View pdf - Ruffed Grouse Society
View pdf - Ruffed Grouse Society
2016 Sponsor Reward Program Must select one of the following op ons Op on 1 – Sponsor Print As a sponsor, you may elect to receive the unframed RGS 2016 Print of the Year or an unframed print from a prior year (while supplies last). You will be sent the 2016 Print of the Year unless you specify a past sponsor print. To view these prints, please visit our website: List Print of Year of choice: ________________ Op on 2 – Sponsor Reward Drawing Raffle cket(s) for entry into the Sponsor Reward Drawing for a chance to win 1 of 8 prizes drawn at the end of the 2016 banquet season. As a sponsor you may elect to par cipate in the Sponsor Reward Drawing. Eight ckets will be drawn in the order listed below with the first cket winning the first prize and so forth. The sponsors who elect this op on will be assigned a cket number(s) for the drawing from RGS Na onal Headquarters. The following are the eight prizes being offered: 1. Bere a Silver Pigeon Over/Under 28‐Gauge 2. Browning Citori Lightning Over/Under 20‐ Gauge 3. SKB Model 590 Over/Under 12‐Gauge 4. Faus Side/Side 12‐Gauge Dona ons Welcomed! Please Contact: Rick Napper 586‐764‐0336 Jeff Robinson 48553 W. Ranch Dr. Chesterfield, MI 48051 586‐949‐0054 Ruffed Grouse Society 4th Annual Lakeside Chapter Conservation & Sportsmen’s Banquet SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016 Social Hour: 5:30 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. DECARLO’S BANQUET & CONVENTION CENTER 6015 East 10 Mile Road Warren, MI 48091 5. Webley & Sco Model 2000 Side/Side 20‐ Gauge 6. CZ Sharptail Side/Side 28‐Gauge 7. Browning Silver Hunter Semi‐Auto 20‐Gauge 8. SportDOG TEK 2.0 GPS — SportDOG, Donor HEALTHY FORESTS ABUNDANT WILDLIFE SPORTING TRADITIONS FIRST FLUSH BONUS RAFFLE TICKET PACKAGE Buy an Early Bird Raffle Ticket Package and receive $200 in ckets for only $125 by FEBRUARY 15, 2016. A er February 15, price is $150. Includes ckets for 3 major raffle categories and 3 “12 Days of Christmas” 2016 Na onal Raffle ckets. Use the order form to purchase your bonus raffle cket package and pick up your ckets at the door when you register!!! Make Plans To A end The Banquet! For every 10 sponsors, we will give away a fine grade shotgun! Step Up & become a Dual Member! For only $25, you can become a dual member in the American Woodcock Society in addi on to your Ruffed Grouse Society membership! The added funds will help more of the birds we love. Don't miss your chance to become an RGS Sponsor! Cost: Individual Membership & Dinner Ticket: $65 Membership & Spouse with 2 Dinner Tickets: $90 Junior Membership & Dinner Ticket: $50 (17 & UNDER) Addi onal Meal: $25 TICKET INFORMATION