THE FEDERATED CHURCH A United Church of Christ


THE FEDERATED CHURCH A United Church of Christ
A United Church of Christ Congregation
Gathered at 76 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Ministers to the World: All the Congregation
Ministers to the Congregation: All the Church Staff
May 18, 2008
Confirmation Sunday
9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
Prelude in C. Major
J. Baptiste Lully
J. S. Bach
Welcome and Concerns of the Church
Rev. Mark Simone
As we gather for worship this morning, please pray for those seated around you and those
far away. Then take a few minutes after the service to introduce yourself to someone you
don’t yet know — take special note of those with the red visitor’s nametags — with an
invitation to join you for coffee after the service. Thank you for helping to personalize
our Church Family by wearing a nametag.
Introit The Ensemble (9:00)
Chancel Choir (11:00)
* Opening Hymn
Come to the Water
Come, Sing Unto the Lord
J. Foley
J. Martin
No. 4
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Prayer of the People (Unison)
Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton
Before us, God, all creation is spread out for our attention and pleasure.
We behold mountains and majestic plains,
We watch birds in effortless flight and smoothly moving animals,
We hear the music of rain and the love calls of birds,
We smell the fragrance of growing life and upturned earth,
And in the midst of this unspeakable variety, we witness the continuation of life
as it is lived out in our young people in their journeys of discovery.
We stand here today before you and these, our youth. Help us to see beyond our
personal restrictions and limitations. These young adults help us to find confidence
and hope in our hearts as you walk with them, into new dimensions of their
life with you.
We love them;
We respect them;
We follow their dreams and service;
And we thank you for each one of them —
an unrepeatable miracle.
In Christ’s name we praise you. Amen.
Scripture Lesson II Corinthians 4:5-15
* Hymn
Sacrament of Baptism
I Love to Tell the Story
Russell Hoffman
No. 480
(9:00) James C Boldt, Kelsey Butler, Joshua Ericson
(11:00) Callum Mitchell, Allison Tyson
Reflections of the Confirmation Class
(9:00) Abby Dunegan
(11:00) Morgan Liber, Emily Moore
Offering Our Lives and Resources in Gratefulness
Please sign the Hospitality Booklet at the end of each row and return it again, noticing the names and faces of those with whom you are worshipping. After the service,
take a moment to greet those worshipping with you, especially those who may be
new among us.
Offertory Anthem The Ensemble (9:00) Praise His Holy Name
K. Hampton
J. Elliott
Chancel Choir (11:00) Somebody’s Prayin’
Beth Rutkowski, soloist
Hymn of Dedication
The Lord’s Prayer (sins)
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts;
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.
No. 47
Recognition of Families
Diamonds in the Rough
Rev. Mark Simone
Rite of Confirmation
Rev. Mark Simone, Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton, Bob Abley
Thoughts about Our Year Together
Bob Abley
11:00 Confirmands
9:00 Confirmands
James C. Boldt
Kelsey Butler
CJ Cameron
Emma Cherry
Brittany Cooper
Nate Creviston
Michael G. Downie
Danny Driscoll
Abby Dunegan
Joshua Ericson
Brooks Fishell
Ryan Fogarty
Tom Hagan
Russell Hoffman
Andrew Hollister
Sam Hollyer
Alex Horn
Max Karakul
Stephen Kelly
Alex Kreger
Matt Horner
Weston Kondik
Rachel Leonard
Morgan Liber
Lindsay Lodge
Kyle Mansour
Oliver Mason
Meredith MacIver
Callum Mitchell
Emily Moore
Christina Moran
Christopher Rothfusz
Greg Singer
Andrew Skiljan
Allison Tyson
Jon VanWagoner
Marc Vitantonio, Jr.
Drew Warren
Reid Welsh
Tom Weston
Questions and Promises of the Candidates
To all of you standing before this congregation today, do you desire to affirm your baptism
and be confirmed into the faith and family of Jesus Christ?
I do.
Do you profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
I do.
Do you promise, by the grace of God, to be Christ's disciples, to follow in the way of our
Savior, to resist oppression and evil, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work
and word of Jesus Christ as best you are able?
I promise, with the help of God.
Do you promise, according to the grace given you, to grow in the Christian faith and to be
a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ, celebrating Christ’s presence and furthering
Christ’s mission in all the world?
I promise, with the help of God.
Question to the Congregation
The integrity of your lives, the joy and honesty you live out, and the depth of your commitment
to Christ will influence these young adults. Do you promise to help them and be helped by them?
I do. Today I reconfirm my own baptism. Gladly I stand with these Confirmation
youths and offer myself to be open to the Spirit!
Owning the Covenant of Our Church (Together)
Believing in Jesus Christ, the interpreter of God to humankind, we accept his teachings
as the guiding principles of our lives and consecrate ourselves and our Church to their
fulfillment. We therefore join and covenant, one with another, to worship, work and
serve together, that we may express through our Church and our individual lives the love
and faith taught by Jesus Christ.
The Act of Confirmation
Hymn of Commitment
Prayer and the Laying on of Hands
The House of Our God
Psalm XX
* Those who are able, standing. **** Latecomers seated.
(See p. 4)
B. Marcello
The Federated Church Welcomes You!
If you have no church home, we open our
hands and hearts to you.
“God accepts me just as I am and loves me too
much to leave me that way. Federated accepts
all people as they are and supports them in the
spiritual journey. With Christ, we offer hope
and healing to change our world.”
—Federated’s Mission Statement
Ushers & Greeters
For the 9:00 a.m. service — Bruce & Becky
Bartter, Judy Benner, Becky Carter, Jon
Manke, Kathy Marous, Hal Maskiell, Gary &
Jenny Vidmer, Brad & Kim Welch and Sam
For the 11:00 a.m. service — Carl & Cheryl
Cameron, Doug Cantlay, Paul Evans, Rob
Goble, Mark & Elizabeth Goodin and Linnea
The altar flowers this morning
Please stay for a cup of coffee, tea or a cold drink
and good conversation following worship this
morning. Audio tapes & CDs of this morning’s
service will be available for $4.00.
We’re happy to welcome Graham Fishell
and Pat McKelvey as interns at Federated until the
end of May. For their senior projects at Chagrin
Falls High School, Graham is working with Hamilton Throckmorton and Pat is working with Mark
Simone. Each wants to learn what the ministry is
like, so you may see them at meetings or other
events around the Church. It’s exciting to have
them here!
Please Note:
All Church facilities will be
closed on Monday, May 26, for Memorial Day.
are given in loving memory of Nancy Lutman
and Bill Hancock from Byron & Elsie Lutman.
We welcome Tom Foley this morning
as he leads the Chancel Choir. Son of Bill &
Carol Foley, he has sung in a number of Federated choirs and now directs the choir at the
Middleburg Heights Community UCC
Today’s Church School
Preschool ..........................................Room 30
Pre-Kindergarten ............................Room 40
Kindergarten ................................Room 240
Workshop #4: Spirit of Peace
Large-print bulletins & hearingaid devices are available in the Narthex,
Grade 1............... Hallowed Ground (Rm. 320)
Grade 2.. Joseph’s Carpentry Shoppe (Rm. 340)
Grade 3.......... Daily Bread (Sm. Music Room)
Grade 4.................Red Sea Cinema (Rm. 220)
Grade 5..................Temple of Time (Rm. 230)
Grade 6............... Hallowed Ground (Rm. 320)
Jr. High ........................................ (Room 350)
or ask an usher for help should you need it.
Welcome Visitors! Federated strives to
be a warm and welcoming place but as an active, growing Church with multiple worship
services we would request your help identifying the new folks among us. We invite visitors
and newcomers to use one of the special red
visitor nametags that can be found in the Ministry of Hospitality booklet at the end of each
pew. Let us know who you are so we can help
you learn who we are, and join us downstairs
in Fellowship Hall after the service for some
more leisurely conversation.
“Borrow Bags” are available for
children every Sunday as we welcome new
and visiting children to our worship. The bags
are available at the entrance to the Sanctuary,
both upstairs and downstairs.
WANTED... We are collecting goods and
services for the start up of Woven Talents, a
hosted by The Federated Church. This is
a year-round opportunity to donate your
talents for the benefit
of charity. Goods and
certificates for services will be on
sale, with profits
going to charity. Participants have the
option to get back their invested cost, so that it
is truly their talent that is being offered.
Be creative! Don't forget examples from last
fall’s Parable of the Talents: airplane rides,
decorated flip flops, birdhouses, knitting. How
about an hour of tutoring, dog walking, or organized youth basketball games? If you wish to
participate or want to volunteer with Woven
Talents, please call Kate Schlagbaum 440-2232013 or e-mail her at
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Nature Trail on May 25 Please join us immediately after Sunday Morning Worship at the
Family Life Center on Sunday, May 25,
for a very brief dedication of the newly
redone walking trail through the woods
behind the outdoor Labyrinth. Federated’s Ben Rees spent countless hours
and resources, in bringing this trail back
to life as his Eagle Scout Project. Spiritual Life
Associate, Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner is already
planning to offer a day-long retreat on prayerwalking, which will use both our outdoor Labyrinth and Ben’s beautiful trail. Please join us for a
ceremonial Ribbon Cutting & Prayer of Dedication. This event will be about ten minutes long,
so you’ll have plenty of time to make it to the parade! See you at the trail!
Geauga County Habitat for Humanity
will hold its Family Selection Meeting on June 7,
at 2:00 p.m., at the Geauga West Library (next to
West Geauga High School) 13455 Chillicothe Rd
in Chesterland. All families who either live or
work in Geauga County are invited to come and
explore the process of becoming a Partner Family.
For more information call 440-564-5848.
Please Contribute to Disaster Relief Efforts in Myanmar and China
In the wake of unfathomable natural disaster
in Myanmar (Burma), the United Church of
Christ has issued a $100,000 emergency appeal to aid victims and to prepare for longterm recovery. In the storm's aftermath, prices
for food, fuel and building supplies have escalated as much as 300 percent, and communication abilities throughout the region have been
It is feared that more than 100,000 people
are confirmed dead, and an estimated
1,000,000 people are homeless and in dire
need of help, after last weekend's catastrophic
cyclone flattened villages, destroyed buildings
and ruined food supplies. The United Church
of Christ invites and encourages our support
in the relief effort. A link to the donation site,
may be accessed through Federated’s website
After a massive earthquake hit China on
May 12, the UCC rushed support to its partners in order to aid victims. The denomination
is asking church members to contribute at
least $100,000 for aid to those affected. "One
Great Hour of Sharing has already sent funds
to the Amity Foundation in China to carry out
relief work," the appeal reads. "However, we
urgently need to raise $100,000."
Spiritual Life
O ff e r i n g s . . .
Coordinated by
Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner, Spiritual Life Associate
Centering Prayer meets every WEDNESDAY morning at 7:30 a.m. This group meets at the
Family Life Center, on the Outdoor Labyrinth in good
weather and otherwise in the Hearth Room. There is
a twenty-minute time of silent prayer and a fifteenminute “lectio divina” (prayerful reading of scripture).
A Second Prayer Group meets every
MONDAY evening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Bell
Street Chapel. This group is led by Mike Bellah and
Barbara Marshall.
Stephen Ministry Training Plans
A Stephen Minister is:
a care-giver
a careful listener
a Christian in action
an unconditional friend
a loving supporter
a wounded healer
a confidential mentor
a lover of life
Women at the Well — May 21 In
Lent, we studied some of the church’s traditional
Spiritual Disciplines. At Women at the Well in
May, we will look at some “Non-traditional
Spiritual Practices” as taught by the early transcendentalists
of Concord, MA. in the
1800’s. Tired of their church’s “overly intellectual approach,” these poets and ministers sought
to rediscover joy and vitality in their everyday
spirituality. Their “spiritual disciplines” included such practices as walking, travel, meaningful conversation, journaling and wide ranging
reading. Come and hear some of their vibrant
quotes, and talk with others about what daily
practices enliven your Spirit.
Ten-Week Book Study May 27July 30 at The Family Life Center
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
You may have read Eckhart Tolle’s book, The
Power of Now, or heard about his recent worldwide web class with Oprah Winfrey, which
linked 750,000 people from over 150 countries.
In A New Earth, Tolle looks at how transcending
our ego-based state of consciousness is the key
to both personal peace and any hope for peace in
the world. For more information or to sign up
for the group in advance, call 440-247-6490 and
indicate which session you’d prefer: Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 or Tuesday
evenings from 7:00-8:30. (Note change of day
for evening group.)
The next Reiki Clinic will be held
Saturday, June 7, in the Bell Street Chapel.
Call Kate Parr at 440-247-3951, to schedule an
Have you thought about becoming a Stephen Minister? Now is the time to put those thoughts into action. Federated’s Stephen Ministry will begin a new
training class in the fall. For more information, contact one of the Stephen Leaders:
Peggy Kirschner
Helen Pointer Gerry Powers
Survivors of Suicide is a confidential
support group for those who have encountered
suicide in their family or close-knit community.
We meet the first Thursday of each month
from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Bell Street. Our next
meeting is Thursday, June 5. For more detailed
information or with questions, please call Thea
Mozingo at 440-247-6490 x214.
Sunday, May 25 — 10:00 a.m. at the
Family Life Center
• Worship & Church School
• Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton
• Ensemble sings
• Loaves & Fishes at St. Paul’s
2008 Summer Offerings
Ongoing Healing Heart Yoga in the Village
with Paula Gardner
in Fellowship Hall
Saturdays 9:00-10:15 a.m. $12.00 drop-in fee or
$60.00/6 weeks
(No class on May 24)
Sunday, June 1 — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
• Family Worship & Communion
• Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton
• Men of Chagrin sing at 9:00
• Chancel Choir sings at 11:00
• Recognize graduating high school seniors
Gentle Outdoor Yoga on the Labyrinth
with Polly Manke
at the Family Life Center
(Youth Room for rainy days)
Tuesdays July 1—July 29
8:30-9:45 a.m.
$10.00 drop-in fee
No registration is necessary.
Mat Pilates—Make the Connection
with Roseann Fracci
(602-717-4771 ~
Tuesdays: June 3, 10, 17, 24; July 1, 8, 15 & 22
in the Family Life Center Youth Room
5:30-6:30 p.m.
$12.00 drop-in fee or
$80.00/8 weeks
(Minimum enrollment: 5)
Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 28
Strong, Stretched & Centered—Session 1
with Roseann Fracci
Thursdays: June 5, 12, 26; July 3, 10, 17 & 24
(No class on July 19)
in the Family Life Center Youth Room
8:00-9:00 a.m. $12.00 drop-in fee or
$70.00/7 weeks
(Minimum enrollment: 5)
Registration deadline is Friday, May 30
For more detailed information, please look for our
2008 Summer Offerings Brochure
Sunday, June 8— 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
• Worship & Church School
• Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton
• Ensemble sings at 9:00
• Chancel Choir sings at 11:00
• Olson Bell Choir rings at both services
• Children’s Choir sings at both services
Sunday, June 15 — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
• Family Worship
• Sermon by Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner
• Special Music
Sunday, June 22 — 10:00 a.m.
• Family Worship
• Sermon by Rev. Hamilton Throckmorton
• New Members join
• Recognition of Long-standing Members
• Cleveland BoyChoir sings
Lectionary Readings for May 25
Isaiah 49:8-16a
Psalm 131
I Corinthians 4:1-5
Matthew 6:24-34
Thanks and Blessings!
J.O.Y ~ (Jesus Oriented Youth) for all kids in
7th and 8th grades; generally meets on Sundays at
4:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center.
Contact J.O.Y. leader Marty Culbertson at
• ~ On hiatus for the summer~
GROUP ~ for all kids in the 9th through 12th
grades; generally meets on Sundays at 6:30 p.m.
at the Family Life Center.
Contact GROUP leader Rev. Mark Simone at
• ~ On hiatus for the summer~
Our Church
School has received the most amazing gift of a
handsome, substantial and rustic table.
Thanks to the overwhelmingly generous donation
of both time and materials, the table was created
with love by talented carpenter, faithful Kindergarten teacher and Federated member, Paul Koepf.
Amazingly, rustic benches to accompany the table
are kindly being donated by a wonderful anonymous donor!
How blessed we are that these beautiful pieces of
furniture adorning our Daily Bread Classroom, will
be enjoyed by generations of Church School children as they grow closer to God! Stop by and admire the craftsmanship soon!
~ On hiatus for the summer~
May is Teacher Recruitment Month
GROUP Teen Needs Scholarships
for South Africa Dream Tim Black-
“And He said to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will
make you fishers of people.’”
-Matthew 4:19
man is in the GROUP praise band, In The
Name. He also plays drums at his church –
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Tim is
a member of GROUP who is dreaming of assisting others in South Africa this summer. He
has committed to raising over a third of his
funds, and has spent many months doing just
that. But he needs additional help.
Here is what Tim has to say about his trip,
“Going to Africa will be a spiritual journey for
me. To go to the very country where my ancestors came from sends chills of excitement down
my spine. Just to be able to step one foot on the
land where it all began would be…spectacular!
I want to go and help the people in South Africa.”
If you are able to assist Tim, please make
your check out to The Federated Church with
“Tim’s Trip” in the memo line. Tim will keep
you personally posted on his trip details and
adventures. Donations to Tim’s Trip need to be
made by June 1. Thank you!
Come, follow Jesus, be a “Fisher of People” in our
Church School Ministry 2008–2009:
~ Sign up during May in Fellowship Hall ~
(Alternatively, fill out this form and place it in the
collection plate or hand it into a team member in the
Children’s Ministries Office.)
Teacher (Nursery to Kindergarten)
Adult Shepherd (grades 1—6)
Workshop Leader (5 weeks only)
High School Youth Shepherd
Substitute Teacher
Cut/paste/workshop set-up
Name & Phone
Grade/Time Preference:
May is Teacher Recruitment Month: You Can’t Tell a Book By Its Cover
An old legend tells of a king who decided to set aside a special day to honor his greatest subject.
When the big day arrived, there was a large gathering in the palace courtyard. Four finalists were
brought forward, and from these four, the king would select the winner.
The first person presented was a wealthy philanthropist. The king was told that this man was
highly deserving of the honor because of his humanitarian efforts. He had given much of his wealth
to the poor.
The second person was a celebrated physician. The king was told that this doctor was deserving
of the honor because he had rendered faithful and dedicated service to the sick for so many years.
The third person was a distinguished judge. The king was told that the judge was worthy because
he was noted for his wisdom, his fairness, and his brilliant decisions.
The fourth person presented was an elderly woman. Everyone was quite surprised to see her there,
because her manner was quite humble, as was her dress. She hardly looked the part of someone
who would be honored as the greatest subject in the kingdom. What chance could she possibly
have, when compared to the other three, who had accomplished so much? Even so, there was
something about her – the look of love in her face, the understanding in her eyes, her quiet confidence. The king was intrigued, to say the least, and somewhat puzzled by her presence. He asked
who she was. The answer came: “You see the philanthropist, the doctor, and the judge? Well, she
was their teacher!”
Vacation Bible School “Going
Green!” VBS is “going green” again this
For VBS this year we are in need
of the following items:
year, and we need volunteers. If you are interested in helping make this year a success, please
call Bev Mills at 440-247-6490 x216. Vacation
Bible School will take place June 16-20 at the
Family Life Center, and we need both youth
(entering 7th grade and above) and adult shepherds, leaders for science, service, music, snacks
and more! Please note the above date — some
registration forms were sent out with an incorrect date. Thank you!
VBS registration forms are available at the
reception desk, in the Church Office or online
at The deadline for
registering is May 30.
Buttons, fabric scraps (fun prints), ribbon,
magazines such as National Geographic’s
Ranger Rick and other kid’s magazines, calendars, catalogs (child-friendly ones
please!), large beads, embroidery thread,
brown paper garbage bags, raffia, small
game-board and small jigsaw pieces, styrofoam meat trays (clean, please!)
If you have any of the above and would like to
donate please bring them to the Church and
place them in the box marked “VBS” next to
the reception desk. Thank you in advance for
your help!!
South Africa Trip Selling Stock in Their Mission
Love the mission but can’t go yourself? Then consider buying shares of stock in our Federated Church
2008 South African Mission. The devaluing dollar has simply crippled us and we need to raise an additional $5000.00 (and we PRAISE GOD for the $2800.00 we have already raised!) Money donated will
help with our ground transportation and will provide building materials for our carpentry work in the
Walmer Township of Port Elizabeth, S.A. Shares of stock will be sold after services from now until
June 8. We depart on June 9. You can find someone selling stock after services in Fellowship Hall.
Call Mark Simone if you would like more news or information at 440-247-6490.
Help Us Win $250 for Missions!
Our paper recycling friends at Abitibi have challenged us to
recycle an additional 20% of our paper and win $250 to go
towards our missions! Help make every page count and bring
your paper to our big yellow and green bin at the Family
Life Center. It’s easy money, all we need to do is beat last
summer’s recycling totals by 20%! VBS kids will be taking
part in this paper drive too—won’t you?
20% more through August 31, 2008
What we CAN put in: newspapers, magazines and catalogs, general office paper, junk mail and
envelopes, self-stick notes, computer paper, posters and folders, fax paper.
What we CANNOT put in: laminated paper, food containers, milk cartons, plastic of any kind,
metal or glass, cardboard or chipboard, phonebooks, hardbound textbooks.
Cell Phone Collection GROUP, our senior
high youth fellowship, is collecting used cell
phones to assist in raising needed funds for our
summer 2008 Work Camp. If you have a phone to
donate, the collection box is near the Reception
Desk in the Lobby. Contact Mark Simone with any
questions at:
Here’s just a reminder that the recycling of inkjet
cartridges is ongoing, and the benefit to the Colorado Kids is painless for everyone. Colorado Kids
has earned more than $2,800 since starting this
collection!! Just bring your used inkjet cartridges
to the reception desk at the Church, tell your coworkers, family and friends, and help us help the
environment and the kids!
Please note: Toner cartridges from copiers and
laser printers are NOT accepted.
On display in our halls during
the month of May are the large acrylic
floral paintings by Vernon Kaufman, retired
architect and long-time resident of Chagrin
Falls. Mr. Kaufman has exhibited his paintings
in the Gates Mills Show, Fairmount Show, Chagrin Falls Library, and at the Rehobeth Art
League in Delaware and has won several
awards. His more recent paintings are primarily large floral works, but his subject matter has
also included seascapes, cityscapes, landscapes
and an occasional portrait.
You may contact the artist for questions about
his work at 440-247-4094.
Federated Church asks you to
Remember to Recycle
Sermons online The Monday following each worship service, the sermon will be available on
the Federated website in both written and audio format. Go to and select
the appropriate pastor. The audio file that you will find there is in mp3 file format so it can be
downloaded to an iPod. Yes, you can listen to Hamilton, Mark, Dan, and Judy while you jog! We continue to have tapes and CDs of our worship services available through the Church Office at $4 apiece or
in Fellowship Hall immediately following each service.
Men’s Cookout on May 27 All men
who attended the last Men’s Retreat and regular
attendees of Men’s Fourth Tuesday are invited
to a cookout at Phil Fogarty’s home on Tuesday
evening, May 27, at 6:00 p.m. Burgers, brats,
pop, beer and all the fixin’s
will be provided.
food, relaxation, and
friendly conversation are on
the agenda.
Games and
singing “Kumbaya” are optional!
No cost to attend, but we
do ask that you RSVP if you
plan on attending, so that we
know how much food to
prepare. There will be a sign-up sheet at the
reception desk in the Lobby. For more information or with questions, contact Gerry Powers
440-247-6505, e-mail;
or Barry Biggin 440-543-9817, e-mail:
Are you looking for a job? Come to
“Employment Connections” any Sunday at
10:10 a.m. in the Conference Room next to the
Sanctuary for support and advice.
Saturday Morning Gathering of
Men offers a free and open discussion group
Save the date for the June 14
Men’s Breakfast We’re planning a Men’s
available to all men — supportive, spiritual,
casual. Meet at 8:00 a.m. (7:45 for coffee and
donuts) in the Lounge. Come and join us; we’ll
save you a place.
Same Boat Friends is a social and support group for widowed men that meets the last
Wednesday of each month for fun, fellowship,
community and dinner. This month they will
meet Wednesday, May 28 at 5:00 p.m. at
Sara’s Place in Gates Mills. Please call First
Mate Herb Lawyer at 440-247-7915 by noon on
Tuesday, May 27, if you would like to be part
of the crew.
Invite a neighbor or friend to worship with
you; they'll thank you for it!
Considering Membership at
Federated Church?
Classes are held three times each year, and
the dates for the next class are:Three
Thursday evenings: June 5, 12 and 19.
Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Plan to attend all
three evenings.
Sign up at the Reception Desk or by calling Melinda Smith at 440-247-6490 x124 or
e-mailing Childcare will be available if needs are noted at
sign up. A light dinner will be served on
June 12. This Inquirers Class will join the
Church on Sunday, June 22.
Breakfast for Saturday, June 14, from 8:0010:00 a.m., and we encourage all Federated men
to join us. For more information please contact
Hal Maskiell at 440 -829 -048 2 or; Barry Biggin at
440-543-9817 or; or
Gerry Powers at 440-247-6505 or Watch for more details soon.
Don’t Forget the Shopping Cart in
the Lobby, as we work to fill the cart to fill a
need for those who live in the community near
our sister Church, St. Paul’s. Please add a few
extra cans of beef stew, hash and/or chili and
also jars of peanut butter to your shopping cart
when you go to the store. All non-perishable
items are also greatly appreciated.
Our Weekly Calendar
Activities in bold italics take place at the Family Life Center, on Rt. 306 between E. Washington St. & Bell St. Due to
space limitations, rentals, Scout activities and non-Church related community events are not listed below.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 18:
9 & 11 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
8:15 p.m.
Worship & Church School
Employment Connections
Prayer Connections
Sunday Open Hearth AA
Monday, May 19:
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 22:
Spirit Walk and Roll
Elderlife Exercise
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Centering Prayer ~ Evening Meeting
SingleLife Potluck
Stephen Ministers Regular Meeting
Men’s Basketball (open)
Family Life Center Board Meeting
Augustine Fellowship
SingleLife Program
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Spirit Walk and Roll
Book Study
Tributaries ~ Gentle Yoga with Polly
Pastoral Care
Elderlife Bridge
Open & Affirming Committee Meeting
Fireside Big Book AA
Board of Finance & Stewardship Meeting
Spirit Walk and Roll
Prepare SingleLife Mailing
Friday A.M. Bible Study
Elderlife Exercise
Friday Noon Big Book AA (closed)
Chagrin Falls Friday AA (open)
Saturday, May 24:
7:45 a.m.
Gathering of Men
Sunday, May 25:
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
8:15 p.m.
Wednesday, May 21:
7:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Spirit Walk and Roll
Tributaries ~ Gentle Yoga with Polly
Sit and Stitch Community
Elderlife Luncheon
Olson Bell Choir Rehearsal
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Chagrin Falls Women 12x12 AA
Friday, May 23:
Tuesday, May 20:
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Elderlife Exercise
Twelve to One ~ Women’s AA
CoDa Meeting
Women’s Basketball (open)
Augustine Fellowship
Women at the Well
Centering Prayer ~Morning Meeting
Spirit Walk and Roll
Prayer Group Prayer & Study Time
Federated Staff Prayer & Meeting Time
Worship & Church School
Employment Connections
Dedication of Nature Trail
Prayer Connections
Sunday Open Hearth AA
Monday, May 26:
~Memorial Day — All Facilities CLOSED~
Colorado Kids Scholarship Help Needed The Colorado trip is fast approaching.
We leave on July 11! We once again have a need for scholarship funds for some of our kids.
These kids will need full scholarships to help with proper clothing, boots and supplies as well as
trip costs. The congregation has always seen the wisdom of supporting this amazing faith journey,
and I pray you will do the same this year. Kids and their families pay what they can and they work
very hard on the many fundraisers, but this trip is not possible without your generous contributions. If you feel called to help, please make checks payable to The Federated Church and earmark them for “Colorado Scholarships.” Many thanks from Marty & The Kids!
Looking ahead at our important fundraisers:
• June 15—Car Wash
• June 7—Car Wash
• June 21—Car Wash
• June 8—Golf Outing
• June 28—Car Wash
Pastoral Care Team
for the week of
Fellowship of Prayer
May 18 May 24
Pat Davidson, 133 Elm Ct., Chagrin Falls 44022, who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease.
Coline Kiehne, 4986 Lander Rd., Moreland Hills 44022, who will
have cancer surgery on May 22.
Shirley Culbertson
Darlene Nichols
Sally Ramsey
Eva Jean Trace
Each week, we ask your prayers for two
of our staff members. This week please pray for
Pat Haynish and Lois Annich.
Remember to make use of the Prayer Box on the altar in the Chapel.
The Staff regularly reads and prays for all those mentioned in the
prayer requests submitted.
Our Staff is Here to Help You
as Partners in Ministry … 440-247-6490
Hamilton Coe Throckmorton, Senior Minister
Mark Simone, Associate Minister & Sr. High Youth Director
Dan DeWeese, Associate Minister & Elderlife/SingleLife Director
Judy Bagley-Bonner, Spiritual Life Associate
Toni Cirino, Director of Operations & Finance
Peg Weissbrod, Director of Lay Ministries
Wendy Pierce, Director of the Family Life Center
Bev Mills, Director of Children’s Ministries, Infant-K
Jannine Mason, Dir. Children’s Ministries, Gr. 1-6
Lisa Vitantonio, Admin. Ass’t., Children’s Ministries
Thea Mozingo, Admin. Ass’t, Children’s Ministries
Marty Culbertson, Junior High Youth Program Director
William Foley, Director of Chancel Choir and Men of Chagrin
Jodie Ricci, Director of The Ensemble and FORTE
Marcia Snavely, Organist
Pat Haynish, Children’s Music Ministry Coordinator
Lois Annich, Pastoral Counselor
Patti Consolo, Financial Assistant
Pat Nichols, Pastoral Care Coordinator & SPIRE Editor
Kate Young, Bulletin & SingleLife Newsletter Editor
Melinda Smith, Membership & Web Administrator
Larry Trace, Properties Manager
Jamie Carlton, Larry McGurer,
T.J. Moyer, Don Newrones, Mike Swigonski,
Gordon Vojtech, Bill Walker, Curt Wells, Custodians
Tosh Whaley, “God’s House” Keeper
76 BELL STREET ◊ P.O. BOX 60 ◊ CHAGRIN FALLS, OHIO ◊ 44022-0060
PHONE 440-247-6490 ◊ FAX 440-247-2516 ◊