Welcome! - Federated Church


Welcome! - Federated Church
June 19, 2016
We l c o m e !
Upcoming Activities and Opportunities at Federated
Ahead At The Fed
Sunday, June 26
10 am
Colorado Kids lead worship
Family Worship
Music by Kiko Weinroth, Carl Jenks and
Betty Meyers
June 26 - Lectionary Readings
II Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 or I Kings 19:15-16
Psalm 16
Galatians 5:1, 13-25
Luke 9:51-62
Sunday, July 3—Communion
10 am
God accepts me just as I am, and loves
me too much to leave me that way.
Federated accepts all people as they
are and supports them in the spiritual
journey. With Christ we offer hope
and healing to change our world.
Our Mission Statement
Rev. Susi Kawolics Preaching
Family Worship
To Our Guests:
Welcome! We are grateful for your presence here this
morning and would love to meet you. If this is your first
visit or you would like to know more about us, please
take a green or purple bag from our Visitors
Welcome Center in the Narthex or Lobby.
It contains useful information about who we
are. We hope to see you back next week!
We welcome you to The Federated Church, a place to belong and a place to become.
We are people just like you, who hope and love and hurt, and we have found that
Jesus Christ makes a transforming difference in our daily lives.
Your presence matters to us. We open our hearts to you.
Our Staff is Here to Support YOU
We at Federated believe in service. We think of our
congregation as Ministers to the World and our church
staff as Ministers to the Congregation.
Should you have questions or need information,
please contact us at 440.247.6490. We look forward to
serving you.
Our senior high youth group still has open spots
for their work camp July 16-23. They will once
again be returning to Southampton, Ontario to
work with the Saugeen First Nation and the
Saugeen United Church.
*denotes part-time staff
Hamilton Throckmorton, Senior Pastor
Mark Simone, Associate Pastor, Family Ministries
* Susi Kawolics, Associate Pastor, Worship
Planning and Faith Formation
Administration and Staff
Sarah Northcraft Spann, Senior Director of
Melinda Smith, Congregational Life
* Trisha Holland, Marketing & Communications
* Dolly Herschel, primetime@fed Coordinator
* Darlene Nichols, Pastoral Care Administrator
Bob Brandt, Lead Custodian
Daniel Pecchio, * Larry McGurer, * Kristen
Olvera, * Jake Magalski, * Wendy Connair,
* Brent Simon, * Jimmy Morris, Custodians
Music Staff
Chris Ludwa, Director of Music Ministries
* Amanda Powell, Assistant Director of Music
* Marcia Snavely, Organist
* Pat Haynish, Director of Children’s Choir
* Thaddeus Quintin, Director The Olson Bell Choir
Children’s Ministries Staff
* Marty Culbertson, Director of Jr. High Youth
* Kiersti Critchfield, C0-Director of
Family and Children’s Ministries
* Judy Kreger, C0-Director of
Family and Children’s Ministries
* Tracy France, Childcare Provider
* Alexandra Bucewicz, Childcare Provider
Our Ushers and Greeters are
wearing red carnations. They are
available to answer any questions you
may have and will be happy to assist
you in any way.
Work Camp Spaces Available
If you are interested in
joining, have questions or
need paperwork, contact
Mark Simone at
440.463.9439 or
Blossom on the Labyrinth
Wednesday, June 22, 7:00—8:30 pm
Family Life Center Labyrinth
Summer Solstice Concert – Marcus Janoski and
Universal Dance of Peace with Eileen
Join us for meditation, dance and live music.
Questions? Contact Susi Kawolics
(skawolics@fedchurch.org) or Kate Parr
Men’s Cookout
Tuesday, June 21, 6:00—8:30 pm
Bear Town Lakes
Hot dogs and hamburgers.
Bring your own drinks—
cooler provided. Plus, bring
a small side or appetizer.
Cost is $5. Sign up after the
service in fellowship hall or
call the church at
Federated’s Display of the Pride Flag
On May 24, 2016, Church Council unanimously voted to approve the display of the pride flag – not
just in June, but ongoing. We see this as an opportunity to publicly reaffirm the extraordinary
message that all people are welcome to the fullness of a faith journey with Christ, regardless of
sexual orientation, race, age or other differences.
The following Open & Affirming Statement, which was enthusiastically affirmed by the
congregation on February 22, 2009 at Federated’s annual meeting, is a statement of welcome to
all people, making a public witness that our church is committed to proclaim the good news of
God’s all-embracing grace.
“We, the members of The Federated Church of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, believe that God is still
speaking and we seek prayerfully to discern God’s plan for us today. Acknowledging God’s
acceptance of us, and Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves, we affirm
our belief that we are one body in Christ.
We welcome people of all races and ages, mental and physical abilities, marital status,
gender or sexual orientation. We invite those from different backgrounds of economic
class, ethnicity, and varieties of thought, expression and religious tradition to join us in our
worship and to participate in the full life and ministry of our church.
We celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and believe that every person is uniquely
made in God’s image. We embrace the joy of being accepted and affirmed by God and by
one another.
We strive for justice and inclusiveness following Jesus’ example of love.”
Church Council acknowledges that some
members struggle with the symbol of this
flag, so we are committed to continuing the
education around our Open & Affirming
adoption and the significance of the
displayed flag to those who have been
shunned and rejected by many churches.
The Federated Church and the United
Church of Christ remain steadfast in our
commitment to stand beside those who are
marginalized and oppressed and to
demonstrate, through our church and our
individual lives, that we mean it when we say
“all are welcome here!”
Yoga on the Labyrinth
Yoga on the Labyrinth is back… for 6 weeks!
Join us for this most delicious and
holy experience of summer as we
practice yoga outside on the sacred
grounds of the labyrinth and prayer
gardens. Ground yourself in nature.
Connect to your own true nature.
This class is appropriate for
beginners and continuing yoga students desiring to
stay with a gentle yoga practice. Join us.
Presenter: Polly Manke, CYT
When: Tuesdays through July 12; 8:30–9:30 am.
Tuition: 6 classes for $65 or $12 drop-in.
Scholarships available; inquire with instructor.
Jump Start Your Joy
Wednesday, June 29, 7:00—9:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
Former Federated member Joy Resor
returns to share the deep joy and peace of
her presence and offerings. She'll facilitate
an engaging workshop of story, journaling
prompts, sharing, poetry and small group
connection, along with tips and treats, a
trademark of the joyful events she
presents. We hope you can join us.
Please contact Rev. Susi Kawolics at
440.247.6490 ext. 310, or
skawolics@fedchurch.org to sign up so we
have an idea of how many will be here. Feel
free to come even if you did not sign up.
Materials: Bring a yoga mat and a blanket or towel;
wear non-restrictive clothing.
Suggestion: Bring extra padding for under your mat
and a light cover–up.
We will move to the Youth Room if it rains.
Contact Polly with questions at 440.823.9316.
The Lantern of Chagrin Valley: A primetime@fed Trip
Wednesday, June 29, 5:00—8:00 pm
I am sure you have all noticed with interest the building going up to the
north of the Family Life Center. Well, guess what? We’re going there for an
informational session and tour, along with wine and appetizers!
The Lantern is a facility for assisted living and memory care. Jean Makesh
has created a wonderful new approach for slowing and sometimes
reversing memory loss.
There is no cost for this trip and no transportation. Just go to the Lantern
and walk in. We do, however, need you to RSVP so you’ll have a name
tag and food! Call 440.247.6490.
Chagrin Arts is pleased to announce Chautauqua-in-Chagrin 2016, a tenth summer season filled with
stimulating lectures in the heart of the Chagrin Valley. It's a summer series that will pique your interest
and stretch your mind. Enjoy the speakers with audience Q&A to follow.
Federated is hosting the lecture portion of all four evenings. We
welcome these prominent speakers as part of our mission to serve
our community and to continually educate ourselves on matters
important to society and to our world.
The first event takes place on June 21. Tickets can be purchased
at www.chagrinarts.org.
Changing Perceptions of Global Diversity & Discrimination
Tuesday, June 21 at 6:30—8:00 pm
The world is rich with a variety of cultures and beliefs, each with its own history and
human generalizations. What is the impact of these on policy decision-making and
our day-to-day interactions?
Sevi Bayraktar – PhD
Student, Culture and Performance, UCLA
Julia Shearson – Executive Director, CAIR Cleveland (Council on American-Islamic
Political Polarization
Tuesday, June 28 at 6:30—8:00 pm
Partisan animosity is on the rise and has had an impact on government and
political engagement. What social, economic and structural factors have
provided the impetus for this? Are there changes foreseen in the future that
might reverse this trend?
Thomas Sutton – Independent Political Analyst for WEWS NewsChannel 5;
Professor, Baldwin Wallace University
Altar Flower Donors Needed
There are two opportunities to
donate the altar flowers in the
coming weeks. July 10 and July 17 are
available. This is a wonderful way to
honor or memorialize a loved one.
You are welcome to take the
arrangement home with you after the
service, or our Angel Flower Ministry
will be happy to rearrange the flowers into smaller
arrangements and deliver them to fellow Federated
members who may need a bit of cheer.
Please contact Sue Mansour at 440.668.9399
or sueman@roadrunner.com if you are interested.
Urgent Need for Angel Visitors
We have a number of Federated Church members
who are homebound due to a variety of
circumstances. As Hamilton has called us to be
ministers to one another, we developed the Angel
Visitor Ministry.
To serve as an Angel Visitor we simply ask that you
connect with one of these “homebound” members
who might enjoy a visit from a friendly member of
Christ’s community. Visits can be set up on a
weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedule with your
AV recipient. The AV is only there for comfort,
socialization, and communication, not taking on
errands or physical care giving.
If any of you are willing to
serve God’s people of
Federated in this
compassionate ministry of
Angel Visitors, please contact
Jeri Shaffer at
216.570.2233 or by email at
And Why Not?
(This Old House Church)
Refinishing Family Life Center Doors
It has been our practice at Federated to
maintain our properties with funds from the
operating budget. We, the members of the
Properties Committee, would like to see
some of that budget money stay within the
missions of our church. To do this, we need
your help.
The first project we
would like to tackle
is refinishing the
front doors at the
Family Life Center.
We would like to
get this completed by fall.
We can make this a “This Old Church”
learning experience, so if you have ever
wanted to know how wood refinishing is
done, now is your chance! Two professional
woodworkers have volunteered to work
through this project and they will teach you
how it’s done. We need eight people to make
this a quick event, removing the existing
finish and top-coating in one or two days.
The more people we have the faster we
complete the task. We already have three
members ready to go.
So think: who could you ask to come along?
Everything you need will be provided: tools,
materials, fellowship… and pizza! You’ll meet
new friends and help the church!
Contact Paul Koepf at 216.410.2101 or
paullkoepf@gmail.com to express interest or
with any questions. Dates and times for the
project will be decided according to the
schedule of the volunteers.
Weekly Calendar
Activities in bold italics take place at the Family Life Center. Rentals, Scout and non-Church related community events are not listed.
SUNDAY June 19
FRIDAY June 24
10:00 am Family Worship
11:00 am Employment Connections
8:15 pm AA Sunday Open Hearth Mtg
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
12:00 pm
8:00 pm
MONDAY June 20
8:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
Spirit Walk & Roll
Monday Morning Miracles Mtg
primetime@fed Tai Chi
Stephen Ministry Interviews
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
1:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Spirit Walk & Roll
Yoga on the Labyrinth
Pastoral Care Mtg
primetime@fed Bridge
Changing Perceptions
Church Council Mtg
Fireside Big Book Study AA Mtg
Men’s Third Tuesday
Spirit Walk & Roll
Walking Through Grief—away
Friday Morning Bible Study
AA Friday Big Book Mtg
AA Chagrin Falls Friday Mtg
8:00 am
Gathering of Men
SUNDAY June 26
10:00 am Family Worship
11:00 am Employment Connections
8:15 pm AA Sunday Open Hearth Mtg
7:30 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Contemplative Prayer
Spirit Walk & Roll
Staff Prayer
Staff Mtg
Tender Loving Yoga
Twelve to One Women’s AA Mtg
Blossom on the Labyrinth
Reiki Clinic
Augustine Fellowship SLAA Mtg
Women on the Move AA Mtg
Al-Anon Beginners Mtg
Al-Anon Regular Mtg
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Spirit Walk & Roll
Men’s Discussion Group
primetime@fed Newsletter Prep
Ladies Prayer Group Mtg
Sit & Stitch
Al-Anon Women Mtg
There is a Solution Young Adult
Women AA Mtg
Going Deeper Youth Bible Study—away
“Like Us” on our Facebook Page
Instagram/Twitter: @FederatedChurch
FELLOWSHIP OF PRAYER Please include in your prayers this week….
Don and Kitty Anderson, 140 Pheasant Run Drive, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022, Dale and Janice Slavin,
10471 E. Cobblestone Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087, and Cassie and Marie Palisky, 20 Bellview
Street, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022, on the death of Dawn Palisky, mother, daughter and sister,
on June 16.
Dawn and Bob Herdman, 6293 Morning Glory Circle, Solon, OH 44139, on the death of Dawn’s
father, Norman Tatsapaugh.
Silvia Kenneweg, 5665 Grace Woods Drive, Unit 308, Willoughby, OH 44094, who is hospitalized at
Ahuja with a fractured leg.
Chuck King, 7510 Chagrin Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, who is recovering at home following
Each month, the Mission & Service Commission is asking us to keep in prayer one of our church’s
mission partners. For June, please keep in prayer Colorado Kids and its scholarship fund.
The Fellowship of Prayer Note Writers for this week are:
Marge Cook, 440.338.5375; Gayle Bauer, Dave Bradford, Jody Halley, KC Henry, Janet Peters, Vivian
Platek, and Bobbie Walker.
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers this morning are given in loving memory of Lucille Spresser by her husband, Ralph,
and family.
Fellowship Treats
In the summer, congregants are invited to bring in Sunday treats to share after the service. Please set
your items right out on the food table in Fellowship Hall. When you leave, please take your
container and leftovers home with you. Ready-to-serve, finger foods only (there won’t be forks or
spoons) and please no nuts.
Congregational Care and volunteers will not be handling or cleaning up after coffee hour treats.
Thank you to everyone for helping out and keeping things tidy!
Photo Release Policy: Families and others in attendance
at a Federated Church function acknowledge that they
may be photographed and their image used in church
publications and/or promotional materials.
OHIO 44022
ph 440.247.6490
fax 440.247.2516