media data
media data
media data 2016 AUSTRIA GERMANY SWITZERLAND falstaff 1 EDITORIAL A TOP INVESTMENT – FOR PRECISE TARGET GROUP ADDRESSING DEAR MEDIA PLANNERS, W e are pleased to present to you the 2016 media data of the Falstaff publishing house! The Falstaff publishing house has grown considerably over the past year and now boasts a circulation of 131,350 printed magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland! Therefore we are delighted to announce that the group of Falstaff aficionados is growing constantly! No other medium can report a higher increase in its number of readers and higher awareness level than Falstaff. •Last year, the number of subscribers increased by a fantastic 14 %! •Within the target group with relevant affinity, there is an awareness level of nearly 85 %, and 65 % of ALL Austrians know the Falstaff brand! •In its first survey, the media analysis showed a coverage of 2 % (3.1 % in Vienna)! •Within one year only, the circulation in Germany has increased by 9 %. •And in Switzerland, the Falstaff magazine was a success both on the subscription market and at the newspaper stand. In the first quarter of 2015, Falstaff was ranked fourth among 28 top-selling magazines in the sphere of wine, travel and food. Wolfgang M. Rosam, Senior Editor MORE THAN HALF A MILLION READERS ARE READING FALSTAFF There is no other gourmet medium in this elite category with a circulation anywhere near that of Falstaff. This makes Falstaff also the most influential magazine for culinary lifestyle within German-speaking Europe, providing you as media planners and media budget investors with a unique opportunity to address a huge number of potential customers with your ad. By placing an advertisement in Falstaff, you are able to reach a very high percentage of readers who are top opinion leaders, belong to the highest income class and have a very high level of education. (These are all good reasons why Falstaff fits perfectly into any media plan!) Being THE gourmet and lifestyle magazine for a sophisticated target group, our magazine has by now become a collectors' item, due to its high-quality layout and top-quality journalism. Falstaff is found in living rooms and libraries, in restaurants and hotels – and is read and reread numerous times. This means that your »message« will not only be noticed several times but will be ever-present in the readers' mind. So let me invite you to discover the colourful world of Falstaff, trusting that you will soon start a partnership with Falstaff that will improve your business success. 131,350 copies Circulation in the German-speaking countries! We look forward to welcoming you! Photo: Ingo Pertramer Best regards, WOLFGANG M. ROSAM media data falstaff 1 falstaff media data / OVERVIEW THE WORLD OF /jul–aug 2015 GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN TEL AVIV DIE LÄSSIGE STADT ISRAELS BODENSEE HOTSPOTS AM UFER D’YQUEM DIE IKONE DES SÜSSWEINS BANGKOK PILZE SPITZENKÖCHE STREETFOOD & GEBEN TIPPS SPITZENLOKALE IM TREND KITCHEN-DINING FÜR GENIESSER AUFGEDECKT TISCHKULTUR IM GROSSEN STIL WEINVIERTEL JUNGE WINZER RÜCKEN NACH 4 194187 807500 DIE BESTEN WEINE, DIE TOP-RESTAURANTS 4 194187 807500 ÖSTERREICH-AUSGABE 04/2015 Die Bier-Revolution € 7, 5 0 W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT 4 191943 007501 05 Top 100 Wei 05 DIE BESTEN ÖSTERREICH-AUSGABE 06/2015 03 03 W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT P. B . B . G Z 0 2 Z 0 3 0 0 5 3 M ; F Ü H R I C H G A S S E 8 , 1 0 1 0 W I E N W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT 05 ter Bes n 02/ 2014 Tessin € 7, 5 0 ÖSTERREICH-AUSGABE 05/2015 Pre W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT DIE BESTEN WEINE, DIE BESTEN REZEPTE 07A/2015 Lust auf Sommer! ter Bes is 05 06 PREIS-LEISTUNGS-WEINE € 7, 5 0 W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT DESIGN TO EAT KUNSTWERKE AUF DEM TELLER STILSICHER SOFAS, KÜCHEN, HOMESTORY LAMPEN & CO FORNASETTI GANZ PRIVAT BEST OF DESIGN INSPIRATIONSQUELLE BÜRO P. B . B . G Z 0 2 Z 0 3 0 0 5 3 M ; F Ü H R I C H G A S S E 8 , 1 0 1 0 W I E N LONG WEEKEND BORDEAUX TOP-KULINARIK SO WIRD DER IN GENF JAHRGANG 2014 FEUER FREI GRILLEN MAL ANDERS SPECIAL /mai 2015 GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN FALSTAFF GUIDE DIE BESTEN HEURIGEN L I V I N G special SALZ EXOTISCHE SORTEN IM TREND /sep–okt 2015 /jun 2015 WEINGUIDE DIE SIEGER ÖSTERREICHS L I V I N G SPECIAL Magazines Specials GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN SAMT UND FARBE DIE RENAISSANCE DER COSINESS LANDLUST LEBENSSTIL EN NATURE MOST WANTED MASSKUNST FÜR TRENDSETTER Licht und Design DESIGNER MIT KLASSE CUCINELLI & SANTONI IM EXKLUSIV-TALK MANN KOCHT REZEPTE FÜR GOURMETS AUF DIE HARTE TOUR TOP-GADGETS & TOYS FOR BOYS WIE DEKORATIVE LAMPEN UND MÖBEL STIMMUNG MACHEN Chices Feuer COOLE FEUERPLÄTZE & KAMINE MACHEN LUST AUF WINTER Cooler Mann A L L ES, WAS G E N I ESSE R W I R KL I C H B R AU C H E N fL_A_0214_Cover_KR.indd 1 4 194187 807500 MAN’S WORLD 01.10.14 16:35 06 NEUE TRENDS UND SORTEN EROBERN DIE WELT 4 191943 007501 € 7, 5 0 ÖSTERREICH-AUSGABE 03/2015 W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT 194187 807500 807500 44 194187 03 4 194187 807500 4 194187 807500 2 falstaff falstaff ROTWEIN GUIDE 2016/17 falstaff media data 3400 aktuelle Weine 400 Bezugsquellen falstaff falstaff CAF É GU I DE falstaff RESTAU RA NT GU ID E BAR- & SPIRITS GUIDE ÖSTERREICHS BESTE HEURIGEN UND BUSCHENSCHANKEN 2016 ÖSTERREICHS BESTE KAFFEEBETRIEBE 2017 Gäste bewerten die 452 besten Heurigen und Buschenschanken (in Wien, Niederösterreich, in der Steiermark und im Burgenland). Die 500 besten Kaffeebetriebe des Landes. Bewertet von Gästen und Insidern. ÖSTERREICHS BESTE RESTAURANTS ÖSTERREICH 2017 Der Jahrgang 2014 im Test Zweigelt Grand Prix 2016 Falstaff Reserve Trophy 2016 Gäste bewerten die besten 1700 Restaurants des Landes. In allen Kategorien. Mit neuen Geheimtipps. DIE BESTEN BARS IN ÖSTERREICH, DEUTSCHLAND UND DER SCHWEIZ 2017 Die 450 besten Bars, bewertet von Gästen und Insidern. 400 Spirituosen und 45 Craft Beers im Test. Photo: Shutterstock ÖSTERREICH/SÜDTIROL falstaff falstaff 2017 falstaff HEURIGEN & BUSCHENSCHANK GUIDE WEIN GUIDE ÖSTERREICHS 1500 BESTE ROTWEINE • VERKOSTET • BEWERTET • BESCHRIEBEN ÖSTERREICHS BESTE WEINGÜTER • VERKOSTET • BEWERTET • EINKAUFSTIPPS Guides Falstaff Digital Events media data falstaff 3 30,000 media data / OVERVIEW THE LARGEST GOURMETS at more than 100 events per year 90,000 GOURMET DOWNLOADS of the Falstaff apps COMMUNITY IN D-A-CH Circulation in Germany 58,350 Circulation in Austria 45,000 42,000 FACEBOOK friends Circulation in Switzerland 28,000 70,000 131.350 COPIES 4 falstaff media data Photo: Shutterstock TOTAL CIRCULATION NEWSLETTER subscribers 16,000 MEMBERS of the Gourmet Club Austria media data falstaff 5 media data / THE MAGAZINE FALSTAFF AUSTRIA » 2016 publication dates 12 February 18 March 22April 25 May » Readership 8 July 2September 7October 25 November 199,000 regular readers 612,000 readers within the extended audience 30,200 subscribers (+ 14 % compared to the previous year!) 16,000 Gourmet Club members » Circulation: 45,000 copies » Coverage (MA 2014/15) 2.0 % in Austria 3.1 % in Vienna 4.8 % in the top income category » Awareness 84 % in the target group with relevant affinity 65 % brand awareness throughout Austria » Sociodemographic details 56.1 % men 43.9 % women 47 % live in Vienna and Lower Austria 62.9 % in places with more than 5000 inhabitants 58.9 % in the top income categories (27.4 % with an individual income of at least € 2,200/month and 31.5% with a net household income of at least € 3,300/month) Photo: Shutterstock 41.2 % with university/technical college degree or secondary school education completed 6 falstaff media data » Reading behaviour 61 % keep the magazine 174 minutes average duration of reading media data falstaff 7 media data / THE MAGAZINE » Publication dates 2016 FALSTAFF GERMANY 17 February 23 March 27April 1 June 13 July 7September 12October 30 November » Falstaff readers are … * WEALTHY Falstaff readers have an average net household income of about € 6,000. » Circulation: 58,350 copies HIGHLY EDUCATED About 60 % of the readers have obtained a university degree. DECISION-MAKERS More than 60 % of those surveyed have senior positions. OPEN FOR LUXURY AND PLEASURE Top affinity for gourmet/lifestyle topics SATISFIED More than 90 % of the Falstaff readers rate the magazine as »good / very good«. » Most intense use! Photo: Shutterstock | Source: readers' survey: summer 2015 * 8 falstaff media data Falstaff readers peruse their magazines for almost three hours on average – every fifth reader also for professional reasons. ADDITIONAL READERS 2.4 readers per issue. HIGH CONTACT PROBABILITY Two thirds of the Falstaff readers read all pages. * Source: 2015 readers' survey media data falstaff 9 media data / THE MAGAZINE » Publication dates 2016 FALSTAFF SWITZERLAND 18 February 24 March 28April 2 June 14 July 8September 13October 1 December » General » Circulation: 28,000 copies since November 2014 available in Switzerland 8 issues per year Topics: wine, culinary culture and travelling for the Swiss market » Milestones In the first quarter of 2015, Falstaff was ranked fourth in the sphere of wine, travel and food. 6,000 subscribers Photo: Shutterstock Circulation: subscribers, newspaper stands, wine & spirits merchants, partners (airport lounges, restaurants, hotels, wine shops) 10 falstaff media data media data falstaff 11 media data / THE MAGAZINE Falstaff stands for wine, culinary culture, lifestyle and gourmet tours. A high-end magazine boasting top-quality journalism and special requirements in terms of style, aesthetics and design. LIFESTYLE & LUXURY People who are partial to culinary delights usually also have a predilection for other beautiful things in life. Therefore, in our magazine we also report on outstanding design, stylish living and cooking – everything that is part of the lifestyle of modern connoisseurs. icons icons / M A S E R AT I D JAHRE … as Schicksalsjahr 1914: Mit der Kriegserklärung Österreich-Ungarns an Serbien begann der Erste Weltkrieg. Der Panama-Kanal wurde eröffnet. In den USA führte die Ford Motor Company den Acht-StundenArbeitstag ein. Und im September wurde durch die Schlacht von Lemberg das Ende der Habsburgermonarchie eingeleitet. Unbeeindruckt von all dem gründeten im selben Jahr, exakt am 1. Dezember 1914, drei Italiener in einer ehemaligen Flaschenfabrik im norditalienischen Bologna eine kleine Werkstatt für Rennwagen namens »Società Anonima Officine Alfieri Maserati«. Die Geburtsstunde einer Automobillegende. Ohne es zu ahnen, setzten die Brüder Alfieri, Ettore und Ernesto Maserati zu diesem Zeitpunkt den Grundstein für eine heute 100-jährige Automarke, deren Geschichte im Rückblick wie eine verschlungene Achterbahn erscheint. Ein stetiges Auf und Ab, bereichert durch genialen Erfindergeist, getrieben von der Sucht nach Ruhm und Geschwindigkeit, zurückgeworfen durch laufend wechselnde 138 FA LSTA F F PR ÄS E N TIE RT IN J E D E R AU S GA B E STILIKO N E N AU S A LLE N B E R E IC H E N D ES LIF ESTY LES . Maserati Alfieri Im März dieses Jahres präsentierte Maserati am Genfer Autosalon den Alfieri, ein Concept-Car, mit dem das hundertjährige Jubiläum der Marke gefeiert wird . . . und kein bisschen leise. Die italienische Automobil-Ikone Maserati feiert ihren 100. Geburtstag – und ist so erfolgreich wie noch nie. Eine Vergangenheit mit viel Sound und Seele. Eigentümer und leere Kassen. Nicht selten erschien Maserati in den 100 Jahren als eine Mischung aus Überholspur und Sackgasse. Heute steht die Marke jedoch besser da denn je. In den USA ist Maserati derzeit das am schnellsten wachsende Automobilunternehmen. Zweitgrößter Absatzmarkt: China. Auch in Europa zog der Verkauf kräftig an – zuletzt um 133 Prozent. Angesichts von mehr als 23.000 Bestellungen weltweit läuft die Produktion wie nie zuvor auf Hochtouren. Doch blicken wir noch einmal zurück zu den Anfängen. 1926 präsentierten die begabten Maserati-Brüder ihren ersten Rennwagen: den Tipo 26, mit dem Maserati prompt das legendäre Targa-Florio-Rennen auf Sizilien gewann. Für dieses Geschoss auf vier Rädern kreierte Mario Maserati, ein Maler und damit der einzige der Maserati-Brüder, der nichts mit Motoren am Hut hatte, den einprägsamen Dreizack – noch heute das offizielle Maserati-Logo. 1929 stellte die damals schon für Aufsehen sorgende Wagenschmiede mit einem 16-ZylinderBoliden den Geschwindigkeitsweltrekord auf – mit zu dieser Zeit sensationellen 246 km/h. Anfang der 30er-Jahre wechselte die Rennfahrer-Legende Tazio Nuvolari von Ferrari > Maserati 4CLT, Baujahr 1948 Juan Manuel Fangio, Alberto Ascari, Luigi Villoresi und Toulo de Graffenried feierten damit unzählige Rennerfolge TEXT H E R B E RT H AC K E R Fotos: Maserati CULINARY LIFESTYLE falstaff dez–feb 2015 dez–feb 2015 falstaff 139 WINE & CULINARY ART wein / W Ü R T T E M B E R G – TROLLINGER A SCHWÄBISCHE CHARAKTERFRAGE lle ziehen und zerren am Trollinger, und wenn es um seinen Ruf geht, dann knirscht es. »Ständig wird der Trollinger madig gemacht«, klagt der Winzer Jürgen Zipf. Selbst Lob werde dazu genutzt, dem schwäbischsten aller Weine noch einen Seitenhieb zu versetzen. Zipf weiß, wovon er spricht: Er hegt die verkannte Rebe in den Löwensteiner Bergen im nördlichen Württemberg auf beinahe 400 Metern Höhe in der Steillage. Seit 15 Jahren hat Zipf dem Trollinger eine Qualitätskur verordnet. Er hat den Ertrag drastisch auf ein Drittel der Menge, die sein Vater aus den Weinbergen geholt hat, reduziert. Den Most lässt er auf der Maische vergären und baut den Wein im Württembergs hellroter Brot-und-Butter-Wein Trollinger gilt als farbloser Schwächling. Doch es gibt ihn, den Trollinger mit Stil und Anspruch. Falstaff hat sich auf die Suche gemacht. T EX T R A I N E R S CHÄFE R großen Holzfass und im gebrauchten Barrique aus. Doch für das Ergebnis erzielt er gerade mal 6,50 Euro. Zipf, 40, hat großen Erfolg mit Weinen, denen ein besseres Image anhaftet. Trotzdem will er am Trollinger und an der Plackerei im Steilhang festhalten, das ist für ihn eine Charakterfrage: Trollinger ist auch ein Stück heimische Kultur. In keinem anderen Wein spiegelt sich die schwäbische Befindlichkeit so sehr wie im Trollinger. Was passiert, wenn man das regionale Heiligtum infrage stellt, davon weiß der Stuttgarter Weinhändler Bernd Kreis zu erzählen: Im Landtag von Baden-Württemberg hat er vor rund 15 Jahren empfohlen, Trollinger aus den besten Lagen zu verbannen und durch edlere Reben wie Riesling oder Spät- burgunder zu ersetzen. Kreis war damals Sommelier von internationalem Ruf, und jener Trollinger, dem Kreis keine Perspektive einräumte, war ein leichtes Getränk von zaghafter Farbe und dem süßlichen Geschmack von Erdbeermarmelade. »Man hat den Trollinger durch die Maischeerhitzung kaputt gemacht«, sagt Gert Aldinger, Spitzenwinzer und Vorsitzender des VDP (Verband Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter) Württemberg. »Er hat geschmeckt wie verkochtes Gsälz.« Trotzdem waren diese Bonbon-Trollinger die Volksdroge Nummer eins. An den Stammtischen schlotzte ein geübter Trinker abends aus dem Henkelglas mühelos sechs Viertele der Schwabenmilch weg, auch um das zur Skepsis und Melancholie > ABOUT FALSTAFF Morgendämmerung für Württembergs Trollinger 28 falstaff 06 / 14 Sir John Falstaff, a man particularly fond of drinking and eating, first appeared in plays by Shakespeare and later on also in comic operas composed by Giuseppe Verdi and Antonio Salieri. Falstaff was a sensuous man who enjoyed life to the max – and is therefore the ideal person to name a gourmet magazine after him. Foto: Mauritius Fine wines, excellent food, spectacular trips: these are the topics served by Falstaff on the highest level – elegantly wrapped, stylishly designed and expertly written by renowned authors of the international gourmet scene as well as by committed wine-loving journalists. 06 / 14 falstaff 29 Falstaff is the leading German-language magazine for culinary pleasure, wine, food and travel that is published eight times a year with individual country issues for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. TRAVEL & CULINARY PLEASURE 12 falstaff media data In addition to the gourmet magazine, the Falstaff publishing house also produces renowned wine and restaurant guides. Photo: Shutterstock Falstaff takes you to culinary hotspots all over the world. Detailed portraits of cities and regions provide qualified recommendations on all gastronomic and cultural highlights near and far. The gourmet database on Falstaff's websites provides valuable information for gourmets including more than 45,000 wines, 3900 restaurants, 1300 hotels, 450 wine stores and more than 1000 producers of culinary delights. offers current news and well-founded information from the world of culinary lifestyle on a daily basis. media data falstaff 13 media data / LINE EXTENSIONS FALSTAFF IS SPECIAL & INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL: HOMESTORY FORNASETTI GANZ PRIVAT MOST WANTED MASSKUNST FÜR TRENDSETTER 14 falstaff media data MANN KOCHT REZEPTE FÜR GOURMETS SAMT UND FARBE DIE RENAISSANCE DER COSINESS LANDLUST LEBENSSTIL EN NATURE AUF DIE HARTE TOUR TOP-GADGETS & TOYS FOR BOYS DESIGNER MIT KLASSE CUCINELLI & SANTONI IM EXKLUSIV-TALK GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN Cooler Mann Licht und Design WIE DEKORATIVE LAMPEN UND MÖBEL STIMMUNG MACHEN • REZEPTE A LLES , WAS G ENIESS ER W BEWERTUNGEN IRKLICH B RAU CH EN• TIPPS SPEZIAL GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN STADT SALZBURG FESTSPIELE, TRACHTEN UND KULINARIK FLACHGAU FISCHE, SEEN UND KRÄUTER TENNENGAU KELTEN, SALZ UND SKITOUREN S A L Z B U R G E R L A N D PONGAU WILD, THERMEN UND WANDERN PINZGAU KASNOCKN UND RINDER LUNGAU DELIKATESSEN UND NATUR SalzburgerLand GENIESSEN WEIN ESSEN REISEN TRAUMREGIONEN, KULTUR, VIA CULINARIA ÖSTERREICH/DEUTSCHLAND € 8,50; SCHWEIZ CHF 9,50 W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT 9 783902 660398 Foto: ARGE Heumilch document4213813812722279447.indd 1 Photo: Shutterstock W W W. FA L S TA F F. AT » Aperitif booklet » Cheese booklet 07A/2015 Salzburg issue P. B . B . G Z 0 2 Z 0 3 0 0 5 3 M ; F Ü H R I C H G A S S E 8 , 1 0 1 0 W I E N » Falstaff Special MAN’S WORLD S O N D E R A U S G A B E DESIGN TO EAT KUNSTWERKE AUF DEM TELLER INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL SPECIAL » Falstaff Living (2x) » Falstaff Man’s World L I V I N G Käsefibel 05.03.15 10:01 Aperitivo! DIE ITALIENISCHE KUNST DES APERITIFS media data falstaff 15 media data / BELOW THE LINE BELOW THE LINE Events FALSTAFF GOURMET CLUB – A USP LIKE NO OTHER! THE FALSTAFF EVENTS – GOURMET EVENTS IN THE GERMAN-SPEAKING COUNTRIES 16,000 Gourmet Club members with a supreme interest in wine, culinary art and upscale lifestyle. The Falstaff Gourmet Club offers unique events, e.g.: Falstaff offers you customer events fully customised to your company in terms of concept, organisation and implementation. Falstaff also hosts its own events: gala events that are hard to beat in terms of festive ambience, top-class food, first-rate drinks and exclusiveness. » Caviar Harvest » Cognac Workshop » Winemaker's Dinner » Falstaff Red Wine Gala held at the Vienna Hofburg with some 1800 guests » Falstaff Champagne Galas held in Vienna, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Berlin, with a total of about 2200 guests with renowned winemakers such as Angelo Gaja or Marchese Antinori, for instance » Falstaff Bar & Spirits Gala » Porsche Gourmet Tour held at the Vienna Hofburg with some 1000 guests Photo: Shutterstock to Austria's most beautiful wine-growing regions 16 falstaff media data media data falstaff 17 media data / DATES OF PUBLICATION ALL DATES OF PUBLICATION 2016 Magazine Austria Magazine Germany Magazine Switzerland Issue CLD COD DP Name AS DU ET 17 February feb–mar 3. 2. 4. 2. 19 February Living Spring 3. 3. 4. 3. 18 March 7. 3. 23 March mar–apr 9. 3. 10. 3. 25 March Living Summer 11. 5. 12. 5. 25 May 8. 4. 11. 4. 27 April apr–may 13. 4. 14. 4. 29 April Living Autumn 18. 8. 19. 8. 2 September jun–jul 12. 5. 13. 5. 1 June jun–jul 17. 5. 18. 5. 3 June Man’s World 19. 10. 20. 10. 4 November 8 July jul–aug 24. 6. 27. 6. 13 July jul–aug 29. 6. 30. 6. 15 July Living Winter 10. 11. 18. 8. 2 September sep–oct 19. 8. 22. 8. 7 September sep–oct 24. 8. 25. 8. 9 September 21. 9. 22. 9. 7 October oct–nov 23. 9. 26. 9. 12 October oct–nov 28. 9. 29. 9. 14 October 9. 11. 10. 11. 25 November dec–feb 11. 11. 14. 11. 30 November dec–feb 16. 11. 17. 11. 2 December Issue CLD COD DP 12 February feb–mar 29. 1. 1. 2. 3. 3. 18 March mar–apr 4. 3. 6. 4. 7. 4. 22 April apr–may jun–jul 6. 5. 9. 5. 25 May jul–aug 22. 6. 23. 6. sep–oct 17. 8. oct–nov dec–feb Output CLD COD DP feb–mar 27. 1. 28. 1. mar–apr 2. 3. apr–may Guides Austria 11. 11. 25 November Guides Germany Name Output CLD COD DP Name Issue CLD COD Restaurant Guide Austria 2016 22. 2. 26. 2. 17 March Inn Guide Germany 2016 11. 8. 16. 8. 7 September 2016/17 28. 4. 2. 5. 20 May Wine Guide Germany 2017 26. 10. 1. 11. 28 November 2016 2. 5. 6. 5. 25 May Bars & Spirits Guide Germany 2017 28. 10. 31. 10. 30 November 2016/17 25. 5. 30. 5. 25 June Salzburg Festival Guide 2016 23. 6. 29. 6. 15 July Coffee Guide 2017 1. 9. 6. 9. 23 September Bars & Spirits Guide 2017 6. 10. Red Wine Guide Austria 2017 4. 11. Heurigen & Buschenschank Guide Wine Guide Austria falstaff media data 10. 10. 28 October 9. 11. 24 November DP Specials Germany Photo: Shutterstock Ultimate Wine Guide 18 Specials Austria Name CLD COD DP ProWein 2016 2. 3. 3. 3. 10 March Living Autumn 23. 9. 26. 9. 12 October Key: CLD = closing date, COD = copy date, DP = date of publication The dates of publication and the respective copy date are subject to modification. media data falstaff 19 media data / LIST OF TOPICS LIST OF TOPICS 2016 Vodka: a high-proof drink to enjoy! Salmon & curry: the finest fish and a spicy speciality. South Africa: top wines! Falstaff feb–mar 2016 Falstaff mar–apr 2016 Falstaff jul–aug 2016 Falstaff sep–oct 2016 A: DP: 12. 2. | CLD: 27. 1. D: DP: 17. 2. | CLD: 29. 1. CH: DP: 19. 2. | CLD: 3. 2. A: DP: 18. 3. | CLD: 2. 3. D: DP: 23. 3. | CLD: 4. 3. CH: DP: 25. 3. | CLD: 9. 3. A: DP: 8. 7. | CLD: 22. 6. D: DP: 13. 7. | CLD: 24. 6. CH: DP: 15. 7. | CLD: 29. 6. A: DP: 2. 9. | CLD: 17. 8. D: DP: 7. 9. | CLD: 19. 8. CH: DP: 9. 9. | CLD: 24. 8. Wine: Wine: Primitivo; Zinfandel; Vienna; South Tyrol; Chasselas Wine: Wine: Gourmet: Spirits: Travel: South Africa; Austria's best red wines; Pinot noir wines pepper, food processors the world's greatest classic cocktails; signature drinks; champagne cocktails South Africa; Berlin Gourmet: Spirits: Travel: Veltliner conquers the world; El Bierzo; Neuenburg curry; salmon; craft beer & cheese Cuban cigars; Kitchen trends: blenders Gourmet: Spirits: white rum Travel: Wachau; Cuba; Lisbon; river cruises barbecue; crayfish; pasta bowles; cask-aged fruit brandies Vienna; South Korea; Dresden Gourmet: Spirits: Travel: 100 wines with the best price/performance ratio; Lemberger Württemberg cheese; venison; cigars (tbd.); fully automated coffee machines liquor wines; vodka Canada/NY State; Dordogne; Mallorca Falstaff apr–may 2016 Falstaff jun–jul 2016 Falstaff oct–nov 2016 Falstaff dec–feb 2016/17 A: DP: 22. 4. | CLD: 6. 4. D: DP: 27. 4. | CLD: 8. 4. CH: DP: 29. 4. | CLD: 13. 4. A: DP: 25. 5. | CLD: 6. 5. D: DP: 1. 6. | CLD: 12. 5. CH: DP: 3. 6. | CLD: 17. 5. A: DP: 7. 10. | CLD: 21. 9. D: DP: 12. 10. | CLD: 23. 9. CH: DP: 14. 10. | CLD: 28. 9. A: DP: 25. 11. | CLD: 9. 11. D: DP: 30. 11. | CLD: 11. 11. CH: DP: 2. 12. | CLD: 16. 11. Wine: Wine: Wine: Wine: Spirits: Travel: Palatinate; Croatia; Müller-Thurgau dry aged pork; rice trends: food slicers, climate cabinets for wines whisky Gourmet: Palatinate; Croatia; Lucerne Travel: falstaff media data Spirits: tri-border region: Basel – Strasbourg – Baden; Sicily; Rhine Hesse pasta; beef; rabbits; exotic vegetables punch; Jack Daniels Sicily; New York, Strasbourg Pictures: Shutterstock Gourmet: 20 Singapore: hotspots in the city! Gourmet: Spirits: Travel: Beaujolais; Zweigelt the best sausages; Japan; The world's best knives: Japan vs. Germany sake; Japanese whisky Japan; Lyon; Scotland Gourmet: Spirits: Travel: champagnes; Australia; Falstaff Wine Guide Germany 2017; Spätlese or Auslese wines stew pots; Christmas roast brandies; Cognac vs. Armagnac Singapore; Australia media data falstaff 21 media data / PRICES & FORMATS ADVERTISING WITHOUT WASTAGE 2/1 1/1 STAGGERED DISCOUNTS 2 issues 4 issues 6 issues 8 issues 1/1+ 3% 5% 7% 10 % That's the price of precise target group addressing 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/2 1/3 1/4 VERTICAL VERTICAL VERTICAL 114 x 300 mm bled off 97.5 x 268 mm type area 81 x 300 mm bled off 60.3 x 268 mm type area 64 x 300 mm bled off 48 x 268 mm type area 1/2 1/3 1/4 2/1 double page 1/1 single page 1/1 advertorial 466 x 300 mm bled off 233 x 300 mm bled off 233 x 300 mm bled off HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL 203 x 268 mm type area 233 x 148 mm bled off 203 x 132 mm type area 233 x 96 mm bled off 203 x 80 mm type area 233 x 74.5 mm bled off 203 x 58.5 mm type area In case of gutter bleed approx. 3 mm gutter doubling per page Austria: Germany: Switzerland: 22 falstaff media data € 11,500 €16,150 CHF12,800 203 x 268 mm type area Austria: Germany: Switzerland: Prices include graphic design and texts. € 7,700 €9,990 CHF8,000 Austria: Germany: Switzerland: € 8,700 €12,000 CHF9,000 Photo: Shutterstock 436 x 268 mm type area Austria: Germany: Switzerland: € 4,750 €5,750 CHF4,880 Austria: Germany: Switzerland: € 3,250 €4,220 CHF3,360 Austria: Germany: Switzerland: €2,500 €3,250 CHF2,560 media data falstaff 23 media data / PRICES & FORMATS OUR AD SPECIALS Premium positions U2 Page 3 U2 Austria: Germany: Switzerland: 24 falstaff media data A: € 5,800 G: € 6,960 CH: CHF 5,700 First left page First right page Second left page Second right page € 11,750 A: € 8,350 A: € 8,700 € 17,045 G: € 10,700 G: € 11,100 CHF 12,900 CH: CHF 8,200 CH: CHF 8,500 First 1/3 page A: € 3,850 G: € 5,120 CH: CHF 3,900 First 1/4 page A: € 2,700 G: € 4,000 CH: CHF 2,700 Stickers Inserts Card position U3 € 8,650 A: € 9,100 € 12,250 A: € 11,100 G: € 11,700 € 18,135 G: CHF 13,100 CH: CHF 8,500 CH: CHF 8,800 Second 2/1 after OS Austria: Germany: Switzerland: A: € 9,700 G: € 13,850 CH: CHF 9,600 € 14,100 A: € 9,100 A: € 8,600 € 20,175 G: € 10,900 G: € 10,900 CHF 14,300 CH: CHF 8,600 CH: CHF 8,600 First 2/1 after OS Austria: Germany: Switzerland: U4 First 1/2 page 1/2 page full-length horizontal Tip-on cards two-sided Inserts/pull-out supplements up to 20 g 466 x 148 mm bled off Format: 60 x 80 mm to 200 x 200 mm Austria: € 325/1000 copies 436 x 132 mm type area Paper weight: 115 g/m2 to 250 g/m2 Austria: Germany: Switzerland: Photo: Shutterstock 1/1 Panorama € 10,650 € 12,650 CHF 9,900 Combinations, banderoles, punches upon request Positioning: Position to page jump and min. 2 cm distance from margins Per 20 g excess weight € 17/1000 copies Germany: € 265/1000 copies Per 20 g excess weight € 17/1000 copies € 90/CHF 110 per 1000 copies Only in combination with 1/1 ad Switzerland: CHF 325/1000 copies Per 20 g excess weight CHF 18/1000 copies media data falstaff 25 Wine, restaurants or bars – ads in our guides yield an effect for one year at least! media data / FALSTAFF GUIDES WE PROUDLY PRESENT: FALSTAFF GUIDES Falstaff Wine Guide Austria 2016/17 The Falstaff Wine guide is the most widely recognised guide on the best winegrowers and wines of Austria and South Tyrol. It presents some 850 pages describing approx. 3000 current wines from 480 wine-growing estates – all of them tasted and appraised. Circulation: 30,000 copies Falstaff Red Wine Guide 2017 Summary of Austria's red wine landscape: some 1500 wines from approx. 500 prime wine-growing estates are described in detail and appraised in the Falstaff Red Wine Guide. Plus: »Best Buy« section with wines up to EUR 10. Circulation: 20,000 copies U4 Inside flap front Inside flap back U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front Inside flap back U2/U3 2/1 1/1 148 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 135 x 220 mm 296 x 220 mm 148 x 220 mm € 7,600 € 9,990 € 9,500 € 7,200 € 9,200 € 6,200 26 Falstaff Heurigen & Buschenschank Guide 2016 The best Heurigen & Buschenschanken [wine taverns] in Vienna, Lower Austria, Styria and Burgenland – rated by guests. Also available as app. Circulation: 50,000 copies Falstaff Wine Guide Germany 2017 The image of German wines is constantly improving internationally. Falstaff editorial staff taste and appraise the best wines. Circulation: 40,000 copies U4 Inside flap front* Inside flap back* U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front Inside flap back U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front* Inside flap back* U2/U3 2/1 1/1 € 5,600 € 8,600 € 8,200 € 5,000 € 7,900 € 4,200 98 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 90 x 210 mm 196 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 90 x 210 mm 196 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm € 8,300 €11,000 € 10,500 € 7,600 € 9,100 € 6,100 148 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 135 x 220 mm 296 x 220 mm 148 x 220 mm € 7,200 € 9,800 € 9,500 € 6,900 € 8,900 € 6,000 Circulation: 10,000 copies Falstaff Restaurant Guide 2016 Austria's best 1600 restaurants in all categories are chosen by the members of our Gourmet club. The Falstaff Restaurant Guide is available in a handy format and also as smartphone app. Circulation: 30,000 copies Falstaff Coffee Guide 2017 How do you make good coffee, and where can you buy the country's best coffee? The Falstaff Coffee Guide provides a good overview. Also available as app. Circulation: 70,000 copies Falstaff Inn Guide Germany 2017 The German Falstaff community selects the country's best inns – recommendations by guests for guests, described by Falstaff's editorial staff. Circulation: 50,000 copies U4 Inside flap front Inside flap back U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front* Inside flap back* U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front* Inside flap back* U2/U3 2/1 1/1 U4 Inside flap front* Inside flap back* U2/U3 2/1 1/1 falstaff media data 148 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 135 x 220 mm 296 x 220 mm 148 x 220 mm € 3,900 € 6,350 € 6,000 € 3,500 € 5,700 € 3,050 98 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 90 x 210 mm 196 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm € 9,100 €11,600 € 11,000 € 8,400 €10,600 € 7,200 Photo: Shutterstock Falstaff Ultimate Wine Guide 2016/17 The Falstaff Ultimate Wine Guide presents Austria's best wines at international level: a selection of the annual Falstaff Wine Guide including appraisals and descriptions of wines in English. 148 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 280 x 220 mm 135 x 220 mm 296 x 220 mm 148 x 220 mm € 6,200 € 7,900 € 7,600 € 5,100 € 7,200 € 4,100 Falstaff Bars & Spirits Guide 2017 This guide provides an overview of the hippest bars in Austria, Germany and Switzerland as well as of premium spirits from all over the world. Circulation AT: 40,000 copies Circulation DE: 40,000 copies price AT/ DE U4 98 x 210 mm € 7,200/€ 7,200 Inside flap front* 188 x 210 mm € 9,400/€ 9,800 Inside flap back* 188 x 210 mm € 8,900/€ 9,300 U2/U3 90 x 210 mm € 6,800/€ 6,900 2/1 196 x 210 mm € 8,990/€ 8,900 1/1 98 x 210 mm € 5,990/€ 6,000 Falstaff Salzburg Festival Guide 2016 The best restaurants of the city of Salzburg and its environs are presented in two languages – German and English – including tips from prominent festival guests. Circulation: 40,000 copies 98 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 90 x 210 mm 196 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm * Min. safety distance from gutter: 10 mm € 8,200 €10,900 € 10,400 € 7,500 € 9,900 € 6,800 98 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 188 x 210 mm 90 x 210 mm 196 x 210 mm 98 x 210 mm € 7,200 € 9,800 € 9,500 € 6,900 € 8,900 € 6,000 media data falstaff 27 media data / N E W ME DI A THE GREAT RELAUNCH FALSTAFF DIGITAL New from January 2016: This target group is unique: Contemporary, optimised de- Highest vocational training completed: sign for all terminals, from University/technical college 38 % Higher education entrance qualification 25 % – combined with enhanced Vocational secondary school 22 % user experience. Discover the Apprenticeship training 13 % new world of Falstaff Digital: Minimum compulsory schooling 2% smartphones to desktop PCs now with new high-impact »High level of education, high income and high affinity for pleasure.« Net income per capita: advertising options. 2,001 to 3,000 € 32 % 3,001 to 4,000 € 20 % 1,001 to 2,000 € 20 % over 5,000 € 15 % 4,001 to 5,000 € 10 % below 1,000 € 5% Age: 36 % 40 to 49 years 26 % 30 to 39 years 15 % 60 to 69 years 14 % 20 to 29 years 6% 70 or above 3% younger than 20 years 1% Photo: Shutterstock 50 to 59 years 28 falstaff media data media data falstaff 29 media data / NEW MEDIA Your advertisement in our editorial look & feel: OUR SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BRAND COMMUNICATION 3 1 5 2 4 desktop/tablet PC Name Dimensions (w x h in pixels) CPM AT Super banner XL 960 x 100 1 Site bar (upon request) 2 3 4 CPM DE CPM CH € 29.– € 29.– CHF 30.– 300 x 600 € 55.– € 55.– CHF 60.– Half page ad 300 x 600 € 49.– € 49.– CHF 50.– Billboard 960 x 250 € 55.– € 55.– CHF 60.– Medium rectangle 300 x 250 € 39.– € 39.– CHF 40.– 728 x 90 € 29.– € 29.– CHF 30.– full screen € 65.– € 65.– CHF 70.– 960-990 x 250 € 79.– € 79.– CHF 85.– Fireplace + Billboard + background colour € 135.– € 135.– CHF 145.– Leader board/super banner Interstitial Fireplace (desktop only) 5 Full site branding Native advertising Our team is happy to provide you with details – to name but a few examples: AT DE CH DACH € 1,090.– € 1,090.– CHF 1,100.– € 2,590.– + Image gallery (max. 20 pictures) € 500.– € 500.– CHF 500.– €1,250.– + Raffle incl. quiz € 800.– € 800.– CHF 800.– € 1,920.– € 1,290.– € 1,290.– CHF 1,400.– € 2,990.– Advertorial Special formats HTML5, possible upon request + Newsletter entry Mobile Dimensions (w x h in pixels) CPM AT full screen MMA banner MMA banner sticky Interstitial 30 falstaff media data CPM DE CPM CH € 65.– € 65.– CHF 70.– 320 x 50 € 25.– € 25.– CHF 27.– 320 x 50 € 35.– € 35.– CHF 38.– Photo: Shutterstock Name Special topics (= several advertorials with own landing page) upon request Falstaff apps Welcome to the Falstaff app family. Price/month Price/year Interstitial € 790.– € 8,000.– Mobile header board € 390.– € 4,000.– For further information please visit: media data falstaff 31 media data / LEGAL NOTICE & SPECIFICATIONS IMPRINT Senior Editors Wolfgang Rosam, Angelika Rosam Managing Directors Falstaff Austria Mag. Elisabeth Kamper, Wolfgang Rosam, Mag. Michaela Cholewa Managing Directors Falstaff Germany Mag. Alexandra Hajek, Wolfgang Rosam Managing Director Falstaff Switzerland Wolfgang Rosam Ad contacts Austria: T: +43 1 9042141-418, e-mail: Germany: T: +49 211 9666299-0, e-mail: Switzerland: T: +41 44 2581357, e-mail: France: T: +33 1 53059401, e-mail: Spain: T: +34 91 3203770, e-mail: Benelux: T: +32 2 3434371, Price per copy/subscription price Austria: € 8.50/€ 54.– incl. dispatch and VAT Germany: € 8.50/€ 59.– incl. dispatch and VAT Switzerland: CHF 9.50/CHF 65.– incl. dispatch and VAT Main areas of distribution Austria, Germany and Switzerland General Terms and Conditions The handling of orders shall be subject to the publisher's General Terms and Conditions (,, The prices indicated in these media data may be updated during the year. 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