Part 9 - Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Part 9 - Western Bay of Plenty District Council
645 Western Bay of plenty District Council TE PUKE ROAD CORRIDOR 11 0 'RTURe. IMPORTANT CHANGES TO ROADS IN YOUR AREA goodness grows here 0 SUBMISSION FORM O#ce use only SUBMISSION NUMBER 409 "»F7F 27 FEB 2015 SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5PM FRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2015 For photocopying purposes, please write clearly using a black pen. NAMt'VIRS / MS / MISS 0 5 S Lft«-a w Ay Surname Airst name ORGANISATION (IF ANY): POSTAL ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: 2569 jO Un Z_LE 9 20/12) , 7-2 /°045 3119 573-7067 WORK PHONE: A106 021134-0 5-9 1 EMAIL: SIGNATURE: DATE: nj 1 113- 1/We wish to speak a-ncil«berring about my submission on the proposed speed limits:YES () NO (3 P/ease tick one 01**N**14!El:KY&;.+;,<.:. Privacy Aci 1993: This form and the details of your submission wili be pubh'cly available as part ofthe decision making process. 646 Western Bay of pknty District Council TE PUKE ROAD CORRIDOR SUBMISSIONFORM 63 STATE HIGHWAY 2 (SH2) REVOCATION - SPEED LIMITS TE PUK[ ROAD CORRIDOR PROPOSED NEW SPEED LIMITS Please show which speed limit(s) you support or oppose by ticking the correct box below: A. .A. 80 District boundary: Domain Rd Interchange 20om west of Collins Lane 7o 2oom west of Collins Lane 13om west of Te Puke Quarry Rd 50 13om west of Te Puke Quarry Rd 3oom east of King St 70 3oom east of King St East end of Waiari Stream Bridge 80 East end of Walari Stream Bridge 35m east of Kenana Rd 7o 35m east of Kenana Road loom east of Kaituna River Bridge 80 loom east of Kaituna River Bridge Paengaroa/TEL roundabout .... .... 4 f Please give further detail on why you support or oppose this speed limit(s) Hoze ,/13 use·/le« roaLF safk< F#-o,yi 46 De,yctin /2>ce 114tzsl7 *0 -Te. fOGe *-r 41* (4/A 24- *Do « C.£*uj- uncter·j 0*£62 *e-« .04} 40 rex*ee_t· & lookivzk \< 4 1 -1--- -33 ( r*,CU '' t.rf 4-o t(1- M/19.# #M is 21..(ll.e« 5 0204 ce t.o rl- Gatio ©0 -1-t,ve,1 , 0*10 loc at n,jof. 10/4 +Le- roaLO 1 M prooente,14 Ytiaft +0 -16 i n-tersecji ons Over- +4_ 4<a+< t° , 40< Bometi RJ - -72 AUS a.* ··/4 \C=«Clce,ick- i€i o €-r o tic>< 4-0 AL, mob fa€«<fro A FATWAc- t d& rooLQ »14& Re-eg) 4-0 r e<fiL& 46 Li *c,t c(tzs not s eanl +0 k refkbor€-4. fe-ofle= Qdk wal.4eo o n a,tj roet¢ so 4-e fre ow €« 44,J 61 ,-VI Coocirwu 4#L li-Mff to SCD#wl) 1)-ft'h FC>adl w(li 15<21 54€-r j H **gir 40 1-6 a-,t ireeleet 6409.- (1.©C>Y) 9- -12 do ke me·*er Soffor--+ 411 profoseip 10'60<r 32'Cc,lek; Speed UKA r- 46 o e45 b i r45 041 ie, 0 fe ke.. 647 Catherine McKerras From: Have Your Say Sent: Friday, 27 February 2015 2:01 PM To: Catherine McKerras Subject: FW: Re Te Puke speed limits From: Bram uljee lmailtozbramb| Sent: Friday, 27 February 2015 12:54 PM To: Have Your Say Subject: Re Te Puke speed limits Reasons for lowering of speed limits followed by my comments. 1) Significantly improve the survivability of crashes that occur on this road. This will become much less of a concern with the lesser traffic reduction of 30 % The lower volume of heavy traffic obviously will make this route much safer to drive on. 2) Allows motorists to turn easier, to and more safely onto and off the road. The aproaches to and from the 3 intersections are adequately situated and a lesser traffic volume will cause motorists no concerns turning on or off the 3 side roads.. 3) Encourage the right vehicles to use the right roads. This is irrelevant. The bulk of north bound traffic from Te Puke will enter the Tauranga Eastern link at the Domain Rd on ramp. Who would choose a longer route to the motor way? 4) Provide safer access for cyclists and predestrians. I feel that this statement is irrelevant. The about 1.3 wide shoulder on the road is markedly wider than many shoulders on rural roads. This is also of benefit to predestrians. 5) Better reflect the purpose of this road as an access to and from Te Puke rather than a route through Te Puke. This statement is contradictory to the points raised. As indicated a marked drop in traffic volume will encourage users to make use of it. 6) The current average speed on the roads 100 km section is 88/Kmh. It is obvious at present that motorists are held up by heavy traffic. With the anticipated removal of 30% of the current traffic flow, motorists can safely drive at the designated speed of 100 km. 7) A reduction by 30 % of mostly heavy traffic on a good stretch of road, with a long straight and sweeping bends, will surely bejust as safe to drive on at 100km, as any similar road in New Zealand. Please consider these reasons objectively. AE Uljee 648 RJ & DS MATTHEWS ¢"‘;'\'°'<~ 0 1285 Old Coach Rd RD6 TE PUKE, NZ Phone: 07 533 3457 0 NEW ZEALAND 0 °§‘li”«‘ email: 2631 C01 EGPM0140GO1126 21 February 2015 2 MAR 2015 The Mayor WBOPDC Private Bag 12803 WESTEIW BOP ‘ DISTRICT COUNCIL TAURANGA 3143 Dear Sir SUBMISSION TO WESTERN BAY DISTRICT COUNCIL SPEED LIMIT CHANGES FROM PAENGAROA TO TAURANGA ROAD The current road will have reduced traffic and much less heavy traffic, yet unbelievably, speed limits will be reduced because of less pressure! Here are some questions we, as rate payers, would like answered please: 1. 2. Were the speed changes suggested by the people of Te Puke rather than some absentee traffic person who won't be affected? With this route being longer and now planning to be even slower than it needs to be is this a plan to encourage more use of the pay motom/ay? With so many Council Members not from Te Puke, is this a plan to get customers to bypass Te Puke and buy in Tauranga/Mount and kill off Te Puke? Should this crazy idea go to a vote, as a rate payer we wish to be notified of those that vote for this insanity, so we can help remove them from office next election. As Government promises an alternative to a toll road, Western Bay ratepayers should bill them for the availability of an alternative route and also bill Government when they use this if motorway is blocked. Looking forward to your replay. Yours faithf lly ) RJ and DS Matthews submission wbopdc feb2015.docx 649 éll xN5 �� Q�i NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY Level 3. Harrington House \,\/AKA }(QTAH| 32 Harington Street PO Box 13055 Tauranga Central Tauranga 3141 New Zealand T 64 7 927 6009 2 March 2015 F 64 7 578 2909 Alex Finn Private Bag 12803 Tauranga Mail Centre Tauranga 3143 Dear Alex Western Bay of Plenty District Council Speed Limit Review 20’l 5 — SH 2 corridor Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed speed limit changes on the SH 2 corridor in the western Bay of Plenty District Council area. Firstly I would like to recognise the collaborative and evidence based partnership approach taken by Westem Bay of Plenty District Council and New Zealand Transport Agency Highways Network and Operations on the proposed changes required as part of the revocation plan. The Government has supported the implementation of Safer Journeys — New Zealand's Road Safety Strategy 2010 — 2020. Safer Journeys is a strategy to guide improvements in road safety over the period 201 0—2020. The longterm goal for road safety in New Zealand is set out in its vision: “A safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury’ A large part of achieving the decreasing road toll is the adoption of a ‘Safe System‘ approach to improving road safety. Safe Speeds is one of four primary areas supporting the safe system approach. The objectives of the Safe Speeds component of the Safer Joumeys strategy are: People will increasingly understand what travelling at a safe speed means Travel speeds will reflect a balance between road safety and economic productivity Increasingly speed limits will be intuitive and reflect the use and function of the roads. As we move tovlerd the adoption of a national Speed Management Plan, the proposed speed limit changes on the soon to be revoked section of SH 2 are generally aligned with this draft plan. Although the traffic volumes on the section of SH 2 to be revoked will reduce, it is still an unknown by how much. Currently this section of road is rated the 4"‘ riskiest state highvlay nationally and if the traffic volumes remain relatively high, and Te Puke continues to be a thriving towns hip, lowering the speed limit to 8Dkm/ h is an intervention that will potentially reduce harm to the users of this route. The completion of the TEL will provide a through route bypassing Te Puke and the revoked section of road will become the link to the township as a destination. The new function of the route will therefore be as a local arterial road rather than a national strategic highway. The posted speed limits and supporting road treatments need to encourage safe driving behaviours of the truck and car drivers who will continue to need to, or choose to, journey through the local corridor. While the number of speed File Ref RT/ 1/3/25 000215120191 650 limit changes along the route is the same as at present some of the speed limits considered may not be available as options in the future. For example 90km/ h speed limits are to be used only as a ‘holding treatment‘ for a route that has programmed engineering improvements to raise the level of service to that of a ’l00km/ h road. 70krn/ h speed limits may not be available in the adopted National Speed Limit Plan but until this it is finalised council should continue to use them and carry out a review in the future. I have attached a table (Table 1) which outlines New Zealand Transport Agencys position relating to the proposal set out on the consultation plan. I understand that comprehensive consultation will be carried out on the speed limit changes as part of council's speed Limit Bylaw review as required by the Local Govemment Act 2002 and the Speed Limit Rule No. 54001. Please note that New Zealand Transport Agency reserves the right to change our view on the proposed changes. The Transport Agency would like to be heard at the upcoming Speed Limit Bylaw hearing on the 30”‘ & 31“ of March 201 5. we would be grateful for a half hour slot so that we can share a presentation and answer any questions. Please do not hesitate to contact Rob Bullick on (07) 958 7863 if you have any questions. Y T5 sincerely Richard Hurn Planning and Investment Manager 651 SH 2 —Western End SH 2 Domain Rd interchange 80km/ h The New Zealand Transport Agency to 200m west of supports the proposal if a monitoring Collins Lane programme is put in place after the speed restriction is implemented. SH 2 200m vlest of Collins 70km/ h Yes Lane to 1 30m west of Te Puke Quarry Rd SH 2 130m vlest of Te Puke Sokmlh Yes Quarry Rd to 300m east of King St SH 2 — Eastern End SH 2 300m east of King st 70km/ h Yes to east end of waiari Stream Bridge SH 2 East end of Waiari 80km/ h The New Zealand Trans port Agency Stream Bridge to 35m supports the proposal if a monitoring east of Kenana Rd programme is put in place after the speed restriction is implemented. SH 2 35m east of Kenana Rd 70km/ h Yes to 1 00m east of Kaituna River Bridge SH 2 100m east of Kaituna 80km/ h The New Zealand Trans port Agency River Bridge to supports the proposal If a monitoring Paengaroal TEL programme is put in place after the roundabout speed restriction is implemented.