Untitled - Transcon Livestock Corp.
Untitled - Transcon Livestock Corp.
Transcon Livestock Presents: The National Trust Chapter VII “On Ice”Transon Semen & Embryo Auction Livestock Sale Gross: $217,580.00 Semen Gross: $106,225.00 Embryo Gross: $111,355 Transcon on Order: 42 Lots for $73,958.00 S.T.A.R.S. Donation Heifer Eagle-Ridge Annessa 33A Raised: $11,490.00 Congratulations to Foley Simmentals from Kinburn, ON who won the draw for the heifer! Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets! Allan & Cindy Crawford Alliance Simmental Farms Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Andrew Oslanski Ashberwest Farms Bar None Farms Inc. Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Berwest Farms Big Sky Simmentals Bill Oracheski Cameo Farms Clearwater Simmentals Cody Haney Cutler Herefords Ltd. Czech-Mate Simmentals DGR Cattle Co. Don Heggie Dwayne Martin Eagle Ridge Simmentals Elm Tree Farms Foley Simmentals Fore See Cattle Co. Freelance Photo-Graphics Garry & Jo-Ann Katona Gary Schmid Grant & Tanya Chittick Hannah Simmentals Harvie Ranching Homestead T-Simmentals Jim & Iona Holmgren JNR Farms KC Stock Farms Keato Meadow Simmentals Keegan Scorgie Keet Simmentals KSL Simmentals Landen Poyser Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals Lazy RS Ranch Lewis Farms Ltd. Linda Libke Lockhart Valley Simmentals Lorne Webster Lundago Livestock M & S Cattle Co. Mader Ranches MI Simmentals Nolara Farms O Double E Farms Oh Kay Farms Okotoks Fleckvieh Group Outlaw Cattle Co. Parview Stock Farms Rattray Livestock RDG Simmentals Red Top Livestock Richard & Laurie Fernece Riskanhope Farm Rolling JN Farms Rylan Katona SIBL/CLAY Simmentals Silvertop Simmentals Skor Simmentals South Holden Simmentals South Seven Farms Springlake Simmentals Starwest Farms Stout Brothers Simmentals Twin Meadows Twisted Sisters Tymarc Simmentals Ultra Livestock Virginia Ranch Willow Creek Simmental Ranch Ltd WJ Simmentals Wolfe’s Fleckvieh National Trust Chapter VII Consignors Beechinor Bros. Simmentals 2, 45 RR 1, Bentley, AB T0C 0J0 Stefon & Rebecca Beechinor Cell: 403 597-4001 John & Michelle Beechinor, Ph: 403 748-2406 Cell: 403 352-8704 email: beechbros@hotmail.com Big Sky Simmentals 3, 14, 36, 49, 50 Mathew & Marguerite Smith, Box 159, Treherne, MB R0G 2V0 Ph: 204 723-2293 Cell: 204 526-7423 email: mmsmith@inetlink.ca Trevor & Amy Peters Ph: 204 328-7458 Cell: 204 573-0587 Brad & Lauren Smith Cell: 204 723-0254 email: amylynnpeters@hotmail.com Blue Spruce Simmentals Harold Albrecht Box 213, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R2 780 632-7147 Clearwater Simmentals 4 9, 31, 69-72 Chad & Shelley Smith RR 2, Olds, AB T4H 1P3 Ph: 403 556-6933 cell: 780 714-7389 email: clearwatersimmentals@gmail.com Coulee Crossing Cattle Co. Sandra Jeffery Box 705 Stn Main, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P4 Ph: 306 693-2215 Cell: 306 631-1928 email: couleecrossingcc@gmail.com Crimson Tide Fleckvieh 37 11, 12, 33, 58, 59 Jim, Gwen & AJ Smith Box 651, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Ph: 403 337-2997 Cell: 403 818-3106 email: czech@xplornet.com website: czech-matelivestock.com Dominion Cattle Co. Eagle-Ridge Simmentals 47, 48 8 Denny & Dallas McLean, Danny & Loretta Blain RR 2, Olds, AB T4H 1P3 Ph: 403 556-2598 Cell: 403 556-0903 mail: dallas7@xplornet.com Erixon Simmental Inc. Jack Pine Simmentals 22, 23, 35, 57 John & Sue Wolfe 54129 Rg Rd 145A, Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3Z6 Ph: 780 693-3981 Cell: 780 723-0204 email: jsjackpine@yahoo.ca Jantrahl Ranch 38 Graham Holm Box 1779, Battleford, SK S0M 0E0 Cell: 306 441-1516 email: grahamh@jhsca.ca JNR Farms Jerry & Nicole Repka RR 1, Willingdon, AB T0B 4R0 780 636 3458 Cell 780 210-BEEF email: jrepka@telus.net Keato Meadow Simmentals 40 Dave & Krista Erixon Box 156, Clavet, SK S0K 0Y0 Cell: 306 270-2893 email: erixonsimmentals@sasktel.net website: erixonsimmentals.com Groupe BBBG, Ferme BMS, 5 Boisvert Simmental, Ferme Sibelle Fleck 503 Rang 5, St-Ouide, Ste-Sophie de Levrar, QC G0X 3C0 Ph: 819-288-5005 or 819 395-5502 Cell: 819 314-0367 email: sandra.berthiaume@sympatico.ca or philippe.bellavance@hotmail.ca Saugeen Acres Dave Smyth RR 1, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Ph: 403 224-2340 email: saugeen@xplornet.com website: saugeenacres.com Shawacres South Seven Farms Ltd. 4 Spruceburn Simmentals 17-19, 65-68 16, 77 Robert, Linden & Nolan Stuart Box 2118, Vegreville, AB T9C 1T3 780 632-6877 Cell: 780 632-9358 email: sseven@telusplanet.net 20, 21 Bill McMurtry 34561 Rg Rd 42, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N2 Ph: 403 728-3263 email: spruceburnranch@cciwireless.ca Starwest Farms Lyle & Pam Langer PO Box 6725, Edson, AB T7E 1V1 Pam 780 712-7137 Lyle: 780 725-1215 email: llanger@telus.net website: https://www.facebox.com/LangerFleckviehSimmentals Stout Brothers Simmentals 51 - 53 Lockhart Valley Simmentals Lee & Tina Robson RR 1, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Ph: 403 748-2054 Cell: 403 357-4280 email: lhvs@platinum.ca Ryley & Jill Mader & family 403 337-4014 Cell: 403 807-8140 Randy & Ronda Mader 403 337-2928 email: maderranches@gmail.com website: www.maderranches.com 46 42, 43 Norton Simmentals 29 Glenn Norton Box 7075, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S4 Ph: 780 3392574 Cell: 780 542-0634 email: glenn.transcon@gmail.com Oakview Simmentals Todd, Danna, Brooke & Hayden Collins Box 37, RR 2, Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 Ph: 204 246-2166 Cell: 204 823-1434 email: oakviewsimmentals@inerhome.ca website: oakviewsimmentals.com Parview Stock Farms Brad Parker Site 2, Box 9, RR 2, High River, AB T1V 1N2 403 652-1234 Cell: 403 888-2183 email: bcparker@xplornet.com Richmond Farms Rob Muller RR 2, Westerose, AB T0C 2V0 Ph: 403 586-2930 Fax: 403 586-3592 2 15 32, 63 Sterling Shaw Box 626, Kyle, SK S0L 1T0 306 375-7913 email: shawacres1@gmail.com Jonathan & Ebony Kittlitz 55231 Rg Rd 205, Ft Saskatchewan, AB T8L 4B7 780 997-0369 Cell: 780 920-7589 email: keatomeadowsimms@live.com website: keatomeadowsimmentals.com Mader Ranches 24-28, 60-62 Dayton Funk RR 1, Richard, SK S0M 2P0 Ph: 306 246-4745 Cell: 306 441-4777 email: dayton.funk@sasktel.net 30, 77 Vaughn Gibbons 1787 Stevensville Rd., Stevensville, ON L0S 1S0 Ph: 905 382-3879 cell: 905 651-3274 email:4gibbons@sympatico.ca Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals Larry & Judy Eurig 311371 Hwy 6N, RR 3, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0 Ph: 519 323-3167 Cell: 519 321-1747 email:larryeurig@hotmail.com Czech-Mate Simmentals Gibbons Farms 56 34 1 Cameron & Mackenzie Stout RR 1, Bluffton, AB T0C 0M0 Cam’s cell: 403 963-1034, Mac’s cell: 403 913-9453 email: tbk@cciwireless.ca Sullivan Simmentals John & Linda Sullivan Box 69, 232 Hwy 105, Kazabazua, PG J0X 1X0 Ph: 819-467-2713 email: sullivan.simmentals@bell.net Tryon Simmentals 41 Twin Meadows Livestock Farms 55 Frank Robblee RR 2, 198 Branch Rd., Crapaud, PE C0A 1J0 Ph: 902 658-2248 email: frobblee@live.ca Patrick & Tracey Wilcox Box 531, Treherne, MB R0K 2V0 204 723-2386 cell: 204 526-7060 email: pwilcox@mymts.net Virginia Ranch Harry & Michelle Satchwell Box 47, Cremona, AB T0M 0R0 403 637-2587 Cell: 403 818-4205 email: virginiaranch@xplornet.com 6, 7, 73-76 WHR Simmentals 39, 64 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh 9, 10, contact Transcon @ 403 638-9377 3, 54 44 Randy & Michelle Stefanuik, managers 49928 Camp River Rd, RR 32, Chilliwack, BC V2P 6H4 Ph/Fax: 604 794-3439 Cell: 604 702-8991 email: starwes1@telus.net Shane, Shannon, Hanna & Carmen Wolfe Site 11, Box 47, RR 1, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Ph: 403 556-8584 cell: 403 556-0729 email: wolfepack@airenet.com All semen/embryos sell FOB the storage location listed with the individual lots. Please include all these sales on your trip to Alberta: Friday, December 19th Friday Night Lights Simmental Sale, Olds, AB Saturday, December 20th Checkers & Fullblood Perfection Simmental Sale, Ponoka, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Special Representatives: Kelly Richardson, Simmental Country Dennis Ericson Robert Lind Ben Wright Sale day phones: Transcon cells: Jay Good 403 556-5563 Darren Paget 403 323-3985 Glenn Norton 780 542-0634 Sale Headquarters: Days Inn 403 340/3297 Catalog production by jameswaycatalogs.com, Okotoks, AB. Cover Design by Keltey Whelan National Trust ‘On Ice’ Semen & Embryo Auction 5:30: “On Ice” pre-sale meal $20 and tickets available at the door 6:30: “On Ice” sale Sunday, December 21st Fleckvieh Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale, Red Deer Ultimate Red & Black XVII, Red Deer www.transconlivestock.com email: transcon@transconlivestock.com 403 638-9377 Fax: 403 206-7786 Box 300, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Sales Management Comments National Trust returns to its original home of Red Deer, Alberta but as I’m sure you’ve noticed, with a completely different format. Chapter VII, subtitled “On Ice” keeps the philosophy of blending the various genetics, personalities and statures of the Simmental breed and breeders in a positive marketing venue. The evening is very intentionally designed for anyone and everyone to participate in. We also felt we needed to “lead by example” and rather than taking more “live” cattle from existing sales, was to eliminate the “live” cattle from National Trust and have them still sell within whatever respective geographical marketplace they appropriately fit. We hope to assist promoting “the breed first” concept into the breeder core, which this breed accepts better than any other and maybe an event like “On Ice” can have that side effect to it as a by-product. We of course hope to exercise some business commerce this evening but also want to have a light feel to it and let people have some fun with some good old fashioned “auction entertainment”. We are going to offer, time permitting, the chance to “be your own blockman” when your respective lot(s) sell, most likely adding more entertainment value and diversity to the evening. As the fall sale finale in Alberta the formula of volume of sales always creates a lot of excitement and the National Trust “On Ice” only adds to that, and leads us in to “SuperSunday” the following day. This is a high traffic opportunity for sellers, buyers and spectators to network amongst their peers in Red Deer. At this time of year, our thoughts and priorities are of family and friends and from all of us at Transcon we hope you are able to enjoy, respect and cherish each other in the utmost way. From J.R. and I we thank all of you for allowing us to work in this industry, and to Sandra Smith and all our associates at Transcon and our contractors, thanks to all of you for everything you do. Merry Christmas, Jay Good, Transcon Livestock Corp. Jay Good 403/556-5563 Glenn Norton 780 542-0634 Sandra Theresa Terry Office: 403 638-9377 Fax: 403 206-7786 Darren Paget 403 323-3985 4 “STARS” DONATION HEIFER EAGLE-RIDGE ANNESSA 33A Last January 25th, Jay received a call from 4-H Leader, and Simmental Breeder, Dallas McLean. Their 4-H club banquet was that evening, and their members and indeed the whole community was reeling from the sudden passing of a 4-H mom at the young age of 40. The 4-H members had approached Danny Blain from Eagle-Ridge Simmentals who favorably responded to their request to donate a heifer that could be sold at their banquet and the funds donated to the grieving family. Dallas was looking for assistance to get the word out to anyone that Transcon thought may be interested. Jay was immediately on the phone contacting breeders, and a posting was put onto the TLC Facebook page. Four hours later, as he walked into the 4-H banquet, Jay was still receiving calls and texts from fellow Simmental breeders throughout Canada who wanted to help in any way they could. The heifer was purchased for a total of $4500 that evening. The generous purchasers were: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack BC Beechinor Bros. Simmentals, Bentley, AB Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals, Edson, AB Wolfe’s Fleckvieh, Sundre, AB Silver Lake Simmentals, Cartwright, MB Elm Tree Farms, Little Britain, ON Beagle Simmentals, Rimbey, AB Champ Shimmentals, Irma, AB Virginia Ranch, Cremona, AB Saugeen Acres, Bowden, AB Clearwater Simmentals, Olds, AB Triple T Diamond Simmentals, Lundar, MB Sevick Simmental Ranch, Hussar, AB WJ Simmentals, Amisk, AB Don Oberg Auctions, Lacombe, AB Rick & Sandra Smith, Olds, AB Transcon Livestock Corp, Sundre, AB Eagle Ridge Annessa, was affectionately renamed “Charity” within our office. We wish to acknowledge Eagle Ridge Simmentals for their donation of the heifer, Beechinor Bros. Simmentals who graciously offered to supply the heifer with a home, have her bred, and prepare her for National Trust “On Ice”, and the compassionate “syndicate” of breeders who stepped forward to assist in a time of need. Eagle Ridge Annessa is now for offer again, this time to benefit STARS Air Ambulance. Your generous support to this worthwhile cause is sincerely appreciated. FULLBLOOD FEMALE 786119 BDB 33A 25 January 2013 BAR 5 SA HERO 823M SHAWACRES REUBEN 20R SHAWACRES NEDI 16N CHAMPS ROMEO 717723 MTV GALT 9N DFM SELENA 606S DFM 260M BAR 5 SA HEMISPHERE 411R DOUBLE BAR D HEMI 201T GRINALTA’S CLASS ACT 11K EAGLE-RIDGE MISS POLL 42W P713114 SOUTH SEVEN NESTOR 7N EAGLE-RIDGE SIERRA 32S EAGLE-RIDGE LANA 6L BW: 95 205day: 680 365day: 992 1.4 5.3 70.4 96.8 3.0 67.2 32.0 Bred to Anchor D Viper 103W P716202 March 29. Exposed to BEE Cruz 112Z S794273 April 22 to May 20. Ultra sounded safe to Viper. Sandra Smith We will be auctioning tickets to win her. For every $10 bid it gives you one chance to win. Draw will take place at the conclusion of Ultimate Red & Black / Fleckvieh Equation. YCS DONATION 5 straws Canadian qualified semen DORA LEE ECLIPSE FF9R SCURRED FULLBLOOD MALE S639824DLD 9R1 January 2005 ANTONIUS GIDSCO APPOLLO 3F MFL BRENDA 65B SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M 581559 DEMBY MR IMAGE 853B JERICO’S DEIRDRE 21D JERICO’S BEAUTY 122B LAKI DORA LEE JAKE MRLN JOSETTE DORA LEE ELEXIS P591353 EISENHERZ DORA LEE ELECTRA DORA LEE FRALINE BW: 78; 205 day: 726; 365 day: 1268. EPDs: 5.9 1.8 65.1 84.8 13.2 71.1 38.5 Semen Code 80SM8021. Stored at CIAQ, St Hyacinthe, PQ. Donated by Sullivan Simmentals 5 1. CMS TRADMARK 756T POLLED PUREBRED MALE PG676090 CMS 756T 6 February 2007 30 straws Canadian qualified semen BOZ REDCOAT BBS RED CANADIAN L24 BBS MISS RED BEAUTY J109 CMS RED POLLED ICON 16P PG620039 LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F CMS MELODY 03M YR RED CHERRY 22K BBS ZIMA D55 ASM MR BAR SAM 212H LFE PRECIOUS GAL 64F CMS LUBA 23L PG561006 MFL DARREL 82D WSR JESSIE 76J WSR DAISY BW: 92; 205 day: 810; 365 day: 1396 EPDs: 0.8 4.9 71.3 94.4 1.1 62.4 26.7 Semen Code 0268SM01265. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Stout Brothers Simmentals Homozygous polled. CMS Trademark 756T needs no introduction, we all know the tremendous job he did at Kopp Farms. This was very apparent at their dispersal sale where his females were in high demand and Trademark himself commanded $19 000, pretty impressive for a 7 year old bull! When Trademark walked off the truck we were very impressed with his soundness for a mature bull. He was quickly put to work on the fall commercial cows and hasn’t slowed down since breeding 60-65 cows this spring and anxiously waiting to breed more this fall! With his soundness and great breeding ability we feel Trademark has many years left in the tank! That’s longevity. This is without surprise as Trademark’s dam, CMS Luba 23L, is still cranking out the good ones at Czech-Mate’s at almost 14 years of age! We feel very fortunate to have been able to purchase such an impressive herdbull and feel his impact will be felt by the industry for many years. There hasn’t been many opportunities to purchase semen so it is somewhat exclusive. Step up and buy a piece of genetic greatness…. He won’t disappoint. 2. FGAF MAGNUM 901Z FULLBLOOD MALE 762095 FGAF 901Z 5 January 2012 10 straws Canadian/U.S. qualified semen FGAF Magnum - summer 2012 PRL HOUSTON 005H BBBG WRANGLER 3S IPU 4G FRANCHESCA 98N ALLM COLOSSAL 25U 693891 SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L FGAF ADRIA 126P FGAF LEGEN’S CHARM 743K SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M CHAMPS ROMANO CHAMPS PRICILLA VIRGINIAS UPTOWNGAL 710969 IPU BRONSON 19K VIRGINIA’S MS PEBBLES WILLOWS JADE 91J BW: 101; 205 day: 795; 365 day: 1275 EPDs: 0.8 6.5 77.2 107.1 -2.1 72.1 33.5 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. A great opportunity to get progeny from one of the most talked about Fleckvieh bulls in recent history. His first calf crop has truly impressed us and visitors, with the calves showing added muscle definition, dark cherry red color, thick hair coats and were the top sire group for performance at weaning. The bull calves also show ample testicle development. He himself has matured into a moderate powerhouse with tremendous foot structure and is the easiest fleshing bull in our sire battery. In order to maintain exclusivity to the buyer we are only offering 10 straws this year. Beechinor Bros. Simmentals 6 30 straws semen, sells in 3 - 10 straw packages Canadian qualified and currently in qualification for export 3. JB Cdn Erika 5024 JB CDN WIND WALKER 1102 FULLBLOOD 785989 JB 2Y 15 January 2011 SALUS SALAMON MINKA MFI WHISTLER 47L T581509 SOLWAY ADONIS MFL ZAILA 8Z MFL PETRA 95P MON-BIJOU MAGNUM KLYBER WISP-WILL RONA JB CDN ERIKA 5024 650210 SIR BLANCHETTE 6A DFM 595E DFM ERIKA 60Z BW: 96; 205 day: 879; 365 day: 1297. EPDs: 1.7 7.4 73.9 103.3 1.9 72.2 35.2 Semen at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Wind Walker calves From the day we had to put Klyber down, we have searched high and low to find his replacement. He had an ability to put pounds on his calves like no other while maintaining an excellent disposition. After searching for over five years we have found his replacement, and ironically it’s a grandson of his. JB CDN Wind Walker is a magnificent Fleckvieh breeding piece. He walked the pastures at JB’s for two years before we were able to convince JB in offering us a piece of him, and now we own him outright. Dave Bruketa said he may be the best bull to ever walk their pastures, with the only competition being from Klyber himself. Wind Walker carries as much depth of body and natural thickness of any Fleck sire we have ever used or seen (yes, more than Klyber), walks on an outstanding set of feet and legs, while being a moderate framed bull. His sire is the legendary MFI Whistler; while known for siring many outstanding sons, he may be best known for his highly maternal females. This bull has been admired world over and has maybe attracted more attention than any other bull on the web over the last couple of years. As Jay Good said “Judging by the amount of reaction on Facebook, you have to offer him to the industry”. It’s with extreme pride and excitement that we offer him. We will only offer semen on him at select sales and events as we want to keep him somewhat exclusive. Call for more details or with any questions. Parview Stock Farms 4. 30 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen 3 packages of 10 SOUTH SEVEN TOPNOTCH 29T FULLBLOOD 680634 STU 29T 22 January 2007 ELDANDI 907H DOUBLE BAR D BUSTER 801L MRLN BARBL SOUTH SEVEN RAZZMATAZZ 7R 639435 ROGANT SOUTH SEVEN FLECK 16F M-RIDGE BRIANA 064B ELCH ELDORADO MUSTER SOUTH SEVEN KELTIE 2K 533303 ZAMUTO RICOCHET GLORY 75G DFM CRYSTAL 319C BW: 108; 205 day: 764; 365 day: 1382. EPDs: -5.9 7.9 69.5 91.3 -3.2 64.7 29.9 Semen Code 028SM01096. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. What more can we say about Topnotch who’s coming eight years old and still working in two herds. He stays in great condition and walks like a two year old. We have daughters and granddaughters working in the herd, passing on his qualities. It will be a sad day when we can’t use ‘Mr. Reliable’. South Seven Farms/Blue Spruce Simmentals 7 30 straws Canadian qualified semen 5. BBBG WRANGLER 3S Wrangler at 10 months Wrangler at 20 months FULLBLOOD T657207 IPU 4G Franchesca 98N - dam Sibelle Heavenly 10X - daughter BBBG 3S 18 January 2006 ROGER ROGANT LORIS PRL HOUSTON 005H 501018 MR PRL ANCHOR 088Y MS PRL NITE-ANCHOR 109B MISS KNIGHT 156S RICKARDSTOWN JUMBO BEL WESTERN UNION 5Z BEL HELGA 9TH IPU 4G FRANCHESCA 98N T624691 ANTONIUS DORA LEE FRANCHESCA DORA LEE FRALINE BW: 101; EPDs: -4.4 7.3 72.8 96.4 7.5 66.7 30.3 Semen Code 70SM9956. Stored at Quebec CAB(CIAQ). Sibelle Queen 16W - daughter BMS 36B - daughter Ten years ago BMS, Boisvert Simmental and Sibelle Fleck Farms decided to join together to form a group to acquire some very high quality females to improve our respective herds and build good cow families. Calves born from those cows have the BBBG prefix. In the fall 2004, we made our first purchase, IPU 4G Franchesca 98N, and in the spring 2005, we bought the Eastern semen rights to PRL Houston 005H. We’ve been fortunate enough to flush Franchesca twice, before she was hit by lightning, to PRL Houston and we had amazing results. We produced both good males and females, such as BBBG Bradock (semen rights bought by Semex), BBBG Franchesca 2S (dam of Sibelle Spartacus sold for $32,000 to Crossroad Farm and Little Willow Ranch) and BBBG Wrangler. Wrangler is the sire of the very impressive Gagnon herdsire ALLM Colossal and he has produced awesome females. Everybody who knows Fleckvieh bloodlines understands that the combination of Houston, 5Z and Antonius is a guarantee for great females. We still have a very limited quantity of semen, so we have decided to offer his semen only in a few special events. If you’re looking for a proven cow maker bull, Wrangler is the right choice for you! Groupe BBBG BBBG Franchesca 1S - full sister BBBG Franchesca 2S - full sister 8 ALLM Colossal 25U - son 30 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen 6. FULLBLOOD 667742 CHAMPS ROMANO CHMP 98S 2 January 2006 ANTONIUS GIDSCO APPOLLO 3F MFL BRENDA 65B SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M 581559 DEMBY MR IMAGE 853B JERICO’S DEIRDRE 21D JERICO’S BEAUTY 122B BHR DOORN G629E SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L MISS SHAWACRES HEIDI 1H CHAMPS PRICILLA 637844 KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH 418B RU-BENS LIZ 96L KLONDIKE STAR 53D BW: 74; 205 day: 787; 365 day: 1525. EPDs: 6.2 4.3 77.3 113.1 -0.8 69.2 30.5 Semen Code 28SM1080. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Virginia Ranch ‘Romano’ thinks and acts like a three year old; we haven’t the heart to tell him he’s coming nine years old! All progeny sold to date, still average around that $7000 mark. 10 straws Canadian qualified semen 7. FULLBLOOD 543069 IPU BRONSON 19K IPU 19K 20 January 2000 ROGER ROGANT LORIS PRL HOUSTON 005H 501018 MR PRL ANCHOR 088Y MS PRL NITE-ANCHOR 109B MISS KNIGHT 156S EGMAR ANTONIUS ANKA DORA LEE FRANCHESCA 380266 ARNI 8M DORA LEE FRALINE BLUSHROSE MINKA 9A BW: 88; 205 day: 876; 365 day: 1341. EPDs: -4.6 4.5 67.6 97.8 7.2 63.3 29.5 Semen Code 28SM0747. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Virginia Ranch 30 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen, selling 3 10 dose packages 8. FULLBLOOD T415160 ANCHOR “T” IMPACT 2H ATFR 2H 1 January 1998 METIST METRO HELLA ANCHOR “T” METRO 4E T341756 BAFI GISELA GISELA SCOTTISH NEPTUNE WESTDRUMS ANDREW ROSEL ANCHOR “T” HELGA 10Y T194090 SIR ARNOLD 809G ANCHOR “T” FRIEDA 2T MISS NEFF LOR-A-LEE BW: 96; 205 day: 902; 365 day: 1387. EPDs: 6.4 6.1 67.6 91.7 5.9 69.6 35.8 Semen Code 114SM0547. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Full Fleckvieh. Eagle-Ridge Simmentals purchased Anchor “T” Impact at the Anchor “T” dispersal sale. He has proven himself many times over. He has been used with confidence on both heifers and cows. Over the years Impact has sired many high selling male and female progeny. The females out of Impact are exceptional mother cows. All Impact progeny have proven to be consistently solid colored, well put together, highly muscled, sound footed animals with docile temperaments. Please contact any of the Eagle-Ridge team with any questions about Anchor “T” Impact or his progeny. Use him with confidence. You won’t be disappointed. Eagle-Ridge Simmentals 9 9. FULLBLOOD 766628 30 straws Canadian/ U.S. qualified semen CROSSROAD VINTAGE 125Z CRF 125Z Vintage was the high selling fullblood bull at Crossroad’s Spring 2013 Bull Sale. We made the long drive to see him in person and were not disappointed. The instant we saw him he was destined to be “Alberta Bound!” He may be the best Solway Adonis son yet with excellent feet, conformation and loads of muscle. A quick look back in his pedigree and you will find the Mitzi X Bruno cow. All the Mitzi X Bruno daughters are well known for being great producers. There has been considerable interest in Vintage, therefore we have decided to offer 30 doses of Canada/US qualified semen for sale. This is the first time Vintage has been made available with only Crossroad retaining a small amount for in-herd use only. Don’t hesitate at this chance to purchase semen on Vintage as it is not certain when, or if, we will be offering him up again. 28 January 2012 NEFF SCOTTISH NEFF THEMSE SOLWAY ADONIS 3499 HOLMAT BLYTHE BLUTE SALERIKA EVAN BAR 5 SA EVAN 440L AI-AI SISKA FTS ENDORA 163P T628620 GREAT GUNS BRUNO 21X JACK PINE ELSA 52F GREAT GUNS MITZI 11X BW: 104; 205 day: 854; 365 day: 1432. EPDs: 0.9 6.3 70.3 92.9 6.6 66.0 30.8 Semen Code 28SM1266. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Wolfe’s Fleckvieh/Clearwater Simmentals 30 straws Canadian qualified semen 10. JACK PINE ANDY 11Z FULLBLOOD 228242 JWU 11Z 7 March 1990 EGON EGMAR ELRIKE ANTONIUS 34899 SATIN ANKA AMSEL SIEGFRIED SH ROMULUS F53R MILLHILL FLOWER GREAT GUNS MITZI 11X T173622 BEL C&B WESTERN 2ND GREAT GUNS MARI-ANN CELTIC MARIA BW: 90; 205 day: 762; 365 day: 1257. EPDs: 14.9 -0.5 44.7 57.2 8.7 56.7 34.3 Semen Code 28SM976. Stored on farm. When you talk calving ease, Andy’s your boy. He’s in the top 2% for calving ease and will leave you excellent replacement females. With very limited semen left, here’s your chance to buy proven bloodlines. Wolfe’s Fleckvieh Great Guns Mitzi 11X 10 30 straws Canadian qualified semen FGAF 027A - Molson daughter 11. FULLBLOOD 581559 SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M SBLT 21M 5 January 2002 EGMAR ANTONIUS ANKA GIDSCO APPOLLO 3F T391534 MFL MEISTER 36Y MFL BRENDA 65B MFL RENA 4R ABR SIR ARNOLDS IMAGE DEMBY MR IMAGE 853B DEMBY MISS UNVERSE 476Z JERICO’S DEIRDRE 21D 308989 BAR NONE ARNOLD JERICO’S BEAUTY 122B BAR NONE LILY BW: 102; 205 day: 961; 365 day: 1500. EPDs: 8.9 2.3 62.6 87.0 13.6 65.3 34.0 Semen Code 28SM0959. Stored at Foundation Genetics Inc., Listowel, ON. Smithbilt Molson 21M, the “Female Maker” - A truly exceptional pedigree with built in performance for the Simmental breeder of the 21st century! Even after 14 years, Molson is still commanding market presence; evident in the recent Gagnon sale with a direct daughter, FGAF 027A, (pictured) selling to StarWest Farms for $10,750; one of the high sellers, and in the 2014 Magnolia Classic his semen sold for $200. Genetics that continue to work! A true sire in his own rite. Exceptionally correct, long and smooth, excellent topline, standing on good feet and legs with a tremendous hind quarter. He stamps them Molson every time, truly consistent! Nice tight clean udders, ample milk (top 10%) and pigmentation to no end. Calving ease (top 10%), low birth weight (top 25%), short gestation (283 days) all the while his calves exhibit excellent growth and performance. Longevity to boot as well, still going at 14 years and his mother produced to the age of 16 years. Consistency, performance, longevity and demand; all the more reasons to add Molson to your program! Don’t miss your opportunity for the 2015 breeding season to purchase semen on one of today’s most influential sires in the Simmental breed! Only Molson semen available until fall 2015. Crimson Tide Fleckvieh 30 straws International qualified semen Hockenhull Marvel SS Selina 5S 12. CRIMSON TIDE MARVELLOUS FULLBLOOD 722966 TIDE 23W 10 January 2009 Here is your opportunity to acquire semen from a bull with rare genetics and great potential. Crimson Tide Marvellous is deep, thick, soggy and loose hided with ample performance. Well put together, clean fronted, long hipped and wide topped all on a sound set of feet and legs. Double goggled with lipstick and solid red pigmentation; he is quite eye appealing. Marvellous has been well accepted in both the United States and Colombia. Outcross genetics that will enhance any program! Where else can you obtain such a genetic combination as offered here? Usch, Heller, Marvel, Zamuto, Herodes, Balmoral, Scottish Neff, Neff ...., the list goes on! TIDE 23W’s dam, grand dam and great grand dam are all part of the Crimson Tide donor program; a family that works. Let them work for you too! OVERHALL BALMORAL OVERHALL HIVY HOLLY HOCKENHULL MARVEL 594459 HERODES SAGE SIGLINDE SIMON USCH LYDIA SS SELINA 5S FF T660698 HEMR HELLER 5H SS KALINDA 7K SS MISS SMITH 7G BW: 88; 205 day: 631; 365 day: 1095. EPDs: 2.9 4.5 55.7 74.5 0.5 50.9 23.0 Semen Code 080SM8084. Stored at Foundation Genetics Inc., Listowel, ON. Crimson Tide Fleckvieh 11 When we discovered Henry Gunster was still breeding Full Fleck Simmentals down in Texas we thought we better go see it for ourselves. We went down and picked out three of his best bull calves and brought them to MB. They were the outcross pedigrees we were looking for and had the style and phenotypes to go with it. Each of the bulls have their own characteristics to mix with different females in our herd. We have made the big decision to share some of these genetics with the industry. With their first calf crops topping our bull sale last year and the heifers have, and are, selling this fall we know they are going to be making their mark on the fullblood industry! And not to mention bull calves coming up this spring are definitely going to keep following the pattern. 13. 30 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen GREAT GUNS TX GUS 124X FULLBLOOD MALE 751709 MMVI 124X 6 December 2010 GREAT GUNS HOSEA 48F GREAT GUNS TX HUGO 27J MRLN ANNEGRET GREAT GUNS TX BUDDY 102P US_2267662 EMPEROR JFB MISS EMPEROR E437_ GREAT GUNS BINZ 60H GREAT GUNS TX AMOS 42M MRLN ANNEGRET GREAT GUNS TX SIS 65S US_2423502 GREAT GUNS KOBA 3K GREAT GUNS TX ME ME 83L GREAT GUNS AMY 6K EPDs: 0.6 6.3 86.4 114.7 7.1 72.1 29.8 Stored at Bow Valley Genetics Ltd., Bassano, AB Full Fleckvieh. Gus is the meat machine that carries his muscle capacity from front to back and no matter the conditions, or how many cows you put him on, he always looks the same, full of red meat! He consistently throws his liver red color, depth of rib and natural fleshing ability. 14. Big Sky Simmentals 30 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen GREAT GUNS RAMSES 1X FULLBLOOD MALE 751330MMVI 1X15 October 2010 GREAT GUNS BINZ 60H GREAT GUNS TX AMOS 42M MRLN ANNEGRET GREAT GUNS REGIO 9R 710115 GREAT GUNS HOSEA 48F GREAT GUNS KANDY 1K GREAT GUNS MIRANDA 46F GREAT GUNS FERDINAND 13Z GREAT GUNS TX ROMAND 77K MRLN ANNEGRET GREAT GUNS OPAL 19P 751712 BALIST GREAT GUNS LEAH 23D LILLI EPDs: -0.5 5.7 71.0 93.9 6.0 71.6 36.1 Stored at Bow Valley Genetics Ltd., Bassano, AB Full Fleckvieh. Ramses is the style and hidden pound maker. You know when a calf jumps on the scale and you are like ‘wow he weighs up good!’ well that is the case with the Ramses calves. They come so long and with so much barrel, they seem to always top the weigh sheets! His calves seem to have a consistent color pattern with complete pigment and solid dark colors. Big Sky Simmentals 30 straws Canadian qualified semen 15. ANCHOR “T” SUPREME 39H FULLBLOOD MALE 415168ATFR 39H24 January 1998 SIEGFRIED SIR ARNOLD 809G ABR SHINAGH VIOLET BEL SIR ARNOLD 2ND 100359 HADRIAN MONICA 48D SOFIA DUKE 223P KNIGHT MR T 255T MISS KNIGHT 108N ANCHOR “T” EDEL 45B T260157 ARNI 8M NDM FRIEDA 7S NDM FRENDI 4N BW: 94. 205 day: 797. 365 day: 1340. EPDs: 4.3 1.2 50.1 67.1 13.0 56.2 31.1 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Saugeen Acres 12 BamBam daughter selling in Equation BamBam son FULLBLOOD MALE 714051 MFI 147U 8 May 2008 OVERAL BIRNER BHR DOORN G629E WISP-WILL PETAL SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L T559299 GREAT GUNS MOSES 50D MISS SHAWACRES HEIDI 1H RHY FAYE 13F GREAT GUNS FREDERICK 48B GREAT GUNS BANDIT 41E MISS KNIGHT 155S MFI LOLITA 3107 609568 BALU ANCHOR “T” SELMA 13F ANCHOR “T” EMMY 5B 205 day: 626; 365 day: 957. EPDs: 0.8 6.3 66.4 94.8 4.4 63.3 30.1 Semen Code 028SM01098. Stored at Bouchard International, Crossfield, AB. 20 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen, 2 10 dose packages 16. MFI BAMBAM 100% Full Fleckvieh. BAMBAM’s progeny continue to impress us with their growth, moderate frame, good feet, beautiful udders and overall production. At this year’s Equation sale we are offering the FIRST female to sell publicly out of BAMBAM after selfishly keeping them all to ourselves until now. His bull calves have been sought after for the last few years in our bull pen and catch both breeder and commercial cattlemen’s eye. Add the complete package BAMBAM!!! JNR Farms/Ole Farms 20 straws Canadian/ U.S. qualified semen 18. FULLBLOOD MALE T649754 SU Painter 59P 20 straws Canadian/ U.S. qualified semen 17. FGN 951M 22 March 2002 HUGO HANNES HELLA HAMLET 777079 MAGISTER DULLI DORA SIR ARNOLD U5033 SIR ARNOLD Y5111 MISS ARNOLD U5111 HR BRIDGIT 251C T558329 HACKENBERG HACKS BOLD FENELLA BOLD FENELLA N/A N/A N/A EPDs: -5.6 6.8 59.9 83.5 11.8 67.3 37.3 Semen Code 59SM0179. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. FFFS Hamilton is the only direct Hamlet son available in Canada. A very heavy muscled bull siring thick, desirable offspring. Daughters are good milkers with good udders. Parkhill Miss Jenny SU PAINTER 59P FULLBLOOD MALE T623849 SU 59P 30 January 2004 OVERAL BIRNER BHR DOORN G629E WISP-WILL PETAL CROSSROAD BENCHMARK 150M T579757 DOUBLE BAR D LINCOLN IPU MS. FRANCHESCA 7J DORA LEE FRANCHESCA RICKARDSTOWN JUMBO BEL WESTERN UNION 5Z BEL HELGA 9TH PARKHILL MISS JENNY T392528 HAMLET MOYGADDY JENNIFER WENDY BW: 102; 205 day: 893; 365 day: 1434. EPDs: -2.5 8.4 72.7 95.3 -9.7 62.8 26.4 Semen Code 28SM0807. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. FFFS Hamilton FFFS HAMILTON 20 straws Canadian qualified semen FULLBLOOD MALE 300537 19. PANZER JW 100B 9 December 1970 POLSTER PERON BIANKA PILOT 62999343 RITTER WALDFEE WILMA SULTAN SPEZI ALMENA WUCHTL 57117 FALK WILMA WETTI N/A N/A N/A EPDs: 3.7 4.5 50.2 58.6 3.3 58.7 33.6 Semen Code AS13. Stored on farm. Can be delivered to Alta Genetics or Bouchard if buyer requests. Spruceburn Simmentals Panzer 13 20. 20 straws Canadian qualified semen BAR 5 FF WILLIE 426Y FULLBLOOD MALE T745676 CO 426Y 19 March 2011 LEEUPOORT REBKE LEEUPOORT LASTIG LEEUPOORT LUIZI LEEUPOORT WILKO 744539 SALERIKA EVAN LEEUPOORT BRITTVAN BRITTESS 933 DE-DAM AREND UITSUIP CHEVA 01 UITSUIP CHEVRON RAAP N SKRAAP MARDA CA-744570 KYKSO ALJAKA RAAP-N-SKRAAP MARKA RAAP-N-SKRAAP MARTIE BW: 105; 205 day: 715; 365 day: 1267. EPDs: 8.4 2.4 67.0 89.1 2.0 71.0 37.5 Semen code 028SM01257. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 100% Fleckvieh. We were very fortunate to purchase Willie from Bar 5 at the 2012 Spring Spectacular as the high seller. Visitors are impressed at his conformation and the way he moves. The added bonus to it is his unique, totally outcross bloodline and is proving to be calving ease as well. His progeny have his easy fleshing ability and good growth. They carry his eye appeal by having great frames and lots of dark red pigmentation. Willie’s calf crop last year was mostly heifers that we are very pleased with and are keeping them all back with expectation of going into our own herd for now. However, with our desire and excitement to have him work outside of our herd, we are again offering 20 doses here at this prestigious sale. Keato Meadow Simmentals 21. 20 straws Canadian qualified semen GREAT GUNS REGIO 9R FULLBLOOD MALE 710115 FGN 9R 14 October 2005 GREAT GUNS BRUNO 21X GREAT GUNS BINZ 60H GREAT GUNS LEAH 23D GREAT GUNS TX AMOS 42M T631907 SH ROMULUS F53R MRLN ANNEGRET MS PRL 045U HASALZ GREAT GUNS HOSEA 48F GREAT GUNS LEAH 23D GREAT GUNS KANDY 1K US_2094196 GREAT GUNS KARL 17C GREAT GUNS MIRANDA 46F GREAT GUNS MERIETTA 44Y N/A N/A N/A EPDs: -0.7 6.5 79.8 103.2 5.5 75.5 35.6 Semen code 00SM2572. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 100% Fleckvieh. Probably one of the most impressive phenotype looking bulls the Fleckvieh world has seen in a long time. Performance, Performance, Performance from head to toe. Backed by one of Henry’s top producing cows from Texas, combined with the meat machine Amos. With a limited amount of semen that was available to come to Canada this may very well be some of the last semen available unless you can squeeze a straw or two from the limited amount of people that purchased it. Keato Meadow Simmentals 20 straws Canadian qualified semen 22. 20 straws Canadian / U.S. qualified semen 23. GREAT GUNS SEGAL 16A FULLBLOOD MALE T236109 GUNS 16A 4 February 1991 EGON EGMAR ELRIKE ANTONIUS 34899 SATIN ANKA AMSEL CANADIAN NEFF SIM-ROC C&B WESTERN SIM ROC LITTA GREAT GUNS ADRIA T111854 HADRIAN ADRIAN FINKE BW: 118; 205 day: 769; 365 day: 1259. EPDs: 1.3 6.8 67.7 93.2 3.2 65.1 31.2 Semen Code 28SM0594. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. JACK PINE JOHANN 22E FULLBLOOD MALE T344270 JWU 22E 26 January 1995 PASSAT PARIS LAUBE PASTA 294826 PATRON KORINA KORDA ADAM AREIT ALMRAUSCH ALMRAUSCH 313801 AREIT BLUEML TAPFER BW: 110; 205 day: 860; 365 day: 1351. EPDs: 5.1 4.1 54.4 71.5 5.3 59.4 32.2 Semen Code 114SM0350. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Jack Pine Simmentals 14 24. 29. Norton Simmental 50 straws Canadian qualified semen DAYTON’S POLL HOUSTON 78G ProductCSA Reg #Straws/Doses A. Anchor “T” Metro 4E T341756 30 SCURRED FULLBLOOD MALE ST416990 CROC 78G 1 December 1997 HUSAR CHECK SUPERB 6 S HUMBERG 289432 SANDSTONE PAULA 71Y P180901 EMMA SANDSTONE 29W BW: 98; 205 day: 867; 365 day: 1380. EPDs: 2.4 5.3 66.3 89.7 -0.1 73.5 40.3 Semen Code SM0461. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. There are two embryos which will be full sibs to Houston offered as well. We bought the entire flush from 4S and their prolific donor cow, Sandstone Paula 71Y. Humberg semen was limited but highly recommended by Hans Lettmair. His breeding values and performance was hard to achieve. Paula was believed to be “homo polled”. Since all her calves were polled and homo polled out of Emperor we believe this to be true. 10 straws Canadian qualified semen 25. EMPEROR POLLED FULLBLOOD P341803 CROC 100C Anchor “T” Metro 4E B. HC Hummer 12M BPG616512 C. KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T PG713478 D. Lchmn Bodybuilder 7303F PG502869 E. Shawacres Jahari 50L T559299 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. All the above product is stored on farm. 5 April 1993 EMPAU EMPAU EMSIG DD_7603 351 DD_293 300 EPDs: -3.3 6.0 63.5 76.7 -5.7 57.0 25.2 293 Semen Code SM0105. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 30. The homozygous polled import that kicked things off for us and changed a lot of attitudes regarding Fleckvieh genetics. When Carola won a trip to Europe in ‘94 we had no idea what the next 20 years would entail. Quite the ride! EISENHERZ POLLED FULLBLOOD P397318CROC 85D4 April 1994 ECHSTEIN 795 HOLBACH I ECKHOLM 41053 DD_142 037131389 DD_138 030425486 031319386 EPDs: 10.6 4.9 56.2 79.7 2.0 63.2 35.1 Semen Code SM0106. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. We were pleased to see the dam of Eisenherz in Germany in ‘98 – a strong cow with a deep girth and lots of middle. A homozygous polled, non-diluter that will correct udders on any bloodline. 27. 31. DAYTON’S POL NEUMANN CROC 8N 15 January 2003 EMPEROR DAYTON’S POLLED MARTHA PT417004 KLONDIKE MILLIE 47E BW: 114; 205 day: 770; 365 day: 1453. EPDs: -0.5 5.4 55.2 68.5 4.3 59.5 31.9 Semen Code SM0614. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 32. It’s been eight years since our dispersal and we appreciate the fact that our polled breeding program still has merit. Neumann calves are still commanding a premium wherever they are sold. We always said his semen was limited. Here is the last of ours. 28. DAYTON’S POL LETTMAIR CROC 14L Shawacres Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses A. Shawacres Jahari 50L T559299 30 B. Lchmn Body Builder 7303F PG502869 1SM0066 30 C. Red Pepper PTG2721641 37SM1032 5 D. Chief Red Bear PG206567 29SM275 2 E. DS Pollfleck 809 PG181303 7SM282 6 F. ER Red Deck 639D PTG3725051 57SM734 10 G. LRS Red Reality 33J PG548916 1SM057 6 H. THSF Freedom 300N PTG634923 29SM0376 5 I. Red Baron HR P101 PTG6710381 57SM2186 6 (2 canes, 1 and 5) J. Circle S Leachman 600U BPG376439 29SM0288 10 K. SRS Franchise F601 BPTG500951 1SM456 10 L. Black Irish Kansas BPG369852 29SM0298 10 M. Charles Pride BPG272597 M794 10 30 straws Canadian qualified semen SCURRED FULLBLOOD ST563455 ECKHOLM 41053 EISENHERZ P397318 037131389 Clearwater Simmentals Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses A. Anchor “T” Rusty 59G T394922 200SM0702 4 B. Baltimore 264715 999SM0101 6 C. El Nino P505739 999SM0121 4 D. ExodusP619930 00SM30664 E. Haxent263035 999SM01008 F. Myalta Paragon 1J 16914 74SM0273 2 G. Rickardstown Jumbo 176000 00SM9980 10 H. Sim-Roc Hannes 190438 28SM0473 4 I. SH Romulus F53R T157954 06SM0066 4 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. All the above product is stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 40 straws Canadian qualified semen POLLED FULLBLOOD PT602166 OVERAL BIRNER BHR DOORN G629E T397427 WISP-WILL PETAL Gibbons Farms ProductCSA Reg #Straws/Doses A. Canadian Neff 904 2 Product stored on farm. B. CF-DDD Hollywood M200 T607396 10 C. Great Guns Ferdinand 13Z T222248 10 D. Overhall Hivy 218217 1 E. SH Romulus F53R T157954 2 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. All above product (not noted) stored at EastGen, Guelph, ON 3 straws Canadian qualified semen 26. 10 10 9 10 19 January 2001 BALIST LILIAN ET T541082 LILLI BW: 104; 205 day: 781; 365 day: 1208. EPDs: 0.8 7.7 76.9 117.4 -0.1 78.5 40.0 Semen Code SM0535. Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. A result of embryos imported directly out of the Hans Lettmair herd. Lilian, a superb daughter out of Lilli/Balist. We wanted that bloodline polled, another anchor to our program. All the above product is Canadian Qualified. All the above product is stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Dominion Cattle Co. 15 33. 39. Crimson Tide Fleckvieh WHR Simmentals Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses A. Exodus P619930 00SM3066 1 A. Dora Lee Native Son T511912 28SM0755 10 B. Grinalta’s Extraordinaire PT361725 114SM0358 5 B. Haxent263035 999SM010010 C. Bar 5 P SA Expert 826M PT598604 200SM0301 10 C. JNR’s Polled Crackerjack P657760 28SM00894 10 D. Double Bar D Maddox 40S P665526 200SM0306 9 D. ABR Sir Arnolds Image T140262 29SM00257 10 E. KOP Agassiz 31S P660047 200SM0709 20 E. BHR Doorn G629E T397427 203SM99 10 F. Double Bar D Everest 4R P627816 28SM0858 20 F. PRL Porterhouse Regent T315475 36SM112 10 G. JNR’s Polled Crackerjack P657760 28SM0894 20 G. PRL Houston 005H 501018 114SM0451 10 H. Red SVM Pol Fusion P667704 28SM0913 13 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. I. Grinalta’s HP King 126S P670559 28SM0970 15 All the above product is stored at Foundation Genetics Inc., Listowel, ON. J. Beech Bros Udaman 401U P703921 28SM1037 50 K. Eisenherz P397318 999SM0106 8 L. Prostock Hugo 7052T PT701116 200SM0801 10 M. Buschbeck Empire 9232W P724179 0200SM00312 10 N. Shawacres Preemo 52P T629762 114SM0656 5 O. MTV Garret 5N T622241 114SM0667 27 P. JB Doctor Duke 442D T312937 114SM0286 25 Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses Q. T2 Bud F22 T397937 114SM0422 1 Klondike Arnie GNM 250Z 216954 30 R. Anchor “T” Supreme 39H 415168 114SM0530 10 Hetal 2629777 S. Arnold’s Eveready E5092 389926 114SM0553 10 Above are Canadian Qualified. T. Crossroad Benchmark T579757 114SM0577 25 Above are stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB U. Shawacres Nacobi T607227 114SM0625 1 V. Double Bar D Max 04K T542949 200SM0704 1 W. BHR Doorn T397427 203SM0099 6 X. KWA Redbench 20P 628098 28SM0838 40 Y. Virginias Red Marciano FF 639713 28SM0839 19 Z. Porter’s Reserve 20R 643887 28SM0859 55 AA. Eagle-Ridge Lobo 11L 563181 28SM0871 20 Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses AB. IPU Revelation 122M T587083 200SM0403 20 Blucon Neff’s GoldminerT399888 28SM0779 10 AC. Bar 5 SA Benz 415L T559543 70SM9969 41 BHR’s Hadaug 698K T567381 114SM0549 6 AD. BEL Western Union 2nd T351194 74SM0345 37 Sir Blanchette 9A2338624 AE. Sim-Roc Brougham 620B 265542 74SM0331 10 OSF 19ZT2605215 AF. BEL Steward 2nd T354007 74SM0366 22 Sim-Roc C&B Western 4803 SM122 4 (vials) AG. Zamuto 264714 999SM0102 1 Parisien170516 (vials) AH. BBBG Bradock 2T T675216 200SM0308 15 Rymar Tino 64E288533 AI. SLS Red Man 78M 579201 114SM0611 20 4 (vials) AJ. IPU Red Ribeye 68R PG645129 28SM0851 10 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. AK. NLC Good A Nuff 31G PG500946 01SM0461 14 All the above product is stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. AL. BBS Red Canadian L24 PTG5814341 14SM0568 15 AM. BBS Zima D55 PTG355743 28SM0658 12 AN. HRC Fire Power 42N PTG6221041 14SM0638 1 AO. KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T PG713478 41SM5155 2 AP. STR King Arthur N310 PG687429 200SM0800 5 AR. KS Red By Design N968 PTG6265421 37SM2507 34 AS. ACS Red Knight 715T PG678536 28SM1000 21 Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses AT. Dr Pepper 320E PTG342540 28SM0652 8 Canadian Neff9041 AU. IPU Red Medallion 57K PG543070 28SM0796 13 Stored on farm. AV. KBSR Easy Money R3 PTG708513 28SM01032 15 AW. LFE Red Tanker 490P PG624019 28SM0818 29 AX. SSS-SCF Chuckwagon 008J PG545824 090SM01625 10 All the above product is Canadian Qualified. All the above product is stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 34. 35. 36. Richmond Farms Jack Pine Simmentals Big Sky Simmentals, Mathew Smith 37. Coulee Crossing Cattle Co. Product CSA Reg # BBS Zima D55 PTG355743 Canadian & U.S. Qualified. Stored at Southwest Genetics, SK 38. Semen Code 28SM0658 AY. MVE Millenium 2000 XC 20 Semen tank Straws/Doses 10 Capacity:(6) 11” Canisters # of 1.2mL & 2.0mL Vials (5/cane): 210 # of 0.5 cc Straws (10/cane): 720 Overall Height: 25.7” Overall Diameter: 14.5” Holds for twenty (20) weeks 20 LITERS Jantrahl Ranch contact Transcon at 403 638-9377 with any questions Product CSA Reg # Semen Code Straws/Doses A. Arnold’s High Five 396036 75SM0119 5 Cdn & US Qualified B. Emil P586509 500SM3002 1 Cdn & US Qualified C. BEL C&B Western 4th T68913 114SM0115 20 Cdn Qualified D. Grinalta Polled Frontier PT370285 114SM0357 17 Cdn Qualified E. Anchor “T” Torpedo 25D T313476 28SM0778 20 Cdn Qualified F. Marywood PolledWester91J P542768 72SM0116 4 Cdn Qualified G. PVF Red Sunset 800H PG533221 72SM0115 2 Cdn Qualified All the above product is stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. 16 Buyers option of 3 or 5 Canadian / U.S. Qualified embryos Erixon Lady 202S 40. Erixon Lady 2P Embryos Erixon Lady 37Z Resulting Pedigree R PLUS 7077T DCR MR MOON SHINE X102 DCR MS SHEARCROCK U302 TNT BOOTLEGGER Z268 PG782330 TNT GUNNER N208 TNT MISS W70 TNT MISS S47 MV RED LIGHT 406 HOOK’S RED QUORUM 55H HOOK’S APPLAUSE 59F ERIXON LADY 2P PG635784 IPU FUTURE VISION 35F ERIXON LADY 8M GORMLEA GRACE 311G Guarantee 1 60 day pregnancy if done by a certified technician on 3 embryos. Guarantee 2 60 day pregnancies if done by a certified technician on 5 embryos. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. 41. TNT Bootlegger Z268 2P is a cow that has more than proven herself within the industry. She has raised Erixon Lady 202S going to Czech Mate Simmentals, in the 2008 pick of the barn. Erixon Lady 202S went on to be the 2009 CWA Grand Champion Female, top 10 in the RBC Supreme and has produced countless dollars of top end progeny for Czech Mate Simmentals and Mader Ranches. Another 2P daughter, Erixon Lady 37Z, was named Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion at CWA 2012 and Junior Champion Female P.A. Ex 2013. Her bull from 2011 was our high seller going to Nisku Farms. Oh, did I mention that 5 full brothers averaged $10,000 in our 2012 sale and are working in some topnotch purebred programs, such as Spring Creek Simmentals, Black Sand Cattle Co., Mitchell Land & Cattle, Oakview Simmentals, City View Simmentals, and in our own program. Erixon Lady 2P has been flushed to the $67,000 Bootlegger bull that will offer some of the newest red Simmental bloodlines. We are excited to see the potential of these embryo calves, as the first 2P x Bootlegger calves will hit the ground this January. Erixon Simmentals Inc. 16 TYRON GABI FF27U embryos IGLHOFF OSF 19Z BGR ARTHURS KATHERINE TRYON GABI FF27U 716452 BAR NONE MAINSTREAM TRYON GINA R.H. PATRICIA A) 4 Canadian / U.S. Qualfied embryos SALTUS SALUS ELISE SALAMON 504285 PORTUS MINKA MINORA B) 4 Canadian / U.S. Qualfied embryos NEFF SCOTTISH NEFF THEMSE SOLWAY ADONIS 3499 HOLMAT BLYTHE `BLUTE C) 4 Canadian / U.S. Qualfied embryos Stored at Kensington Veterinary Clinic, Kensington. PE. Gabi is without a doubt one of the best young cows in our herd. She has a unique pedigree and puts everything she’s got into her calf. She goes back to our great Patricia cow and is out of a full sister to Richmond Regis. The offspring from these rare genetic matings should be exciting. Tryon Simmentals PILOT PASCHA TRAUDL STAR PALM 110523 PETER GERTI GITTA D) 4 Canadian / U.S. Qualfied embryos Gabi X Solway Adonis heifer 17 SULTAN SIEGFRIED BIENE SH ROMULUS F53R T157954 PANZER MILLHILL FLOWER GULLA 42. Jeni Black Whammy 1W embryos Springcreek Lotto 52Y A. 3 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree: MUIRHEAD LIVE WIRE 95R KOP CROSBY 137W KOP MS BENGIE 6P SPRINGCREEK LOTTO 52Y BPG736441 SPRINGCREEK TANK 63P SPRINGCREEK BLK TESS 25T SPRINGCREEK LINNE 71P RW BOMBER 8H TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137 OPPS WIS GM2 JENI BLACK WHAMMY 1W BPG712931 BBS ZIMA D55 ROLLING KAREN 11K ROLLING JN ELIZA 23E Guarantee one (1) pregnancy. Stored at Sundown Livestock Transplants Ltd, Cremona, AB. Whammy 1W - Res Champion Mader Broken Angel Mader Satin Sheets Mader Twisted Passion Mader Twisted Sister Wheatland Highvoltage 122Y B. 3 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree: WHEATLAND BULL 680S WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W WHEATLAND LADY 752 T WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y BPG748953 TNT TOP GUN R244 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T WHEATLAND LADY 902J JENI BLACK WHAMMY 1W BPG712931 Guarantee one (1) pregnancy. Stored at Sundown Livestock Transplants Ltd, Cremona, AB. Whammy 1W has been a big producer for us! It all started when we first flushed her to Wheatland 680S, which resulted in her first calf bringing $10,000 to Meadow Acres at CWA and her first son Mader Shakelton being a feature in the bull sale! Mader Shakelton has now produced us some great progeny including one of our feature fall sale calves! Numerous other daughters of Whammy have sold through sales such as her natural born bred heifer and heifer calf selling at CWA last fall for $12,000 to High Country and $9500 to Lewis Farms! Many females such as Mader Broken Angel have been retained in the herd and are now becoming prominent donor females like their momma! This cow produces POWER, and we feel her crossed with High Voltage and Springcreek Lotto will be superb! High Voltage will add calving ease, hair and growth, and Lotto will add performance and correctness! Either combination could result in some exciting black baldie progeny! Mader Ranches 18 43. CG Black Opal 652S embryos Harvie JDF Wallbange 111X 3 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree: TCF/RCC TEMPTATION GJ640 SHS ENTICER P1B ROCKY HILLS JO HARVIE JDF WALLBANGER111X BPG727456 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S JDF PEPSI 61U JDF MATTIE 61R TNT CRUZER K265 CG BLACK NUGGET 25N M R BLACK KATIE 961J CG BLACK OPAL 652S BPG659799 MEYERS MOST WANTED 25H CG BLACK OPAL 214 M M R BLACK OPAL 964J Guarantee one (1) pregnancy. Stored at Sundown Livestock Transplants Ltd, Cremona, AB. CG Black Opal & Mader Dictator, Res. Champion Female, Brandon Opal 652S has been a real foundation female for us, producing numerous high sellers in both bulls and females, and giving us some immaculate females to retain and move the herd forward with! You will not find many 8 year old cows with as perfect of an udder and easy fleshing ability as she has. Her daughters in the herd are surpassing our expectations raising the best progeny, and the influence of her sons in our herd have also allowed us to pass down the genetic excellence of udder quality, longevity, and strong physical attributes. This female has crossed with every bull we have ever flushed her too, and her fertility is second to none, as she typically flushes in that 20-30 range, breeding back early each time! Her mating to Harvie Wallbanger has already proven it is a great one, as we have 5 full siblings on the ground in our summer program that look excellent! Wallbanger needs no introduction as we all witnessed the consistency he produced is his offspring this past year selling more high dollar sons and daughters as any other! The genetic combination of these two breed leaders will be profitable! Calves will Homo Polled by parentage. Mader Ranches MDR 30U - daughter Opal progeny MDR 22U Mader Dictator 27Z 19 3 Canadian qualified embryos 44. Double Bar D Barbl embryos Starwest Angel Double Bar D Spitfire 20X Resulting Pedigree DOUBLE BAR D EVEREST 4R DOUBLE BAR D EVEREST 103U DOUBLE BAR D JERICO 5L DOUBLE BAR D SPITFIRE 20X P737196 VIRGINIAS RED MARCIANO FF VIRGINIA MS TREASURE 4T VIRGINIA’S MS WEST PATTY SOLWAY ADONIS DOUBLE BAR D ADONIS 603N BAR NONE BONNIE LASS DOUBLE BAR D BARBL 506W T732873 GOLD MRLN BARBL MRLN BETTINA Guarantee 1 pregnancy if done by a qualified embryologist. Stored at Green Belt Veterinary Services, Chilliwack, BC. Starwest Angel is an excellent representative of these powerful bloodlines. Double Bar D Barbl 506W may not be the most appealing cow in our herd but her daughters have proven to be the most stylish heifers in our sale lineups. All of her offspring consist of deep bodied females with perfect conformation and style to top it all off. Double Bar D Barbl 506W has proven to be one of our elite producing females in our herd. The sire side of these embryos, Spitfire 20X, needs no introduction. He is structurally sound, with incredible pigmentation. On top of that, he has proven to calve easily with top milk production; you can’t go wrong! This is evident by the performance of his progeny to date. Starwest Farms 6 embryos Canadian / U.S. / Australia qualified 45. KOP Ms Tracker 49X embryos FBF1 Combustible Resulting Pedigree: CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 FBF1 COMBUSTIBLE BPTG795931 WLE BS BENCHMARK LAZY H BURN BABY BURNR34 TRIPLE C BURN IT UP N34L DOUBLE BAR D DRIFTWOOD 83 CG TRACKER 45T CG BLACK GENIE 371N KOP MS TRACKER 49X BPG734603 MUIRHEAD LIKE A ROCK 1R KOP MS LIKE A ROCK 60U KOP MS RED DASH 54N Guarantee one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by an accredited technician per 3 embryos. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. This young donor is a true powerhouse with depth of body and quarter, thickness of top and length of spine. Maternal dominance shines through her udder structure and angular front end. We went to the Kopp Dispersal to look for some donor candidates to strengthen our purebred herd and 49X was at the top of the list. She was the highlight female of the event and a $27,500 high seller. Her daughter was also a feature heifer and a high selling bred in the sale. Ms Tracker 49X showed her maternal ability again this year by weaning her powerful bull calf the start of September at 940 lbs. Her genetics are fresh and exciting and the mating to FBF1 Combustible should produce progeny that are stout made, structurally sound with eye appeal. Beechinor Bros. Simmentals & DGR Simmentals 20 46. 3 Canadian qualified embryos LHVS Ms Lockhart 9W embryos Resulting Pedigree: TCF/RCC TEMPTATION GJ640 SHS ENTICER P1B ROCKY HILLS JO HARVIE JDF WALLBANGER111X BPG727456 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S JDF PEPSI 61U JDF MATTIE 61R STF STARQUEST N114 IPU RED GALAXY 97S RAINALTA RED LASS 13G LHVS MS LOCKHART 9W PG722502 LHVS MR LOCKHART 16L LHVS MS LOCKHART 100S LHVS MS LOCKHART 88M Guarantee one 1 pregnancy if implanted by an accredited technician. Stored at DavisRairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Harvie JDF Walbanger 111X LHVS Johnny Be Good 18Z maternal brother to 9W. Lee and I have always agreed, over the course of 25 years raising papered cattle, that cow families are very important. That’s why we don’t sell heifers, it’s just too hard to replace them. LHVS 9W comes from such a cow family. Her dam, LVHS 100S, and grand dam, LHVS 88M, have produced many high selling bulls in our sale and good replacement heifers. 9W is a big, thick, tank of a cow. Her udder and feet are near perfect. In 2013 we flushed 9W and she gave us 20 #1 embryos. We implanted eight and got seven calves, all bulls. The three embryos we are offering are from the same flush. The sire to these embryos is Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X. What can be said about this prolific breeder...nothing, his record speaks for itself. Various visitors this summer, including Darren Paget and Darryl Snider, all thought 9W’s bull calves were outstanding. One that caught most people’s attention was LHVS Red Titan 67B. He weaned off at 1005 lbs with no creep on August 29th. His flush mates weren’t far behind, Since we didn’t get a heifer from any of the embryos born this spring, we would like the opportunity to flush any heifer the buyer gets at our expense and their convenience. 9W is currently being flushed at Davis-Rairdan. Lockhart Valley Simmentals 21 MAF R Horizon CMS Sundance 301A full sib 47. 3 exportable embryos JFRS Ms 50W embryos Resulting Pedigree: R PLUS BLACKEDGE LFE BS LEWIS 322U LFE BS MS ARNOLD 135S MAF R HORIZON 7Y PG744058 LFE DREAMING RED 503S LFE KJLI DREAMLADY 79W KJLI ANNA 71P TNT GUNNER N208 TNT TOP GUN R244 TNT MISS SADIE M68 JFRS MS 50W PG713429 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR JFRS MS RED LABEL 15S JFRS LINDA 42L Guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by a credited technician. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. We have been involved in nearly all of the National Trust sales, so we wanted to participate again this year. It was only fitting, that after our success at the National Trust in Brandon last year, we offer full sib embryos to CMS Sundance 310A. Sundance received Heifer Calf Champion and Reserve Champion Female banners at the show prior to topping the National Trust sale at $23,000 to JR Simmentals. Her sire, Horizon, has been producing very marketable progeny setting the pace last fall with high selling heifers and this spring his bulls topped many sales. We averaged $10,500 on 5 sons and just recently averaged $8,000 on two heifers at the Western Harvest Sale. 50W herself, may be the best part of this genetic equation - we have been told by more than a few visitors that she is the model cow. Sundance was her first and only heifer to sell and her 4 sons (2 baldies and 2 solid reds) all went through the Bull Spectrum in 2013 averaging $9,800. The guess work is done - your investment should pay dividends. Czech-Mate Livestock STF Dominance T171 48. CMS Hot Pants 317A full sib 5 Canadian qualified embryos Triple C Smarty Pants embryos Resulting Pedigree: STF MONTANA BLACK KF25 STF DOMINIQUE R170 DLS BLACK BALDIE L170 STF DOMINANCE T171 PTRS697832 STF RED RANSOM MMP KISS THIS 37L NUH MS HORIZON 7H HC POWER DRIVE 88H TRIPLEC EL PODEROSO REY JSF FIESTA TRIPILE C SMARTY PANTS R BPG749019 GFI HF EXPLOSION G023 GFI GRAMMS DELIGHT L17 GFI MISS AMOS 705G Guarantee 2 pregnancies if put in by a credited technician. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. These embryos came to us through the Remington dispersal sale a couple of years ago. We really wanted to purchase Smarty Pants herself but soon realized that she was a bit out of our price range when she sold for $26,000 to Bouchard International. We really liked this cow for a lot of reasons including her complete outcross pedigree, and at that sale we thought the Dominance sired cattle were the best sire group represented so we gathered up the embryos. At the recent Western Harvest Sale, the full sib to these embryos, CMS Hot Pants 317A, topped the red division at $9,250 to LaBatte Simmentals - she was a standout and the resulting calves from these embryos should be as well! Czech-Mate Livestock 22 RJRS Miss Laredo 450P Andrea’s dam 49. 5 Canadian qualified embryos Big Sky Andrea 6U embryos Great Guns TX Gus 124X Resulting Pedigree: GREAT GUNS TX HUGO 27J GREAT GUNS TX BUDDY 102P JFB MISS EMPEROR GREAT GUNS TX GUS 124X 751709 GREAT GUNS TX AMOS 42M GREAT GUNS TX SIS 65S GREAT GUNS TX ME ME 83L SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L CHERRY CREEK CARLSBERG 2S K2 ANDREA 6C BIG SKY ANDREA 6U T696230 CEN LAREDO 519L RJRS MISS LAREDO 450P BAR NONE BERNADETTE 2 Guarantee 2 if implanted by a certified embryologist. Stored on farm. 50. Full Fleckvieh. Andrea comes out of the heart of our program. Going back to the Bernadettes, 450P, Laredo (the female maker) and Carlsberg are the highlights that come to mind when we look at her pedigree. Andrea has a perfect udder as does her entire cow family and they all have tons of milk to make those babies grow! Mating her to Gus was a no brainer. He throws a consistent liver red color and a natural quarter that everyone seeks. These embryo results will not disappoint! Big Sky Simmentals Great Guns Regio 9R 3 Canadian qualified embryos RJR Penny 7P embryos Resulting Pedigree: GREAT GUNS BINZ 60H GREAT GUNS TX AMOS 42M MRLN ANNEGRET GREAT GUNS REGIO 9R 710115 GREAT GUNS HOSEA 48F GREAT GUNS KANDY 1K GREAT GUNS MIRANDA 46F ANCHOR “T” IKON 1H CEN LAREDO 519L RICHMOND MISS CARGO 11J RJR PENNY 7P 618813 RICHMOND MR C&B 18H SMITHBILT KATRINA 8K K2 LILI MARLAINE 8D Guarantee 1 if implanted by a certified embryologist. Stored on farm. Full Fleckvieh. Here we have a package of embryos to offer out of a great pair. Penny was a powerful addition to Big Sky when we purchased her from RJR back in 2006. She is the dam of some top notch bull and heifers that have been sold all over the country. The mating to Regio works as she had a natural heifer calf to this mating in 2012. She is a dark cherry red female with the capacity and flesh to go on and continue her mother’s legacy. If you want some proof of what Regio can do go check out the powerful bred heifer in the Equation sale. Don’t miss out on this proven mating! Big Sky Simmentals 23 LFS Pol Bell 13Z - full sib LFS Chinook 7Y - Overhall Hivy X Patti 3 #1 exportable embryos 51. DFM Patti 408P embryos Resulting Pedigree: EMPAU EMSIG 300 EMPEROR P341803 EMPAU 351 293 SH ROMULUS F53R DDD BROADWAY G534 KLONDIKE KIM GNM 402B DFM PATTI 408P T633732 CANADIAN NEFF MISS DFM BONNIE 153B MISS DFM 8U Guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by a certified embryologist. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Emperor DFM Patti was one of my all time favorites. She was the ideal cow that just stood out all the time. Her calves were the first to be picked by Transcon year after year, either going to the National Trust or Fleckvieh Equation sales. Two polled full sib heifers from this mating sold last year at the Cow-A-Rama sale to Nolara Farms and JNR Farms. They were both very stylish heifers and being from Emperor they will be polled. Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals Overhall Hivy LFS Pol Gulla 15Z - Emperor X Patti Overhall Hivy X Natalie Porters Reserve X Natalie 52. 3 #1 exportable embryos RRV Natalie embryos Resulting Pedigree: SCOTTISH NEFF OVERHALL BALMORAL ANNEMIE OVERHALL HIVY 218217 HOLMAT HOLLY LILO PRL HOUSTON 005H IPU BRONSON 19K DORA LEE FRANCHESCA RRV NATALIE 603206 DFM 833H BROCK MISS LATEEFA ANCHOR “T” MATILDA 30E Guarantee one 1 pregnancy if put in by a certified embryologist. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals Daytons Pol Neumann X Natalie Overhall Hivy X Natalie We originally purchased Natalie in 2003 at the Heartland sale. She is a very well pigmented power cow with excellent feet and udder, extra body and thickness, a great disposition and passes all these traits on to her progeny. Natalie has a pretty good track record over the years and has made a real impact in our program with her HGL Bruce son, LFS Bowflex. She is the mother to LFS Pol Balboa. The right to flush Natalie in 2009 sold for $11,000 at the Equation sale and herself and all her progeny topped the Wa-NaLa-Pa dispersal in 2012. The mating with Overhall Hivy worked very well as both heifer and bull calves are outstanding and rare, as Hivy semen is getting hard to come by. 24 53. Purple Hill Frauline 33P embryos GREAT GUNS BRUNO 21X LITTLE GUNS ERIC GREAT GUNS LEAH 23D PURPLE HILL FRAULINE 33P 639043 PURPLEHILL FRONTRUNNER PURPLE HILL MISS BALU 4M RIVERBEND FALINE 17F A) 3 #1 EXPORTABLE EMBRYOS BHR DOORN G629E DAYTON’S POL NEUMANN DAYTON’S POLLED MARTHA LFS POL BALBOA 40U PT713833 IPU BRONSON 19K RRV NATALIE BROCK MISS LATEEFA Guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by a certified embryologist. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. LFS Pol Balboa 40U LFS Becca 14B Balboa X Frauline From the Purple Hill program, Frauline is a cow that seems to click with whatever she is mated with. She transmits dark cherry red hair coats, easy fleshing, deep bodies, thick hind quarters and quiet dispositions to her offspring. We have an excellent heifer in the Equation sale from the Baltmore mating and an outstanding LFS Pol Balboa heifer at home. As good as they are we would be hoping for a bull calf. Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals Baltimore B) 3 #1 exportable embryos BALDO BALIST TIMES BALTIMORE 264715 MAURER ASTINE ASTA Guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by a certified embryologist. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. LFS Bailey 13B Baltimore X Frauline 25 BWPS 264Z - maternal sib 54. 2 lots of 3 exportable embryos Parview’s Red Kyra embryos BWPS 909W - maternal sib PVF-BF BF 26 Black Joker Resulting Pedigree: BLACK MICK HARTS BLACK CASINO B408 CH GENIE T179 PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER BPG523064 HERCULES 538P PVF-BF MABELLE C131 DSR MABELLE Z-103 MON-BIJOU MAGNUM KLYBER WISP-WILL RONA PARVIEW’S RED KYRA PG679822 TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 BEEBA 34P BAR 15 BEEBA 83K Guarantee 1 pregnancy per 3 embryos. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Here’s an embryo mating we are very excited and proud of. PARVIEW’S RED KYRA is without a doubt our top cow. It doesn’t matter what we breed her to, she turns out our top calf every year. Her pedigree is totally unique to the Red & Black world being out of the famous Bar 15 Beeba line and a direct daughter of Klyber. She carries more body depth and thickness of any red cow I have ever seen, has a fantastic udder and is super quiet. All of her calves carry the same depth of body and disposition. We chose to mate her to Black Joker as we wanted to add his maternal genetics to our black program and we knew that with her power and performance only good things could come. Parview Stock Farms TCW Black Pearl 14A - full sib TCW Jeulz 3B - full sib TCW Black Jack 1Z - full sib 55. 3 Canadian qualified embryos TCW Ruby embryos Resulting Pedigree: TE MCCLINTOCK G28 TCF/RCC TEMPTATION GJ640 BOZ SWEET TEMPTATION SHS ENTICER P1B BPG684082 RHR GRANITE 140G ROCKY HILLS JO ROCKY HILLS E JAY RC STINGER 072K TNT GUNNER N208 TNT MISS HONEY L9 TCW RUBY PG725820 KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L TCW RED SAPHIRE TCW RED RUBY 19N Guarantee 1 pregnancy if put in by a credited technician. Stored at Embryo Genetics Ltd., Morden, MB. TCW Ruby is an outstanding female that has both Powerline and Gunner in her pedigree and crossed with SHS Enticer has proven its self the past three years producing 3 full sibs. These offspring are deep bodied, long spinned , smooth individuals that are front pasture cattle. Her offspring have excelled in the pasture and in the show ring with her daughter TCW Black Pearl 14A placing first in her split at this year’s Manitoba fall fair. We sold her first calf out of the stall at the Manitoba Fall Fair for $6000 to Kemnitz Simmentals of Cavalier, ND. This year and last year calves have been selected for the Agribition sale as a choice lot. This mating flat out works and has no guess work in it. Twin Meadow Livestock Farms 26 5 #1 Canadian qualified embryos. Choice of sire. 56. KOP Ms Bengie 6P embryos LRX The Godfather 141Z Kuntz Super Duty 4Y Resulting Pedigree IPU BLACK STEAKHOUSE 34H R PLUS 2169M SOUTHHOLDEN MISSRED 2H KOP MS BENGIE 6P PG626857 SMITHBILT FREIGHTLINER91J KOP MS FREIGHTLINER 34M KOP MS JUPITER 731J LFE ROCK SOLID 366P NCB RED SUSPECT 30S NCB BODACIOUS 91H KUNTZ SUPER DUTY 4Y PTG747559 R PLUS 4012P MISS R PLUS 7037T MISS R PLUS 3281N OR SHS ENTICER P1B HARVIE JDF WALLBANGER111X JDF PEPSI 61U LRX THE GODFATHER 141Z PG766393 WHEATLAND RED ACE 747T LRX MS ACE 10X LRX RED 111U For the first time in her very prolific life KOP Bengie 6P embryos are offered for sale! She is a very powerful female with extreme loin width, tons of quarter and has a proven track record. Bengie 6P is most well known as the dam of ‘Crosby’, who has written his own legacy producing show winners as well as functional females and bulls across Canada. Every day that we own her we fall more in love with this phenotypic marvel who is soggy made, extremely powerful and still very correct. The catalog picture was taken this summer as a 10 year old cow who produced 47 eggs in the two flushes that we are offering to share, and continues to look like she is in her prime. With both The Godfather and Super Duty being in high demand and short supply we feel these matings are sure to result in calves with tons of performance, overall balance and lots of maternal strength that will be sought after; bull or heifer. We are excited to have her in our herd and are happy to share in this genetic lottery with the lucky purchaser of this choice embryo lot. Buy with confidence, you’re buying the next great one on ice. Oakview Simmentals Guarantee 2 pregnancies. Stored on farm. 57. Jack Pine embryos A. Haxent 263035 X Jack Pine Zolla FF70L 576403 4 Canadian/US Qualified Embryos B. Haxent 263035 X BHR Lady Suzannah 208K T540434 3 Canadian/US Qualified Embryos Above product stored at Sundown Livestock Transplants Ltd, Cremona, AB. C. Anchor D Messiah 87R 651068 X Jack Pine Zolla FF70L 576403 2 Canadian Qualified Embryos D. Eldandi 907H T417512 X Jack Pine Almrausch 96E T343930 1 Canadian Qualified Embryo E. Klondike Gold Rush 418B T262748 X Jack Pine Almrausch 96E T343930 2 Canadian Qualified Embryos Jack Pine Zola FF70L Above product stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Jack Pine Simmentals Jack Pine Almrausch 96E 27 58. 12 international qualified embryos Dora Lee Holly 42K embryos KING ARTHUR ARNI 8M BLUME DORA LEE HOLLY T540582 SH ROMULUS F53R RHY ZAMIA 40Z GREAT GUNS RACHEL 29X A) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS ANTONIUS GIDSCO APPOLLO 3F MFL BRENDA 65B SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M 581559 DEMBY MR IMAGE 853B JERICO’S DEIRDRE 21D JERICO’S BEAUTY 122B B) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS SULTAN SIEGFRIED BIENE SH ROMULUS F53R T157954 PANZER MILLHILL FLOWER GULLA C) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS HAXL HAXON BERTA On each mating guarantee 2 pregnancies if done by a certified embryologist. Stored at Kirkton HAXENT 263035 PATENT Veterinary Clinic, Kirkton, ON. PIPPI PETRA A direct Arni 8M daughter out of the renowned Dora Lee program; Holly has been a consistent producer here at Crimson Tide. Not only does she bring in one of the heaviest calves at weaning, her embryos have been well received in Colombia and are always sought after. Here is your chance to join in what the Colombians have discovered! A tremendous female with super conformation and depth, 42K stands on an excellent set of feet and legs. Although very feminine and moderate framed, she is long spined, broad hipped, clean fronted and angular. An all around balanced and easy doing matron. Holly’s pedigree reads like a “Who’s Who” of old Fleckvieh genetics combining several mixes of Neff and Siegfried. Such greats as King Arthur, Scottish Neptune, Canadian Neff, C&B II, Romulus and Monet grace her pedigree along with great “Matrons” like Millhill Flower, Great Guns Rachel, Miss Knight 155S and Sim Roc Litta. WOW!!! Crimson Tide Fleckvieh 59. 12 international qualified embryos PSE Savana FF embryos OVERHALL HIVY HOCKENHULL MARVEL SAGE PSE SAVANA FF T678030 MONET RIVERBEND FIONA 29F MISS KNIGHT 108N Smithbilt Molson 21M A) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS SMITHBILT MOLSON 21M 581559 B) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS SH ROMULUS F53R T157954 MFI Whistler 47L C) 4 INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED EMBRYOS SALUS SALAMON MINKA MFI WHISTLER 47L T581509 SOLWAY ADONIS MFL ZAILA 8Z MFL PETRA 95P On each mating guarantee 2 pregnancies if done by a certified embryologist. Stored at Kirkton Veterinary Clinic, Kirkton, ON Out of Elliott Simmentals foundation donor, Riverbend Fiona; Savana has a strong pedigree behind her. Sired by Hockenhull Marvel who goes back to Neff and Herodes who combine to produce top carcass traits while Monet and King Arthur on the dam’s side provide a balance to the maternal characteristics and power. PSE Savana is a loose hided and soggy female on a moderate frame with a deep thick body, wide top and long hip all on an excellent set of feet and legs. A very capacious female on sound footing she is eye appealing as well; being dark cherry red and double goggled. Another female that has been well accepted in Colombia; her offspring there are developing into foundation animals for the breed. Here is your chance to make them a part of your program’s foundation too! Crimson Tide Fleckvieh 60. 5 Canadian qualified embryos Sandstone Paula embryos Resulting Pedigree: EMPAU EMSIG 300 EMPEROR P341803 EMPAU 351 293 CHECK PRINCE 4P CHECK SUPERB 6 S CHECK POPPY 2P SANDSTONE PAULA 71Y P180901 RWGR NEWHOUSE 78S SANDSTONE 29W ROLLING JN TOBI 26T A) 2 embryos B) 2 embryos C) 1 embryo Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Emperor – homo polled. Result of a shared flush with 4S and the prolific donor cow Paula 71Y, thought to be homo polled. Expect easy calving, medium sized, balanced offspring. Dominion Cattle Co. I’ve always said since the last cow walked off our farm, I’m not out of it yet, we still have a few in the tank. The genetics we reserved not only represent our program they are also very close to my heart. You don’t build a program over night and these bloodlines are a base to kick start it all over again. However since our dispersal eight years ago our life and priorities continue to change and the cattle business just won’t fit. Don’t get me wrong, we had fun all those years but now we’ve decided to move on. Enjoy these times of prosperity and enjoy the results of your dedication. Sincerely, Dayton Funk 2 Canadian qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree: PEPPO HUSAR HANSA HUMBERG 289432 ROMI EMMA ELSA SANDSTONE PAULA 71Y P180901 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Paula 71Y -homo polled? Full sibs to Dayton’s Poll Houston 78G. All four progeny born to date were solid colored (three red) with one or two goggles. Low stature, exceptional milk and as long as trains. Bred for easy calving, vigor and performance. They’ll suck the nails out of the slabs when they are born. This is likely the last of the Humberg genetics available as we could only find 20 straws in Germany in ‘94. We also wanted him polled. 28 61. 64. 1 Canadian qualified embryo Dayton’s Polled Martha embryo Resulting Pedigree: A. Klyber T500203 X Salmon Arm Dorva T547277 00ET1210 4 Canadian Qualified Embryos B. Rooinik T500417 X Salmon Arm Dorva T547277 00ET1201 4 Canadian Qualified Embryos Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. OVERAL BIRNER BHR DOORN G629E T397427 WISP-WILL PETAL EMPEROR DAYTON’S POLLED MARTHA PT417004 KLONDIKE MILLIE 47E 65. Dayton’s Polled Martha Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Out of this flush we only implanted one embryo and the result was Neumann. Jantrahl purchased five with three pregnancies. The high selling female in their dispersal was a full sib to Neumann. The other two females were deceased on farm. MURAT MOSES 504294 MINA OR DAYTON’S POLLED MARTHA PT417004 Moses 2 Canadian qualified embryos Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Since the imported semen ‘Moses’ was thought to be weak, it was recommended we use an alternate sire ‘Barabas’ on the last insemination. As former donor was flushed successfully to Moses so we don’t anticipate all progeny from the flush to be Barabas. Wouldn’t a polled ‘Moses’ out of Martha gather attention? Express Resulting Pedigree SU PAINTER 59P T623849 MCC GERTRUDE 25K T531594 5 Canadian qualified embryos Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Two embryos by SU Painter 59P out of MCC Gertrude 25K, an own daughter of Salamon. She was a moderate framed, deep, good uddered cow. The two calves we had from this mating were dark red and masked. Klondike Flower 1C embryos Resulting Pedigree: GREAT GUNS PAULI 27Z KLONDIKE FLOWER 1C T286358 CSR ANTON FLOWER 174T 66. HASALZ DAY HASALZ 732G T394834 CET MS MONET 92S OR HUMBERG DAY Hasalz DAYTON’S POLL HOUSTON 78G ST416990 SANDSTONE PAULA 71Y A) 3 embryos B) 2 embryos Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Our intention was to flush Flower 1C to DAY Hasalz, however Houston was in the pen the next morning as well – it happens. However we believe all the embryos will be out of DAY Hasalz. We implanted six with 100% success, the results one female and five males all sired by Day Hasalz. In our dispersal my personal favorite was a polled Neumann heifer out of ‘Dayton’s Miss Tulip’, the only daughter from this flush. Undoubtedly the thickest polled heifer I’ve ever seen, puchased by Black Gold who also purchased her dam. Those of you who are gentic enthusiasts will see the potential in this pedigree. Some of the best horned genetics available. MCC Gertrude 7 Canadian qualified embryos Klondike Brenda 305A embryos Resulting Pedigree SAF 73H SPRUCEBURN MATRIX 112M T592835 MRLN GOLDL KLONDIKE MARK KLONDIKE BRENDA 305A 258706 KLONDIKE TENEALE A) 3 embryos B) 2 embryos Spruceburn Matrix C) 2 embryos Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Matrix was a son of 73H out of MRLN Goldl 46F, a Heller daughter of a Salamon cow. Brenda is my all-time favorite cow. She had her last calf at age 18, had perfect feet that had never been trimmed and still had a good udder. Dam of many very good offspring. Dominion Cattle Co. 63. MCC Gertrude 25K embryos EISENHERZ EXODUS P619930 ROBE SALAMON MCC GERTRUDE 25K T531594 MFL JOLA 4Y A) 3 embryos Exodus B) 2 embryos C) 1 embryo D) 1 embryo Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Express was from this mating. Weighed 1008 lbs actual weaning weight. Resulting Pedigree: BALIST BARABAS 505205 VARA 7 Canadian qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree 4 Canadian qualified embryos 62. WHR Simmentals 11 Canadian qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree Shawacres A. BHR Doorn G629E T397427 X BHR Karrolyn M309E T602914 B. BHR Doorn G629E T397427 X Miss Okofleck 06D T320947 C. Great Guns Moses 50D T338409 X Sim-Roc Zereeva 232678 D. Shawacres Jahari 50L T559299 X SRN Ms Universe 1C T300657 E. Rogant 262974 X SRN Ms Universe 1C T300657 F. Shawacres Jahari 50L T559299 X Ms DD&E Fairy Tale 43F 357750 G. Shawacres Jahari 50L T559299 X Ms DD&E Fairy Tale 43F 357750 H. Antonius 34899 X Ms DD&E Fairy Tale 43F 357750 All above Canadian qualified Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. SU PAINTER 59P T623849 KLONDIKE BRENDA 305A 258706 A) 4 embryos B) 3 embryos C) 3 embryos D) 1 embryo Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Had several star headed offspring from this mating. 5 4 4 6 2 3 3 2 Spruceburn Simmentals 29 Klondike Brenda 67. 3 Canadian qualified embryos 70. Spruceburn Brenna 35G embryos 4 Canadian qualified embryos Ms PRL Bamberg 037B embryos Resulting Pedigree Resulting Pedigree: SU PAINTER 59P T623849 ANCHOR “T” METRO 4E ANCHOR “T” IMPACT 2H T415160 ANCHOR “T” HELGA 10Y PAULI MRLN PAULI GABI MS PRL BAMBERG 037B 267920 RUBENS MS PRL RUBENS-SEGEN 050Z SEGEN Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. This cow was purchased by T-F Simmentals at a reduction sale. She was a very deep bodied “broody” Fleckvieh female. Direct genetics from import cattle on both sides of her pedigree. Gabi on the paternal side was one of Ross Marra’s super-star cows. BALTIMORE SPRUCEBURN BRENNA 35G T413973 KLONDIKE BRENDA 305A Stored at Alta Genetics Inc. pic of Aztec, pic of Brenna, pic of Solitaire Spruceburn Brenna 35G 2 Canadian qualified embryos Resulting Pedigree Anchor D Aztec 34N DORA LEE NATIVE SON ANCHOR D AZTEC 34N 607412 ANCHOR D CHELSIE 34J 71. SPRUCEBURN BRENNA 35G T413973 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Spruceburn Brenna 35G was a deep-bodied, good uddered Baltimore daughter of Brenda. Solitaire was a 73H daughter of Brenna. 3 Canadian qualified embryos Dora Lee Francesca, her daughter 113M, and 113M’s Painter daughter. Resulting Pedigree either: HAXUR LAKI ERNI DORA LEE JAKE T391812 ARNI 8M MRLN JOSETTE MRLN JOHANNA OR NEFF SCOTTISH NEFF THEMSE SOLWAY ADONIS 3499 HOLMAT BLYTHE BLUTE 2 Canadian qualified embryos IPU 4G Franchesca 113M embryos MFL AVA 81A 253950 Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Ava was purchased from the MFL dispersal. She represented some out-cross bloodlines on both the top and bottom of her pedigree. Ava was deep bodied with good spring of rib, and very feminine with a picture perfect udder. She was an easy keeper, low maintenance cow, who produced very well for many years at Smith Simmentals. Resulting Pedigree SOLWAY ADONIS SAF 73H 10734 FANTA PRL HOUSTON 005H IPU 4G FRANCHESCA 113M T592067 DORA LEE FRANCHESCA SAF 73H Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB Two embryos by SAF 73H out of IPU 4G Francesca 113M, a full sister to Bronson. Calves from this mating have been dark red and goggled. SAF 73H, a Solway Adonis son, has been a great sire of outstanding females. Memphis Belle 16M Spruceburn Simmentals 69. MFL Ava 81A embryos Resulting Pedigree: ROMULUS ROGER OTTINA ROGANT 262974 DIRIGENT LORIS LATTE MAGNUM 4 MFL MEISTER 36Y MFL UTICA 87U MFL AVA 81A 253950 BOLD MFL ULTIMA 32U ROTHARA TOFFY 53E Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Solitaire 68. 3 Canadian qualified embryos 3 Canadian qualified embryos R.H. Patricia embryos 72. Resulting Pedigree: KING ARTHUR ARNI 8M BLUME GREAT GUNS FERDINAND 13Z T222248 ANTONIUS GREAT GUNS TONI 4U GREAT GUNS ADRIA SIEGFRIED ABR SIR ARNOLDS IMAGE ABR SHINAGH VIOLET R.H. PATRICIA 172234 BOLD ROLLING HILLS MANDY CREGG FLANNA Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Rolling Hills Patricia is a cow that Harry and Frank Robblee had tremendous success with at Tryon Simmentals. They purchased her as a calf from the Rolling Hills dispersal and she became a huge contributor to their herd. Opportunity knocks here! Check out the embryos on offer from Tryon Fleckvieh Simmentals – Rolling Hills Patricia is the granddam to Tryon Gabi FF 27U. 1 Canadian qualified embryo Great Guns Rosalind 31C embryos Resulting Pedigree: GREAT GUNS FERDINAND 13Z T222248 ROLLER GREAT GUNS REX 7A LENI GREAT GUNS ROSALIND 31C T275532 SH ROMULUS F53R GREAT GUNS CHERIE GREAT GUNS MARI-ANN Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. ‘Guns’ as she was affectionately known as, was purchased from Jason Bruketa. She went on to produce many top females for Smith Simmentals, all of them being retained in their herd except for one that was sold to Manitoba breeders. Memphis Belle 16M (pictured) is an offspring from this same breeding. Clearwater Simmentals Clearwater Simmentals 30 Exodus 73. DFM Juni 960J 4 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos DFM Juni 960J embryos WFL Red Doll 517H Resulting Pedigree: ECKHOLM 41053 EISENHERZ 037131389 EXODUS P619930 EMU ROBE ROMY OVERHALL HIVY DFM EDWIN 51E DFM CRYSTAL 319C DFM JUNI 960J 511756 ABR SIR ARNOLDS IMAGE DFM BARBIE’S IMAGE 437D MISS DFM BARBIE 151B Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. 76. 7 Canadian qualified embryos WFL Red Doll 517H embryos TNT Accelerator S226 Virginia Red Carpet 3X (Accelerator X Red Doll) sold to Mappin Simmentals for $11000. 7 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos 74. Anchor “T” Barbi 46K embryos Resulting Pedigree: Resulting Pedigree: EXODUS P619930 TNT GUNNER N208 TNT ACCELERATOR S226 PG694966 TNT MISS ALMA J83 MFL HAXAN REWARD 9R ANCHOR “T” TITANIC 22E NDM FRIEDA 7S ANCHOR “T” BARBI 46K 527999 GPCC BOURBON 17C ANCHOR “T” ILSE 10E ANCHOR “T” ALDINE 55C Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. RED CADILLAC ZU95 BBS ZIMA D55 MISS PELTZ N55 WFL RED DOLL 517H PTG417796 SPRING VALLEY D880 PARKHILL RED DOLL 21F MISS PARKHILL 21C Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. Resulting Pedigree: Crossroad Tuxedo 222T Resulting Pedigree: BOZ REDCOAT BBS RED CANADIAN L24 PTG581434 BBS MISS RED BEAUTY J109 Anchor “T” Barbi 46K 3 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos WFL RED DOLL 517H PTG417796 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. EMIL DOUBLE BAR D EVEREST 4R DOUBLE BAR D LYNN 89M CROSSROAD TUXEDO 222T P678330 SIR ARNOLD 809G MISS ARNOLD K5934 RIVERBEND BRIDGIT 15A 6 Canadian qualified embryos ANCHOR “T” BARBI 46K 527999 Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. Resulting Pedigree: 6 Canadian / U.S. qualified embryos 75. 1 Canadian qualified embryo R PLUS RED RIBEYE 1134L IPU T-BONE 13R PG645156 TNT MISS JAZZ J316 SLS Miss Melody 34M embryos WFL RED DOLL 517H PTG417796 Resulting Pedigree: CROSSROAD TUXEDO 222T P678330 Stored at Alta Genetics Inc, Rocky View County, AB. SLS Miss Melody 34M ELDORADO KLONDIKE FIRECRACKER420J KLONDIKE CONNIE SLS MISS MELODY 34M S579189 EISENHERZ SLS POL PAM 22K MS THICKWOOD 36D Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. SLS Miss Melody 34M was a high seller at the Stoney Lake Simmental dispersal where we purchased her. She now resides in the U.S., working for Robinson Cattle Co. VIRS 517U son of WFL 517H x T-Bone that sold for $17,500 Virginia Ranch 31 IPU T-Bone 13R Choice of 6 Canadian / U.S. Qualified embryos by either BamBam or Eveready 77. MFI Petra 1019 embryos Arnold’s Eveready E5092 Resulting Pedigree: GREAT GUNS KARL 17C ARNOLD’S EVEREADY E5092 389926 MISS ARNOLD T5092 OR SHAWACRES JAHARI 50L MFI BAMBAM 714051 MFI LOLITA 3107 MFI BamBam MFL HAXAN 200L MFL HAXAN REWARD 9R ARDO GLENY TITAN MFI PETRA 1019 T563309 SOLWAY ADONIS MFL ZAILA 8Z MFL PETRA 95P 100% Full Fleckvieh. After going through the MFI cow dispersal in Virden, Manitoba 19L was in my top two picks of the cow herd amongst many other phenomenal females offered that day. When the opportunity was presented to us by Vaughn to flush this great matriarch it was a no brainer. We took him up on the offer with great plans for adding her cow power with the combination and experience we’ve had with two bulls in which we’d love either females or a herd bull to retain. The obvious choices for us to be a part of TRUST ON ICE were BAMBAM and EVEREADY, we wanted to offer the industry equal opportunity as well to gain the benefits of what we think and feel could impact the Fleckvieh industry with either herd sires or incredible cows from either of these phenomenal bulls. JNR Farms/Gibbons Farms Guarantee 2 pregnancies if done by a certified embryologist. Stored at Davis-Rairdan International, Crossfield, AB. THANKS BOB! Please join us during the “National Trust-On Ice” sale to help us thank Bob Wilson for his years of service to Transcon and his input to marketing Canadian Simmental for over 40 years! It was a sad moment when Bob informed us following this past bull sale season he was retiring from sale management. However his notification also brings so many good thoughts and feelings of appreciation to have had his professionalism and friendship amongst us for so many years. Please be with us tonight to assist thanking, respecting, and honoring Bob. 1971 2000’s 32 2010’s