 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Land Use Forester - Retired email: howard.spence@suddenlink.net 395 *NCCF SMITH, WILLIAM L. Home: PO Box 1615, Indian Trail, NC 28079 Business: 3230 D Presson Road, Monroe, NC 28112 Telephone: H: 704-291-7890 B: 704-283-3510 Union County - Urban Forester email: billsmith.wls@gmail.com 545 SPENCER, BRIAN J. Home: 1345 Blackwell Road, Walnut Cove, NC 27052 Business: 1345 Blackwell Road, Walnut Cove, NC 27052 Telephone: H: 336-548-0003 Self Empolyed email: brian.spencer22@gmail.com 1416 SMITH, JR., DAVID L. Home: 5403 Lark Court, Wilmington, NC 28409 Business: 8645 Trade St., Leland, NC 28451-4001 Telephone: H: 910-395-6852 B: 910-520-6795 Duke Energy - Senior Forester email: davidl.smith@duke-energy.com 369 SPORTS, WILLIAM (TOMMY) T. Home: 858 All Healing Springs Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681 Business: 1543 Wilkesboro Blvd., NE, Lenoir, NC 28645 Telephone: H: 828-302-2154 B: 828-757-5611 NC Forest Service - Asst. District Forester email: tommy.sports@ncagr.gov 1206 SMITH, JR., JAMES R. Home: 514 West Main Street, Elkiin, NC 28621 Business: PO Box 525, Elkin, NC 28621 Telephone: H: 336-835-1593 B: 336-835-5882 Foothills Forestry & Surveying - Owner email: foothillsfs@gmail.com 603 STAIRS, NANCY D. Home: 2922 Berkeley Springs Place, Raleigh, NC 27616 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27609 Telephone: H: 919-917-7685 B: 919-857-4842 NC Forest Service - Forester email: nancy.stairs@ncagr.gov 1543 *NCCF SMITH, JR., JOHN C. Home: 7721 Varann Rd., Richmond, VA 23231 Business: 7721 Varann Rd., Richmond, VA 23231 Telephone: H: 804-795-1488 B: 804-347-2090 John C. Smith, Forester - Owner 399 STALLARD, ROGER D. Home: 1818 Jason Drive, Florence, SC 29505 Business: PO Box 12100, Florence, SC 29504 Telephone: H: 843-773-7468 Self email: roger.stallard@gmail.com 1419 *NCCF STALLINGS, LEO W. Home: 244 Leo Stallings Rd., Louisburg, NC 27549 Business: 244 Leo Stallings Road, Louisburg, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 919-853-2922 B: 919-497-6986 Leo Stallings Consulting Forester - Consultant email: leostallings@embarqmail.com 1108 SNYDER, WILLIAM B. Home: 123 Moon Drive, Smithfield, VA 23430 Business: 34040 Union Camp Drive, Franklin, VA 23581 Telephone: H: 910-512-5183 B: 757-569-4708 International Paper Co. - Global Sourcing Franklin Fiber Sup. email: william.snyder@ipaper.com 1319 SPEARY, MEYER "CABE" M. Home: PO Box 1206, Edenton, NC 17932 Business: 861 Berea Church Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-333-9133 B: 252-331-4781 Ext: 27 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: cabe.speary@ncagr.gov 899 STANCAR, JOSEPH J. 713 Home: 414 Rhynewood Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 Business: Bldg. 0-9062 Environmental Division, Ft. Bragg, NC 2831 Telephone: H: 919-776-4104 B: 910-396-2510 US Army - Forestry Branch - Supervisory Forester email: joe.stancar@us.army.mil *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 42 Name and Address Registration Number STANLEY, JIMMY WADE Home: 302 West Oak Street, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 Business: Telephone: H: 910-625-5444 International Paper Co. - Senior Technician - Retired Name and Address 172 Registration Number STONE, DENNIS HOWARD Home: 9441 McQueen Road, Laurinburg, NC 28352 Business: 4311-D Ludgate St., Lumberton, NC 28358 Telephone: H: 910-827-2626 B: 910-739-2885 Canal Wood , LLC - Senior VP email: dennis.stone@canalwood.net STANSELL, BLAKE H. 1487 Home: 8606 Eagle View Drive, Durham, NC 27713 Business: 1512 E. Franklin St., Suite 104, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Telephone: H: 919-318-9032 B: 919-929-2497 The Forestland Group - SR VP - Investments email: blake@forestlandgroup.com 285 STRONG, RUSSELL H. Home: 549 Warner Rd., Troy, NC 27371 Business: 1011 Page St., Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-572-7590 B: 910-576-6222 Ext: 247 Montgomery Community College - Program Head Forestry email: strongr@montgomery.edu 1040 1070 *NCCF STAYTON, WILLIAM J. Home: 2009 Pratt Circle, Franklinton, NC 27525 Business: 2009 Pratt Circle, Franklinton, NC 27525 Telephone: H: 919-528-9130 B: 919-818-5348 William J. Stayton, Consulting Forester - Consulting Forester email: wjsforester@aol.com 1166 *NCCF STUCKEY, DANIEL H. Home: 154 Melrose St., Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Business: 98 Centermarsh Lane, Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Telephone: H: 843-446-1395 B: 843-979-2221 American Timberlands Co. - VP & COO email: dhs@americantimberlands.com STEELE, JANET W. Home: 1730 HWY 21 Bypass, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Business: PO Box 431, Fort Mill, SC 29716 Telephone: H: 803-371-6486 Nation Ford Land Trust email: janetstelle@comporium.net 1075 STURGILL, JR., ROBERT D. Home: 113 Wendover Dr., Lincolnton, NC 28092 Business: PO Box 526, Denver, NC 28037 Telephone: H: 704-608-4311 B: 704-483-3264 S & L Sawmill - Forester email: dsturgill@gmail.com STEELE, SR., WILLIAM B. Home: 1730 Hwy 21 Bypass, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Business: PO Box 1209, Fort Mill, SC 29716 Telephone: H: 803-547-4573 B: 803-548-7252 Leroy Springs Co., Inc. - Forester email: billsteele1730@gmail.com 1055 SUMMER, JR., WILLIAM B. Home: 4805 Waybridge Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 Business: 1651 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1651 Telephone: H: 919-801-7023 B: 919-851-6654 NC Clean Water Mgmt. Trust Fund - Eastern Pied. Field Rep. email: will.summer@ncagr.gov 1630 STEPONKUS, PETER C. Home: 1904 Jimmy's Road, New Bern, NC 28560 Business: 3810 MLK,Jr. Blvd., New Bern, NC 28562-2236 Telephone: H: 252-633-2661 B: 252-514-4764 NC Forest Service - Assistant District Forester email: pete.steponkus@ncagr.gov 1524 SWAN, EDWARD "EDDIE" R. Home: PO Box 188, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 533, Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-439-5075 B: 910-572-3731 Uwharrie Lumber Co., Inc. - Forester email: bswantimber@embarqmail.com 1005 STEVENSON, CHARLES (RANDY) R. Home: 512 Post Oak Ct., Clayton, NC 27527 Business: 2809 E. Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC 27604 Telephone: H: 919-333-5450 B: 919-333-5450 Georgia Pacific Corp. - Fiber Manager 1464 SWANNER, JESSE JACKSON Home: PO Box 1156, Waynesville, NC 28786 Business: 1600 Flenwood Ave, Suite I, Raleigh, NC 27608 Telephone: H: 828-421-8444 B: 910-790-1074 NCFA - Director of Logging Transportation email: jswanner@ncforestry.org STEWART, J. CHRIS Home: 1220 Silent Brook Rd., Wake Forest, NC 27587 Business: PO Box 668, Louisburg, NC 27549 Telephone: H: 919-608-7796 B: 919-608-7796 The Timber Company, LLC - Manager email: chris@thetimberco.com 1503 SWANSON, BRIAN A. Home: 103 Eli's Landing Lane, Newport, NC 28570 Business: 2721 HWY 101, Beaufort, NC 28516-0452 Telephone: H: 910-358-3941 B: 252-342-0452 NC Forest Service - County Ranger email: brian.swanson@ncagr.gov *NCCF STEWART, JR., DWIGHT L. Home: 11 S. Cantey St., Summerton, SC 29148 Business: 26 E. Boyce Street, Manning, SC 29102 Telephone: H: 803-485-8581 B: 803-435-2301 Dwight L. Stewart, Jr. & Assoc., LLC - Owner email: dstewart@dwightstewart.com 435 *NCCF SWANSON, RICKY A. Home: 1150 Red Oak Rd., Nashville, NC 27856 Business: 3917 Sunset Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Telephone: H: 252-459-9372 B: 252-443-2515 Agriland Associates, Inc. - Forester/Vice President *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 43 939 750 1653 569 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number SWANSON, WILLIAM C. Home: 104 Independence Rd., Teachey, NC 28464 Business: 2704-C Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-604-0692 B: 910-604-0692 Resource Management Service, LLC - Harvesting Manager email: cswanson@resourcemgt.com 1130 TAYLOR, DANIEL K. Home: PO Box 5, Terrell, NC 28682 Business: PO Box 1006 EC12Q, Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Telephone: H: 704-483-8204 B: 704-382-1120 Duke Energy - Lake Representative email: kermitt.taylor@duke-energy.com 1208 SWARTZ, JOSEPH R. Home: 604 Wakehurst Dr., Cary, NC 27519 Business: Telephone: H: 919-363-4057 NC Forest Service - Forester - Retired email: joeswartz@rocketmail.com 1455 TAYLOR, JERRY M. Home: 370 Meredith Mill Rd., Brodnax, VA 23920 Business: PO Box 100, West Point, VA 23181 Telephone: H: 804-691-5683 B: 804-843-5179 Rock Tenn Corp. - Procurement Forester email: jmtaylor@rocktenn.com 1368 SWARTZ, SHAWN Home: 25 Daisy Hill Road, Asheville, NC 28805 Business: CPO 6131 PO Box 9000, Asheville, NC 28805 Telephone: H: 828-216-6470 B: 828-771-2068 Warren Wilson College - Forest Manager email: sswartz@warren-wilson.edu 1691 *NCCF TAYLOR, LEONARD R. 392 Home: 19825-B North Cove Rd., Suite 203, Cornelius, NC 28031 Business: 19825 B North Cove Rd., #203, Cornelius, NC 28031 Telephone: H: 704-896-6311 B: 704-896-6311 Leonard R. Taylor, Inc. - President email: nc4ester@gmail.com SWEAT, MICHAEL Home: 2053 Sherry Lynne Drive, Garner, NC 27529 Business: PO Box 300, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 Telephone: H: 919-791-6385 B: 828-877-6527 NCFS - Dupont State Rect. For. - Management Forester email: michael.sweat@ncagr.gov 1684 *NCCF TAYLOR, RAYMOND P. Home: 3722 Whitney Dr., NE, Hickory, NC 28601 Business: 3722 Whitney Dr.,, Hickory, NC 28601 Telephone: H: 828-256-4406 B: 828-256-4406 Taylor Forestry - Owner email: taylorforestry@charter.net *NCCF TABAK, TIMOTHY W. Home: 3512 Old Airport Rd., New Bern, NC 28562 Business: Telephone: H: 252-672-9296 B: 252-636-9484 Self Employed - owner email: tabakforester@suddenlink.net 1424 TAYLOR, JR., RICHARD R. Home: PO Box 265, Unicoi, TN 37692 Business: PO Box 265, Unicoi, TN 37692 Telephone: H: 423-914-3446 B: 423-914-3446 Columbia Forest Products - Forester email: rtaylor@columbiaforestproducts.com 1320 TALBERT, JOHN R. 1441 Home: 112 Autumn Oaks Lane, Barbersville, VA 22923 Business: 900 Natural Resources Dr. Suite 800, Charlottesville, VA 2 Telephone: H: 434-960-0880 B: 434-220-9181 Virginia Department of Forestry - Deputy Regional Forester email: robbie.talbert@dof.virginia.gov TEEL, JAMES B. Home: 3687 Farrell Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Business: 3687 Farrell Road, Sanford, NC 27330 Telephone: H: 910-624-1275 B: 910-624-1275 Rock Tenn CP, LLC - Area Manager email: jteel@rocktenn.com 832 1131 *NCCF TALLEY, KENNETH L. Home: 4400 Williams Rd., Lewisville, NC 27023 Business: Telephone: H: 336-945-4241 NC Forest Service - Forsyth Co. Forester - Retired 275 TEW, D. THOMPSON Home: 1030 Thistle Downs, SE, Leland, NC 28451 Business: PO Box 210, Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: H: 910-371-6029 B: 910-620-7334 Corbett Timber Co. - Land Manager email: cortimber@bellsouth.net *NCCF TATE, JR., HUGH A. Home: 124 Clay Brook Dr., Goldsboro, NC 27530 Business: 124 Clay Brook Dr., Goldsboro, NC 27530 Telephone: H: 919-735-7352 B: 919-738-0390 Hemlock Mountain Environmental Services - Retired email: bucksplace3@att.net 841 THIES, STANLEY C. Home: PO Box 2311, Southern Pines, NC 28388-2311 Business: PO Box 2180, Southern Pines, NC 28388-2180 Telephone: H: 910-692-6793 B: 910-396-9606 US Army Corps of Engineers - Forester email: stanley.c.thies@us.army.mil TAYLOR, CHARLES H. Home: PO Box 66, Brevard, NC 28712 Business: Telephone: H: 828-883-2956 320 THIGPEN, SALLY T. Home: 1403 Highland Trail, Cary, NC 27511 Business: PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone: H: 919-215-5467 B: 919-996-4858 The City of Raleigh (Parks & Rec) - Urban Forester email: plantyourtree@yahoo.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 44 646 794 1634 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number THOMAS, JOSEPH E. Home: P.O. Box 337, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Business: PO Box 337, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-244-1414 B: 252-635-7476 Thomas Development, Incorporated - President/CEO email: joe@thomasdev.com 128 THOMPSON, SARA Home: 10185 Red Oak Road, Whitakers, NC 27891 Business: 737 Smokey Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 B: 252-442-1626 Telephone: NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: sara.thompson@ncagr.gov THOMAS, LARRY R. Home: 112 W. College St., Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: PO Box 26, Proctorville, NC 28375 Telephone: H: 910-640-0137 B: 910-628-7075 Claybourn Walter's Logging - Forester email: lrtwolfpack@gmail.com 194 THOMPSON, THOMAS C. Home: 260 Sassy Cats Ridge, Sparta, NC 28675 Business: Telephone: H: 336-372-1899 NC Forest Service - Regional Forester - Retired email: sassycats@skybest.com THOMAS, JR., PAUL B. Home: PO Box 8, Waverly, VA 23890 Business: PO Box 39, Cloverdale, VA 24077 Telephone: H: 540-314-4903 B: 540-992-5500 Summit Helicopters, Inc. - Forester email: paul.thomas@summithelicopters.com 1072 THOMPSON, TOMMY E.D. Home: 133 Allen Walker Road, Grove Hill, AL 36451 Business: PO Box 187, Thomasville, AL 36784 Telephone: H: 251-275-3921 B: 334-637-3463 Louisiana Pacific Corp. - Resource Manager III email: tommy.thompson@lpcorp.com *NCCF THOMAS, SR., WALTER E. Home: 814 Castleberry Ct., Vass, NC 28394 Business: 814 Casteberry Ct, Vass, NC 28394 Telephone: H: 910-245-8400 B: 910-850-8720 Forest Land Resource Consultants, PLLC - Forester email: forestryandrealty@yahoo.com 409 *NCCF THOMPSON, DAVID O. Home: 39 E. Heritage Dr., Rydal, GA 30171 Business: 39 E. Heritage Dr., Rydal, GA 30171 Telephone: H: 404-583-4604 B: 404-583-4604 Natural Resource Consultants - Forester email: davidthompsonrf@yahoo.com 1700 THOMPSON, KENNETH M. Home: 223 Ray Place Lane, Jackson Springs, NC 27281 Business: Telephone: H: 910-639-0117 Self Employed email: kmtsnt@centurylink.net 584 THURMAN, TIMOTHY W. Home: 348 Deshazo Road, Ridgeway, VA 24148 Business: PO Box 52, Spencer, VA 24165 B: 276-957-1500 Telephone: Thurman Timber LLC - Owner email: thurmantimber@aol.com THOMPSON, MARSHALL D. Home: 2518 Dellwood Drive, Monroe, NC 28112 Business: 209 W. Barr St., Lancaster, SC 29720 Telephone: H: 704-220-6580 B: 803-283-0641 Resolute Forest Products - Region Mgr. Wood Proc. email: marshall.thompson@resolutefp.com 806 *NCCF THURMOND, GUY J. Home: 124 Forest Glen Dr., Piedmont, SC 29673 Business: 124 Forest Glen Dr., Piedmont, SC 29673 Telephone: H: 864-923-1945 B: 864-947-2504 Thurmond & Associates, Inc. - President email: guy@thurmondinc.com THRASH, T. DALE Home: 77 Gaston Mtn. Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Business: 1414 Smokey Park HWY, Candler, NC 28715 Telephone: H: 828-667-1786 B: 828-667-5426 WNC Pallet & Forest Products Co., Inc. - President email: tdthrash@bellsouth.net 940 1321 786 THUMAN, MATTHEW H. 1290 Home: 702 Owens Ct., Wilmington, NC 28412 Business: 1200 N. 23rd St., Suite 201, Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: H: 910-790-5616 B: 910-815-4320 Campbell Group - East Coast Region Manager email: mthuman@campbellgroup.com THOMPSON, MICHAEL C. 764 Home: 5065 Woodrun on Tillery, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: 1011 Page St., Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-439-4248 B: 919-576-6222 Ext: 233 Montgomery Community College - Sr.Forestry Inst., For. Mgmt. Tech. email: thompsonm@montgomery.edu THOMPSON, MICHAEL L. Home: 2460 Pete Thomas Rd., Pittsboro, NC 27312 Business: Telephone: H: 919-542-1790 NC Forest Service - Section Chief, FM - Retired email: thompsonworks@embarqmail.com 1631 471 823 TITUS, THEODORE E. Home: 349 Crystal Forest Drive, Semora, NC 27343 Business: 10475 Boston Road, Roxboro, NC 27574 Telephone: H: 336-234-0441 B: 336-503-3186 Louisiana Pacific Corp. - Procurement Manager email: everett.titus@lpcorp.com 1550 TORRENCE, JR., DAVID L. Home: 24195 Twin Circle, Windsor, VA 23487 Business: PO Box 69, Littleton, NC 27850 Telephone: H: 757-242-6095 B: 757-630-8755 Spruce Creek Land and Timber LLC - Op. Manager email: dltorr@verizon.net 1359 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 45 1264 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF TRAVIS, EDWARD F. 1605 Home: 9960 Country Road, Mobile, AL 36695 Business: 6576 Airport Blvd, Bldg B Ste 400, Mobile, AL 36608 Telephone: H: 251-633-7772 B: 251-633-8885 Edward F. Travis Company, Inc. - Owner email: edward@edwardftravis.com *NCCF TURNER, CHARLES H. Home: 14045 Waller Rd., Branchville, VA 23828 Business: 14045 Waller Road, Branchville, VA 23838 Telephone: H: 757-654-6254 B: 757-635-4079 CHT Forestry LLC - Owner email: chtforestry@gmail.com TRICKEL, ROBERT P. 1071 Home: 4013 St. Edmunds Lane, Apex, NC 27539 Business: 1616 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1616 Telephone: H: 919-303-2587 B: 919-857-4858 NC Forest Service - Forest Health Branch Head email: rob.trickel@ncagr.gov TURNER, HAROLD ANDREW Home: 1466 Causey Road, Fair Bluff, NC 28439 Business: 1466 Causey Road, Fair Bluff, NC 28439 Telephone: H: 910-625-5889 B: 910-625-5889 BM & M Screening Solutions - SE Regional Manager email: hturner1@tds.net 1322 707 TRUSLOW, DUANE Home: 841 Love Mill Road, Whiteville, NC 28472 Business: 1413 Chadbourn HWY, Whiteville, NC 28472 Telephone: H: 910-642-5093 B: 910-642-5093 NC Forest Service - Water Quality Forester email: duane.truslow@ncagr.gov 1632 TUSCHAK, LUCAS "LUKE" T. Home: 924 Happy Hill Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Business: 304 Old Hargrave Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Telephone: H: 336-312-8697 B: 336-247-1918 NC Forest Service - Forester email: lucastuschak@yahoo.com 1669 TUCKER, STEPHEN R. Home: 204 Hargrove Dr., Robersonville, NC 27871 Business: PO Box 429, Pantego, NC 27860 Telephone: H: 252-809-2393 B: 252-943-6300 Tidewater Land & Timber LLC - Manager email: stephentucker@suddenlink.net 1456 VARNER, DONALD R. Home: 1202 Willowbrook Drive, Cary, NC 27511 Business: Telephone: H: 919-467-8043 NC Forest Service - Retired email: donbarbvarner@aol.com 230 TUCKER, JR., WILLIAM C. Home: 1697 Rock Rd., Grifton, NC 28530 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-514-3329 B: 252-633-7553 Weyerhaeuser Company - Early Rotation Manager email: billy.tucker@weyerhaeuser.com 1056 VAUGHAN, OTIS N. Home: PO Box 352, Weldon, NC 27890 Business: PO Box 352, Weldon, NC 27890 Telephone: H: 252-536-4338 B: 252-536-3277 Southern Land & Forest, Inc. - 317 VINCETT, MATTHEW B. Home: PO Box 525, Cordova, NC 28330 Business: 1163 N. US Hwy #1 South, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 910-582-9090 B: 910-334-0025 NC Forest Service - Forester email: mattvincett@yahoo.com 826 705 *NCCF TUGWELL, EDWARD G. Home: 374 Abby Lane, Asheboro, NC 27205 Business: PO Box 128, Asheboro, NC 27204 Telephone: H: 336-626-2543 B: 336-953-2063 Tugwell Consulting Forestry, PA - President email: jtugwell@tugwellforestry.com 775 *NCCF TUPIS, JR., PETE Home: PO Box 497, Stollings, WV 25646 Business: PO Box 4640, Bridgeport, WV 26330 Telephone: H: 304-687-2741 B: 304-687-2714 Timberwolf Forestry, LLC - Owner email: pete@wvtimberwolf.com 1150 WALDEN, DERRYL L. Home: 208 Medcon Court, Cary, NC 27511 Business: Telephone: H: 919-467-5933 NC Forest Service - Retired - Deputy State For. email: waldend@earthlink.net TURNAGE, JOHN D. Home: 90 Fred McLeod Lane, Coats, NC 27521 Business: 3259 Old US 421, Lillington, NC 28521 Telephone: H: 910-508-4853 B: 910-893-4391 NC Forest Service - Assistant County Ranger email: jdturnag@gmail.com 1722 WALKER, DAVID H. Home: 958 Garren Creek Road, Fairview, NC 28730 Business: 220 Sardis Rd., Asheville, NC Telephone: H: 828-768-6036 B: 828-667-5211 NC Forest Service - District Ranger email: dlwalkabout@hotmail.com 1041 *NCCF WALL, STERLING C. Home: 487 Briggstown Rd., Lexington, NC 27292 Business: PO Box 497, Lexington, NC 27293 Telephone: H: 336-357-5893 Wall & Company, Inc. - President email: swsr@wallandcompanyinc.com 1007 *NCCF TURNER, C. KEA Home: 28326 Holly Run Drive, Carrsville, VA 23315 Business: 28326 Holly Run Drive, Carrsville, VA 23315 Telephone: H: 757-641-8283 B: 757-569-9085 Turner Forestry LLC - Manager email: turnerforestry@gmail.com 466 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 46 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number 1599 *NCCF WATSON, JR., JAMES F. Home: 374 Myrick Estates Road, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: 9925 Hwy.158, Littleton, NC 27850 Telephone: H: 252-586-7918 B: 252-586-7918 Watson Timber Co. - President email: jimmywatson50@yahoo.com 325 WARD, CIERRA LS 1633 Home: 2610 High Place Ct., Greenville, NC 27858 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Road, Washington, NC 27889 B: 252-948-2734 Telephone: Weyerhaeuser - Silvicultural Forester email: gatorforestry@yahoo.com *NCCF WATTS, JEFFREY L. Home: 332 Rockbrook Farm Rd., Keysville, VA 23947 Business: PO Box 766, Keysville, VA 23947 Telephone: H: 434-542-4482 B: 434-542-4482 Hancock Forest Management - Virginia Area Forester email: jwatts@hnrg.com 807 WALLACE, PHILLIP Home: 126 Darryl Drive, Four Oaks, NC 27524 Business: 2411 Old 70 HWY West, Clayton, NC 27520 Telephone: H: 910-740-1602 B: 919-368-3886 NC Forest Service - Hazardous Fuel Mitigation Coor. email: phillip.wallace@ncagr.gov *NCCF WARD, SETH A. Home: 2610 High Place Ct., Greenville, NC 27858 Business: PO Box 1153, Vanceboro, NC 28586 B: 252-717-9547 Telephone: Premier Forestry & Env. Consulting, PLLC - President email: premierforestry@gmail.com 1611 WEAVER, W. NEEL Home: 3058 Bass Drive, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673 Business: PO Box 25, Vale, NC 28168 Telephone: H: 828-234-2000 B: 828-276-0401 Catawba Valley Timber Company - Forester email: wnweaver83@yahoo.com WARD, THOMAS S. 1677 Home: 4902 Woodcroft Circle, Greensboro, NC 27407 Business: 2901 E. Lee St., Suite 2100, Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: H: 336-454-5135 B: 336-370-3351 USDA Natural Resources Con. Ser. - Foester email: thomas.ward@gnb.usda.gov 1668 *NCCF WEBB, III, JOSIAH A. Home: PO Box 381, Edenton, NC 27932-0381 Business: PO Box 381, Edenton, NC 27932-0381 Telephone: H: 252-331-5128 B: 252-482-3066 Webb Land & Timber Services, Inc. - Owner-President email: TONY.WEBB@TOUCHNC.NET 197 245 *NCCF WARE, WILLIAM ROGER Home: 2277 Blossom Dr., Rock Hill, SC 29730 Business: PO Box 1030, Rock Hill, SC 29731 Telephone: H: 803-517-8060 B: 803-366-1961 Ware Land & Timber, LLC - Manager email: wmrogerware@aol.com 1174 WEBB, JR., JAMES F. Home: 2335 Moreland Dr., Rural Hall, NC 27045 Business: 100 Oakwood Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Telephone: H: 336-817-7324 B: 336-391-2165 Regions Timberland Group - New Business email: jwvwebb@windstream.net WASSUM, DOUGLAS D. Home: 117 Meadow Lark Drive, Edenton, NC 27932 Business: 730 N. Granville St. Ste. B, Edenton, NC 27932 Telephone: H: 252-883-6290 B: 252-482-4127 Ext: 115 USDA Nat. Res. Cons. Service - District Conservationist email: doug.wassum@nc.usda.gov 1435 WEBSTER, B. ZANE 1735 Home: 67 Russell Webster Road, Siler City, NC 27344 Business: 1123 Dinah's Landing Road, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 919-548-5966 B: 252-531-6794 Weyerhaeuser - Mid-Rotation Forester email: benjamin.webster@weyerhaeuser.com WATERMAN, MARK W. 415 Home: PO Box 961, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Business: 2500 Daniels Brdg Rd Ste2A Bld 200, Athens, GA 30606 Telephone: H: 706-769-1885 B: 706-583-6712 Plum Creek Timber Co. - Sr. Manager A & D email: mark.waterman@plumcreek.com WATSON, TODD A. Home: W7246 Fox Hollow Lane, Greenville, WI 54942 Business: 7200 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814 Telephone: H: 301-461-2790 B: 301-461-2790 Ext: 175 Enviva - Mgr of Bus Dev; Fiber Supply email: todd.watson@envivabiomass.com 1323 WATSON, II, DONALD A. Home: 1428 Martin Rd., Jackson Springs, NC 27281 Business: 1163 N. US HWY #1, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 910-673-2607 B: 910-997-9220 NC Forest Service - District Forester email: don.watson@ncagr.gov 1213 WEEKS, WOODROW L. Home: 1935 Spring Garden Road, New Bern, NC 28562 Business: Telephone: H: 252-571-1612 Weyerhaeuser Co. - WEFEL, PATRICK J. Home: PO Box 92, Raeford, NC 28376 Business: Telephone: H: 910-603-2677 428 1336 email: wefel@aol.com WEIGEL, PHILIP S. Home: 647 Timberline Dr., Henrico, NC 27842 Business: Telephone: H: 252-308-6969 B: 434-294-4585 Regions Bank, RMK Timberland - Vice President email: philip.weigel@regions.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 47 1229 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number 942 *NCCF WHITE, BRUCE M. Home: 3941 Iron Horse Road, Raleigh, NC 27616 Business: 8394 Six Forks Rd. Ste. 203, Raleigh, NC 27615 Telephone: H: 919-830-4324 B: 919-841-0089 Gelbert, Fullbright & Randolph For. Con, PLLC - Forester email: bwhite@gfrforestry.com 1175 WELLER, ALLAN L. Home: 301 Channel Run, Washington, NC 27889 Business: Telephone: H: 252-946-2876 Retired email: aweller@suddenlink.net 141 WHITE, CATHERINE M. Home: 7383 Ruby Stone Ct., Leland, NC 28451 Business: 361 Federal Road, Rieglewood, NC 28456 Telephone: H: 910-619-2819 B: 910-540-6693 West Fraser - Forester email: catherine.white@westfraser.com 1413 *NCCF WEST, BRIAN E. Home: 202 Allison Dr., Matthews, NC 28104 Business: 202 Allison Dr., Matthews, NC 28104 Telephone: H: 704-296-9490 B: 704-975-2499 Westwood Forestry Consulting - Sole Proprietor email: treecounting@hotmail.com 590 WHITE, E. CARROLL Home: 118 White Oak Drive, Winton, NC 27986 Business: 1309 First Street West, Ahoskie, NC 27910 Telephone: H: 252-332-9640 B: 252-332-2867 Joe Murray Realty - Real Estate Agent email: cwhite@joemurrayrealty.com 663 941 WELKER, ERIC P. Home: 314 Towhee Drive, Lexington, NC 27292 Business: Telephone: H: 336-243-1764 email: popwel4@yahoo.com WEST, JAMES KEITH Home: 2425 British Road, Kinston, NC 28501 Business: 762 Claridge Nursery Road, Goldsboro, NC 25531 Telephone: H: 252-527-8543 B: 919-731-7988 Ext: 216 NC Forest Service - Nursery & Tree Impr. Pro. Head email: james.west@ncagr.gov 1098 WHITE, THOMAS E. Home: PO Box 264, Norman, NC 28367-0264 Business: 1163 N. US Hwy #1, Rockingham, NC 28379 Telephone: H: 910-652-3891 B: 910-997-9220 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: tom.white@ncagr.gov WEST, RICKY C. Home: 21104 Baskerville Mill Rd., McKenney, VA 23872 Business: 21104 Baskerville Mill Rd., McKenney, VA 23872 Telephone: H: 804-478-4467 B: 757-650-8816 Professional Forestry Services - Forester email: rickycwest@gmail.com 1254 WHITE, WILLIAM E. 535 Home: 301 Hofler Avenue, Windsor, NC 27983 Business: 301 Hofler Avenue, Windsor, NC 27983 Telephone: H: 252-325-0051 B: 252-325-0051 Miller & White Real Estate & Forestry Inc. - Secretary/Treasurer email: white.bill@mchsi.com WEST, TONDA T. Home: 13251 NC Hwy 55 W, Dover, NC 28526 Business: 1785 Weyerhaeuser Road, Vanceboro, NC 28586 Telephone: H: 252-522-5862 B: 252-633-7440 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Procurement Forester email: tonda.west@weyerhaeuser.com 522 WHITE, JR., LACY O. Home: 1068 Anjanette Lane, Creedmoor, NC 27522 Business: PO Box 841, Rocky Point, NC 28457 Telephone: H: 252-430-9431 B: 910-283-4133 Tri-State Land & Timber LLC - Forester email: lwhite@tristatelt.com *NCCF WESTMORELAND, ROBERT H. Home: 601 S. King Avenue, Dunn, NC 28334 Business: 601 S. King Ave., Dunn, NC 28334 B: 910-891-1505 Telephone: Westmoreland Forestry Consultants - Owner email: rhwestmo@gmail.com 454 *NCCF WHITFIELD, STEPHEN A. Home: 4200 Timberwood Dr., Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: PO Box 31024, Raleigh, NC 27622 Telephone: H: 919-787-2449 B: 919-787-1220 Whitfield Forestry Consultants - Consulting Forester email: saw921@bellsouth.net WHALEN, W. PATRICK Home: 6518 NE 135th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98682 Business: 601 Band Road, Castle Rock, WA 98611 Telephone: H: 406-360-0106 B: 541-935-2283 Washington DMR - NRS1State Lands Forester email: wpwhalen@gmail.com 1664 WHITLOW, PHILLIP E. Home: 200 Silver Hill Lane, Phenix, VA 23959 Business: PO Box 38, Crystal Hill, VA 24539 Telephone: H: 434-470-0240 B: 434-476-3538 J.M. Huber Corp. - Procurement Forester email: phillip.whitlow@huber.com WHITAKER, WILLIAM B. 1712 Home: 2108 Cahala Cr. Dr., Birmingham, AL 35242 Business: 3301 Forestry & Wildlife Science, Auburn University, AL Telephone: H: 205-901-3125 B: 334-844-4917 Auburn University, Southern For. Nurs Co-op - Research Associate email: wbwhitaker@gmail.com *NCCF WHITTEMORE, STEPHEN A. Home: 101 Pattswood Road, New Bern, NC 28560-8219 Business: 101 Pattswood Road, New Bern, NC 28560 Telephone: H: 252-637-3076 B: 252-637-3076 Self Employed - Consulting Forester *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 48 1008 628 1151 943 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF WILEY, WILLIAM ARTHUR Home: 535 Bayleaf Road, New Bern, NC 28560 Business: 535 Bayleaf Rd., New Bern, NC 28560 Telephone: H: 252-259-1582 B: 252-259-1582 East Carolina Forest Man. - Owner email: william.wiley@usmc.mil 732 WILLIS, JOHN S. Home: 2682 Dogwood Lane, Kinston, NC 28504 Business: 2958 Rouse Rd. Ext., Kinston, NC 28504 Telephone: H: 252-520-9231 B: 252-520-2402 NC Forest Service - Regional Forester email: john.willis@ncagr.gov 945 *NCCF WILLIAMS, CHARLES A. Home: 4213 Laurel Ridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Business: 4213 Laurel Ridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Telephone: H: 919-787-8242 B: 919-787-3460 Woods Work, Inc. - Forester email: woodswork@nc.rr.com 591 WILLIS, JOHN TODD Home: 626 East Main St., Troy, NC 27371 Business: PO Box 748, Troy, NC 27371 Telephone: H: 910-220-1525 B: 910-576-6111 Troy Lumber Co. - Forester email: tlcforestry@embarqmail.com 1266 *NCCF WILLIAMS, CHARLES P. Home: 400 Ward Rd., Washington, NC 27889 Business: 400 Ward Road, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-923-1505 B: 252-943-9808 Goose Creek Forestry - Owner email: charliewilliams@coastalnet.com 235 WILSON, BRENT R. Home: 110 West 13th Street, Washington, NC 27889 Business: 110 West 13th Street, Washington, NC 27889 Telephone: H: 252-975-5132 B: 252-402-6347 NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Wildlife Forester email: brent.wilson@embarqmail.com 1109 WILLIAMS, EDWARD J. Home: , , Business: PO Box 737, Smithfield, NC 27577 Telephone: H: 919-915-2111 B: 919-915-2111 Self email: ewilliams1322@nc.rr.com 697 WILSON, SHERRIL WAYNE Home: 971 Apple Valley Rd., Loris, SC 29569 Business: PO Drawer 10, Green Sea, SC 29545 Telephone: H: 843-340-6127 B: 843-756-2030 Colonial Land & Timber, Inc. - President email: swwclt@sccoast.net 609 WILLIAMS, HAROLD N. Home: 1211 Broadside Road, York, SC 29745 Business: PO Box 11308, Rock Hill, SC 29731 Telephone: H: 803-831-9545 B: 803-980-8940 Williams Forest Products, Inc. - Owner email: williamsfor@comporium.net 824 *NCCF WILSON, STEPHEN L Home: PO Box 147, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Business: 907 W. Swanzy St., Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Telephone: H: 910-590-9708 B: 910-862-8668 Cape Fear Timber Company - Consultant email: cftimber@earthlink.net 778 WILLIAMS, JAMES D. Home: 359 Cottage Mill Run, Boiling Springs, SC 29316 Business: PO Box 910, Inman, SC 29349 Telephone: H: 864-809-4859 B: 864-809-4859 Blue Ridge Timber, Inc. - Buyer email: jdrewwilliams@hotmail.com 1399 *NCCF WIMBERLY, MATTHEW L. Home: 5078 Seven Lakes West, West End, NC 27376 Business: PO Box 7, West End, NC 27376 Telephone: H: 910-673-6115 B: 910-673-0001 Forest Land Resource Consultants, PLLC - Owner email: wimberly@forestlandrc.com 1407 WILLIAMS, JERRY Home: 838 Lilly/s Bridge Road, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Business: PO Box 673, Troy, NC 27371 B: 910-572-2698 Telephone: DeBerry Land & Timber - Forester 1267 WISEMAN, MARK S. Home: 108 Walnut Grove Ct., N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Business: PO Box 98, Roaring River, NC 28669 Telephone: H: 336-903-1442 B: 336-696-3418 LP Corp. - Resource Mgr. III email: mark.wiseman@lpcorp.com 577 *NCCF WILLIAMS, MARK A. Home: 583 Ownley Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Business: 583 Ownley Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: H: 252-264-3598 B: 252-264-2209 Albemarle Land & Timber Services, Inc. - Forester/Owner email: mark@nclandandtimber.com 1045 WISEMAN, STEPHANIE L. Home: 108 Walnut Grove Ct., N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Business: Telephone: H: 336-903-1442 767 WILLIAMS, MATTHEW S. Home: 109 Hunters Cove Court., Hot Springs, AR 71913 Business: 810 Whittington Ave, Hot Springs, AR 71901 Telephone: H: 501-545-0396 B: 501-624-8019 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Region Timberland Mgr. email: matt.williams@weyerhaeuser.com 653 *NCCF WITTIG, MICHAEL L. Home: 606 Shiloh Rd., Tarboro, NC 27886 Business: PO Box 1487, Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone: H: 252-824-7619 B: 252-824-7619 Michael Witig Consulting Forester, Inc. - Owner email: wittigcf@aol.com 1042 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 49 Name and Address Registration Number Name and Address Registration Number *NCCF WOLGEMUTH, JEFFREY D. Home: 3530 Sledge Road, Littleton, NC 27850 Business: PO Box 27, Townsville, NC 27584 Telephone: H: 252-532-9885 B: 252-532-9885 Roanoke Tar Forestry & Realty Inc. - President email: jdwolgemuth@earthlink.net 1110 WRIGHT, WILLIAM AUSTIN Home: 4003 Tucker Trail, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Business: PO Box 591, Emporia, VA 23847 Telephone: H: 252-451-1913 B: 252-578-0193 Georgia-Pacific Corp. - Procurement Forester email: awright1026@embarqmail.com WOOD, ANTHONY W. Home: 116 Millstone Dr., Campobello, SC 29322 Business: Telephone: H: 864-415-7612 Hancock For. Mgmt., Inc. - Area Forester email: awood@hnrg.com 1134 YANKUS, KERI L. Home: 97 Broadway, Pembroke, NH 03275 Business: 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arobor, MI Telephone: H: 603-268-0478 B: 252-723-8230 NSF - IRS, Ltd. - Sr Forestery & Env Auditor email: kyankus@nsf-isr.org WOOD, BRIAN (LUKE) L. Home: PO Box 584, Siler City, NC 27344 Business: PO Box 584, Siler City, NC 27344 Telephone: H: 919-810-1743 Island Creek Forest Products Co., Inc. - Owner email: brianlukewood@yahoo.com 1337 YATES, GREGORY F. Home: PO Box 793, Mars Hill, NC 28754 Business: 14 Gaston Mtn. Road, Asheville, NC 28806 Telephone: H: 828-689-3352 B: 828-665-8688 NC Forest Service - Regional Forester email: greg.yates@ncagr.gov WOOD, MARCUS A. 1525 Home: 46 Dunkirk Road, Asheville, NC 28803 Business: 200 WT Weaver Blvd (Sthern Res St), Asheville, NC 2880 Telephone: H: 828-713-7363 B: 828-713-3188 USDA Forest Service - Forester email: marcuswood@fs.fed.us YAUGER, CHRISTOPHER C. Home: 2787 Kiker Road, Peachland, NC 28133 Business: PO Box 219, Marshville, NC 28103 Telephone: H: 704-272-6222 B: 704-624-5153 Edwards Wood Products - Procurement Forester email: cands2@windstream.net 745 1501 900 1268 1338 YEAGER, STEVEN W. Home: 324 Lamplighter Ave., Lewisburg, WV 24901 Business: PO Box 1109, Lewisburg, WV 24901 Telephone: H: 304-645-3123 B: 304-645-1542 Plum Creek Timber - Resource Manager 868 *NCCF WOOTEN, MONTY G. Home: 26 Hampstead Rd., Asheville, NC 28804 Business: 26 Hampstead Rd., Asheville, NC 28804 Telephone: H: 828-254-1114 B: 828-254-1114 Greenleaf Forest Management - Owner email: martywooten@bellsouth.net 947 YEICH, BRIAN L. Home: 3017 Thornhill Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Business: 221 Airport Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Telephone: H: 919-815-3785 B: 910-437-2620 NC Forest Service - Service Forester email: brian.yeich@ncagr.gov 1432 WORLEY, T. MICHAEL Home: 105 Forest Dr., Washington, NC 27889 Business: PO Box 787 Wood Products, Plymouth, NC 27962 Telephone: H: 252-975-1719 B: 252-791-3294 Weyerhaeuser Co. - Procurement Manager email: mike.worley@weyerhaeuser.com 840 YOUNG, TIMOTHY A. Home: 704 Cutlar St., St. Pauls, NC 28384 Business: 704 Cutlar St., St. Pauls, NC 28384 Telephone: H: 910-865-4517 B: 910-262-7934 International Paper Co. - Fiber Security/Auditor email: timothy.young@ipaper.com 1153 *NCCF WORRELL, JR., E. GLEN Home: 1993 Springhill Rd., Staunton, VA 24401 Business: 404 8th St., NE,Suite C, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Telephone: H: 540-886-6919 B: 434-296-1464 F&W Forestry Services, Inc. - Manager email: gworrell@fwforestry.com 1339 *NCCF ZIMMER, JEFFREY L. Home: 110 Crosswinds Circle, Macon, NC 27551 Business: 6363 Woodway Suite 415, Houston, TX 77057 Telephone: H: 252-257-1777 Eco Fuels. LLC - Vice President email: jzimmer2216@gmail.com 1417 *NCCF WRIGHT, JEFFERY A. Home: 2173 Saltwind Way, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 Business: Telephone: H: 843-991-2911 Arbor Gen - Manager email: patula.wright@gmail.com 1152 ZIMMERMAN, GARY N. Home: 219 Woodfield Dr., Nashville, NC 27856 Business: 100 Gaston Road, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Telephone: H: 252-459-2074 B: 252-578-3215 Kapstone Kraft Paper Co. - Procurement Forester email: gary.zimmerman@kapstonepaper.com 793 WOODMANSEE, DAVID W. Home: 111 Hill Creek Road, Blounts Creek, NC 27814-9758 Business: Telephone: H: 252-975-3278 B: 252-947-2345 NC Tree Farm Program - Volunteer email: dwwforester@aol.com *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 50 Name and Address Registration Number ZWEIZIG, KURT E. Home: 124 Northwoods Dr., NW, Milledgeville, GA 31061 Business: PO Box 1233, Milledgeville, GA 31059-1233 Telephone: H: 478-453-9698 B: 478-454-3409 T&S Hardwoods, Inc. - Timber Dept. Mgr. email: timber@tshardwoods.com Name and Address 948 *NCCF denote a "Consulting Forester" as defined in General Statute 89B, section 2. 51 Registration Number Registered Foresters by State/Country Alabama* Burak, Steven G. Gallagher, Thomas V. 1392 964 McCall, Barrett B. 1473 Meadows Jr., Steven R. 1720 Peeler, Allyson C. 847 Peeler, III, R. James 848 Thompson, Tommy E.D. 1321 Travis, Edward F. 1605 Whitaker, William B. 1712 Kidd, Robert B. 981 Williams, Matthew S. 653 Florida Cathey, Thomas N. Kelleher, John L. 1360 503 1693 Lundberg, Robert J. 452 Malm, Richard L. 765 Rice, Eric R. 936 Calhoun, Robert R. Cass, Randy 948 Idaho Bailey, Andrew D. 1597 790 1715 1618 Indiana Neggers, Christian 1598 Kentucky 135 Louisiana Frebis, Ronald F. 1257 Freeman, Clanton G. 1185 Green, David W. 1511 Maine Cole, David G. 1115 Maryland Eriksson, Paul T. Georgia* Blankenship, William B. 415 Zweizig, Kurt E. Foe, Lloyd A. Arkansas* Absher, E. Brian Waterman, Mark W. 1084 Mississippi* Smith, Vernon M. 1397 New Hampshire Combs, David C. 447 Cress, L. Michael 1064 Cross, Terry Lee 1442 Dougherty, Derek S. 1029 Eaddy, Jr., Donald W. 1682 Foil, David 1627 Adams, Michael A. 1112 Gehle, David B. 1717 Aldridge, Alan L. 1728 Goodrich, Mollie A. 1569 Allen, Brad H. 1617 Kelly, L. Michael 1260 Allen, James David Yankus, Keri L. 1501 North Carolina* 639 McKenstry, James M. 983 Allen, Jean Anderson 578 Mills, Jr., Carlton Neal 752 Allen, Jr., Howard Lee 1076 Moss, K. Keith 1125 Alsup, III, John Dean Norton, Dennis E. 1199 Altizer, Clayton B. 1714 Raval, Shardul V. 1454 Amaral, Bonnie P. 1230 Reed, Thomas M. 484 Amaral, David 950 905 Reitter, Keith B. 1467 Andres, David L. 952 Rivenbark, Byron L. 1651 Andrews, Jody R. 1566 Rountree, Jason M. 1689 Antill, Bradley W. 1231 Sanford, Tommy E. 1476 Armstrong, Jr., Charles S. 1493 Thompson, David O. 1700 Armstrong, Jr., Joseph E. 1181 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester Registered Foresters by State/Country Askew, James Scott 1678 Braham, Richard R. 833 Atchley, Norman G. 1046 Brandon, Chadwick 1551 600 Brandon, Daniel R. Bagwell, Marvin H. Baker, R. Keith 715 1156 Brewer, Adam F. 1326 Baldinger, James R. 783 Brewer, Scott A. 1294 Baldwin, Raymond F. 170 Brinkley, Jeremy S. 1436 Ball, Steven 1723 Brock, Phillip H. Ball, Wendell R. 1062 Brockenfelt, Chris P. 1625 123 Ballinger, Michael H. 1291 Brogan, Sean M. 1362 Banaitis, Carol M. 1077 Brooks, Curtis O. 1380 Banks, Thaddeus N. 851 Brouillard, Keith H. 1363 Barber, Jr., William O. 187 Brown, Daron C. 1111 Bardon, Robert E. 1182 Brown, David R. Barker, David S. 1694 Brown, Tony 1679 Barker, Matthew J. 1425 Bryant, Ricky L. 1179 Barnes, Gene G. Barnes, Jonathan C. Barnhardt, Elizabeth A. Barrett, Thomas B. Batchelor, Timothy R. 656 1517 810 1426 533 Buckley, Shannon A. Bullard, R. Paul 549 633 788 Bunch, Gregory B. 1471 Burleson, Douglas C. 1276 Burr, James Robert 1355 Bates, Peter C. 1292 Burton, Daniel D. 208 Beavers, III, Kendall (K.C.) C 1293 Busick, Karl H. 957 Beland, John M. Belcher, Jericho J. Bell, A. Quentin Berg, Anthony R. "Ned Bernard, Jr., R. J. "Barny" 906 1670 195 1232 446 Byrd, Joseph Randall Caddy, James M. Cale, Alissa B. 881 1659 907 Campbell, Douglas S 1546 Campbell, Kimberly 1671 Berzinis, Michael A. 1513 Capps, Lester D. 1082 Birckhead, E. Hunter 679 Capps, Robin W. 1081 Bishop, Blair B. 1575 Cargile, Gary L. 572 Blackburn, Jr., Daniel 1576 Carlson, Paul J. 746 Blackwood, Nancy L. 1210 Casey, W. Andrew 798 Blake, Dolan M. 1685 Cawthorne, Wallace G. Blanchard, Harold C. 67 5 Cecil, John T. 1168 Blanton, Christopher R. 1400 Chamblee, Aaron K. 1736 Blanton, Regina "Red" 1420 Charest, Christopher D. 1680 Bledsoe, Tabatha G. 1377 Cheek, Michael E. 1277 Blue, J. Adrian 1470 Chellberg, Richard A. 1295 Boncek, Joseph J. 744 Chesnutt, L. Michael 1216 Booher, Stephen T. 827 Childers, Christopher J. 1587 Boothby, Jeffrey 1686 Christopher Jr, Edwin A. 1519 Bost, Mark K. 1275 Cipriani, Jr., W. Billy F. 1660 Clark, Eric S. 1019 Bowyer, Sheree 901 Boyer, Chris D. 1379 Clarke, Craig K. Boyette, Warren G. 1079 Cockerham, Richard C. Bradley, Robert Allen 1113 Coe, David B. Brady, Harold R. 1100 Coffey, Albert B. Brady, Jody T. 1340 Coggin, George J. Braham, AnneMargaret H. 1233 Collier, Talmadge W. * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester 909 1217 649 386 1218 252 Registered Foresters by State/Country Comer, Scotty Conard, William David Conner, Gregory S. Connor, Buddy W. 1600 593 Dowdle, Jr., Leighton T. Dryman, William M. 662 1155 1176 Duckworth, Bradley C. 884 23 Duckworth, Charles J. 108 Connor, John Walter 1021 Conrad, III, J. Locke 536 Dunbar, Jamie L. 1568 586 Cook, James R.(Bud) Duff, John Stephen 751 Duncan, Trent W 1539 Cook, John C. 1457 Edeburn, Judson D. 1299 Cooley, John P. 1235 Edmonds, Thomas J. 643 Cotten, Jason R. 1382 Edwards, Daniel W. 612 Cox, Joseph L. 1449 Edwards, Ronnie L. 461 Cox, Raymond Dalton 1236 Edwards, Sr., Robert L. 439 Cox, Stephen (Steve) L. 353 Ellen, Joseph L. 565 Crain, William T. 908 Ellenburg, Barry T. 959 Crase, Herbert W. 911 Ellis, Richard C. 92 Craven, Jr., Thomas 1616 Emory, Jr., Robert R. Creed, G. Clay 1655 Enloe, John Mark Crouse, Richard A. 1466 Evans, Donald (Bruce) 960 Crum, Christopher T. 1601 Evans, Jr., Joseph D. 1101 Crump, John M. Cubbage, Frederick W. Cullom, Ralph M. 494 1083 912 Faircloth, Ashley K. Farrior, Nathan J. Faulconer, H. Michie 813 1485 677 1506 961 Culp, John M. 1118 Fields, Bradley F. 1472 Cummings, Warren F. 1023 Finch, James K. 1489 Curcio, Gary M. 1298 Finkbiner, Rodney T. Currie, Joseph 1707 Fisher, Donald B. 1411 Currie, Robie W. 914 1024 Flowers, Sr., Arnold L. 1215 Currie, Jr., W. Deems 855 Fordham, Wendell A. 1030 Cusimano, Michael S. 667 Franklin, E. Carlyle Fretz, James E. 858 Dahlem, Wilbert E. 1048 Daniel, Jr., John H. 812 Fullbright, Kenton H. 1186 963 Daniels, Charles E. 672 Fulton, John Dane 1239 Daughtry, Rudy V. 1237 Garner, II, Edward C. (Ted) 1043 Davis, Justin W. 1725 Garrison, John Chris Davis, Kelly N. 1026 Gatlin, Nathan P. 1687 708 Davis, Kenneth "Larry" 722 Gay, Aaron L. 1532 Davis, Thomas Paul 106 Gellerstedt, Paul A. 1585 Davis, Jr., Charles M. 755 Gerding, Dwight H. 587 Davison, Joseph A. 1619 Gerow, Jr., Thomas A. Dawson, Carolyn M. 1626 Gibson, Michael Dale Dean, Jr., V. Paul 1583 Gilkeson, Cathy E. 1612 Decker, Gregory A. 552 Gillespie, Corey P. 1737 DeMay, William (Bill) J. 902 Gilliam, Paul A. "Andy" Denman, Randall W. 564 Gilreath, Gary R. Desmond, Dennis F. 1515 Gladden, David R. 1300 Dodson, Jr., James "Jimmy" 1647 Goforth, Jr., Edmond J. 1328 Doggett, Coleman A. 958 Good, Michael E. 1510 743 965 335 966 Doster, David (Tony) A. 1028 Goulding, Joseph B. 1621 Dowdle, K. Todd 1278 Gragg, Brad A. 1169 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester Registered Foresters by State/Country Graham, JoAnne E. 442 Hendrick, Laura E. Graham, Ted Alexander 441 Hendricks, J. Michael 974 Gray, Charles T. 1088 Henson, Stephen K. 496 Gray, James M. 1187 Herman, Thomas D. Greene, John L. 1697 Herring, Larry Ron 1160 437 Hester, James H. 1050 Hewitt, Jason P 1588 Gregg, Stewart W. Griffin, Mark H. 1102 1657 534 Guggenheim, David M. 385 Hicks, Edward B. 1220 Gunderson, David F. 865 Hicks, Gregory M. 1431 Guy, Randy C. 739 Hightower, III, William D. 1529 Haggard, Jay W 969 Hildreth, W. Reid Hales, Stanley W. 781 Hill, Alan W.R. Hall, Mark W. 1468 Hill, Terral H. Halley, David P. 1428 Hines, Jr., Charles D. Hamilton, Rick A. 799 Holmes, Kent T. Hampton, Frederick B. 1032 Holmes, William M. Hancock, Peter (Pete) D. 1613 Horn, Wayne D. Hankins, David B. 976 1332 772 1450 544 1344 417 490 Hoskins, Jr., L. Wayne 1302 Hansen, III, Gerald D. 1607 Houseman, Robert H. Hanson, Mary Beth 1440 Houser, Robyn Deviney Hardee, Russell A. 1301 Howard, Charles "Brad" Hardee, Shane D. 1402 Howard, John P. 1372 Harden, Michael J. 1534 918 1137 802 Howell, Timothy 1559 Hardie, Robert L. 540 Hoyt, Frederick W. 1366 Hardin, James Fred 440 Hudomint, Ann S. 1405 Hardison, James B. 1188 Huffman, J. Adam 1479 Huffman, Thomas E. 1282 Harrell, William J. 360 Harris, Fred W. 1159 Hughes, Joseph Henry Harris, Julianne M. 1672 Hughes, Travis W. 1444 86 Harris, Larry H. 971 Hulka, Bryan H. 1373 Harris, Michael M. 837 Hunt, J. Perry 1480 Harris, Timothy G. 852 Hunter, Leslie (Les) P. 626 Harrison, James L. 917 Hutchison, Steve M. 556 Hart, Roger J. 1578 Isner, David B. Hartrick, Lisa S. 1491 Isom, Jeremy M. 1488 Jackson, James M. 1345 Hartsfield, Marshall B. 789 Jackson, Lee H. 630 Harvell, Kevin B. 1280 Hassell, Hugh S. 801 Jackson, Timothy O. 1161 366 Hawley, Larry L. 120 Jamieson, Gregory W. 1103 17 Jenkins, E. Clay 1512 Hearn, Dennis B. 400 Jenkins, Keith M. 641 Heath, Brian E. 972 Jenkins, William A. 980 Haynes, Jr., Claude B. Heath, Joseph E. 1242 Jenkins, Jr., Donald L. 816 Heeter, David G. 601 Jennette, Jr., David L. 638 Hege, Benjamin F. 1089 Jett, Jr., Jackson (J.B.) B. 828 Hemingway, Jr., Joseph O. 1458 Jeuck, James A. 795 Hendershott, David B. 1492 Johnson, David B. 817 Henderson, David Carroll 550 Johnson, Edward M. 1244 Henderson, Stephen O. 973 Johnson III, J. Tom 1708 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester Registered Foresters by State/Country Jones, Caleb Y. Jones, Frederick W. Jordan, Christopher W. 1592 838 1192 Marlowe, Thomas Adam Martin, James Andy 1719 608 Massengill, Jr, Raymond A. 1197 1486 Kea, James B. 921 Mathews, Rand L. Kearns, Alec M. 1303 Mazur, Robert S. Keating IV, Harry (A.J.) A. 1665 McBeth, Jonathan A. 1092 Kelleher, Joseph B. 1090 McBryde, John M. 1639 Kellison, Robert C. 834 McCall, Jonathan S. 1580 Kenley, Jr., Charles B. 922 McCarter, Kelley D. 1422 Kennedy, Hugh Brian 594 McClure, R. Craig 1593 Kerr, II, James Edward 599 McCollum, J. Keith Kessler, Edward E. 168 McGuire, Brad D. 273 142 1036 Kight, II, John H. 1193 McIntyre, Victor Loring Kiker, Jason B. 1481 McKeand, Steven E. 1246 519 Kiker, III, Paul J. 190 McKinney, Mary-Margaret S. 1284 King, C. Patrick 1058 McKinney, Jr., J. Dwight 1123 Kinlaw, Alan Keith 1245 McNeill, Tony L. 1106 Klamut, Corey L. 1662 Meacham, Jeffrey 1396 Klass, Richard B. 472 Meacham, W. Greg 1423 Kostyal, David M. 606 Mead, Philip M. 1702 Lamb, J. Daniel 272 Meadows, Anthony "Andy" R. 820 Lamb, Robert 1614 Meadows, James L. 839 Lambert, Colby S. 1482 Meadows, Korey W. 1666 Mears, P.J. 1727 Lane, David M. 924 Lee, Phillip M. 31 Medford, Alan R. 927 Lefler, Jason M. 1528 Medlock, Brian E. 1124 Levine, Aaron 1730 Megalos, Mark A. 728 Lewis, Clifford R. 474 Meiggs, David E. 928 Liles, Jr., Nelson P. 119 Melton, Andrew C. 538 Lilley, Christopher Lilley, Raymond Mason Lipford, Robert W. 1615 567 507 Merten, Paul R. 1037 925 Metcalf, MaryAnn R. 1385 Miller, Ashley T. 1589 Miller, John C 1530 Miller, Roger V. 1286 Listerman, Adam K. 1731 Listerman, Edwin A. 571 Liv, Chris Merritt, Jr., Robert W. 1622 Lock, William H. 482 London, Brendan 1732 Miller, Jr., Joseph M. Long, Jr., William M. 1194 Mills, Jeremy R. 1475 Ludlum, Tony Scott 1104 Mims, Stephen L. 1223 Lynch, Ricky O. 1105 Moan, Jason E. 1571 Lynch, Roger D 1535 Money, Keith R. 1414 Lytton, James E. 1527 Montague, Robert T. 1386 Mallory, Joseph L. 710 Moody, III, Charles J. Malpass, James E. 161 Moore, Alan 1681 Moore, Ben S. 1656 Malpass, II, James E. 1311 Miller, William N. 929 988 469 Maness, Danny R. 985 Moore II, Charles F. 930 Manor, Zachary J. 1726 Moorman, Leslie S. 1586 Manus, Christopher P. 1500 Moorman, Robert M. 1640 Manzene, Stephen Craig 804 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester Morgan, Sr., J. Thomas 989 Registered Foresters by State/Country Morris, Justin Mott, Gregory A. 1713 Pippen, Jr., Robert L. 393 492 Plaster, Allen Louis 616 Mowrey, Paul 1733 Plummer, Mary Beth 1573 Muecke, Eric 1673 Pomeroy, Edward Ellis 575 Murr, Jannon Roy (JR) 1143 Porterfield, Paul Eric 359 Murray, Jonathan L. 1739 Powell, Jeffrey Scott 760 Mustian, Amy R. 1315 Powell, Sammie N. 780 Myers, Jr., Ronald J. 869 Powell, William S. 997 Nappen, Katherine E. 568 Powell, III, Walter H. 867 Neal, Michael D. 198 Prevatte, Laura 904 New, Barry D. 895 Prevette, Jr., James H. 998 Newcomb, Stephen M. 210 Pridgen, James P. 254 Newton, John H. 1502 Pruett, Robert (Jim) Nicholls, Smith C. 1144 Query, Justin E. 1581 Raleigh, Lloyd 1711 Nickolich, Mary Beth 931 779 Nicoll, Joey R. 1387 Randolph, Henry A. 935 Noble, Jr., Milan Bert 1248 Rankin, Jr., James R. 570 Norris, Ryan T. 1334 Rawlings, Bradley J. 589 Norris, Tommy L. 358 Raynor, Eugene G. O'Kane, Kevin B. 1313 Olson, Richard A. Ordnung, Robert L. Orr, Edwin E. 856 Reese, James E. 1523 526 Register, Dennis K. 1434 896 Respess, Jr., Timothy L. 1698 477 Rhodes, Michael D. 1202 Oten, Kelly 1734 Rich, Jack V. Ottinger, Donald 1249 Richardson, Kirk A. 1604 517 Overbey, John (Bill) W. 597 Ricks, Gregory T. 1358 Overby, J. Wendell 932 Riley, Donald F. 1508 Owen, Wilb L. 1094 Riley, Steven B. 1171 Page, Jason R. 1409 Ritter, Brian A. 1044 Palmer, R. Kelli 866 Roach, JenniferJohnson L. 1498 Pardue, Jeffery L. 546 Roach, II, Don F. 1446 Paris, Dakota 1675 Robbins, Sr., Donald H. Parker, John H. 1051 Roberson, Dallas LeVern 434 Parrish, Tracy 696 68 Roberson, Robin J. 999 Parsons, John F. 1107 Robertson, Deborah H. 897 Parsons, William P. 1200 Robinson, David Alan Pate, Gregory A. 1314 Rogers, Christa 720 1641 Patram, Michael B. 994 Rogers, Donald F. 37 Patterson, Kevin G. 1250 Rogers, James B. 1549 Pautz, Gary L. 1536 Rohr, Hans C. Payne, Dwight O. 1224 Roise, Joesph P. Payne, Jason A. 1610 Rose, Jr., Bennett S. Pearson, Mark V. 829 Ross, Robert C. 1145 Percival, Thomas H. 541 Rowe, Gary L. 1201 Perry, Michael J. 610 Rudd, M. Thomas 1699 Petruncio, Michael M. 1251 Rutland, III, John W. Phillips, Amy O. 1127 San Fratello, Angelo J. Phillips, Ronald W. 996 Sanders, Richard P. Pickens, William R. 933 Sauerborn, Roger Eugene * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester 864 1594 27 642 821 1564 436 Registered Foresters by State/Country Saunders, Jr., Cecil J. Steponkus, Peter C. 1524 Scarborough, Donald Logan 1721 8 Stevenson, Charles (Randy) 1464 Schlenker, James W. 1000 Stewart, J. Chris 1503 Schnake, David K. 1690 Stone, Dennis Howard Schneider, Brian 1643 Strong, Russell H. Schneier, Joan 1644 Sturgill, Jr., Robert D. Scott, Andrew P. 1676 Summer, Jr., William B. 1630 1005 Scott, David K. 657 Swan, Edward "Eddie" R. Scott, Harry Thomas 757 Swanner, Jesse Jackson Seiler, Jeffrey E. Sellers, Tim H. 1097 Swanson, Brian A. 711 Swanson, Ricky A. 285 1040 939 750 1653 569 Shaffer, Jon 1704 Swanson, William C. 1130 Sharpe, Terry L. 1147 Swartz, Joseph R. 1455 Sharpton, Christopher D. 1696 Swartz, Shawn 1691 Shaver, William A. 1289 Sweat, Michael 1684 Shepherd, Ronny L. 1623 Tabak, Timothy W. 1424 Sherar, James R. 1226 Talley, Kenneth L. 275 Shipley, John A. 1645 Tate, Jr., Hugh A. 841 Short, Kenneth B. 1595 Taylor, Charles H. Shotwell, Jr., James F. 255 Taylor, Daniel K. 320 1208 Sickert, Joel P. 1317 Taylor, Leonard R. 392 Simon, Dean M. 1227 Taylor, Raymond P. 646 Sitts, James I. 1002 Teel, James B. Slye, James N. 1318 Tew, D. Thompson 832 1131 Smearman, Scott A. 619 Thies, Stanley C. 794 Smith, Benjamin Taylor 735 Thigpen, Sally T. 1634 Smith, Christopher E. Thomas, Joseph E. 128 Thomas, Larry R. 194 1253 Thomas, Sr., Walter E. 409 243 Thompson, Kenneth M. 584 Smith, Mark D. 1204 Thompson, Marshall D. 806 Smith, Phillip G. 1053 Thompson, Michael L. 471 Smith, Scott B. 853 Thompson, Michael C. Smith, Daniel E. Smith, Gregory A. Smith, James A. 1438 937 Thompson, Sara 764 Smith, Stephen A. 1740 Smith, William L. 545 Thompson, Thomas C. Smith, Jr., David L. 369 Thrash, T. Dale Smith, Jr., James R. 603 Thuman, Matthew H. 1290 Speary, Meyer "Cabe" M. 899 Titus, Theodore E. 1550 Speece, Jr., Herman Marshal 495 Trickel, Robert P. 1071 Spence, David A. 769 Truslow, Duane 1632 Spence, Howard C. 395 Tucker, Stephen R. 1456 1056 Spencer, Brian J. 1416 Tucker, Jr., William C. Sports, William (Tommy) T. 1206 Tugwell, Edward G. Stairs, Nancy D. 1543 Turnage, John D. Stallings, Leo W. 1108 Turner, Harold Andrew Stancar, Joseph J. Stanley, Jimmy Wade 713 Tuschak, Lucas "Luke" T. 1631 940 786 775 1722 707 1669 172 Varner, Donald R. 230 Stansell, Blake H. 1487 Vaughan, Otis N. 317 Stayton, William J. 1166 Vincett, Matthew B. 826 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester Registered Foresters by State/Country Walden, Derryl L. 705 Worley, T. Michael 840 Walker, David H. 1041 Wright, William Austin 745 Wall, Sterling C. 1007 Yates, Gregory F. Wallace, Phillip 1599 Yauger, Christopher C. 1268 Ward, Cierra LS 1633 Yeich, Brian L. 1432 Ward, Seth A. 1611 Young, Timothy A. 1153 Ward, Thomas S. 1677 Zimmer, Jeffrey L. 1417 Wassum, Douglas D. 1435 Zimmerman, Gary N. Watson, II, Donald A. 1213 Watson, Jr., James F. Weaver, W. Neel Webb, III, Josiah A. Webb, Jr., James F. Webster, B. Zane Weeks, Woodrow L. 325 1668 197 245 1735 900 793 Ohio Besonen, Michael J. 520 Pennsylvania 428 Karakash, John T. 408 Wefel, Patrick J. 1336 Keegan, Marian S. 647 Weigel, Philip S. 1229 Piper, Jr., Robert W. 506 Welker, Eric P. 942 Secoges, Joseph M. 1729 Weller, Allan L. 141 West, Brian E. West, James Keith 590 1098 West, Tonda T. 522 Westmoreland, Robert H. 454 White, Bruce M. 1175 White, Catherine M. 1413 White, E. Carroll 663 White, Thomas E. 941 White, William E. White, Jr., Lacy O. 535 1008 Whitfield, Stephen A. 628 Whittemore, Stephen A. 943 Wiley, William Arthur 732 Williams, Charles A. 591 Williams, Charles P. 235 Williams, Jerry 1267 Williams, Mark A. 1045 Willis, John S. 945 Willis, John Todd 1266 Wilson, Brent R. 1109 Wilson, Stephen L Wimberly, Matthew L. 778 1407 Wiseman, Mark S. 577 Wiseman, Stephanie L. 767 Wittig, Michael L. 1042 Wolgemuth, Jeffrey D. 1110 Wood, Brian (Luke) L. 1337 Wood, Marcus A. 1525 Woodmansee, David W. 1338 Wooten, Monty G. 947 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester South Carolina* Adkins, James H. 1325 Allen Jr., Gregory B. 1724 Almond, Walter Fraser 1369 Ardrey, J. Benjamin 1658 Ardrey, Samuel D. 1705 Ardrey, William M. 792 Ardrey III, W. McCullough 1361 Arnold, T. Philip 1011 Ashworth, Scott T. 1469 Baker, Donald L. 1271 Baker, Herbert Bruce 698 Barnhill, Jeffrey A. 1272 Beavans, Jr., S. Clark 1391 Beck, Frederick G. 873 Bland, James D. 709 Brooks, James H. 1401 Burleson, Jeffrey N. 1433 Byrd, Ronald W. 874 Carter, P. Craig 1018 Cartner, Timothy J. 1114 Cloninger, Robert A. 401 Cloninger, William Roy 882 Coleman III, Mosely C. 1706 Coleman, Jr., William G. 689 Comalander, Jr, Cecil L. 1552 Cooper, Roderick "Roddy 1716 Corley, Gerald L. 1553 Corley, Heath M. 1661 Costin, Douglas H. 1047 Registered Foresters by State/Country Drummond, Robert A. 1567 Moore, J. Graham Duncan, Warren L. 1554 Morrison, Craig K. Dutton, Earl L. Eddins, Thomas W. Ferguson, Joey A. 687 340 226 Morrison III, Harry S. 1709 1279 Morrison IV, Harry S. 1710 Murph, Leon A. 1445 1522 650 Fisher, II, James "Jim" Y. 1443 Myers, Jr., Frederick M. Fleming, William "Tal" T. 1408 Nagel, David A. 849 Foose, Jacob O. 1620 Newton, R. E. 367 Formy-Duval II, John Gerom 224 Oliver, Steven W. 636 Fort, David S. 1584 Oswald, Kenneth A. 1484 Gilland, Aaron L. 1087 Parker, Laura L. 1570 Grant, Michael J. 513 Parris, Kent H. 871 1556 Pernell, Dan T. 1349 Grindley, Steven J. Handley, Don M. 407 Handley, Gary E. 1120 Prevatte, Eugene D. Richardson, Benjamin S. 684 Hane, John B. 1557 Robinson, Jack B. 1095 688 Harper, Richard A. 670 Rogers, Brian E. 1563 Hegler, Timothy D. 1649 Rosser, Jr., B. Neil 1352 Helms, John R. 1394 Rowland, III, Thomas C. 1211 Henderson, Leonard T. 671 Salisbury, Stephen J. 704 Hewett, Gregory L. 1497 Sandt, Jr., Joshua L. 1172 Higgins, III, Henry S. 1033 Shaw, Jr., Bartow S. 443 Hilton, Justin R. 1558 Shealy, Michael G. 822 Hiott, John A. 1395 Sibley, Charles A. Hoffman, Matthew F. 1243 Sligh, Jr., William D. 1212 Hughes, Daniel B. 1034 Smith, Steven D. 1148 644 Stallard, Roger D. 1419 1191 Steele, Janet W. 1075 1055 Hyman, Waldo H. "Tres" Jeter, Thomas S. Jewell, George Kent 718 Steele, Sr., William B. Johnson, Jeffery H. 1638 Stewart, Jr., Dwight L. Keim, Michael F. 668 435 648 Stuckey, Daniel H. Kessinger, Jeremy A. 1560 Thurmond, Guy J. Kirven, Timothy B. 1067 Ware, William Roger Knight, Tracy A. 1561 Williams, Harold N. 824 Krawiec, Matthew B. 1283 Williams, James D. 1399 Krietemeyer, Steven W. 1459 Wilson, Sherril Wayne Kullnat, Richard T. Lafaye, Angus B. 693 1507 Leach, Kenneth S. 699 Leary, Kenneth H. 1738 Leonard, J. Brian 1306 Lipscomb, James E. 1374 Mallard, Jr., Walter (Chip) H. 1310 McConnell, Brad L. 1196 McElveen, J. Thomas 1703 McGowen III, Thomas D. 1663 McMillan, Justin S. 1499 McWhirter, Eddie J. Milliken, II, William F. 614 1562 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester 1070 823 1174 609 Wood, Anthony W. 1134 Wright, Jeffery A. 1152 Tennessee Almond, Jr., Jacob F. Bailey, Gregory L. Belt, Kevin A. Latham, Terry Alan Muncy, Jack A. Norris, Andrew W. 808 1544 700 1141 770 831 Owens, Neil 1650 Taylor, Jr., Richard R. 1320 Registered Foresters by State/Country Texas Davis, Wesley Y. 1636 Mayo, Steven A. 1198 Virginia Anderton, Jr., David E. Brown, Ashby B. 1545 627 Chavis, Jason C. 1574 Crawford, Jesse T. 843 Creamer, Gary W. 1465 Darden, III, Hunter 107 Denig, Joseph 845 Dennis, Robert Canning 736 Detar, Dennis Scott 724 580 Garrison, III, Carl E. 1031 Gillette, Matthew B. 1637 Gillette, William F. 916 Godwin, W. Terry 1629 Griffin, Jr., G. Richard Harris, C. Wayne Johnson, D. Matthew Johnson, Donald K. 712 706 1591 919 Jones, Steven B. 1718 Lane, W. Michael 759 Lewis, W. Michael 476 Lindberg, Stephen P. 595 Little, Edgar L. 326 Long, Gary R. 1460 MacKenzie, James D. 1035 Pate, Norman M. 1516 Perkins, Daniel F. 1439 Ramirez, James R. 21 Ratliff, Jr., David G. 1225 Reinhart, Brian C. 1688 Schatzki, Alfred "Fred" E. 1096 Scruggs, Kenneth O. 611 Smith, Jr., John C. 399 Snyder, William B. 1319 Talbert, John R. 1441 Taylor, Jerry M. 1368 Thomas, Jr., Paul B. 1072 Thurman, Timothy W. 1264 Torrence, Jr., David L. 1359 Turner, C. Kea Turner, Charles H. Watts, Jeffrey L. 1254 Whitlow, Phillip E. 1151 Worrell, Jr., E. Glen 1339 Washington Whalen, W. Patrick 479 Cannon, John R. Dodd, Michael H. West, Ricky C. 466 1322 807 * Members of SE Board of Registration for Forester 1664 West Virginia Carpenter, Daniel R. 1370 Morgan, Reed F. 1312 Plaugher, Aaron W. 1453 Tupis, Jr., Pete 1150 Yeager, Steven W. 868 Wisconsin Watson, Todd A. 1323 REGISTERED FORESTERS BY STATE/COUNTRY Chapter 89B. Foresters. § 89B-1. General provisions. (a) No person shall use the designation "forester", "registered forester", or any other descriptive terms that include the words "forester" or "registered forester" and that directly convey that the person is a forester without first having been registered under this Chapter. (b) This Chapter benefits and protects the public by improving the standards for the practice of professional forestry in North Carolina. (1975, c. 531, s. 1; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-2. Definitions. As used in this Chapter: (1) "Board" means the State Board of Registration for Foresters, provided for by this Chapter. (2) "Forester" means a person who by reason of special knowledge and training in natural sciences, mathematics, silviculture, forest protection, forest mensuration, forest management, forest economics, and forest utilization is qualified to engage in the practice of forestry. (2a) "Forestry" means the professional practice embracing the science, business, and the art of creating, conserving, and managing forests and forestlands for the sustained use and enjoyment of their resources, material, or other forest produce. (3) "Practice of forestry" means rendering professional forestry services, including but not limited to, consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, or other forestry activities requiring knowledge, training, and experience in forestry principles and techniques. (4) "Registered forester" means a person who has been registered pursuant to this Chapter. (5) "Consulting forester" means a registered forester who: a. through c. Repealed by Session Laws 1998-157, s.1. d. Is competent to practice forest management, appraisal, development, marketing, protection, and utilization for the benefit of the general public on a fee, contractual, or contingency basis; e. Has not engaged in any practice that constitutes a conflict of interest or in any way diminishes his ability to represent the best interests of his clients; and f. Has filed annually an affidavit with the Board in accordance with G.S. 89B-14(b). (6) "Urban forester" means a person who engages in the practice of forestry in an urban setting that involves municipal ownership, homesteads, parks and woodlots, and similar urban properties. (1975, c. 531, s. 2; 1989, c. 169; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-3. State Board of Registration for Foresters; appointment of members; terms. (a) A State Board of Registration for Foresters is created to administer the provisions of this Chapter. The Board shall have five members as follows: (1) Four duly practicing registered foresters, at least three of whom hold a bachelors or higher degree from an accredited forestry school, and (2) One public member. Each member shall be appointed by the Governor for a three-year term. No member may serve more than two complete consecutive terms. NC General Statutes - Chapter 89B 1 (b) Each member of the Board shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of North Carolina. (c) Vacancies in the membership of the Board shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired term. (d) The Board shall elect annually the following officers: a chairman, and a vice-chairman, who shall be members of the Board, and a secretary who may be a member of the Board. A quorum of the Board shall consist of not less than three voting members of the Board. (1975, c. 531, s. 3; 1983, c. 103, s. 1; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-4. Compensation and expenses of Board members. Each member of the Board shall receive per diem and allowances as provided by G.S. 93B-5. (1975, c. 531, s. 4; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-5. Organization and meetings of the Board. The Board shall meet at least twice each year. In addition, special meetings may be held in accordance with the rules of the Board. (1975, c. 531, s. 5; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-6. Powers of the Board. The Board may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes for the proper performance of its duties and the regulation of the proceedings before it. The Board shall adopt an official seal. Any member of the Board may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before the Board. The Board may establish fees, subject to the maximum amounts prescribed by this Chapter. (1975, c. 531, s. 6; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-7. Receipts and disbursements. The secretary of the Board shall receive and account for all moneys derived under this Chapter, and shall keep these moneys in a separate fund known as the "Registered Foresters' Fund." Moneys in the Fund shall be expended to carry out the purposes of the Board. The secretary of the Board shall give surety bond to the Board in an amount determined by the Board. The premium for the surety bond is a proper expense of the Board and shall be paid from the Registered Foresters' Fund. The Board may employ and fix the compensation of necessary clerical and other assistants. The compensation of these assistants shall be paid out of the Registered Foresters' Fund. (1975, c. 531, s. 7; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-8. Records and reports. The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings and a register of all applications for registration. The register shall show the name, age and residence of each applicant; the date of the application; the applicant's place of business; the applicant's educational and other qualifications; whether or not examination was required; whether the application was rejected or registration was granted; the date of action by the Board; and other information deemed necessary by the Board. Each July 1 the Board shall submit to the Governor a report of its transactions of the preceding year. (1975, c. 531, s. 8; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-9. General requirements for registration. (a) An applicant for registration shall be registered upon satisfactory proof to the Board that the applicant is of good moral character and meets one of the following requirements: (1) Graduation with a bachelors or higher degree in a forestry curriculum from a school or college of forestry approved by the Board, passage of a NC General Statutes - Chapter 89B 2 comprehensive written examination, and the completion of two or more years' experience in forestry. (2) Passage of a comprehensive written examination designed to show knowledge approximating that obtained through graduation from a four-year curriculum in forestry in a university or college approved by the Board and the completion of six or more years of active practice in forestry work immediately prior to the application. The work must be of a character acceptable to the Board. Graduation with an Associate Applied Science degree in a forestry curriculum in a school or college approved by the Board is the equivalent of one year of experience. The completion of the junior year of a curriculum in forestry in a college or school approved by the Board is the equivalent of two years of experience. The completion of the senior year of a curriculum in forestry in a school or college approved by the Board is equivalent to three years of experience. (3) Registration in good standing as a registered forester with the Board as of January 1, 1999. (4) Practice of urban forestry for six years immediately prior to January 1, 1999, if the applicant meets all of the following conditions: a. The applicant is a North Carolina resident at the time of filing the application. b. The applicant practiced under the title "urban forester" during the six-year period. c. The applicant, prior to June 30, 1999, applies to the Board for registration and submits an affidavit under oath to the Board showing experience and education equivalent to that of a forester, as determined by the Board. (b) Registration shall be determined upon the basis of individual personal qualification. No firm, company, partnership, corporation or public agency shall be registered as a registered forester. (b1) The Board may issue a forester-in-training certificate to an applicant who has completed the educational requirements under subdivision (a)(1) of this section. (c) A nonresident of North Carolina may become a registered forester under this Chapter by complying with its terms, and by filing a consent as to service of process and pleadings upon the Board secretary. In connection with the practice of forestry by such nonresident in North Carolina, the consent as to service of process and pleadings shall be held binding and valid in all courts, as if due service had been made personally upon said nonresident by the Board, when such process has been served upon the Board secretary. (d) A nonresident or person who has moved to North Carolina recently and who is registered as a registered forester in another jurisdiction may be registered under this Chapter, by written application to the Board, if that jurisdiction provides for the same or substantially the same registration for North Carolina foresters who are registered under this Chapter. (e) A nonresident of North Carolina may use the term "registered forester" or other titles otherwise prohibited by this Chapter in North Carolina without becoming registered under this Chapter if registered in another state which will reciprocate with the provision of this Chapter. (1975, c. 531, s. 9; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-10. Application and registration fees. (a) Applications for registration shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the Board. The application fee for a certificate of registration as a registered forester shall be in an amount determined by the Board, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), which shall accompany the application. An additional fee, not to exceed forty dollars ($40.00), shall be paid upon NC General Statutes - Chapter 89B 3 issuance of the certificate of registration. An applicant that does not remit the certificate fee within 30 days after being notified of qualification forfeits the right to have the certificate issued, and the applicant may be required again to submit an original application fee. If the Board denies a certificate of registration to any applicant, the initial application fee deposited by the applicant shall be retained by the Board. (b) It is unlawful for any person to provide false or forged information to the Board or a member of the Board in obtaining a certificate of registration. (1975, c. 531, s. 10; 1989, c. 245, s. 1; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-11. Expiration and renewals; continuing education. (a) Registrations shall expire on the last day of June following issuance or renewal and shall become invalid after that date unless renewed. The secretary of the Board shall notify every person registered under this Chapter, at the person's last registered address, of the date of the expiration of registration and the amount of fee required for its renewal for one year. The notices shall be mailed at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the registrations. The annual renewal fee for certificates shall be in an amount established by the Board, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). The fee for issuance of replacement certificates of registration shall be five dollars ($5.00). Any registration which has expired may be renewed by paying the registration fee plus one-twelfth of the annual renewal fee per calendar month from the date of expiration. Charges above the renewal fee shall not exceed an amount equal to the renewal fee. (b) The Board shall require registered foresters to attend continuing education courses approved by the Board, not to exceed 12 hours per year, as a condition of renewal. (1975, c. 531, s. 11; 1989, c. 245, s. 2; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-12. Examinations. When written examinations are required, they shall be held at the time and places in the State of North Carolina as the Board shall determine. The methods of procedure will be described by the Board. A candidate failing an examination may apply for reexamination after six months and will be reexamined with payment of an additional fee established by the Board, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). Subsequent examinations will be granted upon payment of this fee for each examination. The Board may limit an applicant to three examinations. (1975, c. 531, s. 12; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-13. Revocations and reissuance of registration. The Board may revoke or suspend the certificate of registration of any registrant who it finds has committed gross negligence, fraud, deceit or flagrant misconduct in the practice of forestry or has demonstrated incompetence as a practicing forester. The Board may designate a person or persons to investigate and report to it upon any charges of fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetency or other misconduct by a registrant in the practice of forestry. Any person may prefer charges against a registrant. The charges shall be in writing, sworn to by the person making them, and filed with the secretary of the Board. The time and place for a hearing before the Board shall be fixed by the Board. At any hearing the accused may appear in person or by counsel. The Board may reissue a certificate of registration to any person whose certificate of registration has been revoked or suspended. (1975, c. 531, s. 13; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-14. Roster of registered foresters; consulting forester affidavit. (a) A roster showing the names, registration numbers, and places of business residence of all registrants under this Chapter shall be prepared annually by the secretary of the Board. Copies of this roster shall be placed on file with the Secretary of State of North Carolina and NC General Statutes - Chapter 89B 4 each clerk of superior court in North Carolina. A copy shall be sent to each registrant, and copies may be furnished to the public upon request and upon payment of a fee set by the Board. (b) Each consulting forester shall annually file with the Board an affidavit of its compliance with this Chapter. (1975, c. 531, s. 14; 1998-157, s. 1.) § 89B-15. Violation. A violation of this Chapter is a Class 3 misdemeanor. (1975, c. 531, s. 15; 1993, c. 539, s. 611; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1998-157, s. 1.) NC General Statutes - Chapter 89B 5 CHAPTER 20 – BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR FORESTERS SECTION .0100 – PURPOSE 21 NCAC 20 .0101 PURPOSE OF PROGRAM The rules in this Chapter shall govern the registration program for foresters. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0102 CONTACTING THE BOARD All communications with the Board shall be through the secretary of the Board at the following address: Secretary of the State Board of Registration for Foresters P. O. Box 27393 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0103 QUALIFICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION (a) An application may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board. (b) An applicant shall submit an application to the Secretary which shall include: (1) Legible official college transcripts, if applicable; (2) Five references as required in Rule .0105 of this Section; (3) Proof of professional work experience in forestry; and (4) Payment of application fee as set out in Rule .0107 of this Section. (c) For purposes of G.S. 89B-9(a)(1) a forestry curriculum is a curriculum that satisfies the Education Requirements used by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) to become a Certified Forester. (d) An applicant who holds a forestry degree from a university outside of the United States may qualify for registration if he/she provides verification to the Board which demonstrates that the degree is equivalent to SAF accreditation standards. (e) The Board may issue a forester-in-training certificate to an applicant who has completed the education requirement in G.S. 89B-9(a)(1). The certificate is valid for 4 years. The time period shall be extended by the Board in case of hardship beyond the control of the applicant. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0104 EXAMINATIONS (a) The comprehensive written exam required by G.S. 89B-9(a)(1), called a Level 2 examination, focuses on the practice of forestry in North Carolina and shall be offered twice annually. There is no limit to the number of times that an applicant may attempt the examination. (b) For applicants not meeting the education requirements in G.S. 89B-9(a)(1), a comprehensive written exam, called the Level 1 examination is required. The exam tests the applicants' knowledge of forestry approximating that obtained through graduation from a four-year curriculum in forestry and focuses on the practice of forestry in North Carolina. The exam shall be offered twice annually. There is no limit to the number of times that an applicant may attempt the examination. (c) The Board shall notify applicants by certified mail, return receipt requested, not less than 30 days before the examination, as to the time and place of the examination. If the applicant fails to respond at least ten days prior to the date of the exam, it is assumed that the applicant does not plan to take the examination. The applicant's file shall then be considered inactive and no further action shall be initiated by the Board. The application fee shall be forfeited. (d) The passing grade for registration is 70 percent on any exam. The determination by the Board as to the score on each exam shall be final. (e) Re-examination fees are forty dollars ($40.00) per examination. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; 89B-12; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0105 REFERENCES (a) Five references are required to satisfy the Board of an applicant's professional experience and moral character. Three or more shall be practicing, registered foresters in North Carolina. No more than one of the practicing forester references shall be an employee of the same firm or agency as the applicant. No member of the Board shall act as a reference for any applicant for registration. (b) If a majority of the references do not recommend approval, the Board shall reject the applicant. (c) If two of the references do not recommend approval, the Board shall request more detailed input from all references to use in evaluating the applicant. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0106 REGISTRATION FEES Fees sent to the Board for any segment of the registration process shall be payable to the Secretary, Board of Registration for Foresters. The application fee for registration is fifty dollars ($50.00), which shall be submitted by the applicant at the time of application. An approved applicant shall submit an additional fee of forty dollars ($40.00) to receive a certificate of registration. Annual renewal fee is forty dollars ($40.00). The Board shall waive renewal fees for Registered Foresters for hardship circumstances, such as military deployment, extended illness, or other similar circumstances, upon written petition by the Registered Forester or Registered Forester's agent for this exemption. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-10; 89B-11; 93B-15(b); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. February 1, 1990; May 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; January 1, 2005; August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0107 INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS Any application for registration which is not complete within 12 months of the date of application shall be declared null and void and the application fee retained. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989. 21 NCAC 20 .0108 DELINQUENT FEES The Board shall notify by mail or email all foresters registered by the Board for the previous year when they become 30 days in arrears in payment of renewal fees for the ensuing year. The notifications shall remind the delinquents of the required penalty fees. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010. 21 NCAC 20 .0109 REGISTRATION CARD In addition to the certificate prescribed by G.S. 89B-10, upon request and receipt of required fees, the Board shall furnish each registered forester with a card impressed with the seal of the Board indicating that the individual is a registered forester for the period indicated. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0110 REGISTRATION SEAL Upon issuance of a certificate to an applicant as a registered forester, the applicant becomes eligible to purchase an impression type seal or rubber stamp of a design approved by the Board. This seal will bear the registrant's name and number as shown on the registration certificate. This seal can be affixed on all plans, maps, and reports prepared by the registrant. Where a registrant is required to reproduce original plans, maps, or reports in multiple copies, a suitable replica or rubber stamp may be employed to facilitate reproduction. The Board considers it flagrant misconduct for a registered forester to use a seal to stamp work done by another individual unless it is the work of an employee or agent working under the supervision of the registrant. The outside diameter of the seal shall be 1-9/16 inches. In ordering a seal, the registrant must provide the supplier with the proper registration number. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0111 REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE (a) Registrations issued to successful applicants will be given consecutive individual numbers. Once issued to a registrant, a number will not be assigned again. (b) A revoked, expired or invalid registration shall not be displayed in any public office or place of business by any registrant in connection with the practice of forestry. (c) Any violation of this Rule may be cause for the Board to require the custodian of said registration to surrender it to the Board. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-13; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0112 REGISTRATION REPLACEMENTS The Board shall issue a new registration certificate identified by the same number as that of the original to replace any registration lost, destroyed, or mutilated upon receipt by the Board of a written request and a fee of five dollars ($5.00) from the registrant provided the Board's records show the original registration certificate is valid. This new registration shall bear the signatures of current officers, the date of reissue, and below the registration number the following: "Original registration approved_____(date)_____". History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-11; Eff. February 1, 1976. 21 NCAC 20 .0113 REJECTIONS A person whose application for registration has been rejected shall be notified of the fact and of the basis for rejection. The applicant will be provided every opportunity to submit additional evidence and references for further consideration by the Board. Requests for reconsideration of the Board's action shall be made in writing to the Board. Failure to comply with a written request of the Board to appear for an interview or to appear for examination shall be considered as proper grounds for rejection of registration. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989. 21 NCAC 20 .0114 RE-REGISTRATION Re-registration and renewals, including late renewals, shall be handled by the Board in accordance with G.S. 89B-11. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-10; 89B-11; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. November 1, 1993; February 1, 1990; May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0115 CODE OF ETHICS In their signed affidavits, all applicants shall indicate their agreement to adhere to the following Code of Ethics. The code shall be used by the Board to help govern its decisions in adjudicating flagrant misconduct in the practice of forestry under G.S. 89B-13. Code of Ethics (1) A Registered Forester shall practice forestry consistent with ecologically sound principles and all applicable laws. (2) A Registered Forester shall not engage in unlawful acts or business practices. (3) A Registered Forester shall present truthful, accurate, and complete information while practicing forestry. (4) A Registered Forester shall practice forest management in accordance with landowner objectives and Forestry Best Management Practices as described in the "North Carolina Forestry Best Management Practices Manual to Protect Water Quality" published by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, or will advise landowners of the consequences of deviating from Forestry Best Management Practices. (5) A Registered Forester shall advertise and perform only those services for which the Registered Forester is qualified. (6) A Registered Forester shall indicate on whose behalf any public statements are made, and keep proprietary information confidential unless the appropriate person authorizes its disclosure. (7) A Registered Forester must avoid conflicts of interest or even the appearance of such conflicts. If, despite such precaution, a conflict of interest is discovered, it must be disclosed to the Registered Forester's employer or client, and the Registered Forester must attempt to resolve the conflict. (8) A Registered Forester shall: act in a civil and professional manner; respect the needs, contributions, and viewpoints of others, and; give credit to others for their methods, ideas, or assistance. (9) A Registered Forester shall not accept compensation or expenses from more than one employer for the same service, unless the parties involved are informed and consent. (10) A Registered Forester having evidence of violation of this code by another Registered Forester shall present the information and charges to the State Board of Registration for Foresters. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; 89B-13; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. June 1, 2001; Amended Eff. September 1, 2010; August 1, 2002. 21 NCAC 20 .0116 REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION (a) The registration of any registered forester may be revoked or suspended by the Board for conduct found to violate the code of ethics adopted under Rule .0115 of this Chapter or G.S. 89B-13. (b) Before any such Board action, the registrant shall have an opportunity for a full hearing in front of the Board. The hearing shall be held in accordance with procedures found in Article 3A of G.S. 150B. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-13; 150B-3; 150B-38; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0117 RECIPROCITY (a) For residents of North Carolina, within one year of establishing residency for voting purposes in North Carolina, individuals who are legally registered or licensed as foresters in another state, shall submit evidence of such registration or licensing to the Board. A statement from the Board of registration or licensing in the state in which they are legally registered or licensed attesting that they are legally registered or licensed to practice forestry in that state, and indicating the final date on which their registration or license remains valid, shall be accepted by the Board as adequate evidence. This provision does not apply unless the state in which the applicant is registered or licensed observes similar rules of reciprocity in regard to persons registered under the provisions of G.S. 89B. (b) If the Board determines that the reciprocity applicant is qualified to practice as a registered forester in North Carolina, the Board shall issue a letter conveying this approval. (c) The fee for obtaining such reciprocity is the same as is charged a North Carolina resident seeking to obtain registration in the state of North Carolina. (See Rule .0106 of this Section.) History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-9; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0118 REGISTERED FORESTERS (a) Persons registered as foresters under G.S. 89B are encouraged to insert the abbreviation R.F. (meaning registered forester) after their signatures. (b) The authorized forms are: (1) for signatures only: (Name) R.F. official title (2) for certifications only: (Name) R.F. title or designation N. C. Registration No. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. May 1, 1989; February 1, 1985. 21 NCAC 20 .0119 History Note: AMENDMENTS Authority G.S. 89B-6; 150A-5; Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. February 1, 1985; Repealed Eff. May 1, 1989. 21 NCAC 20 .0120 CERTIFICATION OF CONSULTING FORESTERS Each registered forester who practices as a consulting forester shall file an affidavit with the Board each year by June 30, utilizing the proper form supplied by the Board. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-2; 89B-6; Eff. November 1, 1993; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0121 REJECTION OF CONSULTANT AFFIDAVIT Any applicant whose application to be certified as a consulting forester is rejected by the Board shall be notified of the rejection and the basis for it. The applicant may request reconsideration by the Board and submit additional information. Requests for reconsideration of the Board's decision must be made in writing to the Board. The reconsidered decision shall be the Board's final agency decision. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-2; 89B-6; Eff. November 1, 1993. 21 NCAC 20 .0122 HANDLING OF COMPLAINTS (a) The Board, upon receipt of a notarized letter identifying specific complaints of gross negligence, fraud, deceit or flagrant misconduct in the practice of forestry or incompetence by a registered forester, shall follow-up by written correspondence to the accused requesting a response to the accusation. The Board may request the complainant, the accused registrant, or both to personally appear before the Board. (b) Following a review of the facts and verification of the violation, the Board may choose appropriate action, which may include revocation or suspension of the registered forester status of the individual as outlined in Rule .0106 of this Section. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-2; 89B-6; 89B-13; 89B-15; 150B-3; 150B-38; Eff. November 1, 1993; Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 1999; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2000. 21 NCAC 20 .0123 CONTINUING EDUCATION (a) All registered foresters shall attend continuing education courses annually to maintain their registration. Ten CFE (Continuing Forestry Education) credits approved by the Society of American Foresters are required each year, except as outlined in this Rule. CFE's must be SAF category 1, 2, or 3, with at least six being from category 1. (b) Registered foresters shall verify CFE compliance to the Board with each annual renewal. (c) Those registered foresters who provide information to the Board that verifies that they are retired from a career in forestry may qualify to continue their registration by earning a minimum of three category 1, 2, or 3 CFE's annually. (d) The Board shall approve hardship cases, such as military deployment, extended illness or other circumstances that prevent the Registered Forester from obtaining the required CFE's upon request. History Note: Authority G.S. 89B-6; 89B-11; Temporary Adoption Eff. March 1, 1999; Eff. August 1, 2000; Amended Eff. August 1, 2010. 21 NCAC 20 .0124 COMPLIANCE WITH ANNUAL REPORTS REQUIRMENTS In the event the board's authority to expend funds is suspended pursuant to G.S. 93B-2, the board shall continue to issue and renew licenses and all fees tendered shall be placed in the escrow account maintained by the board for this purpose. History Note: Authority G.S. 93B-2; Eff. August 1, 2010. 21 NCAC 20 .0125 PETITION FOR RULE-MAKING (a) Any person may petition the State Board of Registration for Foresters (NCBRF) to adopt a new rule, or amend or repeal an existing rule by submitting a rule-making petition to NCBRF. The petition must be titled "Petition for Rulemaking" and must include the following information: (1) the name and address of the person submitting the petition; (2) a citation to any rule for which an amendment or repeal is requested; (3) a draft of any proposed rule or amended rule; (4) an explanation of why the new rule or amendment or repeal of an existing rule is requested and the effect of the new rule, amendment, or repeal on the procedures of NCBRF; and (5) any other information the person submitting the petition considers relevant. (b) In making the decision to grant or deny the petition, the Board shall consider the information submitted with the petition and any other relevant information. History Note: Authority G.S. 150B-20; Eff. September 1, 2010. 21 NCAC 20 .0126 DECLARATORY RULINGS: AVAILABILITY Declaratory rulings pursuant to G.S. 150B-4 shall be issued by the State Board of Registration for Foresters (NCBRF) upon request only on the validity of a rule of the State NCBRF or on the applicability of a rule or order of the NCBRF to stipulated facts. A declaratory ruling will not be issued on a matter requiring an evidentiary proceeding. History Note: Authority G.S. 150B-4; Eff. August 1, 2010.