The Messenger – June 17, 2011
The Messenger – June 17, 2011
Messenger THE “Your Local Weekly Since 1868 A Tradition Worth Keeping” FREE Our 143rd year Issue 24 June 17, 2011 Newport's New Principal Page 4 Sgt. Russell Durgin Honored Page 7 ECRWSS PAID PRSRT STD US Postage Hillsboro, NH Permit #25 Postal Customer e! ssenger Onlin Read The Me q www.granite Page 2 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | 78 Depot Hill Rd. Henniker, NH 03242 � Tank Pumping � Drain Cleaning � Video Inspection � Portable Toilets 428-8033 Henniker 526-5900 New London Toll Free 888-345-8033 Fax 428-3102 Antrim Lumber Choose Our Quality Lumber. Why “wood” you settle for less? If you’re interested in quality lumber and unparalleled service, Antrim Lumber should be your choice. Stop in and see us today. Antrim Lumber Co. 78 Smith Road Antrim • 588-2139 HOURS: M-F 7am-5pm, Sat. 7am-1pm C.A.R. participates in "Relay For Life" The Hannah Dustin Society C.A.R. participated in the “Relay for Life,” an eighteen hour team event to raise money for the fight against cancer held at the Kearsarge Regional High School track, North Sutton, June 3rd and 4th. Holding the C.A.R. banner on the right is Team Captain and Society Vice President Maddie Snaith and Society President Savannah Smith on the left. Other members walking included Lydia Monroe, Sophie Snaith and Nathan Monroe and Senior Society officers Kathy Snaith and Roxana Smith; other parents walked too. The Hannah Dustin Society C.A.R. is sponsored by the Mercy Hathaway White Chapter NSDAR. For information please call Kathy Snaith at 526-7622. Newbury man dies, another injured A Newbury man was killed and another seriously injured Friday night when a car hit the two while cycling on Route 103. Robert Saturley, 64, suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. Michael Feeney, 63, also of Newbury, suffered life threatening injuries and remains in critical condition at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Feeney is a Sullivan County probate court judge. The two cyclists were headed east on Route 103 near North Peak Village in Newbury when they were hit by Charles Crosbie, 86, of Bedford, who was also traveling east. The accident remains under investigation. Henniker man injured in ATV accident Does this resemble Your Home or Garage? WE CAN HELP! SELF-STORAGE UNITS Now Available at Harvester Market Route 114 ¥ Henniker, NH Store your Snowmobile for the Summer; your Car, Boat or Motorcycle for the Winter, or just gain some extra living space at home! For More Info. Please Call (603) Starting at only $25.o0nth0! per m 428-3912 A Henniker man was injured Saturday morning when his ATV crashed into a drainage ditch. According to Fish and Game officials, it appears speed may have been a factor. William McKean, 40, was riding near the Kelsey Notch lookout trail when he went off the trail at a curve, striking a boulder and landing in a drainage ditch. McKean was treated at the scene, before being taken to Androscoggin Valley Hospital in Berlin with serious but non-life threatening injuries to his chest, back and lower leg. Two injured in Weare rear-ender Two drivers were injured in an accident on Route 114 Saturday morning. Police reports indicate that Roy Blanchette, 78, of Weare, rear-ended a car driven by Molly Bums, 18, also of Weare as she was attempting to turn into Dimitri's plaza about 10:30 a.m. According to Officer Brandon Montplaisir, both drivers were taken to Concord Hospital for injuries that were not life-threatening. | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 3 Newport graduates told to explore, dream, discover The historic Newport Opera House has hosted many a sold out performance and it was no exception for the Newport High School Graduation. The class of 89 seniors, forced inside by threatening skies, lost none of their spirit during the impressive ceremony. The Peer Pride Award, to outstanding underclassmen was presented to Leanne Rubchinuk and Zeb Swenson. Class President Nicholas Sullivan urged his classmates to "Never take a minute of life for granted," and quoting Mark Twain told them to "Explore, Dream, Discover." Class Essayist Emily DiPadova struck a similar theme, "Go confidently in the path you chose. Live the life you have imagined," she said. Valedictorian Malia King reminded her classmates "Winning is not a sometime thing. Winning is an all-time thing. Winning is a habit." Salutatorian Joseph Tremblay took a lighter tone, telling the audience about the many friendships he made at the school, and how you distinguish a friend from a best friend. A friend, he said, "will bail you out of jail, while your best friend, sitting beside you, will say, Damn that was fun." It would seem that Newport's Class of 2011 received a quality education and had fun doing it. ON THE Cover: Newport High School's graduation was forced inside, but spirits remained high. See story above. THE “Your Local Weekly Since 1868 FREE � OUR 143rd YEAR � Malia King gives her Valedictory Address at Newport's Graduation. � A Tradition Worth Keeping” ISSUE 24 � JUNE 17, 2011 Newport's New Principal Page 4 Sgt. Russell Durgin Honored Page 7 ECRWSS PAID PRSRT STD US Postage Hillsboro, NH Permit #25 Postal Customer The Messenger Online! Read Public meeting set on Antrim wind project The Antrim Planning Board has created a task force to develop regulations and ordinances for utility-scale wind projects in Antrim. This Ad Hoc Committee has been meeting weekly since early May and has invited the public to a meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 7 p.m. at the Antrim Town Hall to share information, concerns and suggestions. Local input is needed while the ordinances and regulations are being drafted. The goal of the input sessions is to have residents share data, research and concerns that can be used as a guide to the committee's work. Barns of Bradford Spruce Up Your Home For Spring Featuring Shaker & Country-style Dining Room, Bedroom and Occasional Pieces. Choose from Solid Oak, Maple, Ash, Cherry, and Pine. OTHER SPRING SPECIALS THROUGH OUT THE STORE including Factory-Authorized specials on Clayton Marcus sofas, loveseats, chairs, sleepers and recliners. Save on leather too! BARNS OF BRADFORD - Free Delivery 90 Day Interest Free • Terms Available Factory Furniture Store Rte 114 by Lake Massasecum, Bradford NH • 938-2618 MC/Visa • OPEN Mon-Sat 10 to 5; Sun 11 - 4 • Budget terms arranged. Page 4 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | H E LP WANTE D Part Time Variable Hour Schedule up to 32 hrs. per week. Friendly hardware store atmosphere. Corporate Benefits • • • • • Holidays Christmas Bonus 20% Employee Discount 401(k) Retirement Plan Vacations An Equal Opportunity Employer Justin Bicknell, Manager 248 West Main Street Hillsborough, NH (603) 464-0297 Celebrating Our 71st Year At the annual Community Awards Night at Antrim Grange the Agriculturalist Award was given to the Kendall Family of Over East Farm for establishing the Antrim Farmer's Market at Place in the Woods. New London names Town Administrator At their last meeting, the New London Selectmen welcomed Kim Hallquist, the candidate who was chosen to fill the vacant position of Town Administrator. Hallquist was one of 87 applicants for the position and it was determined that she was the best. Chair Mark Kaplan indicated that she had met with the administrative team and the department heads and was anxious to get started. She will begin officially on June 20. Hallquist currently works for Local Government Center as a staff attorney. Prior to that, she was the Town of Carroll’s administrative assistant. She indicated that she enjoys municipal work and said she was looking forward to working with citizens again. New Principal at Newport Middle/High • “PURECOMFORT” Heating Oil and PREMIUM PROPANE Delivery Newport Middle/High School has a new principal. Mark Christensen, the assistant principal at Winnisquam Regional High School in Meredith was approved for the position by the School Board at its last meeting. The 40-year-old father of three boys will replace Barry Connell. At Winnisquam, Christensen was the English Department's curriculum director, the summer credit director, and assistant principal, which put him in charge of the school's disciplinary policies. Christensen administered a unique behavioral program that allowed students to provide community service in lieu of in-school suspensions. A New London resident, he grew up in Amherst, and graduated from Milford High School. He formerly served as director of career and technical education at Plymouth Regional High School, taught at Nashua South High School and been an adjunct professor at Hesser College. He also worked with the state's community college system in both Manchester and Nashua, and served on the Kearsarge Regional School District Board. He holds a Doctorate in educational leadership from Plymouth State University/Argosy University in Sarasota, Fla.; a C.A.G.S., also from Plymouth State; a master's degree in business administration from Rivier College, and a bachelor's degree from Notre Dame College. | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 5 Hopkinton graduates told to 'Get Lost' As the members of Hopkinton High School's Class of 2011 entered the Durgin Arena, they lined each side of the central isle to "Clap In" the faculty as a sign of respect and appreciation for their teachers. Once on the stage, Class President John Wescott welcomed his classmates with a challenge to reinvent themselves, by deciding to succeed or not. Each of the 73 seniors took a moment in the ceremony to thank those who helped and supported them. Kate Sintros, a social studies teacher and class advisor gave the graduates four must-dos for the rest of their lives: Broaden your horizons; become an informed and active citizen; find something you love and a way to get paid for it; and stand up for what's right, "even if it means standing alone." Valedictorian Chloe Bohlman told how she learned about responsibility from her horse, which was plagued by constant injury, while Salutatorian Rebecca MacK- enzie quoted Robert Frost's line about two roads diverging in a yellow wood but felt that her life feels more like a series of rotaries and stop lights. Either way, straying off course, she told her classmates, is not always a bad thing. "Get a little lost on the way," she said. "It will bring you where you need to be." To close the ceremony, the faculty lined the central aisle to "Clap Out" their charges as they begin a new phase in their lives. Hopkinton High School Class of 2011 OPEN HOUSE CELEBRATION!! Watch Jean Hooker & Associates is excited to announce that after 25 years of proudly assisting our clients to find a perfect home...we have now found ours. Welcome neighbors and clients! Saturday, June 25 11-2pm at our office! Jean Hooker & Associates Real Estate, Inc. Celebrating 25 Years of Service!! 168 Maple Street, Route 114 P.O. Box 921 • Henniker, NH 03242 (603) 428-3202 • Fax (603) 428-3893 Email: • Jean Lewis, CRS, GRI, ABR, LMC • Amos Russell, Realtor • Edward Ulmer, Realtor • Julie Fuller, ABR, LMC for our blue & white balloons!! Page 6 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Never run out of hot water! Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters • Heat water only when needed • Energy efficient • Contemporary design • Improved performance and longevity Only $1,995 Average Installation Mother Turtle lays her eggs during memorial Day celebration. Mother Turtle visits Warner festivities Plumbing • Heating • Well Pumps • Air & Water Conditioning Sales • Service • Installation • NH Master Plumbers Lic. #1498 New London: 256-2098 • Concord: 224-7186 Henniker, 78 Depot Hill Road 428-7990 • TAKE YOUR MEDICINE Using acid-suppressive medications, such as proton pump inhibitors and histamine2 receptor antagonists, may increase the risk of developing pneumonia, states an article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Acid-suppressive drugs are the second leading medication worldBY SARAH CHAPIN wide, totaling over $26 billion in sales in 2005. • • • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved the vaccine Gardasil for the prevention of anal cancer and associated precancerous lesions due to human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, and 18 in people ages 9 through 26 years. Gardasil already is approved for the same age population for the prevention of cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer and the associated precancerous lesions caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 in females. It is also approved for the prevention of genital warts caused by types 6 and 11 in both males and females. • • • Patients with diabetes, kidney disease and anemia who don’t respond to treatment with the anti-anemia drug darbepoetin alpha, sold under the name Aranesp, have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease or death, according to a study which appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study showed that darbepoetin alpha works no better than a placebo for improving cardiovascular and kidney outcomes, but it did lower the risk for blood transfusion and resulted in modest improvement in patient-reported outcomes among people with diabetes, kidney disease and anemia. However, people receiving darbepoetin alpha had nearly a twofold higher risk for stroke. Cancer deaths were also higher among people receiving the drug. • • • Brought to you as a public service by: HENNIKER PHARMACY • (603) 428-3456 P.O. Box 718 • Proctor Square • Henniker, NH 03242 Photo and text by Rich Dahlgren While covering the Memorial Day program in Warner on May 30, 2011, I discovered that a visitor, a mother snapping turtle was calmly going about her business of laying eggs in a field adjacent to the Ela Bridge at the Warner River. The tossing of a wreath into the river was the culmination of the program coupled with a volley from the Post 39 firing squad. Even the noise from the firing squad did not deter her as she went about her task of depositing her eggs in the sandy soil near the river. Once she was discovered, a crowd gathered as the Memorial Day festivities had drawn to a close and the participants were returning to the Legion Post on Kearsarge Street Extension. I hope that “mother turtle” was successful in her efforts and that she will be a good mother to the babies after they’re born. Three finalists vie for Weare Principal The Weare School Board recently hosted the three finalists for a public meet-and-greet before offering one of them the job of principal of Center Woods Elementary School. The candidates were asked to make a statement of introduction and then answered questions from the audience and the School Board. Stacy Maghakian works in the Litchfield School District. Her goal is to enhance school culture and hopes to introduce a character education program at the school. Jessica Potter, is the current assistant principal at Weare Middle School and has been in the Weare School District as a student, teacher and administrator for 22 years. Jeffrey Drouin is the current assistant principal of Barnstead Elementary School. His goal is to "provide the highest level of education in a safe and respectful environment" A decision is expected soon. Hopkinton has a new Recreation Director The Hopkinton Selectmen have announced the appointment of Jessica Bailey as the town's new Recreation Director. Bailey knew what she wanted to do while growing up watching her mother run youth centers on Air Force bases. Bailey graduated from UNH and holds a bachelor's degree in recreation management and policy with a minor in business administration. She has worked in recreation for nearly 12 years, and was the recreation director in New Durham. Bailey was one of 52 candidates for the position. From that the applicants were narrowed down to 10 candidates, and the committee interviewed five of the 10 candidates and recommended three to the Selectmen. | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 7 Sgt. Russell Durgin - gone but not forgotten The cold damp weather failed to deter residents of Henniker and surrounding towns from honoring the memory of a fallen hero. On June 13th 2006 Sgt Russell Durgin gave the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. 5 years later family and friends gathered together to remember and honor not only their home-town hero but also to celebrate the life of the boy with the smile on his face. The day began with an 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Theresa's Church followed by a procession, led by members of the Patriot Guard, to Durgin's grave, where his mother lay fresh flowers as bagpipes played. After a few words of thanks from his mother Jean, and reflections by Susan Peterson of the NH Blue Star Mothers, the procession resumed through downtown Henniker, pausing to place a wreath at the Sgt. Russell Durgin Memorial Bridge on Route 114. The group then gathered at Russ's home to share memories and refreshments. Bennington has the power Police Chief Steve Campbell reports that Bennington has received two generators. Campbell, who also serves as the town's Emergency Services Director, said that the town has installed a permanent generator at the Town Hall and has also received a portable generator, which will be helpful for the Fire Department during winter calls when its equipment may freeze up after a power loss. Jean Durgin lays fresh flowers on the grave or her son Sgt. Russell Durgin. Ultimate durability Cutting edge technology provides a finish that outperforms the best alkyd stains on the market. EDMUNDS ACE HARDWARE 262B Maple Street • 56 Main Street Henniker and Antrim NH 428-3265 • 588-6565 ©2010 Benjamin Moore & Co. Arborcoat, Benjamin Moore and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks, licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co. Page 8 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Don’t overpay for lawncare, give us a call 464-4381 or 831-6228 • FREE ESTIMATES rdable Lawncare, LLC o f f A Spring Clean-up Shrub Cutting Property Management Mulch by the Yard Tree Work Diane Raymond, Dean of Admission at New England College, was honored with the Presidents’ Good Steward Award at the Campus Compact for New Hampshire’s annual Presidents’ Awards in April. The award is given to a member of the faculty or administration who has contributed his or her expertise in service to the wider community. LJM Construction, LLC Excavation Contractor, NH Licensed Septic Installer • 478-2833 Hillsboro • 30+ Years Experience • Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Patios: Brick, Concrete Pavers, Asphalt • Driveways: Installation, Grading, York Raking • Leach Fields/Septic Systems: new or replacement • Sump Pumps/Wet Basements • House Lots • Demolition • Landscaping • Retaining Walls • Drainage Work FUEL OILS LP GAS Serving the area’s heating needs for over 60 years! 24 Hr. Self Service • Gasoline & Diesel Pumps Located at: 4 Hall Ave., Henniker, Rte. 114, Bradford We honor Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover at the pumps 603.428.3333 603.938.5335 Marquis Roofing & Exterior Designs Marquis Roofing & Exterior Designs ROOFING • SIDING EXTERIOR DESIGNS PRESSURE WASHING • Fully Insured • Tom Marquis 603-660-9941 Deering, NH Haigh Builders Home Repairs & Improvements Additions • Decks • Porches Roofing • Siding Door & Window Replacement ~ Since 1983 ~ Bill Haigh • 478-3963 SAU 43 Superintendent search continues Kenneth DeBenedictis of the New England School Development Council, the consultant hired to assist the SAU #43 board in hiring a new Superintendent of Schools recently met with eight members of the Newport business community who suggested talents and characteristics the new Superintendent should have. Innovation and the ability to be an agent of change topped the list, receiving 33 votes. Others included communication with 24, experience with 21 and personal with 14 votes. DeBenedictis led other focus groups with staff and faculty from Newport and Croydon schools and held an evening public session. He will then compile the results into one list for the eight-member SAU 43 School Board to consider in the process of hiring the new superintendent, who is expected to come on board by June or July of 2012. Kathy Hubert, one of the business leaders, made it clear what she was looking for. "We're waiting for superman or superwoman,"she said. No rush to hire Antrim's Town Planner Charles Levesque and Jesse Lazar from the Antrim Planning Board met with the selectmen to again request that the vacant Town Planner position be filled quickly. Levesque said the board needed staff help to do the research needed in drafting a new ordinance on wind farms. Chair Mike Genest said that, assuming SEC takes jurisdiction over the current met tower application, the town could hold off hiring a planner by using the Southwest Regional Planning Commission for assistance. The board also plans to increase the Planning Assistant's hours and hire clerical help to free up more of her time for planning functions. Two girls hurt in Warner ATV accident According to the NH Fish and Game officers, two teenage girls were injured in an ATV accident in Warner. Officials say 16-yearold Kelsey Ruff was operating the ATV on Sunday when she lost control and rolled over. She and her passenger, 17-year-old Sara Cobb, were both taken to Concord Hospital and treated for injuries that were not life-threatening. It appears that speed was a factor and neither girl was wearing a helmet. State law requires all riders under the age of 18 to wear helmets and eye protection. Operators under 18 also cannot carry passengers on an ATV due to increased vehicle instability. | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 9 Area educators join the best of the best The 18th annual NH Excellence In Education Awards (EDies) Ceremony was held recently at The Center of NH Radison Hotel in Manchester. Area educators receiving honors included: Chester Bowles, Region 14 Applied Technology Center in Peterborough who was chosen as this year's Career and Technical Director of the Year. Bowles stated that the success of the Center comes from the enthusiasm of the students, the efforts of the teachers and the continued support of the community and that he is a mere catalyst that helps bring these groups together for the benefit of all. Corrine Lajoie, Hopkinton Middle/High School who was selected as the 2011 NH Middle School Counselor of the Year. Lajoie has served as Hopkinton's Middle School Guidance Counselor since 2001. Her "formal" responsibilities are for students in grades seven through nine, but Lajoie enjoys helping sixth-graders transition to the middle school and assisting the eighth-graders prepare for high school. Her involvement continues with Large enough to meet your needs... Small enough to care. these students as she works with all ninthgrade students. Matthew Laramie of Kearsarge Regional High School in North Sutton was the choice of the N.H. Association of School Principals for Assistant Principal of the Year. The association says their 2011 winner is a man who cares deeply about all of the people he encounters. Workmen have begun repairs on the Bement Bridge in Bradford. • I-Joist Floor System Planning • Power Equipment BRADFORD: 603.938.5161 • Rte. 114 • Mon.-Sat. 7-5 NEWBURY: 603.938.2000 • Rte. 103 • M-F 7-5 & Sat. 7-1 GOSHEN: 603.863-5601 • Rte. 10 • M-F 7-5 & Sat. 7-3 KNOXLAND Equipment Inc According to one of his colleagues, "Matt's trademarks have been his honesty, openness, and cooperation in his dealings with his peers and superiors. His role as assistant principal has provided him with opportunities to make a difference to one student, one parent and one staff member at a time. We Have It All... State of New Hampshire Bureau of Emergency Communications E 9-1-1 Mapping Division The Bureau will be working in your town to collect all road and addressing information starting June 15, 2011. This will enable us to provide exact location information to dispatch agencies should an emergency arise. This process involves going to each structure in the town and collecting the actual X, Y coordinates, all posted addresses, and any new roads that we do not currently have in our data. If addresses are not clearly posted, we may need to verify resident or utility information. Should the need for this arise, we will always be in a clearly marked state vehicle and all employees have ID’s and carry information cards with the bureau contact information. After the collection process is complete we work closely with the town to ensure that the information gathered is complete and accurate. Upon acceptance by the town, paper and digital maps are generated for the town. 6 Warner Road • Warner, N H 603-746-5260 If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the Bureau at (603) 527-2069. Page 10 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | THE Messenger A Publication of Granite Quill Publishers Your Hometown Weekly Since 1868 A Tradition Worth Keeping! 246 West Main Street • PO Box 1190 Hillsboro, NH 03244-1190 Phone: 464-3388 • Fax: 603-464-4106 E-mail: STAFF Publisher: Leigh Bosse Editor: Joyce Bosse Advertising Design: Christi Macomber Publication Design & Layout and Advertising Design: Gail Stratos Sales Reps: Deborah Belanger DEADLINE: Monday at 5pm prior to Fri. publication. ADVERTISEMENT ERRORS: We will be responsible for errors in advertisements only to the extent of correcting the same in the next issue using space equal to the items in error. LETTERS POLICY: We will print signed letters to the editor on a space available basis. Letters should be no more than 250 words, typed or e-mailed. Letters must be signed but names may be excluded upon request. PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: We encourage individuals and groups to submit photos of their events or activities, either by mail or e-mail. CORRECTIONS POLICY: We strive every day to present full, fair and accurate news reports. We will correct, in this space, factual inaccuracies in our coverage. We encourage readers to tell us if we have made a mistake. Also from the The Granite Quill: IN New Hampshire Your Guide to What’s Happening in the Granite State Senior Lifestyles A Guide for New Hampshire’s Active Seniors NH Homes & Home Improvement A Guide for NH Home Owners & Home Seekers Publisher’s Perspective by Leigh Bosse Congratulations are in order. Messenger readers are well aware of the shortcomings of the Hillsboro-Deering School District. Currently ranked as the fifth lowest high school in the state, the district has now undertaken a major effort to turn things around and improve its status as a School In Need Of Improvement. But, that is only part of the story. Recently, several events have highlighted the positive aspects of our schools and the communities that support them. 1. The Hillsboro-Deering DECA Team again received a 1st Place ranking in international competition, for the second year in a row. 2. The Hillsboro-Deering Music program returned from a Cleveland festival with 1st Place trophies in Chorus, Band and Red White and A-Cappella 3. Three weeks ago The Messenger listed the names of 47 H-D students who were members of the Superintendent's Club, which required four terms of straight A's for membership. 4. Two weeks ago The Messenger contained a lengthy list of H-D underclassmen who attained academic excellence in various areas of study. 5. Last week's Messenger contains an equally lengthy list of seniors whose academic achievement ranks with any school in the state. 6. The same issue contains a listing of scholarships awarded in excess of $150,000 to H-D graduates. 7. This week's Messenger lists 15 H-D students who were named NH Scholars. 8. H-D senior Kiah Walker was recognized as a National Merit Scholar. As in the case where things go wrong and there is plenty of blame to go around, in this instance, there is plenty of credit to be given: 1st: To the students themselves, for their God given talents and their dedication and hard work. 2nd: To their parents, who expected them to succeed, nurtured an atmosphere of personal responsibility, and gave them the love, discipline and support they needed. 3rd: To the people of Hillsborough, Deering, Washington and Windsor who have consistently provided one of the most generous scholarship programs in the state. 4th: To the faculty and staff of this school district who have aggressively challenged their students to strive for the best, to be the best they can be and accept nothing less than success. As we work to improve on our weaknesses, let us take a moment to reflect on our successes. In short, Congratulations to us all. Residents doubt wisdom of Bradford equipment lease Rob Messer believes the Bradford Selectmen have made a sizeable mistake with the equipment rental contract. Rob stated that he has never seen a rental of equipment set up for the summer; it is usually on an hourly basis. If the equipment is used for 10 hours, there is a huge amount of money used for the rental. If for 1000 hours, then the rate is not very much. When the town has done large projects in the past, these have gone out to bid to construction companies, as recently as the Center Road project. There are local excavators that have zero work. Putting jobs out to bid would save the town more money. John Mock stated that there are five excavators here in town, a lot of them out of work, and they all pay taxes in this town, and the Selectmen voted to hire the Road Agents excavator by a vote of 2 to 1. John advised he feels the Selectmen are setting a very poor precedent. It is not good for the town, and not good for the tax payers, and it should not happen. True Then • True Today To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. ~ Thomas Jefferson | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 11 Sugar River Bank, headquartered in Newport, New Hampshire, recently announced the promotion of three key staff members to the position of Assistant Vice President. Steve Smith has Steve Smith been promoted to Assistant Vice President, Information Technology. A graduate of Franklin Pierce College, Steve has been with the Bank for nearly seven years and has 35 years of IT experience in banking, telephony and the military. He is a past board member of the Hopkinton Youth Sports Association and has been a volunteer baseball coach for 15 years, as well as a baseball coach for Hopkinton High School for 8 years. Steve also is a volunteer with Mooremart, a New Hampshire-based organization that provides care packages to troops overseas. Sugar River Bank also recently announced the promotion of Tara Booth to Assistant Vice President, Compliance and Risk Management. She is a graduate of Champlain College and was recently accepted to the Stonier Graduate School of Banking. Tara has been with the Bank since 2007 and Tara Booth Tina Blythe has 16 years of banking experience. She is a member of the Newport Rotary Club and is an active volunteer in several Rotary fundraising events. Tara resides in Newport with her husband and son. Tina Blythe has been with Sugar River Bank since 1998, beginning as a teller and then being promoted to supervisory and managerial positions with the Bank over that time. She was recently promoted to the position of Assistant Vice President, Branch Administrator. Tina has attended and successfully completed multiple banking programs, recently including a two-year program with the New England School for Financial Studies. She is a board member with the Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband are longtime residents of Newport. DAR honors "Good Citizens" from area schools Mercy Hathaway White Chapter of the DAR recently celebrated their Good Citizen winners at the NHSODAR Good Citizens luncheon, Holiday Inn, Concord, April 15, 2011. Attending, Jordan Allen a senior at Kearsarge Regional High School, with her parents John Allen and Jacqueline Collier and principal, James Daley. She will attend Keene State College in the fall for Graphic Design and minor in Business. Rachel Grady, Hopkinton High School and her father Steven Grady. She will study occupational therapy at the University of New Hampshire in the fall. Unable to attend: Ashley Wing, Hillsboro-Deering High School, daughter of Keith and Laura Wing. Ashley had accepted an invitation to attend a “Cross Country Award Ceremony” before receiving the invitation to the luncheon.William Stevens Henriques, Proctor Academy, son of Betsy Paine and Mike Messenger THE Sugar River Bank announces staff promotions Pictured are Mercy Hathaway White Regent Angela Lavoy (far left), Rachel Grady (second from left) a senior at the Hopkinton Middle-High School, Jordan Allen (second from the right) a senior at Kearsarge Regional High School and Cindy Daley (far right), Mercy Hathaway White Secretary and coordinator of the Good Citizen program. Henriques. He is in Proctor Academy’s Mountain Classroom, last week on a Navajo reservation in Arizona and this week he is on the San Juan River in Utah. He is with 9 classmates and two instructors until June 1st. His mother, Betsy and grandmother, Gail Paine attended the luncheon. Pick up your Messenger at: Antrim: Antrim Marketplace, T-Birds, Rick & Diane’s Bennington: Harris Convenience, Bennington Village Store Bradford: Post Office, Lake Sunapee Bank, Appleseed, Cobble Farms Claremont: Market Basket, Hannaford's Contoocook: T-Bird, Colonial Village, Dimitris Deering: Derring Town Hall Francestown: Country Store Goffstown: Sully’s Superette Greenfield: Delay’s Store Hancock: Fiddleheads, Country Store Henniker: Harvester Market, Country Spirit, Edmunds, Pharmacy, Pop Schultz, Simon Center, St. Georges Cafe Hillsborough: Sweet Expressions, Shaw’s, Diner, Williams’ Store, The Corner Store, Irving, Lake Sunapee Bank, Sovereign Bank, Beauford's, Najib's Hopkinton: Cracker Barrell, Town Hall Jaffrey: Belletete’s Newbury: Marzelli’s, Mobil, Out Spoken, Lake Sunapee Bank, One Mile West New London: Hannaford’s, McKenna’s, Colony Marketplace, Gallery, Pizza Chef Newport: Shaw’s, Irving, T-Bird, Country Kitchen, Lake Sunapee Bank, Sugar River Bank Peterborough: Belletete’s, Agway, Shaw’s Rindge: Market Basket, Hannaford’s Sunapee: Digbee’s, Sugar River Bank, Lake Sunapee Bank, Exxon Sutton: General Store Warner: Evan’s Expressmart, Irving, Market Basket, Foothills Washington: Washington General Store Weare: Lancots, Couburns, Dimitri's Page 12 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Where you are #1! Red Coat Realty 246 W. Main St., Hillsboro 464-3053 ANTRIM. Large 5BR home with great master, spacious LR and DR. Large barn currently home to 2 horses. Rural setting with easy commute to Concord or Keene. #1723. $279,900 DEERING. REDUCED!! Affordable mobile home with two outbuildings on 2.4 acres. Needs TLC, but has a new metal roof, 3 BR, large kitchen/dining area, mature cherry and apple trees, horseshoe pits and a fire pit.$57.000. $47,000. #1724 #1724 HILLSBORO. Adorable 2 bedroom home with large backyard and storage shed. In town location close to schools and town services, town water and sewer. New roof, fl ooring and applicances. #1719. $135,900 BENNINGTON. Shades of Newhart - stately 1900’s New Englander with 8 acres. Three outbuildings plus a garage. Shining hardwood floors, amazing built-ins, heated wrap-around porch and separate screen porch, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, front and back stairways, over 5000 square feet.….too much to mention. $399,000 Honors Hopkinton High School 2011 Scholarship Recipients American Legion Auxiliary Jake Lessels Miranda Murphy Andrew J. Carroll Memorial TylerAnn Mack Ascentage "Technology Entrepreneur" Scholarship Chloe Bohlman, Ian Russell BAE SyStems FIRST Inspiration Awards Chloe Bohlman Barry Regal Memorial Abigail Luneau Brooke E. Blanchard Memorial Rachel Grady Capitol Region Board of Realtors John Wescott Christa McAuliffe Memorial TylerAnn Mack Donald P. Clarke Memorial Jake Lessels Miranda Murphy Earl J. & Evelyn M. Rice Memorial Travis Moore Slusser & Concord Visiting Nurse Gabrielle Fanester, Gertrude Houghton, Halina Loft, Hamilton "Toby" Brooks Wood III, Cameron Givens Harold M. Martin Memorial Rachel Grady Hopkinton Education Association Alison Campbell John Wescott Hopkinton Fire/Ambulance Rachel Grady Hopkinton Police Association Cameron Givens Hopkinton Rotary Scholarships Erin Bostic, Olivia Hamel, Sam Helrich, Rachel LeGros, Catherine Ostholthoff, Ian Russell, John Wescott, Elizabeth Wetterer Highest Combined SAT Rebecca MacKenzie Community Scholar Awards Halina Loft Hopkinton Community Scholarships Erin Bostic, Corinne Conley, Hannah Hamel, Olivia Hamel, Rachel LeGros, Travis Moore, Catherine Ostholthoff, Alexandra Trahnstrom, John Wescott Hopkinton Lions Club John Wescott John D. & Anne M. Sullivan Alexandra Trahnstrom John L. Babson Memorial Alison Campbell, Abigail Luneau, Harley Smith Ken Piatt Memorial Brooks Wood Manchester Education Association Rachel Grady Marion G. Kimball Memorial Alison Canlpbell Preston R. Clark, M.D. Memorial Elizabeth Wetterer Stacey Griscom Memorial Molly Noonan, Kara McClusky, Superintendent's Award Ian Russell Travis Aubry Memorial Erin Bostic 'Tween School 'n Home John Wescott "20th Kid" Sean Powers Memorial Alyssa Boehm William C. & Mary Barnard Sterling Jr. Gabrielle Forrester, William French, Laura Jones William C. & Doris E. Sterling Memorial Alyssa Boehm, Alison Campbell, Olivia Hamel, Max Sink | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 13 Honors John Stark Regional High School 2011 Scholarship Recipients Ann Spurr Art Scholarship Isabel Bowser, Monique Avard Beth Borden Memorial Megan Aki Beulah Brown Scholarship Katherine Muzzy Bob Lunn Monique Avard, Reese Kincaid Brendan Wilsie Scholarship Bobby Costanza Catherine & Vin Swanburg Nathan Manna Charles H. Tucker Bryanna Thibeault Chester W. French Emily Mcdonnell, Jacob Poirier Christa Mcauliffe Reanna Renshaw Citizens Bank Scholarship Margaret Trier Cold Springs Resort Kaitlin Lewis, Leah Rose Kendrick Concord Teachers' Association A llison Harris Deering Foundation Scholarship Ron Gilman, Kaitlin Lewis, Nathan Manna, Reanna Renshaw, Rebecca Labranche, Mia Fournier Deering Foundation Scholarship Ashley Olson Dr. Francis Brown Scholarship Jessica Mozdierz Evelyn H. Bean Scholarship Lucas Turcotte George Parmenter Scholarship Lucas Turcotte Halestown Grange Parker Gage, Jason Gagnon Henniker Rotary Brooks Burt, Susan Yen Henniker Rotary Ron Rosenbleeth, K aitlin Lewis Henniker Teachers' Emily Lukasiak Henniker Women's Club Bridget Sullivan Irvine Family Memorial Award Patrick Gardner James Crane/Henniker Rescue Natasha Maccini John Stark Football & Cheer Brianna Compagna, David Morgan John Stark Teachers Monique Avard, Shannon Daley, Ethan Schneider John Stark Visual Arts Monique Avard John W. Blair Scholarship Kathryn Cullerot Joseph Perrigo Scholarship Rachel Cisto Kathie Henry Scholarship Leah Rose Kendrick Kathy Conroy Scholarship Gregory Whitney Lois Nicols And Elsie Brown Amber Lemay Mary Coffin Memorial Paul Flaherty Max Israel Scholarship Ashley Barr Melissa Chase Memorial M argaret Trier Michael D. Munro Memorial Eric Pociask Nancy J. Kataja Memorial Norrie Osgood Norman C. Parmenter Zachery Turner Philbrick/Clement Ashley Winslow, Amanda Mirando Ron Lesniewski Memorial Sarah Ray Russell Durgin Memorial Frederick Dowd Scott E. Parmenter Zachery Turner Sean Alden Sandmann Memorial J oshua Levendowsk, Daniel Meeden, Brandi Connary Red Coat Homes 246 West Main St., Hillsboro • 464-3880 Proudly Representing... Eagle’s Nest Panelized Homes Integrity Modular Homes Pine Grove Mobile Homes Integrity Modular Log Homes Moosehead Cedar Log Homes Let us build one for you. Your lot or ours — anywhere in New Hampshire! Page 14 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Red Coat Travel ~ Since 1991 ~ Offering Professional Service with a Personal Touch Your Cruise & Tour Specialist Proudly Representing — Cruise Lines — � and more � — Tour Operators — � and more � — Resorts — � and more � A Full Time ~ Full Service Travel Agency Evening & Weekend Hours by Appointment 246 West Main Street • Hillsboro, NH 1-800-273-9807 Honors S ons Of The American Legion Ashley Winslow Stonebridge Leadership David Morgan Weare Chamber/Leon Paulding Alyssa Cowan, Eric Pociask Weare Athletic Club Reanna Renshaw, Brianna Compagna Weare Education Association Taylor Frarie Weare Emergency Medical Leah Rose Kendrick Weare Lions Club Scholarship Jessica Mozdierz Weare Winter Wanderers Alan Chapman Newport High School Scholarships and Awards Joseph and Josephine Bonaccorsi Award Alex Goss Vaios and Mary Spanos Memorial Scholarship Saba Ilyas Lake Sunapee Bank/Remington B. Woodhull Taryn Hubert Lake Sunapee Bank Citizenship Award Malia King Sugar River Bank Scholarship Nick Sullivan Bill Bates Memorial Scholarship Award Harrison Wade Lt. John F. Lee III Memorial Scholarship Ryan Hammond American Legion Model Student Award Joseph Tremblay Class of 1976 Model Student Award Katharine Kessler Condon-Teague Memorial Scholarship Emily DiPadova Mark Mosconas Memorial Scholarship Leanne Rubchinuk The Spirit of Jake Scholarship Taryn Hubert Davis C. Hemingway Athletic Scholarship Nick Sullivan Justin A. Rollins Memorial Scholarship Ryan Hammond Diploma of Distinction Alison Ayen,Taylor Chadwick, Rachel Dewey, Robert Lamb,Emily DiPadova, Ryan Monahan, Nathan Dopp, Leanne Rubchinuk, Alex Goss, Renee Smith, Taryn Hubert, Monica Stout, Saba Ilyas, Nicholas Sullivan, Katharine Kessler,Joseph Tremblay, Malia King, Sarah Wiggins. Hillsboro-Deering High School New Hampshires Scholars Hailey Beane, Natasha Cable, Isabelle Carter, Grace Chandler, Olivia Erickson, Nathaniel Gautier, Tiffany Lewis, Brandon Lupien, Leighanna Moore, Curtis Parker, Sarah Pepper, Austin Provencher, Kyle Provencher, Devon Roarick, Ashley Wing. The 7 who meet the extra requirements for the locally awarded scholarship were: Natasha Cable, Isabelle Carter, Olivia Erickson, Nathaniel Gautier, Leighanna Moore, Curtis Parker and Sarah Pepper. Newport Middle/High School New Hampshire Scholars Alison Ayen, Taylor Chadwick, Rachel Dewey, Emily DiPadova, Nathan Dopp, Alex Goss, Ryan Hammond, Taryn Hubert, Saba Liyas, Katharine Kessler, Malia King, Robert Lamb, Catherine Merrill, Cody Merrow, Ryan Monahan, Kassandra Rogus, Leanne Rubchinuk, Renee Smith, Joshua Stout, Monica Stout, Nicholas Suliivan, Brianne Tait, Joseph Tremblay, Harrison Wade, Sarah Wiggins | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 15 5th grader says 'You can't think when you drink' Hillsboro-Deering fifth-grader Heather Hilliard won the top spot for her grade in the statewide Alcohol Awareness Poster Contest sponsored by the NH Division of Liquor Enforcement and Licensing. The contest was open to all students kindergarten through 12th grade, who were asked to create post- Dublin hires Antrim woman The town of Dublin has hired Sherry Miller of Antrim as its new Dublin Town Administrator. Miller currently works as the town and Administrative Assistant in Francestown. Miller replaces former Town Administrator Bill Raymond who resigned after in March. Miller began a career in town government in 1998 as the land use secretary in Antrim, working her way up to her role as Antrim Town Administrator, from 2000 to 2003. She left the to pursue a career in the medical field and worked as a medical technician at Elliot Hospital and as an emergency medical technician for the Pittsfield Fire Department. Three years ago Miller returned to town government when she accepted the position as Francestown's administrative assistant Sutton Selectmen approve Brownies Flag Drop project The Sutton Selectmen have approved a request from Brownie Troop 10713 to place a retired flag drop box in Town Hall and at the Transfer Station. The troop has joined with American Legion Post 40 to create and distribute retired flag drop boxes and will be assisting post 40 with their flag disposal ceremony. Henniker Motors, Inc. 118 Foster Hill Rd, Henniker Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair 428-4407 ers discouraging under age drinking and encouraging other healthy activities. Hilliard's winning poster shows a brain being zapped with the slogan, "You can't think when you drink." Hilliard won a $50 U.S. Savings bond and four tickets to a New Hampshire Fisher Cats game where she, along with her fellow winners, will be honored. More than 500 entries came in from NH Liquor Commission's "Investa-Gator (back) was on hand to congratulate Heather Hilliard (c) for her winning poster as HDES Principal Noreen McAloon (l) shows it off and mother Teressa Hilliard (r) looks on. Chuck’s Auto Repair Quality Mechanical, Body Work & Used Car Sales 1168 Concord Rd., Antrim 603-464-5045 NEXT GENERATION Automotive Service Center QUALITY SERVICES INCLUDE: Foreign & Domestic Auto & Truck Repair • Autobody Repair • Towing • Alignments Free State Inspection with Complete Oil Change • just mention this ad • A.S.E. Certified • All Work Guaranteed across the state, with 35 coming in from HillsboroDeering. Many of the other entries from the school highlighted the benefits of staying alcohol free including success in school, making good choices, building strong friendships and. attaining goals, among other things; All of the students who entered from H-D will be given a certificate for participating in the poster contest. 325 North Stark Hwy (Rte 114) Weare • 529-5199 AUTOBATH Carwash • Self-service and automatic bays • Touch-less technology • Large commercial bay • Coin operated vacuums • Discounted tokens available 76 Pine Street, Contoocook, NH 746-3456 • 800-730-2426 • Open daily 6am-10pm S Auto C Repair Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm • 117 Henniker St. Hillsboro • Phone: 464-4727 • Fax: 464-4012 Page 16 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Congratulations to all local graduates! Sunapee High School • Friday, June 17th at 6pm Hillsboro-Deering High School • Friday, June 17th at 6pm Hopkinton High School • Friday, June 10th at 6 pm (Durgin Arena) Congrats to the Grads! Congratulations Class of 2011 (no appt. necessary) Rt. 202 North, Antrim 588-3460 538 W. Main St., Hillsboro 478-0091 Good luck in the future! Lumber Barn Great Brook Veterinary Clinic Ayer & Goss, Inc. 20 Hall Ave., Henniker 428-3333 Best of luck in the future! Bob’s Barber Shop 35 West Main St., Hillsboro 464-5850 American Legion Post #59 Good luck in the future! Rte 114 Bradford 938-5161 Rte 10, Goshen 863-5601 Good Luck Class of 2011! Western Ave Pizzeria 26 Western Ave. Henniker 428-8442 John Stark Reg. High School • Saturday, June 18th at 10am ConVal High School • Saturday, June 18th at 10am Kearsarge Reg. High School • Saturday, June 18th at 3pm Congratulations Class of 2011! The Fiber Studio 161 Foster Hill Road, Henniker 428-7830 Congratulations Kaili Cilley & Best Wishes Class of 2011! John Cilley Plumbing & Heating 130 N. Main St., Hillsboro 464-2000 Washington 495-6011 Congratulations Class of 2011 Finicky Framing 460 W. Main St., Hillsboro 478-3726 Congratulations Class of 2011! Davis & Towle Insurance Group 428-3238 A job well done! Yanni’s Pizza 260 West Main St, Hillsboro 464-4700 Best of luck! Hillsboro Chiropractic Center, Inc. Dr. James Powers 30 School St, Hillsboro 464-3833 | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 17 Congratulations Class of 2011 Especially Nick & Taylor! Terra Design Landscapes Congratulations Graduates! HR Clough, Inc. Oil & Propane 76 Pine Street, Contoocook 800-730-2426 Henniker 428-4258 Congratulations! Brailsford & Congratulations! Good luck! AGS Services, Inc. Company 78 Depot Hill Road Henniker 428-7990 15 Elm Ave., Antrim 588-2880 Wishing You The Best! Congratulations! Congratulations Class of 2011! Angus Lea Golf Course 126 West Main St. Hillsboro 464-5404 Follow Your Dreams... The Corner Store 281 2nd NH Turnpike Hillsboro 478-3335 Congratulations Class of 2011 Hillsboro House of Pizza 335 West Main St., Hillsboro 464-5339 DECA Graduates, wishing you a bright future! Withington Auction, Inc. 17 Atwood Road Hillsboro 478-3232 Congratulations! 1830 House Motel 626 West Main Street Hillsboro 478-3135 The Mutt Hut 86 Prospect St., Henniker 428-7290 Congratulations from We wish you all the best, Class of 2011! Stonefalls Gardens 184 Stonefalls Rd., Henniker 428-6161 We are proud of you! Livingston's Auto Henniker St., Hillsboro 464-5454 Congratulations Class of 2011! Best Wishes & Good Luck to the Class of 2011! 686 Flanders Rd., Henniker 428-3245 64 Myrtle St., Hillsboro 464-5580 Congratulations Class of 2011! Best of Wishes! PATS PEAK McDonald’s Hillsboro 317 W. Main St., Hillsboro Try our new Frozen Strawberry Lemonade! Charles R. Puleo, DMD Look-N2-Store Rte. 77, Concord Stage Rd. Weare 529-4433 Best Wishes Graduates! Red Coat Travel Henniker Veterinary Hospital Congratulations & good luck! Class of 2011! 246 West Main St. Hillsborough, NH Travel 464-4467 Congratulations Graduates! Jcts 114/202&9 Henniker 428-7007 Congratulations! 425 So. Stark Highway Weare 529-9911 Emporium, LLC Small Animal & Equine Practice Henniker 428-3441 Granite State Communications Country Spirit Restaurant & Tavern 246 West Main St. Congratulations have a good life! Hillsborough, NH Realty 464-3053 Central SqUARE Congratulations Class of 2011 5 West Main St., Hillsboro 464-3812 258 West Main St., Hillsboro 464-4888 Congratulations Curtis Parker & Joe Adams & the Class of 2011! Dunkin' Donuts Congratulations to the area Students! Henniker Farm & Country Store 110 Bradford Rd., Henniker 428-3255 Red Coat Realty Central Concrete Corp. Jct 114 & 202 Henniker 428-7900 Good Luck on Your Future! Red Coat Homes 246 West Main St. Hillsborough, NH Homes 464-3880 Follow Your Dreams... Granite Quill Publishers 246 West Main St. Hillsborough, NH 464-3388 Best wishes for a bright future! Page 18 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | y p p a H ! y a D s ' r e h Fat Reliable Products for Your Tough Projects. RZ4621 Zero Turn Mower • 21 hp Briggs & Stratton Endurance engine • 46” Air Induction™ cutting deck • Adjustable cutting from 1.5” to 4.5” in 1/2” increments Price...$2,599.95 l e i n t h e woo c a ds p TYLER’S SMALL ENGINE ~Sales and Service 20 Concord St., Antrim, NH 03440 • 603-588-6200 Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 Sat. 9-1 Gifts for every budget every taste. Fishing tackle, outdoor gear, games, clothing, knives, flasks, funny t-shirts. " 3 1 There's no Place like our Place for Dad and Grads. #( -& / . 2 3 + + 128 Concord Street Antrim, NH 03440 603.588.2446 Antrim Farmers Market in our parking lot every Sunday 10-2. Delicious fresh baked goods, free cup of coffee, produce, plants, berries, honey and more! New Summer Hours: Saturday 9 - 5, Sunday 9 - 2, Tuesday through Friday 10 - 6 New! Blue Seal farm & pet supplies, wild bird seed and feeders "Like" us on | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 19 Hilltop Heating Deering Center Rd. Deering, 464-5311 TDS Telecom 25 School Street Hillsborough 464-9911 Davis & Towle Group, Inc. Proctor Square Henniker 800-491-3238 428-3238 Ayer & Goss, Inc. Monadnock Paper Mill 4 Hall Avenue Henniker 428-3333 Bennington, NH 588-3311 Rt. 114, Bradford 938-5161 Rt. 10, Goshen 863-5601 67 West Main St. Hillsboro 464-3177 Look N2 Store Red Coat Travel Concord Stage. Rd Weare, NH 529-4433 246 West Main St. Hillsborough, NH Travel 464-4467 Henniker Veterinary Hospital Central Concrete Corporation 262 Maple St. Junction 202, 9 & 114 Henniker, NH 428-3441 24 Main St. Antrim, NH 588-3711 Yanni’s Pizza 260 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH 464-4700 H.R. Clough Home Heating Kathy Fraser’s Hair Salon Lumber Barn Happy Father's Day to All Dads! Cutter Flooring & Furnishings Sales & Service 76 Pine Street Contoocook 746-3456 Jct: Rt. 114 & 202 Henniker 428-7900 StoneFalls Gardens OPEN EVERY DAY A Favorite Father’s Day Destination! 10 ACRES OF • PERENNIALS • SHRUBS • TREES Spruce Trees, Fruit Trees, Maple Trees & many more varieties Many choices for Dad! � Check out our Gift Shop Plant a “legacy tree” for Dad on Father’s Day. It is something he will enjoy year after year. Grow Well! 184 StoneFalls Road • Henniker, NH (Just off 202/9) • 603-428-6161 Page 20 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Celebrate Dads & Grads With Us! RSE SPORTING GOOD O S M Everything for the outdoor enthusiasts! Great Gifts for Dad! Gift Certificates Available • Fishing & Hunting Supplies — Hip Boots & Waders • Archery Pro Shop — PSE � Mathews � Hoyt • 3D Course — New/Used Bows • New/Used Guns & Ammo • Clothing & Boots • GPS Units Mon. - Sat. 9 to 6 • Sunday 9 to Noon 85 Contoocook Falls Rd • Hillsboro 603-464-3444 We’ve Got Great Gifts for Dad py Hap er’s h Fat y! Da Carhartt Mens Wash Duck Work Shorts • B25 Merrell Outland Mid W/P Carhartt Mens Logo Cap • A382 Carhartt Mens Short Sleeve Logo T-Shirt • K195 Merrell Moab Vent - Walnut Carhartt Jean Belt • A89 HENNIKER FARM & COUNTRY STORE OPEN: MON.-SAT. 8-5; SUN. 9-1 110 BRADFORD ROAD • HENNIKER • 428-3255 | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 21 Common Ground Garden Market Where plants and people come together. June is National Gardening Month Thank you to all our customers! Perennials Hanging $7.99 each Plants 5 for $30.00 $15.00 $4.00 each 279 Henniker St., Hillsboro • 464-3645 • 9-6 Daily Help us with our campaign. Like a garden, we're always growing. LIVE. CREATE. GROW. Happy Father's Day Shrubs and Roses Arriving Soon! “Make every day seem like Father’s Day” New ties and fishing lures are great gift ideas but it’s hard to cast a new lure during mid-winter. Recliners are always a good gift that can be used 365 days a year. We carry: Recliners and Rocker Recliners that can be ordered in over 250 fabrics or choose from 24 selections on the floor. Prices start at $299.00 We stock “The Beast.” This chair is rated for up to a 500 pound person, boasting a double hardwood and metal frame. Power Lift Chairs make it easier for those who desire to recline or need help in standing up. Chairs have battery back-up in case of a power failure. Check to see if your insurance company will help with the purchase of this chair. Eaton Furniture & Flooring and Major Appliances 52 West Main Street Hillsborough • 464-3250 Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-5, Sun 11-2 Page 22 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | — John and Diane Kendall Place in the Woods Laconia Savings Bank Customers We appreciate that our New Hampshire bank has our best interests in mind. Laconia Savings Bank serves the financial needs of our business in that old fashioned way, with ease and a friendly approach. Technical expertise combined with convenient products and services provides efficiencies that allow us to dedicate our time to our business. We take comfort in knowing that Laconia Savings Bank always has our best interests at heart. There are a lot of good reasons to do business in New Hampshire. John and Diane believe Laconia Savings Bank is one of them. Visit or call us today. 19 New Hampshire locations Member FDIC � 1.800.832.0912 � | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 23 24TH Annual � � Register Now! Granite State Senior Games August 5 - 28 at regional venues Play your favorites of 18 sports Anyone age 50+ is welcome to compete 55 Henniker Community School Fifth graders graduated from the DARE program. Bennington man to spend a year in jail James Remillard, 20, of Bennington was sentenced to one year in prison in Hillsborough County Superior Court on Friday, after pleading guilty to charges of negligent homicide and vehicular assault relating to a car crash that claimed the life of 16-year-old Rebekah Warren of Antrim last year. Remillard was also sentenced to 3.5 to 7 years in jail on the negligent homicide charge. That sentence was suspended, on the condition of good behavior. Once out of jail, Remillard will face two years of probation and have to complete 200 hours of community service. He will also have to pay the Warren family $12,266.60 in funeral expenses, lose his license for seven years and must complete a driver safety course before having his license restored. Elkins Subcommittee set to meet June 20 Interim Town Administrator Linda Hardy gave the Selectmen a list of 15 people interested in being on the Elkins subcommittee. Nate Miller, who works with the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission and was involved with the plans that helped New London win the grant would like to be included. Selectman Peter Bianchi felt someone from the Board of Selectmen should be on the committee. Tina Helm didn’t think it necessary to have representation by the Board of Selectmen, but that it would be good for them to attend some of the meetings. Bianchi said that the people want to get started with coming up with ideas before October, when the money is ready and an engineer is hired. June 20th was determined to be the date the committee would meet. d Memb e rou r Email: Phone: 603-504-8425 P New for 2011: Athletes age 45+ may enter Track Events Awards of Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals and Fourth Place Ribbons Olde Hearth Chimney Services Chimneys & woodstoves professionally inspected cleaned and repaired, chimney caps U.L. Listed stainless steel flue relining chimneys waterproofed and repaired woodstove installations and repairs completed on most woodstove types Fully insured, neat and dependable “Your safety is our first concern” Serving the Hillsborough area for over 20 years Les Dillon • 464-4044 • Hillsborough, NH Fuller Public Library invites you to celebrate the opening of the new Children’s Library & Reading Rooms in the Governor John B. Smith House Antrim adopts Hazard Mitigation Plan In record time, the Antrim Selectmen dealt with several issues on Monday night. A short discussion led to a unanimous vote to adopt the new Hazard Mitigation Plan which the federal government requires be reviewed every five years and which must be in place if the town is to qualify for FEMA funds. The board also denied a request from the developers of Munhall Road to accept it as a town road and authorized the hiring of 15 seasonal positions at Parks and Recreation for camp and beach staff. June 24 • 6:00 - 9:00PM Music and refreshments featuring the “Bible Hill Boys” Page 24 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Mainstreet Warner announces scholarship winners The Board of Mainstreet Warner, Inc. is pleased to announce the fourth annual recipients of the Jim Mitchell Scholarship. A scholarship committee made up of townspeople and former recipients reviewed the applications and awarded $500 scholarships to the following high school graduates from Warner: Pictured (above) from left to right; Matthew Stasalovich, heading to the University of Maine/Farmington; Jennifer Cookingham, heading to Colby Sawyer College; and Elaina Love, also heading to Colby Sawyer College. From monies raised throughout the An Establishment of Good Taste With more creative tasty delights, come in and treat your palate! Original cuisine using only the freshest ingredients, making it the best of its kind anywhere! Visit our website: Sun-Thurs 11:30am-9pm; Fri & Sat 11:30am-10pm 9 Depot St. • Hillsboro • 464-6700 Est. 1999 • Sean Burt, Proprietor year by the non-profit, this award is in Jim Mitchell’s memory for community involvement, acts of kindness and thoughtfulness with no expectation of reward or recognition, and a clear understanding of the impact that the Warner community has had on their lives, as they venture out as our new “ambassadors of Warner”. MainStreet Warner, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation co-founded by Jim Mitchell in 2000 for the revitalization and preservation of community life in Warner, through support of the arts and music, literacy and education, historical preservation and citizen involvement. Alberto’s ❦ Italian Cuisine “Best Food by a Dam Site” Family Dining Since 1945 Dinners: Veal, Lasagna, Chicken, Steaks Fresh Fish: Haddock, Scallops Pizza: Home of Original Thin Crust Kids Menu: Includes Drink & Ice Cream Full Liquor License � Eat In / Take Out Bennington � 588-6512 � Open Daily 5pm | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 25 464-0227 Authentic Southern BBQ • Ribs • Pulled Pork Sandwiches • Chicken • Chili • Beef Brisket BYOB • New Menu Items � Winner People’s Choice — Henniker Rotary ChiliFest! 24 Henniker Street • Hillsboro Next to Mobil Station across from Sausage Source 10% OFF These 5th graders prepare to board The MV Thomas Leighton for their trip to the Isle of Shoals. Warner American Legion hosts 5th grade boat trip Text by Rich Dahlgren, Photos by Charlie Trowbridge. Eighty-eight students from the 5th grades at Simonds Elementary in Warner, Bradford Elementary in Bradford and Salisbury Elementary in Salisbury, along with their chaperons, and members of Wilkens-Cloues-Bigelow-Pearson Post 39 and Auxiliary Unit 39 from Warner traveled to Portsmouth for a round trip voyage to the Isles of Shoals on Friday, June 3, 2011. This is the 23rd consecutive year that Post 39 has sponsored this trip. Arriving at the Market Street pier, home of the MV Celebrate Father’s Day Thomas Leighton, we all boarded the boat for our trip. Passing by the Navy Yard and under the raised drawbridge of Route 1, the boat also passed downtown Portsmouth, Strawberry Banke, Newcastle and the closed Navy Prison. All the teachers and drivers were extremely happy with this trip and definitely want to do it again next year. Kudos to American Legion Post 39 members Charles Trowbridge, Post 39 Commander and John Wallace, Past Post 39 Commander and Unit 39 members, Sandy Trowbridge and Connie Wallace for a well-organized trip. - Adults $35.99* Kids (10+ under) $25.99* Includes cruise, meal, juice, coffee or milk. Call for reservations 2:00 Tour - buy tickets on the boat! Bakery & Cafe • • Salads Sandwiches Assorted Yummies Breakfast Served All Day Catering Available Dinners Wednesday thru Friday • Dinner Cruise 6:30PM Have you tried our omelette for two? All depart Sunapee Harbor 938-6465 • 63 Rush Road in the heart of Henniker, NH Call 603-428-8031 Mon.-Tues. 6:30am-3; Wed.-Fri. 6:30am-7pm; Sat. 7am-1pm Adults $18 • Seniors $16 • Children 10+ under $10; 3+ under Free Adults $35.99* Call for reservations *NH tax & gratuity additional • SANDWICHES AVAILABLE LUNCH EVERYDAY at the Open To Public LEGION Hamburger $3 Cheeseburger $3 Pepperburger $3 Hot Dog $2 Ft. Long Dog $3 Western $3 BLT $3 Grilled Cheese $2 Grilled Ham & Cheese $3 Tuna Roll $3 Fish Sandwich $4 Roast Beef $4 Roast Turkey $4 Ham & Cheese $3 Steak & Cheese $5 Pepper Steak $5 Steak Bomb $6 - ARY’S with Sunapee Cruises! Breakfast Buffet 10:00AM Daily Specials! with this ad Plus several specials daily! (cheese-pepp-onion-mushrooms) Hot or Sweet Italian Sausage $5 (with pepper & onions) Roast Beef-Turkey-Italian Subs $4 French Fries - SM $2 LG $3 Hand-Made Onion Rings - SM $3 LG $4 Chicken Tenders (4) $4 w French Fries (4) $5 Soup, Chowder or Stew $3 American Legion • 478-0091 YOUNG-RICHARDSON POST #59 • HILLSBORO E-mail: Web: Page 26 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Events: Community Bulletin Board Saturday June 18 VFW YARD SALE: Sat. June 18, 2011, 8am to 2pm I00F Hall, 513 Park Ave. Contoocook to Donate items call 7464959 for Pickup/Drop Off. Proceeds to benefit Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 11490. “Thank you for helping us to perform our mission.” ITALIAN NIGHT - At the South Newbury Union Church Friendship House, at the corner of Village and Sutton Roads in Newbury, trom 5-7 p.m. Adults, $10, children ages 6-11, $5, under five are free. Homemade desserts, raffles. Handicap accessible, take out available. Info: 938-2064. TURKEY DINNER with all the trimmings - At the First Free Will Baptist Church in North Sutton from 5-7 p.m. Adults, $10, $5 for children under age 10; take out available. Information: call Joyce or Jerry at 927-4455. CMH DEDICATION - At the Center Meeting House (CMlI) at 2 p.m. The CMH is located at the corner of Routes 103 and 103A in Newbury. Dedication of the fully-restored CMH. Refreshments will be provided along with much bell ringing. FREE CONCERT - At the Center Meeting House (CMH), at the comer of Routes 103 and 103A in Newbury, at 7 p.m. to celebrate the restored CMH. Seating will be on a 'first come, fIrst seated basis and there are 'no reservations.' Seating for about 200 people, doors open at 6:30 p.m. Seats cannot be saved for others. Sunday June 19 CMH OPEN HOUSE - At the Center Meeting House (CMH), at the comer of Routes 103 and 103A in Newbury, from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., free. Celebrate the CMH restoration. ANTRIM FARMERS MARKET: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of Place in the Woods Trading Post, 128 Concord St., Antrim. Seasonal items will include baked goods, berries, produce, honey, meat, poultry, eggs, plants, yarn, fiber and other agricultural products. Space open for new vendors. Chicken Swaps to be included 2 Sundays a month. Call 603-588-2446 for more details. and tracks. BACC ACTIVITY: Wed. June 22 3:15 - Baton Class NEWBURY LIBRARY MEETUP - At the Newbury Public Library, Rte. 103, at 7 p.m. Open to all area residents; an informal gathering to meet others with similar interests, to share thoughts and ideas. The topic is food. All are invited to a sharing of information about cooking techniques, unusual ingredients, and maybe little-known great restaurants. No advance registration is needed. Light refreshments will be served. BACC ACTIVITY: Mon. June 20, 1 p.m. - Bridge Group MOHEGAN SUN TRIP: The Gambling Safari is going to Mohegan Sun June 20th. Cost: $42.00. Includes: Buffet Coupon and Gambling Coupons, Transportation and Driver Gratuity. Bus departs parking lot by Dunkin Donuts at 6 a.m. Bus departs Wal-Mart parking lot 6:15 a.m. Call Newport Senior Center Activities Director 603-863-4458. NEWPORT GOLF TOURNAMENT- At the Newport Golf Club, sign in from 11-11:45, shotgun start: noon. Information: Ella Casey at 863-1510. SENIOR TRIP: Antrim Area Senior Center Castle in the Clouds and Loon Center trip to Moultonborough, NH on Thursday, June 23rd. Sign up by Monday, June 20th at the senior center in the Antrim Presbyterian Church on Main St., 9:00-1:00, or call Dennis at 588-3682. Limited seating. Tickets: $15.00/$10.00 (65 plus), bus fare: $14.00/Antrim residents $12.00. BACC ACTIVITY: Thurs. June 23, 3:00-6:00 p.m. – Farmer’s Market. Monday June 20 Mystery Photo Find & list the graphic at right from 4 ads and send your answers to: The Messenger’s Ad Hunter, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 Page # Ad #2 Ad #3 Page # Ad #4 Page # Page # Answers for week of June 10, 2011: Name Mailing Address Town & Zip • • • • Friday June 24 LEGION DANCE: Get your dancing boots on. The American Legion Post 59 in Hillsboro is hosting the ever popular Lonesome Train Band. Fish fry from 4:30 to 8pm, Tuesday June 21 then the band takes over and plays all night. No cover. HENNIKER CONCERT: Henniker Summer Concert Come join Jerry and the boys and welcome summer Series presents THE BEL AIRS, 7:00 p.m. Angela Robinson with loads of fun. Bandstand,Community Park. FREE, join us for an evening NEW LONDON CONCERT Mary Haddad Bandstand of nostalgia as this quintet sings great old Doo Wop 6:30 p.m. Tall Granite Jazz Energy and melody from this tunes of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. large band specializing in tunes from the swing era. GREETING CARD WORKSHOP - At the Kearsarge Area Saturday June 25 Council on Aging, 37 Pleasant St., New London. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER PAlNTING DAY - At the New BACC ACTIVITY: Tues. June 21 6:00 p.m. Yoga Class London Public Works Garage on S. Pleasant Street. Help Wednesday June 22 paint 18,000 ft. of new siding. Come when you can and GPS MAPPING: the Basics at 6:30 p.m. bring a friend, no experience necessary; brushes, rollers, Pillsbury Free Library, 18 E. Main St., Warner. Tom Bour- beverages and snacks provided. Rain or shine. goine, Wilderness Guide and Wilderness EMT and NASAR GOP OFFICE RIBBON CUTTlNG - At 12 MainSt., New(National Association Search and Rescue) will guide the port, at lO a.m. The Sullivan County Republican Commitgroup through the basic terminology and settings of a tee has opened the new office. N.H. House Speaker, Wilhand-held GPS unit, then demonstrate how to make and liam O'Brien, together with Republican State Committee save data sets to use in making personalized maps and Chairman Jack Kimball, will be presiding at the ribbon how to reload the data for future trips or to add points cutting and open house for the new office. Win a $15 Gift Cert. to Appleseed Restaurant! Ad #1 Thursday June 23 Antrim Lumber - Page 2 Haigh Builders - Page 15 Alberto's Restaurant - Page 22 Michael Ward Upholstery - Page 28 Winner for June 10, 2011 Donna O'Malley, Washington Identify this Mystery Photo and Winaa$15 $15Gift GiftCertificate Certificate! Win to Appleseed Restaurant! All entries must include name, address and telephone number. Mail to: Mystery Photo, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 Winner for June 10, 2011 Peter Burges, Concord Photo was of Steve Neuhoff | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 27 Obituaries: Friends & Neighbors Remembered Robert Saturley NEWBURY - Robert D. Saturley, 64, of Bay Point Landing Road, died June 10, 2011, in Newbury in a bicycle accident, doing what he loved. He was born in Peterborough, Dec. 19, 1946, to Lester and Margaret (Hannaford) Saturley. Family members include his wife of 42 years, Joyce (Ladurantaye) Saturley of Newbury; a son and his wife, Matthew C. Saturley and Alana Renfro of San Diego, CA; a daughter and her partner, Elizabeth A. Saturley and Randolph Borbon of New York City; two grandchildren, Evan and Isabelle; two brothers, Richard and his wife, Jane Saturley of Wilder, VT, and Russell Saturley of Dublin; nieces and nephews, Chris and Kim, Vanessa and Mendhie, Lisa, Jill and Sheldon, David and Lisa, and Melissa and Rob; grandnieces and grandnephews. Memorial contributions may be made to Multiple Sclerosis, 1361 Elm Street Suite 106, Manchester, 03101. John W. McCrory Jr. SUTTON- John W. McCrory Jr., 55, died May 29, 2011. He was born in Pocatello, Idaho, July 14, 1955, son of John W. McCrory Sr. and Ruth (Ambler) McCrory Seyferth. Members of his family include his wife of 33 years, Julie (Welch) McCrory of South Sutton; two daughters, Ashleigh McCrory of South Burlington, VT, and Aubrey McCrory of South Sutton; two brothers, Clifford McCrory of Elko, NV, and Irvin McCrory of Grantsville, UT; two sisters, Bonnie Ford of Spring Creek, NV, and Corine Sills of Elko, NV; several nieces and nephews. Rev. John D. Westhaver Jr. HOPKINTON - The Rev. John D. Westhaver Jr. died May 31, 2011, at Hospice House in Concord, after a brief illness. He was born in Melrose, MA, to Jean (Johnson) Westhaver and John D. Westhaver. Family includes his wife, Karen (Lang) Brook Westhaver; daughter Catherine; son David; brother Kenneth Westhaver; sisters Debra Church and Mona Westhaver; many nephews, nieces and cousins. Memorial donations may be made to the Concord Regional Visiting Nurses Hospice House in Concord. Andrew Thomas Johns PETERBOROUGH - Andrew Thomas Johns, 78, died June 2, 2011, at his home in Peterborough. He was born in New Haven, CT, on Jan. 17, 1933, the son of William Johns and Helen (Sociaz) Johns. He is survived by his wife of more than 27 years, Nancy (Nutter) Johns; his children, Debbie Sommo of TN, Andrew Johns of FL, John Johns of CT; stepdaughter, Beverly Caisse, and her son, Christopher Lee of Concord, stepson, Master Sgt. Rick Caisse of the U.S. Marines, stationed in Afghanistan; and his adopted sister, Gloria Pratt of Connecticut. Margaret Bradford We carry Oreck Vacuum Cleaners! Cutter Flooring & Furnishings 24 Main St., Antrim, NH • • 588-3711 Donald A. Boyle NEWPORT- Donald A. Boyle, 88, of Maple Street, died at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center on May 30 following a short illness. Don was born in Newport on April 9, 1923, son of William and Edna (Sanborn) Boyle. Kenneth L. Herrick NEW LONDON - Kenneth L. Herrick, 79, of County Road died on Sunday, May 29 at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon with family at his bedside. Ken was born in Flint, MI. on March 13, 1932, the son of Elroy and Ethel B. (Wright) Herrick. He is survived by his family, his wife of 58 years, Betty (Van Gilder) Herrick of New London; three children, Benjamin M. Herrick of Boxborough, MA, The Rev. Canon Julie Cicora and her husband, Scott, of Webster, NY, and Peter D. Herrick and his wife. Amy, of Montpelier, VT. NEW LONDON - Margaret (Thibedeau) Did you know... Carpet, Hardwood, Ceramic, Furniture, Window Treatments & More! Bradford, 82, of Old Main Street, died June 5, 2011, at The Clough Center. She was born on Aug. 5, 1928, in Dover, MA, to Richard and Mary (Neenan) Thibedeau. Family includes her husband of 45 years, Carlton Bradford Jr. of New London; a brother Richard Thibedeau of Marblehead MA; many cousins, nephews and neices. Memorial contributions may be made to Loaves and Fishes, Our Lady of Fatima, 724 Main St., New London. 2011 ARCTIC CAT 300 DVX $ 3,999 Stop in to see our HUGE selection! � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � LIVINGSTON’S ARCTIC CAT (603) 464-5454 123 Henniker Street • Hillsboro, New Hampshire Page 28 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | Classifieds: Messenger classified ads get results! ANIMALS FINANCIAL HELP for spaying & altering of dogs & cats. 224-1361 before 2 PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- commerical for rent HENNIKER -- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE OR BUSINESS SPACE – Excellent location on Route 114 in downtown Henniker. Good visibility, off-street parking. 428-3262, days. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CORD WOOD GREEN WOOD $180 per cord; DRY WOOD $250 per cord. Call 588-2135. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ESTATE SALE HILLSBORO ESTATE SALE: 95 Antrim Road, Hillsboro. Pickers Paradise. Furniture, tools, wood items, doors, shutters, paint & much much more. Fri. 8AM-2PM, Sat. 8AM-Noon. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT: Lovely ranch, 2 BR plus a den. Full basement, 2 car garage. Nice backyard w/ fruit trees. Minutes to Emerald Lake. Very neat. $1200/month, plus utilities, $1000 sec. dep. Call Pat 464-5193. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEERING: 1 BR MODERN EFFICIENCY. Private. No smoking or pets. Ref & Sec. Dep. required. Close to Hillsboro. $500/month after discount. Call 464-5450. ----------------------------------------------------------------- HILLSBORO: 1ST FLOOR, 1 BR APT. Heat & hot water included. No dogs. $150 per week. Call 563-7173 or 924-7580 between 7AM-7PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------ANTRIM: 1 & 2 BR APTS. Heat & hot water included. No dogs. From $145 - $185 per week. Call 563-7173 or 924-7580 between 7AM-7PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- RIVERFRONT MILL, HILLSBORO: Contoocook Mill Apts. Balconies overlooking river. Unique barn style. TWO APTS. AVAILABLE. 1 & 2 Bedrooms. 1 BR, 1st floor, $625-$650 month; 2 BR, $695 (available July 7). NO SMOKING/PETS. Call 1-888-873-3213 (landlord), 398-4614, 464-3686. ----------------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL - NEW FULL OR QUEEN SIZE KNAPTON Fax 603-464-4066 22 School Street, Hillsboro, NH Donald E. Knapton, JR. CIC Mark A. Lawson, Owner 288 Beard Road • Hillsboro, NH P 603.478.3987 C 603.344.3987 All Phases of Auto Repair � State Inspections Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles 405 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH Licensed and Insured Logging & Land Clearing Whole Tree Chipping LAND FOR SALE 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE ON LAND! In conjunction with purchase of a modular home. Lots available in Hillsboro, Henniker, Only 160 $ 200 $ GGreen Seasoned Cuut, Split & Cut, Delivered De elivered Hillsboro, too Hillsboro Antrim Area An 848-2208 84 $10 OFF per co cord. 4 or more STOVE SHOP • Certified Chimney Sweep • Cleanings • Inspections • Crown Work • Rain Caps • Chimney Repairs • Stainless Steel Liners • Installations Call now for an appointment. 464-4147 Upholstery MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME FOR SALE IN HENNIKER: 70’ x 14’, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. Reduced to $25,000. (603)746-2321 or (603)661-4772. --------------------------------------------------------------DO YOU NEED A NEW HOME? TRADE IN YOUR OLD MOBILE HOME FOR A BRAND NEW MANUFACTURED OR MODULAR HOME. BUY NOW WHILE RATES ARE LOW! CONCORD HOME SALES, RT 28 (2 1/2 MILES SOUTH OF TRAFFIC CIRCLE) EPSOM, NH. OPEN 7 DAYS. (800)498-8252 (603)736-8252. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 938-2282 Murdough Builders “Building a Reputation of Quality” Over 25 Years Experience (603) 588-2044 Antrim, NH TONY RICCIO “An Experienced Roofer” � No Middle Man � No Job Too Small � Fully Insured � • Shingles • Leak Repairs • Houses • Camps • Barns • Sheds � Residential, Commercial & Construction Recycling Services • Construction, Cleanout • Roll-offs (15-40 yds) • Containers (2-10 yds) Call Serving Hillsboro & Surrounding Areas 24 Jones Rd., Bradford LLC • Antiques & Residential Furniture • Boat Covers & Tops • Boat Upholstery David Bourgoine 924-9759 Seasoned firewood $250/cord Will buy standing timber! LOST DOG: MIDAS (PUGGLE) Pug/boxer mix, light brown, black snout and ears, white chest, black harness on 22 lbs. Cross Road/East Deering Road. PLEASE DO NOT CHASE, Call Immediately, 24/7. Leela 603391-5931 or Jackie 603-661-7773. --------------------------------------------------------------- Firewood Recycling Michael Ward’s Donald Solomon Electrician 603-478-5621 CUSTODIAN OR JANITOR NEEDED at American Legion Post 59, Hillsboro, NH. Part-time, 20-25 hrs/week. Apply @ 538 W. Main Street between the hours of 11:00AM-4:00PM @ American Legion. ----------------------------------------------------------------- LOST AND FOUND Inc. Reade & Woods A member of the Davis & Towle Group 603-464-3422 HELP WANTED Deering, Weare, Antrim, Stoddard, Bennington, & many other areas. Call Red Coat Realty 1-800564-4036 for exciting details today! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Naughton & Son INSURANCE Home-Auto-Business-Life-Health MATTRESS SETS: European Pillow Top Design. Costs $950, will sell for $249; Twin Available at $179 & King at $399. Still In Plastic. Warrantied. Hand Delivered. Call 603-305-9763. --------------------------------------------------------------FURNITURE FOR SALE: Assorted bureaus, book case, end table, wood glider, rocking chair, and large mirrors. Prices range from $20 to $75. Call Pat, 464-5193. --------------------------------------------------------------1989 32’ OVERLANDER MOTOR HOME: Immaculate condition. Asking $10,000 or BRO. Call Joyce at 464-3053. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 464-5025 day or evening • 7 days a week Call Tony today to schedule a Free Estimate • Fully Insured • New Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Sill Replacements • Garages • Barn Restorations 603-478-0436 Fax: 464-5742 • Keith A. Murdough, Owner Affordable shared housing opportunity in Antrim, NH for persons 62+ years, or w/ disabilities. Private BRs, shared common areas, private yard, on-site laundry facilities and parking. Utilities incl. Rent based on 30% of monthly income provided annual income is $25,900 or less. For more information call Great Brook Homes 603-588-3499 | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 29 Classifieds: Messenger classified ads get results! PERSONAL ST. JUDE’S NOVENA May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your prayer will be answered. Say it for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude LHG ----------------------------------------------------------------THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST. JUDE O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised. JS --------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE ★★★★ Manufactured Homes For Sale BOSCAWEN - 2bd/1ba $67,900 BOSCAWEN - 3bd/2ba $98,900 BOSCAWEN - 2bd/1ba $56,900 CONCORD - 3bd/2ba $125,000 EPPING - available GILFORD - 2bd/1ba $59,900 HENNIKER - available PITTSFIELD - 2bd/1ba $64,900 PITTSFIELD - 2bd/1ba $66,900 PITTSFIELD - 3bd/2ba $87,900 SOMERSWORTH - 2bd/1ba $59,900 Concord Home Sales Route 28 South, Epsom 603-736-8252 --------------------------------------------------------------- WANTED SPARE CHANGE WANTED! Have a change jar? Thinking about bringing it to the bank? DON'T! I'll come to you with cash in hand for your change. All change is wanted (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars & silver dollars). I'll pay you 5% above your total for change already rolled. I live in Hillsborough and am available 7 days a week. Give me a call at 490-2762. --------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS Ever Consider a Reverse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your home & Increase cash flow! Safe & Effective! FREE Information! Call Now 888-660-9184 --------------------------------------------------------------MIGHTY BITE. The ONLY Proven ‘5-Sense’ Fishing Lure System! Great for Fresh & Saltwater Fishing. Kit Includes over 100 Pieces! Only $19.95 (plus S&H.) Call 1-888-479-0340 Today! --------------------------------------------------------------- It's a Woman's World A&B VIDEO Is Closing! Everything must go! Pricecs reduced on Entire stock! River’s Edge Plaza, Hillsboro, NH Spring is finally here! Give the gift of good health! Come to Curves of Hillsboro for our 50% Off Special and receive a Free Gas Card with sign up! Bring friends & family for one Free week of Curves circuit with Zumba! MON. 6:00PM - 7:00PM Members $7; Non-members $10 WED. 9:00AM - 10:00AM Members $2; Non-members $10 49 Henniker Street Hillsboro Hillsboro, NH 03244 603-464-3385 GSM Creations Geraldine Sue McQuade Designs by Sue Necklaces, Bracelets, Anklets, Bookmarks & Earrings � Gemstones, Crystals & Beads (Metal & Glass) � Repair of broken favorites � Beading Supplies & Findings for Sale 1736 Valley Rd. • Washington, NH 03280 603-495-3763 Hrs: 11-6 & by appt; closed Fri. Sam’s Chair Caning Rush • Reed • Splint Quaker District Henniker, NH 603.428.7003 Restore your old seat! Salon 405 Wanda Robie • Owner/Stylist HAIR DESIGN STUDIO & TANNING ISO Products Hrs: Tu-Sat 9am - 5pm • Evenings by Appointment 405 Beard Rd., Hillsboro, NH 478-5722 Ann Avery Nail Specialist Polished Hand & Foot Spa 603-588-3215 C - 603-828-6431 186 South Bennington Rd. Bennington, NH 03442 A Step Back In Time FREE Gift r sign up fo u o y n e h W ting ora Cake Dec June in Classes in (603) 495-1351 Washington, NH The Vintage Sparrow Where classic style meets everyday An unique shop with an eclectic selection of goods from handmade jewelry, vintage clothing, furniture, artwork and much more. Come see us, it’s worth the drive. Open Wed.-Sat. 603-831-8410 58 Main Street • Henniker, NH Trends Of Fashion Kristins Quality Cleaning LLC A Full Service Family Salon Serving our community since 1995 ENJOY WHAT ANTRIM HAS TO OFFER!! Support your local business Find us on Facebook • Hair • Tanning • Waxing • Manicures • Pedicures • Massage • Bridal Packages • Extensions Hours Tues. 11-8, Wed. 11-8 Thurs. 9-8, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 7-2 603-588-2354 Paula Brissette ~ Owner/Salon Professional 46 Main St., Antrim, N.H. Residential Small Business New Construction Limited Spaces Avail able Insured Kristin Corbett 8 6 0 - 3 9 1 6 kcorb ett595@g ma HILLSBORO PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC Pain Reduction; Functional Restoration 190 W. MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO • IN THE SAME BUILDING AS JD FOODS, NEXT TO WYMAN’S CHEVROLET. Four years at this location PHONE: (603) 464-4261 FAX: (603) 464-5461 Email: Caring for a community of needs Page 30 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | WWW.HILLSBOROFORD.COM 2012 FORD FOCUS SE HATCHBACK SILVER Engine: 2.0L I4 FI DOHC, Transmission: 5 Spd Manual, Exterior: Frosted Glass, Interior:Light Stone NEW! MSRP PRICE $19,985 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: 17,945 $ 4x4. Engine: 3.5L V6 SFI DOHC 24V, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: Red Candy Metallic Tinted Clearcoat. Interior: Light Stone MSRP PRICE $49,455 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: 44,406 $ Engine: 1.6L L4 SFI DOHC 16V, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: Oxford White, Interior: Charcoal Black and Light Stone MSRP PRICE $17,495 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: 15,988 $ 2011 FORD EDGE LIMITEDD SUV WHITE 4X4 Engine: 3.5L V6 SFI DOHC 24V, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: White Platinum Metallic Tri-Coat, Interior: Sienna 35,968 $ NEW! MSRP PRICE $41,540 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate 2011 FORD FIESTA SE HATCHBACK C B C RREDD Engine: 1.6L L4 SFI DOHC 16V, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: Red Candy Metallic, Interior: Charcoal Black PRICE MSRP PRI CE $24,470 HILLSBORO HILLSBOR FORD PRICE: PRIC 23,970 $ Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate MSRP PRICE $18,135 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate NEW! 2011 FORD ESCAPE XLT SUV BLACK 4X4 Engine: 2.5L I4 DOHC 16V, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: Tuxedo Black Metallic, Interior: Stone MSRP PRICE $28,360 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: 23,843 $ Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate NEW! 2011 FORD RANGER XL TRUCK Regular Cab, Standard Bed, Engine: 2.3L I4, Transmission: 5 Spd Automatic, Exterior: Oxford White, Interior: Medium Dark Flint 14,798 $ MSRP PRICE $20,090 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate NEW! 2011 FORD F�150 XL TRUCK REG. CAB • 3.7L V6 FI DOHC 24V, 6 Speed, Automatic • Oxford White Exterior,, Greyy Interior MSRP PRIC PRICE $25,005 HILLSBORO HILLSBOR FORD PRIC PRICE: 19,557 $ NEW! Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate 2011 FORD F�150 XLT TRUCK SUPER CAB STANDARD BED 4X4 Engine: 5.0L V8 FI DOHC 32V Flex Fuel, Transmission: 6 Spd Automatic Exterior: Oxford White, Interior: Steel Gray 16,567 $29,988 $ NEW! Engine: 2.0L I4 FI DOHC 16V, Transmission: 4 Spd Automatic Exterior: Frozen White, Interior: Dark Grey Factory Owner Loyalty Rebate 2011 FORD FIESTA SE HATCHBACK NEW! 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT XLT VAN WHITE Factory Owner Loyalty Finance Rebate 2011 FORD EXPLORER SUV LIMITED NEW! DARE TO COMPARE!! NEW! MSRP PRICE $37,430 HILLSBORO FORD PRICE: 16 Antrim Rd., Jct. of Rte. 202 & 9 in Hillsboro, NH • 877-824-5010 PRICES ADVERTISED INCLUDE ALL RETAIL, COMMERCIAL,TRADE ASSISTANCE, LOYALTY & FMCC REBATES TO DEALER. RESIDENCY RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. | June 17, 2011 | The Messenger | Page 31 QUALITY VEHICLES at AFFORDABLE PRICES 1998 GMC JIMMY ENVOY 2006 GMC CANYON 4X4 PICK UP 2008 CHEVY COBALT LT COUPE 2008 CHEVY AVEO SPECIAL $1,850- As Is NOW $13,999 NOW $10,999 NOW $9,999 2006 SATURN VUE AWD SUV 1995 CHEVY 3/4 TON 2WD FLAT BED RACK TRUCK 2009 SATURN AURA XR 2007 CHEVY COBALT LS 4 DR NOW $11,799 NOW $3,999 NOW $13,999 NOW $8,999 2003 CHEVY IMPALA 4 DR. 2001 GMC 3/4 TON 4X4 LWB EXT CAB PICK UP 2003 ISUZU RODEO 4X4 UTILITY 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA CE 4 DOOR Stock# 11A16 30K Miles Stock# 11A15 SPECIAL $3,950 NOW $10,999 Stock# 10A44A FULL SERVICE • PARTS • BODYSHOP Engine, Transmission, Alignments, Brakes & Exhaust State Inspection Includes OBD Emissions 2500** $ NOW $8,999 NOW $5,999 (Free Estimates) Headlamp Lens Restoration Oil Change With Filter $ $ 6500**/pair 2499** Tire Rotation with Oil Change 500** With $ Coupon **Restrictions apply. See Dealers for Details WYMAN’S SALES & SERVICE “Where Satisfaction is a Tradition Since 1953” Service Center: 172 West Main St., Hillsboro, NH 603-464-5544 800-639-9808 Sales: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm; Sat 9am-3pm Service & Parts: Mon-Fri 8-5; Parts: Sat 9-12 Page 32 | The Messenger | June 17, 2011 | The Country Car Store Jimmy says Manager’s Special “Get a Tough Truck That Acts Like a Little Car At The Pump” 2008 Colorado Stk # 96641 4WD, Auto, PW/PL, CD, Crew Cab, Great Condition!” $22,990 2010 Camaro 2011 Chevy Malibu 2009 Chevy Trailblazer 2008 Equinox Sport $23,990 $22,990 $25,990 $24,990 2010 Chevy Impala LTZ 2010 Buick Lucerne 2009 GMC Acadia 2008 Trailblazer $22,990 $25,990 $33,990 $23,990 2007 Ford Focus 2006 Dodge Ram 2009 Ford F-150 2010 Rav4 $9,950 $17,990 $28,990 $22,990 Stk. #3160441 Stk. #96669 • Very Low Miles Stk. #96633 Stk. #966442 Stk. #9666 • Comfy Stk. #96652 Stk. #3161711 Stk. #96698 Stk. #96701 Stk. #96697 Stk. #3161771 Stk. #966901 m se Fro hoo 2 to C 2007 Solstice 2011 Ford Focus 2006 Cadillac CTS 2008 Ford Explorer $22,990 $21,990 $22,990 $18,990 Stk. #3162582 Stk. #3149433 Stk. #6156352 - Like New! Stk. # 966292 320 John Stark Highway, Newport, NH 1.800.999.6012 • 603-863-2800 Beyond Precision We Are Professional Grade
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