Final Report of AMPER 2013 here
Final Report of AMPER 2013 here
final report st INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation and Communication Technologies ® 2 0 1 3 future technologies 19. – 22. 3. 2013 BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE 9. – 12. 4. 2013 BASIC INFORMATION AMPER 2013 Basic statistics of AMPER 2013 Trade Fair Total exhibition space: 30 000 sq.m. Net exhibition space: 14 357 sq.m. Number of exhibitors: 620 from 22 countries Foreign exhibitors: 159 Number of visitors: 44 900 AMPER websites visitors: 49 605 (from 1. 2. till 31. 3. 2013) BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE Trade Fair was held in halls P, F, V 29 professional partners Association of manufacturers of conductors and cables, Czech Association of Telecommunications, Czech and Moravian Electrical and Electronic Association – EIA, Czech Society for lighting, The Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Confederation of Industry of the Czech republic, Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts CZ, Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR, Electronic Industry Association of Slovakia, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Chamber of Trade and Industry for CIS Countries, ICT UNIE o.s., Institute of Photonics and Electronics of Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Instruments of Academy of Sciences, Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences, Society for the development of public lighting, Union of Czech and Moravian Production Co-operatives, Czech Association of Energy Sector Employers, Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Photovoltaic Association, Technical Museum in Brno, Czech Electro-technical association, Czech Electro association o. s., Association of Slovakian electro-technicians, West Bohemia University in Plzeò 102 media partners from Czech Republic Agrospoj, All for Power, Ateliér, Automa, Automatizace v potravináøství, Automobil Industry, A-Z ELEKTRO, BEN - technická literatura, Computer, Control Engineering Èesko, Country rádio, ÈRo, ÈSA review, Dance radio, DPS Elektronika od A do Z, E15, Ekonom, EEM - Electronic engineering magazine, Elektrika.TV, Elektro, Elektro a Trh ET, Elektroinstalatér,, ETM - Elektrotechnický magazín, Elektrotechnika v praxi, Energetika, Energie kolem nás, Euro, Evropa 2, for manufacturer, Forbes, Frekvence 1, Hitrádio Orion, Hospodáøské noviny, Hudební server, HW server, Inteligentní budovy, JMO Jemná mechanika a optika, Katalog dodavatelù pro energetiku, Katalog Elektrotechnický a energetický prùmysl ÈR, Kiss rádio, Kompass Czech Republic, Kovo-Døevo-Stavby-Zásoby-Služby, Kovoinzert, L. P. ELEKTRO, Lidovky, Marketing a media, Metro, Metropolis, Mladá fronta, MM Prùmyslové spektrum, NEW energy, Obchod a finance, ORSEC, Praktická elektronika, Právo, Pro Revize, Rádio Èas, Rádio Èerná Hora, Rádio Bonton, Rádio Impuls, Rádio Krokodýl, Øízení & údržba prùmyslového podniku, RockZone, Sdìlovací technika, SECURITY Magazín, Solar Technika, Soliditet, Stavebnictví a interiér, Stavební a investorské noviny,, Strojírenství, Svìt balení, Svìt Prùmyslu, Svìtlo, T+T Technika a trh, telekomunikace & ICT, TechMagazín, Technický týdeník, Technik, Technika, Výstavba,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 media partners from abroad Association of Polish Electrical Engineers - SPEKTRUM magazine; BUSINESS MEDIA SK, s.r.o. - Priemysel Dnes; CEEIC China Electronics Appliance Corp. ; ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. - ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY magazine; ELEKTROKENT PERPA DERGISI – Elektrokent magazíne; Eurostandard Press 2000 - Electronica Azi magazine, EP&Dee magazine; EXPO CENTER Trenèín; Heiling Média Kft. - ELEKTROnet magazine; HMH, s.r.o. - ATP journal, iDB Journal; Inform; LEADERpress, s.r.o. – „ai magazíne“; MARMARA TANITIM FUARCILIK – ELEX 2013; Media/ST, s.r.o. - Strojárstvo; Prager Zeitung; Schwarz & Partner - Eurokontakt; SON MEDIA, s.r.o. - Revue priemyslu; Techmonitor Media Ltd. - Techmonitor magazine; The Prague Post; Trilobyte - Komunálna energetika, Velvyslanectví Polské republiky, VDE VERLAG GMBH - ETZ magazíne; WEKA-Verlag Gesellschaft m.b.H. – punktUM magzin;,,;,;, EXHIBITORS AMPER 2013 Number of exhibitors: 620 Number of exhibitors in the years 2011 – 2013 640 620 611 620 600 580 580 560 2011 2012 2013 Domestic exhibitors according regions 2% 2% 5% 1% 31 % 4% 5% 2% 5% 2% 10 % 7% 24 % Prague and Central Bohemia region South Moravia region Zlín region South Bohemia region Hradec Králové region Moravian-Silesian region Plzeò region Pardubice region Liberec region Olomouc region Ústí nad Labem region Vysoèina region Karlovy Vary region 31 % 24 % 10 % 7% 5% 5% 5% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% Nomenclature fields by number of representing companies 159 158 142 140 134 99 90 82 67 37 37 36 36 28 24 Automation, control and regulation Electroenergetics – power generation, transfer and distribution Electric installation technologies and smart electric installations Services, media and institutions Electronic components and modules Measuring and testing devices Conductors and cables Lighting devices and systems Drives and power electronics, electromobility Production facilities and components for electrical industry Information, communication and navigation technologies Tools, accessories and equipment Security technologies and systems Electro thermal technology OPTONIKA – optical and photonic technology The total number of foreign exhibitors: 159 (6% increase compared to AMPER 2012) Geographical structure of foreign exhibitors: Slovakia (52) Slovenia (2) Germany (33) Turkey (2) Poland (16) Belgium (1) Austria (11) Belarus Hungary (11) Croatia (1) Switzerland (8) India (1) Taiwan (8) South Korea (1) China (2) Serbia (1) France (2) Sweden (1) Hong Kong (2) USA (1) Italy (2) (1) VISITORS Number of visitors: 44 900 AMPER 2013 Number of visitors in the years 2011 – 2013 44 900 46 000 44 000 43 100 42 300 42 000 40 000 2011 2012 2013 Structure of visitors Czech Republic x foreign countries FOREIGN COUNTRIES 10 % CZECH REPUBLIC 90 % From abroad have registered visitors from these countries: Belgium Austria Bulgaria Russia Slovakia France Slovenia Ireland Serbia and Montenegro Italy Spain Latvia Sweden Hungary Switzerland Germany Ukraine Netherlands Great Britain Poland 10 % 90 % Occupational structure of visitors Technicians Electro technicians (heavy/weak current) Managers Dealers, Buyers Others project architect Managing directors, Executives Constructors, Developers Students Exhibitors with the most registered visitors 13,49 % 13,33 % 12,42 % 10,84 % 7,98 % 7,47 % 6,56 % 6,21 % 5,18 % Owner, Co-owners Entrepreneurs Technologists Electricians IT technicians Engineering inspectors Service engineers Architects 5,08 % 2,31 % 2,25 % 2,00 % 1,71 % 1,66 % 1,44 % 0,10 % ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM AMPER 2013 Seminars and conferences • • • • • 32 professional seminars and conferences More than 80 renowned speakers and experts 82,5 hours of seminars and conferences altogether 1 360 professionals participated as an audience 145 journalists from 4 countries registered at the trade fair Partners of accompanying program: AMPER FORUM AMPER FORUM - new project of medial partner and the fair organizer Terinvest. • Live broadcasting from the 21st AMPER Trade Fair. • 32 hours of live broadcasting was managed by 28-members team. • More than 56 interviews and discussions on current topics about fields, exhibits and services presented at the 21st year of AMPER Trade Fair. • Short news each hour – 31 news broadcasts altogether. • Elektrika TV broadcasted live a launch of unique book with a title Light and lighting from the publisher FCC Public • The on-line broadcasting watched 7960 users during the trade fair. • The AMPER FORUM project and its figures makes AMPER Trade Fair really unique. Live broadcast partners: ZLATÝ AMPER (GOLDEN AMPER) AWARDS AMPER 2013 COMPETITION FOR THE MOST BENEFITIAL EXHIBIT Within the 21st year of AMPER Trade Fair was held the traditional ZLATÝ AMPER (GOLDEN AMPER) competition, awarding the best and most beneficial exhibits of companies registered at AMPER Trade Fair. The competition entered 34 exhibits from 30 exhibiting companies. Registered exhibits were judged by experts from Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical University in Brno, University of West Bohemia, VŠBTechnical University of Ostrava and Electrotechnical Testing Institute Prague. 5 ZLATÝ AMPER awards and 5 honorable mentions have been presented to the most beneficial exhibits. Representatives of Siemens company receiving ZLATÝ AMPER award for SIMATIC S7 CPU 1516-3 PN/DP. ZLATÝ AMPER award received KOUKAAM a.s. company for their IPCorder KNR – 1004. Great joy of Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG receiving ZLATÝ AMPER award for Grid-EYE - infrared array sensor. Mìøící Energetické Aparáty, a.s. company received ZLATÝ AMPER award for Compact monitor of phase MEg70. ZLATÝ AMPER (GOLDENE AMPER) award received: Awarded was also Regional Innovation Centre of Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which succeeded with its universal platform control system for a wide range of applications. Honorable mention from the expert committee received: IPCorder KNR-1004 Company: KOUKAAM a.s. Frequency converter ACS 880 Company: ABB s.r.o. Compact monitor phase MEg70 Company: MEgA - Mìøící Energetické Aparáty, a.s. DEHNvenCI Company: DEHN + SÖHNE GmbH + Co. KG Grid-EYE - infrared array sensor Company: Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG 3G KAMERA FLAJZAR Company: FLAJZAR, s.r.o. RICE Embedded Modular Control System - REMCS Company: RICE - Regional Innovation Centre of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen - online portal for data collection and evaluation from IP sensors Company: HW group s.r.o. SIMATIC S7 CPU 1516-3 PN/DP Company: : Siemens, s.r.o. "IQRF Smart House" - Wireless technology for intelligent building automation Company: MICRORISC s.r.o. ELECTROMOBILITY AMPER 2013 2013 motion • The new AMPER MOTION project had a good attendance of exhibiting companies and its idea caught an attention of the professional public. • Visitors and those interested in electromobility enjoyed the presence of a wide range of interesting exhibits which were presented in the halls F and V. • The show was attended by 22 exhibitors with 36 exhibits. • The AMPER MOTION project followed the Electric car of the year competition which was held last year. Basic statistics Number of exhibitors: Number of exhibits: Number of represented countries: Net exhibition space: 22 36 2 (Czech Republic, Slovakia) 277 sq.m. List of exhibitors Association of electro-automotive industry (ASEP) Elektromobil s.r.o. EVC Group s.r.o. Green Way Operator a.s. 4frtm s.r.o. E-POHONY Šikula s.r.o. ERSICO s.r.o. (AKUMOTO) MICOS, spol. s r.o. Schrack Technik, spol. s r.o. OPEL Èeská republika Elektromobily – o.s. Professional guarantee Media partners Jaromír Vegr Jan Koblížek Jiøí Potenský Michal Kapic Mojmír Hrouz Elektro a trh Secondary school of mechanical and civil engineering Tábor Peugeot Èeská republika s.r.o. E System s.r.o. PRCEK EV – Ing. Martin Høeben, Ing. Jiøí Uiberlay TRAFFIC ANALYSIS website traffic in the period 1. 2. – 31. 3. 2013 (source: Google Analytics) Visits 8 000 4 000 The total number of visitor in the period of February, March 2013: 49 605 New visitors Returning visitors 37,7% 62,3% PHOTO GALLERY Large exposition of Siemens in the hall P Expositions of ABB at AMPER 2013 Trade Fair KOPOS KOLÍN a.s., representative of electric installation technologies in hall P AMPER FORUM scene Exposition of Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG VACON company - manufacturer of frequency converters at AMPER 2013 Official car of AMPER 2013 became the electric car OPEL AMPERA Premiere of Schmachtl CZ at the AMPER trade fair in Brno KOUKAAM a.s. and JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. – representatives of security technologies in hall V HARTING – a leading manufacturer of connectors at AMPER 2013 PHOENIX CONTACT - electrical and electronic components AMPER 2013 outdoor campaign Representatives of energy services in Hall P Trade fairs organized by Terinvest: TENDENCE 2013 18th trade fair of interior design, decoration and gifts 12. 9. - 15. 09. 2013 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds BOAT EXPO 2013 rd 3 trade fair of boats and water sports 21. 11. - 24. 11. 2013 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds MODERNÍ RYBÁØ 2013 3rd trade fair of fishing equipment and fishing trips 21 .11. - 24. 11. 2013 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds DØEVOSTAVBY 2014 th 9 international trade fair of wooden buildings, constructions and materials for low-energy buildings 6. - 9. 2. 2014 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds MODERNÍ VYTÁPÌNÍ 9th international trade fair for modern heating, air conditioning and energy production 6. - 9. 2. 2014 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds KRBY A KAMNA 2014 th 4 trade fair of fireplaces, stoves and design-heating 6. - 9. 2. 2014 Prague - Holešovice Exhibition Grounds ® AMPER 2014 22nd international trade fair of electrotechnics, electronics, automation and communication technologies 18. - 21. 3. 2014 Brno Exhibition Centre prestizniveletrhy. com TERINVEST, spol. s r.o., Trade Management, Bruselská 14, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
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