Transgendered Students and the College Search


Transgendered Students and the College Search
H58 - GWI: Transgender Students
and the College Search
Donna LaJeunesse, Parent
Carolyn Wahlskog, Transcend Program Assistant,
Youth Outlook
Zachary George, DePaul University
Luke, Student Perspective
Simply, One Mother’s Perspective
•Seize every Opportunity gifted,
to Learn from (Gender Variant) Human
One on One
•Become an Advocate and Active Ally
•Promote and Provoke Positive Changes
•Ask Questions and Engage in
•Embrace and Encourage Authenticity
•Be Transparent
Lukas Leon, Jessi, and Donna
(aka Peace, Love, and Hippieness, Mama d Poppin’ Witch)
“…before we can help heal our world, we must heal ourselves. We must
tell our truth, refashion old myths, and reinvent the tools we need to operate in today’s world
with deep compassion and fresh relevance.”-From Holly Boswell’s work, The Spirit of Transgender
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
Carolyn Wahlskog, MSW
Transcend Program Assistant
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
For a Comprehensive List of Terms and Definitions
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
Why the need?
• Supporting Transgender students in the admission
process- NACAC, along with Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource
Professionals, April 23rd, 2014
• U.S. Dept. of Education: Transgender Students
Protected Under Title IX- HRC, April 29th, 2014
• Smith College Students Continue Fight Over
“Discriminatory” Policy On Transgender ApplicantsBuzzfeed, April 21st, 2014
• Christian University Denies Transgender Student's
Request To Live In An All-Male Dorm- Huffington Post, April 7th,
• Add LGBTQ identity question to college application- The
Chronicle, Guest Commentary, February 9th, 2014
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
What types of challenges exist for
students who are embarking on the
college search process?
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
What DOES work in the college search
process when assisting Transgender
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
What tips can you provide for students
as they are applying to college?
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
Words from Luke
“….tonight I don’t wanna have to explain myself. I’m
tired of having to explain myself. I don’t wanna be
distinguished as gay, straight, lesbian, queer, dude,
or dyke, just human. Because like I read, gender
really is a universe and when are we going to accept
that we are but mere stars, a part of that same
great galaxy?” – Lacey Roop, Gender is a Universe
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
Ask the panel
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
IACAC’s Inclusion, Access and Success
Committee is currently working on compiling
documents, resources, websites, pamphlets, etc
to aid in the college search process for the
LGBTQ students- submit any items that you may
have to for inclusion in
this resource kit
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014
• Donna LaJeunesse
• Carolyn Wahlskog
• Zachary George
IACAC Annual Conference, 2014