Music ICT - Dawsons Music
Music ICT - Dawsons Music
MUSIC EDUCATION 2012/2013 Catalogue Acoustic Guitars Apple Computers Apple Installations Apple Software Audio Visual Background Brass Bass Guitars & amplifiers Books and Wallcharts Cables and Connectors Cellos & Basses Clarinets & Bass Clarinets Classical Guitars Classroom Accessories Computer Furniture Digital Drum Kits Digital Pianos DJ Equipment Double Reed Instruments Drum Kits Effects and Outboard Electric Guitars Electric String Instruments Flugel Horns & French Horns Flutes & Clarinets Grand Pianos Guitar Amplifiers Guitar Effects Guitars and Amplifiers Handheld Percussion Handheld Recording Headphones Hifi Interactive Whiteboard Software iOS Controllers iOS Recording JamHub Key Stage 1, 2 & 3 Software Keyboard Amplifiers Keyboards and Pianos Latin American Percussion Lighting Microphones MIDI and Audio Interfaces MIDI Controllers Mixers Multitrack Recording Music ICT Orchestral Instruments Orchestral Percussion PA Components PA Systems Pattern-based Software PCs for Music Percussion Instruments Percussion Packs Percussion Storage Pianos Portable Video Recording Radio Microphones Recorders Recording Equipment Saxophones Score Software Sibelius Software Stage Pianos Steinberg Software Studio Monitor Speakers Synths Trombones Trumpets & Cornets Tuned Percussion Upright Pianos Violins & Violas World Percussion 73 88-91 110-111 108 145-158 32-33 78-79 160-174 176-177 36-37 27-28 72 175 96-97 65-66 14-17 104-106 27 63-64 137 74-75 37 30 25-26 21 76-77 82-83 71-85 49-53 122-123 130 155-157 174 103 124-125 80 119 12 5-22 60-62 154 131-133 98-100 101-103 134-136 126-127 87-120 23-42 38-39 148-149 146-147 114 94-95 43-70 55-56 54 14-21 123 152-153 24 121-144 28 118 116-117 10-11 112 128 9 33 29-30 44-47 18-20 34-35 57-59 See page 179 for a complete index listing. WELCOME to the latest Dawsons Music Education Catalogue Education continues to embrace the newest technologies, with iPads and other mobile devices being used with increasing frequency in all classrooms. Music is one of the key areas where tablets and even mobile phones can be used to enhance the learning experience. More and more apps are being developed for music, and with them peripherals and add-ons that give useful connectivity to musical instruments and microphones. With an increasing number of schools giving out mobile devices to their pupils, music teachers are keen to benefit as much as any other subject area. If you’d like some advice on the latest opportunities for mobile technology learning in music, do give us a call. We’re very excited about our new brand of stringed instruments, available from October. Called Allieri, they offer superb sound quality and reliability, and come set up and ready to play. Violins and violas will be followed in due course by cellos. If you’d like to try them out, simply email us and we’ll send you one to try. From only £52 they really are excellent value for money. We’ve also included some interactive whiteboard software in this edition, ideal for all key stages. In some cases sample CDs are available for you to try out in school before you buy. If we can help in any way, do call or email us. We are also more than happy to come to your school to provide a free consultation if you are considering the development of music technology resources, or facing a refurbishment project. Best wishes for this school year. William Thompson MA PGCE LTCL Director of Education How to order online England and Wales '&&&ie\fheZkYjiWlW_WbXb[jel_[mWdZehZ[h Phone 08450 949 022 Fax 08450 949 066 Post Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, If[Y_Wbe\\[hi Kf#je#ZWj[fh_Y[i 65 Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 1SU H[]_ij[hedb_d[\ehekhd[mib[jj[h J^[bWj[ijd[miWdZfheZkYjkfZWj[i H[]_ij[hoekhiY^eebZ[jW_biedb_d[WdZm[m_bb_iik[oek m_j^Wbe]_dWdZfWiimehZ$I_cfboWZZj^[_j[cioek h[gk_h[jeoekhm[XehZ[h"_di[hjoekhiY^eebfkhY^Wi[ ehZ[hdkcX[h"WdZm[ÊbbZej^[h[ij Email [ZkYWj_ed6ZWmiedi$Ye$ka Scotland Phone 01506 657 466 Mobile 07525 805 011 Post Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, PO Box 15504, Bathgate EH48 9AE Email iYejbWdZ6ZWmiedi$Ye$ka Northern Ireland and Eire Phone 028 9127 4886 Fax 028 9127 4412 Post Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, 12 Balloo Avenue, Bangor BT19 7QT Email 5 XWd]eh6ZWmiedi$Ye$ka Exceptional Service reasons to choose Dawsons Best Prices M[ZeekhX[ijjea[[fekhfh_Y[iWiYecf[j_j_l[Wi feii_Xb[m_j^ekjYecfhec_i_d]edj^[gkWb_joe\j^[ fheZkYjim[^Wl[Y^ei[djeikffbo$>em[l[hm[adem j^WjWiieedWiekhYWjWbe]k[b[Wl[ij^[fh_dj[hij^[ fh_Y[icWoY^Wd][?\oekÓdZj^[iWc[fheZkYjWjW bem[hfh_Y[_dWdej^[hYWjWbe]k["m[m_bbcWjY^j^Wjfh_Y[ WdZij_bbZ[b_l[hj^[X[ijfeii_Xb[i[hl_Y[$ Widest Range of Products M[ijeYaj^[XheWZ[ijhWd][e\cki_YWb_dijhkc[dji WdZ[gk_fc[djWlW_bWXb[\hecWdoikffb_[h_dj^[KA$ J^_icWa[i:WmieidiCki_Yoekhed[#ijef#i^ef\eh Wbboekhcki_YWbh[gk_h[c[dji$ :WmiedimWij^[l[hoÓhijcki_YWb_dijhkc[djikffb_[h _dj^[KAjei[jkfWZ[Z_YWj[Z[ZkYWj_edZ[fWhjc[dj$ J^_ic[Wdiekhj_c[WdZWjj[dj_ed_idejZ_l_Z[ZX[jm[[d ekhh[jW_bef[hWj_edWdZekh[ZkYWj_edYkijec[hi" [dikh_d]j^Wjm[Wh[WXb[jee\\[hWijh[Wcb_d[Z" \h_[dZboehZ[hfheY[ii_d]i[hl_Y[j^Wj_ii[YedZjeded[$ Professional Support M[fh_Z[ekhi[bl[iede\\[h_d]j^[l[hoX[ijWZl_Y[ WdZW\j[hiWb[iikffehj_dj^[Xki_d[ii$Ekh^_]^bo jhW_d[ZWZl_i[hiYWde\\[hWii_ijWdY[el[hWm_Z[hWd][ e\ikX`[Yji_dYbkZ_d]?9J"Z_]_jWbh[YehZ_d]"F$7$ioij[ci WdZehY^[ijhWb_dijhkc[dji$ Fastest Delivery Ekh[nfWdi_l[mWh[^eki_d]WdZbe]_ij_Yief[hWj_ed [dWXb[ikijeYWhhobWh][gkWdj_j_[ie\ijeYam^_Y^ m[YWde\j[dZ[ifWjY^_cc[Z_Wj[bo$ about Dawsons Dawsons Music is one of the longest serving music retailers in the UK, established in 1899 in Warrington in the North West of England. Of all the multiple outlet chains in the UK, Dawsons has one unique advantadge: we sell all things musical, to all types of musicians. Most music retailers in the UK have become more specialised in their approach, but our vision is to be one of the most efficient, pro-active and customer-focussed organisations in the music industry. Dawsons Education Division The Education Department shares similar aspirations in terms of customer support and product diversification. Dawsons was the first UK music retailer to open a dedicated education division, based upon the growing demand for musical instruments and technology in school classrooms. From initial projects such as the development of access technologies for special needs schools (in partnership with York University) Dawsons soon became accepted as a company whose ethos was to assist and support teachers in the classroom, not only by supplying appropriate instruments and equipment, but also by offering unrivaled pre-sales advice and after-sales care and support. We are proud to have three education offices across the UK, manned by trained education staff; our main office is in Warrington, but we also have offices in Scotland and in Northern Ireland (which also serves schools and colleges in Eire). While we are one of the few suppliers to have a dedicated Education Department, our retail stores can also be a valuable resource to music teachers and their pupils. Keyboards and Pianos There’s more to choosing a keyboard or a piano than price. Factors such as size, number of sounds and portability can all be important, depending on the way you plan to use it. We’ve added some helpful indications for each instrument to show its key functions and features. The full explanation for these icons is given below. We’ve also expanded our range of Kawai digital and acoustic pianos, and have had an amazing response from schools and colleges across the UK who have been using them. And the acoustic pianos come with an incredible 10 year warranty! Portable Keyboards Portable Grands Synths Stage Pianos Keyboard Amplifiers Keyboard Accessories Digital Pianos Upright Pianos Grand Pianos Piano Accessories 6-7 8 9 10-11 12 13 14-17 18-20 21 22 Key Number of octaves 100 Number of sounds Touch-sensitive Power supply included Built-in speakers Stand included Bench included USB connectivity 2x 30w Power output (in watts) Weight (in kg) 5 Keyboards and Pianos Casio and Yamaha Portable Keyboards Casio Portable Keyboards Casio CTK 1100 Exceptional value classroom keyboard. • 61 keys • 100 sounds • 100 rhythms £63 order code 92580 AS5EL Power Supply required £8 30168 Casio CTK 240 A compact classroom keyboard. • 49 keys • 100 voices • 100 rhythms • 50 preset songs • Headphone socket £51 order code 87676 AD5EL Power Supply required £8 30168 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £300 Buy 12 for £588 Casio have been producing keyboards since 1980, and are used in schools around the world. Packed with education-oriented features they offer quality, flexibility and connectivity. With a robust design and outstanding value for money Casio is your perfect partner in the classroom. Yamaha Portable Keyboards Yamaha YPT 220 Ideal starter keyboard. • 61 keys • 375 sounds • General MIDI • Sustain pedal option £69 order code 92095 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £402 Buy 12 for £792 Yamaha PSR E233 Affordable keyboard with an excellent range of sounds. • 61 keys • 385 sounds • General MIDI • Sustain pedal option • Power supply included £95 order code 92096 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £558 Buy 12 for £1,104 6 email: Keyboards and Pianos Casio and Yamaha Portable Keyboards Casio CTK 3000 Our best value touch sensitive keyboard. • 61 touch-sensitive piano-style keys • 375 voices • 150 rhythms • USB MIDI • Pitch-bend wheel £83 order code 64195 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £486 Buy 12 for £960 AD5EL Power Supply required £8 30168 Casio CTK 6000 A great range of sounds. • 61 touch-sensitive keys • 670 sounds • 200 rhythms • USB MIDI £128 order code 96752 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £756 Buy 12 for £1500 AD5EL Power Supply required £8 30168 Yamaha PSR E333 Yamaha’s most affordable touch sensitive keyboard. • 61 touch-sensitive keys • 497 sounds • 2-track recording • Power supply included £121 order code 92097 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £486 Buy 12 for £960 Yamaha PSR E433 Ideal classroom workstation. • 61 touch-sensitive keys • 700 natural sounds • Built-in arpeggiator • Pitch-change wheel • USB MIDI connection • Power supply included £195 order code 95730 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 5 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 7 Keyboards and Pianos Keyboards and Portable Grands Yamaha NP-11 • 61 soft-touch action keys • 10 voices • General MIDI • 2 x 2.5W output £129 order code 92099 10 100 2x 2x 30 2.5 w 10 100 2x 2x 30w 6 489 100 2x 2x 30w 6 500 100 2x 2x 30w 6 800 100 2x 2x 30w 7 w Yamaha NP-31 • 76 graded soft-touch action keys • 10 voices • General MIDI • 2 x 6W output £189 order code 92100 w NP-V60 • 76 graded soft-touch action keys • 489 sounds • USB MIDI • 2 x 6w output • Supplied with music stand and power supply £227 order code 69552 w NP-V80 • 76 graded soft-touch action keys • 500 sounds • USB MIDI • 2 x 6w output • Intelligent arpeggiator • Supplied with music stand and power supply £272 order code 69553 w WK 7500 Workstation • 76 piano-style touch-sensitive keys • 800 sounds • 8-track sequencer • SD card storage & USB Connectivity • Power supply included £319 8 order code 92581 w email: Keyboards and Pianos Synths microKORG XL Picking up where the microKORG left off the Korg Microkorg XL Vocoder and Synthesiser is set to be everyone’s new favourite synth, ready for you to create your own sound with a cutting edge sound engine & powerful effects in an old-school chassis. This is an ideal instrument for an introduction to creating your own synthesized sounds. • MMT Multi Modeling Technology • Intuitive sound selection • 16-band vocoder • Free editing software • 128 built-in sounds • Gooseneck microphone included £273 128 100 order code 65553 Nord Korg Korg X50 Ideal for a school rock band to use live. • 512 high quality sounds based on the Triton series • Sound-editing software included for Mac/PC £445 order code 55807 Nord Lead 2x • 4 octave velocity sensitive keyboard • 3 digit display, 26 knobs and 27 buttons for program editing 512 100 Korg MicroSTATION order code 87344 • 49 key velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard • 189Mb flash memory • Clear and intuitive control panel 512 100 £1,397 order code 67532 Roland Roland GAIA SH-01 Yamaha • Huge sound library with three virtual analogue engines onboard • Fun, hands-on control panel • USB audio/MIDI £377 order code 66668 Nord Wave • Over 600 onboard sounds, plus hundreds of drums sounds • Intuitive 16-track MIDI sequencer • Software included for Mac/PC £255 £779 Yamaha MM6 • 61 keys • 418 voices + 22 drum kits • Includes Cubase LE software order code 69499 £355 Roland Juno-Di • Over 1000 on-board sounds order code 56400 • Plays backing tracks directly from a USB flash drive £380 440 100 order code 67009 Roland Juno Stage 100 • 61 keys • Over 1100 voices • Firewire and USB • Includes Cubase AI4 Affordable and user-friendly synthesizer. • 76 key professional key action • XLR input with built-in vocoder • Extra large LCD • Onboard 16-track sequencer £751 Yamaha Motif XS6 £1,728 order code 55064 order code 76020 Sound Modules 1100+ 100 512 100 Roland Sonic Cell The Roland Sonic Cell delivers pristine sound quality and a remarkable range of sounds expertly programmed to provide true expression and realism. The Sonic Cell is the ideal choice for music departments not ready to move to software-based sounds but still require quality and flexibility. • 128-voice polyphony • SMF and audio data playback • Over 1000 presets • SRX slot x 2 • USB audio interface • PC/Mac Editor and Cakewalk SONAR LE bundled £521 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 57049 1000+ 100 Tel: 08450 949022 9 Keyboards and Pianos Stage Pianos Kawai ES7 17.5 22 32 100 30w Compact and portable, this multi-purpose digital piano offers an authentic weighted keyboard action, impressively powerful speaker system, and an intelligent selection of great sounds, providing a range of musical opportunities whatever the application. • Advanced hammer-action with ivory touch key surfaces • 32 voices • 30w output, bass reflex system • 2-track recorder • 22kg £840 Korg Stage Pianos order code 96765 Yamaha Stage Pianos Korg SP170 Yamaha P95 Most affordable weighted stage piano. Extremely portable, lightweight stage piano. • Hammer-action keys • Sustain pedal included • 10 voices • 10 voices • 18W, bass reflex speakers • 2 x 6W speakers • 12kg • 12kg £357 • Graded hammer-action keys £389 order code 87566 17.5 Optional Fixed Stand £67 12 w Yamaha Fixed Stand Yamaha Fixed Stand 90261 Black Silver £95 £95 10 100 2x 30 w 12 w 63178 63179 Yamaha P155 Korg SP250 Excellent stage piano for the more demanding player. Ideal stage piano for both rehearsals and performance. • Graded hammer-action keys • Hammer-action keys • Sustain pedal included • Stand and pedal included • 17 voices • 30 voices • 2 x 12W speakers • 20W, bass reflex speakers • 18.6kg • 19kg £457 17.5 2x 30 w 18 10 100 12 order code 87602 black 87603 silver order code 62989 white 63758 black 17.5 10 30 100 £820 2x 30 w 20 w order code 66998 black 66999 silver 66997 mahogany Yamaha Fixed Stand Yamaha Fixed Stand Black Silver £95 £95 17.5 18.6 17 100 2x 30 w 24 w 55734 89661 Korg SV1 Yamaha CP50 A stunning vintage-style electric piano. Versatile stage piano with wooden keyboard. • Available in 88 or 73 note versions • Over 225 sounds • Real weighted hammer action • USB MIDI • 36 voices • External amplification required • Now available in black SV1 88 SV1 73 36 100 £1,358 £1,261 Korg ST-SV1 order code 67995 17.5 order code 67994 Retro stand designed for the Korg SV1 • 20.9kg £1,182 17.5 20.9 order code 87565 225+ 100 20.55 £67 90261 Yamaha CP300 Professional stage piano with built-in speakers. • Graded hammer action See the amazing new Nuvo flutes on page 113 • 50 voices plus 480 XG voices and 12 drum kits • 16-track sequencer • 2 x 30W speakers £1,298 order code 57599 10 17.5 32.5 542 100 2x 30 w 60 w email: Keyboards and Pianos Stage Pianos Kawai Stage Pianos Nord Stage Pianos Kawai MP6 Nord Piano 2 HA88 Professional quality at an affordable price. • Hammer-action keyboard • 19 voices, 120 presets • String resonance emulation • External amplification required • 18kg • 88 weighted ivory-touch keys • 256 internal voices • XLR and jack outputs for direct mixer connection • External amplification required • 25kg £1,051 order code 89411 £1,662 order code 95532 17.5 18 17.5 25 19+ 100 256 100 Kawai MP10 Remarkably authentic touch with a huge array of features. • 88 wooden keys • Set-up memories for live and studio use • XLR and jack outputs for direct mixer connection • External amplification required • 31.8kg Nord Stage 2 88 Nord’s top-of-the-line weighted keyboard. • Comprehensive effects section • USB MIDI • External amplification required • 18.5kg £2,348 £1,612 order code 89413 order code 91570 17.5 31.8 27+ 100 17.5 100 18.5 300+ Roland Stage Pianos Roland RD300NX Ivory-feel keyboard with a great range of sounds. • New ivory-feel-G keyboard with escapement • SuperNATURAL piano sound engine • Sustain pedal included • USB MIDI • External amplification required • 17.5kg Nord Stage 2 76 • 76 key semi-weighted keyboard • USB MIDI • 16.5kg £2,267 order code 91571 17.5 100 17.5 200+ 17.5 100 16.5 300+ £1,066 order code 89813 Roland RD700NX Professional Roland stage piano for almost any application. • Hammer-action ivory-feel keys • SuperNATURAL piano, electric piano and over 500 other sounds • XLR and jack outputs for direct mixer connection • External amplification required • 25kg £1,495 Nord Stage 2 Compact 73 • 73 key fully-weighted keyboard • USB MIDI • 9.7kg £2,159 order code 91572 17.5 25 17.5 500+ 100 100 9.7 300+ order code 88446 Roland FP7f Roland’s SuperNatural Piano engine with piano realistic touch, an ideal performance piano. • 88 key ivory-feel keyboard with Escapement • SuperNATURAL Piano engine • On-board looper • Mic input • 24W speaker system • 24kg £1,095 Nord Keyboards are handmade in Sweden. Their 'Nord red' colour is instantly recognisable on stages and TV shows worldwide, and they have become the ultimate in hard-wearing and robust yet infinitely playable great-sounding keyboards. They offer schools a huge array of functions, and unbeatable features. 17.5 24 351 100 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 5 order code 89774 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 11 Keyboards and Pianos Keyboard Amplifiers Laney Amplifiers AH50 AH100 AH200 • 30W • Dual position cabinet • 2 simultaneous channels • Balanced DI output • 11.6 kg • 65W • 12" Celestion driver and HF horn • Dual position cabinet • 2 independent channels with EQ • 18.9 kg £121 £160 • 165W • 12" Celestion deriver and HF horn • Dual position cabinet • 4 independent channels with EQ • Built-in DSP effects • 27.5 kg 2x 30w order code 93230 17.5 2x 30w 30w 11.6 order code 93231 17.5 65w 18.9 £299 2x 30 165 w w Laney Amplifiers are UK-designed, offering unique tone across all ranges and products. Laney have partnered with Dawsons in order to offer schools and colleges incredible value for money as well as great quality, in keyboard and guitar amps and PA systems. order code 93232 17.5 14 Peavey Amplifiers KB1 KB3 KB4 Classroom amp. • 20W • 2 channels • 2-band EQ • 8" speaker • 7.3kg Classroom amp. • 50W • 3 channels including 1 mic input • 2-band EQ • 12” speaker with tweeter • 23.8kg Small hall amp. • 75W • Suitable for school halls • 15" speaker • 3 channels, integrated mixer • 32.6kg £79 £167 £264 order code 66078 2x 17.5 30 w 20 7.3 order code 66080 2x 17.5 30 w 50 23.8 w Peavey Electronics Corporation is one of the largest makers and suppliers of musical instruments, amplifiers and professional audio systems in the world – distributing more than 2,000 products to more than 130 countries. All Peavey products carry a FREE 5 year warranty as part of their dedication to performance and reliability. order code 66081 2x 17.5 30 w 75 32.6 w w KB5 Roland Amplifiers KC-60 KC-150 Stagg KBA40 Battery-powered stereo amp. • Powered by 8x AA batteries • 30W output (2 x 15W) • 3 channels • XLR input • 7.3kg Compact practice amp. • 40W • 3 channels • XLR Input • 10" speaker • 12kg Classroom amp. • 65W • 4 channels • 2-band EQ • 12" speaker plus horn • 14kg • 40W output • 2 channels • XLR microphone input • Spring reverb • 8” speaker • 12.4kg £241 £169 £215 £81 w order code 69325 74240 Stagg Amplifiers KC-110 2x 17.5 30 w 30 7.3 12 £372 2x 30 w 40 w 17.5 12 order code 48225 2x 30 w 65 w order code 30382 17.5 2x 17.5 30 w 40 12.4 w 14 Also Available Price Code KC-350 KC-550 £287 £399 120W 22kg 180W 29kg order code 69599 56633 41358 email: Keyboards and Pianos Keyboard Accessories Keyboard Pedals Keyboard Stands Essentials FST-11 Essentials Single-Braced A good quality, basic sustain pedal with dual polarity for use with all keyboards. X-frame stand suitable for most keyboards. £9 order code 64002 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £48 Buy 12 for £84 Piano-style dual polarity sustain pedal. order code 94171 Yamaha FC5 Universal footswitch, to be used as sustain pedal, on/off or start/stop function switch. £16 order code 30227 Yamaha FC4 Piano style sustain pedal for Yamaha keyboards. £35 order code 60547 black 60548 silver Essentials Double-Braced Double braced X-frame stand suitable for heavier keyboards. eStudio £23 £15 order code 38727 £19 order code 60549 Essentials Extension Arms Attaches to Essentials single or double-braced stand to provide an extra tier. £10 order code 60817 Quiklok QL746 Double-braced single tier stand. • Heavy-duty double-braced keyboard stand • Suitable for stage pianos • Strong enough to hold keyboards up to 120kg Roland DP2 £49 • Non-latching sustain pedal • Can be used as punch in/out on Roland/Boss recording gear Bags and Cases £12 order code 59650 order code 41361 Roland DP10 Damper and sustain pedal. Compatible with halfdamper capable keyboards, and it can also serve as a standard pedal switch (for sustain, etc). £28 order code 57666 Gator GK76 Gator GK88 • Lightweight 76-note keyboard case • Lightweight 88-note keyboard case • Built-in wheels & tow handle • Built-in wheels & tow handle PA3 Keyboard Adaptor for Yamaha • Interior Depth: 130.81cm x 45.72 x 15.88 • Interior depth: 146.05cm x 45.72 x 15.24 • 9v power adaptor for Yamaha YPT and PSR keyboards • Suitable as a replacement for PA-1. PA-3 and PA-4 £95 £109 £6 Armourdillo DK5 Mains Leads and Power Supplies order code 30280 PA6 Keyboard Adaptor for Yamaha • 12v power adaptor for most larger Yamaha keyboards such as the DGX range • Suitable as a replacement for PA-5 and PA-6 £16 order code 93878 order code 54058 Lightweight padded keyboard carry case with front storage pocket. 96 x 40 x 16cm - suitable for most 61 note Yamaha and Casio keyboards. £27 order code 93477 order code 30282 Casio AD5EL Keyboard Adaptor 9v power supply suitable for CTK230, 496, 2100, 3000, 4000. Armourdillo DK10 £8 Lightweight padded keyboard carry case with front storage pocket. 105 x 37 15cm – suitable for Roland Juno and Korg synths. order code 30168 Lynx Multi Power Supply • 500MA, switchable 3, 6, 9 or 12V DC output • Reversible polarity adaptor £9.50 order code 41754 £27 order code 93478 Armourdillo DK300 Powers up to eight Casio or Yamaha keyboards. Deluxe padded keyboard gig bag with front storage pocket. 144 x 34 x 15cm – suitable for Roland RD300NX. £105 £64 MTR DC8 Keyboard Adaptor order code 67624 Yamaha 52780 Casio Armourdillo DK700 Casio AD-E95 9v power supply suitable for CTK240, 1100, 2200, 3200, 4200. £8.50 order code 93479 order code 88493 Fax: 08450 949066 Deluxe padded keyboard gig bag with front storage pocket. 145 x 38 x 15cm - suitable for Roland RD700NX. £69 order code 93480 Tel: 08450 949022 13 Keyboards and Pianos Kawai Digital Pianos Kawai KDP KDP80 Great entry-level digital piano. • 88 advanced hammer-action keys Kawai pianos, both digital and acoustic, offer schools and students access to beautiful sounds in a reliable instrument. Not only are they incredible value for money, Kawai pianos often sound better than the other leading brands. And their customer service leaves all the others standing. We highly recommend them to our education customers. • 15 voices • Built-in Alfred piano lessons • 2 x 20w £595 order code 92176 2x 2x 30 w 100 20 15 w Kawai CN Kawai CL Kawai CA Series CL26 CN33 CA63 • 88-note advanced hammer-action keyboard • 88 wooden graded-action keys • 8 voices • 88-note responsive hammer-action keyboard with ivory touch surface • Built-in metronome • 36 sounds • USB out • Single damper pedal • 3-song recorder • 50W x 2 • Available in satin white or satin black • Built-in reverb and effects • Available in 4 colours (see below) system £514 • Available in 4 colours £1,528 2x 2x 30w 7 w £938 2x 2x 30 w 100 20 36 8 100 satin white order code 96760 2x 2x 30 w 100 50 60 w satin black order code 96761 • 10-song recorder w premium cherry order code 88152 premium mahogany order code 88153 premium cherry order code 87293 premium mahogany order code 88161 premium rosewood order code 87536 satin black order code 87730 premium rosewood order code 87731 satin black order code 69187 CL36 CN43 CA111 • 88-note advanced hammer-action keyboard • 335 sounds • 88 wooden graded-action keys • 15 voices • LCD screen • 22 voices • 1-track recorder • 50W x 2 speaker system • Upright piano design • 3 pedals • Audio recording with USB output • Available in satin white or satin black • Available in 3 colours • 7 speaker system with "live sound board" speaker system £583 £1,111 £2,868 2x 2x 30 w 100 13 15 2x 2x 30 w 100 50 60 w satin white order code 93438 14 w satin black order code 95259 premium rosewood order code 88155 premium mahogany order code 88156 satin black order code 88154 order code 92176 2x 2x 30 110 w 100 22 w For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 5 email: Keyboards and Pianos Roland Digital Pianos Roland RP 301 Roland HP 507 Authentic piano touch made affordable. • Ivory-feel-G keyboard Innovative Acoustic Project Sounds System for the ultimate playing experience. • SuperNATURAL piano sound • PHA III ivory-feel keyboard with escapement • 30 voices • SuperNATURAL piano sound • Song recorder and metronome • 347 sounds • 2 x 12W output • 4 keyboard modes • 3-track recorder £759 • Audio recorder • 2 x 70W output £759 rosewood order code 94014 satin black order code 94015 2x 2x 30 w 100 12 30 w rosewood order code 94871 satin black order code 94872 polished ebony order code 94870 2x 2x 30 w 100 70 347 w HPi-6f Roland HP 503 This incredible-sounding educational piano is ideal for piano students, teachers, and performers of all ages. A dynamic piano sound and elegant cabinet design. • PHA-II keyboard with ivory-feel • Ivory-feel-S keyboard with escapement • 337 sounds • SuperNATURAL piano sound • Colour TFT display • 347 sounds • Digi-score • Audio/MIDI recorder • Video out • 2 x 12W output • 2 x 30W speakers • Front legs for classic piano look £1,595 £1,116 rosewood order code 88505 satin black order code 88503 rosewood order code 94865 satin black order code 94866 2x 2x 30 w 100 30 337 w 2x 2x 30 w 100 12 347 w Roland HP 505 Roland LX-15 Incredible piano realism and playing experience. Ideal digital piano for teaching and practice rooms. The LX-15 is ideal for classrooms and assembly halls where the sound, feel, and aesthetic of a real piano is important but where a digital piano is more practical. • PHA III ivory-feel keyboard with escapement • 347 sounds • PHA III ivory-feel keyboard with escapement • Damper resonance • 347 sounds • Audio/MIDI recorder • 3-track recorder • 4 keyboard modes • Audio recorder • 2 x 35W • Elegant piano style cabinet with mirrored-finished fallboard • SuperNATURAL piano sound £1,759 • 2 x 80W output £3,274 order code 94784 rosewood order code 94868 satin black order code 94869 polished ebony order code 94867 2x 2x 30 w 100 50 337 2x 2x 30 w 100 35 347 w w All Roland digital pianos are delivered free of charge and are covered by a 3 year parts and labour warranty Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 15 Keyboards and Pianos Yamaha Digital Pianos Yamaha YDP Series Yamaha CLP Series YDP 141 CLP 470 Fantastic entry-level digital piano. Ideal digital piano for a large music room or small hall. • 88 graded hammer-action keys • Natural wood GH action keys • 6 voices • 28 voices • 1-track song recorder • 2-track recorder • 2 x 6W speakers • Damper resonance • MIDI in/out • 2 x 40W speakers £518 light cherry order code 69555 2x 2x 30w 6 dark alder order code 69554 YDP Light Cherry Bench YDP Dark Alder Bench £55 £55 w £1,568 6 100 rosewood order code 92087 £1,775 58485 64075 2x 2x 30 w 100 40 28 w polished ebony order code 92088 YDP 181 • Graded hammer-action • 14 voices • 2-track recorder CLP 480 • 2 x 20W speakers £825 • Natural wood GH3 action keys • 38 voices, 500+ XG sounds order code 69558 • 16-track/223-song recorder 2x 2x 30 w 100 20 14 w • Tri-amp system - perfect for assembly halls £2,552 Yamaha CLP Series rosewood order code 92089 CLP 430 £2,802 • Grade hammer GH3 action 2x 2x 30 w 60 + w 28 100 polished ebony order code 92090 • 14 voices • 2-track/3-song recorder • Store your performances to USB • 2 x 30W speakers £1,095 cherry order code 92077 mahogany order code 92078 rosewood order code 92079 satin black order code 92080 2x 2x 30 w 100 30 14 w CLP 465GP • GH3 action with synthetic ivory keys • 14 voices £1,345 • 2-track recorder • 2 x 40W speakers polished ebony order code 92081 • Polished ebony £2,406 order code 92091 CLP 440 Ideal for most classrooms or small halls. • GH3 action with synthetic ivory keys • 28 voices 2x 2x 30 w 100 40 14 • 2-track recorder w • Damper resonance • 2 x 40W speakers £1,330 2x 2x 30 w 100 40 28 w cherry order code 92082 mahogany order code 92083 rosewood order code 92084 satin black order code 92085 Warranty and Delivery All Yamaha digital pianos are covered by the manufacturer’s 3 year on-site parts and labour warranty. Dawsons can also £1,517 polished ebony order code 92086 16 arrange UK mainland delivery of any Yamaha digital piano, completely free of charge. email: Keyboards and Pianos Yamaha Digital Pianos Yamaha NU 1 The Yamaha NU1 is the latest instrument in Yamaha‘s range to be described as a hybrid piano. This takes the idea of combining true acoustic piano feel, with the convenience and practicality of a digital piano to new levels, much like Yamaha‘s Avantgrand instruments, but at a significantly lower price. Designed in an elegant, slim cabinet, the NU1 may well be the perfect solution for those for whom an acoustic piano is too big, or impractical. • Hybrid piano with acoustic feel and digital sound • Sound sampled from the premier Yamaha CFX concert grand piano • Compact and stylish cabinet • 2 x 40W output £3,150 5 100 order code 63575 Yamaha CLP Slimline Series 2x 2x 30 w 40 w Yamaha CVP Series An exiting new slim-line CLP range with GH3 action and Yamaha’s ‘Real Grand Expression’ sound engine in a compact cabinet. Ideal for practice rooms and classrooms where quality is required but space is limited. The “V” in CVP stands for “Versatile”. They differ from Yamaha’s CLP Clavinovas in that in addition to a great acoustic piano sound and feel they also feature hundreds of high quality sounds and intelligent accompaniments. Yamaha CLP S406B CVP 501 • GH3 action with synthetic ivory keytops • 791 voices • 14 voices each with 2 variations • 191 styles • Yamaha “Real Grand Expression” sound engine • 16-track recorder • Smooth release and damper resonance features • USB MIDI • USB audio recording and playback • 4.2” mono colour display • 2 x 40W output • 2 x 20W speakers £1,662 791 100 order code 67871 £1,650 order code 92092 42 100 2x 2x 30 w 20 w 2x 2x 30 w 40 w Yamaha CLP S408PE CVP 509 • Natural Wood white keys with synthetic ivory keytops • Natural wood GH3 action keys • 14 voices each with 2 variation • 1291 voices • Yamaha ‘Real Grand Expression’ sound engine • 442 styles • Linear graded hammer action • Super articulation • Acoustic speaker enclosure • 7.5" full colour display with video output • 2 x 40W output • Tri-amp system • Polished ebony £2,540 order code 92093 42 100 2x 2x 30 w 40 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 5 w £5,062 1291 100 order code 67879 w Also Available CVP503 and CVP505 Fax: 08450 949066 2x 30 w 75 Call for more information Tel: 08450 949022 17 Keyboards and Pianos Kawai Upright Pianos Kawai Acoustic Pianos Acoustic Piano of the Year 2011 Introducing our range of Kawai acoustic pianos. The Kawai K-3 has won this prestigious award from Musical Merchandise Magazine, the leading trade magazine in the USA, for the fourth year running. Since 1927 Kawai have been producing high quality pianos using the latest technology to produce their unique sound. Using ABS parts within the workings of the piano has proved to be an excellent solution for education. ABS adds strength and is not affected in the same way as wood by temperature and humidity. There is a Kawai upright piano to meet every taste, budget and musical requirement - all offering the proven assurance of Kawai quality. Kawai K-3 Fast becoming a favourite among schools and music colleges the award-winning K3 is the ideal practice and classroom piano. • Millennium III action with carbon fibre Kawai K-15E • Ultra-slow fallboard closing system A quality upright piano for general classroom or practice room use. • Brass front castors • Modern-style case • Height-adjustable bench • High quality tone • Height 121cm Width 151cm Depth 59cm • Height 110cm Width 149cm Depth 59cm • Available in ebony or mahogany finish £1,813 polished ebony order code 69189 • Also available in mahogany, walnut or white £2,888 polished ebony order code 89485 Kawai K-5 • Millennium III action with carbon fibre • Ultra-slow fallboard closing system • Brass front double castors • NEOTEX key surface for improved touch Kawai K-2 • Inverse tone release system • Modern case style • Height-adjustable bench • Brass castors • Height 124.5cm Width 151cm Depth 59cm • Millennium III action with carbon fibre parts for added strength • Height 114cm Width 148cm Depth 57cm • Also available in mahogany, walnut or white £2,753 £5,825 order code 96659 polished ebony order code 69190 Kawai 10 Year Warranty Kawai is proud to have the world’s finest piano manufacturing facilities, where quality is paramount. From the selection of the finest raw materials to the meticulous care and inspection by Kawai master builders, through to every aspect of the crafting process. As a result of this continuing quest for excellence, Kawai pianos have been applauded by generations of the world’s foremost artistes and educators. 18 email: Keyboards and Pianos Acoustic Pianos Winchester Upright Pianos Refurbished Yamaha Upright Pianos Winchester 110 The clever design allows a tonal range which is not available in other pianos of this size. The Winchester 110 piano offers incredible quality at an affordable price. We are often able to supply extensively refurbished, second hand Yamaha U1 and U3 pianos at highly competitive prices. These specially-sourced Japanese-made pianos have undergone a rigorous technical overhaul before being re-finished in black polyester gloss. Refurbished Yamaha pianos are available from as little as £2,491. • Height 110cm Width 151cm Depth 60cm £1,297 order code 63469 polished ebony Refurbished U1 • Classically designed casework • 121cm height • Excellent tone quality • Polyester finish from £2,491 order code RYU1 Winchester 123 “Probably the best value piano on the market today”. • Height 123cm Width 152cm Depth 61cm • Also available in polished walnut or polished mahogany £1,727 Optional school castors order code 70190 polished ebony £95 49990 Refurbished U3 • Classically designed casework • 131cm height • Exceptional tone quality • Polyester finish from £2,899 order code RYU3 Optional school castors £95 49990 Optional school castors Fax: 08450 949066 £95 49990 Tel: 08450 949022 19 Keyboards and Pianos Yamaha Acoustic Pianos Yamaha B Series Upright Pianos Yamaha P Series Upright Pianos Yamaha B1 Yamaha P116 • Modern compact design • 110cm height • European-designed casework • Good tone quality • Spruce soundboard • Also available in polished mahogany • 116cm height £1,924 polished ebony order code 74268 • Great tone quality £3,760 order code 92418 Yamaha P121 • European-designed casework • Spruce soundboard Yamaha B2 • Modern compact design • 113cm height • Good tone quality • 121cm height • Rich tone quality £4,255 order code 94220 • Also available in polished mahogany or dark walnut £2,498 polished ebony order code 74270 Yamaha U Series Upright Pianos Yamaha U1 • Classically designed casework • 121cm height • Excellent tone quality • Polyester finish • Also available in American walnut satin Yamaha B3 • Modern yet compact design £5,192 polished ebony order code 30117 • 121cm height • Great tone quality • Also available in natural cherry or dark walnut £2,924 polished ebony order code 87545 Yamaha U3 • Classically designed casework • 131cm height • Exceptional tone quality • Polyester finish • Polished ebony £5,957 order code 30118 20 email: Keyboards and Pianos Grand Pianos Kawai Grand Pianos Kawai GM-10 K • Exclusive ultra-responsive action • Exclusive ABS styran action parts • Solid brass pedals with full sostenuto pedal • 150cm length £5,194 order code 88167 Kawai GE-20 • Professional quality Millennium III action • ABS carbon-fibre action parts • 154cm length £8,042 polished ebony order code KWGE20 Yamaha Grand Pianos Yamaha GB1 • Affordable grand piano • 149cm length • Excellent tone quality • Polished ebony finish £6,898 polished ebony order code 68748 Kawai GE-30 • Professional quality Millennium III action • ABS carbon-fibre action parts • 164cm length £10,121 polished ebony order code KWGE30 Yamaha C1 • From the Conservatoire Classic Collection • 161cm length • Exceptional tone quality • Polished ebony finish £12,315 polished ebony order code 94221 Fax: 08450 949066 Also Available Price Code Yamaha GB 1 Mahogany Yamaha GC2 Polished ebony £7,245 £11,075 68749 87550 Tel: 08450 949022 21 Keyboards and Pianos Keyboard and Piano Accessories Benches and Stools Essentials DKB30 Essentials DKB50 Small keyboard bench with padded top. Large folding keyboard bench with padded top. Woodhouse BS1001 Piano Stool £27 £35 Black satin square leg stool with vinyl seat. No storage space. order code 68530 order code 68531 £50 Woodhouse MS502 Solo Piano Stool Stagg Black Piano Bench Square leg stool with vinyl seat with storage space. Please specify colour of top required. • Height adjustable £70 • Suitable for use with ebony finish pianos £74 Stagg Black Double Piano Bench Split top with independently adjustable heights. order code 30234 £119 order code 61577 Castors and Piano Movers order code 94043 order code 96498 Piano Covers F&N School Castors - Traditional Suitable for full size traditional-style pianos such as the Yamaha U1. £95 order code 49990 F&N School Castors Suitable for full size modern-style pianos such as the Yamaha B1. £105 F&N bespoke covers available for digital, upright and grand pianos. Please call for prices. Cover for Yamaha B1 Upright Medium cotton lightweight cover. order code 30034 £85 order code 96507 Cover for Yamaha U1 Upright Heavy blue cotton proofed cover. F&N Easyfit Frame We recommend using an Easyfit Frame with your grand piano to move it securely and safely. £348 order code 42970 £119 order code 96508 Cover for Yamaha U3 Upright Heavy blue cotton proofed with green fleece lining for extra protection. £199 order code 96509 Keyboard Covers Jenart Customised Covers F&N Digital Piano Movers Enables easy movement of digital pianos - self installation required. £165 22 order code 66204 Customised, branded Yamaha covers that will fit all Yamaha keyboards and digital pianos. They are water-resistant covers made from black 4oz nylon. Please specify model before ordering. Cover for PSR and YPT Yamaha keyboards Cover for DGX and CP Yamaha keyboards Half cover for CLP and CVP Yamaha Pianos Full cover for CLP and CVP Yamaha Pianos £11 £14 £14 £29 email: Orchestral Instruments Despite the advancements in music technology, there is still nothing to replace the sound and emotional immediacy of a real acoustic instrument. Though initial sounds from young students can be slightly challenging in their tonal character, with the right instrument and a good teacher they should soon be on the way to giving musical performances. We carry a complete range of student instruments, well suited to young players no matter what their discipline. In this next section you will also find instruments for intermediate and advanced players. We can source any instrument from any major supplier, so if it’s not listed here, please call us. We’re very pleased to introduce our new Allieri range of student strings. Initially only available in violin and viola, we are planning to add to the range during the next year. These instruments offer amazing tone and reliability at a very cost-effective price. Recorders Flutes Clarinets & Bass Clarinets Double Reeds Saxophones Trumpets & Cornets Flugel Horns & Tenor Horns Lower Brass Trombones Violins & Violas Cellos & Basses Electric Strings Timpani & Tuned Percussion Untuned Orchestral Percussion Orchestral Accessories 24 25 26-27 27 28 29-30 31-32 32 33 34-35 35 37 38-39 39 40-42 23 Orchestral Instruments Recorders Mirage MRD200B Descant • 3-piece brown recorder • Cleaning rod • Clear plastic cover • Baroque fingering £1.10 order code 92546 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £10 Buy 25 for £22.50 Descant Sopranino Stagg Descant Yamaha YRS20 Coloured Recorder Yamaha YRN22B Sopranino • 3-piece plastic recorder • Baroque fingering Yamaha’s most popular school recorder. • Baroque fingering • Supplied with plastic case • 3-piece, durable ABS resin • Supplied with bag £1.85 • Available in blue, green and pink £3.90 • 2-piece plastic recorder £4.50 order code 94227 order code 38203 order code 64626 translucent blue 80071 translucent green 64627 translucent pink PP993 Descant • 3-piece plastic recorder Also Available Price Code Aulos 507 Aulos 501S £12.50 32121 £25.30 58856 3-piece, leatherette case, cleaning rod Garkleine (2 octaves higher), case • Excellent tone • Supplied with cleaning rod and case Tenor £2.85 Aulos 211 Tenor • 3-piece construction order code 33599 • Keyless model suitable for smaller players • Complete with fingering chart and carrying case £41 Yamaha YRS24 Descant order code 32513 • 3-piece baroque-styled plastic recorder Multibuy Savings • Fingering chart included Yamaha YRT304B Tenor Buy 25 for £100 • Supplied with cotton carry bag • 3-piece plastic recorder £3.99 • Carry bag and fingering chart included Treble order code 32342 • C/C# key and thumb rest Hornby 700H Treble £46.75 • 3-piece plastic recorder • Cleaning rod and notation/fingering chart Multibuy Savings order code 32345 • Supplied with plastic carry case Buy 25 for £95 £8.95 Bass order code 60975 Aulos 205A Descant Yamaha YRB302B Bass • 3-piece plastic recorder • Fingering chart and carry bag Aulos 209 Treble • The popular choice for ensembles • 3-piece construction • 4-piece construction • Notation/fingering chart • Supplied with carry bag • Includes fingering chart £10.15 £136 • Supplied with carrying case • Unique curved windway for superior sound order code 32120 order code 32339 £17.10 OTHER MODELS ALSO AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL order code 32113 24 Also Available Price Code Also Available Price Code Also Available Price Code Hornby 200H Aulos 303N £2.60 £5.85 Yamaha YRA28BUKIII Aulos 309 £11.10 £24.55 Aulos 521 Aulos 533B £265 £311 64565 63684 31685 32114 38201 80075 email: Orchestral Instruments Flutes Student Mirage MFL811 • Silver-plated head body and foot joint • Split key mechanism • Complete with hard case, case cover and cleaning rod • 3 year warranty† £174 order code 66332 Elkhart Prelude 100FL Jupiter JFL511ESSC • Supplied with canvas protective case • Silver-plated head, body and foot • Silver-plated body and head • Solid precious metal lip plate riser £159 • Includes hard case and padded carry bag £273 order code 96719 order code 47270 Mirage MFL871 Also available Price Code • Silver-plated head body and foot joint Jupiter JFL511ES with curved head £429 96720 • Japanese body and pointed French key arms Trevor James TJ10EX • Split key mechanism • Complete with hard case, case cover and cleaning rod • Silver-plated head, body and foot £239 • Split E mechanism • 5 year guarantee order code 66331 £241 Intermediate order code 32458 Yamaha YFL211UK Trevor James Cantabile • Silver-plated head, body and foot • Silver headjoint with wooden lip plate option • Split E mechanism • French style pointed key arm mechanism • Includes hard case and padded carry bag • Open or closed hole option £515 £665 • French style wooden case order code 32464 Also available Yamaha YFL311UK Precious metal head joint Price Code £849 94007 order code 59610 Advanced Yamaha YFL411UK Miyazawa PB202 • Split E mechanism • Solid headjoint • Nickel silver keys • Silver-plated body and keywork • Silver headjoint and body • Open or closed hole keys with offset G £1,615 • E mechanism order code 40242 £2,291 order code 49824 Also available Piccolos Miyazawa PB102 Closed-hole version Stagg Piccolo Yamaha YPC32 • Standard C piccolo • Silver-plated head joint and keys • Silver-plated finish • ABS resin body • Supplied with ABS case • Includes hard case £95 £520 order code 66439 Mirage MPC200 Piccolo Price Code £1,829 51546 order code 32530 • Standard C piccolo • ABS resin body • Silver-plated head and keys • 3 year warranty† £125 See the amazing new Nuvo flutes on page 113 order code 87700 † When you register online at Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 25 Orchestral Instruments Clarinets Student Intermediate Buffet E11 Mirage MCL850E • Wooden body with un-stained finish • ABS body • Strengthened silver-plated keys • Lightweight carry case • Specifically designed for education • Silver-plated keywork • Adjustable thumb rest • Back-pack case £730 £107 order code 87360 order code 88708 Yamaha YCL450SUK • Intermediate level clarinet • Grenadilla wood body • Silver-plated keys 3 5 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £630 Buy 10 for £990 Also available Price Code Mirage Enhanced keywork MCL850S £133 66334 £799 order code 47448 Advanced Buffet E13 • Advanced B clarinet outfit • Wooden body Elkhart Prelude 100CL • Beginner-level instrument • Supplied as an outfit £135 • Silver-plated keywork • Back-pack style case £920 order code 95417 order code 96774 Yamaha YCL650 • African blackwood body with silver-plated keywork • Adjustable thumb rest • New resonance chamber in bell • Fitted case with outer cover Jupiter JCL637S • Silver-plated key work £990 order code 49284 • Adjustable thumb rest • Ideal student instrument £211 order code 93379 Yamaha YCL-CX Superb advanced B clarinet outfit. • Handcrafted grenadilla body • Adjustable thumb rest • Silver-plated keys Buffet B12 • Silver-plated key work • High-quality durable hard case with outer bag • Ebonite 4CM mouthpiece • Adjustable thumb rest £1,540 • Ideal student instrument order code 96772 £259 order code 32369 Buffet R13 • African blackwood body • Silver-plated keywork • Double fish skin pads Yamaha YCL250SUK • Deluxe hard case with locks • Silver-plated key work £1,669 • Adjustable thumb rest order code 32372 • Ideal student instrument £407 order code 47436 26 Also available Price Code Buffet R13 Prestige £2,525 44393 email: Orchestral Instruments Bass Clarinets and Double Reeds Bass Clarinets Bassoons Mirage BMCL200 Bass Clarinet Schreiber 5013 Short Reach Superb value for money. An ideal bass instrument for small school ensembles. • Specially designed for small hands • Robust synthetic body • 2 crooks • 22 keys incl. high D • Nickel-plated keywork £3,625 • Plays to low E • Ideal for student and intermediate use order code 96045 £665 order code 89944 Also Available Price Code Jupiter JCL-675N Yamaha YCL221 II Yamaha YCL621 II Buffet Prestige BC1193 £1,150 £2,065 £5,224 £5,350 93378 93392 96224 96225 Schreiber 5016 Conservatory Model • Conservatory model • 25 keys incl. high D • 2 crooks £3,986 order code 95587 Clarinéo One piece body plus separate bell and mouthpiece with new snap-shut ligature, all supplied in a great new case. • Stylish case and shoulder strap Adler 1356L Short Reach • Great for children from age six or seven • Short reach model • Uses simplified clarinet fingering • Can play along with any other C instrument • 21 keys • Other colours available £6,600 £94 order code 96757 • 2 crooks order code 87353 black with silver trim Oboes Adler 1357 Yamaha YOB241B-30 • Professional bassoon • Thumbplate system with low Bb and forked F key • 24 keys to high D • Simplified conservatoire system for the younger player • 2 crooks • ABS resin body £7,500 £1,207 order code 57819 order code 52638 Howarth S10 Yamaha YFG811II • African Blackwood body • Long-seasoned maple body • Thumbplate system with single-action octaves • Nickel silver keys • Closed hole with silver-plated keywork • High C and D keys • Good quality student case and accessories • Thinner body wall for elegant sound £1,208 £16,032 order code 87421 order code 62990 Also Available Price Code Also Available Description Price Code Howarth S20 Oboe Buffet BC4121 Yamaha YOB431B Buffet BC3613 £1,792 £949 £2,357 £3,899 87416 48547 87413 87415 Fox Renard 51 Compact key mechanism for smaller hands Long bore, maple body, 4 rollers, accessories £3,709 87418 £5,636 87420 Fax: 08450 949066 Fox Renard 222D Tel: 08450 949022 27 Orchestral Instruments Saxophones Tenor Saxophones Mirage MAS200 Alto Saxophone Mirage MTS200 Tenor • Excellent value for the beginner or progressing student • Gold lacquer body and keys • Includes mouthpiece and lightweight case • 3 year warranty† • Ideal for the beginner or progressing player • Gold lacquer body and keys • Includes mouthpiece and lightweight case £185 order code 68633 Multibuy Savings £249 Buy 3 for £540 Buy 6 for £1,050 order code 69693 Soprano Saxophones Alto Saxophones Mirage MSS200 Soprano Jupiter JAS-567GL Alto Jupiter JTS-587GL Tenor • Great beginner instrument • Complete saxophone outfit • Complete saxophone outfit • Gold lacquer body and keys • Includes high F# key • Includes high F# key • Includes mouthpiece and • Gold lacquer finish • Gold lacquer finish £446 £608 lightweight case • 3 year warranty† £175 order code 43058 order code 43057 order code 69694 Yamaha YTS280 Tenor • New improved model Mirage MSS200C Soprano • Great beginner soprano saxophone • Gold lacquer body and keys • Includes mouthpiece and lightweight case Yamaha YAS280 Alto • Gold lacquer finish • New improved model • Ideal for serious students • Gold lacquer finish £1,124 • Includes high F# key • Includes high F# key order code 95479 • Ideal for serious students £865 order code 95475 Also Available Price Code Yanagisawa T901 hand-engraved £1,848 39408 • 3 year warranty† £175 Baritone Saxophones order code 69695 Jupiter JBS-593GL Baritone Yamaha YAS480 Alto Yamaha YSS475II Soprano • Intermediate model • Gold lacquer finish • New Improved model • Plays to low “A” • Gold lacquer finish • Adjustable thumb hook • Includes high F# key £1,825 • Ideal for the progressing student order code 53892 £1,299 order code 95478 • One-piece gold lacquer body • Includes 4C mouthpiece and lightweight case £1,490 order code 32577 Also Available Price Code Trevor James 3721G Classic Yamaha YAS62 Yanagisawa A901 £389 £1,766 £1,625 51592 32582 32583 Also Available Price Code Yamaha YBS32E £4,007 87412 † When you register online at 28 email: Orchestral Instruments Trumpets Yamaha YTR2330 Mirage MTR150 • New improved model • Complete student trumpet outfit • Nickel silver-plated valves • Valve oil and slide grease included • Monel steel valves • Includes case and mouthpiece £340 £89 order code 95462 order code 53680 Multibuy Savings Buy 6 £546 Buy 10 £890 Yamaha YTR4335G11 Mirage MTR200 • Advanced student trumpet outfit • New improved model • Durable monel steel valves • Monel steel valves • Valve oil and slide grease included • New gold brass 2 piece bell £105 £520 order code 95466 order code 53681 Elkhart TR100 Trumpet • Lacquered finish • Stainless steel valves • Foam back pack style case £89 Vincent Bach Stradivarius Trumpet 180ML37 order code 96262 Professional trumpet. £1,549 Mirage MTR2000R order code 96263 • High quality trumpet outfit • Durable monel steel valves • Rose brass bell for a warmer sound £169 order code 53682 "Feels and looks fantastic. Good sound..." Adrian Horn - Chetham's School of Music “ Besson 1011 Trumpet lacquered ” Yamaha YTR8335 Xeno Trumpet Professional trumpet. • Lacquered finish £1,790 • Stainless steel valves order code 95599 • Includes case and mouthpiece £186 order code 87352 Jupiter JTR408L • Rose brass lead pipe • Gold lacquer finish • Lightweight zipped case £233 order code 92607 Fax: 08450 949066 Model Description Price Code Yamaha YTR6310Z Bobby Shew model in B, yellow brass 5” 1-piece bell £1,307 55994 Yamaha YTR2330S Same as YTR2330 in silverplate £404 95463 Jupiter JTR606RML Lacquered with Rose Brass Bell £358 96208 Yamaha YTR6610S Eb/D Trumpet Silver Plated £1,824 96279 Yamaha YTR6810S Piccolo Trumpet B/A £1,824 96280 Yamaha YTR8310Z Bobby Shew Model £1,540 96278 Tel: 08450 949022 29 Orchestral Instruments Cornets and Flugel Horns Cornets Mirage MCR200R • Excellent student cornet • Durable monel steel valves • Supplied with case and mouthpiece • 3 year warranty† £129 order code 53683 Besson BE928 Sovereign • Professional cornet • 1st and 3rd valve triggers • Silver plate £1,600 order code 96211 Besson BE2028 Prestige • Professional cornet • 1st and 3rd valve triggers • Silver plate £2,045 order code 96212 Elkhart CR100 • Student cornet • Lacquered finish • Back pack style case £105 order code 96264 Yamaha YCR8335G • Xeno model • Yellow brass bell • Lacquered finish £1,999 order code 68359 Jupiter JCR520ML • British design model • First valve slide hook and adjustable third valve slide ring Flugel Horns Mirage MFG200R • Excellent student horn • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • Rose brass bell for a warmer sound £324 • 3 year warranty† order code 47269 • Supplied with case and mouthpiece £179 order code 53684 The tone, intonation and quickness of valves is that of an instrument in the £1,000 bracket... but at a cost that the school can easily afford. Yamaha YCR2330 III “ ” Ian Rowe, Head of Performing Arts - Langley Park Boys School, Beckenham • New improved model • Monel steel valves • Lighter yellow brass bell Jupiter JFH846RL £515 • Monel metal pistons order code 95472 • Vertical tuning slides • Wooden frame case £477 order code 43254 Yamaha YCR4330G II • New improved model • Monel steel valves • New lighter gold brass bell Yamaha YFH2310 £633 • Student model order code 95468 • Includes case and mouthpiece • Nickel plated valves £774 Besson BE1020 order code 41055 • Stainless steel valves • Bright silverplate • Includes case and mouthpiece £245 Also Available Price Code Yamaha YFH631GUK Maestro model with gold brass bell £1,441 96213 Yamaha YFH6310Z Bobby Shew model with yellow brass 6” 1-piece bell £1,908 96214 Vincent Bach 183 Stradivarius Flugel Horn £1,659 96281 order code 62992 † When you register online at 30 email: Orchestral Instruments Tenor and French Horns Tenor Horns French Horns Mirage MTH200 Mirage MHR200F • Ideal student tenor horn • Single French horn in F • Durable monel steel valves • Mechanical link rotors • Rose brass lead pipe to create a warm sound • Lightweight hard case • Complete with lightweight case and mouthpiece • 3 year warranty† • 3 year warranty† £168 £159 order code 62909 order code 66898 Elkhart 100TH Model MHR200B in B • Student model Price Code £168 66899 • Lacquered finish • Back pack style case Elkhart 100FFH in F £169 • Single horn in F order code 69282 • Lacquered finish • Includes case and mouthpiece £199 order code 96284 Jupiter JAL456L Model • Good quality student tenor horn Elkhart 100BHF in B • Yellow brass lacquer finish Price Code £199 96673 • Includes hard case and mouthpiece £558 Jupiter JHR852L • F/B full double horn order code 42148 • Mechanical link rotors • Wooden frame case £1,491 Besson BE1052 order code 48688 • Bright silver plate finish • Top sprung stainless steel valves • Includes case and mouthpiece Yamaha YHR567 £595 • F/B full double horn order code 68296 • Solid valve rotors • Yellow brass £2,691 order code 32494 Yamaha YAH203 • Quality student instrument • Yellow brass bell • Includes hard case and mouthpiece Yamaha YHR667 £1,099 • Professional model • Full double B and F order code 43198 • Includes mouthpiece and case £3,372 order code 91706 Also Available Price Code Yamaha YAH803 Neo Professional Model, Yellow Brass Bell £2,549 96216 Besson BE950-2-0 Sovereign model, bright silver plate with monel valves £2,156 96217 Besson BE2050 Prestige Silver Plated Professional £2,399 96283 Also Available Yamaha YHR314II Yamaha YHR322II Jupiter JHR452DL Yamaha YHR881 † When you register online at Fax: 08450 949066 Student model, single F, yellow brass bell, lightweight case Student model, single B, yellow brass bell, lightweight case F or B, "Hornett" single, adjustable to child's hand size Custom model, B/high F double descant, yellow brass bell Price Code £1,216 87362 £1,624 87363 £1,024 60677 £6,199 87365 Tel: 08450 949022 31 Orchestral Instruments Baritones, Euphoniums and Tubas Baritones Euphoniums Tubas Mirage MBR200 Mirage MEP200 Mirage MEB200 Quality student baritone. Quality student euphonium. • 3/4 size • Rose brass lead pipe • Rose brass lead pipe • Excellent entry-level tuba • Durable monel steel valves • Durable monel steel valves • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • 3 year warranty† • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • 3 year warranty† • Includes sturdy case with wheels • 3 year warranty† £176 £199 order code 61121 order code 61122 £465 order code 62031 Jupiter JEP468L Ideal student euphonium. • 3 valve model Jupiter JBR360L Ideal student baritone. • Yellow brass lacquer finish • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • Includes hard case and mouthpiece £891 order code 43063 £807 Besson BE1077 E • Silver plated finish • Stainless steel valves • Includes case and mouthpiece £969 order code 61170 order code 96286 Yamaha YEP201 Good quality student instrument. • Yellow brass bell • Includes case and mouthpiece £1,383 order code 87367 Good quality student instrument. Besson BE982 Sovereign E • Yellow brass bell Professional tuba • Includes case and mouthpiece • Fully compensating EEB tuba £1,524 • Bell Diameter: 483mm (19”) Yamaha YBH301 order code 56381 Besson BE967 Sovereign • Bore: 17.51mm (.689”) Professional euphonium. • Supplied in silver plate finish as standard • Compensating system • 14.73mm (.580”) bore • Bell diameter - 304.88mm (12”) • 4 bottom sprung stainless • 4 bottom sprung stainless steel valves £4,690 order code 96287 steel valves • Supplied in Silver Plate finish - Besson BE955 Sovereign Professional baritone. • 13.89mm (.547”) bore call for lacquer prices. £3,800 order code 96221 • Bell diameter: 241mm (9.5”) Professional tuba. • Stainless steel pistons for smooth action • 3rd valve compensating - improves lower register intonation • Supplied in silver plate as standard £2,500 order code 96220 Yamaha YEB632UK Maestro E Besson BE2052 Prestige Silver £6,458 order code 96222 Professional euphonium. • Bore size: .580” (14.73mm) • 4 Bottom Sprung Monel Valves • Compensating system • Bell diameter 311mm (12”) • Available in lacquer or silver plate £4,300 order code 96285 32 † When you register online at email: Orchestral Instruments Trombones and Bass Trombones Mirage MSL200 • Superb entry-level trombone • Free-blowing student instrument • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • 3 year warranty† £119 order code 61124 Conn 8H • B tenor trombone • Large bore: 0.547” • 81/2” rose brass bell • Rose brass outer slide • Lacquer finish £1,319 order code 87374 Conn 88H • B/F trombone Jupiter JSL432LA • B trombone • Designed for the younger player • Includes hard case and mouthpiece £393 order code 32589 Elkhart 100TB • Student trombone • Large bore: 0.547” • 81/2” rose brass bell • Rose brass outer slide • Lacquer finish £1,700 order code 94939 Courtois AC440BR Tenor • Professional trombone • Lacquered finish • Red brass bell • Includes case and mouthpiece • Lacquered finish £125 • Bore 0.547” order code 96289 £1,775 order code 96291 Besson BE1030 Student • Student trombone • Lacquered finish • Includes case and mouthpiece £285 order code 96293 Yamaha YSL882GO • Xeno model trombone • Gold brass bell £2,407 order code 87375 Bass Trombones Yamaha YSL354E • Excellent student trombone Holton TR181 Bass • Well-designed slide for ease of movement • Key of B • Includes hard case and mouthpiece • 0.562” bore £607 order code 32595 • 10” diameter hand-hammered red brass bell • In-line independent dual trigger rotor mechanism • Traditional wrap with F tuning and G/G slide £2,390 Yamaha YSL446GE order code 96290 • B/F tenor trombone Yamaha YBL830 Bass • 81/2” gold-brass bell • Professional trombone • ML bore: 13.34mm (0.525”) • Red brass bell £1,291 • Lacquered finish order code 67847 £3,366 order code 87376 Yamaha YSL448GE Courtois AC550BH Bass • B/F tenor trombone • Key of B/F/G/D • 81/2” gold-brass bell • Large bore: 0.562” • Large Bore: 113.89mm (0.547”) • Bell: 9.5” yellow or rose brass • Gold epoxy lacquer finish • F attachment: Independent valves £1,291 £3,659 order code 96288 order code 96292 † When you register online at Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 33 Orchestral Instruments Strings – Violins Allieri Violins New to Dawsons and the UK, Allieri Strings combine beautiful tone, excellent craftsmanship and reliability with incredible value for money. Available in two specifications, with quality bow and case. Allieri VL100 Allieri VL200 • Spruce top • Maple back, sides and neck • Inlaid purfling • Metal tailpiece with integral adjusters • Sprayed varnish finish • Quality spruce top • Maple back, sides and neck • Inlaid purfling • Ebony pegs, fingerboard, endpin and chinrest • Metal tailpiece with integral adjusters • Semi-antiqued finish Also Available £52 VL114 order code 96326 1/ 4 VL112 VL134 VL144 1/ 2 3/ 4 size size full size Code 96325 96324 96323 £72 VL214 order code 96330 size 1/ 4 Stentor Harlequin • Supplied with good quality bow • Brilliant coloured violin outfits, ideal for encouraging young students! size size full size Code 96329 96328 96327 • Supplied with shaped case and bow order code 32623 4/ 4 size • Available in Silver Grey, Deep Purple, Red, Marine Blue, Sage Green, Black and Raspberry Pink Also Available Code • 1/2, 3/4 and 4/4 sizes 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 43055 41954 41955 £79 size size size State colour and size when ordering Primavera 90 Stentor Student II • Hand carved maple & spruce • Hand carved body • Ebonised fingerboard with ebony top-nut • Ebony fingerboard • Lightweight case with integral cover • Metal alloy tailpiece £91 • Shaped case order code 32645 • Primavera hardwood bow with half-mounted ebony frog order code 63553 4/ 4 size Also Available Code 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 63554 63555 63556 size size size 1/ 2 3/ 4 • Rosewood or ebony tuning pegs £49 £59 VL212 VL234 VL244 size Stentor Student Standard • Lightweight case included Also Available Also Available Primavera 100 £72 4/ 4 size Also Available Code 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 32644 32642 32643 size size size Primavera 200 • Particularly popular for education, with durability built in by design • Hand carved maple & spruce • Shaded varnish finish and ebony fingerboard • New design metal alloy tailpiece Stentor Student I • Rosewood fittings and hardwood fingerboard • Supplied with good quality bow • Lightweight case with integral cover £63 34 • Shaped case with back pack straps, full length music pocket • Primavera composite bow with half-mounted ebony frog £91 order code 93498 4/ 4 size order code 32641 Also Available Code 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 93497 93496 93495 size size size email: Orchestral Instruments Violins and Violas Violins Violas Stentor Graduate Allieri VA200 Viola • Solid spruce front • Solid maple back, ribs and neck • Quality spruce top • Maple back, sides and neck • Inlaid purfling • Ebony pegs, fingerboard, endpin and chinrest • Metal tailpiece with integral adjusters • Semi-antiqued finish • Ebony fingerboard • Maple bridge (fitted) • Oblong case £114 order code 66449 3/ 4 4/ 4 size size outfit 66450 VA213 VA214 VA215 VA2155 £93 Stentor Conservatoire order code VA212 12” size 96331 • Hand made violin 13” size 14” size 15” size 151/2” size 96332 96333 96334 96335 • Deluxe oblong, lightweight case • For the advanced student Primavera 100 Viola £145 • Hand carved maple and spruce order code 43080 4/ 4 • Ebonised fingerboard and pegs size • Metal tailpiece with integral adjusters 3/ 4 size 48670 £94 order code 89477 14” size 12" size 13" size 15" size Andreas Zeller 1793 £94 £94 £101 88198 89476 93341 • Ebony fittings Stentor Student II Viola • Fibreglass bow with natural horsehair • Hand carved body • Shaped case with integral cover • Ebony fingerboard £157 • Lightweight case with integral cover order code 47144 3/ 4 151/2" size 16" size £101 £101 93342 93343 £119 size order code 61406 12” size 4/ 4 size 32650 13” size 14” size 45692 48671 15” size 16” size 48672 64606 Stentor Conservatoire Viola • Hand made viola Stentor Conservatoire II • Deluxe oblong, lightweight case Enhanced version of this popular Stentor violin. As Stentor Conservatoire, plus: • For the advanced student £136 • Wittner tailpiece with integral adjusters • High quality branded strings order code 93347 15" size • Brazilwood bow • Superior quality case £179 order code 93499 3/ 4 14" size 151/2" size 66093 93348 16" size 93349 16" size 93346 size Primavera Loreato Viola • Hand carved top • Ebony fingerboard and pegs • Stylish oblong case and octagonal bow Also Available Stentor Messina Stentor Messina Stentor Elysia Stentor Arcadia 3/ 4 4/ 4 4/ 4 4/ 4 size size size size Fax: 08450 949066 Price Code £000 £296 £000 £387.58 00000 65065 00000 64387 £187 order code 93344 15" size 141/2" size 151/2" size 62997 93345 Tel: 08450 949022 35 Orchestral Instruments Cellos and Double Basses Cellos Double Basses Antoni Debut Stentor Student II Antoni Debut • Solid spruce top, maple sides and neck • Hand carved from solid to newoods with ebony fittings • Laminated spruce back with solid maple ribs • Supplied with natural horsehair bow • Double purfling • Complete with padded rayon cover • Satin finish maple neck with gloss finish scroll £325 • Supplied with bag, bow and rosin • Ebony fingerboard, nut and pegs • Fitted case and bow supplied • Lightweight tailpiece with adjusters £256 4/ 4 size order code 93350 • Laminated spruce table 3/ 4 size order code 32505 4/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 size size size £395 £335 £291 £276 32506 52253 52254 Primavera 100 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 size size size £256 £256 £289 93351 93501 93352 3/ 4 size order code 93368 1/ 2 1/ 4 • Hand carved maple & spruce with inlaid purfling size size £395 £395 93367 93369 • Ebony fingerboard and pegs • Padded cover with back pack • Hardwood bow with half-mounted ebony frog Stentor Student • Hand-carved from solid tonewoods with rosewood fittings • Supplied with natural horsehair bow Stentor Student £372 • Solid spruce front • Robust laminated maple body 3/ 4 size order code 65351 • Complete with padded nylon cover 4/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 £276 size size size • Complete with bow and cover £372 £344 £344 93354 61405 93353 3/ 4 size order code 39055 £510 3/ 4 size order code 48645 Stentor Conservatoire • Hand-carved from selected tonewoods • Finished in Shellax varnish • Includes lightweight hard case 4/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 • Good quality wood bow size size size £289 £255 £242 32012 48802 48803 1/ 2 1/ 4 1/ 8 £550 size size size £510 £510 £519 48644 48643 54397 3/ 4 size order code 93355 Primavera 50 Primavera 90 • Laminated spruce top • Hand carved cello 4/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 • Ebonised fingerboard and fitted pegs • Supplied with padded cover size size size £585 £510 £510 93358 93357 93356 • Ebony fingerboard and top-nut • Primavera wooden bow with rosewood frog • Padded cover with carrying straps • Wooden bow with rosewood frog £308 £716 Andreas Zeller 1394 3/ 4 • Solid spruce top with ebony fingerboard 3/ 4 size order code 63003 size order code 63000 • Fibreglass bow with natural horsehair • Complete with padded rayon cover £629 4/ 4 size order code 43685 4/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 36 size size size £308 £279 £279 63553 63555 63556 3/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4 size size size £629 £615 £615 96691 96692 80585 1/ 2 1/ 4 1/ 8 size size size £716 £697 £697 63001 63002 65122 email: Orchestral Instruments Double Basses and Electric Strings Double Basses Electric Strings Stentor Student II Stagg EVN Electric Violin Stagg EVA Electric Viola High quality student instrument. • Solid bodied lacquered maple body • Solid bodied lacquered maple body • Hand carved from solid tonewoods • 4 fine tuners • 4 fine tuners • Solid spruce front • 2-band EQ & volume • 2-band EQ & volume • Solid maple back and sides • Available in full size only • Available in full size only • Complete with cover and good quality bow • Call for colour availability • Black, blue or red £105 £789 3/ 4 £157 order code 94624 black size order code 93360 1/ 8 1/ 4 1/ 2 size size size order code 96768 brown 93361 61336 93362 Zeller 1422 Yamaha SV130 Silent Violin Yamaha SVV220 Silent Viola • High quality fingerboard • Dual piezo pickups • Plug in headphones for silent practice • EQ dial • Connects to an external amplifier • Body design generates very natural sound £824 • Professional studio-quality preamp • Made to 16” viola scale order code 42365 brown 48689 black 48690 candy apple red 93370 navy blue High quality student instrument. • Laminated maple back and sides £1,208 order code 93374 antique brown • Supplied with padded case and bow £803 3/ 4 size order code 43117 1/ 4 1/ 2 size size £777 £777 93364 93363 Stentor Conservatoire Yamaha SV150 Silent Violin £949 Yamaha SVC50 Silent Cello Yamaha SLB200 Silent Bass • Reliable gear-type tuning pegs • Improved resonating chamber • Studio-quality on-board preamp • Gold-finished tuners • Standard 1/ 4” • Comes with protective gig bag • Hand-made from selected solid tonewoods • Supplied without bow • Complete with padded cover and wood bow • New active/passive switch plug • Fully carved back and front • Finished in Shellax varnish 93371 • Spruce & mahogany body, with maple neck £1,433 • Premium ebony fingerboard order code 93375 £2,224 • Supplied without bow order code 93377 £1,017 3/ 4 size order code 64521 1/ 4 1/ 2 size size 93365 93366 Fax: 08450 949066 Also Available Price Code Yamaha SVC110 Silent Cello £1,940 93376 Tel: 08450 949022 37 Orchestral Instruments Timpani and Tuned Percussion Timpani Adams Revolution Fibre The novel design of the Adams Revolution Fibre allows it to be one of the most portable pedal timpani ever made. Building on their Universal timpani design, with retractable legs making portability and storage so easy, Adams have now developed a system where the bowl can be fully removed without tools. • Oversized double locking swivel castors • Locking third wheel assembly on the pedal • Built-in fine tuner • Available in 5 sizes £1,483 20” order code 87682 Premier Concert Fibreglass These instruments provide a lighter-weight alternative to copper bowl models. • Suspended fibreglass bowl • Unique Premier pedal action • Hard-wearing frame, powder-coated struts and base. • Braked castors £1,346 22.5” order code 66710 £1,346 25” order code 66711 £1,408 30” order code 66713 £1,410 32” order code 66714 £1,346 28” order code 66712 £1,483 23” order code 87683 £1,440 26” order code 87684 £1,516 29” order code 87685 £1,669 32” order code 87686 Adams Universal Copper Adams Universal Timpani are very light and easy to operate, with a perfect sound and pitch quality. • Multi-adjustable supporting legs • Parabolic smooth copper bowl • Legs retract completely for ease of transport • Available in 5 sizes £1,621 20” order code 66715 £1,621 23” order code 66716 £1,435 26” order code 66717 £1,609 29” order code 66718 £1,817 32” order code 66719 Yamaha 3100 Series Symphonic Aluminium These portable timpani are made from hand-spun aluminium and produce an impressively big sound for such lightweight instruments. • Sturdy, retractable legs • Quiet pedal mechanism • Memory marks on the legs • Adjustable pedal height Glockenspiels Essentials Percussion Glockenspiel Kit • Padded case • Folding stand and music rest • Supplied with beaters • Also comes with practice pad and sticks £64 order code 60680 Yamaha YG250D Orchestral Glockenspiel • 21/2 octaves • High-carbon steel notebars • Includes carry case £641 order code 56362 £956 Xylophones Percussion Plus PP092 Xylophone • 31/2 octaves • Synthetic notebars • Mounted on specially-designed sound box • Includes beaters £648 order code 60791 £2,090 32” order code 58091 PP094 Price Code Base Frame for PP092 £203 47497 • 31/2 octaves • Burmese paduak notebars order code 59556 The 31/2 octave xylophone is ideal for conservatoires, schools, band rooms and students, offering excellent sound quality, durability and portability. • Padouk note bars, F4 – C8 • Mallets included • Folding frame £1,045 38 Also Available Yamaha YX135 Orchestral Xylophone Premier 31/2 Octave Padouk Xylophone £1,899 56363 order code 96684 £1,708 29” order code 58090 £59 • Aluminium alloy note bars • Hard wearing portable case • Mallets included £1,291 26” order code 58089 Price Code Glockenspiel Stand Premier 21/2 Octave Aluminium Glockenspiel £1,899 23” order code 58088 Also Available order code 96682 email: Orchestral Instruments Tuned and Untuned Percussion Tuned Percussion Percussion Plus PP084 Orchestral Marimba • 21/2 octaves Untuned Percussion Essentials B2102 Bass Drum and Cradle £79 order code 64047 • Synthetic notebars £1,268 order code 52760 Premier 4.3 Octave Rosewood Marimba This marimba provides outstanding performance at an affordable price. With a range of A2 – C7, it is fully height-adjustable. • Light rosewood note bars Premier 36x16 Orchestral Bass Drum • Silver arched resonators £974 • Braked castors order code 96679 £3,041 order code 96678 Educational Chimes Can be held and played individually or strung on a frame. Each component supplied separately. Premier 1464 Bass Drum Cradle £994 £109 • Other sizes available PP010 Set of 5 Chromatic (black notes) £67 order code 47499 order code 96685 Essentials Side Drum Kit Includes stand, case and sticks. PP011 Chime Frame for use with PP009 and PP010 £195 96683 Adams BK 28” Concert Bass Drum with Cradle PP009 Set of 8 Diatonic tuned C - C (white notes) order code 47498 £89 £48 order code 64046 order code 47500 PP012 Chime Mallet £6 order code 45788 Premier Side Drums Maple dark walnut side drum. £228 order code 96680 2631 14”x4” order code 96680 2636 14”x7” Adams Standard 11/2 Octave Chimes Adams chimes are manufactured from a chrome-plated, brass alloy developed specifically for Adams. This alloy produces the clearest, most resonant tone of any chime on the market. £3,348 order code 66728 Yamaha Side Drums 6-ply Maple with steel flange. £385 £457 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 96686 CSM1345A 13”x5” order code 96687 CSM1450A 14”x5” Tel: 08450 949022 39 Orchestral Instruments Accessories Stagg Cases Stagg SC series gig bags are lightweight soft cases with a protective padded interior. • Outer compartment for small accessories • 2 slip-proof S-shaped transport straps w/ zippered cover for protection • Lush, padded interior • Stormflap to protect main zipper against rainfall • Easy-grip rubber zipper pullers Trumpet £43 order code 92871 Stagg SC-TP Flute £21 order code 92875 Stagg SC-FL Denis Wick Mutes £22 £22 £33 £26 £28 £40 order code 38117 Trumpet practice mute order code 38115 Trumpet straight mute order code 38119 Trumpet adjustable cup mute order code 38118 Trombone practice mute order code 53203 Trombone straight mute order code 41946 Trombone adjustable cup mute Mouthpieces Trumpet Clarinet £27 Alto Saxophone £44 order code 92873 Stagg SC-AS Tenor Saxophone £59 £8 £32 Clarinet £26 Alto Sax £22 order code 69212 7C Mirage mouthpiece order code 92874 Stagg SC-CL order code 92872 Stagg SC-TS order code 92913 7C Yamaha mouthpiece order code 32315 4C Yamaha mouthpiece order code 41204 4C Yamaha mouthpiece Orchestral Instrument Stands Stagg Foldable Violin Stand SV-VN Hiscox Cases Hard wearing cases that will provide your instrument with the ultimate protection. £66 £11 order code 89737 Stagg Foldable Cello Stand SV-CE Saxophone £66 Fully adjustable, folding violin stand. Fully adjustable, folding cello stand. Suitable for all sizes. order code 69987 STD-WAS – Standard alto sax case £23 order code 80646 STD-WTS – Standard tenor sax case Stagg Foldable Double Bass Stand SV-DB order code 89738 Fully adjustable, folding double bass stand. £36 order code 92109 Background Brass £115 £115 £130 order code 87670 BTH – Tenor horn case order code 87671 BBH – Baritone horn case order code 87672 BEU – Euphonium case K&M Violin Stand 15520 Compact and folding design makes it easy to transport and store. £19 order code 95800 K&M Flute Stand 15252 Compact stand for soprano and piccolo flutes. £10 order code 92850 Stentor Cases K&M Clarinet Stand 15222 £31 £53 £76 £29 Compact stand, which fits all current models of clarinets. order code 49322 Violin 1372 - Ultra lightweight case with integral cover order code 31996 Violin 1660 - Oblong case with rayon cover £10 order code 92851 order code 90254 Viola 1661 - Oblong case with rayon cover K&M Trumpet/Cornet Stand 15213 Order Code 45058 Cello 1448 - Canvas padded cover Compact trumpet stand that can be stored in the bell of the instrument. £12.50 order code 92852 K&M Alto & Tenor Sax Stand 14300 Adjustable folding stand for E Alto and B Tenor Sax. £12.50 order code 92853 K&M Soprano Sax Stand Straight 15290 Compact trumpet stand that can be stored in the bell of the instrument. £18 40 order code 92854 email: Orchestral Instruments Accessories Care Kits Strings Alto Sax £16.50 Violin Strings Astrea order code 43805 £8.50 B Clarinet (Plastic) £16.50 order code 43806 order code 1/4 and 1/2 size: 52637 3/4 and 4/4 size: 31570 Flute and Piccolo Dogal Green Label £16.50 Best selling bronze wound strings. order code 43807 £9.50 Trumpet and Cornet £16.50 order code 31738 Shoulder Rests and Mutes Viola Strings Lark Shoulder Rest 1/4 and 1/2 £5.30 order code 1/16 and 1/8 size: 45834 1/4 and 1/2 size: 53288 3/4 and 4/4 size: 31610 order code 95948 Astrea Dogal Green label £9 £16 order code 45136 order code 31611 Lark Shoulder Rest 3/4 and 4/4 £5.30 Cello Strings order code 95949 Kun Violin Shoulder Rest 3/4 Astrea Dogal Green Label £19 £20 £27 order code 1/4 and 1/2 size 90074 3/4 and 4/4 size: 31569 order code 1/4 and 1/2 size: 45461 3/4 and 4/4 size: 31612 order code 41855 Kun Violin Shoulder Rest 4/4 £19 order code 42567 Double Bass Wolf Primo Shoulder Rest 3/4 and 4/4 £21 order code 32159 Cello Floor Protector – ‘The Black Hole’ £7.50 order code 42285 Stentor Student Violin Bows Wood bow, octagonal stick, half mounted ebony frog. order code 1/4 size: 65884 1/2 size: 54465 3/4 size: 65885 4/4 size: 54106 Stentor Cello Bows Ground round wood stick, half mounted ebony frog. £33 order code 1/4 size: 69267 1/2 size: 58326 3/4 size 42397 4/4 size: 60534 Stentor Double Bass Bows Romanian, brazilwood stick ebony frog. £48 order code 1/2-3/4 size: 51236 3/4-4/4 size: 45302 Model Description Price Code Stentor Viola Wood Bow P&H Fibreglass P&H Fibreglass P&H Fibreglass P&H Fibreglass Half Mounted Ebony Frog 1/4 Violin Bow 1/2 Violin Bow 3/4 Violin Bow 4/4 Violin Bow £29 £21 £21 £21 £21 92862 48746 41934 47304 48744 Hidersine Rosin Rosin £2.50 order code 31945 Violin/Viola 31944 Cello £3.50 order code 92863 Double Bass Fax: 08450 949066 £49 £79 order code 31564 order code 92864 Model order code 54396 Bows and Rosin £15 Dogal Red Label Reeds Tourte Violin Mute £1.65 Astrea Description Clarinet Rico 1.5 3 pack Rico 2 3 pack Rico 2.5 3 pack Rico Royal 1.5 10 pack Rico Royal 2 10 pack Rico Royal 2.5 10 pack Vandoren 1.5 10 pack Vandoren 2 10 pack Vandoren 2.5 10 pack Alto Sax Rico 1.5 3 pack Rico 2 3 pack Rico 2.5 3 pack Rico Royal 1.5 10 pack Rico Royal 2 10 pack Rico Royal 2.5 10 pack Vandoren 1.5 10 pack Vandoren 2 10 pack Vandoren 2.5 10 pack Tenor Sax Rico Royal 1.5 10 pack Rico Royal 2 10 pack Rico Royal 2.5 10 pack Oboe Oxford Oboe Regency Oboe Oxford Oboe Medium Soft Oxford Oboe Medium Regency Oboe Medium Soft Regency Oboe Medium Bassoon Oxford Bassoon Britannia Bassoon Oxford Bassoon Reed Medium Soft Oxford Bassoon Reed Medium Britannia Bassoon Reed Medium Soft Britannia Bassoon Reed Medium Price Code £4 £4 £4 £14 £14 £14 £18 £18 £18 95945 95946 95947 57087 57088 57089 32060 32061 32062 £5.50 £5.50 £5.50 £18 £18 £18 £24 £24 £24 89494 89495 89496 57090 57091 57092 32046 32047 32048 £24 £24 £24 57093 57094 57095 £6.50 £8.50 £6.50 £6.50 £8.50 £8.50 95781 95798 95781 95798 96603 96592 £7.50 £9.50 £8.00 £8.00 £9.50 £8.00 96602 96601 96602 96601 95782 96591 Tel: 08450 949022 41 Orchestral Instruments Accessories Music Stands Percussion Table Essentials Conductor’s Stand Essentials Music Stand £8 Stagg PCT500 Percussion Table £29 order code 66733 £19 order code 60553 order code 60552 Timpani Covers Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £75 Buy 10 for £175 Wooden Conductor’s Stand Stagg Extendable Music Stand Professional quality with wooden rest and folding legs. Universal Timpani Bags Fits retractable leg type timpani in the following makes: Adams Universal & Revolution, Majestic Harmonic, Yamaha 3100 series. Made from rugged black toughened nylon with 12.5mm foam padding on the tops and sides. Available in 20'', 23'', 26'', 29'' and 32''. £105 £32 £32 order code 58896 order code 69747 96510 96511 96512 23” 26” 29” 32” Universal Symphonic Timpani Covers Mushroom standard Concert timpani cover. Fully padded on top and sides with 12.5mm foam. For use with the following makes: order code 30254 Adams: Professional, Symphonic Ludwig: Pro-Symphonic Premier: Elite (E) Yamaha: 5000 series, 6000 series Rat Performer Stand Performer Stands Trolley £52 • Holds 18 Rat Performer stands • 2 fixed and 2 swivel wheels • 173 x 45 cm order code 65575 £289 order code 65576 Sizes available:20'', 23'', 26'', 29'', 32''. If unsure please call with your requirements. £105 order code 69748 96513 96514 96515 23” 26” 29” 32” Also Available Price Code Premier 1211 Small timpani cover £64 66723 Premier 1212 Medium timpani cover £66 66724 Premier 1213 Large timpani cover £69 66725 Timpani Heads Evans Orchestral Timpani Heads Cymbals and Gongs £51 £56 £60 £63 Stagg 18” Tam Tam Gong • 45cm, complete with beater £89 order code 66732 Adjustable Gong Stand £42 order code 96749 23” order code 96517 26” order code 96518 29” order code 96519 32” Timpani Mallets 59185 PP072 Hard timpani mallets. £7.50 PP550 Symphonic Cymbals PP073 • Supplied complete with padded carry case £389 order code 33098 Medium timpani mallets. order code 44446 £8.90 order code 33099 PP074 PP695 Cymbal Cradle Can be table or stand mounted £25 47492 Soft timpani mallets. £9 42 order code 33100 email: Percussion Instruments Although sometimes seen as the least important instruments in the classroom, in many cases percussion instruments have provided initial access for young children to rhythm, melody and even harmony. You can achieve some amazing learning outcomes using basic tuned and untuned percussion. That being said, there is also a need for top quality percussion instruments for those who wish to progress in this particular field, and especially in the context of school and college ensembles, whether ‘classical’, ‘jazz’ or ‘rock’-based. In addition, new advances in technology allow for some amazing sounds and facilities – including silent drum practice! Check out the range of digital kits from page 65 onwards. Tuned Percussion Percussion Beaters and Mallets Bells and Chimes Handheld Percussion Percussion Storage Percussion Packs Asian Percussion African Percussion Latin American Percussion Drum Kits Digital Drum Kits Percussion Accessories 44-47 48 49 50-53 54 55-56 57 58-59 60-62 63-64 65-67 68-70 43 Percussion Instruments Tuned Percussion - Xylophones Percussion Plus Xylophones Harmony Xylophones by Percussion Plus PP023 Soprano Diatonic Half PP2023 Soprano Diatonic Half Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £122 £169 order code 87478 order code 34228 PP024 Soprano Chromatic Half PP2024 Soprano Chromatic Half Supplied with 6 notes only. £85 £105 PP2025 Alto Diatonic Half PP025 Alto Diatonic Half £152 Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £199 order code 87480 order code 33036 PP2026 Alto Chromatic Half PP026 Alto Chromatic Half £117 Supplied with 6 notes only. £131 order code 87479 order code 34226 order code 87481 order code 33037 New Era Xylophones Beaters supplied with all instruments. F s and Bs are supplied with diatonic halves only. PP088 Alto/Tenor Diatonic Half Diatonic notes only. £230 Bass Diatonic Half order code 92797 £388 PP089 Alto/Tenor Chromatic Alto Diatonic Half Sharps and flat notes only. £175 order code 64303 £175 £158 Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £212 Supplied with 6 notes only. Soprano Alto Tenor Bass 44 PP023 & PP024 PP025 & PP026 PP088 & PP089 PP027 & PP028 order code 87449 Alto Chromatic Half order code 33039 Also Available order code 87448 Bass Chromatic Half order code 45776 PP028 Bass Chromatic Half £271 order code 87447 Soprano Diatonic Half PP027 Bass Diatonic Half £397 order code 87446 Price Code £274 £330 £405 £668 SOPXY ALTXY TENXY BASXY £138 order code 87450 Soprano Chromatic Half £127 order code 87451 email: Percussion Instruments Tuned Percussion - Metallophones Percussion Plus Metallophones Harmony Metallophones by Percussion Plus PP017 Soprano Diatonic Half PP2017 Soprano Diatonic Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £100 £182 order code 33028 PP018 Soprano Chromatic Half PP2018 Soprano Chromatic Supplied with 6 notes only. £116 £75 order code 49668 order code 87475 PP2019 Alto Diatonic PP054 Table for Soprano/Alto Instruments £121 34" (86cm) x 15" (38cm). Height adjustable from 24" to 30". £95 order code 87474 order code 87476 order code 92918 PP2020 Alto Chromatic £96 PP019 Alto Diatonic Half Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £237 New Era Metallophones Beaters supplied with all instruments. F s and Bs are supplied with diatonic halves only. order code 33030 PP020 Alto Chromatic Half Bass Diatonic Half £357 Supplied with 6 notes only. £157 order code 87477 order code 87452 order code 33031 Alto Diatonic Half £181 PP021 Bass Diatonic Half order code 87453 Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. Soprano Diatonic Half £498 £158 order code 33032 PP022 Bass Chromatic Half Bass Chromatic Half Supplied with 6 notes only. £291 Large low table on wheels for fully chromatic bass xylophone or metallophone Also Available Soprano Alto Bass £241 order code 33033 MS1414 Stand PP017 & PP018 PP019 & PP020 PP021 & PP022 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 87454 £219 32956 Alto Chromatic Half £121 Price Code £298 £394 £789 SOPMT ALTMT ASMT order code 87455 order code 87456 Soprano Chromatic Half £109 order code 87457 Tel: 08450 949022 45 Percussion Instruments Tuned Percussion - Glockenspiels PP001 Soprano Diatonic Half PP937 8-Note Primary Coloured Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £22.30 £44 order code 92799 order code 44857 PP002 Soprano Chromatic Half Supplied with 6 notes only. £55 Angel 25 Note £20 order code 33018 PP006 Soprano Full Chromatic PP001 & PP002 £72 order code 60671 33022 PP003 Alto Diatonic Half Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. Angel 32 Note £64 £32 order code 33019 order code 65560 PP004 Alto Chromatic Half Supplied with 6 notes only. £51 PP2005 Soprano Chromatic order code 45781 PP007 Alto Full Chromatic PP003 & PP004 £94 33023 Supplied with 3 extra notes and 1 pair of beaters. £60 order code 87473 PP095 Alloy 2.5 Octave alloy notebars on strong wood frame. Pair of beaters included. New Era Chromatic £342 £25 order code 92798 order code 87458 New Era Diatonic £27 Essentials X-Stand £15 order code 87459 60547 Essentials Percussion Glockenspiel Kit • Padded case • Supplied with beaters New Era “Carry Case” • Also comes with practice pad and sticks £16 • Folding stand and music rest £64 order code 87460 order code 60680 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £600 New Era Full Chromatic Chromatic half instruments are designed to locate with the appropriate diatonic half so the notes are correctly raised and spaced. Diatonic = White notes of a piano keyboard. Chromatic half = Black notes of a piano keyboard. 46 £44 order code 87461 email: Percussion Instruments Tuned Percussion - Chime Bars and Tubaphones Chime Bars PP057 Extra Deep Bass Xylophone Bass Chimes PP932 8-Note Chime Bar Set G23, A25, and B27 available. £68 each £30.20 order code 96236 order code 33521 PP058 Bass Metallophone Chime Bars PP935 8-Note Coloured Chime Bar Set C28, D30, E32, F33, G35 and A37 available. £59 each £19.60 order code 96237 order code 92800 PP059 Bass Xylophone Chime Bars PP936 Chime Bar Step C28, D30, E32, F33, G35 and A37 available. £23.30 £59 each order code 92801 order code 90050 PP931 Set of 25 Chime Bars PP060 Alto Chime Bars £107 £23 each order code 57534 order code 56853 A37 – A49 available Tubaphones Individual Chime Bars Price Code PP2033 Alto Diatonic Half PP933/47 G47 £4.50 33540 Range C to A. PP933/48 G 48 £4.50 36671 • Supplied with 1 pair of beaters PP933/01 A49 £4.50 36666 PP933/02 B 50 £4.50 36672 £102 PP933/03 B51 £4.50 36670 PP933/04 C52 £4.50 33539 PP933/05 C 53 £4.50 67483 PP933/06 D54 £4.50 33543 PP2034 Alto Chromatic Half PP933/07 D 55 £4.50 67601 PP933/08 E56 £4.50 48243 Use with PP2033 to make a fully chromatic instrument. PP933/09 F57 £4.50 48244 £81 PP933/10 F 58 £4.50 67604 order code 63743 PP933/11 G59 £4.50 49214 Model Description PP933/12 G 60 £4.50 67605 PP933/13 A61 £4.50 54049 PP933/14 B 62 £4.50 67606 PP933/15 B63 £4.50 56185 PP933/16 C64 £4.50 53970 PP933/17 C 65 £4.50 67607 PP933/18 D66 £4.50 67608 PP933/19 D 67 £4.50 67609 PP933/20 E68 £4.50 67610 PP933/21 F69 £4.50 67611 PP933/22 F 70 £4.50 67612 PP933/23 G71 £4.50 67613 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 63742 Shown with PP2034 Chromatic half, supplied separately PP2038 Alto Full chromatic instrument, F57 - F81. £202 order code 63745 PP2035 Pentatonic 5 notes on a simple frame with handle. • Notes are C D E G A • Supplied with single beater £55 order code 63744 Tel: 08450 949022 47 Percussion Instruments Percussion Beaters and Mallets Xylophones & Metallophones Multi-Packs Marimbas & Vibraphones PP384 PP075 PP069 One-piece plastic beaters, 5 pairs. Hard vibraphone mallets with wound, wool head. Soprano xylophones and chimes beater with wooden head. £4.10 £11 £4.50 PP066 order code 45311 PP070 Xylophone, tambour and metallophone beater with felt head. order code 33096 PP071 Bass xylophone and metallophone mallet with wound head. £9.40 order code 33101 Glockenspiel and chime bars beaters. 3 Pairs. £3.90 £7.10 order code 92802 order code 33092 PP076 Medium vibraphone mallets with wound, wool head. PP063 £12 Box of 25 soft rubber beaters for soprano chimes. £30 order code 33102 order code 96218 PP383 PP077 Box of 25 medium rubber head beaters. Ideal for chime bars. Soft vibraphone mallets with wound, wool head and hard core. £23 £13.50 order code 92619 order code 33103 order code 63751 PP062 6 pairs of mixed beaters with block stand. Suitable for glockenspiel, chime bars, xylophones, woodblock and tambours. PP080 Xylophone mallet with rubber head. £8.50 order code 33106 £20 Timpani PP072 order code 44572 Hard timpani mallets. Easy Grip Sticks & Beaters £7.50 order code 33098 PP718 PP081 Xylophone mallet with beech wood head. Pack of 6 mixed beaters with easy-grip handles. £9.50 £22 order code 44445 order code 57634 PP719 Glockenspiels & Chimes PP067 £27 order code 92803 order code 44236 Medium timpani mallets. £8.90 order code 33099 Pack of 5 mixed mallets and sticks with easy grip handles. PP074 Soft timpani mallets. Soprano glockenspiel beaters (pair). £3.60 PP073 Chime Bars & Chimes £9 order code 33100 PP064 Soft rubber beaters for alto chime bars, slit drums. PP068 Alto glockenspiel and chime bar beater (pair). £3.30 £3.30 order code 33090 order code 33094 Bass Drum PP283 Hard mallet for bass drum or gong (single). PP012 PP078 Educational chime mallet. Glockenspiel and bell lyre mallet. £9.50 order code 58705 order code 45788 PP079 Hard professional glockenspiel mallet. Professional chime mallet with wood shaft rawhide head. order code 33105 order code 33336 £6.40 PP087 £8.50 £22 PP284 Soft mallet for bass drum or gong (single). £24 order code 33337 £21 order code 63747 48 email: Percussion Instruments Bells and Chimes Hand Chimes PP275 Combi Bells £33 order code 52841 PP276 Combi Bells £25.50 PP2085 Set of 10 Handchimes £256 order code 58962 order code 58961 PP277 Combi Bells £33 order code 58108 PP2086 Set of 12 Handchimes £378 order code 59633 PP271 Hand Bells Set of 8 Diatonic £14.80 order code 55167 PP273 Desk Bells set of 8 Diatonic PP1084 Set of 15 Handchimes £321 order code 69895 £31 order code 52459 PP790 Wak a Tube 8 Diatonic £10.30 order code 87482 PP1088 Handchime Book £13.30 order code 57356 PP791 Wak a Tube 5 Chromatic £7.70 order code 87483 PP014 Chime Square PP793 Wak a Tube Bass Diatonic £145 order code 93071 £16.90 order code 87484 PP794 Wak a Tube Bass Chromatic £16.90 order code 87485 PP795 Wak a Tube Pentatonic £9 See the amazing new Nuvo flutes on page 113 order code 87486 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 49 Percussion Instruments Handheld Percussion Rosewood Claves £3 order code 87530 PP264 Piccolo Woodblock Guiro Tone Block and Beater £5 £3 order code 57349 order code 87519 Woodblock with Beater £3.60 Dual Tick Tone PP261 Bass Claves £2.50 £7.70 order code 87527 order code 33324 order code 44573 PP583 Woodblock Holder £3.60 Meinl Redwood Claves order code 57351 £6.50 Two Tone Wood Agogo Bell order code 66786 £4 order code 87529 PP263 Set of 3 Woodblocks £29.40 Meinl Hardwood Claves £3.50 order code 33332 order code 66785 Three Tone Wood Agogo Bell £4.50 order code 87521 Set of 5 Temple Blocks £95 Slit Drums order code 59992 Snake Drum Trio Slit Drum Sextet Slit Drum Octet Slit Drum Stand for Temple Blocks PP254 Woodblock with Beater £39 £5 Bass Slit Drum £58 £62 £65 £72 £88 order code 47502 order code 47503 order code 33399 order code 94793 order code 44569 order code 33323 order code 59993 50 email: Percussion Instruments Handheld Percussion - Wood Sounds Wooden Ratchet Small Wooden Frog Guiro PP636 Thunder Stick £4 £15 25cm Long. order code 62578 order code 66757 £11.50 order code 59728 Mini Wooden Grasshopper Guiro Wooden Castanets on Handle Small Fish Style Guiro £7 £5 order code 66758 order code 87533 £3 order code 87528 Mini Wooden Snail Guiro £7 Large Fish Style Guiro order code 66759 £8 order code 87534 Wooden Castanets £4 order code 72198 Mini Wooden Turtle Guiro £7 order code 66760 Digeridoo Bamboo. Mini Wooden Pig Guiro £15 order code 56825 £15 order code 66761 PP265 Wooden Spoons £5.50 order code 57350 Large Slapper £6 PP1052 Octachime £12.60 order code 33152 order code 87535 PP638 Rainstick 50cm Long. £15.50 order code 57633 PP632 Rainstick 30cm Long £13.50 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 93076 Tel: 08450 949022 51 Percussion Instruments Handheld Percussion - Metal Sounds, Shakers & Bodhrans EP 6” Triangle with Beater Bodhrans 18” £4.50 £44 order code 87522 order code 33188 Chase Celtic 44997 Clonmacnois Celtic 47480 Skellig Bodhran Bag £25 52849 EP 8” Triangle with Beater £5 order code 87523 Washboard Energy Chimes £81 order code 47490 £29 PP653 Caxixi Double seed shaker. £9.50 order code 93081 order code 66794 PP655 Pair of Shakers Flexatone PP490 On bamboo handle. £11.50 £32 order code 42967 order code 93078 PP652 Caxixi Single seed shaker. £6.10 order code 93080 20 Bar Chimes with Frame PP1050 Large Octachime £39 £13.50 PP651 Double Coco £12.90 order code 71734 order code 93072 Meinl Bar Chimes PP662 Double Clacker PP626 Large Seed Shaker £50 £5.10 £8 order code 93075 order code 93077 order code 66782 School Bell £67 52 order code 53338 order code 93079 PP661 Single Clacker £4.50 order code 93074 PP625 Seed Shaker £6.40 order code 65957 email: Percussion Instruments Shakers, Bells and Tambourines 16" Jingle Half Moon Tambourine Pretuned Wooden Double Tambourine £6 £7.50 £10.50 8" order code 71719 order code 59246 black 59247 blue 59248 red 10" order code 71720 Cabasa £7 £9 £12 Shekeres small order code 87516 Small medium order code 87517 Large £25 £29 order code 45160 order code 41562 large order code 87518 14" Jingle Star Tambourine £5.50 order code 71745 black 71746 purple 71747 red PP1063 Flashing Tambourine £22.60 order code 92919 FX Shaker Corroboree £7 order code 66812 Meinl Cabasa £30 order code 66778 Half Moon Tambourine £4.50 order code 87507 Egg Shakers Mini Shaker £2.50 order code 87511 Sleighbells (21 Bells) £4.50 Headless Wooden Tambourine £5.50 £7 10" 8" order code 87508 order code 71722 £6 order code 66813 camouflage 66814 adinkra 66815 samba 66816 flame order code 87525 Wooden Oval Maracas £4.50 order code 87512 red order code 87513 mexican Ganza Shakers £11 EP 8 Inch Headless Tambourine £4.50 order code 66792 Jingle Bells £2.50 order code 87508 order code 87524 Round Fibre Black Maracas £5 order code 87515 Pretuned Wooden Tambourine £6.75 £9 Triangle Shaker Set £17 8" order code 71717 10" order code 71718 Meinl Black Maracas £12 order code 66793 Meinl Jingle Stick £7 order code 66781 order code 66775 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 53 Percussion Instruments Percussion Storage PP1057 Wire & Plastic Music Trolley £152 order code 33156 Monarch MEQ3106 6 extra-deep tray unit. £125 order code 66800 PP234 Wire Music Trolley £168 order code 33313 Monarch MEQ750 Storage cupboard. £154 order code 66750 PP054 Table on Castors • Adjustable height and tilt • Slots for mallets and beaters £95 PP740 Mobile Music Store £374 order code 66751 order code 65894 Monarch EF6002 Monarch EF6004 Multi-purpose music trolley. Trolley with castors and three deep storage trays. £295 order code 66798 £148 order code 88184 Monarch MEQ1116 Monarch EF6001 16-tray unit. Trolley with rubber wheels and holes for better storage. £253 order code 66799 £255 order code 88185 54 email: Percussion Instruments Percussion Packs and Sound Access PP650 Fair Trade Kit Fair Trade percussion instruments. • An exciting pack of 14 different sounds £103 PP744 Wide Bar Glock Full chromatic glockenspiel. Use flat, sloped or upright with the specially designed feet. £140 order code 93257 order code 63699 PP741 Soundboard Includes tambourine, motor horn, cymbal and 5 chime notes. £144 PP620 Rhythm World Pack An exciting pack, full of interesting percussion instruments. • Takes you on an imaginary trip around the world order code 93258 PP714 Sound Station 1 Soundstation includes wooden agogos, octachime, cowbell, table castanet and beater. £78 order code 93259 • 14 different sounds • 2 world maps supplied £102 order code 54883 PP716 Sound Station 2 Soundstation includes triangle, cymbal, burma bell, wind chime and beater. £141 order code 93260 PP660 Nature’s Rhythms Basket with 7 percussion instruments. £59 order code 63700 PP721 Sound Access Gongs 8" and 12" Chinese Gongs. £125 order code 93261 PP715 5 Tone Drums Firmly fixed to a stand, drums can be played with hands or beaters (included). Multicultural Basket £161 order code 93263 17-player percussion pack. • Supplied with an authentic African basket £138 order code 45161 PP726 6" Triangle & stand Includes stand and beater. £27.50 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 93264 Tel: 08450 949022 55 Percussion Instruments Percussion Packs Key Stage 2 25 Player Percussion Pack A selection of good quality percussion instruments. 2 x 15cm cymbals (pair), 2 x 20cm cymbals (pair), 2 x claves (pair), 2 x finger castanets, 1 x maracas (pair), 1 x 20cm triangles, 1 x piccolo cabasa, 1 x agogo beater, 1 x solo tambourine, 1 x 8 note chime bar set, 3 x extra chime bar beaters, 1 x tulip block & beater, 1 x jingle stick, 1 x 10cm tambour, 1 x 25 note glockenspiel, plastic storage chest. £129 order code 33012 Key Stage 1 28 Player Percussion Set 2 x finger cymbals (pair), 1 x 8 note chime bar set, 6 x extra chime bar beaters, 1 x 15cm tambourine, 1 x 20cm tambourine, 1 x woodblock & beaters, 2 x finger castanets, 2 x handheld castanets, 1 x stick handbell, 2 x 10cm triangles, 2 x 15cm triangles, 1 x agogo & beater, 1 x maracas (pair), 1 x jingle stick, 1 x sleighbells, 1 x 2-tine block & beater, plastic storage chest. £89 order code 60976 Stagg CPK 02 Pack Children's percussion kit in transparent plastic box. 1 x wooden jingle stick, 1 x 4" wooden mini tambourine with 1 row of jingles, rivetted head & beater, 1 x metal triangle with metal beater, 1 x mini dual tick-tone with beater, 2 x mini sleigh bell sets on circular yellow plastic frames, 1 x sleigh bell set on wooden stick frame, 1 pair of wooden castanets, 1 pair of mini cymbals, 1 pair of plastic mini maracas (red head on black handle), 1 pair of red plastic egg shakers. £29 order code 58880 9 Player Percussion Pack Small Hands Music Pack Latin American Music Pack Small percussion set for children. 14-piece musical set. Selection of Latin themed instruments. • Helps children develop hearing, social, motor and musical skills £49 • Includes a CD of samba music £25 56 order code 59186 £52 order code 59187 order code 62579 email: Percussion Instruments Asian Percussion PP643 Tibetan Singing Bowl PP1109 Kara Nagara Including stick. Pair of Indian Drums. £20.50 £25 order code 59175 order code 92938 PP965 16" Chinese Gong With mallet. £74 order code 63697 PP1105 Bhangra Dhol Indian Festival Drum. PP655 Pair of Shakers £29.20 order code 92940 £11.50 order code 93078 PP1144 Doumbek 12" Brass Embossed with bag. Remo Okedo Drum £443 £46 order code 60546 order code 66766 PP1140 Talking Drum Including bag. £48 order code 61609 PP1143 Doumbek 8" Brass embossed with bag. £36 order code 46173 PP1100 Tabla Pair With rod tension. £107 order code 62733 PP1103 Dholak Rod Tuning. £63 order code 92939 PP1101 Tabla Pair Thong Tensioning with bag and rings. £107 order code 59948 Finger Cymbals Bronze. £5 order code 71736 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 57 Percussion Instruments African Percussion Meinl 10” Djembe £69 order code 66771 Remo Gathering Drums £68 16" x 8" order code 67535 Shekeres £25 £29 order code 45160 small order code 41562 large £159 22" x 21" order code 67536 PP657 Large Shekere £24.50 Roped Djembe Authentic African Djembes. order code 93086 • Hand carved • Fair Trade Drums Remo Djembe £71 11" order code 67738 £97 £64 order code 66756 PP656 Small Shekere £18.50 order code 93085 13" order code 61407 PP637 Monkey Drum PP1143 8” Doumbek £5.20 order code 93083 With bag. £39 order code 46173 PP1144 12” Doumbek With bag. £49 Remo Cluster Drums 5 piece Tropic Leaf. PP663 African Hand Drum £85 £4.30 order code 66811 order code 93084 order code 60546 PP6675 Ball Shaker Meinl Darbuka £25 order code 66787 Remo Konga 15" x 6 1/2" £5.90 order code 93073 £32 order code 66753 PP665 Seed Pod Shaker £4 order code 93082 PP500 Kalimba Remo Hand Drums Treble. 5 Piece Set. £75 £59 order code 42847 order code 66755 PP501 Kalimba Alto. £81 order code 42848 58 email: Percussion Instruments African Drumming Packs Kambala Drumming Packs African Drumming Kit - 10 Players The perfect introduction to African drumming. This is a great combination of instruments introducing the blend of handheld percussion with drums which makes African music so alluring. Comprising: African Drumming Kit - 12 Younger Players This 12 player pack has been much used by younger (and smaller) players. Kambala Bassam djembes are made in the Ivory Coast from sustainable hardwood shells, and are the real sound of Africa. • 2 x small djembe 9" Comprising: • 2 x medium djembe 11" • 4 x small djembe 9" • 2 x large ghana bell • 1 x doum doum 10" • 2 x shekere small 5" • 1 x doum doum 13" • 2 x caxixi • 2 x small ghana bell £396 • 2 x shekere small 5" order code 63711 • 2 x caxixi £617 order code 61074 African Drumming Kit - 15 Players The 15 player pack includes 5 djembes, 2 African bass drums (doum doum) along with bells and shakers. Traditionally the doum doum are the heart of the rhythm; above which the djembes solo. The bells and shakers provide other parts to the music and help colour the sound. Comprising: • 5 x medium djembe 11" • 1 x doum doum 10" • 1 x doum doum 13" • 2 x shekere small 5" • 2 x med ghana bell • 1 x shekere medium 7" • 3 x caxixi £845 order code 63712 Bucara Festival Drumming Packs Festival African 10 player pack Festival African 20 player pack This 10 player pack is designed for smaller people. Each 9” djembe weighs just 2.5Kg and is very easy to carry and play. Fibreglass instruments comprising: The drums are fibreglass which is light, durable and sounds great. The 9” weighs 2.5Kg and the 12” weighs 3.2Kg making them easy to transport and comfortable to play. Fibreglass instruments comprising: • 6 x 9" djembe • 6 x 9" djembe • 1 x doum doum 10" • 6 x 12" djembe • 1 x shekere medium • 1 x doum doum 10" • 2 x caxixi • 2 x shekere medium £362 • 4 x caxixi order code 63711 • 1 x doum doum 15" £876 order code 63714 The Djembe is often all people know of African drumming. To sound musical it is a good idea to have other instruments, percussive or otherwise, accompanying the Djembe. Here we have made a few suggestions for the make-up of African Fax: 08450 949066 Drumming Groups. Kambala Djembes are made in the Ivory Coast from sustainable hardwood shells, and are the real sound of Africa. Bucara Festival drums are based upon Kambala shapes, but have been made from fibreglass. Tel: 08450 949022 59 Percussion Instruments Latin American Meinl Black Plastic Guiro £31 order code 66783 Cabasa Meinl Tamborim 6” £7 £9 £12 £24 order code 87516 small order code 66776 order code 87517 medium order code 87518 large Meinl Amber Wood Guiro Meinl Single Samba Shaker £32 £9 order code 66784 order code 66773 Meinl Cabasa £32 order code 66778 Meinl Double Shaker Acrylic 3-Spring Reco £18 order code 66774 £49 order code 66795 ABS Bongos Plus Remo Nesting Drums £59 order code 66752 £829 Stagg CAJ-50 Cajon Stagg large wooden cajon. Supplied with padded gig-bag. 6-piece set. order code 66768 £71 order code 57357 Gope Cuica £79 order code 66762 Nesting Surdo Set Contemporanea. £249 Meinl Headliner Rubber Wood Cajon order code 66767 Tunable Cuica £117 order code 66763 Classic cajon sound at an affordable price and can be used in Flamenco, world music or acoustic rock/pop. £81 order code 88060 Meinl Samba Whistle £19 order code 66772 Meinl Caixa £74 order code 66779 Meinl Black Makah String Cajon with bag The patented integrated string mute system controls the tension of the strings and ensures a dry and crisp sizzle effect. £157 order code 88061 60 email: Percussion Instruments Latin American and Carribean Steel Pans PP445 Triple Cello Steel Pan £1,626 PP593 Timbales order code 92920 With stand and cowbell. £116 PP446 Double Seconds Steel Pan £1,332 order code 92923 order code 49864 PP1167 8" Tambourim £13.50 order code 57320 PP443 Six Bass Steel Pan Metal Agogo £14 £20 Double Triple £3,066 order code 92921 order code 33429 PP442 Low Tenor Pan £994 order code 47495 order code 92924 Cowbells 5.5" 6.5" 7.5" £3.50 £4.50 £5.50 order code 51735 order code 51736 order code 51737 PP444 Double Guitar Steel Pan £1,376 order code 92922 PP441 High Tenor Pan £888 order code 92925 Meinl 10 & 11 Congas £279 order code 66769 PP447 Mini Tenor Pan Individual Samba Drums 18" Surdo inc Beaters and Harness £65 £370 order code 92926 order code 47722 14" Surdo inc Beaters and Harness PP440/G Mini C Pan £55 £84 order code 47721 10" Repenique inc Beater and Harness £39 order code 92927 green 62923 red order code 42968 PP466 Single Adjustable Stand £162 PP467 Double Adjustable Stand £261 92931 PP451 Piti Pan PP468 Triple Adjustable Stand £362 92932 £67 PP469 Bass Stand £47 92933 PP458 Tenor Pan Sticks £13 92934 order code 92928 yellow 92929 blue Fax: 08450 949066 92930 PP460 Double Tenor Second Sticks £17.50 92935 PP461 Low Bass Sticks £20.60 92936 PP426 Mini Pan Sticks £6.70 92937 Tel: 08450 949022 61 Percussion Instruments Latin Percussion 6 Player Samba Pack 20 Player Samba Pack • 1 x Replenique 10" x 12" • 1 x 14" Surdo • 3 x Ganza - small • 1 x Caixa 12" x 8" Malacacheta • 1 x 16" Surdo • 2 x Ganza - medium • 1 x Tambourim 6" • 1 x 18" Surdo • 2 x Reco reco 2 spring • 1 x Double agogo • 2 x 10" Replenique • 2 x Tri-tone samba whistle • 1 x Ganza • 2 x 12" Caixa Malacacheta • Beatlife Book inc. CD • 1 x Reco reco 2 spring • 5 x 6" Tambourim • Includes beaters & accessories • Includes beaters & accessories • 3 x Double agogo £220 £737 order code 93206 order code 93210 30 Player Samba Pack 10 Player Samba Pack • 2 x 16" Surdo • 5 x Ganza - small • 1 x 14" Surdo • 2 x 18" Surdo • 2 x Tri-tone samba whistle • 1 x 16" Surdo • 3 x 10" Replenique • 2 x Pandiero 10" Wood • 1 x 18" Surdo • 3 x 12" Caixa Malacacheta • 2x Chocalho Da Platinella • 1 x 10" Replenique • 5 x 6" Tambourim • Includes beaters & accessories • 1 x 12" Caixa Malacacheta • 5 x Double agogo • 1 x 6" Tambourim • 1 x Double agogo £1,316 • 2 x Ganza - small order code 93211 • 1 x Tri-tone samba whistle • Includes beaters & accessories £533 order code 93207 12 Player Samba Pack • 1 x 14" Surdo • 1 x 16" Surdo • 3 x 6" Tambourim PP7810 10 Player Samba Set • 3 x Double agogo • 2 surdos, 1 repenique, 1 tarol • 3 x Ganza - small • 2 tambourims, 2 double agogos • Includes beaters & accessories • 2 metal shakers, 1 samba whistle • 1 x 10" Replenique • Beaters and harnesses £425 order code 93208 £344 order code 57347 15 Player Samba Pack • 1 x 14" Surdo • 3 x 6" Tambourim • 1 x 16" Surdo • 2 x Double agogo • 1 x 18" Surdo • 2 x Ganza - small • 2 x 10" Replenique • 1 x Tri-tone samba whistle • 2 x 12" Caixa Malacacheta • Includes beaters & accessories £744 order code 93209 PP7820 20 Player Samba Set Kit includes: • 5 surdos, 2 repeniques, 2 tarols • 2 tambourims • 2 dancing congas, 3 double agogos • 3 metal shakers, 1 samba whistle • Beaters and harnesses £739 62 order code 57348 email: Percussion Instruments Drum Kits Mirage Junior Kit Yamaha Gigmaker Series Entry-level small kit, ideal for younger players. • 16” x 11” bass drum Made from 7-ply basswood, the Yamaha Gigmaker series is the complete entry-level drum kit featuring hard-wearing double-braced hardware. Now with Gigmaker 3 piece cymbals. • 10” x 5” snare drum • Basswood poplar construction • 8” x 6” tom • PVC black covering finish • 10” x 6” tom • Includes hardware • 12” x 10” floor tom £454 Drums Hardware • Snare stand, hi-hat stand, bass drum pedal, throne order code 63053 Cymbals • 8” hi-hats, 10” cymbal £99 order code 60223 Mirage “All Black” Kit Yamaha Stage Custom Birch A quality drum kit which offers incredible value for money. • 22” x 16” bass drum 5-piece kit, 100% birch shell, includes 700 series hardware set. Available in 8 finishes including natural wood (shown). Bass drum pedal, drum throne, hi-hat and cymbal stands included. • 14” x 5.5” snare drum • 22” bass drum • 12” x 9” tom • Universal sizing • 13” x 10” tom • Cymbals not included • 16” x 16” floor tom £733 Drums Hardware • Snare stand, cymbal stand, hi-hat stand, bass drum pedal, throne natural wood order code 65086 Cymbals • 14” hi-hats, 16” crash/ride £144 order code 91725 Premier Olympic Kit Mapex Meridian Maple 5 piece entry-level kit from the Premier stable. Kit includes cymbals and hardware. 5-piece drum kit, 22” bass drum with 22” bass drum. £329 • Bass drum pedal and setup DVD included order code 65597 • Off-the-shell tom mounting system • High-quality, lacquered finishes • Remo skins • Cymbals not included • Available in Candy Apple Burst (shown) plus other finishes • Comes as shell pack, hardware and cymbals not included £478 order code 96365 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 63 Percussion Instruments Drum Kits Tama Imperialstar Tama Superstar Hyperdrive A great quality 5-piece drum set with 22" kick drum. High quality 6-piece dynamic kit from Tama. • Tama high-quality poplar drum shells Includes: • Full hardware included • All birch shells • Bass drum pedal • Upgraded "Roadpro" hardware • Drum throne • Die-cast hoops • Now includes Zildjian ZBT S3D cymbal pack • Hyperdrive toms and Star-Cast mounting system £549 • 22"x18" Bass drum, 14"x5.5" snare order code 96356 Hairline Gold Other colours available • Cymbals not included £769 order code 69633 Brushed Metallic Black Tama Starclassic Performer Studio-quality kit from Tama. • Shells (bubinga and birch) Mapex Horizon – Jazz Kit Great value compact Jazz Kit with 14x16 bass drum. • Convenient sizing • Hardware included (no throne) • Cymbals not included £399 • Die-cast hoops • Air cushioned floor tom legs • Hyper-drive toms • Hardware, cymbals & snare not included £1,265 order code 69635 Smokey Indigo Burst order code 96364 Snare Drums Tama Silverstar Quality Jazz set-up from Tama. Mapex MPX Snare • 14x18 bass drum Maple snare with chrome fittings 14” x 15.5”. • Tama build quality £78 • Hardware included order code 66159 • Cymbals not included £549 order code 96371 Sky Blue Spark finish Other colours available Mapex Black Panther "Blade" Stainless steel snare drum. 14" x 5.5". £206 order code 64288 Tama Metalwork Snare £150 64 order code 93309 email: Percussion Instruments Roland Digital Kits Roland HD-3 V-Drums Lite Roland TD-11KV • Compact V-Drums for all levels of drummers • SuperNATURAL-enhanced sound engine • 20 preset kits • Diverse sound library • Beater-less kick • COACH function • New cloth-head toms with improved playing feel • USB connectivity • Dual-trigger pads for snare and crash/ride • Mesh-head V-Pads and dedicated V-Cymbals • Metronome • Bass drum pedal not included £455 £949 order code 95018 order code 95637 Also Available Price Code TD-11K £679 95636 Roland TD-15KV • New sensing technology with ‘Behaviour Modelling’ Roland TD-4K2 • 100 kits: 50 preset and 50 user Limited numbers of this great value kit available! • Diverse sound library • Mesh head snare and rubber tom triggers • QUICK EDIT buttons for control over tuning etc • Authentic percussion instruments on-board the TD-4 sound module • COACH function • Dual trigger cymbal pad for crash and ride • USB connectivity • Kick drum pedal not included • Hi-hat stand and kick drum pedal not included £545 order code 89803 £1,590 order code 95640 Also Available Price Code TD-15K £1,119 95639 Roland TD-30 KV • Flagship V-Drums kit • Professional V-Edit mode for customising sounds • Dedicated “Ambience” • Solid stage set • USB port for data backup and audio playback • Separate USB port for computer connectivity Model Description Price Code Electric Drum Accessory Pack EP P6R kick pedal, sticks, EP TIB stool, HP1 Headphones £63 EDAP1 Fax: 08450 949066 • Hi-hat stand, snare stand and kick drum pedal not included £4,508 order code 95025 Tel: 08450 949022 65 Percussion Instruments Yamaha Digital Kits Yamaha DTX 500K Kit Yamaha DTX 700K Kit 5-piece DTX drum set including 2 cymbals and hi-hat. 5-piece DTX drum set including 2 cymbals and hi-hat. • Compact & foldable rack system • 3-zone snare drum pad • Genuine Yamaha bass drum pedal included • 3-zone tom pads • DTX500 tone generator featuring 449 voices • Two 3-zone cymbal pads • Includes real Yamaha acoustic drum samples • Real hi-hat stand with moving hi-hat pad • Compact rack • 50 preset drum kits, 20 user drum kits • 1,396 voices, 64 note polyphony • Easy internal recording function • Includes real Yamaha acoustic drum samples • Integrated sequencer, training functions • 12 trigger inputs, aux in £455 order code 91750 £1,488 order code 91753 Yamaha DTX520K Kit Yamaha DTX 750K Kit 5-piece DTX drum set including 2 cymbals and hi-hat. 5-piece DTX drum set including 3 cymbals and hi-hat. • 3-zone TCS “Textured Cellular Silicone” snare drum pad • 3-zone snare drum pad • “Choke-able” two 3-zone cymbal pads • 3-zone tom pads • DTX500 tone generator featuring 449 voices • Two 3-zone cymbal pads • Includes real Yamaha acoustic drum samples • Real hi-hat stand with moving hi-hat pad • Curved rack • 50 preset drum kits, 20 user drum kits • 1,396 voices, 64 note polyphony • Easy internal recording function • Includes real Yamaha acoustic drum samples • Integrated sequencer, training functions • 12 trigger inputs, aux in £679 order code 91751 £2,115 order code 91754 Yamaha DTX 540K Kit Yamaha DTX 900K Kit 5-piece DTX drum set including 2 cymbals and hi-hat • DTX900 trigger module • 3-zone TCS snare drum pad • Rack system • TCS tom pads • AWM2 tone generator • Two 3-zone cymbal pads • 1,115 drum voices, 211 melody voices (GM) • DTX500 tone generator featuring 449 voices • 1016 samples • Includes real Yamaha acoustic drum samples £2,795 • 50 preset drum kits, 20 user drum kits order code 93630 • New rack design with 4 legs • MIDI out £1,063 order code 91752 66 Also Available Price Code Yamaha DTX950K Kit £3,495 93631 email: Percussion Instruments Alesis Kits and Accessories Alesis DM-6 5-piece electronic drumset with DM6 module. • Module contains 108 drum, cymbal and percussion sounds • Realistic, natural-feeling playing surfaces • 15 programmable drum sets • Dual-zone snare pad for rim click and rimshot capability • USB-MIDI output for use with drum-module software • Velocity sensitive • Supplied with bass drum pedal £268 order code 93228 Alesis DM-8 USB Alesis DM-10 Studio Kit • DM8 high-definition drum module with over 750 sounds • Alesis RealHead drum pads • Low-noise rubber pads: dual-zone snare with rimshot and three toms with natural feel • StealthRack mounting system • DMPad cymbals • Extensive factory sound set • Multi-sampled real drums and cymbals £589 • Play along with tracks and record yourself with the three-part sequencer order code 91733 • USB-enabled for tracking and programming with virtually all music software EP P6R Pedal £25 order code 60681 £439 order code 93359 Small Digital Percussion & Accessories Yamaha DD65C HPD-10 HPD-15 8 touch-sensitive pads plus 2 foot pedals. Electronic hand percussion instrument. Electronic multi-pad. • 50 drum kit presets • 10 individual pads with pressure sensing • Based on V-drums technology • 254 percussion sounds • 410 sounds that include congas, bongos, tabla, djembe, cajon etc • 10" rubber pad with 15 parts for triggering up to 15 sounds simultaneously • Drum kits, orchestral and electronic percussion also included • 600 onboard percussion sounds from around the world • Hand percussion mode £158 order code 59706 • Rhythm coach training exercises built-in EPA3 Power Supply £6 order code 30280 £456 • Built-in sequencer with preset patterns and metronome function £742 order code 41309 order code 56840 Roland PM-10 Roland PM-30 Roland PM-03 Portable companion for Roland’s V-drums. 2.1-channel system. • 30W personal drum monitor • 200W • 30W power output • Stereo 3-channel mixer • Inputs: 3.5mm stereo, 1/4” mono jacks • Line-in for connecting an external CD or MP3 player • Satellite speakers £114 • 2-band EQ • Castors order code 93779 £164 £488 order code 53631 order code 58566 Roland SPD-30 Octapad • 4 dual-trigger inputs plus hi-hat controller for adding pads to create a mini kit • Phrase loop function; record in real time and overdub up to three layers Roland PDS-10 Stand For SPD-30 Octapad. • USB connectivity £85 • Large backlit LCD order code 50258 • Rugged design £479 order code 69652 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 67 Percussion Instruments Accessories Cymbals Drum Sticks Sabian Solar 3 Pack Essentials This 3-pack of Sabian Solar cymbals is a great upgrade from the free cymbals provided with beginner drum sets. Includes 14" hi-hats, 16" crash and 20" ride cymbals. £3 £105 order code 63128 5A wood tip 63130 5B wood tip 63132 7A wood tip order code 34113 Multibuy Savings Buy 12 for £30 Zildjian ZBT4 Pro Set Ideal upgrade pack. Vic Firth • 14" hi-hats • 16" crash American Classic hickory drum sticks. • 20" ride £195 order code 71041 £7 Zildjian ZHT Pro Set Sheet bronze alloy provides increased musicality. • 14" hi-hats • 16" medium thin crash £329 5A nylon tip 5A wood tip 5B nylon tip 5B wood tip 7A nylon tip order code 41783 41782 34073 49238 49236 49237 7A wood tip 7A nylon tip 5A wood tip 5A nylon tip 5B wood tip 5B nylon tip Zildjian £7.20 • 20" medium ride order code 41906 43255 41907 41908 49243 order code 74289 Zildjian ZXT Expander Set Add-on pack for existing cymbal setup. Rods and Brushes • 10" splash • 18" china £135 order code 71043 Rods For playing at lower volume settings. Hot Rods PP133 £5 Stagg Individual Cymbals order code 60878 Promark Original Hot Rods Ideal replacement cymbals. £13 order code 32966 16" Crash £59 Brushes order code 70314 A selection for that classic sound. PA51 Shake out £12.50 20" Ride £149 order code 70317 order code 33010 PA52 Telescopic £15.50 order code 33011 Practice Pads 10" Splash £29 order code 70311 14" Hi-Hat Pair £135 68 order code 71975 Essentials 8” Practice Pad For exercises and rudiments. £12 order code 67460 Stagg 12" Practice Pad Desktop practice pad. £19.50 order code 62602 email: Percussion Instruments Accessories Drum Thrones EP T1B Budget stool. £29 order code 64052 Accessory Packs Drum Accessory Pack 1 Drum Accessory Pack 2 Electric Drum Accessory Pack Includes Essentials sticks, EP T1B stool and EP P6R pedal. Includes Essentials sticks, EP T1B stool and EP P6A double bass drum pedal. Includes Essentials HP1 headphones, sticks, EP T1B stool and EP P6R pedal. £95 £61 £56 order code DAP1 order code DAP2 order code EDAP1 Stagg DT220R Mid-range stool. £47 order code 62601 Hardware Mapex T575A • Double-braced saddle style drum throne • Steel tube height adjustment with tube collar lock £49 EP S2R Mapex S700 Tama Road Pro Budget snare stand. Double-braced snare stand. Double-braced snare stand. £24 £46 £54 order code 64053 order code 66021 order code 69640 order code 64295 Mapex T755A • Double-braced saddle style drum throne • Threaded steel rod height adjustment with threaded tube collar lock £59 order code 64296 Kick Pedals EP H4R Mapex H700 Tama Road Pro Budget hi-hat stand. Single-braced hi-hat stand. Double-braced hi-hat stand. £25 £59 £65 order code 64051 order code 66022 order code 69641 EP P6R Single chain drive. £29 order code 60681 EP P6A Double £69 order code 60683 Tama Iron Cobra Junior EP B3R EP C3R Tama Road Pro Budget boom stand. Budget straight stand. Double-braced cymbal boom stand. £29 £24 £59 order code 64049 order code 64050 order code 69642 • Includes case. £72 order code 69638 Mapex Falcon P1000 Professional, direct drive pedal – includes case. £119 order code 68706 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 69 Percussion Instruments Accessories Bags and Cases Drum Heads Snare Armourdillo Stick Bag £10.50 £15 £10 Lightweight padded bad for drum sticks and spares. £7.50 order code 95392 Stagg Professional Snare Drum Bag £9.50 £10 £11 £12 order code 96228 Stagg 22” Cymbal Bag Deluxe cymbal bag. £39 order code 38297 14" Pinstripe Coated Batter order code 38290 14" Ambassador Clear Snare Bottom Side Toms 14” x 6.5” padded snare bag. £14 order code 38261 14" Ambassador Coated Batter order code 96227 order code 38275 12" Ambassador Clear order code 38276 13" Ambassador Clear order code 38277 14" Ambassador Clear order code 38279 16" Ambassador Clear Pinstripe coated and clear also available in these sizes – please call for prices. Stagg Professional Hardware Bag Bass Drum £18 £19 £23 £24.50 Padded hardware bag with wheels. £54 order code 96229 Stagg Professional 5-Piece Drum Bag Set Includes bags to fit standard size drum kit 14”/12”/13”/16”/22” (other sizes available). £95 order code 38282 20" Ambassador Clear order code 38283 22" Ambassador Clear order code 38317 20" Pinstripe Clear order code 53449 22" Pinstripe Clear Remo Pinstripe Pro Pack 12", 13” and 16” Pinstripe Skins order code 96226 £42 Hardcase Designed to give your drums maximum protection, Hardcase feature onepiece waterproof moulding with no rivets or joints to break or come apart. Strong, robust handles make both carrying and lifting easy. A wide-range of size options are available. Standard Set order code 45396 Remo Pinstripe Pro Pack 10", 12” and 14” Pinstripe Skins £40 order code 45392 Spares Full set of Hardcase cases comprising 14" Snare, 12" Tom, 13" Tom, 16" Floor Tom and 22" Bass. Hi-hat Clutch £225 order code 93069 Also Available Price Code Fusion Set £205 6-8mm. Drum Stick Holder £5 £6 order code 41811 93070 Cymbal Felt Washers order code 61662 4-pack. These Vic Firth silencer pad sets will cover your drums and mute your cymbals, reducing the playing volume by around 70% whilst maintaining the player’s normal technique. A great aid to serious practice. Crazy John’s Cymbal Polish £2.20 £5.50 Vic Firth Drum Mute Pack Hearos Ear Plugs Rock sizes - 12", 13", 14", 16", 22", hi-hat and cymbals. With case. Stagg Cowbell Holder £5 £3.50 Silencer Packs £50 order code 66035 order code 38419 order code 89744 Drum Key Also Available Fusion Fusion Rock 10", 12", 2 x 14", 20" & cymbals 10", 12", 2 x 14", 22" & cymbals Price Code £50 £50 70474 70475 £1 order code 49614 order code 88580 order code 62570 Moongel Damper Pad £6 order code 56781 70 email: Guitars and Amplifiers There has been a massive increase in the use of guitars in general music education, as more and more teachers discover the musical potential of classical, jazz and rock idioms. Classes that formerly would have used recorders are now learning on ukuleles, providing an early introduction to the harmonic nature of music. Because our retail stores are market leaders in supplying rock and folk instruments, we stock, and have access to, a huge range of guitars and amplifiers, including our own Redwood, Marina and Farida brands – all of which offer incredible value for money. Classical Guitars Ukuleles Acoustic Guitars Steel Strung Acoustic Guitars Electric Guitars Guitar Amplifiers Bass Guitars Bass Guitar Amplifiers JamHub Guitar Band Packages Guitar Effects Recording Guitarist Guitar Accessories Guitar Bags and Cases Guitar Tuners 72 72 73 73 74-75 76-77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 84 84 Key USB Mac Compatible PC Compatible 71 Guitars and Amplifiers Classical Guitars and Ukuleles Valencia Redwood The Valencia guitar is a good step-up student instrument. Features a quality laminate body with figured finishing and a rosewood fingerboard with nickel frets. The Redwood range of student nylon strung acoustics are our best value acoustic guitars. £24 £26 £28 order code 89247 1/2 size C112 £28 £31 £35 order code 89246 3/4 size C134 order code 89245 4/4 size C144 Multibuy Savings Buy any 10 and Save 10% Buy any 20 and Save 15% Yamaha CS40 3/4 Size With its compact body and short 580mm scale length, the inexpensive CS40 is designed with comfort in mind for the young learner. order code 93178 1/2 size order code 93177 3/4 size order code 93176 4/4 size Yamaha CS40 Admira Infante Admira Clasico With a spruce top and meranti back and sides, this guitar offers real value for money. The Infante is a great 3/4 sized guitar aimed at younger beginners, with an Oregon Pine top and Sapelli back and sides. This 7/8 body, 4/4 neck sized guitar is ideal for younger students. The smaller body allows for ease of use while the full size neck ensures proper technique and fingering. £78 order code 37612 £103 order code 37582 £78 £103 order code 37583 order code 47030 Marina MC-09NS Admira Almeria Guitar Group Package Suitable for students and intermediate players. Suitable for advanced players. Ideal package for a set of classroom guitars or start up package for a guitar group. • Solid spruce top. • Sapelli back and sides. • Mahogany back and sides. £109 • Oregon Pine top • 10 x Redwood 3/4 nylon-strung guitars • 10 x music stands £125 • 10 x 3/4 guitar gig bags • 2 x Rockstand 5-way guitar stands order code 37630 order code 94456 £493 order code CGPACK2 x10 Ukuleles Redwood S10 Redwood S20 Redwood S30 Redwood C40 Now overtaking the recorder as the most popular instrument played in schools, the ukulele is great fun for young aspiring musicians. The Redwood S20 Soprano Ukulele has a laminated mahogany body for added warmth and tone. The Redwood S30 Soprano Ukulele has a spruce top for greater tone and projection with a beautiful Zebrano. The C40 is a well crafted, great sounding ukulele, and looks as good as it sounds. £12 £23 £48 £56 order code 68378 blue order code 68379 red order code 68380 pink order code 68381 order code 68383 order code 68388 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 £100 72 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Steel String Acoustic Guitars Redwood D104 Marina MC05-NS The Redwood D104 is an ideal beginner’s steel string guitar, representing great value for money. Incredibly resonant for a laminate body guitar, the MD-05 is simple yet effective. £57 £85 order code 66262 black 63798 blue 66261 red order code 94457 Also Available Price Code RD100 Natural Finish £67 92838 Multibuy Savings Buy any 10 and Save 10% Buy any 20 and Save 15% Marina MD06-NS Marina MD10-NS Fender CD60CE Redwood RD150S Laminated Sitka spruce top with laminated mahogany back and sides; a great guitar for this price. Excellent student to intermediate guitar with a solid spruce top and mahogany back and sides. £115 £135 The cutaway CD-60 CE features spruce top, mahogany back and sides, die-cast tuners and Fishman mini-Q electronics. A real 'players' guitar with a solid cedar top and bubinga back and sides, this guitar is lovely to play. order code 94461 order code 94463 £157 £135 order code 51639 natural 51804 sunburst 56259 black order code 89691 Farida D12CE Fender Sonoran Ibanez AW300 Ibanez AC240 The D12CE has a slim low action neck and lightweight body, complete with cutaway for upper fret access. Complete with hard case. Features a Stratocaster guitar headstock, scalloped bracing, soft C-shaped maple neck and a rosewood fingerboard. Solid Englemann spruce top, mahogany back and sides and a mahogany neck. Solid mahogany top, back, sides and neck. Probably the most playable, warmestsounding acoustic that you’ll find at this price. £190 £199 £199 order code 96158 £172 order code 87638 order code 66008 order code 96043 Yamaha APX500 II Yamaha APX700 II The popular Yamaha APX500 should be your choice for an acoustic-electric guitar if you are looking for great tone at a reasonable price. With a similar specification the APX500II but with the superb ART System 64 1-way preamp this is a first rate performer’s guitar. £229 £469 order code 91779 black 91780 natural 91781 red metallic 91782 vintage white 91783 old violin sunburst 91784 oriental blue 92765 dark red burst order code 92436 black 91785 natural 91786 sandburst 91787 brownburst 91788 vintage cherry sunburst Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 73 Guitars and Amplifiers Electric Guitars Redwood RS1 Epiphone SG Special Featuring a classic double cutaway body with a three pick-up design and bolt on neck, this guitar is superb value for money. Double cutaway, complete with two humbukers. £64 order code 89664 white £99 89665 black 89666 sunburst order code 63410 ebony 63404 cherry Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £378 Buy 12 for £744 Squier Affinity Telecaster The most robust electric guitar ever made. Great fun to play. £129 order code 55844 white Redwood RS4 Mini This guitar is the 3/4 size version (20.75" scale length) in the Redwood RS range and makes an ideal travel guitar or a first guitar for kids. £65 order code 89670 black 89671 red Epiphone Les Paul Special II Squier Standard Stratocaster Classic design guitar. This single cut guitar is an ideal beginners guitar, finish in Heritage Cherry Sunburst. Classic design and legendary name at an affordable price. £108 order code 38759 £174 Stagg S300 3/4 Size 74 Entry-level version of the classic Stratocaster design. £174 order code 94693 sunburst 94694 black 94695 white Ibanez GAX30 This is the perfect entry-level rock guitar for budding shredders and classic rock players. The two humbucking pick-ups create a big rock tone. £108 order code 67065 black 67066 red Ibanez GRGR121EX Epiphone G-310 The Ibanez GRGR121EX is a double cutaway rock guitar equipped with two humbucking pick-ups, reverse headstock and a basswood body. Very playable SG bodied guitar. £149 order code 63764 £149 order code 67060 candy apple red 67059 black order code 63772 Stagg instruments offer quality and reliability at unrivalled prices – and their customer service is second to none. We are pleased to recommend them. Squier Vintage Modified Stratocaster 3/4” sized Stratocaster Squier Vintage Modified Telecaster shaped guitar, a great first electric guitar. Custom version of a classic design. £65 £195 order code 62812 black 62813 pink order code 50819 Farida FTC32NA The FTC32NA is cut from solid ash, chambered to give light acoustic overtones Guitarist magazine gave this guitar four stars and a glowing review to boot. £199 order code 59790 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Electric Guitars Ibanez GRG270B Intermediate rock guitar with locking tremolo. £195 order code 67062 Squier Vintage Modified Jazzmaster Vintage design and super cool pop/rock guitar. £210 order code 89640 Ibanez GRG170DX Intermediate rock guitar with tremolo. £165 order code 55844 jewel blue 67056 black In the guitar world there are innumerable choices of brand, style and shape, leaving the non-specialist confused as to what is best for them. Thankfully with Ibanez Guitars you can have confidence in their build quality and tonal range, ideally suited for the rigours of the classroom, and also appealing to students and guitar teachers alike. Simply excellent acoustic, electric and bass guitars. Yamaha Pacifica 120H Epiphone G-400 SG Squier VM Jazzmaster Squier Stratocaster Upgrade for one of the most popular guitars ever made. The Epiphone take on the Gibson classic rock guitar. Ultra-cool body design with twin P90 pick-ups. Classic Vibe double cutaway body with 3 single coil pick-ups. £175 order code 91757 black 91758 vintage white 91759 yellow natural satin 91760 tobacco sunburst £207 £215 order code 89640 order code 37214 cherry £239 order code 91635 Epiphone DOT 335 Yamaha Pacifica 311H Ibanez RG350MZ Double cutaway, semi acoustic electric. A great hot rod guitar built by Yamaha. Super strat design with a locking tremolo. £249 £275 £289 order code 44781 cherry 37245 sunburst 63769 natural 70584 ebony order code 91763 red metallic 91762 vintage white 91764 yellow natural satin order code 90171 black 90172 yellow Ibanez AR250 Fender Standard Telecaster Epiphone Sheraton II Gibson SG Junior A quality semi-hollow, double cutaway guitar. American-made single humbucker guitar with real rock star vibe. Re-issue of a classic double cutaway Ibanez. £319 order code 67082 Reliable, hardwearing and tonally superior, the Fender Telecaster is the ultimate classroom electric guitar. £325 Epiphone Les Paul Standard The ever-popular Les Paul with two humbuckers, bound body and an inspiring tone. £299 order code 37218 honeyburst £365 order code 37239 natural 37247 vintage sunburst 47218 ebony £540 order code 94128 order code 64739 white Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 75 Guitars and Amplifiers Guitar Amplifiers Roland Micro Cube Roland Cube 15XL Roland Cube 40XL Roland Cube Street Ultra-compact DSP guitar amp with 5” speaker. 15W amp with 8" speaker. 40W amp with 10" speaker. • Two channels • Three footswitchable channels Compact, lightweight stereo amplifier with slanted cabinet design. • Battery or mains • 3 authentic BOSS lead tones • 10 COSM amp models • Two 6.5” speakers • 7 COSM guitar amp models and • Aux in jack • 80-second phrase looper built-in • Battery driven (6 x AA) or AC power • 6 DSP effects £59 • Headphone output and stereo aux input 15XL order code 88450 £63 20XL order code 88451 £112 order code 55016 Orange Crush PiX • 3 band EQ • Overdrive • Headphone out £56 CR12L order code 92202 Orange Crush PiX CR20 LDX £135 40XL order code 88452 £245 80XL order code 88453 • Dual-channel amp • 8 COSM models, 6 digital effects £189 order code 56457 Laney Cub Laney Linebacker All the features of the CR20L with additional Digital FX. The Cub features a classic single-ended Class A design with an ECC83 pre-amp tube and a 6V6GT output tube. Two channels featuring 11 amp models and built-in effects. £105 8 Tube Combo order code 96590 £95 10 Tube Combo order code 93241 £131 12 Tube Combo order code 96762 £182 order code 92204 £72 CR20XL order code 92203 LR5 Combo order code 93245 £60 LR20 Combo order code 93246 £101 LR35 Combo order code 93247 £65 Vox VT20+ Vox VT40+ Vox VT80+ Vox VT120+ • 20W • 40W • 80W • 120W • 99 presets, 25 effects • 99 presets, 25 effects • 99 presets, 25 effects • 99 presets, 25 effects • Built-in tuner • Built-in tuner • Built-in tuner • Built-in tuner • Headphone output • Headphone output • Headphone output • Headphone output £105 order code 88631 £138 order code 88632 £229 order code 88633 £299 order code 88634 Marshall MG10CF Marshall MG15CF Marshall MG15CFX Marshall MG30CFX A 10W combo that delivers 2 distinctive Marshall tone sets. The MG15 provides an added punch to the overall sound. Fully programmable feature set utilises digital functions. £48 order code 65171 £61 order code 65172 The MG30FX offers a fully programmable feature set with digital functions. 76 £99 order code 65173 £129 order code 65174 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Guitar Amplifiers Stagg 10GA Stagg 15GA Stagg 60GA R Stagg 60GA DSP The Stagg 10GA includes a great distortion/overdrive sound, MP3 input and a headphone socket. The Stagg 15GA has distortion/ overdrive, MP3 input and headphone socket. This amp has built-in reverb. Great value 2-channel amplifier with spring reverb, an MP3 input and headphone socket. 2-channel amplifier with spring reverb, an MP3 input and headphone socket. Digital Signal Processor (DSP). £29 £44 £106 £136 order code 61375 order code 63274 order code 63276 order code 63275 Fender Mustang I Fender Mustang II Fender Mustang III Fender Mustang IV The 20W Fender Mustang brings modelling and computer capability to a whole new range of musicians. Also acts as a USB interface for PC/Mac recording. Together with IK Multimedia, Fender has created a 40W complete performing and recording package. Also acts as a USB interface for PC/Mac recording. The Fender Mustang IV Combo is a 150W open-back combo with two 12" speakers that sound great. Also acts as a USB interface for PC/Mac recording. £83 £125 The Mustang III is a 100W combo from the new groundbreaking Mustang range. With 100 presets there is a vast library of really useable tones. Also acts as a USB interface for PC/Mac recording. order code 88504 order code 88506 Blackstar HT-1R Blackstar HT-5R The HT-1R Combo amp is the perfect studio and practice amp, packing all the tone and features of the HT-5 valve amp into a 1W format. The Blackstar HT-5R is an all valve, 5W 2-channel amplifier with built in reverb and effects loop. This amp is ideal for practice, live and studio use. £142 £249 order code 89240 order code 93022 £181 £278 order code 89635 order code 89634 Blackstar HT Studio 20 Blackstar HT Club 40 A fantastic sounding 2-channel 20W all valve combo with built in digital reverb and ISF tone control. A 2-channel 40W valve combo designed for the recording guitarist. Built in digital reverb and ISF tone control. £327 £399 order code 68537 order code 68539 Acoustic Guitar Amplifiers Stagg 20AA R Laney LA35C Roland AC-33 Roland AC-60 The 20AA R is a great value amp that has been designed for the acoustic guitar. 2 x channel 35W acoustic amplifier, with anti-feedback control and built-in effects. The AC-33, is the world's first battery-powered 30W amp made specifically for acoustic guitar. £125 £232 This innovative stereo 60W amp uses sophisticated digital signal processing to deliver a crisp sound with lush stereo/multi-band chorus. 20AAR 40AAR £59 £79 order code 59502 order code 59503 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 93218 order code 87701 £268 order code 50505 Tel: 08450 949022 77 Guitars and Amplifiers Bass Guitars Redwood RB4 Stagg B300 Redwood RJ4 Squier Bronco A great value beginner's bass guitar featuring a solid Alder body, 3-ply white pickguard and a split single coil pickup. The Stagg B300 is an excellent bass for beginners, as it is exceptionally high quality for its price. The classic design J-Bass. This bass is great for younger or smaller players or for anyone who likes the feel of a shortscale (30") bass. £75 £83 order code 89676 white 89677 black order code 62787 Left hand version below Ibanez SR300 Epiphone EB-3 Groundbreaking design with Ibanez’s legendary playability. A classic SG-shape body with a long-scale neck for great sustain and tone. The EB3 is also equipped with one Sidewinder Humbucker pickup at the neck and a bass MiniHumbucker at the bridge. £229 order code 67213 £170 Redwood RM4 The Redwood RM4 is a solid mahogany bass that provides a fantastic variety of tone at a very affordable price. £179 order code 89683 Suitable for most types of music from Jazz to Heavy Metal, this bass guitar has excellent build quality and is a joy to play. £86 order code 89673 black 89674 red Squier Affinity P-Bass The Squier Affinity P-Bass is the world's best-selling bass because of its unmatched value. It sounds good and fits the needs of any player on a budget. £149 order code 41417 order code 37057 black 60417 blue 50816 red Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Cool classic design with upgraded hardware. The uber cool shape of the Jaguar bass with updated electrics. £195 order code 89642 £165 order code 89652 crimson red 89651 black Stagg Electric Double Bass 3/4 Stagg B300 LH The Stagg Electric Double Bass EDB-3/4 is made from solid maple and includes state of the art electronics specially designed for the double bass. The Stagg EDB produces a really natural sound. Jazz style basses are great for all genres of music, and the Stagg B300 is an excellent bass for beginners. £297 order code 62473 dark brown 62474 honey 62475 transparent blue 62476 transparent red 62477 violin burst 62478 metallic black 62479 black 78 Left-handed version. £91 order code 70265 £130 order code 42549 black 50905 red Ibanez GSR200 Ibanez GSRs offer the famous Soundgear comfort, tone, and playability at a very sensible price. £174 order code 67213 black 67214 white 67215 red 67216 red Left hand version below Yamaha RBX374 Whatever your style, the Yamaha RBX374 has the versatility to fit what you're doing. £225 order code 60737 red 51705 silver 51706 black Ibanez GSR200 LH Ibanez GSRs offer the famous Soundgear comfort, tone, and playability at a very sensible price. Left-handed version. £190 order code 67217 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Bass Guitar Amplifiers Stagg 20BA Roland CB 20XL Roland CB 60XL You won't believe how much this little amp can deliver through its stereo power amps and newly developed custom speakers. The Roland Cube-20XL Bass Amp is extremely portable, great-sounding and packs a serious punch with its impressive Cube XL upgraded features. The Roland Cube-60XL Bass Amp is compact, and packs a serious punch with its impressive Cube XL upgraded features. order code 61209 40BA £156 £152 £262 order code 61210 60BA order code 56730 The Stagg bass amplifiers are ideal for both performances and practice rooms. These amps are lightweight and sound great. £45 £65 £99 order code 61208 20BA Roland Micro Cube Bass order code 89817 order code 89818 Marshall 4210 Marshall MB15 Marshall MB30 Marshall MB60 A powerful and reliable amplifier that will stay in your music department for a long time. A 15W Bass Amp with features that belie its size. A perfect practice amp or smaller stage amplifier. A 30W, 1 x 10 inch combo with great features. This portable 1x12" 60W combo is ideal for the rehearsal room or the school concert hall. £60 order code 58175 £291 order code 61838 £87 £252 order code 61836 order code 58174 Hartke B600 Fender Rumble 15 Fender Rumble 30 Fender Rumble 75 60W from a surprisingly small package. This amp has an angled back to give good sound projection. Modern classic amplifier design from Fender 15W bass combo. Same as the Fender Rumble 15 but with a much punchier 30W and tilted amp design. 75W combo with EQ presets, loud enough for any live occasion. £187 order code 87378 £75 order code 68436 £118 £175 order code 68438 order code 68437 Ashdown Tourbus 10 Ashdown Perfect 10 Laney Richter RB2 Laney Richter RB4 10W bass combo with headphone output and MP3/CD player input. 40W bass combo with build in 3 band EQ, headphone output and MP3/CD input. 30W bass combo with built in compressor. MP3/CD input. 160W bass combo, 15” speaker, built in compressor/limiter and 7 band EQ. £90 £239 order code 93249 order code 93251 £45 order code 91562 £138 order code 95920 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 79 Guitars and Amplifiers JamHub ‘The silent rehearsal solution’ JamHub silent rehearsal studios offer a simple and affordable solution to the problem of controlling the volumes of noisy rock band rehearsals. You can even send a different mix to each pair of headphones. You could benefit from JamHub if: • You have limited rehearsal time • You ever had a rehearsal with a volume war, microphone feedback or where everything sounded 'muddy' • If your rehearsal space lacks acoustic wall treatment, a tuned PA or a stereo monitor mix for each musician The "BedRoom" JamHub The "GreenRoom" JamHub The "TourBus" JamHub • 15 audio channels for up to 5 musicians • 21 audio channels for up to 7 musicians • 21 audio channels for up to 7 musicians • 5 XLR and 5 TRS input jacks • 7 XLR and 7 TRS input jacks • 7 XLR and 7 TRS input jacks • SoleMix™ controls for each section so everyone creates their own mix • SoleMix™ controls for each section so everyone creates their own mix • SoleMix™ controls for each section so everyone creates their own mix • 1 SoleMix remote jack (remote sold separately) • 4 SoleMix remote jacks (1 remote included) • 4 SoleMix remote jacks (2 remotes included) • 1-R switch for quickly listening to recording mix • 1-R switch for quickly listening to recording mix • 1-R switch for quickly listening to recording mix • R section for connecting to MP3 or recording • R section for connecting to MP3 or recording • R section for connecting to MP3 or recording • Built-in 24-bit stereo effects including reverb, delay and modulation • Built-in 24-bit stereo effects including reverb, delay and modulation • Built-in 24-bit stereo effects including reverb, delay and modulation • Stage control gives each player virtual stage location in rehearsal studio • Stage control gives each player virtual stage location in rehearsal studio • Stage control gives each player virtual stage location in rehearsal studio £201 • Phantom power (+48V) • Phantom power (+48V) • USB out for direct recording to computer • USB out for direct recording to computer £333 • Built-in recording to SD RAM card order code 69220 order code 69221 • Metronome built into recording system £448 order code 69222 80 Model Description Price Code JamHub Bedroom 15 audio channels for up to 5 musicians £201 69220 JamHub Greenroom 21 audio channels for up to 7 musicians £333 69221 JamHub Tourbus Built-in recording to SD RAM card £448 69222 JamHub Solemix Portable silent rehearsal £58 69223 Headphone Extension JamHub Headphone extension cable £58 69224 Stereo Cable Kit Five 12 foot TRS cables with 7 color-coded rings £38 69225 Audio Technica ATH-T300 Headphones £28 68921 HP2 Headphones Inexpensive headphones with large moulded 1/4" jack plug £6 68243 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Band Packages Valencia Bulk Purchase Rock Guitar Package The Valencia guitar is a good step-up student instrument. Features a quality laminate body with figured finishing and a rosewood fingerboard with nickel frets. 2-piece electric guitar package that includes electric guitars and all necessary amps and leads. x2 • 2 x Redwood RS-1 electric guitars VG12A VG34A VG44A VG12B VG34B VG44B Buy 6 x 1/2 Size Buy 6 x 3/4 Size Buy 6 x 4/4 Size Buy 12 x 1/2 Size Buy 12 x 3/4 Size Buy 12 x 4/4 Size £168 £180 £204 £312 £348 £396 • 2 x Stagg 20GA amplifiers • 2 x Guitar stands • 2 x Guitar cables • 1 x Clip on guitar tuner £199 order code egpack x2 x2 Redwood Bulk Purchase The Redwood range of student nylon strung acoustics are our best value classical guitars. RGC2A RGC3A RGC4A RGC2B RGC3B RGC4B Buy 6 x 1/2 Size Buy 6 x 1/4 Size Buy 6 x 4/4 Size Buy 12 x 1/2 Size Buy 12 x 1/4 Size Buy 12 x 4/4 Size £129 £140 £151 £244 £265 £285 Stagg 20GA amplifiers Guitar stands x2 Guitar cables Clip on guitar tuner Call if you wish to mix sizes in your order. Rock Guitar and Bass Package 3-piece electric guitar package that includes electric guitars, a bass guitar and all necessary amps and leads. • 2 x Redwood RS-1 electric guitars • 1 x Redwood RB-4 bass guitar Redwood D104 Bulk Purchase • 2 x Stagg 20GA amplifiers The Redwood D104 is an ideal starter steel string guitar that represents superb value for money. • 1 x Stagg 20BA amplifier x2 • 3 x Guitar stands • 3 x Guitar cables D104A D104B Buy 6 x D104 Buy 12 x D104 £336 £660 State colour required when ordering. (Black, Blue or Red). • 1 x Clip on guitar tuner £299 order code rbpack x2 Stagg 20GA amplifiers x3 Guitar stands x3 Marina MD05 Bulk Purchase Incredibly resonant for a laminate body guitar, the MD05 keeps everything simple and effective, focusing on sound and playability. MD05A MD05B Buy 6 x MD05 Buy 12 x MD05 Fax: 08450 949066 Guitar cables Guitar tuner £504 £996 Tel: 08450 949022 81 Guitars and Amplifiers Guitar Effects Vox amPlug Zoom G2nu Boss ME-25 Boss TU-3 Practice silently with this palm-sized headphone guitar amp. Mind-blowing realism and inspiring expressiveness, a USB audio interface for direct recording using DAW software, and a rhythm machine, loop function and much more. The compact and durable ME-25 inherits high-quality sounds from the flagship ME-70 and packs lots of Boss tone tools. Chromatic pedal tuner with steel chassis. £34 order code 61533 amPlug 61534 amPlug Metal 61535 amPlug Classic rock 67933 amPlug Acoustic TC Electronics Flashback Delay & Looper Professional quality delay effects with the revolutionary Toneprint artists patch feature. £103 £83 £117 £56 order code 68325 order code 68939 order code 89039 TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb Zoom G3 Professional quality delay effects with the revolutionary Toneprint artists patch feature. The Zoom G3 has the ease of a stompbox pedal-board with the power of a multi-effects processor and USB audio interface. £95 £125 order code 93307 Line 6 HD-300 Multi Effects The Line 6 HD300 brings Line 6 amp modelling and digital effects to new heights with unparalleled warmth and feel. £215 order code 88245 order code 90136 order code 90135 Boss MT-2 Metal Zone Distortion Boss JS-8 e-Band Boss RC3 Loop Boss DS-1 Distortion Dual gain circuit to give the modern sound of todays Heavy Metal guitarists. WAV and MP3 files can be loaded and played by eBand, allowing the tempo and pitch to be changed. The classic DS-1 Distortion pedal provides a harder distortion effect for guitar and keyboard sounds. £70 £225 Three hours stereo recording time, storage for 99 loops, a "real drums" rhythm guide, and USB 2.0 compatibility. order code 36746 order code 68301 £135 £34 order code 36730 order code 89814 Boss DD-3 Delay Boss BD-2 Overdrive The Boss DD-3 is a compact pedal that provides a digital delay effect with outstanding quality equivalent to that of a dedicated rack-mount delay unit. The BD-2 Blues Driver delivers the creamy, yet crunchy sound associated with great blues guitar. £84 £65 order code 36722 order code 36728 Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble Eliminates unwanted noise and hum without altering an instrument's natural tone. It's the perfect pedal to quiet down any pedal-board or effects set-up. Shimmering tone and depth. £70 order code 36724 £65 order code 36747 82 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Recording Guitarist IK AmpliTube iRig Line 6 Pod Studio GX With AmpliTube iRig, you can plug your guitar into your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and jam anywhere with world class guitar and bass tone right in the palm of your hand. The POD Studio GX features a super-quiet 1/4-inch guitar input, a 1/8-inch headphone/line output and a volume knob for instant, straightforward recording. • Compatible with iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, iPod touch 2nd and 3rd generation, iPad (NOT COMPATIBLE with 1st generation iPhone or iPod touch) £63 order code 67530 • 1/4" female jack mono instruments input with Hi-Z impedance adapter - suitable for guitars, bass, synthesizers and keyboards • 1/8" mini-jack stereo output can be connected to headphones, amplifiers or powered speakers £22 order code 87798 Line 6 Pocket POD Apogee Jam About the size of a handheld tuner, pocket POD is a personal amp modelling and effects processor with over 300 professional quality custom presets. High-quality Apogee sound in a compact, portable and easy to use plug-and-play interface for iPhone, iPad and Mac. • 32 amp and 16 cab models (mix and match to create your own sound) • 16 effects including chorus delay and reverb • MP3/CD input to jam along to your favourite songs £62 order code 93088 • Battery or optional power supply £70 order code 60185 Line 6 POD HD Desktop The Line 6 POD HD Desktop is the only desktop multi-effect to boast 16 state-of-the-art Line 6 HD amp models, and over 100 modern and vintage-styled M-class effects. £279 Propellerhead Balance with Reason Essentials Hardware and software combined to give any guitarist a complete recording package. £294 order code 93606 order code 92172 Line 6 Studio UX1 The POD Studio UX1 is a rock-solid interface that provides advanced home recording in an easy-to-use package. £92 order code 67527 Alesis Amp Dock Turn an iPad 2 or iPad 3 into a full studio designed specifically for guitarists. £199 order code 94885 Apogee GiO USB Interface Line 6 Studio UX2 The UX2 Guitar Interface records vocal and guitar into most DAW software applications. Combining Apogee sound quality and amazing effects control and recording functions of Logic Studio 9, Mainstage 2 and Garageband. £222 order code 92911 £110 order code 67528 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 71 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 83 Guitars and Amplifiers Accessories Bags and Cases Armourdillo Economy Armourdillo Hard Cases Strong black canvas bag with shoulder straps and carry handle. Moulded cases that offer the ultimate protection for your guitar. £8 £49 Armourdillo Standard Hiscox Guitar Cases order code 64690 nylon strung 64691 acoustic 64688 electric (fender style) 64689 bass order code 93455 3/4 size 93457 full size classical 93451 electric guitar 93454 bass guitar 93465 acoustic steel guitar Strong black padded canvas gig bag with shoulder straps, carry handle and front pocket for storage. Tough, lightweight guitar cases that offer ultimate protection for any instrument. £18 £67 order code 95387 3/4 size 93468 full size classical 93466 electric guitar 93467 bass guitar 93469 acoustic steel guitar order code 36657 STD-AC Acoustic guitar case 36658 STD-EF Electric Fender-style guitar case 36660 STD-EG Electric Gibson-style guitar case Guitar Tuners Essentials HT75 Korg CA40 • Clip-on chromatic tuner with built-in microphone • Selectable modes enables tuning with a variety of other instruments • Backlit • Compact chromatic tuner • Wide detection range from A0~C8 • Large easy to read LCD needle-style meter • Built-in speaker to produce tuning reference pitchs £14 £12 order code 88461 order code 58226 Korg GA40 Boss TU-3 • Compact tuner for guitar and bass • Large, easy-to-see, LCD needle-style display • Built-in speaker to produce tuning reference pitch • Quinta-flat tuning mode allows dropped tunings • Pedal chromatic tuner • Tough metal chassis • Mutes signal when tuner activated • Bright, visible display £10 £56 order code 58323 order code 68325 Guitar Accessories Essentials Guitar Cable 10ft Angled jack £6 order code 90290 Essentials Guitar Straps Essentials Footstool Slides String Winder Fast fret 20ft Angled jack £4.50 £6 £6 £1.50 £6 £8 order code 90290 order code 60559 order code 35080 glass 34590 metal order code 56495 order code 34918 order code 60722 Fender Monogrammed Strap £9 order code 41205 Plectrums 40p each order code 38728 Dr Stringfellows Polish £4 order code 64770 84 Essentials Trigger Capo Stagg Metal Capo Stagg 6” Patch Cable £8 £5 £1.80 order code 59464 order code 69604 curved 69605 flat order code 64419 email: Guitars and Amplifiers Accessories Guitar Strings - Classical/Nylon Guitar Strings - Acoustic Steel Essentials Economy nylon strings D’Addario Pro Arte Normal Olympia Custom light (11-47) Martin X-light (10-47) D’Addario Custom light (11-52) £3.50 £6.00 £2.49 £5 £6.00 order code 59459 order code 34668 order code 90027 order code 35590 order code 34655 D’Addario Pro Arte Hard D’Addario Ball End Olympia Light (12-54) Martin Light (12-54) D’Addario Light (12-53) £6.00 £5.50 £2.49 £5 £6.00 order code 34667 order code 92074 order code 90028 order code 35590 order code 34658 Guitar Strings - Electric Guitar Strings - Bass Olympia Light (9-42) Ernie Ball Super Slinky (9-42) D’Addario Super Light (9-42) Olympia Gauge 45-100 D’Addario Custom light 40-100 £2.45 £4.50 £4.50 £7 £15 order code 90025 order code 34915 order code 34698 order code 95773 order code 92053 Regular (10-46) Regular Slinky (10-46) Regular (10-46) Regular light 45-100 £2.45 £4.50 £4.50 £15 order code 90026 order code 34913 order code 34693 order code 89748 Accessory Packs Classical Guitar Stands Essentials Universal Guitar Stand Hercules Wall-mount hanger order code CGAP £8 £9.50 order code 69618 order code 52747 Acoustic Guitar Stagg Electric Guitar Stand Stagg Acoustic Guitar Stand Includes carry case, strings and stand. £8.50 £8.50 £16 order code 39422 order code 39421 Hercules Mini Guitar Stand Warwick 5-way £13.50 £42 Includes carry case, footstool, strings, stand £21 order code AGAP Electric Guitar Includes carry case, strap, strings and stand. order code 52750 Fits up to 5 stands order code 47732 £20 order code EGAP Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 85 g o o k S s music make accessible for everyon e The Skoog enables children to experience and play musical sounds for themselves. Although originally designed for children with learning disabilities or sensory impairment, the Skoog is a unique new instrument which can motivate any child to play music both individually and in ensembles. An absolutely essential component in any music provision, the Skoog offers incredible programmability to suit any child, yet can be easily set up by any non-specialist teacher. • Play a range of instruments • Adjustable skill and sensitivity • Create and use your own sounds • Soft squeezy USB controller • Can be used as a MIDI controller • Mac and PC compatible • Unlimited software site licence £500 Order Code: SKOOG • Helps develop musical expression & communication skills • Ideal for promoting inclusive music practice • Improves motor skills, co-ordination & control • Supports sensory integration • Suitable for MLD, SLD and PMLD children Skoogtöo Skoogtöo is a music learning platform that supports non specialist staff in delivering every aspect of the early years and primary school music curriculum. Oh… and it’s also FUN! 2 Skoogs and an Interactive white Board is all a class needs to start performing, composing, reviewing, and evaluating their own music. The world of Skoogtöo is participative, engaging, hands-on learning through play. Celebrating children’s own musicality and in partnership with the teacher, the Skoog approach leads children to discover and create their own music. No specialist musical knowledge or training is required. Call for more details. Call for details of our demonstration and training services Music ICT We have unrivalled experience in the development of music ICT facilities in schools across the UK and Ireland, and also overseas in international schools around the world. Whether based around PCs or Apple computers, we will help you find the best solution to provide a relevant music curriculum through the use of ICT. We can provide a free consultation service at your school if you are considering a major development project – just call for details. We also provide comprehensive training in your school on your equipment. Whether software or hardware-based, we’ll help you get the best from your resources, explaining not only the potential educational outcomes you can expect, but also how everything connects together. Apple Computers Training PCs for Music Furniture Audio Interfaces Controllers DJ Equipment Apple Software Additional Sound Libraries Steinberg & Cakewalk Software Pattern-based Software & Reason Sibelius Software Score Software KS 1,2 & 3 Software ICT Accessories 88-91 93 94-95 96-97 98-100 101-106 104-106 108 109 112-113 114-115 116-117 118 119 120 Key Number of Octaves Touch Sensitive Keys USB Connectivity Firewire Connectivity 16 Number of Inputs 16 Number of Outputs Apple Compatible Windows Compatible 87 Music ICT Apple Computers iMac 21.5” iMac 27” Our most popular all-in-one desktop computer boasts great performance in a space saving design. Ideal in a music ICT suite or small classroom studio. The 27” iMac provides higher performance with a larger display, perfect for use with Logic or Cubase where screen size is important for monitoring levels and mixing. • 2.5Ghz Quad Core i5 Processor • 2.7Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 Processor • 4GB RAM • 4GB RAM • 500GB Hard Drive • 1TB Hard Drive • 21.5” backlit display • 27” backlit display • AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics • AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GBe £797 £1,118 order code 92403 order code 92405 Packages iMac Composition Package iMac Recording Package Combined with Logic Studio 9 software and 49-note controller the iMac becomes the perfect composition workstation for classrooms on a budget. • iMac 21.5” The ideal solution to class sequencing and/or recording. With the bundled audio interface students have complete flexibility using Logic’s high quality software instruments or recording guitar, instruments or vocals. • Logic Studio 9 • iMac 27” • eStudio 49e • Logic Studio 9 • Essentials DJ100 headphones • eStudio 49e £978 • Focusrite Saffire 6 USB order code IMCP1 • Essentials DJ100 headphones £1,424 88 order code IMRP1 email: Music ICT Apple Computers Mac Mini Mac Pro Incorporating an i5 processor and 2GB of RAM the Mac Mini is a powerful machine in a uniquely compact package. An ideal Mac for music departments on a budget as it can be integrated with existing hardware such as monitors, keyboards and mice. Apple’s flagship computer system with incredible power and performance the Mac Pro has been designed to handle the demands of professional audio and video editing. • 2.3Ghz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 • 1TB Hard Drive • 2GB RAM • ATI Radeon HD5770 with 1GB graphics • 500GB Hard Drive • Fully upgradable • Intel HD Graphics 3000 • 3GB RAM £1,678 • OS X Lion £434 • 2.8Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon processor order code 89991 order code 93605 Mac Mini Server Mac Pro Server The Mac Mini Server is the perfect solution for any classroomsized network. ICT expertise is not required as the OS X Lion Server is easy to use and maintain. The Mac Pro Server is the direct replacement for Apple’s Xserve and provides the power, storage and connectivity required by a school network server. • 2.0Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • 2.8Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor • 4GB RAM • 8Gb RAM • Intel HD Graphics 3000 • 2x 1TB Hard Drive • Dual 500GB Hard Drives • OS X Lion Server • OS X Lion Server £2,014 £693 order code 91592 order code 93570 Also Available Description Mac Mini Server Price Code software installed and £1,098 configured to your school’s requirements, pre-delivery Fax: 08450 949066 AMMSI Also Available Description Mac Pro Server Price Code Software installed and £2,789 configured to your school’s requirements, pre-delivery. AMPSI Tel: 08450 949022 89 Music ICT Apple Computers Macbook 13” Macbook Pro 13” Available exclusively to education establishments Apple’s White MacBook is a great portable option of the classroom. Apple’s most powerful portable mac, the MacBook Pro is the perfect choice for audio sequencing and recording. The aluminum Unibody design makes the laptop rugged and durable whilst the high specification ensures long life and high performance. • 2.4Ghz Dual Core processor • 2GB RAM • 250GB Hard Drive • White Unibody shell • Up to 10 hours batter life • NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics £694 • 2.3Ghz Intel Core i5 processor • 4GB RAM • 320GB Hard Drive • Intel HD graphics 30000 order code 87445 • 13.3” backlit LED screen • Up to 7 hours batter life £797 order code 91320 Packages 90 MacBook Composition Package MacBook Pro Recording Package Based around the White MacBook available exclusively to education establishments. This package also includes a 49-note controller keyboard and Apple’s full Logic Studio 9 for full audio and MIDI sequencing. Based around Apple’s powerful MacBook Pro 15” computer, this recording package is designed to give you everything for creating stunning compositions and recordings on-the-go. • White Apple MacBook 13” • Macbook Pro 13.3” • Apple Logic Studio 9 • Logic Studio 9 software • eStudio 49e • Focusrite Saffire Pro 24DSP firewire interface • Essentials DJ100 headphones • Cakewalk A500 Pro controller keyboard £884 • Essentials DJ100 headphones order code AMBCP £1,329 order code AMBRP email: Music ICT Apple Computers Macbook Air iPad The MacBook Air is thinnest Apple computer available and offers remarkable speed and performance in a lightweight solution. Ideal as a portable teacher’s computer, powerful enough to run most software packages. • 1.6Ghz Intel Dual Core i5 processor Apple’s iPad is fast becoming a staple of schools and colleges. Combined with the millions of apps available the iPad becomes a powerful and engaging learning tool. See below for some suggestions of how the iPad can be of benefit to your classroom. • 2GB RAM • 9.7” retina LED backlit multi-touch display • 64GB Flash storage • Dual-code Apple A5X processor • Intel HD Graphic 3000 • WIFI (802.11a/b/g/n) • 11” high resolution screen • Bluetooth 4.0 technology £705 • 16GB storage order code 93571 £315 order code 96266 Also available with 3G connectivity and more storage –call for more details iPad in the classroom… Garageband An impressively powerful iPad version of the popular Mac program, ideal for creating composition ideas and sharing musical thoughts in a group. Media streaming iPad can hold your complete music collection, and can stream both audio and video to your AirPlay-enabled hifi or interactive whiteboard via AppleTV. See page 156 for AirPlay-enabled hardware. Macbook Air Score-writing Package Based around the lightweight Macbook Air including both a 49-note keyboard and Sibelius 7 software, this package makes an excellent portable score-writing workstation. • MacBook Air 11” • Sibelius 7 score-writing software Score reading • eStudio e49 iPad is the perfect size for score reading and requires no music stand light so can easily used in concerts. Carrying a plethora of music books around can be impossible, iPad’s iBooks can help organize and store sheet music – no more crumpled and dog-eared music sheets! • Essentials DJ100 headphones £962 order code AMBSW Fax: 08450 949066 With the ever-increasing choice of educational apps the iPad’s versatility in the classroom only grows. Tel: 08450 949022 91 Music ICT Apple AppleCare The AppleCare Protection Plan gives huge benefits and peace of mind to any Apple Computer purchase. Every Apple computer comes with 90 days of complimentary telephone support and a 1 year warranty. AppleCare Protection Plan extends the Apple warranty to 3 years and should only be added when purchasing an Apple computer or device. Apple Wireless AppleCare iMac 3 Year £82 order code 58147 AppleCare Mac Mini 3 Year £78 order code 58497 AppleCare iPad 3 Year £76 order code AIPAC Airport Express AppleCare Macbook 3 Year £126 order code 65630 AppleCare Macbook Pro 13” 3 Year £126 order code 65435 AppleCare Macbook Pro 15” 3 Year £175 The Airport Express is a portable, easy to setup wireless access point. With a built-in audio mini jack and almost any Apple device you can stream music wirelessly to your hifi or powered speakers. The USB port also allows wireless printing, making the Airport Express an incredibly versatile device. £59 order code 54019 order code AMB15 AppleCare Mac Pro 3 Year £126 order code 64848 Airport Extreme The Airport Extreme is an extremely powerful wireless solution for up to 50 computers. Perfect for the classroom the Airport Extreme provides guest accounts, hard drive sharing and wireless printing. Operating simultaneously on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands the Airport Extreme offers maximum range, compatibility and performance. Apple Displays The 27” Apple LED Cinema Display boasts an incredible 2560x1440 resolution, LED backlighting for instant-on brightness, and an amazing 178 degree viewing angle. There’s also a built-in iSight camera, microphone, and 49W speaker system that provide a true desktop experience. £699 £115 order code 65968 order code Mini Display Port: 89989 Thunderbolt: ALDTB Apple TV Apple Time Capsule Easy-to-use, reliable and affordable backup solution by Apple. The Time Capsule works seamlessly with Time Machine in OS X Leopard or later to provide a ‘no-hassle’ backup of your important data. Works over the latest 802.11n wireless technology and also offers wireless drive sharing and wireless printing. 2TB Time Capsule 3TB Time Capsule 92 £195 £325 The Apple TV is a media hub playing content from YouTube and other media websites. A great addition to almost any interactive white board, Apple TV allows video and media streaming from your Mac, iPad or even iPhone. £79 order code 96662 order code ATC2T See page 93 for training order code ATC3T email: Design, Setup and Training DESIGN PRE-INSTALLATION ON-SITE SETUP Using our experience from schools across the UK we can design the perfect system for your music department. Because we use the hardware and software that we recommend we are confident we can offer the best advice for schools, music colleges and professionals alike. We can pre-install many of the software packages available on your new machine so that when you receive it you are ready to teach. With all software pre-configured, drivers for your hardware installed, Tel: and the system set up the way08450 you prefer, you’ll find it easy to concentrate on the teaching rather than the technology. We will deliver, install and configure your new system ensuring that it is all ready to go. Our team is efficient and thorough, and will leave a tidy and easy-tomaintain suite. SERVER CONFIGURATION As music technology grows in music departments so does the need for a server solution. This can be a daunting move for a school without Apple expertise or experience. We can configure the server to your school’s specifications and create or migrate user names and managed preferences INITIAL SERVER CONFIGURATION AND USER ENTRY: from £795 949022 Fax: 08450 949066 DELIVERY AND SETUP OF COMPUTERS: from £495 (10 computers) SUPPORT We understand that music departments sometimes need support and help - whether it is general advice, troubleshooting software packages or getting the suite back up and running after a system problem. We also know that sometimes ICT support staff do not have Apple experience to effectively troubleshoot and maintain a Mac suite. We therefore offer a remote support package which provides fast and reliable solutions - both over the phone and by remotely accessing the school computers. 99% of all queries or problems can be resolved using remote support, taking the waiting time and potential additional costs out of the equation. REMOTE SUPPORT PACKAGE: from £1945 (12 months unlimited remote support) TRAINING PACKAGES AVAILABLE We provide tailored training which ensures that you can operate and teach effectively using your software packages. With our classroom teaching experience and over 10 years of training teachers, we deliver training that provides a comprehensive overview of your software. PACKAGES AVAILABLE Mac OS X, Logic Basic, Logic Intermediate, Cubase Basic, Cubase Intermediate, Sibelius Basic See page 93 for details Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 93 Music ICT Computers for Music Welcome to our brand new and updated range of Digital Audio Workstations, produced with music education at the heart of their design. We continue to build, configure and fully test all of our computers with high quality components so you can be assured of the best possible solution for your music room. Whether you need a single machine for your studio or a classroom of 30 PC systems, our new range of Dawsons computers are the perfect choice for speed, power and peace of mind. Pico Prima A small form-factor PC but with the power and performance to run the most demanding music software. Now with 21.5” monitor and upgraded RAM, the Prima continues to be a versatile and powerful platform for music. • Pico Micro ITX Chassis • Intel Core i3 Dual Core 3.1Ghz CPU • Intel Dual Core G840 2.8 Ghz CPU • 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz RAM • 4GB DDR3 RAM • 500GB SATA2 hard drive • 500GB SATA2 hard drive • On board graphics (DVI/VGA) • On board graphics (DVI/VGA/HDMI) • DVDRW • Slot Loading DVDRW • USB3 • USB3 • Keyboard/mouse + DAW overlays • Keyboard/mouse + DAW overlays • 21.5’’ widescreen TFT monitor • 21.5’’ widescreen TFT monitor £696 £819 order code 69336 order code 96663 Packages 94 10 System Score Package 10 System Composition Package A complete suite comprising of 10 workstations designed specifically for music creation. Includes everything a music department needs to start composing and scoring music using Sibelius 7. An ideal suite for composition and sequencing using Cubase Elements 6 software. Quality audio inputs and a huge library of sounds make the Composition workstation a versatile and powerful tool. • 10x Pico Systems • 10x Prima Systems • 10x eStudio e49 keyboards • 10x eStudio e49 keyboards • 10x Lexicon Alpha interfaces • 10x Focusrite USB 6 interfaces • 10x HP1 headphones • 10x HP1 headphones • 10x Sibelius 7 • 10x Cubase 6 Elements Pre-installation of software On-site hardware installation Pre-installation of software On-site hardware installation £10,780 £9,884 order code 10SSP order code 10SCP email: Music ICT Computers for Music Integra Ultima The recently upgraded Integra offers top flight power at a mid-range price. Designed for recording studio and high-end users, the Ultima is our Flagship PC. • Intel Core i3 Dual Core 3.3Ghz CPU • Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.0Ghz CPU • 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz RAM • 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM • 500GB SATA2 Hard drive • 1TB SATA3 Hard drive • Nvidia G210 PCIe Graphics (DVI/VGA/HDMI) • Nvidia G210 PCIe Graphics (DVI/VGA/HDMI) • DVDRW • DVDRW • Firewire • Firewire • USB3 • USB3 • Keyboard/mouse + DAW overlays • Keyboard/mouse + DAW overlays • 21.5’ widescreen TFT monitor • 21.5’ widescreen TFT monitor £836 Also available with i7 3.4GHz CPU - call for prices. order code 69337 £1,078 order code ULTXP Producer Recording Package Studio Production Package Pairing the powerful upgraded Integra system with Cubase Artist 6 to take audio and midi recording to the next level. A comprehensive library of sounds and tools to help create high quality compositions. A fully configured PC recording studio based on our flagship Ultima computer with Cubase 6 and NI Komplete 8 software. An ideal professional system for your school studio. • Integra PC • Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 interface • Focusrite Saffire USB 6 interface • Novation 61SL MKii controller keyboard • 61-note controller keyboard • Sontronics STC2 condenser mic • Sontronics STC2 condenser mic • 2 x AKG C1000S condenser mics • eStudio RM5 monitor speakers • KRK RP6 monitor speakers • Cubase Artist 6.5 software • Cubase 6.5 and NI Komplete 8 software £1,396 £2,488 order code PCPRP Fax: 08450 949066 • Ultima PC order code PCSPP Tel: 08450 949022 95 Music ICT Furniture Stelton Modular Workstations The Stelton Modular Desk system offers outstanding build quality and finish. All desks and components are rock-solid and can easily cope with the day-to-day stresses of any classroom situation. Base unit desk with rear strengthened upstand, modesty board, cable tray and sliding keyboard shelf. • 1200W x 700D x 740H • Excellent build and finish quality • Different finishes available - please call for details Multibuy Savings £204 order code SMWSD Buy 10 for £198 each Call for alternative configurations Strata Furniture Models shown for illustrative purposes only. Quiklok Furniture Strata CD-2 Keyboard/Computer Desk Quiklok Z250 Workstation Desk Identical to the CD-3 desk, the CD-2 offers a more compact version of this popular workstation with a sliding drawer for your keyboard. Three-surface workstation with large rectangle main shelf. • 110cm wide x 50cm deep • Accommodates all kinds of computer equipment and accessories £179 order code 57709 Delivery for 1-6 of these desks readyassembled is £65 total. Please call for pricing options on different quantities • Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort and efficiency • Main shelf height from floor 28.9” - 73.5cm £223 order code 93492 Strata CD-3 Keyboard/Computer Desk Quiklok Z-555 This workstation has a sliding tray which locks out when in use. • Main shelf height from floor 26.75” – 68cm • Dimensions - floor to desktop 80cm • Worktop: 110cm wide x 75cm deep • Sliding tray: 99cm wide x 35cm deep • Height within sliding tray: 17cm £189 Versatile Studio Workstation. • Perfect compact studio workstation • Add-ons available £219 order code 96664 order code 65483 Delivery for 1-3 of these desks readyassembled is £65 total. Please call for pricing options on different quantities Bretford Mobile Cart Laptop/MacBook storage Quiklok Z600 Workstation Desk This superb storage solution makes transporting notebooks easy and safe. Multiple point bolting and a reprogrammable padlock helps ensure security and peace of mind. Dual-level workstation with contoured cherrywood tops and space for 8 rack units. • 20 compartments with individual recharging facility • Optional Z/712 pull-out desk for qwerty keyboard • 4-way power board for use with additional equipment • Ideal studio workstation desk • Strong all-steel construction • Also available in 20 and 32 compartment designs £749 96 • Main desk dimensions H77cm/W175cm/D61cm £479 order code 67482 order code 64212 email: Music ICT Furniture AKA Design Prolite Workstation Desk AKA Design have been developing specialist furniture for over 10 years. This Prolite workstation offers a cost effective way of buying professional studio furniture. • Large 2.4m main workspace • Three 3U rack spaces • Deep monitor bridge for monitor screens and speakers • Flat packed and very easy to assemble £1,429 AKA Design Prolite Workstation Desk order code 53769 £1,899 AKA Design Prolite Workstation Desk with 12U Rack order code 53770 AKA Design ProWave System The ProWave system is a modular desking solution which can house a range of equipment for audio and media studios. Standard colour/wood combinations available are Blue/Maple and Grey/Oak. • Range of centre sections to suit most configurations • Optional integrated monitor arm system or monitor shelf complete cable management • Supplied flat-packed for self-assembly from £889 ProW25 ProW50 12U Rack 6U Rack 4U Rack Worktop Console Wingtip Jointer Kit Centre section, 1420 x 970 Centre section, 1810 x 1015 Floor rack with adjustable feet Desk rack, supplied with rack strip Desk rack, supplied with rack strip Left or right, requires jointer kit Worktop, left or right, requires jointer kit Left or right, with fixing plate & leg £889 £899 £485 £371 £330 £313 £447 £476 £42 93589 93590 93591 93592 93593 93594 93595 93596 93597 Special carriage charges will apply due to the weight of these items. POA Desk configuration pictured £4,400 AKA Design ProMedia XB Desk A compact workstation desk, ideal for school recording studios. • Compact 1.8m main workspace • Complete cable management • Available in Grey/Oak and Blue/Maple • Self-assembly and flat packed for easy shipping & installation • Available with single or double VESA compatible monitor arm – call for more information £783 order code 93603 Single monitor arm Double monitor arm VESA compatible VESA compatible Fax: 08450 949066 CALL CALL PRMM1 PRMM2 Tel: 08450 949022 97 Music ICT Audio Interfaces USB Audio Interface Focusrite Saffire 6 USB Presonus Audiobox The Saffire 6 USB uses the same award winning mic-preamps as the rest of the Saffire range. This interface is amazing value for money without compromising quality. • 2 XLR/jack combi inputs • 4 phono outputs • USB powered 2 16 USB Audio Cables Excellent value compact interface with XLR and jack inputs. audio sources to USB for recording. • Dedicated headphone socket • 16bit, 44.1kHz digital audio output • USB powered • 5m length • PC and Mac compatible 1 • 24bit, 48kHz audio recording £99 order code 89449 £47 2 Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interfaces Connect guitars, basses or line level 1 16 • High quality mic preamps 2 16 Lexicon Alpha order code 66112 • 2 combi XLR/jack inputs £118 order code 67841 2 Alesis Guitarlink £17 2 in/2 out USB powered audio interface with zero latency monitoring and rugged construction. High-quality Focusrite pre-amps in a compact form factor with a unique ‘halo ‘ metering system. • Rugged metal unibody case • Unique LED gain halos • Direct monitor function • USB powered order code 88214 2 16 £99 2 order code 93838 2 16 2 Alesis PhonoLink Roland Duo-Capture UA11 M-Audio Fast Track Pro • Twin phono input • Stereo headphone output 2 in/2 out portable interface with dedicated 1/4" guitar and stereo 3.5mm inputs. 4 in/4 out portable 24 bit interface with direct monitoring and SPDIF digital connection. • 16bit 44.1kHz digital audio recording • 3.5mm stereo inputs and outputs • 2x XLR/jack combi inputs • Dedicated 1/4" headphone socket • USB powered • 4 balanced outputs • USB powered £23 order code 89467 2 16 1 £53 2 16 order code 89821 £145 2 order code 67907 4 16 4 Alesis MicLink Alesis iO2 Express Roland Quad-Capture UA55 Connect a microphone to USB for recording • 16bit, 44.1kHz digital audio output Cost effective interface with 2x XLR/jack inputs and 24bit/48kHz recording. 4 in/4 out interface with 2 XLR/jack combi inputs and SPDIF digital in/outs. • USB powered • 2 x XLR/jack inputs with mic preamps • Zero latency • USB powered • 5m length • Ideal portable interface • AUTO-SENS function £17 order code 66111 1 16 1 £65 order code 87470 2 16 2 £136 order code 92167 4 16 4 Cakewalk UA1G M-Audio Fast Track Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 2 in/2 out audio interface. • 1/4” jack socket for guitar/mic input The easiest way to record guitar or vocals. • PC/Mac compatible • Dedicated guitar input Multichannel 8 in/6 out interface with high class preamps. Including SPDIF digital in and out and Mix Control software. • XLR mic input with phantom power • 2x XLR/jack combination inputs with mic preamps • USB powered • Additional line inputs and SPDIF in/out • USB powered • 24bit, 96kHz £64 98 order code 66531 2 16 2 £67 48 v order code 68175 2 16 2 £163 order code 91744 8 16 6 email: Music ICT MIDI and Audio Interfaces Firewire Interfaces Pro Tools Interfaces Presonus FireStudio Mobile Pro Tools Mbox Mini Bundle A rugged firewire interface with high quality, class A XMAX preamps and low latency monitoring, perfect for mobile recording. • 2 front-panel mic/instrument inputs • 6 line level inputs • 48V phantom power • Studio One artist software included Premium 2 in/2 out USB audio interface with Pro Tools software. • 2 in/2 out connectivity with built-in mic preamp • 24 bit 48 kHz audio recording • Pro Tools 10 software included • USB powered £187 £425 48 v 8 16 order code 87411 2 M-Audio Firewire Solo 48 v 4 16 order code 67904 4 £552 The FA66 comes with 2 XLR/jack combi inputs and a further 4 balanced jack inputs to give a total of 6 input channels to this high quality interface. 6 16 6 Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 DSP £673 The Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 DSP uses 2 x XLR/jack combi connections with award winning mic preamps. The additional optical ADAT input connection allows for up to 16 inputs to be connected. • Up to 16 inputs and 8 outputs with complete routing capabilities • 24 bit, 96 kHz high quality recording • Includes VRM studio monitor modelling software 4 48 v 8 16 4 order code 93515 Bundled Interfaces Propellerhead Balance The stylish 2 in/2 out USB audio interface from the makers of Reason, Propellerhead's balance offers excellent integration and high quality recording into the included Reason Essentials software. • 2 mic preamp connections • 2 guitar/bass inputs and 4 line inputs • USB powered 48 v 6 16 8 Apogee USB Interfaces £294 Apogee One ONE is a pocket-sized USB audio and MIDI interface. Designed to work easily with Apple's GarageBand, Logic, Final Cut, or any Core Audio compliant application. • Built-in microphone • 3 segment LED input and output metering • 48V phantom power £146 4 16 Flagship Mbox 8-channel firewire interface. Everything you need for professional audio recording production. • 2x XLR/jack inputs with preamps • 8 channels 24 bit 96 kHz audio recording • Includes full Pro Tools 10 software • 4 high class mic preamps • Firewire connection 48 v order code 52897 order code 67426 48 v order code 89472 Pro Tools Mbox Pro Bundle • 6 in/4 out interface • Firewire powered • High audio resolution £236 2 Premium 4 in/4 out USB audio interface with Pro Tools 10 software. With 2 mic preamps and SPDIF digital in and out. • 2x XLR/jack inputs with preamps • 24 bit, 96 kHz audio recording • USB powered • Pro Tools 10 software included Cakewalk FA66 £218 2 16 Pro Tools Mbox Bundle This 4x4 Firewire audio interface offers excellent quality 24 bit, 96 kHz recording at an incredible price. • 4 in/4 out recording • XLR mic input with phantom power • Powered through Firewire connection • SPDIF digital in and out £119 48 v order code 93514 48 v order code 93606 2 16 2 2 16 2 2 16 2 Steinberg CI2 48 v 1 16 order code 95247 1 Powerful, compact 2 channel audio interface from Steinberg. Designed to integrate perfectly into the included Cubase AI software. • Excellent value audio interface • Full integration into Cubase • 2 x high quality mic pre-amps with phantom power £125 48 v order code 68356 Apogee Duet2 Steinberg Artist 6 Plus Pack Designed exclusively for use with Apple Mac computers this 2 in/2 out USB interface delivers pristine quality recording. • 2 input channels with high quality mic preamps • Balanced speaker outputs • USB powered • Full colour OLED metering £347 2 channel CI2+ USB audio interface with additional MIDI control surface features. Integrates perfectly with Cubase Artist 6. • 2 x XLR/jack combination inputs • Includes Cubase Artist 6 • MIDI control surface with transport buttons • USB powered 48 v order code 93582 Fax: 08450 949066 2 16 2 £229 48 v order code 93581 Tel: 08450 949022 99 Music ICT Audio Interfaces Allen & Heath ZED R16 The R16 features an incredible 18 ins and outs via a single Firewire cable giving each of the individual mono channels its own input and output. The excellent EQ section and transport controls for your sequencer mean that this is simply the perfect desk/interface for any school-based recording studio. • 18 input and outputs channels • Full mixing desk functionality • Ideal as live mixing or studio desk • World-class EQ section • Can be used as control surface • Built-in talk-back mic £1,307 order code 69648 18 16 18 Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 M-Audio Profire 2626 Ideal for any school recording studio, the Focusrite Pro 40 is the best-sounding multi-channel interface in its class. The Pro 40 can be connected via ADAT to the Focusrite Octopre to give a phenomenal 20 inputs and outputs. 8 channel firewire interface with award winning Octane preamps. ADAT connection gives the option of extra channels, perfect for a larger workstation or classroom studio. • 2 separate headphone outputs • 2 dedicated instrument inputs • Monitor output • PC and Mac compatible • Up to 20 ins and 20 outs with optional Octopre interface • 8 mic/line inputs with phantom power £357 • 24-bit/96kHz recording order code 67905 £312 8 16 order code 67543 8 16 8 8 Focusrite OctoPre MkII The ideal companion for any audio interface with ADAT lightpipe connections. Roland Octa-Capture Hi Speed multichannel USB audio interface with 10 ins and 10 outs including 8 mic preamps. • Adds an additional 8 inputs to your Firewire interface • -10dB pad switches - ideal for recording drums • 8 XLR/jack combi inputs with mic preamps • Direct outs on every channel • Digital SPDIF input and output £274 • AUTO-SENS function for automatic input level adjustment order code 67842 8 16 £403 order code 88449 Focusrite Saffire Pro 56 Focusrite's flagship Firewire interface with 2 world-class Liquid preamp channels. This superb multi-channel interface can provide up to 28 input and output channels. • 8 analogue inputs and 10 analogue outputs 10 16 10 Zoom R24 • Upgradable to 28 in and 28 out The R24 can be used as a stand alone 24-track hard-disk recording system or as an 8-channel interface and control surface for your favourite music DAW software. With 8 mic pre-amps and 24 bit, 96kHz recording, high quality recordings can be captured on your computer or directly to the R24. £499 • 24-track stand alone digital recorder • 2 liquid channels with 10 classic preamp emulations • 8-channel USB audio interface order code 66328 8 16 10 • Control surface with transport and fader controls • 135 built-in effects • Built-in sampler Presonus FireStudio Project This 8 channel firewire audio interface offers a professional system at an affordable price. The FireStudio Project is designed for flexibility and ultra-high sonic performance. £334 order code 89033 • 8 mic/line input channels with phantom power • 2 dedicated instrument inputs • Up to 96kHz recording £282 8 16 2 order code 56581 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 87 8 16 100 8 email: Music ICT MIDI Control Surfaces Avid Artist Series The best control solution for your Apple Mac and music software, the Avid range offers unbeatable flexibility and value for money. Artist Control Artist Mix Artist Transport • New version 2 with backlit LED screen • 8 touch-sensitive faders • Weighted jog wheel and shuttle ring • 4 touch-sensitive motorised faders • 8 touch-sensitive rotary knobs • 7 ergonomic transport controls with status LEDs • 8 touch-sensitive rotary knobs • Stunning slimline design • 6 programmable soft keys • Connects using standard network cable • Stand alone option £974 £792 order code 67986 £254 order code 67840 order code 67985 The Avid Artist series controllers connect to your computer using CAT5 network cables. If you want to connect more than one unit to a single computer you may need to consider a basic network switch. Please call for details. Novation Remote Zero SL MkII The Zero SL MKii is an incredibly powerful control surface designed to be used in the studio or live. It can map to any of the major Audio/MIDI sequencers with ease. • Brightly lit LED screen Mackie Control Universal Pro One of the most powerful control surfaces available today. • 16 knobs, 8 faders and 32 buttons • 9 touch-sensitive motorised faders • USB bus-powered • Integration with most major DAWs • Programmable drum pads • LED display with track names • 8 x V-pot controllers • Fully-assignable transport controls £169 £1,029 order code 51084 order code 66444 Steinberg CC121 As Steinberg's dedicated control surface for Cubase the CC121 offers unrivaled integration with it's most popular software. • Full integration with the Cubase range of products Frontier Alpha Track The Alpha Track lets you take full control of your mix, utilising a 100mm motorized fader and a range of other controls. • Plug and play, once installed no additional set-up is required • Full-sized 100mm motorised faders • 100mm touch-sensitive motorised fader • 12 dedicated rotary controllers • 22 buttons for transport control, and other functions • 3 touch-sensitive rotary encoders • Advanced Integrated controller knob with "point and control" support £285 • Works with all of the popular DAW packages • USB powered £146 order code 76517 Steinberg CMC Series order code 56379 The great new modular controller series from Steinberg allows you to construct your perfect control surface. Includes seamless integration with Cubase and user-configurable controls for your favourite DAW. CMC-CH CMC-FD CMC-QC CMC-PD CMC-TP CMC-AI Channel Controller Fader Controller Quick Controller Pad Controller Transport Controller AI Controller £99 £119 £99 £99 £99 £99 order code 93865 order code 96665 order code 93866 order code 93864 order code 93867 order code 93869 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 101 Music ICT USB MIDI Controllers eStudio e49 The eStudio e49 is an exceptional quality 49-note controller keyboard at an affordable price. In addition to the 49 full-sized keys the e49 also has 4 assignable rotary knobs and a slider for extra control over your software. This is the most cost-effective controller keyboard on the market. • 49 full-sized notes with aftertouch • USB-powered • Modulation and Pitchbend wheels • 4 rotary knobs and 1 assignable slider • Excellent value Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £306 Buy 12 for £588 Cakewalk Controllers Cakewalk A-Pro Series The Cakewalk A-Pro series offers a touch sensitive keyboard combine with easy to use assignable controls, ideal for use with your DAW or software instruments. • 9 sliders, rotary knobs and 8 drum pads • USB powered Cakewalk A300Pro £138 order code 87705 £53 order code 88898 M-Audio Controllers The Oxygen Series combines a good quality keyboard with a comprehensive array of faders and knobs giving you complete control of your workstation. • 8 knobs and 9 sliders • 6 transport controls • Sustain pedal input M-Audio Oxygen 25 £82 order code 68096 M-Audio Oxygen 49 Cakewalk A500Pro £168 order code 87706 £102 order code 93583 M-Audio Oxygen 61 £139 order code 68098 Cakewalk A800Pro £198 order code 87707 M-Audio Oxygen 88 £370 order code 88649 M-Audio Keystation Series The M-Audio Keystation series is well-established with compatibility and reliability making these keyboards ideal for both small workstations and bigger studio configurations. • Semi-weighted keys on 61 and 88 note versions • USB powered M-Audio Keystation MINI £42 order code 95178 M-Audio Axiom Series The Axiom series boasts semi-weighted keys for more expression and a backlit display for easy controller setup. • Piano-style semi-weighted keys • DirectLink mode for easy setup • USB powered M-Audio Axiom 25 £137 order code 68923 M-Audio Keystation 61es M-Audio Axiom 49 £106 £212 order code 44840 M-Audio Keystation 88es £124 order code 53507 102 order code 68924 M-Audio Axiom 61 £240 order code 67917 email: Music ICT USB MIDI Controllers Novation Controllers Novation Controllers Novation SL MKII Series Novation Nocturn The Novation SL Series offers the ultimate control surface usability with 8 faders, 17 knobs and 8 drum pads. • 8 assignable rotary knobs • Illuminated 144 character LED • Velocity-sensitive drum pads • Automap Pro software included • USB powered • Speed dial for instant tactile editing • Automap universal software maps all virtual instruments instantly • USB powered Novation 25 SL MKII £211 £58 order code 56709 order code 66441 Novation 49 SL MKII £258 order code 66442 Novation 61 SL MKII £306 order code 66443 Novation Impulse Series Impulse is a range of professional USB/MIDI controllers. They each have a precision keyboard and a full control surface powered by a brand new version of Novation's Automap control software. • Large LCD screen Novation Launchpad This amazing USB controller is an innovative game changer in MIDI control, made up of 64 pads and 16 mode buttons with LED feedback. WIth the included Ableton Live Launchpad edition it offers a unique approach to controlling MIDI. • 64 dedicated buttons with 3-colour LED feedback • Comes with Ableton Launchpad and Automap software • Control any software using Automap • Excellent for live performances £85 order code 69565 • Semi-weighted keys with aftertouch • Professional control surface • Backlit drum pads iOS Controllers • USB powered Novation Impulse 25 Akai Synthstation 25 £115 order code 93677 MIDI controller for iPhone/iPod touch. Compatible with all MIDI compatible Apps. Novation Impulse 49 £39 order code 89050 £180 order code 93678 Novation Impulse 61 Akai Synthstation 49 £230 Production keyboard controller for iPad. Full size velocity sensitive keys, drum pads and dedicated transport controls. order code 93679 We offer tailored training courses to match exactly what you need. These are just a sample of what is available. See our Logic courses on page 108, or call for more details. £129 order code 93584 USB MIDI Interfaces Introducing Cubase Learn the essentials of the Cubase software package and how to successfully navigate the interfaces and main features. Cubase Next Steps Understand more advanced features of Cubase, including VST technology, effects and advanced editing. eStudio USB to MIDI Interface £19 order code 96494 Cakewalk UM1G • USB powered 1 in/1 out MIDI interface • PC/Mac compatible Introducing Sibelius Get to grips with your version of Sibelius; learn key features and methods for creating professional looking scores. Fax: 08450 949066 £31 order code 66530 For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 87 Tel: 08450 949022 103 Music ICT DJ Equipment DJ Equipment in Schools DJing – whether digital or on vinyl – is now recognised by some of the examination boards as a valid performance medium for GCSE and BTEC, although assessed under the Realisation criteria rather than under Performance. The candidate is not merely assessed on their ability to play two records together, but on the creative control, musical choices and overall technical competency of the performance. Essentially the DJ must perform just as a traditional musician performs, and should display an equal level of proficiency on their ‘instrument’. What do you need to offer DJing as an option to your pupils? The traditional set-up is 2 decks and a DJ mixer with a cross-fader, but for digital DJing things are not quite as clear cut. A laptop computer can be used, but a good quality desktop computer will work just as well. Another essential component is some sort of control surface, allowing tactile control of a range of functions within the software, such as cross-fading. Over these pages you will find a range of suitable products – but if you’d like help in selecting the right equipment, call Andy or Alex on 08450 949022. Numark TTX USB Stanton T.62 Stanton ST.150 Professional direct drive turntable with USB. Direct drive turntable ideal for scratch DJs. Professional direct drive DJ turntable. • Pitch control +/- 50% • High-torque direct drive motor • Super high-torque direct drive motor • ‘Key Lock’ maintains pitch while changing tempo • Straight tonearm suited to scratch DJ styles • Heavy duty steel construction • Built-in BPM counter • 33 and 45 RPM playback capability • 33, 45 and 78 RPM playback capability £343 £119 • 680HP headshell cartridge included order code 96766 order code 96593 £399 order code 96594 Numark NDX 200 Pioneer CDJ-350 Pioneer CDJ-900 Entry level CD DJ deck. Professional CD DJ deck with USB capabilities. High quality CD DJ Deck with advanced editing. • Rugged build quality • Play music from CD or USB storage device • Play music from CD or USB storage device • Large Jog dial • USB connection • USB connection • Anti-Shock buffered skip protection • Seamless looping • Seamless looping and Auto beat loop • Seamless looping technology • Large screen to facilitate mixing and editing • Large screen to facilitate mixing and advanced editing £99 • BPM detection and BPM lock • BPM detection and BPM lock £430 £929 order code 93520 order code 94180 Novation Dicer Rane Serato Scratch Live SL2 DJ performance controller. Professional digital vinyl system with two channel audio interface. • Designed for use with DJ software including Serato Scratch and Traktor order code 68911 NI Traktor Scratch A6 Turntable Interface Professional digital vinyl system with six channel audio interface. • Add to vinyl or CD decks for extra software control • Package includes Serato Scratch Live, timecoded vinyl, CDs and Rane SL2 USB interface • Control loops and cue points from your current setup • Interface includes 2 inputs for two deck sources • Package includes Traktor Scratch Pro 2.5, timecoded vinyl, CDs and the AUDIO 6 interface • USB connection £399 £199 £62 104 order code 96604 order code 96277 order code 87617 email: Music ICT DJ Equipment Numark M101 Numark M2 Pioneer DJM-350 2 channel DJ mixer. • 2 band EQ on both channels • 2 phono/line inputs • 1/4" jack mic input • Stereo line out 2 channel scratch mixer. • 3 band EQ on both channels • 2 phono/line inputs • 1/4" mic input • Master and record out • Crossfader reverse and slope controls Professional 2 channel DJ mixer with built-in recording. • 3 band EQ on both channels • 2 phono/line inputs and 1 aux input • 1/4" mic input • 2 stereo line out • Popular DJ effects such as Jet and Filter • Play music direct from USB key £38 order code 93827 £61 order code 96589 £359 order code 94188 Denon DN-X1100 Pioneer DJM-700 Allen + Heath Xone DB2 4 channel professional DJ mixer. • 3 band EQ on all channels • Matrix Input Assignment allowing up to 8 sources to be connected (3 phono, 8 Line) • Independent XLR and 1/4" jack mic input • XLR and RCA line out • Built-in professional quality effects 4 channel professional digital DJ mixer. • 3 band EQ on all channels • 4 phono/line inputs • Independent XLR and 1/4" jack mic input • XLR and RCA line out • High quality 32-bit DSP Pioneer effects 4 channel professional DJ mixer. • 3 band EQ on all channels • 4 phono/line/USB inputs • XLR mic and aux input channel • XLR and RCA line out • Twin DSP FX units with over 50 high quality DJ effects • Built-in, multi-channel USB 2.0 soundcard £459 £639 £1,248 order code 96605 order code 95266 order code 96729 Korg Kaoss Pad Quad Korg Kaossilator Pro Pioneer RMX-1000 Desktop DJ effect processor with over 1200 effects combinations. • Control 4 effects at once • Line in/line out • Auto BPM detection Supercharged version of the Kaossilator touch pad synth. • 200 sounds • Can be used as a MIDI controller Real-time effects processor designed for live DJ use. • Four remixing functions • Auto BPM detection • Quantise function for seamless effects use • USB MIDI £131 order code 68570 £248 order code 90105 £479 order code 95605 Korg Kaoss Pad 3 Korg KP Mini 2 Korg Kaossilator Mini 2 Desktop DJ effects processor with real-time control. • Features 128 newly-developed effects • Sample/playback loops and 'one-shot' samples • Save samples to SD card or computer via USB Compact touchpad DJ effects processor. • 100 Kaoss DJ effects including reverb, delay and looper • Auto BPM detection • Built-in mic and recorder • Battery operation and built-in speaker • 3.5mm jack input Compact touchpad phrase synthesiser. • 150 built-in sounds • Loop recording with unlimited overdub • Built-in mic and recorder • Battery operation and built in speaker • 3.5mm jack input £105 £105 order code 96587 order code 96588 £248 order code 58937 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 105 Music ICT DJ Equipment NI Traktor Pro 2 Ableton Live 8 Numark iDJ Pro DJ software for Mac and PC. • Mix up to 4 tracks at once Innovative music production/DJ software. • Create remixes and ‘mash-ups’ in real time Professional DJ controller for iPad. • Two deck control with effects and other professional features such as BPM sync and song key lock • Fully compatible with VST and AU plug-ins • Cue songs with headphone monitoring of second channel £162 £278 order code 66170 order code 96730 Numark Mixtrack Pro Numark N4 Pioneer DDJ-ERGO-V Excellent value DJ controller and USB audio I/O. • Classic dual deck layout with mixer controls and EQ kill Four-deck DJ controller with built in USB audio interface. • Dual deck layout with easy access to decks 3 and 4 Stylish four-deck controller and USB audio interface. • Dual deck layout with easy access to decks 3 and 4 • Easy to use effects control section • Easy to use effects control section and 3 band EQ on both channels • High quality USB audio interface • Loops and samples can be dropped in easily • Integrates with your iTunes library £94 order code 64213 • Compatible with most major DJ software packages • Comes with Traktor LE • Compatible with most major DJ software packages £129 • Comes with Serato Intro and Virtual DJ 4 deck edition order code 89414 £269 • Hot cues, looping and effects • Pulse lighting system gives visual cues to aid beat matching • Compatible with most major DJ software packages • Comes with Virtual DJ limited edition £349 order code 94258 order code 94185 NI Traktor Kontrol S2 Novation Twitch Complete professional two deck controller and USB audio interface for Traktor Pro 2. • Fully integrated two deck controller with additional loop deck capabilities Innovative USB DJ controller and audio interface. • Dedicated ‘Hot Cue’ buttons also control loop decks C and D • 16 x large trigger pads for triggering loops of different lengths, cue points or beat-slices • Includes Serato Itch software • 2 x touchstrips for track navigation • Control up to 6 powerful traktor effects at once NI Traktor Kontrol S4 • 24-bit/96kHz USB audio interface £331 • Includes Traktor Pro 2 software order code 92177 £319 order code 94642 The ultimate controller for Traktor DJ software the Kontrol S4 DJ performance system takes digital DJing to the next level. With the brand new Traktor S4 flagship software, full 4 deck control and a hi-quality audio interface the industry-leading Kontrol S4 is the choice of professional DJs and enthusiasts alike. • Includes the new Traktor S4 flagship DJ software • Fully integrated 4-deck controller • 24bit, 96Khz audio interface with cue monitoring • USB connection £620 order code 89519 NI Traktor Kontrol X1 Novation Launchpad Akai APC40 Performance DJ controller designed for Traktor Pro 2 software. USB controller designed for use with Ableton Live software. • Dedicated USB controller for Ableton Live software • Add on hardware for loop, hot cue, deck and effect control • 64 dedicated scene launch buttons that glow different colours with each function • Connects via USB • Instant integration with Traktor software • Can also function as a controller for other DAW Software using Novation’s Automap function • USB MIDI with most major DJ software packages • 1Gb of included loops courtesy of Loopmasters £122 £85 order code 96489 106 • Developed in conjunction with Ableton to integrate perfectly with Live 7 or 8 • Includes Ableton Live APC Edition £276 order code 66106 order code 69565 email: Music ICT DJ Equipment Traktor DJ Package Complete laptop DJ package, based around the latest version of Native Instruments’ Traktor Pro DJ software. Includes: • Macbook Pro 13.3” • Traktor Kontrol S2 USB DJ controller/audio interface (includes Traktor Pro 2.5 DJ software) • eStudio RM5 monitors • eStudio DJ100 headphones • All necessary cables £1,246 order code TRKDJ Ableton DJ Package Complete laptop DJ package, based around the latest version of Ableton Live. Includes: • Macbook Pro 13.3” • Ableton Live 8 software • Focusrite Saffire 6 USB audio interface • Novation Launchpad USB controller • eStudio RM5 monitors • eStudio DJ100 headphones • All necessary cables £1,290 order code ABLDJ Numark iBattlePak Numark iCD DJ in a box • Complete vinyl DJ package with iPod dock • Includes two direct-drive turntables, which are necessary for scratching and other DJ techniques iCD DJ in a box is a complete DJ setup with two CD players, headphones and a DJ mixer with an iPod dock. • Also includes DJ mixer, headphones, two Groove Tool cartridges, a pair of slipmats and all connecting cables £214 • Mix in tracks from your iPod or even record a mix to your iPod • Complete DJ solution £244 order code 68956 order code 89518 eStudio DJ100 Pioneer HDJ-500 headphones Pioneer HDJ-1000 headphones • Affordable DJ Headphones Affordable, high quality DJ headphones. Professional DJ headphones. • Closed-back to prevent ‘spillage’ • Includes 1m and 3m cables • True isolation ear pads • 6.3mm stereo jack plug • Available in red, black or white • Mono/stereo switch £22 £74 £127 order code 94193 red 94194 black 94195 white order code 94192 order code 69656 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 107 Music ICT Apple Software Logic Pro 9 The ultimate in music production software, Logic Studio 9 represents the most powerful and comprehensive composition and recording package available. The stunning sequencer, audio editing, plug-ins, instruments and score production give you the most powerful package for the classroom and studio workstations. • 15,000 Apple loops • 40 built-in instruments • 80 effects including reverbs, delays, EQs, dynamics, amps, stompboxes and more • Over 1700 sampled instruments for a rich variety of acoustic and electronic sounds • 4500 professionally configured presets point you in the right direction • Flex-time feature allows manipulation of timing and tempo • Open GarageBand Projects directly in Logic Pro Single User Download £116 order code ALPSU 20-User License £1,300 order code ALP20 Add licenses for £65 each order code ALPAS Apple Training Our classroom and studio expertise have given us a unique insight into how music software operates best in school music departments. With over 20 years of music education experience we can guide you through what you need to know in order to use your software most effectively. Introduction to Logic Pro 9 Logic Pro 9 Next Steps OS X Lion Administration Learn the essentials of Logic Pro 9 and how to successfully create and manipulate your compositions. • Introduction to sequencing Explore some of the more advanced features of Logic Pro 9. From understanding and developing audio effects to drum replacement and flexi-time. Understand how an Apple classroom is managed and how to successfully maintain and troubleshoot computers and user accounts. • Understanding Software instruments • Editing and manipulation effects • Introduction to OS X • MIDI recording and editing • Mix automation • Troubleshooting computer issues • Audio recording • Advanced audio editing • Understanding installations and updating software • The Mixer and Using Effects • Advanced MIDI editing • Understanding a network environment • Exporting compositions to iTunes or CD • Drum programming and replacement • User account creation and maintenance • Key commands • Supporting a classroom from a central location Half-day course 108 £250 Full day course £400 Full day course £400 email: Music ICT Additional Sound Libraries More Sounds With the growing popularity of software instruments it is now possible to add high quality sounds to your workstation. Since some software packages sometimes do not include all the instruments you need, the following software instruments can fill these gaps providing incredible sound quality and versatility. Band Cakewalk Studio Instruments FXpansion BFD2 Ivory Grand Pianos II Affordable rock and pop sounds. Excellent acoustic drum production software with over 55GB of samples. Incredible piano virtual instrument with 3 world-class grand pianos. £35 £179 £169 order code 87644 order code 53401 order code 70125 Orchestral IK Multimedia Miroslav CE IK Multimedia Miroslav Philarmonik Garritan Personal Orchestra Classic Edition of the Miroslav Philharmonik orchestral library. Superior orchestral and choir sample library with over 400 sounds. Quality and comprehensive range of orchestral sounds. £139 £269 £66 order code 55085 order code 57989 order code 62218 Complete Collections IK Multimedia SampleTank 2L Powerful sample workstation with over 900 sounds. £95 NI Kontakt 5 NI Komplete 8 Powerful sampler with over 1000 sounds and 43GB samples. Comprehensive pack of all the most popular Native Instruments plug-ins. £189 £338 order code 50982 order code 89554 order code 35004 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 109 Imagine a Music ICT suite that gives you so much confidence in the technology, you almost forget it is there... Invest in Creativity APPLE FOR SEQUENCING APPLE FOR SCORE WRITING APPLE FOR RECORDING Composition starts with experimentation. Given the freedom to experiment, anyone can compose, and on the Mac it’s accessible, intuitive and immediately rewarding. Programs like GarageBand and Logic Express allow students to explore the world of musical creativity. Apple Loops allow them to easily add drum beats, rhythm parts, melody lines, and other repeating patterns as a foundation for their composition. And with the facility to export their latest creation to CD via iTunes, your students can genuinely feel that they have been songwriter, arranger and producer. There are a number of different score writing programs available but as with other music programs you will find them easier and more reliable when they run on a Mac. Score writing programs offer a unique way to hear compositions or arrangements via authentic sampled instrument sounds. In most cases students can end up with both an accurate score and a high quality recording on CD. There’s a good reason why so many recording studios use Apple computers. When you partner your Mac with professional software like Logic Studio, you have the potential to make the best quality recordings imaginable. Add in your choice of interfaces and control surfaces, and you have a complete recording solution – ideal for school or college use. Whether the final goal is a coursework submission or a recording of the school rock band, you’ll find that the technology doesn’t get in the way of the music. Invest in Confidence Bloomfield Collegiate School Bloomfield Collegiate School has a long history of using technology in the classroom. Head of Music Carolyn Ross wanted a solution that was more reliable than the existing suite of PCs and that would offer a better learning environment for her pupils. Dawsons came up with a suggested plan that would give her an increased number of pupil workstations, a revamped recording studio, and all the benefits of a fully networked Apple installation. “ In addition to the 20 pupil workstations, Dawsons installed a teacher’s workstation, a dedicated Apple studio setup and an Apple Xserve. Each workstation offers GarageBand, Logic Studio and Sibelius software, supported by a 49-note controller keyboard and an audio interface. Having a room full of reliable computers that the girls enjoy using makes such a difference to our teaching. Less time is spent on the technology and more on the musical learning. Dawsons have not only come up with the best solution for our music ICT requirements, their follow-up support and advice has been superb. Carolyn Ross Parrenthorn High School Following the building of a new Music department at Parrenthorn High School in Manchester, Head of Music Chris Flynn was looking to equip his teaching room with music technology workstations. Dawsons was invited to discuss the practical implications of his vision. Following an in-depth consultation, a suite of 17 Apple iMac computers was installed, running GarageBand and Logic Pro. The school also invested in a Mac Pro recording studio and an Apple Xserve solution. The Xserve enables each pupil to have their own user area, with managed Internet access “ integrated into the school’s main network. Chris uses Apple Remote Desktop to demonstrate, deliver resources and to monitor students during his classes. The recording studio benefits from the huge power of the Mac Pro, and includes a control surface for control over Logic Pro; Dawsons also installed patch cabling between the main studio and the performance space. Dawsons’ level of knowledge and experience has made this potentially challenging project very straightforward. The iMacs deliver everything I need, but they don’t take over the classroom. Dawsons’ commitment to after-sales support is superb and has left me with complete confidence in every aspect of my new equipment. Chris Flynn Call 08450 949022 for a free copy of our Apple flyer 110 web: email: Lisnagarvey High School Lisnagarvey High School approached us looking for a new computer suite for their music department. Due to our experience in music ICT we were able to clearly explain the different configurations and software packages currently used in schools in Northern Ireland. The school decided that they would require 20 Apple iMacs and after discussions with both the music and ICT departments we recommended an Xserve to effectively manage and administer the computers. We installed Strata desks specifically designed for music along with integrated network cabling to ensure a neat and usable suite. The department uses software including Sibelius, Logic Studio, Music Ace and Garageband. After installation of the suite we delivered one-to-one network and software training with the head of music, specifically targeting the requirements of the curriculum. Edgeborough Preparatory School Kate Davies, Director of music at Edgeborough school invited the team at Dawsons to visit the school to help develop the ICT in the music department. Edgeborough were looking for a solution that would be accessible for their 4-13 year old students and be able to provide an “ enjoyable and education experience. The school opted to install 11 iMacs, installed with GarageBand, Music Ace and O-Generator, alongside Apple’s iWork suite. From my first contact with Dawsons at the MMA conference in Brighton, I was confident that they would be able to provide my department with the technology solution we needed. The iMacs are totally reliable, unobtrusive in the classroom and intuitive to use. The children are able to achieve a great deal musically and really enjoy using the computers. I am able to spend my time teaching rather than trying to deal with ICT problems. The installation, training and ongoing support offered by Dawsons have been superb. Kate Davies Wellington School Wellington School were looking to refurbish some of the existing spaces they used in addition to building a whole new area specifically designed for music. As part of this project the school was looking to add a brand new recording studio facility and small ICT suite. Following an in-depth consultation and advisory process, Dawsons were chosen as the supplier of the ICT equipment for the school. The installation included equipping the Recording studio with a 16 track iMac-based workstation. The room was fully configured to connect to the school’s “Small Hall” performance space and Percussion room. With a total of 24 connections the studio provides a versatile and intuitive system. In addition to the recording studio, Dawsons also set up a suite of 5 iMac computers and 3 MacBook laptops to connect to a Macmini server solution. This room allows students to use Sibelius and GarageBand, alongside Logic Studio, to help with their composition work. Each system is connected to a Novation NIO audio interface and the M-Audio KeyRig 49e controller keyboards. Should I choose Apple or a PC? Increasingly, Apple Mac computers and software are becoming the choice of music departments across the UK - but what is the best option for your school? Apple computers have a very strong heritage; they build their machines to the same specifications every time. You can be sure that when you buy an iMac 3.06GHz 21.5” it will use exactly the same components as a previously bought iMac 3.06GHz 21.5” from the same range. With a PC, components change on a regular basis so what might look like the same spec may actually be made of different internal parts (graphics cards, memory etc). The standardisation of Apple computers in this way means that you can have complete confidence in compatibility throughout their range. Another important aspect to consider is that Apple manufacture their own machines, write their own operating system (OS X) and write their own music software applications such as GarageBand and Logic. This means that you can be Fax: 08450 949066 confident that the software will work properly on the hardware. The PC-based computer has long been accepted as the most popular choice of IT solution in the school environment. There is a wealth of well-established music software available covering all aspects of music composition and learning. It is not unusual for a school to be completely PC-based making the PC a more compatible option for IT managers and teachers, especially when considering the school network. Often more affordable, you may be able to buy more PCs for your department when working to a tight budget. Whichever system you decide to go with, you can be sure you will get the best possible help and advice from our sales team who will be happy to discuss your needs and help guide you to the right package for you and your school. Apple Training As Apple Certified Pro trainers we are able to train on Apple products such as Logic Studio 9. Our courses are designed specifically to help you get the best from your system. DjgAd\^XigV^c^c\[dXjhZhdcbjh^XVa outcomes, not just techniques on how to use equipment LZVkd^Y_Vg\dcVcYbV`ZhjgZndj]VkZV grasp of fundamental concepts before looking at more advanced topics L]Zi]Zg[dgi]ZadlZg@ZnhiV\Zhdg[dgBjh^X Technology A-level - you’ll find our training relevant to what goes on in the classroom 7Zhed`ZigV^c^c\eVX`V\ZhVgZVkV^aVWaZ0 simply call our dedicated team to discuss your specific needs Tel: 08450 949022 111 Music ICT Steinberg Software Cubase 6.5 Sequel 3 The latest version of Steinberg's excellent music production software, Cubase 6.5 combines stunning editing tools and effects with a refined interface. The ideal composition software for the Music ICT classroom and recording studio. • 10 outstanding virtual instruments with over 2500 presets • 60 high-end audio effects • VST Expression 2 for instrument articulation and expression control • Perfect choice for school recording studios Sequel 3 is Steinberg's music creation and performance software aimed at those who are new to MIDI/audio sequencing. Sequel 3 has many features which make it easy to use and provide a creative experience. • Over 5,000 loops to create songs in most popular styles • Over 600 ready-to-play instruments including more than 60 drum kits • On-board studio-quality audio effects • Suitable for key stages 2 and 3 £193 order code 89549 £42 order code 93658 Multiple Licence Discounts Price Code Multiple Licence Discounts Price Code Cubase 6.5 Cubase 6.5 £184 each £175 each 89733 89734 Sequel 3 Sequel 3 £41 each £39 each 89752 89753 5-9 copies 10-24 copies 5-9 copies 10-24 copies Cubase Artist 6.5 Steinberg Virtual Instruments Based on the same core technologies as Cubase 6, Cubase Artist 6 delivers great tools for composition, recording, editing and mixing at an exceptional price. The perfect introduction to audio recording and studio techniques. Groove Agent 3 • 123 dynamic drum styles • Up to 25 variations within each drum style • Sampled grooves and fills by professional studio drummers • Steinberg Key required if you are not using Cubase • Includes 8 powerful virtual instruments including HALion Sonic SE • 43 high-end audio effects • Supports up to 64 audio tracks and 128 MIDI tracks • AudioWarp time stretching and pitchshifting £97 £79 Halion Sonic order code 89550 Multiple Licence Discounts Artist 6.5 Artist 6.5 5-9 copies 10-24 copies Price Code £92 each £87 each 89735 89736 Cubase Elements 5-9 copies 10-24 copies order code 88295 A first-rate collection of virtual pianos providing incredible realism for your recordings • VST, AU and Standalone • Based on Yamaha C7, Bosendorfer Imperial and Steinway D • Requires Steinberg USB Key if not using Cubase order code 92433 Elements 6 Elements 6 • Powerful yet easy to use virtual instrument • Over 1200 sounds covering all genres of composition • Wide range of effects included including REVerence reverb • Full control over any aspect of your sound • Steinberg key required if you are not using Cubase The Grand 3 • Audio and MIDI recording and mixing • HALion Sonic SE instrument included • Studio-quality effects • Suitable for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 Multiple Licence Discounts Steinberg's premier VST workstation based on the legendary Hypersonic virtual instrument. £85 This entry-level Steinberg MIDI and Audio recording package uses the same audio engine as the flagship Cubase 6. £49 order code 52739 Price Code £46 each £44 each 93493 93494 £92 order code 87625 Steinberg Key Wavelab Elements 7 Required to open all Steinberg virtual instruments without using Cubase. Wavelab Elements is the latest, entry-level and cost effective version of Steinberg's powerful Wavelab family. Including DC/DVD burning, Podcast creation and powerful audio editing tools, Wavelab Elements 7 is the ideal extension to Cubase and Sequel. £15 • Podcast creation and publishing • Redbook compatible CD burning • Superior audio processors • Sample-accurate audio editor with crystal clear processing £47 112 order code 89547 order code 52740 Choosing the right software Selecting the right software to provide differentiation and progression throughout the age range can be complex and stressful. Our education advisers have helped hundreds of teachers make an informed decision and trained them in the use of their preferred software. We get regular feedback from these teachers and we can pass on their experiences to you via a telephone call or an on-site visit. Please call us on 08450 949022 to discuss your needs before you take the plunge! email: Music ICT Cakewalk Software Music Creator 6 Cakewalk Studio Instruments Music Creator 6 is the most affordable way to start creating music on your PC. No previous recording experience is necessary - Music Creator will guide you through the initial set-up and let you concentrate on making music. Studio Instruments give you a complete range of rock/pop band sounds including drums, bass, electric piano and string section. Ideal for creating high quality backing tracks, this affordable package can be used stand-alone or as a plug-in for your favourite sequencer. • Up to 160 tracks in total (32 audio and 128 MIDI) • Hundreds of high quality instruments from the Cakewalk sound centre and Roland TTS-1 virtual instrument • Easy-to-use software instrument • AmpliTube 3 CS guitar amp simulator • Pre-programmed patterns in a variety of styles • Over 1000 high quality loops £38 • Great low price order code 43456 £35 order code 87644 Cakewalk Sonar X1 Series Cakewalk Sonar X1 Essential Cakewalk Sonar X1 Essential offers the power of Cakewalk’s flagship sonar software at an affordable price. • Full Windows 7 compatibility Cakewalk Dimension Pro • New ‘Skylight” user-interface for increased workflow and simplicity The critically acclaimed virtual instrument from Cakewalk combining real instruments with advanced synthesis to give you endless sonic possibilities. Compatible with any sequencer on the PC or Mac, Dimension Pro is an excellent addition to your sound library. • 64 audio tracks • Includes Essential Instruments £59 order code 89223 • Over 1500 sound programs • Mix up to 4 stereo parts per program • Soundlibrary DVD included Cakewalk Sonar X1 Studio Sonar X1 Studio contains all the fundamental recording and editing power found in Sonar X1 Producer. With the completely redesigned user-interface, creating music in Sonar is more intuitive and easy than ever before. Sonar X1 Studio also has an expanded set of professional instruments and effects making it the ideal choice for just about any PC studio set-up. £62 order code 87645 • New "Skylight" user interface • Expanded set of virtual instruments and effects • Unlimited Audio, instrument and MIDI tracks • Full Windows 7 compatibility • Excellent PC-based recording software £111 Nuvo Flutes order code 89543 Just announced, the Nuvo jFlute and Student Flute follow the success of the Clarineo in offering schools and music services superb plastic instruments which provide good tonal quality at a reasonable price, and in a robust form. Also Available Licence Price Code 5 LAB PACK £315 89544 Cakewalk Sonar X1 Producer The latest version of Sonar's incredible DAW, X1 Producer has everything needed to deliver polished, hi-quality compositions and recordings. X1's newly designed "Skylight" user-interface and the comprehensive range of instruments and effects make Sonar X1 the perfect choice as a PC-based DAW. The jFlute is ideal for the very young beginner, having a curved head joint and mini foot joint. The Student Flute is a fully fledged instrument with C-foot and straight head joint. Both are easy to repair, and are washable, durable and ultra-light. Keys clip on and off and pads are auto-sealing. Both models come with the "Firstnote" clip-on lip-plate with mouthpiece to allow beginners to get a good sound instantly while learning the fingering and posture required to play the flute. The student can then learn the flute embouchure as they progress. NJF2 jFlute in white with grey collar • Full Windows 7 compatibility £79 • New "Skylight" user-interface for increased workflow and simplicity NJF2 C foot upgrade kit • Huge collection of professional virtual instruments and audio effects £32 • Unlimited audio, instrument and MIDI tracks NSF1 Student flute in black with steel collar • Brand new ProChannel virtual mixing console £96 £228 order code: 96753 order code: 96754 order code: 96755 order code: 89545 NSF2 Curved head for student flute Also Available Licence Price Code 5 LAB PACK £638 89546 Fax: 08450 949066 £17 order code: 96756 For more information call or email. Tel: 08450 949022 113 Music ICT Pattern-based Software Reason 6 Reason is a complete virtual studio rack with all the tools and instruments you need to turn your ideas into music. Combining all the features from Record, version 6 adds audio recording and editing into Reason, along with Propellerhead's acclaimed mixing console with masterfully modeled EQ and dynamics on every channel. Reason 6 is now a complete music workstation. • Use as a stand-alone system • Easily integrates into other music software with ReWire • Very easy to use • Thousands of new patches and sounds • Neptune pitch correction software built-in • Version 6.5 now available £179 order code 93632 Reason Essentials Propellerhead Balance Reason Essentials has all the essential tools for turning good ideas into great songs. Supplied with a selection of Reason's instruments and effects in a virtual rack, a streamlined version of its masterfully modeled mixer, and all the recording and sequencing tools you'll need. The stylish 2 in/2 out USB audio interface from the makers of Reason, Propellerhead's balance offers excellent integration and high quality recording into the included Reason Essentials software. £70 order code 93918 • 2 mic preamp connections • 2 Guitar bass inputs and 4 line inputs • USB powered £294 order code 93606 48 v 2 16 2 16 Reason for Education is a complete software recording studio for musicians. In the classroom, Reason has many distinct advantages over other music software programs, allowing students to focus on music creation and production, not system maintenance and software incompatibilities. Students can freely experiment and find solutions to audio problems while maintaining creative flow during music production, invariably spending more time on their projects and assignments. Studio Effects Melodyne Editor Industry standard pitch and timing editor. IK Multimedia T-Racks 3 IK Multimedia CSR IK Multimedia Classic studio reverb collection. Ampeg SVX Easy to use mastering effects suite. iLok 2 Copy Protection Key Bass amp and FX modeling software plug-in. Required to store licenses for some audio software titles. £246 £179 £179 £97 £32 order code 68985 order code 62000 order code 87652 order code 87560 order code 70097 114 email: Music ICT Pattern-based Software Ableton Live 8 Used for both recording and live performance, Live 8’s unique and exciting approach to manipulating and working with audio and MIDI features many unique techniques and effects. • Powerful and creative MIDI and Audio sequencing • Supports VSTi and AU virtual instruments • Enhanced ‘real-time’ warping and stretching of audio • Ideal as a ‘Digital DJ’ package for live performance £162 Band-in-a-Box Compose and create backing tracks in any musical style. • Reads and writes standard MIDI files • View and edit music in piano roll or notation £179 order code 53378 £33 each 5 Site Licence Additional Licences order code 66170 Ableton Live Intro The brand new entry-level introduction to Ableton Live offering 7Gb of content and allowing up to 64 audio tracks. Excellent value. £75 order code 68246 Ableton Live 8 Suite Ableton Live Suite 8 offers the power and creativity of Live 8 with a huge collection of new virtual instruments and world-class sound library. £264 order code 66168 Ableton Live 8 and Novation Launchpad Bundle This excellent value bundle uses Ableton Live 8 and Novation's new Launchpad controller to give the ultimate sequencer-based performance package. Control your clips, volume and effects with the Launchpad’s tactile and responsive buttons*. This combination brings a whole new exciting concept in live electronic music performances and DJ sets. Interactive Whiteboards Check out the new Interactive Whiteboard products on page 174. • Control every aspect of Ableton with Launchpad's 64 button grid • Launchpad controller fully integrates into Ableton software • Turn your sequencer software into a live performance instrument £242 order code AL8LP *See page 103 for more details on the Launchpad. Explore every element of KS3 and KS4 Music with comprehensive and varied teaching material. With over 900 slides in total, Boardworks Music contains everything you need for your lessons, whatever your teaching style. Avid Pro Tools 10 The industry-standard digital audio workstation is back with Avid Pro Tools 10. One of the most powerful music production software titles, this DAW pushes the boundaries to provide you with the best sounding and most user-friendly application for recording, editing, composing and mixing. • Compatible with all ASIO and Core Audio interfaces • 96 audio tracks, 128 instrument tracks and 512 MIDI tracks • Full non-destructive audio editing • Improved responsiveness from external hard drives £175 Music Works Digital Complete is a set of four discs that cover all the elements of music for Key Stages 1 and 2. Lively colour illustrations show the vocabulary, symbols and concepts required by QCA Schemes of Work. order code 94223 For more details see page 174. Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 115 Music ICT Sibelius Software Sibelius 7 The latest generation of the world's best-selling music notation software, Avid’s Sibelius 7 is sophisticated enough to meet the demands of top composers, arrangers, and publishers, yet simple enough for beginners and students. Work quickly with the brand-new, task-oriented user interface. Experience your scores in stunning clarity with the exclusive, professional-quality sound library. Collaborate more easily thanks to full MusicXML interchange support and other sharing options. With all these advancements and many more, Sibelius 7 is the fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music. • Students hear what they are composing thanks to high-quality playback sounds • Teachers can access over 1,700 ready-to-use worksheets and prepare teaching scores quickly • Compose for video using the video screen and supplied video clips • The network version allows licences to be moved around any networked classroom • Now compatible with Windows XP Save time with readymade teaching materials Streamlined classroom control Exclusive, specially recorded Avid Orchestra The Worksheet Creator saves you hours of time by giving you a comprehensive range of ready-made teaching materials: over 1,700 worksheets, projects, exercises, songs, instrumental pieces, lyrics, posters, reference material, and other resources. A single, simple Classroom Control window shows you all the Sibelius copies that are running, as well as the students' user names. You can freeze students' programs when you want them to pay attention. Every orchestral instrument is represented, including unusual ones such as the Wagner tuba, alto flute, heckelphone, and lithophone. Also included are several period instruments, including baroque trumpet and oboe d'amore. There is a full complement of string instruments, including beautiful solo, chamber and full sectional samples. Sibelius 7 £183 order code 93330 Single User Get a copy of the score each student is working on or send a score to any student, or to all of them at once. Volume Licence 5+ copies Upgrading to Sibelius 7 £67 You can now upgrade any previous version of Sibelius to enjoy the new features of Sibelius 7. Call our Education Office on 08450 94902 for more information. per seat (minimum of 5 seats) order code 93331 (requires media set) £24 order code 93332 Media Set £97 £39 £24 order code 93618 Single User Upgrade order code 93333 Multi-Seat Upgrade (10+) order code 93332 Media Set for Multi-Seat Sibelius Training Are you struggling using Sibelius or teaching it to your students? Our expert trainers focus on specific goals and musical outcomes. We avoid jargon and make sure you understand basic concepts before looking at more advanced features. Please call to discuss options or to tailor a training package for your department. 116 email: Music ICT Sibelius Software Sibelius First Sibelius First is the fastest, smartest and easiest way for everyone to start to write and share music— from aspiring composers and songwriters, to teachers and students. Sibelius first is the perfect software for students wanting to continue score writing at home. • Easy to get great results without prior experience • Scan printed sheet music, transcribe audio, or play MIDI instruments to get your ideas into Sibelius First • Easily add lyrics, titles, other text, and graphics • Hear your compositions in amazing detail thanks to the professional-quality sound library • Enjoy lots of sharing options—export scores as videos or audio files, publish directly to social media, publish online, email, print, make a PDF, and more • Add Sibelius First scores to the Avid Scorch app and take your music on the go £79 order code 96666 Garritan Libraries Garritan Instant Orchestra Auralia 4 Instant Orchestra is for those who do not want to spend time building orchestrations with one instrument or section at a time. It provides pre- packaged groups of instruments, combined sections, orchestral effects, and mood-based presets. The latest generation of Sibelius' ear-training software. £110 • Hundreds of exercises from beginner to advanced levels order code 96667 • 41 aural training topics, split into 5 categories: intervals and scales, chords, rhythm, harmony and pitch & melody • Monitors individual progress Garritan Personal Orchestra £92 Auralia 4 Single User order code 31139 • Includes all major instruments of the orchestra • Works as stand-alone or plug-in software • Supports VST, AU and RTAS £110 Auralia 4 5-User (PC only) £287 30992 order code 62218 Garritan Concert and Marching Band 2 • Additional woodwind and brass sounds to complete your sound collection Musition 4 Comprehensive theory training and testing from Sibelius. • Hundreds of exercises, split into 34 topics • Solo and ensemble sounds • Automatic marking, saving hours • Compatible with all versions from Sibelius 5 and can be imported into other sequencers. • Makes learning theory fun and easy £110 Musition 4 Single User order code 31107 order code 87696 £92 Musition 4 5-User (PC only) £287 41638 Garritan Jazz and Big Band • Complete jazz and big band ensemble • Includes mutes, articulations and extended instrument ranges Macbook Air Score-writing Package • Compatible with all versions from Sibelius 5 Based around the lightweight Macbook Air including both a 49-note keyboard and Sibelius 7 software, this package makes an excellent portable score-writing workstation. £110 order code 87695 • MacBook Air 11” • Sibelius 7 score-writing software Garritan World Instruments • eStudio e49 • Huge array of instruments from around the world • Essentials DJ100 headphones • Solo and ensemble sounds • World tunings £110 £962 order code AMBSW order code 93941 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 117 Music ICT Score Software Notion 3 Notion offers a comprehensive score-writing package with an ultra-realistic sound library. Hear your performances directly from the score - what you write is what you hear. • Over 10Gb library of sounds recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios This cut-down version of Finale provides a powerful, easy to use, score writing solution. • Up to 24 staves per page including lyrics • Enter via MIDI, mouse or computer keyboard • Sing or play the parts in via Mic Notator • Available for PC or Mac • “NTempo” allows real-time control over playback tempo including rubato • Links directly to your sequencer program to publish high quality scores • Fantastic value unlimited site licence available £119 £750 Print Music 2011 by Finale £75 £158 order code 89589 Single User order code 89560 5 User order code 66410 Single User order code 89588 Unlimited Site Licence Finale Songwriter 2012 Notion Conducting Unique cut down version of Finale, designed for capturing ideas and the quick creation of professional looking scores. A complete curriculum to help students master the art of conducting with sounds from the London Symphony Orchestra. • Print scores • Instructional videos covering conducting fundamentals • Create iPod-ready audio files • Music creation worksheets included • Full-motion video of each score being conducted £32 • Preparatory exercises on the building blocks of conducting order code 96668 • Learn in the safe environment of the classroom, at home, or anywhere £51 order code 88219 Single User Finale 2012 Progression From the writers of “Notion”, Progression is aimed at the guitarist to enable them to publish their music in tab, or notation or both. Finale 2012 is the latest version of Make Music’s flagship notation software which is popular with composers and arrangers all over the world. • Templates from lead sheets to full orchestra and band scores • Interactive guitar fingerboard and chord library • Improved interface to speed up score writing and printing • Sample guitars, basses, drum set and keyboards • Sampled sounds from the Garritan Personal Orchestra • Amp simulator and VST effects support • Instant orchestration features • “NTempo” allows real-time control over playback tempo including rubato £42 £169 £56 order code 95661 Single User each order code 95662 Multi-User (minimum of 5) order code 66360 Single User Score Scanning Software 118 Neuratron Photoscore Ultimate 7 Neuratron Audioscore Ultimate 7 PhotoScore Ultimate is the fastest way to scan music for transpositions, arrangements, and editions. PhotoScore Ultimate reads printed and handwritten music or PDFs in seconds— not just the notes, but also printed slurs, dynamics, lyrics, guitar tab, chord diagrams, and more. You can then edit or transpose the music, play it back, extract the parts and print—just as if you'd input it yourself. With AudioScore Ultimate 7, you can open a CD track or MP3 file and transcribe it to a score. The software employs the most intelligent technology available today to convert up to 16 instruments or notes at a time into multiple staves, with up to four voices per staff. After transcribing your music, you can send it directly to Sibelius or save it as a MusicXML, NIFF, or MIDI file for use in most other music programs. £178 £164 order code 96669 order code 96670 email: Music ICT Software for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 The Dums Essentially a CD ROM introduction to the instruments of various ensembles from the Orchestra to Pop Groups, the simple but charming graphic content makes the software a joy to use and a superb tool for keeping pupils interested. The Dums International introduces ensembles from around the world. Features African vocals, Indian styles, Australian, bluegrass, Andean, Gamelan, African drumming, Caribbean steel band, African melodic and Macedonian music. The Dums Single User Boardworks KS3-KS4 Music KS3-KS4 Music is a whole-class teaching resource, suitable for use on interactive whiteboards, projectors, tablet PCs or in an ICT suite. It is even available tagged for use in your virtual learning environment (VLE). £999 £49 order code BWKSM order code 53745 See page 174 for more information Sibelius Groovy Music The Dums The Dums The Dums The Dums International The Dums International The Dums International The Dums International Additional Licence Primary Unlimited Licence Secondary Unlimited Licence Single User Additional Licence Primary Unlimited Licence Secondary Unlimited Licence £10 £179 £269 £49 £10 £179 £269 53746 53747 53748 57880 63715 61285 60875 Sibelius Groovy Music is a series of three programs that make teaching music to primary children easy and fun. Supporting specialist and non-specialist music teachers alike, Groovy Music comes with plenty of teaching materials designed to meet UK standards for Music and ICT. Single User Groovy Music Shapes (5-7 years) £55 order code 57569 Groovy Music Jungle Groovy Music City Groovy Music Bundle Compose World Play This program develops listening skills for primary school children and leads on to creating tunes using building blocks of musical phrases. Introduces musical texture through layering sounds. Single User (7-9 years) Single User (9-11 years) 3 Programmes £55 £55 £99 62735 62736 89556 £10 £12 £229 £349 56047 56048 56052 56050 £259 £559 £139 £229 £329 63702 63703 63704 63705 63706 Dance eJay for Schools • Engaging, fun-to-use graphics Dance eJay for schools turns your PC into a 48-track mixing studio with over 3,500 royalty free samples. Create your own melodies, drum patterns and add visuals. • Preview the phrases, place them on the grid and press play to listen • Supports music and cross-curricular activities Single User £34 Compose World Play Single User £29 order code 56046 order code 62162 World Play World Create Primary Site Licence Primary Site Licence £139 £280 62163 62196 Dance eJay Dance eJay Dance eJay Dance eJay Paper Licence Extra Disc Licence Primary Site Licence Secondary Site Licence Musical Monsters The Musical Monsters series provides a comprehensive musical training programme for ages 3-12. The three programmes offer new challenges for budding musicians and introduces them to basic music concepts, patterns, and includes a library of sample tunes. Mini Musical Monsters Single Licence (for 3 to 5 year olds) £34 Order Code 66404 O-Generator The simplest way to teach the fundamentals of music and composition. Aimed at 10 to 16 year olds, its structured lessons provide objectives, activities, outcomes and assessment, and fulfil National Curriculum requirements. • Hundreds of exercises from beginner to advanced levels • Monitors individual progress £55 order code 55758 Mini Musical Monsters Musical Monsters Musical Monsters More Musical Monsters More Musical Monsters Unlimited Site Licence Single Licence (for 5-8 year olds) Unlimited Site Licence Single Licence (for 5-12 year olds) Unlimited Site Licence Fax: 08450 949066 £175 £34 £175 £37 £175 66405 66406 66407 66408 66409 O-Generator O-Generator O-Generator World Music O-Generator World Music O-Generator World Music Unlimited Primary Site Licence Unlimited Secondary Site Licence 5 User Licence 10 User Licence 15 User Licence Tel: 08450 949022 119 Music ICT ICT Accessories iPad Accessories IK Multimedia iRig IK Multimedia's iRig is the perfect way to turn your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch into a fully configured guitar amp simulator. Ideal for use with Apps like IK Multimedia's Amplitube. Cables and Connections eStudio USB to MIDI Interface £19 order code 96494 • 1/2" jack input for guitar or bass • 3.5mm headphone/output socket • Ideal for apps such as "Amplitube Free" £22 order code 87798 USB A-B Cable £3 order code 57143 Firewire Cable 6 pin to 6 pin cable IK Multimedia iRig Mic The first handheld microphone for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, the iRig Mic lets you plug directly into your mobile Apple device and use a wide variety of Apps for recording or performance. • 3.5mm headphone socket with direct monitoring • Ideal for recording podcasts or musical performance • 2m cable £31 £7.50 order code 53385 Firewire 400/800 Cable 6 pin to 9 pin cable £6 order code 67644 MIDI Lead 5m order code 89318 £3 order code 30632 External Storage Solutions IK Multimedia iKlip Universal multi-angle stand adapter for iPad and iPad 2. Ideal for microphone stand or robust music stands. £24 Western Digital My Book Live 1TB Portable 1TB external hard drive • High speed USB3 connection • Suitable for Mac and PC order code 89169 £95 order code 66595 Also Available Price Code Western Digital My Book Live 2TB £115 96495 Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer II Western Digital My Book Thunderbolt Duo MIDI Mobilizer is the perfect way to connect any MIDI device to your iPhone or iPad. Use the 5 pin DIN MIDI connections with your MIDI keyboard to control any CoreMidi app such as Garage Band. Portable 4 TB external hard drive £46 order code 69663 • High speed Thunderbolt connection • 2 x 2TB hard drives £429 order code 96496 Computer Security Alesis iODock Universal audio docking station for iPad and iPad 2 giving professional quality audio connections for virtually any app in the App store. Perfect for recording, performance and composition. • 2 XLR/jack combination connectors • MIDI input and output 5 pin or USB Kensington SecureBack for iPad Security Case with 2-Way Stand and ClickSafe Lock offers a strong, yet thin three-piece construction to protect your iPad 2. The integrated stand offers optimal typing and viewing in two positions. • Suitable for iPad 2 • Phantom power £49 • Main outputs and headphone socket Kensington SecureBack for iPad 3 coming soon - Please ring for details. £111 order code 92246 order code 96501 Kensington SafeStand Lock for iMac 21.5” Heavy duty keyed locking station for iMac 21.5” IK Multimedia iRig MIDI iRig MIDI is an ultra-compact MIDI interface that connects any MIDI compatible device to the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. • Directly connect MIDI keyboard/synths, drum machines and more using the 2 x MIDI cables • 3 MIDI ports: IN/OUT/THRU • Includes SampleTank app and iRig MIDI Recorder £43 120 order code 95174 £79 order code 96502 Kensington SafeStand Lock for iMac 27” Heavy duty keyed locking station for iMac 27” £79 order code 96503 Kensington SafeDome Lock for iMac £65 order code 96504 email: Recording Equipment Whether you’re looking for an easy-to-use portable recording solution, or a full-featured digital recording studio, you’ll find what you need in the following pages. We also provide a complete design and installation service, taking care of everything from audio cabling to acoustic treatment, furniture to computer networking. If you would find it helpful for us to visit your school and meet with architects or consulting engineers, please get in touch. Check out our eStudio range of monitor speakers, keyboards, headphones and microphones. Great features and value for money – with additional discounts also available for bulk purchases. Handheld Recording iOS Recording Multitrack Recording Monitors Headphones Microphones Mixers Effects and Outboard Coomber Acoustic Solutions & Treatment Recording Packages Recording Accessories 122-123 124-125 126-127 128-129 130 131-133 134-136 137 138 139 141-142 143 Key Built-in speaker 2x 30w Power output (in watts) SD card storage CF CF card storage CD writer built-in USB connectivity 16 Number of inputs 00 Number of tracks 48 v Phantom power available Rechargeable battery 121 Recording Equipment Handheld Recording Roland R-05 Handheld stereo recorder with built-in mics. • High quality audio recording of up to 24bit/96kHz • Extended battery life • Record direct to SD card then transfer your files to your computer via USB 2.0 • Perfect for quick and easy recordings RP-R05-C Cover/Windscreen set £38 93028 OP-RP1 £29 67519 OP-MSA1 Microphone stand adaptor £15 58857 Carry case 2 00 £134 order code 69497 Alesis TwoTrack Zoom H2n Tascam DR-07 MkII Affordable handheld stereo recorder. The first handheld MS stereo recorder. • XY Configuration microphones for excellent spatial imaging • Built-in MS and XY stereo mic capsules Handheld stereo recorder with adjustable mics and built in playback speaker. • Record stereo WAV and MP3 up to 192kbps • Record direct to Micro SD/SDHC card (up to 8Gb cards supported) • MS stereo, 90° XY stereo, 2-channel and 4-channel surround sound recording modes • USB 2.0 connection for file transfer to Mac/PC • High quality audio recording of up to 24bit/96kHz • Overdub mode records over previous recording but keeps a copy of the original £47 • Record direct to SD card up to 32Gb (2Gb card included) £108 order code 93507 • Built-in mics can be moved from XY to AB position for flexible recording options • Record to SD card as WAV or MP3 order code 92106 • Data recovery function protects against unexpected errors 2 00 £121 order code 93996 2 00 Zoom H2n Accessory pack £23 94232 Olympus LS-3 Pocket sized stereo handheld recorder. • High quality recording up to 24bit/96Khz Yamaha Pocketrak C24 The world’s smallest pocket recorder – weighs only 57g. Tascam DR-08 • Built in 4Gb Flash memory with optional SD card storage Handheld digital recorder with variable mics. • 2 second pre-record function • 2Gb of memory built-in • Built-in tuner and metronome • Record WAV or MP3 to Micro SD card (2Gb included). • Transfer files to computer via USB 2.0 • USB 2.0 connection • Two cardioid mics with variable angle £129 • Built-in speaker £137 order code 68942 order code 96613 • Built-in stand Also Available Price Code • Transfer files to computer via USB 2.0 Pocketrak W24 £192 £138 87312 2 00 order code 68559 WS-DR08 Windscreen £9 93029 Tascam DR-2D Olympus LS-11 High quality handheld stereo recorder with built in playback speaker. Marantz PMD620 Handheld professional stereo recorder. • Up to 24bit/48Khz recording Rugged handheld solid-state stereo recorder. • Built in stereo condenser mics • Dual record feature • Up to 24bit/96Khz recording. • Built-in stereo condenser mic array • Record to SD card as WAV or MP3 • High quality built in condenser microphones • Ergonomic design for single handed operation • Wireless remote included • One touch recording • Record direct on to SD/SDHC card • 8Gb internal memory with optional SD card storage • Non destructive onboard editing • Transfer files to computer via USB 2.0 £232 order code 96612 • Transfer files to your computer via USB 2.0 £243 2 00 122 £199 order code 96615 2 00 order code 93032 2 00 PS-P520 Power supply £24 55071 CS-DR2 Carry case £33 93030 WS-DR2 Windscreen £33 93031 email: Recording Equipment Handheld Recording Zoom H4n Handheld 4-track recorder with built-in mics. • Combined XLR/jack inputs (with phantom power) • Recordings are saved as MP3 or WAV files • Can also function as a USB audio interface • Includes protective case, mic-clip adaptor, windshield, 1Gb card £213 order code 65867 48 v 4 00 RC4 Remote control £29 65868 Tascam DR-40 Tascam DR-680 Four-track handheld recorder with built-in playback speaker. • Built-in high quality condenser mics and 2 XLR/jack combi inputs • Record to SD/SDHC card up to 32Gb (2Gb card included) • Record four tracks simultaneously • Transfer audio to your computer via USB 2.0 Portable and high quality 8-track digital recorder. Ideal for recording concerts and other live performances. • 4 combi XLR/jack, 2 1/4" jack and 2 channels S/PDIF inputs • Up to 8-track simultaneous recording • Records to SD/SDHC card (not included) • Built-in speaker • Power supply included £167 48 v order code 94452 4 00 £673 Roland R-26 Six-track professional portable recorder. • Two types of built-in stereo mics • XLR/jack combi inputs with phantom power • Six-channel simultaneous recording • Integrated USB 2.0 £298 OP-R26W OP-MSA1 Cover/Windshield set Mic Stand Adaptor Lightweight and robust compact flash field recorder. • 2 XLR/jack combi inputs with phantom power • Records direct to compact flash • Built-in stereo mic • USB 2.0 for transfer to PC or Mac 93786 58857 Olympus LS-100 £355 Professional multitrack portable recorder. • Two high quality directional mics • 2 XLR/jack combi inputs • 4Gb flash memory with optional SD card storage • On-board multitrack style editing • Transfer audio to your computer via USB 2.0 £342 CF Fostex FR-2 Location sound recorder £815 87321 48 v 2 16 2 00 48 v order code 96614 8 16 2 00 Zoom Q3 HD Zoom's renowned audio technology combines with HD video. • Built-in stereo condenser mics with XY configuration for true stereo imaging • Video resolution of 720p, 1080p or WVGA • Large 2.4 inch colour LCD display • USB 2.0 built-in cable and HDMI • Built-in speaker and tripod mount • Includes 2GB SD card, two AA batteries order code 89068 2 16 High quality handheld audio and HD video recorder. • Full HD (1920 x 1080p) video recording at 30fps • Up to 24-bit, 96kHz audio recording • Dual display allows monitoring of video and audio levels simultaneously • Includes desktop tripod mount, 2Gb SD Card, rechargeable battery and AC adaptor order code 93321 Fax: 08450 949066 Roland R-44 Robust and compact 4-channel field recorder. • 4 XLR/jack combi inputs with phantom power • Built-in mic and monitor speakers • Record to CF and SDHC cards • USB 2.0 for transfer to PC or Mac £698 order code 87314 48 v 4 16 4 00 Marantz PMD671 Olympus LS-20M £249 order code 87322 Also Available Portable Video Recording £168 93554 Fostex FR-2 LE 4 00 £63 £16 8 16 8 00 CS-DR680 Padded case for DR-680 £65 48 v order code 93785 48 v order code 93553 2 16 Professional 24-bit dedicated audio recorder. • Two balanced XLR inputs with phantom power • Over 40 assignable quality settings • Supports CF and MicroDrive storage formats • Transfer audio via USB 2.0 £609 order code 96616 CF 48 v 2 16 2 00 Tel: 08450 949022 123 Recording Equipment iOS Recording IK Multimedia IK Multimedia iRig iRig Mic 1/4" jack interface for recording guitar. Works with all major amp apps. Hand held microphone suitable for all types of recording. Can be used with a multitude of apps. £22 order code 87798 £31 order code 89318 iRig Pre Core MIDI interface for iPhone/iPad. Directly connect keyboards, synths and other MIDI devices. High quality mic preamp suitable for all iOS devices. Phantom power switch and headphone output for direct monitoring. £38 order code 95174 £19 order code 94910 iRig Mix iRig Stomp iRig MIC Cast iKlip The first mobile mixer for iPad/iPhone. Offers many of the controls you would expect from a professional DJ mixer. Rugged Stompbox guitar interface for iPad/iPhone. Suitable for use with most amp simulation apps. Ultra compact mic for iPad/iPhone. Ideal for podcasting on the move. Universal mic stand adaptor for iPad. Multi mount design allows for horizontal and vertical placement. £59 £29 £19 order code 94908 order code 94911 £23 order code 89169 order code 94906 Apogee Mic Apogee Jam Peavey AmpKit Link Digitech iStomp Studio-quality cardioid mic for iPad/iPhone. Rugged construction and high recording quality. Studio-quality guitar interface with premium A/D converters and gain control allows access to all GarageBand guitar tones. Guitar input for iPad/iPhone. Battery powered crosstalk eliminator prevents feedback for clean signal. Guitar stompbox for iPad/iPhone. Highly configurable with additional parameter pots for added control. £19 £112 £139 124 iRig MIDI order code 95248 £64 order code 88189 order code 95288 order code 93088 Akai MPC Fly Akai Synthstation 25 Akai Synthstation 49 Samson Carbon 49 MPC style music production controller for iPad/iPhone. Real MPC pads, note repeat and swing from the original classic. Built-in rechargeable battery. MIDI controller for iPhone/iPod touch. Compatible with all MIDI compatible Apps. Production keyboard controller for iPad. Full size velocity sensitive keys, drum pads and dedicated transport controls. Keyboard controller for iPad. Velocity-sensitive keys and slot for iPad. Connects via Apple camera connection kit (not supplied). £127 order code 89050 £129 £66 £39 order code 93584 order code 96745 order code 94894 email: Recording Equipment iOS Recording Please call for iPad version compatibility information Alesis iO Mix Alesis iO Dock Universal audio docking station for iPad and iPad 2 giving professional quality audio connections for virtually any app in the App store. Perfect for recording, performance and composition. • 2 XLR/jack combi connectors • 4 combi jack/XLR inputs • Main out and headphone volume control • MIDI in and out on 5 pin DIN or USB • Video playback capabilities • Phantom power • Core audio compliant • Main outputs and headphone socket £111 Complete mixer for iPad and iPad 2 allowing up to four simultaneous channels of audio with professional mixer features such as EQ, independent channel gain and phantom power. £165 order code 92246 order code IOMIX 48 v 4 16 2 48 v 2 16 2 Tascam iU2 Tascam iXZ Premium audio/MIDI interface for iOS devices. Mic/instrument interface for iOS devices. • 2 XLR inputs with phantom power • Phantom power • MIDI I/O • Gain control • 2 line inputs and one instrument input • Mic preamp powered by two AA batteries • Zero latency direct monitoring • 3.5mm headphone input • 3.5mm headphone input £34 £116 order code 96731 order code 96734 48 v 1 48 v 3 16 2 Live iPad Mixers Alto Masterlink Live 16 Mackie DL1608 16 channel live mixer with dock for iPad and two track software recorder. 16 channel live mixer with complete wireless iPad control. • 10 high quality mic inputs • 16 Onyx mic preamps • 3 stereo line inputs and 4 aux sends • Powerful onboard processing • Dedicated Talkback mic input • Seamless wired to wireless iPad control of volume, EQ, effects etc • 3 band EQ • 2 track stereo recorder • Built-in Alesis DSP (incl. reverb, delay and chorus) • Snapshot recall for previous project settings • Process and record your main mix with Alto Professional’s Live Drive App (available via App store) £832 £388 • Compact design fits almost anywhere order code 96735 48 v order code 96732 16 16 2 Alto Masterlink Live 24 24 channel live mixer with dock for iPad and 2 track software recorder. • 16 high quality mic inputs • 4 stereo line inputs and 4 aux sends • Dedicated Talkback mic input • 3 band EQ • Built-in Alesis DSP (incl. reverb, delay and chorus) • Process and record your main mix with Alto Professional’s Live Drive App (available via App store) £528 order code 96733 48 v 48 v 24 16 Fax: 08450 949066 16 16 2 2 Tel: 08450 949022 125 Recording Equipment Multitrack Recording Tascam DP-24 24 track digital multitrack recorder. • 8 combi XLR/jack inputs • Record 8 tracks simultaneously • Record direct to SD card • Large colour LCD display for clear mixing • Dedicated EQ and onboard mixing and mastering effects. • CD-RW and USB port for transferring audio £559 order code 95499 8 24 16 Tascam BB-1000CD Tascam DP-03 Portable CD/SD recorder with built-in sound system. Easy-to-use multitrack recorder. • All-in-one solution for recording and playback • 4 built-in mics • 2 XLR inputs with phantom power • 10W sound system • Record directly to CD or SD card • Wireless remote control included • 8-track hard disk recorder £373 £338 • Record up to 2 tracks at once • 2 XLR mic inputs with phantom power • Built-in CD writer and USB port • Built-in stereo condenser mics • Power supply included order code 65727 order code 89440 2 16 8 Tascam DP-004 2x 30w 20w 2 16 Compact and portable 4-track digital recorder. • 2 1/4" unbalanced mic/line inputs • 4-track digital multitrack recording • CD-quality recording • Records to SD Card (1Gb card included) Tascam BB-800 £102 Portable SD recorder with built-in sound system. • All-in-one solution for recording and playback • 4 built-in mics • 2 XLR inputs with phantom power • 10W sound system • Record directly to SD card • Wireless remote control included £292 order code 67568 2 16 4 2 16 8 Tascam DP-008 Compact and portable 8-track digital recorder. order code 96736 • 2 x XLR and 2 x 1/4” line inputs • 2-track simultaneous recording • CD quality recording • Records to SD card (2Gb card included) £187 2 16 order code 68143 2x 30w 10w For an explanation of the icons used above please go to page 121 126 email: Recording Equipment Multitrack Recording Boss BR-800 Compact 8-track recorder with 4 XLR inputs. • 4-track simultaneous recording, 8-track simultaneous playback • Powerful guitar, bass and vocal effects • Functions as a USB audio interface and DAW controller • Built-in stereo condenser microphone • Includes power supply and 1Gb SD card £272 order code 69496 4 00 8 16 Boss BR1200CD Boss BR1600CD Featuring Boss’ famous GT-6 guitar and bass effects engine, this 12-track hard disk recorder is ideal for guitarists. This ‘studio-in-a-box’ solution is great for recording guitar bands. • 12-track hard disk recorder • Record up to 2 tracks at once • 8 x XLR mic inputs with phantom power • 2 x XLR mic inputs with phantom power • 40Gb internal hard drive • 16-track hard disk recorder • Record up to 8 tracks at once • 40Gb internal hard drive • Powerful onboard effects for guitar, bass and vocals • Built-in CD writer and USB port • Built-in CD writer and USB port • Programmable drum/bass generator with 600 patterns • Onboard step and real-time sequencer £526 48 v order code 70026 2 00 12 16 £720 48 v Zoom R8 Zoom R16 Multitrack recorder. Multitrack recorder. • 8-track digital recorder • 16-track digital recorder • 2 track simultaneous recording • Record up to 8 tracks at once • 2 XLR / 1/4" jack combi inputs • 8 XLR/1/4" jack combi inputs • Phantom power • 2 channels with phantom power £159 48 v order code 93179 2 00 8 16 £232 8 00 16 16 order code 50792 48 v 8 00 16 16 order code 66356 Zoom R24 Multitrack recorder, interface and control surface. • 24 track digital recorder • Record up to 8 tracks at once • Undo/redo function £316 order code 89033 48 v 8 00 24 16 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 127 Recording Equipment Monitors eStudio Monitors Project 1 Project 2 RM5 Compact 10W active monitors. Satellite and sub 2.1 speaker system ideal for keyboard or classroom playback. 2-way nearfield active reference monitors. • 2 headphone outputs and frequency controls on the front panel • 2 x 60W total power output • RCA, 1/4” jack and 3.5mm jack inputs • XLR, RCA and 1/4” jack inputs • RCA and 3.5mm jack inputs • Independent bass control • 51/4” LF drivers • 4” LF drivers • Complete set of 2 satellites (11/2” & 3” drivers) and 1 sub bass speaker (51/4” driver) • Sold as a pair • Sold as a pair £59 order code 92846 £69 £159 order code 92848 order code 92847 Alesis M1 320 USB • 2 x 10W output • USB connection direct to computer Yamaha HS50M • Integrated audio interface • 70W • 3” LF drivers • Bi-amplified studio monitors • Sold as a pair • XLR or 1/4” jack inputs £67 per pair • 5” LF driver • Sold individually order code 56755 £106 each order code 54410 Also Available Description Price M1 520 USB Bi-amplified reference monitors £146 per pair 66109 Code Yamaha HS80M • 120W Tannoy Reveal 501a • Bi-amplified studio monitors • 60W • XLR or 1/4” jack inputs • Active nearfield monitors • 8” LF driver • Updated version of the popular 90’s classic • Sold individually • XLR and 1/4” jack inputs £177 each • 5” LF driver order code 54411 • Sold individually £67 each order code 56755 128 Also Available Description Price Code Reveal 601a 90W - 61/2” LF driver £106 each 87434 email: Recording Equipment Monitors M-Audio BX5A Mackie HR624 MK2 Bi-amplified studio reference monitors. High resolution studio monitors. • XLR, 1/4" jack and RCA phono inputs • 2 x 70W • More accurate performance than the original HR range • XLR balanced and 1/4” balanced/unbalanced inputs. • 6.7” LF driver • Sold individually • 5” Kevlar LF drivers £268 each • Sold as a pair £172 per pair order code 60633 order code 88739 Also Available 250W - 83/4” LF driver HR824 Mk2 Also Available BX8A Price 2 x 130W - 8” LF drivers Code £359 each 60632 Code £263 per pair 88740 M-Audio DSM1 High resolution DSP studio monitors using the latest digital signal processing technology. JBL LSR2325P • XLR, 1/4" jack and S PDIF inputs Two-way 90W bi-amplified studio monitors. • DSP controlled crossover for incredible accuracy • XLR, 1/4" jack and RCA inputs • 108W power output • Level control • 61/2” LF driver • 5” LF driver • Sold individually • Sold individually £396 each £172 each order code 87439 order code 87435 Also Available LSR2328P LSR2310SP MSC1 Price 170W - 8” LF driver 180W Subwoofer with 10” driver Monitor Control System Price Code £303 each £341 £257 87436 87437 87438 Also Available DSM2 DSM3 180W - 8” LF driver 180W - dual 61/2” drivers Price Code £525 each £540 each 87440 87441 Price Code KRK VXT6 Professional 90W active nearfield monitors. • XLR and 1/4” balanced jack combi input KRK RP 5 • Accurate and highly detailed sound reproduction synonymous with KRK monitors Second generation of the acclaimed 'Rokit powered' monitors. • XLR, 1/4" jack and RCA inputs • Sub woofer available • 2 x 70W • 5” LF drivers • Sold as a pair (excluding subs) • 6” Kevlar LF drivers • Sold as a pair £554 per pair order code 65035 Also Available £204 per pair VXT4 VXT8 RP12S order code 76011 45W - 4” LF driver 180W - 8” LF drivers 240W Subwoofer with 12” driver £390 per pair 65034 £750 per pair 92271 £571 each 93188 Genelec 8030A Professional studio monitors with incredible clarity and definition. • XLR inputs only • Extremely flat frequency response • Includes Iso-Pod supporting surface for increased isolation • 5” LF drivers • Sold individually £399 each Also Available RP6 RP8 KRK10S 2 x 100W - 6” LF drivers 2 x 140W - 8” LF drivers 150W Subwoofer with 10” driver Fax: 08450 949066 Price Code £268 per pair £326 per pair £277 each 76012 76013 67540 order code 51939 Also Available 8040A 8050A 180W - 61/2” LF driver 270W - 8” LF driver Price Code £647 each £1,035 each 56902 58481 Tel: 08450 949022 129 Recording Equipment Headphones Essentials HP1 Essentials HP2 Inexpensive stereo headphones. • 3.5mm jack with 1/4” adaptor • 2m cable length (approx) • Ideal for computers Inexpensive stereo headphones. • 1/4” jack (no adaptor) • 2.5m cable length (approx) • Ideal for keyboards • New improved robust design £6 order code 64792 £6 order code 64793 Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £55 Buy 20 for £100 Buy 10 for £55 Buy 20 for £100 Numark HF-125 Sennheiser HD203 KRK KNS 6400 Affordable DJ headphones. Closed, supra-aural headphones. • 2m cable with 1/4" jack plug • Comfortable, lightweight design Professional closed-back stereo monitoring headphones. £6 £25 • Signature KRK natural frequency response order code 58884 order code 87704 • 3.5mm jack with 1/4" stereo adaptor £69 order code 93182 Sennheiser HD201 Audio Technica ATH-T300 Inexpensive closed-back headphones ideal for classroom use. Extended response closed-back headphones. AKG K141 MkII • Soft padding for comfort • 3m cable with 3.5mm plug • 3.5mm mini stereo jack plug High quality, semi-open studio headphones. • 1/4" jack adaptor £27 • Includes single-sided, 3m cable plus additional 5m coiled cable £14 order code 68921 order code 55998 £70 Samson RH100 eStudio SMH100 Inexpensive closed-back headphones. • Ideal for keyboard use Lightweight studio monitoring headphones. • 3.5mm jack with 1/4" adaptor • Closed-back to prevent spillage £16 • 1/4" stereo jack plug order code 88332 £29 order code 69655 order code 67525 AKG K240 MkII High quality, semi-open studio headphones. • Includes single-sided, 3m cable plus additional 5m coiled cable £85 order code 67522 Audio Technica ATH-T200 Beyer DT231 Pro KRK KNS8400 Closed-back headphones. Lightweight closed headphones. • Lightweight and comfortable • Soft exchangeable earpads High quality professional closed-back stereo monitoring headphones. • 3.5mm mini stereo jack plug • 3.5mm stereo plug with 1/4" adaptor £19 £29 order code 68920 order code 45178 • Signature KRK natural frequency response results in highly natural imaging • 3.5mm jack with 1/4" adaptor £99 eStudio DJ100 eStudio HF100 Affordable DJ Headphones. • Closed-back to prevent ‘spillage’ High quality open back headphones ideal for classroom listening. • 1/4" stereo jack plug • 3m cable with 3.5mm plug £22 • 1/4" jack adaptor order code 69656 £31 order code 93386 order code 93185 Beyerdynamic DT100 Industry standard studio headphones. • Closed-back design with excellent attenuation of external noise • All parts are easily replaceable £99 order code 34523 Roland RH5 AKG K121 Beyerdynamic DT250 • Large scale, lightweight design Closed-back studio headphones. • Closed back headphones Professional semi-open studio headphones. • 3.5mm stereo jack plug with 1/4" adaptor • Includes single sided 3m cable £26 • 3.5mm plug with 1/4" adaptor £129 130 order code 69579 £56 • Compact, lightweight design order code 34526 order code 96707 email: Recording Equipment Microphones Dynamic Microphones eStudio M3 Shure SM57 Rode M1 AKG D22 Budget dynamic vocal mic. Dynamic mic designed for instrument use. Robust dynamic mic. Good all-round mic. • Heavy duty metal body • Ideal for recording guitar/bass amps, snare drum, toms and percussion • Ideal for vocals • Ideal for drums, percussion, wind instruments and guitar amps £79 order code 67387 • Includes 5m XLR-XLR cable £15 order code 65199 £82 £47 order code 93268 order code 37987 eStudio M8 Shure SM58 Rode Procaster AKG D112 Professional quality dynamic mic. The industry-standard dynamic vocal mic. Broadcast quality mic. Industry-standard mic for recording kick drums. • Ideal for vocals • Cardioid polar pattern • 'Tailored for voice' frequency response • Includes 5m XLR-XLR cable £78 • Ideal for voice recordings £43 order code 37988 • Extremely high SPL handling up to 165dB without distortion £126 • Internal pop filter £109 order code 65197 order code 37915 order code 89471 Instrument Condenser Microphones Rode M3 Audio Technica Pro 37 Versatile mic ideal for most recording applications. Low profile small-diaphragm condenser mic. • Powered by battery or phantom power • High pass filter and frequency cut off switches • Ideal for acoustic guitar, overheads, group vocals and many other applications £57 £144 Lewitt LCT140 Audio Technica AT-8033 sE Electronics sE-4 AKG C451 B Versatile cardioid mic ideal for instrument recording. Versatile condenser mic. Redesigned version of the popular sE-3 mic. Premium cardioid condenser mic with an extremely flat frequency response. order code 56449 sE Electronics sE-1A AKG C1000S Popular condenser mic suitable for studio and location recording. Affordable small-diaphragm condenser mic. • Ideal for drums, piano and acoustic guitars • Battery or phantom power £92 £83 • Battery status indictator order code 53949 order code 37905 order code 63609 • Low cut filter and attenuation switches • Rugged construction • Low noise £132 order code 96617 • Great for drums, percussion, acoustic guitar and vocals • Battery or phantom power • Interchangeable polar pattern capsules (sold separately) • Ideal for percussive sounds and overhead use • Comes with cardioid capsule • Insensitive to handling noise £119 £194 order code 63189 order code 67509 £345 order code 35608 Studio Vocal Microphones eStudio BM1 Affordable cardioid pattern condenser mic. • Low noise signal path for clear recordings £43 order code 69654 sE Electronics sE-X1 Cardioid pattern condenser mic with low cut filter and pad. Lewitt LCT240 Rode NT-1A Vocal Pack Cardioid pattern reference condenser mic. Cardioid condenser mic. • Hand-built capsule • Auto attenuation and low cut filter • Recognised as the world’s quietest studio mic £79 • High quality design and noiseless switches • Cable, pop shield and shockmount included £165 £123 order code 87997 order code 96618 sE Electronics sE2200A II AKG C414XLS Audio Technica AT4040 Legendary multi-pattern condenser mic. Popular cardioid pattern condenser mic. • 9 selectable pickup patterns to suit all recording needs Extremely versatile cardioid pattern mic. • High quality capsule suitable for most types of recording • Low cut filter and pad £223 order code 95301 • 3 switchable low cut filter and attenuation settings £625 order code 50394 Rode NT-2A Studio Pack Multi-pattern condenser mic. • Suitable for instruments and vocals • 3 pickup positions, attenuation and high pass filter switches • Switchable high pass filter • Shockmount included • Cable, pop shield and shockmount included £285 £188 order code 93308 order code 92634 order code 87715 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 131 Recording Equipment Microphones Stereo Microphones Art M-Six (pair) sE Electronics sE-1A (pair) Pair of matched cardioid pencil condenser mics. Pad and low cut switches Shockmount and carry case included Pair of matched cardioid condenser mics. Ideal for high quality stereo recording Comes with stereo bar and wooden flight case · · order code 96737 Rode NT4 Pair of matched condenser mics ideal for stereo recording. Stereo condenser mic. · Removable capsule (omni capsule sold separately) · Low noise level · · £145 Rode NT-5 (pair) £212 · Includes carry-case, windshield, XLR to mini-jack cable and dual XLR cables £299 order code 57285 order code 58240 £199 order code 53950 Ribbon Microphones sE Electronics sE-X1R · Figure-of-8 pickup pattern · Uncoloured sound for a natural recording · Versatile mic for use on various sources · Passive circuitry £259 sE Electronics VR-1 · Figure-of-8 pickup pattern · Neve-designed circuitry · Natural uncoloured sound · Great for acoustic instruments Beyerdynamic M130 · Figure-of-8 pickup pattern · Uncoloured sound for a natural recording · Suitable for instruments and and guitars ambient recordings alike Blue Woodpecker · Figure-of-8 pickup pattern · Vintage sound with no loss of top end · Ideal for studio vocals and ambient recordings · Shockmount included £499 £403 £1,076 order code 96632 order code 93551 order code 93552 Audio Technica MBDK AKG Rhythm Pack order code 96631 Drum Microphone Kits Essentials DM Drum Microphone Set · Specifically designed to compliment the natural tones of the acoustic drum kit · Includes 1 kick drum mic, 2 tom mics and 3 overhead mics £98 · 1 x MB6K kick mic · 4 x MB5K snare/tom mics · MBDK 7 also contains 2 MB4K mics MBDK5 MBDK7 £137 £266 order code 63614 · 1 x D112 kick mic · 2 x C430 overhead mics · 3 x D4 snare/tom mics £399 order code 93311 Lewitt DTP Beat Kit Pro 7 · 1 x DTP 640 REX bass drum mic · 3 x DTP 340 TT tom mics · 2 x LCT 340 condenser mics · 1 x MTP 440 DM snare mic £566 order code 63615 order code 65195 order code 96619 Special Application Microphones Samson CM11B Omnidirectional boundary mic. · Suitable for ambient recording and group work · Requires phantom power £56 order code 93548 132 Audio Technica ATR4697 Boundary condenser mic. · Ideal for recording group work · Omnidirectional polar pattern £21 order code 37926 Samson CM12C Audio Technica U853R Hanging condenser mic. High quality 'hanging' condenser mic. · Designed to be suspended · over choirs and other instrumental groups Requires phantom power · Suitable for recording or live use · Requires phantom power or optional battery pack · Can be stand-mounted £56 £169 order code 93549 order code 63613 email: Recording Equipment USB Microphones Samson Go Portable USB condenser microphone. • Plug and play, no drivers required • Includes mic clip, mic stand and carry pouch £33 order code 89788 Blue Snowflake High clarity and compact USB microphone. sE Electronics USB2200A sE’s most popular mic now in USB form. • Plug and play • Cardioid pattern condenser microphone capsule • Simultaneous analogue/USB feeds • Low noise recording - suitable for studio use £229 order code 93411 • No drivers needed, just plug in and start recording into your favourite DAW software • High quality microphone capsule ensures clarity of audio signal • Unique design fits on your desktop or laptop £51 Blue Yeti Versatile multi-pattern USB microphone, perfect for the podcasting pro. order code 88343 • 3 mic capsules and 4 patterns; cardioid, stereo, omni-directional and bi-directional • Built-in headphone amp for playback and monitoring Samson Meteor Portable USB condenser microphone with no-latency monitoring. £85 order code 88342 Also Available Price Code Yeti Pro £191 96739 • Plug and play, no drivers required • Built-in mic stand • Stereo 3.5mm headphone jack • Cardioid pickup pattern £49 Samson G-Track Condenser microphone with built-in USB audio interface. • Large Diaphragm USB studio condenser microphone order code 96546 • 1/4" instrument input and headphone output included on the microphone • Sing and record guitar at the same time Blue Snowball • Stand, software and cables included The world’s first professional USB condenser microphone. £101 order code 93337 • Plug and play • 3 pattern switch, cardioid, cardioid with pad and omnidirectional Audio Technica AT2020 USB • Excellent detail and clarity on all recording sources High quality USB condenser microphone. • Desktop stand included • Plug and play operation no additional drivers required £70 • Comes with tripod, USB cable and storage pouch order code 96738 • Large Diaphragm Cardioid studio condenser microphone £118 order code 63611 AKG Perception 120 USB The first USB condenser microphone from AKG. • Plug and play Rode Podcaster • High quality analogue to digital converters Broadcast quality studio microphone. • Integrated pop filter • USB-powered dynamic microphone • Tripod table stand and USB cable included • 'Tailored for voice' frequency response ideal for podcast recordings £91 • 3.5mm stereo headphone output with volume control built-in to body order code 96708 £124 order code 66746 Podcasting Packages Samson C01U Podcasting Package Samson C03U Podcasting Package Includes everything you need to record and edit podcasts on Mac or PC. Includes: Multi-pattern microphone version of the C01U podcasting package. • Samson C01U USB microphone £123 • Shockmount and desktop mic stand order code 89782 • Sonar LE recording software (PC only) • Aluminium carrying case £105 order code 89781 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 133 Recording Equipment Mixers Alto Alto ZMX 52 Alto ZMX 862 Alto ZMX 122FX • 1 mono mic/line channel • 2 mono mic/line channels • 4 mono mic/line channels • 2 stereo channels • 2 stereo channels • 2 stereo channels • 2 band EQ on mono channel • 3 band EQ on all channels • 3 band EQ on all channels £34 £48 • Built-in FX order code 91557 order code 91558 £79 order code 91559 Peavey Peavey PV6 USB Peavey PV8 USB • 2 mono mic/line channels • 4 mono mic/line channels • 2 mono mic or stereo channels • 2 stereo channels • 3 band EQ on channels 1 & 2 • 3 band EQ on all channels • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £67 • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £82 order code 69470 order code 69469 Peavey PV10 USB • 6 mono mic/line channels • 2 stereo channels • 3 band EQ on all channels • Built-in FX • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £161 Yamaha order code 68922 Yamaha MG82CX Yamaha MG102C Yamaha MG124C • 4 mono mic/line channels • 4 mono mic/line channels • Up to 3 stereo channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • 6 mono mic/line channels • 3 band EQ • 3 band EQ on all mono channels • ‘One knob’ compressor on channels 1 & 2 • Built-in FX • ‘One knob’ compressor on channels 1 & 2 £120 £87 order code 93861 order code 55056 • Up to 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ on all mono channels • ‘One knob’ compressor on channels 1 to 4 £172 order code 96620 Allen & Heath Allen & Heath ZED-10 Allen & Heath ZED-14 • 4 mono mic/line channels • 6 mono mic/line channels • 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • Includes Sonar X1 LE software • 2 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £175 order code 87492 £297 order code 87496 Allen & Heath ZED-18 • 10 mono mic/line channels • 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • Includes Sonar X1 LE software £373 order code 96622 Mackie Mackie 402-VLZ3 Mackie 802-VLZ3 Mackie 1202-VLZ3 • 2 mono mic/line channels • 3 mono mic/line channels • 1 stereo channel • Up to 3 stereo channels • 4 mono mic/line channels • 2 band EQ on mono channels • 3 band EQ on all channels • 4 stereo channels • Includes Tracktion 3 software • 3 band EQ on all channels • Includes Tracktion 3 software £80 £152 order code 88997 order code 88996 • Includes Tracktion 3 software £221 order code 88998 134 email: Recording Equipment Mixers Alto ZMX 124 FX USB Alto ZMX 164 FX USB • 6 mono mic/line channels • 10 mono mic/line channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • 3 band EQ • Built-in FX • Built-in FX and 9-band graphic EQ • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £189 order code 93103 • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £227 order code 93512 Peavey PV14 USB Peavey PV20 USB • 10 mono mic/line channels • 16 mono mic/line channels • 2 stereo channels • 2 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • 3 band EQ • Built-in FX • Built-in FX • USB port for connection to Mac/PC. • USB port for connection to Mac/PC £198 £268 order code 69471 order code 69472 Yamaha MG166C-USB Yamaha MG206C-USB • 10 mono mic/line channels • 16 mono mic/line channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • 3 band EQ • ‘One knob’ compressor on channels 1 to 6 • ‘One knob’ compressor on channels 1 to 8 • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • Includes Cubase AI4 software £233 • Includes Cubase AI4 software £448 order code 93663 order code 96621 Allen & Heath ZED-24 Allen & Heath ZED-428 • 16 mono mic/line channels • 24 mono mic/line channels • 4 stereo channels • 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ • 4 band EQ • 2 band EQ on stereo channels • Insert and direct output on each mono channel • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • USB port for connection to Mac/PC • Includes Sonar X1 LE software • Includes Sonar X1 LE software £456 £979 order code 87497 order code 65414 Mackie 1402-VLZ3 Mackie 1642-VLZ3 • 6 mono mic/line channels • 10 mono mic/line channels • 4 stereo channels • Up to 4 stereo channels • 3 band EQ on all channels • 3 band EQ • Includes Tracktion 3 software • 4 band EQ on all other channels £240 • 4 assignable stereo busses order code 88999 • Includes Tracktion 3 software • Inserts and direct outputs £395 order code 60626 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 135 Recording Equipment Mixers Allen & Heath ZED R16 Allen & Heath GS-R24 and GS-R24M 16 channel mixer with integrated Firewire audio interface and DAW controls. • 16 balanced mic/line channels • 4 band EQ with 2 fully parametric mids • Dedicated sequencer control section includes 12 knobs, 4 faders and transport controls • Channel faders can also control sequencer software • 18 inputs and outputs via Firewire • 16 inputs and outputs via ADAT • Built-in talkback mic 24 channel mixer with DAW control and optional Firewire connectivity. • 24 balanced mic/line channels plus 2 additional valve pre-amps • 2 dual-stereo channels • 4 band EQ with 2 fully parametric mids • 4 subgroups and 6 aux sends • Optional Firewire/ADAT module provides 32 inputs and outputs to/from a Mac or PC via Firewire (plus 32 channels of ADAT in/out) • Choice of motorised (GS-R24M) or non-motorised (GS-R24) full-length 100mm faders Either the analogue or the Firewire/ADAT module must be fitted to this mixer for it to function. The power supply is sold separately. £1,307 GS-R24 (non-automated faders) order code 69648 £3,850 order code 96623 GS-R24M (automated faders) £4,325 order code 96624 RPS-15 power supply £749 order code 96625 Firewire/ADAT I/O module £449 order code 96626 Analogue I/O module £175 order code 96627 Soundcraft EPM8 Soundcraft EFX12 Soundcraft M12 8 channel mixer with 2 additional stereo channels. 12 channel mixer with built-in Lexicon FX processor. Robust 12 channel mixer with S/PDIF digital output. • 8 mono mic/line channels • 12 mono mic/line channels • 12 mono mic/line channels with direct outputs • 3-band EQ • 2 stereo channels • 4 stereo channels • Inserts on all mono channels and main outputs • 3-band EQ • 3-band EQ £143 • Inserts on all mono channels and main outputs • 100mm faders £238 £388 order code 96306 order code 96304 Also Available Price Code Also Available Soundcraft EFX8 As EPM8 but with on-board FX £197 65395 Soundcraft EPM12 As EFX12 but without FX order code 96710 Price Code Also Available Price Code £187 96307 Soundcraft M4 Soundcraft M8 £290 £442 96751 63594 4 mono channels 8 mono channels Soundcraft FX16II Soundcraft MPMi12 Soundcraft MFXi20 16 channel mixer with built-in Lexicon FX processor. 12 channel mixer with 2 additional stereo channels. • 12 mono mic/line channels • 3-band EQ • 2 group busses • Internal power supply 20 channel mixing desk with built-in Lexicon FX processor. • 20 mono mic/line channels • 2 stereo channels • 3-band EQ • 2 group busses • 16 mono mic/line inputs with direct outputs • 3-band EQ • Inserts on all mono channels and main outputs • Internal power supply £494 order code 96312 £296 order code 96308 Also Available MFXi12 Rackmount Kit 136 £419 order code 96311 Price Code With on-board FX £329 For MPMi12 or MFXi12 £18 96310 Also Available Description Price Code As MFXi20 96706 MPMi20 but without FX £359 96309 email: Recording Equipment Effects and Outboard Compressors, Gates and Limiters Multi-Effects Alesis 3632 Compressor Alesis MidiVerb 4 Affordable and popular dual channel compressor/limiter. Easy to use multi-effects processor. • Channels can be coupled for stereo operation • Independent gate on both channels • 100 factory presets including reverb, chorus, delay, flanger, pitch shift and rotary speaker £78 £97 order code 95670 Samson S-COM Plus+ 2 channel compressor/limiter, expander/gate, de-esser with peak limiter. • Low noise amps and high quality VCA’s • Adjustable de-esser and expander/gate with variable trigger control £101 order code 89599 Lexicon MX200 High quality, affordable digital reverb unit. • 16 Lexicon reverbs plus delay and modulation effects £125 order code 54294 TC Electronics M-OneXL DBX 266XS Compressor/Gate/Limiter Dual signal processing reverb unit. • Ideal for smoothing uneven levels or tightening up mixes • 19 effect algorithms including reverb delay and modulation • ‘Peakstop’ limiter helps to avoid clipping • Analog XLR and digital inputs • Stereo or dual-mono operation £123 order code 31209 £345 order code 93568 Also Available Price Code DBX 166XS £175 93621 order code 87613 Vocal Effects Processors TC Helicon Voicetone Correct XT Microphone Preamps & Channel Strips ART Tube MP Studio V3 Tube microphone pre-amp. • Variable valve voicing technology Vocal pitch and tone correction for studio and live use. • Auto chromatic pitch correction with studio grade compression, de-ess and EQ £170 order code 89059 • Phase reverse and variable gain switching £59 order code 50573 Presonus TubePre TC Helicon Voicetone Create XT Vocal effects processor with 100 built in effects. Affordable high-quality valve microphone preamp. • Effects include delay, reverb, modulation and hard tune • Features -20dB pad, phase-reverse switch and low-cut filter £170 £75 order code 68626 order code 66469 DBX 286s Professional quality studio channel strip processor. Monitoring Solutions • XLR and 1/4" jack input with phantom power switch • Compressor, enhancer and gate/expander functions Presonus HP4 Headphone Amp • Frequency tuneable de-esser High quality 4 channel headphone amplifier. £193 • Multiple units can be daisy-chained together order code 93607 £74 order code 66467 Presonus StudioChannel Presonus Monitor Station Mono vacuum tube professional pre-amp/compressor/EQ channel strip. Everything you need to monitor your recording environment. • XLR and 1/4" jack input with phantom power switch • Variable VCA compressor and 3 band parametric EQ £210 order code 89742 • 3 inputs/balanced outputs and 4 independent headphone outputs • Built in talkback mic and audio routing £199 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 65314 Tel: 08450 949022 137 Recording Equipment Coomber Coomber 3320 Series Coomber 6100 Series Classroom CD player with class facing speakers. • Large, easy to use interface • 6 headphone sockets (5 student and 1 teacher) • Cue review allows for quick scanning of CD, ideal for music and language classrooms • CD-R and CD-RW compatible • Aux input for amplification of external sources • Available in Graphite or Lilac • Record direct to CD-R or CD-RW from microphone or external sources • Record up to 99 tracks on a CD • One touch recording • Instant playback • Ideal for copying complete CDs or selected tracks • Automatic or manual level recording • XLR mic inputs with phantom power • 6 headphone sockets for group listening • Master or copy CDs £165 order code 96759 graphite 60634 lilac £299 £349 £369 £419 order code 93546 6120 (single CD) order code 93547 6121 (single CD + Cassette) order code 55179 6130 (single CD) order code 54856 6131 (Cassette) Coomber 3330 Series • Listen to CDs or cassettes in the classroom or with headphones • Record to cassette using microphones in stereo or mono • Integral class-facing loudspeakers • CD and cassette counters • Play minidisc or MP3 players through the aux socket • 6 headphone sockets for silent group listening • Lightweight, robust and easy to operate £247 Easy to use single speaker PA system ideal for public speaking, outside, hall and gym use. • 30W RMS speaker • Volume, bass and treble controls • Rechargeable battery and wireless mic options available (mic not included) £320 order code 96628 Coomber 3600 Series Coomber 2410 • Record direct to USB flash drive or 2GB internal memory from internal memo mic • Record direct to CD-R or CD-RW, USB flash drive or 2GB internal memory from external mics • One-touch digital recording • Instant playback • Play MP3 files from USB flash drive or CD • 6 headphone sockets • Automatic or manual level recording • Supplied with remote control Portable PA with CD drive ideal for classroom and hall use. • Two 20W RMS speakers • CD drive with vari-speed function and two USB sockets for mp3 playback • Four channel mixer • Remote control supplied • Optional wireless microphone model available (mic not included) £289 138 order code 88183 graphite 88182 lilac Coomber 2100 PA Amplified Speaker £626 £757 order code 96629 order code 96630 UHF model order code 90071 blue 87615 graphite email: Recording Equipment Acoustic Solutions Vicoustic Flexi Wall Portable, modular acoustic treatment system. • Acoustic panels are highly absorbent at all frequency ranges • Each kit contains 9 ‘Flexi Panels’ and 3 wooden stands, which can be configured in various ways • Two or more kits can be combined to create sound ‘baffles’ or to treat rooms without attaching panels to walls £215 order code 65188 Studiobricks Acoustic Booth Self-assembled acoustic cabin ideal for schools. Useful for recording vocals and instruments, the acoustic booth can also be used for individual live practice in schools lacking a rehearsal space. • Easy to assemble by one person in less than an hour • Excellent acoustic characteristics and soundproofing capabilities • Easily moved • Inside panels made by Vicoustic • Customised solutions available CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION sE Reflexion Filter eStudio Vocal Booth Portable solution for recording vocals and other sources. • Perfect for the project studio • Minimises reflections for a crisp and clean vocal performance • Can be used with separate mic stand and mic stand clamp (included) • Attaches to mic stand using supplied mounting kit • Reduces reflections from walls and other surfaces £52 order code 69657 £165 order code 57283 Vicoustic Flexi Screen Lite Affordable, portable solution for recording vocals in rooms with little or no acoustic treatment. • Attaches to a mic stand • Reduces reflections from walls and other surfaces £55 Fax: 08450 949066 order code 65190 Tel: 08450 949022 139 Recording Equipment Acoustic Treatment Ghost Acoustics Ghost Acoustics ‘Block’ Ghost Acoustics ‘Corner Bass Trap’ Ghost Acoustics ‘Ceiling Cloud’ 60cm x 60cm acoustic absorber. 60cm x 60cm bass trap/acoustic absorber. 120cm x 60cm acoustic absorber. • Includes metal frame for wall-mounting • Designed to be fitted in the corner of the room to reduce excessive bass frequencies • Designed to be mounted on the ceiling using the included metal frame • Includes metal frame with hinge-mounting to accommodate corners that aren’t exactly 90 degrees • Can also be suspended from chains in rooms with high ceilings £129 £129 • Can also be used with the optional ‘Gobo Stand‘ £87 order code 87245 order code 87230 order code 87249 Vicoustic Vicoustic Flexi Panel A50 Vicoustic Wave Wood Pack 60cm x 60cm x 5cm acoustic panel. Attractive and effective way to control unwanted and excessive frequencies, whilst maintaining an ambient, bright sound. • Ideal for wall mounting • Pack of 12 • Each panel measures approximately 60cm x 60cm • To be used with Vicoustic Flexi Glue £385 £288 order code 66471 Pack of 10 panels order code 87260 Flexi Glue For attaching panels to walls and ceilings. £9.50 each order code 65285 Ghost Acoustics Description Price Code Vicoustic Description Price Code Block 60cm x 60cm acoustic absorber £79 87245 Flexi Wall Modular acoustic treatment system £215 65188 Medium Block 90cm x 60cm acoustic absorber £119 87246 Wave Wood panels 60cm x 60cm acoustic panels, pack of 10 £310 66471 Big Block 120cm x 60cm acoustic absorber £159 87247 Pulsar panels 87258 60cm x 60cm acoustic absorber/diffuser £119 87248 60cm x 60cm acoustic panels, pack of 16” £198 Wedge Trap £154 87259 60cm x 60cm bass trap/acoustic absorber £120 87249 Mega Fusor Bass Traps 60cm foam bass traps, pack of 8 Corner Bass Trap Ceiling Cloud 120cm x 60cm ceiling-mounted acoustic absorber £119 87230 Flexi Panels A50 60cm x 60cm x 5cm acoustic panels £288 87260 Gobo Stand Metal gobo stand for mounting up to three blocks £63 87251 Gobo Stand + 3 x Block Gobo stand plus 3 blocks with wall mounting frames £271 87252 Studio Kit 1 1 x big block and 2 x corner bass trap £358 87253 Studio Kit 2 1 x big block, 2 x corner bass trap and 2 x wedge trap £573 Studio Kit 3 Studio kit 2 plus 4 x block and 1 x Gobo stand Studio Kit 4 Studio kit 3 plus an extra 2 x wedge and 4 x bass trap 140 pack of 12 Flexi Panels A75 60cm x 60cm x 7.5cm acoustic panels pack of 8 £224 87261 Flexi Wood A50 60cm x 60cm x 5cm acoustic panels pack of 10 £345 87262 Flexi Wood A75 60cm x 60cm x 7.5cm acoustic panels pack of 10 £336 87263 87254 Vari Panel kit 6 x Flexi panel A50 and 6 x Vari panel £271 87264 £915 87255 MixKit Pulsar 8 x Pulsar panel and 4 x Mega Fusor bass trap £189 65191 £1,650 87257 Flexi Screen Portable vocal booth £88 65189 Flexi Screen Lite Affordable portable vocal booth £55 65190 email: Recording Equipment Recording Packages Location Recording Package 1 High quality recording package. Transfer via USB to a PC or Mac for mixdown or burning to CD. • Roland R-05 portable recorder • Rode NT4 X/Y stereo microphone eStudio SMH100 headphones Rode NT4 • Mini boom mic stand Table top mic stand • eStudio SMH100 headphones £533 RP-R05-C Cover/Windscreen set £38 93028 order code RECLOC1 OP-RP1 £29 67519 £15 58857 Carry case OP-MSA1 Microphone stand adaptor Apple Location Package 1 Apple MacBook supplied with software and hardware - ready to go! x2 • Record from 2 mics or line instrument outputs • Apple MacBook Air 11.6" • Saffire 6 USB audio interface • 2 Audio Technica AT8033 condenser mics • 1 boom mic stand • 1 stereo mic bar • 2 mic cables Boom mic stand eStudio SMH100 headphones AT8033 mics Apple GarageBand software Saffire 6 USB interface • eStudio SMH100 headphones £1,134 order code APPLOC1 Apple Location Package 2 x4 x4 Apple MacBook with 4 mics and a multi-channel interface. • Apple MacBook Pro 13.3” • Cubase Artist 6 software • M-Audio Fast Track Ultra audio interface • 4 Audio Technica AT8033 condenser mics • 4 boom mic stands Beyer DT250 headphones AT8033 mics Cubase Artist 6 software Fast track ultra Boom mic stand • 4 mic cables • Beyer DT250 headphones £1,570 order code APPLOC2 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 141 Recording Equipment Recording Packages Classroom Digital Recording Package This package provides a good balance of facilities and value for money. It can record up to 2 tracks at once. • Tascam DP-03 • 2 SE Electronics SE1A condenser mics • 2 mic cables • 2 boom mic stands • Audio Technica ATH-T200 headphones £595 order code CLREC1 Tascam DP-03 ATH T200 headphones SE1A condenser mics Boom mic stands Band Recording Package Everything you need to record a standard 4-piece rock band. Use headphones to record the performance, then mix down on the monitor speakers. • Boss BR1600 hard disk recorder • Audio Technica Pro25 kick drum mic • 2 SE Electronics SE1A condensers for drum overhead mics • 1 eStudio M8 vocal mic • 2 eStudio M3 dynamic mics for guitar amps • eStudio DI-100 • 7 mic cables and 1 jack cable • 3 boom mic stands, 3 mini boom mic stands • Yamaha HS50 monitors • Beyer DT250 headphones £1,489 Beyer DT250 headphones Boss BR1600 order code BRECP1 Boom mic stands SE1A condenser mics eStudio M8 mic eStudio M3 mics Yamaha HS50 monitors eStudio DI-100 Complete Studio Package This package is ideal for installation into a dedicated recording studio. Record up to eight microphone inputs, all at the same time. • Tascam DP24 • 6 jack leads • Audio Technica AT4033a studio microphone • Samson C-QUE 8 headphone amp • Essentials DM5 drum mic set • 5 boom mic stands, 3 mini boom mic stands • 2 AT8033 condenser mics • eStudio DI-100 • 2 Shure SM58 vocal mics • 4 pairs Beyer DT250 headphones • 2 Shure SM57 dynamic mics • 2 Yamaha HS80 monitor speakers • Pop filter • 100 blank CDRs Samson C-QUE 8 Headphone amp • 8 mic leads £2,585 Essentials DM5 drum mic set 142 order code RECCOM Tascam DP24 Yamaha HS80 speakers AT4033 mic AT8033 mics Boom mic stands Shure SM58 vocal mics Shure SM57 mics Pop filter DT250 headphones eStudio DI-100 email: Recording Equipment Recording Accessories Mic Stands Vocal Booths Essentials Mic Stand K&M Mic Stand eStudio Vocal Booth Sturdy microphone boom stand in silver. £16 • Telescopic boom Portable booth which helps minimise reflections in vocal performance for a crisp, clean recording. £42 order code 69652 • Securely clamps to mic stand Premium Mic Stand order code 96377 £21 £38 • Use included attachment for placing and positioning mics • Standard boom £52 order code 69652 order code 96738 black Essentials Mini Boom Stand Essentials Studio Boom Arm £14 Vicoustic Flexi Screen Lite Fully adjustable mic stand with G-clamp to attach to most tables. Includes XLR mic cable. £29 order code 60541 order code 69657 Affordable, portable solution for the recording of vocals in rooms with little or no acoustic treatment. • Attaches to a mic stand and reduces reflections from walls and other surfaces £55 order code 69658 order code 65190 DI Boxes Multibuy Savings eStudio DI-20 Buy 6 for £60 Single channel passive DI box. Table Top Mic Stand K&M Stereo Mic Bar £15 £9 £11.50 order code 60544 order code 89592 eStudio DI-60 Single channel passive DI box with outputs to mixer and amp. £15 Microphone Windscreen £1.50 order code 94165 order code 94166 Pop Shield eStudio DI-100 £12 £15 Single channel active DI box. order code 65201 order code 36507 order code 94167 Leads Stagg Butterfly Mic Clip £4 Essentials Mic Clip £3.60 order code 69651 order code 36372 Model Description Price Code XLR to XLR 6m XLR to XLR 5m XLR to XLR 10m XLR to jack lead 6m XLR to jack lead 5m XLR to jack lead 10m 2 x phono to 3.5mm stereo jack 3m Standard quality XLR - XLR lead Professional quality XLR - XLR lead Professional quality XLR - XLR lead Standard quality XLR - 3/4" jack lead Professional quality XLR - 3/4" jack lead Professional quality XLR - 3/4" jack lead Ideal for iPods or MP3 players £8.50 £13 £16 £8.50 £14 £19 £4.50 60745 57145 35523 60744 57146 57147 60753 Recordable Media Model Description Audio CD-R, with case Single audio CD-R in jewel case (Philips CD-R type) £0.85 Pack of 100 CD-Rs 100 CD-Rs (supplied without cases) £14 Clear plastic sleeves Pack of 100 clear plastic sleeves for CDs / DVDs Custom CD-Rs (Pack of 10) Blank CD-Rs thermally printed with your school name DVD+R Dual Layer (Pack of 10) 8.5Gb dual-layer recordable DVDs Fax: 08450 949066 Price £3 £13 £9 Code Model Description Price USB Memory Stick Kingston 4GB £5.00 93050 41351 USB Memory Stick Kingston 8GB £8.00 93051 55342 USB Memory Stick Kingston 16GB £16.00 93052 Micro SD Kingston 2GB £3.00 93053 51297 50453 61455 Code Micro SD Kingston 4GB £5.00 93054 SD Card Kingston 2GB £5.00 87947 SD Card Kingston 4GB £6.00 87948 SD Card Kingston 8GB £8.00 93055 SD Card Kingston 16GB £19.00 93056 Tel: 08450 949022 143 Studio Installation It used to be that schools and colleges had to compromise with the recording quality available within a reasonable budget. For a lot of music teachers their first foray into multitrack recording was with a cassette-based ‘portastudio’, and without the luxury of a separate recording space in which to capture their students’ work. 30 years after the first affordable multitrack recorder became available, almost every school can have access to CD-quality recording, often in a purpose-built control room. And for teachers with even relatively small budgets, excellent recordings can still be made on the new generation of handheld solid-state recorders. Case Study Q&A I don’t have a proper recording room. Does that mean I can’t make good recordings? No. You still have a range of options. For stereo recording, select one of the handheld portable recorders, such as the Edirol R09. These easy-touse recorders are ideal for capturing performances that are to be submitted for exams. Recorded files can be downloaded to a computer afterwards for burning to CD, ready for submission. You can also create multitrack recordings, either on a computer or a standalone multitrack unit: however, you will have to be careful about picking up unwanted sounds from outside the classroom such as the end-of-break bell! Why might I want to use a computer for recording? Many schools now use sequencing software as a means to develop compositional skills. Pupils can take their sequenced pieces and add real live performance audio tracks to them - and this is most easily done on a computer platform. In addition, the processing power of most modern computers means that you will have access to a powerful array of facilities within the software. You can also enhance your recording setup by adding additional external equipment - as you need it. What equipment do I need in order to use a computer for recording? All computers have some type of sound interface built-in. However the quality and connections may not be adequate to create good quality recordings. The best way to add live performance recordings to your computer composition is to use a purpose-built external audio interface or soundcard. These often have full-sized jack sockets for electric guitar and XLR inputs for microphones. What sort of audio interface should I buy? For classroom-based recording, 2 channel USB interfaces are usually sufficient. For larger multitrack projects there are audio interfaces with up to 8 built-in inputs. If you are multitracking several instruments at once, a Firewire interface is the best option. What sort of microphones should I use? There are hundreds of different mics to choose from, each with their own characteristics. In general terms, for acoustic instruments such as the voice, acoustic guitars, or wind and string instruments, a large diaphragm mic can offer the best results. For loud guitar amps or drums a dynamic mic such as the popular Shure SM57 is very effective. Stereo mics like the Rode NT4 are excellent for “ambient recording” of larger ensembles such as choirs. 144 web: St Patrick’s College, Downpatrick After consultations with Dawsons. St Patrick’s College decided on an Apple Studio package for their new studio. The studio featured Avid Artist series control surfaces along with a Presonus Monitor Station, KRK RP8 monitors, controller keyboard and Focusrite Saffire interfaces. The AKA Design Prolite desk completed the set-up, bringing all the hardware together in an organised and efficient workspace. The inputs and headphone outputs are patched through to two seperate rooms which allows flexibility when recording choir, orchestra and band projects. It also allows the school to record GCSE and A-Level performances with ease. The school also ordered a selection of industry-standard mics. We then provided full training in-school, guiding the teacher and students through important, features relevant to their upcoming recording projects. Computer or Multitrack? Most multi-track recorders have between 4 and 16 tracks, sometimes with additional virtual tracks. On higher models, effects such as reverb and guitar effects are often built-in. One of the major benefits of a multi-track unit is that it is extremely portable. The physical controls and faders also make the multi-track recorder straightforward to use and familiar to those more used to a traditional recording studio. Computer-based recording has become more popular in the last 10 years with software packages such as GarageBand being commonplace in music departments. One of the main advantages of computer recording is flexibility: a machine configured for the studio is high-powered and capable of running many audio tracks along with a myriad of effects. A computer-based studio is expandable, with the option of adding more inputs or ‘instruments’. Control surfaces and outboard equipment can be added to emulate the studio environment and provide physical controls for the software. Both configurations have their advantages; if a traditional style of recording is more familiar to you and your students then perhaps a multi-track recorder is the best solution. If however your students are at home with popular music software they may find a computer-based studio to be a more creative and fulfilling experience. email: Audio Visual Audio Visual equipment is becoming increasingly sophisticated, whether primarily designed for audio or video reproduction. There are more and more portable PA (public address) systems available, and we’ve included a range of what we’d recommend in the first pages of this section. Many of them give you the flexibility to amplify vocals and instruments, while at the same time connecting an iPod or iPhone though a dedicated dock. Ideal for staff karaoke parties! However, many of our customers are still coming to us for an installed solution – a PA system for the school hall which is designed first and foremost to meet the needs of the music department. This might include radio microphones, or microphones suspended overhead. We’ll help you work out how many channels is enough, and whether you need a ‘dual-control’ system: where day-to-day activities are catered for by a simple on/off switch, but larger events allow for adding a mobile mixing desk. Compact and Portable PA Systems PA Systems PA Components Power Amplifiers PA Microphones Radio Microphones Lighting Compact and Portable Hifi Hifi Components PA Accessories PA Stands and Cases Multicores 146 147 148-149 150 151 152-153 154 155 156-157 158 158 158 We’ve also included lots of microphones here, but if you need guidance as to the right one for you, simply give us a call or email us at Finally, why not consider the new generation of hifi systems, with built-in AirPlay. Play audio files direct from your iPhone, iPod or iPad in the classroom. Truly amazing! 145 Audio Visual Compact and Portable Systems Samson Expedition 25i Samson XP40i Samson XP150 Handheld PA system with 'push to talk' mic and iPod dock. Portable PA system with iPod dock. • XLR mic input Compact, lightweight portable PA system with removable mixer. • Includes a carry handle, shoulder strap and mic stand mount • 1/4" mono and 3.5mm stereo line inputs • 2 x 75W • Integrated carrying handle • 5 channel mixer (3 x mic/line, 1 x stereo) • Mic and line inputs • Can be mounted on a standard speaker stand • Digital reverb • Rechargeable battery £146 order code 92320 • Packs up into a single portable unit £156 £224 order code 89527 order code 96744 Alesis Transactive Mobile Also Available Price Code Samson XP40iW £204 89526 Handheld wireless mic and built-in receiver Samson XP308i Compact PA system with iPod dock and removable mixer. Alto Kick 12 • 2 x 150W Portable PA system with 4 channel mixer and FX. • 8 channel mixer (4 x mic/line, 2 x stereo) • High-output powered 2-way speaker system • Stereo jack inputs on each channel • Digital reverb • XLR mic input on channel 1 • Rechargeable battery • RCA phono inputs • Mic and line inputs • 12” LF driver and 1” compression driver • Packs up into one portable package for easy transport Mobile, battery-powered PA system with universal dock for iPod. • Two-wheel system with retractable handle for easy portability £141 £296 £232 order code 89524 order code 96726 order code 58081 Also Available Alto Kick 15 Alesis Transactive MX Higher output, 15” LF driver Price Code £264 96727 • Four mic/line inputs on XLR/jack combi sockets • 3 stereo inputs • Phono inputs Mackie SRM150 • Built-in wheels and retractable handle Compact PA system that can be mounted on a mic stand. • Rechargeable battery • 2 x XLR mic inputs with phantom power £198 • Instrument DI input and stereo input • 150W output • Built-in effects • Packs up into a single portable unit £484 order code 89525 • Integrated carrying handles JBL EON 210P £195 High quality portable PA system with built-in FX. • 2 x 150W order code 61486 • 8 channel mixer (4 x mic/line, 2 x stereo) Alto iPA Roland BA330 Mobile PA system with 4 channel mixer and iPod dock. All-in-one stereo portable PA system. • Portable PA system for the Apple iPad • 2 x mic/line inputs plus 2 x stereo inputs • Integrated dock for iPad • Battery or mains power (AC adapter included) • Includes mic, cable and mic holder • Built-in effects • XLR, 1/4” jack and phono inputs • Can be mounted on a standard speaker stand • 100W RMS output £398 £244 Compact 500W PA system with built-in iPod dock and removable mixer. • 4 mic/line inputs with phantom power Mobile PA system with 4 channel mixer and iPod dock. order code 92321 Samson XP510i • Detachable mixer • Packs up into a single portable unit £479 order code 96599 order code 68178 order code 96725 EON210P BAGDLX-1 EON210P BAGDLX-2 146 Padded bag for 1 x EON 210P speaker Padded bag for 2 x EON 210P speakers £59 96660 £85 96776 email: Audio Visual PA Systems Peavey Messenger Lite Peavey Audio Performer Pack Samson PA Bundle Super-lightweight portable PA system suitable for small-to-medium sized school halls. Affordable 100W PA system with mics. 1000W PA system with 12-channel mixer. • PVi 4B mixer/amplifier with 4 mic/line inputs • 2 x Samson Live! 1215 active speakers • 2 x 50W • 2 x PA speakers with 10" drivers • Samson L1200 mixer • 5 channel mixer (3x mic, 1x stereo) • 2 x speaker stands • 2 x Essentials speaker stands with bag • Built-in storage space for mics and cables • 2 x PVi 100 mics • Includes mic and cables • All connecting cables • 2 x 10m XLR cables to connect the mixer to the speakers £238 £948 • 5-band graphic EQ £268 order code 43695 order code SMSPA order code 70531 Peavey Escort 3000 Mackie PA Bundle Self-contained, convenient package with luggage style handles and wheels. PA system with 1000W active sub and 2 x 400W active speakers. • 2 x 150W • 5 channel mixer (up to 4x mic and 2x stereo) • 2 x Mackie SRM450 v2 active PA speakers • Mackie SRM1801 sub with 18" driver • Digital reverb Peavey PVI Messenger PA Bundle • 5 band graphic EQ Complete 350W PA system. • Includes speaker stands, mics and cables • PVi 8B Plus mixer/amplifier with 8 mic/line inputs plus stereo input for CD/MP3 player £423 • eStudio M8 microphone order code 65823 • 2 x Essentials speaker stands with bag • 2 x 10m XLR cables to connect the speakers to the sub • 2 x Peavey Messenger Pro 15 speakers • No mixer included £1,258 order code MCKPA • Essentials premium boom mic stand • 2 x Essentials speaker stands with bag • 2 x 10m speakon cables Yamaha Stagepas 300 High quality portable PA system with removable mixer/amplifier. £592 order code PVIMB • 2 x 160W • 8 channel mixer (4x mic/line, 2x stereo) • Digital reverb JBL PA Bundle • ‘Class D’ amplifiers offer high-power output in a compact, lightweight unit £348 order code 65814 Yamaha Stagepas 500 High quality portable PA system with removable mixer/amplifier. • 2 x 250W • 10 channel mixer (4x mic/line, 3x stereo) • Phantom power on all mic channels • High quality digital reverb High quality active PA system • 780W RMS total power Peavey TriFlex II PA System • 2 x JBL EON510 active PA speaker • 2 x JBL EON518 active sub 250W active PA system. • 2 x speaker pole • Includes 15" powered sub and two speakers with 10" bass drivers • 2 x 3m XLR cable • No mixer included • Sub features heavy-duty castors £2,198 • Satellite speakers nest on top of the sub for ease of transport order code JBLPA • Dual XLR inputs • Connecting cables included £633 order code 92322 • Compressor/limiter on channels 1 and 2 £624 order code 59348 Speaker Stands (pair) with bag Fax: 08450 949066 £39 60537 EON10-BAG-DLX Carry bag for EON510 speaker £48 92512 EON18-CVR-DLX Padded cover for EON518S £72 96697 EON-SUB-18T Transporter bag w/castors for EON518S £214 96698 Tel: 08450 949022 147 Audio Visual PA Components Powered Mixers Passive Speakers Alto RMX508DFX Peavey Messenger Pro Speakers • 2 x 230W into 4 ohms, 2 x 150W into 8 ohms • 8 mic inputs and 2 stereo inputs • 3 band EQ per channel • 2 x 9 band graphic EQ • Digital FX processor • Speakon and jack outputs Good quality, entry-level PA speakers from Peavey. • 4 ohms impedance • Available in 12" and 15" versions • 15" sub also available with high-pass output • 200W RMS power handling (Pro 12) £242 Pro 12 • 250W total output into 2 x 8 ohm speakers • 8 mic/line inputs plus one stereo input • 3-band EQ per channel • 2 x 7-band graphic EQ • Digital FX processor • Jack outputs Also Available Output Price Pro 15 250W RMS power handling £124 each 48396 Code Pro 15 Sub 300W RMS power handling £124 each 70309 Laney CX Passive Speakers Good quality moulded plastic PA speakers. • 8 ohms impedance • Speakon and jack input • Available in 10”, 12” and 15” versions • 15” sub also available order code 64163 Peavey XR8300 • 2 x 210W output into 4 ohms, 2 x 150W into 8 ohms • 8 mic inputs and 2 stereo inputs • 3 band EQ per channel • 2 x 7 band graphic EQ • Digital FX processor • Speakon outputs £382 order code 93099 order code 93099 Peavey PVi 8B Plus £294 £108 each £242 order code 64159 order code 93099 Model Output Price Code CX10 150W RMS £82 each 96189 CX12 200W RMS £110 each 96190 CX15 250W RMS £138 each 96191 CXS115 Sub 250W RMS £115 each 96192 Studiomaster Powerhouse 1000X-10R • 2 x 250W into 4 ohms, 2 x 150W into 8 ohms • 10 mic/line inputs • 3 band EQ per channel • 9 band graphic EQ • Digital FX processor • Rackmountable • Speakon outputs £364 JBL EON305 Speaker High quality passive PA speaker. • 8 ohms impedance • Speakon and jack input • 250W RMS power handling • 15” low frequency driver £234 each order code 67347 Alto TMX160 • 2 x 750W into 4 ohms, 2 x 520W into 8 ohms • 12 mic/line inputs and 2 stereo inputs • 3 band EQ with swept-mid • 9 band graphic EQ • Digital FX processor • Speakon and jack outputs £427 Model Output Price Code EON15-CVR-3CX Cover/bag for EON305 speaker £41 96701 JBL-FLIGHT-EON215 Flightcase with castors for 2 x EON305 £592 96699 Code order code 93100 Peavey XR1212 JBL MRX Speakers • 2 x 500W into 4 ohms, 2 x 300W into 8 ohms • 12 mic inputs and 2 stereo inputs • 4 band EQ on channels 1 to 10 • 9 band graphic EQ • Digital multi-FX processor • Feedback Ferret digital feedback elimination • Speakon outputs Professional quality PA speakers. • 8 ohms impedance • Speakon inputs • Available in 15” and 2 x 15” versions • 18” and 2 x 18” subs also available £612 148 order code 96700 order code 67736 Model Output Price MRX515 400W RMS £468 each 96702 MRX518S Sub 500W RMS £458 each 96703 Also Available Description Price Code MRX525 800W RMS £661 each 96704 XR1220 20 channel version £806 67737 MRX528S Sub 1000W RMS £661 each 96705 email: Audio Visual PA Components Mixers Active Speakers Alto 2MX124FX Laney CX Active Speaker Compact, 12 channel mixer with built-in FX and USB ports. Good quality moulded plastic active PA speakers. • 6 mic/line inputs and 2 stereo inputs • 15” sub also available • 3 band EQ with swept-mid • 9 band graphic EQ £138 each • 4 aux sends order code 96193 CX10-A 120W RMS £192 • Available in 10”, 12” and 15” versions Also Available order code 93103 CX12-A CX15-A CXS115-A Sub Samson L1200 12 channel mixing console with built-in FX and a USB port for connection to a Mac or PC. 165W RMS 300W RMS 300W RMS • Up to 10 mono inputs (mic/line) JBL EON Powered Speaker • 2 stereo inputs High quality active PA speakers. • 4 sub groups • Available in 10” and 15” versions • 3 band EQ with swept-mid • 18” sub also available for use with EON510 • Includes rackmounting kit £443 each £272 Price Code £207 each £249 each £235 each 96194 96195 96196 order code 96767 EON510 140W RMS order code 89566 Also Available Peavey 16FX EON515XT EON518 Sub EON10-BAG-DLX EON18-CVR-DLX EON-SUB-18T JBL-FLIGHT-EON215 16 channel, rackmountable mixer with FX and a USB port that allows live sessions to be recorded directly to a computer. • Up to 12 mono inputs (mic/line) Price Code 625W £484 each 250W RMS £576 each Carry bag for EON510 speaker £48 Padded cover for EON518S £72 Transporter bag w/castors for EON518S £214 Flightcase w/castors for 2 x EON515XT £592 92516 64982 92512 96697 96698 96699 • 2 stereo inputs • 4 sub groups • 3 band EQ with swept-mid Samson Live! 1215 Speaker • Dual DSP effects processors £492 Active PA speaker with 2 x 15" bass/mid drivers. order code 67759 Also Available Peavey 24FX 24-channel with 20 mic inputs • XLR input Price Code £564 88581 Soundcraft MPMi12 • Heavy-duty plywood construction £341 each order code 93108 EON510 140W RMS 12 channel mixer with 2 additional stereo channels. Mackie SRM Speaker • 12 mono mic/line channels Active PA speaker with 2 x 15" bass/mid drivers. • 3 band EQ with swept-mid • Available in 10" and 12" versions • 2 group busses • 18" powered sub also available • Internal power supply £269 • 500W RMS output • XLR/jack input • 195W RMS output (SRM350 V2) order code 96308 £356 each Also Available Soundcraft MFXi12 Rackmount Kit As MPMi12 but with on-board FX For MPMi12 or MFXi12 Price Code £329 £18 96310 96706 order code 62928 SRM350 V2 Also Available SRM450 V2 SRM1801 Sub 400W RMS output 1000W RMS output Price Code £391 each £477 each 62927 90232 Soundcraft MFXi20 20 channel mixing desk with built-in Lexicon FX processor. Samson DB Subwoofer • 20 mono mic/line channels Heavy-duty active sub. • 2 additional stereo channels • Stereo inputs and high-pass outputs on XLRs • 3 band EQ with swept-mid • Extremely rugged construction • 2 group busses • 15" or 18" bass driver £419 • 500W RMS output order code 96311 £367 each order code 93106 DB1500A 15" speaker Also Available Soundcraft MPMi20 As MFXi20 but without FX Fax: 08450 949066 Price Code Also Available £367 96309 DB1800A 18" speaker each Price Code £441 each 93107 Tel: 08450 949022 149 Audio Visual Power Amplifiers Power Amplifiers Floor Monitors Samson SX Series Laney CXM Floor Series Affordable but reliable power amplifiers. Passive floor monitors. • Available in 10”, 12” and 15” versions • XLR and jack inputs • Jack inputs • Speakon outputs • Can be used as extension speakers for the Laney CXP range Model Output Price Code Model Output Price Code SX1200 2 x 450W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 300W RMS @ 8 ohms £248 96741 CXM-110 10” speaker, 100W RMS power handling £88 each 96197 CXM-112 12” speaker, 150W RMS power handling £124 each 96198 SX1800 2 x 600W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 400W RMS @ 8 ohms £282 96742 CXM-115 15” speaker, 200W RMS power handling £149 each 96199 SX2400 2 x 750W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 500W RMS @ 8 ohms £334 96743 Laney CXP Floor Series Powered floor monitors. • Available in 10”, 12” and 15” versions Peavey PV Series • Jack and XLR inputs Rugged and reliable power amps with built-in 150Hz crossovers. • Speaker output can be used to power a passive monitor, such as the Laney CXM range • XLR and jack inputs • Speakon outputs Model Output Price CXP-110 10” speaker, 65W RMS output £141 each 96200 Code Model Output Price Code CXP-112 12” speaker, 120W RMS output £191 each 96201 PV1500 2 x 500W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 300W RMS @ 8 ohms £265 44411 CXP-115 15” speaker, 150W RMS output £224 each 96202 PV2600 2 x 900W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 550W RMS @ 8 ohms £366 68869 Studiomaster PAX Series Powered floor monitors. Peavey IPR Series • Available in 10” and 12” versions Lightweight yet rugged power amplifiers with built-in 100Hz crossovers. • Jack input • Speaker output can be used to power a passive monitor, such as the Laney CXM range • XLR and jack inputs • Speakon outputs Model Output Price Code IPR1600 2 x 530W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 350W RMS @ 8 ohms £298 92352 IPR3000 2 x 1000W RMS @ 4 ohms, £340 92353 Model Output Price PAX10+ 10” speaker, 80W RMS output £115 each 66354 Code PAX12+ 12” speaker, 120W RMS output £158 each 67348 Alto SXM112A Versatile active floor monitor. • 12” woofer and 1” neodymium HF driver • Jack and XLR inputs • 200W RMS output Crown XLS Series • 16 presets for different instruments and applications High quality power amps with built-in variable frequency crossovers. • XLR/jack and phono inputs £198 each • Speakon outputs order code 93111 • LCD display allows easy configuration of crossovers Model Output Price Code XLS1000 2 x 350W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 215W RMS @ 8 ohms £268 93125 XLS1500 2 x 525W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 300W RMS @ 8 ohms £328 93126 2 x 650W RMS @ 4 ohms, 2 x 375W RMS @ 8 ohms £412 XLS2000 150 Peavey PV15 PM High-performance active floor monitor. • 15” woofer and 1.4” titanium HF driver • Jack and XLR inputs • 200W RMS output 93127 £311 each order code 93112 email: Audio Visual PA Microphones Dynamic Microphones eStudio M3 Condenser Microphones Other Microphones Audio Technica AT2010 Audio Technica Pro 45 Budget dynamic vocal mic. • Includes 5m XLR-XLR cable Handheld condenser mic. £15 • Designed for stage use • Designed to be suspended over choirs, orchestras and other instrumental groups order code 65199 • Includes ‘Quiet-Flex’ stand clamp and soft pouch £72 order code 63610 Affordable 'hanging' condenser mic. • Suitable for recording or live use £81 order code 41267 eStudio M8 Rode M2 High quality vocal performance mic. Handheld live condenser mic. Audio Technica U853R • Includes 5m XLR-XLR cable • Internal shock-mounting reduces handling noise High quality 'hanging' condenser mic. £43 order code 65197 • Super-cardioid polar pattern £90 order code 67388 • Designed to be suspended over choirs, orchestras and other instrumental groups • Suitable for recording or live use £186 order code 63613 Shure SM58 Rode S1 Industry-standard dynamic vocal mic. High quality handheld condenser mic. • Cardioid polar pattern £78 order code 37988 • Studio quality sound in a mic designed for use on stage • Includes stand mount and pouch £186 order code 57288 Audio Technica Pro 35 Clip-on condenser instrument mic. • Ideal for brass, woodwind or strings • Cardioid polar pattern £148 order code 92437 Shure Beta 58A Rode M3 Upgraded version of the Shure SM58. Small-diaphragm condenser mic. AKG C519 ML • Extended frequency response • Suitable for guitars, drums and vocals Clip-on condenser mic. • Improved handling noise • Battery or phantom powered £121 £57 • Attaches to the bell of brass and woodwind instruments order code 43563 order code 56449 • Compatible with the AKG Perception wireless systems (see page 152) Rode M1 AKG C1000S High-output dynamic vocal mic. Versatile small-diaphragm condenser mic. £91 • Low handling noise • Ideal for acoustic guitars or hi-hats • Internal pop filter • Battery or phantom powered £82 £83 order code 67387 order code 37905 Shure SM57 Audio Technica AT-8033 Dynamic mic designed for instrument use. Versatile condenser mic. • The ideal mic for recording guitar/bass amps, snare drum, toms and percussion £79 • Great for drums, percussion, acoustic guitar and vocals • Battery or phantom power £138 order code 63189 AKG D112 Audio Technica Pro 37 Industry-standard mic for recording kick drums. Low profile small-diaphragm condenser mic. • Extremely high SPL handling up to 165dB without distortion • Ideal for acoustic guitar, overheads, group vocals and many other applications order code 37915 order code 89405 Drum Microphones Sets Essentials DM Drum Microphone Set • Specifically designed to compliment the natural tones of the acoustic drum kit • Includes 1 kick drum mic, 2 tom mics and 3 overhead mics £98 order code 65195 order code 37987 £90 • Also suitable for strings, piano and drums £144 order code 63609 AKG Rhythm Pack • 1 x D112 kick mic • 2 x C430 overhead mics • 3 x D4 snare/tom mics £399 order code 93311 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 151 Audio Visual Radio Microphones Samson Radio Microphones Audio Technica Radio Microphones Samson Stage 5H system Audio Technica 700 Series VHF handheld wireless mic system. • Up to 4 systems can be used at once These easy-to-use UHF wireless systems use a frequency band that does not require a license in the UK. • Receiver features both XLR and 1/4" jack outputs • Up to four systems may be used at the same time • 10 hours of operation with included 9-volt battery • Diversity operation for increased range/reliability • 4 channels available • Balanced XLR and unbalanced 1/4" output connectors £65 order code 89572 channel 16 89573 channel 17 89574 channel 18 89575 channel 19 • Squelch system eliminates interference when transmitter is off £154 £165 £188 order code 57165 Handheld Mic order code 57164 Lavalier Mic order code 57162 Headset Mic AKG Radio Microphones AKG WMS40 Mini Vocal Set UHF handheld wireless mic system. • Up to 3 systems can be used at once • Up to 30 hours of operation from a single AA battery (included) £120 order code 92386 Belt-pack Transmitter and Receiver (for use with Pulse headset mics) • 1/4" jack output on the receiver • No license required Audio Technica 3000B Series • 3 channels available The 3000B Series is an advanced UHF wireless system. It offers true diversity and 2 selectable UHF frequency bands with scan function that enables automatic assignment of clear open channels. £84 order code 92262 channel 1 92263 channel 2 92264 channel 3 • Automatic frequency scanning for easy set-up • Over 1000 selectable frequencies • True diversity selects the better signal from two receiver sections, reducing dropouts AKG WMS40 Mini 2 Vocal Set Dual Two handheld UHF radio mics with one dual channel receiver. Please Note: These microphones operate within the frequency range 606 - 630MHz. A license is required to use radio mics at these frequencies in the UK. The current cost for a license to use mics within the range 606 - 614MHz is £75 per year. This range of frequencies can accommodate up to 12 radio mics. For more details or to purchase a license, please visit • Both mics can be used simultaneously • Can be used at the same time as an AKG WMS40 Mini (channel 1) • 1/4" jack outputs on the receiver £137 order code 95703 AKG Perception Systems Easy-to-use UHF wireless mic systems. • Up to 4 systems can be used at once • 10 hours of operation from a single AA battery (included) • XLR and 1/4" jack outputs on the receiver • No license required £146 £176 £194 £363 £369 £357 order code 63741 Handheld Mic order code 63738 Lavalier Mic order code 63740 Headset Mic order code 92258 Vocal Set (Handheld Mic) order code 92259 Presenter Set (Lavalier Mic) order code 92260 Sport Set (Headset Mic) AKG DMS70 Quattro Vocal Set Pulse Micro Headsets Suitable for use with most radio mic systems. Digital wireless system with two handheld mics. • Discreet micro-boom arm • 1U rackmount receiver unit has 4 channels • Ideal for musicals and plays • Up to 8 channels may be used at the same time £48 • Transmits uncompressed digital audio • XLR outputs £397 152 order code 96471 order code 64974 Audio Technica systems 87898 Sennheiser or Samson Stage 5 '3-in-1' systems 87899 AKG or Line 6 XD-V70 systems email: Audio Visual Radio Microphones Line 6 Digital Radio Microphones These wireless microphones from Line 6 offer exceptional sound quality and performance, employing innovative digital technology to provide superior protection from RF interference. They operate in a frequency band that does not require a license in the UK. Line 6 XD-V35 Series • 80m range • Up to 6 systems may be used at the same time Sennheiser Radio Microphones Please Note: These radio microphones operate within the frequency range 606 - 630mHz. A license is required to use radio mics at these frequencies in the UK. The current cost for a license to use mics within the range 606 - 614mHz is £75 per year. This range of frequencies can accommodate up to 12 radio mics. For more details or to purchase a license, please visit • 1/4" jack and XLR outputs on the receiver £166 order code 95280 Handheld order code 95281 Lavalier Sennheiser Evolution 100 G3 Series High quality wireless microphone systems. • Up to 12 systems may be used at the same time • True diversity receiver with dual aerials • Includes rack-mounting kit Line 6 XD-V55 Series £432 £538 £432 £458 order code 92735 Handheld Dynamic Mic (ew135 G3) order code 93184 Handheld Condenser Mic (ew165 G3) order code 93180 Lavalier Mic (ew122 G3) order code 93183 Headset Mic (ew152 G3) • 90m range • Up to 12 systems may be used at the same time • 1/4" jack and XLR outputs on the receiver • 4 selectable mic models (handheld version) • 3 EQ filter models (lavalier and headset versions) £248 £264 order code 96472 Handheld order code 96473 Lavalier order code 96474 Headset (black) Sennheiser Evolution 300 G3 Series High quality wireless microphone systems. • Up to 24 systems may be used at the same time (subject to licensing restrictions - co-ordinated site-specific licenses will be required to use more than 12 systems. For more information, please visit • True diversity receiver with dual aerials Line 6 XD-V75 Series • 90m range • Ethernet port allows the remote monitoring and control of multiple systems using a computer • Up to 14 systems may be used at the same time • Includes rack-mounting kit • 1/4" jack and XLR outputs on the receiver £615 £694 £632 £648 • 10 selectable mic models (handheld version) • 9 EQ filter models (lavalier and headset versions) • Powered BNC antenna inputs for daisy-chaining multiple systems • Rackmount kit included £374 £394 order code 95436 Handheld order code 96475 Lavalier order code 88176 Handheld Dynamic Mic (ew335 G3) order code 88179 Handheld Condenser Mic (ew365 G3) order code 88175 Lavalier Mic (ew322 G3) order code 88178 Headset Mic (ew352 G3) order code 96476 Headset (black) order code 96477 Headset (tan) Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 153 Audio Visual LIghting Stagg Tricorn LED Effect Stagg Flat Set 1 Stagg MiniPAR 1 High output LED lighting effect. Tri-LED lighting set with 4 x PAR cans. LED spotlight with 7 x extremely bright 3W LEDs. • 7 DMX channel modes • Each PAR can contains 7 x 3W (3 in 1 RGB) LEDs • 6 DMX control functions • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • 14 DMX channels • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • Adjustable mounting bracket • Includes stand, foot controller and soft case • 2 adjustable mounting brackets £406 order code 96401 £112 order code 96408 £93 order code 96406 Stagg Sparkle LED Effect Stagg LED Bar Stagg FlatPAR 1 High output LED lighting effect. 1 metre long LED bar with 16 x 3W (3 in 1 RGB) LEDs. Flat spotlight with 7 x 3W LEDs. • 6 DMX channel modes • Colour chaser, strobe and colour mix functions • 6 DMX channels • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • 4 control modes: DMX 512 • Adjustable mounting bracket • Mounting brackets included • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic £114 £191 • 2 adjustable mounting brackets order code 96409 order code 96407 £95 order code 96402 Stagg Hypernova LED Effect Stagg City 9-3BK Stagg MiniPAR 2 High output LED lighting effect. Laser machine. MiniPar spotlight with 7 x 8W RGBW (4 in 1) LEDs. • 7 DMX channel modes • Colours: R/G/Y • Colour mixer/dimmer and strobe via DMX • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • ‘Galaxy Aperture’ effect • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • Adjustable mounting bracket • Includes tripod and remote control • 2 adjustable mounting brackets £114 order code 96410 £71 £122 order code 96403 order code 96413 Stagg A2022BK Lighting Stand Stagg City 17-3BK Stagg FlatPAR 2 Heavy-duty single tier lighting stand. Combined laser and LED machine. Flat spotlight with 7 x 8W RGBW (4 in 1) LEDs. • Crosstube with 4 spotholders • Colours: R/G/Y + LED • 7 DMX channels • Height range: 135cm to 350cm • ‘LED Cross Multistar’ effect • Can be music-controlled via built-in mic • Maximum load: 20kg • Includes tripod and remote control • 2 adjustable mounting brackets £46 order code 96414 £81 £132 order code 96404 order code 96411 Stagg A2042BK Lighting Stand Stagg City 16-3BK Stagg KingPAR 1 Combined laser and LED machine. LED spotlight with 21 x 3W (7 x 3 RGB) LEDs. Heavy-duty double tier lighting stand. • Colours: R/G/Y + LED • 6 channel DMX-512 protocol • 3 x crosstube with total of 8 spotholders • ‘Firefly Twinkling’ effect • Master/slave function • Includes tripod and remote control • 2 adjustable mounting brackets • Height range: 128cm to 345cm • Maximum load: 20kg £56 £85 £218 order code 96405 order code 96412 order code 96415 154 email: Audio Visual Compact and Portable Hifi Yamaha PDX11 Yamaha MCR-140 Portable powered 4” speaker with iPod/iPhone dock. Self contained hi-fi system with ‘AirWired’ wireless connection to iPhone or iPod. • Mains or battery powered • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) • Includes remote control • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • Available in four colours £68 • USB and Aux inputs • 2 x 15W output order code 96379 black 96380 white 96381 blue 96382 green £188 order code 96388 eStudio Project 2 Speaker System 2 x satellite speakers and active subwoofer. • Ideal for classroom playback • Phono, 1/4” jack and mini-jack inputs Yamaha MCR-232 • 45W total output Compact hi-fi system with dock for iPod/iPhone. £69 • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) order code 92847 • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • USB and Aux inputs • 2 x 20W output £204 order code 96389 Yamaha PDX-W61 Amplification system for iPhone and iPod. Yamaha MCR-555 • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th generation, Classic and Nano) Compact hi-fi system with dock for iPod/iPhone. • Remote control with iPod dock - the iPod acts as the remote • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) • 2 x 15W output £128 • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility order code 93130 • DAB, DAB+ and FM radio • USB and Aux inputs • 2 x 32W output £264 iPod not included Yamaha TSX112 2 x 15W desktop audio system with iPod/iPhone dock. • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) order code 93415 Denon D-F107DAB High quality hi-fi system with iPod/iPhone connectivity. • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • Available in black or silver • DAB, DAB+ and FM radio • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • USB and Aux inputs • DAB, DAB+ and FM radio • 2 x 65W output • Includes remote control £367 £204 order code 96383 black 96384 white Yamaha TSX140 2 x 15W desktop audio system with iPod/iPhone dock. • Compatible with iPhone (all versions) and iPod (Touch, 5th Generation, Classic and Nano) order code 96390 black 96391 silver Marantz M-CR603SET High quality hi-fi system with iPod/iPhone connectivity. • Streams music from PC/Mac via Ethernet • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • CD player with MP3 and WMA compatibility • Listen to internet radio via vTuner • DAB, DAB+ and FM radio • DAB, DAB+, FM & AM radio • USB and Aux inputs • Remote control included £204 • 2 x 60W output order code 96385 black 96386 brick 96387 grey Fax: 08450 949066 £514 order code 96297 Tel: 08450 949022 155 Audio Visual Hifi Components Amplifiers Denon PMA520 Wharfedale P30D • 45W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control included • Available in black or silver • Full-range speakers • 50W (100W peak) power handling • Supplied as a pair £128 order code 96777 black 96778 silver Marantz PM5004 • 55W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control included • A/B speaker output switch £156 order code 96243 Yamaha AS-300 • 60W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control included • Speaker A, B or A+B switch £194 • 70W x 2 power output amplifier • 5 line inputs + 2 tape inputs • 2 speaker circuits • Rack-mountable • Remote control £204 order code 58922 TEAC AR-650 • 90W x 2 power output amplifier • 7 inputs 5 audio, 2 video • A/B speaker output switch • Motor driven volume control • Front panel mic and headphone sockets £211 order code 89756 Denon PMA720 • 50W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control included • Available in black or silver £218 order code 96779 black 96780 silver Marantz PM6004 • 60W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control included • A/B speaker output switch £258 Teac LS-H240B • Compact 2-way speakers • 50W power handling • Black ash finish £69 per pair order code 93220 Boston A23 • 150W max power handling speakers • 3.5” woofers • 1” soft-dome tweeters • Gloss black or satin cherry finish £92 per pair order code 96271 gloss black 96272 satin cherry Denon SC-M37 • 60W power handling speakers • 5” woofers • 1” soft-dome tweeters • Black finish £94 per pair order code 96245 Teac LS-H265B • 2-way speakers with 5" woofer • Extended frequency response • 50W power handling • Hi-gloss black finish £98 per pair order code 93221 Yamaha NSBP300 • 2-way speakers with 5" woofers • 40W nominal power handling (110W max) • Gloss black finish £104 per pair order code 94656 Boston A25 • 150W max power handling speakers • 5.25” woofers • 1” soft-dome tweeters • Gloss black or satin cherry finish £122 per pair order code 96273 gloss black 96274 satin cherry Boston A26 • 85W x 2 power output amplifier • 6 inputs • Remote control • Quality aluminium design order code 89755 Denon DN-A300 • 85W x 2 power output amplifier • 5 line inputs + 2 tape inputs • 2 speaker circuits • Rack-mountable • Remote control £297 order code 88007 order code 96244 Yamaha AS-500 £268 £41 per pair order code 89262 Denon DN-A100 156 Speakers order code 67396 • 150W max power handling speakers • 6.5” woofers • 1” soft-dome tweeters • Gloss black or satin cherry finish £153 per pair order code 96275 gloss black 96276 satin cherry Yamaha NS-F140BL • Floor-standing 2-way speakers • 150W max power handling • 37Hz - 30kHz frequency response • Matt black finish £208 per pair order code 93222 email: Audio Visual Hifi Components CD Players Other Components Teac CDP-1260 Yamaha YDS12 iPod Dock • Plays CDs, CDR/RW discs • LCD display • 8 times over-sampling rate • Remote control £98 order code 57883 Sony CDP-XE370 • Plays CDs, CD-Rs and CD-RWs • Remote control • Jog dial control • Optical S/PDIF digital output £104 order code 57152 Denon DCD-520 • Plays MP3s and WMAs from CD-R/RW discs • Analogue and digital outputs • Remote control included • Available in black or silver £128 order code 96781 black 96782 silver Marantz CD5004 • Plays MP3s and WMAs from CD-R/RW discs • Track and artist info displayed on-screen • Optical and coaxial digital outputs • Remote control included £157 order code 96294 Yamaha CDS-300 • Plays CD, CDR/RW, WMA and MP3 discs • USB port on front panel • Remote control • Sophisticated circuitry and layout £188 order code 89757 Denon DN-C110 • Supplied with rack-mount adaptor • Repeat playback • Optical digital output • Headphone jack with volume control • Remote control £198 order code 68944 Denon DCD-720 • Plays MP3s and WMAs from CD-R/RW discs • Track and artist info displayed on-screen • Remote control included • Available in black or silver £218 order code 96783 black 96784 silver Denon DCM-500 5 Disc • Plays MP3s and WMAs from CD-R/RW discs • Optical and coaxial digital outputs • Remote control included • Available in black or silver £214 order code 96248 black 96249 silver Denon DN-C200 5 Disc • Plays CDs, CDR/RW and MP3 discs • Supplied with rack-mount adaptor • Optical digital output • Headphone jack with volume control • Remote control £294 order code 63574 Fax: 08450 949066 • Connects your iPod or iPhone to a Yamaha AS300 or AS500 amplifier • Compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, iPod (4th Generation/5th Generation/Classic), iPod Nano, iPod Mini • Charges your iPhone/iPod £58 order code 93225 Numark TTUSB Turntable Turntable with USB audio interface. • Phono connections with built in pre-amp • Plays 33, 45 rpm speeds with 78 rpm support via software • All necessary cables • EZ Vinyl converter software included £77 order code 58003 Denon DP-200USB Turntable • Automatically plays 12” or 7” vinyl • Records music directly to a USB memory stick • Phono outputs with built in pre-amp • Available in black or silver £164 order code 96252 black 96253 silver Yamaha BDS-473 Blu-Ray Player • Control app available for iPhone/iPad/Android • Supports HD Audio, MP3 and FLAC • Compatible with 3D Blu-ray discs • HDMI output £105 order code 96302 Denon DNP-720AE Network Audio Player • Streams music via Wi-Fi or Ethernet • Supports WAV, MP3, FLAC, AAC and internet radio • Airplay from iPad/iPhone/iTunes • Includes remote control • Available in black or silver £184 order code 96300 black 96301 silver Marantz NA7004 Network Audio Player • Streams music via Ethernet or USB • AM, FM, DAB & DAB+ tuner • Listen to internet radio via vTuner • USB input supports iPod/iPhone • Remote control included £314 order code 96295 Teac TR-650DAB Tuner DAB/FM/AM stereo tuner. • Stores 30 FM, 30 AM and 10 DAB presets • Manual or auto tuning • Remote control £158 order code 93223 Denon DN-U100 Tuner • FM and AM • Auto and manual tuning • 100 presets • Remote control £208 order code 63575 Teac W-890R Twin Cassette Deck • Parallel recording - record to both decks at once • Microphone input with level control • Bi-directional record and playback • Electronic tape counters £207 order code 93224 Tel: 08450 949022 157 Audio Visual PA Accessories Stands and Cases DI Boxes Essentials Speaker Stands eStudio DI-20 • Pair of stands suitable for most PA speakers • Carry bag included £15 £49 eStudio DI-60 Single channel passive DI box. order code 60537 Single channel passive DI box with output to mixer and amp. Speaker Brackets £15 • Pair of brackets • Suitable for mounting PA speakers £69 order code 94165 order code 94166 eStudio DI-100 order code 57178 Single channel active DI box. Essentials Stage Boom Stand £15 £16 Multicores order code 69652 Essentials Premium Boom Stand £21 We can provide bespoke solutions for any studio or live application. We can even install systems on-site, including through-wall studio connections. Please contact one of our Education team who will be happy to discuss your needs. order code 60538 Stagg SBL-05/16X4PH K&M Mic Stand Stagebox with multicore cable for studio and live use. • 5m cable • 16 x XLR inputs • 4 x 1/4" jack outputs Sturdy mic stand with telescopic boom. £42 order code 96377 Also Available K&M Mic Stand Price Code Standard boom £38 96738 Pop Up Mixer Case £76 order code 93033 Also Available Stagg SBL-05/16X4XH Stagg SBL-15/24X4PH Stagg SBL-15/24X4XH 5m 16 + 4 15m 24 XLR + 4 Jack 15m 24 XLR + 4 XLR The Amourdillo pop-up mixer case is a high quality ABS/aluminium hardcase with a tilting 19" rack for easy access to your mixer and for in-case operation. Lynx £42 Multicore Mini Drum System - 8 way order code 96377 Cables Standard XLR to Jack Lead 20’ £6 order code 60744 Standard XLR to XLR Lead 20’ £7.50 order code 60745 Standard Jack to Jack Speaker Cable 30’ £7 order code 60741 Standard Jack to Speakon Lead 30’ £12 order code 60767 Standard Speakon to Speakon Lead 30’ £14 order code 60766 Professional Quality Speakon to Speakon Lead 20m £27 158 order code 94167 order code 42517 Price Code 92326 93034 93035 £76 £188 £188 Professional multicores featuring Neutrik connectors and superior quality cable. • 8 XLR inputs • Easy to transport and store • 10m superior quality cable • Neutrik connectors throughout • For longer lengths add £5 p/m £149 order code 93044 Multicore Stagebox - 24 way 30m - Box to Flyend • 24 XLR inputs • 4 x 1/4" jack outputs • 30m superior quality cable • Neutrik connectors throughout £495 £349 order code 93045 24 way order code 96362 16 way Also Available Stagg SML5/8PS8PS Stagg SML5/8XF8P Stagg SML5/8XF8PS Stagg SML5/8XM8P Stagg SML5/8XM8PS Lynx WL8CC/N Lynx WL8SJ/N 5m - 8 jack to 8 jack 5m - 8 female XLR to 8 jack 5m - 8 female XLR to 8 stereo jack 5m - 8 male XLR to 8 jack 5m - 8 male XLR to 8 stereo jack 3m - 8 XLR to 8 XLR with Neutrik connectors 3m - 8 Jack to 8 Jack with Neutrik connectors Price Code 87301 93036 93037 93039 93040 £14 £16 £16 £16 £16 88380 £71 93047 £99 email: Books and Wallcharts Over these next pages you’ll find a great range of sheet music, theory books, DVDs and wallcharts. We’re particularly excited to offer a new interactive whiteboard section with a range of useful resources specifically designed for music classes. Also new to this edition is a selection of duet and ensemble books from Roo Records Music. These pieces are perfect for students who are in between grades and want a new challenge, as well as larger-scaled pieces for chamber and school orchestras, woodwind quintets and brass bands. This is only a sample of the titles which we can supply. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, give us a call on 08450 949022 or on our dedicated sheet music line 0161 945 7706 and we’ll be happy to help. Brass Recorder Woodwind Strings Drums and Percussion Piano Guitar Music Games Text Books Ensembles Children’s Musicals Vocal and Choral Theory and Aural Examination Instrumental Syllabus Tutorial DVDs Musical Gifts Songbooks Musical Trixstar Wallcharts Interactive Software 160 160 160 161 161 161 161 161 161 163 163 164 165 165 166 167 167 169 169 170-173 174 159 Books and Wallcharts Brass, Recorder and Woodwind Titles Hotline: 0161 945 7706 The titles listed in this section represent just a tiny fraction of the music available from Dawsons Education. If you cannot see the titles you require, please call our dedicated sheet music phone line to place your order. If it's in print, we can supply it! The prices quoted in the sheet music section already include a standard 10% educational discount. If your order totals more than £100, we will deduct an additional 5%! Brass Brass continued Tutors Recorder continued Repertoire Recorder From The Beginning Title Price Order Code Original Classic Edition Book 1 + CD £5.36 1359256 £5.36 167032T £5.36 018419F £6.26 1670339 £5.36 135926B £5.36 167035V Full-Colour Edition Book 1 + CD Teacher’s Book 1 (Classic Edition) High School Musical 1 Abracadabra Title Price Brass Treble Clef Edition £8.09 Order Code 112522Z Brass Bass Clef Edition £8.09 112521D French Horn £5.39 133890T Trumpet Book + CD £8.99 149201R Boosey Brass Method Title Price Order Code Bb Brass Band Instruments Book 1 + CDs £8.99 159491C Book 1 + CDs £8.99 159493M Flexible Ensemble Book 1 £17.99 164131R Horn in F Book 1 + CDs £8.99 148617B Eb Brass Band Instruments Title (Colour Edition) Price Order Code Book 1 + CDs £8.99 148615W Trumpet Book 1 + CDs £8.99 148613G Price Order Code Team Brass Original Classic Edition Horn Book + CD £8.96 1916867 Book 2 + CD Trombone Book + CD £8.96 191692H Full-Colour Edition Trumpet Book + CD £8.96 191691K Book 2 + CD High School Musical 2 Sing, Clap And Play The Recorder Title Price Order Code Title Price Horn Book + CD £7.16 217836J Classic Book 1 £3.59 018439V Trombone Book + CD £7.16 217837R Classic Book 2 £3.59 018440L Trumpet Book + CD £7.16 217835Y Order Code Woodwind High School Musical 3 Trombone Bass Clef Title Teacher’s Book 1 Title Price Horn Book + CD £8.96 Order Code 2384456 Trombone Book + CD £8.96 2384478 Trumpet Book + CD £8.96 238448E Tutors Recorder Abracadabra Tutors Brass Band Instruments Treble Clef Book + CD £8.99 039693N Title Price French Horn Book + CD £8.99 141179C Bassoon Book only £8.09 141625J Clarinet Book + CDs £8.99 149734H Flute Book + CDs £8.99 149202N Oboe Book + CDs £8.99 229759J Saxophone Book + CDs £8.99 145186B Trombone/Euphonium Bass Clef Book + CD £8.99 141180N Trumpet/Cornet Book + CD £8.99 021180Z Piano Accompaniments £8.09 039694L Order Code Boosey Woodwind Method A New Tune A Day Title Title Price Arban Cornet Method £17.99 Simply Brass Treble Clef + CD (B and E) £8.55 Order Code 021132Y 157183L Arban Cornet Method £17.99 021132Y Simply Brass Treble Clef + CD (B and E) £8.55 157183L See the amazing new Nuvo flutes on page 113 Recorder Magic Order Code Book 1 + CDs £8.99 1486113 Title Price Order Code Bassoon Book 1 + CDs £8.99 190939W Descant Book 1 £3.59 147244R Clarinet Book 1 + CDs £8.99 1486079 Descant Book 2 £3.59 147245N Flexible Ensemble Book 1 £17.99 164129T Flute Book 1 + CDs £8.99 148609V Oboe Book 1 + CDs £8.99 190940Q Recorder World Order Code A New A Tune A Day Title Price Book 1 £3.59 159572C Title Price Order Code Book 2 £3.59 159573V Clarinet Book 1 + CD £8.96 178314G Flute Book 1 + CD £8.96 1783152 £8.96 1783176 Alto Saxophone Book 1 + CD 160 Price Alto Saxophone email: Books and Wallcharts Woodwind, Strings, Drums & Percussion Woodwind continued Strings Strings continued Tutors Team Woodwind Viola Time Title Price Order Code Title Price Bassoon Book + CD £8.99 073074R Joggers Book + CD £7.16 175645B Clarinet Book + CD £8.99 141176S Runners Book + CD £7.16 175647E Sprinters Book + CD £7.16 218712C Flute Book + CD £8.99 1411789 Oboe Book + CD £8.99 0730773 Alto Saxophone Book + CD £8.99 148262Z Order Code Cello Time Repertoire Abracadabra Title Price Violin Book 1 + CDs £8.99 154253A Viola Book + CDs £8.99 154731B Cello Book + CD £8.99 1547306 Title Price Joggers Book + CD £7.16 Order Code 153552D Runners Book + CD £7.16 153554X Sprinters Book + CD £7.16 1756494 Order Code Drums & Percussion Tutors Eta Cohen Violin Method Abba Gold Play-along Title Price Order Code Alto Saxophone Title Price Student’s Book 1 £5.39 Order Code 0225218 Student’s Book 2 £5.39 0225237 Title Strings In Step Book + CDs £11.66 231354B Clarinet Book + CDs £11.66 2313558 Title Flute Book + CDs £11.66 231356E Violin Book 1 + CD £7.88 073791Y Book + CD Viola Book 1 + CD £7.88 167111U Progressive Beginner Drums Cello Book 1 + CD £7.88 073798G Book + CD + DVD Adele Order Code Book + CD Price Order Code Price Adele for Sax £10.95 250648B Suzuki School Adele for Clarinet £10.85 2507044 Title Price Order Code Adele for Flute £10.95 2506498 Violin Part Volume 1 £5.85 022590Q Viola Part Volume 1 £4.95 022026N Cello Part Volume 1 £4.95 0007484 Price Alto Saxophone Book + CD £8.96 191689J Suzuki School Clarinet Book + CD £8.96 191688Y Title Price Order Code Flute Book + CD £8.96 1916874 Violin Part Volume 1 £5.85 022590Q Viola Part Volume 1 £4.95 022026N Cello Part Volume 1 £4.95 0007484 Alto Saxophone Book + CD £7.16 Order Code 2178344 Clarinet Book + CD £7.16 2178337 Flute Book + CD £7.16 217832E High School Musical 3 Title Price Alto Saxophone Book + CD £8.96 138568K £16.16 1383889 £12.56 147075P £26.99 241271L Repertoire Order Code High School Musical 2 Price £8.06 The Art Of The Drummer Book + CD + CD-ROM Title Title Order Code World Beats Title High School Musical Price Absolute Beginners Drums Order Code 238441A Clarinet Book + CD £8.96 2384432 Flute Book + CD £8.96 238444W Title Price Book + CD £15.29 2006014 £14.36 180751J Book + CD £15.29 181737C Price Groove Essentials Book + CD Team Strings New Rock Anthems Title Price Order Code Violin 1 Book + CD £8.99 141175U Viola Book + CD £8.99 141174Q Title Cello Book + CD £8.99 095943Q 20 Easy Pieces Double Bass Book + CD £8.99 141172P For Drum Kit Order Code £6.29 1383556 £8.09 126655Y £8.09 138349M £8.09 126657R £8.99 126658N £6.29 133817P £6.29 133818F £8.99 126660D £8.06 126661Z 20 Short Solos Repertoire For Drum Kit 20 Short Solos For Timpani Robbie Williams Swing When You’re Winning 50 Short Pieces For Timpani Title Price Order Code Alto Saxophone Book + CD £8.96 238441A For Tuned Percussion Clarinet Book + CD £8.96 2384432 100 Jazz Beats Flute Book + CD £8.96 238444W For Drum Kit 50 Short Pieces 100 Jazz Fills Fiddle Time Title Fax: 08450 949066 Order Code Classic Rock Drums Price Order Code For Drum Kit 100 Rock Beats Joggers Book + CD £7.16 1305845 For Drum Kit Book + CD Runners Book + CD £7.16 130586H 100 Rock Fills Sprinters Book + CD £7.16 133271K For Drum Kit Book + CD Tel: 08450 949022 161 Books and Wallcharts Piano, Guitar, Music Games and Text Books Piano Guitar Music Games Tutors Tutors Chester’s Easiest Piano Course Absolute Beginners Guitar Title Price Order Code Book 1 £4.49 0455469 Omnibus Edition Book 2 £4.49 045547C Book + CD The Classic Piano Course Title Price Order Code £11.66 Price Order Code Title Price Order Code Book 1 Starting To Play £7.16 111546R Book 1 + CD £8.96 123119D £8.96 119959U £20.66 136211J £7.16 111547N Book 2 + CD £7.16 111548L Omnibus Edition (Books 1, 2 & 3) + CD A Dozen A Day Title Price Mini Book £4.49 Order Code 012053Z Book 1: Primary £4.49 012054X Title Price Book 2: Elementary £4.49 012055P Book + CD £15.29 Book 3: Transitional £4.49 Book 4: Lower-Higher £4.49 012057Q Book 5: Intermediate £7.16 012058U Exploring Jazz Guitar 2000822 Order Code Part 1 £5.39 010727R Part 2 £5.39 046730F Piano Time Title Price Book 1 £6.75 Order Code 0107616 Book 2 £6.75 010762B Price Price Order Code Listed below is a small selection of the titles available from the Rhinegold Education catalogue. If you can’t see the title you require, please call our dedicated publications hotline on 0161 945 7706. Price Order Code AQA GCSE Music Study Guide 2nd Edition £14.36 239687D £17.96 239679E (Books 1, 2 & 3) + CDs Guide 3rd Edition £19.76 239677B £14.36 239675W £17.96 239669V £19.76 239665S £19.76 239670L £14.36 241848U £14.36 239696J £17.96 239692E £19.76 239689X Edexcel GCSE Music Study £13.46 1732613 Guide 3rd Edition Edexcel AS Music Study Guide 2nd Edition Improvising Blues Guitar Title Price Book + CD £16.19 Edexcel A2 Music Study Order Code 200285G Guide 3rd Edition Edexcel AS/A2 Music Technology Study Guide Repertoire 2nd Edition Music Technology Guide 2nd Edition Order Code £4.49 010814P £4.49 010815F Repertoire OCR AS Music Study Play Guitar With… Title Guide 3rd Edition Price Order Code £17.06 182909U £17.06 182908Q £17.06 185077D Greatest Guitar Solos Of All Time Book + CDs 21st Century Rock Book + CDs Theory £20.66 1905768 £11.66 191632C High School Musical 2 £11.66 214883A High School Musical 3 £11.66 230427J It’s Easy To Play Classic Hits £11.66 217646C Mamma Mia! Title Price Order Code Group Music Teaching £22.49 240336C Improve Your Teaching! Order Code High School Musical 1 Text Books In Practice Book + CD 100 Of The Best Show Tunes Ever! OCR A2 Music Study Guide 3rd Edition Greatest Guitar Riffs Of All Time Book + CDs 162 169080G OCR GCSE Music Study Part Two Price £4.49 From Scratch Part One Title 169079K Musical Pairs AQA A2 Music Study John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course Title £4.49 Guide 3rd Edition Hal Leonard Guitar Method Complete Edition Price Order Code AQA AS Music Study Title Title 169076V Measure Up! Title Order Code 012056F Me And My Piano £3.60 Rhinegold Text Books Title Book 3 Making Music Price BClassical Snap! 153210K The Complete Guitar Player Book 2 Building Your Skills Title Teaching Beginners £8.99 219348V Improve Your Teaching! £8.99 185475U Handy Guide Essential Dictionary Hal Leonard Guitar Method Title Price Order Code Title Price Order Code Composers £4.46 125098U 123723Y The Movie Soundtrack £13.46 2285264 Arpeggio Finder £4.05 165429J Music £8.06 Wicked Vocal Selections £9.86 165854D Incredible Chord Finder £4.05 125605A Music Definitions £4.46 125099S Music Theory Book + CD £8.96 1761933 Music Theory £4.46 123725R email: Books and Wallcharts Ensemble and Children’s Musicals Listed below is just a small selection of the titles available for ensembles of various combinations. Whatever your requirement, whether it be from the extensive Alfred/Belwin and Hal Leonard catalogues, or from more home-grown specialist publishers, please contact us with your specific needs. 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£11.66 Noel! 2 £11.66 Novello Youth Chorals: Christmas Hits SSA £5.36 Novello Youth Chorals: Christmas Classics SSA £7.16 World Carols For Choirs Mixed Voices £12.56 Order Code 044478S £145.50 £18.45 044391Z 044392X 044393P 044394F 138403K 1489383 044150U 0441496 149374Q 044152T 171128G 2370922 240366N 142910N 241266S Title Christmas Carols + CD French Horn Christmas Favourites + CD Trombone Discover The Lead Christmas Carols + CD Trumpet Take The Lead Christmas Songs + CD Trumpet Price Order Code £7.16 192328P £9.86 215940Q £8.96 1492725 £9.00 144790L Instrumental - Ensemble Title Price Order Code Christmas Feast (Grade 5+) Christmas Winners Flexible Four-part Book 1 Christmas Winners Flexible Strings Book 1 Just Brass 43 Christmas Crackers Kaleidoscope 22 Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) Kaleidoscope 30 Christmas Bonanza Kaleidoscope 33 Christmas Bonanza 2 More Christmas Feasting (Grade 5+) £16.20 201677A £12.56 2158805 £15.26 £17.06 215881K 039551E £26.96 040312F £26.96 040320L £26.96 0655124 £16.20 220864W 190723Q 175417T Title Price Christmas Feast (Grade 5+) Christmas Winners Flexible Four-part Book 1 Christmas Winners Flexible Strings Book 1 Just Brass 43 Christmas Crackers Kaleidoscope 22 Merry Christmas Everybody (Slade) Kaleidoscope 30 Christmas Bonanza Kaleidoscope 33 Christmas Bonanza 2 More Christmas Feasting (Grade 5+) £16.20 201677A £12.56 2158805 £15.26 £17.06 215881K 039551E Title (2010-2012) 168 076988W 138759A 177825J 044432P 228773V 133330Q 148871A 044436S 044437T 1223157 104585H 044446W 240234X 104520Q 215568M Order Code £26.96 040312F £26.96 040320L £26.96 0655124 £16.20 220864W Instrumental - Woodwind Carol, Gaily Carol + CD £17.10 Christmas Tinderbox £11.70 A Cracking Christmas + 2 CDs £23.36 Merrily To Bethlehem + CD £17.10 The Nativity + CD £17.06 Shepherd Little + CD £17.96 Sing Nowell + CD £18.00 The Tale Of The Christmas Tree + CD £17.96 Three Little Nativities + CD £22.50 A Pirate Christmas Christmas Musical Teachers Edition £14.36 The Little Bell That Could Not Ring Christmas Musical Teachers Edition £14.36 Holy Christmas Carols Colouring Book £5.36 100 Christmas Carols PVG £12.56 Order Code Instrumental - Strings Instrumental - Guitar Order Code 044388N 044428L 239964T 044461B 200460G 215609K 049546V 215607M 1871224 251931B 251929Z 2519306 230701A Price Title Price Order Code Howard Blake: The Snowman Suite For Violin and Piano £7.20 Cello Time Christmas £5.85 Fiddle Time Christmas £5.85 044594D 165485R 149167G Roo Records Music Orchestral Pieces Trombone Price Price Chester's Easiest Carols £4.50 Christmas Tunes You've Always Wanted To Play £13.46 The Complete Keyboard Player Christmas Favourites £8.96 The Complete Keyboard Player Christmas Songs £8.96 Mike Cornick: Sleigh Ride For Two + CD £12.56 Easiest Keyboard Collection Christmas £8.96 Easiest Keyboard Collection Christmas Carols £8.96 The Easiest Tune Book Of Christmas Carols Book I £4.50 The Easiest Tune Book Of Christmas Carols Book II £4.50 The Easy Keyboard Library Christmas Carols £8.10 The Easy Keyboard Library Christmas Songs £8.10 A Feast Of Easy Carols £5.36 Nikki Iles: Jazz On A Winter's Night +CD £8.96 Piano Time Carols £6.26 The John Thompson Book Of Christmas Carols £5.40 144325C Musicals/ School Songbooks Title Title Order Code Abracadabra Recorder Hymns & Carols £5.40 018507N Howard Blake: The Snowman Suite For Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone and Piano £6.75 044237M Howard Blake: The Snowman Suite For Flute and Piano £6.75 0442607 Carols To Sing, Clap And Play - Recorder £7.16 044535M Christmas Hits Playalong For Clarinet + CD £9.86 1440527 Discover The Lead Christmas Carols + CD Alto Saxophone £9.00 149275D A Jazzy Christmas Time + CD Alto Saxophone £8.06 168879L Recorder From The Beginning All Together Christmas Recorders + CD £7.20 2401775 Sensational Solos! Popular Christmas Clarinet + CD £5.36 240626G Sensational Solos! Popular Christmas Flute + CD £5.36 240625A Sarah Watts: Christmas Razzamajazz Flute + CD £7.20 159240G Title Price Roo's Blues Snazzy, Jazzy Jingle Bells Orchestra Rocks The Haunted Kitchen Chocolate Waltz Summer Calypso The Welly Wiggle £12.99 £12.99 £12.99 £12.99 £12.99 £12.99 £12.99 Order Code 96635 96636 96637 96638 96639 96640 96641 Duets Title Price Me and You... Recorder Duets and Trios £7.50 Me and You... Saxophone Duets £7.50 Me and You... Clarinet Duets £7.50 Me and You... Flute Duets £7.50 Me and You... Jazzy Christmas Duets £7.50 Super Saxophone Scales (Book and CD) £12.99 Order Code 96642 96643 96644 96645 96646 96647 email: Books and Wallcharts Songbooks and Musical Trixstar These songbooks provide a fresh new resource to capture your pupils’ imagination and support the class teacher. The Singing School Songbook 1 contains practical advice for teachers to encourage regular singing in the classroom and over 30 traditional songs and warm-ups. The Singing School Songbook 1 Each book in the ‘Seriously’ set contains seven original songs for pupils across the age range. Each book comes with a CD which contains a vocal performance and backing track for every song. You can copy all the pupil lyric sheets, and teachers’ notes give suggestions on how to develop the material further. Seriously Soulful Songs Seriously Snowy Songs A sensational selection of songs and activities. Traditional songs include 'Ally Bally', 'This Way, That Way', 'Bought Me a Cat', 'Old Joe Clarke', 'Ib Bo Lay Lay'. Tackling major themes like bullying, loneliness and raising aspirations. Including 'Dunstanburgh Lament', 'Possible', 'Paint the World with Sound'. Book and CD Book and CD A sack full of seasonal songs and activities with both secular and religious themes including ‘Down the Chimney’, ‘My Camel’s got the Hump’, and ‘Gabriel’s Message’. £30 £25 order code 63918 Book and CD order code 62865 £25 order code 64398 Seriously Silly Songs Book 1 Seriously Sci-Fi Songs Seriously Sorted Songs Silly songs and activities including 'The Caveman Song', 'The Haggis Song', 'I've Got a Shark in my Bath'. Focus on dance and movement. Fun and thoughtprovoking songs including 'Alien for Tea', 'Stars'. 'Survivors', 'Robot Tango'. A collection of 15 songs from the well known Singing School pack brought together in one book. Songs include Hip Hop Dog, 74 Rock 'n' Roll, Dunstanburgh Lament and Possible. Book and CD Book and CD £20 Book and CD £25 order code 62839 order code 64500 £35 Seriously Scatty Songs Seriously Stylish Songs Seriously Sassy Songs Play on words, tonguetwisters and scat singing including 'The Boing Song', 'Sizzle Sizzle Sausages'. 'Chatterbox', 'Bali Goodbye'. Seven songs in seven different styles, from Samba to 70's Glam Rock and from Flamenco to Spaghetti Western and back again. Book and CD Book and CD Seven songs with attitude to really motivate your pupils. Includes the hit songs - Hip Hop Dog and Attitude. Contemporary styles and themes makes this book a real hit. It's time to get Sassy! £20 £25 order code 62840 order code 63366 order code 64460 Book and CD £25 order code 64399 Musical Trixstar Every school who values music making within their teaching should have Musical Trixstar “ Julie Stanton ” Head Teacher of St Giles C of E Primary School Matlock Grade One Theory App For the first time in music theory history, the ABRSM & Trinity Guildhall exam syllabuses are combined in an interactive, fun and modern gaming style. This cool app offers pupils and teachers a chance to explore and learn theory the fun way. Percentage score and report feature available at the end of a game. Random Time is our fantastic random question grade 1 game incorporating ABRSM & Trinity Guildhall equivalent questions in which pupils will touch on all areas of the grade 1 syllabus during a game. Category Fun incorporates five shorter grade 1 category specific games in which they can revise a specific area. A wonderful way of learning together. Master Package Perfect for projecting to the class (2-6 players/teams max) Specialist and non-music specialist teacher friendly, Musical Trixstar is an excellent educational resource which can be used either during school, with whole classes or smaller groups or during before and after school clubs. Cleverly combining music with literacy and numeracy has produced an inventive, curriculum-friendly package. One complete package will allow up to 6 players or 6 teams to play simultaneously. We recommend that if a whole class is participating then up to 4 games would be beneficial. £24.99 order code 93418 Fax: 08450 949066 £19.95 order code MTT01 Master Plus 10 Master Package plus 10 additional downloads £78.95 order code MTP10 Master Plus 20 Master Package plus 20 additional downloads £138.95 order code MTP20 Tel: 08450 949022 169 Books and Wallcharts Wallcharts Music Technology An ideal reference guide for all the common terminology, accompanied by images from most of the market leaders. A stunning visual addition to any classroom. Samplers Updated, showing how the software sampling process works, including common uses and features. Easy-to-understand descriptions and full colour images. Computers & Music Hardware and software associated with desktop recording are explained in a simple, illustrative manner. Synthesizers Updated, featuring the history and types of synthesizer. Detailed sections on oscillator and filter types and the envelope section. Easy-to-understand descriptions and colour images from leading manufacturers.. Package A Price Code Set of 4 Music Technology wallcharts Set A: Samplers, Computers & Music, Synthesizers and Audio Processing £17.50 61113 Microphones Updated, describing various polar patterns, types of construction, how a basic microphone works, and the common XY pair method of recording, with full colour images. Mixers Describes the various controls on hardware and software mixers, with references to digital mixers and hardware controllers. Live Sound Describes the hardware needed for a simple PA setup (including radio mics, D.I. box, stage boxes and multicore), plus feedback and foldback. Sound Connections Focuses on the differences between balanced and unbalanced audio signals, also covering connections used for live sound, the recording studio and computer-based recording. Package B Price Code Set of 4 Music Technology wallcharts Set B: Microphones, Mixers, Live Sound and Sound Connections £17.50 61114 Package C Price Code Set of all 8 Music Technology wallcharts £33.00 61088 Samplers, Computers & Music, Synthesizers, Audio Processing, Microphones, Mixers, Live Sound and Sound Connections Keyboards The Voice Covers a vast number of keyboards, from the clavichord and harpsichord, to organs, pianoforte, and many electronic keyboards. Concise descriptions in bulletpoint form and full colour photographs. £4.95 order code 67729 Provides information on the ranges of SAT&B, together with information on various classical and popular vocal works. Many vocal terms are covered with marvellous illustrations of current artists and productions. £4.95 170 order code 61491 email: Books and Wallcharts Wallcharts Music Styles This visually stunning set covers a large proportion of musical styles taught at KS3 and GCSE, accompanied by full colour photographs and useful characteristics for each style for pupil reference. Printed on A1 gloss paper. Popular and World Music Colour photographs and characteristics for African, Indian, Folk, Blues, Gospel, Rock ’n’ Roll, Electronic, Fusion, and Musical Theatre. Film and Television Music Explains how sounds are organized in film, with references to the leitmotif technique, musical devices, instrumentation, structures and tonalities. Western Classical Music Covers the main areas from Baroque to 20th Century, with musical characteristics for each period and also how the orchestra developed. Dance Music Includes musical characteristics for the Baroque Suite, Music from the Americas, 19th Century Dances and the Club Scene. Package D Price Code Set of 4 Music Styles Wallcharts £17.50 61089 Orchestral Instruments This set of four wallcharts offers an incredible wealth of information on those instruments most commonly found in the orchestra. An ideal reference guide for young composers, the set includes instrument ranges, special effects and terms, a section on transposing instruments and the harmonic series (woodwind and brass), plus the placement of instruments within the orchestra. Package E Price Code Set of 4 Orchestral Instruments Wallcharts £17.50 61090 Instrumental Add-on Pack Guitars Makes reference to electric, semi-acoustic and classical guitars, plus the banjo, bouzouki and mandolin. It explains types of guitar notation, the different parts of the guitar, and includes a section on accessories. Drums and World Percussion Covers the basics of drum notation and the most popular rudiments. It also covers instruments from around the world - including Cuba, India and West Africa - with full colour photographs. Package F Price Code Set of 2 Instrumental Wallcharts (Add-on Pack) £8.50 64300 Peripatetic Pack Package F Price Code Buy all 4 Orchestral Instrument Wallcharts, plus The Voice, Keyboard and the 2 Instrumental Add-on Pack (Guitars and Drums) Wallcharts £33.00 67730 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 171 Books and Wallcharts Wallcharts The Symphony Orchestra This poster introduces the elements of the orchestra and shows the location and grouping of the instruments. An attractive and informative addition to any music corner. Supplied with a teachers’ guide. £10.95 order code 253987q Music Vocabulary Musical Elements A colourful and amusing chart with graphic illustrations and clear definitions of 16 terms of musical vocabulary, including forte, diminuendo, allegro and adagio. A clear and simple way to demystify the complexities of musical terminology for both teachers and pupils. The chart highlights each of the musical elements, along with the corresponding musical vocabulary. Supplied with a teachers’ guide. £10.95 order code 254018d £10.95 order code 253986f Rhythm Cards Percussion Around the World A set of 70 laminated cards (10 each of the 7 designs), showing standard music notation on one side and appealing colourful illustrations on the other, to reinforce the concept of rhythm. The syllables of the words correspond to the notes shown on the reverse. This poster includes photographs of instruments and music-making from around the world and locates them on the world map. The accompanying CD includes the featured instruments being played. £12 £21.50 order code 253985p Music Timeline Showing the history of Western music, this durable timeline will help children to put music into historical context. Teachers’ notes supplied. Size: 3m x 23cm (Supplied in 3 parts). £10.95 172 order code 2540155 order code MU2203 email: Books and Wallcharts Wallcharts Understanding Music Illustrating the elements of music highlighted by the National Curriculum, this set consists of 6 charts focusing on: duration; pace and dynamics; pitch; structure; texture and timbre. Includes teachers’ notes. £35.95 order code 254014M Music Works A stunning series of 4 spiral bound, glossy flip-over books that cover all the elements of music. Lively colour illustrations show the words, symbols and concepts. The teachers’ guides are bursting with practical ideas for developing children’s knowledge and understanding. £20.95 each order code 2540254 Book 1 254027J Book 2 254029N Book 3 254031D Book 4 Book 1 Introducing Musical Elements (low and high, long and short, loud and quiet, fast and slow, sounds and patterns). Book 2 Exploring Musical Elements (following directions, pitch, rhythm patterns and symbols, louder and quieter, faster and slower, body percussion, vocal sounds, sound patterns, sorting instruments). Book 3 Developing Musical Elements (vocal control, pentatonic scale, rhythm patterns, contrasting tempi, layers of sound). Book 4 Extending Musical Elements (vocal styles, pitch symbols, chords, 12-bar blues, rhythmic notation, metre, musical vocabulary, contrasting timbres, vocal expression). Music Around The World These packs of 8 photos feature excellent colour photographs of music making around the world and include teachers’ notes. (Not all shown) £10.95 each order code Set 1 2540228 Set 2 254023E Set 3 2540247 Set 1 Australia, Sri Lanka, Bali, Bolivia, China, Kenya, Peru, Scotland Fax: 08450 949066 Set 2 Guatemala, India, Nigeria, Japan, United States, Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Wales Set 3 Austria, Hungary, Ghana, Ireland, Sarawak, West Indies, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates Tel: 08450 949022 173 Books and Wallcharts Interactive Whiteboard Resources Exciting ideas for inspirational music lessons Boardworks publishes ready-to-teach KS3 and KS4 Music resources suitable for all schools, all teachers and all students. A whole-class product, Boardworks KS3+KS4 Music is suitable for any interactive whiteboard, projector or VLE. MyWorks KS3 Music, a brand-new teaching and assessment solution, offers ready-made, self-marking quizzes that teach as well as test. Extensive coverage of the curriculum for KS3 and KS4 Music Explore every element of KS3 and KS4 Music with comprehensive and varied teaching material. With over 900 slides in total, Boardworks Music contains everything you need for your lessons, whatever your teaching style. KS3 Music: Unit 2, Form and Structure • KS3 Music comprises 15 fully interactive units which are closely mapped to the QCA Scheme of Work and Programme of Study. • KS4 Music is mapped to the current GCSE specifications and the BTEC First qualification. It comprises seven in-depth units. • Three revision presentations in KS4 Music cover the core skills of composing, performing, and listening and appraising. KS3 Music: KS4 Music: • Unit 1: Bridging Unit • Unit 8: Jazz Improvisation • Unit 1: Dance Music • Unit 2: Form and Structure • Unit 9: Music for Dance • Unit 2: Popular Song • Unit 10: Hooks and Riffs • Unit 3: Musical Theatre • Unit 3: Soundscapes • Unit 11: The Overture • Unit 4: Orchestral Landmarks • Unit 4: Musical Cycles • Unit 12: Bhajan/Qawwali • Unit 5: World Music • Unit 5: Musical Clichés • Unit 13: Music and Media • Unit 6: Shanty Time • Unit 14: The Concerto • Unit 6: Electronic and Experimental Music • Unit 7: Variations • Unit 15: Song • Unit 7: Music for Special Events • Revision Unit “I really like the sound quality of the audio throughout Boardworks Music, and I particularly like the tests that come at the end of the presentations. The interactive activities are my favourite thing about Boardworks.” Free Trial Disk available – just call for details £999 order code BWKSM Music Works Digital Complete Music Works Flip Charts are now available on CD for use on interactive whiteboards; a set of four discs that cover all the elements of music for Key Stages 1 and 2. Lively colour illustrations show the vocabulary, symbols and concepts required by QCA Schemes of Work. The accompanying Teachers' Guides are bursting with practical ideas for developing children's knowledge and understanding. Also available on 4 separate disks. £69 order code 254033X See the amazing new Nuvo flutes on page 113 174 email: Accessories Classroom Accessories Music Stands Essentials Music Stand Essentials Conductor’s Stand £8 £19 order code 60553 order code 60552 Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £75 Buy 10 for £175 Wooden Conductor’s Stand Stagg MUS-C5 Orchestral music stand with bag. £21 Professional quality with wooden rest and folding legs. Stagg MUS-A3 Music Stand Desktop Music Stand £11 £5 order code 92998 red 51771 chrome 61045 blue 61043 black order code 62015 Rat Performer Stand Performer Stands Trolley £52 • Holds 18 Rat Performer stands • 2 fixed and 2 swivel wheels • 173 x 45 cm order code 65575 order code 93011 £289 £32 order code 65576 order code 30254 Music Light Headphones Essentials Music Light Mighty Bright Double LED light with clamp. Xtraflex Duet Can be powered by USB or battery. LED music stand light with extra smooth and even illumination. Powered by 3 AAA batteries. £7 order code 89049 Essentials HP1 Essentials HP2 Inexpensive headphones with small 3.5mm plug and 1/4” adaptor. Cable length approx 2m. Ideal for computers. Inexpensive headphones with large moulded 1/4” plug (no adaptor). Cable length approx 2.5m. Ideal for keyboards. £6 £6 order code 64792 order code 64793 £15 order code 66875 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £60 Metronomes and Tuners Korg MA1 Metronome Essentials HT75 Clip-on chromatic tuner with built-in microphone. £11 • Selectable modes enables tuning with a variety of other instruments order code 94925 red 94925 blue • Back-lit £14 order code 88461 Drum Sticks Practice Pad Essentials £3 order code 63128 63130 63132 5A wood tip 5B wood tip 7A wood tip Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £55 Buy 20 for £100 Buy 10 for £55 Buy 20 for £100 Keyboard Stand Essentials Single-Braced Essentials Stage Fully adjustable X frame keyboard stand. Boom Stand £15 order code 60547 black 60548 silver £16 order code 69652 Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 5 for £60 Buy 6 for £84 Guitar Strings Essentials 8” Practice Pad Essentials Economy nylon strings Olympia Light (9-42) For exercises and rudiments £3.50 £12 order code 59459 Economy electric guitar strings order code 67460 Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 12 for £30 Buy 5 for £50 Fax: 08450 949066 Microphone Stand £2.45 order code 90025 Multibuy Savings Multibuy Savings Buy 6 for £18 Buy 6 for £12 Tel: 08450 949022 175 Accessories Audio Cables and Connectors Instrument Cables Standard Jack to Jack Leads Microphone Cables Standard Jack to Jack Speaker Cable 30’ Standard XLR to Jack Lead 20’ £6 £7 order code 60744 £3.50 order code 60759 10’ Speaker Cables order code 60741 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £55 £5 order code 60760 20’ Professional Quality XLR to Jack Lead 5m Multibuy Savings Buy 10 x 10’ for £29 Buy 10 x 20’ for £45 £11 Professional Quality Jack to Jack Speaker Cable 10m £9 order code 57146 order code 35538 Professional Quality Jack Leads Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £100 Professional Quality XLR to Jack Lead 10m £7 order code 60727 10’ £8 £19 £12 order code 57147 order code 60767 order code 60729 20’ Multibuy Savings Buy 10 x 10’ for £59 Buy 10 x 20’ for £75 Standard Jack to Speakon Lead 30’ Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £175 Professional Quality Jack to Speakon Lead 10m Standard XLR to XLR Lead 20’ Fender Jack to Jack Leads Black Tweed £7.50 £13 order code 60745 order code 57138 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £69 £8 order code 94553 5’ £11 order code 94554 10’ £15 order code 94557 18’ £19 order code 64558 25’ Planet Waves Professional Quality Jack to Jack Leads Professional Quality XLR to XLR Lead 5m £13 Standard Speakon to Speakon Lead 30’ £14 order code 57145 order code 60766 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £120 Professional Quality XLR to XLR Lead 10m £16 Professional Quality Speakon to Speakon Lead 10m £19 order code 35523 order code 57137 Multibuy Savings Buy 10 for £150 £10 Planet Waves Professional Quality XLR-XLR Mic Cable 25’ Professional Quality Speakon to Speakon Lead 20m £16 £11 £27 order code 53104 20’ order code 57146 order code 42517 order code 53100 5’ £12 order code 53102 10’ 176 email: Accessories Audio Cables and Connectors Audio Cables Phono to Large Mono Jack 3m AL273 £3 Splitters Splitters are available as either solid or flexible type. Although slightly more expensive, the flexible splitters help prevent strain on the delicate sockets at the back of keyboards. Large plugs and sockets are standard 1/4” size, small are 3.5mm in diameter. order code 35490 Large plug to two large sockets 2 x Phono to 2 x Phono 10’ £2.95 £3 order code 35489 Flexible order code 60756 £1.50 2 x Phono to 2 x Large Mono Jack 10’ Large plug to two small sockets £4.50 £2.95 order code 60755 order code 35510 Solid order code 35495 Flexible £1.50 2 x Phono to Mini Stereo Jack 10’ order code 41138 Solid £4.50 Small plug to two large sockets order code 60753 £2.95 Mini Stereo Jack to Mini Stereo Jack 5m AL375 order code 35500 Flexible £4 order code 41364 Solid £1.50 order code 48422 Small plug to two small sockets Large Stereo Jack to 2 x Large Mono Jack 10’ £2.95 £4.50 order code 60747 Large Stereo Jack to Large Stereo Jack 10’ £5.50 order code 41137 Flexible £1.50 order code 38941 Solid Adaptors order code 60757 Large Plug to Small Socket Stereo Headphone Adaptor Large Stereo Jack to Large Stereo Jack 20’ £1 £7.50 order code 60758 Large Stereo Jack to 2 x Phono 10’ £4 order code 60752 Stereo Mini Jack to 2 x Large Jack 10’ £4 order code 60754 Pack of 6 Mono Jack Right Angle 12” Patch Leads £5 order code 60761 Pack of 6 Long Mono Jack Patch Leads 3’ £7 order code 35505 AP12 Small Plug to Large Socket Stereo Headphone Adaptor £1 order code 35504 AP11 Phono Plug to 3.5mm Mono Socket £1 order code 65794 AP6 Phono Plug to 1/4” Mono Socket £1 order code 35512 AP5 1/ ” Mono Socket to 1/ ” Mono Socket 4 4 £2 order code 35513 AP7 MIDI Socket to MIDI Socket £3 order code 35514 AP8 order code 60762 Single Mono Patch Leads 6” £1.50 order code 64419 3.5mm Stereo Plug to 2 x Phono Sockets £1.50 order code 41742 AP27 Headphone Extension Lead 6m 1/ ” Stereo Plug to 2 x Phono Sockets 4 £4.50 £1.50 order code 35502 order code 39418 AP28 Fax: 08450 949066 Tel: 08450 949022 177 Stores Huddersfield 11-15 Market Street Huddersfield HD1 2EH Tel: 01484 427 455 Email: Leeds 113 Vicar Lane Leeds LS1 6PJ Tel: 0113 203 1470 Email: Liverpool 37 Ranelagh Street Liverpool L1 1JP Staff in these stores will be please to help you or your students with any enquiries they may have. Warrington Manchester Liverpool Chester Stockport Altrincham Leeds Huddersfield Basingstoke Reading Bangor, N Ireland Education Offices Warrington Bathgate, West Lothian Bangor, N Ireland Tel: 0151 709 1455 Fax: 0151 709 7446 Email: Manchester 30 Portland Street Manchester M1 4GS Tel: 0161 237 1770 Fax: 0161 234 6757 Email: Altrincham Reading 52 Stamford New Road Altrincham WA14 1EJ 65 Caversham Road Reading RG1 8AD Tel: 0161 928 3302 Fax: 0161 926 9320 Email: Tel: 0118 958 1320 Fax: 0118 902 8930 Email: Bangor Stockport 12 Balloo Avenue Bangor BT19 7QT 5 High Bank Side Stockport SK1 1HG Tel: 02891 274 886 Fax: 02891 274 412 Email: Tel: 0161 4771210 Fax: 0161 476 3221 Email: Basingstoke Warrington Festival Place Basingstoke RG21 7JR 65 Sankey Street Warrington WA1 1SU Tel: 01256 464 663 Fax: 01256 818 113 Email: Tel: 01925 622182 Fax: 01925 417812 Email: Chester Education Department 30 Pepper Street Chester CH1 1DF Dawsons Music Education 65 Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 1SU Tel: 01244 348 606 Fax: 01244 321 967 Email: Tel: 08450 949 022 Fax: 08450 949 066 Email: Index Acoustic Guitars Acoustic Solutions Acoustic Treatment African Drumming Packs African Percussion Alesis Digital Kits Apogee USB Interfaces Apple Computers Apple Installations Apple Software Asian Percussion Audio Cables and Connectors Audio Interfaces Audio Visual Baritones Bass Clarinets Bass Drums Bass Guitar Amplifiers Bass Guitars Bass Trombones Bells and Chimes Bodhrans Books Books and Wallcharts Bows Bundled Interfaces Cakewalk Controllers Cakewalk Software Carribean Percussion Casio Portable Keyboards Cellos Chime Bars Clarinets Classical Guitars Classroom Accessories Compact and Portable Hifi Compact and Portable PA Systems Computer Furniture Computer Security Coomber Cornets Cymbals DI Boxes Digital Drum Kits Digital Percussion Accessories DJ Equipment Double Basses Double Reed Instruments Drum Bags and Cases Drum Hardware Drum Heads Drum Kits Drum Microphone Kits Drum Spares Drum Sticks Drum Thrones Effects and Outboard Electric Guitars Electric String Instruments Euphoniums External Storage Solutions Firewire Interfaces Flugel Horns Flutes 73 139 140 59 58 67 99 88-91 110-111 108 57 176-177 98-100 145-158 32 27 39 79 78 33 49 52 160-168 160-174 41 99 102 113 61 6-7 35 47 26 72 175 155 146 96-97 120 138 30 68 143, 158 65-66 67 104-106 35-36 27 70 69 70 63-64 132 70 68 69 137 74-75 37 32 120 99 30 25 French Horns Garritan Libraries Glockenspiels Grand Pianos Guitar Accessories Guitars and Amplifiers Guitar Amplifiers Guitar Bags and Cases Guitar Band Packages Guitar Effects Guitar Tuners Handheld Percussion Handheld Recording Headphones Hifi Components ICT Accessories Interactive Whiteboard Software iOS Controllers iOS Recording iPad Accessories JamHub Kawai Digital Pianos Kawai Upright Pianos Key Stage 1, 2 & 3 Software Keyboard Accessories Keyboard Amplifiers Keyboards and Pianos Keyboards Stands Kick Pedals Latin American Percussion Lighting Live iPad Mixers M-Audio Controllers M-Audio Keystation Series Controllers Marimbas Metallophones Metronomes Microphone Stands Microphones MIDI Control Surfaces MIDI Interfaces Mixers Multicores Multitrack Recording Music ICT Music Stands Musical Trixstar Novation Controllers Orchestral Instruments Orchestral Accessories Orchestral Percussion PA Accessories PA Components PA Microphones PA Stands and Cases PA Systems Pattern-based Software PCs for Music Percussion Accessories Percussion Beaters and Mallets Percussion Instruments Percussion Packs Percussion Storage Piano Covers 31 117 38, 46 21 84 71-85 76-77 84 81 82 84 50-52 122-123 130 156-157 120 174 103 124-125 120 80 14 18 119 13 12 5-22 13 69 60-62 154 125 102 102 39 45 175 143 131-133 101 99 134-136 158 126-127 87-120 175 169 103 23-42 40-42 38-39 158 148-149 151 158 147 114 94-95 68-70 48 43-70 55-56 54 22 Pianos Piano Stools Portable Grands Portable Video Recording Power Amplifiers Practice Pads Pro Tools Interfaces Radio Microphones Reason Software Recordable Media Recorders Recording Accessories Recording Equipment Recording Guitarist Recording Packages Reeds Refurbished Pianos Rods and Brushes Roland Digital Kits Roland Digital Pianos Saxophones Score Scanning Software Score Software Shakers Sibelius Software Side Drums Silencer Packs Skoog Songbooks Sound Access Stage Pianos Stagg Individual Cymbals Steel Strung Acoustic Guitars Steinberg Software Steinberg Virtual Instruments Strings Studio Monitor Speakers Synths Tambourines Tenor Horns Timpani Training and Setup Trombones Trumpets Tubaphones Tubas Tuned Percussion Tuners Ukuleles USB Audio Cables USB Audio Intefaces USB Microphones USB MIDI Controllers Violas Violins Virtual Sound Libraries Vocal Booths Wallcharts Winchester Upright Pianos Xylophones Yamaha Acoustic Pianos Yamaha Digital Kits Yamaha Digitial Pianos Yamaha Portable Keyboards 14-21 22 8 123 150 68 99 152-153 115 143 24 143 121-144 83 141-142 41 19 68 65 15 28 118 118 52-53 116-117 39 70 86 169 55 10-11 68 73 112 112 41, 85 128 9 53 31 38 93 33 29 47 32 44-47 175 72 98 98 133 102-103 35 34-35 109 143 170-173 19 38, 44 20 66 16-17 6-7 Conditions Of Sale 1. All prices exclude VAT which will be added to all invoices. Goods are only available at the prices shown to bona fide education establishments. 6. All photographs are for representation purposes only and do not necessarily accurately portray the products. 2. Standard carriage charge on all orders is £8 (UK Mainland) or £10 (N Ireland). Carriage on large or heavy items will be charged at cost. Carriage on Sheet Music orders will be charged as follows: Orders up to £20 £3.00 Orders between £20 and £50 £5.00 Orders between £50 and £100 £7.00 Orders over £100 £10.00 7. Damages and claims - any shortage or damage must be reported in writing both to the carriers and ourselves within three days of receipt of goods. Parcels should always be signed for as unexamined and where goods arrive damaged, packing materials should be retained pending enquiry and inspection. 3. Prices are current at the time of printing but Dawsons Music Limited reserve the right to change prices at any time without notice. 4. No guarantee is given of availability of any goods and this publication does not constitute an offer for sale. 5. We reserve the right to change specifications or supply improved products where an original item is unavailable. 8. Return of goods - goods may not be returned for replacement or credit without our prior approval. 9. All orders must be made either on an official requisition form or on schoolheaded notepaper. 10. Payment - payment for goods supplied is due 30 days after date of invoice. Invoice for part of an order should be passed for payment, not held pending delivery of items marked “to follow” for which a separate invoice will be issued. Property of all goods does not pass to the purchaser until the goods have been paid for in full. 179 Keyboards and Pianos Portable Keyboards Synths Stage Pianos Keyboard Amplifiers Digital Pianos Acoustic Pianos 5-22 Orchestral Instruments Recorders & Woodwind Brass Strings Orchestral Percussion 23-42 How to Order ONLINE &%%%hd[egdYjXihVkV^aVWaZidk^ZlVcYdgYZg HeZX^Vad[[Zgh Je"id"YViZeg^XZh GZ\^hiZgdca^cZ[dgdjgcZlhaZiiZg I]ZaViZhicZlhVcYegdYjXijeYViZh ')"''."(( ()"(, (-"(. 43-70 ENGLAND & WALES ))"))."*( **"*+ *,"*.!+%"+' +("+, Phone: Fax: Post: Percussion Instruments Tuned Percussion Handheld Percussion Percussion Packs World Percussion Drum Kits +". &%"&& &' &)"&, &-"'& Guitars and Amplifiers 71-85 Classical and Acoustic Guitars Electric Guitars & Bass Guitars Guitar Amplifiers Jamhub & Packages Guitar Effects ,'!,( ,)",*!,,+",,!,. -%"-& -'"-( GZ\^hiZgndjghX]ddaYZiV^ahdca^cZVcYlZl^aa^hhjZndjl^i]Vad\^cVcY eVhhldgY#H^beanVYYi]Z^iZbhndjgZfj^gZidndjglZWdgYZg!^chZgindjg hX]ddaejgX]VhZdgYZgcjbWZg!VcYlZÉaaYdi]ZgZhi# Email: %-)*%.).%'' %-)*%.).%++ Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, 65 Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 1SU ZYjXVi^dc5YVlhdch#Xd#j` SCOTLAND Phone/Fax: Mobile: Post: %&*%++*,)++ %,*'*-%*%&& Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, PO Box 15504, Bathgate, EH48 9AE Email: hXdiaVcY5YVlhdch#Xd#j` NORTHERN IRELAND AND EIRE Phone: Fax: %'-.&',)--+ %'-.&',))&' :^gZhX]ddahgZeaVXZ%'-l^i]%)- Post: Dawsons Music Limited, Education Division, 12 Balloo Avenue, Bangor BT19 7QT Email: WVc\dg5YVlhdch#Xd#j` >[ndjldjaYegZ[ZgidgZXZ^kZVcZaZXigdc^XkZgh^dcd[i]^h^ci]Z[jijgZ! eaZVhZZbV^ >[ndjYdcdigZfj^gZi]^hXViVad\jZ!h^beangZijgc^iidjh^c^ihdg^\^cValgVe# Computers Computer Furniture Interfaces & Controllers DJ Equipment Software Apple Installations 87-120 --".'!.)".* .+"., .-"&%( &%)"&%, &%-"&%.!&&'"&&. &&%"&&& Recording Equipment 121-144 Handheld & iOS Recording Multitrack Recording Monitor Speakers & Headphones Microphones Mixers Effects and Outboard Acoustic Solutions & Packages &''"&'* &'+"&', &'-"&(% &(&"&(( &()"&(+ &(, &(-"&)' Audio Visual 145-158 PA Systems PA Components & Microphones Lighting &)+"&), &)-"&*( &*) id9VlhdchBjh^XA^b^iZY! nHigZZi!LVgg^c\idc!L6&&HJ Music ICT