uc doors - Bod`or KTM
uc doors - Bod`or KTM
INSIDE #2 0 1 5 UC DOORS Highlights, projects & innovations Come INSIDE WHAT’S INSIDE P.03 What’s INSIDE P.21 Villa Origami Mallorca P.05 At home P.27 Hausvogteiplatz Berlin P.46 Colofon Design by Jan des Bouvrie P.31 Bodor-KTM.com P.11 New industry Design by Ulrike Krages P.35 Renewed design for an icon Design by Eric Kuster P.15 The art of less P.40 The Jane Antwerp P.17 UC Doors P.19 Less is more P.42 Huys New York Design by Olivari Desing by Piet Boon Design by Piet Boon THE INTERIOR MAKES A HOUSE A HOME. STEP INTO THE WORLD OF BOD’OR AND DISCOVER WHAT A DIFFERENCE A BEAUTIFUL DOOR CAN MAKE. P.02 P.03 AT HOME Design by Jan des Bouvrie # UC DOORS - INVISIBLE DOORFRAMES # CUBE ESSENTIAL DOORS BY JAN DES BOUVRIE # SLIDING CEILING # SLIDING FLOOR P.04 P.05 P.06 P.07 Designer: Jan des Bouvrie www.jandesbouvrie.com P.08 P.09 NEW INDUSTRY Design by Ulrike Krages # NEW DOOR CONCEPT # DARK AND LIGHT # CONNECTION # GLASS P.010 P.011 Designer: Ulrike Krages www.ulrikekrages.de P.012 P.013 THE ART OF LESS # MINIMALISM # INSPIRATION # UC DOORS P.14 P.15 # SEAMLESS & INVISIBLE # NAHTLOS & UNSICHTBAR # SANS COUTURE & INVISIBLE # NAADLOOS & ONZICHTBAAR UC DOORS # INVISIBLE # STANDARD AND REVERSE DOORS P.16 P.17 LESS IS MORE # FLUSH DOORHANDLE # FLÄCHENBÜNDIGE DRÜCKERGARNITUREN # ROSACE AFFLEURANTE # ROZET VLAK IN HET DEURVLAK P.18 P.19 VILLA ORIGAMI MALLORCA # CUBE QL DOORS # CUBE QL DOORFRAMES # SLIDING CEILING P.20 P.21 P.22 P.23 Architect: Alejandro von Waberer Projectdevelopment: More Projects www.more-projects-mallorca.com P.24 P.25 HAUS VOGTEI PLATZ BERLIN # UC DOORS - INVISIBLE DOORFRAMES # CUBE QL DOORS # SLIDING CEILING P.26 P.27 Architect: NÄGELIARCHITEKTEN www.naegeliarchitekten.de Projectdevelopment: C&H City & Home GmbH www.city-and-home.de Wolterinck – model ‘Le Cadre un’ P.28 P.29 BODOR-KTM.COM # NEW # INSPIRATION # COMBINATIONS P.30 P.31 P.32 # PRODUCT INFORMATION # INSPIRATION # PRODUKTINFORMATIONEN # INSPIRATION # INFORMATION PRODUIT # INSPIRATION # PRODUCTINFORMATIE # INSPIRATIE P.33 RENEWED DESIGN FOR AN ICON Design by Eric Kuster # ALEXANDER - ROYAL PANEL INSIDE # ALEXANDER - ROYAL PANEL OUTSIDE P.34 P.35 THE IDEA P.36 IDEAS THE RESULT P.37 NEW IDEAS With forms from the past. Designer: Eric Kuster www.erickuster.com OUTSIDE 1P P.38 OUTSIDE 2P INSIDE 1P INSIDE 2P P.39 THE JANE ANTWERP Design by Piet Boon Designer: Piet Boon www.pietbbon.com Michelin-star chef Sergio Herman and chef Nick Bril created their “fine dining meets rock ’n roll” restaurant vision together with Studio Piet Boon in a mythical location in Antwerp; the chapel of a former military hospital. A high-end, contemporary restaurant with international allure where experience is key: The Jane. THEJANE.COM P.40 P.41 HUYS NEW YORK Design by Piet Boon With passion and expertise Studio Piet Boon created the epitome of refined sophistication and luxury in New York City. 58 luxurious and elegantly detailed condominiums, with ground-floor retail space. HUYS.COM P.42 P.43 Designer: Piet Boon www.pietbbon.com P.44 P.45 The Original. SALES INTERNATIONAL SHOWROOM PRODUCTION Bod’or KTM GmbH Benzstraße 17 D-46395 Bocholt (Germany) Bod’or KTM Broekstraat 1 Someren The Netherlands Bod’or KTM Manufaktur Bocholt - Germany T: +49 (0) 2871 21 45-0 www.bodor-ktm.com info@bodor-ktm.com P.46 COLOFON 2015 - Bod’or-KTM. All rights reserved. Reproduction, copying, usage, modifying, hiring, renting, public performance, Transmission and / or broadcasting in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of Bod’or-KTM. SPECIAL TANKS TO Jan des Bouvrie: Piet Boon: Eric Kuster: Ulrike Krages: Mallorca: Berlin: www.jandesbouvrie.nl www.pietboon.com www.erickuster.com www.ulrikekrages.de www.more-projects-mallorca.com www.naegeliarchitekten.de BKM2015-001 P.47 WWW.BODOR-KTM.COM